katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2016
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Fire Emblem
1. Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
2. Corrin (Fire Emblem Fates)
3. Beruka (Fire Emblem Fates) - requested by lisadragonfire
4. Hinoka (Fire Emblem Fates) - requested by lisadragonfire
5. Elise (Fire Emblem Fates) - requested by lisadragonfire
6. Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates) - requested by lisadragonfire
7. Camilla (Fire Emblem Fates) - requested by lisadragonfire
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riwrite-a · 1 year
oh yeah, a note about camilla regarding the ending of birthright. while it’s true she has no interest in ruling, her family is more important than that to her — and that means keeping the burden off of leo. she knows her late father attracted a lot of hatred for their family from not only his own people and those of hoshido, but likely from much of the rest of world too, and if there’s one thing she hates the idea of more than being queen, it’s the idea of the entire world hating her little brother. she also cares about him far too much than to allow him the stress of the title. she likely asks him to act as an advisor of sorts, considering he’s much more logically - minded than she, but she takes it upon herself to take the brunt of being the ruler of a war - torn and angry nohr
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naive-petals · 6 months
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I don’t know who all voted thank you though.
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What I think would fix the Fates royals
Sakura - Stim toy collection (love love LOVES squishy toys)
Takumi - Xanax prescription (or Vraylar...love my BPD princess 💕)
Hinoka - Blue raspberry Svedka vodka (strikes me as a STRICTLY clear liquor type of girl)
Ryoma - Gas station poppers (would make him worse probably)
Elise - Roblox dress up games (w/ Xander buying her all the Robux she wants)
Leo - Those crazy gas station edibles (he's becomes the most normal person ever or will become irreparably worse)
Camilla - Vapes with flavors of the most odd and eclectic variety (everyone has to waits for her until she finds her cotton candy vape)
Xander - Horse tranquilizer (the ONLY thing that could calm this bitch down) Corrin - 12 uninterrupted hours of dancing fruits sensory videos (Smooth brain moment)
Azura doesn't need fixing because terrorising her siblings is funny to her and fills her with joy. and also watching the light leave her enemies' eyes as they die thats very satisfying for her
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yukii0nna · 24 days
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The Maiden of Protection
Au by @writing-heiress
Kidagakash was a princess in order to protect her people. So when she learned that her people were cursed, she took action to become a maiden dispite her father's wishes.
Earth manipulation
Crystal creation and manipulation
Astral projection
Magma manipulation
Golem creation
Familiar: a mole named Mole.
First Maiden: Kidagakash
Previous maiden: Soto Hinoka
Current Maiden: Isamu Hinoka
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emblemxeno · 1 month
Here's my Hot Take ideas on emblem bracelet stuff if I were in charge. A lot of these aren't really "creative new ideas" and more just my dumb brain shuffling things around.
-Hector, Soren, Chrom/Robin and Veronica stay. Give Robin more bond conversations. Élivágar is Veronica's first engage weapon, Hliðskjálf is the second, and Enclosing Dark is the last, with all having adjusted stats to compensate. Change Veronica's writing to match her post Book 2/3 character; not being like Book 6 is excusable, but being like Book 1 and 2 is less so.
-I'm swapping Tiki, Camilla, and the House Leaders. In the name of fairness, I'll use characters from the same games.
-Caeda: Soar high, Emblem of Compassion; Bracelet of the Winged Princess.
She gets the spheres like Tiki did, and gets Camilla's Soar engage skill with the same unit type bonuses. Engage attack is called 'Belief in Love' and functions the same as Tiki's Divine Blessing; as such it also has the same unit type bonuses as Divine Blessing as well.
Engage weapons are Gradivus, Hauteclere (she can use it in the DS games if she goes Dracoknight and gets high enough Axe rank), and Wing Spear. Other skills are Axe and Lance proficiencies, Spd/Luck stat skills, and Lance Guard. Her bond stat bonuses are Spd, Res, and Luck.
-Takumi+Leo: Lead us, Emblem of Revelation; Bracelet of the Rival Princes.
While I'm aware that Camilla wasn't called the Emblem of Revelation in the JP version, I still think that there should either be a neutral character or a balance between Nohr and Hoshido rather than just have Camilla.
I wanted to be more creative than just picking Azura, so I went with a duo emblem idea instead.
They get the Friendly Rivalry sync skill where they alternate each turn starting with Takumi, and with the alternating they each give separate bond stat boosts; Takumi gives Str/Dex/Spd and Leo gives HP/Mag/Res. Friendly Rivalry transforms into 'Black and White' when engaged, where the unit gets all the stat boosts. Engage Attack is 'Gravity Storm' which has the same attack pattern as Dark Inferno, but instead of setting flame tiles, it reduces movement of all enemies caught in the attack. AOE is increased when done next to Corrin.
'Black and White' type bonuses-Backup: Avoid +10, Cavalry: Hit +10
'Gravity Storm' type bonuses-Covert: Applies smoke terrain on tiles where enemies attacked are, Mystical and Dragon: same as Dark Inferno.
