#probably has something to do w how hard it is for me to get sleepy
prapuna · 1 year
do you guys do like. binge sleeping. sometimes i just happen to only get 2 hours of sleep, and the next day just happens to be a true day off with no due responsibilities whatsoever, so in theory i can just sleep right now and not worry about when i would wake up tomorrow. however i'd rather do an all nighter and go to bed around 7 am in order to sleep as long as possible. the darker the day gets when i wake up the better. is this a thing for you guys
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ifimdreaming · 8 months
can i take you home?
luke hughes x reader || angst, fluff
request: “i like the idea of her best friend going to michigan/dating a former teammate of lukes so thats how luke and reader meet! i love angst and given that its lukes rookie year/she goes to college in another state, maybe they could be friends w benefits but both have strong feelings.”
author's note: i thought this request was so so cute so i kind of took it and ran. also kinda influenced by i miss you, im sorry by gracie abrams. this is also super long but i hope the ending is worth it. let me know if i should do more parts of this!
word count: 5.0k
Waking up to the sound of your best friend pounding on the guest bedroom door at 7am was not exactly the best way to start your day. But since you are staying the weekend in her student house that she shares with 5 other people, there are definitely unluckier ways you could have been awoken. 
“Morning sleepy head!!! I'm so happy you're up!” your best friend Emma almost shouts as she barges in the room, after you very reluctantly told her she could come in. She immediately begins opening the curtains, and rummaging through her closet to find her outfit for the day.
In her haste she almost spills the two cups of coffee she had brought up from the kitchen as she sets them on the dresser beside the bed, her mug being almost completely empty anyway. You can tell by her enthusiasm and caffeine intake that she has been up for quite a long time before deciding to wake you up. 
You groggily roll over and face away from the wide open curtains, not ready to face the day yet and really disappointed in yourself for choosing to drive up so late last night in the first place.
Of course you were happy to be able to visit your best friend, the two of you going to different schools making it incredibly hard to spend much time together anymore. But being back here brought back so many memories of the last time you visited. Both good and bad. And to be honest, all you could think about was him. From the very moment Emma invited you, he has been on your mind nonstop. 
The way he made you feel so utterly adored when he brought you back to his room, how he spoke to you so gently and quietly the one morning when you were hungover, the time he spilled and called you ‘his’ while you were in bed together, and how much it seemed like it would last forever. It was all coming back so strongly.
“So, what are the plans for the day Little Miss Sunshine?” you sit up, reluctantly speaking your first words of the day after clearing your throat. 
“Well! First I thought we'd go get bagels for breakfast from down the street, and then I think one of us may need a quick shower before we officially start our day…” Emma says with a hand on the side of her mouth, pretending to be saying a secret as she is side-eyeing you, and you just stare at her offendedly, “Aaand we are doing something tonight so maybe we should go shopping..” she says quickly and excitedly, clearly brushing past what exactly it is that we are doing tonight.
“Alright then.” you say as you check your phone for probably the 20th time in the 10 minutes you've been awake. And you can see Emma staring at you from the corner of your eye so you decide to throw your phone to the other side of the bed, getting up and ready to go. You knew she wasn't oblivious, but you did not want to acknowledge the look she was giving you right now, and honestly it did not seem necessary to bring anything up.
Besides, this weekend isn't even about him. Dylan's surprise birthday party is tomorrow and your best friend was so excited to be planning it with your help. She hadn't done anything this extravagant for her boyfriend before and she wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
Obviously the last thing you would want to do is ruin this weekend for her, and your stupid feelings and non-relationship are included in that.
The walk to the bagel shop seemed awkwardly long as you were both not acknowledging the fact that your mind is very very distracted. It wasn't intentional. But feelings and places have such strong connections and the fact that things felt so unresolved was not helping. Everywhere you are here reminds you of him.
“How's your bagel?” Emma speaks up, finally breaking the silence on your walk home, thankfully giving you an opportunity to get out of your thoughts.
“Oh it's good! Thanks! I was super hungry…” you say, trying to muster up a believable enough reason for why you've been so off today. 
You continue walking and shuffling your feet in silence and are about to return back to the house before Emma looks at you and sighs loudly.
So. Close. You are literally about to step onto the driveway of the house when she stops you. 
“Ok can we just talk about it please? Because there is no way we are going to get through this entire weekend just ignoring it.” she says, stepping in front of you and blocking any sort of way for you to get out of this conversation. 
“What are you talking about?” you say with a grumble and a sigh. Knowing she is going to get it out of you. Obviously she would.
“Luke.” Emma says deadpan, waiting for your response.
For some reason at this moment you wanted to cry just hearing his name. But you also wanted to yell. Your feelings were confusing and annoying and it upset you to even have to talk about it with someone, even though you knew you should.
“I don't know. I DON'T KNOW. I can't stop thinking about him, and everything is so confusing.” you whisper-yell at her in frustration. 
It pained you to admit that you couldn't get him off your mind. You didn't realise how much you even liked him until having to admit that.
“He visited me during christmas… I mean, he did in the fall, but this time felt different.” You continue,  “We slept together again. Everything felt like it was going so well…And now nothing.” you admit to her and wipe your face with your sleeves, angry at the tears that have fallen from your eyes. 
“Has he called?” She asks warily.
“Once? Last week. It was short… but he sounded sad. He said he misses me. And he told me he really wanted to visit me. And I've texted him since then and no response.” you look down at your feet as you speak. It really shouldn't be this embarrassing to admit. It's not like you were in a relationship with him anyway.
“He's going to be here...tomorrow? I didn't know if you knew..” Emma says as she grabs your arm and slowly brings you close to her as you begin walking inside together and you nod your head in her direction.
You knew he would be here. Dylan is one of his best friends, obviously he isnt going to miss his 21st birthday. But with how things were currently going, it honestly made you wonder if Luke would even want you here. And what do his friends even know about you two? Has Luke said anything? So many questions are going through your head that it is almost making you dizzy.
The rest of the day is so much lighter after your earlier conversation. Emma is exponentially good at cheering people up, and maybe even to a fault, will always be on your side no matter what. But you appreciated it regardless.
You are currently finishing up putting on your makeup and getting ready to go out tonight, still very unaware of what the plan even is. But you didn't have much of a choice in the matter as Emma has picked out every aspect of your outfit tonight - down to the shoes, makeup, and jewellery.
Suddenly Emma gets a call from Dylan and runs into her bathroom to answer the phone, the music cutting out that was playing from her phone as she heads off, and silence filling the room.
You weren't intending to be eavesdropping, but you are able to hear muffled voices from the other side of the door and very hushed arguing that you couldn't quite make out. Making you curious as to what could possibly be going on tonight.
Emma saunters back into the room with hesitancy, her expression is scared and concerned at the same time as she is approaching you almost in slow-motion, saying nothing.
“What is it? Just spit it out.” you say, already knowing you are either about to hear the worst news of all time or the worst news of all time.
“Ok surprise! We're going out for sushi! Yay!” Emma says, obviously starting with the good news and you stay silent.
“And…Luke is coming out with us.” she continues, flinching at her own words as she plops herself on the bed across from you. You sit at her desk, makeup in hand, and cannot help but have an absolutely astonished look on your face. 
Nothing is able to even leave your mouth as her words run through your mind again and again.
“I am so SO sorry.” She starts. “One of the guys accidentally told Dylan that Luke is in town and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for tomorrow, so I told Dylan that Luke and I were trying to surprise him tonight for dinner. I didn't know what else to say. It was literally the first thing that came to my mind. I'm so sorry.” she continues, worried she has done irreparable damage on your friendship.
“You can kill me now.” Emma blurts out defeatedly, wanting to keep the surprise for tomorrow and not wanting all her efforts to be ruined the day before the party.
Obviously you love that girl, but very much did want to kill her in this moment.
“Does Luke know I'm going to be there?” you ask, brushing past everything else she has said.
“Dylan said he would tell him, yeah, but if you don't want to come please don't feel like you have to.” she says with a small smile, hoping you have some-what forgiven her.
“No, I'll still come.” you say quietly but matter-of-factly.
If Luke knew you were coming, it would be weird if you decided to stay home now because of it, and besides, what would you do here alone? Thinking of what he would be doing and wishing you could read his mind is all you can think of.
“OH? This is good! Ok! Dylan said he is picking us up in 20 minutes!” Emma states, suddenly very excitedly, hoping it will cheer you up to see that she is excited. And as you continue getting ready, nervous energy and anticipation fill your body.
Dylan shows up right on time, unfortunately for you, not giving you any extra time to sit and wallow in your feelings.
It was inevitable that you would be seeing Luke this weekend, but this quickly and under these conditions was not exactly ideal. You were hoping to at least be able to have a one-on-one conversation with him before being thrown into random get togethers where things have no chance but to be awkward.
The drive to dinner is surprisingly happy. Dylan seems so excited to be seeing his best friend again. He can't stop talking about the last time they saw each other and how long it has been. And Emma's laughter and giddy energy is helping you calm down and distract you just a little bit.
“The reservation is for 7pm so we might have to wait in the car for a few minutes.” Emma says, checking her phone as Dylan pulls up to the restaurant a bit early. 
The dim lighting and intimate booths look extremely inviting as you peer inside the windows of the restaurant from the parking lot. You can't help but get distracted by watching people inside as Emma and Dylan talk from the front seats of the car and are cutely chatting to each other quietly.
“There's my boy!” Dylan yells out as he jumps out of the driver's seat, running up to give Luke a hug across the parking lot.
“Ready?” Emma looks back and asks you, reassuringly placing her hand on your knee and rubbing her thumb up and down a few times.
“Guess so…” you say with a fake smile as you grab your purse from beside you, and as you are about to leave the car, you see a tall figure standing right outside your door.
Only a little bit startled, you look up to see Luke as he opens your door for you and greets you with a tired smile. He is dressed nicely in black pants and a cream cable knit sweater, his hair curly and tousled up like always. 
As you step out of the car he brings you into a tight hug, like he just couldn't wait to hold you again.
“I missed you…” Luke whispers so quietly into your ear that you almost couldn't hear him. He swiftly leaves a gentle kiss to the side of your head as he brings his hands just a bit lower down your back, “I’m sorry” he says quietly as he releases you.
As much as you want to reciprocate, you are so caught off guard by his words that you just stare up at him without a word.
“Alright let's go! I'm so hungry!” Dylan says, unaware of the tension, as he pats Luke's back and wraps an arm around him, walking in front of you and Emma and into the restaurant. 
Emma is glancing at you as you walk together, waiting to hear from you what Luke said, but you decide to ignore it with a shrug and she looks away. 
Dinner is filled with laughter and catching up with one another. Surprisingly it wasn't even half as awkward as you built it up to be. Dylan chatting away with Luke as you and Emma giggle across from each other about all the drama at your respective schools. 
Having a couple of drinks throughout the night was definitely helping, but regardless of that, you felt good. Really good.
“Luke, how's the love life going for you? You got a girl in Jersey?” Dylan asks with a laugh as Emma had just bragged about her and Dylan going on 2 years of being together.
She shoots you a regretful look as she hits Dylan's side with her elbow, not as discreetly as she probably wanted to, and your face turns bright red.
Luke looks down at his lap and shakes his head with a chuckle, seemingly avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
“No man, no girl in jersey.” Luke says lightly as he takes a drink of his beer before the two of you make eye contact and he glances down to your fidgety hands that are in your lap. 
