#prince grimauld
princess-ibri · 3 months
Can I just say, as a Disney Villain Recruiters fan: I’m absolutely OBSESSED with your take on Veil! It’s so creative and cool, and I’d kill to see more of her and your take on the other Recruiters as well! Your version of Veil actually kind of reminds me of Double from Skullgirls a bit, and I could definitely see her true form being similarly eldritch and horrific. I could also definitely see her saying “What IS a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!” to boot as well.
Thanks!!! I don't have any art of them at the moment but I did have a list of ideas of how I'd incorporate them into my DisneyVerse project!
Disney Villain Recruiters/Apprentices
Mr V-- Valentin Duvalier ( either Faciler apprentice or possibly his Shadow given human form, haven't quite decided yet)
These three would all be Loa (Friends on the Other Side) given human forms to walk around in on the mortal plane
Ms Scatter
Ms Villa
Mr Polite
Apple Poison --Griswold Vergiften, Son of Grimauld, so Queen Grimhilde's nephew
Jack Heart--Jester of the Court of Hearts
Mr Dalmetia-- Is apparently a puppy called Prince who was changed by dark magic to enact Cruella's will/act as her personal agent. And actually, I'll just keep this xD . The second book had flying dogs. Magic has canon precedence. Plus Cruella in my DisneyVerse is descended from Princess Ivy so, magic precedence there too. Let her ascend to true devil mode xD
Malfi-- Look its the exact thing as Diaval, so that's who he is, Diablo the Raven given human form by Maleficent
Eight Foot Joe--Octopus who made deal with Ursula to become a cecaelia, simple and to the point, I'll keep him as is.
Lady Pirate Hock-- Harriet Hook from my Canon Descendants rewrite
Veil-- Female demon linked to an Enchanted bell sent into the world as a reliquary/agent of Frollo, trying to get out of Hell by doing something to the Bells of Notre Dame, to stop their protective ringing over the city -(gets involved in redone HOND 2, with Claudine and Madeline and whatnot)
Pretty Scar--Nzuri, a hyena (could also just be Shenzi?)
Farja-- Official apprentice of Jafar. Rename to Faja? Could also be his neice Jade by his sister Nasira if I want to go in a Canon Descendants rewrite way. She uses plant based magic, hebce her color changing flower
Ms Hades-- Orphne, a nymph of Hades, his personal secretary
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potterhead1208 · 1 year
Hey 👋
Favourite each Harry Potter movies scenes??
Hello 😉
This is a tough one, I had to think about this…
Sorcerer’s Stone:
The Potions lesson with Severus Snape
Chamber of Secrets:
When they find Mrs Norris and the Forbidden Forest with Aragog
Prisoner of Azkaban:
This one was hard because it’s my least favorite of the films, but when they save Sirius at the end
Goblet of Fire:
The graveyard scene with Voldemort
Order of the Phoenix:
When Harry sees Sirius at Grimauld Place and when he sees him off to Hogwarts (if you haven’t already guessed, Sirius is my ❤️)
Half-Blood Prince:
The cave scene, Dumbledore is incredible
Deathly Hallows:
Goodric’s Hollow and break in at the Ministry
Part two:
Break in at Gringotts and the battle of Hogwarts
What are your favorites?
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miss-agliz · 1 year
Chapter 6: A friendly Yule
“No, Cissy, I’m NOT going”
Sirius Orion Black had always brought trouble to himself during childhood. He was, after all, the heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, the oldest grandson of Arcturus Black, and so had been raised to be seen and not heard, reprimanded each time he decided to have an opinion, double if it was different than his mother’s, and if there’s one thing he had, was opinions different to hers. His shoulders, always hidden, were full of small white scars from the punishments - didn’t matter if what he did was dye his aunt’s clothes bright pink, break a mug (even if that was a lie to cover for his brother), or say that he wanted to visit Muggle London. And the worst was yet to come, Sirius was sure of it ever since that September night in which he had been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of the brave and chivalrous.
And December had come, with minimal interaction with his family, only a few letters from his brother, his beloved Regulus who he had sworn to protect, and one or two monthly howlers from his mother, the rest of the family had gone no-contact. If Walburga’s shouts weren’t enough, Regulus was clear in his letters, it was better to not put a foot in Grimauld Place until Summer.
