#prince tiberias
baldwinivmybeloved · 3 months
↷  🦋 Charper Two  ❜  
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The morning dawned with a faint golden glow, gently caressing the river where Xica washed King Baldwin IV's clothes. The water ran fresh and clear, carrying away the worries of the previous day. Xica was lost in her thoughts as her skilled hands scrubbed the royal garments. She was the only one who volunteered for this task, for she did not fear the leprosy that afflicted the king.
As she worked, Xica couldn't help but think about Baldwin IV. What lay behind the mask he always wore? Could he be someone handsome, with deep eyes and a captivating smile, or had the disease ravaged his face beyond recognition? She had never been able to see him clearly, and this uncertainty fueled both her curiosity and her fears.
After finishing the laundry, Xica headed back to the castle. On the way, she met her adoptive brother. Although they were not blood siblings, they had been brought together as slaves to the king of Jerusalem's castle. Their differences were evident; he was strong and silent, while Xica was thoughtful and full of life.
"Reynald de Châtillon is becoming more abusive," her brother said, his voice laden with concern. "Although he is not our owner, he constantly beats us and harasses the other maidservants."
Xica felt a wave of disgust and anger. "That man repulses me. If I could wield a sword, I would slit his throat without a second thought, but I know they would kill me instantly."
When it was time for dinner, Xica helped her mother and the other maidservants distribute food to Tiberias, Princess Sibylla, Guy of Lusignan, and Godfrey. While serving, her thoughts wandered to young Prince Baldwin V, who had had to leave due to his illness. She deeply missed savoring his food and personally bringing him his dishes.
She also thought of King Baldwin IV, who rarely ate with his family or officials, possibly to prevent anyone from seeing his leprosy-ridden face. This self-imposed solitude moved her, intensifying her curiosity and compassion for him.
After dinner, Xica retreated to the servants' quarters, where she locked herself in to write poems. She poetically reflected on love and whether she could ever stop being a slave to live freely with her mother and brother. She wondered if she had ever felt love for any man, remembering how many desired her body and tried to court her. Even Godfrey, with sweet words, had attempted to win her over, but she could only see him as a master.
Her thoughts wandered to King Baldwin IV. She had seen him few times, bringing dinner to his room or seeing him pass quickly through the halls. His presence made her heart inexplicably race, and his voice seemed deeply attractive to her. Any woman who could marry him would be very fortunate, Xica thought. That night she wrote several love poems to the king, but upon finishing, she hid them carefully. She knew that if anyone found them, her life would be in danger.
A memory invaded her, taking her back to her childhood in France. She recalled when her father taught her to use a sword and to read and write. Her life changed abruptly when they had to flee with her mother, or rather, the woman she considered her mother. This woman had previously been a slave of her family, but after her father's execution, they fled together and ended up in the castle of Jerusalem. It was a difficult time, but they were fortunate to be well-received and to live relatively well.
Before sleeping, Xica knelt beside her bed and prayed to God. She begged for her freedom, to be loved, and to experience true happiness. With each word, she felt like she was releasing a piece of her soul, hoping that someday her wishes would come true.
The night covered the castle of Jerusalem with its dark mantle, the stars twinkling as silent witnesses to the desires and secrets of its inhabitants. Xica curled up in her bed, her heart still pounding after her prayer. She closed her eyes, letting sleep take her away from her reality, if only for a few hours.
At dawn, the castle's routine resumed its usual course. Xica, always diligent, rose early and began her tasks. Despite her fatigue, there was an unbreakable determination in her, fueled by her secret dreams and hopes.
That morning, while Xica swept the great hall, she heard voices coming from the corridor. She recognized the deep voice of Reynald de Châtillon and that of other nobles. She stayed apart, trying not to draw attention. Reynald passed near her, and for a moment, their eyes met. Xica felt a chill run down her spine. There was a cruelty in his eyes that terrified her.
"It’s only a matter of time before something terrible happens," she thought, gripping the broom handle tightly.
She finished her tasks and headed to the castle garden. This was one of the few places where she found respite from the day's turmoil. She sat by a fountain, letting the sound of the water calm her thoughts. She closed her eyes and remembered the days of her childhood when she ran freely through the fields of France.
"Xica," a soft voice called behind her, interrupting her memories. It was her mother, who approached with a worried expression. "Are you alright?"
Xica nodded slowly. "I was just thinking about home… in France."
Her mother sat beside her and took her hand. "I know it's hard, daughter. But we have to be strong. Here we are together, and that is the most important thing."
Xica nodded, grateful for her mother's comforting presence. They spent a few moments in silence, enjoying each other’s company, until the sound of hurried footsteps alerted them. It was her brother, his face full of concern.
"Xica, mother, you must come quickly," he said, his voice breathless from the rush. "There are problems in the courtyard."
They rose immediately and followed her brother. Upon reaching the courtyard, they found a group of servants and slaves gathered in a circle. In the center, Reynald de Châtillon shouted orders and waved his sword disdainfully. One of the servants lay on the ground, injured and bleeding.
Xica felt a surge of fury. She wanted to intervene, but her mother gripped her arm, reminding her of the danger of acting recklessly. Reynald continued to rant, his face distorted with anger and cruelty. The servants, terrified, did not dare move.
Finally, Tiberias appeared, imposing order with his mere presence. "Reynald, that’s enough," he said firmly. "These people are not your toys."
Reynald shot a defiant look but stepped back, muttering curses. The servants quickly dispersed, helping the injured one up. Xica felt a knot in her stomach. She could not bear to see more injustices, but she knew she had to be cautious.
When everything calmed down, Xica returned to her tasks, although her mind was far from at peace. She thought about Reynald's cruelty and the vulnerability of her position. She felt a burning need to do something, to change her fate and that of her loved ones.
That night, after a long day of work, Xica retreated again to the servants' quarters. She sat at her small table and took out her parchments and ink. She began to write, not only love poems but also about the injustice she saw around her. Her words were her refuge and her form of resistance.
As she wrote, an idea began to form in her mind. Perhaps, through her writings, she could find a way to help others, to make her voice heard in a world that seemed determined to silence her. She carefully stored her parchments, aware of the danger she faced if someone found them.
Before sleeping, she knelt beside her bed again. Her prayers were more fervent than ever, asking not only for her freedom and happiness but also for justice and the well-being of those she loved. She promised herself that she would find a way to make a difference, no matter how small.
With this new determination, Xica closed her eyes and let sleep take her away. She knew the road would be arduous and dangerous, but she was willing to face it. After all, hope and love were the most powerful forces she had, and with them, she could endure any adversity that fate put before her.
Fragment of the poem Baldwin, King in the Distance Baldwin, king in the distance, hidden behind veils of distance and shadow, your eyes, though never seen, ignite in me a deep flame. Your voice, a whisper in the night, a melody that caresses my restless soul, could your words be the key to unveil the mystery of your heart? Though leprosy steals your face, your spirit shines with invincible strength, like a lighthouse in the storm, guiding me towards impossible dreams. In my solitary nights, your name is my solace and my prayer, and though I may never touch you, I hold you in every verse, in every rhyme. Loving you is my secret and my refuge, a love pure, expecting nothing in return, and as I write these lines, I dream of a day I may see you, beloved. Baldwin, my king and my sorrow, my heart belongs to you in silence, and as the moonlight fills my window, I pray for your freedom, as I do for mine.
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Hello ! Hello! Her dear author speaks, this book has been something very new for me, it is not the first time I write but I wanted to bring my works to this platform, mainly this one I hope you like it and I am open to any questions, suggestions or whatever I want you later, my mailbox will always be open
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vamxxpire · 1 year
Post-Training (18+)
Mare Barrow x Tiberias “Cal” Calore VII
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(AO3 | Masterlist)
Summary: A routine between Mare and Cal.
Warnings ⚠️ : Mild dom/sub undertones if you squint again, awkward ish and a little cringe
Wc: 5.7k
A/n: Hi omg ignore any typos, I’m too tired to keep on rereading this lol.
My routine remained the same,
Wake up. Morning run with Cal. Sneak in some Theory. Go to Stormhill. Train with the other Electricons. Go home.
Speaking of pent up energy, after our muddy exchange in the woods, it became norm to see each other outside of our normal routine.
It was easy. No one asks when the lighting girl and exiled prince run off somewhere after training and the soldiers don’t question when I step into their bunker in the middle of the day. At least that’s what I tell myself. I could care less what anyone else thought or saw. Especially after being broadcasted by the king so often and subjected to the eyes of millions.
My muscles ache, throbbing painfully as I make my way down the uneven dirt. Electricity hums dully in my twitching fingertips, sizzling as I try to smooth down my curly hair that stood up at the static. My face was flushed with exhaustion and I squint my eyes at the small crowd of people in the circular arena, far from the hill. I search through the specks of people, looking for Cal. Sometimes he spends his time here; Watching Newbloods train, steadily studying the new wave of abilities and offering feed back. Just like a soldier raised and trained for war would. But I don’t find him through the crowd which gives me an idea of where he’s at instead.
Cal at first watched me train with the others uphill, but after a purple strike of lighting getting too close for my comfort, I urged him to not tag along anymore. After a few stubborn huffs followed by his Arguing-with-Mare stance; Crossed arms over his chest, and a convincing kiss— He now spends his time training, watching fights in the arena, or waiting for me back in his bunker. Now I feel my cheeks heat up for different reasons.
The other Electricons, mainly Ella, are having a conversation. I don’t pay too much attention to it, focusing more on trying to not collapse on the ground crunching under me. The ringing in my ears begin to wear down, but is quickly pushed back and gone as my attention is brought to a shadow in the corner of my eye. Suddenly I feel someone pat at my back, and I crane my neck to glance at them. Ella merely glances down at me, standing only a few inches taller than me.
“You did pretty good today as well Mare! Make sure to rest up,” she eyes my form for a second, a knowing look across her face. I must look like hell right now, I tell myself. I nod courtly as I steady my breath, “Yeah. I will.” Is all I can say for now, offering a small nod of politeness. I feel her hand leave my back, small crackling sounds following along her retracting touch.
With that, the other Electricons and I part our ways; leaving me to finish up my daily routine.
The walk to Cal’s from the hill isn’t so bad, I find it long, but bearable. Initially I hated it. My mind found ways to worry itself or be pulled into past memories of Maven, the white prison he kept me in, Shade, or the other Newbloods lost. Ones who will be lost.
These days I no longer mind it; With all the training I do in a day, and the strain on my body, I find myself too tired to be entertaining any worries. Now I enjoy the walks, finding it a perfect opportunity to regain my energy spent uphill for Cal and whatever trick he has up his sleeve. Or for what my impulsive brain decides on.
I pull my thoughts far away with a weak stretch of my limbs, enjoying the stinging running through me. It feels nice to train again, the dull pain makes me feel alive. After a few more seconds and popping of joints; The familiar building coming into view makes me drop my arms to my side, and suddenly my feet shuffle themselves quickly, nearly tripping over each other as they’re eager to find the him.
After all the analyzing I had to do in the Whitefire Palace, it was easy to memorize my way to his room right off the bat. I turned a corner, passing various rooms as quietly as possible.
Some doors were open, small glances of other’s sleeping quarters. Tiny pockets of life. Majority of them had multiple soldiers, bed bunks in the dull-colored rooms. I wince at the thought of falling off the top bunk, and find myself grateful I don’t sleep in one of these small spaces. Other rooms were empty, the lighting outside being shinned through a singular window and illuminated its lack of soldiers. Yet. I feel my brain tug itself at the idea of war, the Lakelanders, Norta. I force myself to look ahead after turning another quick corner, having no time to entertain such ideas.
