#prison break fanfiction
eerycurlew53 · 9 months
Good Person
*Michael has morality issues*
Michael couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned. It’s hot. Too hot. The sheets are all twisted and constricting him. His pillow is too warm.
Fernando drapes his arm over Michaels body. Gently, he took it away and moved onto his side, yawning. He doesn’t know what time it is, all Michael knows is that it’s late, he’s tired and he can’t sleep.
Fernando wraps his arm around him. Michael takes his arm away, still feeling hot.
Sucre huffs and puts his arm back around him. Michael sighs loudly. “Are you awake?“ he asks quietly. “Yes, it’s a bit hard not to be when you’re tossing and turning like that.” He answers, taking his arm away from Michaels body.
Sucre grabs a hold of his hand and puts it up to his mouth, kissing Michaels knuckles gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong, I’m fine.” He lies.
“Don’t tell me that bullshit Papi, I know when somethings wrong.” Michael sighs again. “Earlier you called me a good person, I don’t get why.”
“Because you are.” He answers in a very sure of himself tone.
Michael shakes his head, “No, no I’m not. I used and lied to so many people. I got their trust just to betray them. I’ve hurt so many emotionally and physically.”
“Oh.” Fernando says softly, now understanding what’s going on.
“Remember when you told me that you would be prepared to do anything or get Linc out, even if it costs an arm and a leg?” Michael just nods, “does this not apply here?”
“Yes but-“
“You told me you would do anything to get him out and help your family, it applies.”
“You’re still a good person whether you believe it or not.” Sucre kisses his knuckles again. “The fact that you’re even worrying about it, proves that you’re not as bad as you think you are.”
Michael moves to rest his head on Fernando’s chest. He closes his eyes and listens to the soothing sound of Sucres heartbeat.
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origamiopossums · 1 month
Master List Of My Prison Break Fics
Decided to make a list of my PB fics, since the number continues to grow! All are on AO3 and tagged pretty dang thoroughly.
★ At The Heart of Cell 40 - Sucre/Michael, a fluffy getting together story based in canon. Rated T.
★And I Inherited My Health - A character study of Theodore Bagwell, dwelling on his past while he terrorizes Seth. Based in canon. Rated M.
★ It Just Screams Out Loud - T-Bag/Male OC. Based in my longfic Broken Machines. Exhibitionism, unhealthy devotion, and just all around very toxic stuff going on here. Rated E.
★ Push If You Still Need My Pain - T-Bag/Male OC. Also based in my longfic Broken Machines. Devotion, getting together, edging, unhealthy angst and romance. Rated E.
★ I Think You'd Like It If I Died - T-Bag/Lincoln. Season 5 canon based. Angst. Hate sex. Rated E.
★ Trying To Find A Place Where I Belong - T-Bag/Lincoln. Fluff and getting together. A partner piece to I Think You'd Like It If I Died . Much sweeter and nicer than that fic. Rated T.
★ Broken Machines - WIP. T-Bag/Lincoln/Male OC. Michael/Sara/Mahone. Lots of love for poly ships here. Canon divergence fic that started when I was a teenager wondering how the story would have changed if T had actually had someone who gave a shit about him growing up. Very dark, so mind the tags. Goes through the entire series with changes made due to new characters and dynamics. Really focused on digging into Linc and T as characters. Rated E.
★ Nuclear Blue Coffee Company - WIP. T-Bag/Lincoln/Male OC. Some Michael/Sara focus. Coffee Shop AU gone wrong. Really more of a hitman/assassin AU. Violence abound. Rated E.
★ Chasing Origami Swans - WIP. T-Bag/Lincoln/Male OC. Michael/Sara. An AU where Michael and Lincoln grow up to work for The Company instead of against it. T-Bag becomes a senator. Sara is caught in the middle of everything due to her father. Rated E.
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jojo0039 · 1 year
Fox River - Pilot Part 1
**Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or plot of prison break. I only own Jessica, Jason, and my other add-ons. **
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Jessica is in her car heading to the station. She has a lot on her mind. Her ex-husband's execution is coming up and she keeps getting calls from his son wanting to talk. Just then her radio comes on.
 "We have a 132 in progress at the Chicago National Savings Bank. All officials closest please respond." Jessica snaps to attention. 
She is only two blocks over. She turns on her lights and races over to the bank. She gets out and spots the officer in charge.
 " What do we got?" she asks showing her badge to the officer. 
"One man armed, he already has the money but hasn't left let. We heard gunshots, but nothing else." the officer tells her.
 "OK go ahead and try to make contact." she says to him grabbing her gun and standing behind the police car.
 " This is the police." the officer says into the speaker. 
"You are completely surrounded. Drop your weapon and come out with your hands on your head!" he speaks loudly. 
Jessica holds her breath and prepares for the worst.
 She sees that the man drops his weapons and heads to the officer.
 "OK follow my lead." she says to him as they step inside.
 She prepares for a fight but is not prepared for who is in front of her.
 She stops dead in her tracks in surprise.
 "Michael?" she asks in shock as she sees her smart and successful ex-brother-in-law standing in front of her. 
She watches as the officer handcuffs him and leads him to the car.
2 days later, she is sitting in the middle aisle of the courtroom where Michael is having his hearing. She sees that her younger sister is representing him. She looks over when the door opens and sees LJ walk in. He quickly spots her and sits down beside her.
 "Hey, how are you holding up?" she whispers to him. 
He just shakes his head and engulfs her in a hug. She puts her arm around him and hugs him to her tightly. She listens on as the hearing starts.
"Rarely for an armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest." The judge says before looking over to Michael. 
"Are you sure about this Mr. Scofield?" she asks him. 