“My bad, my bad…” Dylan says with a laugh as he clears his throat and starts back to finishing the food on his plate, Emma quietly shushing her clueless boyfriend beside her.
Your nervous hands continue to pick at your cuticles and you look over to see Luke inching his hand closer beside yours on the booth bench. Looking up from your lap, you see him glancing back at you as he waits for your reaction before discreetly taking your hand in his under the table.
The feeling of his hand in yours is so comforting and familiar and immediately eases your anxiousness. But you still feel so conflicted.
Luke always knew how to comfort you and distract you from your thoughts when they were out of control. Especially during busy school semesters and many nights spent together with him keeping you company while you anxiously wrote papers and prepped for exams. 
He seemed to be there for you when it felt like you had no one else. At least that's how it used to feel. Now things feel so complicated. Not knowing the status of your relationship surprisingly taking a much larger toll on your ability to act like friends than you would have ever thought.
“So! I've got the bill tonight guys. Happy birthday Dyl!” Emma blurts out as the waiter approaches the table, she leans over to give her boyfriend a loving kiss, comfortably filling the awkward silence that had just taken over the table not long before.
“Thank you baby! And hey! thanks guys for coming out tonight too.” Dylan smiles at the both of you as he lifts up his glass for a toast. You all clink your glasses, wishing him happy birthdays that follow big swigs of your almost empty alcoholic beverages.
Walking out of the restaurant, your mind fills with running thoughts. You wish you had spoken to Luke more tonight but it was hard to not make anything obvious. He seemed good, but still weirdly sad and you wanted to talk to him about it so badly. You wanted to talk to him about everything.
As you near Dylan's car you feel Luke's hand brush against yours and lightly hold your wrist, turning you around to face him.
“Can I take you home?” Luke shyly asks you as you all stand in the parking lot together. You mutter a “sure” under your breath with a nod, and he looks to Dylan and Emma for confirmation, both of them nodding in agreement before bringing you into tight hugs and saying goodbyes.
“Tell me everything that happens girly.” Emma runs back over to you and whispers into your ear as she hugs you goodbye once more, and all you can do is let out a small laugh in response to her teenage-esque behaviour.
After Dylan and Emma drive away, the short walk over to Luke’s car suddenly seems agonisingly long and your heart is racing in anticipation. Over anything else that happens tonight, you really wanted clarity. But of course, thoughts of the worst possible outcome ever sneak their way into your mind.
Luke opens the passenger side door for you and you climb into his car before he gently closes the door and walks to the other side. As he gets in, he begins to start the car before he looks over to you and pauses, the quiet becoming almost painful. 
You didn't know what to say, and you didn't want to say the wrong thing. So, waiting for him to break the silence seemed to be your best bet.
“I know I should have thought of something to say…” He starts, and shuffles in his seat, slightly bending his right leg so he is facing you a little more.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stopped responding to you.” Luke continues, and you almost want to roll your eyes at his apology. It was so hard to be understanding when this felt like such a preventable situation on his part.
But you knew Luke. You knew when he was scared he got distant. You knew he was pulling back from you. You just didnt know why.
“Things have been so…weird…lately, and I just…I know I fucked up.” He confesses.
You didn't want to be reading between the lines anymore. You just wanted him to be honest with you about what he wants, and it frustrated you that he was being so vague.
“Luke, what do you want? Like, from me?” you ask innocently, but squint your eyes closed tightly as the words coming out of your mouth sound completely different from what you intended.
“Like, you told me we were friends. And obviously I was ok with that. But when you would visit me, we’d sleep together. And when you left it was like. I don't know…” you look down and pick at your fingers as you speak, looking up at him feeling like an almost impossible task.
“You told me you wanted to be friends.” Luke states, and gently grabs your hand. He holds it in his to stop you from destroying your fingers as you speak, which causes you to look up at him, thanking him silently, as he waits on your response.
“I said that because I knew how hard it would be for us to be so far away from each other.” you say strongly, feeling the sudden need to defend yourself.
“You know how important school is to me, and I know how important your career is to you. I don't want to distract you from what's important to you. I don't want to be the one that gets in the way of things, or be the reason why you're not as focused as you could be…as much as I want to be-” you begin to confess, but are quickly cut off.
“It's kinda too late for that…” Luke says with a chuckle as he tilts his head back against the headrest of his seat and looks out the front window, frustration still evidently seen on his face.
“What do you mean??” you ask, hoping he will elaborate a little more than he has been so far.
“You already distract me. I can't stop thinking about you. And it's obvious. In my game and everything too. Even Jack has noticed and he keeps asking me about you and I don't even know what to say. I can't shut him up. Cuz how am I supposed to tell him how I feel when I can't even tell you? Its actually really fuckin annoying.” he laughs as he explains, still looking ahead out the window instead of at you. 
Luke has always sought to use humour and jokes in difficult situations, especially when it comes to his own feelings. He's clearly frustrated at himself and it hurts you to see him having such a hard time expressing himself.
“So why have you been so distant lately?! I’ve been really worried about you.” you say, suddenly feeling more confident in confronting him as he opens up to you.
“Cuz im scared im gonna fuck things up even more than I already have…” he says honestly as he turns his head to look at you again.
“I knew I should've said something from the moment we slept together the first time. I feel like I fucked up by keeping my mouth shut. It's been ruining my life to not just be honest with you.” he adds with a growl deep in his voice, anger at himself seeping through his words.
As he continues, you can't help but feel entranced by him in his current state, and suddenly you are very aware of how late at night it is becoming. 
“It's my fault...” Luke says, and you desperately try to focus on his words and not his body. 
But you can't help but think about how good his hands would feel on your body and how badly you want him to kiss you right here and now. You didn't care that you were still in the parking lot of a sushi restaurant. You didn't care that things were still so confusing and that this probably wasn't exactly the most ideal time to be feeling this way. You just felt like you needed him so badly.
“I've been treating you like shit lately. Regardless of us sleeping together, that should not change how I treat you. I've been a shitty friend to you, and I'm really really sorry.” he continues, and you are brought out of your trance. 
His words hit you so hard. You both unknowingly made this relationship so complicated and weren't even aware of it. You knew Luke was not perfect, but for some reason you expected him to be able to read your mind, and vice versa. Even after being the one to say you should stay friends, you were silently upset that nothing was happening in the way you wanted.
“Luke, it's ok. Both of us have not been entirely honest with each other lately and it's made everything so… fucked up. We’re just… in a weird spot.” you say, hoping your words make any sense considering you zoned out for half of his apology.
“Can I just say that I want to be able to fix this?” Luke says as he places his hand on your thigh, his fingers mindlessly getting higher and higher as he rubs slowly back and forth. Trying his best to soothe you and unknowingly turning you on even more.
“It isn't just on you to fix.” you say as you place your hand softly over his, stopping his movement on your leg as to not let it overly distract you.
“Yes it is. I let you down. I fucked up by being so fucking…distant. I should've been more clear about what I want…that I want you..” Luke admits, giving into what he has wanted to say from the moment you got into the car together.
His eyes are fixed on yours and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. Hearing him so confidently confess how he is feeling after so long is such a relief. It makes you want to just tell him you love him right here and now.
“I know things are complicated…but, I really don't want to not have you in my life…” Luke adds as tears begin to well in his eyes, catching you both off guard.
“Oh Lukey.” you whisper as you hold his face in your hands, your heart melting at the sight of him. 
Luke places his hands on your wrists, pulling them away from his face as he finally leans into you. 
His lips hit yours with an intensity that you have never felt before from him. His hands move away from yours, and to the base of your neck, gently pulling you closer into him as he deepens the kiss. 
Your eyes are glued shut as you are entranced by his lips finally being connected with yours as his tongue dances around in your mouth. 
Needing to have your hands on him, you reach up to brush his face with your thumbs and then begin gently tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck, causing him to lustfully groan deep into your mouth. Your mind is filled with excitement and intensity as the moment grows in mutual desire.
“I needed you baby.” You say rushedly, disconnecting with him for only a moment.
Luke smiles against your lips as you connect again, and he places his left hand on your hip, massaging his fingers into your side. You lift yourself lightly onto the centre-console, desperate to be as close to him as you can get, and he lowers his hand just below your ass to help support you.
Although being in the close quarters of Luke's car while having such a monumental conversation about your relationship was not quite ideal, you were so thankful for it at this moment.
“I needed you too.” Luke says after coming up for air, and you just stare at him with a dizzy smile, your head reeling with arousal.
He pecks your lips a few times before lowering his head to your collarbone, gently kissing your neck and leaving red marks where he most definitely has before.
Your giggles fill the car as he continues expeditiously exploring your body, wanting to savour every moment of your presence and relishing in the way he is pleasing you.
Luke looks up at you with a smile before his eyebrows furrow and he is distracted by something behind you, causing you to whip your head around to look out your window, immensely alarmed at his expression. 
Luke lightly lets go of you, allowing you to sit properly in your seat and as your eyes focus on the window, the sight of a kind-looking restaurant hostess tapping on the glass outside of your door almost sends you reeling into a panic. 
Luke quickly reassures you with a laugh, placing his hand on your arm and starting the car before beginning to roll your window down for them to speak.
“I am so sorry if I startled you, but our restaurant has closed, which means we can no longer allow you to park here, as free parking ends at midnight.” the hostess explains politely while pointing to the sign posted on the brick wall just in front of Luke's car. 
“Thanks Ma’am. We’re so s-sorry.” Luke pauses to hide his face, clearly hiding that he is about to break into laughter.
“We’ll leave right aw-” Luke laughs out, hardly able to finish his sentence before being sent into a fit of silent laughter.
“We’re so sorry. Have a good night!” you say more seriously, trying to make up for the completely unserious boy beside you.
“Goodnight guys!” the hostess says as she walks away, leaving you completely embarrassed and also scared half to death.
Luke continues dying of laughter and is hunched over the steering wheel as you punch his arm repeatedly to get his attention.
“That was awful! Why are you laughing so hard!” you say unimpressed, but still unable to hold back laughter of your own after seeing him look up at you with tears in his eyes.
“Fuck. I can't get over your face.” Luke says as he begins to come down a little, wiping the tears from his eyes. You just shake your head and begin to buckle your seatbelt, not taking any chances of having to be asked to leave once more.
“Fuck.” he says once more with a sigh, relaxing in his seat and looking over to you with a genuine smile before patting your thigh reassuringly.
You look to Luke expectantly and he stares back at you with a smirk before kissing your lips passionately, catching you off guard. 
Your hands are drawn to his face as he nudges your chin with his, causing you to lean into him even further before he pulls away from you abruptly.
“Can I take you home?” Luke asks with lust in eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek, admiring every single feature on your face. His words having a different meaning to both of you than they have previously tonight.
“For real this time?? Because you know we cant sit in this parking lot any longer…” you say jokingly as Luke rolls his eyes at you and begins to put his seatbelt on.
“Yes, for real this time.” He retorts. His right hand eagerly finding yours as he interlocks your fingers with his, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a tender kiss before finally driving off.
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miupow · 7 months
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☆〜(ゝ。∂)txt x gn!reader ⋆ cw// drugs/marijuana mentions! sfw, tooth rotting fluff <𝟑 kissing, cuddling, implied established relationships
⤷ what i imagine it's like smoking with the boys . . .
