#probably going to prioritize new mutuals i have yet to interact with but this is open to everyone!!
cagesings · 2 years
what  if  this  was  a  lowkey  starter  call?  
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johnbroutledge · 4 years
fyeahbuddie >>> kelly-severide
rambling about fandom/the future of this blog under the cut.
first things first, cause i know it’s gonna be a question: no, i am not leaving 911 fandom. i still love the show and i will still be talking about it and creating things for the fandom. 
that being said, a lot is going to change.  to be completely honest, i haven’t been happy with my tumblr in a while. i’ve been doing a lot of stuff because i feel like i should, because i think it’s what people want, and not because its what nikki wants and it’s high time i quit doing that. i’m a people pleaser by nature and i genuinely would rather be miserable myself than upset or disappoint other people, and honestly, that attitude re: fandom is making me hate it. 
i’ve put a lot of pressure on myself in this fandom. i felt obligated to gif every new episode and to liveblog and to keep everything up to-date as best i could. i reblogged everything i was tagged in without question, even if if was something that i maybe, personally, wasn’t all that interested in. even when i’d already reblogged 15 of basically the same thing, even when people who don’t follow me and have never spoken to me started tagging me in things and never interacting with me otherwise. i took every single request. i never wanted to be the person who said no. 
i was miserable. 
i literally measured out every single post i made, did i post enough 911? is that too many posts about other fandoms in a row? did i an answer an ask in a way that could possibly upset someone? am i taking too long to respond, will people think im an asshole who ignores them? 
it was around christmas i guess, i was sick as fuck with covid and i was in bed, going through multiple daily panic attacks about my health and rather or fucking not i needed to be in the hospital, and still beating myself up about the fact that i hadn’t made gifsets, that i realized how awful my experience had become. 
don’t get me wrong, y’all, please, i love every single one of you. i am so fucking eternally, crazy grateful that 900 of you decide to be here everyday. but i can’t do this anymore. 
as some of you know, ive been struggling with writers block and it’s one of the big things that i’ve wanted to work on getting through this year. the thing that got me through covid and christmas was this incredible special outer banks fic idea that @daisiesandmoonlight and i have built, that i love so incredibly much, but i literally have talked myself out of even trying to write it because i felt like my first fic back into writing had to be buddie. 
i’m over that too. so, here’s how the future looks for this blog. 
-this blog is multifandom. completely. it will no longer be 99% 9-1-1. i will still be posting/talking about, and creating things for 911 fandom, but it is no longer my sole priority. my interaction will probably go way down as incorporate my other fandoms in earnest.  -i will be making gifs, but when i want to, for what i want to. i will no longer be holding myself to a strict “i’ve gotta live gif every episode” schedule. i will no longer be taking every single request. in fact, i will most likely not be doing 95% of what was in my inbox pre covid. i just, i don’t have the inspiration for it. those of you who have asked for requests via discord, i will still be doing yours for sure.  -i will not be reblogging every single thing im tagged in, if it’s not something im personally into, if im overwhelmed or i feel like there’s just been too much going on, i won’t be reblogging. im sorry, y’all. i really am, i love you and i love being this positive light who always hypes people up, but my tags are insane, especially on show nights, and it’s honestly too much a lot of the time. -if it inspires me, im going to let it. if that means i post 8 gifsets from one fandom in a row, or my first fic back into writing isn’t buddie, that’s okay.  -i will be adding admins to @thebuddielibrary to help take the stress off there. hopefully that is a positive growth for that blog as well <3 -i will continue to be a positive blog in all my fandoms. i will still not be interacting with drama or ship wars or ship or character bashing. that isn’t me and it’s not the vibe i want to cultivate on my blog. 
basically, i’m prioritizing my own self for once. i’m cultivating a blog that makes me happy. i don’t know what that looks like yet, honestly, but im going to find out. and i love all of you, but if you no longer want to follow me, i completely understand. you’ve all gotta shape your own experiences too, and i get that. 
in short: this may not be my final form, but it is my first evolution.  thanks for listening guys. and thanks for being here. tagging some mutuals so maybe i wont get lost. 
@ashavahishta @maygrant @taylor-kelly @briinstardust @sopheliza25 @bvckleydiaz @burzekbrettsey @gilbxrt-blythe @selenaurrr @matan4il @tylerhunklin @deareddie @doctornineandthreequarters @buttercupbuck @hennwilson  @siriuslyjamie @tarlosbuddie @whattarush @evanbuckleyed @evaneddie @herodiaz @nymika-arts @firefighter-diaz @maurawrites @malikjavaddzayn @captaincasey 
im sure i forgot someone so please signal boost this!!! 
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picturejasper20 · 4 years
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I want to talk about this scene from the episode "Plans,Trains and Hot Air Mobiles" because it summarizes pretty well what i like about Heather and Alejandro´s relationship in this season.
Alejandro is introduced in episode one of Total Drama World Tour. He actually made his character debut in the Total Drama Action Special but it is World Tour when we really get to see his real personality.
On the surface, he appears to be a charismatic gentleman that is liked by many girls from the cast.This is not surprising since he is very good at reading people's emotions, he is considered hot by the girls and he is both atheltic and intelligent.
¨Because compared to me, Heather is a saint¨-Alejandro
However, he uses his charm and way of words to manipulate other participants into doing what he wants. In this way he acts a foil for what Heather used to be back in Season 1 Island.
Having experience with tricking others, Heather quickly picks up Alejandro's manipulation and starts a rivalry with him due to both having similar personalities and being on different teams.
At the start of the series Heather tries ignoring Alejandro's flirting, already knowing what he is trying to distract her from the game. Yet, she shows to have feelings for him multiple times the series.
Most common examples are when she is talking about him in the confessional and finds herself praising Alejandro's looks and strategy. In return, Alejandro praises Heather a few times in confessional scenes by saying how she is good at playing the game.
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(Both denying their feelings when Duncan brings up the subject)
While they have mutual feelings for each other they both completely deny the existence of them when they are confronted about it. This usually makes them be mocked by the rest of the their teamates who are fully aware of what is going on with their relationship.
"Just give it up and make out already" -Blaineley in Chinese Fake-Out.
"Speaking of failed romance...You want me to hit the common area so you two lovebirds can start building your nest together?"-Duncan in African Lying Safari.
This subplot remains very prevalent throughout the season. It’s one of the main arcs and it what often drives the story in many episodes.
Based of the points that I already made one could describe Alejandro and Heather’s relationship as complicated. They both are clearly in love with each other but because of their strategy and pride they can’t bring themselves to be honest about how they feel.
Another interesting point that makes their relationship unique in Total Drama is how they both took an antagonistic role in the season they were introduced, with Heather being the antagonist in Island and Alejandro in World Tour. This makes fall in the category of ¨villain romance¨.
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(Heather and Alejandro celebrating their victory in ¨Africa Lying Safari.¨)
What’s more is that they are willing to show a nicer side that they won’t usually show to other competitors. This is more obvious with Alejandro’s case, who rarely cares about anyone else but himself. There are some examples of him getting distracted by Heather while he is trying to win a challenge. Once he lost one on purpose after watching Leshawna punching Heather in ¨Slap Slap Revolution¨. It isn’t clear why he would sacrifice his chance of winning like that but it’s likely that he didn’t mean to get her hurt when he was flirting with Leshawna on that episode.
Heather also shows a new range of emotions that she barely showed in previous seasons. She gets very distracted by her crush on her rival, she blushes when Alejandro flirts with her in the last episodes, she becomes embarrassed when others bring up her feelings and gets jealous when she sees Alejandro being romantic with other girls.
She has been capable of being nice to some characters such as Tyler, Leshawna and Harold before but is Alejandro is the person who she really cares about.
Now, how is this relationship represented in the song ¨ I'm gonna make it¨ From ¨Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles¨?
The song starts with Alejandro pulling Heather close and making them dance on top of the train while he sings:
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¨This show's a train, it's moving fast.
You and I weren't meant to last.
Voting for me just wasn't right.
So look out now, you're in my sights¨
Alejandro is making reference not only the alliance they made in the episode ¨Africa Lying Safari¨ but their relationship by telling Heather that ¨they weren't meant to last¨. He justifies this by saying how show is only temporary and he is here to win the game. He also mentions how he felt betrayed by Heather when she voted against him after saving her in ¨Awwwwww, Drumheller¨.
It’s worth of mentioning that Alejandro wasn’t mad at her for breaking their alliance so much as he thought Heather took advantage of his feelings for her. When he helped her by getting out of a hole in ¨Awwwwww, Drumheller¨ he did it because he cared about her and didn’t want to leave her stuck in there. This action represented a good character development for Alejandro since it was probably the first time the show his feelings for a girl were honest and was nice to someone without hiding behind a selfish motive. 
After he makes Heather fall off the train, Heather sings this:
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¨Mr. Fair now, suddenly
I have to barf now, excuse me!
Don't try to make me feel ashamed.
I know you would've done the same.¨
Heather points out Alejandro’s hypocrisy knowing he has tricked people before and he wouldn’t have any problem in doing what Heather did if he was in her position. She mentions how he shouldn’t try to make her feel ashamed for trying to vote him off because of this reason.
They both later sing the chorus together:
¨I'm gonna make it.
You can't stop me now, just you try.
Our fortune's waiting
It's time for you to say, bye-bye-bye.¨
These lyrics also make reference about how their relationship won’t work as long as they are in the show. When it comes to the price, they both forget about their feelings and prioritize winning above everything even if this means betraying each other in the process.
The lyrics clearly emphasize that they are not going to let the other win and reinforce their rivalry, showing that they relationship is going to stay this way as long as they only care about the money. After breaking up their truce, they are going each one on their own way.
After Cody and Sierra sing their part, both Heather sing together again while dancing:
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¨You are the worst, why must you torment me?
It's all a game to you, but not to me.¨
This part talks about their mutual feelings and how this is ¨tormeting¨ both of them. This has to do with not knowing when the other is just faking and trying to use these feelings for their advantage. 
The main conflict of their relationship is how they are in love but can’t be honest about how they feel since they are afraid of one using this against the other make them lose the challenge on purpose. They are fully aware of how they are both very strategic and manipulative, and so this means they can’t let their guard down.
The song ends with Heather getting the advantage in the race to the coast and leaving Alejandro behind.
In conclusion: I think this scene does a good job at explaining the conflict between Alejandro and Heather in World Tour. Their relationship is a bit complex because they both like each other but they don’t want to let that stopped them from winning the final prize. This makes their interactions between them go from caring to mutual dislike as they don’t know what to think about the other. If they learned to forget about the money for a while and understand how much they have in common, they could make their relationship work. But as long as they keep acting the same way, it’s going to be hard for them.
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
Hi, nice to meet you!
As a fellow Gavin stan, I found your analysis quite interesting and I'm very happy that someone finally understand the other side of our ginkgo boy... Idk whether you play in CN server or MLQC. I'm just curious, what do you think of Gavin in S2? Because I hear that everything is gonna be different. Also, the latest main story in CN server--do you think the story will be more angst?
Thank youu..
Waiting for more analyzes from you ❤
Dear Anon, 
Thank you very much for your kind words and I’m also happy to meet you ^_^
Please excuse my belated answer. I waited specifically for cheri’s translation of the S2 CH11, so that I could give you a worthy answer <3
I play MLQC, because I don’t understand Chinese (yet), so I am following @cheri-translates on a daily basis for the season 2 material. (Thank you cheri, you’re the best! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) )
From what we get so far, Gavin shows some differences in his aura and character in S2 due to two main reasons:
1) He didn’t have the extreme teenage drama from S1 (except for his mother’s passing)
2) He and MC were companions during high school, so their relationship has a healthier fundament.
The events of the second season take place in a “parallel universe”, therefore MC’s relationships vary from those in S1. But also the Loveland City they are in is a different one, with different players but also different villains. So things DO change in S2 in general.
What do I think about Gavin in S2?
I - AM - IN - LOOOOOOOVVVEEEE - WITH - HIM!!! <3 <3 <3
Gavin was the main reason I watched the anime and downloaded the game in the first place. He was a very caring, understanding, talented and *ehm extremely good looking guy. He still is btw. This guy has a very big heart and is the most human among all LIs if you ask me. But sometimes I had the feeling in S1, that he wasn’t reaching to his full potential. His love for MC was at times awkward, mainly because he doubted himself a lot and was underestimating himself in many topics with regards to MC. His past with his father and brother was also weighting on him big time. Thus affecting his actions to a great extent. Gavin’s potential was bound by ball and chains and he didn’t seem to be able to free himself from them. And yet, he was a resilient guy, who made peace with his past, always finding the love&faith in his heart and following his own path. Those unnecessary insecurities caused by his experiences were Gav-babe’s downside in S1.
In the second season, we meet a very self confident Gavin who doesn’t get worked up in front of MC easily, let alone shy away from her. On the contrary, Gavin is teasing MC shamelessly and even toys around with her as he lets her hover over the ocean. Would you ever think that S1 Gavin would dare to do that? :D He interrogates her just for the kicks even though he doesn’t suspect her one bit, or asks her if he should detain her, since she looked like she was asking for it (I really recommend you to read the scene in CH11). Gavin is carefree towards MC and this makes him unbelievably attractive. Sure, I was surprised at first as I saw him immobilizing MC after meeting her for the first time after many years and was afraid, that he would be hostile towards her. Thankfully, this wasn’t the case...so far.
In S1, Gavin and MC were already in a harmonious relationship and were moving forward side by side gradually. But they were also having difficulties in terms of protecting each other from harm’s way and hiding their dangerous missions or wounds from each other. Which didn’t go along with a healthy relationship, even though they came a long way by the end of the S1. Plus, their positions weren’t even equal in respect of being a couple since Gavin was quite the simp and was insecure at times about his interactions with the MC. There was a teenage Gavin in him, who was telling him that he wasn’t good enough for her, that he is useless, that he is worthless. Therefore he always had his gloves on, so the speak.  
These insecurities are downed to a minimum in S2 and Gavin no longer has the self loathing inner thoughts, so it feels as though, he is the real Gavin. The Gavin who he could be, he should be. Up to this point (S2 CH11). I feel like we are watching a Gavin who’s reached, or is reaching, to his full potential. 
