#prince aethelwulf x reader
therealcalicali · 6 years
CHAPTER 7: Vikings - Lillesøster (Little Sister)
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Chapter 7 Warnings: Cheating, Angst, Deception, Slight Incest, Intrigue
Word Count:  10,457    
Setting: Viking Era
Genre: Romance/Drama/Epic                  
Pairing: Ragnarssons x Reader, Alfred x Reader, Aethelred x Reader (No details because it would spoil the story)
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  
Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Part A Chapter 20 Part B
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Though you had heard his order for you to not depart from the gardens, you wanted to get away from Alfred. You were in no mood for his hen-pecking. It was becoming clear that he was too much like his mother. Much like Princess Judith, Alfred had the need to be in control of others to the point of suffocation.
"I asked you to desist from walking away!"
"Alfred, please stop speaking to me as if I have no autonomy." You replied as you stopped momentarily and glared at him. "I am not a servant nor a captive!"
You then turned on your heels again. Needless to say, your betrothed did not like your tone. Not only that, he wasn't done questioning you about your embrace with Sir Lancille. It was one thing for you to have a close relationship with your Attendants, however, he felt you were crossing the line. Basically, Alfred felt that your behavior showed a lack of respect toward him.
"I gave you a command, did I not?" He asked with his tone becoming firmer.
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You inhaled deeply, trying your best to remember what you were going through this for. This was not about you in the long run. It was about your family's legacy and your dear Mother's justice. If nothing else was accomplished in your life, justice was the one thing you would attain. As her only child and daughter, it was your duty. So if you had to swallow bitter bile in order to fulfill that goal, you were willing to do so a hundred times over.
Stopping by some large bushes, you waited patiently as Alfred approached. His thick brows were furrowed as he considered you with a stern countenance.
"Y/N, please listen to me. I find no pleasure in speaking harshly to you." He said as he pulled you to him by the waist. His expression quickly softened. "But you are far too reckless. It was entertaining when we were children but we are now adults. Do you understand what I am trying to say?"
When you did not respond, Alfred turned you to face him, his arms still snaked around your waist. You averted your eyes from his gaze, choosing instead to focus on the flowers nearby. 
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Confused by your silence, Alfred observed you with a worried expression. Being lost in thought however, you were oblivious to the fact that you had begun trembling like a leaf. The feeling of imprisonment you had described to Lancille was even more present now.
"What is the matter?" The Prince asked with concern as he pulled you tightly against himself. He could feel your trembling become worse, causing him great concern.
Your body felt drained of vitality as you rested against Alfred to keep from fainting. Not from illness, but from sheer anxiety. Truly, you thought you were going to vomit any moment. It was unfair to be in a position that allowed so many people to have so much control over you.
"I am fine." You managed to say.
"You are most certainly, not fine. You are trembling like a leaf."
Despite wanting to get away from Alfred, he truly was the only thing keeping your on your feet. The last time you had felt such an overwhelming sense of dread and physical illness was after your mother's interment. It took nearly a week of bed rest to recover from it that time. You hoped that you wouldn't have to be confined to a bed this time around.
"Is everything alright?" You heard Bjorn ask.
Your eldest brother was walking with Ubbe and Prince Aethelwulf. The three of them looked at you with concern as they arrived where you and Alfred were stood.
"Sister, why are you shaking like that?" Ubbe asked with concern, his eyes studying your expression.
"She was fine only moments ago and then suddenly, she seemed to take ill." Alfred replied.
Alarmed, Bjorn suggested that you forego the Training Grounds and instead return to bed. Despite your attempt to refuse his suggestion, your brothers held firm. Ubbe, to your annoyance, was the most adamant.
"You are not coming and that is final." He said, totally supporting Bjorn's suggestion.
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"I think your brothers are right." Prince Aethelwulf added. "We shall have a Healer come to see you shortly. Until then, Alfred will remain with you."
You quickly realized that it was a lost cause. Moreover, any further argument from you would only result in problems for you later. The last thing you wanted was to receive a lecture from Pippa about your decorum. Not only that, you didn't want to disappoint Governess Yasmine. After all, she had been teaching you so much about Royal disposition.
Nodding you your head, you agreed to return to your chamber as everyone suggested. There were many more small battles such as this that you would lose. However, if you were patient, you would win the war in the end.
"My poor girl. You look absolutely drained." Aslaug said as she took a seat on the bed. The Queen had had been in town giving arms to the poor and had only returned. But being the protective type, she came to your side as soon as she had heard you weren't feeling well. "Can I have the kitchens prepare you anything?"
"Thank you but I am not that hungry actually. I have been drinking that watered down ale however."
Your head felt heavy upon the pillow. Almost as if you would drift off to sleep straightaway. As for Prince Alfred, he sat in a chair by your writing desk reading a letter that had been given to him earlier.
"Y/N, perhaps you should take the Queens offer. You hardly ate anything for first meal according to Pippa." The Prince suggested.
"I agree with him." Aslaug said with a smile. She then touched your forehead and appeared relived. "You are not hot to the touch so that is fortunate."
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Turning to one of the two Thralls that had escorted her to your chamber, your stepmother ordered one to go to the kitchens.
"Have them make her some honeyed porridge. And perhaps they should send a pitcher of fresh milk alongside it."
The Thrall nodded and excused herself before leaving. As he finally finished the letter, Alfred glanced in your direction.
"News from home?" Aslaug asked as she studied your betrothed's expression.
"Yes. It appears they are nearly finished making the arrangements for our arrival in a weeks' time. Mother also mentioned she has selected all of the wedding garments."
"We are leaving in a week? But the nuptials are three weeks away!" You asked, sitting up. "Why should we leave so soon?"
Alfred gave you a peculiar look as if your question made no sense.
"Did you expect us to arrive on the day of the wedding? Have you forgotten that it is a four day journey to Wessex? At least in good weather." He reminded you. "Besides, we have formalities to go over with the Archbishop and Pope as well practice sessions."
You rolled your eyes and laid you head back down. The last thing you wanted to think about was the nuptials. It was a great source of anxiety and thus, you pushed it from your mind.
"I for one cannot wait to see you in your formal gown." Aslaug said as she poured herself some ale. "Your father behaves as if he is prepared to see you become a wife but I do not believe him. I dare say he will shed tears."
"I doubt it." You replied - reflecting on how quickly he promised you to Alfred.
He didn't even wait for you to return from court before doing so. What kind of father doesn't see his daughter for six years and yet is so eager to marry her off? Ragnar, that's who. It was something you found quite hurtful and compounded your resentment toward him.
"Your father loves you." Aslaug said reassuringly. "I know that he is hard to understand at times, but believe me when I say that you are the only one that can melt his heart. Your brothers cannot do such a thing."
You scoffed but made certain to let your stepmother know that it was not directed at her. You were just so tired of everyone claiming to care about you, yet forcing you to do things against your will. Patting you on the back of the hand, Aslaug assured you that things would work out.
"You and your father need to spend so time with one another. Preferably, without the boys. Then you will see that I am correct. He adores you."
"I agree." Alfred said, concurring Aslaug's statement.
Of course he agreed. Anything that sounded like orders being given by a Commander always seemed to please him. As you sat up and grabbed your chalice of watered down ale, the Healer was let in by a Thrall.
"So, I hear the King's daughter is not feeling well." The chipper and wispy woman said as she entered. She carried a large bag in her hand that appeared too heavy for her to carry. However, she was doing so with no problem. "Do not worry my Queen, I shall have her feeling better in no time. I dare say I am a better healer than Mathias who everyone is so keen on lately. I doubt that fool knows the difference between a fever and a broken leg."
"Drusilla!" Aslaug said with a laugh. "That is not very nice."
"It may not be kind, but it is certainly the truth. Mathias is an idiot and I would not mind thrashing him if I were younger."
Despite not feeling well, you couldn't help smiling at the old woman's words. She had quite the personality that dwarfed her tiny frame. Frankly, the Healer lit up the room. Of course, Alfred merely looked at her with his typical indifference. He was now stood near the foot of the bed with his hands clasped in front of him, ever serious as usual.
"And who is this handsome lad? The husband?" A cheerful Drusilla asked as she cocked her head in Alfred's direction.
"No, we are not married."
Alfred glared at you as his lips drew into a serious line. He detested how quick you were to distance yourself from him anytime you were asked. Aslaug sipped her ale quickly and shook her horn for more. She may have been a reserved Queen but, she was a very observant one. Your stepmother could read what was going on between the two of you quite easily. Promptly, one of the Thralls rushed and picked up the pitcher of ale while you finally sat up.
"Now then, my pretty girl, tell Drusilla what happened."
"Well, it all began suddenly. One moment, I was totally fine and the next, I felt weak and sick to my stomach." You explained. "I felt like I wanted to vomit, however, I did not truly feel nauseated."
Drusilla looked at you thoughtfully as you spoke while holding your hand. She placed two fingers against the veins that ran along your wrist as she continued listening to you speak. After you had explained everything you had felt while in the garden, the old Healer nodded.
"Very interesting, my dear. Could there be a little one trying to make itself known?" Drusilla asked. "After all, it only takes the one time."
Prince Alfred looked indignant at her question. To insinuate that the two of you had slept together without being wed greatly offended his sensibilities.
"Madam, with all due respect, I do not like the line of questioning." He interjected. "My intended is not with child."
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"Forgive me, my Prince. It is typically the first question I ask when ladies have such symptoms."
"Well, that may be true for Heathen women, but the Princess is a Christian." Alfred replied in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. "Please remember that anytime you are treating her.
Giving him her assurance, Drusilla apologized before turning her attention back to you. After asking a few more questions and looking at your tongue, she nodded thoughtfully.
"It appears that you do not have any dire malady. You are in need of some peace and quiet however. Your pulse is weak and irregular which is a sign of high tension." She said, satisfied that you weren't sick. "I will remain for two days and make calming tonics for you."
"You mean I cannot do anything but lay here?"
"That is exactly what I mean."
You sighed but relented. Queen Aslaug stood and stated that she would have a servant show the Healer to a guest-chamber. Excusing herself to take care of duties in the Great Hall, you stepmother promised to see you later on. After everyone had departed, Alfred, being ever the attentive one, sat on the bed.
"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, taking your hand.
Taking your hand to his lips, Alfred kissed your finger before holding your hand against his cheek. He was genuine in his concern regardless of how you may have perceived things. After all, you were his only true friend outside of Aethelred and Aethelwulf. Of course he had "acquaintances" due to his title but he hardly ever spoke around them. He merely listened.
But you were the one person that could actually get the Prince to loosen his tongue. Not to mention that he felt more relaxed around you than even his own mother.
"Promise you will not fall sick on me. I do not wish to go through that again." He said as he stared at you - looking worried.
It was then you finally realized that despite his behavior, Alfred was truly shaken. He had not let on earlier but now, that the two of you were alone, his eyes were full of gloom.
"Of course not. I am being honest when I say that I feel better."
Alfred let go of your hand and lay his head upon your stomach in relief.  Normally, it was you that was at his bedside. The Prince had an odd reoccurring illness that would take hold of him for days, even weeks at a time. At court, you were his constant companion whenever he was bedridden. Those times never frightened Alfred because he felt his life was in the hands of God.
However, the one time that you fell ill was a very scary time for him. The fever was so severe that he was certain you would die. Everyone was. Fortunately, with the expertise of the King's Healers and fervent prayers, you pulled through. It was something the young Prince never wanted to experience again.
As you ran your hand through his dark locks, Alfred exhaled.
"I do not have anyone, Y/N. You are all I have. That is why I often hold on to you a little tighter than I should."
"But you have your mother and-------"
"That is different. You are not tied to me by blood. And you do not expect me to be perfect at all times. I am not myself when you are not near."
Alfred then raised his head to look at your expression. Leaning closer, he only stopped when your noses were touching. Without another word, Alfred buried his face in the crook of your neck, something he did often when he was upset. You went back to running your fingers through his hair.
"I understand." You replied simply.
You were awakened from your slumber by something brushing against your cheek. As your eyes adjusted to your candlelit chamber, you wondered why you felt so disoriented. That was when you remembered drinking the tonic Drusilla the Healer had made. You recalled that you had been chatting with Alfred before becoming too drowsy to stay awake. 
After tucking you under the covers, he informed you that he was leaving for your father's Training Grounds and left you to rest. Now, it appeared to be evening so you knew you had slept a long time.
"Sister, are you feeling better?" Ivar's voice sounded in your ear.
You rolled onto your back to come face-to-face with your concerned brother. He placed his leather bound hand in yours and frowned.
"Do not think I have forgotten that you did not come to me at the Feast. Why are you avoiding me?"
"I am not avoiding you. I simply did not feel like being thrown out."
"Is that what you assumed I was going to do?" Ivar asked with a chuckle. "I was actually going to entertain your silliness for as long as the others allowed. Personally, I found it brave."
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You smiled at his confession as you sat up.
"For the love of God, how long have I been sleeping?" You exclaimed as you looked toward the veranda. "It was early in the afternoon when I closed my eyes."
Ivar laughed at you. He then stated that you had not only slept the entire day away, but you missed practice. You sighed. It was no point even thinking about that for at least a few days. There was no way Ubbe or Bjorn would allow you to attend. As for Hvitserk, he had become worse than any parent for some reason.
And to make certain that you knew that God had a sense of humor, there came a knock upon the door. When Ivar asked who it was, it was none other than Hvitserk. Entering the chamber, your elder brother looked as if he was dressed for a night out. He came to your bedside and felt your forehead.
"Feeling better, sister?"
"Much better. Thank you."
"I hope you get back to yourself soon." Hvitserk said. "I truly want you to see how I am besting Ivar at archery."
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"What rubbish! You have done no such thing. One time is hardly "besting" me at anything."
Your brothers pestered each other for a few moments more before Hvitserk announced that he had to meet someone. Ivar rolled his eyes, knowing exactly whom he spoke of. With a kiss to your forehead, your elder brother bid you both goodnight and departed.
"Who is he meeting?" You probed as soon as Hvitserk had gone.
You had a suspicion of who it could be but weren't certain. In fact, you knew all your brothers were entangled with various women, some of them being Thralls in your father's service.
"Why do you wish to know?" Ivar replied as he tapped your chin. "You are too meddlesome for your own good."
"I am not meddlesome. I am merely inquisitive."
Your brother chuckled before leaning closer. He then informed you that he would give you the information for a kiss. Your eyes studied him, feeling guilty now that your recalled kissing him previously. Though you wanted to blame the wine, the truth was, you had not been overly intoxicated. You enjoyed kissing Ivar and it made your heart race. But now, with your proper inhibitions in place, you didn't think you could do it again.
"Fine." You finally replied. However you only kissed his cheek.
Ivar visibly glared at you. He wanted a proper kiss, not the type of kiss one would give their grandmother. Tapping his lips lightly with his finger, he waited patiently for you to get the hint. After trying to change his mind for several minutes, you finally relented. You gave him a soft peck causing him to smile.
"Well, Lady curious. Since you insist on knowing about Hvitty's secret rendezvous, I will tell you." Ivar said. "It just so happens that our brother is meeting Margrethe for, activities."
"Margrethe? The Thrall?"
"She is the only Margrethe I know. Why? Do you know of another one that also lays with all of our brothers?"
Your eyes went wide. Were you truly hearing correctly? One woman bedding several men who happened to be related to one another? Curiosity got the best of you immediately. Margrethe reminded you somewhat of the Duchess everyone gossiped about at court. It had angered you even back then because she was doing no worse than the very men who loathed her.
"Thank you for entertaining my inquisitive mind. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to have my bath now. I shall see you later."
"Can I come and watch?" Ivar mischievously asked - knowing very well it would get a rise out of you.
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"Ivar!" You exclaimed, utterly incensed by his request.
You threw the furs off and informed him that he needed to desist from saying such things. Finding your reaction rather amusing, he laughed at your reply. After stretching, you put the cotton robe over your nightdress and began to tie the sash around your waist.
"Are you not going to town like Hvitserk?"
"I do not know yet. Perhaps." He said as he eyed you oddly. "Why? Are you in a rush to get rid of me already?"
"Of course not. I just assumed that all men did things such at night. You know, carousing and all that."
"That is true. However, I do not know if I am in the mood to ride into town. Perhaps I will just stay and allow you to teach me how to be a proper Christian. You can teach me those strange prayers you do and that thing with your hands.
You couldn't help giggling at Ivar words. Of course you knew he was being silly but it was hilarious to even imagine it. After showing him how to do the sign of the cross, your brother scoffed.
"You would be better off worshiping our Gods. They are the only true Gods and what is more, they allow one to be free. Your Mother's God is merely a singular being, yet, he is so demanding."
"Ivar. You cannot say such things." You said as you walked past. "It is a sin to blaspheme the Father."
"The Father?" He scoffed, grabbing your hand as you made you way past. "Y/N, you live in too much fear of being judged. Look at me. I do not care what anyone thinks except for mother." Ivar added as he intertwined his fingers with yours. Staring into your eyes, he gave you a genuine look of admiration. "And you, of course."
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Smiling at your brother’s confession, you squeezed his hand in a show of affection. You then gave him a kiss on his forehead before informing him yet again that you wanted to take a bath. Rolling his eyes, Ivar ignored your words and instead, laid across your bed.
