#private social club greenville
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Social House Club: Event Space and Coworking Space
You asked & we listened! Lots of things that make SH unique compared to other cowork spots in Greenville. We have free parking, located along the swamp rabbit trail, downtown amenities, a lounge & event space as well as first come first serve desks and cubicles available for rent! come check us out!
Visit: Social House Club
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2024-04-14: The Winterville Mounds (Settlement)
Originally built hundreds of years before the white man came, the Winterville Mounds are an array of at least 23 earthen mounds constructed by Mississippian Indians. Most of the mounds have since been destroyed by a combination of agriculture and erosion, though a few still remain. It's currently privately owned by a white man who uses it as pasture land, though the women of the Greenville Garden Club are hoping to raise enough money to eventually buy back the land and turn it into a history preserve.
Until the money (and land) changes hands, though, trespassers will be shot.
Points of Interest
Temple Mound (Mound A)
At 55 feet tall, this is the largest mound on the site. It once held a temple where the sacred flame burned. It's rumored to have a secret treasure chamber buried deep within the mound (though this is false). However, returning the stone pipe stolen during the Blackburn excavation and relighting the sacred flame on top of the mound might bring about a blessing from the sun.
Charnel House (Mound B)
The second-tallest mound at 30 feet high is where the dead were stripped of their flesh and the cleaned bones were placed in baskets before being buried. Some say the mound whispers to people asking for the return of its stolen dead, but maybe any old body would do...
Honored Residence (Mound C)
Unlike the sharp angular sides of the previous mounds, this small mound is oval-shaped and slumped from erosion. It was once the site of a residence for one of the Honored or Noble castes, and it is the place that is most likely to yield artifacts like pottery shards that can be sold to collectors. Unfortunately for sneaky treasure-seekers, it's also the closest to the landowner's house and directly visible from most of the house's windows.
Landowner's House
Rebuilt after the flood in 1927, this home is small by landowner standards. It's occupied Gordon Roker, the curmudgeonly and territorial owner of the pasture land upon which the mounds are built. He tends to shoot first and ask questions later (or omit the questions entirely).
Cultural Background (Pre Contact)
In years past, this place had few permanent residents. Most of the people actually lived in dispersed communities in the surrounding areas. They hunted and fished and cultivated the Three Sisters (maize, beans, and squash) in the fertile soil.
Archaeological records indicate that the inhabitants of the Winterville Mounds possessed a culture similar to that of the Natchez people. There are indications of a complex political and social structure, as well as a religion that venerated the sun. The temple atop the largest mound held a nearly perpetual flame to honor the sun. The fire was extinguished for only one day each year for Busk, also known as the Ceremony of Green Corn, which happened near midsummer. A new fire was built, and all the hearths were lit from this new flame.
People were divided into castes, which were (from most to least prestigious): Suns, Nobles, Honored, and Commoners. Suns were required to marry Commoners, and the children of female suns and commoners were Suns, while the children of male suns and commoners belonged to the Honored caste.
Recent History
In 1869, a riverboat captain named George T. Blackburn decided to hunt for Indian treasure and excavated several of the mounds. He looted a stone pipe, a bunch of pottery, along with human remains. Decades later in 1907, there was another major excavation effort by Clarence B. Moore. Though he fancied himself an archaeologist (and was legitimately interested in understanding the culture instead of just looting artifacts), his methods of excavation and study would horrify proper archaeologists and preservationists. Unfortunately for Moore, Blackburn had pilfered most of the significant artifacts and the site was largely left alone because is was seen as empty of artifacts.
Agriculture encroached on the mounds, destroying many of the smaller ones to make way for more cropland. Naturally, cotton was a major crop for the area. However, when the levee burst in 1927 and flooded the southern half of the Delta, it deposited so much sand in the soil near Winterville that the land was no longer viable for commercial agriculture and had to be swapped to pasture land instead.
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Prologue [B.B / S.R.] 40s
Series: Portraits of our last summer
Pairing: Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was the summer of 1942 when your life changed forever. Before you left for college, you wanted to enjoy your last summer of freedom. The United States had entered the war in December 1941, no one knew what was going to happen, so everyone wanted to enjoy any moment of peace.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2034
A/N: Inspired by the novels of Nicholas Sparks. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
When was the moment when you stopped looking at life with those eyes of innocence and became a woman? During the summer of 1942 many events took place in your life, creating a before and after in your free spirit, but it was not until much later, when you read those words in that letter that you realised that you had changed and were never going to meet again that laughing young girl who saw the world bathed in colour.
But to understand your story, the story of Emily Lawton, you have to understand the way your childhood years were. You were born on October 16, 1924 into a wealthy family in the town of Greenville, your father, Mr. Lawton, owned one of the largest tobacco companies in the region, and was extremely popular with the crowds, regardless of their social status, as his business generated a great demand for employment, which was a welcome development in these times. On the other hand, your mother was more socially aware, she liked decorating and was a much-loved member of the Greenville ladies’ club, which used to do a lot of charity work for the underprivileged. However, all this didn’t capture your attention at all, perhaps because you had grown up in both circles, and therefore your curiosity was lessened.
Your parents had taken it upon themselves to provide you with the best education possible, and thus had faith that you would be able to enter one of the best universities in the county and possibly the country at the age of 18, a fact that on the one hand pleased you, because it would mean leaving their side and starting to see the world through your own eyes, but at the same time irritated you, because your mother still intended to plan your whole life. For you, life was not meant to be planned, things came at the right time, without waiting for them, but it was clear that such an imaginative vision did not belong to a woman, as your mother used to remind you, but to a girl, something you would learn in time.
You used to spend long evenings attending social events hand in hand with your parents, which at times could seem a bit presumptuous, especially when in 1939 the war began on the European continent, but you could hardly notice it because of the bubble in which that society lived, but as the years went by and the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, the lives of all Americans were cut short, on several levels. Your 17-year-old mind still held the innocence and naivety, which you tried to hide with your chatter, your mischievous smiles and your laughter, but all you did was to show it even more. A young man, a William Craig, from a family of bankers, asked for your hand in marriage in the spring of ‘42, just before he was due to join the army and leave for the Primary Training Centre where he was to be trained as a private, but although it almost broke your heart to refuse him, for your future plans were far removed from any romance, you did.
It’s not that you weren’t romantic, nor had you flirted with the occasional young man - on the contrary, you loved it, you used to - but you had love so idealised that the distance between flirting and loving someone were complete opposites. Although that used to confuse young people, because your candid facade attracted them to the point of believing that you were madly in love with them and that you wanted to marry them, a confusion that became more extreme when you quickly lost interest in them.
Now, let’s talk about that summer of 1942. There was a moment in your life when you thought you were the luckiest person in the universe. You held the window down on that Willys Americar Sedan, sticking your face out of it, causing the summer wind to blow subtly against your eyelids and the curly locks of your brown hair to flutter freely. Your eyes watched as the setting sun broke through the treetops, letting in the last rays of sunlight of that first Sunday in June. The drive was shared with several flocks of sparrows that began their flight as the car’s engine invaded their quiet, while on the horizon, the Kiawah River showed its presence, informing you how close the end of the drive was.
You found that you enjoyed breathing in the peace of Wadmalaw Island, quite contrary to the effusiveness of Greenville, where you and your parents used to reside for the rest of the year. The last time you set foot on that land you were only 13 years old and your youth was just beginning to blossom, but now you had returned at the age of 17. Before leaving a residence you had thought about how you wanted that summer to be, your last summer before going to university, your imagination had recreated numerous scenes and events that could happen, but what was clear to you was that you wanted to enjoy it, the world was going down the drain and before yours went too you needed to live it.
You barely remembered how comforting it was to look out over the landscape, for it had been five years since your family, the Lawtons, had summered on the coast. In the old days it was traditional for you to set out for the southeastern part of South Carolina in June, arriving in the vicinity of the small town of Rockville, established in 1784 and only a few miles from Charleston. Its scenery was magnificent, you used to describe it as “a canvas of the natural landscape of Southern life”, which you would contemplate for the rest of your life.