Jess looks over at him to see what he would say.
 "I'm sure your honor." he says with certainty. 
Jess looks at him in confusion but holds her breath as her sister speaks up.  
"Your honor we would like to recess. My client is not thinking right at the moment." Jessica still gets angry from hearing Veronica's voice.
 LJ looks up at her. 
"What's happening? Why is Uncle Mike not doing anything to defend himself?" he asks her with a look that breaks her heart.
 Poor kid, having to see his father in prison, now his uncle too.
"I don't know kid. I don't know." she whispers to him.
 She hears the judge declare recess and looks up and sees the defeated look on her sister as Michael looks over at the two of them.
 LJ stands up as they start to lead Michael out. 
"Uncle Mike?" LJ pleads as Michael looks over at him. 
"I didn't want you to come." he tells him softly. 
"Go home LJ. Jess make sure he gets home please?" he asks her looking at her. 
"I didn't want you to see this. Neither of you." he says as the bailiff leads him out. 
Jess watches with a heavy heart as they take him back. 
She wraps her arm around LJ and pulls him out of the room. 
"I need you to stay here for a second. Then I'll take you home OK." she says leading him to the waiting room.
 "It's OK Jess. I wanna walk to clear my head." he tells her before giving her another tight hug.
 "It was good to see you. I miss you." he whispers 
She hugs him back.
 "I miss you too kid. Every day." she says back.
 He lets go of her and backs away and heads outside.
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Jessica starts walking back to the holding cells.
 She catches up with Veronica and Michael. 
"He is not going to take this well." she hears him say.
 She scoffs before walking around the bailiff to walk beside Veronica.
 "Can you blame him." she says glaring at the both of them. 
"He's your nephew. He's starting to think anyone he attaches himself to is going to wind up in prison." Jess says as Michael goes into the cell. 
"He's not the only one starting to feel that way Michael." Veronica says as the bailiff locks him in.
 "Can you give us a minute please?" Veronica asks him. 
He nods and walks away so he isn't in hearing distance. 
"What are you thinking?" Jess asks him.
 " Ronnie just did everything she could but you just threw that book right into the judge's hands didn't you." Jess states lecturing him.
 Veronica glances at her in shock. It has been a while since Jess defended or complimented her.
 "I know." Michael says looking at both of them.
 "Will you please tell us what is going through your head?" Veronica asks wanting to know why he is making this easy.
 "We've all been over this." Jess rolls her eyes. 
"We have known you our entire lives. You do not have a lying bone in your body." Veronica says to him.
 "And we all know you definitely didn't need the money." Jess inputs..
 "Guys please." Michael pleads. 
"You both have been good to me my whole life. Jess you have been the best sister-in-law a guy can ask for and Veronica you have been an amazing best friend. But you both have to just let me do this please." he tells the both of them.
 Jess just looks at him with tears in her eyes. 
She turns around and walks out without another word to either of them.
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theautismcorner · 1 month
Once again begging for more people to watch Prison Break. If you like smart, tattooed, autistic men you will like this show. If you like crime shows then please give it a chance. You like when people punch cops? You’ll like this show. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW AND WRITE FANFIC ABOUT IT
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cringe-y-gumi · 1 month
You know how those random fun facts about historical figures seem? Like, "Did you know that this guy likes sucking his thumb?" Yeah
That and a modern AU where Dream and Techno's descendants are friends and one of them came across a video saying "Fun fact: Did you know that the infamous speed runner and tyrant feared by many in Java era, Dream, apparently likes to take off his pants in front of others showing off his back?" And Techno's descendant would be like, "Lol, Isn't that your ancestor?"
Both of them are unaware of their lineage tho so Dream's descendant would be like: "He's literally not. He can't be." (He refused to be his descendant just because of that). Dream's descendant, which now carries the last name "Wastaek," knows that their family is native in the mainland— which used to be controlled and ruled by Dream as much as they knew. Even so, he doesn't believe they could be in the same lineage since Dream has no official last name (tbh most of them in that era). And Techno's descendant would say, "You don't know that a hundred percent."
Then they'll have a stupid argument about their "ancestors" unbeknownst to them, a reincarnated Techno, with all of his memories, was listening and thinking to himself: "Lol Dream, they got you there..." He can't help but wonder if Dream was also reincarnated somewhere and if they'll ever meet in this lifetime.
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atinytokki · 7 months
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Notorious space pirate Kim Hongjoong has turned himself over to the authorities in return for clemency for his crew. His execution is set to be an intergalactic spectacle telecast live across the galaxies. ATEEZ are left adrift, but they aren't giving up. This will be their greatest heist yet: stealing their captain back. 
Originally written for the 8 Makes 1 Family Fest and cross-posted to ao3 and wattpad. First chapter here!
Comment if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters :)
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 years
An in-universe idea for what Ren is doing instead of Limited Life
On AO3
Falling hurts.
Landing hurts more.
"It worked!"
Ren spits out a mouthful of dirt and rolls over onto his back. He really should be on his feet now, scanning for danger, but he's winded and wobbly and his vision is swirling with purple particles.
He thinks he might throw up actually.
He really doesn't want to throw up. Throwing up sucks.
"Ren, can you hear me?"
He manages a wheeze in response to the vaguely familiar voice.
"Are we sure it worked right? I don't think he's supposed to be that color."
"That's probably just a side effect, Lizzie."
"Oh, yeah. That would make sense."
Ren gasps in a breath. And another. It's easier now, though he still feels like if he moves at all his stomach will come up out his throat, dragging all his entrails along with it. His vision is less blurry now, he can see the...ceiling?