"So go and do as you wish. I am not holding your legs."
"You are so………irritating."
"I know but you love me all the same" Ivar replied with a chuckle.
After you had your bath, you changed into a yellow and white cendal (woven silk) dress. It was beautiful and very ornate with intricate embellishments. Especially around the waistline where the mock corset tied neatly behind you. The bow was light yellow and was one of the reasons you selected it in the first place. As you were walking from your changing quarters into the hallway, you ran into Prince Aethelwulf.
"Good evening, your Highness. How are you doing this evening?" You greeted warmly - immediately giving him a curtsy.
The Thralls walking with you made their way past in order to give privacy. Pleased that your manners had not been affected by the long visit to Heathen lands, the Prince smiled.
"I am doing quite well, my dear." Aethelwulf said with his usual smile. "But I think I should be asking you that question."
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"I am actually much better thanks to the Healer."
From his expression, you could see that your future in-law was relieved by your revelation. He then glanced at you with a hint of concern.
"I hate to seem as if I am overly concerned for my son but I am. Alfred was unable to eat this evening. When I asked why, he simply stated that he was very worried about you."
"Really?" You replied as he offered you his arm. Taking the kind gesture, you took hold of Prince Aethelwulf as the two of you began to walk together. "But Healer Drusilla assured him that I was not seriously ill. Where is he now, if I may inquire?"
"I just left him sitting in the courtyard. He said he wanted to enjoy the night air."
The elder Prince nodded with some exasperation. Like you, he felt that Alfred isolated himself far too much. But what could be done? It was ingrained in his personality and it was best not to force him to change.
"I tried to convince him to come with me and a few of the men headed to town, but he declined. Perhaps you can let him know you are feeling better. If you are so inclined of course."
You agreed immediately. Though you wanted to find Ivar and challenge him to some games, you figured that could wait. After all, despite all of the things that Alfred did to irritate you, he did have a good heart.
"Alfred, why are you sitting so far away from the torches? It is far too dark over here. Come, let us go over to where it is brighter." You said as you approached. When you arrived by the bench he was sat, you realized your betrothed was in one of his gloomy moods. "Did you hear me?"
"Of course I did." He replied without glancing at you.
However, he said it in such a low tone that you barely heard him. Alfred went on to state that he was fine and that you were free to leave. His head remained down which caused his long hair to shield his face from you. He kept playing with one of the rings upon his fingers until you got tired of waiting for him to follow you. Taking a seat beside him, you brushed his dark locks behind his ear.
"Alfie, please, I am begging you. "You said, doing your best to lift his spirits. The last thing you wanted was for his melancholy to lead to him falling ill. "Do not let overthinking get the best of you."
He swallowed hard knowing you were correct. It was bad enough that he was excessively studious and often needed to be reminded to eat. But his melancholy made his already fragile health considerably worse. It was like setting a flame to a wick. Once that set in, his health always deteriorated until he was practically at death's door.
"You have not called me Alfie in a very long time." He replied in a sad tone. "At any rate, I am fine. You may go and spend time with your family."
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"I am not going anywhere." You replied firmly but gently. "Now stop staring at the ground and look at me."
Gradually, he turned to face you. Even in the dimness, you could see that his eyes were welled with tears. Always kindhearted by nature, you couldn't help cupping his face with both hands. Alfred stared at you with sadness as you did so, his full lips pursed together in dejection.
"Please, let us go indoors." You tried to instruct him yet again.
"You truly want me to come with you?"
"Of course I do. Why would I ask if that was not my intention?"
You let go of his face and got to your feet. However, Alfred took you by the wrist and asked you to wait. Shyly, he asked if the two of you could just sit for a time before going indoors. Agreeing, you sat back down beside him.
"Come here." You said as you opened your arms invitingly.
Without hesitation, Alfred moved closer and melted into your embrace. He rested his head on your shoulder as you stroked his back. It was upsetting to watch him go through so much inner turmoil.
Alfred always seemed in control to everyone else but you were privy to how lost he could become. He resided in his own mind and your heart truly broke for him. He had been too mature for the other children and now, he was too intelligent for most adults. The Prince basically ran around being everything Princess Judith wanted him to be.
So-much-so, that he didn't even know who he was anymore. Alfred was more of a marionette doll than a human being at this point.
"Yes, Alfie?"
"I want you to know that you are the one thing that makes me happy."
There was nothing that needed to be said. You had always known how much he depended on you emotionally. It was apparent to you now that he was quite similar to Ivar. Both were continually at odds with their own thoughts and desires to become a great men.
It was quite ironic actually. Everyone always spoke about how life would change once you became a mother. However, you were practically one already. Ivar and Alfred may have been grown men but they shared one trait. They both looked to you for nurturing and assurance.
After sitting outdoors for a short time, you and Alfred went to the Dining Hall to eat together. You spent most of the time watching him to make sure he was truly consuming enough. He was a picky eater so you made certain that the servants put things he liked on the table. You were determined to keep Alfred healthy, for his sanity and your own.
If Judith ever got word that he had taken ill, you knew for certain she would come to Kattegat, despite her dislike of Heathens. And that was the last thing you wanted. You could just imagine her prying into everything and hovering over both you and Alfred like a smirking demon.
"Alfred! Y/N! Good to see you two spending time together." Rollo's voice boomed as he and Ragnar entered. "Any plans for tonight?"
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Your Uncle's voice was much like pleasant thunder - always grabbing the attention of anyone who heard it. He and your father both kissed your forehead before taking their seats. You sighed inwardly as Ragnar grinned at you and Alfred. He looked pleased……..a bit too pleased in your opinion.
"I see you are you feeling better." Ragnar commented.
"Yes, father. I am much better."
"Well, I do not know what the Healer gave you but it worked so well. You looked very peaceful when I came to check on you. I sat at your beside for quite some time. It reminded me of when you were a little girl." He confessed. "I wish you slept more."
Though you glared at your father, you were holding back a laugh. As for Alfred, he only smirked to himself as he drank his wine. Your Uncle Rollo of course, didn't hold back. He gave a hearty chuckle and added that it was true of most women.
"Why are you dressed so finely?" You inquired as you surveyed your father's clothing. "Are you taking the Queen out?"
Ragnar studied you, his ever twinkling blue eyes boring into your own. You may have thought you were sly in your questioning but he knew what you were driving at.
"Why do you assume that?"
"Because, she is your wife and you should spend time with her. After all, did you not have an all men's feast the other night?"
"Why ask a question that you already know the answer to? After all, you were there." Your father countered quite sarcastically. "Uninvited, might I add."
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Instantly, the air was sucked out of the room. Prince Alfred and Rollo looked between you and your father as the tension rose dramatically. Not one to be shaken by your father's snide remarks, you bit your tongue. Instead of giving him any satisfaction of riling your temper, you straightened in your seat. You then gave a polite smile as you put your pomegranate down on the plate.
"I have had my fill." You said as you wiped your hand with the serviette.
Throwing it onto the table, you stood up and fixed your skirts. With great civility, you turned to Alfred and informed him that he could find you in the Sitting Hall located in the West wing. You then gave your Uncle a kiss on the cheek but walked past Ragnar who eyed you with frustration.
"Where are you off to so suddenly?" Your father asked in a mocking tone.
"You must have heard me as I spoke to Alfred but if I must elaborate, fine. I am meeting Ivar in the Sitting Hall."
"Daughter, if that is so, then why is there no kiss for me as well?"
Your steps stopped at his words. He was testing you as always - seeing how much of a Christian you truly were. Athelstan had taught Ragnar enough about how your God viewed many things. His favorite being about how children were to honor their mothers and fathers.
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Turning to face your father with a false smile still plastered upon your face, you walked to over. You gave him a kiss on the cheek to prove that you were above his pettiness. By now, you had come to understand that such things were to be a regular part of your act.
Alfred was relieved that the two of you did not go further for fear of it turning into an argument. Your Uncle Rollo of course was nothing short of tickled. Unlike your betrothed, he was not easily fooled. He could see the veins in your neck and the tense manner in which you held your skirts.
With your poise intact, you departed from the Great Hall, a tad bit prouder of yourself than normal. It wasn't easy to constantly swallow your true feelings, but you were getting better at it. And if feigning civility was the means to your desired end, so be it.
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"Look who actually kept her promise for once. I was afraid you were going to break my heart again." Ivar said without glancing up from the chess board. He busied himself setting up for a game as you walked over.
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"Do you have anything to eat in here?"
You had left the Dining Hall without thinking about how hungry you truly were. You had not even finished your fruits and nuts let alone the main course.
"Do I look like I go around shoving bread into my pockets?" A tickled Ivar replied. "Who do you think I am? Hvitserk?"
"Damn it to hell. I am starved."
"So, go and grab something from the Dining Hall."
"No! Father might still be there."
Ivar finally looked up from the chess board and eyed you. He knew that if you were avoiding someone, you must have a very good reason. After all, you tried your best to get along with everyone.
"What happened?"
"I do not wish----"
"Do not give me that flippant response or you will make me angry." Ivar said, cutting you off mid-sentence. "Come here."
Reluctantly, you walked to him at took a seat. Still studying your expression, your brother again asked you to tell him what had occurred. After taking a deep breath, you told him what had occurred and why you had asked Ragnar such a question in the first place.
"I know that it is not my place, after all, she is your mother. But I cannot help feeling that Queen Aslaug is not herself as she was before I went to court." You elaborated as you played with the fabric of your skirts. "There is a sadness in her eyes that I cannot describe."
Your brother's expression changed instantly as he put down the pawns. He too, apparently, had been thinking the same thing. Looking at you, he confessed that things between Aslaug and Ragnar had become worse over the years.
"You are truly observant, Y/N. I also think that father needs to show far more attention than he does." Ivar added as he took your hand. "Sometimes, I invite mother to the Training Grounds as a way of force them being in the same place. However, she always says that she does not wish to be in the way."
"Actually, that is a great idea. That would be a great way for them to at least bond over something father enjoys." You excitedly said as you perked up. "Shall I invite her then? I do not think she will say 'no' to me. And I can even offer to train her."
Ivar beamed at your words. He treasured his mother and was genuinely moved by your compassion for her.
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"Do you know how much I love you?" He asked as he let go of your hand. Ivar then wrapped his arm around you, pulling onto his lap.
"What a silly question. Of course, I do. And I love you as well."
Ivar stared into your eyes as if he was trying to figure out if you truly meant it. Naturally, you found it odd and the intensity of his staring eventually made you feel uncomfortable. Trying to change the subject you decided to bring up a funny story one of your Handmaidens had told you, but Ivar interjected.
"Why are you so nervous?"
"I am not nervous."
"Yes, you are. I can tell by how your voice changed." Ivar scoffed. "And look at how you keep twirling your bracelet. Are you scared that I will kiss you again?"
Your heart raced as if you had been startled. You could feel the saliva in your mouth dry up as you tried to speak.
"Please desist from bringing that up." You whispered as you cautiously looked around.
"No. I shall bring it up as much as I like. You are behaving as if you did not like it. If I recall properly, there were many kisses each better than the first."
Refusing to hear any more about what happened "that night", you stood up. Ivar scowled as he watched you walk to the fireplace. He knew he was right but you were never going to admit it to him. You were far too stubborn to ever do such a thing. At least, for now. But if you thought you could fool him, you were sadly mistaken. Your brother knew you too well, despite your years at court.
"I am begging you to drop that matter entirely. It is wrong………….and sinful."
"If you wish." Ivar replied, his brows creasing with frustration.
Still, he wasn't overly upset with you. 
After all, he knew it must have been overwhelming for someone with your beliefs to accept certain thoughts. Especially, the thought that you had enjoyed being kissed by your own half-brother.
"Come here please. I promise I will not do anything to offend you." Ivar asked in a gentle tone.
You sighed before going to him and sitting back down. With a playful smile he gave you a wink and mouthed something.
"What?" You asked with a brow raised in confusion. "I did not hear anything."
"Come closer."
"No! I am fine where I am."
Pulling your chair by the armrests, Ivar brought you as close as possible causing you to frown. He then leaned in close until his lips touched your ear.
"Do you still want to know what I said?"
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"Fine. I am listening." You replied, crossing your arms as if you were bored with the conversation.
However, he didn't say anything. Instead, Ivar playfully bit your ear and then your neck. As you scooted into the backrest, he held the chair steady with both hands, trapping you.
"Stop it."
"Stop what?" Ivar asked very innocently. "I barely touched you."
Your brother kissed the length of your neck again, this time open mouthed and sensually.
"Please stop you idiot! I have had enough of you for tonight." You said with a roll of your eyes.
Ivar took his lips from your flesh before laughing at your reply. The two of you were always good at tossing insults to one another and it was no different now. Undeterred, Ivar gave you a kiss on the cheek before placing another one closer to your lips.
"Ivar stop!"
"Ivar, stop before I have to admit I like it." He mimicked with a chuckle.
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Having enough of his behavior, you hauled off and punched your brother in the shoulder. It had been long since your aggressive side had shown itself but you didn't care. He was being beyond irritating. Completely undeterred, Ivar grabbed your wrists and gave you a grin that made you even angrier.
"Aw, was that supposed to do something?" He asked. "In case you are unaware, I have an affinity for pain. It is unfortunate that your blows do not hurt in the least."
"I will show you!"
You twisted your wrists and managed to slip out of Ivar's grasp. You then grabbed his wrist with both hands and began twisting the flesh in opposite directions.
"Hey! That hurts you little imp!" Ivar seethed as he yanked his arm of your grasp.
Before long, the two of you were rough playing as you if you were children again. Ivar was fast, but you held your own. For every one of his strikes, you returned it with as much force as you could muster. Eventually, you had to get out of the chair and scurry away. Ivar was holding back his full strength but his hits still hurt.
"Why are you running?" A pleased Ivar asked as he grabbed the fabric of your skirts. "You cannot retreat coward!"
"I am not a coward! I am merely rethinking my tactics."
"You surprise me sister. I did not expect you to retreat like a typical Christian!"
"Let go of my dress, cheater."
"No, it is fair game."
Ivar kept hold of your skirts until you finally conceded that he had won your playful war. Very pleased with himself, he let go of your dress. Your brother then made sure to inform you that you were getting too soft from being around Alfred's people.
"Do not allow them to change who you are. If you do not take care, you will lose yourself to them."
"That will never happen."
Despite your confidence, you brother didn't look like he believed you. He knew very well that you were facing immense pressure and tradition. Not only that, but you were exchanging vows with one of the most pious Christians he had ever met.
"Do you truly think I am becoming soft?" You asked as you sat beside Ivar again.
He smirked as he began arranging the chess pieces again. Your brother stated that you were beginning to behave like a wilting flower. He even went on to complain about you being kept in bed by the Healer.
"I was very confused.  What happened to the girl who took as many scrapes and bruises like the rest of us? Are you going to allow them to treat you like a soft and whiny Saxon woman?" He asked with a great deal of disgust. "You do not need to be in bed like some sickler. What you need is fresh air and exercise."
"But the Healer-----"
"The Healer is a servant! Do you take orders or do you give them?" Ivar said as he glanced at you for a moment. "As long as you are not terribly sick why be treated as such?
You stared at your brother as you mulled over his words. It was quite true. You were only feeling poorly due to your stress level. However, you didn't feel the need to be confined to bed. Ivar was right, you were no sickler nor were you feeble.
"Admittedly, you are right. I do need to return to my normal routine. If Aethelred knew I have been neglecting my swordplay, he would be surprised."
"Aethelred?" Ivar repeated. "Is that not the sickly one's brother? You mean to tell me that he has no issue with you training."
"No. In fact, he has been my greatest rival as well as my biggest advocate."
Your brother glanced at you as you spoke. There was something in your voice that caught his interest. The manner in which you spoke of Aethelred was unlike anything he had heard before. Ivar even noticed that your smile had become wider.
"Why do you reflect on him in such a way?"
"Do not act as if you do not know what I am saying. You like him?"
Instantly, you looked down at your hands - playing with your nails that were in need of cutting. Undeterred, Ivar reached over and took hold of your chin. After turning your head toward him, he studied your expression.
"So, it is true. You do have fondness for this Aethelred."
"Ivar please. Why must you insist on knowing everything about me? Let me have some thoughts that are my own for once."
"How can that ever be?" He asked, almost amused by your assertion. Caressing your chin in an affectionate manner, he stared at you. "Y/N, do you not understand yet? I know you better than you even know yourself. There is no way you can ever keep a secret from me even if you tried."
Your eyes finally met Ivar's intense gaze. As you sat in silence, just beholding one another, he moved closer. Without asking, he gave you a sweet kiss upon your lips.
"Sister, do you trust me?"
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"Of course I do."
"Then do not keep things from me. No matter what the obstacle, you and I must stick together." Ivar said before giving you another kiss, this time much longer. "Alright?"
You nodded your head slowly as you looked into his eyes. Pleased, Ivar tapped his cheek with his finger. As you went to place a kiss upon it, he turned and caught your lips with his own. Your brother then gave you a series of pecks before pressing his forehead to yours.
"You tricked me!"
"I know." A pleased Ivar replied before brushing his nose against yours playfully.
