#princess areeya
taz-writes · 5 years
The one I was just liveblogging is just, absolutely WILD, but it’s also only 13 double-spaced pages long and very much incomplete. I’m honestly disappointed as fuck, because it would’ve been a gold mine, but I wasn’t ready back then to write a story as incredibly long as Feilan was gonna turn out to be. It ends before it really begins--I got distracted by a different project, which actually turned out to be my first real real attempt at writing a novel! 
(Which by the way, holy cow, remind me to talk about even the trees have eyes one day too because it is ALSO incredibly hilarious and incoherent in its own beautiful way. it’s a total disaster!) 
Analysis of the existing part, though: It’s from 2009. My technical writing skills are immature but honestly? I was a pretty damn good writer for my age back then, the spelling and grammar are excellent, I had a natural instinct for how to manage my prose and sentence length and stuff like that. Unfortunately, like most of my old writing, the content held within that technical excellence is complete and utter nonsense. 
Highlights of “Iliginia Story” (as it is titled in my computer) not included in my liveblog: 
The fairies have created robotic wing devices so that humans can fly around and pretend to be fairies. They’ve stocked a hollow in a giant tree with several dozen of these devices, that they just keep nice and on hand just in case. This is normal. 
OG Sayara exists, and it’s really weird, because the main character in the 2009 story is an actual for real self insert. Like, literally me, but with another sibling and a slightly cooler lifestyle. But OG Sayara is also a self insert. Near the end of this story, Baby Taz and OG Sayara literally fuse Steven Universe style into one shared mind and body. Nobody questions this. Nobody questions the ethics of this. Nobody questions the logic, or the liabilities, or the fact that Baby Taz has a whole ass family and parents back home and cannot just up and disappear to be a fairy princess. 
I have to reiterate again, they literally just become the same person when they touch, this is a permanent procedure, it’s only commented on once in order to indicate that this is a good thing and really awesome because Baby Taz gets to be a hero. 
Seriously what the fuck. 
Also, this was back before I got a grip on my naming situation... Aelia’s original name, apparently, was “Areeya Storm.” Not even just Arya (which is what I called her in the proper rough draft). Areeya. Because we really needed those extra vowels.
Nobody has a last name except Sayara, whose last name is Queen, because she is the Queen. Except she’s not the Queen, she’s a rando princess living in the woods in a treehouse alone while being the rebel leader. It honestly kind of reminds me of old-school OG She-ra in that sense? There are just all these princesses and queens who show up out of nowhere and I have no idea what in the world they were meant to be princesses and queens of, they’re just kind of there. 
Also, OG Sayara doesn’t have any family or siblings, she just sort of exists in the void. 
Thank the fiction gods for my decision to make her an actually interesting and compelling character eventually... 
Every single goddamn character is a “dude” or a “nerd,” I think ‘dude’ was the word of the year for me back in 2009 because I just couldn’t stop using it!! The prose alternates from really elegant and poetic, still up to my standards in 2019, to stuff like “I won’t take orders from a --- ------ ------ ---- first grader, dude!” 
All in all, it’s both better than you’d ever expect from a 12 year old, and incredibly hilariously terrible. 
The other big thing I can’t help but notice about the 2009 story is that it really highlights some of my own emotional issues when I was that age. There’s... a bit in here that was genuinely uncomfortable to read. I used to be really immature about my own femininity, I identified as a hardcore tomboy and hated being seen as girly but I also was distinctly aware of how people didn’t want to take me seriously because I was a tomboy. But they didn’t take girly-girls seriously either. So there’s a weird amount of emphasis on the boy clothes, the way self-insert!Taz wears boys’ cargo shorts and camouflage, that she’s kind of a gremlin... a fictionalized version of an elementary school bully calls self-insert!Taz an “it” and there’s a weird amount of emphasis on the reaction, and it’s used as a way to highlight how this character actually “belongs” in the fairy world instead of back on Earth. Because the fairy world wants her to be there, and in Fairyland, wearing shorts with big boy pockets (stuffed full of random rocks and string ofc) is an advantage. By the way, apparently that’s Sayara’s oldest defining character trait, because it’s the only part of either OG Sayara or self-insert!Taz that I can recognize in this narrative. And in this version of the story, they were basically the same character. Pocket rocks and vague condescension are their only character traits.
It’s not explicit, I wasn’t even aware that this was what I’d written, but looking back on it the subtext is glaringly in-your-face obvious. It’s just... it was a weird thing to realize about myself when I went into the archives to mock my middle school existence. 
