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simplylib · 11 months ago
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Who is Priscilla?
Born into a life of secrecy, I grew up to become the sister clone of Liberty. My government training raised me to be just as deadly, minus the enemies and scandals. There I adopted the nickname ‘Lib’, short for Liberty.
While serving in the IAA, I carefully removed.. sensitive traces from Liberty’s troubled past. No family races, no more Liberty City agency records. A final, clean slate for the woman who saw too much. Ending the FIB commander who left Liberty for dead on the beach was the final piece of the puzzle. Mission complete.
After that that, I was free to Lib live. And for the sake of her friends, I went from brunette to redhead and gave Liberty another chance at life.
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mjsloveslave · 1 year ago
Oscar Pristorious
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l-renckencopy · 7 years ago
Radio Advert Script: 30 Secs
Title:                     30 Second Eternity
Client:                  Sun City
Medium:              Radio
Length:                40 seconds
Writer:                 Lillian Rencken
 Production Note:
Girl 1:                   Uhhh, 007?
Boy 1:                   Uhm, bah bah, James Bond.
Girl 1:                   Yes! Ok, uh, February 14th?
Boy 1:                   Valentine’s day.
Girl 1:                   Opposite of Coke?
Boy 1:                   Pepsi?
Girl 1:                   Yes, uhm, uhm, uhm, legless runner that killed his girlfriend.
Boy 1:                   Something Pritorious, uhm, Pikachu? I don’t know!
Girl 1:                   Ok he went to court, it was a big media thing.
Boy 1:                   Michael Jackson?
Boy 2:                   Time!
Girl 1:                   Oscar Pristorious. How did you not get that?! It was a huge thing!!!
Boy 1:                   What do you want from me?
Girl 2:                   Hey guys it’s just a game, calm down.
Girl 1:                   It’s not just a game, it general knowledge!
ANNCR:               Don’t let half a minute ruin a whole evening. Rather enjoy the fun, thrills and relaxation of Sun City that will bring you closer, not further apart. Sun City, a world within a city.
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julkanovotna · 8 years ago
Zútulnite si svoj domov
Sťahovanie sa do vlastného priestoru môže predstavovať pre ľudí mnoho otázok. Sama som sa už neraz sťahovala a preto viem, aké náročné to vie byť. Ak patríte k tým šťastlivcom, ktorí sa sťahujú do vlastného priestoru, dám vám pár rád, ako sa zabývať tak, aby ste sa v novom priestore cítili ako doma. Útulne a bezpečne. Poriadok Presne ako Vám mamy a staré mamy hovorili, pokiaľ nebudete mať doma poriadok, nebudete sa cítiť dobre. Sama som tomuto prišla na chuť až teraz, ked' vo vlastnom bývam. Nikdy ma nebavilo upratovať spoločné pristory, lebo neboli moje a nemala som k nim taký vzťah. No akonáhle má človek svoj vlastný byt či dom a záhradu, mal by sta k tomu stavať inak. Čo si neurobíte sami, nespraví za Vás nik. Alebo v tom opačnom prípade, si na to môžete najať ľudí, ktorí sa Vám o poriadok či záhradu postarajú. Stojí Vás to však súkromie a peniaze. Preto si domov udržiavajte. Bude sa Vám v ňom ľahšie dýchať, a budete sa v ňom cítiť naozaj doma. Dám Vám jednu dobrú radu. Vždy ak odchádzate z domu na dlhší čas, dom si upracte. Nenechajte v kuchyni špinavý riad a na stoličke celý šatník vecí. Domov sa Vám ma spájať s niečím pozitívnym, nie s neporiadkom a špinou. Budete mať dobrý pocit, ak budete mať uprataný aj svoj dom. Koniec koncov je to aj forma relaxácie. Ak budete domov udržiavať čistý, nebudete mať problém kedykoľvek spontánne pozvať k sebe aj priateľov. Dekorácie To v akom štýle si chcete zariadiť domov je na Vás. Je však množstvo dizajnovývh vychytávok, vd'aka ktorým si ho môžte ešte viac zkrášliť. Napríklad také kahance či svietniky. Vyzerajú skvelo a efektne, aj ked' v nich práve nič nehorí. Potom sú to deky a vankúše, navodia pocit pohodlia. Kvety, ale prosím čerstvé! Na umelé sadá zbytočne prach, ktorý dýchate a nepôsobia veľmi esteticky. Potom to môžu byť rôzne kamienky, kamene či vázy. V nedoslednom rade netreba zabudnúť na fotografie vašich najbližších, ktorí takisto patria do vášho srdca. Oblepte si nimi dom. Alebo len obyvačku či chodbu. Pekne vám môžu poslúžiť aj fotoobrazy, ktoré pekne vyniknú na veľkých plochách. Pokojne si zvečnite svadobnú fotografiu, rodinnú fotku z detstva či dovolenky. Doma by ste sa mali obklopovať všetkým, čo máte radi a lahodí vášmu vkusu.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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When I fully formed, they codenamed me Priscilla. A name friends know me by, posing as a relative to Liberty. Working hard to grow closer to who she was. Liberty instructed me to figure out if a version of her would still hold a place in this world after she passed. If so, she would ask me to become that person. Now I have realized this world held a place for both of us.
