#molly quinnzel
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I need to share my OC that I got bullied on Pinterest for
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This is Molly Quinnzel if you recognize the name and character um hi I deleted my Pinterest while I was having a mental breakdown pls don't be mad-
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ardentmuse · 6 years ago
At All Costs (Charlie Weasley x Reader) - Epilogue
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Harry Potter - Charlie Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Masterlist // Series Masterlist
A/N: No warnings, just a few months later. And just know that just because this series is done doesn’t mean we’re done with Charlie. I WILL NEVER BE DONE WITH CHARLIE. k, you may proceed
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Sunlight shone through the window panes, casting streaks of light across the down comforter under which you and Charlie still laid intertwined, clinging to each other and avoiding the inevitable start of yet another day. As the sun grew higher in the sky, the shafts of light crept closer and closer to your eyes, closed in false sleep. The light was catching at Charlie’s hair, illuminating the tiny space between your bodies with a kaleidoscope of reds, yellows and bronzes, like fireworks for your pillows. You felt your hand come up to brush at the hairs before you even knew you were doing it.
“G’mornin’,” Charlie mumbled at the feel of your fingers. It was hard to make out the words with how quickly he tugged on your waist to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
You lifted your head to look around Charlie’s small cabin. You recalled another time, almost exactly a year ago, when you were reclined in bed like this, with Charlie’s head against your chest and the sun informing you of your need to leave. It was the darkest day of your life in some ways, leaving Charlie behind to dive towards likely death. But today, as you looked at the empty bookshelves and the stacks of boxes all marked for delivery to your new homes, you found yourself smiling; one last day enjoying the feel of your husband in this secluded place, the place where you learned to love him so deeply, the place that hurt so much to leave because you were never sure when you would return to his side again, a place that was Charlie’s alone, no matter how much he opened his life and his heart to you. You were only a little sad to see it go.
“We have to go soon, Charlie,” you said into his hair when you estimated the sun had reached its peak in the sky.
“Just one more hour,” he whined, wrapping his legs around you in a grip so tight you couldn’t leave if you wanted to, his muscular thighs securing you in a way that you wouldn’t have minded had he intended something more with it.
You sighed and fell back against the pillows as Charlie peppered your collarbone with kisses. You let out a huff as his lips moved towards the hollow of your neck. With you next breath, Charlie flipped himself on top of you, now truly caging you in his embrace.
“I promise I’ll make it worth your time, love,” he whispered before capturing your lips. You shut your eyes to feel him fully, the gentle pressure his mouth applied, the warm soft curve of his flesh and the sweet taste he gave you each time he moved against you. Somehow each kiss was still magic, no matter how many you shared or how frequently. Soul bound, you thought to yourself, two individuals each their own but made their best together. Charlie was it for you, and the fact that you thought you could just walk away even for such a noble cause as the one you did was laughable in moments like this.
“Scotland is a long trip,” you managed between breaths once Charlie pulled away.
Charlie’s face lit in the most beautiful smile he had ever sent your way. “We aren’t just going to Scotland, love,” he said as he ran a hand across your forehead to cup your jaw. “We’re going home.”
He kissed you once more, deep and passionate, like the thought itself consumed him with passion.
Home. Your home together. Ten years now, ten years of living apart, of sharing stolen weekends and holidays, all of which had to come to an end. Home. Your heart swelled at the word and at the thought of coming home to Charlie each and every day, of seeing his smiling face and eating the meal he prepared you, of kissing his lips each night as you drank your tea by the fire, of holding his hand and feeling his body against you as you slept, of being together the way you had always wanted to be.
You kissed him so deeply, putting all the love and passion you felt for him in your lips. You felt the tears rolling down your cheeks as Charlie’s hands hold your hips. His skin is softer than you had ever felt it, despite the scars and burns that still litter his hands and forearms. A week off work had indeed done a world of good for him.
A loud pounding on the door pulled you both from your embrace. You yelped and tightened the blankets around yourself. No one would stumble upon your cabin so deep in the Romanian wilderness randomly. But for some reason Charlie was smiling.
“Oy, Charles,” George called from the other side of the door, “You better be dressed in there because I am giving you ten seconds before I --”
“Oh no, you don’t!” Charlie yelled at the door, jumping out of bed and pulling on his jeans in a stumbled walk towards the door. “I’ll distract them while you dress, yeah?” Charlie said you way before he opened the door and slipped outside.