But owing to the outbreak of the war and some setbacks in your father’s business, your presence was required during all the summers, yet things turned out most favourably, as your father used to report at dinner parties, for tobacco, it seemed, was the greatest leisure that soldiers could be offered at the front. Unlike your father, or your father, you had no interest in the family business, you thought it was devoid of art and colour, too banal for your taste, in short, dull, and you used to shy away from anything dull, you used to keep looking at life from a romantic perspective, still with a girl’s eyes, even if you thought you were a woman.
The journey took shape, the green landscapes gave way to a set of paved streets and an unusual urban movement, a few meters ago a sign provided at the side of the road had informed you of the beginning of the town of Rockville, but you hardly remembered that this town of a little more than a hundred inhabitants had so much movement.
“Why,” you said, peering curiously through the window, “you didn’t know that Rockville was now the new Charleston.”
“Looks like it,” whispered your mother, looking out her window. “Oh, I think it’s the county fair.”
“Looks like everyone’s having a good time,” you commented, resting your chin on your hands as you watched small groups of young people laughing. “Connie’s probably around here somewhere, if the Dawsons are here yet.”
“I spoke to Mr Dawson just yesterday,” your father looked at you through the rear-view mirror.
“Well?” you were genuinely interested in his answer.
“They arrived Saturday night,” he reported, “apparently his wife wanted to visit Charleston and so they moved up the trip.”
You nodded, Connie was one of your childhood friends, back in the day the Dawsons bought a property near yours in Rockville to enjoy summers together, unlike you, the Dawson family hadn’t missed a single summer. Connie was an incentive to enjoy those three months, she knew how to have fun, she offered that rebellious imaginative edge that you both shared within your allowed limits, so you looked forward to meeting her again to begin your new adventures.
You continued looking through your rolled down window, leaning your head on your arms that were supported by the car door, on the left side there was a sort of enclosure lined with wooden fences, in which numerous booths offered the best pastimes for those people who were there to forget everything that was happening around them. Your gaze was distracted, analysing the fairground, watching how people entered and left with ice creams and sweets in their hands, perhaps you expected to spot someone you knew, but it was not like that, evidently you did not know anyone there, however blue eyes rested on your face. A young man, of an age correlative to yours, was watching you leaning on one of the wooden fences, the car had stopped at a pedestrian crossing and the boy was delighting in the view he had of you.
On several occasions you had been the centre of attention at the social events you used to attend in Greenville, many boys had laid their eyes on you, but never in such a daring way as that young man was doing. If it had happened any other way you would have offered him a smile, and if you had liked the young man you would have moved with the wind to find out in the most subtle way who he was, but when you saw that he was being so brazen you turned your face away and rolled up the window.
The drive continued and the town of Rockville was left behind to take you back into the beauty of the countryside. White picket fences opened the way to a wide road backed by magnificent oak trees on either side. At the end of it was Lawton Plantation waiting to welcome its owners. The surroundings had not changed at all, but a sense of longing came over you. You were about to venture into your last summer before your departure for university and you felt that things were about to take a new turn. However, as you gazed at the porch surrounding the colonial-style house in the distance, your thoughts returned to their usual bliss. The house had known its heyday during the 19th century, being one of the highest-yielding cotton plantations in South Carolina. It had been built in 1790, sitting on over four thousand acres of riverfront land, but over the years its history had been left to memories, especially yours, for you wondered if the previous owners of the house had also marvelled at its surroundings.
The instant the car stopped, the back door opened, letting your excitement run free. It took you barely a minute to reach the inside of the property, offering a quick greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Fulton, the keepers of the house in your absence, and discovering that your belongings were still in place, surrounded by that peculiar scent of wood. You used to have two favourite places in that house. The first was a small room dedicated to painting, located on the main floor and which had a private exit to the porch through a glass door. That corner was equipped with all the necessary material to be able to escape from your thoughts and express every feeling and emotion inside. It was your father, with whom in some respects you shared similar tastes, who, on discovering at the age of 11 your interest in art, decided to encourage your fascination by creating that room for you. On the other hand, the second favourite place was the stables, or horse stables, which were the gateway to a new universe for you, which would allow you to enjoy those places hand in hand with your beloved Savannah, your mare, who had arrived a week before you.
That first day was not much more than rediscovering every corner of that property, rediscovering your old self from five years ago, reminiscing about remote times and preparing yourself for what was to come and what you would begin to experience the next day.
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If You Are Vaccinated, You Can Dance the Night Away
Marissa Castrigno was walking through downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, when she spotted the sign in the window of one of her favorite dance clubs. After months of being shuttered by the pandemic, Ibiza Nightclub was reopening April 30, it announced.
This story also ran on Raleigh News & Observer. It can be republished for free.
Thrilled, Castrigno immediately made plans with friends to be there.
About 50 miles north in Jacksonville, Kennedy Swift learned of Ibiza’s reopening on social media. He, too, decided to attend with friends.
But on the night of April 30, the two groups were in for a surprise — one they would react to in starkly different ways.
In addition to IDs, they learned, they’d need to show covid-19 vaccination cards for entry. The club was letting in only people who had had at least one shot.
“I was shocked,” said Swift, 21. He learned of the policy a few hours before the reopening, when the club posted it on its Facebook page.
He and his friends had to cancel their plans, since none of them was vaccinated.

“I’m not against [Ibiza] exercising their rights as a business,” Swift said. “I just think it’s foolish. … This will discourage a lot of former patrons from returning to the club.”
On the other hand, Castrigno and her friends, most of whom had been fully vaccinated since early April, felt the policy made their return to nightlife even better.
“There was raw excitement about going out to a place and feeling safe,” said Castrigno, 28.
Similar conversations are playing out across the country as vaccination rates increase and bars, clubs and other businesses navigate how to reopen. The concept of vaccine passports — which allow people who have been inoculated against covid and are at lower risk of contracting or spreading the disease to participate in certain activities — has been floated for clubs, cruise ships and other spaces where large groups gather in close quarters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent announcement that vaccinated people can safely gather indoors and outdoors without masks has reignited the idea. Yet these passports remain highly controversial and their implementation is largely piecemeal. Many private businesses are making their own decisions, and governments in different parts of the country are adopting varying stances.
In New York, for instance, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in early May that places where proof of vaccination or a negative covid test are required can operate at a greater capacity. Some nightclubs there have implemented policies similar to Ibiza’s. In Florida, however, Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a law prohibiting businesses, schools and government offices from requiring proof of vaccination, with fines of up to $5,000 per incident.
For Ibiza Nightclub in southeastern North Carolina — a political battleground state — the vaccine card requirement is proving to be a lightning rod. The club’s Facebook post announcing the policy had sparked 70 comments as of mid-May, and posts across other platforms echoed different sides of the issue.
“I am thrilled to see a personal business putting the health and safety forward in order to keep their business running,” one comment read.
Others took a markedly different tone: “This is pretty dumb!”
“Discrimination, expect lawsuits,” read another.
The Honor Code
Last week, after the CDC said vaccinated adults could largely live their lives mask-free, Raleigh restaurant owner Hisine McNeill felt a troubling pang of déjà vu. He owns Alpha Dawgs, a sandwich shop in southeast Raleigh, and said small businesses like his carried the burden of mask enforcement for much of the pandemic. Now, he said, they’re tasked with trusting adults who say they’ve been vaccinated. He isn’t ready to do that.

“I don’t have the luxury of taking chances on an honor code,” McNeill said. “If I have an outbreak because someone didn’t wear a mask and have to close down, who’s going to help keep me open?”
McNeill opened Alpha Dawgs in 2018 and, like most restaurateurs, he said, struggled through the pandemic, professionally and personally. He said he has lost friends and family members and doesn’t believe the pandemic is over.
“I know people personally in the ICU still recovering from [covid],” McNeill said. “I don’t need any more examples about how serious this is.”
So McNeill posted a new requirement on the restaurant’s Facebook page. He asked everyone to continue wearing masks unless they were prepared to show him a vaccine card.
“To whom it may concern,” McNeill wrote. “If you decide to come into my establishment claiming that you are fully vaccinated, I WILL ASK TO SEE YOUR CARD. If you don’t want to provide it then you will have to wear a mask in my store. And if you still don’t want to comply with either then I have the right to deny service. Thank you for your cooperation.”


