#pro hero lunch rush
mhabirthdays · 3 months
Happy Birthday
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Lunch Rush – June 17th
17 notes · View notes
thebunnednun · 5 days
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Pairing: Pro Hero! Katsuki Bakugou x Stressed! Reader
Summary: Life is shit and Katsuki finds out you lied to him about taking care of yourself.
And you know what happens when you lie to Katsuki.
I wrote this for my friend @elarakive, she's been going through it so please give her some love y'all.
WC: 16,709
On with the show!!~
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“I should’ve become a stripper in Miami.”
You staggered into your apartment, your body and mind exhausted from the endless cycle of school and work. The clock ticked mercilessly as you rushed to grab your work bag and change. Your commute home took about 20 minutes today, and there was barely enough time to catch your breath, let alone eat.
Sighing, you kicked off your shoes quickly before rushing into your small, cluttered room, your shoulders heavy with the weight of responsibility. The relentless cycle of school and work had left you in a mental fog, and the ticking clock seemed to mock your frantic rush. You had barely an hour to spare before your next shift, and the minutes slipped through your fingers like sand.
With trembling hands, you fumbled through your work bag, grabbing the essentials as you hurriedly changed into your work uniform. The sight of your reflection in the hallway mirror was a stark reminder of how far gone you were—dark circles under your eyes, hair a disheveled mess, and a look of defeat that you couldn’t quite hide. 
‘Fuck it, we ball with the consealer today.’
Rushing to the bathroom, you hurriedly adjusted your makeup in the bathroom mirror, the smudged eyeliner and messy foundation reflecting the chaos of your life. Every moment felt like a race against time as you dabbed concealer under your eyes, trying to mask the fatigue that had become your constant companion. 
You had to look good while in class. You have to look good at work so you can make those big bucks to pay for things that ultimately make you feel sick everytime you think about it. Like your rent, the car, the utilities, tuition payments, groceries, laundry supplies, toiletpaper, pads/tampons. Also Tynolonal because your little dehydrated ass kept getting migraines that you ironically didn’t take because you still wanted a working liver. 
In the midst of your chaotic routine, your phone buzzed with a notification: an unexpected double shift for the week. Your heart sank as you read the message. When you finally got a weekend off, it was swallowed up by studying, cleaning, and chores. Sleep was becoming a rare luxury, and your mental fog seemed to thicken with each passing day.
At work, the pressure has been relentless. Your manager's latest demand to pull full shifts this week felt like the last straw. As you stared at your schedule, the weight of it all crashed down on you. You wanted to cry, but you couldn't afford to break down—not with your job hanging in the balance. The only time you had to eat was during your brief lunch break at work, which you barely managed to find time for.
It felt like there was no end to the mounting responsibilities, and the weekend you’d managed to carve out for yourself was swallowed up by endless studying, chores, and barely enough sleep to keep you functional.
In the cramped kitchen, you grabbed a quick bite, your meal consisting of whatever was quickest to prepare. (A literal slice of bread.) The clock continued its relentless ticking, and you knew you were cutting it close. The idea of collapsing into bed, even for just a moment, was a sinfully tempting dream.
As you raced to gather your things, your mind was a jumble of deadlines and schedules. You barely noticed when your cell rang with its familiar “Kiss me through the phone!” ringtone to indicate that your boyfriend was calling. 
‘🥰 🤬 Kat-Suki 🩷🧡   is calling…..’
Heart fluttering, you nearly dropped the concealer wand on your blank uniform polo to snatch your phone off the counter and hit answer. 
“Damn it, what’s going on with you?” Katsuki’s voice cut through the haze of your stress, his usual bravado softened by genuine worry as the video connected. 
“You look like you’re about to drop.”
You paused, caught off guard by his sudden appearance and the intensity of his gaze. “Just… busy,” you managed to say, trying to muster a weak smile. “I’ve got a lot on my plate.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed, his expression growing more serious. “This ain’t just busy. You’re running yourself ragged. What the hell are ya doing to yourself?”
With a frustrated sigh, you grabbed the phone and tucked it into the front of your bra, the slight pressure reminding you that you needed to hurry. Balancing your phone precariously, you snatched up your work bag and keys, your hands clumsy with the rush. Your fingers were already cold from the constant running around, and you fought the urge to drop everything as you made your way to the car.
The engine roared to life as you slid into the driver’s seat and connected your phone to the Bluetooth system. Katsuki’s voice crackled through the speakers, a gruff but familiar comfort amidst the car noises. 
“Hey, you there?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here,” you replied, blowing a raspberry into the phone. The sound was a mix of frustration and exhaustion, and you could almost hear Katsuki’s brow raise as he responded.
“You sound outta breath. What’s the deal?”
You chuckled softly, though it was more of a tired exhale. “Just the usual,” you said, your eyes darting between the road and the clock on the dashboard. “Running late, trying to get everything done. It’s been a mess.”
Katsuki’s voice grew more insistent. “Are ya eating properly? Getting enough sleep? You know, ya need to take care of yourself.”
You huffed, trying to focus on the road while keeping up with the conversation. “I’m eating, sleep is a luxury right now. I’m managing, Katsuki.”
His voice softened, though it still carried an edge of concern. “That’s not an answer, you know. You sound like you’re pushing yourself too hard. I don’t want you burning out.”
You adjusted the car’s air conditioning, the cool breeze a slight relief against the heat of your exhaustion. “I’m fine. Just got a lot on my plate. You know how it is.”
“Well, if you say so,” Katsuki said, though the worry in his tone was evident. “Just make sure you’re not running on empty. I want to see you in one piece when I get back.”
The call ended as you pulled into the parking lot of your workplace. You felt a pang of guilt but pushed it aside as you grabbed your work bag and keys, the day ahead looming large.
“I’m in the parking lot. So I’ll call you when I get out, okay?”
“ ‘S fine with me.”
“K, bye.”
You blew a smooch into the phone and quickly hung up before you could cry. It’s not like you wanted to lie to Katsuki. Your boyfriend was THE human lie detector and hated liars. But you also didn’t want to worry him while he was out on missions. But alas, those were all thoughts for later as you gently turned off the car and put your game face on before getting out the car and making your way towards the building. 
Your shift at work was as rough as you’d anticipated. Your manager was insistent about you picking up extra hours, their voice rising in frustration over minor issues. Customers were grumpy, complaints frequent, and the constant flow of tasks left you feeling drained. 
The office felt like a maze of gray cubicles and muted tones, the hum of fluorescent lights buzzing softly overhead. As you sat at your desk, the familiar clutter of technical documents and graphic layouts surrounded you. The scent of strong coffee lingered in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of printer ink. You rubbed your eyes, a sigh escaping your lips as you pushed through another round of proofreading.
Just then, your phone buzzed, and you fumbled to pull it from your drawer, glancing at the screen to see a message from Masha in HR. It was a reminder about the formal complaint you needed to submit to get your overdue salary processed. You frowned, the weight of the situation settling heavily on your shoulders.
“Another thing to deal with,” you muttered, tapping out a quick response before setting the phone aside. Your fingers flew over the keyboard, drafting the formal complaint with a precision that belied your growing exhaustion. Every keystroke felt like an effort, each sentence a struggle to convey the frustration and urgency of your situation.
The clock ticked slowly, its rhythmic ticking amplifying the silence of the office as colleagues murmured and typed away in their own bubbles. You glanced at the pile of papers on your desk—technical documents, project briefs, and some rough sketches for graphics that you’d been tasked with. The contrast between your university days, filled with creative media projects and dynamic video production, and this monotonous office job was striking. 
You missed the excitement of storytelling and visual creation, but here you were, grinding away for the paycheck that barely seemed worth the effort right now.
Rent was due next week, and the thought of it gnawed at your mind. You tapped your pen nervously against the desk, trying to suppress the mounting anxiety. Your minimal savings were earmarked for tuition, and borrowing money from anyone, let alone Katsuki, was not an option you wanted to consider. The last thing you needed was for him to find out and make a fuss about it, turning your personal financial troubles into a point of contention.
As you took a deep breath and hit ‘send’ on the formal complaint, the stress of the past few weeks seemed to coalesce into a single, throbbing headache. Your hands were trembling slightly as you reached for the small, lukewarm cup of coffee on your desk, the caffeine offering a temporary, hollow comfort.
“Hey, can you cover this layout for me?” your colleague, Jenna, asked as she leaned over your cubicle wall. Her voice was chipper, a sharp contrast to the mental fog you were drowning in.
“Sure,” you said, forcing a smile as you accepted the additional task. Your mind drifted to the weekend, a distant hope of relaxation and a momentary escape from the whirlwind of deadlines and obligations. But even that felt out of reach as you buried yourself in work, hoping that somewhere amidst the chaos, a solution would present itself.
The minutes stretched into hours, the ticking of the clock a relentless reminder of how quickly time was slipping away. As the workday dragged on, your thoughts constantly circled back to your financial situation and how you might manage to cover rent without dipping into your savings or burdening anyone else. The weight of it all felt almost unbearable, and you silently wished for a moment of reprieve.
Finally, with mercy, your shift finally ended, you felt a wave of relief wash over you, but it was quickly overshadowed by exhaustion. You shuffled out of the office, your steps heavy and laden with fatigue.
The breakroom coffee you’d chugged was doing its best to keep you awake, but the jolt of caffeine did little to ease the sleepy buzz that had settled over you.
Your drive home was a blur, punctuated only by the occasional beep of your car’s dashboard and the monotonous hum of the engine. When you finally pulled into your parking spot, a sense of dread washed over you as you fished out your phone to check the latest update on your pay. The notification confirmed what you feared: your salary wouldn’t be processed for another week.
A gasp of frustration and disbelief escaped your lips, the sound echoing in the confined space of your car. You slammed your hands on the steering wheel, barely containing the urge to scream. The crushing weight of bills, looming deadlines, and the crushing reality of your financial situation finally broke through your walls of composure. Tears sprang to your eyes, spilling over as you let the frustration and sadness flow freely.
The emotional release was almost too much to bear, and as the tears flowed, the inside of your car’s windows fogged up, the steamy haze blurring your vision. You cracked the windows slightly, hoping to let some of the oppressive heat and steam escape. 
As the cool air started to seep in, you caught sight of Katsuki’s footprints on your windshield—evidence of the time he’d spent with his dogs on your dashboard, walking them around while you were driving. The sight of his footprint, a tangible reminder of his absence, made your heart ache even more.
The memory of him removing his footing while you had been driving around, convinced you’d seen a turtle on the side of the road, flashed through your mind.
Turns out it was a really moldy round rock and while you wanted to keep it, Katsuki made you leave the so-called “turtle,” which he’d dismissed as a weird rock, insisting it might be cursed and, “I don’t fuck with no spooky shit.” The thought of his spiky but playful protective nature contrasted sharply with the weight of your current situation.
Your mascara had bled and smeared, leaving dark streaks on your cheeks. You fumbled for tissues in the glove compartment—another thoughtful gift from Katsuki. With shaking hands, you dabbed at your face, trying to clean up the smudged makeup and regain some semblance of composure. 
But fuck the tissues because you wanted Katuski to wipe your tears, not Puffs with lotion. 
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your work bag and keys from the passenger seat. Despite the fact that you had no classes tomorrow—a silver lining provided by Mrs. Yamada’s decision to cancel due to the pleasant weather—you felt an emotional heaviness. You forced yourself to get out of the car, each step toward the building feeling like a mile.
The elevator ride up to your floor was a quiet, solitary journey. You leaned against the wall, trying to steady your breathing and calm your racing thoughts. When the elevator doors finally opened, you walked down the hallway with heavy steps, each footfall echoing your exhaustion and frustration.
You reached your door and, with a tired sigh, unlocked it and stepped inside. The familiar, quiet space of your apartment was both a refuge and a reminder of everything you were trying to manage. The world outside was still bustling, but here, in this small sanctuary, you could finally let down your guard.
Letting out another deep breath as you took in the comforting but humble surroundings. Your mind wandered to the weekend ahead, hoping for some respite and relaxation despite everything else. For now, you allowed yourself a moment to just be, to acknowledge the fucked up situation you were in and space out before you would have to be an active adult again. 
You slid down against the door, exhaustion making every movement feel labored. The cool, hard floor felt oddly comforting against your back as you contemplated the idea of slipping off your shoes and socks and crawling straight into bed. Your tired eyes were barely open when an unexpected, tantalizing scent wafted through the air, making you blink in confusion.
The smell was warm and inviting, reminiscent of the cozy autumn walks you take with Katsuki. The memory of him lifting you onto his shoulders while you collected pinecones, playfully biting your ankles when you took “too long” to pick out your favorites, made you smile through your tears. The scent brought a fleeting sense of comfort, but the question of who had been in your apartment and left it smelling so fresh and pleasant nagged at the back of your mind.
You pushed yourself up, the weariness making your movements slow and deliberate. As you wandered further into your apartment, you couldn’t shake the feeling of disbelief. Your living space, which had been cluttered and messy, was now impeccably clean, as if it had been professionally cleaned. The familiar scent of pine and a hint of something else filled the air, wrapping around you like a warm, fragrant embrace.
Shaking off the disorientation, you followed the delicious aroma to the kitchen. Your eyes widened as you saw a pot of rice and another pot of rich, spicy beef and vegetable stew cooling on the stove. The sight was almost surreal—your kitchen, which had been a chaotic mess just hours before, was now a haven of culinary comfort. The thought of someone cooking for you, despite your exhaustion, brought a mix of relief and confusion.
‘What the fuck?!’
You blinked once, twice, harshly, trying to process the scene before you. With a mixture of curiosity and wariness, you padded softly back to the living room, hoping to make sense of the situation. The only light on was the soft glow of the lamp in the bathroom, casting a warm, clean light across the hallway and into your living room. The air was still, save for the faint sound of shuffling coming from your bedroom.
Heart racing, you moved toward the sound, each step slow and cautious. The clean scent from the bathroom lingered, and you couldn’t help but notice how fresh and tidy it now seemed. You glanced back at the living room, which, in contrast to your earlier mess, now looked immaculate and inviting.
Heart pounding, you crept down the hallway, each step slow and deliberate. The freshly cleaned scent in the air did nothing to ease your anxiety. The apartment was spotless—too spotless. Your mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. Maybe Michael had come back early and done this as a surprise? Or maybe Shoto, Izuku, or Jirou had somehow managed to sneak in, tidy everything, and leave without telling you. 
After all, only Michael, Kirishima, and Shoto or Izuku had keys to your place in case of emergencies.
But Katsuki? He was out of state. He wouldn’t be back for a while, and even if he had sent one of those cleaning services, they were always in and out in less than 30 minutes. 
This... this wasn’t right.
Your gaze darted toward the door. The shuffling sound from your bedroom had stopped. Panic began to settle in, a rising tension that had you frozen on the spot. You considered calling for help, but your phone was still on the floor by your purse, forgotten in the rush of trying to figure out what was happening. You didn’t want to lose the element of surprise.
With a nervous breath, you reached for the flower vase sitting on the narrow hallway table. The roses inside were fresh, their deep crimson petals just beginning to open up. You mentally apologized to them as you dumped the flowers onto the floor, water splashing around the vase. Your hands moved swiftly, reaching inside for the TTI Glock 34 hidden beneath the stems. The cold metal felt heavier than usual in your hand, but you weren’t about to hesitate. 
You weren’t going to die in your own apartment—not like this.
Holding your breath, you stalked closer to the bathroom. You could hear the faint echo of your heart beating in your ears. Quietly, with practiced precision, you closed the door behind you without letting it click, trapping the scent of cleanliness inside. There was no turning back now. The apartment had become unfamiliar, and whoever or whatever was in your room needed to be dealt with.
You crept toward the bedroom, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up as you got closer. The shifting sounds had stopped. Whoever it was, they were still inside. You crouched, gun in hand, every muscle tensed as you approached the door. Then, without warning, the door to your bedroom swung open with a loud
The sound reverberated through the walls as darkness loomed before you. Instinct took over.
You fired two quick shots into the void, the deafening bangs ringing in your ears. The muzzle flashes lit up the shadows, revealing nothing but an empty room. Your heart hammered in your chest as you stared into the stillness. 
"Fuck this!" you muttered under your breath, adrenaline kicking into high gear.
Without thinking twice, you bolted down the hallway. Your feet were heavy, thudding against the carpet as you ran, and the door to your apartment swung open behind you. You burst into the dimly lit hallway, the dingy orange carpet and faded yellow lighting never looking so welcoming. The familiar smell of old apartments and chipped paint wrapped around you as you sprinted toward the elevator.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps, your legs pumping as fast as they could. Most of your neighbors were either still at work or too old to have heard the gunshots, but there was no way you were sticking around to find out. You slapped the elevator button, glancing nervously back down the hallway.
You stood in front of the doors waiting, breathless and confused, waiting for the sound of footsteps or the telltale signs of someone chasing after you. 
But… nothing. 
The air was still, almost too still, and when you turned around, your heart pounding in your throat, you saw nothing. No one was following you. No shadowy figure, no intruder, no ominous movement at all. 
Just you.
That rush of fear was starting to ebb away, replaced by an unsettling new sensation—doubt. Did you get them? The thought made your heart skip, but worse than that, another horrifying possibility crept in: 
Did you kill someone?
Your stomach dropped as if you'd just fallen from a cliff. The idea of it—of accidentally shooting someone, maybe even someone who had no intention of hurting you—was almost too much to bear.
You pressed a shaky hand against the wall, your mind racing.
What would happen if it was true? What if you had killed someone in a panic? Your knees felt weak, and the edges of your vision blurred with panic.
‘What would happen to me? What would happen to Katsuki when they found out his girlfriend had killed someone? The girlfriend of the Number 2 Pro Hero, a murderer?’
‘What’s Katsuki gonna do?’
The thought sent a cold wave of nausea through you. You wanted to throw up right there in the hallway, but your stomach was so empty that all you could do was dry swallow, your mouth tasting like metal and dread. ‘What would the courts say? Would I go to jail? What would happen to Katsuki's career?’ 
Your thoughts spiraled, knotting together into an unbearable weight pressing down on your chest.
You swallowed hard, trying to force the rising panic back down. The hallway around you blurred for a second, the dim, dingy orange carpet now looking stained—like it was soaked in blood. You blinked hard, shaking your head. 
It was just the light, just your mind playing tricks on you. You forced yourself to look away from the carpet, your eyes trailing back to your apartment door. It was still ajar, spilling the warm, pale hallway light into the void of your dark apartment. The contrast was jarring—the safe, slightly worn familiarity of the hallway outside clashing with the pitch-black uncertainty inside your home.
Your home.
You pressed your back against the wall, trying to steady yourself. ‘You couldn’t leave this unfinished. If you did accidentally kill someone, you’d have to take responsibility. You had to know.’ And if it was an intruder, then, well... that was another layer of mess you'd have to deal with.
But God, you were so done.
The exhaustion from the double shifts, the lack of sleep, the unpaid bills—it all weighed you down, made your legs feel like lead as you slowly moved forward. Maybe that's why you found yourself inching toward your open door instead of running away.
Maybe that's why, instead of thinking clearly, you fumbled with your purse, your fingers shaking as you dug through it to find your phone. Instead of flicking on the light switch by the door, you opened the flashlight app, shining its weak beam into the suffocating darkness of your apartment.
The soft glow from your phone barely penetrated the void, but it was enough to make out familiar shapes—the edge of your coffee table, the corner of the couch, the faint outline of your kitchen down the hall. It almost looked normal. Almost. But something was wrong. You could feel it in your bones.
And then you felt it.
Before you could even process what was happening, something hot and large clamped down around your arm. A flash of pure, raw panic shot through you, freezing your blood in your veins. Your heart leapt into your throat, and you barely had time to let out a sharp, breathless gasp before another hand—bigger, stronger—covered your mouth, smothering any scream you could’ve made.
The force of it drove you backward, your body colliding with the floor as the figure pulled you into the apartment. The scent of clean linen and something warmer filled your senses, overpowering everything else. You thrashed instinctively, your pulse roaring in your ears, but the grip on you didn’t falter. 
The hand around your mouth tightened, silencing you even as you tried to cry out.
Your mind raced, trying to piece together what was happening. You couldn’t see anything except the faint glow of your phone, now flickering as it dropped from your hands onto the floor. Your gun—’Where the hell was your gun?!’
It was smacked outta your hand when the figure grabbed you, and now, it was probably somewhere in the apartment, out of reach.
“Stop fuckin’ squirming,” a low voice growled against your ear, sending a violent shiver down your spine.
The voice was familiar—so achingly familiar that your panic began to wane just enough for recognition to slip through the fog of fear. The heat of his breath, the roughness of his palm, the way his body radiated warmth even through the tension. You blinked hard, gasping into the hand that covered your mouth, your mind racing to catch up.
“Katsuki?” Your voice was muffled, barely audible against his skin.
His grip loosened a fraction, his palm sliding off your mouth just enough for you to catch a real breath. You gasped for air, your chest heaving as you tried to process everything. 
The fear, the relief, the utter confusion.
"Yeah," he muttered, his voice rough and low. He didn’t release you right away, keeping you firmly against him, his hot breath still brushing against your ear. "The hell were you thinking? Firing like that in the dark? You could’ve fuckin’ shot me!"
You slumped against him, half in shock, half in frustration. Your heart was still pounding, your limbs still trembling, but the flood of relief that came with recognizing his voice nearly brought you to tears. He was here. He wasn’t supposed to be, but he was.
“I didn’t know it was you,” you rasped, your voice shaky as you fought to steady your breathing. “Why the hell are you sneaking around my apartment?! I thought I was gonna die!”
Katsuki’s deadpan expression barely shifted as he lifted you up and unceremoniously dropped you onto the sofa. The cushions sighed under your weight, but before you could even adjust yourself, he was already stalking across the room.
His broad back was tense, and the muscles of his arms flexed beneath his shirt as he moved with precision, a wolf-like focus in the way he carried himself.
"Okay, let’s start with this," he began, his tone rough and low, his eyes flickering briefly over his shoulder at you. “I'm glad you can defend yourself. If I was some regular asshole, I'd be dead for sure.”
You blinked at him, still in disbelief, trying to process everything that had just happened. Your heart was still pounding, your body still reeling from the shock, and yet here he was, as calm as ever. He flipped on the hallway light with a casual flick, casting a soft glow over the apartment.
“Stay,” he huffed, his voice gruff, as if you were some unruly puppy he needed to wrangle.
He moved toward the dining area, and you turned your head to follow his movements. You watched as his calloused fingers picked up your steel piece—your gun—from where it had fallen, handling it with ease.
There was no hesitation in the way he moved, no sign of the earlier chaos as he handled the weapon. It was like he had done this a thousand times before, like the situation was perfectly normal for him.
You craned your neck a little more, catching sight of him as he knelt to collect the discarded roses from the hallway floor. He carefully placed your gun back into the vase where you had originally stashed it, as if putting everything back in its proper order, like nothing had happened. His shadow moved fluidly across the walls as he did so, and the tension in the air didn’t lessen—if anything, it deepened.
And then, he turned back toward you, his face unreadable, but those vermillion eyes—God, those eyes—locked onto yours like a predator zeroing in on its prey. He didn’t say a word, not yet, but the intensity of his gaze was enough to make your breath hitch.
The soft glow of the hallway light outlined his figure, casting sharp shadows on his jawline, the dim illumination making him look both softer and somehow more dangerous at the same time.
He stalked back over to you, each step deliberate, never once breaking eye contact. His eyes bored into yours, and you felt as though he could see through every layer of your confusion, your fear, and your relief. You tried to smile, to break the tension, but it felt weak under his unrelenting stare.