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i imagine him high is a lot like him drunk lol
soft, sleepy, cuddly and just the biggest baby whining that he wants kisses now
likes using your lap as a pillow for his head, the type to nuzzle his face in your belly and wrap his arms tight around you-- won't you play with his hair? tell him what an amazingwonderfulhandsome boyfriend he is?
tries very hard not to fall asleep on you but fails every time
pls take care of him :(
finds the other boys annoying when they're high lol but still does it with them because they're his baby brothers and he loves them no matter how much they piss him off <33
cannot smoke without you because he'd spend the entire sesh going "where's my baby?? i wanna see my baby, i miss them so much :(("
수빈 SOOBIN ⭑𓂃
the kind to just stare blankly at the wall for hours
"bin, you okay?" "uh huh..."
probably gets sensory overload easily, don’t have too much going on at once or he’ll get a headache :<
soogyu is my dream blunt rotation im gonna be honest they're so fucking funny they just be sayin shit
high bin says the some of funniest things you've ever heard in your life but he has no idea he's even being funny
"why are you laughing at me??? :(("
gasps when you tell him you love him even though you tell him every day
will get into the dumbest arguments, especially with gyu?? “what do you think would happen if you put a werewolf on the moon…” “what the hell is wrong with you??”
“no, dumbass, that’s not even how ufos work. look it up.”
true delulu headcanon time here but hear me out okay
he's so crazy adhd brain high energy when he's sober but i feel like when he's stoned he's so. chill?
put a movie on or something and he'll be quiet for hours he's just so transfixed by the moving colors and lights
just wants to cuddle with you in silence or like. talk about deep shit
you honestly kind of love it because you'll have conversations about your future and your relationship that gyu wouldn't take seriously sober
he's very upfront and straightforward with his feelings when he's stoned, which is so unlike him
says some corny shit with stars in his eyes like "i wanna spend forever with you" and then regrets it later because he sounded like a dweeb
he's so whipped for you and he can't hide it :<
let him lay on your chest, playing with his long pretty hair, calling him beomie while he looks up at you with hazy, unfocused but so in love eyes
again soogyu = dream blunt rotation gyu is so funny
“do crabs think fish are flying??” type mf i love him very much
this might be an unpopular opinion but tyun is absolutely the biggest stoner out of the five of them
i feel like he would smoke to relax, not necessarily to get high-- he's on stress overdrive 24/7, especially during comeback season,, he smokes to finally make his brain go quiet for at least a night
big social smoker but also enjoys smoking alone or just with you
i see him the most like his sober self, quiet and content and not really paying much attention to anything
normally you have to fight him to get his picture taken but when he's stoned he'll just let you shove a camera in his face and you love it sm,, "tyunnie!! baby! smile!"
very content with letting you sit on his lap while he zones out, nuzzling his neck-- he loves feeling needed, loves taking care of you
thinks everyone else is very entertaining, just enjoys watching his brothers act like idiots
he's such a bottled up guy, doesn't like to show or talk about how he's feeling ;; but he'll open up easily once you get him loosened up
i want to smoke with this boy so bad. it's not even funny.
he's so cuddly and sweet and giggly,,, i lob him,,
he gets too out of it to kiss you so he makes your plushies kiss eachother instead hehe
kiss his freckles :< just give him so many smooches all over his face while he laughs that it tickles
spooning is a need not a want. he'd rest his chin on the top of your head and hold you soso close while you lay on his bed watching a movie ;;
like soobin he probably gets overstimulated easily,, he needs the lights off and he likes when you wear soft/fuzzy clothes,, ur his plushie now :<
will not let you get up for anything at all. will literally follow you to the bathroom and wait outside of the door like a puppy
SOOO much skinship he needs to touch and be touched so badly
goes totally nonverbal when he's stoned. will not say a word for hours
TUMMY RUBS also lays his head on your belly ;;
thinks literally everything is funny. show him a picture of like. a horse and he'd laugh at it
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moneymartin · 3 months
teen gf Shauna headcanons pleaseee
🐶 - losergf!shauna hcs
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warnings: mostly fluff but a lil smut under the divider :p
a/n: i know u didn’t ask for loser but shauna shipman is soooo loser girlfriend u cannot tell me otherwise. kinda messy and trash… i’m so sleepy rn i’m writing this half awake nd lowk a lil drunk UGH
taglist: @deerlottie @ultrone
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my brown eyed beautiful baby where do i even start.
def the most athletic yj i will stand by this till the day i die
rolls up the sleeves of her flannels so you can see her muscles pop 😮‍💨
not a gym freak though but she works her arms 100%
cuddlebug fosho
little spoon and you can argue with me about that all you want this girl loves to be held
when she big spoons though she’s burying your face into her chest all the time
she plays with your hair tho no doubt abt it
even when you’re cuddling her instead
super soft kisses all over you while you doze off
sleeps after you do just to make sure cause sometimes you end up sleeping a lil too hard and she needs to make sure you aren’t dead
well thats what she thinks.
wakes up early even though she sleeps the latest out of the both of you
when you sleep for way too long she ends up full on wrestling you until you wake up
music geek
she def loves the smashing pumpkins, radiohead, the cranberries, the cure, mazzy star, jeff buckley, pavement, the cardigans. artists and bands of that genre
had a walkman like nat’s that you guys share on walks together
also has a vinyl player that she keeps at hers so you could listen to music with her when you come over
writes about you in her journal while she listens to the music
also writes these cute little love letters for you and she’ll write what songs she listened to while writing
sleepovers all the time though she’s one of those girls
drives you all over the place too
no matter how far so that you know she truly loves you
she goes absolutely nuts when you’re wearing her clothes i fink
esp her flannels
the moment you’re seen wearing one she can only think about taking it off of you cause it looks so good 😞
loves when you wear her jersey too
or her letterman jacket
funny sock gal
wears the one w monster faces on em or something like that
south park socks… hmo
got accepted into brown for a reason
she’s always helping you with assignments in case they’re too hard
she runs through them so fast though it actually baffles you to how she can do it
book geek too
has probably read harry potter a million times
edgar allan poe is her main dude she def likes poems and stuff from him
genuinely has a momma instinct
before you even get sick she tells you to be careful with the cold
and you don’t listen.
so you do end up getting sick and she has to take care of you until you’re all better
babies you but is also teasing you cause you didn’t listen to her warnings about it 😭 she could tell beforehand that you were gonna get sick
unlike lottie i think shauna has the ability to cook and stuff like that
not a 5 star chef but she’s good enough for you
being touchy in her public is her thangggg
you guys are always touching somehow
pinky holding, interlocked arms, holding hands, her just grabbing your wrist. she’s always gotta hold you no matter whaaaat
not very possessive but definitely a jealous person
makes it known she’s jealous w her attitude
has those anger issues we all know it
is not afraid to make a scene in front of a bunch of people she will cuss someone out for even looking at you
but she’s just jealous cause she’s really insecure :( poor girl my god
she thinks that the people you talk to are better than she’ll ever be
you have to reassure her countless of times so she can feel better about herself cause she’s always questioning you abt it
she loves little make out seshes behind the bleachers
its def the thrill of being caught like she loves that so much 🥸
when she kisses you she isn’t rough i think she’s very gentle actually
caressing your jaw and cheeks so you know she’s there and its not just some dream 😭
loves sitting on your lap while kissing cause it makes her feel like she’s the one in charge
also cause your hands are always in the spots where she wants them without her having to ask
teeth marks EVERYWHERE!!!
dom fosho but that’s not relevant rn
during arguments this girl is ruthless
not because she wants to hurt you but it’s because she’s always bubbling up
bottles up everything cause she’s afraid people won’t listen to her
but she’ll apologize eventually after if it looks like whatever she said got to you
won’t mean anything she tells you she just gets so mad at everything cause she can’t express herself as well :(
she regrets it so fast too like she’s immediately saying sorry afterwards
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def a lace girly
loves showing off her new sets for you…
red black and white are the favs
whiny as fuck but also holds her noises in cause she thinks they’re embarrassing
switch i think
like if she really wanted to she could top you but she’d rather be a power bottom
have you ride her strap or whatever…
its blue.
loves when you eat her out though cause she gets to pull on your hair
makes you talk her through it and when you’re topping but when she tops shes SO bold
she loves when you praise her thats the only thing she wants to hear from you during it
makes you kiss around her tits for sure
thats where she always wants you to be
when she’s jealous you’re constantly asking if she’s okay which leads into an argument
meaning that it’ll probably lead into really hot angry sex from her
the car scene really spoke to me
initiates everything too
anyways i’m done i’m so tired
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
hi bestie do u have any ff writing advice ?? ur flow and imagery and STYLE is so so good i love it. how do u come up with such good ideas??
hi ! first of all thank you SOOOOOO much that means sm to me it genuinely makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. !!
speaking of writing..it took me a while to figure out a system i was comfortable with. i'm a little all over the place in general and that translates a lot in my drafts ESPECIALLY LMFAOO if you caught one glance at my drafts it's mostly just a prompt of a few sentences and w spelling mistakes in every word cus i write them down so fast so as not to forget them LMFAOOO. but it really works for me !
i know a lot of people say it but it really works, literally just write ! it doesn't have to come out as a full beautifully crafted piece immediately, just write down anything you can and polish it up all you want later ! forcing inspiration to come to you almost always has the opposite effect, for me anyways !
for flow, i think i like to mostly write dialogue between characters out first and then write my descriptions and actions around that ! i always get more excited about writing dialogue more than descriptions (not that those can't be fun ofc !)
oh , this might help for imagery ! and idk if you've noticed but the structure of a lot of my writing is heavily based on animes and manga. like the set ups and punchlines. (massive nerd ik) like if you read some of my one shot's like this one, this one (probably one of my fav fics i've done btw) or my first born series FBRC, (especially this part) (this part was actually the one i was most excited to write, and it's heavily based off of kobayashi's dragon maid's actual good and not weird moments and soundtrack, listening to music also helps me out a lot too!)
i try to model my speech to what i think an anime episode of the scenario i thought about would look like. visualizing my writing helps me write a lot as well, if that helps ! a little fun fact for you, fujimoto's writing has influenced a lot of the way i describe situations in fics, since i really like the sorta 'childish' descriptions over super fancy ones (cus i can't write those, but i don't really like them veerry much, but a lot of them are enjoyable to read!!) i find it very endearing and it's one of the reasons why i enjoy writing childhood friends to lovers so much. it's this sorta simplistic level of thinkin that kids have if that makes sense and it works out really well if you wanna write fluffy pieces if that makes sense
some examples ! :
"he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable."
"despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty."