In S2, we see him co-operating with MC right from the beginning with little reluctance at first, which is natural since -you know- they are working for the opposing sides. But then we saw in CH11, that they make one hell of a team! In all honesty, Gavin and MC don’t even need to talk to each other to understand what the other thinks. We witnessed many times in S1 when they were thinking/saying/doing the same thing at the same time. But this time, they are aware of the fact that they can see through each other without words. Moreover, they banter with each other by calling one another out. Which is mostly Gavin calling her out btw. This almost flirt-like sweet bantering makes their interaction all the more titillating to me. The chemistry between them is very evident and Papergames makes sure to let us producers know, the attraction is mutual and on equal grounds. Maybe its only my opinion, but I find S2 Gavin way more sexier than the Version 1.0. But its probably because I find self-confidence to be the sexiest trait a person can have. 
On a side note, Gavin also doesn’t display jealousy as in S1 and I believe this also has to do with his self confidence. Jealousy is an emotion which arouses from lack of self-confidence and trust. And the level of trust Gavin and MC share in S2 is off the charts, dare I claim.
One might even say, that the tables have turned in S2. MC has her memories from S1 whereas Gavin has started having flashbacks or dreams about their past just recently. Because of that MC already carries her romantic feelings from S1, she is the one with denser emotions in the new chapters and is rather insecure in front of Gavin. Thus making herself vulnerable for his “toying sessions”. Gavin on the other hand is beginning to explore his heart’s desires towards MC only piece by piece. He cares a great deal about her and is drawn to her inevitably, but can’t quite put his finger on it. His body and soul is already reacting to her, but his mind is a little bit slow on this front. But as stated in R&S “Inevitable”, his heart is destined to get drawn to hers. 
Whether the story is going to get angstier...Let’s not fool ourselves, Papergames has the word angst in block letters carved in marble in their office. So yeah, I am pretty sure that the story is going to get angstier. But I haven’t seen anything as angsty as in S1 CH13, 14, 15, 18. Those chapters were really hard to read, but let’s wait and see.
Another important point about Gavin’s character in S2 is related to his position. He is now the Commander of the STF and therefore carries a heavier responsibility than in S1. We see in every chapter how strategically he is acting and picking the best option in which nobody gets hurt. He is still a maverick and does things in his own way and yet he is now well aware of the fact that each of his actions are affecting great numbers of people. With his subordinates he shares special bonds all the while keeping them disciplined and whatever he does, he prioritizes everybody’s safety equally (only with MC as an exception).  Of course, this was one of his strengths also in S1, but in S2, he can have a bigger impact, since he has more resources to do so. He has become the perfect leader.
Which can be tied to his balanced temper. In S1 there were times, where Gavin wasn’t able to control his Evol and caused mayhem. We haven’t seen any uproar like this in S1 so far. Gavin is in control of his Evol, his emotions and his blushes...hih...well... almost. But he certainly blushes much less in S2. 
So to sum it up, yes, Gavin is different in S2, but in all the good ways and I couldn’t find anything that goes in the wrong direction so far. We have a more mature, confident and experienced Gavin in S2 and I can simply say:
I hope my answers can help you with your questions and you can always feel free the contact me if you have any questions...be it anonymously or not.
Have a nice weekend dear anon! d=(´▽`)=b
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I’ve always been told, one day I’ll find someone who changes my mind but when they come along, I won’t think twice cause I already good thing with me, yeah I got everything I dreamed.” 
note: still looking for more MHA and Haikyuu!! character suggestions!! this is a bit long but I had fun with it so that’s why. if you want another anime with this scenario, dead ass lemme know, I’ll do it. 
them seeing you with someone else after your break up:
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Sakusa Kiyoomi: you end up with Bokuto 
the reason why you probably ended up with Bokuto was because of Sakusa’s germaphobic tendencies. 
with Sakusa not really being into going out much, the options of where to go out on dates was v. limited. you would offer to just go to a park and walk around, somewhere in the park that didn’t have a lot of people in the park but he didn’t like the idea and shot it down. 
it got to the point where you got tired of him constantly shooting down your date ideas and you were tired of having to bend over backwards for him and just broke it off. 
was Sakusa hurt? probably. but you tried to let him down smoothly and even tried to remain friends but he didn’t like that and cut complete contact with you. 
a few years passed when you ran into someone at a bakery. he had black and silver hair and the brightest personality you had ever seen. some stuff and things happened and you got his name and number. 
Bokuto had told you that he played professional volleyball and your mind immediately thought of Sakusa. you didn’t pay much attention to it so when Bokuto begged you to attend one of his games, he gave you a spare jersey and front row tickets. 
the professional volleyball scene was something someone had to experience at least once in their life. the crowd, the players, everything was turned up to eleven and it had been one of the funnest nights you had in a while. 
you had waved at Bokuto a few times but Sakusa hadn’t seen the interactions. it wasn’t until after the game when you met up with Bokuto when Sakusa realized everything. 
“hey Sakusa, how are you?” you asked him as Bakuto gave you a look, “you know him?” the owl eyed boy asked, “yeah, we dated in high school and bit in college but I guess you can see what happened,” you mentioned. 
Sakusa remained silent as Bokuto waved off the small jealousy, “it’s nice to see you again,” was all Sakusa said before heading to go take a shower. 
being that Sakusa and Bokuto had their social media accounts, he would see what went on that night and the photos he posted with you. videos of the two of you at a club with a few other players were on Bokuto’s Insta story but he couldn’t say anything. it had been years since the two of you broke up and it wasn’t his place. 
did it sting? yeah but what was it to him. he just had to deal that his teammate was now dating someone he once loved and that was that on that. 
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Haiba Lev: you end up with Kenma
oh, your break up with Lev probably had to do with his modeling career. your schedules didn’t add up and the two of you hardly seen each other. it was a lack of time and it was a mutual break up.
Lev was hurt that you were no longer with him but he understood that his career didn’t make time for you. he was upset and Alisa tried to introduce him to other girls but they weren’t you. 
Lev probably thought of you as his first and only love. 
as for you. you rekindled your relationship with Kenma out of genuine accidents. you would end up at the same stores Kenma would be at and the two of you exchanged numbers. one thing led to another and he added you onto his team.
the two of you tried to hide the relationship for a while and it worked for a bit but you knew that the relationship was going to get more serious and it was best to rip the bandaid off before it became too late. 
the fans of Kenma loved the two of you together. even if you weren’t together, you would end up on his streams every so often and just watch him play whatever game it was while answering questions, giving him playing advice, or even trying to learn how to the play the game he was playing. 
one day out of pure curiosity, Lev checked out one of Kenma’s streams. he had a bit of down time and wanted to see how successful his former teammate was. 
for a while, the stream was normal. Kenma was playing Minecraft and Lev was engrossed in the stream until he noticed the door opened. the stream went mute until a baby pink gamer chair was pulled up and you sat down next to him. 
Lev’s eyes widened as you gave Kenma a kiss and offered him advice on his Minecraft word (I’ve never played it before so ignore my ignorance). Alisa was able to see Lev’s sudden change in mood and looked over to see what caused it. when she made the connection, she sighed knowing her brother was probably going to be upset for a few hours now. 
she called off the rest of the photoshoot they were doing and told Lev to head home. all Lev could think of was how you would hold him the way you were holding Kenma. you ran your fingers through his long hair while answering questions from the fans.
Lev knew you weren’t a gamer. he tried to get you to play video games with him but you always denied but as he watched the stream, you would grab the controller from Lev and do something every so often.
fate was a dumb thing, Lev thought. the love of his life was happy in another relationship and there was not a single thing he could do. he knew he could always find another girl but none of them amounted to you. 
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Kuroo Testurou: you end up with Yaku 
this man was a WHORE in college. am I wrong? No. I don’t take criticism. he probably dated you during your time in college and during that time, he thought of you as another fling but that wasn’t exactly your thought on the relationship. 
the cause of the break up was probably because he cheated on you. you were done with him and you absolutely disgusted by his actions during your relationship. 
the way you dealt with that was by you going over seas to teach. under some odd circumstances, you happened to land a teaching gig in Russia and there you met Yaku. you didn’t have the slightest clue that those two were friends nor did Yaku ever bring it up. 
you found it odd how you ended up in another relationship with someone in the volleyball world but maybe that was your type. a relationship with Yaku was completely different than being with Kuroo. he prioritized your relationship and even offered to have you hold some position with the Cheegle’s so the two of you wouldn’t be apart for so long. 
you admittedly accepted it and taught the kids of the players who happened to travel along with him. Yaku was over the moon because of it and not even a year and a half in, the two of you married. it was super sudden but you said yes and held the ceremony back home.
because of the ceremony, it was like an unsanctioned Nekoma reunion. Lev, Kenma, Yamamoto, Taketora, and of course, Kuroo attended the marriage. Kuroo hadn’t gotten the fancy wedding invitation with your photo on it but he texted Yaku a few days before for the venue address.
the ceremony was huge but the thing that stopped Kuroo dead in the tracks was the huge photo of the two of you in the front of the venue. it was from your engagement photoshoot and it was like Kuroo’s life had turned upside down. the two of you being together, nevertheless married, was not what he seen coming. 
Nekoma players had a table separated for just them and their partners and when you both finally made rounds to thank everyone for coming, your eyes widened at the sight of your ex boyfriend sitting next to Lev. the two of you stare at each other, you with mild disgust and Kuroo with genuine surprise. 
the both of you figured it was best not to mention the past between the two of you to Yaku being that it was your wedding and the mention of a past relationship at this point was useless. you put your pride aside and quickly thanked Kuroo for coming to the wedding. 
what didn’t stop you was basically showing off your happiness with Yaku. this was your last hoorah before you completely shut Kuroo out of your life for good and made sure to kiss Yaku in the most civilized yet slightly sexual way. 
Kuroo was happy for the two of you because he knew Yaku was giving you the life you craved with him at some point. Kuroo was not ready to settle down yet however seeing you happily married kind of kicked him into gear. his bachelor days would have to end eventually and in the back of his mind, he thought that maybe he made a mistake by fully pushing you away. 
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Oikawa Tooru: you end up with Kageyama 
oh how fate worked in such weird ways, right? the two of you went to Seijoh together and when he left for Argentina, the two of you had to break it off. neither of you wanted to do distance and as much as that hurt, you were the one who made the first move and broke it up with him. 
Oikawa was BIG HURT but knew this was the right choice. the two of you tried to keep contact with each other but considering he lived and played in another part of the fucking world, the time never worked out and eventually, you both just gave up. 
okay so you met Kageyama when played with Schweiden. you were a reporter who happened to oh so catch the eye of Kageyama and he personally seeked you out after every game. what Kageyama thought would be a small fling was actually more of a crush. 
Kageyama finally grew a pair and asked you out. the two of you dated for about the time he played for the Adlers and up until he went to play in Italy. he asked you to come with him knowing that you were probably the only one he could ever see himself with and you agreed. 
the move to Italy was odd but you and Kageyama made it work. you got to know who his friends were in high school and that’s when Oikawa came up. when you broke the news that you used to attend Seijoh and actually dated Oikawa during your three years. he was admittedly surprised and even though there wasn’t any animosity, a pang of jealousy and hatred was still there and in the end, Kageyama snagged his girl and with that, he was hella proud. 
again under weird circumstances, the two of you ended up in Japan for a a volleyball thingy and with that, Oikawa had to be in attendance. 
you weren’t harboring feelings for Oikawa anymore and although you were 100% in love with Kageyama, seeing Oikawa made your heart race out of nervousness. you ended up dating his former enemy and you had no idea how he would take that. 
after Kageyama introduced you to his former teammates and his best friend, all of you sat down to talk amongst each other. you heard stories on top of stories of how Kageyama was like at Karasuno but what you weren’t prepared for was when you finally met up with Oikawa again.
you and Kageyama were secretly making out in the parking lot after the dinner thingy. he had you pinned up against the car and literally initiating sex right there but what stopped the two of you was the familiar voice to the two of you. Oikawa had sang Kageyama’s name and when Kageyama looked to see his former enemy, Oikawa’s eyes immediately shot at you. 
“are you the two of you?” Oikawa asked you as you nodded, “Kageyama and I? yeah, we are,” you replied extremely flustered, “how?” Oikawa asked again.
“we met when I played for Schweiden,” was all Kageyama said before he whispered to you to get in the car. you did what he asked and waved Oikawa off as the two men stared each other down. 
no matter how much those two grew up, there would still be that small animosity between them and like Kageyama had previously mentioned, he won Oikawa’s girl and for the moment, Kageyama finally one upped him. 
neither of them thought of you as some competition but Oikawa was still kinda in love with you so seeing you nearly having sex with Kageyama so openly, it triggered that small high school feeling. 
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tsukishima kei: you end up with Nishinoya
an odd pairing?? I know but when I was looking for gifs, those two oddly came up a lot together so I ran with it. okay back to what I was saying, you must’ve dated Tsukki in college, homeboy was not dating during his Karasuno years. 
the two of you were probably going really strong together but when an opportunity arose for you to go to Italy to do some interning there, you accepted and Tsukki was less than pleased. he thought it was irresponsible of you to make such a huge decision without his mild input. 
that decision caused for the two of you to fight like there was no tomorrow and broke up because of it. Tsukki thought what you did was irresponsible and you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. with that, you left for Italy and had no intention of paying mind to Tsukki or the argument. 
you met Nishinoya at a market. the two of you were in the same city as you interned in the same place Noya was fishing for Marlins at. you were picking up a few things for your apartment and your roommate at the time wanted you to get her a fish for her to cook later in the day. when that happened, you caught Noya’s eye and the two of you got to talking. 
his vibrant attitude was a complete 360 from Tsukki and even though he wasn’t exactly your type, you gave Noya a chance and managed to actually fall in love with him rather quickly. because of that, Noya managed to keep in contact with Tanaka and he found out. during that time, Karasuno was holding a get together for former players, brought to you by Daichi and Suga. 
you thought of the reunion as a way to visit everyone back home while Noya just wanted to see Tanaka and a few others again so the two of you went. again, you had no idea that Tsukki and Noya knew each other and when the day of the reunion came up, the three of you were S H O O K. the entire team was tbh. 
Tsukki probably never lost his smart mouth and when he seen that you were with Noya, you were ready to fight the 6′0 man without any consequences when he made a comment in passing. Noya had the mediate the entire interaction and said that the past was the past and you were with him now and Tsukki had no business in something that no longer included him. 
in the back of his mind, Tsukki knew what Noya was saying was right but his insecurities and ego wouldn’t let him back down. Noya loved you and although Tsukki was technically his friend, he was going to pick you over Tsukki any day of the week and the three of you probably had to end up being separate tables. 
because everyone was of age and there was alcohol being provided, you and Noya def got drunk along with Tanaka and admittedly Yachi and Hinata. the lot of you drank like there was no tomorrow and while Tsukki wanted nothing more than to continue his smart comments, he knew it was best to drop it and watched as you and Noya drank and danced together. 