It's the ceiling of a house. Out of the corner of his eye he can see bright curtains hanging on a day-lit window. It seems oddly incongrous, given the violent tingle of magic shivering through every atom of his body. Does whoever this is have no sense of appropriate theatrics? Whatever this is should be happening in a basement at least.
It's a lot of magic actually. Now that he's thinking about it, he can't really feel his fingers. Or his hands. Or like, his body.
His vison is suddenly obscured by pink. A lot of pink.
Pink hair, specifically, and a very familiar face.
"Hello, Shadow Knight!"
"Shadow Lady," Ren manages to gasp back out and she grins at him. All sharp teeth and carefully controlled anger.
She smells different, then she had on the Game Server, Ren notices. She had smelled like the forest there, gradually becoming part of it as the games progressed. (That happens sometimes. The Game Servers decide to shape them for its own purposes. The way your body began to disintegrate on your red life in the first one. The way Ren went through several full moons with no more than a distant ache in his bones.) Here she smells...not quite human. A step to the left in a way that raises the hair on his arms. Ozone and ash and saltwater and blood.
"Give him room to breathe, Lizzie. We did just yank him through the Void with no warning."
Ren decides not to think about that right now and just focus on breathing and convincing his internal organs to stay put.
Eventually he is able to sit up and look around.
He's in what looks like the sitting room of a perfectly normal house (if it werent for the ripped up carpet and the sigils scorched into the floorboards.)
The curtains are pale blue and the carpet (or what remains of it) is black and white and there are photos hung on the wall, tournament trophies above the fire place.
LDShadowLady sits criss cross on the floor across from him, staring at him intently. Behind her is another familiar face and Mumbo waves almost sheepishly from his awkward perch on what looks like it was once a pristine sofa but at some point it had caught fire and the side nearer Ren is little more than a singed frame and piles of soggy ash.
The photo on the wall directly behind ShadowLady is of her in a wedding dress, spinning hand in hand with SmallishBeans in a suit, Solidarity in the background making a face at the camera.
"Welcome back," She sounds appropriately ominous at least. Always a pleasure to work with someone who understands drama.
"Why have you summoned me, Lady."
He's not 100% sure that's what has happened, but it seems a safe bet and it sounds good either way.
She cocks her head to the side and smiles. "I didn't. She did." And gestures grandly to something behind Ren's head.
It's another woman. A hybrid of some kind, Ren isn't sure what exactly but she smells like primate and her ears and eyes are large and the dappled fur at her temples is a soft grey that is almost lavender purple.
"Hello Ren," The mystery woman greets him. "My name is Netty. Netty Plays. I believe you know my husband."
Ren has no idea who she's talking about but before he can respond Mumbo leans forward on the sofa, working clay mixed with redstone through his fingers, back and forth, kneading it. It's a common stress response Ren has observed in him.
"There's another Game Server happening." Mumbo tucks the red-clay away in his inventory and stands, almost hitting his head on a ceiling beam. (If this is ShadowLady and SmallishBean's home that makes sense that their ceilings are not very tall.) "Would you like to join us for an interdimensional jailbreak?"
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fichtner-fics · 1 year
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Warnings: your heart will MELT
A/N: Oh look, a shiny new Alexander Mahone fanfiction blurb!
I hope everyone is well and has the strength to get through everything going on in the world.
Guess what! I've started rewatching Prison Break for the fourth time, so I have the best of intentions for writing more in the future! It's very exciting, I'm still able to discover new and new aspects, new moments that I hadn't noticed or given much importance to before.
(Just for context, in case it's not clear; Y/N and Alex are already close in this little piece, but what's between them hasn't been named yet… But after this…😉)
Now, enjoy your reading, and THANK YOU!
[gif is not mine]
"Sarah, they're still here, aren't they?" I asked in a rush as I hurried past the woman at her desk. She lifted her head but looked at me with question marks in her eyes. "The boys. They didn't leave?" I added.
"Oh, uh, no. Alex and Mike just went out, Linc is still in there somewhere."
"Thanks," I called out, and hurried off after them.
Fortunately, I didn't have to look around much once I had opened the huge metal gate. Michael was walking towards a police car, but Mahone was standing at the threshold between the shadows cast by the building and the sunny sidewalk, his head cast down. His blue police uniform shone in the early afternoon air; and something inside me shook as he stood there, so purely, so officially.
"Alexander," I said as I finally drew closer to him. He immediately looked up at me, and a kind smile spread across his lips in the same time.
I quickened my pace and without warning jumped into his neck when I reached him. Alex took a step back in surprise, but after the initial shock, he wrapped one arm tightly around my waist. He put his other hand on the back of my head and sighed heavily.
"What brings you here?" he whispered, so quietly that only the two of us could hear.
"I didn't want you to leave without wishing you luck," I replied, just as softly.
I felt him bury his head in my neck. I let the moment drag on for long before stepping back onto the concrete, of course blushing hard. Alex moved with me, and as he helped me find my balance, he positioned himself so that his lips were only inches from mine. It was my turn to get surprised. I rested my palm on his broad chest; I couldn't resist smiling any longer.
"Wait," I breathed against his soft skin. I pulled away in fear of giving in to temptation. "Let this be the guarantee. That you'll come back in one piece, unharmed. Alive."
I connected my gaze to his sparkling blue eyes, which in return bounced up and down between my eyes and mouth. At last Mahone's lips melted into a soft smile.
"I'll come back to you," he said firmly.
His promise became his final words, for Lincoln opened the wide iron gate at that exact moment, ready for their next adventure. I had my back to him, so I couldn't see the look on his face when he saw our silhouettes intertwined, but Mahone's eyes fell with his cheeks blushing.