Engage weapons are Ganglari (both princes have canon sword prowess, and the weapon has connections to both their fathers), Brynhildr, and Fujin Yumi. Sync skills are Groundswell, Darting Blow (reference to Hinoka), and Savage Blow (reference to Camilla). Other skills are Sword, Tome, and Bow proficiencies, Str/Mag stat skills, and Bow Guard.
-Rhea: Dream well, Emblem of Saints; Bracelet of the Archbishop
Both maps where you fight her in 3H reference Dreams (To the end of a Dream and Following a Dream) so this invocation still works. Highkey went with her because after getting shafted in Three Hopes, she really needed a win.
She gets the Gambit sync skill and can freely choose between Flame, Shield, and Poison, but it's no longer inheritable. She still gets Lineage and Weapon Sync. Final sync skills is the inheritable 'Crest of Seiros', where a unit's strength or magic is treated as if buffed by 5 points when using an offensive engage attack, referencing how the Crest of Seiros in 3H increases combat art damage by 5.
Engage skill is 'Ascension' and grants the same stat bonuses and weapon restrictions as Tiki's Draconic Form. Instead of turning into a dragon or donning Rhea's monastery clothes, the unit gets Seiros' armor and Blonde hair with green tips (though that might conflict with Leif and Eirika's engage hair color changes idk). Engage attack is 'Divine Frost', where unit transforms into the Immaculate One, lets out one big breath attack, and makes tiles in a 3x3 square in front of them into ice tiles. Doing this next to Byleth lets the unit move again to take advantage of the ice.
Other skills are Arts, Tome, and Sword proficiencies, HP/Luck stat skills, and Special Guard. Engage weapons are Dragon Claws, Agnea's Arrow, and Sword of Seiros.
-Player finds Caeda's bracelet on the Somniel instead of the House Leaders'. This means you can get the special conversation with Marth early on, and get the rest of the special conversations in the latter half of the game after losing Marth if you so please, cuz the rest of the bracelets are related to latter half ring Emblems (this makes sense to my OCD brain, don't worry lol). You find the Silver Card on the Somniel too.
-Rhea's paralogue is the Silver Snow final map at Garreg Mach. Takumi and Leo's paralogue is the Valla map where you dragon vein copies of your army onto the north and southern halves.
-Takumi and Leo take either C or B bond supports, and both are present in the A supports.
-A Divine Paralogue that lets Ephraim speak because I find the idea of playing a paralogue to untape his mouth extremely funny. Make it the Ruled By Madness chapter as well.
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feh-alt-battle · 5 months
Poll 180 - Hinoka
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: HACCAN, Chiko, Foo Mirdori, Yoshiro Ambe, Kita Senri
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nowis-scales · 3 months
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
General Warnings: N/A
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Fates
Relationships: Camilla/Hinoka
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Post-Fire Emblem Fates Revelation, Cuddling & Snuggling, Abandonment Issues, Fan Child, Motherhood, Family Bonding, Special thank you to my Tumblr followers who helped me name little Millie :)
Story Word Count: 4,534 words
Story Summary: Growing up, Hinoka came up with many pictures of what her life would look like, but being the wife of the ex-princess Camilla Soranus was a possibility that never crossed her mind. Parenting a six-year-old daughter alongside her, even less so. The things we picture for our futures often turn out differently than we expected, and nobody knows that better than Hinoka, because these two girls are some of the most precious things she could ever have dreamed of having… Even if they do try to rope her into their own kind of trouble, every once in awhile.
[Read it on AO3.]
(Note: Due to potential threat of AI-scraping from Tumblr, I have opted to publish the actual text content of this fic only on AO3. Thank you for your understanding.)
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the-werdna · 5 months
Title: Robcina Week Day 5 - Outrealms
Notes: Takes place between Chapters 52 and 53 of my other story, A Future Tied by Fates, which is a crossover with Fire Emblem Fates set after events of both that game and Awakening.
Words: 1454
"Oh look, over here! Are those candied apples? We should go try some!" Lucina pointed out excitedly. She seized his hand, pulling Robin along after her and she headed through the crowded streets towards one of the stalls before he could respond to her words.
Robin laughed, finding himself grinning ear to ear even as he was forcibly dragged through the festival by his wife. He was just happy she was enjoying herself. After the past several months of near-constant fighting in this world, it was just nice to have a day to not worry about all that and simply enjoy themselves. Thus when it was asked that they attend the New Year's celebration in Hoshido's capital, how could he refuse? For now, he was glad to, for just a few hours, forget the war and all the danger still ahead of them.
Despite the widespread destruction wrought on the Hoshidan capital during the Vallite attack, not to mention the war with Nohr prior, it had amazed Robin that the New Year's celebration was being held at all. Indeed, any plans for the remaining civilians to evacuate the city had been put on hold until after the celebration. However, the explanation Hinoka and Sakura had given made a great deal of sense: as the marking of a new year was incredibly important in Hoshido culture. It was a time to celebrate endings and a new beginning, A time for rebirth and renewal of bonds with those you love. To not hold the festival at all would cause much more harm in terms of lost morale than the extra time would otherwise grant them in terms of benefits.
