#private rp starter
rougedpetals · 8 months
open  to  m   /  nb  ! 
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" we literally act like a couple . am i not good enough for a relationship with you ? "
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Private Practice Sentence Meme - Losing Battles
“Thank you for staying over,”
“I just, I’m not sure if I’m ready, you know?”
“Do you wanna stay a little longer and eat some breakfast?”
“I am cautiously optimistic,”
“Why are you grinning at me like that?”
“One of the most annoying things about you, is that you don’t give up,”
“I heard you guys had quite a night out,”
“It was a one time thing,”
“I’m looking for something real, you know what I mean,”
“I’ve always loved the gym. Unlike a bar, if have any luck, at least you get a workout in,”
“Tell me something I don’t already know,”
“You can’t have it both ways,”
“You have to go into this with an open mind,”
“You haven’t even met her yet,”
“If only there was some kind of computer based system where eligible people from all over the land could connect,”
“I don’t like you putting yourself in the middle of this,”
“If you were me, what would you have done?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“So what? I’m the problem?”
“I need to ask you a question, and I want you to give me an honest answer,”
“Whatever it is, I need to see it,”
“I’m sorry, that last thing you need is to be taking care of me,”
“I chose to be with him, I let him back in, it’s my fault,”
“I have great faith in people’s capacity to change,”
“I can’t believe that you think that I would do that,”
“I just wanna be somewhere where I can feel safe, and I don’t have to be scared, and I can start putting my life back together again,”
“It would be a monumental failure of your brilliant mind to pick me,”
“I can help you. I wanna help you. Let me,”
“I can’t win,”
“Now you're spoiling me,”
“I was surprised that you called,”
“I just want to tell you you were right,”
“What can I do? What do you need?”
“You feel guilty because of how grateful you are that this happened,”
“What happened? Did somebody hit you?”
“I’m here for you, whatever it is, whatever you need, I’m here,”
“What do you think my biggest flaw is?”
“I think that you don’t recognize how great you truly are,”
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tenebriism · 2 years
Albedo : ( OPEN RP ) ;;
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Anywhere, ANYTIME, but here and now. It always starts as a nauseating headache, which was always the most frightening part to the now ailing alchemist, who very RARELY had the luxury of waiting to see if it was just a result of his workaholic tendencies, or another dangerous BLACKOUT. In the presence of OTHERS, it wasn't always as easy as simply removing himself from the scene to work through the episode in private, where nobody could come unto HARM.
This was why he opted for the harsh, unwelcoming terrain of DRAGONSPINE. At least there, when he got like THIS -- unstable, irritable, VIOLENT -- nothing loved was at risk of being LOST because of him.
" I'm . . . going to return home early. My apologies, there is . . . I need to take care of something. "
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multistoty · 1 year
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@literatae @bcbliophile @iknowmetal @ravkanwings
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warsinmyhead · 2 months
Most people would choose to stay indoors and blast their A/C as cold as they were allowed to get away with, but Marina decided to escape the small apartment in Koreatown she was staying in (courtesy of an old friend) and head to the theaters to see if there was anything good playing at the moment.
Most of the folks ahead of her had picked the big sequel to a superhero franchise and she surprised the cashier when she told him she wanted to see Young Woman and the Sea. Once the initial surprise wore off, the young man quoted her the ticket price and she paid using her phone. (Crazy how people were making plastic cards and cash obsolete now!) A paper ticket and receipt were slid through the gap in the divider and she thanked the clerk before heading inside.
The theater was mostly empty, save for herself and a mom with her young daughter sitting in the middle. The vampire found an empty seat at the top of the theater and sank into it, crossing a leg over the other as she tried to get comfortable.
Remembering that she had her phone on, she dug around in her pocket to find it and turn it off for the duration of the film. As one hand pressed the correct buttons to turn the device off, she saw someone in her peripheral standing to her right.
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Private Partying [Jimena]
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Jimena smirked and tilted her head, nodding towards the elevators. The hotel bar was packed, but she’d managed to swipe some flaco’s wallet and card key. “Why don’t we make this a private party?” she suggested, the words rolling against her tongue in a sultry tone. Her fingers skimmed over her beau’s hip, urging them towards her.