“You are a disgrace to our family name, Sirius” cousin Narcissa said in the coldest voice a 12 year old could muster. “You are being a selfish child”
Sirius Orion Black, son of Orion and Walburga Black, second in line to the title of Lord Black, raised to be the perfect child, was taught Latin, Ancient Greek and French during childhood, the theory behind every spell and how to identify most poisons and cursed objects, the perfect noble pure-blood gentleman who could play piano and violin, waltz better than any of his many cousins, always well dressed and perfectly groomed, cold eyes and head held high, because he was better than everyone. Sirius Black, who had spent most of his childhood shielding his baby brother from the fury of his mother, taking the blame of everything, making himself the target of Walburga’s fury so little Regulus could become the favourite. A Black in everything that mattered, pale skin and grey eyes, long silky black hair tied with a silver ribbon, an angular face with high cheekbones and thin eyebrows, not that tall but certainly not short; he had inherited his mother’s short temper and his grandfather’s intellect, being able to do his homework without any difficulty but fighting with James over the smallest things (whose turn it was for the shower, Chocalete Frog cards or who was better suited to put itching powder on the Slytherin’s tunics). Sirius, who only wanted to be loved by those around him, who wanted to have fun and be free, who had to be tough for his brother and be Mother’s little pureblood prince, but spent too much time with cousin Andromeda to swallow all that unfounded hate.
“Reading isn’t resting, Mr Lupin” reminded Madam Pomfrey to her young patient. “Your Professors are aware that you are to be in bed until Sunday, homework can wait”
“C’mon Madam Pomfrey, it’s not even a school book! I’m getting bored” complained Remus.
“You need to rest, Mr Lupin, we already talked about this”
With a defeated sigh Remus put away the book, at least until he stopped being in the healer’s line of sight. Sure, he was glad he could attend Hogwarts, and grateful for Madam Pomfrey’s care, it had been one of the easiest mornings after a full moon he had ever had, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t painful. Remus’ whole body ached, his knees where throbbing and no matter how he positioned himself he was uncomfortable, reading was his only scape, a way to forget his pains, or at least feel them less.
This would be the first year he would spend Christmas away from his family. The next full moon was set for the 31st of December, he’d spend the New Year in pain and only accompanied by Madam Pomfrey, who surely wouldn’t leave him out of her sight. After little over three months at Hogwarts, Remus had learned at least one thing: Madam Pomfrey was strict but cared deeply about her patients. He wasn’t sure how to feel about being away from his family for the Holidays, it was only his mom - Hope Howell, a muggle - and grandma Lucretia Howell - another muggle -, sometimes accompanied by his father - Lyall Lupin, a pureblood wizard - and his favorite tutor, Miss Carol Feathers - a muggle-born witch -, in the small house just outside of Cardiff where he lived with his mother, there always was music and small chocolates for him, he was gifted practical things, like books, pencils or clothes and he answered with handmade cards. Everything in Hogwarts was big and bright, so he assumed Christmas - or Yule, as most British purebloods referred to it - was also going to be like that, all bright lights and a snowy landscape from the window.
At least he wouldn’t be completely alone, his roommate Sirius Black was also going to stay. While trying to do the opposite, in those first few months he had unintentionally gained at least three friends, but James Potter and Sirius black were an unstoppable duo and by sheer stubbornness had made Remus and their other roommate, Peter Pettigrew, spend time together forming a camaderie of sorts; they spent most of their downtime playing chess or gobstones together, helping each other do their homework, and playing small pranks on other students.
Remus had yet to be caught during one of their pranks, but James and Sirius spent a lot of their time in detention, and yet managed to do all ofr their work on time. Truthfully, Remus was quite jealous of them, in his eyes they had everything: good grades, a stable family, wealth, and enough charm to get away with most stuff (Professor McGonagall seemed to be the only exception); while his parents had separated a few years ago, he had been homeschooled ever since the bite and could only afford second-hand items, no matter if it was books or clothes, and while he had been able to perform magic since the crib his father didn’t allow him to dream of going to Hogwarts.
Remus John Lupin, the boy who wasn’t allowed to dream. He had been only five when Greyback bit him, so he barely had any memories from before. He grew up a werewolf, knowing that once a month he had to hide and suffer through a horrible transformation all alone, most of his body was now covered in thin scars, and the older he got the deeper the wounds were. Remus Lupin, lanky with overgrown light brown hair, ill-fitting clothes and tattered books that he had to carry in his arms - his satchel having decided to break and resist all charms -, always looking a little bit too pale or too tired. Lupin the stubborn and studious, reading until late, until James took the book from his hands and forced him to lay down in his bed, sleeping in and barely managing to make it on time for breakfast, often eating on the way to class something Peter kept for him, learning spells by himself so he could carry everything in the tunic’s pockets because he didn’t want Sirius to carry his more delicate items. Remus, who didn’t know how to act around people his own age and somehow managed to get three boys to care about him.