The day after he posted that statement, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper eased most covid-related restrictions in the state, including its mask mandate. The Alpha Dawgs post stirred some online debate over masks and vaccinations and led to a few responses, including one from the Raleigh Republican Club.
“Should you be in the area…,” it read. “Eat somewhere else….”
McNeill felt the Raleigh Republican Club was calling for a boycott. Afterward, he noticed multiple one-star reviews pop up on Google, not from people who had been to the restaurant, but people accusing McNeill of discrimination.
“This is not political for me, this is a personal belief,” McNeill said. “I have an 85-year-old grandmother I see every other week. I’m going to make sure she’s protected.”
Raleigh Republican Club board member Guy Smith said the group’s post was written collectively, but he didn’t see it as a call for a boycott.
“Our philosophical position is it’s his business, the owner can choose to do what they choose to do within the confines of the individual business,” Smith said. “Our philosophical position is, to demand someone to demonstrate they’re vaccinated with a card, we think that’s out of bounds.”
Smith said the group also condemns writing bogus reviews of a business.
McNeill said Alpha Dawgs’ business has not suffered from the online dust-up.
“I haven’t had any problems,” McNeill said. “Only the online harassment.”
The Nightclub Expected Opposition
Charles Smith, general manager of the club, said he knew the policy would garner backlash, but “we’ve always put the health and safety of both staff and our patrons, and their families, first.”
Since opening as a gay bar in 2001, Ibiza has been a pillar of the LGBTQ community in Wilmington. Although its clientele has expanded over time, it’s still known for drag shows on Friday nights.
Last year, the club shut down March 12, about a week before Gov. Cooper ordered all North Carolina bars and restaurants to stop dine-in service. Ibiza remained shuttered for 14 months, using the time to renovate, Smith said, and leaning on federal and state assistance for small businesses.
When it came to reopening, he said, “the question was: How do we provide the absolute safest experience alongside the nightlife experience we’ve been known for?”
It wouldn’t be easy. Nightclubs are a perfect cocktail of covid risks: lots of people socializing and dancing in close quarters. Alcohol lowering inhibitions. Music forcing people to speak louder, releasing more droplets into the air.
“The concept of social distancing in a nightclub is an oxymoron,” Smith said. And the club’s staff didn’t want to be “the police of nightlife,” trying to separate people on the dance floor, he added.
The safest option, it seemed, was to require people to be vaccinated.
The club waited till all adults in the state were eligible for vaccines before reopening.
Now Ibiza requires patrons to present their vaccine cards or photos of the cards for entry. On reopening night, the club asked customers to wear masks and limited its capacity to 50%, per an executive order from the governor. But as of May 14, the state lifted its capacity restrictions and masking requirements.
Castrigno, who’d been looking forward to that night for weeks since she saw the sign in the club’s window, said it was “the most jubilant I’d ever seen Ibiza.” Several performers put on a drag show. Customers took turns dancing on poles. Some people wore masks with rhinestones to match their outfits, she said.
She wasn’t surprised that many people took the vaccine requirement in stride. “Queer people are well versed in the risks of public health crisis and protecting the community,” she said, referring to the AIDS crisis, which devastated the community in the ’80s and ’90s.
For James Colucci, who has been a customer since 2016, supporting Ibiza’s vaccine policy is about protecting the club’s employees. Some of them have “spearheaded the [LGBTQ] movement, so we can get together and have events like this,” he said.
But others say the policy is discriminatory and injects the nightclub into people’s personal health care decisions.
Joey Askew, a 37-year-old from Greenville, wrote on Ibiza’s Facebook page, “I’ll never go back to this club until they lift this mandate!!”
In an interview with KHN, Askew said he’s not ready to get the vaccine because there haven’t been lifetime studies of recipients to determine long-term side effects. He’s willing to wear a mask and maintain physical distance, but a vaccine requirement goes too far.
“A mask is something I can buy from anywhere and take off whenever I choose,” he said. “But I can’t take a vaccine out. It’s a permanent choice that [the club] is involving themselves in, and it’s not their place.”
In between the people condemning the club’s policy and those applauding it are many who are conflicted.
Mark Russell, 29, is a nurse in Washington, D.C., who cares for covid patients and contracted covid last year. He plans on visiting Ibiza Nightclub in late May while attending a small wedding in North Carolina where everyone will be vaccinated.
The club’s policy makes him feel safer, Russell said. But he also worries about its effect on people of color, who in many places have faced barriers to vaccination.
“It’s a battle in my own brain, thinking those two things,” Russell said.
For Heidi Martek, 55, the policy raised a personal question. “What about those who can’t get the vaccine?” she wrote on Ibiza’s Facebook page.
She has an autoimmune disease, making her body hypersensitive to any vaccine, Martek said, even the flu shot.
But when commenters on Facebook suggested she sue the club, Martek pushed back. The club is facing difficult choices, she told KHN, and there’s no right answer.
“Whether I can go in or not, I support them,” said Martek, who’s been a patron at Ibiza for six years.
She wants the club to survive the pandemic, unlike other establishments that have closed in the past year.
“It’s not like Wilmington is overwhelmed with LGBTQ clubs,” Martek said. “Ibiza is really important.”
News & Observer reporter Drew Jackson contributed to this story.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
If You Are Vaccinated, You Can Dance the Night Away published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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West Lebanon, NH - Beverlee Hastings Merrill, age 90, widow of the late Joseph H. Merrill, Jr., passed away on Sunday, November 27, 2022, at the home of her daughter, Nancy Peavey, in Enfield, NH.
Born at home on November 21, 1932, in Corinth, VT, to George and Bernice (Huntley) Hastings, she attended the small village Cookeville School, graduated from the Bradford Academy, Class of 1950, and attended Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC.
She moved to Hanover, NH, in 1952 to work at Dartmouth College Library. She married Joseph Merrill of Hanover at the United Church of Christ at Dartmouth College on September 15, 1956. He pre-deceased her on July 22, 1998. Married for almost 42 years, they spent most of their married life in the Hanover/Lebanon area as Joe pursued his career in Printing Management and they had their four children – Lisa, Lori, Nancy and Jonathan. Joe grew with Dartmouth Printing Co. In 1988, after 31 years with Dartmouth Printing, they moved out of town for the next eight years – first to Stratham on the NH seacoast for a position with Bradford & Bigelow in Danvers, MA, and then to The Printing House/Homes & Land magazine in Tallahassee, FL. They returned "home" to Lebanon in 1996 to be near their large, extended families.

Employed in the health care field for many years, Beverlee become a unit secretary at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for 11 years (1977-1988). When moving to the NH Seacoast, she found fulfillment as a one-to-one companion with Interim and the Portsmouth Regional Private Duty Association in Hampton Beach, Rye Beach, Exeter, Portsmouth and Kittery Point, ME (1989-1991) and then in Tallahassee FL (1991-1996). She was deeply committed to the elderly, especially those with acquired memory-loss disorders. To make their days and moments special, she became a compassionate activity assistant/educator at the Leon County Adult Day Care Center in Tallahassee for three years, and upon returning to the Upper Valley, at Genesis Health Care/Lebanon Center for the next six years (1996-2002). For years after her retirement from Genesis, her former co-workers and residents' families told her they remembered her as "that Hat Lady" in her many vintage, decorative crazy hats.
She was a Hospice volunteer for 23 years, beginning in the early years of the Hospice movement in the Upper Valley. She went on to connect with Seacoast Hospice in the Exeter-Portsmouth area and Big Bend in Tallahassee before returning to be a volunteer again in the Upper Valley after her retirement.
Retirement to Beverlee was "simply shifting gears" with time to read all night, take long naps, do some traveling with friends and family – and time to delve more deeply into family genealogy and local history. She drove about to Town Clerk's offices seeking out documents of her ancestors' births, deaths and marriages, making copies, gathering them, with their stories, into notebooks as a legacy for her children and future descendants. With the help of her nephew Kevin Hurst, she produced a book – Bev's Memories. She gave copies of the book to her children, her siblings and cousins.