"Good luck," I grinned broadly at him, stroking his cheek softly. After we let go of each other and the car drove off with the three men in it, I watched them for a long moment.
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naoa-ao3 · 1 year
A Free Man
Alone in his cell, counting the days and weeks, months and years Ethan waits but nothing comes.
Prison life is not for him.
If it were a normal prison he could escape, if it were a normal prison where they didn't know about or believe in magic he could have done something and gotten away but it isn't a normal prison and there isn't anything he can do.
Padded walls and lights that go on and off at the same time every morning and night.
He isn't a demon and the place is built for them.
He wonders sometimes if Ripper had ever thought of that or if he thought of him now at all.
He's bitter and wants revenge.
His little trick hadn't warranted all of this, whatever he had done and so he waits, waiting for the chance where he might finally escape, the chance when he can bring hell and chaos to this place.
He thinks when he does escape he'll go and have a nice kebab. . . maybe hit a beach of course that's after he pays dar old Rupert a visit.
He'll get his revenge and really there's no one he's ever enjoyed fucking with as much as Ripper. No one who takes it so poorly.
Rupert never was very good at managing his temper.
He thinks back on his own miscreant youth, tattoos and demons and spells they hadn't been ready for.
Those years had been a delight and he had never felt so a part of a group of friends. . .
Now they were the only ones left, him and old Ripper. All the others dead like Randall on the floor.
He whiles away his days and weeks, his months and years.
He tries to keep his mind busy and wonders at how strong the prison's fortifications are. He can't get out but what's to stop something that really wants him from getting in?
High above his subterranean world is the Nevada sun.
The last time he'd seen it had been when they'd moved him here, hands cuffed and soldiers acting tough.
They're young, young as he had once been and he feels only contempt for them because they aren't wise and they don't want to learn.
All but one who he's seen watching him. The boy wears fatigues but there's magic to him and he watches him hungrily as if waiting for Ethan to share a secret.
Once he'd spoken to him, jested that the boy aught to give chaos a try, even recommended a few words to use and suggested he try burning some candles.
He knew the boy went home and tried it, he could smell brimstone and hell smoke on him the next day and it thrilled him just a little.
This one is on the edge and all he needs is a little push, a few words of well placed encouragement.
One day the boy comes to him, tall and sharp boned.
"What are you?" He asks.
Ethan looks at him, amused it's taken so little time to tempt him. "Only human." He say's.
"You wouldn't be here if you were." The boy say's, face pressed to the little window in his cell door.
Ethan chuckles. "There are only a few things I can do that you can't." He said. "And with enough practice you might be able to."
"Tell me another." The boy say's. "Another spell."
"You liked that one, did you?" Ethan asks, grinning ear to ear. He can't help it. The kid is so easy.
He gives the boy the words. Maybe with enough promises he can get the lad to let him out.
The boy goes away and Ethan waits.
Three days later he smells hell smoke and smiles.
The boy is back.
Back at his window and angry.
"What the hell was that?" He asks, face screwed up.
Ethan shrugs from his bed. "I gave you a taste of the good, thought you should have a taste of the bad too."
"Don't fuck with me." The boy say's, ineffectual and furious.
"Wouldn't dream of it but you do need to know what you're getting into. Wouldn't be fair of me not to give you some warning."
The boy backs down, not stupid enough not to trust him. "How do I know the difference?" He asks.
Ethan just smiles on. "I could show you. Save you a lot of trouble during the trial and error phase."
"You're locked up you old has bin, what could you teach me?" The boy asks but he doesn't sound like he believes himself.
Ethan shrugs again. "I guess we'll never know." He say's.
The boy disappears but he's back a day later.
Ethan waits to hear what he has to say.
"If I got you out. . . how do I know you'd help me?"
"You don't but the only way you'll know is if you tried." Ethan said, nothing to lose.
The boy shakes his head and leaves but he's back the next day again. "If I got you out, you'd just kill me and run."
"Thought I was an old has bin." He says dryly.
The boy frowns. "Three days from now. If you try anything I'll blow your head off."
He nods and waits his three days and then at night the boy is there again, key card this time. He looks wary, like he doesn't trust him and he shouldn't. Ethan isn't going to teach him anything.
"You swear it?" The boy asks through the door.
Ethan nods and get's to his feet. There's nothing here he wants to take.
The door opens and the boy motions to him.
"We have to go now."
Of course they do, it's an action movie and he runs after him, adept at running away.
Up they go, up slanting corridors under fluorescent lights and out until they're crawling through a vent and he can taste fresh air.
There are demons he owes back rent to waiting and so he encourages the boy to go first.
The idiot does, hearing warning bells down bellow, back in the subterranean kingdom of slanting corridors and fluorescent lights they've just left.
The demons make a mistake and they tear at the wrong man, getting their blood debt and what was due anyway.
He waits, crouching in the vent. He's waited this long and then it's silent and he pokes his head out.
He can smell hell smoke in the air but the boy is gone and so are the monsters.
It's just him and he shrugs it off, looking to the stars to tell him which way is west and once he's got his baring he heads back to where he thinks Sunnydale still is.
Where he hopes Ripper still is and all that payback he can muster.
Stars over head and tunnels down below be damned, he's a free man now and the world is probably just a little worse off for it.
