#probably my 2nd fav route so far
6okuto · 1 year
HI THIS IS THE ANON WHO SAID SHE LOVED UR POST AND i just realised u also write for cove holden ilysm do u have any romance visual novel recs?? so far i've only done cove's one & two demo ones (a celtic mythology one whose name i cannot remember & touchstarved the loml)
have the bestest day and thNk u
was the celtic one the good people (na daoine maithe) because i played that one too 👩🏻‍💻🫶 RLLY GOOD in typical nia fashion when my Type type isn't there i'm going 4 keagan and flannan
i saw u say error 143 in ur other ask UR REAL!!! ofc i must recommend blooming panic if u haven't played. xyx and toasty r genuinely just. Funny. i rlly liked toasty's va they did a great job. FIRST TIME I HEARD HIS LAUGH I WAS LIKE WOAH. i rlly liked how nightowl's route went w. Anger. u don't see it a lot and i appreciate it i was like WOWWW? AT ME? he's real. robo has answered a Lot of asks on tumblr so u can get loads of content after u finish!
https://gbpatch.itch.io/our-life-nf ... :) No words. Demo. i will build the audience for the 2nd game myself.
DEMO obscura is also vry good,, i haven't played in a Long time but i keep up w reading tumblr asks abt the LIs LOL. love the art and vibes. he isn't my type but iirc cirrus offers a rlly interesting dark romance route + aftercare/safe word system :)
DEMO online @ the perfect time is just,, i love the vibes and concept so far I LOVE WHEN CHARAS R FUNNY. HAVE MY HUMOR. rlly excited to see where it goes it's quite short so far BUT I WANT PPL TO PAY ATTENTION 4 THE FUTURE. PLEASE!
cryptid coffeehouse IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE ARTEMIS ☹️☹️ queer slowburn coffee shop romance BE SERIOUS no one fucking TALKS ABOUT MY ARTEMIS. WHY. so so many cute moments i was kicking my feet and giggling like WOWW
3 seasons is also VRY vry cute i don't usually play games w an mc visual but ivy is so pretty so IDC!!! u can play all the routes pretty easily they're all lovely like... it isn't super often i come out liking all the LIs pretty much on the same lvl. mamma mia!
....the persona 5 vn. IMCRYING I'm so fucking serious like. the characterization is REAL it's super well made. i'd like to say u could enjoy without playing p5 but um. probably not to the full extent. i played out of principle as a p5 enjoyer and for goro bc he's one of summer's fav charas ever and his route was so awesome actually. Epic Major Spoilers obvi. akira slayed also (my good ending completionist side..☹️)i won't say much abt him bc i'll ramble on and on but summer after finding out i had a crush on him yrs ago was like Yeah that makes a lot of sense he is so loz link.. like man
$30 gilded shadows (free demo) which i need to play again I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINISH ARI'S ROUTE MONTHS AGO rika said he was so my type and i trust them fundamentally. caissa my beloved. like the world building + charas it's just,, well done y'know
$12 when the night comes haven't played but rika rlly likes it so i'm putting it here anyways. LOL
NOT VNs. they are IFs...like there's Literally no visuals. read in browser. but i stand by the night market (1st book finished!) which i've rb'ed a bit + speaker . both fantasy,, love both casts i love everything they're doing i'm genuinely so so excited to see where they go!!! PLEASE!!!
YANDERE DEMOS separated for if they aren't ur thing which is obvi Valid. i erm. went down a bit of a rabbit hole. pls read their warnings! always read game warnings. but like. ok anyways
DEMO 14 days with you yeah. ren. i like when mc notes that smth is Off abt him. lots of asks answered on the tumblr! I can fix him.
DEMO something's wrong with sunny day jack jesus Christ . some of the best vn va work i have ever come across like Genuinely wtf. and the concept is rlly cool. was put off for a long time bc of.. jack's appearance.. sowwy. but wow it is just. really well done.
bitter/sweet blythe orange masc blythe va ?? did such a good job?? like srsly what. sorry wow that's the main thing i just rlly wanted to applaud them a bit. also I LOVE THE PARTIAL OST??? i want it so bad i was humming it for a couple hours after like
DEMO our dollhouse I'm so serious when i say i didn't realize it was for yanjam so when i came to my own realization of Oh Shit He's Sus and checked i was like FUCKCKDJ 😭😭 OBVIOUSLY... but srsly love the art and i'm excited to see how mc figures it out and what happens. did a good job at making a pretty Understandably oblivious(??) mc. like yeah i can see why u wouldn't expect him.
DEMO favor Z Intrigues Me. had to try so hard for the secret ending but now i am more intrigued like OKAYYY WHAT HAPPENED BROTHER 🤨 i like the tail animation also. also when u say u like possession horrors woah hey. hey. pal
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talvikielo · 7 years
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Mathias’ CGs from Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida
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damoselcastel · 5 years
Black Eagles, pt.3
I’m now in the 10th month, lots of plot stuff has happened. It’s progress but seeing ambient fan chatter about 2nd/3rd playthroughs makes me feel slow (but this weekend is BUSY so slow I will be)
So this Church is extremely Medieval and political, and while they don’t dive into it as much as I’d like, the references to a Schism were fun to see. Helps appease the history buff in me. Rhea herself feels very much like she could turn on you or any of your students should you land on her bad side, which I much prefer to evil hidden behind a fluffy/cute facade as far as these people in power go. With how the Flame Emperor and Death Knight are treated at mysteries, the Pope feels like the most present antagonist for the start of the game, imo.
