sourcecraftgroup · 3 years
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Sales & Deliveries of Private Jets In The State Of California
Entering into the last month of the 3rd quarter. The sales and deliveries of aircraft within North America is still moving quite steadily. Outside of Florida & Texas, California is shipping a decent amount of private jets.
The updated shipment and delivery data from GAMA is still pending (originally scheduled for Aug 19th). However based on our own research, we are able to provide a little insight until those numbers are available.
Based on advertised and non-advertised aircraft. From the beginning of August until now. Approximately 20-30 private jets within the USA have been delivered. Out of those 20-30, the state of California has delivered approximately 7-10 of those jets.
To obtain more info about the sales, delivery and availability of private jets within the California area. Be sure to visit the link below:
@sourcecraftgrp ✈⁣⁣⁣ Photo credit: Ryan DiVita
*numbers go up and down throughout the course of the month and are not completely accurate.
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