Katsuki finally stopped in front of you, his steps coming to a halt as he sat down on the coffee table across from you. The wood creaked slightly under his weight, but he didn’t seem to care. He spread his legs a little, bracing his elbows on his knees, leaning forward slightly, his powerful body now looming closer, radiating heat and energy.
He was dressed down tonight—just a black skull t-shirt that clung to his frame and a pair of gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips.
Casual, relaxed, almost like he had been home for a quiet night in. Yet here he was, looking at you like you were the only thing in the world that mattered. He had this way of making everything else disappear when he focused on you like that, making your breath catch in your throat.
He sat there, silent, elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped loosely between them. His back was slightly hunched as he leaned forward, making him look even more intense. His face was unreadable, and yet there was an edge to it—something simmering just below the surface, just beneath those sharp, vermillion eyes that hadn’t left yours for a second.
You shifted uncomfortably on the sofa under the weight of his gaze. “Uh, hey babe?” you said, your voice weak, barely above a whisper. You tried to giggle, to play it off like you weren’t utterly rattled, but the sound died awkwardly in your throat.
Katsuki didn’t move. His eyes remained fixed on you, not even a flicker of amusement crossing his face. His lips were pressed into a thin line, his jaw tight, the muscle there clenching slightly. 
He wasn’t buying it.
You swallowed hard, unsure of what to say or do next. The silence between you stretched out, heavy and oppressive, like a thick fog settling in the room. The only sound was the faint hum of the hallway light and the ticking of the clock on the wall.
For what felt like an eternity, you just sat there—him staring at you like you’d just committed the ultimate offense, and you shrinking under the weight of it. His gaze didn’t waver, not even once, and you could feel the intensity of his thoughts even if he wasn’t saying a word.
Your hands fidgeted in your lap, fingers twisting together as the nerves bubbled up inside you. 
“Katsuki, I—” you started, but the words trailed off, your voice faltering under the scrutiny.
Katuski considers you carefully for a moment, just a moment. Before slowly rising from his spot on the coffee table and making his way to the kitchen, flicking the light on, and you hear the opening of your cabinets and your favorite mug being taken out before your tap is run. Katsuki returns, makes his way to your dining room to also turn on the lights and then to your front door that he locks before also turning on the lights. 
Then, he finally makes his way back to you and hands you the mug that you accept with both hands and he doesn’t let go until you take three small sips at first and he sets himself back down in front of you. It’s not until your fifth sip that you realize he turned on all the lights so you could feel exposed and vulnerable under his stare. You almost choke on that, but hold it down in favor of meeting your boyfriend's gaze again. 
He finally spoke, his voice low and measured, but there was a tightness there, like he was barely holding back. “What the fuck was that, huh?” His eyes narrowed slightly, the air around him crackling with restrained emotion. “You really think lying to me was a good idea?”
Your breath caught in your throat. Lying? You blinked, confusion mixing with the remnants of panic, but you didn’t get a chance to speak before Katsuki leaned in closer, his face now hovering just inches from yours. The intensity of his gaze didn’t falter, those sharp vermillion eyes pinning you in place.
“Let’s not pretend,” he said, his voice dripping with a strange, unsettling calm. “You think I didn’t notice? That I couldn’t tell?” His lips curled into a smirk, but there was nothing playful about it. The way his eyes glinted, the way the tension in his jaw flexed—it was something far more dangerous.
“When did—” you started, but Katsuki cut you off, his tone sharp as a blade.
“When did I get back?” he asked, already knowing where your mind had gone. His smile widened, and the expression twisted something deep in your gut. His canines flashed, sharp and predatory, as the smirk grew into something almost menacing. “Right after you hung up the phone with me.”
Your stomach dropped. He heard? You should have known better. The way you’d tried to sound fine, the excuses you made about not being able to eat, the way your voice had shaken when you’d reassured him you were ‘doing great’—he hadn’t bought any of it. He’d come home right early, and he’d known.
He tilted his head slightly, his eyes never leaving yours as he continued, “And you wanna know what I saw the second I walked in? You. Not taking care of yourself.” 
The words hit you like a slap. Your mind raced back to everything over the last few days—the lack of sleep, barely eating, pushing yourself to the point of collapse. You thought you could hide it. But Katsuki wasn’t fooled. He never was.
“You lied to me,” he said, his voice softer now, but no less dangerous. “Told me you were fine, that you were ‘handling things.’” He chuckled darkly, his smile stretching wider.
“Look at you. Does this look like ‘fine’ to you?”
You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry, as the weight of his words settled over you like a suffocating blanket. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to form an excuse, something to explain yourself, but the words wouldn’t come.
Katsuki’s gaze hardened, and he leaned back slightly, his arms crossing over his chest as if he were preparing for the final verdict.
“I trusted you to take care of yourself while I was gone, and what do you do? You starve yourself. You don’t sleep. You get so out of it you nearly put a bullet through your own damn apartment. All while telling me everything’s ‘great.’”
You could hear the frustration lacing his words now, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. But there was something else—something deeper, more raw, hiding in the way his voice shook ever so slightly when he said the word trusted.
"I tried—" you started, your voice barely above a whisper, but it felt so hollow even to your own ears. Katsuki wasn’t having it.
“Tried?” His voice cracked with a dangerous laugh, one that sent chills down your spine. “You tried? No, you didn’t ‘try.’ You hid from me. You lied because you thought you could handle everything on your own.”
He leaned forward again, the smile never fading, but this time it was sharper, darker, the full display of his teeth and sharp canines making him look almost feral. His red eyes widened slightly as he stared down at you, and there was an unsettling gleam in them now, something wild and untamed.
“But you can’t, can you?” he continued, his voice almost a mockery of sweetness. “You can’t take care of yourself. So guess what?” He leaned in close, so close you could feel the heat of his breath on your skin. “I’m doing it for you.”
Your heart lurched in your chest as his words sank in. There was something terrifying about the calmness in his tone, the way he spoke as if it was a simple fact, something decided without question.
“You’re not eating? I’ll make sure you eat. You’re not sleeping? Don’t worry, I’ll fix that too.” His smile grew wider, more sinister, as if he were enjoying the thought of it. His sharp canines glinted under the light, and it felt like you were staring into the eyes of a predator.
The intensity of his gaze was suffocating, his red eyes burning into yours, and for a moment, you couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. His presence was overwhelming, his words wrapping around you like chains, trapping you in the reality of what was happening.
Katsuki’s voice dropped to a whisper, but it was no less terrifying. “From now on, you don’t get to make that call. You don’t get to decide when you’re ‘fine’ or when you need help. I do.”
Your throat tightened as you tried to find the right words, the right explanation, but there was nothing that would make this better. You had lied. You had pushed yourself too far, and now you were facing the consequences. But Katsuki wasn’t just angry. He was something else—something scarier.
He reached out, cupping your face gently with one large, calloused hand, his thumb brushing softly over your cheek. But the look in his eyes, the smile still pulling at his lips, made the gesture feel anything but comforting. He hooks his other palm on the underside of your calve and squeezes it twice. 
“I’m gonna take care of you,” he whispered, his voice soft but deadly serious. “Even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming. Understand?” Katsuki dips his face lower, closer to yours as his pupils bore into your own.
You nodded, unable to find your voice, your chest tight with fear and guilt. Katsuki’s thumb traced your jawline, his touch deceptively gentle, but the look in his eyes was unrelenting.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, his smile finally fading, replaced with that hard, determined expression you knew all too well. He stood up slowly, towering over you, and as he did, the weight of his presence pressed down on you like a storm.
He wasn’t giving you a choice.
And you knew there was no fighting him. Not when he was like this.
Katsuki stood over you, eyes narrowing slightly as he reached for the mug in your hand. His fingers brushed yours, and before you could protest, he gently tugged it from your grasp, tilting the cup toward your lips. The cold refreshing liquid hit your tongue, and you blinked in surprise, forced to drink it all at his pace. His gaze was steady, unyielding, as if this small act of making sure you finished the drink was a matter of life and death. 
There was no room for resistance.
"All of it," he muttered, and you obeyed, the warmth of the drink doing little to soothe the knot of nerves twisting in your stomach.
Once you drained the last of the mug, Katsuki set it aside with a soft clink and guided you to your feet. His grip was firm but not rough, the warmth of his palm grounding you as he led you through the bright apartment.
The light filtering through the bulbs was harsh compared to the dark tension that had settled between you two. Your heart pounded in your chest as you followed, your mind still trying to process everything that had just happened.
When he brought you to the bathroom, you turned to shoo him out. “I can handle this part,” you muttered, half-heartedly trying to get some semblance of control back. But Katsuki remained solid as a wall, unmoving, his eyes fixed on you. One eyebrow arched in that sharp, expectant way of his, and you knew you had no choice.
With a resigned sigh, you began stripping down, feeling the weight of his gaze linger, even though he wasn't watching you like that. His focus was intense, like he was making sure you didn’t skip a single step.
Katsuki stepped forward and locked the door behind him with a soft click, the sound echoing in the small, tiled space. The air between you thickened as he moved to turn on the water in your freshly cleaned shower, the spray sputtering to life.
Steam rose, filling the room, curling into the corners like a mist creeping through your thoughts. He tested the water with his hand, adjusting the temperature before turning to you, his eyes softer now, but no less serious.
“Get in,” he said, the command laced with care. His hand hovered near your elbow, ready to steady you as you stepped into the tub. You felt small under his watchful eye, but also cared for in a way that made your throat tighten.
Once you were safely under the warm spray, Katsuki turned away slightly, giving you some space, though he stayed close. He wasn’t leaving. Not until he was satisfied. You stood there for a moment, feeling the water cascade over your body, washing away the grime and exhaustion that clung to your skin.
You knew you had about five minutes before he turned back around, so you hurried, scrubbing yourself down with more effort than usual.
It wasn’t long before he came back, his eyes flicking over you with a critical, almost soft look. Satisfied with your effort, Katsuki reached for the showerhead and rinsed you off himself, his hands guiding the water over your skin. He was gentle, methodical, like he was handling something precious. 
And in his eyes, that’s exactly what you are.
After rinsing you clean, Katsuki gestured for you to sit down in the tub. The air was thick with the scent of soap and steam, but beneath it all was the tension that neither of you had fully addressed. As you lowered yourself into the bubbles that Katsuki had added, you felt your face flush at the intimacy of it all.
“Ya know,” he began, his voice rough but laced with something deeper, “when I got home early, I was happy.”
You looked up at him, blinking away the water droplets clinging to your lashes. His back was to you as he rummaged through the cabinet, but there was a weight in his words that made your chest tighten. Happy? You hadn’t expected that, not after the way things had spiraled today.
“Kirishima already went up to surprise your little friend,” he continued, his voice casual but still laced with that undeniable edge of possessiveness.
He found a bottle of your favorite bath oil and added a few drops to the water, the subtle scent filling the room. Katsuki always had a way of paying attention to details like that. Things you didn’t even think he noticed.
“So it was just gonna be me and you this weekend. Me and my girlfriend.”
The way he said my girlfriend made your pulse quicken. There was something about the way Katsuki spoke when it came to you, the way he claimed the words, made them his own. It was possessive, sure, but not in the suffocating way.
It was like he was reminding you that you were his priority, even when you couldn’t take care of yourself.
He finally turned back to you, kneeling by the tub so that his eyes were level with yours. The light in the room flickered, casting shadows across his sharp features, making him look even more intense. His vermilion eyes locked onto yours, and it felt like he was staring straight into your soul.
“So it was gonna be me and you,” he repeated, his voice quieter now but no less serious. “But instead, I come home to find you falling apart.” His hand reached out, fingers brushing over the wet strands of your hair, pushing them back from your face. The gesture was soft, but there was a weight behind it.
“What the hell, babe? You can’t even take care of yourself while I’m gone?”
You opened your mouth to respond, to explain, but he cut you off with a small shake of his head.
Katsuki’s hands were firm but gentle as he lathered your hair with shampoo, his fingers working through your scalp in deep, circular motions.
The pressure was so perfect that your eyes fluttered shut, a low hum escaping your throat as your body relaxed into the bath. It was embarrassing how good it felt, how every stroke of his fingers seemed to melt away the exhaustion clinging to your bones.
You could barely keep your head up, and just as your eyes threatened to roll back in your head, Katsuki splashed water at your face, jolting you back to reality.
“Oi, don’t go passing out on me just yet,” he muttered, though there was a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He shifted behind you, grabbing the showerhead to rinse out the soap, the warm water cascading down your back as he continued his work. The rhythmic sound of water filled the space, a stark contrast to the gruffness in his voice.
“You’re lucky I didn’t pounce on your ass the second you walked back into the apartment, lookin’ all messed up like that,” Katsuki grumbled, his hands sliding down your shoulders to scrub your back.
His fingers traced the curve of your spine, his touch lingering as he was refamiliarizing himself with every dip and curve. 
“You think I like seein’ you like this? All run-down and weak? You’ve got more in you than this.”
Katsuki paused, his hand hovering over your shoulder, and you could feel the weight of his stare even though you weren’t looking at him. “I just want you to be healthy. To take care of yourself the way I know you can.”
His hand moved down, scrubbing your arms with the washcloth, his roughness tempered by the care behind every stroke. “I get it, life’s a pain in the ass sometimes, but you don’t get to fall apart like this. Not when I’m around to make sure you’re good.”
His words were gruff, but there was something softer beneath the surface—a quiet worry that he’d never fully admit to. Katsuki rinsed you off, the soap sliding down your body as he worked, his attention never wavering.
As he moved to scrub your legs, his touch slowed for just a moment.
“You’re tough,” he muttered, almost to himself, his hand brushing along the curve of your thigh. “But that doesn’t mean you’ve gotta do everything on your own. I’m here, alright?”
He rinsed you one last time, his hand lingering at the small of your back as if anchoring you to the moment.
“And don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easy,” he said, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You owe me for not jumping your ass the second I saw you. But first, we’re gonna get you back to being you again.”
Your heart pounded, a mix of guilt and gratitude swirling in your chest. Katsuki wasn’t asking for permission. He was telling you. And part of you was relieved that you didn’t have to carry this burden alone anymore.
“No excuses,” he muttered, his fingers trailing down to tilt your chin up so you couldn’t look away. His thumb brushed against your lips, lingering there for a moment. “You don’t get to lie to me about this anymore.”
His gaze softened, but the intensity of his words remained. “I’m gonna make sure you’re alright. Even if that means watching over you every damn second.”
You nodded, the movement small, but Katsuki saw it. His hand dropped from your chin, and he leaned back, standing up to his full height as he grabbed a towel from the rack.
“Good,” he said, his voice softer now. He draped the towel over his shoulder and held out his hand to help you out of the tub. The air was cool against your skin as you stepped out the tub, his touch lingering on your shoulders as he pulled you close. The weight of the day seemed to melt away in that moment, leaving just the two of you standing there in the quiet.
Katsuki is rough around the edges, sure. But when it came to you, there was no doubt—he’d take care of you, fuck everyone else.
Katsuki wrapped the fluffy towel around your body, still warm and soft from the dryer. You nuzzled into it, relishing the feeling of warmth against your skin, the scent of fresh laundry lingering in the air. His chuckle was low, almost rumbling through his chest as he set you gently on the bath mat.
"Wait here," he said, his voice firm yet filled with that protective edge you’d grown so used to. You sat obediently, the towel cocooning you in its comforting warmth as Katsuki disappeared briefly.
When he returned, he carried a chair from the dinning and placed it in front of the bathroom mirror. He motioned for you to sit, and you did so without protest. The exhaustion still clung to you, but the care he was giving made it easier to just lean into his routine. You felt his fingers work through your damp hair with gentle precision as he sectioned it off to braid. 
The motions were firm but soft, practiced as if he had done this countless times before. You closed your eyes, letting yourself relax under his touch as he skillfully wove your hair into two simple, neat braids.
“There,” he murmured, wrapping a towel around the ends to help them dry. “That should do for now.” He gave you a brief once-over, satisfied with his work.
Next, Katsuki grabbed a toothbrush and came back toward you, squeezing a dollop of toothpaste onto it. Before you could protest or joke, he pressed the brush gently against your lips, and you reluctantly opened your mouth.
As he began brushing, your lips curled in a playful pout, and you made an attempt to nip his fingers with a mischievous glint in your eyes. Katsuki’s reaction was immediate, pulling back just slightly before leaning in close, his face inches from yours, eyes glinting with amusement.
“You really want me to bite you, huh?” he teased, voice low as his breath brushed your skin. You pouted but couldn’t stop the smile from creeping in. Slowly, you nodded, biting your lower lip. He smirked at your response, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin between your neck and shoulder, just enough pressure to make you shiver.
Your breath hitched as you squeezed him, wrapping your arms around his waist, but the sound that almost escaped you was quickly stifled as you pulled back, burying your face into the towel.
Katsuki chuckled darkly, clearly pleased with himself. "Behave," he muttered, finishing with your teeth. He handed you the mouthwash next. “Rinse,” he instructed, his eyes following your every move. You swished the cool liquid around before spitting it out, feeling oddly refreshed.
Once that was done, he moved on to the next part of his routine—your skincare. His touch was methodical as he washed your face, scrubbing gently and making sure every inch of your skin was properly cared for.
You could feel the cool cleanser on your cheeks as he worked, and there was something oddly intimate about the way he treated each step like it was second nature.
“No more mascara,” Katsuki said, narrowing his eyes as he gently dabbed a soft towel against your skin. “I want you to keep those damn lashes.”
You giggled at his comment, catching his eye in the mirror. “Hitoshi says we’re the only ones who make insomnia look sexy,” you teased. 
“Don’t take compliments from a guy who needs a bag check for his fuckin’ eyes.”
You snorted, while Katsuki was rolling his eyes. “That idiot looked like death last mission. He and Denki passed out under the table like a couple of idiots,” he said, shaking his head. 
“We should to check in on them—”
He interrupted, raising an eyebrow. “We can check on them tomorrow.”
His gaze shifted, locking onto yours with a possessive glint that made your stomach flutter. “You’re all mine this weekend. Those extras can wait.”
You blushed, your face softening as the weight of his words settled over you. The tenderness beneath his rough exterior always caught you off guard, especially when he showed it in moments like these. You felt a warmth spread through your chest, and for once, it wasn’t just because of the cozy towel wrapped around you.
Katsuki reached into the drawer, grabbing your favorite lip oil with a casual confidence, but his movements slowed with deliberate care as he traced the line of your cupid's bow, filling in your lips with precise strokes.
You felt the cool glide of the oil over your lips, the faint scent of vanilla filling the air between you. Watching him concentrate so intensely on such a delicate task brought a smile to your face.
“I can remember the last time you did something like this~”
you teased, the sing-song lilt in your voice light, playful. His reaction was immediate—his sharp vermillion eyes snapped back to yours, but his reddening ears gave him away. For all his confidence, a comment like that still managed to fluster him. The slight color spreading across his face would’ve been easy to miss if you hadn’t been watching him so closely.
His scowl deepened, and he growled, “So you wanna get your ass knocked out or what?”
You giggled, placing one hand on his solid shoulder, your fingers brushing against the heat radiating from his skin. Then, with a grin, you pressed the crown of your head into the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin against your cheek. 
“Nooo, I’m just so happy you’re here!” Your voice was soft, genuine, the relief and joy of his presence making you melt into the moment.
Katsuki’s tension ebbed as he rolled his eyes, the smallest hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He let your teasing slide, his usual gruffness tempered by the tenderness he rarely let anyone else see.
Without a word, he scooped you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing, his strength effortless as he held you close to his chest. You clung to him, feeling the firm muscles beneath his shirt, his heartbeat steady under your palm.
‘God, I love your heartbeat.’
As he carried you through the apartment, Katsuki flicked off the lights with a casual swipe of his hand, the darkness closing in behind you both. When you entered your room, you were greeted with the fresh, clean scent of laundry detergent and something distinctly Katsuki.
You blinked in surprise, realizing just how spotless everything was.
The bed was made, your clothes folded, and the air felt lighter, even though your mirror—still cracked from earlier—reflected back the remnants of your impulsive outburst. The shards of glass had already been swept and vacuumed away, leaving no trace of the mess.
Before you could comment, Katsuki threw you onto the bed, your body bouncing lightly against the plush comforter. “Hey!” you protested, mock indignation coloring your voice as you propped yourself up on your elbows, glaring at him.
He just smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You’re asking for it.” You narrowed your eyes, grabbing one of your stuffed animals—a soft, well-loved bunny—and held it up like a threat. “I’ll throw all my stuffed animals at you, Katsuki, don’t test me.”
But the playful moment quickly shifted, his expression darkening with a predatory edge. His eyes gleamed as he climbed onto the bed with slow, deliberate movements, the mattress sinking slightly under his weight as he stalked toward you, inch by inch, like a wild animal sizing up its prey. The air between you thickened, electric, and your breath caught in your throat.
"You really wanna do that, sweetheart?" His voice was low, dangerous, sending a shiver down your spine. His gaze flickered briefly to the stuffed bunny in your hand before it snapped back to your face. "When you know how I feel about your 'babies'?" The way he drawled out the word—"babies"—made heat coil low in your stomach, your body responding involuntarily to the tension in the air.
Your grip on the bunny loosened, and without thinking, you let it drop from your hand. It tumbled onto the bed with a soft thud, forgotten, as you instinctively wrapped yourself tighter in the towel, your pulse quickening.
Katsuki’s smirk widened at your silence, his voice a low rumble as he teased, “What, no answer for me?” He leaned in closer, his face inches from yours, turning his ear toward you as if daring you to speak.
Instead of words, you leaned forward and pressed a soft, lingering kiss against the shell of his ear, your breath warm against his skin. “No,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Katsuki chuckled, the sound deep and satisfied. He tugged at the edge of your towel with one finger, pulling it down just enough to expose your neck, your pulse beating rapidly beneath your skin. His lips descended, pressing a hot, firm kiss against the sensitive spot just above your collarbone, his breath hot as he whispered against your skin, 
“Good choice.”
Your breath hitched, your body shivering as you leaned into his touch, his kiss lingering like a brand against your flesh. The air around you was thick with unspoken words, the world outside fading away as you lost yourself in the warmth of his presence, the safety and intensity that only Katsuki could bring.
Katsuki’s hands reached for the hem of his skull-printed shirt, fingers curling as he lifted it over his head. The muscles in his arms and chest flexed with the movement, every line of his sculpted frame rippling with controlled power. He didn’t bother tossing it aside like he normally would. Instead, he draped it over you, lowering it onto your head before helping you slip your arms through the sleeves.
You smiled softly as the worn fabric slid down your body, the familiar scent of Katsuki surrounding you like a comforting embrace. His shirt was huge on you, the edges brushing just past your thighs, the warmth of it melding with the heat radiating from him.
You shifted beneath him, looking up as he hovered over you, his palms bracing on either side of your head. The proximity made your heart race, the weight of his gaze sending a shiver of anticipation through your body. Katsuki’s sharp eyes softened for just a second, the intensity still present but tempered with something warmer, more intimate.
He didn’t say anything as you wrapped your arms around his strong back, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath your fingers.
“Come here,” you murmured, giving him a gentle tap between his shoulder blades.
Without hesitation, Katsuki let himself drop, all the glorious warmth of his body pressing against you in a slow, controlled descent. The heavy weight of his chest flattened against yours, and you sighed in contentment, the closeness making you feel grounded.
Katsuki’s body, normally so explosive and full of barely contained energy, was now soft and pliant against you, like he was giving you the privilege of feeling his full, unfiltered presence.
Your hands naturally found their way to his spiky blonde hair, fingers threading through the surprisingly soft strands. For all the sharpness of his exterior, Katsuki’s hair was softer than most people knew—something only a select few had the privilege to experience. He guarded his personal space like a fortress, and it took time for him to let his guard down around anyone, let alone like this.
But with you, it was different. He was different.