I step in front of Cal’s small room, lazily twisting the doorknob with a flick of my wrist. There’s no need for me to knock or make myself known to the person inside, no one else but me would enter his room so casually. Or at all. My eyes automatically go to the corner, where his bed is shoved against the grey wall. I find the prince on the singular bed; His back propped up against some thin pillows with a book in hand.
He wears clean clothes, a thin shirt with loose jogging pants. Cal’s sleeping quarters were different from the others, his bed was against the far end of the room and wasn’t a bunk. But all the while, it still remained narrow.
No other soldiers shared a room with him, which in retrospect, made sense. No one wants to be in close range with a Prince that drags heat everywhere he goes, especially in the middle of Summer. No one but me at least.
With the extra space, even if it was barely anything, he had a small desk with a lamp propped up its surface. He looks up from his reading, practically lighting up at the sight of me entering.
“Hey, how was training?” He asks enthusiastically, closing the book with a quick motion and moving the bottom half of his body to stand.
I groan as I close the door behind me, exaggerating my reaction but betraying it with a curl of my lips. “Tiring. Did some more Storm lighting with Ella.” I kneel down with a pop of a bone, wincing as I quickly began unlacing my boots and loosing up the material.
“Wasn’t so bad though. What are you reading?” I asked him, pulling myself back up slowly and kicking off my footgear near the entrance. He placed the book on the nightstand, with a nonchalant shrug making his way slowly to me.
“Something Julian lent me. Wanted to learn more about what he’s researching.” To learn more about Newbloods, to study them. As if sensing my thoughts he adds on, “Just curious to what he’s been discovering. Exciting work my uncle’s doing honestly.”
When close enough, he reached a lazy hand to wrap around my waist. With the thin cotton of my clothes, made to be refreshing in the Summer heat of Piedmont, it was easy to feel the torch in his hands.
I hum, “Gotta go one day to visit him and Sara,” I replied back.
He nods to me, a small smile forming, “That would be nice. Those two need to be pulled out of the lab for a while.” Cal answered, angling his head to kiss at the top of my head softly, the other hand sneaking its way to massage the nape of my neck. He shuffled closer to me, his hand at my waist tugging at me to bring me forth, but quickly was stilled when I placed a hand against his abdomen. I pushed him back softly.
“Cal, I’m all sweaty and gross right now.” I offer gently, trying to sound stern. He scowls, looking almost as if I’ve insulted him, “I’ve seen you in worst conditions, Barrow.” He grumbled out. I scrunch up my nose in distaste, remembering the various states we’ve been in before, being brought back to the Notch. “That’s different, though,” I answered back, planting my feet firm against the cement floor. He tilts his head to the side, stepping forward; Attempting once more.
My body reacts faster than I do, and without thinking I step back, keeping the same open space between us. Yet it close enough so that his hands still remained on me, neither of us wanting to truly break apart our contact. “And what’s so different now?” He plays dumb, pretending he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. It’s different because we weren’t sleeping with each other back then. I want to snap back, but the words cling to my cowardly tongue.
“Come on, you know what I mean.” I retaliate, taking a few more steps back when he pushed himself more, feeling the hard wall bump against the back of my clothed feet. If he really felt like it he could pull me into his embrace, and if I wanted, I could break out of it.
We do neither. We’re enjoying this game of push and pull, trying to convince the other.
Cal looms over me, forcing me to look up and match his gaze. The hand at my neck found itself flat against the wall, forearm pressed over my head; Sucessfully caging me in with him. No escape now.
“Actually, I don’t follow along.” He says lowly, blunt fingers at my waist finding my training pants. I’m reminded of the storm from a few days prior, being pressed up against the dark oak tree similarly to how he did right now. It brings back memories, the all-too-familiar feeling between my legs returning as it had in various other occasions the past few days.
My face flushed, heart pounding loudly in my ears. No matter how many times we repeat this dance, I still find myself tripping over some of the notes. And I could say the same for him; Even on as the setting sun’s light hit his back, casting a shadow over his front view and me, I could still pick out the specks of silver on his cheeks. But with the practice; The prince grew more confident these couple of days, finding himself comfortable initiating.
My mind raced, trying to come up with something but not being satisfied with whatever answer pops up. Instead I bite my bottom lip, the push against his stomach my hand provided going limp as he wins our little game. He catches on to this, and successfully pulls himself forward, dangerously close to me. If he has any plans of stopping whatever this leads to, I see none. And hope he doesn’t.
“So? Want to fill me in?” He asks, face hovering over mine. My eyes dart, landing on his lips as he spoke. I pull them back to his eyes when I realized he wasn’t going to continue. My tongue darts out to wet my lips nervously, my hand trailing down from his abdomen to the start of his loose pants. His body responds to my touch under his clothing, the muscles twitching as the pads of my fingertips trailed downwards.
“I don’t know.” I whispered, my mind honestly not focused on entertaining him or answering the question. Now it’s his turn to give up on the conversation, instead humming as he kissed the side of my head.
“Oh yeah?” He whispered back, pulling his head away to look at me. His lips were merely inches apart from mine. So close. “So you don’t mind if I continue, even if you’re ‘all sweaty and gross’?” He asked in hushed, but smooth voice, repeating my excuse from earlier.
Suddenly the ache and soreness of my muscles are gone, and it takes everything in me to not jump at him, claw the clothes off his defined form, dirty him up with my own figure, until only our bodies were the only things keeping us apart.
And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.
So I don’t fight the urge at all, closing the space between us in a swift motion.
Cal moans into the kiss, his gentle tugs at my waist from earlier turning stronger while he pulled my waist off the wall and crushed my hips against his. Both his hands were now at my sides, keeping me at a tight hold. His muscled thigh found itself on its designated spot, and easily came in between my own. It pressed upward against my groin, making me gasp against his lips. He swallowed down any noise that escape my loosened mouth, his tongue working against mine in a desperate and hungry manner. As much he tried to taunt, painting a picture of a calm and level headed man; The desperation in his touch was quite contrasting with the teasing.
With a harsh motion of his hands, he drew my hips forward, dragging me against his leg and forcing me to pull away from the kiss as my breath hitched. A trail of saliva connects the both of us, quickly broken when a grunt leaves me from another delicious drag of my body. I pulled my head down to look at what he’s doing.
With strong arms and hands secured at my hips; He maneuvered me easily, practically gliding me over his clothed leg as if I were nothing. My hands flew up to his forearms on my sides, gripping for some type of stability. I breathed heavily, my thighs around his singular one twitching and squeezing the leg — He continued to rock me against him in steady motions. It drove me crazy, it was enough to feel good, but merely just that. It did no help in feeding the crackling static at my gut that grew tighter; Making whatever I was searching for was out of reach. At this pace I wouldn’t get what I wanted. I wanted more. Needed more.
I look back up, catching how he raised his eyes under my gaze; Enjoying the attention. “Feels good?” He mumbled, another blunt drag to emphasize his question. I shamelessly whine, my fingers digging into his flesh briefly. I laid my head against his shoulder, his hunched figured against my cheek giving me a comfortable position to look up at him.
“Please.” I manage to communicate in between heavy breaths, answering his question with a plead. I hoped he caught on to my silent want, in whatever I needed right now; Because I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted in particular. I needed whatever he was willing to give me.
The muscle in his cheek twitches, fighting back a smile. He just looks at me, as if bored, and trailed me against him particularly slow. It makes me squirm, and I bite my lip to hold back any sound as he drags out the sensation.
“Please what?” He asks in a sweet tone, making it my turn to scowl disapprovingly at him. I have no time for games anymore. “Cal.” I groaned out, patience wearing thin. He laughs, eyes squinting as mischief flickered in the bronze color, showing no hint of backing down. He nudged his face close to the shell of my ear, sending vibrations through it as he spoke, “I thought we agreed on being more truthful with one another, Barrow.” He teases. He was right. The lack of retreat makes me swallow down a pool of saliva in my mouth. My mouth opens quicker than I can react, words spilling out before they can even form in my head.
“I need more. Come on Cal. You know I do.” I responded, voice hushed and quick. I half surprised myself at how desperate his name comes out, sounding different; As if I haven’t been indulged by him in a while. Truth is, I find myself always wanting more despite how sated I get left everyday by him. It’s become a norm for me to beg the exiled Prince, apparently. A clueless moth daring to fly itself closer to the flame.
“There we go.” He mutters against my skin, pressing tender kisses over my cheek. They trail down lazily to my jaw, then neck. Which each kiss, painful bites adorning me. More of his teeth graced downwards; Every hint of teeth pulling a hiss from me. But just as quick, he kisses whatever skin he damages, making me sigh out happily. He sucks what exposed skin he can find, too lazy to pull my shirt off just yet; Slowly sinking down to his knees and leaning back on his heels as his fingers prod the dark fabric that are my pants.
I stare down at him with a puzzled look, eyes searching him for any explanation. At this angle and our height difference, he’s perfectly aligned at my crotch. The gears in my head finally click in place and begin a smooth circular motion, turning my confusion into a pleasant shock.
I gasp at the realization, watching him tug at the material and pull them down harshly. He pats at the outer section of my thigh, silently asking to help. Catching on; I hesitantly raise a foot, letting him tug a leg free from both my pants and wet underwear. He shifts his attention to do the same to the other leg, but doesn’t reach all the way through, leaving it halfway down my calf. A bad habit we’ve formed, never fully undressing. Though, even as I still had the articles of clothing on; I’ve never felt more exposed under his watchful eyes.
My heart thumps heavily in my chest, watching him intently as a trembling hand finds itself in the locs of his hair. “Cal.” I whisper his name for the millionth time today; This one is unsure, but a sliver of curiosity can’t help but find its way through my voice.
He looks up through lidded eyelids, and winks at me. “Just trust me,” He answers back with a smile, rough hands sliding up my bare legs and wrenching them open with ease. A choked sound leaves me, feeling very bare and naked. Embarrassment grew, my face feeling impossibly hot as blood bubbles up.
He presses quick kisses on the inner section of my thighs, sucking harshly occasionally and making bruised skin blossom beneath his pecks. I steal in a breath, trying to calm the drumming in my chest, threatening to tear me apart. With every kiss my legs jolt; The nerves under my skin pump with electricity begging to be released. Cal’s fingers squeeze against the plush skin, making his grip sure against me. For a moment I’m afraid he’ll get shocked, a pulse dangerous close to the skin he touches. I stare at him, eyes darting all over his figure as he focused more on what’s in front of him. He presses one last kiss on one of my inner thighs, much closer to my aching pussy.
Before I can process it, his dives himself quickly to my groin, mouth opening to wrap itself around it. All worries that previously clouded my head were gone, replaced by the sunny warmth of his tongue. It spreads through me in crashing waves that make my body stiffen, engulfing me in a fiery heat. I groan softly when I feel his tongue lap up at my entrance, moving to drag itself in between my folds, lastly reaching at my clit and circling. My grip on Cal’s hair tightens, fighting back the urge to sit on his face and get devoured properly. He reluctantly closes his eyes to concentrate.
The motions of his tongue is repeated, starting the process all again and making the muscle in my legs strain. His mouth makes wet noises as it works against my bottom half, the vulgarity of it all making my head spin and the room feel unbearably Hot. The balmy sensation clings to my skin, and I don’t notice the slow palm trailing up my thigh.