As he contemplated giving you a passionate kiss, the door creaked loudly as it began to open. You pulled away from your brother just as Alfred entered. As soon as soon as he spotted Ivar, your betrothed greeted him graciously. Surprisingly, your brother returned his gesture in kind without any hint of disdain.
"My love, are you alright?" Alfred asked. While he stood where you were sat down, the Prince caressed your cheek. "Your father thinks you are upset with him because of how abruptly departed."
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"Good! I left because he was upsetting me." You confessed.
"That does not matter." Ivar interjected. "I will be the first to admit that Ragnar is not always the easiest person to get along with. But in the end, he is still our father.
"As your brother so eloquently pointed out, you must still remember that he is your father." Alfred replied.
"Exactly. I have told Y/N before that no matter what, she must learn to respect him."
"Agreed." Alfred again concurred with a nod. He then glanced at you with vindication. "Your brother's words are wise."
You glared at Ivar who now pretended not to notice you. Instead, he busied himself arranging the chess board as Alfred took a seat across from him. The manner in which your brother had made you look like the bad person was irritating enough. But to have the two of them practically teaming up against you, was infuriating.
"You should listen to your future husband more often, Y/N." Ivar advised as he looked at you. "Heathen or Christian, men are responsible for the household."
Alfred had the hint of a smile now upon hearing your brother’s statement. He thought it to be very much in line with his own thoughts. But as far as you were concerned, if you could have slapped Ivar, you would have done so. Instead, you forced yourself to politely thank him for his words.
Sitting beside your brother in silence, you feigned a smile as bad thoughts ran through your mind. One of them being how much you would enjoy flipping the table over and challenging the two of them to a fight.
However, you sat in silence with your hands upon your lap. While you watched Alfred and Ivar match wits, you knew the time would come when you would best them both.
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In the middle of the night, you tossed in your bed as the banging on your door became louder. Finally realizing that whomever it was would not go away, you sat up. After you yelling for the person to enter, a female Thrall did so with a concerned look upon her face.
"Please forgive me your Highness, but Prince Sigurd insisted that I wake you. There is trouble."
"What trouble?"
Your heart had already started beating erratically with worry. Did something happen to one of your brothers? Ivar perhaps. He did have times where his bone illness became unbearable. However, Healer Drusilla had been controlling his pain effectively for years now. What could it possibly be?"
"It is the Queen." The Thrall whispered as she re-positioned the lantern in her hand. "She was distraught when I saw her pacing the floor of the Great Hall earlier.  Not only that, but she was highly intoxicated. Naturally, I tried to usher her to bed but she refused. Instead, she insisted that she wanted to go for a walk. She then went off in the direction of the trees past the gardens. It has started raining so she will fall sick if we do not find her."
You quickly jumped out of the bed and instructed the woman to inform your brother to enter.
Within seconds, Sigurd came in with the Thrall behind him - his face wearing the signs of unease. Straightaway, you went to your brother and gave him a reassuring embrace. As you pulled away, you looked at him encouragingly.
"We shall find her, do not worry. I will wake---------"
"No sister! We cannot wake the entire household. This must be kept between a few people. Ragnar, he……….." Sigurd hesitated – his expression becoming strained. "Look, Father is not the kindest person at times. If he gets word of this, he will eventually throw it in my mother's face. He always mocks her for such things despite knowing why she behaves as she does."
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"So I was right. Father went cavorting tonight." You thought to yourself.
When you asked Sigurd if Ragnar had been with women that evening, he initially averted his eyes. But then, he looked at you again. You could see that whatever sorrow Aslaug felt, he also felt it as deeply.
"Mother is very sensitive. Ragnar knows very well that when neglects her for long periods, she becomes dejected. Especially when he seems to find time for his…….acquaintances." Sigurd confessed, running a hand over his head. "It makes her feel as if she is being rejected whenever he does such things."
"Can you blame her? Your mother obviously loves Ragnar." You said with a great deal of disdain for your father. "How unfortunate for her." 
Sigurd looked deeply into your eyes and nodded in agreement. Your words did not offend in the least. If anything, your brother appreciated your candid observation. He too detested Ragnar's public affairs and cavorting. Sigurd truly wished that your father could be more private with his liaisons. At least that way, his mother's feelings and dignity could be spared.
"Allow me to go and change." You said. "While I am doing so, you may wake Sir Lancille. He is not only trustworthy but a proficient tracker. If anyone will be of use, it is he."
The rain was practically hammering your little search party as the four of you made your way through the woods. Sir Lancille, yourself, Sigurd and one Christian Guard were drenched despite donning leather and fur cloaks. It was a terrible gale and the sooner you found the Queen, the better.
"She went this way." Lancille shouted over the terrible wail of the wind and downpour. "Take care! The trail slopes downward sharply."
As you all descended, Sigurd guided you cautiously - making certain to watch your footing. It was dangerous terrain but coupled with the darkness; it was made even more treacherous. Despite the covered lanterns, there wasn't too much light to work with so everyone took their time.
"Sister, take care. It is very slippery over here."
"I am." You shouted in reply.
Eventually, the two of you caught up to the others.
"There! Indentations in the mud." Lancille remarked as he pointed to some high brush. "The three of you wait here. I will fetch her."
He then handed his covered lantern to a confused Sigurd.
"Do you not need this?"
"Trust me. I can see in the dark better than an owl."
Drenched, you pulled the hood of your cloak down further in an attempt to shield yourself better. As you held onto Sigurd's arm, you hoped that Lancille would truly locate your stepmother. Though you understood he need to get away from everyone, it was time to get her home. There would be time to comfort her once she was safely back at the estate.
"There they are." The guard shouted as he lifted his covered lantern higher.
The three of you spotted Lancille carrying a passed-out Queen Aslaug in his arms. She looked extremely pale but very much alive. The one thing you hoped was that she would not fall gravely ill. After all, your stepmother was only wearing a dress with no shawl, cloak or other covering.
Sigurd rushed to Lancille's side and proceeded to light his way as the four of you began walking towards the estate. The Christian guard stayed close to your side in order to protect you whilst your brother walked ahead with your personal guard. As you mulled things over, you blamed Ragnar. He was so thoughtless at times that you wondered just how any woman could like him. 
No doubt people always exclaimed that your father was handsome, but so what. Did that give him the right to treat people as he did? Your brothers may have been afraid to show him disdain but you certainly weren’t.
In your eyes, your father was quite the villain. And to be honest, his history spoke for itself. From Lagertha to your mother to Queen Aslaug, Ragnar left destruction everywhere he went.
When you made it back to the estate, two of Lancille's men let slipped everyone in through the South gateway. Thankfully, no one had been roused while you were gone and all was still quiet. Like a clandestine operation, you managed to get the Queen to her chamber with no one being the wiser. After Sir Lancille handed her over to a strong male Thrall, you glanced at him.
"You have my deepest gratitude." You said while removing your drenched cloak. Taking a cloth from one of the servants, you began drying Lancille's hair much to his surprise. "I swear, I do not know what I would do without you at times. You are like my very own guardian angel."
Your guard only looked at you with an indecipherable expression. Inwardly, he was touched by your show of kindness and affection. Outwardly however, he only nodded in acknowledgement before insisting it was merely his duty.
"And as I have always told you, I am yours to command. Always." He added before gently taking the cloth from your hands. "I better do that myself."
It wasn't that Lancille truly wanted to stop you from drying his hair. However, due to his infatuation, he didn't want to tempt himself by remaining so close.
"I echo my sister's thoughts, Sir Lancille." A thankful Sigurd said as he came and stood beside you. He then handed a chalice of warmed wine to your guard. "We are truly in your debt."
"Please, your Highness, there is no need. It was my pleasure to be of service."
"Well, if it is all the same to you, I insist on giving reward. To you it may be a duty but it does not make it any less appreciated. Tomorrow, we shall look at swords…..something special." Sigurd replied with a great smile. "And I shall not take 'no' for an answer."
"That is a wonderful idea." You chimed. "I shall come along as well."
Lancille thanked your brother before eyeing you – almost amused in a way. 
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With that, he bid you all a good evening and departed the Queen's chamber.
"I truly like him." Sigurd said as he took a seat by the fireplace. "He is a genuine and noble man. It is hard to find someone like him anywhere."
"I know that to be very true. Lancille is very special to me. I cannot imagine my life without him or Sir Evertte."
As Queen Aslaug was finally placed in bed by some Thralls, you and Sigurd sat by the fireplace. The two of you spoke of Ragnar and other important things that had been bothering you both.  
In the morning, you were still quite groggy as people began entering your chamber. You had gone to bed perhaps only two hours or so before everyone began waking. Your Handmaidens entered full of giggles and dressed for the day. Behind them, Pippa and Governess Yasmine followed.
After greeting you, the five Handmaidens took their seats and began their usual round of gossip.
"Governess, why have you all come this morning? As I have told you before, I do not require everyone to be at my beck-and-call here in Kattegat."
"Oh, I know dear." Governess Yasmine said, taking a seat. "But Priest Grundherr believes there has not been enough communal prayer as of late. He has been complaining about everyone backsliding since arriving in Heathen lands."
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"I for one agree." Pippa stated as she placed her book down. "Just because we are……..here, it does not mean we should forget who we are. Communal prayer is essential for your souls. So, once you are dressed, we shall attend service in the Sitting Hall of the North wing. Your father gave his permission to convert it."
You came close to rolling your eyes upon hearing the word "father". Needless to say, after what had occurred with your stepmother, he wasn't your favorite person at the moment.
"Fine. I shall get ready."
Despite being exhausted, you threw the furs off and slid out of bed. With a proper yawn, you stretched causing Governess Yasmine to eye you.
"Are you still tired?"
"I am very tired, however, I shall begin my day as normal. However, I most definitely will turn in early tonight."
As you listened to Priest Grundherr giving the ending portion of the sermon, you could feel yourself slipping. It was bad enough that you had barely slept, but now, you had to fight to stay awake due to sheer boredom.
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Trying your best as you sat between Prince Aethelwulf and Alfred, you glanced at the large gold cross beside the Priest. It was an ornate and expensive artifact that had been smuggled when you left Arundel. Still, your eyes were growing heavier.
"And what is more, the Holy Trinity is not mocked. No, my brethren. There is nothing that escapes the judgment of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For that reason, we must guard ourselves…….."
Priest Grundherr's voice trailed off in your ears. Taking notice of your head slumping and your eyes closing, Aethelwulf gave you a slight nudge. You instantly opened your eyes, stunned at just how quickly you had nodded of.
Glancing at your future father-in-law, you gave a discreet smile, thanking him for waking you. The last thing you needed was the Priest taking notice of you sleeping during a sermon. Knowing Grundherr, he would likely think the Devil had a hold of you.
Making eye contact with the Priest, Prince Aethelwulf furrowed his brow. It was his silent message that things needed to conclude. Clearing his throat, the clergyman asked all of you to say your prayers of contrition so he could give the Holy Communion. 
As soon as you had gone and knelt at the makeshift altar, you felt relieved. If the service had gone any longer, you would have fallen asleep for sure.
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As you walked back to your seat, you noticed that Pippa and Lancille were not sitting beside one another. It was odd since you knew she typically liked sitting with him at gatherings.
"Perhaps, I should ask what is going on. Then again, maybe it is not my place." You thought.
Grateful to finally be outdoors, you stood in one of the stalls prepping a black steed that belonged to Ubbe. As you checked the saddle, your Handmaidens sat nearby watching you curiously.
"Are you certain that you do not need us to accompany you, your Highness?" One asked. "After all, we are your companions."
"I doubt you will find weaponry to your interest. But if you would like, you are all free to come and see me at the Training Grounds." You replied with a smirk. "After all, I know how much you ladies enjoy observing handsome men."
Agreeing to come and watch you practice with your brothers later on, the Handmaidens took their leave. As they departed, Prince Alfred and Aethelwulf approached.
"Why are you here in the stables? Your betrothed asked as he studied you with a curious expression. "Are you prepping that horse for yourself?
You wanted to slap yourself. How could you have forgotten to tell him about your planned excursion? Damn the lack of sleep! All you could do now was hope that the oversight didn't cause an unnecessary confrontation.
"Actually, it is. Sigurd and I are going into town with Sir Lancille."
"Is that so? And you were planning on telling me this when?"
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Prince Aethelwulf winced inwardly as he looked between you and Alfred. Obviously, he could tell where things were headed. However, he held back. Since he had been advising his son about the frailties of marriage, he hoped it was working. Thus, the elder Prince decided that he would only step-in if necessary.
"I am sorry that it slipped my mind to inform you." You admitted very sincerely.
"Well, that is obvious! Did you not have the opportunity to tell me after Prayer Service?"
"I know but…….I do not know what to say." You apologetically said. "I am very tired today so I suppose that is not doing me any favors."
"Tired?" Alfred repeated with a hint of sarcasm. "That is ridiculous."
"But it is true. I did not rest more than two or three hours." You protested. "I swear."
Despite your insistence, Alfred did not appear to believe you. Fortunately, as the two of you were still going back and forth, Sigurd approached. When he arrived, he stood beside Prince Aethelwulf with a perplexed expression upon his face.
"Afternoon, your Highness." Your brother said before fixating on you and Alfred. "What is the issue with those two?"
"Apparently, my son thinks your sister intentionally forgot to mention your afternoon plans. She says it slipped her mind due to lack of sleep but……….well, you can see for yourself."
Excusing himself, Sigurd walked to you and Alfred before interrupting with a polite clearing of his throat. He then greeted the young Prince before informing him that you were indeed being honest.
"Something occurred last night so I was forced to wake Y/N." Sigurd added. "When I turned in, she was still up with my mother. Honestly, I am quite surprised that she is even up and about. I had assumed it would just be Sir Lancille and I going to town alone."
Alfred felt a touch of guilt for not believing you. The fact that you had denied yourself rest in order to care for your stepmother was honorable. After thanking Sigurd for validating things for him, your betrothed turned to you.
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"Please forgive me, Y/N." He said as he took your hand in his.
"You cannot be serious! The only reason you believe me now is because my brother echoed my words." You firmly replied - staring at him in disbelief. "Why should that be the case?"
"You have a right to be upset with me. But I am truly apologetic."
"It is only because Sigurd came to my aid. Just admit it Alfred, you do not trust me."
Though you were more irate than hurt, you allowed tears to well. As Governess Yasmine had told you on numerous occasions, crying was a great weapon. Upon seeing your expression and the wetness glistening in your eyes, Alfred was filled with guilt.
He knew you were correct. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help being domineering. The worst part was that the he knew very well how it felt to be treated in such a way. After all, Alfred had a great deal of resentment toward his mother for doing the very same thing.
"Y/N, please, you are breaking my heart." He whispered as he stepped closer. "I was wrong for being skeptical of what you said."
You felt his delicate fingers wiping the tears that had begun gliding down your cheeks.
"Do not cry, sister. I think your betrothed is truly sorry." Sigurd commented in an attempt to comfort you.
Suddenly, you heard Ivar's voice calling your name. When you turned to look in his direction, your brother raised a brow.
"What is the matter?" He immediately asked, walking to you upon his crutch.
Ivar didn't even bother to greet or acknowledge anyone else. His focus; the entirety of it; was on you.
"It……….I was just…..upset. All is fine now." You replied.
Not appearing to believe you, Ivar took out a kerchief from his tunic pocket. Gently, he wiped your eyes as he glared at Alfred. He didn't appreciate the fact that you were upset and knew 'your Christian' had done something. Ivar had to summon all of his willpower to keep from exploding. If it was not for the delicate treaties in place, your brother would have likely grabbed your betrothed by the neck.
"Do not tell me you are fine when I can clearly see that you were moved to tears." Ivar responded as he beckoned you with his free hand.
As the two of you walked off a short distance, you reassured your temperamental brother the best you could. Despite not believing you in the least, he eventually relented.
"Fine. We shall talk about it later." He said in a lowered voice. "At least I care. I see that your favorite brother was of no help to you."
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"Ivar, please stop. Why must you now shift the focus to Siggy? You know very well that I hate it when you speak ill of him."
Ivar eyed you with veiled jealously. Oh how he loathed your overt fondness for Sigurd and Bjorn. Though it had been that way ever since you met them, he had hoped things would have changed.
"Why do you always insist on standing up for him? Am I not also your brother?"
You exhaled with some exasperation. Between Ivar and Alfred, you didn't know how much more irritation you could tolerate.
"Of course you are. But I love you all the same so please, stop making me choose between you."
"You love me?"
"Of course I do. However, it does not seem like you believe me when I say it."
"Then tell me more often." Ivar replied - finally appearing pacified. "And act as if you appreciate me showing concern for you."
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"Of course I appreciate it. I always have."
Ivar gazed at you with deep devotion before agreeing for the two of you to speak later on. Relieved, you informed him that you would see him at the Training Grounds as promised. While you walked back to your steed where Alfred was still awaiting you, Ivar watched. 
He did not view you as a brother would a sister but as one would admire the object of their affection. As for Sigurd, he was busily chatting with Prince Aethelwulf and Sir Lancille.
As soon as you reached where Alfred was, he meekly took both your hands in his. To your surprise, he again asked for your forgiveness.
"You do know that I love you, do you not?" He asked.
"Of course I do." 