He was your fussy Pomeranian—prickly to everyone else, but with a soft, loyal core.
You gently massaged his scalp, your nails scraping lightly against his skin as you worked through the spiked chaos of his hair. You could feel him relax, his tense shoulders loosening as he melted further into you, letting out a low grunt of approval. The sound was almost primal, a rumbling that vibrated through his chest and into yours.
You were so caught up in the moment, fingers tracing the line of his neck and combing through his hair, that you almost missed the sudden burst of air against your shoulder. It wasn’t until you felt the wet tickle of his lips blowing a raspberry into your skin that you realized he was trying to get your attention.
“What the—Katsuki!” you squealed, laughing as the sound reverberated through your skin. He smirked against your shoulder, clearly pleased with himself.
He lifted his head slightly, his red eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. “You listening now, or do I gotta do it again?” His voice was low, teasing, but there was that familiar edge of dominance underneath it all.
You huffed in mock annoyance, rolling your eyes before looking up at him. “What were you saying, genius?”
Katsuki grinned, the corners of his mouth twitching as he lowered himself again, letting his breath fan against your ear. “I said you’re lucky, you know that?” His voice was softer now, but it still held that commanding tone that sent a spark of heat through your chest. 
“Lucky I didn’t pounce on you the second I got back.”
His words lingered in the air, heavy with implication, and your breath hitched as you met his gaze. The raw intensity in his eyes, that feral spark you loved so much, was back. It wasn’t just a warning—it was a promise.
You swallowed, your voice coming out a little breathless. “Yeah? And why didn’t you?”
His grin widened as he pressed his forehead against yours, his voice dropping even lower. “Because I’m not an idiot. I could see you weren’t takin’ care of yourself. And I ain’t about to let my girl fall apart while I’m gone.”
You blinked, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you, though his words held a stern undertone. He shifted slightly, his weight pressing more firmly against you as his hands slid up your sides, his thumbs brushing just under the hem of his shirt. The touch was possessive but careful, like he was reminding you who was in charge of your well-being now.
“I know you can take care of yourself,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your temple, “but sometimes, you get stressed and forget.” His hands stilled, resting on your waist. “So I’m gonna do it for you.”
You couldn’t help the small smile tugging at your lips. Katsuki, in his own gruff way, always knew exactly what you needed. And it wouldn’t even  admit it outright, he cared more than anyone you’d ever known.
You felt your hands tighten in his hair again, tugging gently as you let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, feeling a mix of affection and guilt. You knew you hadn’t been taking care of yourself lately, but hearing him say it hit differently. It made you realize just how much he’d noticed, how much he’d been keeping track, even when he wasn’t around.
Katsuki didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he shifted his weight, lifting his head to look down at you again, his expression softening just a fraction. “Yeah, well... just don’t make me come home to that shit again, got it?” His voice was still gruff, but there was an undeniable warmth in his tone.
You nodded, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. He didn’t need to say it outright, but you knew—he wasn’t going anywhere. Not when it came to you.
Without another word, he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before nuzzling into the crook of your neck. His breath was warm against your skin, and you let yourself relax under the weight of his body, feeling safe, loved, and cared for.
The two of you lay there in a soft, comfortable silence, the weight of Katsuki’s warm body settled against yours, his steady breath fanning over your skin.
His arms, strong yet gentle, stayed wrapped around your waist as if anchoring himself to you. The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of the sheets and the subtle creaking of the bed beneath your weight. You were about to close your eyes, savoring the moment, when you felt a slight flutter against your neck. His long eyelashes were brushing against your skin, tickling you softly.
You blinked, lifting your head slightly. "Katsuki, you alright?"
A muffled, "Yeah," came from him, his voice low and slightly hoarse as he nuzzled into the crook of your shoulder. But something in the way he said it made you pause. His head shifted, settling over your boob (chest), right where your heart was. The sensation of his ear pressing against your heartbeat sent a wave of warmth and electricity rushing through you. Your soul felt like it was lighting up, a familiar connection between you two sparking alive.
Katsuki reached for your hand, his calloused fingers weaving through yours with a gentleness that contrasted his usual roughness. He lifted your intertwined hands and pressed them over his own heart, resting them there. The sensation, the intimacy of the moment, sent a tingle through your entire body, filling you with an overwhelming sense of love and connection. It was rare for Katsuki to be this tender, to show you this vulnerable side of himself. 
And yet, as you lay there, your heartbeats in sync, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
A soft, involuntary smile tugged at your lips as you looked down at him. You could feel the rhythm of his heart beneath your palm, steady and strong, and you were certain he could feel yours, too. The electric charge between you wasn’t just emotional; it felt physical, like your very essence was reaching out to him, and he to you. Katsuki, usually so tough and guarded, was here in your arms, sharing this tender moment.
But as you lay there, soaking in the warmth of the moment, something shifted. Katsuki stiffened slightly in your arms, his body going rigid against yours. You could feel his breath hitch, and when you looked down, you saw the confusion in his eyes, the way they glistened with unshed tears. His brow furrowed, and for a moment, he looked completely lost, almost scared.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” you asked, your voice laced with concern as you felt him tense even further. A flicker of panic shot through you. You knew how hard it was for Katsuki to express his emotions, and seeing him like this, vulnerable and on the verge of breaking down, tugged at something deep inside of you. 
"Are you having those pains again? Is it your chest?!"
Katsuki shook his head quickly, but his face contorted, and he let out a sharp sniff, his breaths coming faster. His fingers squeezed yours, his grip tightening as his other arm wrapped around your waist with almost a desperate strength.
You could feel the heat rising off his skin, his body suddenly clammy as if he were in a battle. His muscles tensed and flexed, his jaw clenched as he tried to fight whatever emotions were threatening to spill out.
"'S alright," he mumbled into your chest, but you could hear the tremble in his voice, the way it cracked as if he were holding something back. He buried his face deeper against you, curling into your body as though trying to shield himself from the storm brewing inside him.
"No, 'S not alright," you countered softly, your hand moving to rub slow, calming circles over his sweaty back. "Come on, Katsu, you know you can tell me."
You felt his heart pounding harder against your hand, the frantic rhythm echoing through your palm. His breath hitched again, and you instinctively shifted, running your fingers through his hair to calm him. Your other hand moved to the back of his neck, rubbing the tension out of his tight muscles as his breaths came in shallow gasps.
Katsuki’s palms, usually dry and strong, grew slick with sweat, and you could feel his hands trembling as they gripped yours. He sniffed again, louder this time, his body shuddering as he tried to regain control. Several deep, shaky breaths followed, but he didn’t pull away.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he lifted his head. His red eyes were rimmed with unshed tears, his lashes wet as he blinked them away. He sat up slowly, pulling himself out of your embrace, though he still held onto your hand like a lifeline. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, his gaze distant as if he were trying to sort through the mess of emotions swirling inside him.
You reached up, gently brushing a tear away from his cheek. “Baby, talk to me, please.”
He swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he struggled to find his voice. When he finally spoke, his words were soft, raw. “I dunno... I just—” He paused, his jaw clenched as he looked down at your hand still resting over his heart. “I dunno what’s wrong with me.”
Your heart ached at the sight of him like this, so vulnerable and confused. Katsuki wasn’t used to feeling things this deeply, wasn’t used to letting anyone in like this. But here he was, breaking down in front of you, and all you wanted to do was hold him together.
You scooted closer, sitting up and pressing your forehead against his. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Katsu,” you whispered, your voice soothing as you cupped his face in your hands. “You’re just... feeling things. It’s okay.”
Katsuki closed his eyes, his breath shuddering as he leaned into your touch. “I don’t like it,” he muttered, his voice thick with frustration. “I don’t like not... not being able to control it.”
You kissed his forehead softly, letting your lips linger there for a moment before pulling back. “You don’t always have to be in control. It’s okay to let go sometimes.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond, just sat there with his eyes closed, his breathing slowly evening out as he let your words sink in. When he finally opened his eyes again, they were still glassy, but the panic had faded, replaced by a quiet resolve. He looked at you with an intensity that took your breath away.
“You make me feel things I don’t know how to handle,” he admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “But I don’t... I don’t wanna lose it.”
You smiled softly, your heart swelling as you pressed another gentle kiss to his cheek. “You won’t lose it, Katsuki. I’m here.”
Katsuki’s hand tightened around yours as he pulled back slightly, taking in a deep, steadying breath before speaking again. His eyes, still a little glassy but full of determination, met yours with a quiet intensity. “I didn’t want to be away from you,” he started, his voice soft but firm. “Even if work’s important... to me, you’re more important.”
You opened your mouth to argue, to tell him that his work as a hero mattered, that it saved lives, but the look he gave you made you stop short. His gaze softened as it met yours, a silent plea for understanding. And instead of fighting back, you took his rough, calloused hands in yours, bringing them to your lips and pressing soft kisses to his knuckles. Then, with a small smile, you pressed his hands gently to your cheeks, letting him feel the warmth there, the quiet affection you had for him.
“I’m with you,” you whispered, and those simple words seemed to ease the tension in his body. He let out a slow breath, his chest rising and falling heavily before he continued.
“I get it,” he said, his voice a little stronger now. “Why you’re always trying to be so independent. You’ve got your own life, your own goals, and I want to respect that.” His thumb gently brushed against your cheek as he spoke, as though grounding himself with your touch.
“But I can’t... I can’t just sit by and watch you not take care of yourself. Sometimes... I feel like it’s my job to make sure you’re okay, ‘cause I... I love you.”
His voice cracked on those last words, and you saw the raw emotion flicker in his eyes. Katsuki wasn’t used to being vulnerable like this, to letting people see the softer side of him. But he was here, laying it all bare in front of you. You could feel the weight of his words, the sincerity, the fear that maybe you didn’t need him as much as he needed you. It tugged at something deep inside you.
“I love you, and I want to take care of you,” he went on, his grip on your hands tightening as if he were afraid to let go. “I wanna protect you, keep you safe, even when you don’t think you need it. It’s... it’s who I am. And I’m not gonna apologize for it.”
Your heart swelled with affection, and you moved your hands over his arms, gently rubbing along the firm, tense muscles as you tried to soothe him. His skin was warm under your touch, and you could feel the faint tremble in his shoulders as he kept talking, the weight of his emotions finally spilling out.
“I just...” Katsuki paused, his voice faltering for a moment as he swallowed hard, trying to keep the lump in his throat at bay. “This time away from you... it made me realize a lot. How much I love you, how much I need you around. I can’t stand it when I’m not with you, even if it’s just for a few days.” He let out a small, almost bitter chuckle. “You probably think it’s stupid, huh?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head as you continued to run your hands over his arms, feeling the tension slowly melt away under your touch. “It’s not stupid,” you whispered. “I missed you too.”
Katsuki’s eyes flickered with relief, but there was still a hint of frustration lingering in his expression. “But you... you don’t take care of yourself, not the way you should,” he said, his voice more serious now. “You always look after everyone else—hell, you make sure everyone’s okay, but you don’t do the same for yourself. It drives me crazy.”
You gave him a playful smile, trying to lighten the mood just a little. “You can’t keep an eye on me all the time, Katsu.”
He huffed, narrowing his eyes at you. “That’s the problem. I can’t. And you don’t make a habit of neglecting yourself, but when you do... you’re a hypocrite. You’ll run yourself into the ground to help everyone else, but then act like you don’t need anyone to do the same for you.”
You wanna stick your tongue out at him but knowing Katsuki, he’d make you regret that all night long. 
Katsuki’s intense gaze lingered, tracing every inch of you with a sharp, possessive look that made your heart race. His eyes moved from the top of your head, down the gentle curve of your neck, over the way his oversized skull shirt bunched up on your thighs, and down to your toes.
You could feel the weight of his stare, heavy with unspoken emotions, and for a moment, it seemed like the air between you thickened with tension.
Then he blinked, and it was like a fog lifting. He shifted, reaching into the deep pockets of his sweatpants with a small grunt. “I wanted to do this ‘right,’ ya know,” he muttered, almost to himself, but the words were laced with that familiar gruffness. His fingers fiddled with something in his pocket, his focus still mostly on you.
“Spent weeks with those dumbasses—picking out flowers, going through all these fancy restaurants, trying to get the perfect gift. Because you’re my girl, and I only get the best for you.”
His voice was low, raspy, and the way his eyes softened briefly before trailing down to your legs made your breath catch. His hand, rough and warm, ghosted over your ankle as if testing the waters before his grip tightened, just enough to pull you slightly closer with a small, teasing tug.
The movement startled you, and you yelped, instinctively wrapping the towel tighter around your waist as you scrambled upright, your heart hammering against your ribs. Katsuki’s laughter rumbled through the room, deep and genuine, the sound like warm honey coating the air. He was taking in the sight of your flustered reaction with a wicked grin plastered on his face.
“Kats,” you started, still catching your breath as you eyed him suspiciously, “what are you getting at?”
The mischievous gleam in his eyes returned, that familiar cocky, dangerous look that always made your pulse quicken. His grin softened into something more meaningful, more grounded, but still tinged with that wild spark. That look in his eye? It was the one that always had you convinced that all the hot ones were definitely crazy.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time,” he confessed, his voice dropping into something more intimate, more vulnerable.
“Since I met you.”
You blinked, watching as his gaze flickered down to your bare legs. His jaw clenched for a split second, and he let out a low curse under his breath. “Should’ve used that damn lotion,” he muttered, almost to himself, clearly irritated that he hadn’t taken the chance to pamper you properly.
The moonlight filtering in from your window cast a silvery glow over him, highlighting every cut and line of his muscles as if he were carved from stone.
He was beautiful, raw, like a storm contained just beneath the surface, and for a brief moment, you were distracted by the sight of him—the rise and fall of his chest, the way his stomach flexed with each breath.
You could have his babies right here, right now.
Then his voice softened again, and the mood shifted as he spoke. “I love you. I really do.” His tone was hushed, like it was just for you. His eyes—usually so full of fire and determination—now held something much deeper, something vulnerable that he rarely let show. It was just him. Your Katsuki.
“I’m not good with this shit. I know that,” he admitted, his mouth tugging into a small, self-deprecating smirk. “But I wanna do this right.”
You blinked, feeling the air grow heavier as he squared his shoulders, a determined glint returning to his eyes. His hand finally left his pocket, and in one swift, almost impatient motion, he pulled something out and opened it in front of you. 
A small box. Velvet. The kind that held only one thing.
Your breath hitched, and your entire world seemed to narrow down to that tiny box and the ring inside it. It glittered in the low light, catching the moon's glow, but the details were lost on you as your heart thudded wildly in your chest.
Katsuki looked at you, dead-on, his expression both serious and soft at the same time, like he was offering you everything he had. 
“Would you marry me and be my hot mess?”
For a split second, you couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t even process the words that had just come out of his mouth. You felt like someone had knocked the air out of your lungs with a feather—hell, they could have knocked you over with one.
The world stopped spinning. Your eyes darted between the ring and Katsuki, who was watching you carefully now, his breath held as if he was waiting for your next move. You could feel the gravity of this moment pressing down on your chest, and yet... it wasn’t the heavy kind of weight that scared you. No. It was something else entirely.
It was the kind of weight that came with the realization that this moment, this person in front of you, was everything you never knew you needed.
A million thoughts raced through your mind, and none of them made sense, but your body reacted first. Your lips parted, but no words came out at first, only a small breathless laugh as you brought your shaking hands up to your mouth. Katsuki’s eyes searched your face, trying to gauge your reaction, and the barest hint of nerves flashed behind his hardened exterior. He might’ve been a fearless hero, but this?
This was different.
“Katsuki,” you whispered, barely able to find your voice as the emotions swirled inside you. “You... you’re serious?”
“Dead serious,” he replied immediately, his voice unwavering now. His eyes bore into yours with that fierce conviction only he could pull off. “I’ve been serious about you from the start. I love you, and I’m not waiting around anymore. I want you. With me. Always.”
His words sank into you, and before you even fully realized what you were doing, your hands shot forward, grabbing his face, pulling him down toward you. You kissed him—deeply, passionately, pouring everything you had into it, letting the overwhelming feelings consume you.
His lips were warm, familiar, grounding. Katsuki groaned softly into the kiss, his hands moving to your waist, pulling you closer as if the space between you was too much to bear.
When you finally pulled away, your foreheads pressed together, your breath mingling with his as you both panted softly. The world around you faded, and all that was left was the man in front of you and the question still hanging in the air.
“Yes,” you breathed, smiling through the tears that had welled up in your eyes. “Yes, Katsuki. I’ll marry you.”
And for the first time in what felt like forever, you saw it—the raw, unfiltered joy on his face. It wasn’t loud or boastful, but it was there, in the soft curl of his lips and the way his eyes shone with unshed tears.
Katsuki Bakugo had won another battle—this time, with your heart.
Katsuki's rough fingers, calloused and warm, carefully slid the ring over your finger, his touch uncharacteristically gentle. You couldn’t help but gasp as the gem caught the light, sparkling in a way that made your heart skip a beat. It was more than beautiful—it was personal. The stone in the center was your birthstone, cut into your favorite shape and polished into your favorite color, surrounded by a delicate halo of tiny rubies. Rubies just like his eyes.
Your gaze flickered to the ring and then back to Katsuki. “How… how did you…?” you whispered, utterly floored. The details were so specific, the kind that you had only mentioned in passing, mostly to Michael. But somehow, Katsuki had pieced it all together.
The rubies glistened against the band, and nestled between them were smaller gemstones that mirrored the exact shade of your eyes. And if that wasn’t enough, there was another set of gems, a deep, fiery orange—the color of Katsuki’s favorite thing: explosions.
You turned the ring over in your hand, overwhelmed by the craftsmanship, the thoughtfulness. Every inch of the piece was a reflection of you, of him, of both of you together. Whoever he went to had worked some serious magic. As your fingers brushed over the band, something else caught your eye. With trembling hands, you slipped the ring off, turning it over, and there it was—engraved into the inside of the band in Katsuki’s unmistakable bluntness:
“I love you, dumbass.”
That was it. The tears came again, flooding your vision before you could stop them. Your chest tightened with the overwhelming sweetness of it all. You’d never expected this. How could you? This whole day had taken such a turn that your emotions were a tangled mess, and now, here you were, crying like a baby over a ring. But it wasn’t just any ring—it was him, you, everything.
“Katsuki,” you sobbed, bringing the ring to your chest as if it could stop the flood of emotions. Your voice trembled, but before you could even say another word, Katsuki’s eyes widened in pure panic. He hated when you cried. Hell, it wasn’t often that you let yourself fall apart like this, and seeing you like that sent him spiraling.
“Oi, oi! Don’t cry, damn it!” he barked, his voice frantic as he moved in closer, cupping your face with both hands. But then his panic melted into something softer as his thumbs wiped away the tears. 
“I’m serious, stop it, or you’re gonna make me lose it.”
But the sight of your tears didn’t stop him from acting on impulse. In typical Katsuki fashion, he leaned down and kissed you, first pressing his lips all over your face, desperate to dry every tear. But he didn’t stop there. In a ridiculous, completely endearing move, he leaned over and licked your cheek, tasting the saltiness of your tears with a playful smirk. You squealed, pulling away in shock, your face scrunched up in disbelief. 
“Did you just—ew, Katsuki! That’s so gross!”
You smacked his solid chest, half laughing, half horrified, but that only egged him on. “Oh, I’m gross now, huh?” he teased, his voice low and dangerous as he grinned down at you. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he launched himself at you, playfully wrestling you down onto the bed.
“No, no—Katsuki!” you shrieked, giggling uncontrollably as his strong arms trapped you beneath him. He pinned you effortlessly, his weight pressing you into the mattress as he leaned in, his nose brushing against yours. His lips were on you again, peppering your face with kisses, and soon enough, the two of you were tumbling around in the sheets, rolling and laughing like a couple of kids.
The wrestling match was chaotic, full of breathless laughter, limbs tangled up, and soft murmurs of affection between teasing jabs. Katsuki was surprisingly playful, and before long, you were both breathless, collapsing side by side on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as your hearts raced in sync.
You turned your head, catching the way his chest heaved with each breath, a lazy grin tugging at the corner of his lips. His messy hair, usually so spiked and wild, was disheveled in the cutest way possible. Without thinking, you reached out, running your fingers through it, smoothing it back in place. He hummed in contentment, his eyes half-lidded as he looked over at you.
“But where’s your ring?” you asked, suddenly realizing that the gesture had been one-sided. You were the one with the ring on your finger, but what about him?
Katsuki chuckled, his voice rumbling low in his chest. “My ring, huh?” He smirked, eyes sparkling with that familiar cocky glint. “I’ll just give you my wallet, and you can surprise me.”
You blinked, taken aback for a second, before bursting into laughter. “M’Okay!” you replied, your voice full of playful mockery. “But don’t blame me if I pick something pink and covered in glitter.”
“Whatever you want, babe,” he shot back, unbothered by the thought, though you knew he’d raise hell if you actually went through with it. The both of you erupted into laughter again, the sound filling the room like music.
Katsuki shifted, rolling onto his side as he gently took your hand in his, threading your fingers together like he always did. His lips found your hand again, this time softer, more purposeful. He kissed the spot right over your ring, his lips lingering there for a moment, as if sealing his promise to you.
“I love you, Katsuki Bakugou,” you whispered, your heart swelling with warmth as you looked at him, your fiancé, the man who had somehow managed to make this chaotic mess of a proposal the most perfect moment of your life.
Katsuki’s eyes softened, his rough exterior melting away in the intimate glow of the moonlight. He squeezed your hand, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “I love you too, dumbass,” he muttered, his voice gruff, but his expression was nothing short of tender.
In that moment, wrapped up in each other, you realized something: this—this wild, crazy love you shared with Katsuki—was the only thing that made sense in the world. You lay there together, side by side, hearts entwined, you knew without a doubt that you had found your forever.
The morning sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting a soft, warm glow across the bed, but you groaned, stretching lazily as you woke up. Your fingers instinctively brushed against your hair, feeling the unruly mess it had become overnight—complete with knots and stubborn curls that had a mind of their own.
You squinted at the brightness as your phone buzzed on the bedside table. Checking it, you saw the familiar ping of an email notification and grinned. You've been paid.
Sweet relief!
Rolling over to share the good news, you blinked in surprise at the empty side of the bed. The sheets were cold, and there was no sign of your fiancé—wait, boyfriend—wait, fiancé! A flutter of excitement bubbled up inside you at the thought of the word.
But the smell of breakfast caught your attention, and any irritation at his absence melted away. The unmistakable scent of eggs, with a hint of something smoky—probably bacon—wafted down the hallway, accompanied by the faint clink of pans from the kitchen.
Katsuki was already up, and the thought made you smile.
Without bothering to fix your appearance, you hopped out of bed, your feet hitting the cool, hardwood floor with a soft thud. You knew you’d hear about it later—how walking around barefoot would make you catch a cold. He always ranted about that kind of stuff, but you’d just smile and give him your usual “Yes, mama,” while he’d glare at you with that fiery look. 
But for now, you padded down the hall, completely barefoot, on a mission.
The closer you got, the stronger his scent became—that familiar, intoxicating mix of burnt caramel and something inherently Katsuki. You spotted him before he even saw you, standing at the stove, his back turned, a spatula in hand as he expertly flipped eggs in a pan. His muscles were taut, his broad shoulders moving effortlessly as he worked. He was dressed in nothing more than a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips, and you couldn’t help but admire the sight.
With a mischievous grin, you quietly made your way over, your bare feet silent against the floor. And then, in one swift move, you leapt onto his back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Hi, fiancé!” you greeted, your voice muffled as you inhaled deeply, taking in that addictive scent that was all his.
Katsuki stiffened for a split second, more from surprise than anything else, but he quickly recovered. With a chuckle, he reached over and turned off the stove, placing the spatula down before his hands found their way to your thighs, gripping them as he adjusted your weight.