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Asian TV Dramas (C, K, Taiwanese,Thai Lakorns)
Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Anne Thongprasom Manee Yard Fah Ploy Pongpudpunth Mayurin Pupart Michael Romance Thai Thai Lakorns Thailand The Crown Princess Willie Ruengrit McIntosh Willy McIntosh Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Are you also looking forward to watch The Crown Princess like me? Well we still have time for that as far as I know it’ll start either on 23 April or the 25th.. So I discoveredManee Yard Fah with Anne & Willy.. I totally enjoyed it it won’t leave you a 2nd lead syndrome only the main lead syndrome. ofcourse it’ll also leave you with men in uniform syndrome :)) It’s an old lakorn 17 years old. This also a lakorn that doesn’t involve a slug ex well it does but she doesn’t last long enough to influence our couple. Let’s jump to story The beautiful OST (it’ll sound familiar I’ll post the original version down below) Princess Areeya is the only heir to the throne she lives with her grandfather she’s under the strict training / education. She’s a spoiled and has got child like manners when she was in the palace. Her grandfather sensed that she’s in danger and send her off to Thailand to sign some gold deals. But she got kidnapped the kidnappers left her on an island. and there she meets her prince. Charnchon a navy officer.. Charnchon finds her in the sea he quickly swam and save her he asks who she’s she tells her that she’s Princess Areeya from Bura Manee Faa and ofcourse he thought she’s mental he offered her to come to her tent but she insisted on staying by the shore just incase if a boat passes by. When it got and it started to rain she got scared and ran to the forest saved by Charnchon once more time. They bicker a lot but every single night they fall asleep in eachothers arms she sometimes fall asleep on his chest 🙂 The first signs of love started on the island I don’t know how can someone fall in love to someone that quick but let’s call it love at first sight. They spend 4 days & 4 nights at the island. On each time they faced difficulties Charnchon was always there to save her finally when they made their way up to Thailand after Charnchon speaking with his general he learns that she’s a real princess. They have let the grand dad know that they found the Princess they’re thinking of ways to protect her General was also thinking of how to protect her that moment his wife gave him the idea talking about the lakorn she was watching. So they decided to wed them When General told this idea to the grand dad King he thought he’d think it’s a stupid idea but he accepted it she’d appear like a normal Thai woman live in the base so that Charnchon can protect her without taking attension Ourcouple denied to get married they were in denial of their feelings. Grandpa looked / checked Charnchon’s background he finds out that he’s the son of the officer who onced saved his life. He said he’s coming from a good blood. Grand dad knew that they were a perfect match & in love while our main couple is on denial. General gone to the extent of prisoning Charnchon till he accepts to marry the Princess he was still denying to marry her till he learnt she’s in danger again. While their situation is Wanting While Not Wanting 🙂 So he agreed to marry they got married with a day. During the wedding ceremony each of them remmeber of the promise they made that they’d only get married for once (w/o the other one knowing that) It was hilarious when the priest said you may kiss the bride & The General got in between them & said the wedding is over before they had a chance to kiss 😛 General’s wife is getting curious of her husband’s secretive behaviours at the end she even thinks that Princess who poses like Charnchon wife an ordinary Thai woman is the daughter of the General from his mistress. (haah she was in secure and so suspicious) Charnchon orders Areeya to the household chores while knowing that she’s not used to those things. He’s trying to make her stronger more independent. During the time they were in Thailand both of them shows extreme jealousy. Aree dives into a bookstore / and knocks the over down accidentally so that guy immediately likes her and woos her(Yord Ruk)calls her Angel Charnchon gets jealous he tries using his strength on him because and Yord Ruk is a just a geeky guy. So he tried to make Yord Ruk that they’re a couple and they’re so in love.. Out of nowhere Charnchorn’s sluggy ex Rosaline shows up. She tells Charnchorn’s 3 best friends that he promised to marry her she even goes to his house where she sees Yord Ruk who says she can’t go in because the owner’s not in. She pushes him etc etc she makes a plan to break Charnchon & Aree. Aree is also jealous they don’t speak for a day.. Colonel gives a party to introduce them to the other people in the base and stop people talking about why they got married so fast. When the other officers’ wives questioned them under the influence of Colonel’s wife each of them told a different story why Charn & Aree got married this fast. Rosaline calls Charns mother told her about his marriage she was trying to show Aree as she was having an affair with that geeky guy. Rosaline invited Chan to dance (Neil Sedaka You Mean Everything To Me was playing at the background I thought it was perfect song if it was Chan & Aree was dancing) Yord also invited Aree to dance but while he was trying to kiss her he got punched :)) So after that they took his mother home Chan rushes home because he doesn’t understand his ma that his marriage is fake so he was tidying but his mother caught him red handed he told his ma that he’s tidying and helping his wife his mother was shocked tells him that she has never seen him doing household chores. His mother tested Aree to see if she’s a good housewife she was very satisfied by her and she goes back home. After learning that her plans didn’t work this time Rosaline tries the suicide card Yord Ruk tells Aree that he’s doing all those bec Rosaline begged him to do so and she told him that she’s secretly seen Charn. When Aree saw Charn hugging Rosaline she got upset and started to cry she didn’t want to listen Charn’s explanations she went off with Yord Ruk They went to beach but the bad guys were following them they got hold of Aree Charn got to her help but he got the bullets for her. But when Charn got shot Aree got upset she cried and tried to wake him up. But Rosaline came to hospital to cause more trouble. Yord Ruk confessed that everything was Rosaline’s plan and they became friends with Yord Ruk again While back in the hospital they learn that the head of the bad guys of was Makee her cousin so she asked the Colonel to go back to Thailand but she wanted to stay one more day to thank to Charn. She looked after Charn while he was in the hospital she gave him loads of kisses and hugs and strokes she literally petted him 🙂 