"you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that."
there are a lot of other examples (im OBSESSED with this trope can you tell.) i like these sorts of simplistic childish ways of love. tiny little specks of affection that make the heart so much fonder in such little big ways..if that makes sense :>
i dunno if im just very..special, but since i have a lot of oc's and scenarios constantly flowing in my brain, most of my ideas just tend to be what i dreamed about the night before, or what i daydreamed about LMAOO. even random things that happened to me at school sorta go from "oh it would be funny if this happened to [insert character]" and then they snowball into more and more thorough ideas !
and of course as cheesy as it is the most important part is to have fun ! i cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the mindset when you're writing. it's like when people say to force yourself to draw so you don't 'lose it.' and i do think it can work to jog inspiration, but i believe that as long as you enjoy it, you'll never truly lose it. so i say, write when you feel like it and don't write if you don't, it can truly be very draining. but it's all up to what feels better for you !
anyways, i hope my insane ramblings helped you out a little bit, and have fun writing !!
much luv xxx
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datastate · 1 year
Hi I'm the Mr. Chidouin being manipulative to Kai who's projecting anon, hopefully there aren't others so you understand which ask I'm referring to. Idk if one of your last posts was referring to me but in case it was I'm sorry, I didn't notice and didn't mean to just "remix" what you were already saying, I thought I was adding something of my own-ish but I probably missed some of your posts :(
Sorry again and sorry for the likely wonky English too but it's 3:15 am and I'm a bit sleepy so I just hope what I'm saying is understandable
I'm sorry, I didn't read what you posted next and assumed I did something bad 😭 There's no rush in replying to any of my asks ofc don't worry I'm sorry if it came across like that I'm just terrible at expressing myself Have a great whatever your time is where you are :D
hi!! no worries abt it; i know there was likely no ill-intent with you or anyone else who has done this in the past (except for. a couple hk fans but OTL neither here nor there), and it's only natural to be inspired by other headcanons/meta you've seen floating around -- it's how a sort of 'fan community' works! it's one of the things i greatly appreciate abt spaces like these, too.
in particular, i just get very wary when it's repurposed to specifically be a case of 'why is no one talking about this' / 'i'm the first one to talk about this' (& adjacent types of 'presentation') when... hey. i can see this person is following me while i have been speaking about [headcanon/meta]. on occasion, i do reach out to rb the post itself w a rehashing of my thoughts in case the other person's too scared to initiate conversation and does genuinely want to engage in it - i just haven't had the energy as of late to initiate conversations as long as i typically enjoy... (º □ º l|l)
as for yourself, though i know you've realized it wasn't abt you (or really. anyone. it's just a disheartening pattern i've recognized;;), don't worry! especially as you are the one who's been sending in asks to have that little back/forth, i truly appreciate it!!
&. i also struggle with tone, so i apologize if the original post came across accusatorily/angrily as that wasn't my intention at all!! - i don't hold any grudge at all against people who do this, and i realize it's something that is oftentimes unintentional! like i said, it just makes me sad because it halts that sort of engaging conversation/discussion you can have with other people :'] rather it's through asks or rbs, or even through discord messages, i really do love getting the chance to share/hear out ideas. there's no need for this to be solitary, and it honestly shouldn't be!
i know in my experience, there are some people who've definitely thought more about characters than i've ever considered - such as keiji, where miles'/atlas-of-galaxies' interpretation of him has now influenced my view of his character for the better and on a deeper level than i previously gave him credit for. or even anzu! i'm sure everyone's seen hazard's/corvidcrown's extensive headcanons for anzu that still manage to fall in line with how she acts in-game and keeps the information we were given in ch3's introduction (staring at nankidai forgetting he wrote it so anzu. made her outfit) & it's really inspiring and i love talking to him about her because it always presents so many new ways to handle her character!! even kanna - someone who i consider myself to think a lot about - one of my other friends (jaws/jawzxcm) recently wrote kanna and touched on specifically how/why her insecurities aligned with her desire to 'prove' herself worthy as someone to be cared about (in kindness (which kugie points out begins to feel like she's a doormat), & in usefulness (as seen in the main death game)). it's hard to keep it concise, but there was much more discussion behind each of these that made me go like 'holy shit! that's such a cool interpretation' (it has fundamentally changed my view of the character)
these are all characters that i also dig into, but it's typically through their dynamics with other characters that i spend more time thinking about - which means i don't often get the chance to truly mull over every little detail. but getting the chance to hear from others who have... it's really heart-warming and eye-opening! i always enjoy getting the chance to share that and find realizations/new ways of reading their character arcs that i wouldn't have previously done on my own.
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driluth · 2 years
hi it's been a minute
i have officially deleted my public tw*tter account, even before its "downfall" it just became too anxiety inducing and ultimately felt like a lot of people were being meanspirited and i simply do not have the energy for it!! fandom twitter, for whatever reason, is just so draining and i cannot keep up with all the hype for every new tv show that comes out lmao. it is also insane how much time i have without it.
i've read 50 books this year, and have currently listened to 40 something albums?? i'd like to make a list of my top 5 for both categories but i'm too sleepy for that rn. and i have a few more albums to listen to first!!
oddly i have not watched that many movies this year but it's probably bc i've spent so much time watching twd (11 seasons) and the spinoffs!! truly it is one of my favorite show of all time and rewatching it has been a very emotional journey.
it's funny bc back in 2020, she-ra was the only thing i'd watch on repeat bc i needed something lighter and happier and now my current fixation is one of the darkest tv shows of all time. (it's called range.) but as dark as it gets i'd argue that a lot of it IS about the love and hope that's still in the world. it's characters choosing to be kind to each other and doing whatever it takes to fight for each other bc that group of people love each other so much!! (wish it wasn't As dark tho and there are definitely some creative choices i would have handled differently but that's for another post, maybe. i have too many thoughts about that show i nearly made a side blog for it but i am too lazy for that haha.)
i moved in w one of my oldest friends and we live next to a lot of deer and it just such a peaceful and quiet place. i have a new job that still gives me plenty of time to write which i am so so excited about bc i have so much to do both in terms of original content and fanfiction!! (tho who knows how long that will last bc $$ wise i might need to take on a second job or find something else but it is Rough out there i'm just grateful to be employed at all)
i do have some catra/adora fics in the works (one goes soooo hard but i'm probably gonna save it for something special like valentine's day or something) but admittedly some of what i'm the most excited about is twd fic, was not expecting daryl/connie to have my whole heart but here we are. they currently have less than 150 fics on ao3 and it's a crime.
the book i started writing last year i want to turn into a screenplay and i have a new book i'm drafting and every day i am so excited to sit down and write for it these characters are everything 2 me. can't wait to share them one day!! got some very fucked up lesbians as i should!!
anyways, i've had a lot more space to myself and have been able to do a lot of reflecting. i feel older, i feel confident in what i'm doing, and i mostly feel grateful. i feel very grateful to live this life i have created for myself, grateful to live close to my friends and close to my family and close to my favorite area in my city!! and as many problems as there are w this site i am grateful for this lil space on the internet!! been through many different stages of my life on here and it's nice to have something consistent.
lots of love to you all 💕 
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
find the word tag CCCLVIII
in case anybody was wondering, my favorite soundtrack is from the LoZ: Skyward Sword, the game I spent every Sunday afternoon for over a year working on completing it with the help of my best friend (this term is misleading because I have/had a lot of those) and often listened to the soundtrack separately while doing schoolwork (or avoiding it). this soundtrack still slaps and I still adore it.
I'd also like it noted that I was doing this tag while playing wizard101 and I didn't die. @kaiusvnoir @akindofmagictoo
silent (city story d0)
He doesn’t mean to storm into the garage so angrily, because he isn’t even that worked up yet, but Jet manages to startle Shadow into falling off the stepladder he’s on when he announces to the room, “We’ve got trouble.”
“No, we don’t,” Rune contradicts, following behind him and glaring when he glances back at her. “There is no trouble, and it really doesn’t concern you.”
“What’s going on?” Shadow picks himself up off the floor and punches Jet in the arm as he passes him.
Rune is silent, looking like she doesn’t want to be answering any questions. That’s fine. Jet can just make all the assumptions he wants about the situations, then. Either she’ll let him or stop clamming up.
“Someone is looking for Rune and he means to hurt her,” Jet explains.
shuffle (summon story d0)
He was lucky to be alive, probably. His ribs ached, but he again ignored that as best he could while trying to get his feet underneath him. Zan felt around for Shrader’s Summoner’s Manual. The cover was worn and the pages had a variety of stains, but it was legible, and Zan treasured it. Or, he had.
His ribs ached and his fingers struggled to grasp the book when he found it. Zan blinked hard and careful shuffled through the pages to find the one he’d used to make the array he’d just been knocked out by.
“An array itself has only the power the summoner gives to it via the sacrifice used,” he recited, lips splitting from the effort. He wiped them on his wrist cuff and studied the array. Clearly he’d forgotten something, or his sacrifice wouldn’t have been taken without him getting anything in return.
space (sleepy stash)
“There’s a little art gallery opening up where the old furniture store used to be,” his mom says over dinner.
Jake shovels rice in his mouth and hums his acknowledgment. He’s seen the flyers.
“Hope they have better luck with the space,” his grandpa says. “That shop never sold, and before that, it’s been owned by a dozen other businesses. Nobody ever stays long. A gallery would be nice, since we’ve got so many more artists now that the public has remembered our beautiful scenery.”
Jake wipes his mouth with his hand before using a napkin when his mom gives him a look. “How come nobody stays in that place for long?”
“Well,” and his grandpa has that storyteller look in his eye that makes him mom roll hers and get up to start clearing the table, “I reckon it’s been cursed at some point, but of course nobody believes in that kind of thing anymore. When I was dating your grandma, there was a shop that sold marbles to the kids, you know? Among other things, but I remember the marbles.”
sleep (city story d0)
“D’you need clothes to sleep in?” Jet is already thinking about something of Copper’s that could work.
“I keep a change in my bag at all times. I’m good.”
Jet folds his arms to have something to do. “Why at all times?”
“In case I need to crash somewhere unfamiliar.”
“I’m unfamiliar?”
Rune does smile, and it’s just as sad as if she hadn’t.
beautiful (city story d0)
“What about you, then?”
Jet blinks. “What about me?”
“Do you want me in return?”
What an open, horribly beautiful offering. Jet scrapes his tongue along his teeth while he chews on it. For some reason, accepting her support feels much more monumental, like she’s worth more, and he is only a tool.
“Yeah, sure,” he says, and it comes out a little mangled, probably from the tears that have been dug up from his back closet to coat his words with emotional residue.
vision (but I was a bird you couldn't cage, 2021)
You were a vision with my eyes closed Your radiance was just too much to bear I still dream of moving far away Because I’m hoping to escape There’s a ship along the coast to take me there
child (city story d0)
Yarrow continues, “Now, Rune isn’t the same. She asked me if I wanted to crash at her place twice already, but I said no because my mom would worry. The point here is that Rune doesn’t feel the same about her personal space that Jet does. Honestly, I’d expect Jet to fall in love with Rune first, if that’s ever going to happen. But that’s not what we’re talking about. Rune is not in love with Jet because she wouldn’t hesitate to inform him if that were the case, but I couldn’t be sure Jet would know that, so I told you. Just now.”
Sometimes it pays to have observant friends. Yarrow is so selectively observant, though, and Jet wishes he could’ve overlooked this particular development. It’s bad enough hearing his brother and Rune both parrot his state of mind back to him, but to know that he’s so see-through that Yarrow, the group’s resident flower child, also just knows random deep things about him, is more than a little unsettling.
raise (city story d0)
“Give me your number,” she commands, waiting with her thumbs poised to type it in. When she raises her eyes to his, they’re too sharp for the demand to be mistaken as a question. “Jet.”
There’s a long list of things Jet hates, some of them extremely understandable and a bunch of them much more petty. Being backed into a corner he really could get out of but it requiring him to be an unwarranted asshole to someone who absolutely doesn’t deserve it is on the more petty side, even if it does damage his image as an asshole who really doesn’t care whether anyone deserves that behavior from him. It’s all Copper’s doing, it has to be, this gradual shift from him never caring about what others think of him and actually stopping to consider it once in a while.
Rune hasn’t said anything further, but her gaze could cut glass.