"Then please do not be angry with me for long. I am trying my best."
Alfred gave you a weak smile, his eyes reflecting his fear of losing you.
"Do not fret yourself Alfie. I am not upset with you. In fact, it is already forgotten." You said much to his relief.
It was so difficult for you to describe your relationship with Alfred. No matter what occurred between you, it was never an easy task to stay angry with him. Because despite everything, you cared immensely for him. He and Aethelred were both near-and-dear to your heart. 
You only wished things could have stayed as they had been. The three of you getting along and doing all manner of fun things together. Regrettably, it appeared that becoming adults had changed everything. All your social dynamics that were once enjoyable, became complicated overnight.
"May I embrace you?" Alfred asked with some apprehension.
When you replied that it would be fine, he wasted no time in pulling you into his arms. Ivar, who was now leaning against the doorway of the stable, scoffed to himself. It wasn't easy for him to watch you in the arms of the man you were soon to marry. If he had it his way, the nuptials would have been delayed due to the impending war.
Sir Lancille, only glanced at you and Alfred momentarily before turning his attention back to the conversation at hand. 
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Though his deep affection for you was still growing, the brooding knight had no intention of making his feelings known. But despite telling himself that your happiness was all that mattered, Lancille also did not care for your impending vows.
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In his study, Sir Lancille's estranged cousin; Sir Mansfeld; and his father, Sir Peregrine, sat drinking wine. It was very late at night and they had just returned from Brackhill Palace. King Dorian had called for a special meeting of all his top Advisors and Attendants and thus they had to make themselves present. Since they lived in the neighboring city, it had been quite the journey. As the two men relaxed, one of the Head Servants entered.
"Forgive me, my Lords but this letter has been awaiting you for two days now." The man said apologetically. "I wanted to make certain to hand it to you straightway."
"A letter? From whom?" Sir Peregrine asked.
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He was exhausted from the journey and wanted to see if it was worth reading or could be left for the morning.
"The herald that brought it was quite secretive. Not only did he refuse to give it to anyone that wasn't a Head Servant, he informed me that it was from a foreign Prince. He also made no qualms about the need to keep it in a private place. For that reason, it has been under lock-and-key in my chamber."
"Really?" An intrigued Mansfeld said. "Was he a foreigner or a native?"
"The accent was unquestionably foreign. Perhaps from Eire lands. Though I would like to mention that he appeared more of a mercenary than a true herald."
"So, a secretive letter from a foreign Prince." Sir Peregrine said with interest. "I wonder why one would be reaching out to me."
"Forgive me, my Lord but it is actually not addressed to you. It is for Sir Mansfeld in particular."
Both Mansfeld and his father looked even more interested than before. It truly was perplexing as to whom could be reaching out. After the letter was handed to the younger knight, he broke the wax that bore no seal and then unwrapped the twining.
Sir Peregrine patiently watched his son read the letter while sipping his wine. Raising a brow, a devious smile crossed Mansfeld’s face before he abruptly dismissed the servant. Once the man had departed, he glanced at his father.
"You will not believe who has written me."
"Prince Ivar."
"Is he not one of the heirs to Ragnar the Bloody Heathen?" An astonished Sir Peregrine asked. "What could he possibly want with you?"
"I had the privilege of meeting him when we went to Kattegat some time ago. Whilst the trip to negotiate with that reckless Princess failed, Ivar and I developed an understanding of sorts." Mansfeld said much to his father's surprise. "We communicated for some time after my return, but I have not heard from him in over a year. I dare say that you would like him. He is a man that thinks for himself and has his own plans. Grand ones."
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"That is rather interesting."
"Indeed it is, father." Sir Mansfeld replied as he again looked at the letter in his hand.
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A solemn Aethelred was busily working on letters to King Bram Leifsson and King Aella when his mother entered. Princess Judith had a letter clasped in her hand that had just arrived from a Great House. For that reason, she was feeling more excited than usual.
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“What is it mother?” Aethelred asked without looking up from his papers. “I am nearly done. If it is alright with you, we can talk after I affix the seals.”
Not one to be deterred, Judith took a seat directly in front of the desk and held up the letter in her hand.
“I will return to speak to you further but I must tell you this exciting news.”
“What is it? Is that from Y/N?” Aethelred asked as he finally looked up. 
He had written you several times since the two of you had parted ways in West Francia, however, he had yet to hear from you. Naturally, he had been sick with worry thinking you had forgotten all about him.
However, the reason for the lack of communication was simple. Ever vigilant in protecting Alfred’s interests, Judith had made sure to have each one of Aethelred’s letters confiscated. Even the three letters you had managed to send off without Alfred’s knowledge had also been seized.
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“I am afraid this has nothing to do with your brother’s soon-to-be wife.” She replied, earning a glare from Aethelred. “It does, however, have everything to do with you.”
“Me? Who is it from?”
“Just know that it is from a great family. Furthermore, they have agreed to give one of their daughters to you in marriage.”
Aethelred put down his quill and stared at his mother for what seemed like an eternity. His jaw was so tensed that Judith nearly regretted giving the news while sitting so closely.
“Mother, I do not know whom this woman is but I shall not marry her. If even God himself has fashioned her, I refuse to be her husband.” Aethelred finally said as the shock wore off. “If I am so inclined to ever marry,  I shall find my own wife.”
“Nonsense! You are a Prince and heir to the throne. You must marry, just as Alfred is doing. In fact, you shall meet your soon-to-be wife before your brother’s nuptials.”
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“I will do no such thing.” An irate Aethelred said firmly. He loved you still. And if his mother thought his feelings went away because she snatched you for Alfred, she was sadly mistaken. “I may have to go along with a great many things, but I must draw a line somewhere.”
“You may be angry and you may rant, if you wish. But King Ecbert has given his blessings. He is writing for the blessings of King Charles the Bald and the Pope as we speak.”
With that Princess Judith stood from her seat. She then added that she was doing everything for Aethelred’s own good. When she left the study, he sat in silence for a long while before hurling a copper vase at the door - denting it. 
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Princess Judith was unaware but she was pushing her elder son’s emotions too far. If she did not take care, it would only be a matter of time before things came to a head.
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
§ Vikings Preference: Their reaction to be in a arranged marriage with a Viking
I've been wanting to do this for a while now so here it is, finally!!! Hope you guys like it and let me know what your thoughts are xx
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Athelstan → The idea intrigues him. He has lived alongisde the pagans for a long while, years indeed, but the thought of marrying one of them had never crossed his mind. His conflicted mind about religion would probably be even greater, but it would get to a point where he would realize that the Gods or the Christian God to not have to decide everything in his life. That he could choose to love you, and so he would.
"You don't really believe in our Gods, do you, Athelstan?" you walked towards him, slowly, your eyes focused on his face as you did. "In your heart, you are still a Christian"
"Honestly, I do not know what I believe. What my heart tries to tell me" he looked down at his feet, almost as if he was embarrassed.
"Well, in that case" you placed your hands on his face and gently, made him look you in the eyes. "Let us forget about our beliefs and enjoy each other's company"
Athelstan smiled, and you realized he agreed to your idea when he leaned into your touch.
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Ecbert → The idea of getting married to a Viking crossed his mind years before the proposal was formally done. He was intelligent enough to know that a long, prosperous alliance would rely on something far more meaningful than a settlement. So he was the one who made the proposal, with a smile on his face and a that cleverness in his eyes.
"I want you to know, that I am nothing like the English people" you stared deeply at him, rage evident in your expression. "I am not under your control and I will never be"
"I know that" he said, smiling. His smile angered you even more and made you got closer to him, just a inch between your bodies.
"Good, because if you do not respect me, I will kill you" you looked down at his lips and then back at his eyes, incapable of helping it. "I will do it slowly, as you look me in the eye"
Ecbert smiled as he too, analyzed your features from up close. "I think we will get along just fine, my dear"
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Aethelwulf → Displease, is a word that could be used to describe his feelings towards your marriage. Despise, would fit more into the situation however. He is a true devoted christian, perhaps the most of all in Wessex's royalty. He loves his God and considers every other kind of beliefs an abomination. So when he was betrothed to you by his father, without being consulted, his anger would probably fall entirely upon you.
"This is unacceptable. My own father, to make me bond myself in holy matrimony with a pagan!" he walked around the room where you two had been left alone, to 'know each other better' had been King Ecbert's words precisely.
"As if the idea of marrying a christian pleases me" you looked him with disgust, up and down. The view was not hard in the eyes but the mind inside that body, well, it was different from everyone you had met before.
"You believe in false gods! There is only one, true god and your people is foolish to think otherwise!" he stopped walking and stared at you deeply, his dark eyes seeming to want to burn holes in your face.
"Guess we will find out who is right when we die, huh?" you raised your eyebrows at him and then sighted heavily. "For now, let us worry about the fact that he will have to spend a lifetime together"
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Alfred → He is a very open minded person. Someone who truly believes in a peaceful future between different cultures and the coexistence of pagans and christians. He would face your marriage firstly as a duty, something he must do to secure the future he is trying to give to his people and to Wessex. But as time passed, he would realize that the marriage was not built only upon responsibility. He found himself growing found of you and caring about you, deeply. Of course the Lords of the Witan would not approve such a union, but he did not care. He was the King, after all. He could do whatever he pleased.
"In the day our marriage was announced, I thought my life was ended" you caressed his face with your fingertips slowly, feeling the soft skin under it with a smile on your lips. "I thought that I would be bound eternally to a christian that would hate and mistreat me. But I was wrong"
"Were you?" he smiled too, grabbing your wrist gently and taking it towards his mouth. He kissed the region with care.
"Yes" you shivered due to the touch of his lips. "You treat me better than everyone else. You pay me attention and listen to me, even though your people does not. I don't care that you are a christian. I love you, Alfred"
The King of Wessex did not say anything. Instead, he kissed your lips hard and full of passion.
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Heahmund → He is very attached to his beliefs so to him, it would be difficult to acknowledge your Gods and marry you. Also, he has made vows of celibacy before in order to become a Bishop. So to break those vows, that would be a huge step. But if that had to be done in favor of the Church or his country, so he would do it.
"If you are a priest of your faith, how can you marry me? I have heard that you, Christians, deny yourself the pleasures of the flesh" you searched for an answer in his face, analyzing his handsome features. That was the first time you two were together alone.
"It is true, as a man of God I am not supposed to find comfort in mundane matters. But for my country, I will renounce this vow and take you as my companion" his dark eyes met yours and you sighted.
"Well, in that case, I think we may live peacefully together, Lord Heahmund" you nodded your head to him, in respect.
He smiled minimally and nodded his head in return. You both new, there would be a long way to cross before you would trust each other.
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honestsycrets · 6 years
Floral Fallacy I
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I wonder what she’d taste like
You’ve never eaten pussy?
You’re aching for it.
A/N: Part 1/2 Gif credit to the philomaela! If anyone could direct me where to find more Aethelred gifs, that would be great. Also, this backstory is for seize the bride, I think I understand them a bit more. Obviously the smut in next chapter of this won’t be in Seize the Bride itself-- since Ivar took her virginity. No smut here but it was cute so I hope you still like it. Next chapter will have it!
Aethelred considered himself a rather well to do boy. He loved his father, took in his footseps in all ways-- but one. He found a girl that he wanted. A lovely handmaiden of his mother that enjoyed floral pursuits. She made the most beautiful arrangements and had made his mother the most beautifully woven dresses. She was truly something.
“I wonder what she’d taste like.” His father Aethelwulf dropped beside him, a hand on his shoulder as you fussed over trivial things. Aethelred glanced in your direction as you leaned up, your long twists of curled hair accentuating the curve of your ass. Aethelred swallowed sharply, looking away.
“I…” He stuttered.
Aethelwulf gawked at his son’s lack of response, scratching the back of his head. “Boy…” He starts. “...tell me you’ve done this before.”
Aethelred stutters excuses. He was busy caring for this or that-- even that his father kept him too busy in war. Aethelwulf glances over with a scratch to his coarse beard. He hadn’t done this before. He was busy preparing his son in every avenue that he forgoed one. An important one.
“You’ve never eaten pussy before?” He leans in, causing Aethelred to look away with a scowl.
“I want to eat hers.” He suggested, shaking his head in the only explanation for having not fucked your little cunt. Aethelwulf strokes along his beard, shoving his son in his direction.
“Go!” He calls. “You’re aching for it!”
Aethelred tumbled in your direction, his broad chest hitting your back as you handled a beautiful white arrangement. You stumbled slightly and Aethelred steadied you with both a hand to your hips and the other against the vase.
“Careful… my lady.” Aethelred’s voice trilled lowly.
You awkwardly laughed, shuffling back to set the arrangement down. “I’m sorry my prince. I’m so clumsy sometimes.” You say as you come back, wiping away water that has fallen on the embroidery on his chest.
“Do you have a date? For… for tonight.” Aethelred was none good at this.
“Oh, am I supposed to?” Your hands come to your plump cheeks. You accounted for it all: the celebration, the flowers, the dress and even prayed for good things to come. Aethelred shook his hands quickly.
“I only meant so I could take you.” Aethelred corrects, looking at you past a few strands of black hair that had not been combed over right. You flushed, looking down to your fingertips and out behind Aethelred to his mother. She looked at you pensively as Aethelred slipped out a flower from the arrangement, snapping the stem and setting it in your hair.
“If you change your mind,” Aethelred leans in to place a small kiss on your forehead. “You know where to find me.”
@my-little-wolfe, @seize-the-droid, @kylobien, @michaeliskindahot, @ailucascen, @huntingbears, @naaladareia
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Replacement (Prologue)
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Summary: Alfred and Aethelred always knew that either one of them would marry the older daughter of Duke (L/N), the older sister of their childhood friend. Both had always carried some feelings for their friend, only thing is, neither knew just how deep these feelings were until many years later. Things unfold the night that the announcement is meant to be made, and one question still needs answering, will they ever be able to confess their feelings to the girl they hold dear?
Pairings: Alfred x Reader (romantic), Aethelred x Reader (Romantic)
A/N: Make sure read to read the Replacement on AO3 as all parts have been posted there! The amazing @flowers-in-your-hayr​ made the moodboard, banners, and dividers which were absolutely stunning. 😊 While the fantastic @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ made a lovely playlist that y’all can listen to. 
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Aethelred and Alfred had been as close as brothers could be when they were much younger. But even as children, both brothers did not have much in common with one another, usually having very different interests. Aethelred adored spending his time playing outside, learning archery and swordsmanship, and following in his father’s footsteps to be a strong warrior. Alfred on the other hand had gentler pursuits; preferring to reside in his quarters reading texts, having discussions with his grandfather, and writing his own thoughts in ink.
Despite these clear differences between the two brothers, the one thing that they seemed to have in common was they enjoyed spending time with their childhood friend. (Y/N)’s father was a valued Duke that provided a great number of resources to the kingdom, and not only that, but he aided in several matters with the Witan.
As long as the trio could remember, whenever she arrived with her parents and older sister, they would give formal greetings before running off to enjoy themselves. The age gaps between them didn’t matter as they always managed to find a happy medium for them to agree with for everyone to be satisfied.
As the years went by, (Y/N) was unaware that the two brothers had slowly begun to feel something toward her. It was gradual and occurred in the little things that they shared with one another.  Whispering and giggling during prayers (although this usually ended with them getting in trouble), hiding and running off to play at feasts, and making witty comments to have the others laugh.
It wasn’t until Aethelred was 15, (Y/N) was 13, and Alfred was 10 years of age did their lives change in a manner that none of them had expected. The happy carefree years of their childhood were coming to an end.  
That evening in particular, the three were doing their best to have their evening meal without any scoldings for misbehavior or any impropriety from their part. It was the first of future meals in which a solemn air fell across the hall.
The young princes’ sat across from (Y/N) and her sister Josephine, while the older of the two seemed to attempt to catch their gaze while twirling her hair and fluttering her eyelashes. Alfred kept his gaze on his meal nervously and Aethelred was concentrating on kicking (Y/N)’s leg underneath the table. Their mother, Judith coughed loudly and stared pointedly at her husband Aethelwulf to speak up.
“Children,” all eyes looked toward him. “There are some pressing matters that need to be addressed with all of you.”
The trio shared looks of confusion with one another, while Josephine beamed in excitement.
“My sons, when both of you are of age, one of you will marry Josephine. We shall prepare you both but only the week of, will we announce who it shall be.”
The news left the trio absolutely stunned, naively all of them thought that despite their position they would be given the chance to marry whomever they chose. The brothers understood the reasoning behind it, Josephine was the eldest daughter of an important Lord of the kingdom, it would ensure a continued flow of coin from their in - laws but it didn’t mean that they liked the situation.
Carefully Alfred asked, “Then what of (Y/N)? Who will she wed or will there be a wait for her betrothal since Josephine will be married first?”
Their parents chuckled in amusement, assuming that Alfred’s question was done out of protectiveness over his friend and not out of the growing fondness that he held for her.
(Y/N)’s mother chirped joyfully, “We have recently received word from the sisters at Beckery chapel and they have agreed to take (Y/N) under their wing for postulancy!”
The betrothal of Josephine was astounding enough news, but this was beyond their comprehension. They had all been together for so many years and the thought of (Y/N) living her years away from them in a nunnery was unbelievable.