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lynsstrange · 11 months
just finished watching Daisy jones and the Six and now I’m rethinking that six of crows band au idea 👀 exactly who might be interested in perhaps a djats-style layout/plotline/setting? So it’d be the same in the way where the crows would have been a band in the seventies reflecting on their time in a book/interview format in the future, except the individual plots and characters would be soc ones refitted to the setting
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fandom factdump about me ✨
My Top 5 Movies (in no particular order):
1. The World's End
2. Captain Fantastic
3. Inception
4. What We Do In The Shadows
5. Hot Fuzz
My Top 5 TV Shows (ditto):
1. Agents of SHIELD
2. Moon Knight
3. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
4. Prison Break
5. Phineas and Ferb
My Top 5 Songs (in order actually):
1. Anaheim - Don Broco
2. The Wind Can Be Still - Stardew Valley OST
3. Mum - Luke Hemmings
4. Skeleton Flower - Jonghyun
5. in the whale - ONEW
My Top 5 Video Games (in order):
1. Stardew Valley
2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
3. Unpacking
4. The Sims 4
5. Minecraft
My Top 5 Comfort Characters (no order):
1. Sebastian - Stardew Valley
2. Donatello - RotTMNT
3. Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
4. Sundrop - FNaF SB
5. Raphael - TMNT 2012
these are ALL probably gonna change in a year's time so maybe I'll make it a birthday routine also yes it's my birthday please wish me a happy birthday
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unichrome · 2 years
Hello new followers and welcome to the best and only place on tumblr for the malware fandom
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jojo0039 · 19 days
Fox River - Allen Part 2
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      ***LINCOLN'S POV***
          Lincoln is sitting in his cell. He only has a small amount of sunlight coming through the small window. His thoughts keep going to Jessica. She looked outstanding the other day when he saw her walking away. He keeps thinking about one of the last moments he was really truly happy.
            + He was laying in bed. He was really happy. 
"It's a strange feeling." he said looking over before deciding to roll over onto his side. 
"It's hard to explain." 
He wrapped his arm around the body lying next to him. 
"My whole life has been crazy and filled with noise." 
He leaned down and kissed her shoulder lightly. "But now it's quiet. It's perfect" he whispered in her ear. 
"I'm so happy you're my wife." he said as Jess rolled over to face him. 
She placed her hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb against his skin. 
"I'm so happy I'm your wife too." she said with a smile. 
"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I plan on making everything right." he whispered to her.
 "I believe in you. I know who you are. You'll do the right thing." she said to him before leaning in and kissing him.
 This kiss was different. This kiss was slow and sensual and filled with so much love and promise.
 He pulled away with a smile and reached over and grabbed a camera. 
"What are you doing?" she asked him laughing. 
"I want to remember this." he said as he angled the camera.
 Jess giggled and covered her face. 
"Come on Jess just one." he begged as she moved her hands from her face and leaned in and kissed him. 
She wrapped her arm around him and looked at the camera as she leaned her head against his as he snapped the photo.+
          Lincoln closes his eyes and leans back against the wall. He wishes things were different. He loves Jess so much. 
Even after two years of not seeing each other, he knew she would always be on his mind and in his heart.
      Jessica is at her desk at work going through her old files. 
Jason walks over to her. 
"Hey I missed you last night I thought you were going to come over." he says sitting down beside her. 
She doesn't look up from her computer screen. 
"Sorry, I was busy. My sisters and I went out." she says to him finally looking up at him with her glasses on. 
"That's OK. I tried to catch you this morning too but the chief said you had an errand to run." She sighs and gives him a look.
 "Veronica wanted me to look into something with her whats with the third degree?" she questions him getting irritated with his questioning.
"I'm not trying to grill you I promise. I'm just confused why you're spending time with your sister again. I thought you weren't talking." he says confused and trying not to say the wrong thing to her. 
She stares back at her computer and starts working on her monthly reports. She keeps typing away at her computer before she decides to answer him. 
"We decided it was best to put differences aside. We are sisters after all." Jessica says to him giving him a look like she wants him to quit talking.
 "Miss Donovan?" 
She hears someone say. 
She looks up and there is Mr. Giles from this morning walking up to her with an envelope. 
"I'm sorry I was short with you this morning. Is there someplace private we can go and talk?" he asks her. 
Jason looks between Jessica and Mr Giles with confusion. 
"Yes." she says standing up.
"There's an interrogation room that is empty." she tells him leading him into a room. 
She shuts the door behind him and turns to face him. 
"How can I help you?" she asks him.
 "I wanted to give you this." he said handing her the envelope. 
"It's the surveillance tape of the garage that night." He says heading around her back to the door.
 "Since it's close to the date I figured that could help you out in any way possible." he comments, opening the door to leave. 
"Help with what exactly?" she questions.  
He turns to look back at her. 
"Closure." he responds walking away from the room. 
She looks at the envelope and opens it up.
She pulls the tape out and moves to the TV and VCR.
She puts the tape in and presses play.
She watches as Terrance Steadman's car pulls up and sees Lincoln walk up to the car with a gun. 
She sees and hears the gunfire.
Her eyes go wide with disbelief. 
There right there is the evidence that had locked him up.
But something catches her eye. She watches again as the gun fires. Something about that just doesn't seem right.
 But she now knows what she has to do.
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rurousha · 2 years
From Fox River to Central City, Ch 14/14
Chapter 14 - Epilogue
2 – Mayor Leonard Snart goes back to work, protecting the city he loves. And then something a little like this happens: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12868041.
4 – Captain Cold, retired, sees his youngest off to college. A few years later, world-wide meta-trafficking upsets the criminal world. Cold comes out of retirement, along with several of his old Rogues, to protect their meta kids and friends. Not a single meta kid goes missing from the streets of Central City.
16 – Captain Cold does, eventually, get his head out of his ass. He and Black Raven do what he meant to do years ago and form a better class of Rogue. The Flash never stood a chance.