She got her wish to do some traveling with family and friends, visiting Scotland, Nova Scotia, Arizona, Colorado, California, the Smoky Mountains and multiple trips to Florida to visit her sisters and old Tallahassee friends. She flew to Minnesota to finally meet a pen pal she had connected with while both were in grade school.
Moving to the Quail Hollow senior living community in 2007, she remained active locally in the Lebanon Woman's Club and the Rusty Reds and Scarlett O'Hatters of Quail Hollow's Red Hat chapters. Gradually slowed down by a weak back and poor balance, her passion for social interaction and involvement never wavered. She took great pride in being the overseer of the Quail Hollow Bi-Annual Give Away-Take Away Weekends, the Kilton-Quail Hollow Lending Library project and Quail's rotating art galleries.
She is survived by her loving family – her four children, Lisa (Dean) Rowe of Shrewsbury, MA, Lori Kay of White River Junction, VT, Nancy (Jeff) Peavey of Enfield, NH, and Jonathan (Sue) Merrill of West Lebanon, NH; her ten grandchildren, Allison (Jim) Ladio, Stephanie (Tyler) Frost, David Rowe, Andrew Kay, Leslie Kay, Benjamin Peavey, Joshua (Megan) Peavey, Nathan Peavey, Jessica (Brendan) Demich, Lindsey Merrill; and six great-grandchildren, Rowen and Salem Ladio, Ava and Wesley Peavey, Zoe Frost and Cecilia Demich.
She is also survived by her sister Peg Wilmott of Naples, FL, and brother David (Sue) Hastings of North Haverhill, NH; and multiple sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law. She will be remembered by 30 nieces and nephews and their families, and many cousins.
In addition to her loving husband, Joseph Merrill, she was pre-deceased by her sisters Joyce Chapman and Bernice (Bunny) Hurst, her brother George (Bert) Hastings, as well as multiple sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law.
Her remains have been cremated and will be scattered by her family at locations that were especially meaningful to Beverlee. She wished that there be no calling hours or services.
#Bob Jones University#Archive#Obituary#BJU Hall of Fame#BJU Alumni Association#2022#Beverlee Hastings Merrill#Freshman#Class of 1952
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Your visitors will be welcomed to take a gondola ride up Aspen Mountain to an altitude of 11,212 feet, where they will certainly reach your ceremony at The Wedding celebration Deck or surrounding Aspen Mountain Club. Spectacular sights of the famous Maroon Bells and the Rocky Mountains will certainly mount the special memories developed on your wedding.
Spectacular 360-degree views transform from the Channel Islands beyond Santa Barbara to rambling canyons under old covers of Eucalyptus. Aromatic Magnolia and orange blooms perfume the landscape for a wedding celebration experience like nothing else. Santa Barbara, CA The Cattle Ranch at Rock Creek Miles of river, forest, valley, and view give virtually infinite possibilities for picture-perfect and awesome ceremonies, intimate breakfasts, and also cheery functions.
Below, you can wed at the Historical Barn, or claim "I do" in the middle of the wild blossoms as well as Huge Skies background. Philipsburg, MT Glenmere Manor Establish on 150 acres of lush landscape, Glenmere Manor delivers you to Europeonly 50 miles far from New york city City. The 5-star hotel permits buy-outs, so the residential property might become yours for the weekend break.
Top 10 Best Free Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Last ...
Chester, NY Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards This top-rated winery venue boasts breathtaking views of the Santa Monica Hills and also rolling hills of California for a sky-high experience like no various other. Pro pointer: the estate advises booking days from April to November for the very best weather and also greenest creeping plants. Malibu, CA AMAN Venice Establish in among the city's 8 amazing monumental palazzos on the Grand Canal, AMAN Venice embodies all that is superb and sensuous regarding La Serenissima (Northern Italy).

35+ Fall Wedding Venues — Best Locations For Fall Weddings
Venice, Italy Daughters of the American Revolution Hall This desirable venue just blocks from the White Home features glorious views of the Washington Monument. Crystal light fixtures, antique home furnishings, and also glamorous Beaux-Arts architecture are simply a few of the reasons we love this historic room, whose indoor/outdoor alternatives are both classy and also picturesque.
Pippin Hillside Ranch & Vineyards Sweeping sights of rolling hillsides and also vineyards matched with a cooking experience like nothing else is all you require for an effective celebrationand Pippin Hill has you covered on all accounts. What's even more, the home is owned and also operated by Easton Doorperson Group, co-founded by one of FAIR Bride's Leading Wedding Organizers on the planet, Lynn Easton of Easton Occasions.
Wedding Venues - Calaveras Visitors Bureau

Destination Wedding Locations Right Here In The U.s. - Martha ...
It treads an equilibrium in between English sophistication and also playfully surrealfor some, Aynhoe Park is an eclectic playground of the creative imagination; for others, it's a study in improvement. For all, nevertheless, it is a retreat from the predictable and also a remedy to the everyday. See just how this couple wed at Anyhoe Park and merged the English countryside with Burning Man motivation to suit their design.
Go with an intimate ceremony in the church surrounded by frescoes, or benefit from one of the bigger locations on residential property (for approximately 500 guests). Delight in dinner outside in the gardens or inside your home at the Conventino, an old church inside the building developed into a great hall. Florence, Italy Haiku Mill A magnificent property situated on Maui's north coast, off the famous Road to Hana, you'll find Old Globe Europe satisfies natural Hawaiian elegance at Haiku Mill.
Maui, Hawaii Ritz Paris Paris, while called The City of Light, is also indisputably the city of love and also romance. As Well As the Ritz Paris is a jewel box in the facility of it all, with its sweeping views of the Location Vendme. With magnificent ballrooms, perfectly appointed collections, and also a few of the most quintessentially Parisian details in shop, it's not surprising that style brides around the world desire for wedding event inside its walls and in it's private courtyard.
Dream Beach Wedding - Wedding Venues - San Diego
If you can't determine whether a lavish ballroom function, a countryside event, or a '20's glam after celebration feel is ideal for you, this place could house them alland more. Asheville, NC Flora Farms This farm-to-table place as well as restaurant is a Cabo fan-favoriteand permanently reason. With countless private outdoor areas for occasions, like a Mango Grove with a brick barn, a natural herb yard amphitheater, an attractive potting shed, restaurant, as well as extra, the variety of visitors as well as time of year assistance establish which area is best suited for you.
San Jos del Cabo, Mexico Atlanta History Center Assume Selected the Wind at this historical house in the heart of Georgia. With gorgeous style and gardens, consider the majestic grass at the Swan House Mansion or the rustic beauty of the Smith Family Farm and also McElreath Hall for your wedding celebration settingeither way you'll like its Southern style.
Offering an unique setup for any dimension party (huge or little), the dramatic clocktower is elegant, open, and airy. And also when you aren't eating in one of the city's best recognized structures, your visitors can enjoy all the dining establishments, tasks, as well as websites SF needs to use. San Francisco, CA French's Factor Make your wedding event seem like a vacation, a reunion, as well as a wedding all-in-one at French's Pointa stunning 14-acre place on the coast of Maine.
Bali Hai Events - San Diego Wedding Venue

13 Scenic Outdoor Wedding Venues In San Diego ...
Stockton Springs, ME The Frick Collection Stimulating the prestige of Opulent Age New York, The Frick Collection is an internationally acknowledged gallery as well as research center recognized for its notable Dutch Master paints as well as outstanding examples of European sculpture and also attractive arts. While numerous New york city City locations of this quality feel grand, expansive, and also a lot more suitable for a large guest list, this special area supplies a classy yet intimate feeling for any ceremony, reception, mixed drink party, or welcome dinner.
New York, NY, U.S.A. Domaine de Andols Exuding pure luxury in distinctive ways, Domaine de Andols features unique, contemporary villas for you and also your guests as well as a majestic centenary tree changed into restaurant at the base of the Domaine. Serving fresh and also neighborhood items at this suspended tree top terrace, the sight of the Domaine and the smell of the lavender areas are just a pair of the reasons you'll never ever intend to leave.