Yamaguchi was able to tell that his best friend was hurting in the inside but he knew if he said anything, he would earn a smart comment. every time you and Noya kissed, Tsukki would make a disgusted face or straight up gag but anyone could tell that Tsukki was HELLA jealous. 
finally when the reunion ended, everyone who got drunk got sent to their hotels in cabs as you and Noya were basically blacked out and not even in the right stage to be driving home. you were hanging onto Noya as he placed kisses all over your face while you waited for the cab to arrive. 
Tsukki wanted to apologize for his actions but by the time he got to you and Noya, the two of you were already in the cab, probably making out and trying to get home as fast as possible. his mind wandered to the nights where you and him would go home drunk and do exactly what you and Noya were probably planning on doing. 
in the end, Tsukki knew there was no chance that you and him would ever become friends and in a way, he liked that. he was glad that you and Noya were living in another part of the world because it gave him enough time to get over you and find someone else. overall, the break up was rough but Tsukki knew that shit happens for a reason and maybe you weren’t meant to end up with him. 
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Akaashi Keiji: you end up with Konoha 
oh boy, this relationship was odd from the start. when you were dating Akaashi, you knew his teammate held feelings for you but at the time, you didn’t pay any mind to him and stuck with Akaashi as you were basically enthralled with him. 
the reason for the break up was probably college. both of you went to different ones and you figured it was just more beneficial for the two of you just to end it before anymore feelings got hurt in that process. it sucked but that was just the way life worked. 
you ended up meeting Konoha in Tokyo. you both were in the pharma business and worked in the same building, just different departments. you knew that Konoha would befriend you the minute he found out you worked at the same place he did so when you found his office, Konoha fucking ASCENDED when you told him. 
that day the two of you went out for drinks and that was assumedly the first date for the two of you. you found it odd how you ended up finding Konoha again but this time, there was nothing stopping from the two of you dating and Konoha made sure that he asked you out as soon as possible. 
Konoha and yourself made enough money by working in medicine that the two of you lived lavishly once you moved with each other. the house was placed a few minutes out of Tokyo and the house was big enough to hold a house warming party when it was done getting remodeled and furnished. 
you had pushed him to invite a few former Fukurodani members to attend the party and that included Bokuto, Akaashi, and Haruki to which they all came. Akaashi had heard from word of mouth that the two of you ended up together but he wanted to see it to believe it. 
when the party came up, you were wearing a dress, pretty tight fitting in the areas you wanted to flaunt and you knew that Konoha was going to have a ball taking the dress off of you when the party was over. plus, Konoha knew how to wear a suit well and you were planning on doing the same thing to him. 
as soon as the three Fukurodani members arrived, you sat them at the main two tables and made sure that you and Konoha would sit with them for the dinner. you wanted to catch up with your former friends but you were still a bit awkward around Akaashi. 
the awkward atmosphere wasn’t really felt around Konoha nor Haruki or Bokuto but you knew you wanted to get Akaashi alone to thank him for coming and making sure that there was no hard feelings between you, him, and Konoha. 
once you were able to get him alone, the two of you talked for a while and chatted about how work life was until Konoha found the two of you. while he trusted you completely, he didn’t have as much trust in Akaashi and decided to stay for the rest of the conversation. 
Akaashi understood where Konoha was coming from as he did the same thing with Konoha back in high school but he was already kind of over you and had no intentions of stealing you back. in a way, he liked you and Konoha together. he had no idea why but he did like it. 
he watched as you and Konoha would give each other pecks here and there but while he felt a pang of jealousy, ultimately, he wished the next time he seen either of you, he had that special someone in his life. just to show that he had moved on and that the three of you could start becoming friends again. 
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ferie-anon · 4 years
Can I get a astrology ship with Stray kids and monsta x? My signs are Aquarius sun and rising Taurus moon,Aquarius Mercury, Pisces Venus and Aries mars. Thank you so much! Please be safe and healthy!
Suree~ Let’s see your aquarius sun and taurus moon make you for someone who knows what they want and are clear about their opinions and answers. Self powered I think is the word many use to describe this. You are inventive at times or make clear of some points in topics and situations and your friends appreciate that quality of yours. Taurus moon do care about those close to them and their family, while being private. With aquarius mercury I imagine when you backup your reasoning you will use a unique standing point or execution that others might find convincing. I do think aquarius mercury could be good at satire. Your pisces venus may make you feel attracted to individuals with romantic and sweet qualities. You may be someone that sometimes dreams a bit, or harbors your sweet side that is not often seen by distant acquaintances or people at first. With your aries mars, you may be prone to get angry easily and shortly, with your airy placements your tempers may sometimes be unpredictable at times but you always seem to be far from exploding and probably settles down. Your aquarius rising prompt you to attract others through your unique style or individuality. Aquarius rising ppl have their own original style or impression that leaves other ppl to remember them or may feel drawn to them.
In straykids... your match is I.N aka Jeongin~
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Jeongin is also an aquarius, with a leo moon, prompting him to be lovable and cheeky yet smart and aloof. You both are aquarius, so the similarity in personality and thinking may be prominent, and witty and fun banter can be found frequently. Your strong, cool demeanor with Jeongin’s youthful and charms balance each other well, as Jeongin respects and is in awe of your caretaking independent side, while you admire the happiness he brings to people simply from his conversations and being himself. For a first encounter, he might’ve thought you were distinctive in the crowd of people he was surrounded by, your mature and  reliable demeanor from your astute thinking and senses, gave him the thought “Woah that Noona is cool...~” You also noticed the sunshine that made everyone smile cheerfully from just looking at him or chatting with him, and you thought he was interesting while finding yourself smile unknowingly as he laughs heartily at his friend’s joke.
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First, I’ll elaborate on his leo moon, Jeongin is humorous and loves fun, also is expressive and friendly. Usually when Jeongin is happy, it’s very visible and displayed clearly on his face, and he often seeks the fun and interesting things with his hyungs and members. Leo moons are hilarious in the fact that their smart usage of words or just speaking in general can create a reaction. I.N’s comical imitations and words are usually the source of laughter during a game or event with his members. Your moon is in taurus, and despite being more reserved on the end of your emotions being displayed you offer a warm and trustful aura for others that I.N also finds comfort in. You are persistent and at times Jeongin finds himself admiring you as a mentor and close one as well. You both can be the source of closure and comfort for each other on a bad day or personal day, like cheering each other up in times naturally.
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His mercury is in aquarius also~ Having the same placement for mercury, you both have similar forms of communication and initiation on explaining. There will be a lot of expansive theories and thoughts you two could toss at each other or the most random thoughts that come across your minds and make a whole convo or even laugh about it.Talking chill and hanging out would be a natural for you two, and you would probably have similar interests in the topics you tell each other, since aquarius mercuries are usually not limited to one thing. You guys can get serious and deeply invested in the things you talk about, when hanging out can result in unexpected fun activities planned or decided during the time, or range to watching movies and coming up with interesting theories or logicalize things in it.
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Next up, his venus is in aries~ Venus in aries natives are quite the affectionate one to their close ones and partner, in Jeongin’s case he probably craves attention and affection. He may get jealous easily, on the basis that he wants your attention ya know 🥺. Expect cuddles, hugs/back hugs, or just some form of physical contact or cling :3 from him. Your venus in pisces may feel at first a lil reserved or shy, but eventually you both have each other charmed in different ways. Your sweet and endearing nature of caring when being affectionate can be heartwarming for Jeongin. A little downside could be the differing energy between you two, for maybe you may not be as bold or clear on your needs or affection as much as Jeongin may naturally have it visible or expressive on him and his actions. But with understanding it can be eased, and your interactions and affections with each other are sweet and sincerely loving. ☂️🍬✨☀️
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Lastly his mars is in scorpio, to which can be present in his work ethics, passion, and drive force. With scorpio mars, Jeongin is quite set on improving and persistent in his goals/incentive. This can be seen in gods menu here the choreography is very complex and utilizes a lot of strength and precision, and I.N’s dancing is seen to show improvement during the comeback compared to their debut stages and before. This side is also partially contributes to I.N’s aspect of becoming serious or focused when necessary for something important or that he prioritizes and you appreciate this other side of his. Additionally, your aquarius mars also yields for you to be independent and smart on your ways of achieving set goals, prioritizing own options and decisions while being unrestricted and open to new activities and predictions/possibilities. You two would make for quite the intellectual duo working on a project, activity, or when helping each other. Aquarius and scorpio are both fixed signs, and they’re both adamant about their thoughts and perspective while being loyal and perseverant. Trust is formed easily and secured, and you both appreciate each others independent individual nature that carry their own charisma and uniqueness, and inner strength.
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Overall, the couple that surprises people with many of their differing traits and charm. Clever but in a well-rounded sense, like not only limited to academic or book aspects, in life and reflective ways. You both can be analytical or rational, but also naturally compassionate and contemplative. When together, deep lessons and philosophy can naturally be mused out during a random conversation one starry night, and then the next day there may be a pillow fight or infectious laughter that fills the atmosphere. An unpredictable sense of manner within you two, giving way for a new adventure or new types of feelings each time. Vibes -> 🌎🌙☀️🍧⛈💖✨😚⚡️🦊✨✌🏻
Next up.... for Monsta X, your match is I.M or his real name Chang-kyun~
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Here is I.M, an aquarius as well! But it’s not just because his sun is also in aquarius as the similarities shared between his placements and yours complement for good synergy and balance. He has a moon aries that prompts for a passionate mindset and healthy competitive attitude, but overall is also a softie and a thoughtful person found in the way he expresses his thoughts and feelings about people and music. Despite some differences with your taurus moon, as you may be a lil less active constantly or more on the ‘going the extra mile if it’s necessary when you want to’ comfort zone, you both are subtley (in action and notion of manner) compassionate and considerate regarding close or cherished friends and acquaintances, partner, etc. No doubt at first meeting, there was a spark or glance encapsulated into a trance, as a longing of curiosity appear naturally within you two.
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First off, lets elaborate on his aries moon. Changkyun is a very creative individual who seeks the fun and has a playful/friendly demeanor to others. His self-written raps and musicality can be evidential of his expanding creativity and artistic motives. Aries moon can be childish (in a positive term) in their actions at times, but can be deep and think a lot of their own opinions and mindset (doing reflecting). and get along with others or display care and thoughtfulness of empathizing. With your taurus moon, when together there may be a nurturing warm bond felt between you two and trust is given mutually. Your moon placement shows your clarity innerly, a resilience of knowing when and what you choose or want. Similarly, Changkyun’s aries moon is honest and clear about their resolves/goals, so both of you guys get along well mentally and may get into bickerings that don’t last long due to mutual compromise eventually. I think Taurus moon can sometimes be parental like nagging or looking after close ones and etc, and with Changkyun, you both feel open about personal or unsaid thoughts/emotions. You provide I.M as being the calm soothing supportive pillar, and with I.M’s warm and cheerful nature you find yourself leaning on him in times of personal and hard events happening. I.M will be there to give you a deep long hug or soothing pats on the back, as he listens to your day and problem while giving small nods and words of advice or thoughts.
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His mercury is in capricorn, and his form of communication can involve pragmatism and a calm grounded way. Most of the time, aside from monsta x being chaotic, I.M can be seen mature for a maknae/youngest of the group. His opinions, ideals, and thinking is spoken in a self-certain way but calmly mannered way. Your mercury is in aquarius, similarly both these signs don’t waver their opinions usually for others, their opinions and perspectives are built and contructed through the analytical and multiple process of breaking down things to come to a conclusion of what they believe and agree in within their mind. You could say these two are individual thinkers, sometimes resulting in those “genius moments” or aha moment, but exclude the overexaggeration it comes with and there you go. You two would enjoy disecting and learning of each others thoughts, opinions and etc, you both would respect and listen to each others different approaches of views, but you both might butt heads when having certain different concepts sometimes. For a scenario, you guys could be working in a lab for class one time and the air is filled with focused, primitive silence around you both, as you each simultaneously carry inspection while working together with an intellectual peace when communicating. Ofc potentially, you guys will definitely get into “cute, sarcastic banter”. ✨
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His venus is also in pisces! Having the same venus placement, you both have similar initiation and take on affection and romance. Aw, this is cute you two might be a bit mellow at first with physical affection or contact but once comfortable it’s like you two are like puppies cuddling, fuzzy and soft. You both provide the affection and things each desire, sincerity and attentiveness. I think dates would be sorta planned or done where some romantic things done on cue like hand holding, sitting in a cafe or having dinner in a romantic setting. Both of you guys can be selfless for friends and loved one, putting their needs into consideration as priority first sometimes. For a scenario, it might include Changkyun blushing when you back-hug him after meeting up together personally and you notice his pink-tinted cheeks from the reaction, your face: ☺️
His mars is also in aquarius! Having the same placement here allows for similar thinking and easier understanding of how each other acts on their motives and priorities. Work ethic/similar thoughts on initiation shows the unity you guys can be in when working together or responding towards each other. Mars in aquarius, you both value your personal space/freedom and being independent on your occassions, so you both would give each other space out of understanding and this allows for a healthy growth in the relationship that will only pull you two closer. Working together, there is mutual agreement and communication that makes you two have good chemistry here as well.
(Ps. Ran out of room for gifs ;-; even tho I wanted to put a gif to end it)
Overall, it’s like having both coffee and cafe latte, you both are cute and have a fuzzy heart, and yet can be the most intellectual/skilled boss of yourself in your serious mode and field of work. Logicality and hidden sass with vulnerability/soft on the inside hidden, you two are quite the duality couple or having dual charms :3 Your vibes together -> ⛅️⭐️🌗✨🍪🍿🌱💖✨🍎 ❤️
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tswiftdaily · 5 years
New Reputation: Taylor Swift shares intel on TS7, fan theories, and her next era
Snakes begone. The 29-year-old superstar is back with a new album and a new outlook on life. We go inside the pop monarch's latest chapter.
THE PALM TREES ARRIVED IN FEBRUARY, seven in all, set against a pastel blue backdrop with superimposed stars. It appeared that a new Taylor Swift era was upon us — that the old happy-go-lucky Taylor was not, in fact, dead. Or did it? It wasonly an Instagram photo, just one more picture in an infinite content scroll. But it also came from a pop star known for prodigious hint-dropping, whose fans turn every piece of info into an online archaeological dig.