With a gasp; Cal pulls his face back, chin covered in slick that glistened under the warm orange and red sunlight. Before I can speak, mouth open to throw some sort of question, his fingers replace his mouth and he drags his index and middle one from my clit to my entrance in a singular motion, coating them with slick. I suck in a breath, pulsing static running up from weak legs to the very top of my head. The hairs on my body stand on pointed ends, similarly to whenever I train on Stormhill. Whatever snarky words were ready to leave me, find themselves caught in my throat; Swallowed down.
With no resistance, he pushed both fingers drenched with wetness inside. Somehow it feels more overwhelming than the previous times he done it, maybe because this is the first time his face was so close to something so intimate of mine. Or maybe from the previous teasing, my body so desperately wanting to let go. I groan out loudly as my knees buckle, threatening to fall.
Cal’s free hand, now at my hips, holds me in place. He watches me with blown out pupils, lips parted as he caught his breath. He wastes no time, pulling his fingers back for a brief moment before ramming them back inside and settling into a brutally quick pace.
My mouth drops again, trying to process the fast motions of his wrist while pathetic sounds get pulled out of me. I grunt when squelching sounds fill the room, much louder than the sounds of his tongue against me, but not enough to drown out my voice. He leans forward again, his mouth latching onto my bundle of nerves as he fingered me. Fat, eager tears swelled up in my eyes, making my vision blurry. His tongue swirls at the bud, making my hips buck into his mouth involuntarily before I’m stopped; His free hand’s grip on me tightens, and he stills me, restraining my movement. I tug at Cal’s hair in response, pulling at the strands as his mouth created a suction. He groans lowly at the pull of his hair, sending a delicious wave of vibrations through me and forcing me to hunch over as even more moans slipped through my lips.
This does nothing to stop his motions, and I rapidly bat my eyelashes, trying to look at him through my vision with tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. I find him staring at me back, his gaze unwavering and pierced right through me; Eating up every reaction in a different way and making me clench out of instinct. He curled his finger, hitting at the spongy spot inside and forcing out a choked, surprised sound from me. My legs shake, threatening to give out on me with every second. Cal ensures I stay put, even as I leaned over his form that’s kneeling and latched on me.
With his hungry eyes, digits drilling into me, and the steady suction his lips had wrapped around my clit, it was hard to hold back the wiring deep in me.
I easily let it go, feeling it quickly unraveled itself deep inside me.
With a loud moan filling the room, and bright hot light blinding me; I cum in his tongue. I pull on his hair desperately, feeling his nose press against my pelvic bone while he continues his motions; Easing me through my orgasm and continuing to work my body. The tips of his fingers continue to crash waves of pleasure through me, until the warmth of his mouth paired with his fingers prying me open feels too much. I pull at his hair, pealing him off my pussy with an audible pop. It stills his movements, silently communicating that I need a break.
I drag his head backwards, chin angled up at me. I scrunch up together my eyebrows, noticing how his bottom half of his face was somehow even more drenched before, slick reaching its way down to his throat. It sends more pangs of need through me, and I bring his head forward slowly, watching how his eyes never leave me.
For a few seconds we remain like this; Silently staring at each other, studying each of our features as always. Our chests rapidly moved out of sync, the previous squelching sound now replaced by our heavy breathing. I move slowly, leaning my body back against the surprisingly cool wall and closing my eyes to ground myself. I loosen my grip on his hair, hand suddenly feeling heavy dropping to my side. I feel as Cal pulls his fingers out of me slowly, perceiving eyes dotting sensitive I feel. His free hand lets me go once he’s sure I won’t trip forward.
I hear shuffling, until I feel his body heat in front of me and I open my tired eyes to look.
I still at the sight of him licking his fingers clean, tongue lapping at the last traces of me on his hand. He looks content, almost as if he purposely wanted me to see him do it. All I can do is stare in awe, my legs and arms alike still twitching from the recent orgasm. With a pop, he pulls out his now clean fingers and wipes his wet chin on the back of his palm. His manner don’t seem of a Royal Prince at all, reminding me much of a starved animal eating scraps of food.
He doesn’t miss my staring, “My compliments to the chef.” He jokes, and I make a face at him in distaste, cringing.
“You’re terrible.” I answered back, voice hoarse that matches my look. He shrugs my disappointment with a smirk, wrapping two hands around my waist.
“Think you can come up with something better?” He asked as I wrap weak arms around his neck. He brings me towards him, easily dragging me off the wall.
“Ugh. You’re so difficult today.” I scoffed, strong arms slid from my waist to the bottom of my ass, with little effort they pull me upwards. He holds me up as we walk over his bed.
Cal walks quickly to the bed with long strides, plopping me down on the soft cushioning. The familiar thin pillows lay behind my head, faintly smelling of him and clean. I let go of his neck and subconsciously press my legs together lowly, a useless attempt to cover parts of me that have been exposed many times to Silvered man.
I eye him as he stood at the edge of the bed, watching as he starts to bring his shirt over his head. I hungrily watch, not missing the obvious tent of his jogging pants. Guilt kicks me hard in the gut. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, voice coming out surprisingly soft. He dropped the shirt onto the ground, knowing what I’m referring to.
“Wanted to focus just on you.” He replies, winking again playfully.
I huffed as my cheeks got coated in crimson, pretending to be upset as I watched him pull at his own pants now. “Whatever.” I grumbled, knowing arguing with him today would be a losing battle. I hesitantly lay my head down on the pillow, staring up at the wall. “I’ll pay back the favor next time.”
He hums in response, and I feel the mattress under me dip as he settled in front of me, a calloused hand on one of my knees. “Already planning?” He pushes my leg back and towards my chest, making the soreness from earlier return painfully. I wince, looking down from the ceiling to him. “Hold on—“ I pull the leg he pushed over his shoulder, tossing the other leg right next to it so both laid comforting side by side. He laid his hand over both of my thighs, keeping them in place. “There.” I finished my sentence, not missing how Cal pales in silver.
The change of position gave him better access, and he scooted closer until his dick glided in between my drenched folds. The exchange was wordless, and a shiver is ripped out from me. Anticipation and need hung heavily in the room as he glided a few testing thrusts in between the wet skin, coating his dick with lubricant.
Before I can hear him, I feel him. I sighed out happily when I feel him pushing his length inside, the tip not stretching me out so much. Sharps sucks of breath are pulled from Cal as he inched himself further. The previous orgasm and scissoring of his fingers make it easy for him, offering no restriction as he reached closer. He’s not so slow and cautious this time, wasting no time in bottoming out.
He grunts out when his hips touch the back of my skin, the only second of stillness he gives me before he moves himself back.
I choke, losing the wind in my lungs as Cal settled into a powerful and unforgiving pace. The stamina of the soldier outmatches me, and I become flaccid at his will; Letting him bend and mold me however he finds fit.
Loud smacks reach my ears every time I feel his abdomen on the back of my thighs. It makes me throw my head back onto the pillows, my spine arching itself off the bed; My body looking for more.
For once, no sounds leaves my throat; My bod and brain too shocked to react at all. Instead, my hands claw down wanting to grab something, anything to keep myself stable. Fingers with itching electricity at its tips dig themselves into the sheets of the bed, and drag up harshly. In sync with his thrusting; The bed rocks beneath me, headboard knocking loudly against the dull wall as slaps of skin fill the room.
I moan as he fucks into the spongy spot inside me; Sparks and dotted stars blinding me again while my mouth hangs low. The hard press of his nails into my skin forces me back, making me blink away my tear filled vision.
I toss my head to the side to look at him; Cal has his eyes squeezed tight, his teeth catching the bottom of his lips. I instinctively squeeze down at the sight of him, cable wiring tangling itself back again. He grunts out, responding in kind with a stronger thrust, the steady pace never once faltering.
His grunts and my groans bounce off the walls of the small room, our skin being painted a yellow tint by the flashing lightbulb overhead. I feel it switch on and off every-time, never missing the heavy thumping of my heart. I almost don’t hear him over our sounds occupying the room, but Cal mutters praises and encouragement under his breath. His low and gentle voice contrasts deeply with the optimistic movements against me.
My legs twitch, feet curling as I notice a familiar spread of pressure inside of me. It begs to be released, and the lights blink rapidly as I breathe just as fast. Cal catches on, his eyes studying my form under the changing lighting. His movements become erratic, egging me on and pressing a kiss against my calf.
With a shriek, I cum for the second time today. I suddenly feel empty as heat engulfs the whole room, making me sweat bullets while I spasm and shake underneath his palm. It takes me various seconds to come down from my high, chest moving up and down with my heavy gasps and breaths. I bat my eyelashes, making my eyes focus as I notice the familiar warm cum on my stomach again.
Cal rests his face on my skin, pressing shapes into the plush meat of my calf with his short fingernails. He gazed at me with a tired look, heavy eyelids being the only indication of exhaust. The watching golden eyes make a static current run beneath my skin, into my veins. They map out my body, until they run back to where they came from. His touch isn’t uncomfortably warm like the room, instead making the hairs on my body excitingly as his touch tickled a little.
I let out a long sigh, digging my face onto the pillow. I decide to close my eyes and relax for a moment, basking in the comfortable silence with sex hanging in the air. Cal slowly shifts me, putting my legs down with gentle care as he makes his way next to me on the narrow bed.
I don’t open my eyes, but I can feel him staring at me. For now, time is still. We are not at war. Not some Red girl and Silver boy. It’s only the two of us in this hot room. I have to get up, take a shower, and head back home. Tuck myself under the thin covers at home and sleep in the cool room with my sister. I have to go back to being myself, finish the routine.
I keep my eyes closed, afraid that once I open them time will resume. I want to pretend some more, even if it’s just for a little bit.
Cal doesn’t bother me, joining me in comfortable silence. A hand reaches me, and it tucks a thick curl behind my ear. Gentle fingers brush away loose strands sticking to my face. Now only our soft breathing is heard, and the occasional shuffling of hair. I slowly peek open my eyes, glancing up at Cal.
I don’t mind staying in the present, as long as he’s here with me.
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maventheforgotten · 1 year
I hate so many characters in the Red Queen series. I understand it's a book (and these are fictional characters) and absolutely no hate to the author it's an amazing series, but on like a personal real-life I hate them. To anyone who doesn't want to hear how I hate a specific character, you can skip their part. Also understand these are my OPINIONS and understanding of the characters if you disagree you are free to tell me but understand I have the right to disagree with you as well.
Anabel Lerolan grandmother to both Cal and Maven and my absolute least favorite character. She makes me so mad mainly because she makes no attempts to save Maven from his mother. Anabel knew and saw what Elara did to Coriane and hated her for it but yet when Elara shows signs of doing the same thing to Maven she looked at Maven as Elaras son, not her grandchild who was being forced at such a young age to go through the same pains that caused the death of an adult women then has the aducaity to blame Maven for everything that happened.
Julian Jacos is next on this list for much the same reason. He saw what was happening but viewed Maven as the son of Elara instead of a boy who needed someone to step in much as his sister did. I understand why it would have been hard especially after Elara cut out Sara's tongue but even spending time with Maven making sure he understood he wasn't alone was all he needed to do. (This part goes with Anabel as well.)
Evangeline Samos just annoys me because I think she's a self-centered, selfish brat who can only get over herself when family or her girlfriends are involved. She did have some character development at the end but for me it was to late for her to be saved.