Dear son, Your mom and I want to know if you are coming back for the Yule festivities so we can ready your room and separate some coins so you can buy a present to grandma Bonnie. We would love to hear about your new friends. Professor McGonagall has sent us your first grades, good job on that Charms Exceeds Expectations, we hope next term you don’t get any detentions. Love, Your parents, F&N Pettigrew
The short letter wasn’t a surprise for Peter, he didn’t really talk with his parents. They may have lived under the same roof for 11 years, but it was as they didn’t know each other, always leaving him in the care of others to get to work. He saw the well-dressed children stroll around with their carers, knowing that most of the time he didn’t have anyone to go to if he tripped and got hurt or if the older boys in the street took his toy wand.
Peter Pancratius Pettigrew was a pureblood wizard of unimportant lineage, and he detested it. His father, Fletcher Pettigrew, worked at Diagon Alley’s grocery shop (Tut’s Nuts) and his mother, Nicola Pettigrew, helped out at Tangle & Noils Wigmakers & Perruquiers, also in Diagon Alley, as a part-time hairdresser; that’s where he grew up, in the heart of the English Wizarding Community, never visiting the muggle parts of the country, playing with the other children in the street, learning letters and numbers with one of the neighbours, Mrs. Yasmin Kader. His parents made enough to not live paycheck to paycheck, but he had learned early the meaning of the word “no”, he had never had the latest model of any toy, the latest issue of his favourite comic, or daily Chocolate Frogs. Peter Pettigrew, the only son of two working wizards, who grew up in a small flat in London’s Magical Shopping District, the least brilliant of his roommates, the least focused, the one who needed more help, the one who received less correspondence. Pettigrew, who knew most of the people at Hogwarts, at least those of Wizarding families, who had played with most of them on the streets, who had been babysat by some of the older students; he was well-liked by everyone, so much that he knew more gossip than anyone in the lower years, so much that not even the Slytherins went after him. Peter, with his mousy hair, full cheeks and roundier body, always a few steps behind the stars of the show, following James Potter and Sirius Black to wherever they asked, not because of their last names but because they showed they cared, always willing to help him complete his homework, never forgetting to wake him up in the morning, sharing their class notes, helping him understand, including him in their pranks but protecting him from most detentions.
Ever since the train ride to Hogwarts James knew his life was complete. He had met three boys who had ended up being his roommates and friends, Peter the social butterfly that loved to read adventure books and hated schoolwork, the shy and sarcastic Remus who always looked tired and didn’t know when to stop studying, and his platonic soulmate Sirius, a deeply hurt child in need of love, in need of fun. And his rival, the girl who managed to one up him in every class, Lily Evans, probably the most brilliant witch of the generation, and her loyal follower, the greasy git Severus Snape (or Snivellus as James had taken to call him in his mind) who had fast adopted under Lucius Malfoy’s wing, one of the worst Slytherins from one of the more extremist pureblood families.
James Charlus Potter of the Peverell, Potter and Fleamont Houses carried a heavy destiny, he couldn't afford to be mediocre, couldn't afford to not stand out. He had been raised in a strict morality, taught since young that he was to represent all that was good in magic, be a moral compass to his peers, be everything that was good and right in the world. Heir Peverell was a name that carried more power than quite a few Lords. He had been taught by many tutors along with other children, most of them older than him, he learnt Latin and French, Greek for his mother's family and English, basic Mathematics that helped him in Potions, a subject that he never paid as much attention as his father would have wanted, learnt about Herbology and Magical Creatures, and had lengthy History lessons, both muggle and magical. He knew what the wizarding society expected him to be and how to act.
James Potter was a child of love, he had his mother's tan skin, slightly hooked nose and a smile that could light up an entire room, but also his father's messy black hair, warm brown eyes and, unfortunately, his bad sight, clear by the thick framed round glasses. He grew up knowing that no matter what he did his parents would always love him, and yet was taught to always be kind and always give out a helping hand, it was something he constantly saw his parents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins, doing, everyone is worthy of help and love. Potter was a rascal that wanted to have fun and annoy his godmother, Professor McGonagall. He enjoyed to play pranks on people with his friends, even if after he had to clean the Trophy Room by hand. James was a child that took a look to his new friends and decided to adopt them as brothers, he saw boys in need of love, and that was one of the things James had loads of.