Jet bites down a stream of curses and gives her his number.
storm, alive, worth, corner. BONUS: monumental, sacrifice. @yejiwritesthings @talesofsorrowandofruin @nikkywrites @livvywrites @aalinaaaaaa @writing-with-melon I feel...so out of the writeblr loop despite being on tumblr every day just to see what everyone else is up to. this is weird. I'm doing a tag and it's weird. also listen to Batreaux's Theme. it's great.
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
tuesday - wednesday
i think tomorrow i'll be done with the j-card design.
then i am on metadata duty on the wavs for my album...then uhmm,.... yeah. i should be good to send that over to the guy for cassettes.
but also tomorrow, i have to do errands w/ my gf, so we'll see i guess, that could complicate things, but probably not.
i'm pretty sleepy and today has not been too crazy, i did more stuff for the design ofc, i finished the drawing, and it looks good i think. i might as well just put it here since i don't think it's like, any kinda surprise, the j-card, since it's ultimately all based on the other album art.
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no comment on the content i think it speaks for itself (mostly .... the censor bar... #lol).
anyway right now, before bed i am listening to pig destroyer's prowler in the yard for what feels like the first time. i think i've listened to terrifyer (that is how it's spelled) though actually. i really like it, one of these things that makes me want to mess around with riffs and stuff... #crazy.
one of the difficulties i am having with the cover art right now, for the j-card, is a way to keep it, i don't know how to phrase this in a way that really makes sense, but digital feeling maybe, is one way, tethered to the internet, or like, an image which contains some relation to the act of looking at disembodied things online. i think the original cover succeeds at that, especially with the collage at the bottom, i feel like i am getting there on this, but it's not fully there. it's also such a mess of things, to go for that, but also, to have so much else going on in my head re:images and things i am pulling from, just stuff i like, you know, though i guess also i am explicitly trying to use all these things in a way that is reminiscent of like, surrealist assemblages, their collage work, that kind of thing. idk, it is hard, is all i know. not too hard though. just a little.
today i had a dream about being stuck in someone's house in the u.k., playing the wii. that's all i will really get into. it was not a good dream, not a bad dream though. just strange how it clung to the wii as something.
anyway, i am tired rn, and i need to sleep for tomorrow, cuz errands usually will go on for ohhhh sooooooooooooooooo lonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg!
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1001albumsrated · 3 months
#16: Billie Holiday w/ Ray Ellis & His Orchestra - Lady in Satin (1958)
Genre(s): Jazz Vocals, Big Band
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Billie Holiday, of course, should need no introduction. Lady in Satin, however, is best understood in context. It's the final album released in her lifetime, and the penultimate in her discography. One year after its release in June 1958 she would be on her deathbed with liver failure, handcuffed and under police surveillance in her hospital room following her arrest for narcotics possession during her stay (she had been regularly targeted by the federal government and law enforcement since the success of Strange Fruit), her body wracked by decades of substance abuse and hard living. She'd been abused and mistreated by just about every man in her life, and her estranged husband Louis McKay, a mobster, was no exception; she would go on to die the next month with only 70 cents in her bank account on account of him claiming more and more of her earnings over the few years they were married. She was only 44.
By the time of recording Lady in Satin she and McKay were already separated, and her health had noticeably deteriorated. She was, by all accounts, already dying, and I think had been for a long time. I write all this out not to add drama to the story, but because Billie's lifetime of struggles and suffering are so incredibly present and raw on this album. All of her music has an honesty and an intensity to it, but it really comes to a head on Lady in Satin. This is one of those rare, haunting albums that is so incredibly laden with real grief and sorrow that it's genuinely hard to listen to at times. It isn't just the sorrow that gets me on this album; it's the tiredness, not a bored tired or a sleepy tired, but a deep-seated tired that sets into your bones and says "I don't know how much longer I can do this". Her voice sounds old and weary beyond her years on these tracks in a way that I find profoundly heartbreaking. I'm not one to get misty-eyed at sad songs or the ends of movies, but there's just something about this album that punches you right in the gut.
I was about to start writing a conclusion, and then I realized I haven't said a damn word about the actual music on this album. The arrangements are fairly standard for this sort of orchestral big band jazz vocal album. Ray Ellis keeps things minimal and the band stays mostly out of Billie's way, which is absolutely the correct choice when dealing with this kind of powerhouse vocalist. I think with a different vocalist (a Frank Sinatra or the like) the arrangements might come off as overly sentimental, but with Billie they feel completely appropriate. I'm not really one for the big stringy orchestra sound, but it feels right on this one.
I probably don't need to say it after all that, but yes you MUST hear Lady in Satin before you die. My only note here is that it's a massive blunder for the 1001 Albums authors to not also include Lady Sings the Blues; Strange Fruit, in my opinion, is one of the most important songs ever recorded. It's an emotionally challenging listen, but an essential one, and unfortunately one that still carries an enormous amount of weight today. Anyways, this album is a must-hear without a doubt. If you're like me you probably won't listen to it often but you'll be damn glad you heard it.
Coming up next: we take a hard left turn into folk with Ramblin' Jack Elliott's Jack Takes the Floor!
Also I couldn't find a great place tonally to slip in this tidbit, but I listened to this in hi-res on Qobuz. I probably should own a nice copy of it, but it's one of those albums in the A Crow Looked At Me camp of music I love but mostly avoid because I know damn well it will make me feel some type of way. Also, I guess I'll bitch about this more in the distant future when we get to the 2010s, but goddamn where the fuck is A Crow Looked At Me on this list? It's one of the most deeply upsetting and emotional albums out there and is without a doubt something everyone should hear, but I guess they needed more room for Arcade Fire records or whatever. Fuck.
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vastiitas · 2 years
[ META ] + flirting / romance ; )
i wrote and deleted a thing somewhere in the early-days-but-not-quite where i was like, if u approach him flirtatious and looking for some fun that it will probably designate u as somebody more aligned to eros and it'll be difficulty-level: hard to really reach a genuine romantic connection with him later on
(and particularly if u are trying to get something out of him with some ulterior motivation beyond a 1-night-stand, he will see it and he will not abide by it; will probably play along, play dumb, see where it goes columbo style, or pull a fast one on you in turn; bw may have owned his life, but he does not enjoy being manipulated, and joel has made him bear witness to many underhanded tactics in that particular field, leaving him with an instinctive grasp on when it's being pulled on him.)
elaborating on that flirting part, it's-- a game. he enjoys the attention, and he likes the back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth and it's fun when it leads to a fling.
romance is something else - and it's so funny to me on how he goes about his crushes because he will try to show off in these unspoken manners, hoping to quietly impress or catch the person's attention. he will say and do these roundabout things and i'm not sure how to put it into words but re:the time where he tries to get ashe to say he has a nice face in the deadlock book and how the gang just starts teasing him for it. In a similar vein but w/o the romantics, it's how he tries to pique ana into going into a shooting range by suggesting that there hasn't been any real competition lately. it's like he's trying to bait you into acting or saying something. he's trying to be coy. he will try to find ways to spend time with you, even if they are unconventional. jlsdfk in his younger years, if he did have that crush on you, you could fluster him by meeting all of these things head-on, re: ashe asking him if he was worried for her and him turning a little red. Tbh he was just flusterable in general back in the day and it was cute and it kills me bc it isn't so much the case anymore. I think it probs stopped around the tail end of him being 23; by then i think he simply just matured out of that, gaining a different type of confidence, and is prone more to just laughing; but it's a good laugh, it's the laugh of somebody having a good time and he will probably resort to flirting or needling in a provocative fashion.
i would say it's probably just as hard to try to romance him in general as he is now. he's unbearably guarded despite his seemingly open demeanor, which tbh probably contributes to why he likes genuine people; he likes being genuine with genuine people and is relaxed around people whose intentions are,,, very easily readable and therefore easily predictable in terms of actions. but with how private he is on top of the fact that he likes to say shit just to say shit to see where it'll go (amidst saying shit he actually wants as half-assed jokes), it makes him seem sketchy and hard to trust (and we dont talk about how this gave some of the deadlock crew the ammo to pull the trigger on calling him a traitor lmfao).
Romance to him is not grand gestures. It's the small intimate moments, the ones where you see them engrossed in something from afar and feel the heart flutter fondly and think "oh". The sleepy, disheveled moments, seeing them at their worst and their best and sharing them all. It's missing them when they are gone, being eager to see them again when he is able. He's sentimental, he will remember small details and make them into gifts. He will bring you breakfasts, remember how you take your coffee and get you one when he's out getting his own. It's knowing that loving him is not necessarily easy (he is stubborn, he is a hot head and this will lead to arguments) and that you will love him anyway and that he will return that favor to you in twicefold. He will fight for you; he will get himself beaten black and blue for you.
It's a lot of trust and it's a lot of power. It can be completely and utterly terrifying for him to hand that over.
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fairyellieee · 2 years
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Fandom: Criminal Minds US TV (2005)
Pairing/s: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Inspired by: Flawless by The Neighbourhood
Trigger Warning/s: criminal minds stuff/talks about the case briefly.
Summary: A secret relationship is very hard to maintain, especially if that person that you're with works with you; also the fact that the both of you work with profilers.
Requested: ok so my fic idea was hotch x reader but reader is rossis daughter and also part of the bau and they’ve been secretly dating for a couple years and the rest of the bau and Rossi find out abt their relationship somehow (exactly how is up to you) maybe the bau went for a night out but hotch said no (bc he wanted to propose to y/n) and they go to this restaurant w a rooftop and maybe they catch hotch proposing to y/n on the rooftop when they go up for post dinner drinks
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Maybe it was because of the thrill or maybe it's because they like to feel that they're really smart by fooling a bunch of profilers; either way, keeping their relationship a secret was agreed on.
Being David Rossi's daughter has its pros and cons. First, you have a rich dad which also means you're a little spoiled if I'm gonna be honest. Second, he's very overprotective and the list just goes on and on.
Your dad scares the living daylights out of everyone that you've dated or were in a relationship with. It's like he doesn't even want you to be with someone which is why you kept your relationship with Aaron a secret to your dad.
Yeah, maybe it's a little weird dating your dad's boss and best friend who's twice your age but hey, love is love.
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"5 more minutes." Whining out, Aaron just chose to wake you up at 6 in the morning aka too early.
"C'mon Y/n, don't you want to eat breakfast with me? The most amazing or your most amazing boyfriend ever." He said trying to convince you which completely does not work. It only made you more sleepy and snuggle closer to him like a koala.
"Rather not."
Suddenly, he picks you up and puts you over his shoulder, making you squeal and hit his back.
"Put me down! Hotch! No! Put me down!"
"No, I'm not going to let you make us late again. We've been late for almost a week, the team probably suspects something already." Setting you down on the kitchen counter, he kisses your forehead as he starts cooking breakfast.
"I don't think my boss would mind me being late that much." You said giving him your best puppy eyes and a cheeky little smile.
"Well, he would if you were also the reason why he's late. Now get ready before I carry you and drop you in a very cold bathtub." He warned which made you scour into the bathroom in fear.
"All in a day's work of an amazing boyfriend."
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Meanwhile, in the bullpen the team was speculating as usual.
"I really think that they're dating. I mean the chemistry is right there!" Morgan argued as JJ gave him a "what're you talking about" look.
"I agree with my chocolate thunder, I really think that they're dating for like a long time but what I don't get is why they're hiding it from us." Penelope whined and pouted a little betrayed on why you wouldn't tell them or her.
"Well, I for one disagree. Yeah, they probably have feelings for each other but they probably haven't even acted on it. Hotch literally needs Rossi's permission first before asking her out because Rossi is very scary and literally overprotective of Y/n." JJ rebutted which made Emily nod.