Mare Barrow is riding in the same boat as Evangeline but on a whole other level. I despise her to put it simply. In the beginning, she is obnoxious, self-centered, and blankly disregards the feelings of others for whatever she believes to be right. She also has attention seeking behavior and throws a fit when it doesn't go how she wants it. The main example I see of this is when Cal chose the crown. There has been a major debate on this sceen and what he was thinking but for my stand point I don't seem him chosing the crown just to be King but I see him chosing the crown to be HER king. When Cal tries to explain his reasoning to Mare, she refuses to accept and leaves. She had the right to be upset with his decision but not to claim she was not enough for him.
Tiberias "Cal" Calore VII I don't have much to say about. I don't hate him. I just felt he had a right to be added to the list. I think he's okay, and he's trying his best to be a good person despite what he grew up around. I don't like that he ignored the signs he saw from Maven and Elara's relationship, but he was just the prince and a kid for most of it, and at least he never gave up on Maven.
Tiberias Calore VI we didn't see much of but I have no love for him. He was depicted as a drunk and neglective father who was to caught up in the loss of Coriane to really pay attention to either of his sons and obviously favored Cal the son of his late wife. I do think he loved Maven he just didn't know how to be a father to someone that wasn't Coriane's son.
Elara Merandus is a bitch and I hate her. She was mentally abusive and hurtful to Maven from a young age. She manipulated his views of his family members and made him dependent on her and deserved her death. I don't have anything else to say on her.
None of this makes anything Maven did right or any less his fault. I'm just saying at all of these character except Cal and sometimes Mare want to throw all the blame on Maven. It's not just his fault- someone should have done something to help him before it got out of hand. This was all a rant I had to my friend and just felt like letting the internet know about. Remember these are OPINIONS- so it's cool to disagree but be respectful and know I didn't see the book the same way you did.
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whousestypewriters · 4 months
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a stolen throne, a girl with her eyes set on revenge, a prince fighting for his fathers approval and cream buns (thank you blaire).
six years ago the kingdom of nystra was taken over from the king and queen of ziivera after the royal family perished in a castle fire. they built the mourning kingdom back up and strengthened its resources, bringing peace to its ailing citizens in this dire time. king tiberias and queen annabelle have raised their children to be the next doting rulers of nystra hoping to re-build the legacy that the royal birnett family left behind.
except thats a lie.
my name is aurelia birnett, i am the leader of the slient court and i'm going to ruin king tiberias and his family for what they did to mine. i am the silent queen and i will get my revenge.
enemies to lovers, found family, knife to throat, elemental magic, masquerade ball and more (i just cant remember them rn lmao)
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church-history · 1 year
Battle of al-Buqaia 1163 A.D.
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(Battle of al-Buqaia, miniature by Jean Colombe from Sébastien Mamerot's book "Passages d'outremer")
In the Battle of al-Buqaia in 1163, the Crusaders and their allies inflicted a rare defeat on Nur ad-Din Zangi, the Emir of Aleppo and Damascus. King Amalric I led the army of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, together with contingents from the northern Latin states, a substantial body of pilgrims who had just arrived from France, and a force brought by the Byzantine governor of Cilicia. For the Christian forces, this victory only gave a brief respite from the sustained Muslim offensive.
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(Emir of Aleppo, anon French illumination)
Nur ad-Din proved to be one of the most dangerous enemies the Frankish kingdom had ever faced. Starting out as Emir of Aleppo, he steadily increased his territory at the expense of his Muslim and Latin neighbors, until he gained the great city of Damascus in 1154. He seriously defeated the Crusaders at the Battle of Lake Huleh in 1157, but fell very ill immediately afterward. This event allowed the Franks a chance to recover and, with the help of Thierry of Alsace and an army of pilgrims, to capture Harim castle later in the year. However, an attack on Shaizar failed when Reynald of Châtillon, the Prince of Antioch, quarreled with the other Franks. Consequently, Shaizar soon became the property of Nur ad-Din. In 1158, Thierry and King Baldwin III beat Nur ad-Din at Butaiha, northeast of Tiberias. The year 1160 saw the capture of Reynald, who spent the next 16 years in Nur ad-Din's dungeons. In December 1161, the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus married Maria of Antioch and this event gave Antioch a strong protector in the emperor.
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(Knight of the Cross attacking Saracens at the battle of al buqaia, late 12th c. mural painting, chapel of Cressac, Charente, France.)
Both Amalric and Nur ad-Din soon became aware of the weakness of Fatimid Egypt, whose government had fallen into a state of decay. After the assassination of Caliph al-Zafir and a series of palace coups, Shawar seized power in 1162, was soon deposed, and appealed to Nur ad-Din for help. Neither the Latin king nor the Muslim emir could afford to let the other capture the rich prize of Egypt. Accordingly, Nur ad-Din sent his lieutenant Shirkuh with an army to support the Egyptian vizier.
While Shirkuh campaigned in Egypt, Nur ad-Din mounted an offensive in Lebanon. Following Latin policy, King Amalric took an army to support his northern vassals, Bohemund III of Antioch and Raymond III of Tripoli. Fortuitously, a large group of French pilgrims led by Hugh VIII of Lusignan and Geoffrey Martel, the brother of William IV of Angoulême, joined the king of Jerusalem. In addition, Konstantinos Kalamanos, the governor of Cilicia brought his Greek warriors to assist the Crusaders. Nur ad-Din was no match for such a formidable combination of enemies and his army suffered a defeat near al-Buqaia (located between Krak des Chevaliers and Beqaa Valley, in modern-day Akkar District, Lebanon). Both Muslims and Franks were impressed by the fighting qualities of the Byzantine soldiers. The negative result of al-Buqaia only made Nur ad-Din more keen for revenge.
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15th April >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Monday Third Week of Eastertide 
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 6:8-15 They could not get the better of Stephen because the Spirit prompted what he said.
Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the people. But then certain people came forward to debate with Stephen, some from Cyrene and Alexandria who were members of the synagogue called the Synagogue of Freedmen, and others from Cilicia and Asia. They found they could not get the better of him because of his wisdom, and because it was the Spirit that prompted what he said. So they procured some men to say, ‘We heard him using blasphemous language against Moses and against God.’ Having in this way turned the people against him as well as the elders and scribes, they took Stephen by surprise, and arrested him and brought him before the Sanhedrin. There they put up false witnesses to say, ‘This man is always making speeches against this Holy Place and the Law. We have heard him say that Jesus the Nazarene is going to destroy this Place and alter the traditions that Moses handed down to us.’ The members of the Sanhedrin all looked intently at Stephen, and his face appeared to them like the face of an angel.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118(119):23-24,26-27,29-30
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Though princes sit plotting against me I ponder on your statutes. Your will is my delight; your statutes are my counsellors.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
I declared my ways and you answered; teach me your statutes. Make me grasp the way of your precepts and I will muse on your wonders.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Keep me from the way of error
and teach me your law. I have chosen the way of truth with your decrees before me.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation John 20:29
Alleluia, alleluia!
‘You believe, Thomas, because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.
Matthew 4:4
Alleluia, alleluia!
Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Gospel John 6:22-29 Do not work for food that cannot last, but for food that endures to eternal life.
After Jesus had fed the five thousand, his disciples saw him walking on the water. Next day, the crowd that had stayed on the other side saw that only one boat had been there, and that Jesus had not got into the boat with his disciples, but that the disciples had set off by themselves. Other boats, however, had put in from Tiberias, near the place where the bread had been eaten. When the people saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into those boats and crossed to Capernaum to look for Jesus. When they found him on the other side, they said to him, ‘Rabbi, when did you come here?’
Jesus answered:
‘I tell you most solemnly, you are not looking for me because you have seen the signs but because you had all the bread you wanted to eat. Do not work for food that cannot last, but work for food that endures to eternal life, the kind of food the Son of Man is offering you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal.’
Then they said to him, ‘What must we do if we are to do the works that God wants?’ Jesus gave them this answer, ‘This is working for God: you must believe in the one he has sent.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
Oooh now I’m curious about your take on Anabel. Cuz I understood her hatred towards Maven after him assisting Elara with murdering her son but do you think that she favoured Cal even before that? Cuz it has been a while ever since I read the books and frankly, I don’t remember much of their relationship.
yes, I'm sure her full hatred comes after the king's murder but I never got from Anabel a sense of loss or mourning of a lost loved one to external corruption, like Cal expresses for Maven. The books make it seem as if the only two people who truly loved him were Mare and Cal. There's not much insight of what their relationship used to be like, because the most we get from it is her bits of dialogue in one of Evangeline's chapters, I think.
“Thank you, Prince Ptolemus, for at least not furthering the outrageous falsity of my son’s murder and my grandson’s exile. Both committed at the hands of Elara Merandus, both spread through the kingdom in the worst propaganda I have ever seen. Yes, Tiberias has done terrible things to survive. But they were to survive. After every one of us turned on him, abandoned him, after his own poisoned brother tried to kill him in the arena like a base criminal. (...)"
See how all of her pain and efforts are very one sided. Not even after Elara's influence is gone for good does she try to approach Maven and try to influence him toward goodness, or even just to demonstrate affection. I'm not fully sure she's capable of those, since her love for Cal is also very "politics" oriented idk. In any case, I don't f with her
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leonardosfm · 2 years
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                 LEO HAMATO.
as terrified as leo was leaving new york and coming to elias, the city had been a blessing in disguise. the role of leader never felt like it fit right. it was always a pair of shoes that were far too big for leo but after sometime he learned how to not only be part of a team but also be a better brother. along the way he got swept off his feet by a prince. he released his title as leader for two months to try the royal thing but realized that his destiny was always with his brothers. the universe had brought them together for a sole purpose and who was leo to fight against that ? who was he without them ? while leo learned that it wasn’t always about him he took the phrase a little too literally and almost died because of it. the battle with his inner demons and trauma is something that’s been ongoing for a while now but after losing his arm leo’s been better about reaching out for help when he needed it instead of letting his sadness drown him. 
he’s the sensei of many, many students. the most important being the hamato girls given they were created to keep them going ( aka donnie loves his brothers so much he can’t imagine a world without them ) he’s learned he doesn’t have to shoulder this responsibility alone (and with the aid of his brothers and father they train all students who come to the hamato dojo. for a mutant kid who came from nothing and literally lived in the sewers he’s created a beautiful life for himself with his king husband and three kids. 
birth name. leonardo tiberias hamato. other titles include master leonardo and prince consort leonardo hamato.  nicknames.  leon, neon leon, nardo date of birth.  may 30. ( true birthday august 14 ) species.   half human, half turtle mutant powers.  ninjutsu, mystic energy manipulation, teleportation, skilled swordsman and fighter. place of birth.   new york, new york.  current residence.   kingdom of vellona & elias. occupation.    sensei & ninja. 
height. 6′0" build. we all saw future animated leo right ?? it would be disservice if i didn’t make him jacked like that. it truly would. hair colour/style. brunette. he IS graying and he DOES dye it for his own ego. someone get him some tea the stress isn’t good for the baby ( him he’s the baby ) eye colour. heterochromia blue and brown. ( x ) blue when in turtle form glasses/contacts ?  he wears glasses at night faceclaim.  josh segarra. voiceclaim. josh segarra.
physical ailments.   prosthetic right arm. lost his arm protecting donnie.  allergies.   none. sleeping habits. prone to nightmares and has bad insomnia. that red slider dna was not forgiving.  drugs / smoke / alcohol ?  no / no / yes
children.  matteo, aerwyn & lorena hamato-sera. grand-children.   none. significant other.  eric seara. closest friends. brynne utonium, sulley beausoleil, ella kaur, jim hawkins, there are others i’m sure but i’m not connecting the neurons 
languages spoken.   english, spanish & japanese  drive ?  yes. jump start a car ?   yes. change a flat tire ?   yes. ride a bicycle ?   yes. swim ?  yes. play an instrument ? no. play chess ?  yes. braid hair ?  yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          yes. sew ?   no.
compassion.         10/10.
empathy.         10/10.
creativity.          8/10.
mental flexibility.          10/10.
passion.        9/10.
luck.         6/10
motivation.  10/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.         10/10.
charisma.       10/10.
reflexes.          10/10.
willpower.          9/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.         8/10.
battle skill.          10/10.
initiative.     10/10.
restraint.          8/10.
strategy.     10/10.
teamwork.         9/10.