19 – Captain Cold, Heatwave, and Golden Glider are never apprehended. However, their informants – the Flash, an enforcer named Frost, and a mid-level pencil pusher named Francisco Ramon – are eventually found out. The six of them flee south and live quite happily in a small country that on Earth-1 is called Panama.
22 – Leonard Snart and Mick Rory do what they have always done – survive. Sometimes, they meet up with five others so that Mick can do his whole hero thing (worst orgy ever), but otherwise just have a blast wherever they find themselves. At one point, they meet a masked vigilante named Commander Cold breaking prisoners out of Krung the Face Crusher’s slave pens. He looks an awful lot like Barry Allen.
27 – Len and Mickey patch things up and continue the good fight against the evil Crime Syndicate.
30 – Michael Scofield and Cisco Ramon do a lot of therapy until one day they decide to confront The Company. That story has yet to be told.
53 – Leo and Ray do battle with politics and diplomacy, though they sometimes miss the simplicity of guns and superpowers.
Sara Tancredi remains employed at Fox River. She and her father stay off The Company’s radar.
Fernando Sucre finishes his time at Fox River. He may or may not work things out with Maricruz, but he at least gets to be in his daughter’s life.
Benjamin Franklin completes his sentence at Fox River. He eventually has a massive fight with his wife, but his daughter never has to see either of her parents arrested.
Charles Westmoreland does not get to see his daughter before she dies, but he lives to attend her funeral.
During the investigation into the break out, Brad Bellick’s corruption is uncovered, and he is fired. Henry Pope resigns, but the lack of violence in the break out means he doesn’t hold a grudge towards Michael.
David Apolskis is never transferred to Avocado’s cell.
Charles Patoshik, Theodore Bagwell, and John Abruzzi remain incarcerated at Fox River. The world is (mostly) safer for it.
The manhunt for Michael and Lincoln is short-lived due to the complete lack of clues or sightings. Alexander Mahone is never called into the case. He remains under The Company’s thumb, but he doesn’t get in nearly as deep. His son is never tortured to death.
Aldo Burrows does what he can to damage The Company. Christina Rose Scofield executes her coup against General Krantz. Both are considerably more successful without their children complicating things. Whether The Company ends up better or worse is up to interpretation, but Christina at least stops any attempts to hunt down her son. Michael and Lincoln never learn any of this.
Fox River State Penitentiary becomes known as the fourth most cursed prison in Illinois.
Leonard Michael Snart, Mitchell Lincoln Rory, Lincoln Joseph Rory, and Victoria Davis will return in “Coldflash in Panama”.
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ironwitchpainter · 3 days
Star Trek: Planetary Perception and Pursuit, Episode 22: With the Beat of the Wrong Heart Part 2
The crew springs into action, their movements fueled by a newfound urgency. Spock nods in agreement, his eyes never leaving the alien form. "The orchid's light suggests it is in distress," he says, his voice laced with concern. "It is likely that the true Nyota Uhura is in a similar state. We must act swiftly." The bridge is ablaze with activity as the Enterprise prepares to leave the sanctuary, their mission to retrieve their comrade more critical than ever before.
Sulu, ever the skilled helmsman, takes his position at the conn. His fingers fly over the controls as he plots their exit from the asteroid field. The ship lurches and groans as it navigates the tight corridors of space debris. "It's like threading a needle," he murmurs under his breath, his eyes darting between the viewscreen and
The asteroid field looms ahead, a maelstrom of jagged rocks and shifting debris. The asteroids are arranged in such a way that they seem almost alive, as if designed to guide ships inward rather than allow them to escape. "We're going to have to be quicker and more precise than ever," Sulu says, his knuckles white on the controls. His gaze is unwavering as he steers the Enterprise through the treacherous path, each twist and turn a dance with death. The asteroids close in, a silent, lethal ballet that threatens to crush the ship at any moment. The crew holds their collective breath, their eyes glued to the viewscreen as the asteroids grow larger, their jagged edges sharp enough to cleave the ship in two.
"The asteroid field is indeed more challenging on the way out," Sulu confirms, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "The asteroids are arranged like a cosmic funnel, designed to herd ships toward the sanctuary. The gravitational forces are stronger, trying to keep us from leaving. But don't worry, I've got this," he adds with a grim smile, his eyes never leaving the viewscreen. The Enterprise zips and weaves through the asteroids, the ship's hull groaning with each near miss. The crew watches in awe as Sulu's expert piloting keeps them one step ahead of the deadly barrage, their trust in him unshakeable.
With a symphony of beeps and pings from the helm, the asteroid field slowly gives way to the vast emptiness of space beyond. The stars stretch out before them, welcoming them back to the cosmic dance. "We've cleared the asteroid field," Sulu announces, his voice a mix of relief and triumph. "Warp engines are online and ready to engage." Kirk nods solemnly, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their mission. "Set a course for the prison planet," he commands. "Warp factor five. We're going back for Uhura." The ship leaps forward, the stars around them blurring into streaks of light as they enter warp.
As the Enterprise exits the asteroid field, Kirk contacts the Klingon guards who had been so hostile before. Their comms are now clear and strong, a stark contrast to their earlier encounter. "This is Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise," he says, his voice firm and authoritative. "We are returning to the prison planet. Our mission has changed. We come in peace, seeking to retrieve one of our own." The Klingon voices that respond are gruff and skeptical, but there's a begrudging respect in their tones. They've felt the ship's power restored and are aware of the potential consequences of underestimating them again. Kirk's negotiating position is stronger now, and he uses it wisely. The guards grudgingly agree to allow the Enterprise to approach, though they maintain a state of high alert. The crew knows that their diplomatic dance is far from over.