Sadly for all of them, their fate, their destiny, was not theirs to decide.
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e-m-christina · 4 years
Devil In The Forest 
Ivar The Boneless x Reader
P A R T  F O U R
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Requested by @girl-in-the-box
Word Count: 2.5k
Comment if you want tagged.
Requests are open.
Ps. I am not too happy with how this turned out. I wrote it last night, and it just isn't my best quality work, but hopefully you can forgive me! 😅
“Halt! Who accompanies you?” You froze just below the gates of York, and looked up at the soldiers that lined the tops of the walls. After all that time, you had finally arrived back home, with the two Northmen at your tail. Your heart started to thump as more men arrived at the wall, looking down at you and your company with curious eyes. If the townspeople didn’t like you already, what would they say now that you had led the most dangerous man, right to their doorstep?
“They wish to see King Ecbert, I granted them free passage.” You yelled back. But before the men could reply, the wooden gates swung open, revealing Prince Aethelwulf, followed by his best soldiers. 
“What  is the meaning of this, Princess Y/n?” He grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of the way. “Who are these men?” Aethelwulf glared at Ragnar and Ivar. Cleary they were not Saxons, and he knew it. 
“Ragnar, and his son, Ivar. Do not hurt them, they have come to speak to your fath-” Aethelwulfs eyes widened before shoving you towards one of his soldiers, with a growl.
“Kill them!” Aethelwulf commanded his men. You struggled against the grip of the soldier that had taken a hold of you, watching the men advancing Ragnar and his son. 
“No! Stop. I granted them passage.” You hissed at Aethelwulf, who raised his hand, pausing the soldiers in their tracks. 
“That is Ragnar Lothbrok. The devil himself, you stupid woman. Why should we keep him alive?”
“Because…” You were lost for words. Why did you want to keep them alive? They were heathens, and murderers. They would slaughter good christian people if they were given half a chance. You bit your lip as you looked to Ragnar, failing to shield his son from the view of the soldiers. They were human after all. Were they not?
“Because I do not think that your father would be happy when he finds out you killed Ragnar Lothbrok. They were friends after all. And why would Ragnar drag himself and his son all this way, if there was no reason?” You said, ignoring the dozens of eyes that bore into you, especially Ragnar and his sons. 
“Fine. Take them, and lock them up.” Aethelwulf said after a few moments, through gritted teeth before he shoved past you, and indicated for his men to seize the northmen. “And put Y/n in with them.”
“Ivar?” You called, knocking on his bedroom door. You rocked back on your heels, biting your lip. You hadn’t seen Ivar since the last time you had to train with him, and he licked the blood off your cheek. In fact, nobody had. After asking around Kattegat, you had not come across a single soul that had seen him. In one last attempt, you tried his bedroom. You were nervous about the news that you had to deliver. How were you supposed to approach the subject that Floki was leaving? How would he react? You feared that he might lash out and hurt you, but you could never be too sure of his emotions.
“Who is it?” Your shoulders tensed when his voice rang through the door.
“It’s Y/n, can I come in? I have something to tell you.” You replied, listening to the shuffle of feet on the other side of the door.
“Can it wait? I am busy.”
“It is really important, Ivar.” You heard a sigh from the room.
“Give me a minute.” 
You rolled your eyes, and folded your arms across your chest. The more time you spent waiting, the more your stomach bubbled. After a few minutes, the door swung open.
“Ivar - Freydis?” You paused, looking at your blond friend and she closed the door behind her. Her usually tied up hair, streamed down her back in a golden river.
“What are you doing here, Y/n?” She asked, face red. She had a sweet smile plastered to her face, but her voice was a note lower than usual.
“I am here to talk to Ivar. Is it alright for me to go in now?” You asked, still confused.
“Yes, Ivar is decent for you to go in now. Have a good day.” Freydis awkwardly patted your shoulder, before rushing down the hall, pulling her locks into a golden bun. You frowned, but pushed your confused thoughts to the side as you opened the door. You were greeted by a large room with a big, fur covered bed in the centre of it. Beside the very comfortable looking bed, roared a fire that crackled and popped with red flames. 
“What is it?” Ivar asked, sitting on the edge of his bed, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“I need to talk to you.” You said, shutting the door gently. “Why was Freydis here?” You asked, taking a seat on the stool beside Ivars bed. 
“Why do you want to know?” Ivar said, leaning against the wall, eyes trained on you the whole time.
“You made her my personal thrall.” You said, awkwardly tapping your fingers on your knee. “So I would like to know why my thrall is in here.” You watched as a smirk tugged at his lips. 
“We lay together sometimes.” Ivar grinned, watching you shift uncomfortably. You didn’t know why, but there was a new feeling starting to build in your stomach, and it was not the bubbling nerves from before. “But if you would like to join us, I don't think she would mind-” Ivars lips now resembled a Cheshire cat. 
“Forget I asked.” You said, waving your hand and cutting him off. You didn’t know why there was a pang in your heart, at the thought of them sleeping together. After all, you and Ivar were just acquaintances - friends at a push. Yet, you still felt betrayed. Perhaps you just did not get enough sleep?
“So, what brings you here? Surely it was not to inquire about my sex life?” Ivar took a swig of mead from his horn, before stretching his hand out, offering the bitter liquid to you.
“No thanks.” You rejected his offer. “I came to talk to you about Floki.” 
“Floki? I swear by the Gods, Y/n, if you two have gotten into another fight-”
“No, nothing like that. He wanted me to tell you something.” You said, trying to arrange your thoughts into logical sentences. How were you going to tell him? 
“Well?” Ivar cocked an eyebrow impatiently. Swallowing hard, you decided to bite the bullet and tell him it as straight as possible.
“Ivar, Floki is leaving. For good.” You gulped, and looked down at your hands. The air fell to silence as you sat under the hard stare of Ivar. Glancing back up, you saw that he was clenching his jaw, keeping his eyes fixed on you.
“You better explain.”
“Ivar! Slow down.” You jogged to keep up with Ivar, who was crawling at top speed through the forests of Kattegat, towards Floki’s hut. “He doesn’t want visitors.” You said breathlessly, ducking under low hanging branches. Ivar only sped up, grunting in response. You felt bad, but Floki said himself that he didn’t want people to see him, least of all, Ivar.
“By God's woman, I told you to not let him come!” Floki flung his door open, and stormed  towards you and Ivar, with a face full of scorn. 
“I tried-” You were cut off.
“Why are you building a toy boat?” Ivar nodded his head towards the now complete boat. “Y/n tells me that you are leaving, but I do not believe her.” He came to a stop, just as Floki bent down to face him. You loomed behind Ivar, watching the scene unfold with pity. 
“It is not a toy. It is a one man boat.” Floki said, admiring his work. You had to admit, it was impressive. The way the wood was curved and sanded into intricate shapes to form the head of a wooden dragon was  magnificent craftsmanship. 
“And where do you plan to sail it to? Hm?” Ivars fists clenched in the grass, as he glared at Floki.
“To wherever the Gods want me to.” 
You held your breath as Ivar's jaw set, glaring at Floki. But somehow you knew that he was not really angry. He was covering up his sadness, to protect himself.
“I do not want you to go. I still need you in the fight against the Christians. My brothers are too soft and you know that Floki. They still don’t believe that I didn’t mean to kill Sigurd. You and Y/n are the only ones that believe me. That is why you cannot leave.” Ivars voice began to break, and sniffs broke up his words. 
“Ivar…” Floki whispered, placing a hand on the young vikings shoulder. 
“I will be too lonely.” Ivars voice finally broke, making you purse your lips and look down in sympathy. This is why you and Floki didn’t want him to come. He would be too broken.
“As I told Y/n, with Helga gone, I have nothing here. I must depart this land. Come with me.” Floki said, squeezing Ivars shoulder.
“I cannot Floki, you know this.” Ivar cried into Flokis shoulder.
“Ivar, you don’t need me. I must get ready, I will tell you when I leave.” Floki wiped a tear from Ivars pale face, before he pushed himself up, glancing at you before slowly heading back into his cabin. Ivar stared after the boat builder, unable to say anything, unable to tell him to stay. He was frozen. 
“Ivar…” You didn’t know what to say as you watched his slumped figure on the ground, silent tears dripping onto the spare planks below him. You had never seen him like this before, but you guessed most people hadn’t either. You opted not to use words. Instead, you sat down beside Ivar, and slowly draped your arm around his shoulder. At first he tensed, and you thought he was going to push you away, but he then gently rested his head on your shoulder. 
“My heart is broken.” His voice was muffled by the soft sobs that left his lips. 
“Shhh, I know Ivar. I know.” You whispered, gently stroking your fingers through his soft hair, as he wrapped his other arm around you. 
The days had merged into a  blur. After Floki left Kattegat, Ivar had demanded that everyone was to get ready to sail to England for another attack. Ivar had become more reclusive, and never wanted to see anybody, with the exemption of you and Hvitserk. He said that you were going to come in handy when they attacked York again - which you believed at first. But since most of the time you spent together was by playing chess, or him listening to you talk about Astronomy, you guessed he was really just lonely. 
It was your final night at Kattegat. The army was going to set sail the next morning and to prepare, there was a massive feast in the great hall, hosted by Ubbe and Hvitserk. But you did not attend, and neither did Ivar. You had only just remembered what Freydis said, about going to see the Seer. And when you told Ivar about the dream on the way to the feast, he had steered you away from the hall and down an overgrown and dark street. 
“You said his name was Harbard?” Ivar said, crawling beside you. 
“Yes, and he seemed to know me. It was so strange.” You said, wrapping your furs closer to your body.
“Sigurd used to say that someone by that name visited mother.” Ivar came to a stop in front of a dark tent. “Ancient One, may we come in?” Ivar calle inside. Only a grunt came from the darkness within as Ivar  pulled the flap open, indicating for you to go in. You reluctantly stepped forward, not liking the look of the shabby structure. 
Upon entering, you were instantly hit by the smell of rotting flesh and a small hint of lavender. From the ceiling hung decorations of pale bone - strung together by dried rope and ligaments, making what looked like hundreds of morbid wind chimes. Only the flickering candles that were almost burned to the stump gave off any light, which cast dancing shadows off the bone decorations. 
“I was expecting to see you Ivar...and Y/n.” A low voice grumbled from the corner, making you jump in fright, making Ivar chuckle as he crawled past you and took a seat in front of the hooded figure. You slowly followed, aware of the hooded figure moving its head to follow you. You took a seat beside Ivar, and your heart stopped for a moment. When you looked up into the figure's face, you saw that it had no eyes. Instead, skin was stretched tightly over the dark sockets, before trailing down into two slits for a nose. 
“Ancient one, Y/n is here because-”
“Because she had a dream of Harbard. Yes, I see all, and I see nothing, Ivar. But I have been waiting years for this moment.” The Seer turned its head to you, and the Seers painted black mouth tore into a wicked grin, before it stretched its open palm toward you. 
“Lick his hand, Y/n.” Ivar whispered, making you look at him in surprise. He must be joking? But by his expression, you saw that he was completely serious. You leaned forward, and timidly ran your tongue over the Seers hand, ignoring the taste of salt and iron. Before you could do anything else, the Seer then placed its hand on your forehead, making you flinch. 
“Close your eyes.” It said, and without you even meaning to, your eyes fluttered shut, but you were not plunged into darkness like usual. Instead, images and voices flashed in your head and ears, making you feel like you were spinning out of control. Your breathing was rapid and shallow as you gripped onto something beside you, trying to pull yourself from the flashes in your head, but you were sucked back down, into your own mind. Until something became clearer. A man. And his voice. It was then, when you realized that it was a memory. 
“I once said that I would sup with the devil to achieve my earthly goals.” Ecbert said as he stood up. You watched as his frail body moved to the window. You had read about ghosts in your books, and to see the once mighty king look so deflated and translucency made the hairs on the back of your neck rise. He was a walking sign of doom. 
“And did you? Did you achieve your goals?” You asked, flinching at the approaching cries. 
“Oh yes, I think I did.” Ecbert said, turning to you. “Don’t you think that is proof?”
“Proof of what?” You said, growing more confused.
“That the devil is real.”
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lisinfleur · 4 years
In your arms
The request:
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Author’s Notes | Fuck the whole universe. I can't see that shitty ending for our pup and not doing anything about this. So, here is the first of the many things I'll write to correct what made us bleed in this last season of our beloved show! Hope you guys like it! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Hvitserk x Reader Info | Viking age AU, fixing plot AU, requested by anon. Words | 2941 ⁑ Warnings: Spoilers ahead. Mention to major character’s death, some angst.
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"No brother! You've done your work! Do not interfere anymore. All my life has been a preparation for this moment. Stay back."
The sound of Ivar's voice and their last conversation for a long time populated his mind.
The many times they'd tried to reach for each other's ends and failed miserably made sense all at once in a single sentence.
"I could never kill you..."
What was left untold for their whole life, finally spoken.
"I love you. Now go. Go!"
Screams of strength and bravery overcame Ivar's final words of fear in Hvitserk's mind.
"Are we afraid of the death? No!"
For days he laid among the Christians after burying his brother like a true Viking lord, ensuring whoever was to find his grave would know what his brother wanted...
"Here is the grave of the most famous Viking that ever lived!"
The last promise he made before his little brother's eyes were lost from his to go into the golden doors he wasn't able to see, but was sure were open for Ivar to enter, engraved in his mind as if they were marked by fire.
"No one will ever forget Ivar, the Boneless."
He had to do it. He had to push forward his brother's legacy and what better way than doing what Ivar intended when they came back to stand on those cursed lands once again? Those poisonous lands that took his father, two of his little brothers, and the memory of the older one from who he separated in that place. That terrible place.
He would burn that place to ashes! And then he would spread those ashes over Ivar's grave like a gift to his brother's memory.
And so... He would come home. To fulfill one last promise also marked on fire in his mind and his heart.
"I'll come back, Y/N. I'll come back to you."
He had just found you after the many years of tragedy in his life. So, you became his secret in Kattegat. A secret he didn't tell not even to his beloved little brother, afraid somehow Ivar's hands could reach and rip his heart from his chest one more time.
You served his tables when he was younger and became a free woman since no one was caring about the fleeing slaves in the middle of that whole war he and his brothers fought with each other. But you'd never forgotten him and when he came back with his brother under the angry words of the town, you came after him, spoke of long-gone times and memories. And you offered your services for him who was once a good master in exchange for his mercy since now you were lost and helpless in the middle of the confusion Kattegat had become with so many rulers in so little time.
It didn't take too long for him to see you were a gift the gods had blessed him with. In a matter of days, his heart was bent.
To fall in love with you was easy. To leave you at the cabin when the time to leave had come was the hardest thing he'd ever done.
You cried in his chest and he could still remember how hard it was to hold your tears. He knew it could be his last battle... You knew he could never come back from that trip. But they had to do it.
You couldn't argue with his fate.
You couldn't beg him to stay.
So, you made him promise he would come back to you and swore you would wait for him. To warrant his promise was real, he left his recently recovered arm ring in your hands.
His fingers touched the pendant on his chest. Another hacksilver, placed alongside the one he had earned from his father on his necklace. You had given that pendant to him saying you wanted it back and so, he would have to come back to give it back to you.
Sometimes Hvitserk would wonder what was in your mind now. He knew the news of Ivar's defeat and Harald's death had reached Kattegat at that point. Would they say he was dead as well? Did they know he was a prisoner for so long?
Would you be there, waiting for him yet?
Promises were promises. Things were close to an end.
Hvitserk stopped a moment to admire his little brother's mind and toughness once again: it was hard as fuck to play games with the Christians and mislead them was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. Hvitserk was a berserker. The mindless battle was his favorite game and those mental games were Ivar's specialty.
Maybe it was why he decided to do it that way.
Ivar's way.
It was his brother's legacy after all.
For months he had played the Christian. He accepted that stupid baptism and walked with a cross around his neck. He spoke meekly and accepted that stupid name they gave him as if it could erase everything he was and would ever be.
From behind, his crows were cawing at the Dane kings' ears at the settlement beside Wessex, remembering them he himself was also a son of Ragnar, fated to Valhalla, who, unlike Ubbe, wanted those lands entirely to their people as a fair payment for the lives those Christians had stolen from them.
Ragnar Loðbrók.
Harald Finehair.
Ivar, the Boneless.
The whole unavenged settlement prince Aethelwulf had destroyed years ago in time...
Their blood was considered a fair price for his people to rise. The position of third Dane king, abandoned by his older brother, was a vacancy Hvitserk was considered fitting to occupy.
Under the mantle of lies and with the night by his side, Hvitserk dressed his armor once again and headed up to the doors of the Royal Villa to open them to his people like once his brother Ubbe had opened the gates of York for them to enter.
Standing in the middle of the gates as the army of Vikings invaded the town, Hvitserk could almost hear his brother's voice screaming and the sound of that unmistakable chariot filling the air as if Ivar was riding with them into the Royal Villa, conquering what he wasn't able to see falling in front of his eyes.
Alfred fled with Elsewith and their child. Hvitserk spared their lives as they had spared his own. What's fair is fair and Ivar would forgive him for denying the royal blood to his vengeance, but Alfred had respected his brother's death, his grave wasn't touched and his life was preserved.