Saint-Saturnin-ls-Apt, France Taj Lake Royal residence Organizing previous clientele such as Jacqueline Kennedy and Queen Elizabeth, this regal and entirely romantic royal residence in Udaipur is second to none. The resort's striking white marble facade with views of Udaipur, the Aravalli mountains, as well as temples all over function as bryllupslokaler amager the ultimate backdrop for an intimate wedding event in India.
Top Wedding Venues In San Diego, California
Pro Idea: Right here, you'll likely need to schedule a certain variety of rooms for up to 60 guests, so see to it to verify your matter. Udaipur, India Four Seasons Lanai Breathtaking sights of the Pacific and also an authentic Polynesian social flair meet the ultimate in service, convenience, and quality at the 4 Seasons Lanai.
Lanai City, Hawaii The White Elephant A New England location with a preppy flair, the White Elephant harbor side inn hosts wedding celebrations on its well-manicured yard. For those aiming to throw a particularly lavish occasion, the entire resort (with space for 300 guests) is readily available for rental fee. Functions follow on the terrace ignoring the waterside, with enough oysters as well as mixed drinks to please also the pickiest of visitors.
The location comes complete with a selection of choices, both inside your home as well as out, like the sophisticated Light fixture Ballroom, which houses 8 custom Baccarat crystal light fixtures, as well as the 8,000-square-foot Wonderful Grass, with unlimited ocean views. Montecito, CA Cedar Lakes Estate This is where you should head if "down to Earth," "rustic," "nature-lover," or "contemporary bohemian" best explains you or your aesthetic.
Best Wedding Venues In San Diego, Ca - Junebug Weddings
From a treehouse to lakeside event, this building satisfaction itself on just reserving a select varieties of weddings annually to concentrate on making each of them one-of-a-kind, special, and well-executed. Greenville, NY Nizuc Hotel & Health Club Simply outside Cancnand just ten minutes from the airportlies paradise, calmness, as well as nothing near to the spring break vibes you're used to in this part of the country.
Remain in a contemporary skyscraper with your very own personal plunge pool, or select a relaxing garden villa in the mangroves. Boasting two special beaches, an extravagant spa by ESPA, six premium dining establishments, as well as sumptuous accommodations, Nizuc is perfect for wedding events both big as well as small. Place: Cancun, Mexico Amangiri Amangiri, which suggests 'relaxed mountain', is located in Southern Utah and is a minimalist's dream.
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Princess Wedding Day Dress Up Games
40 Rustic Barn Wedding Venues - Charming Country ...
Table of Contents40 Rustic Barn Wedding Venues - Charming Country ...Affordable Wedding Venues In New Jersey—new Jersey BrideWedding Venues San Diego — The Thursday ClubLa Jolla Wedding Venues - The Meritage CollectionThe 25+ Most Popular Portland Wedding Venues [Updated For ...25 Unforgettable Wedding Venues In San Diego49+ Of The Best Connecticut Wedding Venues (Find Amazing ...
Your visitors will be invited to take a gondola ride up Aspen Mountain to an elevation of 11,212 feet, where they will certainly reach your event at The Wedding event Deck or adjacent Aspen Hill Club. Impressive views of the well known Maroon Bells and the Rocky Mountains will mount the special memories developed on your big day.
Stunning 360-degree sights turn from the Channel Islands beyond Santa Barbara to rambling canyons under old canopies of Eucalyptus. Great smelling Magnolia and also orange blossoms perfume the landscape for a wedding event experience like nothing else. Santa Barbara, CA The Cattle Ranch at Rock Creek Miles of river, forest, valley, and view supply almost unlimited opportunities for picture-perfect and impressive events, intimate brunches, and also festive receptions.
Right here, you can wed at the Historic Barn, or claim "I do" amidst the wild blossoms as well as Large Sky background. Philipsburg, MT Glenmere Manor Establish on 150 acres of lavish landscape, Glenmere Estate delivers you to Europeonly 50 miles far from New york city City. The 5-star hotel enables for buy-outs, so the property might become your own for the weekend.
Wedding Locations - Callaway Vineyard & Winery
Chester, NY Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards This top-rated vineyard place boasts scenic sights of the Santa Monica Hills and rolling hills of California for an overpriced experience like no other. Pro idea: the estate recommends reserving dates from April to November for the ideal climate and also greenest creeping plants. Malibu, CA AMAN Venice Establish in one of the city's eight spectacular significant palazzos on the Grand Canal, AMAN Venice embodies all that is excellent and sensuous concerning La Serenissima (Northern Italy).

Weddings: 9 Expensive Wedding Venues Around The Country ...
Venice, Italy Little Girls of the American Change Hall This desirable place just blocks from the White Home includes marvelous views of the Washington Monument. Crystal chandeliers, antique home furnishings, and also glamorous Beaux-Arts design are just a few of the factors we like this historic space, whose indoor/outdoor alternatives are both stylish as well as picturesque.
Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards Sweeping views of rolling hillsides as well as vineyards coupled with a culinary experience like no various other is all you need for a successful celebrationand Pippin Hill has you covered on all accounts. What's more, the home is owned as well as operated by Easton Concierge Team, co-founded by one of FAIR Bride-to-be's Leading Wedding event Organizers worldwide, Lynn Easton of Easton Events.
Wedding Locations - Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks ...

11 Cheap Wedding Venues - Nerdwallet
It walks an equilibrium in between English elegance and playfully surrealfor some, Aynhoe Park is a diverse play ground of the creative imagination; for others, it's a research study in refinement. For all, nevertheless, it is an escape from the foreseeable and also a remedy to the everyday. See exactly how this pair wed at Anyhoe Park and also merged the English countryside with Burning Guy ideas to suit their style.
Select an intimate event in the church bordered by frescoes, or capitalize on one of the bigger places on residential property (for approximately 500 guests). Appreciate supper outside in the yards or indoors at the Conventino, an old church inside the building developed into an excellent hall. Florence, Italy Haiku Mill A stunning home situated on Maui's north shore, off the renowned Road to Hana, you'll find Vintage Europe meets natural Hawaiian natural beauty at Haiku Mill.
Maui, Hawaii Ritz Paris Paris, while understood as The City of Light, is also undeniably the city of love and romance. And the Ritz Paris is a jewel box in the facility of it all, with its sweeping views of the Place Vendme. With magnificent ballrooms, perfectly assigned suites, and also some of one of the most quintessentially Parisian information in shop, it's no surprise fashion new brides throughout the globe desire of wedding celebration inside its walls and in it's private courtyard.
Charleston, Sc Wedding Venues - Official Charleston ...
If you can't make a decision whether a lush ballroom reception, a countryside event, or a '20's glam after celebration feel is appropriate for you, this location might house them alland a lot more. Asheville, NC Flora Farms This farm-to-table venue and also restaurant is a Cabo fan-favoriteand permanently reason. With countless personal outside locations for events, like a Mango Grove with a brick barn, an herb garden amphitheater, a gorgeous potting shed, dining establishment, and a lot more, the variety of visitors as well as time of year help determine which area is ideal suited for you.
San Jos del Cabo, Mexico Atlanta History Facility Assume Gone with the Wind at this historic home in the heart of Georgia. With lovely style and also gardens, take into consideration the majestic lawns at the Swan House Manor or the rustic beauty of the Smith Household Farm as well as McElreath Hall for your wedding event settingeither method you'll like its Southern style.
Using a special setup for any size party (huge or tiny), the remarkable clocktower is stylish, open, and airy. And also when you aren't dining in among the city's ideal understood buildings, your guests can delight in all the restaurants, tasks, and sites SF needs to provide. San Francisco, CA French's Factor Make your wedding party seem like a getaway, a get-together, and also a wedding event all-in-one at French's Pointa gorgeous 14-acre venue on the coast of Maine.
Wedding Venues In San Diego - Dream Beach Wedding

Best Wedding Venues & Destinations In The Caribbean ...