As expected, the summery post sent Swifties sifting through each detail with a fine-tooth comb. What did the trees symbolize? An overdue vacation? A recently purchased beach house? A secret palm-frond collection? Or maybe, as many surmised, it was new music. One Twitter user predicted that the number of stars in the background of the photo hinted at a single drop: “There’s about 60/61 [stars]️. There’s 61 days until April 26, FRIDAY, a SINGLE RELEASE day!” Another said it was the unofficial announcement of her next LP: “Okay so in this picture there are 4 palm trees on the left (4 country albums). There are two palm trees on the right (2 pop albums). There is one large palm tree in the middle. This represents her new album.” These may sound like ludicrous conspiracy theories — for the record, they were mostly correct — but they fit firmly within the Taylor Swift Musical Universe (it’s like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but with more guitars and fewer Stan Lee cameos).
“I posted that the day that I finished the seventh album,” says Swift about the photo. “I couldn’t expect [my fans] to know that. I figured they’d figure it out later, but a lot of their theories were actually correct. Those Easter eggs were just trying to establish that tone, which I foreshadowed ages ago in a Spotify vertical video for ‘Delicate’ by painting my nails those [pastel] colors.”
It’s now April, and the 29-year-old pop star is in a Los Angeles photo studio, giving her first sit-down magazine interview in three years. She wants to discuss the art of placing hints inside her work, as well as the upcoming record, which she recorded as soon as she finished the Reputation Tour. She’s also keen on detailing her own obsessions, talking up the TV shows, books, and songs that help shape her outlook on life.
Over the past 13 years, Swift has perfected the pop culture feedback loop: She shares updates about her life and drops hints about new music, which fans then gobble up and re-promote with their own theories, which Swift then re-shares on her Tumblr or incorporates into future clues. It’s like a T-Swift-built Escher staircase of personal memories and moments that tease what’s next. “I’ve trained them to be that way,” she says of her fans’ astute detective work. Swift is a pop culture fanatic herself (see: the jean jacket she’s wearing on the EW cover) and has an innate understanding of the lengths her audience will go to be a part of the original creation. “I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping. Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”
Through this approach, Swift has designed the ultimate artistic scavenger hunt — and it’s easy to get swept up in its drama, even if you don’t listen to her music. Her moments aren’t always hidden, either. Sometimes Swift highlights aspects of her world just so fans feel like they’re on the journey with her. Like the time in March 2018 when pop singer Hayley Kiyoko was accused of shading Swift after mentioning her name during an interview. On Tumblr, Swift re-shared a fan’s post, adding commentary that defended Kiyoko, which immediately dispelled any conflicts between the two artists; Swift’s post subsequently received more than 29,000 notes. Four months later, she invited Kiyoko on stage during the Reputation Tour to sing her hit “Curious.” Kiyoko returned the favor when she had Swift join her that December at a benefit on behalf of the LGBTQ organization the Ally Coalition to perform “Delicate.” Fans of both artists were elated by the mutual support.
The feedback loop also extends outside of music. In October 2018, Swift broke her silence about politics by publicly endorsing two candidates for office in her adopted state of Tennessee, while encouraging her followers to register to vote. She kept up the civic momentum through Election Day when she asked fans to post selfies after voting; Swift then eagerly re-promoted her favorites on Instagram stories.
This practice of sharing and re-sharing and sharing again is why listeners consider Swift one of the world’s most accessible pop stars, someone willing to not only interact with her audience but invite them to secret listening sessions, or make the occasional surprise visit to their wedding or prom. It’s a symbiotic relationship, one that, as Swift tells EW, helped her dig out of the darker era of reputation. “It’s definitely the fans that made that tonal shift in the way I was feeling,” she says. “Songwriters need to communicate, and part of communicating correctly is when you put out a message that is understood the way you meant it. reputation was interesting because I’d never before had an album that wasn’t fully understood until it was seen live. When it first came out everyone thought it was just going to be angry; upon listening to the whole thing they realized it’s actually about love and friendship, and finding out what your priorities are.”
Then, during the Reputation Tour, she had an epiphany: that despite the caricature that she thought had been created of her, there were many people who saw what others had simply refused to. “I would look out into the audience and I’d see these amazing, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, empathetic people,” she says. “So often with our takedown culture, talking s— about a celebrity is basically the same as talking s— about the new iPhone. So when I go and I meet fans, I see that they actually see me as a flesh-and-blood human being. That — as contrived as it may sound — changed [me] completely, assigning humanity to my life.”
At tour’s end, she channeled that positive energy into the studio, recording the new album in just under three months. But the fast pace won’t mean a short LP. Swift confirmed that her seventh record (she hasn’t announced a title yet; the working nickname among fans is TS7) will include more songs than any of her previous releases. “I try not to go into making an album with any expectation,” she says. “I started to write so much that I knew immediately it would probably be bigger.”
The project will also feature a mix of old and new collaborators (on the candy-coated lead single “ME!” Swift brought in Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and coproducer Joel Little, both of whom she had never worked with), but she is unsurprisingly coy about doling out much more information, as if doing so would break the carefully honed T-Swiftian feedback loop. “There’s a lot of a lot on this album,” she says. “I’m trying to convey an emotional spectrum. I definitely don’t wanna have too much of one thing…. You get some joyful songs and you get the bops, as they say.” There’s also, she adds, some “really, really, really, really sad songs,” but “not enough to where you need to worry about me.”
She gives us one more clue: The true distinction between TS7 and reputation is in the delivery. “This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
The past month has seen a deluge of Swift activity, from the release of the new single to dropping more hints in interviews about the record and its title, which is apparently hidden somewhere inside the “ME!” music video (current fan guesses include Kaleidoscope and Daisy). But if the Easter eggs from the pop star seem like a business-as-usual routine, she says this album does indeed mark a new era of her life, where she’s been better able to prioritize what’s important to her.
“Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life,” she says. “Social media has given people a way to express their art. I use it to connect with fans. But on the downside you feel like there are 3 trillion new invisible hoops that you have to jump through, and you feel like you’ll never be able to jump through them all correctly. I — along with a lot of my friends and fans — am trying to figure out how to navigate living my life and not just curating what I want people to think living my life is. I’m not always able to maintain a balance, and I think that’s important for everyone to know about. We’re always learning, and that’s something that I also had to learn — that I’ve got to be brave enough to learn. Learning in public is so humiliating sometimes…. Do I feel more balanced in my life than I ever have before? Um, probably yeah. But is that permanent? No. And I think being okay with that has put me in a bit of a better position.” Strong words to live by, to quote, to re-share, to tweet back to her, and see if she’ll respond.
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despairforme · 5 years
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                                            HAPPY NEW YEAR!
     Time for a New Year’s post! This year was wild! A lot of stuff happened in my personal life, such as moving and entering into a relationship. Writing-wise, it was not too bad, even though I had some rough months. I wrote around 170 000 words this year ( on Nnoitra ), and I’m not dissatisfied with that. I know that I truly did do my best, and I tried to fight through my health issues, to keep doing what I love doing - which is writing Nnoitra. My love for him has grown this year as well. I’m so comfortable with him, and no matter what, writing him never fails to cheer me up. As I enter into 2020, I’m not sure what’s going to happen this year. I think this year will be a year where a lot of real life stuff will happen ( good things! ), and that will probably have an impact on how much time I’ll have to write. My health challenges are only getting worse as well, so that’s another thing getting in the way of my writing. However - I want to try to get better at managing my time. I want to get better at pushing myself to write. Not because I feel bad when I’m not able to write ( this is a hobby and not a job ), but because I know that if I DO manage to push myself more, my mental state will be much better. Instead of having the mindset: ‘ I’m in pain today so I won’t be able to write ‘, I want to try this instead: ‘ Yeah, I’m in pain, but I can write a little bit ‘. I think this is going to make a huge difference to how much I’ll write, and getting to do the thing I love is definitely going to make me feel better!
     Speaking of feeling better - I want to thank everyone who has supported me this year! Everyone who has interacted with me, sent me asks or messages. Everyone who has liked my posts or reblogged my art or edits. Everyone who has read my threads. I want to thank my mutuals for posting such good content on my dash to brighten my day. I’m really lucky to have so many talented people around me! I wish only the best for you guys. Hopefully 2020 will be kind to you!
      PLANS FOR 2020! --- Now, for my plans this year. As mentioned, I want to try to get better at dealing with my illness. I think that this is vital if I’m going to be happy. If I just let myself get pulled down dealing with all the pain is just going to get harder. So, that is the number one thing I want to try this year! At the same time - I’m ( hopefully ) going to have some real life things happening ( in the past I have basically not had a life, but now I do? ), and I’m going to prioritize that. But! That doesn’t mean I won’t be writing! So, here are my blog plans for this year!
WRITE NNOITRA’S PRE-HOLLOW STORY! This is actually a goal from last year. It’s been a while since I got this idea and I’ve already got the whole story planned out. Nnoitra’s life before coming a Hollow is something I haven’t written about yet, and of course I’m excited about doing this! I will post this story in ‘ chapters ‘ as drabbles.
DEVELOP MY CURRENT AUS! I do want to add more AUs, and I probably will - but one of the things I really want to focus on this year is developing the AUs I already have. I have so many plots for them I want to write with people. There are drabbles to be written. Another thing I want do for my AUs is make a separate blog page for each AU, where I will write additional information to each AU, to widen the world-building and to make plotting easier.
SHIP STUFF! I want to write more ship stuff! I want to write drabbles and slice-of-life scenes. I want to send more asks to Lexie ( even though I know they are busy ). I want to make more edits of them. I want to draw them more. I want to develop their AUs and most importantly - I want to continue building on their main verse! So much has happened and I can’t wait to see what will happen next!
MORE INTERACTIONS / MORE PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS & MORE PLOTS! This is something I will try to get better at this year for sure! I want to engage in plotting with people, and try to build relationships for Nnoitra. I want to write with new people, as well as my regulars. I want to get better at sending IC asks.
DEVELOP NNOITRA’S IC INSTAGRAM. Finally I’m running an IC Instagram for him, and I’m going to be keeping this up this year. I’m already having a lot of fun with it, and I hope to continue that!
REBLOG MY MUTUALS’ ART. I have so many talented artist friends on my dash! I want to share their art on my blog, and so I will be adding an ‘ ooc art ‘ tag, and reblog people’s art. I hope this will help spread some love for the amazing artists in our community!
REGULAR ACTIVITY / QUEUE. I want my activity on here to be more regular. I also want to post more, and a queue will definitely help me do this. I want to reblog more musings, aesthetics and other things that fit Nnoitra. I also want to reblog people’s promos. I also want to be more engaged in what happens on the dash. I want to send people memes and asks, and comment on the dash and join in on the shenanigans that happens on there.
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New Reputation: Taylor Swift shares intel on TS7, fan theories, and her next era
By: Alex Suskind for Entertainment Weekly Date: May 9th 2019
Snakes begone. The 29-year-old superstar is back with a new album and a new outlook on life. We go inside the pop monarch's latest chapter.
THE PALM TREES ARRIVED IN FEBRUARY, seven in all, set against a pastel blue backdrop with superimposed stars. It appeared that a new Taylor Swift era was upon us — that the old happy-go-lucky Taylor was not, in fact, dead. Or did it? It was only an Instagram photo, just one more picture in an infinite content scroll. But it also came from a pop star known for prodigious hint-dropping, whose fans turn every piece of info into an online archaeological dig.
As expected, the summery post sent Swifties sifting through each detail with a fine-tooth comb. What did the trees symbolize? An overdue vacation? A recently purchased beach house? A secret palm-frond collection? Or maybe, as many surmised, it was new music. One Twitter user predicted that the number of stars in the background of the photo hinted at a single drop: “There’s about 60/61 [stars]️. There’s 61 days until April 26, FRIDAY, a SINGLE RELEASE day!” Another said it was the unofficial announcement of her next LP: “Okay so in this picture there are 4 palm trees on the left (4 country albums). There are two palm trees on the right (2 pop albums). There is one large palm tree in the middle. This represents her new album.” These may sound like ludicrous conspiracy theories — for the record, they were mostly correct — but they fit firmly within the Taylor Swift Musical Universe (it’s like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but with more guitars and fewer Stan Lee cameos).
“I posted that the day that I finished the seventh album,” says Swift about the photo. “I couldn’t expect [my fans] to know that. I figured they’d figure it out later, but a lot of their theories were actually correct. Those Easter eggs were just trying to establish that tone, which I foreshadowed ages ago in a Spotify vertical video for ‘Delicate’ by painting my nails those [pastel] colors.”
It’s now April, and the 29-year-old pop star is in a Los Angeles photo studio, giving her first sit-down magazine interview in three years. She wants to discuss the art of placing hints inside her work, as well as the upcoming record, which she recorded as soon as she finished the Reputation Tour. She’s also keen on detailing her own obsessions, talking up the TV shows, books, and songs that help shape her outlook on life.
Over the past 13 years, Swift has perfected the pop culture feedback loop: She shares updates about her life and drops hints about new music, which fans then gobble up and re-promote with their own theories, which Swift then re-shares on her Tumblr or incorporates into future clues. It’s like a T-Swift-built Escher staircase of personal memories and moments that tease what’s next. “I’ve trained them to be that way,” she says of her fans’ astute detective work. Swift is a pop culture fanatic herself (see: the jean jacket she’s wearing on the EW cover) and has an innate understanding of the lengths her audience will go to be a part of the original creation. “I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping. Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”
Through this approach, Swift has designed the ultimate artistic scavenger hunt — and it’s easy to get swept up in its drama, even if you don’t listen to her music. Her moments aren’t always hidden, either. Sometimes Swift highlights aspects of her world just so fans feel like they’re on the journey with her. Like the time in March 2018 when pop singer Hayley Kiyoko was accused of shading Swift after mentioning her name during an interview. On Tumblr, Swift re-shared a fan’s post, adding commentary that defended Kiyoko, which immediately dispelled any conflicts between the two artists; Swift’s post subsequently received more than 29,000 notes. Four months later, she invited Kiyoko on stage during the Reputation Tour to sing her hit “Curious.” Kiyoko returned the favor when she had Swift join her that December at a benefit on behalf of the LGBTQ organization the Ally Coalition to perform “Delicate.” Fans of both artists were elated by the mutual support.
The feedback loop also extends outside of music. In October 2018, Swift broke her silence about politics by publicly endorsing two candidates for office in her adopted state of Tennessee, while encouraging her followers to register to vote. She kept up the civic momentum through Election Day when she asked fans to post selfies after voting; Swift then eagerly re-promoted her favorites on Instagram stories.