of course both were head over heels She made him a candlelit romantic dinner which Charn loved he asked if it’s her birthday or is it the 2nd month wedding anniversary? she kept her silence with a very sad facial expression. She started to crying She tells him that some day she’ll be apart from him to have him his own path and tells him she won’t marry anyone else but no matter what she can’t stay there. She tells that she has a duty that she’s responsible of & everything needs to be in regulation. Charn tells her the story about the stars and how their future would be They kiss they hold hands hug each other and finally they sleep in their arms When Charn wokes up in the morning Aree was not there in bed he looks for her and finally notices the letter and the necklace his ma gave to her. In her letter she tells him that he’s a very good person and one day he’ll find a more suitable lady Charn looked upset so the general comes and tells him that you should be happy your duty is done. General tells him that I’ll tell my superiors to give you a promotion but he says he prefers going to for investigation. But while Aree is in Thailand her fianceAreeya’s fiancee Prince Warit had gotten closed to her cousin Gadegeow he’s having an affair with her and promises that he’ll marry her instead of Aree. After Aree arrives grand dad asked her to marry asap to save the country even though Aree was hurting she accepted it to save the country. The Villains tried to kill Aree again by poisoning but luckily it was not her who got poisoned it was Makee’s ma who got poisoned Grand dad decided that they need someone strong to protect Aree and the only person he could think of is Charn So he got in touch with General that he needs Charn to protect Aree General told this to Charn and he happily accepted it and very excited to be able to see his wife again She heard Charns arrival from her little sister she quickly went to check if it’s really him but Charn behaved like they’ve never met before and that made her upset So she gave him a tour with an another soilder. Well they again start to bicker Aree told him that she wants to start over as friends Charn told her it’s not necessary he knows his line of duty and he doesn’t live in the past. When Charn follows him she tried to make him jealous with Prince Warit by talking to him nice and sweet. Meanwhile Alita Aree’s little sister develops feelings for him. One night after coming out of Gade’s room Warit bumped into bad guys He tried to stop them with his knife but accidentally stab one of the soldiers Charn ordered to take Warit into custody Aree said no he can’t do this to her fiance but Charn said to wait what grandad will say the next day. Gade came to Warit’s rescue and they let him out Aree wanted Charn to leave Bura & Charn agreed which made Aree upset. After Charn left Aree sit in the garden and wore her eyes out crying and feeling upset but she got captured by the bad guys. But Charns leaving was a part of plan Aree understand that they were using her cousin Makee and both of them were about to be killed when Charn saved them both When Aree & Charn hugged and kiss Makee saw them When they go to the palace Makee told his ma what he saw Grand pa tried to get confession from both parties but both went to denial. So he ordered her to marry Warit. Charn said he’ll capture the bad guy as a wedding present to both. That night Aree went to Charns room that she came to see him as Aree as the wife of a Marine she tells him that she’s also suffering and she’ll tell granddad to cancel the wedding as she already have a husband. While kissing and hugging Aree told her that she’ll tell grand dad to make him a prince after getting married and protect the county with her. He moved away from her bec he thinks the only reason her to save her country and to protect her so he asked her to leave. Alun caught Gade and Warit when he was about to kill both Gadge said he raped him and forced her into relationship so Alun believed her but when he was about to shoot him Warit said she’s lying but he didn’t believe her so Gadge find a chance to stab Alun and she confessed that she’s been using him ever since to kill people she dislikes Gadegeow told Aree that granddad is feeling sick and calling her she believed her but she tricked her she reached a knife to kill her. She understood that she’s one of the bad guys she saw Alun’s death body and got scared. (turned out that Alun (is the soilder who was doing all the bad things) is one of her husband’s So at the end Warit stabbed Gadge she shot him and killed him and they both die. Chamchorn find Aree scared. But the next day he decides to be back to Thailand but Alita ( the sister) tells him not to leave because she loves him Charn told her that he’ll only have one wife he can’t love anyone else so he wants to be friends with her. Alita told what happened to Aree but that made her cry. Grandpa asked her what’s wrong with her she tells him that she got a headache but grandpa didn’t take this white lie. Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Grandpa tells her that he happily accepts Charns as a son inlaw so does everyone else in the palace. Aree quickly went to Thailand while Charn & his friends were about to go out for a drink they saw a car approaching to them they saw their wife’s coming out of the car and the last on e was Aree.. Charn saluted her as Princess she said she’s not a Princess in Thailand only the wife of a Navy / Marine Officer so they kissed and it ended there…. They do have a lot of skinship loads of touching holding hands kiss proper kiss not a fake one 😀 Do I need to tell how handsome Willy was looking in that White Uniform 🙂 Men in uniform syndrome 🙂 For once I thought Kik is portraying a good person for a change as she usually portrays the 3rd wheel 😛 I thought this lakorn is one of the lakorns where she plays the good the girl Not a great fan of Celine so I much prefer the Thai version of this song. Asian TV Dramas (C, K, Taiwanese,Thai Lakorns) ift.tt/2fmQghD Drama Platters ift.tt/2r6R7Yh
Posted by makeuptemple on 2017-12-11 01:50:29
Tagged: , dramaplatters , thailakorns , Thai , KDrama , Kdramafans , Asiandrama , Asiandramafans , CNdramas , TWdrama , Thailand , CDramas , Thailakorn , KDramas , TWDramas
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kathniel26stuff-blog · 12 years
Princess and I. Si Jao mapipili then......
guys only thing nalang na hndi pa narreveal eh yung anak talaga ni Priam si Jao. at si Jao ay hindi tlaga Dasho. diba medyo boring na? pero still nanunuod tayo dahil hoping tayo na may MiGi/Yureeya scene dba?
yun nlng ata yung pinaghahawakan ng PAI story eh yung mareveal yung kay Jao. Parang si Jao mapipili and at the end dba papalayain nila si Mikay... then siguro dun na malalaman ni Jao na hndi siya Dasho. xempre ang ending eh kay Gino. pero papalayain din ni Gino si Mikay ksi parang feel nia ngayun eh si Mikay gusto na tlga si Jao.