“You’re gonna burn the damn house down one day, y’know that?” he muttered, but there was a playful note in his voice. Before you could even respond, he effortlessly spun you around, lifting you off his back and setting you down on the kitchen counter nearby. His strength never failed to amaze you, and you giggled as your bare legs dangled off the edge, your hands resting on his chest.
His eyes softened as he leaned in, brushing his lips against yours in a soft, lazy good morning kiss. “Hi, teddy bear,” he mumbled against your lips, his voice still raspy from sleep.
You smiled into the kiss, but just as you started to pull him closer, he pulled back, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Did you brush your teeth?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You snorted, shaking your head. “No.”
He frowned, glancing down. “Did you use the bathroom?”
His scowl deepened, though you could see the teasing glint in his eyes. “Wash your face?”
“Also, no.”
Katsuki groaned dramatically, running a hand through his messy, spiked hair. “And this is exactly why you’re moving in with me today. You need supervision,” he grumbled, though his voice was more affectionate than angry. Before you could argue, he lightly smacked your thighs, the contact sending a playful jolt through you. 
“Katsuki!” you gasped, half laughing as you swatted at him, but he only pointed toward the living room.
Your delicate features blossomed into an expression of confusion. “What?”  But he didn’t respond, instead looking so mischievous and pleased with himself.
That’s when you noticed it—half of your living room was in disarray, large boxes stacked high, and furniture already disassembled. It looked like a moving truck had stormed through your place. Your jaw dropped as you stared at the sight.
“KATSUKI!” you shrieked, your voice bouncing off the walls as the reality of what he’d done sank in. He had already packed half your stuff—without even telling you! You couldn’t believe it.
He didn’t even flinch at your outburst, just gave you that smug, self-satisfied grin of his, crossing his arms over his broad chest. 
“What? I told you, you’re movin’ in today. Thought I’d help speed things up,” he said, shrugging as if he hadn’t just dismantled your entire living room.
You huffed, staring at the boxes like you couldn’t believe your eyes. “You could’ve at least warned me!”
He chuckled, stepping closer until he was standing between your legs, his hands resting on either side of your waist. “Nah. You’d just overthink it. This way, it’s done, and we don’t have to argue about it,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss your nose.
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but smile. “I’m still not done with school, you know. And we haven’t even… there’s no… ring on your finger.”
Katsuki quirked a brow, his smirk turning wicked. “I told you, give me my wallet, and you can surprise me with the ring.”
You laughed, shaking your head at his nonchalance. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I am,” he said, the playful edge to his voice making your heart skip a beat. “And don’t worry about school. You can study at my place just fine.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could say anything, he kissed you again, this time more firmly, his lips capturing yours in a way that made your head spin. You melted into it, your hands finding their way to his shoulders as you pulled him closer, your feet curling around his calves.
When he finally pulled back, you were breathless, your lips tingling. “You don’t play fair,” you muttered, but the smile on your face betrayed you.
He grinned, kissing your forehead softly before pressing his lips to your knuckles where your ring sat. “I play to win, babe. And I already did,” he whispered, his voice low and full of affection.
You sighed, leaning into him, knowing full well that Katsuki Bakugou always got his way.
Before you could respond to his sweet words, a mischievous glint sparked in your eyes. You leaned in closer, pretending to go in for another kiss, but at the last second, you bit him—just lightly, on his shoulder—before snatching the plate of bacon from the counter. Katsuki blinked, his eyes widening in confusion before narrowing sharply as he processed what had just happened.
“You little brat!” he growled, his voice full of playful irritation.
With a squeal, you jumped off the counter, bare feet hitting the cold floor, and bolted for the bedroom, the stolen bacon in hand. You knew exactly what you were doing. Katsuki typically hated when anyone touched his food (although he actually had a habit of feeding you from his plate and fork), but you couldn’t help it. You loved riling him up, especially when he got that fire in his eyes!~
"Come back here, princess!" he barked, and the sound of his footsteps echoed behind you.
You darted around the corner, your heart pounding with adrenaline and laughter bubbling in your throat. The hardwood floor was slippery, and you barely made it to the door when Katsuki’s booming footsteps got louder. He was fast, too fast. 
A real predator on the hunt, and you were his target.
“Fuuuuck it, we ball!” you shouted over your shoulder, laughing as you slid into the bedroom. You could hear him cursing under his breath, muttering something about how you were always testing him. You were a princess, and yeah, maybe a bit of a brat, but that was part of your charm. You loved to push his buttons, loved how easy it was to get under his skin.
You heard the door slam behind you as Katsuki entered the room, hot on your heels. His eyes locked on yours, his gaze intense as he advanced. You tried to dodge him, but he was quicker, snatching the plate of bacon from your hands before grabbing your waist and pulling you back into his chest.
“Gotcha now, you little thief,” he growled in your ear, his voice low and warning, but you could hear the amusement in his tone.
You squirmed, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but he held you firm, his arms like steel bands around your waist. “Okay, okay! I surrender!” you giggled, breathless from the chase.
“You’re damn right you do,” he murmured before spinning you around and planting a quick, searing kiss on your lips. It was rough, but it was Katsuki through and through—fiery, intense, and full of passion.
You grinned against his lips, leaning into him. “Guess I’m still your little brat then, huh?”
He smirked, brushing a strand of hair out of your face as he looked down at you with that same possessive, loving gaze that always made your heart skip a beat. “Damn right you are. My brat, my princess, my pain in the ass.”
You laughed, nuzzling into his chest as you felt his arms tighten around you. “And you’re my grumpy fiancé,” you teased, poking his ribs.
Katsuki grumbled, but his smirk softened, his lips brushing the top of your head. “Yeah. But I’m your grumpy fiancé, so fuck it—we ball.”
In that moment, tangled together, laughter still lingering in the air, you knew without a doubt that you were his, and he was yours. No matter what life throws at you, you’d face it together. 
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Taglist for Bakugou: @elarakive, @thealtofvalleyxdoodles, @raendarkfaerie If you wanna be added lemme know!
I own none of the images or art!!!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a Farmer Bakugou x Gardener Reader here in the master list. I also have a Pro Hero! Bakugou x Sugar Baby fic.
Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
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lilacgaby · 8 days
title: save me.
pairing: childhoodfriend!katsuki x reader
katsuki has always saved you, his princess.
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the first time you asked katsuki to save you was in kindergarten.
you'd fell and scraped your knees after some other little boy shoved you to the ground, upset that you had taken the swings from him earlier. you were in tears as you begged, "save me kacchan!" as his eyes widened and a feeling he couldn't describe overtook him, he scared off the other boy, happily taking the praise from you as you looked at him stargazed, in awe of his strength.
from that day on he swore to protect you, in all the games you'd play, he'd be the knight, you'd be the pretty princess in the tower, and his gang of friends would be monsters, trying to attack you.
he'd superglued your hands together at recess once too, just to keep you with him. he smiled as he said, "now we'll be together forever!" the reprimanding the two of you faced because he did so was worth it in his opinion, as the message stuck throughout the years.
it manifested in his protective nature over you never ceasing even as you two aged. in middle school the guy who'd been rude to you to the point of tears in biology came to you the next day, shakily begging you to forgive him. guys wouldn't look your way, terrified to even upset you. when you confronted katsuki about it? he'd deny it, say you must've done something yourself.
katsuki felt you were the only one who was his equal, the only one he wanted by his side on his journey to become number one.
that's why he was glad to be with you in u-a, why he 'let' you apply without the public humiliation he'd inflicted on izuku.
since you two were together constantly due to the dorms, you'd do everything together. you'd study together, train, sit next to eachother in class, eat lunch together. you'd even developed a habit of napping in his bed, waking up with horrible 'bedhair', not knowing it was because he'd play with it when you were fast asleep.
and as you two graduated, becoming pro-heroes, getting married. opening an agency together, plans for children on the way.
plans that were all thrown out as quickly as they were conceived.
the last time you asked katsuki to save you was when you were bleeding out in the destroyed streets of the city. debris and destruction surrounding you as you struggled to even mutter the phrase. "..s-save.. me." you could barely see him, let alone see the heartbreak and despair in his reaction.
everything hurt, your body could barely process why. maybe it was the fact you were being impaled on a blade of steel, brought forth by the villain who'd caused this madness in the first place.
"you're.. you're gonna be okay." he said, equally for yourself and him. trying to convince himself this was all a nightmare, one he'd hope he'd wake up from soon.
but as he looked over at you, processing the fatal wound in your stomach. he knew he couldn't be selfish and lie to you a second longer.
his words came out cracked as he confessed, 'i.. i don't-- i can't help you.'
how dare you? how dare you try comforting him in your last moments, reaching out to coddle his face with the hand that wasn't mangled, softly smiling and ignoring the blood cascading down your mouth as you dedicated your last words just to him. "i love you.. you've always- been my knight, katsuki."
he felt your hand drop, but he rushed to pick it up. he had never felt so hopeless in his life, he always swore to protect you.. and yet? he failed. he was a broken man as he was escorted away from your corpse, only your ring to serve as a permanent reminder of what he lost.
he was a broken man as he tried and miserably continued life without you, seeing you in everything, yet never feeling you again.
the only form of solace he would ever get was to find that villain, and to pummel him into the ground. and he did so, feeling so gratified in the moment, as if he'd served justice in your honor.
but all the blood he'd shed would be worthless,
for nothing could bring back his pretty princess in her tower.
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alt ending!
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aakeysmash · 18 days
bakugou taking care of you when you're on your period but not in a "omg my cramps hurt so bad" way but in a "i am literally gonna throw up" way
thought i’d change it up and make him the one who gags lol. thank you for this ask bb, even if it is indeed from MONTHS ago……..
he enters the bathroom and gags. you’re changing your pad with the door open, because it’s nothing he didn’t already see a million times.
“hello to you too, boyfriend,” you huff annoyed. your cramps have been killing you all night, and seeing a man (even if it is the boyfriend you have been living with the past three years) makes you feel an indescribable rage. these are the only moments you truly wish you had a dick instead of an uterus.
he clears his throat, but his scowl stays. he knows you tend to be a little bit more moody the first few days of your period, but the sight of your blood outside of your body makes him feel nauseous.
“hi. i’m gonna go. catch ya later,” he rushes out before bolting out of the door towards your kitchen. you sigh, shaking your head. you think by now he’d understand you’re not being brutally killed even if he sees a little red on you, but the pro hero in him doesn’t want to acknowledge this.
you get back to the living room and cover yourself with your soft blanket, trying to sleep a little. it’s your day off from the office, so it’s not like you’re missing anything: being your boyfriend’s assistant has its perks. you feel a warm hand softly caressing your forehead, which is the only thing peeking out from the giant blanket.
“tea?” katsuki asks. you know this is his way of caring. you hum.
“hurts?” he asks again, and you hum for the second time.
you hear him walking away and pouring the hot water he already prepared in advance in case you wanted to drink something warm. you hear the gentle pit-pat of his slippers coming back to the sofa, and you sit up to reach for the cup in his hand.
“i want to curl up in a ball and die,” you mutter before taking a sip.
“you always say this,” he responds, sitting down next to you.
“and i mean it,” you sassily say, looking at him with your brows furrowed. he kisses your forehead, smirking.
“no you don’t,” he chuckles. you playfully shove him.
“i’m sorry for staining the sheets. i promise i’ll wash them once the ibuprofen kicks in,” you sheepishly say, laying your head on his shoulder.
you feel the shiver that runs up his spine. “no use. sleep, i’ll make lunch. i asked eijirou to cover for me today,” he answers before kissing your forehead again and getting up.
“you know i love you, right?” you sigh, laying down and managing to fall asleep in 30 seconds.
you wake up because you feel a big thud in the bathroom. you groggily walk toward it and you find katsuki kneeling down in front of your bathtub. he's the palest you've ever seen him be.
"are you okay?" you ask him, worried he might have hurt himself, maybe by slipping on one of the many puddles of water across the floor.
"i'm fine, fuck. it's just a little blood, why am i acting like such a pussy," he snaps. you're confused, before realizing he's holding onto the sheets from last night. a laugh bubbles inside you and you try to force it down, but he notices it and scowls.
"i did this for you and you're laughing at me?" he looks down at the slightly bloody water in front of him and sits down on the wet floor. "i feel like i might pass the fuck out, no joke," he grunts, closing his eyes and taking big breaths.
you burst out laughing. "i could've done this, you know?" you say between chuckles, kneeling down to take over. he grunts again, muttering something alongside "i wanted to do something nice for you."
the day after you finish your period, you're sitting next to each other on your bed.
"so you find me disgusting, huh?" you tease him, still remembering how he had to lay down for 30 minutes to regain color in his face.
he rolls his eyes, flicking your forehead. "looking at your blood is one of the few things that makes me want to gauge my eyes out. apart from tasting that stupid egg mix my mom gave us the other day," he barks out. you laugh.
"y'know, there's a way to end this," he says in your ear.
you look up with a questioning gaze.
"isn't it time to have a baby?"
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writteninkat · 2 months
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Kaminari
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warning: smut, nsfw, exhibitionism, oral(f!reader & m!characters receiving), unprotected sex
a/n: sorry denki's seemed super rushed i have a terrible headache and i have a feeling leaving this unfinished won't help:")
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this man loves taking you in high places.
balconies, rooftops, pressing you against the floor to ceiling windows of his office located at the very top floor.
there's something about your moans travelling long distances that has him thinking—that's right, extras. listen to how good i make my girl feel. she's just for me, though. feel free to listen as i fuck her so good.
mmhmm, he loves to show off. he loves to show you off.
that's why your breasts are constantly being pressed against his office windows whenever you visit him during lunch
"imagine the fuckers looking up at you right now." he growls in your ear as his fingers busy themselves on your clit, your eyes rolling back in ecstacy as the simple thought of a stranger witnessing this act have you gushing
"yeah that's right, you loving showing others what a slut you are for me, right?" he sucks on the side of your neck, flicking on your clit making your legs wobble in bliss.
at home? your back is digging against the railings of your balcony as your boyfriend sucks on your tits, your fingers swimming through his blond locks with your legs locked around his waist, heels pressing against his round ass
"oh god! oh my fucking god!" you moan loudly, hoping your neighbors hear. hoping they know just how amazing of a fuck pro hero dynamight gives.
"yeah, call for your god all you want baby, i'll still eat you up." katsuki growls, sinking his teeth on the crook of your neck, the pain pushing an orgasm out of you
the obsession this man has with going grocery shopping with you is unparalleled
mainly because he gets to finger and tongue fuck you in every hidden corner you find at the store
"fuck- fuck, eiji!" you gasp loudly, looking around to make sure no one walks in on your boyfriend on his knees in front of you with your leg propper on his shoulder as you press onto the wall, hoping you wont topple over
in the scary case of the act being seen or worse- videotaped, the only person being recognized will be you, as eijirou's head is covered by the flowy skirt of your dress. and that has you grinding your hips on his mouth
"jesus christ, i'm gonna cum baby!" you whisper, feeling his tongue thrusting inside you as he sucks on your clit, electricity running up your spine as you near the top
"c'mon baby," you hear your boyfriend's muffled voice feom underneath you, "cum for me, lemme drink that sweet, sweet juice."
and you do. once a good girl, always a good girl. you can never say no to the sweet boy between your legs.
but the grocery isn't the only place eijirou loves visiting with you.
taking a stroll at the park in the dead of night will have you on your knees behind a tree with your hands tied behind your back by whatever your boyfriend brings or finds.
tonight, he found an unused handkerchief in his pocket, and decided to make use of it.
"god, fuck, baby..." his moans inspire you to take him deeper, watching him through your lashes as he tilts his head back, pressing it against the tree
"fuck, that mouth should be considered a sin." he grunts, tightening his grip on your hair as he moves you himself
his hips move on their own, his hip moving in your throat as your vision begins to dim with the lack of oxygen
"swallow me up baby, lemme feel your throat tightening around me."
and you do as you're told, using the last bit of your energy to swallow him as bast as you can, feeling him burst with thick, hot cum inside
oh how he loves it when you ride him in any of his cars, but he absolutely goes feral when you choose to take the tesla
it means he can shift it to auto and have nothing to worry about. he loves the way his surroundings move past him as your tits bounce above him, your hips shaking in circular motions
it's one of the reasons he lightened his tints. just light enough for the people outside to make out what's going on, but dark enough for your face to be concealed
he lied about others being able to see you though. he knows you want to be seen, but he'll kill before someone gets to see you in this state
"fuck, oh fuck, sho!" you whine, "god fuck your dick feels so good!"
shoto grits his teeth, taking a handful of your tit as the other squeezes your waist, guiding you up and down his shaft
"give them a great show, baby. let them see what they're missing." he urges, allowing your back to arch as your scream in your euphoric state.
the both of you shake the car as it drives, selfishly chasing your own highs until your walls clamp around shoto, milking him for what he's worth
you think that's all? he goes feral whenever he fucks you on his office desk with his door unlocked
as one of the most demanded heros, he always has people calling for him. on the phone, or in person
when he's in the middle of abusing your cunt and his phone rings off? he looks at you in expectation, urging you to answer the call for him
without his rough pace faltering, you sink your teeth on your bottom lip, pressing the 'answer' button and putting the call on speaker
"good morning, mr. todoroki! regarding the press conference..." the caller blabs on about boring details you could barely comprehend as you focus on staying silent.
"mmm," your eyes widen as your boyfriend moans. "i think that venue will be perfect. what does dynamight and deku think about it?"
"they already gave the go signal, sir! mr. dynamight even told me not to call him about such trivial matters..." the man laughs awkwardly throught the phone.
as you feel your orgasm near you, your squeeze on shoto's bicep, alerting him
the fucker simply smirks at you before saying a few more words to the call, your muscles seizing up at the difficulty of holding your orgasm in
as soon as you hear the familiar beep of ending a call, your back archs as pleasure takes over your mind and body
"fuck! you're squeezing me so tightly baby." shoto gasps but you pay him no mind as your eyes roll to the back of your head, core tightening as your hips move on their own, hoping for a better high
as you begin to calm down, your breasts rise and fall rapidly as your hair stick to your forehead. shoto presses a soft kiss on your forehead before slowly pulling out, hissing
you make out the lewd feeling of his cum dripping out of you, making you want for a second round
three knocks are heard on his office doors before a familiar voice announces, "i'm coming in."
you immediately roll over, dropping to your hands and knees as you thank you boyfriend for installing soft as shit carpets. the same boyfriend who had already fixed himself up and is now chatting with Iida like you aren't hidden behind his desk, boobs out and cunt dripping of cum
apart from being a hero, your boyfriend likes to play games and interact with his fans through livestreams
and every now and then, when he's being too loud, you like to shut him up by crawling undreneath his table and pulling his sweatpants down
"heal! i need someone to heal me-" your movements cut him off, making him snap his head down at you. eyes wide and jaw slack, a moment of silence passes and you thank every higher being for the peace and quiet before it's being taken away once again
"sorry, lost connection. i'm still dying, you guys!"
you roll your eyes, fully pulling his pants down, surprised at the sight of him already hard. one thing about your boyfriend? everything you do gets him hard.
your mouth waters at the precum leaking from his tip, your tongue immediately darting over to lick it off
you hear denki hiss before telling whoever he's playing with "don't worry about it, stubbed my toe"
you wrap your lips around the tip, looking up to see your boyfriend smiling widely with a deep blush across his cheeks
swirling your tongue around his bulbous head, you suck softly, earning a hiss from him before wiping your tongue over the slit
"huh? yeah, no yeah i'm fine" the continuous sounds of buttons being pressed give you the go signal to finally take him properly inside your mouth
"fuck-" he hisses the moment his head presses against the back of your throat, clearing his throat when your fingers dance towards his balls, cupping them
"i mean, fuck i'm sorry i missed, guys. maybe i should stop the game-" you squeeze the bas of his cock in warning
denki's jaw hardens with his eyes still trained to his screen. he knew if he looked down again, he'll be raising suspicions from his viewers
"nevermind, let's just finish this as soon as we can. 'm gettin' tired." you're unsure whether he's talking to you or his friends anymore, but you continue bobbing your head, making sure you don't hit the table
"guys! guys!" he pants, his grip on his controller tight as his thighs flex
"sorry- i just need medic!" he tries covering up his actions
your boyfriend is the kind who moans the entire house down. he needs to tell you how good you feel, he needs to tell you when he's about to cum and when he is cumming. he's simply a vocal lover, and when he doesn't have the freedom to do that, it fucks with his head
"so fucking good," he pants, "this game is so fucking good you guys!" that was a weak ass save
your tongue runs up the underside of his cock before taking him whole inside your mouth once more, his hisses and occassional huffs like music to your ears
his jaw continues to grind as his fingertips whiten with how hard he's gripping his controller
you play with his balls, watching his brows furrow. he's pissed.
aggressively tapping on the buttons, a moment passes when his undivided attention is on his screen before he slams his controller on his desk. "we won, i hard carried you motherfuckers, thanks for watching, see you all never."
he says it all so quickly before turning the live off, you barely have any time to think when he stands up, pulling you up with him
he spins you around, pushing you against his desk as he fiddles with his mouse, opening the camera app on his desktop
without another word, your boyfriend pushes himself inside you needy cunt, squeezing your nape as he begins to fuck you roughly, hips snappy
"think that was a good idea teasing me like that?" denki asks as he looks at you through his screen, watching your expression slowly fall at the feeling of your orgasm building
"this'd be what they'll see, baby. this'll be how you look like." he says, cupping your jaw and angling it straigh to make sure you see how bad he's wrecking you right now
"a hundred and fifty thousand people would see my pretty girl being fucked like the dirty slut she is." he bites on the corner of your ear, making you gasp. "and she'd love it."
and that was true. the thought of hundreds upon thousands of people watching denki have his way with you would fix a hundred and one of your problems
denki's thrusts become rougher, his desk moving and his equipment shaking as he pulls back, wrapping your hair around his fist, pulling on it tightly
"yeah, fuck yeah. you were made for me, baby." your response comes in loud moans and breathy whines, feeling your orgasm slowly bloom in your belly
"denki! fuck, denki!"
"gonna come for me, pretty girl?" you reply with an eager nod, earning a vile chuckle from him.
"then come all over this cock baby, i'll be right there behind you."
denki was not, in fact, right there behind you. the feeling of his thick, hot load is what pushes you over the edge
you turn around, glaring at the blond as he rolls his eyes sassily. "oh, shut up. my dick was being tortured way longer."
without pulling out, he carries you by your thighs, your back pressing against his chest. he walks over to your shared bed, setting you down softly before the both of you lay on your sides
he pulls the blanket on your bodies, pressing a light kiss on the side of your forehead before telling you he loves you
uhuh. he isn' as much of an exhibitionist as the other guys, but he's addicted to cockwarming
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yndrgrl · 7 months
yandere! bakugo, the no. one hero in japan, is your boss, & you're his personal assistant
soft! yandere. fem! reader. pro hero! au. willing! reader. long ass fic. ooc! bakugo.
warnings: nsfw, power dynamic, implied age gap (not too big tho lmao), p-in-v, obsessive behavior, stalking, toys, slight coercion
a/n: guys... what's the "read more" feature 💀
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you are a phenomenon, at least in the world of working under big-league heroes you are. traditionally, employees that have five years of experience under the company will most likely get the position of secretary, then after years of being a secretary, they have an opportunity to be promoted to personal assistant. so when you, a random, nobody college student with only dead end job experiences on your resume, got hired as his secretary -after applying as a joke- the office was buzzing with rumors & critiques. you knew that they all harshly judged you by the way they glared at you when you left after your second interview with big boss man himself. you were self-conscious, especially after you got that fateful call from dynamight's personal phone that you've gotten the job. insecure, that's what you felt.
dynamight, on the other hand, didn't feel the need to explain himself to anyone. he honestly couldn't care less about the chatter circulating his office.
from an outsider's (& anyone else's to be honest) perspective, it seemed like a terrible choice to hire you. however, dynamight knew what he was doing; he knew you.
he saved you once upon a time, when he first debuted as a pro hero. you could never forget the ruby color of his eyes, the scars & soot that he was covered in. you could never forget the serious expression he wore as he carried you to safety.
at first, you were just another damn civilian caught in the crossfire between him & a gang of wannabe mastermind villains, then he looked into your eyes-- your captivating, watery, (color) eyes. his breath hitched as his gaze pierced through yours. he blamed it on a quirk you might have. fall-in-love-with-a-single-gaze quirk? yeah, that must be it, he thought.
your first encounter left you both in a confusing state of emotions, but you soon considered it a distant memory of tragedy then hope. it sparked a -seemingly- unachievable dream to, one day, work under dynamight. you remember him all to well, & sometimes, when you think about it too much, you tear up that such an influential figure in your life will never remember you in the same light.
or so you thought.
unaware, you thought he forgot all about you, but no. he thought of you everyday. he cursed himself for never saying anything more than, "are you alright?" then guiding you to the paramedics. he never got your name, & he hated himself for it. for years, he would look for your face in the crowd. his heart would flutter when he thought he saw your doe-like expression-- until he gave them a closer look, & it wasn't you.