This practice of sharing and re-sharing and sharing again is why listeners consider Swift one of the world’s most accessible pop stars, someone willing to not only interact with her audience but invite them to secret listening sessions, or make the occasional surprise visit to their wedding or prom. It’s a symbiotic relationship, one that, as Swift tells EW, helped her dig out of the darker era of reputation. “It’s definitely the fans that made that tonal shift in the way I was feeling,” she says. “Songwriters need to communicate, and part of communicating correctly is when you put out a message that is understood the way you meant it. reputation was interesting because I’d never before had an album that wasn’t fully understood until it was seen live. When it first came out everyone thought it was just going to be angry; upon listening to the whole thing they realized it’s actually about love and friendship, and finding out what your priorities are.”
Then, during the Reputation Tour, she had an epiphany: that despite the caricature that she thought had been created of her, there were many people who saw what others had simply refused to. “I would look out into the audience and I’d see these amazing, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, empathetic people,” she says. “So often with our takedown culture, talking s— about a celebrity is basically the same as talking s— about the new iPhone. So when I go and I meet fans, I see that they actually see me as a flesh-and-blood human being. That — as contrived as it may sound — changed [me] completely, assigning humanity to my life.”
At tour’s end, she channeled that positive energy into the studio, recording the new album in just under three months. But the fast pace won’t mean a short LP. Swift confirmed that her seventh record (she hasn’t announced a title yet; the working nickname among fans is TS7) will include more songs than any of her previous releases. “I try not to go into making an album with any expectation,” she says. “I started to write so much that I knew immediately it would probably be bigger.”
The project will also feature a mix of old and new collaborators (on the candy-coated lead single “ME!” Swift brought in Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and coproducer Joel Little, both of whom she had never worked with), but she is unsurprisingly coy about doling out much more information, as if doing so would break the carefully honed T-Swiftian feedback loop. “There’s a lot of a lot on this album,” she says. “I’m trying to convey an emotional spectrum. I definitely don’t wanna have too much of one thing…. You get some joyful songs and you get the bops, as they say.” There’s also, she adds, some “really, really, really, really sad songs,” but “not enough to where you need to worry about me.”
She gives us one more clue: The true distinction between TS7 and reputation is in the delivery. “This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
The past month has seen a deluge of Swift activity, from the release of the new single to dropping more hints in interviews about the record and its title, which is apparently hidden somewhere inside the “ME!” music video (current fan guesses include Kaleidoscope and Daisy). But if the Easter eggs from the pop star seem like a business-as-usual routine, she says this album does indeed mark a new era of her life, where she’s been better able to prioritize what’s important to her.
“Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life,” she says. “Social media has given people a way to express their art. I use it to connect with fans. But on the downside you feel like there are 3 trillion new invisible hoops that you have to jump through, and you feel like you’ll never be able to jump through them all correctly. I — along with a lot of my friends and fans — am trying to figure out how to navigate living my life and not just curating what I want people to think living my life is. I’m not always able to maintain a balance, and I think that’s important for everyone to know about. We’re always learning, and that’s something that I also had to learn — that I’ve got to be brave enough to learn. Learning in public is so humiliating sometimes… Do I feel more balanced in my life than I ever have before? Um, probably yeah. But is that permanent? No. And I think being okay with that has put me in a bit of a better position.” Strong words to live by, to quote, to re-share, to tweet back to her, and see if she’ll respond.
You can read the original article HERE.
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isavander · 5 years
We should make this our promised neverland
I'mma tell you something, and I'm probably gonna be drifted away a lot but I think it's still worth reading, so please stay with me and if someone gets the entire idea then it would be great if they reframed it better since this is too long.
Also this is just precaution that we should take, and I was thinking about it because I would hate it if we don't.
Asides from loving TPN and every single character, meaning they are just so well planed and positioned when it comes to screentime which we all can agree it's one of the hardest things to get right, and I surely have so much to say about them (I personally love Zack the most as a secondary character). What I'm going to talk about is gonna be mainly related to the basics.
I wanted to mention the fandom's behaviour that I've been able to see, I recently came here since I wanted to read the whole manga without any spoiler risks after watching the anime, and beforehand I expected non hostile/ friendly attitudes because dude... they are kids. And I know it's kinda stupid to expect the opposite but you really never know; since we've made tumblr the headquarters of fiction, then we eventually meet unpleasant people. So If I was getting into a different kind of fandom then you just know you would see them coming, but with this one I just hoped I wouldn't for many reasons, one of them visibly being it's freshness but it's not really the one I wanted to talk about, either way I wasn't dissapointed with my expectations.
There are people that are not even that deep on the whole shipping thing just yet so the fandom it's really carefree, but for those who can't help but ship or foreshadow or conspire, I'm excited to see for the first time in a while a post without feeling defensive or attacked, and I understand that have to do with yes, it's freshness, it's popularity on the rise, and their children status. Sadly, I haven't been for a while in a fandom that isn't in an ongoing battle so I'm happy I'm here.
You know this people are getting started, so yet we are not really gonna see something too glorified or biased, and we are going to start doing so once the rising popularity stabilizes and its freshness is over but I trust it won't be antagonistic unlike any other promising manga in the future because of their children status and our past and presence in other fandoms; we just know things get dirty and messy, with just explained hatred and resistance but in The Promised Neverland this ain't it man.
So the children status, give me something more right? I really just want you to stay, and also I'm going to relate it all to shipping so keep that in mind.
Even if I think it has to do with them being kids, because we just soften around them, its rather about the circumstances they have had to face as kids. They just want to feel secured and protected, and if you hate on someone who is around that age in other fandoms, as in trying to bring reasons to your opposition on liking them, the development that they are putting us to see it's connected with ambitious and the path they go through to gain personal satisfaction and empowerment. Those who are willing to be against their choices might just find them boring and they will look for something to talk about negatively: they weren't ambitious enough, they weren't useful enough, and their motivation to talk shit, it's of course, the threat they present to their favourite character and the third "party" that blocks their ship.
But that's the thing, you can't really hate on these kids, theres is literally no explanation that works, and if you look for them it has to be ill-enough. In here their roles also come to the equation, and their survival: you are taking from them their humanity when trying to justify the hate we witness in other fandoms because unlike them, you can't just say they are being boring or useless. As kids, they are doing their best, there is no system that can protect them, and most importantly, they didn't choose this path therefore the risks it implies, which means if they fear, if they get it wrong, if they aren't brave enough, it's too imprecise to use that against them, to just say "you should have know better". If they happen to threaten you, it's impossible to use this against them. And on the contrary, if they are too ambitious, too brave, too fearless, if greatness its their goal it has its roots on survival and aid and if they want to be better, is just so they can be able to reach more families that theirs to help.
So that leads me to the shipping stuff, we know how a ship can be worshiped or hated and I was praying for this fandom to not get there immediately and be victim of such behaviour, which I know, it's odd to think it would've happened but you never know.But then again I trust it won't be that way in the future either. I covered why it's hard to gather any information against them once the characters are more developed but I now want to insist on how it's gonna be as hard if they eventually change.
First of, I think it's really low to act a certain way when it comes to shipping them, and no I'm not really talking about their age this time, because when people ship them I believe they are looking at their potential connection once they grow. For instance I will use as an example Rayemma who are my personal favourite. All I can think about when it comes to them and those pairings that oppose them is that i want them to be happy. Even if they are been foreshadowed for a certain future all I want for all of them is to live in peace. More than anything they consider each other friends and family, they interact with each other daily and put their lives on each other shoulders, and they don't prioritize anything else other than each other's safety. This is not about them being in another classroom or other team and having to instead, interact for time to time or in a new arc and then they suddenly get to meet and people start shipping them. It is a little disrespectful to prioritize romance over their friendship because in this case yes, I'm briging the fact that they are children and as I said we are idealizing their potential relationship who started and we were all part of when they were indeed children, friends, and mutual protectors. The emptiness they might want to fill doesn't have to be fill by that type of love just yet, it needs to be fill with other values like respect and partnership and teamwork, it is already being filled, because those values are the ones that they need now to secure everyone's safety and if any of them eventually fall in love it would be substantiated on those traits only than anything else, if they eventually develop a different type of love for someone else, someone that you don't like, or rather force yourself to not like, it's really hard to avoid that everyone, including that "third party" contributed to the person you rooted for to survive, to their well being and put their lives on their shoulders being afraid as hell, so no, they didn't choose to be comrades and take that risk, they weren't put in the same team and were told they had to protect each other and then developed mutual appreciation, they instead learned how to love each other because otherwise survival chances would be reduced and gave value to any other kid that they crossed because they happened to be part of their "team" for just being human, it's hard to avoid that.
And to reduce ourselves to comparing them or these potential relationships with aggresives means, is really something that first thing I felt when going into the tags we collectivelly decided to not do. And we will collectively decide to not do when this gets huge. We ship them because there's so much good potential for otps, even if we are getting started and the fandom will eventually grow I trust that is gonna be hard as fuck to just annul the appreaction we developed for all of them just for the sake of a ship, because that ship itself would disagree and even be against the values they stand, they would basically be out of character (oc).
This reasoning might not be accurate for some though, and maybe they gathered enough experience to decide that once they were part of this fandom and got involved, they just simply wanted to take it easy because this fandom does feel like taking a break. Itself is breathing. For me it's a mixture of both but what I do know is that it's just really hard as shit to justify hating on any of this characters in comparison from those of other fandoms.
And If we get to see them grow and become older enough in which they might expend time mentioning who they like, since by that time we would have already being through this stage then I trust that we wouldn't change the behaviour I'm seeing either. I know that I wanted to write this because I'm a hardcore shipper in any fandom I'm in, but I don't tend to fight for my beliefs because I'm really not up to it like never, I just enjoy reading positive posts and If I don't I just cringe and make fun of them with the elaboration of a meme, I don't even go on separated characters tags just to avoid drama and hate because I can get really angry but I never have intentions to react on my emotions, especially if on those ships I see potential and work and devotion, like, it just emotionally wrecks me, but it happens that, for as much as I feel like this for the ships in tpn, I was afraid I would feel that way too whenever I crossed something I didn't like and it turns out I didn't mind because for the first time I just don't care. All the time I was thinking I want them all to be happy, there's no fucking possible way to find any of these characters potentially annoying or bad intended and if anyone wanted to bring beef I do believe everyone would attacked them, like look, all the posts about the ships have good vibes, and if anything what you see most are memes, this is the true promised neverland.
So the real intention of all this gibberish is to make everyone understand that yes, is not that hard to be the person that have the initiative to make a fandom be a safe place for everyone especially if it's so promising as this one. In any fandom there is that person when it begins but then they are outnumbered and just starts participating in the same defensive behaviour to protect their favourite character and try to explain themselves by saying "I didn't want to start anything but others did", the things is that they all, if they seek carefully can justify their hate for another character, I don't know about other series but at least for me this is the first time I'm involved in one were everyone agrees that in this series everyone is trying their best and being fucking p e r f e c t, we have the potential in here to make this an everlasting meme fandom and hate free, not for certain groups once this become huge but for this whole fandom to share the same value.
There is so much power in that message and we have been given the perfect storyline to do so and make it work, it's a real great opportunity you know, because our motivation to respect them does not solemnly fall on our morals as individuals and the understanding that everyone is different, but rather than the empathy everyone feels for children, especially those who just want their family and friends to be safe, and that composed all the ships you might have, I know we can make it work because the reason why that girl had the initiative to have an entire respectful fandom with no antis is because she wanted that for the series but she happened to be outnumbered so she joined them, in here is not really like that; this is what the characters would want and they would prefered to not have a "someone-meant-to-be" than a friend and an outsider acting like "well guys I'm taking sides" this is just a reminder that if the fandom in tumblr gets as big as I imagine it will to not forget that I expect it to be as it is now. I don't know about you but I really enjoy entering the tags and looking at either memes or an aggressive reminder of how fucking cute Phil is. That's it, that's how aggressive it can gets. Imagine having a fandom like that that never really change in that sense and for time to time you just scroll and see a fanart of your ship or a rant without subtile jealously and toxic protectiveness, I'm not gonna lie I enjoy those too but this is just different man, we are all on the same team, they are trying to survive, it's like even if we don't see them having screentime, we just know they are doing some important shit and if anything you can justify why they are being important or useful by I don't know just sitting on the floor: everyone gets through trauma differently, by all means we are not gonna tear them down.
It doesn't sound impossible once the second season is out and their arcs are more developed for this to not be as carefree, every fandom goes through this. This is just precaution. I think this has the potential enough to be one of the exceptions like one of the few fandoms from huge franchises that just doesn't care about multiple ships or weird shit, a fandom that is realllly chill, and I think we have enough experience in other series to become like this.
Because It does ruin the series until people adapt and get involved in the drama, you don't want for this big family the same and if you truly enjoy drama let's get that done with memes, like have you seen some of them? I know we were already sort of going through that path but this is just a reminder to make it work, to break the wheel, wouldn't it be interesting to see how it goes?
I edited this so it can be shorter so I basically posted the rest individually
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kaleid-tay-scope · 5 years
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New Reputation: Taylor Swift shares intel on TS7, fan theories, and her next era
Snakes begone. The 29-year-old superstar is back with a new album and a new outlook on life. We go inside the pop monarch's latest chapter.
Alex Suskind
May 09, 2019 at 12:00 PM EDT
Peggy Sirota for EW
THE PALM TREES ARRIVED IN FEBRUARY, seven in all, set against a pastel blue backdrop with superimposed stars. It appeared that a new Taylor Swift era was upon us — that the old happy-go-lucky Taylor was not, in fact, dead. Or did it? It was only an Instagram photo, just one more picture in an infinite content scroll. But it also came from a pop star known for prodigious hint-dropping, whose fans turn every piece of info into an online archaeological dig.
As expected, the summery post sent Swifties sifting through each detail with a fine-tooth comb. What did the trees symbolize? An overdue vacation? A recently purchased beach house? A secret palm-frond collection? Or maybe, as many surmised, it was new music. One Twitter user predicted that the number of stars in the background of the photo hinted at a single drop: “There’s about 60/61 [stars]️. There’s 61 days until April 26, FRIDAY, a SINGLE RELEASE day!” Another said it was the unofficial announcement of her next LP: “Okay so in this picture there are 4 palm trees on the left (4 country albums). There are two palm trees on the right (2 pop albums). There is one large palm tree in the middle. This represents her new album.” These may sound like ludicrous conspiracy theories — for the record, they were mostly correct — but they fit firmly within the Taylor Swift Musical Universe (it’s like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but with more guitars and fewer Stan Lee cameos).
“I posted that the day that I finished the seventh album,” says Swift about the photo. “I couldn’t expect [my fans] to know that. I figured they’d figure it out later, but a lot of their theories were actually correct. Those Easter eggs were just trying to establish that tone, which I foreshadowed ages ago in a Spotify vertical video for ‘Delicate’ by painting my nails those [pastel] colors.”