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ongole · 5 months
DAILY SCRIPTURE READINGS (DSR) 📚 Group, Mon April 15th, 2024 ... Monday of the Third Week of Easter, Year B
Reading 1
Acts 6:8-15
Stephen, filled with grace and power,
was working great wonders and signs among the people.
Certain members of the so-called Synagogue of Freedmen,
Cyreneans, and Alexandrians,
and people from Cilicia and Asia,
came forward and debated with Stephen,
but they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke.
Then they instigated some men to say,
“We have heard him speaking blasphemous words
against Moses and God.”
They stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes,
accosted him, seized him,
and brought him before the Sanhedrin.
They presented false witnesses who testified,
“This man never stops saying things against this holy place and the law.
For we have heard him claim
that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place
and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.”
All those who sat in the Sanhedrin looked intently at him
and saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Responsorial Psalm
119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30
R. (1ab) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
R. Alleluia.
Though princes meet and talk against me,
your servant meditates on your statutes.
Yes, your decrees are my delight;
they are my counselors.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
R. Alleluia.
I declared my ways, and you answered me;
teach me your statutes.
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous deeds.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
R. Alleluia.
Remove from me the way of falsehood,
and favor me with your law.
The way of truth I have chosen;
I have set your ordinances before me.
R. Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!
R. Alleluia.
Mt 4:4b
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
One does not live on bread alone
but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Jn 6:22-29
[After Jesus had fed the five thousand men, his disciples saw him walking on the sea.]
The next day, the crowd that remained across the sea
saw that there had been only one boat there,
and that Jesus had not gone along with his disciples in the boat,
but only his disciples had left.
Other boats came from Tiberias
near the place where they had eaten the bread
when the Lord gave thanks.
When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there,
they themselves got into boats
and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
And when they found him across the sea they said to him,
“Rabbi, when did you get here?”
Jesus answered them and said,
“Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me
not because you saw signs
but because you ate the loaves and were filled.
Do not work for food that perishes
but for the food that endures for eternal life,
which the Son of Man will give you.
For on him the Father, God, has set his seal.”
So they said to him,
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?”
Jesus answered and said to them,
“This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”
So the Twelve called together the community of the disciples and said,
“It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table.
The movie “Cabrini,” shows Mother Frances Cabrini and her sisters fixing up a ramshackle building in one of New York’s worst slums so they can house and feed the desperately poor immigrant orphans they came to serve.  When they move to a bigger property, Mother Cabrini even digs s a well late at night.
These scenes came vividly to mind when I read today’s passage from Acts in which the apostles say that “it is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table,”
My first reaction was a snarky “Really???” We farm girls weren’t raised to think that hard work and helping others were beneath us. But prayer is important too.
We need  to ask iwhether service and prayer are mutually exclusive and whether one is higher than the other. What does Jesus teach us?
At the Last Supper he washed the feet of these same men who seem to think serving at table interferes with prayer – not the lesson I draw from that episode. On the other hand, Jesus told Martha to stop fussing at Mary for not helping because she chose to spend time with him. We can conclude that Jesus values both prayer and service.
Perhaps the best solution is to integrate prayer with service and to regard service as a form of prayer since most of us can’t turn work over to a community like the apostles did. I think of the years when I picked up my crabby, hungry kids and prayed for the pasta to cook faster. Sometimes I even remembered to offer up their bickering as I tossed the salad.
Starting your day with a quick morning offering of all your “prayers, works, joys and sufferings” is a great way to turn your crazy day over to God.  
Our lives need to incorporate both prayer and service. The trick is to find simple, workable ways to do this.
Saint Caesar de Bus
(Feb 3, 1544 – Apl 15, 1607)
Saint Caesar de Bus’ Story
Like so many of us, Caesar de Bus struggled with the decision about what to do with his life. After completing his Jesuit education he had difficulty settling between a military and a literary career. He wrote some plays but ultimately settled for life in the army and at court.
For a time, life was going rather smoothly for the engaging, well-to-do young Frenchman. He was confident he had made the right choice. That was until he saw firsthand the realities of battle, including the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacres of French Protestants in 1572.
He fell seriously ill and found himself reviewing his priorities, including his spiritual life. By the time he had recovered, Caesar had resolved to become a priest. Following his ordination in 1582, he undertook special pastoral work: teaching the catechism to ordinary people living in neglected, rural, out-of-the-way places. His efforts were badly needed and well received.
Working with his cousin, Caesar developed a program of family catechesis. The goal—to ward off heresy among the people—met the approval of local bishops. Out of these efforts grew a new religious congregation: the Fathers of Christian Doctrine.
One of Caesar’s works, Instructions for the Family on the Four Parts of the Roman Catechism, was published 60 years after his death. He was beatified in 1975 and canonized in 2022.
“Family catechesis” is a familiar term in parish life today. Grounded in the certainty that children learn their faith first from their parents, programs that deepen parental involvement in religious education multiply everywhere. There were no such programs in Caesar’s day until he saw a need and created them. Other needs abound in our parishes, and it’s up to us to respond by finding ways to fill them or by joining in already established efforts.
【Build your Faith in Christ Jesus on #dailyscripturereadingsgroup 📚: +256 751 540 524 .. Whatsapp】
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How would it be if Maven was the eldest brother? I'm really curious 🤔. Imagine him being crown prince but people would probably like Cal more because of his strategic mind and charismatic personality. The thing that I'm wondering is, how would Maven's personality be? How would that affect his relationship with his parents?
Jon: *moves chair 2 inches to the left*
Good question, I will now dump my mind vomit on you but in a sorta sorted kind of way.
First of all, how would Maven be the older Calore and Cal being the younger Calore play out?
In this timeline, Tiberias VI married Elara after she was selected in the Queenstrial.
Their marriage is very formal and loveless, but they don't resent each other (yet.) A year later, Maven was born. He was described as, "A small, pale child with striking blue eyes and a small tuft of dark curls sprouting at the top of his head. His face scrutched up in anger, sqealing at the hands of the midwife. The little prince only silencing once the Queen held him against her breast. "
The birth of his son brought Tiberias VI with satisfaction and relief. In addition, he could finally be with the woman he longed desired, which was Coriane of House Jacos.
It was a surprise to most of the people in court of the King's choice of consort. As Coriane was a simple beauty from a small house.
Elara did not appear upset with his choice of lover as they already have a son and heir. Seeing her as a toy for her husband to use and be bored of soon.
Coriane and Elara were rarely seen attending the same event or speaking to each other casually. Which was enough proof that neither women were fond of each other.
In less than two years, Tiberias VI and Coriane's love bloomed into a baby boy, named Cal Jacos. "Cal was a large, fat baby with cheeks as plump as apples, eyes as bright as embers and a laughter that echoed warmly through his mother's heart. The jolly child was filled with energy, his hands reaching for his father's fingers, a pround smile spread across his face."
Maven and Cal's Childhood
Crown Prince, Maven Merandus Calore, was four years old when he first meet his half-brother, Cal Jacos, who was only two years old at that time.
It was an amusing site, seeing the younger Calore follow his older brother. His chubby hands outstretched, excitedly waiting for a hug.
The young prince, awkwardly held his baby brother's hand, lightly shaking it in greeting. The awkward gesture made the young Calore chuckle in glee, wrapping his short, chubby arms around his older brother.
In response, Maven patted his head, not knowing what else to do.
Maven and Cal's childhood dynamic is something you would compare to a Leader and Follower relationship. Maven likes talking and telling people what to do and Cal was an obedient child,so he does what his older brother say, cause it makes him happy and it makes Cal happy.
Maven plans a prank on one of his teachers, he then uses Cal to do the dirty work. Since Maven was the crown prince and Cal was an adorable toddler, they only got a light tap on their wrists or no reprecussion at all.
Their relationship was not perfect but they were content.
The First Crack
As time passes, each boy started to develop their own interest. Maven under the guidance of his mother, has shown great understanding in court politics and is an eloquent speaker. Earning endless praise from his teachers and other lords and ladies in court.
Cal, although baring only his mother's name and held no royal titles, was still given the same lessons and training as Maven. Elara was not pleased with her husband's decision. Wasting time and resources on her son's little servant. Her disapproval echoed on her son, who was annoyed at his father for doing so and felt jealous that his father is more involved with Cal's education.
Cal is a fast learner. Quickly pick up the day's lesson and eagerly studying for the next. If he finds a lesson being challenging for him. He would approach his mother, his Uncle Julian and his older brother Maven for help (Maven likes being asked for answers, it makes him feel smart, but sometimes he would slam the door at Cal).
The Cracks Widen
Years past, both boys started to take on more difficult lessons, as well as physical training. With each honing their specialized skill.
Maven with his sharp wit and clever words. Could neutralize disagreements in court and set terms that were mostly favorable to him.
Cal with his strategic mind combined with his physical strength earned him praise from the other Silver elites and a satisfied nod from their instructor.
Even Prince Maven, never earned one or even a raised brow from him.
One day, Rane Arven wanted to see which was the stronger Calore. Maven insulted to be paired with someone younger and less experienced. Cal was nervous but eager, to prove himself.
Their sparing commenced, Maven taken on the offensive, throwing fireballs at Cal, nearly burning his little brother's brows in the process. Cal in turn, dodged each one with calculated steps, each move got him closer and closer to Maven, til he corned his older brother and burned his shoulder.
Maven fell to his knees with pain, his burnt suit sticking to his skin, adding to the scorching pain.
"Healer!" Prince Maven yelled to anyone.
But no one moved, even their instructor. Even Cal.
"Send me a healer! Are you deaf, Arven?" Maven hissed at his instructor, gripping his arm, covered in burns and was starting to drip blood.
"Did your little brother broke your legs as well, my prince?" Rane asked flatly
Maven fell silent. His pale cheeks turning a bright silver, as his looked somewhere else. "No."
"Then you can walk yourself to the infirmary, your highness." Their instructor motioned his hand towards the exit.
Maven stood with unsteady legs.
"Maven." Cal called out to him, his voice a laced with guilt. "Let me-"
Cal's sentence cut shot, as Maven turned towards him. Blue eyes glaring through his black curls, mouth twisting in a bitter snarl. They stared at the each other for a moment. Then Maven walked away.
"Cal Jacos." Cal looked up to his instructor.
"Yes?" His voice unsure, not knowing what to expect.
Rane Arven's usual plain face decorated with a half-smirk.
"Well done." His voice echoing through the training room. The echoes reaching Maven's ear.