Seeing his friends face every time they looked at the calendar hurt him, none of them smiled, none seemed excited for presents, none seemed to want the Holidays to come. It was then when he made the decision, he'd stay over for Yule and bring cheer and love to his friends. He quickly wrote to his parents, asking them if they could “please, please, please” send some presents to his friends too with a small description of what he thought they would like.
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
OK! It's been a bit but finally back to the last of the Core 4, here's Evie! Or as I'd rename in this, Eva. As well as Doug, renamed to Doleful. (I tried to make them really look like they came from the movie in this first picture)
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The backstory for Eva here is that's she's Snow White's younger half-sister, the daughter of Queen Grimhilde and the Good King. The Queen of course being a narcissist isn't a very attentive mother at all, and gives over all the care of her daughter to nursemaids, but little Snow White adores her baby sister and plays with her any chance she can get.
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After the Queen is gone and Snow White marries the Prince Snow has Eva brought to live with them, raising her to be heir to Snow White's kingdom while Snow children will be heir to the Prince's.
And eventually she does have a child, a son named Argent who Eva adores as a younger brother. (Argent is based on Snow White's son Glauco from the Italian Disney Snow White comics). Eva grows up happy and content, making friends with the dwarf community as well, especially Doleful.
Unfortunately a dark shadow comes into their lives with the appearance of Prince Grimauld, the brother of Queen Grimhilde, who determines to get revenge for his sister's demise. (And yes, he's somewhat based off of Lord Malice from Happily Ever After but also from a character from the 4 Color Snow White comics called the Wicked Prince).
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Grimauld seeks the aid of the Witch Queen Mamona (also from the Italian comics by Romano Scarpa) who grants him a magic talisman, which he uses to transform Argent into a young deer, entrap Eva and The Royal couple in glass coffin ( this is based on a fairy tale somewhat similar to Snow White called The Glass Coffin). Fortunately Doleful is able to escape the magical onslaught and manages to free Eva.
Taking refuge in the castle's dungeons, they discover Grimhilde's secret chamber, and from there Eva discovers her own ability to use magic, and determines to hone it in order to free her family.
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Eventually she's able to confront Grimauld (who at one point takes the form of a giant bull, per the fairytale) and with the help of Argent and Doleful manages to defeat him and rescue her family.
(Sorry if the ending is kinda rushed, I've been sick the last 3 days and am still feeling sick but I wanted to get this done and up. But yeah! Here's Eva!)
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mariapt8 · 4 years
ok . Snapedom, I have a question. Wake up
In the chapter 33 of DH We have The Prince's Tale where there are some memories that Snape passes on to Harry in order to help him: 1) to inform him what to do & 2) convince him that it is not fake news. Snape's genuine about being at the order side n "yeah...Harry, you truly have to die". BUT I notice the some memories were passed sorely at Snape's will. Like that one where it's said: "delighted to find himself famous, attention-seeking n impertinent". Like for me with this memory he's saying...."I was wrong about you". But there's ONE memory that I don't know what the fuck it is about. That one that takes place at Grimauld's Place. Im clueless 1) why was he there? 2) was it him that created that mess or Mundungus Fletcher? 3) If 2 was him why didn't he put the things in order before leave? 4) that memory was so intimist. Where's the purpose to show this to Harry? 5) why take that specific piece of letter? it was for himself or to keep Dumbledore's secret? why take that piece of photography? 6) and much more. As I said I'm clueless over what that moment was all about.
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theslytherinwithin · 6 years
I do not truly ship Tonks & Lupin
I have reasons. It's not like I jumped on the "Tonks and Lupin shouldn't be together" train. Even when I first read the books, I never truly liked them together. They didn't make sense. It felt forced; like Rowling had written them together so that they could have a moment of normalcy.
I have legitimate reasons/examples for all of you!
1) We first meet Tonks in Order of the Phoenix. We know that she is a bad ass Auror. Not only is she a bad ass Auror, she is a YOUNG BAD ASS AUROR (since those are rare). When we meet her and when we are in 12 Grimauld Place, we learn more about her, such as how she and Sirius are cousins. We don't see any kind of tie to her and Lupin. We see her as more of a 'fun' character (this is partially because she is a Metamorphmagus). We also learn that some of our older characters (I.e. Molly) finds her to be a bit immature. With these thoughts in mind, I never thought that she would be a true fit for Remus.