Learning about her taught me more of who I needed to be. We did this for Liberty. My life started because of her and because of this, I became her. My birth is the only way she could escape her early death. Liberty had to pass away for Lib to live. For that I am both very sad and very thankful.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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That cocoon grew to form me, an imperfect clone of Liberty. After hatching I too lacked features Liberty was known for. The maniacal violence, the curiosity to keep pushing boundaries. My looks may resemble Liberty, but we were never identical. And maybe she never wanted us to be.
Liberty left me photos and stories of what her life was like, as she did with this site. Hearing your stories, feeling your pain. This taught me her mind, her choices and the nature of all her relationships. Liberty loved all of you so much that she was afraid to never be enough. Even in death.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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Before Liberty passed, she took part in project ‘Maizulen’. A confidential cloning experiment that produced mixed results. Clones didn’t look alike and lacked personality. In an extreme attempt to delay her aging deadline, scientists morphed Liberty’s DNA into something like a cocoon. Stored away for later use.
Studies showed the clone cocoon didn’t hatch because my replicated biological parts lacked autonomy. Not long before Liberty passed, energy transferred from her body into my cocoon - jumpstarting the DNA hatching process everyone hoped for. We still don’t know how that happened or what triggered it. One of the many mysteries Liberty took to her grave.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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In just a few weeks, effective February 20th, the Los Santos Government is enforcing the NoPro act - banning us from doing any type of promotional shoot in our country. We are fighting the best we can to have this overturned, but my fear is that us creators will have to leave the country by the 20th. But there are still so many Liberty stories to tell - and she specifically instructed me to create some Lib stories of my own.
So today, I am taking over Liberty’s blog and updating everything - including writing posts to honor both our stories as the Los Santos era comes to a close. We hope you’ll have fun reading what we were up to. It was, after all, a truly American story.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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As a free ‘clone’ I remember the things Liberty told me. There were… loose ends she couldn’t tie up because she didn’t get the time to do so. For her, I made sure to tie up those loose ends. After Liberty died in 2021, we kept everyone in the dark about my existence. We went after Liberty’s snitch from Liberty City. We made sure her friends were still doing okay. We gave her a life after her life.
It’s simply too long of a story to go into great detail in one post. Know that from today on, I - Priscilla - go through life as ‘Lib’ and as a version of Liberty, I am compelled to complete the story she started on this website. Because things are taking a turn for the worst.
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simplylib · 11 months ago
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Hi there. No easy way to introduce this, so allow me to explain why you are reading this. Before Liberty passed away, she took part in an experimental cl… training program by the government. They stored her DNA and manipulated it so that they could eventually help her get better. Only she didn’t. Liberty died and your government started a cloning program. By now you’ve caught on - I was made to be a clone of Liberty.
Liberty learned of my existence right before she passed. They codenamed me “Priscilla”, after Liberty’s mother. In the facility, they made me train extensively to resemble our favourite redhead. Only, some things I just couldn’t be. The program was considered a failure and they came to shut us down. Only, I shut the whole division down. Permanent.
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