At the end of the day pagsumuko na si Gino... si Mikay naman hahabol promise! hahaha...
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dramaplatters · 7 years
Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Anne Thongprasom Manee Yard Fah Ploy Pongpudpunth Mayurin Pupart Michael Romance Thai Thai Lakorns Thailand The Crown Princess Willie Ruengrit McIntosh Willy McIntosh Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Are you also looking forward to watch The Crown Princess like me? Well we still have time for that as far as I know it'll start either on 23 April or the 25th.. So I discoveredManee Yard Fah with Anne & Willy.. I totally enjoyed it it won't leave you a 2nd lead syndrome only the main lead syndrome. ofcourse it'll also leave you with men in uniform syndrome :)) It's an old lakorn 17 years old. This also a lakorn that doesn't involve a slug ex well it does but she doesn't last long enough to influence our couple. Let's jump to story The beautiful OST (it'll sound familiar I'll post the original version down below) Princess Areeya is the only heir to the throne she lives with her grandfather she's under the strict training / education. She's a spoiled and has got child like manners when she was in the palace. Her grandfather sensed that she's in danger and send her off to Thailand to sign some gold deals. But she got kidnapped the kidnappers left her on an island. and there she meets her prince. Charnchon a navy officer.. Charnchon finds her in the sea he quickly swam and save her he asks who she's she tells her that she's Princess Areeya from Bura Manee Faa and ofcourse he thought she's mental he offered her to come to her tent but she insisted on staying by the shore just incase if a boat passes by. When it got and it started to rain she got scared and ran to the forest saved by Charnchon once more time. They bicker a lot but every single night they fall asleep in eachothers arms she sometimes fall asleep on his chest :) The first signs of love started on the island I don't know how can someone fall in love to someone that quick but let's call it love at first sight. They spend 4 days & 4 nights at the island. On each time they faced difficulties Charnchon was always there to save her finally when they made their way up to Thailand after Charnchon speaking with his general he learns that she's a real princess. They have let the grand dad know that they found the Princess they're thinking of ways to protect her General was also thinking of how to protect her that moment his wife gave him the idea talking about the lakorn she was watching. So they decided to wed them When General told this idea to the grand dad King he thought he'd think it's a stupid idea but he accepted it she'd appear like a normal Thai woman live in the base so that Charnchon can protect her without taking attension Ourcouple denied to get married they were in denial of their feelings. Grandpa looked / checked Charnchon's background he finds out that he's the son of the officer who onced saved his life. He said he's coming from a good blood. Grand dad knew that they were a perfect match & in love while our main couple is on denial. General gone to the extent of prisoning Charnchon till he accepts to marry the Princess he was still denying to marry her till he learnt she's in danger again. While their situation is Wanting While Not Wanting :) So he agreed to marry they got married with a day. During the wedding ceremony each of them remmeber of the promise they made that they'd only get married for once (w/o the other one knowing that) It was hilarious when the priest said you may kiss the bride & The General got in between them & said the wedding is over before they had a chance to kiss :P General's wife is getting curious of her husband's secretive behaviours at the end she even thinks that Princess who poses like Charnchon wife an ordinary Thai woman is the daughter of the General from his mistress. (haah she was in secure and so suspicious) Charnchon orders Areeya to the household chores while knowing that she's not used to those things. He's trying to make her stronger more independent. During the time they were in Thailand both of them shows extreme jealousy. Aree dives into a bookstore / and knocks the over down accidentally so that guy immediately likes her and woos her(Yord Ruk)calls her Angel Charnchon gets jealous he tries using his strength on him because and Yord Ruk is a just a geeky guy. So he tried to make Yord Ruk that they're a couple and they're so in love.. Out of nowhere Charnchorn's sluggy ex Rosaline shows up. She tells Charnchorn's 3 best friends that he promised to marry her she even goes to his house where she sees Yord Ruk who says she can't go in because the owner's not in. She pushes him etc etc she makes a plan to break Charnchon & Aree. Aree is also jealous they don't speak for a day.. Colonel gives a party to introduce them to the other people in the base and stop people talking about why they got married so fast. When the other officers' wives questioned them under the influence of Colonel's wife each of them told a different story why Charn & Aree got married this fast. Rosaline calls Charns mother told her about his marriage she was trying to show Aree as she was having an affair with that geeky guy. Rosaline invited Chan to dance (Neil Sedaka You Mean Everything To Me was playing at the background I thought it was perfect song if it was Chan & Aree was dancing) Yord also invited Aree to dance but while he was trying to kiss her he got punched :)) So after that they took his mother home Chan rushes home because he doesn't understand his ma that his marriage is fake so he was tidying but his mother caught him red handed he told his ma that he's tidying and helping his wife his mother was shocked tells him that she has never seen him doing household chores. His mother tested Aree to see if she's a good housewife she was very satisfied by her and she goes back home. After learning that her plans didn't work this time Rosaline tries the suicide card Yord Ruk tells Aree that he's doing all those bec Rosaline begged him to do so and she told him that she's secretly seen Charn. When Aree saw Charn hugging Rosaline she got upset and started to cry she didn't want to listen Charn's explanations she went off with Yord Ruk They went to beach but the bad guys were following them they got hold of Aree Charn got to her help but he got the bullets for her. But when Charn got shot Aree got upset she cried and tried to wake him up. But Rosaline came to hospital to cause more trouble. Yord Ruk confessed that everything