Stockton Springs, ME The Frick Collection Evoking the prestige of Gilded Age New York, The Frick Collection is an internationally recognized gallery and also research study center known for its recognized Dutch Master paintings and outstanding instances of European sculpture as well as ornamental arts. While many New york city City places of this caliber feel grand, large, and also bryllup nordsjælland extra fitting for a huge visitor list, this unique area gives a sophisticated yet intimate feeling for any kind of event, reception, cocktail party, or welcome dinner.
New York, NY, UNITED STATES Domaine de Andols Exuding pure deluxe in unique ways, Domaine de Andols features special, modern rental properties for you and also your visitors as well as a marvelous centenary tree changed right into restaurant at the bottom of the Domaine. Offering fresh as well as regional products at this put on hold tree top terrace, the view of the Domaine and the odor of the lavender areas are simply a couple of the factors you'll never want to leave.
Saint-Saturnin-ls-Apt, France Taj Lake Royal residence Hosting previous clientele such as Jacqueline Kennedy and also Queen Elizabeth, this regal and entirely charming palace in Udaipur is incomparable. The hotel's striking white marble facade with views of Udaipur, the Aravalli mountains, and temples around work as the utmost backdrop for an intimate wedding celebration in India.
Venues - Visit Loudoun
Pro Tip: Right here, you'll likely need to schedule a certain variety of spaces for up to 60 visitors, so ensure to confirm your matter. Udaipur, India 4 Seasons Lanai Breathtaking sights of the Pacific and a genuine Polynesian social style meet the best in service, convenience, and top quality at the 4 Seasons Lanai.
Lanai City, Hawaii The White Elephant A New England location with a preppy panache, the White Elephant harbor side inn hosts weddings on its well-manicured yard. For those looking to throw an especially lavish occasion, the whole resort (with space for 300 visitors) is readily available for rental fee. Functions comply with on the balcony overlooking the waterside, with enough oysters and also mixed drinks to please even the pickiest of visitors.
The location comes complete with a range of options, both indoors and also out, like the sophisticated Chandelier Ballroom, which houses 8 bespoke Baccarat crystal chandeliers, and also the 8,000-square-foot Wonderful Lawn, with boundless ocean sights. Montecito, CA Cedar Lakes Estate This is where you ought to head if "down to Earth," "rustic," "nature-lover," or "modern bohemian" best defines you or your visual.
Wedding Venues - Discover Denton
From a treehouse to lakeside event, this property pride itself on only reserving a choose numbers of wedding celebrations each year to concentrate on making each of them one-of-a-kind, unique, and well-executed. Greenville, NY Nizuc Hotel & Medspa Just outside Cancnand just 10 minutes from the airportlies paradise, peacefulness, and also nothing close to the springtime break feelings you're utilized to in this part of the nation.
Remain in a modern-day high-rise with your very own exclusive dive pool, or select a relaxing garden villa in the mangroves. Boasting two special coastlines, a lush health facility by ESPA, six premium dining establishments, as well as sumptuous accommodations, Nizuc is suitable for wedding celebrations both big and also tiny. Location: Cancun, Mexico Amangiri Amangiri, which means 'relaxed mountain', is situated in Southern Utah as well as is a minimal's dream.
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Princess Wedding Entrance
Abbey's List Of 2020's Top San Diego Wedding Venues
Table of ContentsBest Wedding Venues & Destinations In The Caribbean ...The Best Wedding Venue In Every State - InsiderThe Best Virginia Wedding Venues For Washingtonian Couples34 Affordable San Diego Wedding Venues Under ,500 ...San Diego Wedding Venues: Voted Best Venue For 2020Destination Wedding Locations Right Here In The U.s. - Martha ...Wedding Locations - Eau Claire - Volume One Magazine
Your visitors will certainly be welcomed to take a gondola flight up Aspen Hill to an elevation of 11,212 feet, where they will reach your event at The Wedding celebration Deck or nearby Aspen Mountain Club. Spectacular views of the well known Maroon Bells and the Rocky Hills will frame the special memories created on your big day.
Stunning 360-degree views turn from the Channel Islands past Santa Barbara to rambling canyons under old canopies of Eucalyptus. Aromatic Magnolia as well as orange blossoms fragrance the landscape for a wedding celebration experience like no other. Santa Barbara, CA The Ranch at Rock Creek Miles of river, woodland, valley, and also view provide nearly unlimited chances for picture-perfect and also breathtaking events, intimate breakfasts, and festive functions.
Below, you can joined at the Historic Barn, or say "I do" in the middle of the wild flowers as well as Huge Sky background. Philipsburg, MT Glenmere Estate Set on 150 acres of rich landscape, Glenmere Manor moves you to Europeonly 50 miles far from New York City. The 5-star hotel enables for buy-outs, so the home could become your own for the weekend.
Georgia Wedding Venues - Lanier Islands - Weddings In ...
Chester, NY Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards This top-rated vineyard location boasts breathtaking sights of the Santa Monica Hills and rolling hills of The golden state for an overpriced experience like nothing else. Pro tip: the estate recommends scheduling dates from April to November for the very best climate as well as greenest creeping plants. Malibu, CA AMAN Venice Embed in among the city's eight splendid significant palazzos on the Grand Canal, AMAN Venice personifies all that is excellent as well as sensuous about La Serenissima (Northern Italy).

Wedding Venues - City Of Los Angeles Department Of ...
Venice, Italy Children of the American Transformation Hall This desirable place just obstructs from the White Residence features glorious sights of the Washington Monument. Crystal chandeliers, antique furnishings, as well as extravagant Beaux-Arts architecture are just a few of the reasons we love this historic room, whose indoor/outdoor choices are both sophisticated and picturesque.
Pippin Hill Farm & Vineyards Sweeping views of rolling hills as well as vineyards matched with a cooking experience like nothing else is all you require for an effective celebrationand Pippin Hill has you covered on all accounts. What's more, the property is possessed as well as operated by Easton Doorperson Group, co-founded by one of FAIR New bride's Leading Wedding celebration Organizers on the planet, Lynn Easton of Easton Occasions.
America's Best Wedding Venues - Brides

The Top 20 Wedding Venues In Nashville - Southern Living
It steps an equilibrium in between English style and also playfully surrealfor some, Aynhoe Park is an eclectic play ground of the creativity; for others, it's a research in improvement. For all, nonetheless, it is an escape from the foreseeable and a remedy to the everyday. See how this couple wed at Anyhoe Park and combined the English countryside with Burning Male inspiration to fit their design.
Choose for an intimate event in the church bordered by frescoes, or capitalize on among the larger locations on residential or commercial property (for up to 500 visitors). Take pleasure in dinner outside in the gardens or inside your home at the Conventino, an ancient church inside the residential or commercial property became a great hall. Florence, Italy Haiku Mill A spectacular residential or commercial property situated on Maui's north shore, off the famous Roadway to Hana, you'll locate Vintage Europe satisfies natural Hawaiian splendor at Haiku Mill.
Maui, Hawaii Ritz Paris Paris, while referred to as The City of Light, is also undoubtedly the city of love and also love. And the Ritz Paris is a gem box in the center of all of it, with its sweeping sights of the Location Vendme. With sensational ballrooms, perfectly appointed suites, and also several of the most quintessentially Parisian details in shop, it's not surprising that fashion new brides around the world desire for wedding celebration inside its wall surfaces and in it's personal courtyard.
Wedding Venues - Telluride - Telluride Ski Resort
If you can't make a decision whether an extravagant ballroom reception, a countryside ceremony, or a '20's glam after event feeling is best for you, this location might house them alland extra. Asheville, NC Flora Farms This farm-to-table place as well as dining establishment is a Cabo fan-favoriteand for great reason. With numerous private outdoor locations for occasions, like a Mango Grove with a brick barn, an herb garden amphitheater, a gorgeous potting shed, dining establishment, and more, the number of visitors and also time of year aid identify which area is ideal suited for you.
San Jos del Cabo, Mexico Atlanta History Center Assume Selected the Wind at this historic house in the heart of Georgia. With stunning style and yards, consider the stunning lawns at the Swan Home Manor or the rustic appeal of the Smith Family Members Farm and McElreath Hall for your wedding event settingeither means you'll like its Southern style.