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selfsabotaqe · 1 year
*       ♡     ◞      open starter      ╱    open to all.
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bitter taste of vodka burned in their throat, perfect match to his current mood. maybe it was spiteful but having been particularly unlucky in the realm of love, he despised the sight of his best friend’s recent instagram post. including their partner’s lips connected to their cheek as a huge rock shimmered on their ring finger.   “ it’s all such bullshit. there’s no way i haven’t yet run out of karma. what’s supposedly so bad about dating me? ”   nose scrunched almost instinctively as he mulled over the answer to his own question, quickly turning towards his companion,   “ don’t actually answer that. ”   he was quite sure they would gladly reiterate their long list of reasons to loathe him, and he did not care to hear it in this rare moment of vulnerability.
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❤️ this post for a starter from Albedo. Length will vary.
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xdragonsofavaloria · 1 year
(This has been bothering me for a bit, so I'm gonna do a random starter, based off of Miss Fisher's Murder Mystery and The Originals.)
Ever since she walked through the portal with her son to the city of New Orleans, Cassiopeia knew that this town, with the loud music and the many people going to parties and such, was just the vacation she needed-and also to find someone...mostly someone she knew was dead. She was quite happy with the Victorian house she found that was near Bourbon Street, and also the many cases she "stumbled" into, only to actually get involved, starting her little career as a lady detective under her false name, even though it really wasn't. It was the name she would've had if he was still alive- Cassie Rodrigues-and she tried to hide her draconic self very well it was hard in the city where vampires, demons, witches, and even werewolves live. But one particular day, playing with her son in the living room-she was trying not to call it a parlor room- and heard someone knocking on the door. Cassie had the itch to use her magic to open the door, but then she decided against it and got up to answer it. "Unless you're that pesky detective asking me questions about the case, tell him that I haven't gotten anything yet." she huffed, throwing the door open.
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uptonogoodindiememes · 3 months
Private Practice Sentence Meme - Who We Are & The Breaking Point
“Coffee, I need coffee,”
“Okay, I took all the coffee, but I will make a fresh pot,”
“I was so worried about you,”
“Thank you for worrying, but you didn’t need to,”
“I’ve never been in love,”
“I’m not saying that I know what love is, just that I’ve never been in love,”
“I love you. . . I’m in love with you okay?”
“You wanna get married?”
“An intervention? . . . An intervention. Okay, you know what,”
“I made a mistake, and now I’m fine, I would think you’d get that,”
“Dude, seriously? I barely know you, what are you even doing here?”
“Whatever you have to say, spit it out so I can go. I don’t have all day,”
“Why don’t you come back to bed?”
“We should probably get back in there,”
“You’re having a tough life? Everybody’s life is tough. Life comes with pain,”
“I will never love you back. You get that, right?”
“Wanna get sober with me?
“One last time,”
“Sometimes it takes time. Results aren’t always immediate,”
The Breaking Point 
“It’s gonna get worse before it gets better, but I swear it gets better,”
“You know, if you ever want someone to complain to, I’m down the hall,”
“I don’t feel so good,”
“You don’t have to give me the speech,”
“When you decide that you’re ready to do this again, we’ll get into it,”
“It’s not over, okay? Unless you want it to be,”
“Can I sit?”
“You know, a lot of women don’t get pregnant the first time,”
“Do you know how dark you sound right now?”
“I want the best possible odds,”
“I don’t wanna leave, I like it here,”
“I’m just saying, you do an awful lot of preaching and not much sharing,”
“You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,”
“I’m gonna go jump in the shower,”
“All you have to do is look at me, and it’ll feel like it does right now, just the two of us,”
“What if I can’t find you in the audience?”
“I’m glad you’re willing to see me,”
“Why don’t you hate me? After the things I said, you should hate me,”
“I don’t know how to hate you. . . I couldn’t if I tried,”
“Where do I go from here?”