& so, when you walked into his office building just as he was leaving through a different exit, he caught a glimpse of you. he did a double-take, slowed his pace, & his ruby eyes grew wide. it was you going into the interview room. "mr. bakugo, this way, please," a stranger guided him, yet he couldn't rip his gaze from the room. you were right there, & he can't even talk to you. he was being rushed off into a black suv to go to some random conference.
as soon as he got back to the office, he racked through all the resumes, quizzing the interviewer that day about every applicant. his temples ached as she kept talking, but he couldn't get too mad at her. after all, he told her to tell him about every single person she interviewed today. "-then before my lunch, the cutest, little lady came in. it was clearly her first time interviewing for such a position," the older woman chuckled. dynamight's ears perked up. could it be?
"tell me more," the blonde inquired.
"oh, you know. it's just her resume wasn't the most impressive compared to everyone else's."
he wanted to ask what she looked like, but that would he too out of character for him. however, he knew that if he let her keep talking, she would describe her in more detail.
"is that so?"
"oh yes, but she was so sweet that i wanted to offer her an intern position instead. she seemed so eager, you know? she honestly looks like a girl i once taught. did i ever tell you that i was a teacher, bakugo?" she questioned, having a tendency to go on tangents
"i do remember you telling me about that," he told her. he's grown into a gentleman through out the years... or he's just a little less of an asshole, it's hard to tell. he's grown more respectful for his elders (as in the senior citizens who love reminiscing of their youth, not the "elders" who are snakey businessmen). "how were they alike?"
"oh, man, you're really testing my memory," she laughed, "they both had the most beautiful, (color) hair, but the girl i interviewed was definitely not my old student, i think. (y/n), the young woman i interviewed, had such a fun style too! i think her eyes were... actually i don't remember," the woman paused for a second, before her eyes lit up. "wait! she took a picture for our system! you have to see her, bakugo, she's really just the cutest. i think she would make a great intern, & maybe one day, a great secretary!" with a few clicks of her mouse & words typed on her keyboard, she pulled up a picture of a woman, a picture of you. she turned her screen towards the pro hero. it was you.
"so, (y/n), is it?" your boss, the dynamight, sat across from you, a desk in between the two of you. he acted like he had no idea who you were, even though he spends the majority of the day in office watching your through surveillance cameras. he just loved the way you walked with such subconscious confidence.
"y-yes, sir," you cleared your throat. what kind of impression are you making by stuttering?
you were warned by all your coworkers that dynamight does take shit, that he is a tyrant, & that he can smell fear. naturally, you were sweating bullets. "please, call me katsuki," he requested. he watched your brows furrow in confusion before snapping back to a relaxed expression. "you've been working here for a little over a month, is that right?"
you were bewildered. you felt like your coworkers lied to you about him being so rude & uncooperative. he seemed nice, stern, yes, but nice nonetheless.
the shocking, yet welcomed, kindness eased your nerves. your lips broke into a small smile, saying, "yes, it has been."
"how has it been? working here?" he questioned, leaning back into his chair. your eyes darted from his bulky form to the window to the cup of pens on his desk. you were in a mental quarrel. for the most part, your coworkers have been alright to your face. they'll let a snarky comment come out then mask it as a joke. but you knew the rumors swimming around the office, you knew how they all thought you were under qualified. of course you were, so speculations of how you had rich parents or you're just a really good temptress started to blossom.
you could lie to save all of their sorry asses, build rapport with them, or you could tell the truth, get a more favorable outcome for yourself but be labeled a tattle-tell & a bitch.
"(y/n)? is everything alright?" katsuki's uncharacteristically softened voice called out. "you know you can tell me anything that's going on. i only have your best interests in mind, you're mine," he paused, "you're my employee."
you must've misheard him, so you shrugged it off. "can i be honest with you?"
"of course."
you took a deep breath. you're already committed. "i don't mean to already cause problems or be, you know, that girl, but there have been some things said about me by my coworkers that i just don't really like. i mean, i don't think they meant it in a rude way, but i also don't want to have the reputation that they're trying to paint for me... does that make sense?"
this is was a surprise to katsuki. he's usually in touch with all the gossip in his agency. he would be an idiot if he thought that people wouldn't be offended that he hired you over them for such a position, but he knew your charms could get you far. how can your charms get you far if no one gave you the time of day, though?
you realized your disadvantages in this job. you had no degree yet, you were probably the youngest in the office, & you have no real experiences outside of customer service. however, you didn't know that the older, more experienced workers would be so hostile to you.
"what have they been saying?" katsuki asked, leaning forward.
"they've just been saying how i must have rich parents who got me this position or like, i must be doing... favors for someone on the hiring team."
katsuki gritted his teeth, his composure slipping. it made him absolutely sick thinking about you with someone else.
you continued, "& some of the jokes they tell me feel inappropriate? but that could be just because that's their humor."
you're so cute, trying to protect them, katsuki cooed in his head.
"i'm sorry to hear your experience has been pleasant so far. i can assure you that i'll have that taken care of. who's been saying those kinds of things to you?"
"oh... um... it's hard to say. i think it's best just to send out an email to everyone because i don't really know who says those kinds of things." it's a lie, but you didn't want a big confrontation & write an official complaint so soon into your first corporate job.
"(y/n)," katsuki said in a nearly-demanding tone. "tell me the truth." he was intimidating in the blink of an eye.
"i-i promise i am," you replied, nervously scratching your knuckle. "i just... uh, don't really know who's talking about me behind my back?"
it was silent for only a moment. katsuki's eyes were glued on your smaller form. you gulped.
"i want to schedule another meeting next week to ensure that the harassment was put to a stop."
a week came & went, & the meeting you had with katsuki was brief. in short, he asked, "have you heard anything more?"
you replied truthfully, just as last time. "yes. it could be in my head, but it's worse now."
the company-wide email didn't work, & it enraged katsuki that his employees, the ones that work under him, are defying him with such misplaced confidence.
how dare they insult him by disobeying him, & how dare they make you feel unwelcome.
because of their antics, he has been floating around your workspace. his mere presence causes all the bothersome whispers into quiet typing. looming over your cubical, katsuki, with a ghost of a smirk, would observe your work-- how you would mess up twice as much under his gaze. "it looks good, (y/n)," he praised before looking at all of the peering coworkers. he would shoot them a glare.
he was such a good boss to you.
the more you worked at his agency, the more you saw of him. & the more you got comfortable with him. he may be your boss, but he was slowly becoming you friend, you felt. the more you saw him, the more you realized he was your work crush. what a cliche.
you sat in his office, this time with your lunch on his desk as the two of you chatted. it was the new norm to eat lunch with each other. you don't know when it happened but it was also the norm for him to order whatever you wanted. you insisted on paying him back every time, however he never let you.
"this is so good, i haven't had this in forever," you raved as you took another bite of your food. "thank you so much! i really owe you one."
"shut up," katsuki said back with a slight smirk. god, he loved spoiling you.
"no, but i do though," you said, whining. the banter between the you two sprung up after he, for the fifth time that day, stopped by your cubicle a few days ago. his humor was crude & could be consider bullying... but he's so hot-
"(y/n), you don't owe me anything. it's just a thank you for doing such good work, so don't be a dumbass & try & pay me back or something," katsuki practically yawned. he was swimming in money, so much that he didn't know what to do with it, so what better way to spend it than on you? "besides, i was your age once. you need to save."
"you're not that much older than me, just a few years," you rolled your eyes. "also, i do have a quick question."
"what is it?"
you fished two pieces of paper out of your bag. "i think there was some sort of mistake? when i got my paycheck, i got two checks?"
"well, it's just... i'm one person?"
katsuki laughed out loud. he loved toying with you; he knew what you were trying to ask, but hearing you dance around the question was just too cute.
"yeah, i know that, (y/n)."
"katsuki, i'm serious!" you half-joked, half-said. "why did you send me two checks?"
"one is your payroll check," he told you; you nodded. "the other is your bonus." you had to stop yourself from dropping your jaw
"wait, what? i still don't get it," you replied. "my paycheck is too much. i don't usually get this much."
"i gave you a raise," he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "didn't you read my email i sent?"
"o-oh... yes, of course-"
he shot you a look that said, "don't bullshit me."
"okay, i didn't... but still! i didn't even do anything to get a raise."
"whatever, just eat you food."
the next day, his heart swelled (more than usual) when you walked through the door. you were practically glowing in a new, clearly expensive outfit, your hair done, nails painted, & a gorgeous smile gracing your lips.
"someone's happy," he commented as he followed you to your cubicle. "what's the big deal?"
"i don't know, i just had a lot more money saved up than i thought so i decided to treat myself out," you admitted, gitty.
you dolled yourself up with the money he gave you. it only made him want to spoil you more, shower you with gifts & give you whatever you want.
"i'm glad you're enjoying your raise," he chuckled, a smirk on his face because, in his peripheral, he could see your coworkers' jaws drop in disbelief. he leaned close, brushed your silky hair away from your neck, behind your ear. katsuki whispered, "you've been so good, you deserve it." your face exploded into a shade of bright pink as you stuttered out a thank you.
you couldn't get that moment out of your head. the thought burned itself into your memory. it made your core throb. he was so close to your face, you could smell his expensive cologne. it was intoxicating. he made you just so desperate.
after a long work day, you got back to your cozy, one-bedroom apartment, and a package awaited your doorstep. katsuki, from a security camera he secretly installed, watched you bring it into your house. you went straight into your bedroom & placed it on your desk.
you spent so much already, what more could you have gotten? it's not like he's complaining. he's happy to provide for you. you're just so cute; you act like you've never seen money in your life. he wants to show you how good life can be with him.
you slid the blade of a pair of scissors across the tape of the box. eager, you unboxed the product, rubbing your thighs together.
"what are you up to, hm?" he whispered to himself. he chewed his lip, cock already semi-hard because of your after-work attire-- which was compression shorts & an oversized, white tee without a bra.
you ran to the bathroom, all he could hear was the water running. you were too quick for the camera to render. one minute you were your room, then the bathroom, then back into your room. there was a sneaky grin on your face as you hummed in approval.
your body was blocking what you bought until you walked away to grab something else from your bed stand drawer. katsuki's eyes widened. standing straight up (with a slight left curve) was a silicone dildo colored a fleshy pink. next to it was a ripped-open box that it came out of; "pro hero dynamight replica dildo! life-like! bring your dynamight dreams to life!" the box read.
he twitched, it was comical, could be considered creepy to some. but to him, it riled him up. this meant you wanted him, needed him, just as he needed you.
you swiftly came back to the toy with a bottle in hand. you laid a towel on your seat before sitting down. logging onto your computer, you couldn't help but feel utterly ashamed, embarrassed, but it's not like anyone is watching you, so no one would know. there was a knot pent up in your stomach, begging to be massaged out. you pulled up a video of your boss, the dynamight, where it was showcase of -what fans called- daddy/sexy/hot moments of his. you were so embarrassed, but he was the only one who could satisfy your craving.
god, i'm such a creep, you scolded yourself as you took off your shorts & panties. just an awful, horny weirdo, you thought. the toy you bought was big & girthy, & it was clearly artificial because there's no world where man can actually get that big, right? you prepped yourself by circling your clit with your middle finger, then dove into your wet hole with three fingers. you let out a sigh of ecstasy.
you poured lube onto your toy, then you began stroking it to coat every inch & "vein". katsuki already had his cock in his hand, matching the tempo of your strokes, beads of precum leaking out of his tip. "fuck, (y/n)," he muttered with his eyes glued to the screen. you're katsuki's little camgirl.
you took the dildo, closed your eyes, & began mentally preparing yourself for the toy. you've never taken anything this big. slowly, you pushed the dick into your wet pussy with your breath held. once it was half way inside, you let out a shaky groan, trying to adjust to the size. "ngh~ ah~ k-kats-suki," you whimpered, the video still playing clips of him.
"(y/n)," katsuki moaned back, wishing you could hear him. "put it all the way in."
you must've been put on this earth to obey him because, after he said that, you sunk the dildo into pussy. you let out a squeal; your eyes shot open only to roll in the back of you head. "so big," you whined. you waited for yourself to adjust. with your feet on the rests of the chair & one hand on your clit & the other one pumping the dildo in & out of your hole, katsuki started to screen record everything.
"harder, baby," he demanded, "go fuckin' harder."
you were in your own world, acting as though he were there with you. "p-please katsuki." you started to thrust the toy in all the way, taking it nearly out, then shoving it back in. you did it as fast as you could, but it still wasn't enough. you bucked your hips into the dildo. "uh~ mmm~ fuuuck."
while still in your pussy, you set your legs down & placed the base of the dildo on the chair. you started to ride the toy, its artificial veins wracking against your nerves, sending electric shocks up your spine. your ass & thighs jiggled every time you lifted your hips & shot them back down; katsuki was mesmerized.
his hand tightly jerked his hard cock, more precum leaking out. there was nothing else that mattered except you; his phone buzzed from notifications sent by his friends & colleagues. he couldn't tear his eyes from your sexy figure, bouncing up & down the dildo.
"k-katsuki! 'm cumming!" you moaned out. you threw your head back, mouth agape, your riding becoming erratic.
it was music to his ears-- you yelling his name. "baby, cum~" he replied, as if it were the real deal. as if you were actually there with him, as if you were the one squeezing his throbbing dick. he watched as your back arched & your body spasmed around the dildo. you kept calling out for katsuki until your high ran out. you cleaned up, hid the toy in your bottom drawer, did your nightly routine as if nothing happened, then went to sleep.
katsuki, still hard even after cumming, needed more.
the next day, you woke up with sore thighs & a distinct throb in between your legs. even after fucking yourself silly with the dynamight toy, it didn't satiate your hunger. you were embarrassed that you thought of your boss that way. you couldn't help but feel ashamed; it felt so good. it felt so good thinking, fantasizing, about katsuki's muscular physique, his thick, hard cock pumping in & out of you. it almost felt right to think of him that way.
while your head was still clouded with lust, you put on a black, lace thong under your pencil skirt that was just barely long enough to be considered work-appropriate. you wore translucent, black tights underneath & a cute pair of mary janes. your shirt was tight fitting. it eventuated every curve of your body in the most flattering way, &, feeling confident, you unbuttoned the first two to show a bit of your collarbone, nothing more. finally, you did your hair & makeup & cooked yourself a quick breakfast, then you were off to work.
at work, you just had an aura about you-- satisfied, calm, & joyful. you must've gotten a good night's rest, thought you coworkers.
katsuki knew better though.
as you strutted to his office, you had a pep -& a slight limp- to your step. you held a binder close to your chest. you felt like a stereotypical secretary in one of those cheesy, horny 2000's movies. you gently knocked on katsuki's office door, & heard a faint, "come in."
"good morning," you smiled as you sauntered closer to his mahogany desk. you plopped yourself down in the same seat you always do & set your binder down on his desk; he never minded.
he had his eyes trained on you, darker than usual, & greeted back, "good morning, (y/n). how are you?"
"i'm doing good, how are you?" you responded, an innocent smile flashed towards him.
you were anything but innocent, katsuki thought. "i'm actually having a tough morning." this shocked you because katsuki really didn't seem like the type to open up, especially to some random employee he hired.
"i'm sorry to hear that," you said, "can i ask why?"
"i've just been so... pent up," he told you, his jaw clenching for a second before he swallowed.
he didn't take his eyes off of you for a second, & you noticed. you squirmed under his serious gaze. "you are the number one hero right now. it's a lot of pressure," you tried to rationalize.
he stood up from his chair slowly, so you figured you must've overstepped. "i-i'm sorry, katsuki, i didn't mean it in a rude way," you defended, & he still hasn't responded.
he stalked closer to your chair until he was directly in front of you. you gulped, looking up at him. you didn't know whether it was appropriate to sit or stand, so you stayed still, sitting.
another awkward moment of silence passed, & you were about to look away when katsuki started, "the only other time i've been pent up like this was years ago."
"what made you stress so bad?"
"a saved a girl. she was beautiful, & i was dumb. i never got her name, i barely even talked to her. our encounter was brief, yet i couldn't take my mind off of her. for weeks, i was just so frustrated, i didn't know why. years passed & i thought i was finally over it, finally i came to terms that i would never again see her," he ranted, & you lowered gaze, breaking the eye contact. "i had searched everywhere for her. in every city i've ever visited, in every crowd that would form, in every building. i never found her. all my efforts, to waste."
you were sensitive, maybe too sensitive. your doe eyes teared up as you looked down at your lap. "i... i don't know why you're telling me this."
a warm hand cupped your chin; it guided your face upward, & there you were again, locking eyes with your boss. this time, your eyelashes stuck together with tears that have yet to fall. "i never found her, (y/n), & it hurt because i knew that i am the best for her. i gave up," he took a short pause, drinking in your defeated expression that you tried to mask, "until one day, she walked into my agency for an interview, a position she wasn't -at all- qualified for."
you swallowed the lump in your throat. "what are you saying?"
"(y/n), i've been so pent up lately," he restated, his hand still cupping your face while the other adjusted his pants. your eyes followed his other hand, widening. was he hard.. for you? "& i know you've been so stressed lately. it's such a big position, y'know. being my secretary, & all. i can understand why you're frustrated."
"i-i'm not frustrated, katsuki," you softly claimed.
he quirked a brow, his lips upturning into a smirk. "oh? is that so?" you nodded your head. "then i'm gonna need some help so i'm not as frustrated, do you think you can help me with that, hm?" he was taunting you, joking with you. he must've somehow found out about your secret crush on him, & now he's using this as a lesson then he's going to fire you.
still, foolishly, you replied, "i c-can help you with whatever you need, sir." his gentle grip turned harsh as soon as you shut your mouth. he forced you to look up, & he had an unreadable expression.
"now it's sir? what happened? you were so cute when you said my name," he growled, licking his lips. you were speechless, at a lost for words. "go on, tell me."
"i just don't want you to be mad at me," you said, cheeks flushed red. he was so close, he was making a fool of you, & he wouldn't stop staring at you. you succumbed to the mental pressure he was putting on you. you ripped your face from his vice grip as you started to ramble, turning your face away from him, "i-i don't know who told you i had a-a crush on you or whatever, b-but i was never gonna act on it, i swear! i-"
you were cut off by a sudden sting from your scalp; katsuki's fingers found themselves entangled in your silky hair. you let out a yelp in pain, & you instinctively yelled, "hey! what's your prob-" your tone lowered into a mumble, "-lem?"
your heart was beating out of you chest, just a few centimeters away from your parted lips was katsuki. in all of his glory. you had your eyes glued on him, scared to look down slightly. it was already in your sight of view. in one hand was your head, in the other was his hard, throbbing cock. "(y/n), you said you were gonna help me, didn't you?"
"uh huh," you said mindlessly as you held your breath. wide-eyed, your gaze flashed towards it then it went back up to him. he had a shit-eating smirk as he rested his heavy member in the middle of your face.
he commanded, "lick it." his cock was the length of your red hot face. he twitched when you looked at him, rubbing your thighs together.
"i said, lick it, (y/n)."
you hesitated; you didn't even know where to begin. his length was tantalizing, girthy. his tip was leaking beads of precum. his balls were swollen & heavy. was this still a joke?
suddenly, katsuki yanked your head back. with your mouth wide open -due to the shocking pain of your hair getting pulled- he slammed his dick down your throat. his hands were on both sides of your head, & he was in complete control. "i don't like repeating myself," he harshly said, forcing you to spit all over his length. your hands shot up to his hips, & you tried to push him away, though you didn't want to.
you weren't used to such a big man; he's the biggest you've ever been with. you gagged on him, & he let out a sigh of pleasure. your eyes crossed with tears streaming down your face, your mascara ruined. your lungs started to burn & you tried to beg for air, but it only came out as muffled moans. katsuki, feeling merciful, pulled his cock out of your throat, leaving his tip on your tongue.
you inhaled deep, only deep throat him again. he repeated that action -pulling himself then shoving himself back into your warm mouth- every time going more rough. he fucked your mouth, strings of precum & spit leaking onto your lap. you didn't even realize that katsuki released his grip on you until your shirt was torn off your body.
you let out a squeal that was muted by him. "fuck, (y/n)~" your boss moaned out, unbuttoning his own shirt. "you're such a good girl f' me." through your teary eyes, you saw katsuki throw his head back.
"need you," he said. " baby, i need your pussy right fuckin' now." katsuki took himself out of your mouth, leaving you with tongue hanging out of your mouth like an animal.
he made you stand up, then he crashed his lips onto your swollen, lipstick-smeared ones. sloppily, his tongue left nowhere untouched, & all you could do was moan as he overwhelmed you. his hands caressed every part of you. he groped your tits through your bra, he squeezed the fat of your ass through your skirt, & he rubbed your clit through your stained thong. your hips started to grind on his slender fingers. "katsuki~" you said in between kisses.
that was enough to make him feral (as if it weren't already). he let out a low growl as he turned you around. katsuki, with one hand, bent you over his desk, ass up in the air. he bunched your skirt around your waist, exposing you. katsuki needed you right in that moment, so he ripped a hole in your stockings & moved your string -that's supposed to be your undergarments- out of the way. he rubbed his tip along your folds; katsuki could almost salivate. after all this years of fantasizing & frustrations, here you were, underneath his bulking size, wet & ready for him.
"please use me, sir," you cried out in a hushed, yet urgent, voice. you were begging for him. i have to be dreaming, he thought. the moment he penetrates you, he's going to wake up, he's sure of it. you had your back arched, & you looked back at him, eyes half-lidded & cheeks flushed. "take out your frustrations."
he wanted to resist, he didn't want to wake up from this ecstasy dream. but he was just a man, & pure instincts took over.
katsuki lined up his cock with your entrance & snapped his hips forward, plunging himself ball-deep into your pussy. hands clasped over your mouth, you let out a scream. he was splitting you apart, your walls stretched out to accommodate his length & girth. your dynamight toy undersold him.
katsuki, in pure bliss, stood still for a second. he drank in everything that was happening, how this wasn't a dream anymore. you were so tight & desperate, sucking him in deeper. your juices stained your ripped stockings as it dripped down your thighs. slowly & shallow, he rocked his hips against you, grinding.
soon his grinding became primal. anything that has ever stressed him was put into his thrusts, & all you could do was lay there & take it. he pistoned in & out of you, hitting your g-spot every single time. you creamed, & came, & creamed again as he abused your sensitive spot. slaps & squelches bounced off the office walls. katsuki fucked you harder into the desk, trying to make you spasm all over his cock for the fifth time when-
brring! brring!