Through the Years
As the Calore boys grew into their strengths. So was the distance. They barely talk to each other. Maven finding ways to prevent his brother from approaching him. Surrounding himself with his crownies from house Arven, Merandus and Samos.
Even if it was only Maven and Cal, the older Calore did little to hide his annoyance. Making snide remarks about his name, his mother and his strange uncle.
Cal, although hurt from his older brother's words, still hoped that they would still get along.
The Front
Both Calores were sent to Corvium, where they see first hand the on-going war between Norta and the Lakelands.
Maven having not much interest in war strategy, struggled in the Choke. To add insult to injury, he watched as his little brother charmed most of the soldiers and military personels with his brilliance.
His time at the Choke only made tolerable with the presence of his new found friend. Thomas.
However, due to the explosion caused by a Lakelander assassin. Prince Maven had to travel back to Whitefire palace. The king and queen, worry for their heir's safety.
Which left Cal in the front. As he grew into a fine soldier and a vital part in Norta's military strength.
Cal Jacos was given titles and medals for his contributions, but a letter was handed to him by a high ranking general.
Coriane Jacos, his mother, was gone.
The Final Straw
Consort Coriane's mysterious death cause a strong ripple of grief to those who loved her and was loved by her.
Cal stayed in his bedchamber for hours on end. Barely talking.
On the other hand, Prince Maven although was not close to the late Consort, he still visited Cal in his room. So he could talk to him, console his little brother. He knew how it felt to lose someone dear to him and that kind of grief broke him.
After so many years, they were together again, even for a moment.
A few weeks after Coriane's burial. The King held a small banquet with his family and close advicers.
Cal was seated closer to his father than the standard protocal. Which puzzled Maven and alarmed Elara.
Tiberias Calore VI, in honor to his beloved consort. The love of his life, annouced Cal Jacos' legitimacy before the small court.
In the king's drunken grief, he unknowingly severed the string he had with his older son and heir. Causing a stain in Maven's competency as future king and a power struggle between brothers.
Start of Red Queen Timeline
Over a year, since Cal becoming a legitimate son of house Calore.
The bond between brother was nearly gone. Maven shown blatant dislike towards his little brother. When they are alone together. Maven never fails to point out Cal's flaws, how gullible he is and comparing him to a lap dog who was eager to please.
In public events, Maven would pretend to be a loving and caring brother. Who under the facade of a perfect older sibling, still manage to deliver backhanded remarks that only Cal and a few of Maven's crownies would understand.
Maven's cruel words, his mother's death and his father's expectations slowly took a toll on Cal's self-esteem. Even with Cal being half a head taller than Maven and larger in built. He still moved quietly and carefully around him. Keeping his mouth shut, as he fear that he might say or do something that he might regret.
However cold Maven was, Cal never stopped hoping that they will be brothers again.
As Maven took on the role of his father's unofficial adviser. His focus gearing towards ending the growing rebel group that was slowly becoming a nuisance to the crown. His father, still in his druken grief, only cared for the war between the Lakelanders and invested more on his little brother's plans.
While Maven was busy trying to reason with their father. Cal was busy, going out at night to see the small red villages and bumping into a curious looking girl with stealthy hands.
How the First Book would play Out in this Dynamic
After Mare's shocking entrance. Mare was presented to the royal family. Tiberias wanting her dead and any footage of her erased. While Elara reasoned that Mare might be of use to them in the long run. Which spared her for now.
Maven chimed in that Cal should wed her, since he was the reason she fell in the shield in the first place. Cal only looked away, embarassed. While Mare glared at Maven for his suggestion.
In a short period, the young Prince Cal, started to develop deep feelings for Mare.
Mare felt attraction towards him as well, but knows that he can't find out that she is with the Scarlet Guard.
Maven and Elara are aware of her being part of the Scarlet Guard. Not because Maven pretended to be her friend. Elara simply read her mind and wanted to gather as much information from Mare, about the scarlet guard and newbloods.
If we are still going for a Love Triangle
Maven annoyed with his fiancée, Evangeline Samos and his father still disregarding his advices.
Prince Maven decided to take it out on his little brother, who was clearly smitten with Mare.
Maven pretended to befriend Mare, in the hopes of making his brother jealous because "he was given everything and he didn't deserve any of it."
Mare at first was cautious, given he was the son and heir to the throne and dislikes him, for his obvious resentment towards Cal.
But Maven played the stressed older brother, whose achievements gets overshadowed by his younger brother.
Mare understood the feeling all too well and they bonded over that.
Maven, overtime, started to appreciate Mare's spontaneous nature and he likes how genuine Mare is around him. He starts to see why his brother is attracted to her.
Mare and Cal got along well, and you know for a fact that they would sneak around to dance.
Mare likes Cal, enough that it made each letter, each Scarlet Guard meeting more diffucult to seat through.
Once the Scarlet Guard attacked, Mare quickly snuck away and went into hiding. After the damage done, Maven finally convinced his father into getting rid of the Scarlet Guard.
Maven would command Cal in organizing a search and arrest of Mare Barrow and other Scarlet Guard members. As well as secretly searching for newbloods like her, to turn into weapons for war.
Cal would then track down Mare, with the hopes of convincing her to leave the Scarlet Guard and come back to him.
Mare, Farley, Shade and the other newbloods manage to go as far as breaking into Corros prison where Maven held the newbloods. (No Silver Elites since Maven is the rightful heir in this timeline.)
Mare and the others manage to free most of the newbloods. However, Shade gets killed by Ptolemus and Mare gets capture, as she try to hold off the Sentinels while the others escape.
The conflict between the Calore brother rises, as the other would disagree on how their prisoner will be treated. Cal would prefer "talking" her out of being a rebel and Maven would threaten her for more information while having "tense" moments with her, since he is still attracted to her.
Mare on the other had will be stubborn and only hope that she'll get rescued soon.
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baldwinivmybeloved · 3 months
୨᭄ㅤ꒰ㅤCharper One . . ੭
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On a cold morning, a young woman walked through the halls of the castle of Jerusalem. Her beauty captivated everyone who crossed her path, whether they were slaves, servants, or even noble knights. Sighs and admiring glances followed her every step.
"I'd love to spread those legs," commented a disheveled Templar knight. Beside him, his companion also observed the young woman with lust.
She stopped and cast them a look of disdain. "Oh, really? Well, I think none of you could have me unless you go first," she pointed to the knight's companion, provoking an argument between them. While they argued, she seized the opportunity to quickly escape, heading to the chambers of young Prince Baldwin V, son of Princess Sibylla.
Upon arriving, she was informed that the prince was bedridden and needed to be taken away for treatment. She felt a knot in her stomach. She had cared for the prince since he was a baby, more than Sibylla herself, who barely bothered to see her son. The thought of not being able to accompany him on his journey filled her with despair. As a lowly slave, she knew she didn't have the power to convince the ministers or Tiberias himself. She could only endure the pain of separation.
Hours passed as she carried out her tasks, but her mind was with the prince, dreading the moment he would be taken from her. She loved him like a son, despite not being his mother. Finally, she was called to the prince's chambers. He, weak and pale, smiled at her.
"I will leave soon. They say I am sick, but they don’t know what it is," said the little boy.
"Don't worry, you will get better, my little king. You have always overcome everything, you will be a great king," she replied, caressing his head tenderly.
"I wish you would never leave my side, Xica, but they say I can't take you. It's so unfair! When I become king, I will make you my queen," declared the prince with childish determination.
She laughed softly and calmed him. Neither Tiberias nor the princess understood the close relationship between the prince and the mulatto slave, discovered only due to the prince's illness. Godfrey, who was in charge of the prince's lessons, was aware of this bond. The farewell was brief but painful. Heartfelt mother and son had to part, leaving Xica without a reason to live. Her tasks became monotonous and meaningless.
How could it be possible? She saw the princess so happy without her son, while she, who had not given birth to him, missed him every night and day. She prayed to God for his health, questioning the injustice of the world and those who inhabit it.
With the departure of the young prince, the castle of Jerusalem seemed to have lost its luster for Xica. The days passed with overwhelming monotony, and every task she performed felt empty without the presence of little Baldwin. However, life in the castle continued, indifferent to her pain.
One morning, as Xica was cleaning one of the castle’s grand halls, she overheard a conversation between two ministers passing by. They spoke in low voices, but the mention of Prince Baldwin immediately caught her attention.
"They say the journey is proving more difficult than expected," commented one of the ministers. "The prince’s health is not improving, and some fear the worst."
"What do the doctors suggest?" asked the other, visibly worried.
"They’ve proposed seeking a remedy in distant lands, a cure they believe could save him. But it’s a dangerous and costly journey."
Xica’s heart raced. The thought of the prince being in danger and so far out of her reach terrified her. She knew she had to do something, anything to help him. Even though she was just a lowly slave, she couldn’t sit idly by.
That very night, Xica decided she needed to seek help. She remembered Godfrey, the prince’s tutor, who had always been kind and understanding with her. If anyone could understand her desperation and help her, it would be him. Determined, she made her way to Godfrey’s chambers, hoping to find him there.
"Who knocks on my door at this hour?" asked Godfrey, opening the door to find Xica, her expression a mixture of fear and resolve.
"Forgive me for disturbing you at this hour, Master Godfrey," said Xica, bowing. "I need to speak with you about Prince Baldwin."
Godfrey invited her in and listened attentively as she recounted what she had overheard that morning. His eyes hardened as he grasped the gravity of the situation.
"I understand your concern, Xica," he said finally. "And you’re right, we can’t just stand by. But this is dangerous and will require careful planning."
Xica awaited his next words anxiously, hoping for an immediate plan of action. However, Godfrey sighed and continued, "Sometimes, the best course of action is patience. The doctors are doing everything they can, and while we want to help, we must trust in their abilities and in fate. I know this is difficult for you."
Xica felt disheartened, but Godfrey wasn’t finished. "You are a smart and brave young woman, Xica. In these difficult times, you must find ways to keep your mind occupied and strong. Here," he said, approaching a bookshelf and taking out an old book and some scrolls. "Take these. This book is one of my favorites, and the scrolls contain exercises and texts that can help distract your mind."
Xica accepted the gifts gratefully, though a part of her felt disappointed at the lack of a concrete plan to help the prince. "Thank you, Master Godfrey," she said, trying to hide her disappointment. "I will do as you suggest."
"Trust that we are doing everything possible for the prince," added Godfrey, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "And remember, the knowledge and wisdom you gain now can be of great help to you in the future. Keep your mind and heart strong, Xica."
That night, Xica retreated to her quarters with the book and scrolls. As the moonlight illuminated her small room, she sat down to read. Godfrey’s words echoed in her mind, and although she still worried about the prince, she found some solace in the pages of the book. Each story and exercise on the scrolls was a temporary escape from her pain and a reminder of the importance of patience and wisdom.
Over time, Xica began to notice that her nights were less lonely and her days less monotonous. Although the prince remained in her thoughts, she now had something else to hold on to, something that gave her hope and strength. She knew that, in some way, her love and devotion for Baldwin would continue to guide her actions, preparing her for the day she might reunite with him and perhaps save him.
While Xica was absorbed in reading her book and working on the exercises from the scrolls that Godfrey had given her, she heard firm footsteps approaching her room. She looked up just in time to see her mother, a strong woman of African origin, enter with a severe expression on her face.
"Xica," her mother said firmly, "what is this I hear about your worries for Prince Baldwin?"