They really took this Holy Blood, I mean, Crest mechanic and really extrapolated on how it’d shape political attitudes and priorities. In Black Eagels Linhardt seems to be the one who cares/thinks about Crests most, but from a largely research-fascination stance like his parents aren’t seemingly on his back about passing his Crest to an heir. Blue Lions seems to deal with it more through the characters of Ingrid and Sylvian, but the miniboss Miklan was a pretty good “look at the bad things that can happen” (in more than one way) Considering he visually appears to be maybe a decade older than his lil bro- so his parent probably waited to see a Crest manifest, but when that didn’t happen then time for a new baby. Edelgard has a lot of vocal anti-crest feelings to vent... but it almost felt too fast? Maybe the main problem is Byleth doesn’t SAY SQUAT so its not like he disagreed or empathized or helped hammer any points home.
I think Seteth’s my fav plot-relevant NPC, in that he (was) one of the few to voice skepticism whenever Rhea made these crazy decisions like “make this young stranger a teacher for the most influential children in the land” and “let this weirdo keep the priceless Holy Weapon”. His protests don’t amount to anything cause of the way Avatars are like a black hole and make the plot suck, but I’m glad to hear it from someone. I also really do enjoy seeing how he cares about Flayn... maybe my standards are just low cause ANYTHING not involving Avatar worship gets a thumbs up from me.
Once again, the ambient chatter and flavor text you can encounter in the Monastery makes running around and interacting worth it, Like this little gem from Linhardt:
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I know actual-ruling/living has never been a big focus for FE games, but it’s really nice to have these noble brats understand the weight of what’ll fall to them in the future. Instead of just... talking about their hobbies nonstop. It’s funny that out of the lords Claude’s the one who likes to name drop locations/influential figures/historical events the most (almost like he’s trying to confirm or something).
I take back the “perfect timing” for Hubert, the plot just dropped a moment where he was fretting Edelgard made a bad move, and if he’d then tried to threaten Byleth it would’ve felt seamless. Though maybe the B support would’ve fit there, ah well. I did spoil myself on some plot things, but I also feel like the hints being dropped by how Hubert and Edelgard interact with various NPCS/map enemies are some pretty big signposts on what’s to come. ...so far the biggest ‘plot’ ties to these things don’t thrill me, so we’ll see how this route shakes out (why does IntSys insist on making their villains cartoonishly weird? Gimme another Ashanrd, Travant, or Alvis dang it)
Only now am I cluing into some Monastery mechanics (like how in the garden you can plant more than one seed at a time) which is frustrating in that my non-ideal past play feels like wasted time. HOWEVER I know for a fact completing a route unlocks New Game + which will carry over Prof rep and make all the Monastery minigames and recruiting less tedious, so will definitely continue to forge ahead. (I still hate the tedium of Lost Items, HILDA TAKE THIS CRAP) I’ve come to appreciate that through the class/tutoring system you can grind out proficiency without needing to battle grind... it’s honestly take me much MUCH longer in FE14 to level up, rank up, or nab skills compared to this game. Supports also are easier to grab within your own usable units, after battles I tend to have tons of them to view (which is great).
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
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@khadijahmjohnson Uhhhhh ew gross no. At least if this is directed at me, if it’s directed at people being pervs on my video (btw this video if anyone is wondering for context) then.....yeah go at them cause I don’t want that either. But I’mma assume it’s aimed at me so I’ll continue on as if it were (might as well explain myself since I can’t really do that each time I post a video cause people don’t like walls of text ;w;).