"what the fuck," he groaned. katuski's office phone broke the sounds of years of frustration. his harsh thrusts turned half-assed as he took a glance at the phone. "DEKU," the contact name read.
"goddamn it," muttered katsuki, "god fucking damn it." that's what he gets for bullying him all those years, i guess.
"y-you should a-answer that," you said, breathless. "it m-might be important."
"yeah, yeah. i know," katsuki said before slapping your ass. on the last ring, katsuki finally picked up the phone. you thought that, out of curtsy for deku, he would've pulled out or something, but no. he was still stretching you out & he showed no intentions on pulling out.
you, by accident, squeezed his cock, your body was trying to milk him. katsuki shot you a dirty smirk while he was on the phone. "what do you want?" his gruff voice demanded.
control yourself, (y/n), you thought to yourself, you're gonna get caught if you make a sound.
katsuki, on the other hand, had one mission: make you lose composure. honestly, it's a win-win. deku hangs up the phone, & everyone will know that you're his. katsuki pressed the phone between his ear & shoulder by tilting his head while his hands gripped your hips. hand-print bruises would be left in their wake, but you didn't care.
katsuki was hitting your cervix, & that was all you could focus on. you bit your lip until it was raw, your hands clasped so tight around your mouth until it was hard to breath, & you still were letting out whimpers.
deku said, "are we still going to have that meeting this afternoon?"
katsuki kept thrusting in & out of you, just a slightly bit more gentle (but not by much). "what?" he replied. he noticed your pussy tighten, squeezing him.
"kaachan, our meeting? this afternoon? at 2:30?"
"yeah, fuckin' cancel that," he told him. katsuki, with one hand still in your hip, grabbed a fist full of your hair & pulled you up. you stood with your back arched, dick impaling you, & your hands draped to your side. your mouth was fully open with your tongue hanging out. you were so close to the phone, any sound you make would be heard.
"you can't just cancel our meeting," deku sighed. "what are you doing that is more important?"
god, deku really knew how to get under katsuki's skin. just the tone of his voice made him made, so, naturally, he took it out on your poor body. faster, he pumped his cock in & out of you, your tits spilled out of your bra & your tits jiggled with each thrust. "please," you mouthed. you were so close to cumming, & you couldn't keep it in any longer. you were starting to see white stars clouding your vision.
"i'm busy fucking, okay?" katsuki yelled into the phone, eyes trained on you like a hawk.
"wh-what?" deku sputtered out, "what did you say?" you clenched, you were so close to getting caught by the number two pro hero.
"i said, i'm fuckin' busy," &, with that, he slammed the phone down to end the call. "you. fuckin. slut." he pounded you, & you let him use your tight pussy. his fat cock slammed in & out of you relentlessly. "i bet you wanted to get caught, huh? you just want to get caught?"
"n-no! i-i don't wanna!" you told him through hiccups.
"then what we're you trying to pull?" katsuki sneered, giving a light tug to your hair. your scalp was already aching terribly good. his hand dove in between your legs. his fingers started to rub your clit while he was still balls deep inside of your hole.
"n-nothing!" you cried followed by a breath of moans. "'suki, please~ it's too much." you began to see little white stars cloud your vision. it couldn't have been more than forty-five minutes, but you can't even remember how many times you've came. you were passed the point of overstimulation, whatever that is. "i-i-" you couldn't even get another sentence out, just muttering words & trying not to scream out in overwhelming pleasure.
"you're- you're-" katsuki mocked, and he finally let go of your -now- knotted hair. you collapsed on the desk, but his hand was still toying with your clit. your small hands gripped onto his forearm. you tried to push his hand away from your sensitive spot in hopes of getting a break. instead, he kept his position while his other hand winded back & smack! a red handprint gracing your ass. "you said i could use you, remember? thought you could handle, babe," sneered katsuki into your ear. "not only are you my slut, but you're also a dirty liar."
the vice grip he had on your hip released, then his arm snaked around your neck. your chin rested where his arm bent. with every thrust, he would flex his arms, & your throat was caught in between his thick forearm & bicep. "no, i'm not," you squeaked out. your thoughts, your words, everything would get interrupted by his constant choking.
you were still such a brat, defying him. it made it more interesting, katsuki would admit. it also made him rationalize that you deserved all the overstimulation, pounding, & bruising you've received-- & have yet to receive. "oh, you're not?"
"n-no," you droned into another moan.
"so you've never thought about this? about us? about me?"
he tightened his muscles, constricting your airway. "tell. the. fuckin'. truth," he commanded, god, he wanted to humiliate you.
&, as if on cue, you gave in. "i-i've thought 'bout y-you," you told him through whimpers. you could feel your juices leak out of you.
"good girl," katsuki purred, playing with your clit more rough. pleasure jolted up your spine, the white stars turning into tunnel vision. katsuki felt your head drop slightly, you were losing focus. your sight was blurry from the mascara & tears. "stay with me, (y/n)."
"uh huh," mindlessly, you nodded. you didn't know if you could orgasm anymore, yet you still felt that all-too-familiar knot in your stomach. your clit was swollen, your g-spot abused, throat hurting from his cock & the pressure around it. you didn't care, you've never felt more safe. "pl-please c-cum with me," you begged.
katsuki twitched inside of you. he chuckled, "if you beg like that, i don't think i can hold back, babe."
the pet names sounded like music to your ears, & a sudden rush of motivation coursed through your veins. "katsuki~" you whined, voice high-pitched.
"(y/n)," he growled lowly. was it a warning? perhaps. you didn't care, he could punish you if he ever so pleased.
"'need your cum."
"sh-" he stuttered, &, just like that, the tables were turned. "shut up.
katsuki's cool composure was slipping. giddy & still driven by pleasure & motivation, you said, "please~ i need you."
"fuck, baby."
"i-i need you to fill me up."
katsuki tensed, his arms choking you. his thrusts were erratic & shallow. every sensation -you squeezing his cock, you wetness seeping out of your pussy, all of it- was amplified. he drove his hips forward, his tip stuffed inside your cervix. "t-take it," he huffed out.
not even a second later, jets of hot cum exploded inside of you. his warmth filled you, just as you asked. he painted your pussy white, & you came all over him for a final time, your pussy pulsating, milking him for every drop. the two of you stayed in that position, relaxed. he held you in his embrace, heavy breaths on your skin. katsuki pressed butterfly kisses along nape of your neck lazily. "so good f' me," he praised into your ear as he grazed your side with his fingertips. "so beautiful."
you hummed in respond. "you're my girl, aren't you?"
"only if you take me out to dinner after this," you joked, this was just a hookup because there's no way he would think of you as anything more, you figured.
"of course, whatever you want," he responded to your surprised. he pulled out of pussy, cum leaking out of your hole. he didn't care; no, he was proud. he sat you on his lap, forehead pressed against yours. katsuki, with his thumb, stroked your cheek & sang you sweet nothings. "you took me so well. i didn't go too hard, did i? you're mine," he would say.
"yes, princess?"
"why are you still hard?"
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lightseoul · 1 year
you're losing me
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synopsis. bakugou proposes to you. you give him an unexpected response.
cw. gn!reader, pro-hero!katsuki, aged up (28 yrs old), some cussing
word count. 2.5k words
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“Where is everybody?”
You ask as you look around the barren restaurant, which, on most days, is jampacked with high-profile customers. How Bakugou was able to get you both a table is beyond you.
“Don’t mind ‘em,” he says before dipping down to finish the rest of his soup. “They’re just a bunch of extras anyway.”
You merely hum in response.
A moment passes with the both of you finishing your appetizers when a question dawns on you.
“By the way,” you start, “what’s the occasion, Kats?”
At that, he frowns. “What, you’re saying I can’t treat my partner whenever I feel like it?”
You snort. “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just that we don’t usually opt for extremely overpriced restaurants.”
You gesture to your evening gown and his suit. “We don’t usually dress up either.”
“Yeah, well. Just go with it, okay?”
You stare at him for a beat before deciding to let it go.
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You’re down to the last bite of your dessert when Bakugou clears his throat. You look up, only to be met with the familiar expression of nervousness decorating his features.
It’s how he looked at you back when he first asked you out three years ago.
“You alright?” you ask.
He nods, “Peachy. Just need to tell you something.”
Almost instantaneously, your heart picks up its pace. You brace yourself for bad news.
“What is it?”
At your query, Bakugou suddenly stands up and circles your table, stopping right in front of you.
And before you could even comprehend what’s happening, he’s already on one knee, holding a small velvet box.
At the mention of your name, your heart doubles up its pace.
He continues, but your head is pulsing and your ears throbbing so loudly that you can barely make out the speech he’s currently giving you. You feel lightheaded, as well as the tears welling up in your eyes, clouding your vision.
He sounds uncharacteristically shy when he finally says, “Will you marry me?”
That’s the last thing you hear before you black out.
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You’re met with a blinding white light when you come to.
You strain to sit up in order to look around, the movement causing Bakugou, who is on a stool beside your bed, to stir awake.
“Hey,” he says gently. “Take it easy.”
Robbed of all words, you nod, taking heed and slowly lifting yourself up into a seated position.
“Where am I?” you ask.
“The nearest hospital from the restaurant,” he explains. “You fainted.”
He nods, face stern. “Thankfully I was able to catch you before your head could hit the ground. We just need to run a few more tests before you get cleared for discharge.”
And with that, the elephant in the room remains as evident as ever.
“Look, Kats,” you start, “about earlier—”
“Let’s not talk about it right now,” he cuts you off. “Come on, let’s get you ready for discharge.”
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You barely catch him before he goes to work the next day.
Bakugou’s not a morning person—you found out about that a week into dating him when you noticed how curt his messages were in the mornings—yet he’s now up at 6:24 AM, darting in and out of the rooms in your shared apartment, getting ready for the day.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he’s rushing to leave.
“You’re awake,” you say lamely as you enter the living room.
He grunts in response, attention directed to the duffel bag he always brings to the office on patrol days.
You want to ask him why he’s up this early, but ultimately decide against it. Instead, you say: “Did you pack your lunch already?”
“Yeah,” he gestures to his bag, “It’s in here.”
You stand awkwardly by the door as you watch him zip his bag and adjust his civilian clothes that would be swapped in for his winter costume later.
He then walks up to you and presses a kiss on your forehead—so tentatively it makes you ache.
Since when did he get so hesitant with you?
“I’ll go then,” he announces.
And before you know it, the front door shuts, his perfume leaving a nostalgic fragrance in its trail.
Only then do you realize that I love you’s were not exchanged.
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The days after are unremarkably the same.
He’s been getting up extra early so that by the time you wake up, he’s already on his way to the agency.
On top of that, he’s starting to work overtime now, too.
Lately, he’s been arriving home as late as almost midnight.
You try to wait up for him—you really do—but with your own work to get to the following mornings, you just couldn’t sustain that arrangement.
And so you rarely see him.
But to your relief, despite everything that’s gone wrong with Bakugou since the night he proposed, you still fall on the same bed at the end of the day.
Albeit his back is turned against you. Still, you’re grateful. There’s a certain comfort that blankets you whenever you’re near Bakugou, and that hasn’t changed one bit.
Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, you mirror him, your back now facing his.
Which is why you don’t notice it until you hear a gasp.
Propping yourself up on your elbow, you look at Bakugou, who’s now sitting upright, chest heaving.
Quickly, you rouse yourself, facing him. “What’s wrong?”
He inhales deeply as his eyes dart towards you, beads of sweat now decorating his forehead.
“Nightmare,” he croaks.
At that, you grab his ice-cold hands, squeezing them in yours. “Do you want to talk about it?”
A beat passes before he reluctantly shakes his head. “It’s just the usual.”
The usual. Being held hostage by that monster, getting kidnapped, being responsible for All Might’s—
“It doesn’t matter if it’s new or not,” you retort, squeezing his hands again in an attempt to anchor him to reality. “I’m here to listen, alright?”
Bakugou hesitates for a second before nodding, a pained expression written across his face.
He starts to lean in closer, probably to drop his head at the crook of your neck like he usually does when plagued with nightmares, before hesitating and leaning back.
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The next morning, you wake up not only to an empty bed, but an empty house.
Still half asleep, you trudge your way toward the kitchen, where a bento box is sitting on the island. On top of it is a sticky note that reads:
Going out w the guys after shift. Don’t wait up.
Your heart sinks at the thought of not being able to see Bakugou for the day.
Still, maybe he needs this night out.
You wouldn’t want to spend time with the person who rejected you either.
With a heavy heart, you get ready for the day yourself.
Work is the least of your concerns this morning, but you figure you have to go. You could use some distraction to take your mind off your crumbling relationship.
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You’re in your bed reading that non-fiction you’ve been putting off for a while now when your phone rings.
You reach for your phone, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of Kirishima’s caller ID.
You press the green button after a few seconds of letting it ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, Y/N!” a cheery voice greets you. “This is Kirishima.”
“Hey, Ei,” you start, weirdly nervous. “How are you and the rest of the squad?”
“Actually, that’s why I called you. Can you pick Bakugou up? He’s so drunk.”
Your Katsuki? Drunk?
For some reason, the idea of talking to a drunk Bakugou, who also happens to be the bluntest version of himself, elicits an unpleasant feeling in your gut.
“Really?” you ask, voice small. “How much did he drink?”
“Not a lot, but the alcohol percentage of the ones he downed are pretty high.”
When you don’t respond for a while, he pipes up with: “Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
Kirishima sounds unsure when he asks, “Is everything okay with you guys?”
“Yes, Ei.” No, Ei. I inadvertently rejected his marriage proposal.
“Okay, that’s good to hear,” he starts. “It’s just that he barely mentioned you when he was still sober—which is a rare occurrence, if you only knew. He only started calling for you when he was three glasses in.”
Despite yourself, your stomach flips in delight. He’s still thinking about me, you think to yourself.
“Anyway, as I was saying, are you good to fetch him?”
“Yes,” you stand up and grab for your keys. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
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You’re situating the car in your designated parking space when Bakugou finally stirs awake.
Once you’re parked, you turn off the engine before you reach over the console to unfasten his seatbelt. Yours follows shortly after.
You look at him, whose eyes are still closed.
“We’re here, Kats.”
At the sound of your voice, his eyes shoot open and he examines his environment, alarmed. Once he catches sight of you, though, he visibly relaxes.
Only to straighten up in his seat, stiff and unable to look you in the eye.
“You didn’t have to, uh,” he stammers, struggling to formulate coherent sentences. “Get me. You didn’t have to get me.”
You shoot him a small smile. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
He doesn’t say anything after that, eyes trained on your car’s windshield.
A moment passes before he speaks again.
“My mom made me do it, you know.”
You stare at his side profile. “Made you do what?”
“Propose to you.”
He shakes his head, almost in disagreement. “The old hag really wants me to get married. I told her we didn’t have to get married because we’re happy the way things are and that shit is just for formality. Told me I’d be missing out on you wearing a wedding dress.”
You snort, “That’s what convinced you to ask me?”
He grins. “Nah. I just realized I wanted to get married if it was to you.”
Before you can even react, Bakugou shifts in his seat, breaking eye contact.
“It was stupid of me, though.”
Your stomach drops in anticipatory dread. “Stupid of you to what?”
He chuckles, although he seems anything but happy. “Was stupid of me to think someone like you would say yes to someone like me.
“I—” he stutters, “I wouldn’t marry me either.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He sighs, “Just…who the fuck do I think am, proposing to you? I was a horrible person who fucked things up so many times growing up. Maybe this is karma biting me back in the ass.”
“You can do way be—”
He jerks his head to face you, bewildered and eyes glassy.
You reach over the console to hold his scarred hand, staring him down.
“Look at me.”
He does so.
“You’re not that person anymore, alright?” You squeeze his hand, “Please don’t do this to yourself.”
Under the intensity of your gaze, Bakugou can only nod in affirmation before you engulf him in your first hug in what feels like weeks.
“Come on,” you say when you finally part, “Let’s get you ready for bed.”
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Bakugou sleeps like a baby by your side that night. Meanwhile, you stay up until the wee hours of the morning, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.
He thinks you don’t want to marry him.
Your heart aches at the very thought of him grappling with the most false of all statements.
You want to marry him, you really do, but all your fears suddenly rose to the surface and enveloped you the second he went on one knee.
And that’s what you’re planning to confess to him tonight.
You wait, wrapped in the thickest jacket you own, seated on the bench for Bakugou to come. You left him a note alongside his bento box earlier this morning—a note that says to meet you at the indicated address.
Lost in your thoughts and in your internal monologue, you startle when somebody sits next to you.
You look to your right, only to see Bakugou in his thickest jacket, a gray beanie covering his ash blonde locks, cheeks pink from the cold.
“Do you remember this place?” you ask, voice quiet.
He scoffs, “Of course I do, dumbass.”
At that, you chuckle. “This is where we had our first date.”
He grunts in agreement. He doesn’t say anything after that.
A few seconds pass before he finally pipes up with: “So why did you bring me here?”
Your heart’s pace quickens at the query.
You gulp, although your voice still ends up shaky. “I wanted to apologize.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
You shake your head, “You don’t understand.”
He chuckles, that same one that translates to anything but happiness. “I think I do. You don’t want to marry me, I get it.”
“No,” you say, voice louder. “I want to marry you.”
At your admission, Bakugou turns to look you in the eye. The hopeful expression on his face is staggering, you want to curl up into a ball and cry. “What?”
“I said,” you repeat, “I want to marry you.”
His eyebrows furrow. “Then why have you been acting like you don’t?”
At his question, you can’t help but clench your eyes closed. This is too much, you think to yourself, but you owe Bakugou the truth.
“I’m just scared, Kats. Truly. I—” you stammer, “I just can’t shake off the fear of losing you one day. And I know your capabilities and I know how hard you work. Just that—I don’t know. The fear of seeing you killed one day is paralyzing.”
Bakugou reaches out to you, and you let him wipe away the tears that are now falling down your cheeks.
“I’m scared, too,” he offers. “But I don’t know.”
He shakes his head, “I’m more scared of not being with you.”
At his confession, you can’t help but smile. “I think that’s how I feel, too.”
You rest your head on Bakugou’s shoulder, your hand in his. You stay like that for a few minutes before you pull away and turn to regard him again.
“Can we start over?” you ask, “I want to propose to you soon.”
Bakugou smirks, nothing but elation on his face. He takes your other hand and squeezes it.
“Not if I propose to you first.”
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tagging. @katsukis1wife @rinalou @loverboyrin @brunnetteiwik @beabe19
as always, reblogs, comments, and tags are appreciated <3
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specialagentlokitty · 2 months
Aizawa x reader - fixing us
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Yawning a little, you stretched as you rolled off your couch and picked up your phone.
You had a few missed messages from your friends, a few missed calls from your producer, and an email from UA which caught your attention.
You didn’t have a quirk, and you weren’t a pro hero, so why would the most prestigious hero school in Japan be emailing you?
Giving the email a Quick Look over, you saw it was an invitation to play a few songs during the lunch break at their sports festival, and a call to your producer confirmed this email as real and not some sort of scam.
You didn’t have to take too long to think about it, you had never attended UA as a teen, so you never saw what it was like, and you had always even curious, so you immediately accepted.
That’s how you found yourself standing in the middle of UA a month later, being shown around by the principal as he took you to where you could wait and watch the sports festival.
“Jeez, I never thought I’d see the day I’d be stood inside UA.”
Nezu laughed slightly, clasping his paws together as he looked up at you.
“It’s a spectacular sight is it not? And I know many of our students are excited to see you preform live, along with a few of the staff.”
You grin a little as you carry on following him.
“That’s one tough crowd to impress, gotta say I’m excited to preform for the future heroes, hopefully give them something to relax and ease up too.”
“I’m sure you’ll find it no issue it all!” Nezu beams.
He leads you to the teachers commentators box and gestures to it.
“You should have the best view in here! And you’ll be accompanied by two of our very own commentating on the sports festival! They should arrive soon, and they are aware of your presence. If you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask!”
“Thank you very much!”
Nezu offers you a bright smile before he leaves.
You smile as you look around, standing in front of the large glass window.
It definitely was a great view of the field, and the screens so any events that weren’t taking place in the stadium you still had a perfect view to watch them.
As you were looking around the door opened again and you turned around, a grin slowly forming on your face when you saw who it was.
“No way! It can’t seriously be you!”
“Hizashi!” You laugh.
The pro hero wasted no time in rushing over to pull you into a bone crushing hug, and he laughed loudly as he spun you around a few times before setting you back down on the ground.
“It’s been years (Y/N)!”
Hizashi punches your shoulder lightly.
“Why didn’t you ever call?!” He pouts.
You laugh softly, shaking your head at him.
“Because somebody changed his number and never gave him his new one, and NEVER replies to messages on social media.”
He grins sheepishly.
“Okay, okay, that’s my fault. Oh Aizawa is here too!”
Your eyes widen slightly at the mention of that name.
It had been years since you saw Hizashi, even longer since you last saw Aizawa, not since you guys had an explosive argument and the worst part was you couldn’t even remember what it was about.
“You’re kidding? Aizawa? A teacher?”
Hizashi grinned and nodded his head.
“Yup! He’ll be here in a minute!”
Your eyes widen a little as he says that, and as if on cue the door is pushed open, and a very heavily bandaged Aizawa walks through.
He grumbles to himself as he walked in and paused the moment he saw you, his eyes widening just slightly.
“Jeez, you look like you’ve been hit by a truck.”
Aizawa huffed, rolling his eyes at you as he walked over to sit down at his chair.
“Shut up.”
Hizashi laughed, patting your shoulder and he looked at you, taking in your ear piercings, and he stepped back, crossing his arms.
Copying his posture, you raised a brow in question.
“Tattoos? Piercings?” He asked with a slight hint of confusion.
You laugh sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head.
At the mention of tattoos and piercings Aizawa looked over, looking at the coloured ink that covered your arms, the piercings that lined your ears.
“I forget it’s not really normal here, I guess I’ve been living in the states for that long im so used to how they do things there now.”
Hizashi hummed a little in understanding.
“Well it suits you!” He beamed.
He grinned at you, giving you a knowing look as he sat down in his chair to start the commentary.
You stand between him and Aizawa, listening to what they’re saying and explaining.
While you were stood there Aizawa would occasionally look at you, studying the tattoos that he could see on your arm.
A tiger, some flowers trailing down a vine along your arm, some lyrics to a few of your songs.
He still hasn’t said much to you, and you hadn’t really engaged in conversation with him either, but as lunch came around you headed to get ready for your show.
While Hizashi went to get lunch Aizawa got ready to take a nap.
He was already half asleep when your show started, and he found himself lifting his head a little bit looking down at the stage cementoss had created for you.
He had never admitted it to you or anybody but he enjoyed listening to your singing back in middle, and he sometimes found himself listening to your music when he was alone grading his papers.
He could see you having the time of your life, a huge smile on your face as the crowd cheered and whistled.
You only played a few songs before you headed back inside so they could get the stadium ready for the next events, and that’s where you found Aizawa standing in the hallway waiting.
He lifts his head slightly, letting your gaze.
“Can we talk?” He mutters, gesturing to a nearby waiting room.
With a heavy sigh you follow him, and he stands in front of the door once you’re both inside to stop you from leaving, or other people entering.
Aizawa sighs a little, looking at you as you sit down on the table.
“I never thought you’d be the type to get tattoos…” he mumbled.
You raise a brow at him.
“We’ve not spoken in nearly 10 years and you want to talk about my tattoos?”
“No… I just… I don’t know…”
He sighed, leaning against the door and closing his eyes for a moment before he opened them again.
He walked over, sitting next to you on the table with a small huff of pain.