But the town was on fire, invaded and taken as Ivar once planned.
With the dawn, Hvitserk received a mark on his face to resemble his crown as the third Dane King his brother didn't want to be. But he knew he wouldn't stay as much as Ubbe didn't stay.
He was wounded and tired, but Ivar was avenged and it was time to fulfill his next promise.
"I ordered them to build a shrine for you, brother. They must start soon and the Danes ensured me they'll use the stones from the royal castle to build it around your grave," Hvitserk said, touching the stones of the simple tomb he had rose with his own hands. "They'll paint runes and make sacrifices. And this place shall be marked with your story, my brother. No one will ever forget who you were and, in the future, when they find this place, everyone will know here is the grave of the great Ivar, the Boneless, son of Ragnar Loðbrók, feared by many around the world and for whom this land fell into our hands."
His fingers caressed the stone as if he could touch Ivar's face once again.
"But now I think you know I have to go... And leave you behind, brother. For you'll be always alive in my heart, but she's waiting for me. I know I never told you anything about her... I had my reasons, you know them very well," he sighed. "I did it all for you, Ivar. And if she ever gives me a son, I'll name him after you, so he can keep telling your story throughout the years. I'll never forget you, brother. Hail and farewell, Ivar. We'll see each other again when the time comes..."
Leaving behind the first hacksilver of his necklace as a gift to his brother, Hvitserk left, mounting his horse and riding towards the docks where a Dane boat was already waiting for him, ready to take him home.
For a moment, Hvitserk placed his eyes on that land once again. Maybe it was the last time he would ever see that cursed place. Maybe one day he would come back to see Sigurd and Ivar and his father as well. Or maybe, like Ivar, he would come and die there alongside the ones he loved. The time would say. Fate would say.
He was finally coming home.
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The boat took ages to make a trip he didn't remember was that long. Ingrid was the new queen and he could see the awe in her eyes when he jumped out of that boat, holding himself whole in spite of his tiredness.
"We thought you were..."
"Dead, like my brother. And your husband, I suppose," Hvitserk didn't care about cutting the queen's sentence. "Release your breath, woman. I have my own crown and have no interest in the one on your head. You're Harald's wife and he was Norway's king. This is now your problem, but still, my homelands so get used to having me walking around from time to time," he said, carelessly pointing down to the ground. "Now you excuse me, your highness... I have more important matters to treat. Spare me from feasts in your hall: The son of Ragnar may be back home, but I'm tired, exhausted... All I want is to find my woman and rest in her arms."
"Your what?"
But he left Ingrid and her whole surprise behind, walking away from the boat as the Danes were preparing to move with their trip. They wouldn't stay. He wouldn't come back, at least, for now.
If he ever had to die in those cursed lands, he would do it like his father: before growing too old.
After living his whole life.
His steps were still limping and for a moment, he giggled, remembering how Ivar had limped that whole pier under horrible words where now there were smiles and grateful faces blessing his return. Would they bless if Ivar was back as well?
Oh, they would. But his brother wanted more than just their blessings.
And he wanted more than just their words.
Hvitserk straightened his cloak. His limping steps walking through the streets with many memories, sometimes sad memories, sometimes sweet ones. And as his steps shortened the distance towards his cabin, the sweetest memories came, remembering him of his sneaky movements through those streets to find you without his little brother's eyes over him. The kisses you'd exchanged. Your hands against his skin.
His heart pounded when his eyes finally reached that door. It was still the same... The cabin was still exactly as his memories could build it in his mind. But it was silent and it, for a moment, stopped everything into Hvitserk's heart.
Could it be that the news of his death had sent you away for good?
Did he take too long to come back? Did someone tell you he was turned into a Christian and you believed it was for real?
His fingers touched the door and he hesitated before knocking on it.
What if you weren't there to answer?
What if there was another with you in his place now?
It was easier to burn down the Christians' village than it was to knock on his own house's door, but the sound of footsteps inside approaching the door turned Hvitserk's mind completely blank for a second.
The lock was opened and his eyes watched as the light from outside invaded the darkened cabin, covering your figure and showing the pale tones of your apron dress.
"Now it's not a good time, I'm..."
Your voice died into your throat. And your eyes met his in a long moment of silence where the whole world seemed to be stopped along with time itself.
Hvitserk could watch as the line of your eyes filled slowly with tears. He observed as the tears became thicker and broke the line, rolling down your face. Your beautiful face... He thought so many times he would never see you again.
You sobbed, losing the strength of your legs. And Hvitserk held you in his arms, feeling the warmth of your body against his chest once again.
It wasn't one more of his dreams. You were there.
He was home.
His scent invaded your nose and your sobs engulfed you whole as you nestled into his arms, holding him so tight that your knuckles became white against his clothes.
"Shh... Hush, my sweet love. I'm here now. I'm here with you," he mumbled as your sobs became louder.
You thought he was dead.
They told you he was dead.
You cried your soul out on that pier, begging the gods to drag your body into the waters and allow you to swim towards him into Valhalla as queen Gunnhild had done after her beloved Björn.
But instead, they held you back.
And as Hvitserk's hands cupped your face before he could seal his lips against yours, tasting your flavors he missed so bad once again, you understood why the gods had given you a reason to keep yourself alive.
It was for him. You were his gift.
And the gods had decided to bless him once more.
"I brought it back to you, my love," he said, giving your pendant back with his necklace. "The other... I left with him," he mumbled.
Eyes full of sadness for his brother you knew wouldn't come back with him.
You gave back his arm ring, caressing his hand as he smiled.
"I thought I would never see you again," he mumbled.
His warm and big hand caressing your face, drying the tears from it before you could finally speak between the sobs.
"They told us you were dead, my sweet prince. I mourned alone and wanted to follow you into Valhalla to serve your feast. But the gods forbade me. They took my freedom for it wasn't my choice anymore."
Hvitserk looked at you curious, not understanding your words until you brought him into the cabin enough for his eyes to land on the basket over his bed.
"They filled me with life and entrusted me with your legacy. I couldn't go. They made me stay. And now I understand that's because you're here, my love. You're back to me."
There weren't words in his mouth anymore.
Hvitserk's steps limped towards the bed and he sat, looking at that basket with surprise and admiration. Inside, a pair of icy blues was facing him, remembering him of so much in his life inside those little eyes.
Ragnar's eyes.
Ubbe's eyes.
Ivar's eyes...
All looking at him into the little one's orbs as his son was trying to eat his own hand, hungry like himself.
"His name is Herleifr, son of Hvitserk. For he's indeed the son of a warrior and I wanted him to know where he came from..." you mumbled as Hvitserk gently lifted the little one from the basket, holding the baby against his chest.
This time it was his eye line unable to hold back his tears as his fingers gently touched the little one's hands and face.
He had seen so much death...
He had lost so much on that trip...
His hands had buried his own little brother and burned that town to the ground, but now, they were holding his future.
Hvitserk giggled.
"Herleifr... My brother shall forgive me once again. I must have to produce another so I can name it after him as I promised," he said, making you smile at his teary face.
You came closer, caressing his cheeks, drying his tears.
"We shall take care of you, my precious prince. And so, when you're healed, we shall produce as many heirs you think you want to honor all the ones you lost and more," you smiled, feeling his hand touching your face, pulling you closer so he could kiss you that way you loved so bad.
The baby cooed in his hand when your lips separated from each other and Hvitserk smiled.
"Now I'm home... Now... I'm back where I belong," he said, touching his forehead to yours, caressing your face with his thumb. "In your arms, my love. I belong in your arms and this is my place in this world."
For a second, Hvitserk could feel Ivar's eyes over him. And he smiled remembering he could be there to watch for him.
"Valhalla will wait," he said, almost being able to hear his little brother's giggle as he caressed your face, smiling at you. "I have a whole dynasty to produce with you first."
His time to find his beloved ones at Valhalla would come, he knew that. But until there, he would enjoy his place in Miðgarð and produce as many heirs as you were up to bear for him.
His time to fight was over for now and now it was time for him to be happy. And he would, by your side.
By your side, he would.
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soapsilly · 4 years
Everyday a little less - Hvitserk Imagine
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Pairings: Hvitserk x reader, slight Ubbe x reader 
Summary: (Y/N) is Kattegat’s healer and Hvitserk’s girlfriend but after Hvitserk decides to side with Ivar and fight against Ubbe, she questions herself if she can still stay with him.
Requests are open
I’ll try to stick  to the original story line as much as possible but some details will obviously have to be changed in order to make this work. There will definitely be a second part. I think I’m planning for this to be a three part story though.
This took a little longer than I intended but it is what it is.
“(Y/N)!”, she heard Hvitserk call her name. The vikings had just won the battle against the anglo-saxons, so she was surrounded by many injured men and women but even though they were injured the mood was lively and playful. 
Before (Y/N) settled down in Kattegat she was a traveller.  During her travels she picked up all kinds of treatments and remedies for all sorts of injuries and conditions. It was an coincidence that she met the young princes. One of the merchants on the market place was complaining about pain in her joints so she offered her some turmeric that she bought from an asian salesman and told her to drink it with hot water every morning. Word travelled fast and (Y/N) was brought to the queen, who told him that her youngest son, Ivar, was crippled. Ever since then she stayed in the city to mend Ivar’s pain whenever possible.
Caring for Ivar basically meant living in Queen Aslaugs home, so she would be available whenever she was needed. At times she felt like a prisoner or a thrall but living with the princes certainly had it’s upsides. 
(Y/N) was about the same age as Sigurd was, so she had no problem with fitting right in with their shenanigans. She loved all of them but she was always closest to Hvitserk, who taught her to fight. She wasn’t a shieldmaiden, but she knew how to handle a sword enough to defend herself if she had to.
“(Y/N)”, she heard Hvitserk shout again, “I need your attention. My wounds are unbearable!”
(Y/N) wasn’t worried though. He’s always done that to get her attention away from Ivar or any other man that needed her helping hand. He was never really hurt but she still treated his bruises and cuts. That’s how the two of them got together.
She hugged him when the smiling prince arrived at her tent.
“Hvitserk!”, she feigned shock, “is all of that blood yours? I don’t think I can save you this time. No man could survive those injuries.”
She sent him a cheeky smile. Of course she knew that all that blood on his body wasn’t his. Both of them burst out laughing and she started to clean his wounds.
(Y/N) was there when Ivar killed Sigurd over his taunts.
She was in the great hall when Ubbe and Hvitserk returned from their nightly attempt to negotiate with King Aethelwulf. 
And she was on the boat with Hvitserk and Ubbe when they deciced to leave back to Kattegat. It hurt her heart that the brothers were falling apart. After Ivar killed Sigurd she distanced herself from him. He was unpredictable and mad for power, so she was happy she could get away from him now to get back home although she didn’t disagree with Ivar. He was smart and taking over York wasn’t a bad idea. But Ivar was impulsive and dangerous and giving him any more power than what he already got would be foolish. 
Right when they were about to depart Hvitserk became fidgety. Him and Ivar shared a look and in a matter of seconds Hvitserk left the boat. On land he held his hand out to (Y/N) expectantly. No words were spoken because both of them knew they belonged together. And so she followed him.
Ubbe looked shocked and hurt that his brother would choose Ivar over him. His gaze flickered over to (Y/N) for a second and their  eyes met. They shared a last look before (Y/N) tore her eyes away from him and lowered her head to stare at the grass beneath her feet, wishing she and Hvitserk were on that boat right next to Ubbe.
“The Saxon army, or what remains of it, has abandoned their camp and left”
Ivar looked at the tall viking, that brought him the message and sent him away with a gesture of his hand. Him and Hvitserk were sitting in the main hall by the fire talking about their plans and achievements.
(Y/N) didn’t pay attention to what they were saying. Ever since Ubbe left she felt unsure about her relationship with Hvitserk. She loved him but his willingness to follow Ivar was deeply unsettling to her. 
“I think we have more important things to do. We must look to Kattegat.”, she heard Hvitserk say.
The mention of Kattegat had captured her attention. She was relieved that Hvitserk wanted to sail home. Hopefully they could mend things over with Ubbe. (Y/N) was a smart woman. She knew things couldn’t ever go back to how they were but maybe they could make up and with time continue their relationship like they used to.
“What if Ubbe kills Lagertha, or persuades her to crown him king? The loss of our home base would be a devastating blow. We need to sort things out. We must kill Ubbe and Lagertha, and you must be crowned king of Kattegat, before Björn returns.”, he continued.
(Y/N) couldn’t believe her ears. Why would Hvitserk want to kill his brother? Wasn’t it enough that one of them was with the gods already? 
She sent Hvitserk an unbelieving look, slammed her cup down and left. She could hear Ivar’s taunting laugh and Hvitserk calling after her but she didn’t stop.
She was furious when Hvitserk tried to talk to her later in the evening.
“Kill Ubbe? Your plan is to kill your own brother to make Ivar king? Have you lost your mind?” 
“(Y/N)! Ivar is my brother too!”, he told her sternly.
“And so was Sigurd!” she exclaimed, “Have you forgotten him already, Hvitserk? Your brother is dangerous. He is not fit to rule over our people!” 
“You don’t understand!” Hvitserk was becoming more and more upset. Why couldn’t she see? 
“No. You don’t understand. I don’t know what has gotten into you but whatever it is it’s going to be your downfall, my love. And I do not want to be around to witness it”, she told him and left their chambers.
“Where’s your lover, Hvitserk?” Ivar was taunting his brother but received nothing but a grunt. 
Ever since their fight in their chambers (Y/N) avoided Hvitserk as much as possible. When spoken to she would ignore him and she even found herself a new chamber far away from the one that Hvitserk occupied. Nevermind how hard Hvitserk tried, he couldn’t get (Y/N) to even look at him. He was never one to be forceful with her so eventually he surrendered and left her some space, but not without positioning some guards outside her chambers to keep her safe. He knew she could look after herself but there was never a situation where he couldn’t provide safety for her up until now, which had him worried. Now they were on two different ships on their journey home. Much to Ivar’s amusement.
“You know when we come back there will be plenty of women throwing themselves at your feet, brother. You are a prince. And a son of Ragnar”, Ivar continued. 
Hvitserk looked over to the other ship where he spotted his lover sitting and gazing at the horizon, anticipating their return to Kattegat. Ivar allowed her to return to her home since she never heard where they were sailing to and what their plan was. And by now Ubbe had surely figured out that they would be enemies from now on, so no reason for her to stay with them.  It was like a game to him seeing how distraught his brother was over their disagreement. Besides, he couldn’t let her stay, he didn’t trust her to not warn Ubbe and Lagertha as soon as she would find out about their plan and he didn’t trust his brother to not let himself be convinced by her. So sending her home to Ubbe seemed like the right thing to do. 
“There will be no other women, Ivar. She’ll come to her senses”, Hvitserk sternly told his younger brother, provoking Ivar to let out a knowing laugh.
When they arrived back in Norway it was time for (Y/N) to leave the ship. They dropped her off a few miles away from Kattegat so they wouldn’t be seen from the distance. It would take her a day walk or two to reach Kattegat from where they left her. She knew where she was. The brothers used to stay there when they were out on a hunting trip back when things were still normal. 
“You are not letting her walk alone! It’s freezing and there could be all sorts of animals out here!” Hvitserk was furious when he noticed what Ivar’s plan was.
“Calm down, brother. She knows where she is and she found her way to Kattegat once before, didn’t she? But if it’s that much of an issue to you, you are welcome to leave and accompany her”, Ivar spoke to Hvitserk knowing he wouldn’t leave. 
Hvitserk didn’t try to plead with her because he knew she was too proud and headstrong to go back on her word. Besides, eventhough he didn’t want to admit it, he knew Ivar was right. She would be fine. He just didn’t want to lose her. 
“Hvitserk...” (Y/N) took one last look at her lover, who just clenched his jaw and stormed away to the back of his ship, asking the gods to keep her safe and for her to remember how to defend herself with the weapon he gave her.
When (Y/N) arrived in Kattegat she was almost frozen from the low temperature but happy to finally be home. The walk there was hard but uneventful. She took a deep breath before entering the main hall. She wasn’t sure what to expect once inside but as soon as she opened the door she was greeted with Ubbe’s blue eyes. 
“(Y/N)?” Ubbe asked. He couldn’t believe what he saw there.
“Ubbe!” the girl exclaimed. 
He made his way over to her where he craddled her face into his hands. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in York?”
“They’re back. Ivar and Hvitserk I mean. I don’t know where they are but I know they’re planning to take over Kattegat”, (Y/N) blubbered, which captured Lagertha’s attention.
“(Y/N), you’re freezing. Have you been out there alone? Come sit by the fire and tell us more. We’ll get you something to eat and drink”, he took her by the fire and gave the servants a sign to bring the girl some food. 
Ubbe cared for (Y/N) a lot. They basically grew up together and he knew she wouldn’t betray him or Kattegat for that matter. So if she left Hvitserk behind it was real. 
“(Y/N) tell us what happened, yeah?” Ubbe sat by the fire with her, intrigued with what the girl had to say.
“Ahem!”  Margrethe cleared her throat. She didn’t like all the attention that (Y/N) got from her husband but nobody payed her any attention, which got her even more frustrated.