Upon reaching the prison planet, Kirk and his team beam down to the Klingon facility, the Heart of Unity orchid still in their possession. The air is thick with tension as they're met by a contingent of Klingon guards, their disruptors drawn. The leader steps forward, his expression a mask of hostility. "You dare to return," he sneers. "The prisoner you seek is ours by right. She shot up our facility, she will answer for her crimes." Kirk's jaw tightens, but he remains calm, his eyes never leaving the Klingon's. "Lieutenant Uhura is not a criminal," he states firmly. "She's a Starfleet officer, and we are here to retrieve her. This is not a battle we wish to fight, but we will if necessary." The Klingon's eyes narrow, his gaze flickering to the orchid. "That artifact does not belong to you," he growls. "It is a weapon of chaos, one that you cannot control."
Kirk raises a hand, a gesture of peace. "The Heart of Unity is no weapon," he insists. "It is a symbol of our unity and our peace. It is why we are here, to understand it, to harness its power for good." He takes a step closer, his voice dropping to a low, earnest tone. "We can help each other. Let us have Uhura, and together, we can explore the true potential of this artifact." The Klingon leader seems to consider his words, his grip on his weapon loosening slightly. "Take us to her," Kirk says, his voice a mix of command and plea. "We mean no harm to you or your people." The Klingon pauses, then nods curtly. "This way," he grunts, leading them deeper into the facility.
Kirk follows the Klingon leader, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of Uhura. The corridors are cold and damp, the air heavy with the scent of disinfectant and despair. They pass by rows of stasis pods, each holding a prisoner in suspended animation. His heart clenches at the sight, the thought of Uhura being held here, powerless and alone, unbearable. They enter a chamber where the real Uhura is held, her body weak and frail, hooked up to an array of Klingon medical devices. McCoy rushes to her side, his medical tricorder beeping urgently. "Bones," Kirk says softly, his eyes never leaving hers. "What's her condition?"
Kirk's gaze falls upon Uhura, and his heart drops. Her once-radiant skin is pale and clammy, and her eyes are glazed with pain. McCoy's voice is grim as he relays the dire news. "She's been shot with a disruptor," he says, his hand hovering over the ominous wound. "The shot hit her shoulder, and the wound has gone septic. It's spreading rapidly. If we don't act fast, she could lose her arm—or worse." Kirk's eyes narrow, his jaw clenching as he takes in the gravity of the situation. The room seems to close in around him, but he forces himself to remain calm. "Do what you have to, Bones," he says firmly, his voice barely a whisper. "We're getting her out of here."
The Klingon leader watches the scene unfold with a hint of curiosity. "Your loyalty to one another is... admirable," he rumbles. "But know this: if you attempt to remove her from this planet, she will die."
McCoy's eyes snap up to meet the Klingon's, his own filled with a fiery determination. "If she stays on this planet, she'll die," he counters, his voice thick with emotion. "The wound she's suffered is grave, and your medical facilities here are no match for what she needs. The Heart of Unity orchid is a beacon of life and unity, and yet you hold her here to waste away. What's the point of keeping her as a prisoner if she'll be lost to us in a matter of days?" He gestures to the array of devices attached to Uhura, his frustration palpable. "Your disregard for her life is a stain on whatever peace we've brokered here. Let us take her back to the Enterprise. We can save her, and in doing so, perhaps, show you the true value of unity and compassion."
Kirk steps forward, his voice steady. "We could say she died trying to escape," he suggests, watching the Klingon's reaction closely. "It's a story that would be easy to sell. But we're not asking for a deceitful solution. We're asking for mercy." The Klingon leader's laugh is like a burst of thunder in the small chamber. "Mercy?" he scoffs. "No one would believe such a tale. She is helpless." He shakes his head. "The dishonor would be too great. Besides," he adds with a sneer, "why should I grant you what you ask when I can use her as leverage?"
Kirk's mind races, searching for a way to convince the Klingon. Then, an idea forms. "Perhaps there's another way," he says carefully. "We have a shapeshifter on our ship, it can take her form. It could pretend to be her, make a convincing escape attempt." Kirk's gaze locks onto the creature, willing it to understand his plan. "You could 'capture' it, 'execute' it, and we could take both Uhuras back to our ship. The real Uhura gets the medical care she needs, and you get to keep your honor, maintaining the status quo." The Klingon's eyes widen, and Kirk sees a flicker of understanding—and hope—in his gaze. "What say you?" Kirk asks the Klingon, his voice low and urgent. "Can we come to an understanding, for the sake of peace?"
The Klingon leader strokes his beard, pondering Kirk's proposal. "Your plan has merit," he admits grudgingly. "But I require assurance that the shapeshifter will not cause trouble."
Kirk nods. "We'll neutralize it before the exchange," he promises. "We only seek to save our comrade. In doing so, we show our respect for the sanctity of life and our commitment to peace. What say you?"
The Klingon leader considers the offer for a long moment, then nods. "Very well," he says gruffly. "Prepare the shapeshifter
Kirk and McCoy work swiftly and carefully, unhooking the real Uhura from the medical equipment and placing her on an antigrav stretcher. The shapeshifter, understanding the gravity of the situation, cooperates as it's brought into the cell. It watches with a strange curiosity as McCoy administers a sedative to ensure its compliance. The creature's form ripples and contorts until it takes on the pallid, injured visage of Uhura. The Klingon guards enter, their eyes flicking between the two forms. They attach the shapeshifter to the medical devices, its body convulsing slightly as it mimics Uhura's weakened state.