Yeah that’s not the point of this video, unless you’re getting an eye boner for how the song sychs up with the dance moves then yeah that’s bar for the course with my Dancing Sync videos (since like P4D). 8U But seriously, I’m just trying to find songs that match her dance (cause I hate P5D’s song selection, not just with Anne but with everyone, Anne is just easier cause I know more pop/sexy like songs and she’s mah fav character and I like her dance so I tend to think about what might fit, the 2nd most thought about characters are Haru and Ren btw....also I probs should’ve changed the name of this video but I only decided on that name later when I was still just gonna call all of them syncs but after that post I realized I might not make the “Ideal” videos full sync ones like the Anne/Catherine one was so yeah I’ve been debating this for awhile and sorry for the confusion ;w;). Plus I just really like Catherine, and the new Catherine OP, and it just works so well (both genre wise syncing up with Anne’s dance, but also with how P5 and Catherine connect both character wise and jazz wise it was just ahhhhhh all the pieces fell into places for a good character/game parallel and I’m all about dat)
Also her dancing sexy isn’t me projecting, unfortunately Atlus legit said that about her (and Yukari), and that’s what I have to work with (aka, I didn’t program them to dance like that, trust me I would’ve chosen a few less bold moves). On one hand I am personally annoyed by their choice of words and what they did with Last Surprise (specifically cause of a certain character or two), but....there’s nothing I can do. orz So yeah, working on finding sexy Persona (pretty much just this one song) songs or Pop Persona songs (go the Rise and Yukari route with this, and can probs do more anyway) to match Anne’s dace but that’s really as far as this is going. Nothing esp sexual on my end, just trying to find songs that match her and the rest of the cast (minus maybe Ren/Mona....they might be tricky, that or Ren might get a similar deal that P3D is getting and just having him dance to songs I think were part of P5/D/Q2/anime that didn’t get to be in the game cause Atlus rushed P5D out too soon)
Anyway hope that cleared that up, probably will still hate it/me, that’s fine. ;w; Just wanted to clarify some things since it looks really bad outta context I’m aware (esp since I haven’t released other characters or done one for Anne with just a happy upbeat pop song) haha uggghhh orz ;w;
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missjugheadjones · 7 years
Unspoken Words 2
 Word Count: 2170
    A/N: lol heres the 2nd part to Unspoken words, enjoy! I suggest the song mentioned in here, its one of my favs.  Also sorry for not posting as much, things are very crazy atm but im getting back to it. Much love!
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Jugheads POV-
    "Betty?" I said over the phone, hearing my sniffling girlfriend on the other end. "Yeah, I'm here, come outside." She sniffled again and I listened as she told me that she couldn't, her mom locked her inside the house for the night and no one was allowed in nor out.
    "So I can't come inside to see you?" I asked, and I listened as she told me I couldn't. My heart sank a little bit, not because I couldn't go in and see her, but because I had just left Y/N heartbroken and crying alone in her house for this.
    "Yeah, no I get it. I'll just see you tomorrow." I said, and hung up the phone, throwing it on the seat next to me. I leaned my head on the steering wheel and sighed, I was truly and idiot today. I kicked myself, closing my eyes trying to stop myself from crying, but behind my shut eyes images of Y/N played like a movie. Her smiling, the way her eyes light up anytime she tells an awful pun and everyone groans, the sound of her laugh when she shoots sarcastic comments my way.
    I replayed memories of our time at Pops, late nights in the quiet diner, the only sounds that are audible are of the neon lights buzz, Pops whistling from back into the kitchen, and the tapping of keys and scratches of lead on paper. While I wrote she drew, or also wrote, but she preferred the look of her scribbled words on paper, the smears of black on her hands as evidence of a nights work. A tattered notebook with crumbled pages, a worn and old look, inside the ins and outs of her mind were translated into pictures and poems, proof that there was a beautiful mind behind her beautiful eyes. She thought the digital route to her genius felt cheap, she liked the messy, tangible work that she could carry around with her, and I always admired her for it.
     Memories of the Twilight-Drive In came next, sitting next to her out in the cold air. We'd sit in the back of my dads truck, blankets and pillows sprawled across the bed of the truck, popcorn and candy pieces littered throughout from our many mini food fights we'd randomly break out in. If it was especially cold, she'd sit closer to me, leaning her head on my shoulder and I'd pull one of the many blankets over her. This was when she was most peaceful, sometimes I would purposely tune out the movie and try my best to listen in on her slow and quiet breaths, finding comfort in the serenity of it. I'd look down at her, admiring how her soft features would glow in the dim light of the movie projection and the night sky. She really was beautiful, and I'm sure that these were the nights where it really stood out to me.
    Not only was she beautiful physically, but mentally as well. She had been through so much, endured so much bullshit yet she still had a soft and warm personality that would draw people in. She was energetic, magnetic, electric. Every word she spoke you could hear the emotion behind it, even if it was a useless sentence that had no meaning at all. She was a human piece of art really, she was all of the art in the world placed into a breathing, living person. Poetic and colourful, abstract but simple, she is everything that I felt was beautiful in the world.
    Then came the heartbreak, the memory I wanted so badly to forget about, to ignore, but it was now stuck in my brain.  I led her on, didn't I? And not only that, but I left her crying and alone after. The tears started to fall, and I couldn't help but feel the burn of self hatred rise up from my stomach to my chest. She was broken, on the floor with tears falling from her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes, and it was all my fault because I decided to do something stupid. I decided to almost let my true feelings slip, I should have told her, I should have stayed.
    Y/N is a smart girl, she knows how to put pieces together, and she's quite good with words and if she knows a person well enough, like she knows me, she can guess what is about to come out of their mouth. She knew what I was going to say, I could see the gleam in her eye, the one that time and time again tells me that she feels the same. I brought her up and I let her crash... I am the worst person ever. It would take a miracle for her to forgive me, hell it would take a miracle for me to forgive myself.
    I straightened up and wiped the tears off my face, crying about Y/N in front of Bettys house felt wrong in some sort of sense. Thinking these thoughts about Y/N in front of Bettys house felt wrong, I just need to get away from Betty. I started up my car and ran my hand through my beanie-less hair, pulling away from the familiar home, looking back slightly to see another lone illuminated window, Bettys. And just like with Y/N, I drove away. I was gone.