“Fine, but you owe me, big time,”
“You look like ten miles of bad road,”
“You promised you’d be there,”
“I don’t know how to apologize. . . I don’t know how,”
“What happened to you, it really, it really scared me,”
“If you don’t love me anymore, then ask me to leave, and I will. I’ll do that for you,”
“I do love you, I still love you, but I don’t want this for us,”
“I’m tired, but less than yesterday,”
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goodvulture · 1 year
Tags Dump
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asexxxualerotica · 12 hours
Open RP Starter: A Freak on the Streets
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Rias had been looking forward to this for months now—as prim and proper of a hellish princess that she was, she was also a major metal and rock head, and had been wanting to attend a live concert for years now. Of course, her overprotective older brother and parents refused, worried of the sorts of dangers she could face if she went off to a live event like that on her own. So, of course, the easiest solution was to just not go on her own.
“So, how do I look?” Rias asked, swinging out of her private room at the club building, doing a quick twirl before her servant and companion for the night. She turned back around and flashed a wicked grin back at them. “It’s not too much, right—satan, I’m so excited! And thanks again for agreeing to come along—everyone else is busy, otherwise I would’ve brought the whole club. It just means a lot to me.”
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Open RP Starter: All Hall-Whores Eve
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(credit to JakeArmorsmith on Twitter)
The click-clack of heels across cobblestone and the faint jiggle of a cat bell followed Jaerik’s every move as she walked down the empty city street. It was well past midnight now—trick-or-treating had come to an end, most of the bars and clubs were shutting down, and even the private parties had all wrapped up. And yet the changeling beauty was still buzzing.
Jaerik loved Halloween—more than any other festival or holiday. It was one of those rare times in the year where the veil between the worlds became paper thin, when people reveled in the wild and weird and wonderful, and when she could really just let herself go and enjoy herself. And even with the late hour, she was far from done with her hunt for that fun.
At this late an hour, though, it was only a matter of time before she drew some less than welcome attention…
(Go nuts with her~)
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pokemonranch · 1 year
Hey! I'm Clayton (he/him). I'm an ex-trainer, and currently the owner of a private ranch on the outskirts of Canalave Town. We take care of abandoned, injured or just wild pokemon that happen to pass by!
I'm here to share my experiences on Pokémon care, post cute pics while working on the ranch, and answer any questions that you may have! Feel free to send any asks!
Here is a current list of my Pokemon:
Twig: Male Torterra, starter. I've been with him the longest, and he's my best friend. Would die for him.
Chompy: Female Garchomp. Absolute unit, loves head scratches
Hop: Male Hippowdon. Grumpy but non-aggresive. Will love you if you give him treats.
Shelly: Female Bastiodon, got her on an excavation back in Oreburgh. Close bond with Cranny
Cranny: Male Rampardos, originally from Oreburgh. Close bond with Shelly.
Dashy: Female Rapidash, helps 'round the ranch and the last addition to the battling team.
Beans: Male Kabuto, Newest member, non-battler. He just hangs 'round!!!
Plus a bunch other mons roaming free around the ranch!
// OOC
First, I run this blog as a side blog, so I'll like and follow from my main!! That being said:
Canon is based on games and anime. I treat Pokémon like Pokémon, not animals, so not very focused on animal-based realism and biology. Basically, very low stakes and mostly good vibes.
Im okay interacting with sentient pokémon, crossovers and other gimmick blogs! Again, not taking it very realistically :).
Both the mod behind this account and Clay are Hispanic, so please excuse any weird english or references to spanish names/towns. You're more than free to reference it or follow along for the bit lol.
I post in-character, but more ask/art focused than RP. I’m here for the bit mostly!!
I'm also an artist and any art that I post, unless specified otherwise, is made by me. I usually draw over funny pictures I find or photos I take myself, feel free to DM if you want the original ones
References for his current (and his younger) design:
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ask-ganondorf · 10 days
Ask Ganondorf!: The "About Page"
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[[Welcome to "Ask Ganondorf", a Legend of Zelda-themed askblog formerly exclusive to Cohost! This is the post where I do a little promoting and explain a few things. This is the mod speaking; I hope you enjoy your visit here, and don't forget to leave a message before you go~!]]