(Y/N) who was craddling her cup in her hands was just about to answer when Lagertha interrupted them.
“Slow down, Ubbe. I think we should postpone that conversation for until after she had a rest and we had a chance to properly talk”
(Y/N) jumped up from her seat and bowed her head to the queen.
“I apologize, Queen Lagertha. I - “ the girl started to apologize for forgetting her manners. From the years where she lived under Queen Aslaug’s roof she knew how to behave in the presence of royalty but the warm fire and seeing Ubbe again made her forget everything. Before she could continue, however, Lagertha interuppted her.
“Do not worry. I’ll have a thrall show you a place to freshen up and rest. We will talk in the evening at the feast. Just tell me. Is Kattegat in immediate danger?”
“No, my Queen. I do not believe so”, (Y/N) answered.
“Very well. Go and rest. We’ll talk later”
(Y/N) shot Ubbe a questioning look but he reassured her with a nod, which put the girl at ease. While she didn’t have a reason to mistrust Lagertha, Ubbe was the only person in the room that she really knew and trusted, so when he signalized her she was good to go, she willingly followed the servant girl leading the way to her room.
“I think Lagertha acted wisely. We don’t even know if we can trust her. She could very well be part of a plan to take us down!” Margrethe said.
“No. We can trust her. I know (Y/N). She would never go back on her principles”, Ubbe defended her,”you didn’t see the look she sent me when I first left them. I know she wanted to leave with me but she couldn’t go without Hvitserk.”
Margrethe huffed but before she could shoot back an answer Lagertha interrupted her. 
“Torvi. What do you say?”
“Ubbe is the one who knows her best. If he says she’s trustworthy, we should believe him”, she answered.
Lagertha nodded and sent a thrall to get (Y/N) to the great hall. 
“So let’s see what she’s got to tell us then.”
To be continued...
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bonniebird · 6 years
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Alfred x Reader
Requested by Anon
“I am glad you could come.” Queen Judith said as servants brought food to the table. You’d been sat next to Prince Alfred. Neither of you gave the other more than the polite greeting you were expected to exchange.
“Of course your grace.” Your mother gushed at your other side. She was more than happy to suck up to the queen. You had been invited personally and after several weeks in the castle you were about to find out what your father and King Aethelwulf had been discussing.
The queen motioned for everyone to eat, despite the kings not appearing yet. “Princess (Y/N). How have you enjoyed your stay?” Judith asked with a smile.
“It is nice here. Bigger than home. I am not sure I could stand living a place so big all the time.” You said with a polite smile.
“(Y/N)! She does not mean that your grace. She loves it here.” Your mother said quickly.
“She seems quite sure that she dislikes it here, my lady.” Alfred said as he set down his spoon. Judith raised her eyebrow at her sons curt answer. He didn’t apologise but inclined his head before focusing on his plate again.
“We have come to an agreement.” Your father said cheerful as Aethelwulf led the way to the table sat beside his wife.
“Alfred and (Y/N) shall marry.” Aethelwulf said as he reached for his drink. “Our army shall be replenished and the kingdom will have a castle to retreat to if needed. We are better off for the agreement.” Aethelwulf was clear he disliked your father who was happily sat beside you mother, smiling as if he was silently gloating over a victory in battle.
“You will be polite and nice to him.” Your mother fussed as you were dressed, tugged every which way, making sure you looked exactly as she wanted you to. “He has lost his father, as soon as you a wed you shall be queen.”
“I am to sit beside him as he counsels people. Is all of this necessary?” You grumbled as you glared at her.
“You seem to want to do nothing but object to his presence and this marriage will do wonders for our name and family.
“Then why not marry off someone else in the family and leave me alone.” You sighed out as your dress was smoothed down and you were sent to the hall where Alfred was already talking with citizens.
The day passed slowly. You were supposed to sit quietly and smile. Instead you had a handmaiden help you memorize the factions of the city, traders who approached the king, nobles that gave allegiance. You could see your parents stood with the other nobles, looking furious at the constant muttering between you and your handmaiden.
It went on for weeks before Judith pointed out it wasn’t the best ‘look’ for the king and his betrothed to be discussing matters during public court.
“What is it that you do during court?” Alfred asked when he found you writing neat lines of text on scrolls. His mother had been kind enough to allow you to write, providing teachers. To the horrors of your parents who worried it would encourage you to rebel.
“Information about the people you speak with.” You replied simply. Alfred glanced at the scroll you’d finished to see you had indeed collected information on the court matters of the day and neatly noted ways to fulfill what they requested or offered as deals
“My Grace, there is an issue.” Someone muttered as they rushed through the crowd of advisors, looking for Alfred. He paused, motioning for the guards to let the young man through.
“What is it?” Alfred snapped irritably, he srelaxing his stance when the young man winced and handed a scroll to the king.
“There are soldiers, English ones. They want to strike a deal as they believe their fishermen have see Northmen coming.” He said quickly.
“I will need the queen before I meet with them.” Alfred said and tried to step past his advisors, stopping when one called out for him.
“Is it necessary to waste time waiting for her presence, there is nothing that she can do.” They said to Alfred who rolled his eyes. “Some days my wife does more for my people than I do.” Alfred said formly and put his hands on his hips. “I will consult her before making a decision if you like it or not.
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gamesofmuggles · 6 years
God is a woman
Alfred x Reader 
1959 words
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The bishop was escorting you, your hands were tied in a knot stopping the blood to go through. "The more you move, the more it hurts" You give him a dark look, if you didn't want to live anymore you would have spit on his face. You were scared. Since Aethelwulf died you didn't know how the new prince will be right to you. Guards opened the big doors where the prince was seated in his throne, whispering words to his mother Judith. She was the most beautiful woman you ever saw. "Sir" he bows and so does you, you noticed he looks even much younger closer. "What is the mater?" "I found this woman teaching.." Bishop said, pulling you in front of him. "Teaching?" Prince Alfred repeats, glancing at you. "To young children, to young GIRLS; teaching English." You manage to see a small smirk on Alfred's face. "And when did she learn English?" "I learn.." "She.." as soon as you opened your mouth, he pulled the cord on your wrist and make you drop on your knee. Prince Alfred stood up immediately "Leave the girl alone" "English is not something to teach, especially by a woman." With a precarious step, he got closer to the priest. "I was perfectly clear about my wish" "You did Sir, It is not -" "This girl is not your responsibility anymore. You may go." Hurt and insulted, the bishop leaves the room adjusting his hat with shame. Alfred kneeled facing you. "Someone detached the girl" Domestic realized your wrist, you sight out of the pain. "Thank you, my lord"
"Do you have a name?" You giggled " Everybody has one, my lord" He sighs, embarrassed. "Of course, I mean what is your name." "Y/N sir" The sound of your name looks to please him. "You're brave" "I'm brave for my people. There are so much to know and so little who did. " "I must say, the domestic here may need your help." "My help sir?" "Would you consider coming one time a week here? To teach?" Twenty minutes ago you felt all the anger in the world, and in one discussion, Prince Alfred offered something you didn't even though about. He didn't know you, how could he put his trust in you? "My Lord is too good, I cannot refuse his offer" "Mother?" he turned to her, she was listening everything from behind, a smile on her face. She comes closer. "Let me escort you while we discuss Y/N", she put a soft grip on her son's shoulder, a sign of being pleased.
Days passed, and you put on your neatest dress for the occasion, she was still disappointed to go to a place like that, but that's all you had. When you arrived, Judith was waiting for you. She guides you to a room with a few books and tables made of woods. "I'll inform the few women interested that you're ready" you nodded feeling anxious to have this kind of position towards them. When they arrived, you quickly sympathize with them and assure that you're no one better than them. The time went fast and they went back to work. As you cleaned a little bit the room, you felt a presence watching you. "I just wanted to know how it went" "Even greater than I expected to" "I'm glad" You stared at each other in silence, you wanted to talk to him but he was still so intimating. "The manuscripts are so useful, thank you for the that" "Do you want to bring one home?" "I don't know if my father will agree to that." "Why is that?" "I rather should found a decent husband" "Oh," he said softly. "Well, you can stay and read all you want." "I can't accept all this generosity my lord" "Don't make me ordered it to you" he chuckled and you could see he was definitely your age, even with this massive crown on his head. "I'll accept it then, thank you" you bowed. "My lord, your mother asking for you" "I must go, have a day Y/N" "You too, your grace"
You didn't think about anything else all week, you wish you had more occasion to go to Alfred's, every time he was so sweet and soft. This day you bought a new dress with your petty saving, it was still not enough but you were proud of it.  When you arrived, as usual, a beautiful woman in a velvet red dress was escorting Judith. "Oh Y/N, let me introduce to Princess Ealhswith" "Nice to meet you" you bowed to her, and you felt the urge to run away. Was she Alfred wife? "Y/N teach English to our domestic" "That's admirable" she smiles, you smile back and excuse yourself to go to your safe place, for whatever reason tears were flooding in your eyes. "Are you alright?" Alfred was standing in the doorway as he used to every time. "I'm fine" he didn't seem convinced. "You have to help me" You wipe your tears away. "I'm hiding from my mother and Princess Ealhswith," he adds "Oh, well, you should not hide from your wife." He scoffs, "She is not my wife" You smile, it was stronger than you. She was not his wife. "What do you want me to do?" "Would you like to escape from this castle with me?" He was serious, and it surprised you. "Me? But I have to teach and.." He grabs your hands, and pull you from the room "Come on". Still holding your hand, he leads you out of the castle to the stable, only there he released his touch. "Do you ride?" "I do" "Perfect" You looked at your dress, you hated that, you really did. He gives you the most beautiful black horse you ever saw. Properly set you followed him out of the castle, his people surprised to see him ride away with a stranger. After a while, you were in the countryside, after attached your horse to a tree, you seat beneath it. You look at your dress, she was ripped at the bottom, you sigh. "It was a new one" "I noticed," he said turning to you "You look great in it." You didn't know what to reply and start picking up the grass in a nervous gesture. "Why are you hiding?" "If I'm not here enough, maybe I'll not have to marry her" "I see that even the Prince can make his own decision about that" "I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't" He looked like an ordinary boy, without his crown, in a black coat, his long hair messed up with the wind. "I should be the one staring at you," he said and you immediately blushed. "I apologize" "I like having you around Y/N" This was the only time you truly believe someone when they told you that. "I like it too" He smiled widely at you and like it was not an important matter, continue to talk about everything. "I will escort you to your home it's getting late" In a silent ride, you arrived in your little house. You pray for your father to be still at work, what would he say if he saw you with the Prince of Wessex. "I will see you soon." "Be kind to Princesses Ealhswith" "I'm always kind" he leans to kiss you on your upper cheeks.
The next week, you arrived almost too happy it was almost scary, your stomach spasms to the excitement and the wait between your last meeting. After your teaching, you waited for him a couple of minutes but he didn't show, all the joy disappear and you tried to clear your mind, he was probably busy. You grabbed a book and sit near the window to have the light. You only noticed you've been here for a long time when it was dark in the room and you're eyes accommodated to your reading. You were mad at Alfred not that he promised to come every time, maybe he was doing this just to be polite. You blow a few candles and closed the books, ready to leave. "Y/N!" Alfred was running towards you. "I thought you left hours ago" "I- was reading," you said dubiously to say you were waiting for him. "You can't go home it is dark outside" you laughed to that. "Alfred I'm not 5, I can go walk home by myself" "North men arrived, I was in consultation all day" "Again?" He nodded "Are you afraid?" "No. My grandfather told me everything I have to know. And you?" "I'm not properly scared of them, we don't have the same way of life, that's why we are scared of them, they choose violence because they don't know nothing else" "I still can't risk you to walk alone tonight" he looked around to see if someone was here. "Stay here tonight" "Excuse me?" "We have room for you to sleep in" For a second you guessed he was going to propose to stay in his room, but of course not, what a stupid idea. "I can't, I don't have any.. I need to.." "You're always so modest" "You're the only one in my life who's intimating me" "Am I?" Alfred was so close to you, your fingers were both hesitating to grab each other, but like a dance, they didn't. "Alfred?" Judith arrived and he pulls away from you. "Mother, Y/N is staying tonight, it's too dangerous outside" She looked at you and then Alfred, she was no stupid, she could feel the tension in the atmosphere. "Of course she can stay"
After asking to eat with your friends in the kitchen, one of them show you a room and leave fresh white clothing on the bed. "You know, we heard Alfred talk about you sometimes," she said before closing the door. "Really?" "I don't think he'll ever get married to Princess Ealhswith as long as you are here" she leaves you alone and you changed, it was way sheerer than you thought. The clothes didn't leave much to the imagination. You burn a candle and continue to read your manuscript, it was difficult to even for you. You heard a knock on the door, you step close to it, at the second knock you opened it, only enough to pick outside. "It's me" You opened it to Alfred with his hair attached, a new look. He quickly closes behind him. As he turned, you felt his eyes wondered on your body. You quickly close your arms to hide your breast. "Don't hide from me" He gently pulls your arms away, looking in your eyes. "I love you" You waited so long for him to say that and you could have wait even more, but the reality of you in a small room away from him catch you. "You can't love me, I am no one" "Not to me, please, believe me" "You're the only one I trust" His hands grab your face, rubbing your skin with his thumbs. "You are beautiful" He kissed your lips and pulled your body closer to him, the touch of your barely naked skin against him was burning. It intensives as he detached your piece of clothes revealing you. He kissed your skin, your neck and you hold tight to him on your footstep completely dedicated to him. How could he be rough and soft at the same time? and then he lay you on the bed, with a twist you put your body on top of him. "I love you too" Still, on his laps, he brings his body closer, making just one. "Will you be my wife?"
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The Red Queen
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Bjorn x Reader
Since the death of King Ecbert, England was in chaos while the regions sought freedom from their previous assembling. The country of England was divided once again, and with Aethelwulf in hiding with his family, Mercia was no longer under anyone’s rule. Until you came along... The first Queen of Mercia to be a warrior as well as a queen. Of course, word of a warrior queen in England gets around. The sons of Ragnar need a favor, and this time, they want to talk to you.
Warnings: lotsa blood, language
He was a scared little boy, a betrayer. He let York be burned, Wessex be sacked and unavenged...he was the cause of many monarch's end. Like water fowl hiding in the grass. A prince who was given an kingdom and instead of avenging or conquering it back from the heathens of the North, he hid away until the Northmen left. But they hadn't left.
Aethelwulf was nothing but a coward. And you were no coward.
Ultimately, after all of England bled out the bloodlines of Offa and his deranged family, word reached Mercia that Ecbert had become deceased. Your home region scrambled to regain its freedom from the other regions of England. And it had, with you as queen. You rallied your armies and counselors the way friends do. You did not pay those who followed you with money or women. Offers such as that were beyond someone of your estate. Instead of these temptations, you offered your sword. You had always been willing to fight for what you wanted. 
Mercia belonged to you and your family's name. It would not be taken by Aethelwulf's pathetic army he'd rallied against the pagans in York. He may have thought himself a king, and he was. But he was not king of England.
You were cautious to avoid repeating Kwenthrith's mistakes. Instead you held a will of iron. This was your kingdom, you were not hear to oversee it or abandon it to seek allies. You were here to rule it. Your banners held their blood red color through the years, and the crown you had fashioned for your head alone had rubies encased within the gold. You were a young queen but you proved yourself worthy to your reign.
You sometimes wondered if decisions like this would make your reign shorter.
Counselor Morros arrived with a parchment only a few days ago. It was a missive from Deganwy; the fortress was burned to the ground, and the heathen army was seeking...contact. Instead of trying to blaze through your castle like you'd expected a bunch of savages to do, they wanted to speak. How humanizing... You figured they were trying to trick you. Wanted a way into the castle at least to stake out the place. You weren't a fool, but you were advised not to advance communication with them. You ignored that advice and invited them here instead.
So there you were. Surrounded by guards along the marbles walls, with the sons of Ragnar at the water's edge of your bathtub. You kept up appearances though; it truly wasn’t every day you took a bath with blood, but they didn’t need to know that.
It wasn't all blood, sure, just water mixed with the red droplets of your enemy. Another assassin sent by one of the noble houses you hadn't executed out of kindness.The family was small now, with only an ailing mother and her three daughters. It was obvious one of those daughters wasn't as innocent as she seemed when she begged you to let them stay within Mercia. Mistakes, mistakes...
"The spawn of Ragnar Lothbrok...you lot are much shorter than I expected," you snickered against the side of your tub. "Do you even understand what I'm saying? Oh you poor boys..."
"Men," one of them growled. You giggled obnoxiously.
"Oh! The beast speaks!"
If looks could kill, you'd have a slit throat with the way they all looked at you. Half in hunger and half in pure annoyance. It was pleasant to see all their faces so distraught. You wanted them to consider this meeting a meeting between kings. Being a woman made no difference to you, and it shouldn't to them if they wanted to keep their heads.
"Yes, the beasts talk. Me and him," the tallest of them insisted. He gestured to his brother, a dark haired man leaning on a crutch. If he was weak in body, he may be smart at least...
"Oh? Well, if you must address me, I am Queen of Mercia. Her Highness, The Red Regent...you get the idea, hmm?" you keened. "Whats your names?"