Your POV-
    "You look cute with that hat on." Jughead said, smiling towards me. I looked up from my notebook and blushed, rolling my eyes and smiling.
    "Not as cute as you." I say, tapping my pencil on the paper. Jughead chuckles, shaking his head.
    "And that's where your wrong, princess." My chest warms up at the use of his nickname for me. At one point it was used to tease me, a nickname given to me by my best friend who said I acted like a princess most of the time. Now that we are together though, its turned into something more, I'm not just any princess, I'm his, and he is my prince, and I wear his crown to show that I'm his and he is mine.
    "Last time I checked, I'm never wrong, thank you though." I snap back sarcastically, beaming at him as he closes his laptop half way and looks admiringly my way.
    "I wouldn't be so sure about that, weren't you wrong today?" he asks, and I fake surprise.
    "Was I? I don't recall."
    "Yes, I'm pretty sure you were. We were listening to music in the car ride home from school and I was listening to 'Atlanta' and you tried to guess who it was by." he says, and I sink a little in my seat, trying my best to keep up my poker face.
    "None of this is ringing a bell, Beanie. I think it was just all in your imagination." I reply, shrugging and leaning back in my seat.
    "No, I still don't think so. You know the song Atlanta right, who is it by then?" he asks, smirking my way and I stutter, trying my best to think of the artist he had told me earlier.
    "Well, I-uh... twenty one pilots?" I guessed, and he threw his head back in laughter.
    "No, Stone Temple Pilots. Close though, but not really." he says once his laughter dies down a bit, and I roll my eyes.
    "Whatever, same difference." I shoot back, and he shakes his head.
    "Not even close." he says, and I shrug.
    "I'll get it at some point." I say confidently, and he nods.
    "I'm sure you will." he opens his laptop all the way again and starts to type, and I watch as his eyes dance across the screen and listen to the sound of keys being hit. He looks so happy, you can see it in his eyes that this is when he is most peaceful. Sometimes I stare at him, watching as he types away on his laptop, and I swear I can see the gears turning behind his loving eyes. I admire how the neon lights of the diner illuminates his face, creating an orange-y red glow that accentuates the features of his face. Sometimes I swear this is where I notice how handsome he really is, right here in this booth when he's happy and content and busy.
    I look down at my notebook, the words and doodles scribbled across the page, the smear marks of the lead being dragged across the page from my hand. I love it when a new, untouched white page in my notebook becomes a light grey, decorated with my thoughts. I stare at tonights masterpiece, just some random writing about Jughead that I had thought up of, and a doodle of a beanie that looks like a crown. As I look up from my notebook, I see he is looking at me.
    "Is there something on my face?" I asked, and he shakes his head.
    "No, nothing out of the normal. Just the usual cuteness." he says, and I laugh.
    "The cheese is strong with you, isn't it?" I asked, and he laughs as well.
    "Hey, maybe I like being cliché, did you ever think of that?" he asks, closing his laptop and placing it in his bag.
    "Yes, I have. Its not a hard thing to pick up on, especially since you do it so often." I reply, closing my notebook and placing it in my small backpack I use instead of a purse. I slide out of the booth seat and stand up, stretching slightly as Jughead stands up as well. I start to make my way to the door until a hand grabs my wrist and turns me around, facing Jughead. He smiles down at me and I smile up at him.
    "Have I ever told you how happy I am that I finally fixed my mistake?" he asks, which is an odd question, but those are never few and far between with Juggie.
    "What mistake?" I asked quietly, and he shrugs slightly.
    "I had bad judgement, I made a haste decision that ended up being the wrong one, and fixing it was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me." he tried to explain, yet he was still being so vague.
    "What was your wrong decision?" I asked, and he opened his mouth to say something, but a banging noise drowned whatever he said out.
    "Now do you understand?" he questioned, and I shook my head.
     "No, I didn't catch what you said, the noise was too loud." I explained, and he looked down at me confused.
    "What noise?" he asked.
    "The loud banging noise." I said, shocked he hadn't heard it too.
    "I think you're lo-" there it goes again, the noise. I can't hear the second part of his sentence, and now i'm even more confused than before.
    "Did you hear it just then?" I asked, sure he had to have heard it.
    "No, are you feeling okay?" he asks me, and I take a seat back in the booth, I feel a little dizzy.
    "No, not really, I think I just need to-"
    "Wake up?" he suggests, and I look at him confused.
    "Wake up?" I asked, and he nods his head.
    "You should probably wake up, go see what the noise was." he says, and I shake my head.
    "But I'm not asle-" the noise is louder this time, more urgent sounding, like someone is banging on a door.
    "Are you going to get that?" Jughead asks, and I shake my head.
    "Get what?" I ask, and he opens his mouth to respond, but before he can I cut him off. "You know what, it doesn't matter, just tell me what your wrong decision was." I say, and he shrugs.
    "I think you need to wake up." he says, sitting in the seat of the booth across from me.