"Plus, if they were together wouldn't you guys think that they would've already said something?" Emily said as she raised her eyebrows at all of them.
"You wanna bet on it, Em?" Morgan challenged.
"I do, I bet $20 that they like each other but isn't going out yet or haven't confessed to each other. How about you guys?"
"I also bet $20 that they're both already together but is hiding it from us and especially Rossi." Penelope challenged.
"Well, in that case. I bet $20 that they're both together but only Rossi and probably Jack knows." Derek said shrugging.
"That's literally impossible. I bet $20 with the same accusation as Emily. How about you pretty boy, are you gonna bet on it?" JJ asked Spencer.
"No, I don't think it's right to bet on your coworker's love life."
"What're you guys talking about?" Rossi suddenly asked from the entrance of the bullpen.
"Nothing." They all said at the same time then they dispersed and started "innocently" doing their work.
Then entered Hotch a few minutes later. Late again.
"Hey Hotch. Why're you late, again?" Emily asked curiously.
"Alarm didn't go off."
"Would've thought that your body would've already gotten used to waking up early." Derek commented which made Hotch glare at him.
Also a few minutes later, Y/n enters late as usual.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late, long night. Don't ask, can't explain."
"Wasn't going to, sweet girl."
When Y/n finally reached her desk, she found 2 dozens files. Too much. So she thought of a plan.
"Hey Spence, my favourite coworker and genius."
"What is it this time Y/n?" He asked sort of grumpily.
"Well.... I have a bunch of paperwork and I know for a fact that you love paperwork and not only that but I promise to buy you a dozen donuts later at lunch if you help me." You bargained as he came into thought.
"I guess it is a win-win situation. Sure, hand me half of those."
"Thank you thank you thank you."
"Yeah, yeah, just remember the dozen donuts or I'll haunt you." He said scarily? Well, tried to say it scarily.
You handed him the files then he started doing it. With just a few minutes to spare, Spencer was done with his dozen of your files while you haven't even gotten past half of yours. Well, a promise is a promise.
A few minutes before lunch time, you went and asked your coworkers if they'd like something from Spencer's fave bakery so you could buy it too (with Rossi's money ofc). Going up to Hotch's office seems natural but also nerve-wracking, you can't help but think that they might suspect something.
Knocking on the door three times, you heard Hotch say "come in".
"Hey Hotch, I was going out to Spencer's fave bakery and I thought that maybe you'd like something."
"Just one black coffee and some pastry that's not too sweet." He said smiling a little bit.
"Don't blame me if it's a bitter pastry then.* You said half jokingly which made him chuckle and return back from his work.
Walking out of his office you saw your teammates around Morgan's desk probably gossiping. You paid no mind as you went to get everyone something from the bakery.
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When you came back at the bullpen, everyone wasn't there. You tried to find them and you saw them at the briefing room. Yikes. You must've missed a message that says there was a case.
"L/n, you're finally back. We have a case, you'll be briefed at the jet." Hotch said in his deep hot unit chief voice. You nodded as everyone including you prepared for the flight.
"Hey Spence, here's your dozen donuts. You should eat before solving stuff." You said as you handed him the box full of chocolate sprinkled donuts.
"Thank N/n." he said a childlike glee appearing on his face.
When you both reached the jet, you also handed your other coworkers orders.
"We're going to Detroit, Michigan. There has been multiple kidnappings of men. They're dumped in a trash can with their penis chopped off and apparently inside the victim's mouth." Hotch explained.
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At the end of the day when all of you were at the lobby of the hotel, the unit chief has some semi-bad news.
"We'll have to double up, Rossi's trying to find some sort of suite so he won't be doubling up with us. There has been some mishap with the reservation and they can't do anything about it." He said holding up 3 room keys.
You desperately wanted to room with Hotch but you don't want to make it suspicious but thankfully the team had a plan. They all looked at each other and nodded, you and Hotch didn't notice though.
"I'm rooming with JJ." Emily said as she stood up and Hotch handed her one room key.
"I'll go with pretty boy then." Derek begrudgingly said as Spencer scoffed.
"As if I wanted to room with your loud snoring. It's like living in a bear cave, I think the room moves everytime you sleep." Spencer teasingly said, as he got punched on the arm by Derek.
"Then, that leaves Miss Y/n with Agent Hotchner." JJ teasingly said as you glared at her but Hotch paid no attention to.
"Why does he get "Agent" and I get "Miss", what in the sexist world is this, JJ?" You teasingly said as she just rolls her eyes at you.
"Guess I'm with you bossman."
As you got the keys from your boss, your team has been eyeing the both of you "sneakily". You knew that they were trying to "set" the both of you up, sometimes you wonder if they're really profilers.
When the both of you were in the room, you made sure that none of your teammates followed you; yeah, it was a little paranoid-ish but you can't blame a girl if their coworkers' are really nosey.
"Everything's clear." Hotch said in his very commanding voice, half jokingly I guess.
"Well, since it's just you and me bossman. How about we-"
You were suddenly interrupted by Hotch pulling you close and situating you in his lap.
"I guess we could relax a little bit but I am still your superior-"
"supervisor blah blah blah, whatever. Let's make out."
"What are we 14?"
"Well, you certainly aren't 14. Grandpa." You said as you booped his nose and giggling.
You were suddenly carried and dropped into a really fluffy bed. Well, you like to be manhandled anyways.
"Grandpa, huh? Well, I'll show you who's grandpa." He stated as he looked at you challengingly. The both of you stared at each other until you flipped the two of you, him being the bottom (as he should be).
"Wouldn't want you to have an arthritis, grandpa."
"That does it little girl!" You were suddenly laughing your ass off as your boss/boyfriend tickled you.
All of a sudden, in your peripheral vision, you saw David Rossi aka your dad aka your boyfriend's friend.
"Dad! Oh my gosh! This isn't what it looks like! I swear!" You started explaining as you climbed off of Hotch's lap or whatever.
"I already know but please for God's sake keep it down and always lock the door."
"Y-you knew?*
"How wouldn't I? You can't keep your hands off of each other and everyone else has probably suspected something."
You were shocked to your core and as you turned to look at Hotch he was just frozen. You waved your hand infront of him and he snapped out of it.
"How long have you known?" Aaron asked.
"Since you were so worried about her not coming to work. I saw your car at her apartment parking." He smirked as you were just shocked again. That was almost a year ago.
"Why didn't you say anything, dad?"
"I wanted to give you the opportunity of saying it to me. Plus, it's fun to watch you try to hide it from a bunch of profilers. You're not as sneaky as you think." He chastised and as he approached you guys at the bed, he pulled a chair from the kitchen and said to Aaron condescendingly: "If you hurt her Aaron Hotchner, I'm a damn good profiler and I know how to dispose a body without anybody knowing."
Hotch nervously chuckled as he replied "i wouldn't even dream of hurting her."
"Now, go sleep children. We're still on a case."
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"C'mon bossman, it's a once in a blue moon situation. We solved a case. It's worth celebrating for." Morgan tried to convince Hotch to go with the team and celebrate for solving the case and saving 5 women's lives.
"I have to go home, Morgan. Jack is waiting for me." Hotch said genuinely which made Morgan back off the topic and nodded understandingly.
"Goodbye everybody. Have fun!" Y/n waved goodbye to the team as she exits the office.
"and why aren't you coming, missy?" Prentiss asked Y/n with a raised eyebrow.
"My cat misses me." You said with a little pout as you continued to exit.
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You were admiring yourself on the mirror when you suddenly heard a knock on the door. It's probably your boys.
"Coming, just a second!" You said as you rushed to put on your shoes and go to the door.
"Hey jack!" You said as you were suddenly pulled into a hug by said kid.
"Y/n! I'm so so so so so so excited!" He said as he jumped up and down, clearly too energized for his own good.
"Aww, I'm excited too jack-jack." You said as you kneeled down at his level and kissed his cheek. You look up at his father and smiled at him.
"Hey Aaron! Almost didn't see you there." You said jokingly as he pouted.
"We bought you flowers too, give it to her daddy."
"Aye aye boss. It seems as if he's going out with you." Jack's dad said as he rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Awe thanks Jack, you're such a gentleman. Come inside for a minute as I put this in a vase." Stepping aside and letting them in.
You put the flowers into a vase half-full of water and the three of you went out and into the car.
"It's quite a fancy restaurant so Jack be well-behaved, okay?" His father reminded him as the little man nodded in understanding.
As you were going to the restaurant, you can't help but be thankful to have both of these boys in your life.
When you were finally at the restaurant and parked, the three of you entered and you can't help but smile from ear to ear.
"Reservation for Hotchner." Aaron said to the lady at the front desk as she skimmed through the little book and nodded. She signed to a man to lead the three of you to your table.
To your surprise, the man led you to the restaurant's rooftop. It was peaceful and had flowers scattered around a table, it's shaped like heart.
In your shocked state you turned to your boyfriend and see him knelt down on one knee. Jack held your hand as he can't stop squealing.
"Y/n L/n, you have made me the happiest man on earth when you became my girlfriend. I, now, want to ask you to make me even happier by being my future wife and my fiancee. Will you marry me?" You were speechless, your eyes filled with tears (happy tears) as you nodded and replied. "Yes! A million times yes!" He put the ring on your finger as you hugged each other and he lift you up in the air.
You suddenly heard clapping from the rooftop's stairwell, you turned to look and saw the team with a shocked but happy faces. The girls approached you first and hugged the both of you as you were pulled aside to let them fan girl on your ring.
Congratulations were thrown by the team at the both of you but a question still remains. "Who invited them?"
You turned to Aaron and asked. "Did you invite them?"
"I actually did. They didn't know that Hotch is proposing but when he asked me for my blessing on his proposal I had to invite the team to witness it." Your dad interjected.
"I'm so happy that I get to share this intimate moment with the most important people in my life. I love you all." you said and hug them.
"We knew something was going on but we never thought that he'd be proposing already! Why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Garcia pouted as she gave you a kicked puppy look.
"Well, I didn't also know he was going to propose."
"We wanted to tell you as soon as possible but time flew by so fast. Next thing I knew I had the urge to propose to her." Hotch reasoned with Garcia.
"We're all so happy for you but the food is here." Rossi said.
As you all were seated, you felt so happy that you had your family with you.
"To the future Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner!" Derek toasted as the team and Jack cheered.
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
3AM☾ ♡
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bf!soobin x fem!reader
Warnings: wet dream, dry humping, handjob, spooning sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming
Summary: It’s the middle of the night and your boyfriend seems to have taken "sweet dreams" too literally
Word Count: 1.2k
(a/n: not proofread but it’s been 3 days since i posted so here you go 😁)
You’re not entirely sure what time you fell asleep last night. It was probably somewhere around 11 considering you and Soobin started a movie at 10 that neither of you watched to the end.
You look at your nightstand clock, seeing that it was now 3 am. The heat is what woke you up. You and Soobin fell asleep cuddling last night, but now his strong grip on your body alongside the layers of blankets was too much.
You woke up, ready to kick the layers off your body when you remembered that Soobin still had his arms wrapped around you. Despite being asleep, he still had a strong grip on your body in the spooning position.
You squirm a bit, trying to free up his grip but it’s no use. He stirs in his sleep a bit, only pulling your body closer into his. With you being the little spoon and him being the big spoon, it was going to be hard to get up without waking him in the process.