It's a shame that the festivities here are smaller than they would normally be, Robin thought to himself, remembering the descriptions he'd been told of past years. It would certainly be worth a trip to see it as it was in happier times.
Even in its diminished state, the festival was quite a sight to behold. The entirety of the central market of the city had been packed with colorful stalls, lit by strings of many-colored paper lanterns strung overhead to crisscross the night sky. The crowded streets were filled with people, both commoners and nobility alike, all here to temporarily forget their troubles and celebrate the birth of a new year.
At last, Lucina came to a stop, arriving at the back of the line before the stall she had spotted. Sure enough, lines of candied apples shone glossy in the lantern light. Still laughing even as Lucina allowed their entangled hands to drop back to the slides between them, Robin dusted off his kimono, taking even a moment to brush away a bit of dirt that had stuck to Lucina's.
The kimono Lucina wore was a bright sky blue with a white floral pattern and a golden obi around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a bun of traditional Hoshidan style, held in place with butterfly-shaped pins. Meanwhile, the kimono Robin wore was silver with a white trim and a geometric pattern of a deep violet. The obi around him was the same shade of purple as the pattern. Both had been selected by the two Hoshidan princesses and tailored specifically for them, despite protests from both him and Lucina that this wasn't necessary. But, as official guests to royalty, it had ultimately seemed rude to refuse such gifts.
Hopefully, they didn't look too silly or out of place in them. Or rather, he hoped he didn't. There was no doubt that Lucina had pulled the look off without flaw. She looked truly stunning in it,
"I hope Morgan isn't getting into too much trouble tonight," Lucina said, her excited grin momentarily replaced by an anxious look. She glanced around as if searching for a glimpse of their daughter 'mid-shenanigans'.
"I'm sure she'd be fine. I don't think she, Ophelia, and Kana can get into too much trouble in such a brief period of time. Remember, she also agreed to spend the other half of the festival with Inigo," Robin assured her.
"That second part doesn't inspire as much confidence as you'd think. Though I suppose Inigo is still walking on eggshells with her, even after they reconciled. That may very well keep him from encouraging poor behavior in her," Lucina conceded.
"My thoughts exactly. Though speaking of those two… there is someone else I am far more worried about getting into trouble." Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, already again fearing the potential outcomes of her running amok.
"Oh, Soleil…" Lucina said. She grimaced. "We really do need to curb her behavior at some point. This is getting out of hand. And I thought Inigo's philandering ways were excessive." She trailed off, shaking her head.
"Yeah… though for now I suppose we just hope for the best," Robin said.
Soon enough they reached the front of the line, Robin purchasing each of them a candied apple. With treats now in hand, they set back off into the festival. In short order, they made several more stops, from watching a group of street performers act out a play with colorful puppets, to checking out several of the other stalls, to having to quickly rush out of the way as a parade rolled through the center of the festival to the sound of drums and other musical instruments. Eventually, the two found themselves relatively alone, standing on the bridge towards the edge of the festival. It ran over one of the many streams that flowed out from the towering spire atop which sat the royal palace, currently mostly empty with so much of the royal household present at the celebrations.
"The lights are beautiful, are they not?" Lucina asked, staring out at the strings of lanterns hovering above the sea of stalls and crowds below.
"Yes, they are." Robin agreed. "Reminds me a lot of our trip to those Hot Springs in the Outrealms. I wonder if Hoshido's culture influenced Anna's resort at all. Then again, from what I know of Chon'sin back home, it seems several broadly similar cultures are present across many worlds in the Outrealms. I wonder why that is…"
He shook his head, brushing aside his musings. "Sorry, just a bit of academic curiosity on my part. Don't want to bore you with it."
"It's alright, I don't mind," Lucina assured him. She tore in half a pastry she had bought on their way to the spot, offering one half to him. It was filled with a sweet bean paste. Accepting it, the two ate in silence for a few moments, before Lucina ventured to speak once more.
"I wonder how long it will be until we can go home," Lucina said. She leaned against him, resting her head against his shoulder. "I know we cannot, not until the threat here is dealt with and our own world is safe, but…"
"I know," Robin said. She didn't have to say it. It had been too long since they'd been away, too long separated from their new family. From Morgan and Marc, the younger infant versions they'd been forced to leave behind. They were only a few months old when they were last there. If they were still that age, he didn't know how quickly time moved here relative to their own world, or even if they could use time travel to correct any such long discrepancies.
Robin leaned over, kissing her softly on her cheek. He slipped his hand around her as he finished, holding her close. "As soon as we're done here, as soon as both this world and ours are safe, we will return. I promise."
"I know," Lucina said, her turn to affirm their shared understanding, "I know we have made many wonderful new friends here, but even then I cannot help but feel homesick." She chuckled softly, adding, "Even if it is odd, that only a few years ago I would have never considered staying in that time for good."
"I am glad you decided to stay, I'd have been lost without you," Robin said. He kissed her again. She kissed him back in return.