    "I can't tell you what you want to know. But I'm sure whatever is making that noise can." he says, and I shake my head.
    "The only one who can tell me left. He ran out, back to the one who he belongs with." I say, and Jughead shrugs.
    "Have a little faith, you still have faith in him right?" he asks, and I slowly nod.
    "I have no choice but to. When you're in love with someone, faith in them kind of comes naturally." I say, feeling quite tired. I yawn, and the diner starts to get blurry, and darker. I blink and things around me are now completely dark, and I'm laying down. I sit up slowly, raising my hand to my head and I feel the beanie on me. It was a dream. Of course it was a dream.
Knock! Knock!
    Who the hell is here right now? I look at my phone and see its 1:27am, its a little early for visitors, who in their right mind wants to talk to me now?
Tag list: @do-not-call-me-sunshine @gelattoes @gelattoes@xbobaaa@katshrev@farmfreshcoldsprouts @sgarrett49 @always-chocolate@nadya0128@vegaslodgeprimary@rainbows-and-glitter-bitch@lost-in-wonderland-x @lost-in-wonderland-x@mrs-jughead-jones@nafa1604@moonlight53 @mydelightfulcollectiontyphoon@bookloveaffair @bookloveaffair@reallyshortartist @adellyhatter-blog @savvythetommo@caffeinatedfangirlstuff@riverdalemami@kenken12201 @jaib2-blog @montse-marquez-almarcha@fandom-quote@jishwadunwityou @sleeplessvoids @i-chose-the-fandom-life @jaib2-blog
Unspoken Words Tags:
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nakajimaakane · 7 years
Hello! I know you've been inactive for quite a while so you don't have to answer this question but what's you fav otome games and the ones you recommend? it can be paid or mobile games thank you
Hello! oh my gosh, I’ve been inactive for like more than a year or so…? Ah, I’m so sorry anon for that! But of course, I’m answering your question!
Favorites…? Yeah, right! Be prepared for a lengthy list! But anon, I can’t really specify which I love the most because each game has its  own uniqueness so the ranks here don’t mean that ‘Akane-chan likes this better than that’ or something out of sorts~
Though, I’ll only list the ones which leave great impressions on me here!
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 3rd Story – great bgm, great art and of course, great voice actors! I fell in love with Shitara Seiji (CV: Tachibana Shinnosuke) at the first sight, though his story is a bit lacking in some parts.
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss – yea, another TMGS! This time, what I love the most is the romantic backstory, the mermaid legend! The bgm and art are still top notch and also the voice actors. I love the progression of Saeki Teru’s (CV: Morita Masakazu) route here and I just like Wakaouji-sensei’s (CV: Morikawa Toshiyuki) character~
Samurai Love Ballad Party – sengoku era! I’m smitten from the moment I downloaded this game. My favorite main story is Kojuro’s though I prefer Saizo more (if only his main story was written better) as a character. The MC here is cute and I find her pretty relatable.
Kiss of Revenge – old game yes but the story? Well it outmatches most otoges I know which prioritizes the act of having sex and romance more. The whole storyline isn’t perfect but if only Voltage put some more effort on it (like medical vocabs or such), it will surely become a better and great medical drama! One of some points I love from this game is the MC, she is independent! I also love how each of the characters’ story progressed. I prefer Issei here but I’ll definitely go for Takafumi Daidouji if only Voltage released his route…
Guard Me, Sherlock! – ahahaha, it’s one fun game! I’m currently in love with Mycroft’s route since it’s just recently out. Before, I was really smitten by James Moriarty due to his quirks and two stooges Sebastian and Jack~ Ah, the MC here is an actress! It’s pretty rare for otoges to have MC who is pretty famous or having a bunch of self confidence.
Liar! Uncover The Truth – I love this game, like, really really love it! The MC, especially! I love how she resembles me in general and how funny she is! I hate those sorts of helpless, masochistic MC Voltage creates in other games who will just close their eyes only to have the guys save her! I mean, it’s not realistic at all! Aside of that, the guys’ characteristics. Although I was raging while going through Keima’s and Kunio’s lies, they’re great characters, nevertheless. My pick here is Itaru – call me a traditionalist but yes, it’s him. He is friendly, cute and willing to go on great lengths to make MC happy. My second pick will be Sotaro since I just have a thing for cool guys…
Our Two Bedroom Story – okay, it’s the MC again. She’s sassy and funny and I just love it! The whole storyline is a bit refreshing too. And Minato! Tsumugu! I can’t pick between these two…
Hiiro no Kakera 4 ~Shirahana no Ori~ – though there was one point in my life when I was completely done with this game while in Gentoka’s (CV: Morikawa Toshiyuki) route (which also made me  contemplate whether to get rid of this game for good or not) Kuuso’s (CV: Suzuki Chihiro) route made me see this wretched story in a new light! When I started his route, just then and only then I realized the true meaning–the jewel–of the story! He isn’t the nicest guy and he’s rude most of the time but he certainly gives her some feedback, advice, reassurances and love that she needs! Unlike Gentoka who only showers MC with ‘I love you’s! Ahh, my rambling might paint this game as unworthy but trust me, it’s worth a try, especially and only Kuuso’s route! This whole storyline used to be a whole bullcrap to me but in Kuuso’s route, it becomes a true historical drama that I long for! While other characters’ routes disappoint me, the story itself left a really great impression on me, in Kuuso’s route.
Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo – the MC is funny, cute and so relatable! The story itself is already funny and the characters, while seem like to be too good to be true, are realistic as well! Overall, all the routes are great but Ayato’s (CV: Namikawa Daisuke) route is my favorite since it’s unlike the others. His character is enjoyable and I found myself replaying his story twice…
I suppose those are the ones which left quite the impression on me anon! And I’m not sure with what you mean by ‘recommend’, are you asking about the game or the characters? If the characters then you can say the ones I mentioned above (with the exception of Gentoka) are whom I find most enjoyable.
As for the game, then I suppose the firsts I recommend you will be TMGS series, Kiss of Revenge and Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo. TMGS series cover everyday-like school days but it’s cute and highly relatable if you’re a student! Kiss of Revenge is probably my preferable Voltage game so far due to the unique storyline and Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo, again, is about school but MC here is not your average, shy female student – instead, she has a lot of weakness that she has to overcome in order to get her happy ending!
Ahh it turns out to be a way longer post than I intended to but I’m happy to answer!
Have a good day/night, anon!
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aureliasaid · 7 years
Bratwurst for Thanksgiving
Stockholm, Copenhagen and Berlin
November 16-25, 2017
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Thanksgiving lunch atop Germany’s Reichstag where a delicious restaurant provided a special view and meal
Thursday, November 16
Arrived via SAS airlines into Stockholm with an hour + drive in since it was rush hour. Def would look into the train ride in from the airport next time. Stayed at the Nobis Hotel right in the heart of town, but very close to the main harbor area. It is a boutique hotel from an old bank where the Stockholm Syndrome originated after a bank robbery. Very hip nowadays with a delightful included breakfast.  Crying baby, actually screaming baby, all night en route over on the plane called for a nap and luckily the room was ready. Then for an afternoon oversight of the city, we opted for a guide since we were there only 2 days. Guides are nice cause they eliminate having to think, get you into the front of the line and in places you can't always see on your own. We liked ours, Eva Bromberg Sharp, +46 7 60 45 71. Highly recommend!
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We covered much area starting with City Hall, the home of the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony coming up in 3 weeks on Dec 10, Nobel's birthday. This was cool especially since seeing the ceremony recently when UNC prof Azziz won for chemistry in 2015. Then on through various sections including everyone's fav, Gamla Stan or the Old Town which is very charming as expected. Hot chocolate and a pastry and then a walk through the Cathedral (small by Euro standards) which was fantastic with everything made of wood, Sweden's main resource. See the St George slaying the dragon statue! On to Sodermalm, (home of the ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” author Steig Larson btw,) for a view of the city and then on past numerous sections of the town to end at the Vasa Museum, which is built around a famous ship from the 1600s that sank on its maiden voyage after 20 minutes of setting sail. In the 1950′s, researchers finally found it in the harbor and took 2 years to raise it in its total preserved state complete with some of the dead passengers fairly well preserved. A great day with dinner at Hillenberg, which was hip, yet cozy.
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Tip: There are two train stations, so make sure you have the right one.
Tip: Weather was def cold, high around 32 degrees, so be prepared. This is an off time to come, but meant we had sights to ourselves. It is also odd as it is starting to get dark by 3:30, so do outside things in the morning. We had two sunny days which apparently is not the norm for this time of year. Interestingly, the sun never gets high in the sky at this time of year...just sorta stays just above the rooftops all day.
Friday, November 17
A boat tour is in order. Perfect guided tour around the harbor, out into the Baltic and back into the lake for an hour.  Great way to see a lot as well. Afterwards, we cruised past the Parliament bldg, popped into the huge Royal Palace, but parked it at the Nobel Museum, which was small, easy and very interesting. (Good cafe here.) Headed over to the Fotografiska, photography museum, which has a cool top floor huge cafe with harbor views.
Legs and intellect zapped, we blew through some shops (Sweden home to H&M, who knew?) as well as Zara and their big Saks type store NK. Back for a spell (aka nap) before heading to Broms for dinner. Famous for their Swedish meatballs as I had read, but our tour guide also recommended as they are family friends of hers. It was great...more bistro in feel, but buzzy and fun too. Nightcap back in the hip Nobis bar.
TIp: In summer, boat tours may go to the archipelago, but in winter, get a commuter ferry and go.
There are a million ways to see this city with all kinds of creative tours such as the rooftop tour where you are clipped in walking along rooftops! Hop-on Hop-off bus tour is a great way to see the city.  The city is also very walkable, though it is not a small city.
Saturday, November 18 Copenhagen
We debated flying or training, but decided on training which was an excellent decision. 5 hours on the fast train, which probably would have been the same total time by plane. It was easy, on time, and nice to see the countryside.