You continue to squirm, attempting to relieve yourself of the heat until you hear him gasp behind you. You think you might’ve woken him up, but he doesn’t say anything and he hardly moves. You huff out in annoyance.
You squirm again, wriggling out of his grasp a little bit when you hear him make another noise. This time it’s less of a gasp and more of a groan. His breathing picks up a little and you feel him push his hips against your butt.
You realize what all your movement against him has caused and stop moving all together. However, he doesn’t. He continues grinding his his against you slowly. Soft groans and pants slip from between his lips as he pushes his hard length against you.
You’re frozen in place. You don’t know what to do. On one hand, you’re burning up under this blanket and need to get out. On the other, your sleeping boyfriend is getting himself off against you and it’s sending another rush of heat down between your legs.
You feel his grip on your body tighten as he pushes himself into you harder. He moans softly in your ear. You squeeze your thighs together firmly, feeling the moisture begin to well up in your panties. Naturally, you push yourself back against him. He lets out a breath against your ear, squeezing your waist.
“Soobin,” you call his name in a whisper. He continues to snore softly, his body still pressed firmly against yours.
You push your body back against him harder. “Soobin.”
This finally gets his attention, jerking him awake. His grip on you loosens as he gains consciousness. This allows you to turn around so you’re facing him. He looks at you, eyes heavy and licking his lips.
“What time is it?” he rasps.
“Like 3,” you respond. “What were you dreaming about?”
He’s still in a sleepy state, but you don’t miss how his cheeks heat up at your question. “W-What?”
“I asked what you were dreaming about,” you repeat.
“I uh-” he stutters. “Don’t remember.”
“You sure?” You tease, slipping a hand into his pants. He lets out a hiss. “Nothing like this?”
You stroke your hand along his length slowly, swiping your thumb over his tip to collect his precum.
“Oh fuck,” he lets out a soft moan.
“You we’re all over me while you were sleeping babe,” you tighten your grip on his cock. “Had to be dreaming about something.”
Your small hand feels so good around his cock that he can’t even muster up the words to respond to you. He’d been aching for your touch so much as he slept that the relief you’re providing him now already has him close to cumming.
“M-Maybe I was, don’t really- ah fuck,” he moans. “-Remember”
Soobin swears he’s seeing stars right now. You’ve picked up the pace of your hand, only bringing him closer to the edge after such a short amount of time. He slips his hand in his pants, squeezing yours.
“Wanna cum inside you,” he pants.
You bite your lip, anticipation stirring inside your core. You retract your hand from him bottoms, turning around so you’re back in the spooning position. You pull your pyjama bottoms down in one swift move.
You feel him press his free cock against the material of your panties. He pushes them aside, drawing the head of his cock along your wetness from behind. You gasp at the contact, letting out a soft and drawn out moan.
He then pushes his cock inside of you slowly. The both of you let out a moan in unison. He starts moving his hips at a slow pace, gradually picking up his speed.
His hand slides to the front of your thigh, squeezing on the flesh as he pounds into you from behind. Realizing he won’t last much longer, he slides his hand up, reaching your clit. He gathers your moisture on his fingers, allowing him to run quick circles along your sensitive bud.
“Ah shit,” you hiss.
You’re an absolute fucking mess. It hasn’t been long, but you were so fucking horny that having him inside of you was already bringing you near an orgasm.
He continues to fuck you from behind, soft pants and moans ringing close behind in your ears. You let your hand travel up your shirt, pinching on your nipple to add to the stimulation.
It all becomes too much for you, and soon you’re dreaming on his cock. Your mind goes blank as you enter a state of bliss, drawing out his name alongside your needy moans. As your orgasm overwhelms you, you push back against him.
Your movements alongside the feeling of you tightening leads him to his orgasm seconds later, He bites down on your shoulder to suppress his moans as he fills you up with his cum. He paints your walls white, shooting out hot spurts of white cum into your pussy. He continues thrusting sloppily as he fucks you through both of your orgasms.
It takes a few moments to recover, but both of you finally come down from your highs. The only thing that can be heard echoing through to room are both your breaths as you try to regulate your breathing. Both of your arms fall limp as you recover from your highs.
He goes to pull out, but you stop him. “No, can we just stay like this for the rest of the night?”
Your question catches him off guard, but truth be told you were so wet and warm around him, he never really wanted to pull out in the first place. And you were filled with his cum? Sleeping inside you sounded like heaven.
You pushed the blank down so it was only covering the lower halves of your bodies. You sighed at the cooling sensation it brought.
After a few moments of silence you let out a loud yawn as you felt the tiredness start to take over your body.
He planted a kiss on the side of your neck as he began rubbing his hand across your waist soothingly. “Sweet dreams, my love.”
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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liarchive · 3 years
✦ genshin characters with an infp s/o.
:: FEATURING ─ gn! reader, diluc ragnvidr, childe, zhongli, xiao.
:: FLAVOR ─ fluff.
:: TYPE ─ headcanons.
natalia’s note: do you know when i was about to do childe's part, i was staring at the name and then said "CHILDE??? TARTAGLIA?? THAT GINGER MAN??/ WITH AN INFP S/O???? ANON WHAT-" and then i had a lot of fun writing it. now, anon tell me that you were sleepy when you're requesting this /j and i hope i didn't stereotyped any mbti,, my apologies if i did, it is purely unintentional,, <3
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when he first met you, he values your quietness.
diluc has been around loud people, and this man is very tired and.. really need peace.
haha peace with the past when, diluc?
but when he started talking to you, he finds you interesting.
diluc, as an intj, is.. pretty much hungry for knowledge.
it doesn’t have to be “real” knowledge, “knowledge” such as people’s opinion or perspective regarding something also counts.
when he heard your answer, it.. it is fascinating? interesting? it’s different.. from people, he had met.
not to mention, the “what if” ‘s and scenarios on your head too. diluc puts it into consideration, because why not?
it is quite often that you indirectly had helped him.
and it continues even when you guys are in a relationship. <3.
diluc actually asks your opinion a lot. :0.
y’know, you guys are a power duo in people’s eyes.
one with their wide knowledge, and strategist-self, and the other one with their big imagination, and lots of consideration.
of course, there’d be some unpleasant experiences in your relationship, but it makes you guys understand each other more. <3.
oh, also! before you guys are in a relationship, he found you mysterious too.
and.. very imaginative.
while diluc isn’t one to imagine or lost in his own mind a lot, always occupied with his busy life.
but diluc sometimes needs to.. relax, y’know? he needs to forget about everything and focus on himself.
and you usually is the one who leads him. <3.
all in one, a power duo indeed!
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childe- … childe.
god, he was surprised with how quiet and calm you are.
probably ever thought that you hide some sort of power, smh.
“comrade! do you wanna spar with me?”
bestie don’t say yes. leave him. <3.
anyway, people are actually quite shocked when they find you both are in a relationship.
you both spoke up for each other.. lack, you know?
one being an idiot who doesn’t know when to shut up, and then one is so calm it feels like the world would be in peace when they are there.
…or maybe you have inner chaos that not a lot of people could see.. <3.
wait, oh my god i just realized how contrast both of you are.
oh, maybe you should be there when he makes a decision sometimes because.. he can be a little bit reckless. ;).
now, communication is very important.
as long as communication is done, i don’t think your relationship w/ childe would fall.
oh my god, childe’s family is gonna love you. i wouldn’t be surprised if the family is full of extroverts.
you may have a hard time settling in at first, but that’s okay. his family isn’t one to pressure someone. childe would help you too!
.. there’s a somewhat high chance you will get attached to his family.. <3.
but childe is also attached, so you both look like a duo who will protect the family at all cost.
but at what cost? the family’s concern.
putting that aside, as long as you both are willing to work everything out, the contrast of an infp and estp would turn into something powerful. <3.
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another power duo!!
zhongli loves to hear you talk about whatever interested you!
it reminds him of how he was with guizhong.
if not all, most citizens of liyue have thought you guys are in a relationship way before you two officially are.
well, what can i say? you have a very good friendship with him, you two are often seen with each other too.
either talking about something philosophical or history.. usually, it’s only you two who fully understand the conversation.
zhongli is someone who most likely believes there’s still much more to learn despite him living for decades, so it isn’t a surprise when he’s fascinated with your values and beliefs.
and your endless ideas..
truthfully, zhongli found you very interesting.
he also feels.. safe enough to tell you about his past.
y’know, no judgment whatnot, only comfort.
have i mentioned that this man is also pretty fucked up?
onto the next point, the relationship will definitely go at a slow pace.
a lot of adjustment will be needed here and there, as this is probably zhongli’s first relationship.
okay, but once you are in a deeper connection, you two are inseparable.
you guys are attached to each other emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically??
and yes, we may give you two the title as the cutest couple in liyue.
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:: XIAO.
xiao.. xiao.. istj.. and infp..
slams head to the table.
snatching the inseparable thing away from zhongli, i should’ve put it here. <3.
one of infp strengths is loyal and istj has a big dedication..
god, if you two work the relationship out..
but, getting to know him might be a challenge because.. well, it’s xiao. </3.
he isn’t the one who used to interact with humans, let alone being in a romantic relationship.
but with enough patience, it’ll be worth it!!
although xiao will be hesitant at first.
his duty is to protect liyue from any danger, and he doesn’t see himself as anything other than a “weapon”. so, having someone who sees him as anything but a “weapon” feels.. feels weird.
now.. karmic debt. oh boy.
does anyone know how long has he been keeping everything to himself?
he’d say that he’s completely fine with his stoic face, that he has gotten used to it so it isn’t a big matter.
he thought he’d fool you, y’know?
though, worry not, it’s just about time before xiao feels comfortable enough to open up.
now imagine how comforted he is after he opened up and you comforting him.
with how you are non-judgmental and are there to listen to him, not to mention your patience and how you see the good side of people, xiao feels safe enough to actually show his vulnerability.
though, xiao may have the drive to protect you.
you see, xiao is afraid that someone may take advantage of you, or if you trust the wrong person.
reassuring him that you aren’t that “naive” will help, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying to protect you.
all in all, it’s literally a soft bean with a secretly soft bean, adorable couple. <3.
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mygnolia · 3 years
crush﹢relationship headcannons w/ chan!