Xica slowly closed the book and stood up to face her mother. "Mother, it’s just that… the prince is very ill, and I fear for his life. I feel like I must do something to help him."
Xica's mother approached and took her hands, her dark eyes filled with a mix of concern and love. "Daughter, I understand your concern for him. I know how much you care, but you must remember your place in this castle. It is not your responsibility to get involved in these matters. The doctors and nobles are handling it."
"But, mother, he needs all the help he can get," protested Xica, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't just stay here doing nothing."
Xica's mother sighed and looked at her with a gentler expression. "Xica, I know you have a big heart and great devotion to the prince. But you must not be so dramatic. He will get better, trust in that. Your life should not revolve around him. You must find your own path, your own strength. Worrying all the time helps no one, especially not yourself."
Xica lowered her gaze, feeling chastened but also understanding the wisdom in her mother's words. "I know, mother. It’s just that… I feel so powerless."
Xica's mother gently lifted her daughter’s chin, making her look into her eyes. "You are not powerless, Xica. You have great strength within you. Use that book, those scrolls. Learn, grow, strengthen yourself. When the right time comes, you will know what to do. But for now, you must trust and be patient."
Xica nodded slowly, feeling a slight weight lift off her shoulders. "Thank you, mother. I will try to follow your advice."
Xica's mother smiled and hugged her tightly. "I will always be here for you, my daughter. Do not forget that. Now, go back to your studies. Knowledge is a great weapon, and someday, you may need it more than you imagine. You who can read and write, coming from where we do, must keep it a secret. We do not know what they might do if they discover a slave is literate."
Xica returned to her chair as her mother left the room. She felt a mix of emotions, but her mother’s presence and words had given her a new perspective. She opened the book again and began to read, determined to strengthen her mind and spirit, preparing for whatever challenges fate might bring her.
As the pages turned under her fingers, Xica found a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that, although she could not be by the prince's side at that moment, she could prepare herself for the day when her help might make a difference. And, in time, that preparation could be the greatest act of love and devotion she could offer.
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tazzmanian-devil · 7 months
Lost, Star VS, MP100, MHA(up to s7), Owl House, LMK, Dragon Prince, Infinity Train, Tangled, Breaking Bad, FMA:B, The Twilight Zone, House MD, The Good Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, Arcane, Fiona and Cake, Adventure Time, Dungeon Meishi, Dorohedoro, Chainsaw Man, Scrubs, SpyxFamily, Letterkenny, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Serial Experiments Lain, Russian Doll, The Great Canadian Pottery Show, lucky star, nichijou, Mysteries of Mental Illness, Gurren Lagann, star trek, one punch man, scavengers reign, the cyberpunk anime, the good place,
Moulin Rouge, FNAF the Movie, 57 Seconds, the Hulu Fyre Festival documentary, The Colourful Mr. Eggleson, The Blair Witch Project, Uncle Buck, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Day After Tomorrow, bill and ted, last night in soho, Green Room(2015), sinbad, the Oceans movies, world war z, speed, speed 2, the big short, too big to fail, the florida project, kung fu panda 4, jerry maguire, dnd movie, challengers(2024), the bad guys, shark tale, the descent, the descent part 2, mothers' instinct, sting, burn after reading, michael clayton, being john malkovich, oppenheimer, die hard(SERIES), cocaine crabs, Mutant Mayhem, the shining/doctor sleep, abigail, baghead, tarot, the first omen, my oni girl, jaws, 28 days later, missing, fall, ready or not, 10 cloverfield lane, pearl(2022), raw(2016), the autopsy of jane doe, the cabin in the woods(2011), The Wolf Man, an american werewolf in london, rabid, thelma the unicorn, RUBY GILLMAN, boeing documentary, i saw the tv glow, we grown now, if, bedtime stories, everest, goodnight mommy, the caller, the invisible man, PERFECT BLUE, tcm 1 and 2, bambi II, gremlins, how to lose a guy in 10 days, the wedding planner, the boy and the heron, in the heights 2021, despicable me 4, inside out 2, the boy,monica and david(2009), BYE BYE TIBERIAS, Dude, Where's My Car, skinamarink, The Rocky Horror Show, Kinky Boots, Spiderverse 1 and 2, The Celluloid Closet, Vivian Meyer, Jeff Wall, The Fruit Machine, The Third Care Bears Movie, baby garfield, need for speed, payback, fast and furious, tomorrowland, gravity, the ides of march, one cut of the dead2017, king kong1933, halloween1978, shaun of the dead2004, Diabolique, the invisible man2020, nosferatu1922, invasion of the bodysnatchers1956, rosemary's baby, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Eyes Without a Face, Train to Busan, the ring, night of the living dead, his house, talk to me, repulsion, frankenstein, vampyr, freaks1932, night of the hunter, dawn of the dead, scream(SERIES), peeping tom, godzilla1954, a girl walks home at night, the fly, suspiria, zombieland, the birds, the innocents, whatever happened to baby jane, x(2022), the amusement park(1973), it follows(2014), dead of night1945, dracula1931, carrie 1976, the host2006, kwaidan1964, dont look now1973, thelma2017, barbarian2022, evil dead, evil dead 2, eraserhead, hereditary, return of the living dead, TCM, phantom of the opera1925, the conjuring, cat people, the thing, house of wax, dr jekyll and mr hyde, mandy, the cat and the canary, let me in, tenacious d the pick of destiny, village of the damned, duel, the wicker man, dead alive, you wont be alone, beast, poltergeist, the evil dead(SERIES), fear street(1,2,3), theater of blood, the haunting, the witch, annihilation, the dead zone, the others, rare exports: a christmas tale, santa sangre, the night house, the black phone, the endless, the exorcist, the mummy, dead ringers, day of the dead, the omen, predator, fright night, crawl, fresh, better watch out, the abominable dr phibes, candyman, carnival of souls, halloween, warm bodies, sisters, house of usher, the house of the devil, smile, 1408, innerstellar, failure to launch, jason x, existenz, scanners, the brood, fast company, mission impossible, ella enchanted, the princess diaries, brokeback mountain, charlies angels(SERIES), oceans 8, cocaine shark, the bourne ultimatum, mad max, citizen kane, gone with the wind, the shawshank redemption, lord of the rings, its a wonderful life, cassablanca, blade runner, rocky, saving private ryan, edward scissorhands, better watch out, cam(2018), extremely goofy movie, planet of the apes, scream 2022, your monster 2024, bed rest 2022, southbound, v/h/s, devil's due, 1993 mario movie, Immaculate, labrynth, the dark crystal, the neverending story, narnia, ma, shorts, jennifer's body, the boy
(annabelle, saw 2, The Scott Tibbs Documentary, saw 3, saw 4, the rest of the saws, mlp g5, ex machina, fraggle rock, defunctland fraggle rock, onward, lightyear, m3gan, the orphanage2017, childs play, upgrade, hatching, videodrome, frailty)
Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, Red Valley, Creepy Podska, qanon anonymous, Stuff You Missed in History Class, wayne radio tv,
Under the Dome, Gideon the Ninth, Dungeon Meishi, The Celluloid Closet, Harrow the Ninth, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, The Fox and the Hound, House of Leaves, Stone Butch Blues, Wool, The Slow Regard of Silent Things, that photo book, For Folk's Sake, the ROTTMNT Comic Book, The Prince, Discourses, The Art of War, Five Rings, this is how you die, The Rescuers, asops fables, the raven cycle, reanimator, watership down, the wizard of oz, beastars, the most dangerous game, how Europe underdeveloped Africa, sappho
0 notes
allyear-lff · 1 year
LFF2023: The list of films
I should have started from the beginning, so to understand this blog read my mission statement back in 2021 when I thought this was a great idea :-D and then feel free to peruse my reviews of the films, all listed below, and from the previous 2 years as well.
I will link to my musings about each film from here as I progress and I hope to refine them as I revisit them in the future, apologies about the silly mistakes, I am writing of the cuff mostly on my free time, away from my job that has nothing to do with film.
Any comments and suggestions can be done to my twitter X account @allyear_lff ( https://twitter.com/allyear_lff ) and I believe comments are open here in Tumblr.
(Full list of films to be added when published)
20,000 Species of Bees
All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt
All of Us Strangers
Àma Gloria
Animal Kingdom, The
Apolonia, Apolonia (HBO Max Spain)
Banel & Adama
Beast, The
Behind the Mountains
Bikeriders, The
Black Dog
Black Pirate, The
Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
Bonus Track
Book of Clarence, The
Book of Solutions, The
Boy and the Heron, The (late addition)
Bride, The
Buckingham Murders, The
Bye Bye Tiberias
Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg (billed as Anita in brochure)
Celluloid Underground
Chasing Chasing Amy
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget
Close Your Eyes
Common Sequence, A
Copa 71 (available as "Copa 71, the lost Lionesses" in BBC iPlayer from June 2024).
Croma Kid
Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano
Dancing Queen
Dear Jassi
Deep Sea (3D)
Delinquents, The
Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World
Dupes, The
Earth Mama
Echo, The
End We Start From, The (Curzon Home from March 2024, BFI Player)
Eternal Memory, The (BBC iPlayer, available at least until Feb 2025)
Everything Worthwhile Is Done with Other People
Evil Does Not Exist
Fallen Leaves
Fancy Dance
Fire Through Dry Grass
Foremost by Night
Four Daughters
Gasoline Rainbow
Gassed Up
Going To Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project
Goldman Case, The
Goodbye Julia
High & Low - John Galliano
Hit Man
Holdovers, The
Housekeeping for Beginners
How to Have Sex (Curzon Home)
Hypnosis, The
I am Sirat
If Only I Could Hibernate
Indésirables, Les
Inshallah a Boy
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell
In Camera
In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon
It can’t be that nothing that can be returned
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Kidnapped (UK: Curzon Home Cinema)
Killer, The
Killers of the Flower Moon
Kitchen, The
Klezmer Project, The
Last Summer
Late Night With the Devil
Little Girl Blue
Lost Boys, The (Curzon Home)
Lost in the Night
Mambar Pierrette
May December
Menu-Plaisirs Les Troisgros
Mission, The
Molli and Max in the Future
Nature of Love, The
New Boy, The
Nightwatch – Demons Are Forever
NYAD (Netflix)
Occupied City
On the Adamant
One Life
Only the River Flows
Our Body
Paradise Is Burning
Peasants, The
Peeping Tom
Penal Cordillera
Perfect Days (late addition)
Pigeon Tunnel, The
Poor Things
Pot au Feu, The
Power Alley
Practice, The
Prince, A
Queen of My Dreams, The
Red Island (Curzon Home Cinema)
Red Rooms
Robot Dreams
Room in a Crowd
Royal Hotel, The
Rye Horn, The
Ryuichi Sakamoto | Opus
Sacred Cave, The
Samsara (Curzon Home)
SCALA!!! (BFI Player)
Self-Portrait: 47 KM 2020
Settlers, The (MUBI)
Shame On Dry Land
Silver Haze
Sky Peals
Spectre of Boko Haram, The
Starve Acre
Stranger and the Fog, The
Surprise film: Ferrari
Swan Song
Sweet East, The
Taste of Mango, The
Terrestrial Verses
That They May Face the Rising Sun
They Shot the Piano Player
This Is Going to Be Big
Tiger Stripes
Together 99
Tótem (Curzon Home from January 2024)
Unicorns (late addition, Rakuten UK from August 2024) )
Vincent Must Die
You Can Call me Bill
Youth (Spring)
Zone of Interest, The
0 notes
Monday of the Third Week of Easter
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Readings of Monday, April 24, 2023
Reading 1
ACTS 6:8-15
Stephen, filled with grace and power, was working great wonders and signs among the people. Certain members of the so-called Synagogue of Freedmen, Cyreneans, and Alexandrians, and people from Cilicia and Asia, came forward and debated with Stephen, but they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke. Then they instigated some men to say, “We have heard him speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God.” They stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes, accosted him, seized him, and brought him before the Sanhedrin. They presented false witnesses who testified, “This man never stops saying things against this holy place and the law. For we have heard him claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us.” All those who sat in the Sanhedrin looked intently at him and saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Responsorial Psalm
PS 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30
R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! or: R./ Alleluia.