Arrived Cope at 3:30 and met Relia at our hotel, Hotel Skt Petri in the Latin Quarter. (Saint Petri fyi). We headed straight for Tivoli, the 2nd oldest amusement park in the world that had just re-opened after being closed for 3 weeks to become a Christmas Wonderland with Christmas Market pop-up shops, full blooming hyacinths, white lights adorning everything, lighted trees at every trash can, mulled wine and special Christmas lagers and meals all with the roller coasters and sky drops in full action amidst the decor. It was packed to the hydraulics with merry-makers of all ages. We headed back, popping into Relia's flat first very near the Skt. Petri in the city center, before going to dinner at Bistro Boheme, a hopping French bistro.
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Sunday, November 19
Let's just take a moment to talk about bikes...and more bikes and then more bikes. Never in my life. Incredible bike lanes, riding in all weather, all times of the day and night, with few helmets.  But what is most important for non-bikers is to STAY ON THE SIDEWALKS or else you are toast, esp for us American non-bikeminded people. It is serious transportation and they come flying from around the turn just as you are about to jaywalk into their lane.  Sweden similar, but Denmark gives China a run for its money at least in volume of bikes.
Awoke to hideous rainy, cold and windy weather along with Will coming in from the States - spent the morning getting him situated...aka a nap. Met Relia later and went to the Rosenberg Castle very close by in a pretty park, good because its small and most important, the Crown Jewels are on display here....which is worth the trip alone.  
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Will bailed for another round of napping and we three headed to the famed old area of Nyhaven, went through the Christmas market there, marveling at the sausages over the firepit, pork inches thick being smoked and salmon being smoked. We blew through the formal D'Ingleterra Hotel, (happy to have saved our $$ not staying there) before crossing the Kissing Bridge to Christianshaven en route to Torvehallerne (or Papiroen or the Copenhagen Street Food Market Hall or Paper Island for non-Danespeak,) which is a huge old warehouse that houses picnic tables and some 30+ food vendors of all sorts.  The pulled duck and duck fries were amazing as were the hot dogs. Sadly, this location is closing in December as capitalism has taken over the warehouse key spot...its too popular not to re-open somewhere else though.
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Still licking our chops, we went back to the hotel by way of Strøget, the long pedestrian shopping street.  Ready to be out of the elements, we chilled til going to Mikkeller and Friends, the flagship location (big description for a small, non-descript basement bar of two rooms in the meat packing district) but is all that in the craft beer world called "the most imaginative beer bar in the world." We tried several which were very different, but quite tasty. Then on further into the Meatpacking district for dinner at Kodbyaens Fiskebar, a stark and casual seafood spot back in the depths of the converted warehouses. Delicious. The non-filtered organic cloudy Gruner Veltliner was a surprise, but good. But hey, Will finally awake, so the night is young and over to The Bastard Cafe, a bar dedicated to playing board games, which apparently is a Danish pastime (wouldn't you with dark and cold prevalent? We passed several stores dedicated only to board games in fact.). Most were, of course, Danish games or in Danish, so we opted for Scrabble, which was actually an English version because there is a Danish version with those funky letters.
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Monday, November 20
YAY, a beautiful sunny day, albeit still chilly, but sun glorious sun. Relia is in class so we take to the streets first climbing the Round Tower for great views of the city, then on to the Frederick church and across the grounds of Ameliaborg Palace, home to the current Royal Family. (Passed a Segway Tour, which would have been a fun way to see the city, though maybe a bit chilly.) From there, a walk to see The Little Mermaid statue which is said to be underrated, but its still nice to see and a pretty walk along the water. Over the bridge and through Nyhaven to the Gasoline Grill we go...for the "life-changing best hamburger ever..." from a gasoline station.  And it was true....organic meat hand ground daily and fries with choice of salts (vinegar, truffle, etc.)  Day 2 of delightfully junk food content and we perused Nyhaven while awaiting our canal boat tour. Another must.  Of course afterwards, it must be time for a snack so to the famous La Glacé bakery for hot chocolate and their famous cakes and macaroons.  A few pit stops in some Zara's and H&Ms as well.
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The heart app showed 6.5 miles of walking and I agree.  DInner was at Geist, a hip and highly touted dining EXPERIENCE with creative and complex, sophisticated small plates in Nyhaven. It did not disappoint, but hurt the wallet for sure, so take note.
Tuesday, November 21
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First stop, the Church of Our Savior with the spiraling spire.  400 narrow steps lead to far-reaching views maybe not for the faint-hearted height phobiacs. From sin absolve to sin den, we leave the EU and go into Christiania, the free world of hippies and home of top notch weed. Free living with no laws and it looks it - disorganized, clutter, dirty environs home to the ultimate hippies and their families. Vendors line the streets and photography (and running since that indicates a possible raid) is strictly prohibited. Since it was a Tuesday around 10:30am, the town was still waking up and setting up, and thus sorta eerily quiet. So alas, on to more junk food decadence (inevitably a well traveled path from this locale for those partakers) as we returned to Paper Island to indulge Will and meet hometown friend Bethany Garrison.