In the distance, a gong tolled midnight. A firework shot off into the sky, raining down a shower of sparkling embers. Another followed, then more, illuminating the night with countless new stars that were born and died in each passing instant.
"I'm glad you're here with me, Lucina," Robin said, taking in the moment at her side. They watched the coming of the new year. No matter what the new year brought, no matter the challenges the future would bring, they would face it together. As they always did.
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honeydots · 1 year
tell us more plz
im ASSUMING based on the timing of this u mean my fates ocs! and if not well im taking this as a chance anyway lol. under the cut bc im sorta shy
basically i have my dead nohr sibling ocs, and my son-of-hinoka oc. i'm gonna try to keep it short, but i'll start with the nohr sibs!
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sketched these yesterday just for this lol so these're pretty rough, but! here they are :D they're certainly older in these deigns compared to when they actually died, shhh. oldest to youngest is victoriana, wilfred, klaus, odette. and victoriana and odette are actually full siblings, not just half!
very briefly:
- victoriana: stern and kind, technically the second princess, a little over-ambitious for her skillset - wilfred: paranoid and cowardly, a homebody, studies birds (from afar, or in books) - klaus: friendly but ruthless, his mother was from the ice tribe, quite intelligent - odette: cold and quiet, naive enough that it killed her, wants victoriana to dote on her more
aaaand then we have my son-of-hinoka oc, Kazuki!
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this is pretty old art so forgive me lol. kazuki was made for the sake of a conquest ending, but i don't think he's actually limited to that route. age wise he's probably right between shiro and kiragi, a little closer to shiro's age. he gets lost easily (both physically and in conversation), but is slightly serious and pretty true to his ideals--though he's as hot headed as his mom, and takes walks when he gets flustered (and then gets lost during said walks). in a conquest ending he'd inherent raijinto, typically he'd lean towards clubs!
and those are my fates ocs :D thanks for asking!!
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randomnameless · 9 months
Scrolling through some old posts on a whim and found this, in response to an anon pointing out how stupid it was for Claude to not know about poverty in Almyra:
To be fair, that's also something I ranted about in Birthrout when Ryoma went all "i never knew people in Nohr were starving" because there's no way a crown prince and future heir of a nation doesn't know basic things about his immediate neighbours -
While you went on to point out that it's worse in Three Houses' case because it's a prince not knowing about basic details of his own nation instead of a prince not knowing about basic details of his neighbouring nation, i'd like to add that it's even more justified in Fates' case due to one of the biggest and most consistent issues with Hoshido being it's isolationism and lack of care for the issues of other countries, made even worse by the fact that it's general populace despises Nohrians due to the war:
Azura, in her C-Support with Corrin in Revelation: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others. It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
Shura, chapter 19 of Birthright: The day Kohga fell to Mokushu, almost all of my people were slaughtered. I was a child... Chased from my homeland and separated from the other survivors. Even as a refugee, I was denied entry to Hoshido. So I wound up in Nohr. I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I've been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat...
Azura, in a line that was removed during localization and changed into her being the only person to suffer suspicion from the general populace, Chapter 9 of Conquest: But ever since the war started, everyone has changed. After you, a Hoshido princess, defected to Nohr… Anyone who had even a little involvement with the enemy could not be trusted, and a movement to eliminate them began. And the brunt of it… Was directed at me, because I was born in Nohr.
With all that in mind, i actually find it pretty reasonable for Ryoma to not know about Nohr's food shortage; he was born and raised in a country that's, at best, willfully ignorant and uncaring of the issues other countries face and, at worst, actively murderous towards anyone with even the slightest involvement with the enemy nation it's at war with. While his own prejudice against Nohr doesn't go quite that far, it's very consistent throughout Conquest that he doesn't think very highly of it either, calling it's ways treacherous, automatically assuming they tricked Corrin just because she chose to go back to Nohr, and assuming that Corrin was lying to him and trying to trick him to win their duel due to what they were taught while in Nohr (using fateswartable's translations here since Treehouse massively exaggerated Ryoma's grudge against Nohr):
Ryoma, Chapter 6 of Conquest: Like hell I’d give up…! I have to make Kamui come to her senses. Anyway it was you, the Nohr royal family, that seduced her, right!?
Xander: Bullshit…We did no such thing. Kamui, of her own free will, chose us.
Ryoma: Damn…! I know your way of doing things. You always use dirty tricks to torment the people of Hoshido! Defeat me fair and square in a fight and then you can speak of victory!
Corrin, boss convo in chapter 25 of CQ while Ryoma still wrongly believes that they killed Hinoka: Ryouma- please stop fighting! I want to speak with you! There’s more to what happened to Hinoka, so please listen, brother!
Ryoma: Hou…Are you trying to catch me off guard? By seeing the face of the sister that killed Hinoka? Nohr’s ways are treacherous…but it’s a shame. No matter what you say, my heart shall remain steadfast. I can no longer think of you as my little sister! Draw your sword!!! Kamui!!!!!!