It’s now April, and the 29-year-old pop star is in a Los Angeles photo studio, giving her first sit-down magazine interview in three years. She wants to discuss the art of placing hints inside her work, as well as the upcoming record, which she recorded as soon as she finished the Reputation Tour. She’s also keen on detailing her own obsessions, talking up the TV shows, books, and songs that help shape her outlook on life.
Over the past 13 years, Swift has perfected the pop culture feedback loop: She shares updates about her life and drops hints about new music, which fans then gobble up and re-promote with their own theories, which Swift then re-shares on her Tumblr or incorporates into future clues. It’s like a T-Swift-built Escher staircase of personal memories and moments that tease what’s next. “I’ve trained them to be that way,” she says of her fans’ astute detective work. Swift is a pop culture fanatic herself (see: the jean jacket she’s wearing on the EW cover) and has an innate understanding of the lengths her audience will go to be a part of the original creation. “I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping. Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”
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Through this approach, Swift has designed the ultimate artistic scavenger hunt — and it’s easy to get swept up in its drama, even if you don’t listen to her music. Her moments aren’t always hidden, either. Sometimes Swift highlights aspects of her world just so fans feel like they’re on the journey with her. Like the time in March 2018 when pop singer Hayley Kiyoko was accused of shading Swift after mentioning her name during an interview. On Tumblr, Swift re-shared a fan’s post, adding commentary that defended Kiyoko, which immediately dispelled any conflicts between the two artists; Swift’s post subsequently received more than 29,000 notes. Four months later, she invited Kiyoko on stage during the Reputation Tour to sing her hit “Curious.” Kiyoko returned the favor when she had Swift join her that December at a benefit on behalf of the LGBTQ organization the Ally Coalition to perform “Delicate.” Fans of both artists were elated by the mutual support.
The feedback loop also extends outside of music. In October 2018, Swift broke her silence about politics by publicly endorsing two candidates for office in her adopted state of Tennessee, while encouraging her followers to register to vote. She kept up the civic momentum through Election Day when she asked fans to post selfies after voting; Swift then eagerly re-promoted her favorites on Instagram stories.
This practice of sharing and re-sharing and sharing again is why listeners consider Swift one of the world’s most accessible pop stars, someone willing to not only interact with her audience but invite them to secret listening sessions, or make the occasional surprise visit to their wedding or prom. It’s a symbiotic relationship, one that, as Swift tells EW, helped her dig out of the darker era of reputation. “It’s definitely the fans that made that tonal shift in the way I was feeling,” she says. “Songwriters need to communicate, and part of communicating correctly is when you put out a message that is understood the way you meant it. reputation was interesting because I’d never before had an album that wasn’t fully understood until it was seen live. When it first came out everyone thought it was just going to be angry; upon listening to the whole thing they realized it’s actually about love and friendship, and finding out what your priorities are.”
Then, during the Reputation Tour, she had an epiphany: that despite the caricature that she thought had been created of her, there were many people who saw what others had simply refused to. “I would look out into the audience and I’d see these amazing, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, empathetic people,” she says. “So often with our takedown culture, talking s— about a celebrity is basically the same as talking s— about the new iPhone. So when I go and I meet fans, I see that they actually see me as a flesh-and-blood human being. That — as contrived as it may sound — changed [me] completely, assigning humanity to my life.”
At tour’s end, she channeled that positive energy into the studio, recording the new album in just under three months. But the fast pace won’t mean a short LP. Swift confirmed that her seventh record (she hasn’t announced a title yet; the working nickname among fans is TS7) will include more songs than any of her previous releases. “I try not to go into making an album with any expectation,” she says. “I started to write so much that I knew immediately it would probably be bigger.”
The project will also feature a mix of old and new collaborators (on the candy-coated lead single “ME!” Swift brought in Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and coproducer Joel Little, both of whom she had never worked with), but she is unsurprisingly coy about doling out much more information, as if doing so would break the carefully honed T-Swiftian feedback loop. “There’s a lot of a lot on this album,” she says. “I’m trying to convey an emotional spectrum. I definitely don’t wanna have too much of one thing…. You get some joyful songs and you get the bops, as they say.” There’s also, she adds, some “really, really, really, really sad songs,” but “not enough to where you need to worry about me.”
She gives us one more clue: The true distinction between TS7 and reputation is in the delivery. “This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
The past month has seen a deluge of Swift activity, from the release of the new single to dropping more hints in interviews about the record and its title, which is apparently hidden somewhere inside the “ME!” music video (current fan guesses include Kaleidoscope and Daisy). But if the Easter eggs from the pop star seem like a business-as-usual routine, she says this album does indeed mark a new era of her life, where she’s been better able to prioritize what’s important to her.
“Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life,” she says. “Social media has given people a way to express their art. I use it to connect with fans. But on the downside you feel like there are 3 trillion new invisible hoops that you have to jump through, and you feel like you’ll never be able to jump through them all correctly. I — along with a lot of my friends and fans — am trying to figure out how to navigate living my life and not just curating what I want people to think living my life is. I’m not always able to maintain a balance, and I think that’s important for everyone to know about. We’re always learning, and that’s something that I also had to learn — that I’ve got to be brave enough to learn. Learning in public is so humiliating sometimes…. Do I feel more balanced in my life than I ever have before? Um, probably yeah. But is that permanent? No. And I think being okay with that has put me in a bit of a better position.” Strong words to live by, to quote, to re-share, to tweet back to her, and see if she’ll respond.
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mywild · 5 years
New Reputation: Taylor Swift shares intel on TS7, fan theories, and her next era
THE PALM TREES ARRIVED IN FEBRUARY, seven in all, set against a pastel blue backdrop with superimposed stars. It appeared that a new Taylor Swift era was upon us — that the old happy-go-lucky Taylor was not, in fact, dead. Or did it? It wasonly an Instagram photo, just one more picture in an infinite content scroll. But it also came from a pop star known for prodigious hint-dropping, whose fans turn every piece of info into an online archaeological dig.
As expected, the summery post sent Swifties sifting through each detail with a fine-tooth comb. What did the trees symbolize? An overdue vacation? A recently purchased beach house? A secret palm-frond collection? Or maybe, as many surmised, it was new music. One Twitter user predicted that the number of stars in the background of the photo hinted at a single drop: “There’s about 60/61 [stars]️. There’s 61 days until April 26, FRIDAY, a SINGLE RELEASE day!” Another said it was the unofficial announcement of her next LP: “Okay so in this picture there are 4 palm trees on the left (4 country albums). There are two palm trees on the right (2 pop albums). There is one large palm tree in the middle. This represents her new album.” These may sound like ludicrous conspiracy theories — for the record, they were mostly correct — but they fit firmly within the Taylor Swift Musical Universe (it’s like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but with more guitars and fewer Stan Lee cameos).
“I posted that the day that I finished the seventh album,” says Swift about the photo. “I couldn’t expect [my fans] to know that. I figured they’d figure it out later, but a lot of their theories were actually correct. Those Easter eggs were just trying to establish that tone, which I foreshadowed ages ago in a Spotify vertical video for ‘Delicate’ by painting my nails those [pastel] colors.”
It’s now April, and the 29-year-old pop star is in a Los Angeles photo studio, giving her first sit-down magazine interview in three years. She wants to discuss the art of placing hints inside her work, as well as the upcoming record, which she recorded as soon as she finished the Reputation Tour. She’s also keen on detailing her own obsessions, talking up the TV shows, books, and songs that help shape her outlook on life.
Over the past 13 years, Swift has perfected the pop culture feedback loop: She shares updates about her life and drops hints about new music, which fans then gobble up and re-promote with their own theories, which Swift then re-shares on her Tumblr or incorporates into future clues. It’s like a T-Swift-built Escher staircase of personal memories and moments that tease what’s next. “I’ve trained them to be that way,” she says of her fans’ astute detective work. Swift is a pop culture fanatic herself (see: the jean jacket she’s wearing on the EW cover) and has an innate understanding of the lengths her audience will go to be a part of the original creation. “I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping. Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”
Through this approach, Swift has designed the ultimate artistic scavenger hunt — and it’s easy to get swept up in its drama, even if you don’t listen to her music. Her moments aren’t always hidden, either. Sometimes Swift highlights aspects of her world just so fans feel like they’re on the journey with her. Like the time in March 2018 when pop singer Hayley Kiyoko was accused of shading Swift after mentioning her name during an interview. On Tumblr, Swift re-shared a fan’s post, adding commentary that defended Kiyoko, which immediately dispelled any conflicts between the two artists; Swift’s post subsequently received more than 29,000 notes. Four months later, she invited Kiyoko on stage during the Reputation Tour to sing her hit “Curious.” Kiyoko returned the favor when she had Swift join her that December at a benefit on behalf of the LGBTQ organization the Ally Coalition to perform “Delicate.” Fans of both artists were elated by the mutual support.
The feedback loop also extends outside of music. In October 2018, Swift broke her silence about politics by publicly endorsing two candidates for office in her adopted state of Tennessee, while encouraging her followers to register to vote. She kept up the civic momentum through Election Day when she asked fans to post selfies after voting; Swift then eagerly re-promoted her favorites on Instagram stories.
This practice of sharing and re-sharing and sharing again is why listeners consider Swift one of the world’s most accessible pop stars, someone willing to not only interact with her audience but invite them to secret listening sessions, or make the occasional surprise visit to their wedding or prom. It’s a symbiotic relationship, one that, as Swift tells EW, helped her dig out of the darker era of reputation. “It’s definitely the fans that made that tonal shift in the way I was feeling,” she says. “Songwriters need to communicate, and part of communicating correctly is when you put out a message that is understood the way you meant it. reputation was interesting because I’d never before had an album that wasn’t fully understood until it was seen live. When it first came out everyone thought it was just going to be angry; upon listening to the whole thing they realized it’s actually about love and friendship, and finding out what your priorities are.”
Then, during the Reputation Tour, she had an epiphany: that despite the caricature that she thought had been created of her, there were many people who saw what others had simply refused to. “I would look out into the audience and I’d see these amazing, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, empathetic people,” she says. “So often with our takedown culture, talking s— about a celebrity is basically the same as talking s— about the new iPhone. So when I go and I meet fans, I see that they actually see me as a flesh-and-blood human being. That — as contrived as it may sound — changed [me] completely, assigning humanity to my life.”
At tour’s end, she channeled that positive energy into the studio, recording the new album in just under three months. But the fast pace won’t mean a short LP. Swift confirmed that her seventh record (she hasn’t announced a title yet; the working nickname among fans is TS7) will include more songs than any of her previous releases. “I try not to go into making an album with any expectation,” she says. “I started to write so much that I knew immediately it would probably be bigger.”
The project will also feature a mix of old and new collaborators (on the candy-coated lead single “ME!” Swift brought in Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and coproducer Joel Little, both of whom she had never worked with), but she is unsurprisingly coy about doling out much more information, as if doing so would break the carefully honed T-Swiftian feedback loop. “There’s a lot of a lot on this album,” she says. “I’m trying to convey an emotional spectrum. I definitely don’t wanna have too much of one thing…. You get some joyful songs and you get the bops, as they say.” There’s also, she adds, some “really, really, really, really sad songs,” but “not enough to where you need to worry about me.”
She gives us one more clue: The true distinction between TS7 and reputation is in the delivery. “This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
The past month has seen a deluge of Swift activity, from the release of the new single to dropping more hints in interviews about the record and its title, which is apparently hidden somewhere inside the “ME!” music video (current fan guesses include Kaleidoscope and Daisy). But if the Easter eggs from the pop star seem like a business-as-usual routine, she says this album does indeed mark a new era of her life, where she’s been better able to prioritize what’s important to her.
“Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life,” she says. “Social media has given people a way to express their art. I use it to connect with fans. But on the downside you feel like there are 3 trillion new invisible hoops that you have to jump through, and you feel like you’ll never be able to jump through them all correctly. I — along with a lot of my friends and fans — am trying to figure out how to navigate living my life and not just curating what I want people to think living my life is. I’m not always able to maintain a balance, and I think that’s important for everyone to know about. We’re always learning, and that’s something that I also had to learn — that I’ve got to be brave enough to learn. Learning in public is so humiliating sometimes…. Do I feel more balanced in my life than I ever have before? Um, probably yeah. But is that permanent? No. And I think being okay with that has put me in a bit of a better position.” Strong words to live by, to quote, to re-share, to tweet back to her, and see if she’ll respond.
-Taylor Swift for Entertainment Weekly (x)
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makistar2018 · 5 years
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Peggy Sirota for EW
New Reputation: Taylor Swift shares intel on TS7, fan theories, and her next era
Snakes begone. The 29-year-old superstar is back with a new album and a new outlook on life. We go inside the pop monarch's latest chapter.
By Alex Suskind May 09, 2019
THE PALM TREES ARRIVED IN FEBRUARY, seven in all, set against a pastel blue backdrop with superimposed stars. It appeared that a new Taylor Swift era was upon us — that the old happy-go-lucky Taylor was not, in fact, dead. Or did it? It wasonly an Instagram photo, just one more picture in an infinite content scroll. But it also came from a pop star known for prodigious hint-dropping, whose fans turn every piece of info into an online archaeological dig.
As expected, the summery post sent Swifties sifting through each detail with a fine-tooth comb. What did the trees symbolize? An overdue vacation? A recently purchased beach house? A secret palm-frond collection? Or maybe, as many surmised, it was new music. One Twitter user predicted that the number of stars in the background of the photo hinted at a single drop: “There’s about 60/61 [stars]️. There’s 61 days until April 26, FRIDAY, a SINGLE RELEASE day!” Another said it was the unofficial announcement of her next LP: “Okay so in this picture there are 4 palm trees on the left (4 country albums). There are two palm trees on the right (2 pop albums). There is one large palm tree in the middle. This represents her new album.” These may sound like ludicrous conspiracy theories — for the record, they were mostly correct — but they fit firmly within the Taylor Swift Musical Universe (it’s like the Marvel Cinematic Universe but with more guitars and fewer Stan Lee cameos).
“I posted that the day that I finished the seventh album,” says Swift about the photo. “I couldn’t expect [my fans] to know that. I figured they’d figure it out later, but a lot of their theories were actually correct. Those Easter eggs were just trying to establish that tone, which I foreshadowed ages ago in a Spotify vertical video for ‘Delicate’ by painting my nails those [pastel] colors.”