Though princes meet and talk against me, your servant meditates on your statutes. Yes, your decrees are my delight; they are my counselors. R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! or: R./ Alleluia.
I declared my ways, and you answered me; teach me your statutes. Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous deeds. R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! or: R./ Alleluia.
Remove from me the way of falsehood, and favor me with your law. The way of truth I have chosen; I have set your ordinances before me. R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! or: R./ Alleluia.
JN 6:22-29
[After Jesus had fed the five thousand men, his disciples saw him walking on the sea.] The next day, the crowd that remained across the sea saw that there had been only one boat there, and that Jesus had not gone along with his disciples in the boat, but only his disciples had left. Other boats came from Tiberias near the place where they had eaten the bread when the Lord gave thanks. When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they themselves got into boats and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus. And when they found him across the sea they said to him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” Jesus answered them and said, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled. Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.  For on him the Father, God, has set his seal.”  So they said to him, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”
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24th April >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Monday, Third Week of Eastertide
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Martyr.
Monday, Third Week of Eastertide
(Liturgical Colour: White: A(1))
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 6:8-15 They could not get the better of Stephen because the Spirit prompted what he said.
Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the people. But then certain people came forward to debate with Stephen, some from Cyrene and Alexandria who were members of the synagogue called the Synagogue of Freedmen, and others from Cilicia and Asia. They found they could not get the better of him because of his wisdom, and because it was the Spirit that prompted what he said. So they procured some men to say, ‘We heard him using blasphemous language against Moses and against God.’ Having in this way turned the people against him as well as the elders and scribes, they took Stephen by surprise, and arrested him and brought him before the Sanhedrin. There they put up false witnesses to say, ‘This man is always making speeches against this Holy Place and the Law. We have heard him say that Jesus the Nazarene is going to destroy this Place and alter the traditions that Moses handed down to us.’ The members of the Sanhedrin all looked intently at Stephen, and his face appeared to them like the face of an angel.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118(119):23-24,26-27,29-30
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Though princes sit plotting against me I ponder on your statutes. Your will is my delight; your statutes are my counsellors.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
I declared my ways and you answered; teach me your statutes. Make me grasp the way of your precepts and I will muse on your wonders.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Keep me from the way of error and teach me your law. I have chosen the way of truth with your decrees before me.
R/ They are happy whose life is blameless. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation John 20:29
Alleluia, alleluia! ‘You believe, Thomas, because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe. Alleluia!
Or: Matthew 4:4
Alleluia, alleluia! Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Alleluia!
Gospel John 6:22-29 Do not work for food that cannot last, but for food that endures to eternal life.
After Jesus had fed the five thousand, his disciples saw him walking on the water. Next day, the crowd that had stayed on the other side saw that only one boat had been there, and that Jesus had not got into the boat with his disciples, but that the disciples had set off by themselves. Other boats, however, had put in from Tiberias, near the place where the bread had been eaten. When the people saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into those boats and crossed to Capernaum to look for Jesus. When they found him on the other side, they said to him, ‘Rabbi, when did you come here?’ Jesus answered:
‘I tell you most solemnly, you are not looking for me because you have seen the signs but because you had all the bread you wanted to eat. Do not work for food that cannot last, but work for food that endures to eternal life, the kind of food the Son of Man is offering you, for on him the Father, God himself, has set his seal.’
Then they said to him, ‘What must we do if we are to do the works that God wants?’ Jesus gave them this answer, ‘This is working for God: you must believe in the one he has sent.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Martyr 
(Liturgical Colour: Red: A(1))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Colossians 1:24-29 I became the servant of the Church.
It makes me happy to suffer for you, as I am suffering now, and in my own body to do what I can to make up all that has still to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body, the Church. I became the servant of the Church when God made me responsible for delivering God’s message to you, the message which was a mystery hidden for generations and centuries and has now been revealed to his saints. It was God’s purpose to reveal it to them and to show all the rich glory of this mystery to pagans. The mystery is Christ among you, your hope of glory: this is the Christ we proclaim, this is the wisdom in which we thoroughly train everyone and instruct everyone, to make them all perfect in Christ. It is for this I struggle wearily on, helped only by his power driving me irresistibly.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33(34):2-9
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast. The humble shall hear and be glad.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called, the Lord heard him and rescued him from all his distress.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
The angel of the Lord is encamped around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Gospel Acclamation John 13:34
Alleluia, alleluia! I give you a new commandment: love one another just as I have loved you, says the Lord. Alleluia!
Gospel John 17:20-26 Father, may they be completely one.
Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:
‘Holy Father, I pray not only for these, but for those also who through their words will believe in me. May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me. I have given them the glory you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one. With me in them and you in me, may they be so completely one that the world will realise that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them as much as you loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see the glory you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. Father, Righteous One, the world has not known you, but I have known you, and these have known that you have sent me. I have made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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fynslife · 4 years
Post-War Storm Epilogue: Reunion **spoilers for RQ4**
                                                   1 year later
The wind is chill on my skin as I step onto the runway at the edge of Archeon. It’s been a year since I was last in Norta, a year since I said goodbye to Cal. So much has changed since then.
I’ve come alone this time, leaving Farley with Clara and Kilorn with Cameron, even Davidson stayed behind in Montfort - all aware that this is a trip I need to take alone. My family are safe and happy, and as much as it pains me to leave them again I’ve known for some time that my path would lead me back here. At least this time around it’s by choice, and not as part of a cruel game.
Over the past year I’ve explored the world to the farthest reaches and back,  always keeping one eye on my former home, on Norta. The first broadcast we watched together; my family, Davidson, the Red Command and even Evangaline, huddled around to see the first glimpses of the new country. In the weeks following the battle the High Houses started to return. Silvers and reds were shown to be mixing, working together to build the new world with a fledgling government drawn from both bloods. Cal was elected temporarily as the first Premier of Norta amidst the fall-out, as the country sought to find a new equilibrium. Seeing his face, clear of pain but worn from rebuilding was a smart to my slowly healing wounds.
The next broadcast I saw came six months later. Away from Ascendant, away from my family, I watched as Cal was sworn in officially as Premier. A king no longer, but still a leader in his blood. The footage panned to Cal’s government, a collection of reds, silvers and new-bloods alike, all committed to upholding a better future. I didn’t watch the full broadcast, unwilling to see the marks of resistance still brewing amongst bitter silvers. I have to remind myself that for once, the good outweighs the bad, and with Cal at the head of government it will stay that way. Progress has been slow, but as Davidson would say, inches for miles.
I snap out of my memories, caught off guard by the light rain that has started to fall. My Montfort escorts lead the way to my transport and I find myself once again on my way to Whitefire.
The palace remains much the same; the marble polished and clean, free from the gore of a battle long since passed. The throne room however has been repurposed for government - the colours of House Calore have been removed, as have those of Marandus and Jacos. Much like in Ascendant, the colours that now line the walls are those of silver and red, interspersed in equal measure. A physical reminder of the unification of the bloods.
It’s here that I find him.
My breath catches as I watch him from the doorway. Cal seems much unchanged; his broad shoulders cloaked in a simple dark jacket with trousers to match, tucked into military grade boots. His hair is longer than I last saw it, long enough to start curling around his ears as it falls forward. I put a hand to my red earring, the one Cal gifted to me a lifetime ago, as the full weight of missing him crashes into me and I find it hard to breathe. In response my lightning crackles to life in my palm, and Cal’s head snaps up at the sound.
His gaze finds me immediately, smoldering bronze in surprise and trepidation. Cal straightens, seemingly searching for the right thing to say and coming up with nothing. “Hi”, I say quietly, never averting my gaze. A startled chuckle bursts from him, “Hi” he says in return.
I suddenly feel awkward. What if he didn’t wait for me? What if this year apart has changed everything? Cal steps forward as I make to step back, reading the questions in my eyes before I can voice them. “Mare”, his voice is soft and pleading, serving as a balm to my nerves. My lighting crackles once more as the heat in the room slowly rises, and I step towards him. With that one step it’s as if a spell has lifted and we rush towards eachother, desperate to close the space between us.
Cal pulls me into his embrace, his body warm and as strong as I remember. My arms lock around his neck as he lifts me, holding me so tightly it feels as though we could become one from sheer determination alone. I draw back to look at him, tracing his cheekbones with one hand before settling it along his jaw, cupping his ear softly. Cal shudders beneath me, the raw emotion roiling in his eyes as he studies my face as if memorizing it, likely checking for any new scars, ever the soldier. Cal clears his throat as he sets me back down, although doesn’t release the circle of his arms, keeping me close, safe within his cocoon of warmth.
“I’ve missed you.” Cal chokes out. “Everyday, I’ve missed you. Every storm I’ve hoped to see a streak of purple. Everywhere I turn I think I see you.” Cal’s breathing is heavy as his eyes bore into mine, afraid to look away even for a moment. “Is this real? Are you really here?” Cal swallows audibly, waiting for me to speak with bated breath.
I try to sound nonchalant and fail spectacularly, my voice wobbling when I reply, “It’s real. I’m here.” Cal’s body trembles against mine, his growing smile threatening to crack my heart wide open as I continue, my voice betraying me once more, “I’m never saying farewell to you again” I whisper, tears leaking from the corner of my eyes, tracking quickly down my cheeks. The temperature in the room spikes, my body curled in delicious heat as Cal burns. He leans towards me, tentatively kissing away the tears running down my cheeks one at a time, his lips feather light on my damp skin, before drawing back to look at me once more.
“Are you going to kiss me properly or have I got to do everything myself?” I tease half-seriously. Cal’s deep laugh shakes through my body, through my soul, stitching together all my broken pieces, filling my heart with such happiness I feel as though it might burst. “There’s my Mare” Cal chuckles, sobered once more by the sight of my smile, before drawing me flush against him and closing his mouth over mine.
The wounds still exist. The betrayals and deceits lie between us as they always have, but they are no longer obstacles. The path that brought us here was treacherous, fraught with sorrow and death, but it has forged us into the people we have become, and are still becoming. My physical brand remains, as real as the emotional scars left behind by Maven in both of us, but the time spent apart has allowed us to grieve and find peace in our own way.
Nothing stands between us anymore. With hearts slowly mending we have only hope for a new world and a better life for all bloods. Our choice is simple and made without hesitation; on this day, and every day from now, we will choose eachother.
Phew, I hope you guys like this! This is my first attempt at writing any sort of fic, let along posting it. I finished War Storm yesterday and couldn’t bear the way it ended, so wanted to continue the epilogue with this. I needed to see Mare and Cal reunited, ok!
Anyway, I’d love to hear any thoughts on this! Is this how you saw things ending up? I need someone to fangirl with, pls and thanks.
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