[[Continue below the cut for more information...]]
[[This is an old-fashioned character askblog, the kind that was popular on here about a decade ago. Want to ask Ganondorf something? Go right ahead! You don't even need to be a LoZ fan. An askblog lives and dies by audience interaction, so when in doubt... just send whatever ask you want! Don't be scared of the idea that someone else may have already asked what's on your mind, anonymous asks are enabled in case you're feeling shy or private. I don't mind "spam like"s, comments, or reblogs, either. You can ask the mod (me) things as well if you really want! Lore, clarifications, headcanons, boundaries... though some things may be left vague until the point where you can get the information out of Ganondorf himself, heheh...]]
[[This askblog is migrating from Cohost because of Cohost shutting down at the end of 2024. I never got much following there, but Cohost's more lax content/artwork guidelines shall be sorely missed. I am going to gradually cross-post what asks I did manage to answer on the original Cohost edition; I shall also try and go through the unanswered asks I have left over in the Cohost inbox and answer them here, in kindness and sadness...]]
[[The desktop theme of this blog is currently under heavy construction. Be patient, an evil king's castle can't be built overnight~!]]
[[The "timeline" and exact time this blog takes place in is intentionally left vague, but is very much Ocarina of Time-inspired at least in terms of aesthetics. This may change as the blog evolves and builds more interactions. It's also quite headcanon-heavy (as it must be, since Ganondorf gets so little deeper exploration in canon...), so prepare for lots of fun with that! I'm also open to old RP/ask blog community staples such as magic anons, special events, prompts, themed starters, etc... Again, don't be too afraid to try sending messages yourself! One last thing to bear in mind, however...]]
[[I am NOT the character featured on this blog. Views expressed in-character are not necessarily shared or intended to be promotion.]]
[[Some content on this blog may become "dark" given the villainous focus. This askblog is not recommended for children and certain posts may be marked 18+. Please discern fiction from reality and avoid assuming malicious or dangerous authorial intent. Message me directly if you require clarification, triggers tagged, or content warnings applied.]]
[[All that said, have fun! This post may expand in the future to something like a FAQ, and will remain pinned until I create proper subpages.]]
[[As for all that you really need to know about me, the moderator, personally...]]
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12thperigeeball · 10 months
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<(Dancing, flowing gowns and handsome suits,)> <(glittering baubles, laughter, luxurious food and the sweetest romance…)> <(It’s once again time for our favorite winter tradition.)> <(I’m looking forward to host my first ball and see you there.)> &lt;(Best regards,)> <(Your host... Kilran Barbas.)>
Who’s ready for the winter Yule ball?!
Welcome to the 12th Perigee Eve Ball, a winter event designed to let people show off their trolls in beautiful outfits and have a chance to crown a King, Queen, and Grand Couturier of 2023 and maybe even forge some new bonds and roleplays with friends old and new!
Please enjoy and see below for more details!
Attending is easy, since the invitation is open for everyone. Just keep an eye out for the official post about the inauguration for the ball on the 16th of December. After this, how you attend is up to you; whether you post openers under the ball’s open rp-tag, or if you rather roleplay in private, write drabbles or create art pieces, the event is your oyster!
It’s a GREAT opportunity to interact with people you’ve never interacted with before since trolls attending would naturally be in the same area, I highly recommend reaching out to people you normally don’t roleplay with these two nights!
You’ll find most you’ll need to know in the Guidelines, so make sure to read them!
That aside, you can also have your troll nominate a friend, quad, or even themselves, to be the Ball King and Queen, or Couturier! The winner will be crowned during the ball night, based on collected votes by everyone attending.
More information is likely to come up the incoming few weeks if needed! Please feel free to send asks if you got any questions regarding the event, just make sure to read the Guidelines first and check the Q&A-tag if anyone has already asked the same question. (Note that some asks may be from earlier years, but in most cases they still apply, ask if very unsure).
I recommend tracking and tagging everything ball related #12th perigee ball 2023, and for rp starters #12th perigee ball 2023 open!
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