With the agreement made, Kirk and McCoy waste no time in retreating to the Enterprise with the real Uhura. They move her with the utmost care, her fragile form barely perceptible beneath the medical blankets. The transporter room is filled with tension as they materialize onto the ship, the crew's collective breath held until she's safely on the biobed in sickbay. The medical bay's sterile air is a stark contrast to the grim prison cell they've just left behind.
The crew on the Enterprise waits with bated breath for the orchestrated escape attempt. Spock, at the helm, monitors the Klingon sensors, ready to intervene should the need arise. Scotty stands by the transporter controls, poised to bring back the fake Uhura the moment the signal is given. the ship's systems on high alert, ready to provide the necessary power for a swift extraction. The tension is palpable as they wait for the shapeshifter's staged escape, their hearts beating in unison with the orchid's light that flickers softly in the arboretum, a silent testament to their unity and hope.
The shapeshifter, now in Uhura's form, waits for the opportune moment. With a sudden burst of strength that belies its apparent weakness, it tears away from the medical devices, sending them clattering to the floor. The Klingon guards rush in, but the creature is already in motion, playing its part perfectly. It stumbles, feigned pain etched on its features, as it makes a break for the exit. The guards give chase, their shouts echoing through the prison halls. The shapeshifter is careful to leave a trail of biometric residue, mimicking the scent of blood and fear, as it picks the lock on the cell door with surprising dexterity. Despite the urgency of its actions, it maintains the illusion of being weakened by the severe wound inflicted upon the real Uhura.
The shapeshifter manages to make it to the prison's perimeter fence. The Klingon guards, enraged by the audacity of the escape attempt, open fire. The creature's body spasms and contorts, playing out the tragic scene of its "death" as the disruptor blasts tear through its form. It collapses dramatically against the fence, its life seemingly extinguished. The guards, believing they've killed Uhura, stand over the lifeless body, their expressions a mix of anger and satisfaction. But as they turn to report the incident, the shapeshifter's form dissipates into a pool of shimmering liquid, leaving no trace of its existence. The guards, convinced of their victory, leave the area, their footsteps fading into the distance.
With the Klingon guards out of sight, Kirk and McCoy, watching from the cover of the shadows, quickly transport the liquid form of the shapeshifter to the Enterprise's sickbay. It's not dead, but it's dangerously close. McCoy's medical scanners beep frantically as he assesses the damage. The creature's biological structure is in a state of near collapse, its vital functions barely sustained. "We need to act fast," McCoy says, his voice tight with urgency. "We can't let it die on us." Kirk nods, his gaze never leaving the puddle of sentience on the biobed. "Do what you can, Bones," he says, his voice strained with emotion. "We're all counting on you."
Back on the Enterprise, the orchid's light flickers erratically, mirroring the shapeshifter's precarious condition. Spock, sensing the disturbance, rushes to sickbay. His eyes widen as he sees the shapeshifter's state. "Captain," he says, his voice tinged with concern. "The orchid is reacting to the creature's distress." Kirk nods, his eyes never leaving McCoy's frantic efforts to save their newfound ally. "We need to keep it alive," he says, his jaw set. "For Uhura, for us, for the sake of what we stand for."
The tension in sickbay is thick as McCoy works tirelessly, his hands a blur of medical expertise. The shapeshifter's liquid form pulses with the last vestiges of life, a silent testament to its will to survive. Kirk watches, his mind racing with the implications of their actions. If they can save this creature, what does it mean for their understanding of the Heart of Unity? What other secrets might it hold? And what does this alliance mean for the future of the Federation and the Klingon Empire?
"I've managed to stabilize it," McCoy says, breathing heavily as he straightens up from the biobed. His eyes are bloodshot, and sweat beads on his brow, but there's a fierce determination etched into his features. "But it was one hell of a challenge, I've got to admit," he adds, glancing over at Kirk. "Never had to patch up anything quite like this before." His voice is laced with a mix of amazement and exhaustion. "It's a miracle that I could even understand its physiology, let alone treat it." He shakes his head, marveling at the resilience of life. "This thing, it's... it's like nothing I've ever seen. It's as if the orchid itself guided my hand."
Uhura's chest rises and falls peacefully, the shapeshifter's motions echoing hers, as both beings begin their delicate journey back to health. Kirk can't help but feel a profound sense of awe and responsibility, knowing that they are all now bound together by the orchid's mysterious power.
Hours later, the door to sickbay swishes open, and in step Scotty and Chiron. The Chief Engineer's eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him, his gaze flicking from Uhura's serene form to the alien shapeshifter still lying unconscious. Chiron, ever the stoic presence, watches with a silent curiosity. Scotty's face is a picture of concern as he approaches McCoy. "How are they doing?" he asks, his voice low.
McCoy looks up from his medical scans, his expression a mix of relief and fatigue. "Uhura's going to make it," he says, his voice a weary sigh. "Her body's responding to the treatment. As for our... guest," he nods towards the shapeshifter, "it's touch and go. The wounds from the disruptor are severe, and its biology is unlike anything I've ever encountered. But it's holding on." He runs a hand over his eyes, his weariness evident. "I just hope we can keep it that way."
Scotty moves to the side of Uhura's biobed, his hand reaching out to gently cover hers. His calloused fingers wrap around hers, offering a silent reassurance. Meanwhile, Chiron approaches the shapeshifter's pool of liquid, tentatively extending a hand. The surface of the pool ripples as it tries to mimic the gesture, its form shifting slightly to mold around the offered hand. It's a strange sight, a creature with no true form trying to bridge the gap between species with a simple touch. McCoy watches the scene unfold, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions—relief, hope, and the burgeoning understanding that their mission is about to take a profound turn.
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origamiopossums · 1 month
I posted a Lincoln/T-Bag oneshot for those interested
Takes place in season 5!
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