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You know what? Fuck you! *un-quinnzels your molly*
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iama-weirdo · 4 months ago
Just spent hours drawing cause my friend wanted me to make him stickers of one of his favourite webtoon characters.
I'm so tired now ╥﹏╥
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Character is Cam from dead but not gone
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mahvaladara · 1 year ago
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Local Goddess Throws Sissy fit over desirable local bachelor's rejection. Local Bachelor said he didn't understand her behaviour, while baring his chest like an inflated prize winning peacock at an exotic bird's local fair.
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hootybal-lecter · 2 months ago
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rhapsoddity · 8 months ago
Not me only now realizing VSAU Sheriff has Blue eyes instead of the Brown eyes Jimmy normally has... is there a reason behind it or does he just have pretty boy privilege?
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I picked his eye colour from this plush of him instead of actually researching his eye colour 😭
By the time I'd realised his eyes are actually brown it was too late, his design was set in stone bdksbdkdndn
Sheriff is basically an OC at this point so he gets pretty blue eye privaliges
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angelicutz · 8 months ago
Explaining the Pretty Privalige in the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom because not many people seem to realize it
(Not defending any of these characters by the way just something i wanted to point out!!)
Lets take Dazai for an example
Dazai, a very much loved character among the community, while his looks overlook the fact that he's an abuser, a criminal, ect.
I suppose he's a well written character but just for the refrence
I'll put a list of stuff Dazai did for you people understand
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You didnt see many people talk about those things did you? Is it maybe because they're blinded by his stereotypical suicidal maniac twink of a personality? Well you would be right!!
Or Fyodor or Nikolai for example
Fyodor and Nikolai are both questionable characters aswell, they've killed many: men, women, children even without an ounce of remorse or guilt
But people still love them
And why's that? Its because of their looks, they're nice anime twink looks that get the community simping
Alright now we're gonna switch up a little
Most people in the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom arent too fond of Fukuchi
Despite the fact that the people i listed before might potentially be worse than him (high emphasis on might and potentially)
Fukuchi is a well written character you have to admit, but lets get to the root of his slander
People often slander him for being a dickhead, an old man, being ugly, ect
Now lets look at the other characters his age aswell
Fukuzawa, he's adored by the community and i can see why. But do you think he'd get all this validation if he wasnt an attractive twilf (Twink + Dilf)? Yea think about it
So in conclusion: The things you do/done arent a problem no matter how bad they are as long as you're attractive
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on-noon · 2 years ago
Happy WBW! What does coming of age look like in your world? At what age is someone an adult and what does being an adult mean? Are there ceremonies to mark this, less formal social shifts, or just a legal change?
in my main fantasy world, the different cultures have different ways of coming of age.
in Dracon, people come of age essentially when they bond with a dragon (there are a few exceptions, of course, sometimes people don't bond with a dragon at the proper time). This happens at around 13, I think (maybe older), & although they're still in school (but now the special boarding school) they've got some adult privaliges like voting
For Oranth, there's a coming-of-age ceremony at the solstice festival, where everyone whose fifteen becomes of age. This is becoming less relevant (honestly, the solstice festival is becoming less relevant. Some people are getting married having never attended one), but it's still the main coming-of-age thing. (even if some people still have to go to school for a bit after because of the weird way school is in Oranth)
In Rakan, the traditional way to come of age (at least in noble families) is to defy your parents. Basically you've gotta be more powerful than them to officially come of age, at least in those circles. Elsewhere in Oranth, people are usually considered to be of age after 16, once they've graduated from school.
thanks for the ask!
words written for this ask: 104
total words for motivation experiment: 22,429
project worked on: life friends & friendship ends
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vampireteaspoon · 2 years ago
Ik im a little late to the party but seriously, fuck those people at the mcr concerts (yk who im talking about). I legit cant express how angry they make me. I went to mcr okc, my mom bought tickets for my birthday, cheapest seats in the arena, literally against the back wall, highest level of the nosebleeds. And guess what: i had the most fucking incredible time of my entire life. The privalige of those people to shit on others who can’t afford barricade tickets for THIRTY DATES as well as refusing to hand out water and such?? And the whole “number system?“ what the fuck.