was Rosaline's plan and they became friends with Yord Ruk again While back in the hospital they learn that the head of the bad guys of was Makee her cousin so she asked the Colonel to go back to Thailand but she wanted to stay one more day to thank to Charn. She looked after Charn while he was in the hospital she gave him loads of kisses and hugs and strokes she literally petted him :) of course both were head over heels She made him a candlelit romantic dinner which Charn loved he asked if it's her birthday or is it the 2nd month wedding anniversary? she kept her silence with a very sad facial expression. She started to crying She tells him that some day she'll be apart from him to have him his own path and tells him she won't marry anyone else but no matter what she can't stay there. She tells that she has a duty that she's responsible of & everything needs to be in regulation. Charn tells her the story about the stars and how their future would be They kiss they hold hands hug each other and finally they sleep in their arms When Charn wokes up in the morning Aree was not there in bed he looks for her and finally notices the letter and the necklace his ma gave to her. In her letter she tells him that he's a very good person and one day he'll find a more suitable lady Charn looked upset so the general comes and tells him that you should be happy your duty is done. General tells him that I'll tell my superiors to give you a promotion but he says he prefers going to for investigation. But while Aree is in Thailand her fianceAreeya's fiancee Prince Warit had gotten closed to her cousin Gadegeow he's having an affair with her and promises that he'll marry her instead of Aree. After Aree arrives grand dad asked her to marry asap to save the country even though Aree was hurting she accepted it to save the country. The Villains tried to kill Aree again by poisoning but luckily it was not her who got poisoned it was Makee's ma who got poisoned Grand dad decided that they need someone strong to protect Aree and the only person he could think of is Charn So he got in touch with General that he needs Charn to protect Aree General told this to Charn and he happily accepted it and very excited to be able to see his wife again She heard Charns arrival from her little sister she quickly went to check if it's really him but Charn behaved like they've never met before and that made her upset So she gave him a tour with an another soilder. Well they again start to bicker Aree told him that she wants to start over as friends Charn told her it's not necessary he knows his line of duty and he doesn't live in the past. When Charn follows him she tried to make him jealous with Prince Warit by talking to him nice and sweet. Meanwhile Alita Aree's little sister develops feelings for him. One night after coming out of Gade's room Warit bumped into bad guys He tried to stop them with his knife but accidentally stab one of the soldiers Charn ordered to take Warit into custody Aree said no he can't do this to her fiance but Charn said to wait what grandad will say the next day. Gade came to Warit's rescue and they let him out Aree wanted Charn to leave Bura & Charn agreed which made Aree upset. After Charn left Aree sit in the garden and wore her eyes out crying and feeling upset but she got captured by the bad guys. But Charns leaving was a part of plan Aree understand that they were using her cousin Makee and both of them were about to be killed when Charn saved them both When Aree & Charn hugged and kiss Makee saw them When they go to the palace Makee told his ma what he saw Grand pa tried to get confession from both parties but both went to denial. So he ordered her to marry Warit. Charn said he'll capture the bad guy as a wedding present to both. That night Aree went to Charns room that she came to see him as Aree as the wife of a Marine she tells him that she's also suffering and she'll tell granddad to cancel the wedding as she already have a husband. While kissing and hugging Aree told her that she'll tell grand dad to make him a prince after getting married and protect the county with her. He moved away from her bec he thinks the only reason her to save her country and to protect her so he asked her to leave. Alun caught Gade and Warit when he was about to kill both Gadge said he raped him and forced her into relationship so Alun believed her but when he was about to shoot him Warit said she's lying but he didn't believe her so Gadge find a chance to stab Alun and she confessed that she's been using him ever since to kill people she dislikes Gadegeow told Aree that granddad is feeling sick and calling her she believed her but she tricked her she reached a knife to kill her. She understood that she's one of the bad guys she saw Alun's death body and got scared. (turned out that Alun (is the soilder who was doing all the bad things) is one of her husband's So at the end Warit stabbed Gadge she shot him and killed him and they both die. Chamchorn find Aree scared. But the next day he decides to be back to Thailand but Alita ( the sister) tells him not to leave because she loves him Charn told her that he'll only have one wife he can't love anyone else so he wants to be friends with her. Alita told what happened to Aree but that made her cry. Grandpa asked her what's wrong with her she tells him that she got a headache but grandpa didn't take this white lie. Manee Yard Fah-The Princess Grandpa tells her that he happily accepts Charns as a son inlaw so does everyone else in the palace. Aree quickly went to Thailand while Charn & his friends were about to go out for a drink they saw a car approaching to them they saw their wife's coming out of the car and the last on e was Aree.. Charn saluted her as Princess she said she's not a Princess in Thailand only the wife of a Navy / Marine Officer so they kissed and it ended there.... They do have a lot of skinship loads of touching holding hands kiss proper kiss not a fake one :D Do I need to tell how handsome Willy was looking in that White Uniform :) Men in uniform syndrome :) For once I thought Kik is portraying a good person for a change as she usually portrays the 3rd wheel :P I thought this lakorn is one of the lakorns where she plays the good the girl Not a great fan of Celine so I much prefer the Thai version of this song. Asian TV Dramas (C, K, Taiwanese,Thai Lakorns) http://ift.tt/2fmQghD Drama Platters
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dramaplatters · 7 years
Manee Yard Fah-The Princess
Manee Yard Fah-The Princess
Are you also looking forward to watch The Crown Princess like me? 