“Look (Y/N) I’m sorry okay…? For everything I said back then, I was stupid, and immature, and I wasn’t thinking.”
With a sigh, you look down at your hands and he looks down at them as well.
“I really do like your music by the way…”
“You, Shouta Aizawa, like my music? You don’t listen to music.”
He rolls his eyes.
“I’m trying to be nice here and you’re making it impossibly hard.”
You grin a little bit at him.
“Call it payback.”
“Why the hell are you so stubborn?”
You simply offer him a small shrug, and he sighs, shuffling a little before resting his head on your shoulder.
He used to do this a lot, he wasn’t much of a physical contact person, but it was no secret to you and Hizashi that Aizawa found comfort in you, and felt relaxed with you.
Reaching up, you carefully place a hand on his bandaged cheek.
“You know, technically we never broke up.” He mumbled.
“Oh my god…” you laugh.
“It’s true, you never actually said the words ‘we are finished’.”
“Seriously? You’re gonna start that now? That we’ve still somehow been dating this whole time?”
“Well have you been seeing anyone else?”
You stay quiet for a moment.
“Shut up…”
This earns you a small rare chuckle from him.
“So there you have it, still dating.”
“You’re so stubborn…”
He hums in agreement, shuffling a little to get more comfortable resting against you.
“You’re mine forever…” he mumbles.
With a soft sigh, you turn and kiss the top of his head.
“You’re so stubborn Shouta…”
He lifts his head a little.
“Before you fully end things between us just give me one more chance, that’s all I’m asking, one more.”
“One more chance.”
He lets out a content sigh, resting his head back on your shoulder.
He’d been trying to figure out how to fix things between you for years but he could never bring himself to reach out to you, now was his chance and he wasn’t about to mess up again
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere class 1A with a reader who has helped pros from another country but has never gotten her permit. So she goes to school and ends up with new classmates who are obsessed with her?
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• Your Big Sister is one of the most popular pro heroes in America ranking number 6 you always looked up to her and wanted to be like her one day, On your 14th birthday she gifted you your own hero outfit saying that you'll be her sidekick during your time you also became popular alongside your sister defeating villains helping citizens and praising your teamwork, usage of your quirk, a pot the pros and the employees of your sister agency adores you every time you walk by there's always a either a wave, a hey, or a small gift for your hard work life was great
• Until you receive a letter from the Special School called Ua saying that they require you to attend there since you never got a permit which made you feel sad that you were gonna leave your sister But she promised she'll visit and she made sure one if the pro heroes you worked with will be your new guardian
• When you 1st walked in your class most students were shocked they knew that they were be getting a new student but they didn't know it was you?!
•"introduce yourself and make it quick" Aizawa said with a tried expression "My name is y/n l/n I am the younger sibling of (sister's hero name) I hope we can all get along! Any questions a bunch of hands went up eagerly waiting
•" What's your quirk?" "are you actually the sister of h/n?" "what's working with a bunch of pro heroes like?" "Is your sister single" you answered them one by one (expect for the single part) and the class was amused you went to take a seat feeling some a bunch of eyes were on you
•After class a brunette girl, came up to you a warm smile on her face "Hi you must be y/n im Ochako Uraraka" You smiled at the girl while shaking your hands "Nice to meet you ochako you look so adorable!"
•Ochako face began to flushed with your comment her mind was all over the place "she called me cute!" her heart was racing "T-Thank you! I was gonna ask if you could sit with me and some friends they r-really wanna meet you" ochako manage to say still flushed she rushed away still thinking about you
•at lunch you managed to make friends with the glasses kid named iida a green hair boy named Izuku midoriya, and red and white hair boy named Shoto
• Ochako and 5 other girls came up to you while you were minding your business "y/n I was wondering if you would like to hang out with us! It's just a little cafe da- I mean hang out!" a girl with pink hair and yellow eyes said "Of course! That sounds fun!"the girls all starting blushing at your cute smile and adorable smile adoring it like it's the most precious thing in the world
•You soon was introduce to a hot head named katuski bakugo, a red hair boy named kirishima, a Blonde hair with a black lighting in his hair named denki and a black hair boy named sero along side with the other classmates like sato, Koji, tokoyami, ojiro and aoyama you and you're classmates all got along with each other but sometimes u question their behavior but u brushed it off
•whenever training come around ur classmates would bicker at each other about who gets to train with you and if one of them win they would glare at them behind your back when your your classmates would stare in wonder and memorize your fighting skills some even cheering for you
•They would always drag you wanting to spend time with you every chance they can get "Back off extras y/n and I are supposed to spare with each other! With shitty hair!" "Y/n promised that we are gonna have baking lessons later" " actually me and y/n were supposed to be jamming with each other" "*Kero* actually we were gonna go swimming alone" "oh please you people are crazy me and y/n are gonna go shopping together!"
•the more you spend time with them the more obsessed and delusional they get whenever you talk to other classmates who are not in their class they glare at you and try to make excuses for you to pay attention to them they even daydream you and them dating
• They are so desperate for your attention and praise that they'll always bicker about who got the most attention
•one time mineta tries to flirt and try talking dirty about u you let's just say 19 classmates are coming for his ass
•Izuku would have a secret notebook about you with everything about you even with stuff you didn't know he would talk to you like he's a shy boy but whenever you're talking with someone he's would glare at him and would gently tug your sleeve a bit trying to pull you away with a excuse of "cmon y/n we need to study" or "sorry we need to get to class now"
•Shoto and Momo would leave u expensive gifts and spoil the heck out of you momo would hug you and try to cuddle you whenever you're sitting down and if your not much of a cuddler then that's fine too hand holding is also a option
•Bakugo and Kirishima would spar with you and sometimes show off to see who's more manly
•Denki or sero would invite you to play videos games and even if your bad at the games they'll loose on purpose just to see your eyes sparkle tries to throw some flirting here and there
•iida and you would fangirl/fanboy about how cool your big siblings are and Iida would make sure you're safe at all costs being your study partner and teaching you Japanese
•Ochako and you would either make you hang out at the park with her or go to a nice hill to look at the sunset while you both race down the hill (the 2 of you got scolded by iida for staining your clothes)
•Aoyama would have a mini fashion show with Bakugo picking out the outfits for you and Momo getting all the pretty outfits making sure you're comfortable and safe revealing or not both Aoyama and momo would be squealing while bakugo pretends not wanting to be here
•Sato would bribe you with sweets to make him hang out more he'll find out by asking Izuku what your favorite dessert or treat is whenever you taste his treat he always wanted to know what you think and if you say it's delicious the dude would make more for you
•Koda would teach you what animals you wanna know if you wanna know what animal lives in Japan he talk all about that heck! He'll even bring you face to face (unless the animal it's dangerous) of not then he'll let you pet it but if you're scared if gently reassure you that the animal won't hurt you
• Tokoyami loves to hang out with you in quiet places like coffee cafes or a library trip when dark shadow tries to sneak in his real feeling for you he'll shine a flashlight at him making him hiss
•Shoji like Iida would make sure you're safe especially when you're around him shoji would tell you about how dangerous the country Japan is wanting you to be closer to him to the point where his hands are around your waist or being carried burial style
•Hakagure and Mina will always be your number one hyped girls always pitching your cheek and hugging you and if you're not a hugger that's ok! A head will do that when alone they would always gossip about how hot you are and how adorable you are they even made a secret shrine of you
•Tsuyu is a cool girl who would always take you swimming if you don't know how to swim she'll hold on to you very Tight making sure you don't drown or get those floaties to help you
•Jirou and you would have a jamming section whenever an instrument you play she'll play along with you the both of you would share your favorite playlist songs and why is most of hers love songs. Anyways she gifted you a matching t shirts of your favorite band now whenever it's the weekend yall would jam out in cute matching clothes
Ojiro would occasionally spend with you as well while making sure he doesn't hurt you loves it when you touch his tail it makes his heart race and tail wag Ojiro also loves to hang out at the ice parlor with you while talking about hero stuff and karate
They all love you and will cherish you as much as they can even convince you to join their hero agencies when they grow up they're obsession gets worse as the day goes on with how their glares will linger if they see you talking with another person and will argue at each other of who gets to spend with who
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thearomanticcactus · 20 days
I'm once again mad about people telling Izu he couldn't be a hero without a quirk.
This time it's because of Lunch Rush's existence tho! Fun!
Because what do you mean Lunch Rush is a Pro Hero?
Don't get me wrong I understand how he can be beneficial and everything (more or less because to me it's not clear what his quirk is), but explain to me how he got a hero license? Were they just giving out licenses to anyone back then?
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mhabirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Lunch Rush – June 17th
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊boba time ┊Mama’s Harvest ꒱
『♡』 pregnancy
Your fingers fiddle with the little flower bud in your hands and you use the back of your hand to wipe sweat from your forehead. The sun is beginning to beat down on you, drenching your skin in rays.
“Almost done?” Katsuki startles you, leaning over from behind where you kneel.
You bounce, dropping the flower and turning around to give him a glare.
“Yeah, jus’ gotta finish pollinating the squash or it’ll produce less..” You remind, returning to the task at hand.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and begins making his way through the garden with a basket in hand. Leaves rustle and the tell-tale sound of stuff flopping to the ground let’s you know he’s harvesting.
“Babe..” He calls and you glance over in his direction.
“Hmmm?” You wonder, nearly finished with your chores.
“How many peppers did you plant?” Katsuki inquires and you freeze.
“Uhhh..” Your mind races for an answer and you begin counting on your fingers. Whispering to yourself and naming off varieties.
“We’re gonna drown in peppers, holy shit.” He jokes, rounding one of the rows with a massive basket filled with different pepper varieties.
Katsuki rushes you inside, complaining that you shouldn’t be in the heat for too long and you pout. Still, you do as told and go inside to make lunch and relax.
There’s a lot of pros to your husband being a pro hero. One, you don’t need to work. You can if you want to but you don’t. Katsuki gives you all the money you want and more, no questions asked.
He doesn’t push unrealistic expectations on you, either. You had a career for years of your relationship and for the first two years of being married.
But when Katsuki came behind you with red cheeks and shy eyes, saying he wanted s little one, it was time for a change. Pregnancy is hard on the body and both of you thought it would be best to have you home for at least the first three years of the little melons life.
You aren’t far along, either. But your husband is persistent.
You watch from the kitchen window as he grabs another basket and scissors, only to come back with an abundance of herbs and fruits. Nothing in life rivals these moments.
You turn, grabbing s large knife and a cutting board to begin slicing a bunch of green onion. The knife hits the bamboo with a satisfying “knock knock knock” and you sigh in content.
Nausea bubbles in your throat and you push it down, thinking about all good things.
The door creaks open and Katsuki places the woven baskets on the table. You hear footsteps before his large hands are on your lower tummy. His head comes to rest on top of yours, where the places a kiss and sighs.
“So, when should we tell ma?” He ponders.
The cutting stops and you set down the metal utensil, turning to face him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders where they lay purchase, tugging your body closer to his own.
“Mmm.. not sure m’ love. Whadd’you think?” You mirror his mindset, unsure of what the best option would be.
“Well you’re the one growing the baby, so I thought you’d wanna do it a certain way- I dunno people get sentimental about this shit.” Katsuki’s damp lips come to rest on your forehead for a moment.
“Well I can’t hide it much longer- fuck it why don we just invite them over for dinner to get some of these peppers? We can tell em then!” You propose, shooting a look at all the excess fruit and vegetables.
“Yeah, we can do that, I’ll tell ‘em. What time?”
Katsuki’s breaking away, using his hip to bump you over so he can take over cooking. You smack his shoulder and he flinches. It stings even when he’s got a dark grey shirt on, no match for your mood.
You scowl and grab another cutting board and a bell pepper. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“Baby I’m pregnant not dying. I’m cutting the damn bell pepper. And mm eight, we’ll do that.”
Before long, all the colorful foods are cut and turned into a large dinner. Sitting in front of you is chicken legs smothered in seasonings and drizzled in gravy over mashed potatoes. Your stomach grumbles and you nearly sigh in relief when his parents walk in.
The conversation continues as normal until you’re met with a wave of nausea. Your face scrunches and despite attempting to hide it- his mother notices. His father isn’t paying any mind, looking at the massive side salad you’ve prepared.
Her eyes narrow and her mouth opens.
“So, uh-“ Katsuki begins, cherry eyes flicking over to meet your own.
“I’m pregnant.” You reveal and his mother slaps the shit out of katsuki on instinct.
It isn’t malicious, she’s practically bouncing. A wide grin wipes across her face and she looks toward her husband with a giggle.
“Fucking FINALLY!” She yells and katsuki looks at her incredulously.
“Don’t look at me like that Katsuki! I’ve been wanting grand babies for years now!” His mother scolds, looking at you with a bright smile.
Katsuki takes a breath, nice and slow to steady himself, while your mother prods with questions. You’re eating, talking about the ins and outs of pregnancy while his father pitches in warmly.
He grumbles in the corner, telling his mom to shut up, and makes faces at some of the things he didn’t expect.
“Yunno, with this asshole, I really craved sweets. But the hardest part of being pregnant with him was probably the hemorrhoids and kicking. God- the kicking was horrible.” His mother explains, stuffing a last bite of mashed potato in her mouth.
You giggle at your husbands angry and confused face from the side. He seems almost offended that pregnancy could be so horrible.
“Why was the kicking so bad?” He pokes, much more gentle than usual.
“Ahh.. it feels like butterflies at first, yunno? But you moved a lot-“ she grabs a sip of water, tilting her head towards him, and places the glass back down.
“-that’s fine and all at first. But you got stronger and it hurt, at one point you had your foot pressed against my ribs for two hours! You’d just kick and it was a constant mild uncomfortable feeling..”
The blonde to your right furrows his brows and takes a sip of his own water. The metal fork he was once using placed on the side of his dish.
“Well, that… makes sense.” Katsuki thinks out loud and looks over towards you.
The dinner ends with kisses and hugs. His mother says she’s coming over in a few days with a couple pregnancy life savers and demands to have copies of the ultrasounds.
Katsuki takes his time that night while you bathe. He massages your shoulders and back, up your ankles and thighs and kisses your tummy. You catch him whispering for the little melon to be sweet to you and nearly coo at the man.
The next day, he brings in a large notebook and grabs a pen. “Baby Food” is messily written at the top and you smile.
A kiss is placed to the top of his head, then a kiss to your lower stomach, like it’s becoming routine.
There’s something fond, simple, and beautiful about the way he falls into fatherhood without question.
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3wishesgenie · 1 year
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Filling the Space | older bakugo x younger mom reader
Ever since your ex-boyfriend left you and your 5 year-old son years ago. You've been staying with your mother and balancing being a mother and a hero assistant. You've been working for Pro Hero Deku for the past 3 months, he's always been an easy and helpful boss. Today was a day he had a full schedule which usually leads to multiple pros coming to his agency for patrol hours. But today was a lucky day for you because school was canceled and your mom was out of town.
Warnings | Strangers to Lovers, Smut, Angst , Kinda Jerk Bakugo, hurt with no comfort
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"Come on, grab your toys. It's almost time to go Roman" You say as you grab both of your jackets walking towards the kitchen. Grabbing your lunches, while washing your coffee mug.
“Mama, I’m almost ready. I’m just getting my Chargebolt Toy.”
“Alright-” You say back as you let out a shallow breath and go back to wash your mug. Just as soon as you put your lunches in your tote. You hear loud, fast footsteps coming down the stairs. 
“Slow down” You yell out for him to hear. Assuming by the sounds of the footsteps you think he’s ignored you. You turn around as you hear him enter the kitchen seeing him with his Dynamite themed backpack that wouldn’t close all the way. 
“Mama, I’m ready now” he says, smiling up at you. 
“Ok Sunshine, How about arrange your bag a little better” you say, grabbing his bag from where he placed it on the floor and setting it on the counter while he climbed into the chair in front of you. 
“Do you really need all of your heroes with you today?” you ask, smiling down at him.
“Maybe some of them could stay and protect Gram's house?” You ask, while he plays with his fingers in his lap.
“Yeah! We need someone to protect Gram’s” He beams while taking the Chargebolt and Cellophane figures out of his backpack. You take his bag and zip it while he rushes up to his room to put the figures back where they belong. You're grabbing all the bags and heading towards the door. When he comes racing back down the stairs to meet you at the door. 
He grabs his jacket from the table by the front door to put it on. While you also slip yours on and grab your keys. 
“Are you ready?” You ask, smiling down at his smaller form.
“Yep!” He exclaims to you as you're heading out the door.
The car ride consists of different loud, bubbly kids music and some heroic sounds from the backseat. As you pull in to your assigned parking spot you also see your boss coming in as well. Unbuckling yourself from your seat and grabbing your bags you see your son run around the car to your door jumping in place pointing towards your boss.
“Mama! Mama!” he exclaims. “It’s Deku!” he practically yells at you. 
You smile down at him saying “Yes Sunshine, it’s him.” you say smiling from all the joy he’s showing. 
“Could we go say hi?” He asks, but it was as if he had a summoning quirk because Deku was already making his way over to the two of you. 
“Hello Y/n” Deku says. “Who’s this little guy you have with you today?” Deku asks.
“My name's Roman!” he yells before you could say anything. “You're my favorite hero, when I get older I wanna be just like you and defeat all the bad guys!” He continues before Deku could get another word out. 
“You absolutely could, you know at your age I was also planning on being a hero and saving everyone with a smile like All Might!” Deku says back to the joyful kid in front of him.
Roman and Deku continue to talk each other’s heads off as they continue into the agency. With them following behind you continue onto your desk to find today’s schedule. Upon arrival you see that your coworkers have laid out candy for your son to enjoy.
It's when Deku and Roman have finally arrived at your desk that Roman realizes that there’s a load of candy there. 
“Mama!” He says. “Could Deku and I have a lollipop?” He asks, giving his best puppy dog eyes. 
“Sure” You respond to him handing him a lollipop in the process. “But-“ you continue on. “You’ll have to take a seat, we don't want any accidents.”
He sits down in the chair next to you while Deku grabs his own lollipop and says his goodbyes to continue on to his office. 
For the next few hours it consists of seeing heroes coming in and out the door and watching your boss rush back-and-forth from your desk to his office and out the door. 
Meanwhile, on the other hand, your son has been playing heroes, and chatting with your coworkers while also explaining which heroes are the best and what their quirks do. 
You see your boss walk into the building as you turn around from putting your paperwork away. 
“Hey Y/n” Deku says. “Would it be fine if I took this little guy out for a while?” he asks you. 
“Sure, As long as it’s all right with Roman.” you reply. But as you’re talking, Roman is already packing his backpack again getting ready to leave.
“Really” he says. “Thanks Mama!” he exclaims, walking around the desk to stand beside Deku. 
“I promise to be bright sunshine and be safe” he says while holding Deku’s hand.
“Thank you sunshine” you respond. Getting up from your seat to walk around your desk to give him a kiss on his forehead. To which he responds by giving you one on the cheek.
“We won’t be gone long, but we promise to have fun!” Deku says, turning to walk out of the door waving back at you. You also see Roman waving back to you as he walks out the door. 
Once the two of them have left your turn to get back in your seat and start work again. After 10 minutes you look up because you hear someone walking to the door but to your surprise. It isn’t who you think it is. It’s “Wow, Pro Hero Dynamite, what are you doing here?” you hear your coworker ask. To which he scoffs out “I’m looking for the damn nerd he messed my damn patrol up.” 
“Oh” your coworker responds. “He’s just left not too long ago but you can talk to Y/n she’s over his schedule” to which she points over to you. You look up to see Dynamite storming over to you. 
“Is there something I could help you with?” you ask looking into his glaring crimson eyes. 
“Yeah, you’re the one over the nerd’s schedule right? he asks. To which you nod in response. 
“Well he fucked up my schedule and my assistant couldn’t fix it, so I came here.” he says. 
“Alright, I can’t exactly change it from this computer so we’ll have to move to his office” you respond looking up at him and blushing. He keeps his same glare as he watches you get it from your chair and start walking. He watches the sway of your hips as you walk towards the elevator. 
Once you get it, and you feel the sting of his eyes against your body. You’d never thought that one of the biggest heroes in Japan would be eyeing you up and down in an elevator but here you are. 
You finally take a minute away from your thoughts to look towards him for your eyes to meet him for him to give you a smirk. Once the elevator reaches its floor he steps off before you, turning around to give you a mischievous look. 
“Do you really want this?” he asks, eyeing you. In which you respond by shaking your head. 
“Use your words pretty girl” he says looking deeply into your eyes. 
“Yes” you respond in a sultry voice. Once he hears that he's taking your hand and leading you into an empty closet, his calloused hand resting on the small of your back. His steamy breath hits the back of your neck, and you bite your lip to hold back a whine. Every little thing he did, whether it be subconsciously or not, made your knees tremble. 
The gorgeous pro hero that everyone either loved or longed to be , was now the one pushing you into a closet. You feel his strong arms land on either side of your body, pinning you to the wall. Hunger consumes him and he admires you in this position. 
The way you look up at him innocently, the way you chest heaves with every breath, the way you press your thighs together as he gets closer- it all made him crazy. He hungerly kisses you, his rather soft lips pressed against yours. Without any notice, he slips his tongue into your mouth, eagerly taking dominance. This causes you to let out a small moan, which is all but ignored by the hero.
“Quiet, you don’t wanna lose your job, do you?” he says sternly, using one of his hands to gently hold your neck.
“S-sorry..” you mumble in reply, only to be met with another lusty kiss. He was passionate, that was for sure, but the feeling in your stomach said otherwise. He wasn’t passionate for you, was he? He was passionate for your body, and simply that. These thoughts rack your mind, causing you to zone out. 
“You alright, y/n?” he asks, his voice a bit softer this time. You look up at him, seeing genuine concern in his eyes. “We can stop, if you’re not feeling up to it,” He adds, seeming concerned for you. This warms your heart, and the feelings of him not caring about you slowly fade away, just like he wanted.
Bakugo was a smart, good-looking man. He knew how to take what he wanted, and he knew how to get right to you. He knew all he had to do was show you a little bit of affection, unlike your ex. Just enough to keep you on the hook so he could get away with what he truly wanted to do.
“No, no I want to. Thank you for checking..” you reply with a soft smile, then leaning in to start kissing him again. He kisses you back, pure desire filling him. Your tongues swirl together rhythmically, your saliva mixing together as the two of you make out.
 As you place your hands on his muscular chest, he brings his arms further down your body, gripping your thighs. This motion is an invitation for you to jump up and let him hold you, which you happily accept. Bakugo holds you up by your thighs, your back pressed against the wall. He starts hungrily kissing down your neck, like he had been starved for years. 
You can’t help but let out a moan as he sucks your neck, definitely leaving a warm hickey. Your moan is followed by a smack to your face, his hand now cupping your mouth to keep you silent. 
“What’d I say about noise control, beautiful?” He purrs, rubbing his thumb against your bottom lip, keeping his palm to your mouth to keep you quiet. Bakugo quickly goes back to kissing your neck, biting down on any area he deems as sensitive. You can’t help but let out beautiful noises, ones Bakugo notices and appreciates. He doesn’t find them attractive for any other reason then how easily you are to manipulate. He had you crumbling beneath him, begging for more of him just by calling you beautiful a few times.
God, you were perfect for him.
These thoughts make his excitement grow and grow, and you start to feel something hard pressed against your thigh. You cry a bit inside, knowing damn well this is gonna hurt, yet you couldn’t stop yourself from wanting that pain, the pain you know would be worth enduring for the pure pleasure. You roll your hips, causing his erection to press against your already moist underwear. 
“S’fuckin wet already..” He groans as his grip on your thighs tightens, his kisses becoming harsher and sloppier. “You’re such a pretty little whore, aren’t you? Wanting me to fuck you in your boss’ office?” 