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throughthegateways · 2 years ago
The Confederación Revolucionaria de Campesinos
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(Flag designed by the very talented friend of mine who goes by Lady Laviscious over on the Guild where this is all hosted.) Despite all of the Republic's attempts at making their rule strong and eternal with a hefty dose of both carrot and stick, some people will always carry the rallying cry of 'Libertad o Muerte.' The Campesinos are perhaps the most high-minded of these groups, being the closest thing the Republic has to a true revolutionary left wing. Although they call themselves 'Campesinos,' they've long since developed beyond their original roots of self-sufficient frontier colonists trying to make a living beyond the senate's eyes. Instead, they agitate for the end of the patrician/plebian caste system and the abolishment of the copious 'privaliges' the patricians receive, massive land and voting reform, and a return to what they view as the halcyon days of the early colonial technocracy, where workers within various fields democratically elected their representatives.
The Senate of course, sees them as little more than backwards-thinking rabble, trying to pull the nation closer towards the same ideals that doomed not only the technocracy, but also old Earth itself. Regardless of whom you believe though, one thing is apparent. The Campesinos aren't going anywhere, and they're not going to stop agitating. They don't have the numbers or material to grow political power from the barrel of a gun yet, but, well... That just might change. Up next: KotSaS as an RTS faction.
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ramrodd · 7 months ago
Do you agree with JD Vance's statement that Tim Walz let "rioters burn down Minneapolis"?
This is a variation on the white supremacit theme of William F. Buckley’s Negro Problem rebuttal to James Baldwin’s critical race theory proposals of BLM in 1965. The “Negro Problem” is an organizing principle of Project 2025, which is a not-so-secrete white supremacist society committed to the white privilege of the Ivy League schools and William and Mary, In fact, the whote SEC.
James Madison cribbed quite a bit from John Knox’s Book of Discipline of the Scots Presbyterian Church. John Know had bee a slave on a French gallieon for a number of years. James Madison was a slave owner and he wove a certain amount of white privilege into Knox’s racially indifferent structures. Woodrow Wilson, as a child of slave owners, put that putrid bigotry disguised as scientific racism into federal policy by importing the Jim Crow laws of former slave states that the Nazis based their Munich Racial Laws of the Final Solution on.
At that’s the true policy difference between Harris and Trump is the libertarian logic of the Negro Problem. This is the fallacy of Ayn Rand’s Virtue of Selfishness applied to white privalige as chaaracterizd by Bill Ackman as “merit”. The Ivy League socialism of Project 2025.
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puppyhasthoughts · 8 months ago
Yolk: “All that matters for them is I get good enough that my dad doesn’t take the mick”
STFU YOLK. You’re in such a privaliged position with multiple unconditional university offers. While I and so many others have to sit tight and not even know what uni I’m going to.
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canirove · 11 months ago
I also think he was very privaliged growing up when he said he has to pick between football and cricket to go pro he seemed to have lots of opportunities and his parents pushed him massively
Talent also is important. If you don't have it, you won't make it. But yeah, growing up things didn't seem to be too difficult for him even though he probably struggled sometimes like any human being does.
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pumpkinstep · 10 months ago
we actually don't get to retire anymore either.
given the current state of things, many of us have had that option stripped from us and we will more than likely be working none stop until we die.
here it's not uncommon to get only one day off per week for our jobs and some people who work on call may be lucky to get a proper day off at all.
here in the states, even calling out sick is looked down upon by many companies and they had to pass a law to make it so that you cannot be fired for calling out sick frequently, so as to protect the chronically disabled/ill. At least in washington state it's law. I'm not sure if it's a federal law though.
Not to mention, vacation time is hardly ever used as vacation time. Unless you've got money and plans, it usually ends up getting used as sick time, because Americans don't get paid to be sick and many jobs don't have sick time hours < the amount of hours you're allowed to be sick and paid for.
ultimately, after school, the only way to take an extended break from work is to quit your job and live with your parents/friends for a while, or even be homeless for a few years.
as far as I know it, taking a proper vacation where you aren't contacted by your company constantly/contacted at all, because as stated before vacations are for folks in higher privaliged positions such as office workers, managers, and the like, by the company you work for.
heck, even normal folks who work at fast food joints or retail nowadays always have to be available to work at a moments notice according to many of the hiring ads I've been seeing lately.
Recently, Kentucky passed a bill legalizing the murder and life imprisonment of homeless people and anyone who accidentally damages their apartment more than three times whilst moving out. from what I can tell, it's to kill people who cannot participate in the rat race and ensnare those who can into cheap industrial slave labor.
it's really bad here.
I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.
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squid-diary · 1 year ago
one cool thing about my life is that I'm privaliged beyond belief and I still hate my life and want to die, which probably means as soon as my life gets any harder I will actually just kill myself
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bolters-and-rivets · 1 year ago
so, this week I got the privalige of getting to meet a very special old lady.
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this is War Department "protected" Simplex No. LR3090 (MR1369 of 1918).
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lesbonoi · 2 years ago
pretty privalige
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