Given his own initial prejudice against Nohr, coupled with the isolationist culture of Hoshido, i find it reasonable for him to only bother learning about important military strongholds in Nohr and not bother investigating what life's like for the peasants there, especially since he doesn't hold the country in high regard at the start of Birthright and only softens up to it and vows to help it with it's resource problem once he finds out that most of the people there are starving, meaning he wouldn't have bothered spending any more time researching Nohr than was helpful for the war effort.
I hope my 2014 -5 ramblings weren't completely nonsensical, I haven't revisited them in a while lol
I still think Ryoma, who's not a random but the crown Prince, should at least have known a bit, even if his country is marked by extreme prejudice and isolationism, about Nohr - especially since Nohr is the country who has tried to invade them since Garon (or Gooron?) was king, and they're fighting since, well, forever.
But taking his prejudice into account, and Ryoma's own faults (he's very impulsive, not unlike his own son?), it sort of makes sense, even if I still think that's not an optimal situation for the next heir to only have the "bcs they're evil/norhians it's in their nature" answer to the usual question "why are Nohrians attacking us".
Granted, 2014-2015 was part of my Jugdral period, where both games took care to have their Lord be explained why the frick they are fighting - it's mostly important regarding Leif, who gets told by August that if Thracians are bandits and targeted the Mansterian lands, it's because they are starving and cannot import food from the North bcs Leif's forefathers and the Mansterians nobles don't want to share food.
So Leif's journey from "Thracian Hyenas!" to "Gods why are those people starving why aren't we trading food with them" to being the King of the unified peninsula, aka both Thracians and Mansterians, felt a regular, normal journey.
Ryoma being blocked at the "Nohrian hyenas" step felt a bit underwhelming in comparison, especially since, unlike Leif, he supposedly received all the education befitting a heir and hasn't been on the run for 10 years.
But ultimately everything boils down to "different games, different situations", and more over, different characters. Ryoma is biased, arrogant and impulsive - and there's no FE8!Seth, FE5!August, hell, even FE13!Fredo to tell him to stop and start being a King or acting as the leader of a State.
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senpaisisters · 1 month
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Oboro excitedly lays a large white box out on Tomo's bed. "I did promise I would make you look and feel like a princess, so I went and put this little number together. I also asked Marin to give me any ideas or suggestions on things like your preferences and interests. This is based on a design I wanted to make for Lady Hinoka, but she has this aversion to me putting her in dresses." In the box is a kimono that uses a mix of reds whites and golden yellows, with floral patterns and a kinshi flying on the back (a large bird), of course there are accessories and attachments to the yukata also in the box. "Well come on, let's get that school uniform off and see how you look in it!" Oboro's already excitedly undressing Tomo.
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"Oh wow, it's so pretty and girly! You know most people that try to strip me like that get a knuckle sandwich, but I am pretty excited to wear this too." It also helped that she knew the other girl didn't mean anything weird by it. Tomo chuckled as she helped Oboro remove her clothing, letting her toned yet surprisingly curvy body free so she could put on the yukata, wrapping a strong arm around her large chest so she could work on putting herself into the fancy robe.
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eway · 11 months
Smash Bros Corrin's Supports
Vs. Male Corrin
Female Corrin Version
Corrin: That's…
Xander: You. From a realm where not only were you born male, but where you sided with Hoshido.
Xander: I…have wondered. If you could choose between Nohr and Hoshido once more, with the knowledge of what happened when you chose Nohr, would-
Corrin: Nohr
Elise: But you didn't hear the rest!
Corrin: I don't need to. I may have been born in Hoshido, but Nohr is my home.
Camilla: It is?
Corrin: Yes! It's home because…that's where you guys are!
Siblings: !?
Corrin: Nohr is beautiful, with its people, the eternal night sky, the wildlife. But you? You all mean so much to me! If anything were to happen to any of you…I'd sooner die a thousand slow and painful deaths than allow that…so I could never side with Hoshido, knowing I would have to hurt you…
Elise: Waaaaaaaa! Big sister!
Camilla: Oh Corrin…
Corrin: Wait are all of you crying?
Leo: N-no!
Xander: It seems we are. It just…makes us all so happy to hear you say that.
Corrin: I merely spoke the truth. We may not share blood, but that doesn't matter! I may do some things differently, to end the war sooner and more peacefully, but I would never abandon you! I am a proud Nohrian Princess, and an even prouder sister!
Leo: Well said, sister.
Xander: Now, defeat that Hoshidan Prince! FOR THE GLORY OF NOHR!
Corrin: (alone) I must admit. I am glad he exists. Because, at least I know that there is a timeline where Ryoma, Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura are alive…and happy. Though I would never pay the price needed for that ending…
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fe-fictions · 2 years
baby train with Jakob, please! (glad to have you back ❤️❤️❤️)
(Glad to be back!!!)
Jakob was floundering all day. He was sure he’d be bald by the end of the pregnancy. There were so many tips and tricks that he had learned to help ease your struggles as they came week by week.
But now that you were at the mercy of the midwives, the poor butler-turned-duke had nothing to do but wait.
He had sent word to your family hours ago; they were caught in a skirmish that wouldn’t see them at the delivery room until they could make a way out.