His voice was so husky, the mix of degrading and praising making the heat between your thighs grow more and more. 
“Please..” you whine, rolling your hips on his clothed cock a bit more. God, you couldn’t help how bad you wanted him. You didn’t even care you were in Deku’s agency, you needed Bakugo right now.
He slaps your thigh, not pleased by your half-assed begs. “Please what? Use your words, beautiful.”
“Fuck.. fuck me please..” You beg, your voice breathy and your eyes half-lidded. This sight was more than enough to completely rile Bakugo up, and the next thing you know he’s yanking your blouse off, kissing down your bare chest. His hand runs up to knead your breast through your bra, the other gripping the side of your neck. You bite your lip, trying desperately to keep quiet like he asked you to.
You grip his shoulders, rubbing his tense muscles as waves of pleasure run through you from the feeling of his kisses and his almost desperate kneads. You start grinding yourself on his throbbing erection, needing, craving a release down there. He grips your neck harder, not enough to choke you, but enough to receive a gasp from you in return. He slides his hand down from your chest to the hem of your skirt, pulling it up quickly. 
He’s a busy man, afterall. Why should he waste any time?
The next thing you know, he’s flipping you around, pressing your face against the door and abusing your hole for his own pleasure. He can’t help but feel more powerful when hearing your moans, knowing that he’s the one making you feel this way. 
You feel his cock twitching inside you, signaling that he’s about to release. You whine, your flushed cheek pressed against the cold wood of the closet door.. Your walls clench around him, earning a loud groan from him. His thrusts get harder, and the next thing you know, his load is filling you up. You meet your second release, your sweet juices running down your plump thigh. Bakugo rubs circles on your hips, taking heavy breaths to recover from the cardio.
Without another word, he’s putting his clothes back on, not even bothering to clean you up.
“Where.. Where are you going?” You ask in a soft, breathy voice as you stand up, his load running down your back as you grab a tissue to clean yourself up.
“I’ll call you later, beautiful.” He replies in an unamused tone, clearly not meaning the compliment at all. The moment he finishes putting his clothes back on, he exits the closet quietly.
Leaving you alone, just like everyone else.
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bananami · 2 years
18+ | mdni
constantly thinking about hawks x reader with a penelope and morgan dynamic from criminal minds bc tell me that’s not exactly how hawks would be
like let’s say you work at his agency as his personal secretary or something and at first everyone is so confused as to whether the two of you are an item or not because you’re constantly flirting but they’ve never seen it go beyond that
and yes, instead of babygirl he calls you things like baby bird (idc if u don’t like it i think it’s kinda cute ok stfu), dove, love bird, etc etc
the first time he met you was when u were first starting out as his new secretary and he just thought u were adorable and was feeling a little flirty and at first it was a joke (not a joke now btw the man has fallen in love with you, how could he not? i mean look at you) but you met his jabs and comments head on and he loved every second of it
so now you call him things like chicken, peacock, big bird, and other very obnoxious and not cute things (although most of your nicknames are not cute your inappropriate and very not HR friendly comments never cease to fluster him)
he’s down so bad, sometimes he’s so happy you’re usually flirting with him over his comms because he’ll turn so red at some of your comments
he’ll be flying up in the air and will call you to have you look up the guy he’s tailing
"hey babybird, I need all the info you can give me on this guy's quirk"
"what do I get in return?"
"careful now, dove, or I might have to punish you"
"oh, I'm so scared"
"be a good girl and help me out here. and maybe I'll bring you back a little treat, huh?"
that treat is kfc, you definitely smacked him after that. but he brought you starbucks the next day to make up for it and you drank that $6 drank and made him get you another after lunch just to be a brat
honestly everyone is so lost and awkward around the two of you. ya'll are an HR nightmare. worst thing that's probably happened was when hawks answered the phone around endeavor and you just
"talk dirty to me"
hawks dumbass just :o *clears throat*
endeavor just stood there like -_- and had to be like "...this is pro hero endeavor...."
yeah you hung up
hawks has never let you live that down
you are nowhere to be found when endeavor visits the agency
ok and yeah the flirty moments are cute and all but the soft moments
thinking about the episode where morgan gets shot but its hawks instead and you're just so worried
"what happened they said you were shot?!"
"i got shot in my bullet proof vest babybird, i'm fine"
"why would they shoot you?!"
"i'm assuming because i'm a hero and they were a villain...but i could be completely off base with that one"
"...next time they better finish the job."
"oh you don't mean that! like you could live without your work husband. who would buy you food and stare at you shamelessly when you wear those pants that make your ass look-"
"this is workplace harassment"
and when you see a large scale hero and villain fight break out on the news on your day off and hawks is nowhere to be seen by the end of it and you keep calling and he won't pick up and you're rushing to the agency to find out what you can worried out of your mind, all of your colleagues confused bc if anyone knew where he was it would be you, if he would call anyone to tell him he was alright you would be the first and they're sure of it
and it's not until you hear the soft little "babybird" behind you that you're spinning around and running into his arms and he's holding you tight, apologizing because he lost his phone in the fight and he stopped at your place first to check on you and let you know he was ok but you had left your place to check on him and!!!
ok but flirty moments seriously
"hey lovebird, don't tell me you've forgotten about me after working a single mission under eraserhead"
"i WISH i was under shota"
"did you just first name eraserhead?"
"he's not even a dad"
"i would offer to make him one so quick"
"that's it, no more lending you out to other agencies, clearly you can't behave yourself"
he gets chicken nuggets for the both of you for lunch one day and you just stare at him until he's like wtf do u want
"is this technically cannibalism for you?"
"why are you like this?"
"i just want to know because you're like a bird eating another bird, you know?"
"i'd eat you given the chance, what does that make me then?"
you choke on your sprite "a whore"
you fall asleep at the agency and he finds you working late too so he picks you up and carries you to his office and lets you sleep on his couch he has for when he's working long hours
sometimes you sleep talk, mumbling things like love and keigo and birdbrain
and he just smiles and kisses you on the forehead
bc he's very much in love with you and very patient in waiting for you to maybe hopefully love him back
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takingchences · 11 months
Tumblr media
A descendant of a legendary quirk longs to separate herself from her family name, but first she'll have to confront villains, ghosts from the past, and her growing attraction for Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x OP!fem!oc
Warnings: mature language
series masterlist + my masterlist
After a few more exercises, the fitness test was officially over.
"All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score."
Momo came in first place, then Shoto, with Bakugou ranked third. Sana found her name in the seventh slot, right above Kirishima's and Mina's. I did it, Sana giggled breathlessly as Mina roped her into a side hug. I passed. But then... who didn't?
Midoriya's name sat at the bottom of the list. The boy cradled his injured hand with a distressed look on his face. Just like that, he's gone? She frowned.
Sure, she understood Aizawa's point about not wanting to waste time and resources on students with no potential, but on the other hand, didn't Midoriya's strength and determination make up for his lack of control? Out of the thousands of applicants, hadn't they been chosen because U.A had seen promise in them?
Their home room teacher clicked a button on his remote, making the holographic rankings disappear. "And I was lying," he said in his lazy drawl. "No one's going home."
Pure silence.
A deranged smile appeared on the Pro's face. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."
Sana thought Midoriya was going to vibrate right out of his red sneakers from shaking so hard.
The only person who didn't seem surprised by Aizawa's announcement was Momo, who stated that she'd known all along that it was nothing but a ruse.
It didn't seem like an empty threat though, Sana thought as the class stood frozen in front of the disheveled Pro. She remembered the hard look in the man's hooded eyes, his unruffled attitude at the thought of potentially crushing someone's dream. Maybe he realized that the most rational decision would be to wait and see what all we're capable of before making any big decisions.
In contrast to their relief, Bakugou almost seemed disappointed that no one would be going home. Midoriya is still here, so that's not much of a surprise. The explosive blonde seemed to regard everyone he came across either as competition or beneath him in some way, but something was different between the two boys. She wasn't sure if it was a petty rivalry or something more that fueled Bakugo's apparent hatred for the greenette.
"We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Aizawa called as he stalked back towards the main building. Class 1-A, with the exception of Midoriya, headed to the locker rooms to change back into their uniforms.
After grabbing a syllabus and collecting her things, Sana exchanged phone numbers with her new friends. If today is anything to go by, then I think this will be a very interesting year.
Day two of Sana's high school career started off much better than the first, mainly because her father had already left the house by the time she'd made it downstairs. "Well, that's one less thing to worry about," she hummed pleasantly as she dug into her breakfast.
Today would be her first full day at U.A. She'd be introduced to more Pro Heroes, get to hang out more with Mina and the gang, and most importantly, she'd get to taste the cafeteria food. I wonder what Lunch Rush will be serving today? Sparkles surrounded her at the promise of delicious treats.
"What's got you in such a good mood?" Umi appeared next to her with her hands on her hips. "Is it because of All Might?"
Eh? Sana stopped chewing on her blueberry muffin. "All Might?"
The gray-haired woman looked surprised. "Didn't you hear? There's a rumor going around that U.A offered him a teaching position."
"No, I hadn't heard." Sana shrugged, pinching off another bite of deliciousness and letting the warm pastry melt on her tongue. Umi sweatdropped at the girl's lack of interest in anything but her muffin.
"You know, most kids your age would be thrilled after hearing that they might get to train under the number one hero."
It wasn't that Sana disliked the Symbol of Peace, she just didn't feel the need to worship him like the majority of the world. Maybe it was because she'd heard so much about him growing up under Endeavor, but she preferred less flashy heroes like Best Jeanist and Mirko. She liked Hawks too... though mostly because he was young and hot.
"I hate to be the one to break it to you, Umi, but I'm not like most kids."
A soft pat on the head had Sana tearing her attention away from her breakfast. The old woman had a small smile on her face, but her eyes held only sadness. "Eat up, my little sunflower. You'll need all your strength if All Might is your teacher."
Besides learning how to react during natural disasters and take down villains, U.A students were also required to take standard core classes like English and Math. After eating lunch with Mina and the rest of the girls of 1-A, it was time for Hero Basic Training.
"I AM HERE!" A boisterous voice announced. "Coming through the door like a hero!" Sana almost snorted at the hulking man lingering in the doorway on the tips of his toes.
The classroom buzzed with excitement in the overwhelming presence of All Might, the Number One hero. "Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro."
The Symbol of Peace held out a card with the word "battle" on it.
Sana could practically feel Bakugou's excitement, as well as Midoriya's dread. These two need a larger buffer zone between them than the seat I'm occupying. She placed her chin on her hand. Let's just hope they don't have to go against each other during the exercise. Or worse, team up.
All Might pointed at the wall, where cases with numbers in them were sliding out. "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."
After changing out of uniform, the class gathered at Ground Beta for training.
Sana was happy with how her costume turned out. The design was rather simple: a black bodysuit made from iridescent material so that the color changed in the light. Gold detailing was woven beautifully throughout the suit. Lightweight armored paneling protected the soft tissue along her chest, abs, and back while also acting as cooling jets installed to help regulate her core body temperature. The material itself was breathable, as well as heat and flame resistant. Small diamond cuts of fabric along her body exposed flawless golden skin. The dark color of the fabric would also help her absorb heat.
She'd wanted to wear something beautiful, but also embodied what kind of hero she wanted to be. Sana wanted to be seen as a guiding light, a beacon of hope. The deep, pink-purple costume shimmered like oil in the afternoon sun. She'd also requested a tinted visor to help shield her eyes. Her knee-high boots were more of a fashion statement than anything, though they did nothing to hinder her movements. The thick, sturdy heel was enforced with a bouncy material to make them more comfortable when worn for long periods of time. Some heroes wear capes while others wear heels.
As bonus accessories, she'd been given a pair of three-fingered gloves to wear to prevent accidentally burning a civilian due to the heated nature of her quirk.
She quickly inspected her classmates' costumes. Kirishima had opted out of wearing a shirt, bless his saintly soul. His shredded back muscles and drool-worthy torso were on full display. Momo was showing almost as much skin as the human boulder, if not more. Mina wore a psychedelic-patterned leotard with a fur vest because why not? Shoto's entire left side was covered in ice, with an eerie red light where his turquoise iris would normally be. The sight made her sad.
Iida looked like a cross between a robot and a futuristic knight. Midoriya looked every bit like the All Might fanboy she'd imagined him to be, and Bakugou looked badass with a capital ASS standing there with huge, gauntlet-like contraptions strapped to his forearms.
His toned, athletic physique, which had been hidden away beneath his baggy uniform, was now very noticeable. His chest is bigger than mine, Sana half-joked, her eyes lingering on the bulging muscles of his arms and shoulders as they flexed under the weight of his support gear.
"What the hell are you staring at, dumbass?" Bakugou squinted at her choice of costume. Compared to something as elaborate as his, her's was nothing special to look at. She had no need for support items, so her outfit was pretty basic.
"Your tits," she replied honestly.
His eye twitched in annoyance, a feral, demon-like sound emanating from deep within his chest. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Heh. Cute.
"Wow! You guys look super manly!" Kirishima greeted the two cheerfully, completely ignoring the blonde's outburst.
"Hey, Sana!" Kaminari slung an arm across her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Her long, stawberry blonde hair brushed against his shirt. "Do you know what my costume is made of?" His golden eyes stared into her's excitedly.
She shook her head. "Um, no?"
"Boyfriend material." He pinched his collar and winked, a proud grin on his face. Sero and Mina rolled their eyes at the lightning-haired boy as they joined the group.
"Hey, Pikachu." Mina pulled her new bestie out of the blonde's embrace. "Quit trying to steal my girl." Mina nuzzled Sana's cheek with her own, making the Sakano girl laugh.
"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!" All Might cut their conversation short. "Take this to heart. From now on you are all... heroes-in-training!" She noticed All Might shaking with suppressed laughter at Midoriya's obvious inspiration. He could've been a little more subtle with the design, but the overall look was kinda cute. Like a bunny.
"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training."
"Sir!" Iida raised his hand. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?" Again with the entrance exam, Sana sighed. Recommended students are really at a disadvantage here, huh?
"Not quite." The Pro held up two fingers. "I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run‐ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows." Makes sense, Sana nodded along. The less eyes on you, the more you can get away with. "For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two‐on‐two indoor battles."
"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu asked.
"The best training is what you get on the battlefield!" All Might answered. "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."
"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?"
"How much can we hurt the other team?" Of course he would ask that, Sana rolled her eyes.
"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?"
"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?"
"I wasn't finished talking!" All Might quickly grew flustered with all their questions. He pulled out his notecards and began to read off the rules of today's exercise. "Listen up. The situation is this; the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes." The hero held up a box. "Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"
"Isn't there a better way?" Iida was doubtful.
"Think about it! Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." Midoriya pointed out the functionality of using this method to pick teams.
"Yes, I see." The speedster realized. "Life is a random series of events. Excuse my rudeness."
"No sweat." All Might assured the teen. "Let's draw!" Each student went up and drew their lots one by one.
Not Shoto, not Shoto, not Shoto. Sana chanted as she placed her hand inside the box. Under normal circumstances, the two made a great team. But she wasn't sure how things would go if they were to be partnered up now. Their dynamic had changed... and not necessarily for the better.
Team I, she read. Glancing around, she eventually found her partner for the day. It was a hard task seeing as the girl was completely invisible except for the pair of gloves and boots to indicate her presence. Hagakure, she remembered from lunch. That's her name.
"I declare that the first teams to fight will be... these guys!" All Might held up two balls. "Team A will be the heroes, Team D will be the villains." Looking at the named groups, Sana nearly choked on air.
Bakugou vs Midoriya.
Well, it was nice knowing you, Midoriya. You will be remembered fondly.
"Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!"
As the rest of the class followed behind the massive hero, Sana hesitated, wanting to say something first. "Hey," she turned to the glowering blonde beside her, his ruby eyes locked in on his target. A determined-looking Midoriya met his gaze head on. "Bakugou."
"What?" He growled, refusing to look her way.
"I know it's none of my business, but the two of you seem to have a history." Sana spoke carefully. Bakugou wasn't the easiest person to talk to, especially when he was worked up about something (that something usually being Midoriya). And though he may not like what she has to say, it was something she felt he needed to hear.
"You're right," Bakugou grunted. "It's not."
Sana's eyes narrowed, her arms crossing over her chest defensively. "Whatever your problems with each other are," she continued. "You need to let it go. At least for the duration of the exercise." Otherwise someone is going to get hurt. She knew from their expressions that both boys were taking this mock battle much too seriously. Idiots. Can't they put aside their issues for fifteen minutes?
"What the hell would you know?! You're just as weak and pathetic as he is!"
She took a step back, her eyes lacking their usual warmth. "Maybe I am," her voice was soft, but with a slight edge to it. Her expression was deadly calm. It gave her a sick satisfying to see his eyes widen if only a fraction. "But I'd rather be like him," she pointed her finger at the greenette watching them in confusion. "Than like you," she shoved that same finger into his firm chest. "Any day. Putting others down to make yourself feel better..."
Her father came to mind, then Enji; images of the two men looming behind the young blonde.
"That is pathetic."
The blonde's fists clenched at his sides. Sana turned on her heel, her pastel hair almost smacking him in the face had he not jerked his head back. Stupid girl, he growled internally, stomping into the building to hide the weapon and start the exercise. Siding with that shitty nerd. I'll show everyone who's really pathetic.
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ddymarie · 1 year
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Shindo x blk reader
❅ a.n: omg this is new character I wanted to write about... Maybe one day I'll rewrite this. I'm thankful for the love you guys have shown for the small series 1:25✨
❅ warning: fem receiving, I missed a lot nothing like scat is included though. (Not proofread)
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'... Fuck'
He thought while holding his head in his hands
Shindo glanced down at his sweaty body. Dick hard in his hand . Stroking it thinking about you...
It was now 12:30 in the afternoon
I panicked while rushing to the shower to them get out and get ready for the rest of the day. It's 1:00 pm now. "Shit, Shit, shit" I winced. I'm late I'm late I'm late was all I could repeat in my head as I jump in a car and drive off to the main building of S.T.A.R.S head quarters. I had an important business meeting with the top 50 pros. I no. 6 ofc. I rushed to the building entrance busting through the doors while checking my appearance in every door reflection I caught ' I look presentable' I thought ' but late' I then frowned. Once I approached the the conference halls doors of slowly opened one and slipped through. Almost everyone there glanced back at me as I acted natural, soothing the wrinkles out of my attire. I sat. Scanning the table with my eyes. I looked around nervously as I made eye contact with red riot. He smirked at me and winked... His signature greeting. I smiled back.
"Now, that everyone is here we may begin" the gentleman in the front spoke side eying me. I straightened my back keeping my composure after being subbed.
About 2 hours and 20 minutes pass. Of discussing how we choose to establish our plans and making them actions. Some pro hero's recommend opening more schools building more parks. Doing charity events that donate money and living supplies for school pantries that we would like to open. Lunches and shelters for the homeless, things like that. We were all split up into groups. Groups of 5. The the hero's in the 50's were grouped, same for the thirties and 40's 20's and the 10's. My group included, shindo yo.... of course.
"I say-" gosh this is annoying I was being cut off left and right... Especially being the only girl here... Which is boring I know. But I personally feel like my opinion will definitely make a great innovation to their original plan of spliting into 5 groups of 2.
"Y/n, you and shindo create and advertise , while updating the other pros on what were doing" midoriya said
"My group will handle the blueprints and everything else" he stated while looking at his men.
Me and shindo made eye contact and he smirked as I looked away. I felt submissive to him . The tension was definitely there but went unnoticeable by the filtered eyes of others
Me and shindo headed toward my agency because it was bigger. And I had empty offices that could be put to use.
" I respect you , a lot" shindo spoke
" oh, thank you! " I glanced In his direction
" no, like i respect you, you got this hero shit by its pinky toe. The only female in currently in the top 10 . Already branded yourself . Created history... That shit is admiring " I peeped how he walked near me as he spoke. I couldn't help but blush at his praise. We stood in front of my agency I typed in my code and scanned my key card. Because it was after hours meaning it wasn't free walk in anymore. I we walked in and headed straight for my office and that's where we got to planning.
The next day we were sent an email. With details on what were supposed to be advertising. I wrote down my plans about how I was gonna advertise. Artist were already hired to create them. I decided to email shindo at around 8 to call him in before I submitted anything. It was now 5 am and I had on nothing out of the ordinary except my hero costume. I decided to place an order for brunch foods for me and shindo to snack on. I checked emails. Interacted with the media and my fans. I opened my agency to the public at around 10. Not the whole agency but the historical half of it. The mini stores that included the lastest magazine's and hero merch.Libraries on the world history. It was now 8 am on the dot when shindo walked in my office. I greeted him and allowed him to make himself at home before I settled down again and got to explaing my plan 2 minutes later I then spoke
"I already have tsu and cyber on the design for the advertisements. With a deadline. All they are waiting for this 'go' but I wanted to hear what you had in mind" I spoke.
" I had the same ideas as a matter of a fact, I was planning on waiting. And I mean waiting as once they start building. We can get documentation of it including pictures. But instead of a flyer why not a booklet? Our planned charity event is already in action... Because I submitted it .and being that it's open to the public why now do our speech then while passing out the booklets? Because by then the new park will be built ." he spoke leaving me stunned. A charity event has already been planned? The park blue prints already finished and is being built .damn I feel behind.
"oh okay wow" we both laughed
" anyone ever told you to have a contagious smile?" he said before licking his lips. "you know y/n that rumor got around pretty quick you know the one about us having a *cough, * affair," he said. " yea I know I'm sorry -" I started to apologize before quickly being cut off with an kiss. As we parted I started at him wide eyed. " ah shit I'm sorry," he was now apologizing only to be cut off with a kiss. Right then and there I had managed to lock my office door and dimmed the lights enough for only our silhouette to be present. We both began to quickly undress. I sat on my desk hot and wet. Lips still ravishing each other's.
"Mmphf* shindo can we move a little faster"
He moaned in approval. Hooking my leg over his arm. Carefully sliding my panties to the side. He then slid his middle and ring finger up from my slit to clit. Groaning from the feeling of how wet I had gotten from what he assumed to be just his mere kiss. Nah
"Fuck i been waiting to taste this" he said
I brought his soaked finger up gl his mouth before licking them clean getting a taste of me. A whine had erupted from me. As he slid his finger inside of me on my to remove it to taste me again. "Oh my god" he moved before throwing himself on his knees and eating me out. Tongue licking me up and down. Before sucking on my clit. I moaned " fuck, just like that" it was like he knew my body. It felt amazing. " he slid his already soaked fingers in my hole. Fingering me thrusting his fingers in and out before pulling away to spit on my clit and suck on me again. He began to finger me faster curling his fingers right on that spot. Sucking my clit harder than before as a reward for the moans I granted him. I he pasued his hot mouth leaving my clit leaving me sweating. He leaned his head right in front of my slit. When I then began squirting. Smirking up at me as I soaked his face. "Ah, good girl" he praised.
He already knew how to make me squirt. It's like he studied my self-pleasing sessions after work. He got up lifting my other leg up creating a 'v' before bending forward and flicking his tongue over my clit at a fast vibrating pace... VIBRATING? HE WAS USING HIS QUIRK ON ME
I was dazed. Head against my cold hard desk. " ah~ " I moaned I was gonna cum
" fuckkkk, I'm gonna cum "
And just then he sped up his flicks...
Humping his face as I came over it. Gripping his hair whining loudly. But not load enough to be heard by any ear outside the room. He lifted himself up off his knees. Face covered with a mixture of my cum on his lips, my slick.
Licking his lips clean. He smirked before taking his sweater off the chair and wiping my sweat off me.
" get up, go pee" he smirked slapping my pussy. I obeyed and did my business
Heyy I haven't uploaded in a while this is a shindo yo fic that has been sitting in my drafts... 😍
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