Well we still have time for that as far as I know it'll start either on 23 April or the 25th..
So I discovered Manee Yard Fah with Anne & Willy..   I totally enjoyed it, it won't leave you a 2nd lead syndrome, only the main lead syndrome.  ofcourse it'll also leave you with men in uniform syndrome :))  It's an old lakorn, 17 years old.    This also a lakorn that doesn't involve a slug ex, well it does but she doesn't last long enough to influence our couple. Let's jump to story
The beautiful OST (it'll sound familiar I'll post the original version down below)
Princess Areeya is the only heir to the throne, she lives with her grandfather, she's under the strict training / education.
She's a spoiled, and has got child like manners when she was in the palace. 
Her grandfather sensed that she's in danger and send her off to Thailand to sign some gold deals. 
But she got kidnapped, the kidnappers left her on an island. and there she meets her prince.  
Charnchon a navy officer.. 
Charnchon finds her in the sea, he quickly swam and save her,  he asks who she's, she tells her that she's  Princess Areeya from Bura Manee Faa and ofcourse he thought she's mental, he offered her to come to her tent, but she insisted on staying by the shore, just incase if a boat passes by.
When it got and it started to rain, she got scared and ran to the forest, saved by Charnchon once more time. 
They bicker a lot but every single night they fall asleep in eachothers arms, she sometimes fall asleep on his chest :)
The first signs of love started on the island,  I don't know how can someone fall in love to someone that quick but let's call it love at first sight. 
They spend 4 days & 4 nights at the island.
On each time they faced difficulties Charnchon was always there to save her, finally when they made their way up to Thailand, after Charnchon speaking with his general, he learns that she's a real princess.
They have let the grand dad know that they found the Princess,  they're thinking of ways to protect her,  General was also thinking of how to protect her, that moment his wife gave him the idea, talking about the lakorn she was watching.
So they decided to wed them,  When General told this idea to the grand dad King, he thought he'd think it's a stupid idea, but he accepted it, she'd appear like a normal Thai woman, live in the base, so that Charnchon can protect her, without taking attension, Our couple denied to get married, they were in denial of their feelings. 
Grandpa looked / checked Charnchon's background, he finds out that he's the son of the officer who onced saved his life.  He said he's coming from a good blood.  
Grand dad knew that they were a perfect match & in love, while our main couple is on denial. 
General gone to the extent of prisoning Charnchon till he accepts to marry the Princess, he was still denying to marry her, till he learnt she's in danger again. 
While their situation is  Wanting, While  Not Wanting :) 
So he agreed to marry, they got married with a day.  
During the wedding ceremony each of them remmeber of the promise they made that they'd only get married for once (w/o the other one knowing that)
It was hilarious when the priest said you may kiss the bride & The General got in between them & said the wedding is over before they had a chance to kiss :P 
General's wife is getting curious of her husband's secretive behaviours, at the end she even thinks that Princess who poses like Charnchon wife an ordinary Thai woman is the daughter of the General from his mistress.  (haah she was in secure and so suspicious)
Charnchon orders Areeya to the household chores, while knowing that she's not used to those things. 
He's trying to make her stronger, more independent.
During the time they were in Thailand, both of them shows extreme jealousy.
Aree dives into a bookstore / and knocks the over down accidentally, so that guy immediately likes her and woos her,(Yord Ruk) calls her Angel,  Charnchon gets jealous he tries using his strength on him because and Yord Ruk is a just a geeky guy. 
So he tried to make Yord Ruk that they're a couple and they're so in love..
Out of nowhere Charnchorn's sluggy ex Rosaline shows up. She tells Charnchorn's 3 best friends that he promised to marry her, she even goes to his house, where she sees Yord Ruk, who says she can't go in because the owner's not in. She pushes him etc etc,  she makes a plan to break Charnchon  & Aree.
Aree is also jealous, they don't speak for a day..  
Colonel gives a party, to introduce them to the other people in the base, and stop people talking about why they got married so fast. 
When the other officers' wives questioned them under the influence of Colonel's wife, each of them told a different story why Charn & Aree got married this fast. 