So he was left alone, stooped over in his seat with his elbows on his knees, trying desperately not to panic. Every time the doors opened to retrieve supplies or inform him of your status, he could hear you crying out. It grated on his ears, tearing his heart to pieces.
Flora and Felicia both assured him that you were doing well, and that there wasn’t a thing to worry about. They said that, and yet he could hear full well that you were most certainly not doing well.
What was he supposed to make of that contradiction?!
Elise’s high-pitched voice broke through the heart pounding in his ears, and he looked up to find a gaggle of Nohrian and Hoshidan royals hurrying up to the end of the corridor. They all looked like a mixture of worried and excited, some of them with their own children trailing behind them with curious eyes.
“Jakob, how is she?” Xander asked first, “Is the little princess faring well?”
“Flora informed me she was almost ready to push, about an hour ago. The room itself is sound-proofed, so I can’t hear much unless one of them comes out. Since she told me that much, I haven’t heard anything else.”
“I see. Very well, then.” Xander looked to Ryoma, who seemed at least slightly less worried than his Nohrian counterpart. He put a hand on Jakob’s shoulder, “Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll be all right.”
“Ugh, Brother, how can you be so blase about this? Your sister is in the fight of her life in there!”
“I don’t mean to minimize,” He replied quickly to Camilla’s borderline growling at him. “But she’s a lot stronger than we give her credit for. If anyone can handle this smoothly, it’s her.”
“Spoken like a man who’ll never feel the pains of childbirth.” Hinoka pinched the bridge of her nose, “Delivering a baby brings even the strongest of women to their knees! It’s not a matter of if she’ll be able to handle it smoothly, it’s a matter of if she’ll survive it, and if she does, if there’ll be any lifelong consequences!”
Xander flinched at the fiery princess’ tone, glancing to the princes beside him. Takumi and Leo both held their hands up, staying out of the fight. He shook his head, hands up in surrender.
“Forgive me, it wasn’t my intention to demean what Corrin is going through. I meant only to comfort our brother.”
Jakob gave him a small nod of thanks, and they settled uncomfortably in front of the doors. Jakob, impatient and anxious, resumed his urgent movements back and forth.
“I almost…I almost wish I were not married to her in this moment.”
“Come again?” Leo snapped at him, and Jakob shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
“If I were not her husband I would be permitted into the room- I could help with the delivery. At the very least I would be able to go in to reassure her!”
“I do not think you would be so willing to deliver a baby that your wife has with another man, Jakob.” Takumi said, but it fell on deaf ears. Jakob was clearly desperate.
It was hard for anyone to see their wife suffering through such pain, but for someone who had been saved by you, someone who stood by your side even when everyone else had abandoned you… To not be able to do the same for you in such a time of need was destroying him.
“I would do whatever I must to help Corrin. I just…need to be with her.”
“Of course you do.” Camilla sighed, standing from her seat to put her arm around his shoulders. She took him back to the seating, gently encouraging him to join the rest of them. Being able to really look at him, it was obvious that he was struggling much worse than he’d initially let on.
Between the pale face, light stubble and the combination of a messy cravat and flyaway strands of hair, it was clear the man was in a poor state.
“I wish we could be in there with her, too. But we should trust the clerics that they’re taking care of both Corrin and your future child. If something bad were to happen, I’m sure they’d ask for both you and our younger sisters, seeing as you’re all healers. Consider it a good sign that it hasn’t happened.”
“Yes…” He nodded, though he seemed the furthest thing from convinced.
They all banded together in t heir anxiety, trying to keep one another calm as the anxiety and excitement boiled their blood. Thankfully, the gods would smile upon them and give them some grace.
It would be another three agonizing hours before their fortune changed. But eventually, at last, the doors were pushed open.
“The delivery was successful! Mother and child are both-”
They all stared in shock as Jakob immediately pushed past the head cleric, making a break for the bed. The royals opted not to follow suit; it was clear he needed to be with you more than anyone else, in that moment.
“They’re both fine?” Xander repeated, the lot of them standing to address the cleric. She nodded, giving a kind smile.
“The princess has given birth to a beautiful baby boy. They are both resting, now.”
“A boy!” Leo grinned, poking Takumi’s shoulder, “Looks like you lost the bet!”
“Who cares? We’ve got a nephew!”
Hinoka glanced over at the smug Camilla, rolling her eyes and muttering something about paying her later.
Elise and Sakura were bouncing excitedly, cheering for the arrival of the newborn boy. The spirits were high outside the delivery room, and it was no different inside.
Jakob was instantly beside you, kneeling next to the bed. One hand was on your shoulder, the other cupping your cheek as he worriedly looked you over.
“Milady…my love, are you well? How do you feel?” He blurted the questions out in quick succession, doing his own medical inspection to ensure the nurses hadn’t missed anything. He had half a mind to cast a Mend spell over you just in case, but you appeared to be just fine.
“I am well.” You promised him, though you sounded alarmingly breathless. You leaned into his hand, “Have you seen the little prince, yet?”