Providing a special setting for any kind of size event (big or tiny), the dramatic clocktower is stylish, open, and also airy. And when you aren't dining in one of the city's ideal known structures, your guests can delight in all the restaurants, tasks, and websites SF has to provide. San Francisco, CA French's Factor Make your wedding event celebration feel like a getaway, a reunion, as well as a wedding celebration all-in-one at French's Pointa stunning 14-acre venue on the coast of Maine.
Seven Oh-so-charming Historical Wedding Venues ... - Boston

Wedding Venues In San Diego - Dream Beach Wedding
Stockton Springs, ME The Frick Collection Stimulating the glamour of Gilded Age New York, The Frick Collection is a worldwide acknowledged museum and also proving ground understood for its recognized Dutch Master paintings and also outstanding examples of European sculpture as well as attractive arts. While numerous New York City venues of this caliber feel grand, extensive, and better for a huge guest checklist, this one-of-a-kind area provides a sophisticated yet intimate feeling for any ceremony, reception, alcoholic drink celebration, or welcome dinner.
New York City, NY, USA Domaine de Andols Exuding pure luxury in unique ways, Domaine de Andols features distinct, contemporary rental properties for you and also your visitors and also an impressive centenary tree changed right into dining establishment at the end of the Domaine. Serving fresh and also regional items at this put on hold tree top terrace, the view of the Domaine as well as the odor of the lavender fields are simply a pair of the factors you'll never ever wish to leave.
Saint-Saturnin-ls-Apt, France Taj Lake Royal residence Organizing previous clientele such as Jacqueline Kennedy as well as Queen Elizabeth, this regal as well as entirely romantic royal residence in Udaipur is incomparable. The resort's striking white marble exterior with views of Udaipur, the Aravalli mountains, and temples all around work as the best background for an intimate wedding event in India.
18 Affordable San Diego Wedding Venues - See Prices
Pro Suggestion: Below, you'll likely need to schedule a certain bryllup københavn number of spaces for approximately 60 visitors, so make sure to confirm your matter. Udaipur, India Four Seasons Lanai Scenic sights of the Pacific and a genuine Polynesian social panache satisfy the utmost in solution, comfort, and quality at the 4 Seasons Lanai.
Lanai City, Hawaii The White Elephant A New England venue with a preppy panache, the White Elephant harbor side inn hosts weddings on its well-manicured yard. For those looking to toss a specifically extravagant event, the whole hotel (with space for 300 guests) is offered for rent. Functions follow on the balcony overlooking the waterside, with adequate oysters as well as alcoholic drinks to please even the pickiest of guests.
The venue comes full with a variety of alternatives, both indoors as well as out, like the classy Chandelier Ballroom, which houses eight bespoke Baccarat crystal light fixtures, and also the 8,000-square-foot Excellent Lawn, with unlimited sea sights. Montecito, CA Cedar Lakes Estate This is where you ought to head if "down to Planet," "rustic," "nature-lover," or "modern bohemian" ideal explains you or your aesthetic.
Wedding Venues In San Diego - Aall In Limo & Party Bus
From a treehouse to lakeside event, this residential property satisfaction itself on only scheduling a pick numbers of wedding celebrations annually to focus on making each of them distinct, unique, and well-executed. Greenville, NY Nizuc Resort & Health Club Simply outside Cancnand just ten minutes from the airportlies heaven, peacefulness, and also absolutely nothing near to the spring break vibes you're made use of to in this part of the nation.
Stay in a modern skyscraper with your very own personal plunge swimming pool, or choose a relaxing yard suite in the mangroves. Boasting two exclusive coastlines, an extravagant day spa by ESPA, 6 premium dining establishments, and sumptuous accommodations, Nizuc is perfect for weddings both large and tiny. Place: Cancun, Mexico Amangiri Amangiri, which indicates 'serene hill', lies in Southern Utah and also is a minimalist's dream.
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Coworking space in Greenville, South Carolina
Social House blends the charm of a historic train depot with sleek, modern vibes for a unique atmosphere in downtown Greenville. Exposed brick walls, industrial beams, and contemporary finishes create a stylish yet laid-back environment perfect for coworking or hosting events. The fusion of vintage elements with modern design brings a trendy, urban feel that’s both inspiring and welcoming.
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Uptown Art of Greenville - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (and I don’t mean my painting)...
First let me start by saying that this review is strictly for the Greenville Uptown Art location and not any of the others in the surrounding area - I have only ever been to the Greenville location. Now that we have cleared that up let’s get down to business. For those of you unfamiliar with Uptown Art it is essentially an art class that allows you to come alone or with a group of friends and bring snacks and wine or other beverage of your choice. This is a very popular option for a “Girls Night Out” for ladies like myself who are of a certain age and have long since passed the “clubbing” phase. The class participants are seated at tables with all the needed supplies and a teacher instructs the class in whichever painting is being completed that night. At the beginning of every month Uptown Art posts the schedule of classes/paintings on their website, you simply go online select the painting you want to paint and register for that class or you can not schedule and just show up...however, if you go that route the class may be full and you may be out of luck or you may also run into the issue of not enough people coming and the class could be canceled...so it is best to at least call ahead and make sure the class is not full/canceled.
I have been to Uptown Art several times some paintings I really loved and some live in my attic and I gaze at them lovingly as I retrieve and put away my Christmas decorations every year. This is more due to my artistic prowess (or lack thereof) than a reflection of the establishment. However, I can say that the overall experience of Uptown Art has changed over the course of the last few years. My first few experiences were fantastic. The atmosphere was relaxed and easy going and the room was spacious and the instructor held my attention and I felt as though I actually learned something. The last 3 times that I have gone to a class I have been with a group of 3 and we all 3 registered online. The classes were on week nights and were absolutely packed. The staff had literally stuffed so many people at the tables that there was not room to move freely to paint or shift in your chair. The last time we visited the room was so packed that I could not move my chair back to get up because the person behind me had their chair crammed into the only available space and it was jammed behind mine - she couldn’t help it - that was the only way she could position her chair due to the large number of people at the table. To say the least the class was over capacity which dampened the overall enjoyment of the artistic experience.
Another issue was the noise level. 2 out of the last 3 times there have been multiple classes going on and the noise level was incredible and very distracting and made it difficult to hear the instructor. The last time we visited (less than a month ago) there was actually another class going on in the same room as well as a class going on in the private room and it was incredibly confusing and distracting. Our painting was being taught in the room where there were dual classes being taught - 2 separate paintings with 2 separate instructors giving different sets of directions. Add on top of that the participants of that class using the hair dryers while our instructor was talking and I am sure you can imagine how hard it was to hear. There simply was too much going on in the small studio. At any given time the classes should be limited to 2 going on at once because there are only 2 separate rooms. All of this chaos caused our class to go over by an hour. Since this was a week night and we all had to adult the next day we had specifically chosen the shorter class which was to run from 7-9PM rather than the longer class which was set to run from 7-10PM. 9 PM came and went and the instructor who had been less than helpful or engaging the entire evening was in no rush to wrap things up and by the time we finished I was more than ready to go as I had been checking my watch for over an hour at that point. A good instructor can make or break the class and trust me this class was already broken - the dilly dallying of the instructor was just the glitter on an already less than fabulous DIY project.
Now that we have covered the good and the bad let’s talk about the ugly. Having had experienced the good classes and having a knowledge of how Uptown Art used to be and wondering if maybe we were hitting the classes at the wrong time one of the members of my party reached out via e-mail to Uptown Art just to inform and request info - not accuse, not to request a refund, and not to cause and problems. The email response which she received in response from the manager was incredibly defensive and downright insulting. To say that the old adage “the customer is always right” was not in this persons mindset that day would be an understatement. Wondering if maybe we just caught the manager on a bad day or if this was the norm I decided to do some research. I checked the internet of course! I checked Yelp and FaceBook and a few other sites and found the same on them all - the older reviews are great but many of the most recent reviews were poor - especially on their FaceBook page. Also, there were several reviews that said they had also attempted to reach out to Uptown Art and were treated in a similar fashion as I have previously described.