Rosaline calls Charns mother told her about his marriage,  she was trying to show Aree as she was having an affair with that geeky guy.
Rosaline invited Chan to dance  (Neil Sedaka You Mean Everything To Me was playing at the background I thought it was perfect song if it was Chan & Aree was dancing)
Yord also invited Aree to dance but while he was trying to kiss her, he got punched :)) So after that they took his mother home, Chan rushes home, because he doesn't understand his ma that his marriage is fake, so he was tidying but his mother caught him red handed, he told his ma that he's tidying and helping his wife, his mother was shocked tells him that she has never seen him doing household chores. His mother tested Aree to see if she's a good housewife, she was very satisfied by her and she goes back home. After learning that her plans didn't work this time Rosaline, tries the suicide card  Yord Ruk tells Aree that he's doing all those bec Rosaline begged him to do so, and she told him that she's secretly seen Charn. When Aree saw Charn hugging Rosaline she got upset and started to cry, she didn't want to listen Charn's explanations, she went off with Yord Ruk, They went to beach but the bad guys were following them, they got hold of Aree, Charn got to her help but he got the bullets for her. But when Charn got shot, Aree got upset, she cried and tried to wake him up. But Rosaline came to hospital to cause more trouble. Yord Ruk confessed that everything was Rosaline's plan and they became friends with Yord Ruk again While back in the hospital they learn that the head of the bad guys of was Makee her cousin, so she asked the Colonel to go back to Thailand but she wanted to stay one more day to thank to Charn. She looked after Charn while he was in the hospital, she gave him  loads of kisses, and hugs and strokes, she literally petted him :) of course both were head over heels She made him a candlelit romantic dinner, which Charn loved, he asked if it's her birthday or is it the 2nd month wedding anniversary? she kept her silence with a very sad facial expression.   She started to crying, She tells him that some day she'll be apart from him to have him his own path and tells him she won't marry anyone else, but no matter what she can't stay there. She tells that she has a duty that she's responsible of & everything needs to be in regulation.  Charn tells her the story about the stars, and how their future would be, They kiss, they hold hands, hug each other, and finally they sleep in their arms When Charn wokes up in the morning Aree was not there in bed, he looks for her, and finally notices the letter and the necklace his ma gave to her. In her letter she tells him that he's a very good person and one day he'll find a more suitable lady Charn looked upset so the general comes and tells him that you should be happy, your duty is done.  General tells him that I'll tell my superiors to give you a promotion but he says he prefers going to for investigation. But while Aree is in Thailand, her fiance Areeya's fiancee, Prince Warit, had gotten closed to her cousin Gadegeow, he's having an affair with her and promises that he'll marry her instead of Aree. After Aree arrives grand dad asked her to marry asap to save the country even though Aree was hurting, she accepted it to save the country. The Villains tried to kill Aree again by poisoning but luckily it was not her who got poisoned, it was Makee's ma who got poisoned, Grand dad decided that they need someone strong to protect Aree and the only person he could think of is Charn  So he got in touch with General that he needs Charn to protect Aree, General told this to Charn and he happily accepted it, and very excited to be able to see his wife again She heard Charns arrival from her little sister, she quickly went to check if it's really him, but Charn behaved like they've never met before and that made her upset So she gave him a tour with an another soilder. Well they again start to bicker, Aree told him that she wants to start over as friends, Charn told her it's not necessary he knows his line of duty and he doesn't live in the past. When Charn follows him, she tried to make him jealous with Prince Warit by talking to him nice and sweet. Meanwhile Alita, Aree's little sister develops feelings for him. One night after coming out of Gade's room Warit bumped into bad guys, He tried to stop them with his knife but accidentally stab one of the soldiers, Charn ordered to take Warit into custody,  Aree said no, he can't do this to her fiance, but Charn said to wait what grandad will say the next day. Gade came to Warit's rescue and they let him out, Aree wanted Charn to leave Bura & Charn agreed which made Aree upset. After Charn left, Aree sit in the garden and wore her eyes out, crying, and feeling upset, but she got captured by the bad guys. But Charns leaving was a part of plan, Aree understand that they were using her cousin Makee, and both of them were about to be killed when Charn saved them both When Aree & Charn hugged and kiss, Makee saw them, When they go to the palace Makee told his ma what he saw, Grand pa tried to get confession from both parties but both went to denial. So he ordered her to marry Warit. Charn said he'll capture the bad guy as a wedding present to both. That night Aree went to Charns room that she came to see him as Aree as the wife of a Marine, she tells him that she's also suffering, and she'll tell granddad to cancel the wedding as she already have a husband. While kissing and hugging Aree told her that she'll tell grand dad to make him a prince after getting married and protect the county with her. He moved away from her bec he thinks the only reason her to save her country and to protect her, so he asked her to leave.
Alun caught Gade and Warit, when he was about to kill both, Gadge said he raped him and forced her into relationship, so Alun believed her but when he was about to shoot him, Warit said she's lying but he didn't believe her, so Gadge find a chance to stab Alun, and she confessed that she's been using him ever since, to kill people she dislikes
Gadegeow told Aree that granddad is feeling sick and calling her, she believed her but she tricked her, she reached a knife to kill her. 