Jakob’s heart suddenly lodged into his throat. That’s right; there was a new life in the world. One he brought with his wife. And the baby was right there.
“N-no, I haven’t…where is he?” Jakob rose to his feet, though his hand lingered on your arm. “Is he all right?”
“They were cleaning him up, but…it seems they’re done.” You tilted your chin towards the side of the room, where a huddle of clerics were fawning over something atop the medical table.
Judging by the swathe of blankets Jakob could see between them, his baby was over there. He looked back at you, finding a hopeful smile on your lips.
“Could you…could you bring him over to me?”
“O-oh. Of course, just…just a moment.” He stumbled over himself, the worry of your labor finally giving way to the realization that he was about to meet his son for the very first time.
Jakob stepped over to the clerics, leaving your side.
“Pardon me, but…the princess would like to see her son.” He said softly, drawing the joyful attention of the midwife.
“As you wish, milord. Let us fetch your son. Ladies,” She parted the group of women, who had just finished clearing away the cleaning mess so that the baby was happily swaddled in his temporary bassinet.
She lifted up the bundle from the bedding, and turned back to him to reveal the sweet baby to his father.
“Congratulations, my lord. He is a very handsome young man.”
“Hah,” It knocked the wind out of him.
There he was; a tuft of silver hair, pin-pricked ears, and a little button nose. That was definitely his and your baby- no doubt about it.
“A handsome young man, indeed.”
Jakob opened his arms to receive him, delicately taking the babe into his arms. Immediately the boy squeaked, as if registering there was a brand new warmth that had him, now.
He gently touched the baby’s forehead, holding him as close as possible.
“Hello, son.”
Bright red eyes suddenly flickered open. He knew that voice.
Jakob couldn’t contain the tears that slipped down, realizing his baby knew who he was. It seemed your insistence on speaking to the baby before he was even born wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Good morning, little one…we’re so happy you’re here.” He couldn’t contain his smile, utterly unaware of the others in the room besides himself and his child…and, of course, the mother excitedly waiting to see her baby boy for the first time, too.
“Shall we go see Mother?”
He carefully walked back to the bed, smiling at his dear wife who couldn’t tear her eyes away from the bundle in his arms.
“Is he okay?”
“He’s wonderful.” He replied in earnest, “The picture of health, and beauty, and everything we could have possibly hoped for.”
It was not much longer before he was placed in your arms, at last. If Jakob hadn’t been crying before, he certainly was now; you weren’t faring any better.
You were brimming with them the second that baby boy came into your arms. He was pressed to your chest, lying on top of you and snoozing away without a care in the world.
“My baby…this is…t-this is my- our- little baby boy…!” You hiccuped, hugging him close. You cradled his head with your whole hand, the little fellow so delicate and small he could have been easily missed.
But you weren’t letting such a darling creature out of your sight.
“Do you think…the name we picked before will suit him?” You sniffled softly, and Jakob brought a hand to your face, gently wiping the tears away. He knelt beside you again, resting his head against your arm and gently petting the baby’s feather-soft heair.
“Yes…I think it will suit him perfectly. Prince Dwyer.”
“Dwyer…it’s so cute.” You giggled, “You hear that, Dwyer? You’re the newest member of our family.”
“A growing family, at that.” Jakob added as he looked to the doors, spotting the doors cracked open and the faces of nearly a dozen siblings all waiting to come and see their newest nephew. “Shall we let them visit him?”
“Not yet.” You shook your head, “We’ve only had him for a little while, can’t we admire him between us for a bit longer?”
“As you wish.” He kissed your forehead as he rose, “I’ll let them know that all is well.”
“Hurry back.” You called to him as he walked away. The sweet man couldn’t stop the surge of joy that was filling him up; he really had it, after the life he’d lived. The life he struggled through, and the suffering you’d experienced with him.
It was all worth it, to have finally become a family together.
One that would surely grow in no time, once Dwyer was old enough to toddle about and follow his father around like a gray duckling. It was about that time when you decided it was time to introduce one more silver dragonlet into the family. But for now, all you needed was right there, in your arms.
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emblemxeno · 1 year
I don't know about you, but I still haven't gotten over the fact that Hinoka and Camilla don't have legendary weapons
Why did the younger princes have them when the older princesses don't? 😭
They hate seeing women succeed fr.
But from what I remember, Hinoka exclusively trained with the naginata because being a Sky Knight would help her fly into Nohr and rescue Corrin and so had no interest in training in the Yumi. Camilla... I don't remember where I heard this but I think it was mentioned somewhere that Leo won Brynhildr so maybe there was a competition for it and he simply won? But besides that, the weapons were also noted to choose their wielders alongside being inherited so maybe the elder sisters were coincidentally skipped over.