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pair -› chan x gn!reader
genre -› fluff, pure fluff
wc -› 1.1k
cw -› food mention (hot choco), one word abt barf 
a/n -› ngl ive changed my a/n bc this has been collecting dust in the drafts and its so funny to see whenever i come back and chance it to “im in love” and then “man i wish they liked me back”
© All rights belong to mygnolia copyrighted 2021. Any republished or reposted work on this site and sites differing from original under other names will be reported and removed immediately.
he probably smiles whenever he sees u
you two probably have mutual friends
like you and seungmin probably are friends and just mess around with jeongin
omg unstopabble trio fr
but one time seungmin in his lavish big rich boy house goes “lets have a sleepover”
yall playin word games bc its 2 am and obviously your braincells (do not) work
assuming yall can drink but if not we’ll blame it on the sleepiness
you’re just laughing rlly hard to this joke minho makes and everyone stares unimpressed at him and chan looks over and kind of
smiles at you
like this toothy moon crescent eye smile that has you thinkin about him
all fuckin’ night too
like you probably think about how it would feel if he smiled to you romantically
and your mind is reeling
anyways you fall asleep fast but chan can’t sleep and when he does its late
they def dont want to overwork him so they let him sleep as much as he can
bro yall fall for each other SO fast…(barfs)
yall probs go to the fair in town or like a pumpkin patch with games and he’s just admiring you from afar
proud smile lovesick grin holds your hand when you win smth
he definitely wins a large stuffie like a bear or an elephant
and i’d think he’d pull something slick like “hey lets trade stuffed animals i don’t like holding this one”
just would be a total sweetheart
i think he would drive you home! just very subtle glances soft smiles and all of your friends were like “placing bets they’re totally kiss”
when he nears your home he asks if he can kiss u
yes! ofc! i think he’s still a little shy so it was be rlly short and sweet!!
asks if he can talk to you tmr abt the whole thing and feelings
heart combustion? immediate? and all he’s thinking rn is “man i think they’re so wonderful and cute”
and YOU’RE thinking about how long you’ve been waiting and how you’re so giddy
u go to bed with a smile on ur face fs
you two talk it out, shy smiles and hugs and he admits he was scared you didn’t like him the way he liked you
but u do!! and everything is pretty sunshine and rainbows
i think chan would be as caring as he can between his work hours he still crams in a hug or shared dinners
school would be tough on both of you and though you might be sad you didn’t see or receive a text you yourself are probs cramming for finals so u understand
winter break!! it’s your three month anniversary plus christmas and u’ve been saving a bit of money up to get him whatever he might want
chan would be happy for the gift but he would be most excited to spend time with you
tries to stay as close as possible like holding hands, cuddling, head on your shoulder, just some sort of skinship because i feel like he wants to feel close to u?
n e ways lets assume he does, would make u a lot of tea and hot choco since it’s easy
chan seems like the type to buy u smth like a necklace or a bracelet and make you a long handwritten letter telling you about how he just simply adores you
i think he’s just really in love with u like he never wants to lose you EVER
you would really think he’s a gem
you’re both honest and you both feel like it’s a bit unreal if you were to spend your whole lives together
like its not impossible, but he’s like a dream you’re afraid of waking up to experience a life without him yknow
i think you both have a clear grasp that you might not be his forever and vice versa, but he would never hold it against you if you two broke up or split
things happen, people drift apart or lose that feeling for their significant other
but you both think that time hasn’t come yet so you two enjoy each other for now for as long as u can
chan’s just always so sweet and you wonder what he finds in you
he doesn’t get it tho like he doesn’t get how u don’t see how wonderful u are for him when you ask if he still loves you or if he’s ever going to leave
chan: no i would never babe :(( you mean so much to me why would i ever do that to you without telling you first
he’s scared of losing you too though
worries that you’ll find someone who makes you laugh harder or makes you fall harder than how you fell with him and it makes him sick when he thinks about you with someone else
not because he’s jealous, but because he wouldn’t ever want to lose you simply because he loves you so much
he’d find so many flaws with himself and beats him up for it
and i think you’d have to remind him that you don’t love him because he’s perfect, but you love him for him and that’s what matters
sometimes there are rough patches and it’s okay! you two promise to talk about whatever might bother you as long as your comfortable with sharing and would discuss anything he notices in ur relationship
but it’s not like a scolding
everyone has different ways of communicating and sometimes chan just wants to make sure u know that he’s always here for you
and that he’s not going to push any of your boundaries
but he also expects the same which is reasonable! (he has his personal matters or things he wants to avoid talking about and you make sure not to overstep)
he just wants to make sure everything is alright and doesn’t want you neglecting yourself for other things
you always come first, he wants you to know it the best you can
and if you’re dealing with something he would definitely wait for you and remind you it’s okay to be vulnerable and express yourself, whether or not it’s to him or your friends or close ones
chan isn’t pushy with anything and is patient/observant when it comes to your relationship and u in general
yeah! things can get difficult but chan would try his best to support you through all of it
i think overall chan would love every part of you as best as he could
and he does a pretty good job!
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UHHHHH hope…hope…u enjoyed my brainrot…? check my masterlist for more and lmk if u have any feedback bc this was just me ranting ish LMFAO
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
hiii 47 and 7 for angst hotch
i love ur writing btw <3
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gif by hoe-tchner
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings!: mentions of abuse, stalking, and death, past abusive relationships, normal criminal minds things, angst, crying, pining, but a fluffy ending
Promtps: Angst #7 "Are you drunk?", Angst #47 "You flinched"
Author's Note: Thank you so much <3, hope you enjoy reading!!
In hindsight, it probably wasn’ the best idea to get drunk at a bar. Especially alone. But you weren’t exactly thinking straight when you had stepped off the jet after a long case. And it had been a LONG case. Nearly a week of going through the same evidence over and over again scouring for a lead. Finally finding a lead, and coming to a dead end. 
The eventual lead that you did catch, led to the unsub already standing over her next victim’s body. At least you got a full confession. But you had been the one that had found the unsub. If that wasn’t enough, this case had already been hitting way too close to home. 
A woman was murdering victims of domestic abuse to “save them” because her mom was never “saved” from her father’s abuse. She had grown up watching it. Her victims had all had y/h/c hair, with y/e/c eyes. The same height as you, same style, just overall very similar. The only difference the team saw had been that you were never abused. At least that was what your file had said.
You had been able to keep it on the low for as long as you had been at the BAU. But you were terrified one of them would figure it out. That you would flinch at the wrong time, or you would do something to give it away.
You had gotten lucky and no one seemed suspicious. You ended up hiding in the back of the jet, curled up. No one bothered you. They all assumed that the case had just hit you harder. The one thing you hadn’t known though was that Hotch had been keeping a very close eye on you.
You two had become close, and would often hang out at each other's apartments. Spending tjme just talking about nothing and everything for hours. He had quickly become one of your best friends. You always went to him when you were upset.
But tonight, you just needed to get away.
Which is how you found yourself in this bar, downing your fifth drink. In the back of your mind, you knew that you wouldn't be able to drive home, or even walk without tripping over your own feet. You needed to call someone, and your drunk self called Hotch. While the phone rang you checked the time. 3 am. He was going to kill you.
“Hotchner.” You giggled drunkenly at his formal response.
“Why so serious bossman?” He recognized your voice immediately. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” 
“M’great. Havin a blast.” You slurred.
“Are you drunk?” He asked and you giggled again.
“Mayyybe.” You slurred, concerning Hotch even more.
"Where are you?”
“Mabel's I think. But let me tell you. I think you need to come get me because there is no way m’drivin home.” He huffed as you heard noise coming from the phone.
“I'm on my way, stay there!” But you hung up. You were so excited to see him. Truth was you had definitely developed a crush for the man. Telling him that was going to be difficult, mainly because of your past, but also because he was your boss, and about 12 years older than you.
You waited for about 10 minutes before you heard the door ring as it opened and Hotch ran inside, frantically searching around. He found you and was quickly at your side.
“Y/n, are you okay?” You nodded sleepily. You always did get sleepy after your sixth drink. He gave you a concerned glance before reaching for your arm. You flinched slightly, but Hotch didn’t say anything about it. He picked you up because there was no way that you could walk, and carried you out to his car. 
“You’re staying with me tonight.” He had said once on the road. You lazily watched  out the window as buildings went by. 
“M’kay.” You mumbled. Hotch sent you another concerned glance. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite figure out what. Usually when a case hit you hard, you would spend the night talking with him. He had been surprised when you hadn't shown up at his apartment. Even more shocked when you had called him drunk. He cared about you and it hurt him to see you like this.
Soon he found himself pulling into his driveway. He parked and quickly ran to your side of the car to help you out. He opened your door, and reached his hand over to unbuckle you when suddenly you shifted back. Your arms came up as if to block a blow and a whimper escaped your lips. 
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise!” You let out, sounding much more sober now. Hotch stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. 
“Y/n, it’s me, can you hear me, its Aaron?” You moved your arms from your face, peeking out wide eyed. You pulled your arms the rest of the way down. 
“Sorry Hotch. That was just, um, that w-was-” But he cut you off.
“You flinched.” He paused looking at the tears in your eyes, realizing that he needed to get you inside before you broke down in the car. “C’mon, let's go inside.” You bowed your head and nodded. 
“Okay.” You said softly. He helped you out of his car slowly, and walked you up to his apartment. Once there, you plopped on his couch, sobering up for the conversation you knew was going to happen. He walked in the room, a glass of water in hand. He handed it to you, sitting next to you. he waited a few moments before beginning the inevitable conversation.
“Y/n, why did you flinch?” He asked hesitantly. He didn't want to push you, but he was concerned and he wanted to know. So you told him. Every detail, every heartbreaking moment. The bruises, the scars, the hospital trips. Everything. The reports, the disbelief, the arrest, the divorce. Then the even worse parts. The escape, the stalking, the attack, the death. Every little thing. You could feel the tears falling down your face as you spoke about your ex-husband. 
Hotch sat as he watched the beautiful woman sitting in front of him break down. He didn't know any of this, none of it was in your file. He knew that Strauss had to know though, because you never would have been accepted without background checks and psych evals. 
His heart broke a little more every time you shared another detail. On one side it felt so nice to get it off your chest. On the other hand, it was weird opening up to Hotch like this. He was seeing so much more of you than you had ever allowed anyone since your husband. He sat in silence once you finished speaking. 
“Y/n. I'm so sorry. You never should have had to go through that.” And the tears came even faster, until they were silent sobs. Hotch, well he was more Aaron in that moment, brought you into his arms holding you tight, bringing you a comfort you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. I’m right here. It’s okay to cry.”He silently whispered into your hair. You looked up at him then, sighing softly at the beautiful man before you. 
“Thank you Aaron.” He loved the way his name sounded coming from your lips. But before he could tell you, he looked down to find you asleep in his arms. And that's how he stayed until morning. 
                       * * *
The next morning you awoke to a strange bed, with strange sheets, in a strange room. But one sniff and all you could smell was Hotch’s cologne. You soon recognized that there was a warm body behind your own, an arm wrapped around your middle. 
You almost didn't remember what happened last night, but once you did, you began to panic. What if he hated you? What if he was disgusted by you? He probably had just pitied you.  
He must have felt you shift, because he was waking up. His arm tightened around you, and he leaned up looking you in the eyes. He saw your panic and was alert rather quickly for someone who had just woken up. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, eyes scanning you frantically. 
“You must be disgusted with me.” You paused taking a deep breath. “I'm sorry Hotch. I ruined your night and then cried all over you with my pathetic life story. And you probably just pitied me. I'm sorry.” He shook his head. 
“Y/n, look at me.” You looked into his eyes. “I am and never will be disgusted by you. I am amazed by you. You are so strong and beautiful and you never deserved a thing that disgusting man did to you. I don’t pity you, not at all. All of this has just made me fall more in love with you than I already was.” You looked at him wide eyed.
“You love me?” He leaned a little closer.
“Of course I do. It's impossible not to.” You dared closer still as he moved a piece of hair from your face. The loving gesture warming your heart. 
“Thank you. For everything. I love you too Aaron.” And he sealed your lips. It was intimate and explosive at the same time. And in the most cliche way, fireworks exploded as you kissed him. 
You moved together passionately. Your noses bumped ever so slightly as he kissed you deeper than you had ever been kissed. He was an amazing kisser, to say the least. He broke away a moment later, smiling down at you. 
“Give me a chance to show you what real love is, what it's supposed to be.” You nodded.
“Of course Aaron.” And you kissed him again, sliding your hands around his neck into his hair. It was the happiest you had been in a very long time. 
So in hindsight, maybe getting drunk wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If i don't get to yours, I'm sorry!! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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