She understood that she's one of the bad guys, she saw Alun's death body and got scared. (turned out that Alun (is the soilder who was doing all the bad things) is one of her husband's 
So at the end Warit stabbed Gadge, she shot him and killed him and they both die.  
Chamchorn find Aree scared.   
But the next day he decides to be back to Thailand, but Alita ( the sister) tells him not to leave because she loves him, Charn told her that he'll only have one wife, he can't love anyone else,  so he wants to be friends with her. 
Alita told what happened to Aree, but that made her cry.
Grandpa asked her what's wrong with her, she tells him that she got a headache, but grandpa didn't take this white lie. 
Manee Yard Fah-The Princess
Grandpa tells her that he happily accepts Charns as a son inlaw, so does everyone else in the palace. 
Aree quickly went to Thailand, while Charn & his friends were about to go out for a drink, they saw a car approaching to them, they saw their wife's coming out of the car, and the last on
e was Aree..  Charn saluted her as Princess, she said she's not a Princess in Thailand, only the wife of a Navy / Marine Officer, so they kissed and it ended there....
They do have a lot of skinship, loads of touching, holding hands, kiss, proper kiss not a fake one :D 
Do I need to tell how handsome Willy was looking in that White  Uniform :) Men in uniform syndrome :) 
For once I thought Kik is portraying a good person for a change, as she usually portrays the 3rd wheel :P, I thought this lakorn is one of the lakorns where she plays the good the girl 
Not a great fan of Celine so I much prefer the Thai version of this song.   //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=11095236; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="924de65e"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "http://ift.tt/1ARz4pp'></"+"script>"); //]]>
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kathniel26stuff-blog · 12 years
Princess and I ratings October 1-4
Monday Oct 1 - 35.3% (yung practice ng Gino and Princess Areeya dance... yung scene na nagdinner si Gino sa House nila Mikay at yung time na sinabi ni Gino na hindi importante sino kasama ni Mikay sa simula ang importante ay yung ending)
Tuesday Oct 2 - 35% (Walang MiGi moments... through phone lang nagusap dahil sa food na pinadala ng mommy ni Gino kay Mikay)
Wednesday Oct 3 - 36.7% (Training ni Mikay.. at yung scene na sabi ni Gino kay Ashi na hindi niya susukuan si Mikay. And xepmre yung pagkikita na ni Gino and Mikay sa party...
Thursday Oct 4 - 38.6% (Dance ni Gino at Mikay sa Birthday Party ni Princess Areeya... savethelastdancefor Gino!)
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kathniel26stuff-blog · 12 years
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nkakaproud lang #SaveTheLastDanceFoGinoAndMikay :>
kahit first dance ka Jao at last dance si Gino...
eh First naman siya sa Trending topic sa Philippines at hindi na rin pinatawad and worldwide tz ikaw naman naging last s TT
Kaya mga Team MiGi bawing bawi tayo ah... 
Si Mikay pinili si Jao as her first dance dhil napilitan sia sa tradition ng Yangdon and syempre demand ng King.
Pero si Gino wala kay Mikay ng pilit or walang tradition na sinunod si Mikay dba? 
sinunod ni Mikay yung gusto niya hindi dahil kailangan niya talga pumili...  ohhhh ha... ang saya ng araw na to!
Tz si Jao dba 1/2 nung 2nd gap lahat scene nung dance? eh si Gino whole 3rd Gap tz hangang last gap nagsasayaw pa din sila ni Mikay!
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kathniel26stuff-blog · 12 years
MiGi na talaga sa ending... why??? becozzzzz
Like King Anand commoner ang naging asawa niya (si Queen Isabel)... so wala talagang Royal blood
Si Mikay naman may Royal blood pero if sila ni Gino sa ending eh di parang repeated history lang dba? so pwde na commoner din future husband ni Mikay...Parang si Prince William and Kate lang pero opposite lng...
Kaya dapat si Ashi Behati mapagsabihan na yan... Kahit Prince si Jao hindi ibig sabihin na match made in heaven na sila ni Mikay... FYI mas pinili nga ni King mapangasawa ang commoner :P Sana si Mikay din.
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kathniel26stuff-blog · 12 years
Si Gino hindi First dance ni Mikay? whyy?? coz FILIPINO way si Gino... walang kwenta ang Yangdon way...
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Si Jao yata tlga first :/ pero xempre still hoping si Gino... sa pic na to cguro nagperform sila ni Jao nung courtship dance...  ewan lahat nalang guess... sanay na rn naman tayo na umeEPAL si Jao at yung mga writers ng babasag ng trip pag may MiGi scenes...
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dito naman cguro magsosorry si Mikay kay Gino dahil sa decision nia na piliin si Jao... or maybe hindi.. baka may sasabihin yta si Gino... pero tiwala nlng siguro tayo ksi sbi nga ni Gino hindi importante sino una... yung last syempre mas important. parang 18th bday lng yan.. yung last yung may something..Philippine style ...
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sana Mikay piliin mo nalang si Kiko.. yun mas ok pa! dba important nmn tlga si Kiko kay Mikay.. yun nga lang hindi pwede maging future husband (OA naman ksi ang mga tradition ng Yangdon)... so yun may feeling ako na dadating si Kiko at siya anf isasayaw ni Mikay...
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