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There is much to do in Copenhagen and museums of EVERYthing seem to be a Scandinavian requirement.  There were several key spots that we missed, but we were done and thus headed out to the Kronborg Castle in Helsingborg, about a 40 minute train ride (thank goodness for local knowledge of our gals.) This is worth a day trip as the town is quaint and the Castle is everything you ever imagined a castle to be, moat and all.  On a full day, we would have also taken in the Louisiana Modern Art museum, but the girls had been and the day was nigh. Besides, we had a date with dinner that deserves its own paragraph.
Amass, the new restaurant by the chef from the famed Norma (supposedly the best restaurant in the world?) on the outskirts of Cope. Very stark inside, you only order the 6 small plate courses or 9 course and you get what you get which was: perch, salmon, potato bread, and more, all done with complex, minute and subtle layers, multiple cooking styles, steps and processes. E.g. the potato bread was made from potatoes that had been fermented for 2 weeks. This was an incredible experience right down to the chef calling out a command in the open kitchen and the other chefs answering "Yes Chef" in unison. Do not go if you aren't a foodie or are a picky eater. Also, it will put a large dent in your budget.
Wednesday, November 22
Travel day from Cope to Berlin. Since Air Berlin had gone bankrupt the month before, direct flights from Cope to Berlin were still getting reorganized and not existent. So we had to connect through Stockholm.  In retrospect, I think I might have taken the train which would have taken the same 7 hours it took door to door to fly. It was kinda fun though to land back in Stockholm with a dusting of snow.
Arrived at the Grand Hyatt Berlin to find ourselves smack in the middle of it all right near all the major sights and basically at Potsdamer Platz. We loved the location and the hotel. It was 4pm by the time we got organized, so we went to the Jewish museum which is much more about the history of Judaism and Jewish life than it is the Holocaust, though that aspect is of course present. Dinner that night was at Katz Orange, a hip, yet shabby chic sort of place with a modern German/European fare.
Thursday, November 23
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We met our guide Lars Jokubeit (who made the visit for us - he was excellent 49 179 524 7810 [email protected]) at 9:15am and did a walking tour of Nazi Berlin and the Cold War Berlin for 4 hours. He reminded us that we were incredibly lucky to have sunshine and temps in the 50s.  It was LUCKY, but still chilly...missed my scarf! We learned and covered so much that I can only list the things to do and see: Sony Pavilion, Potsdamer Platz, Holocaust Memorial, Checkpoint Charlie (study up before you go otherwise it is just a major tourist trap), current Finance Building which was the Chancellory for Hitler, the actual Wall remnant, Topography of Terror, Tiergarten, Russian Gov building with mural, Brandenburg Gate, current government buildings and mall, esp the Reichstag German Parliament bldg and the glass cupola, with a delightful (Thanksgiving) late lunch at the restaurant on top. Wow. SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO.
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Lars recommended to get the real understanding and flavor of Berlin, a huge melting pot since the wall came down, was to visit the neighborhoods. He suggested a particular neighborhood around Oranienstraße to see all the immigrants there, the graffiti, of which they embrace and consider part of the cultural heritage and environment, followed by the Thursday night food hall of street food and live music at any number of places afterwards. And that is exactly what we did, starting at the new and hip Orania Hotel, walking Oranienstraße and then going to Markthalle Neun for a great follow up to Thanksgiving with foods from all over the world.  Very much like Paper Island and very fun. Bailed on the music scene though opting for a drink at the Orania Hotel.
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Friday, November 24
While still not freezing, the day was very windy, dark and overcast with rain coming in the afternoon which set the tone for the trip with Lars to Sachsenhousen concentration camp 40 mins outside of Berlin. Not an intentional “death camp,” but a labor camp more for the unwanted non-Volks, political prisoners, etc. While most of the original structures do not remain, there is enough and excellent displays for the disgusting and heinous place that it was.
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Back in Berlin, we decided to go to the Old Town area and take in a museum after lunch with Lars. Have lunch at das Meisterstück which is tucked away in otherwise fancy restaurants or museum cafes. So fun to have a casual, modern grill restaurant that is dedicated to German sausages cooked right there. Not expensive and fun with lots of craft beers. Will continued his search for the best currywurst. This might have been it.
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The old town is more of the huge ornate Baroque type buildings for Gov offices, arts and the famed Museum Island. The Nuese Museum is supposedly the choice museum, but we opted for the German History museum, which is lots of wars and Hapsburgs and such. Do a fly through or you will never emerge. This long strata Unter den Linden leads from the museums at Schloßplatz to Brandenburg gate and is fun to walk, though the parallel street of Fredeickstrasse is also fun to walk reminding me of 5th or Madison Aves. And this is where our dinner was at Crackers, a very euro, hip place with great food. A DJ comes every weekend night, which must be a Euro/German thing and she stood at her pulpit and played, according to our 20 somethings, more 80s dance music as opposed to EDM of nowadays.  Ok.
Saturday, November 25
And so it goes.  Check.  A wonderful Thanksgiving indeed.
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