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It’s now April, and the 29-year-old pop star is in a Los Angeles photo studio, giving her first sit-down magazine interview in three years. She wants to discuss the art of placing hints inside her work, as well as the upcoming record, which she recorded as soon as she finished the Reputation Tour. She’s also keen on detailing her own obsessions, talking up the TV shows, books, and songs that help shape her outlook on life.
Over the past 13 years, Swift has perfected the pop culture feedback loop: She shares updates about her life and drops hints about new music, which fans then gobble up and re-promote with their own theories, which Swift then re-shares on her Tumblr or incorporates into future clues. It’s like a T-Swift-built Escher staircase of personal memories and moments that tease what’s next. “I’ve trained them to be that way,” she says of her fans’ astute detective work. Swift is a pop culture fanatic herself (see: the jean jacket she’s wearing on the EW cover) and has an innate understanding of the lengths her audience will go to be a part of the original creation. “I love that they like the cryptic hint-dropping. Because as long as they like it, I’ll keep doing it. It’s fun. It feels mischievous and playful.”
Through this approach, Swift has designed the ultimate artistic scavenger hunt — and it’s easy to get swept up in its drama, even if you don’t listen to her music. Her moments aren’t always hidden, either. Sometimes Swift highlights aspects of her world just so fans feel like they’re on the journey with her. Like the time in March 2018 when pop singer Hayley Kiyoko was accused of shading Swift after mentioning her name during an interview. On Tumblr, Swift re-shared a fan’s post, adding commentary that defended Kiyoko, which immediately dispelled any conflicts between the two artists; Swift’s post subsequently received more than 29,000 notes. Four months later, she invited Kiyoko on stage during the Reputation Tour to sing her hit “Curious.” Kiyoko returned the favor when she had Swift join her that December at a benefit on behalf of the LGBTQ organization the Ally Coalition to perform “Delicate.” Fans of both artists were elated by the mutual support.
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The feedback loop also extends outside of music. In October 2018, Swift broke her silence about politics by publicly endorsing two candidates for office in her adopted state of Tennessee, while encouraging her followers to register to vote. She kept up the civic momentum through Election Day when she asked fans to post selfies after voting; Swift then eagerly re-promoted her favorites on Instagram stories.
This practice of sharing and re-sharing and sharing again is why listeners consider Swift one of the world’s most accessible pop stars, someone willing to not only interact with her audience but invite them to secret listening sessions, or make the occasional surprise visit to their wedding or prom. It’s a symbiotic relationship, one that, as Swift tells EW, helped her dig out of the darker era of reputation. “It’s definitely the fans that made that tonal shift in the way I was feeling,” she says. “Songwriters need to communicate, and part of communicating correctly is when you put out a message that is understood the way you meant it. reputation was interesting because I’d never before had an album that wasn’t fully understood until it was seen live. When it first came out everyone thought it was just going to be angry; upon listening to the whole thing they realized it’s actually about love and friendship, and finding out what your priorities are.”
Then, during the Reputation Tour, she had an epiphany: that despite the caricature that she thought had been created of her, there were many people who saw what others had simply refused to. “I would look out into the audience and I’d see these amazing, thoughtful, caring, wonderful, empathetic people,” she says. “So often with our takedown culture, talking s— about a celebrity is basically the same as talking s— about the new iPhone. So when I go and I meet fans, I see that they actually see me as a flesh-and-blood human being. That — as contrived as it may sound — changed [me] completely, assigning humanity to my life.”
At tour’s end, she channeled that positive energy into the studio, recording the new album in just under three months. But the fast pace won’t mean a short LP. Swift confirmed that her seventh record (she hasn’t announced a title yet; the working nickname among fans is TS7) will include more songs than any of her previous releases. “I try not to go into making an album with any expectation,” she says. “I started to write so much that I knew immediately it would probably be bigger.”
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The project will also feature a mix of old and new collaborators (on the candy-coated lead single “ME!” Swift brought in Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and coproducer Joel Little, both of whom she had never worked with), but she is unsurprisingly coy about doling out much more information, as if doing so would break the carefully honed T-Swiftian feedback loop. “There’s a lot of a lot on this album,” she says. “I’m trying to convey an emotional spectrum. I definitely don’t wanna have too much of one thing…. You get some joyful songs and you get the bops, as they say.” There’s also, she adds, some “really, really, really, really sad songs,” but “not enough to where you need to worry about me.”
She gives us one more clue: The true distinction between TS7 and reputation is in the delivery. “This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
The past month has seen a deluge of Swift activity, from the release of the new single to dropping more hints in interviews about the record and its title, which is apparently hidden somewhere inside the “ME!” music video (current fan guesses include Kaleidoscope and Daisy). But if the Easter eggs from the pop star seem like a business-as-usual routine, she says this album does indeed mark a new era of her life, where she’s been better able to prioritize what’s important to her.
“Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life,” she says. “Social media has given people a way to express their art. I use it to connect with fans. But on the downside you feel like there are 3 trillion new invisible hoops that you have to jump through, and you feel like you’ll never be able to jump through them all correctly. I — along with a lot of my friends and fans — am trying to figure out how to navigate living my life and not just curating what I want people to think living my life is. I’m not always able to maintain a balance, and I think that’s important for everyone to know about. We’re always learning, and that’s something that I also had to learn — that I’ve got to be brave enough to learn. Learning in public is so humiliating sometimes…. Do I feel more balanced in my life than I ever have before? Um, probably yeah. But is that permanent? No. And I think being okay with that has put me in a bit of a better position.” Strong words to live by, to quote, to re-share, to tweet back to her, and see if she’ll respond.
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Entertainment Weekly
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gloriousxdarkness · 6 years
I have a soapbox to get on. And I hate to do it.
Despite already stating that chemistry is most important to me in my About page, I feel I must be more explicit. The following are my guidelines and boundaries regarding romantic ships.
Please read if you are interested in shipping with my muse.
This is a bit long, so in advance, thank you for reading. I appreciate it very much.
I want to state from the beginning that this post is not in direct response to any one person, but a result of many, many instances over the years of people pressuring me to ship. I am annoyed. I write a muse who is sexually active in canon. My other muse (that I’ve had for years) is also very sexually active in canon.
Despite circumstances surrounding their sexual history being specific and not at all random, especially with Elektra, this seems to lead people to believe they are “easy” women, and it is okay to immediately assume they will sleep with their muses. People have come into my inbox and roleplayed ripping off my muse’s clothes, and been sexually aggressive without any pretense or so much as a hello. I have had muns be shocked when my muse rejects a kiss when they have never discussed shipping with me before. I resent this.
I do not Auto-Ship.* I write chemistry-based pairings only.
This means if our muses have never interacted, and do not have a canon romantic history, we will need to thread before we ship. Our muses will need to get to know one another, you know, like people do in real life. Because while rping is meant to be fun and it’s fictional, in order for me to have fun, I have to play my character as genuinely as I know how to.
This is especially irritating when I see people claiming to WANT to write interesting, non-romantic relationships (friends, enemies, co-workers, whatever), but then only write ships, or never speak to me again when I am not interested in shipping. If that’s what you want to do, that’s fine. I get the want to ship, I do. But it’s also okay if we are not compatible partners because we want different things. It’s neutral. I would just prefer if you were upfront with me about what you want. This is me being as upfront as I possibly can.
Here are some things to know about Elektra if you want to ship with her:
She’s about 33 years old in a typical verse. She is not going to be interested in someone 18-29, except with strong chemistry at the upper end of that range. I realize this is the age range for many muses.
She doesn’t prioritize romance in her life. She’s been raised to value self-reliance and not let anyone become too important to her-- it conflicts with the Warrior Life. She’s terribly lonely, but she doesn’t pursue lasting connections.
She does have one night stands. However, if she has a one night stand, the odds of her ever wanting to see that person again are slim to none. And her motivations for doing this are not always healthy.
In the comics, when she does date someone, it’s often to kill time or to fill a hole in her heart. Being seriously interested in someone is rare.
Along with not prioritizing romance, she’s busy. She manages the business interests of the Natchios family by day, and fights a war by night. She’s got other things on her mind.
Elektra is not easy. She is difficult. She does not sleep with people quickly if she actually likes them (i.e. she gets to know them for a few weeks probably, like how people in real life usually do). Plus, she’s a dangerous woman. She’s an assassin. She’s easily bored and has particular tastes. Not everyone is her shot of tequila, and she’s not everyone’s cup of tea, either.
This might be the most difficult thing: In show canon, she is deeply in love with Matt Murdock.
It is show canon that they never get over each other, not even after 10 years of not seeing each other. He is the love of her life.
If you wish to rp with an Elektra that never met Matt, that is an option, but she will not be the same person she was after falling for him. I generally like to keep him in her backstory because he is so important to her development.
I have said this before, but I would love to write Elektra falling in love for the 2nd time, for Elektra to realize that she can love again, but that would take building a relationship with someone else, building trust and friendship, someone having compassion for her and treating her like a person. It isn’t a quick journey, but I think it’s a worthwhile and rich one.
I have verses in which they are not together and she understands they will not be together. I usually set this after 2x10, when Matt essentially breaks up with her and she goes to leave New York to get out of his life.
I am interested in writing a wide spectrum of types of romantic relationships. One night stands that never got a call back, or still have to interact with her frequently, or unrequited crushes, or a bitter relationship that she’s only one foot in, or two people mutually using each other. I’m very open to trying lots of things, I’m very interested in developing relationships.
But if you want an Elektra that is genuinely in love with your muse, it will take time for her to fall.
If you are only interested in writing with me to ship, I might not be the right partner for you. I am not offended by this and I hope you are not either. We just want different things.
Sidenote for Female Muses: I rarely (if ever) receive ship pressure from muns of female muses. I’m adding this because I think it’s already hard to get threads of any kind going between female muses, and that muns of female muses (like myself) probably feel less confident in asking for or pursuing f/f ships. I want to add this note to say that this is not directed at female muses so please do not think I’m vagueing about unwanted f/f ships. However, I don’t think Elektra is the type to think much about her sexuality, so f/f ships with her will likely include a lot of doubt and questioning on her part/her journey unless it’s in an AU.
TL;DR: I love ships, I do. But sometimes our muses are not going to be compatible. That’s okay, there’s other things we can do. If you aren’t interested in other things, that’s okay too. We just might not be right for one another. Just please do not assume Elektra is sexually available to your muse from the start. She gets treated like an object enough in her life.
*the major exception to Auto-Shipping is with Matt muses, because they have an thoroughly established romantic history (and because I make the rules of this blog). I am okay with Matt muses being automatically romantic with her even if we haven’t interacted ic or ooc yet. However, this doesn’t mean I’ll pursue it if I don’t think we vibe as rp partners, and that doesn’t mean I’ll write smut with every Matt, or even write romance with every Matt. They’re fun as adversaries, too.
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jadewing-realms · 6 years
gathering flock
“Are you going to explain?” Sasuke mutters aside to his small companion as they trudge, equally backpack-laden, up final stretch of tree-lined street leading up to their hallowed destination. He keeps his tone unimpressed but sharp—his specialty, crafted to simultaneously intimidate and obligate this particular person, the object of his mild exasperation. “Or are you going to make me ask?”
The trip from their neighborhood to U.A. isn’t all that bad. It’s a decently quaint, scenic route, and it’s taken just long enough for a proper conversation along the way. And it’s been a few days since their last proper conversation.
Izuku, actually, hasn’t really been consistently in touch since the whole ‘sludge monster’ incident. And that was an incident Sasuke had to learn about that on the news right after it happened. Which he still isn’t happy about. Watching his Quirkless friend race into the camera frame from the helicopter view had admittedly been both exhilarating and terrifying, which Sasuke had already explained at this point—twice. One one hand, it was incredibly brave and just what he’s come to expect from his best friend. On the other hand, it was incredibly stupid. And for Bakugou? Please.
This all happened ten months ago.
All things considered, it’s not like Sasuke can really blame Izuku. What with grad prep, final exams, taking all the necessary preparations leading up to today of all days, they and all of their classmates have been running themselves ragged. Sasuke’s been working hard to develop special equipment and filling out paperwork specially for today, and he knows Izuku’s been working out quite a bit, which heaven knows he’ll need in just a few short hours. But this thinning of their usual time spent together isn’t the problem, even if they do live on the same street. No, no, this inquiry is for a different purpose entirely.
And now that most of their regular chitchat is out of the way, Sasuke has questions. After all, it’s not every day one finds one’s best friend leaving a beach from which one witnesses the most famous Hero of all time launching away.
If Izuku had known All Might was there, Sasuke has no doubt in his mind that the little fanboy would’ve been rocketing toward the waterfront. So he wants to know why Izuku had instead been walking away—as if his idol wasn’t right behind him a second earlier. Which only meant Izuku already knew—and had seemingly had direct contact for the first time in his life.
Sasuke wants to know how it went.
Now, Izuku blinks at his abrupt questions, and then has the gall to give him a blankly inquisitive stare. “Uh, I’m not sure what—”
“All Might,” Sasuke interrupts via explanation. “You met him on that beach. You were almost late because of it.”
All at once, Izuku breaks out in a sudden bout of Anxiety, as he is apt to do when he’s put on the spot. Which… is incredibly easy to do. It usually doesn’t happen with Sasuke, though, so that’s odd… “W-Whaaat? I—”
“Tch, that wasn’t an accusation,” Sasuke snorts. “Relax.”
“I-I knew that… Um…” Izuku struggles to formulate a response, by the way he bites his lower lip and fiddles with his bangs between his fingers. “Y-Yeah. I was… jogging. And happened upon him… cleaning up trash. I got to say ‘hi’…”
Sasuke eyes him sidelong. That’s quite the faltering response, and he’s not sure he understands why… Then again, no matter how long Sasuke’s known him, Izuku seems incredibly embarrassed of his devotion to the Number One Hero. Maybe that’s it. “Hmm. That’s cool.”
“Uh-huh, yeah, it was!” The anxiety lingers just long enough to make Izuku watch his sneakers for three more steps, before his expression softens. The nerves simmer down, leaving that same old admiration behind in its wake. Which suits him much better, to be honest. “He really is amazing, you know?”
“You’d know better than me. I’ve never met him.”
Which is true. Sasuke’s been to several rallies and speeches, but he’s never gotten to interact with All Might directly. Which… used to bother him, a long time ago. When he was much smaller, younger… more innocent? He’s not sure. In any case, it’s not quite so disappointing to him now. What would he say? ‘Hello, nice to meet you, please sign my backpack’ and then it’d be over and he would probably never talk to the Hero again. Is he truly missing out on that much?
Beside him, Izuku seems to shrink again, ducking his head against his uniform collar. After all, he’s met All Might in person twice, now. “Right. S-Sorry…”
Sasuke sighs. “You’re apologizing again.”
