#probably because i'm also trying to figure out if adderall is doing literally anything for me which it's NOT
jesuisgourde · 2 years
me: christ why am i so exhausted all the time wtf
also me: stays up til 6am on weekends and then sleeps till past noon and like 4:30am on weekdays when i wake up at 9:45.
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
hi mickey!! i’ve been on an off adhd meds for about 4 years so i’ll tell you my experiences with the two i’ve been on ☺️
the first one i was ever on was adderall and the first day i took it i genuinely got the worst stomach ache of my life. had to leave school early it was sooooo bad. but that happened ONCE and then never again so it was all good. genuinely helped me focus, for the 2ish weeks i was on it i did really well in school which was abnormal to me. i was on the lowest dosage though and i felt like i became kind of immune to it very quick so they upped me to the next dose and i unfortunately cant remember how that went at all but i figure it didn’t do much for me bc i switched meds.
the med i’ve been on longer is vyvanse which i have a love hate relationship with…bc. well. it makes me genuinely sick, like it just completely gets rid of your appetite. the idea of food, smelling food, looking at it, eating it. just can’t do it. i either eat before it or when it first kicks in bc unfortunately if you don’t eat while you’re on it the effects are worse. like you have to fight through the sickness so you don’t feel sicker? it also makes me wayyyyy social, takes away so much of my anxiety and makes me feel happy. my therapist said it’s because adhd can manifest as anxiety often times so it’s counteracting that. i don’t have an active prescription but i had one last year so literally like 2 weeks ago i had to do a shit tone of homework and i took the rest of my pills over the course of the week. and i got soooooooooooo much more work done than i did all quarter so that was great.
the crash after is INSANE though. it’s not uncommon to feel like super sad when it wears off and i vividly remember crying in school at the end of the day once bc it was wearing off and i started having an existential crisis. the nap after also crazy like just totally knocked out for hours. and the focusing and happiness will be gone but the icky stomach feeling will linger until u eat.
that’s just my experience but i hope it helped a bit :)
HII RO<333333 THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WITH MEEE!!!!!! it's so good to hear genuine experiences bc they can just differ so so so much. i had never heard about vyvanse so i wrote that one down for myself.
it sucks that the side effects can vary so much........ like damn can the medication just be Medication instead of taking away one thing and replacing that with like three smaller things??????? pls. when i got my antidepressants my friend told me all about her first two weeks (we had the same meds with the same dosage). she was like yeah you definitely have to eat before you take them or you'll get super sick, you have to take them almost at the exact time every day or you'll get sick + she had like stomach aches and she felt like she was gonna throw up a lot so she was just constantly chewing gum for the first two weeks and that scared the fuck out of me. bc. that's a lot of things lmao like is it even worth it all of that???? but then i had absolutely none of that NONE OF IT. the only time i feel sick is when i forget to take them...... but it's still good to know how it is for other so i can atleast BE READY FOR IT.
ok but you don't take them daily though right? just when you know you're gonna be more busy? is that just because you don't feel like you have to take them daily or you don't want to? my friend kind of does the same but the thing is... i am literally unemployed rn and i don't have school or anything but i still feel like i can't focus on anything so i'd probably be taking them on a daily basis anyway.. and i'm just wondering whether that's a bad thing or not. maybe it just depends on how well they actually work and whether or not they give me any big side effects............ sighh it's so upsetting that you just have to Try Them. pay for the session buy the meds probably suffer for some time just as an experiment lmao i love it
it's really good to hear that it helps with your anxiety too btw!!! i didn't know that it could do that and this is just making me wanna try it out even more i'd love to Not Be Anxious. whew what a crazy thought.
but i am very very very scared of the appetite loss though bc well...... i struggle with that anyway i just kind of forget about it and it's such a big task so the thought of taking something that could possibly make that even worse.............. is scary lmao this was one of the things my psychiatrist warned me about too
oh and also the crash after it......................... MMMMMMMM yeah that's a bit scary too just considering i tend to go through every single feeling and emotion on a daily basis anyway thanks to my good old friend autism. SIGHHHHH WHY IS IT HARD BEING OFF MEDS AND WHY IS IT HARD BEING ON MEDS PLSSSS
oke i kinda yapped but genuinely THANK YOUUU FOR TELLING ME ABOUT UR EXPERIENCE!!!!! now i know what to expect a bit more!!!! i hope you're having a good good day<333 love u MWAHH
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drtanner · 3 years
Boy, it's time for me to have a Struggle™.
For context, I probably have ADHD. Or CPTSD, or very possibly both at the same time. I have a lot of difficulty making myself do tasks of virtually any description and especially with making myself do those tasks on time, and everything always takes much longer than it's supposed to. Tasks are liquid and non-euclidean and will reliably fill whatever space I try to set aside for them; if I fail to complete a task in one hour and then next time set aside two hours for it, I will fail to complete that task in two hours. I don't know why this is or how it happens. Somehow every task I perform manages to run over, no matter how much time I try to afford myself for it. I give myself three hours to complete the task, and it takes three and a half even though it only took me an hour and twenty minutes before.
What this means is that I typically solve the problem by not doing the tasks at all if I can help it, because I know that if I do, I will somehow not have time to do anything else. I have to pick one thing to occupy each day and that's all I'll have time for no matter what I try to do and I sincerely fucking hate it. This is the bullshit I'm dealing with daily.
More context: I buzzed all my hair off over the summer because it had gone wholly to shit, utterly fucked up beyond all repair, and there was nothing else I could do but get rid of it and try again with new hair. My new hair is now also starting to go to shit. This is upsetting to me because it never used to be this way! I had a glorious mane just a couple of years ago and it was smooth and radiant and I loved the shit out of it so much that I was reluctant to cut it even though I didn't need it for my Lady Costume anymore! I'd been agonising over what I could do about this since the problem started and honestly the solution has been staring me in the face the whole time - given my propensity to avoid tasks that take up time in favour of being able to do at least some things that are fun and rewarding for me, I have become incredibly proficient at not washing my hair, and also at not doing anything that would make it necessary to wash my hair, more than twice a week. This is very obviously the change that preceded my hair getting abundantly ruined and I need to fix my shit. I also want to work out and walk the dog more, so I've decided that I should also do those things as well, because I can wash my hair afterwards and kill several birds with one stone. Genius! I used to wash my hair every other day back when it was good, so I've decided that I should also do those other things every other day as well.
But here's the problem. Working out, walking the dog and taking a shower will take up my whole day. I won't have time for art or writing or bideo gaem or literally anything else. How the fuck do I make this work? I guess I'm just going to have to figure it out, because I can't go on like I am!! This feels like the kind of thing that would be easier if I were medicated for whatever stupid brain problem I have; the way people with ADHD talk about Adderall changing their life and solving this exact problem that I have makes me feel very envious.
I guess I'm just going to have to try, lmao.
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