The cost for each painting ranges from $25-$35 - when you are paying that much for a 2-3 hour craft session it is not unreasonable to expect to be comfortable in your surroundings, learn a little something, and receive courteous customer service...sadly this does not seem to be the philosophy of Uptown Art of Greenville, and that is proven further by the other less than stellar reviews they have received on social media. I plan to try out some of the other similar business that offer this service in the area and compare.
Final Rating: 3 out of 5 Tiger Stripes (You gotta earn your stripes and this place just hasn’t earned 5)
1 note
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Columbia College (South Carolina) Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know
Overview of Columbia College (South Carolina)
Columbia College is a private women’s liberal arts college situated in Columbia, South Carolina. Students can choose from 30-degree options and a premedical program, and the college also has a strong master’s program in education. Student life is active with over 60 student organizations and clubs. The Columbia Fighting Koalas play in the NAIA Appalachian Athletic Conference.
Total Enrollment: 1,276 (1,165 undergraduates)
Gender Breakdown: 20% Male/80% Female
66% Full-time
Cost of Attendance Information
Tuition and Fees: $19,890
Books: $1,203
Room and Board: $7,900
Other Expenses: $4,520
Total Cost: $33,513
Financial Aid Information
Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99%
Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of Aid
Grants: 99%
Loans: 73%
Mean Amount of Aid
Grants: $11,251
Loans: $6,903
Academic Programs Offered
Most Popular Degree options: Criminal Justice/Safety Studies; Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management; Social Work; Psychology, General; and Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Retention and Graduation
First-Year Student Retention (full-time students): 70%
4-Year Graduation Rate:43%
6-Year Graduation Rate: 53%
NCAA Athletic Programs
Women’s Sports: Golf, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Track & Field, Cross Country, Basketball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball
Overview of Columbia College (South Carolina) Admissions
Columbia College has an acceptance rate of 89%, and the admissions standards are not highly selective. Students whose SAT/ACT scores and GPA are within the institution’s requirements have a good chance of being admitted. Applicants must complete an online application, and send test scores from either the SAT or ACT and high school transcripts. Glowing recommendation letters can bolster your application, along with being involved with student organizations and attempting a challenging course load. Interested students should check out the university’s website, which has helpful tips and contact information for the admissions offices.
Admissions Data
Columbia College Acceptance Rate: 96%
Test Scores — 25th/75th Percentile
SAT Critical Reading: 420/540
SAT Math: 420/510
SAT Writing: -/-
ACT Cumulative: 18/24
ACT English: 17/25
ACT Math: 17/23
Safety Net Schools: Easy to Gain Admission
If past admission data predicts that you would be a competitive candidate for Columbia College, then it should be easy for you to gain admissions to the schools below. If Columbia College is currently out of your reach, then you are sure to be a competitive candidate for the schools below.
Benedict College, Claflin University, Allen University, Coker College, Clemson University
Same Tier: Just As Hard to Gain Admission
If you’re a competitive candidate for Columbia College, then you should have an equal chance of gaining admissions at these schools.
North Greenville University, Lander University, College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina University, Furman University
Reach Institutions: Gaining Admissions Will Be More of a Challenge
These schools are more challenging to gain admission into than Columbia College. If you improve your GPA and SAT/ACT scores, then you’ll be a competitive candidate for these schools.
University of Cincinnati, Penn State University Park, United States Military Academy, Hofstra University, Auburn University, Temple University, Seton Hall University
Applying to Columbia College
Application Deadline: Rolling
Undergraduate Admissions Website: https://www.columbiasc.edu/admissions
Undergraduate Application Link(s):
Graduate Admissions Website:
Graduate Application Link(s):
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Columbia College (South Carolina) Admissions: Everything You Want to and Need to Know published first on https://sapsnkra.tumblr.com
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Developing Players and Winning Games Shouldn’t be Mutually Exclusive
FUNdamental Skills - Character Development Series
By Darren Fenster / September 8, 2017
Can't we all just get along?
On any given day, on any of the countless social media platforms, you can find baseball coaches ferociously attacking one another from behind their keyboards over a variety of subjects in and around our game. The vast “I’m right, you’re wrong” arguments range from the swing mechanics of hitters, to weighted balls versus long toss for pitchers, to offenses that believe in bunting against those who vilify the mere thought of laying one down.
But there is one argument prevalent today above all others that shouldn’t be an argument at all: developing players versus winning games. These are in no way two ideals that should be pinned up against one another, but rather two that should work hand in hand, coexisting to be mutually beneficial for the other. But for some reason, many have come to view these two subjects as an “either/or,” and are unable to connect them in the productive relationship that they should naturally be found in.
The belief that a coach has to be 100% all about developing players or 100% all about winning games is a misguided one in today’s day and age. My question is: when did these two become mutually exclusive?
Since when did winning become a bad thing?
Since when did making players better become a bad thing?
Since when did these two ideals become all or nothing, one or the other?
This is the baseball world we now live in.
Team coaches are responsible for everything that happens on the field with their collective group of players. The individualized aspects of each player, as well as the overall fundamentals of the team both fall under that coach’s watch. At many spots, at various levels, they are not getting paid (or volunteering) to spend all hours of the day to improve one part of one player's game, but rather to help teach an entire roster of players how to play the game, and eventually, how to win. There are many of those coaches out there who we would all enthusiastically send our own children to play for.
On the other end of the spectrum are specialized coaches who are just that – specialized. They are not getting paid to teach the little nuances of the game that are the mark of complete baseball players who do the things needed to help their teams win games, nor do they pretend to be. Their sole purpose may be to increase a single pitcher’s arm strength or perfect the mechanics of an individual hitter’s swing. And there are many out there who are outstanding in doing so.
Last time I checked, when players became better individually, their teams had a better chance of winning. And in a very similar manner, when players learn all of the things that it takes to win games, they are becoming better individual players.
So with that in mind, I'll ask again, when did winning games and developing players become mutually exclusive?
On the Minor League level where my springs and summers are spent, job security in our player development department is not one bit dependent on winning games. While our focus is consistently placed on helping our players get better day in and day out, rest assure, they are learning how to win along the way. Winning is not just a byproduct of developing players; it is a significant piece of developing players.
The job my staff and I have here in A-ball is to build a foundation of professionalism that will enable them not to be successful for the Greenville Drive in the South Atlantic League, but rather eventually in the Big Leagues, to help our parent club, the Boston Red Sox, win baseball games, because that IS their focus. That aforementioned foundation includes everything from teaching our players how to work individually in a manner where they can get something productive out of every single rep on the field, in the cage, or in the bullpen; to learning from their successes and failures in games that contributed to a win or a loss; to approaching every single part of the job - even those that they might dread - with the same focus and effort as they would the parts that they cannot get enough of.
We are working, day in and day out, to develop championship players. And few championships have ever been won with rosters full of players who didn’t understand what it takes to win.
Without acknowledging winning, players often can become numb to the game’s end result, caring only about themselves and their own development without regard to working with everyone else on the team towards a common goal. Ask any coach – that guy, no matter how good, is a tough pill to swallow.
Without considering development, players will be challenged to find a way to get better when the only thing that matters is the W at the end of the day.
Has the school head coach ever gone into the cage or into the facility to see exactly what his players are working on with their private instructor? Has the hitting guru or velocity expert ever actually seen their clients perform in a game? We can benefit very much from one another being very good at what we do.
When you work to develop players, the result is often winning games. When you place an awareness on what it takes to win games, you are undoubtedly making players better. The two ideals can coexist. They HAVE TO coexist. Better players make for more wins, and players who know how to win make better players.
For more resources, check out these links: The Confident Baseball Coach USA Baseball Mobile Coach Amateur Resource Center Online Education Center
Darren Fenster is a contributor to the USA Baseball Sport Development Blog, and is currently the Manager of the Boston Red Sox Class A Affiliate Greenville Drive. A former player in the Kansas City Royals minor league system, Fenster joined the Red Sox organization in 2012 after filling various roles on the Rutgers University Baseball staff, where he was a two-time All-American for the Scarlet Knights. Fenster is also Founder and CEO of Coaching Your Kids, LLC, and can be found on Twitter @CoachYourKids.
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