2) During the Half-Blood Prince, we see how she has changed since the previous year. Her attitude had changed, along with her patronus and her metamorphmagus qualities. Like most people, I had thought that this was because of Sirius and how she cared for her cousin once it was known that he had been framed. Since it had not been shown in the previous book how she felt towards Lupin, this seemed like the most logical thought.
3) Their relationship seemed rushed. Of course, they were in the height of the Second Wizarding War. Many relationships (both fictional and real) are rushed during war time. We saw this in real life during both World Wars. It felt as if Tonks had to talk Lupin into reciprocating the feelings she felt towards him. While it seemed more plausible after Fleur stood by Bill when he was attracted by Greyback, it still felt forced and it felt rushed - but I can chalk the rushed feeling up to the war.
4) Lupin trying to run off with the Golden Trio was one of the moments against the two that sticks into my head. We know a lot about Remus Lupin. We have learned so much about him since his appearance in the Prisoner of Azkaban. With what we know, no matter how much he despises himself and his lycanthropy, we know that he would not leave his family, HIS NEWBORN CHILD, behind like that. We know that he would do anything to protect them. Him trying to leave was cowardly (as Harry pointed out) and was not what he, or the other marauders, would stand for. It may seem noble to some but to most this is as cowardly as it gets (both in the magic world and the real world).
5) What gets me the most is how lycanthropy is used in place of HIV/AIDS and homosexuality. With Bill, it was clear that it was HIV/AIDS. Fleur knew that this disease was caused by an outer force (Greyback) and did everything she could to show that she loved Bill no matter what he may have been afflicted with. Tonks tried to do the same for Lupin but the way that he fought her advances made it seem as if he was homosexual or at least part of the LGBTQ+ community. This, to me, makes it feel as if she was a cover for him and how he truly felt.
Don't get me wrong, I love both characters and was always happy when I saw that they were happy. I hated to see them in any kind of pain. The age difference didn't matter to me. It didn't change how I felt about them. But I was never truly Team Tonks/Lupin. I cried when they died. I cried when Harry saw that they were almost touching hands when he saw them laid out. I was heartbroken. I was a mess. I loved that, in the end, they did both love each other. I loved them. But I never truly believed that they belonged together.
I'm sure, had they been able to live when the war ended, I would have felt differently. I would have felt that they were perfect for each other. They had been through so much together. How could they not be? But with how everything transpired, I cannot say that I had 100% shipped them or that I will ever 100% ship them.
To each their own, I guess.
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princess-ibri · 2 years
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Young Maleficent inspired me so I got a few more of these x) Here's young Evil Queen Grimhilde from Snow White when she's still a princess in her home kingdom.
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My backstory for her is she grew up with her twin brother Grimauld (she has a brother in the early comcis), and raised by their mother, the Queen Richilde von Brangomar--who used to be one of those fairytale princesses who would go thru a lot of Suitors all of whom..."disappear"... if they couldn't beat her games of wit and riddles, (which was quite easy to win seeing how she had a magic mirror). Their father managed to win, but soon after Grimhilde and Grimauld were born he disappeared as well...
Queen Richilde isn't magic herself, but she's aided by the mirror and her advisor, Nanny Hex, a witch who's striking countenance makes a definite impression on young Grimhilde....
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Grimhilde's other confidant besides her brother growing up is her lady-in-waiting Luna, who later accompanies her when she travels to marry Snow White's father and becomes her spy-master.
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Luna is the only person outside the royal family to know that Grimhilde has the ability to use magic, and is allowed to accompany her she trains under Nanny Hex in the Dark Arts
(Nanny Hex also raised the Queen Richilde and is the one who gave her the magic mirror)
Still thinking on a deeper reason Grimhilde is so obsessed with being the Fairest but I'm definitely gonna doodle her more at some point.
Also credit to Arthur Rackham for the bottom picture, couldnt find the artist for the ones above it, its from a Snow White picture book based on the 1912 play by Jessie Braham White which inspired the names for Brangomar and Hex, (the Richilde is from an older literary version of Snow White under that name). The play was a big inspiration for Walt Disney.
Luna is from the Snow White Musical at Radio City Music Hall, which also gives us the name of the Queen's Kingdom, Shi-tan.
(Edit: Check in notes for further Backstory)
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