“Them?” you said but Charlie was already outside with his brother. You shook yourself from your daze and popped out of bed, throwing on the only pair of jeans and shirt that still sat outside the trunks. But as you looked around at the luggage you had filled, you only now realized that you had never discussed how you were actually getting everything across the continent.
You shook your head. Those Weasleys.
Just as you were throwing on your socks, George entered, followed by Ginny. Charlie stood at the door shaking his head. The rest of the Weasley clan, including Fleur, Hermione, and Harry, came in, each taking a trunk as Molly commanded them. By the time you pulled on your shoes, the entire cottage was empty.
“Efficient family, you got there,” you said to your husband as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder to lead  you out to the portkey.
“Yep, we do,” Charlie said with a smile as he watched his family gather in the woods to help you journey back to the UK. “If only they’d help us unpack all this stuff in our new house in Hogsmeade, too.”
As you crunched through the leaves, Hermione turned to you as said, “Ready to leave this place behind, Y/N?”
Before you could answer, Ginny interrupted her with a giggle, “It’s Professor Weasley to you now, ‘Mione.”
Hermione smiled. “Finally someone competent to teach us Defense against the Dark Arts.”
“And family,” Ginny added. You were smiling at the praise, leaning even harder into Charlie’s arms, feeling the warmth of the family you shared, the family that loved you so, the family that was helping to bring you home.
As you all stood around the shovel that denoted the first leg of your journey, Charlie leaned down to give you a kiss, a simple peck upon your lips. You watched his eyes roam back to the cottage and with a sigh, he took your hand in his.
“You know, it’s okay to be sad,” you assured him. He simply ran his fingers across your knuckles. “This was your life for so long.”
“I know,’ he confirmed with a chuckle, “But you’re my life now. And soon those feisty Hebridean Blacks will be too.”
You found yourself laughing at the idea that Charlie was somehow excited to be working with something even bigger and more dangerous. He was worse than you sometimes, but Godric did you love this man, warts and all.
“To a new chapter?” he asked with a breath, breaking you from your thoughts as he reached for the portkey.
“To a new adventure,” you confirmed, grabbing at the portkey and watching the cabin, the woods, and the whole of the world you had known together, disappear in a swirl of color and chaos.
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A/N: thank you all for coming on this journey with me. I hope you enjoyed it. If you liked this story, please check out my masterlist for more one shots and series. But also keep an eye out for my next series, starting in just three weeks and starring a different lovely Weasley sibling by the name of George. Cheers! 
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At All Costs tags: @trentadepresso, @pollytypes, @tatlikar, @semicharmedkindofali, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @cucumberinmyass, @sugarrusheb, @kaitlynnn27, @soosahya, @sugerquill, @allonsymexgirl, @fuckboylukey, @dooriha, @igotmadskills, @thatlittlered, @rupard7, @awkwardcora, @tessimagines, @ineeduhnap, @caramiriel, @starryrevelations, @otherthingsinhead, @reallykosborne, @anarchtayreads. @agirlwhoneedalittlelovingtonight, @humblemei, @littlegeekwonder, @owlsarebirdstoo, @kriegsmelone, @oboewan-kenobi, @jayrart, @bees-love-books, @theboywhocriedlupin, @earthwaterfall, @amberisnotcrazy, @jesslovesfandom, @justducky0423, @bananafosters-and-books, @stellar-amo, @indicisive-af, @yhound, @batgirl-87, @tellmyselflies, @graymountaingal, @blxxdy-hell, @missihart23, @one-stately-raven, @lonikje, @thatswhatmakesyoumiserable, @lady-efriyeet, @i-padfootblack-things, @diamondgirl1111, @hypotheticalforest, @lunarinne, @b0rkk, @fandoms-allovertheplace, @cinnamoncam, @cutie-bug, @bloodangelballerina, @maralisa124, @arthurianbisexual, @0-lost-in-stereo-0, @basically-hayley, @weasleyismyking540, @bethanystan, @fandomfindings , @sassyvetstudent, @that-new-york-girl. @dancing-in-embers, @eh-ilikestuff, @whysoseriouspadfoot, @deannaraquel, @goldenbabby, @mybabys-gunsnroses,  @broken-pieces, @fearlessmaxima, @quinnzel-emillee-moore, @hogwarts-is-home-gryffindor, @br00dy-elf, @wnygirl2012, @firekissedwitchbitch, @mythicalamphitrite, @steph-fowlie, @kneazlesgetitdone
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @starryrevelations, @potter-thinking, @all-by-myself98
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You know what? Fuck you! *un-quinnzels your molly*
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