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thinking of a time travel au for fates gen 2, because deeprealms are a terrible way to get the kids. but the campaign chosen doesn't necessarily dictate the kids you get
so it's kind of like heirs of fate, where they come from two different world. thanks to a combination of Lilith, the orb that was entrusted to the Awakening trio, and the appropriate Corrin kids, they are able to travel back in tim
the timeline diverges as early as a few years before the game starts. this time, Corrin ends up on Rev instead.
found alongside Midori at a Hoshidan village. Mikoto discreetly asks Kaze to take in both girls and insists they be treated as important guests, particularly Kana. She's already there when Corrin is taken to the castle. (Dead in BR)
blames himself for not being able to save M!Kana, and is the first person to encourage mutual cooperation between the two factions. Applies to be a butler at Northern Fortress to get close to Corrin, who recognizes him from her visions. Inherits Yato. (Dead in BR)
sticks around to help, but dyes his hair, changes his name (as in canon), and never tells his parents who he is. when his lady doesn't show up, he leaves to find her and takes on the name "Gaius". Caeldori's retainer. (Dead in BR)
falls into Ylisse, and while scouring the skies to try and find Asugi and to find out where she is, she's found by Phila. She takes on the name "Cordelia" and becomes a part of Ylisse's Pegasus Knight squad (Dead in BR)
deeply curious about her cousin Asugi and just young enough to not understand why he resents her so much. She's mostly kept off the battlefield. Is training to be F!Kana's retainer, and has her existence revealed by Soleil. (Does not exist in BR)
promptly ends up having her identity revealed to her parents because she has a brand, being the first one as well, after Laslow finds her in a bar. Is the first instance of Nohr realizing something is up. Inherits Falchion. Siegbert's retainer. (Dead in BR)
first prince of Nohr and leader of the army. Also feels guilty for the loss of his two cousins. Runs into his mother before she ever encounters Corrin and is recruited alongside her. Inherited Siegfried. Does not tell his father until much later. (Does not exist in BR)
Grows up close to Caeldori, due to her father formerly being the Queen's retainer. Next in line to be chief of the Fire Tribe, she attempts to find Caeldori and Asugi by heading to Hoshido. Reveals herself to Azama first. (Dead in BR)
second princess of Nohr and representative of the Wolfskin. Was raised mostly isolated from the human world. Is the second person to reveal herself. Winds up at Mt Garou and tracks down her father. (Does not exist in BR)
One of the last characters to join the cast. He is found with Shigure and is relieved to find that the two factions are getting along. Is the first person, alongside Shigure, to make sense of Valla. Dwyer's retainer. Charlotte recognizes immediately. (Does not exist in BR)
Second youngest of the Hoshidan and Nohrian families. Grew up in Hoshido before his father died protecting him and his mother, before moving to Nohr. Inherited Fujin Yumi. Readily reveals himself to his parents. (Does not exist in BR)
Inherits Yato after his brother dies. Reunites with his sister after his grandmother orders Kaze to quietly bring him to the castle as well. Due to his blade, the royal family is also informed about the appearance of children from the future. (Dead in CQ)
second prince of Nohr. Is just old enough to recall his mother. Inherited her writings and her song, alongside the warnings that come with it. Mentioned above, becomes friends with Ignatius. (Does not exist in CQ)
third prince of Nohr. The sword he carries is the same one his father named after him. While okay with an alliance with the other faction, is stubbornly against revealing their identity to their parents. Joins as a samurai at the castle to be able to watch over his mother. (Does not exist in CQ)
next in line to be chief of the Wind Tribe. Is very close to Forrest. Winds up in Plegia after being chased by Faceless, only to run into Grimleal. Takes on the name "Tharja". (Does not exist in CQ)
first prince of Nohr. Is very excited to find out he has cousins in another world and wishes to get to know his aunt and uncle. One of the first to reveal himself, namely to Sakura, once she and the rest of Corrin's gang head to Izana's place. Inherits Brynhildr, but struggles to use it. (Dead in CQ)
grew up in Ylisse without her father, eventually deciding to chase him down because she was unwilling to believe he was dead. Ended up getting roped into fighting, and wastes no time introducing herself to her father. Forrest's retainer. Has her existence revealed by Soleil beforehand. (Dead in CQ)
first prince of Hoshido and the leader of the army. Feels responsible for losing Dwyer and M!Kana. When alternate Dwyer approaches him with friendship in mind, he is initially apprehensive but agrees. Kagero finds him first as he tries to warn her about Mokushu. Inherits Raijinto. (Does not exist in CQ)
Forrest's retainer. Stays with Forrest and does not wish to reveal her identity. Aids Hinoka and the rest in saving Sakura, requesting only that they hear Forrest out. (Dead in CQ)
representative of the Kitsune. Grew up close with Dwyer and Kanas. Shiro's third in command after Asugi dies and witnessed Dwyer's death. Winds up at Kitsune Hamlet and misses most of the action. (Does not exist in CQ)
Treated by Forrest as a younger sibling. Was taken in by Camilla after his parents' deaths. Used to the kind, motherly version of her, he tries to tell her immediately. Soleil is thankfully there to stop him. Kept off the battlefield due to his age. (Dead in CQ)
First Dwyer's, then Kana's retainer. Chooses to reunite with her father first, introducing herself as a distant cousin. After he disappears, she attempts to track him down. (Does not exist in CQ)
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