“Ah! Sor—”
“…th-thank you for your patience?”
“…hn. Better, I guess.”
A sort-of comfortable silence falls between them, filled only by the clip of their shoes on the cold pavement. Theirs, and others too; the street is filling up with people of all shapes, sizes, colors. Some with horns, hair in ungodly colors, tails, wings, name it and they’re there. And despite their diversity, Sasuke knows exactly what they’re all here for.
“So, did you get your tinkering done last night?” Izuku breaks the quietness, at which Sasuke tears his eyes away from the growing crowd of competition and settles his gaze on his friend’s inquisitive face.
“Of course I did. I didn’t have a choice. There’s no way I could come here today without something.” Sasuke lets out a quiet huff of disgruntlement. This is something he’s known for years, but in no way has that time made the fact any easier to put up with. Having a combat-based Quirk would make things so much easier…
Then again, who is he to complain? Izuku has nothing. Just remembering that makes a dagger of guilt twist in Sasuke’s insides.
Unaware of his inner chagrin, Izuku’s expression lights up like Kyoto Tower, a beaming grin somehow doing nothing to narrow his wide, starry eyes. Sasuke resists the urge to indulge in a dramatic eyeroll. You’re such a dork, Izuku, you really are…
“What’d you end up bringing!?” Izuku asks, overflowing with puppy-level eagerness as he grips his backpack straps in anticipation. “The gloves?”
“H*** no, those are nowhere near ready.” Granted, Sasuke is wearing gloves now, so he can see how that might be misleading. They’re nothing special though. He holds one hand up in front of his face, examining it and envisioning the gloves Izuku’s referring to. He’s working on what he calls taser gloves. He got the idea from one of their middle school teachers, Mr. Hatake, and his lightning Quirk. Since Sasuke’s Quirk offers him no offensive advantage, something like that could grant him at least a little attack power.
“These are just insulators for when I use my stunner,” he explains, turning his hand over before dropping it back to his side. “I haven’t been able to get the real gloves working yet. They’re complicated.”
Izuku’s smile softens if only a little, fonder now than eager. “I know you’ll figure it out in no time, though. You’re so smart—like, way smarter than me…”
“You’re still underestimating yourself,” Sasuke sighs. “But yeah, I’ll figure it out. I always do.”
That said, he is only fourteen. He’s been called a genius in the classroom, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to tech or invention. He’s acutely aware of how far he has yet to go… which means those gloves will take some time to develop further. Lots of time… Until then, he has to settle for less practical means of evening the odds.
“O-Oh my gosh, here we are…” Izuku’s voice is suddenly trembling, at the very same moment they come to the crest of the hill.
There, before them, looms the shining gateway to greatness. An archway of steel, emblazoned with the school crest, gives way to a broad walkway paved in neat rows of rust-red brick, lined with concrete columns and smattered with the dozens of Hero hopefuls who dare to trod where legends were made. Beyond a pillared porch and three numbered doors at the top of the front staircase, a colossus of a building pierces the sky with four mighty towers, gleaming glass faces throwing beams of sunlight overhead. Those beams flash over the schoolyard and beyond to the city the school overlooks like a fortress over its estate—a beacon of justice, safety and peace. A castle dedicated to bringing up the knights who will defend the world’s future.
“U.A. High,” both boys murmur in perfect unison, breaths of pure wonder. In Izuku’s case, it’s tainted with a thread of that same old anxiety—unwarranted, in Sasuke’s opinion. In the case of Sasuke himself, the syllables do much to harden his simmering resolve. He clenches his fingers into fists.
There’s only one acceptable outcome today. He didn’t come all this way to lose. Too much is at stake.
Glowing red eyes flash across the forefront of his mind and he squints his own eyes shut to try and ward them away. Not now… not today.
“Stupid Deku.”
Sasuke’s eyes snap open again. His feet stop in their path. “Oh great. The person no one wants to deal with today.”
Izuku, stopping a few steps ahead of Sasuke, does the stupid thing and looks behind him, almost like he wants to validate the person’s approach. “Kacchan?”
Bakugou answers in typical fashion. “Get out of my way now, before I set you on fire.”
Before Izuku can launch himself into a tirade of anxious apologetics, as he very much is about to do judging by the sweat on his forehead and the tremor in his eyes, Sasuke speaks up so his mutual pain-in-the-rear end can hear him—without deigning the explosion boy by looking at him, of course. “Please do. Then you can spend today in jail while the rest of us get into U.A.”
Izuku, for the moment, is lost in nervous tittering. Meanwhile, Bakugou clicks his tongue and, to his credit, doesn’t fly off the handle like usual. Perhaps he is capable of prioritizing when necessary. “Whatever, just stay outta my way, Useless, and pray we don’t end up fighting each other.”
“Yeah, that’d be pretty bad for you, wouldn’t it, dobe?”
To Sasuke’s amusement, that’s enough to make Bakugou halt in his steps. Two tense seconds pass, in which Bakugou’s breathing rasps heavier and heavier through his nose, like he’s trying to hold back a wind storm or something. Usually, there’s a certain nuance to human beings, a natural unpredictability. But this narcissistic idiot is so obvious about everything he’s thinking and feeling, it’s almost painful to watch. Sasuke’s seen it again and again, the huffing and puffing and then the explosion. The Big Bad Wolf with on-hand TNT.
But then, miracle of miracles… Bakugou simply starts walking again. He doesn’t even bother with a retort.
Color Sasuke impressed. If only a millimeter’s worth.
Once the human trash bag has passed beyond earshot, Izuku deflates, head hanging in either relief or shame… it’s incredibly difficult to tell. “Sasuke, you really shouldn’t antagonize him…”
“What, like he antagonizes everyone else?” Sasuke sniffs. “Compared to what he does, this is nothing. He deserves worse, but to give it to him, it would mean stooping to his level. Which I’m not about to do.”
“Hnn…” Izuku wrings his hands. “He’s… been better lately. Ever since… well, I mean. He’s kinda been taking it easy on me.”
“Izuku, he just threatened to set you on fire. That’s no better than actually doing it.”
“I-I know, but—”
“No buts. Stop giving him excuses.”
Something between a groan and a heavy sigh heaves from Izuku’s chest and he sags, shoulders hunching. “Okay, okay…” After that concession, he gives his head a good shake and stands up straight again, and Sasuke knows he’s ready to keep moving.
Izuku’s always been resilient.
The original plan, of course, is to fall in step with Izuku so they cross the school building’s threshold together as planned. Because they’re stupid kids with stupid sentiments and both of them agreed it would be cool. So Sasuke widens his strides, aiming to catch up quick. But all it takes is two seconds and two steps for Izuku to very suddenly be on his way down—having tripped on his own feet. Ready to faceplant the pavement.
Sasuke’s Quirk floods into his senses, drawing every sight, sound, smell into sharp awareness, and he lunges, even though he knows he’s just far enough behind he won’t be able to do anything. Still, might as well try to keep his friend from getting a concussion before they can even make it to the front steps.
Someone walking on Izuku’s opposite side beats him to it. She reaches for Izuku’s arm… and he just stops.
“Are you okay?” she asks, giggling.
Sasuke stops too, one hand still outstretched to catch his companion, and his Quirk fades away just like that, the moment past. The world returns to normal. Except for the floating Izuku, of course. Usually, Sasuke’s the only person around and willing to keep Izuku from hurting himself.
It feels odd now, having someone else step in.
And with a pretty impressive Quirk, no less. There’s no other explanation as to why Izuku’s feet remain ten centimeters off the ground.
Compared to that ability, she’s not particularly outstanding in any way. A maroon coat, pleated skirt, black tights. Short chestnut hair frames a round face, cheeks pink with cold. When Izuku instinctively begins to flail, as most would in his position, the girl giggles some more and gently guides him back to his feet. Once that’s done, she clasps her hands together placatingly.
“I stopped you with my Quirk,” she says, confirming Sasuke’s suspicions. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask first. But I figured you wouldn’t mind me catching you!”
Sasuke observes Izuku’s face as best he can from his not-so-strategy angle. All he can really see is his ear and a bit of freckled cheek—both of which are beginning to flush.
The girl doesn’t seem to notice though. In fact, she hasn’t noticed Sasuke’s presence at all either—or at least, that Izuku’s not walking alone. There are a lot of other students around them; she probably assumed he’s just another one. Which he honestly doesn’t mind. He lowers his hand and hangs back. As long as Izuku’s fine, he’ll just wait for the interaction to pass.
Except it doesn’t. Because Izuku isn’t saying a word. Sasuke may not be able to see his face from where he’s standing, but the awkward silence speaks volumes.
“Isn’t this all like, way nerve-wracking?” the girl offers by way of conversation starter, smiling but doing little to hide the anxiety in her own body-language, hands going to her backpack straps, weight leaning on her heels.
Izuku’s response consists of a sudden outburst of flailing and stammering.
Oh, that’s smooth.
“Well,” she says, unperturbed, “guess I’ll see you inside. Bye!”
Off she scampers, leaving Izuku to wallow in more awkward silence. Other examinees pass them by, a single beat of silence passing with them before Sasuke steps alongside his friend.
“Well, that was weird,” he murmurs, watching their new acquaintance disappear through the door labeled with a giant golden number 1.
“Holy whoa,” Izuku barely dares to breathe, “I just talked to a girl!”
“But you didn’t actually say anything, hot shot.”
“H-Hot shot??”
With a smirk, Sasuke resumes his stride to the castle front. “Come on. You can’t tell me your face isn’t burning. I’m not blind.”
“W-Wha—no, I—I mean…”
“Geez, don’t hurt yourself. Again. Now hurry up, or we’ll be late.”
“Sasuke, you can’t j-just do that and then walk away!”
“Doing it. You coming or what?”
Izuku’s harried footsteps are all he gets in answer.
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the-nysh · 6 years
I loved your meta about your thoughts to Kac//chako, Todo//deku, and Kiri//baku! Im curious as to what your thoughts are on Izuocha? I mean alot of people are claiming that it will be a canon ship.
Thank you! :D It honestly amazes me just how much positive support that post still gets! In truth, it seems there are many like-minded fans who share similar sentiments, unlike what certain other vocal areas of the western fandom might lead one to believe. So you are definitely not alone! :’D 
As for Deku and Uraraka together, ah, probably because from some of Hori’s early character pages, he noted he’d planned for them to show up together a lot (truly, not so different from how often Deku and Kacchan are planned to show up together either, even back from their original beta designs), so they are about ‘as canon’ as the amount of believable effort Hori puts into their relationship development. Which, at the current rate they’re going…there’s still not enough for me to be onboard their ship. :O
For them to ‘become canon’ based on the sudden endgame trend from other shonens, well, I would like to believe that Hori knows better than to write his story exactly the same way as his predecessors. Rather, he’d want to write his even better to improve on what came before him.And IF he’s as much of a fan of Naruto as claimed, then he’s very aware of how that series ended and handled its pairings, so now he has a very good reference of what NOT to do for his story too. But in the meantime, the ongoing execution’s all up to him now, and he’s still got a lot of work to do to make it work. 
Because from the start of their introduction, I could not see them as a couple. Visually by design, they have the exact same eye shape and similar mannerisms to things, like when they get excited, wary, or flustered for example, so they react almost like clones of each other. To me, that behavior just makes them feel more like siblings instead. Which…while the two of them have cute and supportive interactions together, that does not appeal to me as anything with invested romantic potential.   
If Hori decides to make them a pair eventually, then fine. But he’d have to do it with a believable approach involved. The early implementation of Uraraka’s crush (to be suddenly pointed out to her from others, no less) came with such forced juvenile transparency, that I actually disliked how it was handled (especially using her character for that…), but maybe that was partly the point. Because growing up can often involve processing feelings like this, so Uraraka’s yet to learn that her ‘crush’ is more like passing feelings of infatuation (or as others have pointed out, like envy) rather than genuine love. So she has plenty of self-reflection and maturation left to do.
The fact Hori decided to have her suppress these feelings, rather than accept them and move on, also felt like an odd (and perhaps dangerous?) choice to me. Like he has something planned for her but is not yet ready to fully explore it. Uraraka’s sometimes suspicious behavior and masked cheerfulness don’t often come off as genuine either. Add to that, the strange reason why her character seems to be falling to the wayside when she’s supposed to be the main heroine is also worrisome. Where is her much-needed character arc? I really want to see it! This is why the traitor theory for her appeals to many, because it gives her the agency she NEEDS, separate from anything related to Deku, to prioritize supporting her family through any means necessary. C’mon Hori, give her some complex motivations and the development she needs so she can actually become a viable contender in the long-run!      
Because from Deku’s side, I do not see any invested interest from him that’s different from the behavior he shows towards any other girl. He gets the same awkward and flustered around Mei too for example, but unlike Uraraka, Mei offers Deku a lasting beneficial partnership through her support inventions. What can Uraraka do to mutually inspire or help Deku become a stronger hero too? Because as of now, the inspiration remains solely one-sided. Deku has faith in her as a fellow classmate and hero, but his feelings for her and the respect he shows for her strength run no deeper than another supportive friendship. He also remains unaware and/or uninterested in her feelings and shows no drive to help or confront her about her emotional problems involving them (unlike another main character where he does actively do all that).
Meanwhile, Uraraka’s ‘what would Deku do?’ moments, equated to feelings of a ‘crush’ mind you, are contextually no different than Deku’s ‘what would Kacchan do?’ moments. :P Except in Uraraka’s case, whenever she tries to imitate Deku, she fails. Whereas, whenever Deku gains inspiration from Kacchan to win, he succeeds and grows further as a hero. That’s the difference between them. Please also refer to the interesting theory ‘Imitation is the Sincerest form of Tragedy,’ to see why this is a concerning narrative trend for Uraraka to realize and overcome. (And now, Hori’s similar visual design for them and their almost clone-like behavior takes on a whole new 👀;; level.) Because not only does she have to learn this mindset is detrimental to her own growth as a hero, but this behavior gains her no more competitive/appealing edge to rival or replace whom Deku already views as the ‘image of victory’ in his heart. So if Uraraka really wants to support Deku and become his inspiration too, it’ll have to originate from feelings that aren’t selfishly one-sided for her own gain, but selflessly genuine. Only then will her feelings read more accurately as love.
Again, these are all the things that both Uraraka and Hori have to contend with, especially if he’s honestly set on her and Deku becoming a believable endgame pair. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to whatever he’s got planned with Uraraka’s development, because I’m really eager to finally see her narratively shine on her own. :)         
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