"Bjorn Ironside. This is Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and-"
"Ivar the Boneless," his brother interrupted. "Are you going to invite us in, little queen?"
You scoffed at the way his eyes practically drank you up. Smirking up at him, you leaned back in your tub and crossed your arms, trying not to seem bashful but rather unamused. "Private party."
Bjorn raised his eyebrows. No protest from him. He sat down on one of the marble staircases while you let your legs gently flow with the water, rolling them up and down gently. His brothers all kept standing, save for Ivar leaning on one of your marble pillars. These were all from Rome; a fact you doubted would interest them.
"We wanted to discuss passage through Mercia."
Laughing rang in all of their ears. "Oh this should be interesting...tell me, Bjorn Ironside. Why on earth would I let a bunch of crazed heathen rampage through my country? Shall I inquire what it is you need to get to?"
"Spain," Bjorn answered. "In honesty, we’re not in good standing with Frankia. We’d like to avoid them by going through Mercia and traveling South. Our boats can take passage through the river you have to the north."
"And if you take the route by sea, the outer countries of England will pick you off til you have little left to invade Spain. Right?"
The brothers looked dumbfounded for a moment like you'd deciphered some code. But you were simply wise, like some of the men before you.
Ivar shrugged at Bjorn. "Do we really need her permission? We could just-"
"You do, Ivar," you snapped at him. "Or my armies would cut you down and pick their teeth with your frail little bones."
The guards moved quickly the second Ivar's hand disappeared into his vest. Spears aligned to throats, but your quick applause caught attention before anyone drew blood. 
"Oh begone with you! Can't you see I'm having conversation? Honestly, you lot are terrible at keeping company."
The guards reluctantly drew away from the heathens. Hvitserk looked intensely nervous between you and his youngest brother; what the hell was he doing? Bjorn had a plan, just let him do his thing dammit...
"You would offer payment for me letting your armies plunder through my rivers, hmm? Wouldn't want you to widen our channels for nothing." Your little smirk at Ubbe wasn't lost on him; the elder brother started to sweat now.
"I'm offering fifty of our men as collateral. They stay, fight how you see fit, and when we round about after Ireland to return to our home, we will take them back," Bjorn offered.
"Fifty of your men? Useless thralls who would hardly understand a command I give them?" you snorted.
"Ivar would be staying with you," Ubbe interjected. Your eyes shot over at the taller of the other brothers; he understood you the whole time.
"So you can teach new dogs old tricks..." you whispered. Glancing at Hvitserk to see if he got any of that, he seemed to be avoiding your looks. You snickered at this.
"No," you replied plainly. "I won't take that offer if he's the one staying." You turned to Bjorn and grinned wildly. The red of the water in your tub reflected off of your eyes as you sunk into the bath further. "I want you to stay."
Bjorn sighed heavily. Wary as he was to be approaching the seat of a queen, he was proud to have gotten this far. You were beautiful like all the prisoners had said.  The water was too murky for him to see your wholeness as queen, but he felt it from your eyes. You had the eyes of leadership, of honor and calculation. The same eyes that would take a man anywhere, so long as you were with him...
Bjorn turned and started speaking to his brothers quietly. Ubbe and Hvitserk both looked angrier by the moment.
"Bjorn, that isn't the plan," Ubbe growled. He glanced at Ivar, who they had planned previously to leave with you. He seemed bored...he must have known where this was going. He struck you as the “smart” one.
"I know," Bjorn Ironside muttered to his younger brother. He turned and they all spoke in rushed Norse. You picked at one of your fingernails in the meantime, looking up to find Sigurd staring and gave him a wink. His face turned as red as your bathwater.
"Water's getting cold, sons of Ragnar. So what is it then?" you interrupted them. Ubbe angrily turned on his heel to walk out already.
"It is a deal your highness. I'll stay with my men, my brothers will go on ahead," Bjorn agreed. You smiled and closed your eyes for a moment.
"I'll allow your passage into Mercia, then. And this intrusion on my bathtime."
"You are not to kill him," Ivar demanded. You scoffed and grinned at the crippled viking who was staring at you dryly; he didn't like being outmatched in a game of bullshitting and sarcasm. You could tell.
"Can I kill the rest of them then?" you giggled. Ivar smiled at you; you half expected him to have sharp teeth, but he didn't. Odd.
"While I'm here, I'll take charge of my men," Bjorn stated. He gave Ivar a warning glance.
"Such nobility, Bjorn Ironside. You're starting to sound Christian!”
Ivar hissed in anger and followed Ubbe out. Hvitserk and Sigurd were with him without complaint.
You giggled and turned to Bjorn, tucking your arms behind your head and jutting out your chest. If he was amused, angry, or afraid of you, you couldn’t tell. The seering stare into your eyes was a pleasant burning, however.
"I don't think your brothers like me very much..."
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lavender-romancer · 7 years
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Daughter Of A King, Wife Of A Prince
Chapter Three
Bjorn Ironside x reader
As the daughter of King Ecbert you were often ignored and put to the side because you weren’t the heir but when some powerful Norsemen show up that all changes
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
previous chapter 
Your brother, Aethelwulf had been away until today. He'd always been kind to you and tried to defend you against his father and his wife. But there was only a certain amount he could do. You also knew he wouldn't believe you if you told him about your father and his wife having relations.
"Are you scared?" Your brother asked when you stood outside the castle walls saying goodbye to your family. Your father was talking to Ragnar and Athelstan who was coming back with you.
"So far I'm glad to be leaving anywhere that Father is." You smiled sadly.
"I'll miss you, so will Judith. She loves you as a sister." Your brother smiled in ignorant bliss. He had no idea of the hatred you had for his wife.
"Of course. You're the only one I'll miss, brother. I will never forget how you treated me with kindness after father never did." You held his hands.
"I will always love you sister and no matter what happens, you will always be my sister." He put his hands on your shoulders. "You're a strong girl and I know you'll be alright."
"I don't know what's going to happen to me or between our between our countries but, I will not betray you." You whispered as you hugged him.
"As to your sister." He whispered. You stood back and walked to your father.
"I will miss you, my daughter." Your father hugged you close and held your head to his shoulder. "If you betray us, I will kill you. Don't forget who your loyalties lie with." You were trying to pull away from him with all your force but he was stronger than you and pushed your head toward him. "You will never be free of me or of what has happened here." He finally let you go and you nearly stumbled backwards but a strong hand behind you held you up. It was Björn. He kept his hand around your waist as Ragnar spoke with your father.
"What did he say?" Björn asked in Norse and you didn't look at him.
"Nothing just wished me well." You answered in Norse facing forward. Björn probably didn't believe you but he only gripped you close to him.
When you got to the boats you stayed close to Björn. Walking into the water to get to the boats. He lifted you up into the boat and jumped up after you. Ragnar followed soon after and you stood at the head of the boat. Looking at your brother with tears in your eyes, you gripped the boat.
Aethelwulf looked scared and his fists were clenched. His eyes were soft and sad but he seemed angry. Judith had a permanent smirk on her face and your father looked content with what was happening. Björn sat down near you and looked up at the sky.
As the boats got further from the shore, your heart was beating fast. You couldn't tell what emotion you were feeling but your pulse was too fast. Your family began to become smaller and smaller every time. Eventually, they faded and you sat down opposite Björn. Not looking up at Björn you crossed your legs and held your hands in your lap.
"What's wrong?" You looked up at Björn. It had been about two hours when he walked down to you from the other end of the boat.
"I don't know. I miss home." You raised an eyebrow and saw Ragnar looking at you.
"Well, it is home. It's expected." Ragnar commented, walking towards you with Athelstan next to him. 
"I suppose. But I also hated it." You looked at the floor. 
"You also never left. You didn't know any different, how would you not have felt uncomfortable leaving?" Björn asked, sitting opposite you.
"Why do you two know so much about it?" You frowned and Björn looked up at his father. They both seemed to have the same memory as they looked at each other and you felt like you'd done something wrong.
"We once had a home we were comfortable in. Then we left suddenly so I understand." Björn looked at the floor.
"What happened?" You asked. Björn didn't answer.
"That's a story for another time." Ragnar smiled at you.
You were awake for most of the journey and Björn respected you for that. You were so curious about the world and this was all new to you. As you got closer to the North, Björn placed a fur around you and you thanked him.
"You’ll need that. Even with the energy you have." Björn smiled and you nodded.
"Thank you." You looked up at him and he sat next to you.
"It won’t be as bad as you think. Or you may worry." He held your hand.
"I am excited. I always wanted to travel and I’m away from my father." You smiled at Björn and he grinned.
"I’m glad you feel so negatively towards him. What is your brother like, in comparison?"
"When t comes to me and my father, he’s weak-willed. He wants to be fathers prince and impress him so he can be the best future king for him. If that requires standing by whisk in abused, he finds it hard to stop it." You looked out at the sea and Björn frowned at you.
"Stupidity. The men in your past life were weak and idiotic." He laughed and you rolled your eyes.
"I can’t say I’ll miss them that much."
"What about your brother's wife?" Björn asked and you laughed.
"The whore who sleeps in my father's bed you mean? I hold no fondness for that woman." You snarled. "My brother may be a weak man, but his intentions are good, but she took advantage of that and slept with her father in law."
"Feisty," Björn laughed "I like it." He mused and you smirked.
Taglist: @bugalouie​
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therealcalicali · 6 years
LILLESOSTER: Chapter 7 Preview
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"I see you are you feeling better." Ragnar commented.
"Yes, father. Much better."
"Well, I do not know what the Healer gave you but it worked so well. You looked very peaceful when I came to check on you. I sat at your beside for quite some time. It reminded me of when you were a little girl." He confessed. "I wish you slept more."
Though you glared at your father, you were holding back a laugh. As for Alfred, he only smirked to himself as he drank his wine. Your Uncle Rollo of course, didn't hold back. He gave a hearty chuckle and added that it was true of most women.
"Why are you dressed so finely?" You inquired as you surveyed your father's clothing. "Are you taking the Queen out?"
Ragnar studied you, his ever twinkling blue eyes boring into your own. You may have thought you were sly in your questioning but he knew what you were driving at.
"Why do you assume that?"
"Because, she is your wife and you should spend time with her. After all, did you not have an all men's feast the other night?"
"Why ask a question that you already know the answer to? After all, you were there." Your father replied. "Uninvited, might I add."
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Instantly, the air was sucked out of the room. Prince Alfred and Rollo looked between you and your father as the tension rose dramatically. Not one to be shaken by your father's snide remarks, you bit your tongue. Instead of giving him any satisfaction of riling your temper, you straightened in your seat. You then gave a polite smile as you put your pomegranate down on the plate.
"I have had my fill." You said as you wiped your hand with the napkin.
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"You would be better off worshiping our Gods. They are the only true Gods and what is more, they allow one to be free. Your Mother's God is merely a singular being, yet, he is so demanding."
"Ivar. You cannot say such things." You said as you walked past him. "It is a sin to blaspheme the Father."
"The father?" He scoffed, grabbing your hand as you made you way past. "Y/N, you live in too much fear of being judged. Look at me. I do not care what anyone thinks except for mother." Ivar added as he intertwined his fingers with yours. Staring into your eyes, he gave you a genuine look of admiration. "And you, of course."
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Smiling at your brother’s confession, you squeezed his hand in a show of affection. You then gave him a kiss on his forehead before informing him yet again that you wanted to take a bath. Rolling his eyes, Ivar ignored your words and instead, laid across your bed.
"So go and do as you wish. I am not holding your legs."
"You are so……………irritating."
"I know but you love me all the same" Ivar replied with a chuckle.
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Tell him...
Fandom: Vikings
Pairing: Aethelwulf x female reader
Summary: Ragnar's sister catches the Prince's attention when the northern men arrive at Wessex and go to the castle to make a deal with the king
Word count: 3.4K
Warnings: curse words, mentions of sex and violence
Based on this imagine
Gif credit: @philomaela
• Requested by anon: hey could you do a one shot about your Aethelwulf imagine? Thank youu
Hope you like it anon, it was fun to write this, so it turned out to be longer than I expected!!
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“So if we fight for princess Kwenthrith, you will give us a piece of land?” Ragnar's tone was questioning, precise as usual. Leaned back on the chair he had occupied in a almost relaxed position, he appeared to have no worries at all in life. But it was far from the truth. One of the most things Ragnar Lothbrok had in those times, were worries. 
“Yes, yes” King Ecbert agreed excitedly, his curious eyes averting themselves between all the northern that were currently sitting at his table, feasting like old friends. His tone was tender and his smile was sympathetic. Too good to be true. “If you agree to help giving Mercia's throne back to it's rightful owner, that being princess Kwenthrith, I will give you a good part of land where you will be able to farm and live in peace”
“He has his own ambitions over Mercia, doesn't he, brother?” you spoke in the northern native language, making all the english present frown in confusion and curiosity. It amused you, no doubt, as you raised your eyebrows in Ragnar's direction. You might not understand what the King was saying directly but just from Athelstan's translation and the look in that man's eyes, you knew he was hiding something. Had to be. 
“Of course he does” Ragnar fixed his bright blue eyes on you, his younger sister, that impertinent smile that curved the corner of his lips a lot appearing on his face and enlightening his features. He wasn't surprised at all about your good observation. “But that is not our bussiness or responsibility”
“What are they saying?” King Ecbert directed his question to Athelstan, who was sitting by your right side in his monk clothes, the ones you had gotten unused to see him wearing in the last few years. See your friend back at his own faith, hurt you a little. You hoped he could after, all find, comfort in your people’s Gods. But the fact that he didn't, didn't changed at all your care for him. Honestly, you had been devastated when you thought he had died. It was soo good to see him again. 
“They are discussing the proposition, my Lord” Athelstan quickly lied, the serious expression he held in his face leaving no questions to be made about it, convincing everyone. 
You had a little amused smile on your face after hearing Athelstan's words and when you took her eyes out of her brother's face and passed them through the english folk, you met the prince's. He was staring at you deeply, it seemed that for a while now, since he didn't turn away when you returned his intense gaze. That only made your amused smile grow wider, to see the various shades of interest his brown eyes were assuming while fixed on you. 
“Athelstan?” you called the priest and that made him turn his attention to you, as well as everybody else. Just like you wanted to. “Ask prince Aethelwulf why he is staring at me like that” 
By hearing his name, even though he didn't understand what had been said, the prince semeed to be finnaly gotten out of guard and clearing his throat, turned his eyes to the food he hadn't touched since it had been served almost an hour before. 
“Prince Aethelwulf, King Ragnar's sister, (Y/N), wants to know why you are staring at her like that” Athelstan made the question in a neutral tone, although in the silent great hall it sounded like teasing. 
“Tell her I am thinking whether she is or not a threat” the prince ended up saying after giving it some thought, his hands joined over the table and the metal ring on his finger seeming suddenly colder. Or was it his body that was getting hotter? 
Athelstan translated what he had just said to you and Aethelwulf just watched as you listened to the words the monk said and continued to show that smile of yours.
“Tell him, that he shouldn't be thinking about it. He should instantly consider me a threat” you played with the metal knife that had been placed by your plate for the feast, rolling it between your fingers with an undeniable ability. It made the prince ask himself how many men you had already killed. Plenty, probably. “I can be dangerous. If I want to” 
“(Y/N)...” Ragnar said at the exact same time as Lagertha let out a laugh, shaking her head from one side to another, clearly entertained by your statement. And although Ragnar had interfered over your provocative words, he made no sign to stop Athelstan from translating them. And so the monk did. 
I can be dangerous if I want to. Aethelwulf chuckled at that, shaking his head just like Lagertha but for a different reason. It was unbelievable, the boldness in yourvoice and the smile that seemed to have been carved up on your pretty face. You intrigued and fascinated him, for some misterious reason. Maybe, it was due to the fact that you were entirely different from any other woman he had ever met. 
“Tell her, Athelstan, that I will keep that in mind” now that he could feel all the eyes on him, the hall seemed smaller than it was. As much as he woud never admit it out loud, being under the northern's stare made him nervous. Although maybe, a little less than it really should. Being such a successful commander in battle, Aethewulf had over time, lost real fear over his opponents, whomever they were. The tension, though, never went away. 
Athelstan translated the short phrase and for the moment, that little interaction was ended. 
“Very well, I accept your offer. I will fight for princess Kwenthrith and give the throne back to her and you, will give us land to farm” Ragnar's voice filled the air, breaking the silence and sounding like a drum even though his tone was stern, not even loud. Perhaps it was the weight of those words, that made them sound so remarkable. 
“Excellent!” it was impossible, not to see how King Ecbert seemed to be in a state of bliss because of the answer he had just been given. You couldn't help but think that he apparently needed your people’s warriors, their fighting skills. A lot. “You will leave to Mercia in the morning then, so we can settle this as quick as possible” 
“Agreed. As long,” as your brother continued to speak when he wasn't expected to, you laughed discretely. The sudden irritation on Aethelwulf's face was hilarious. “as you take some of my men to the land you will give us, so they can see it and begin to establish themselves”
“That is unacceptable! Only after you actually win the battle...” the prince spilled out the words in quickly, seeming to be just one step away from getting up and taking his sword on hand. You would like to see him try. 
“Son” Ecbert gave the prince a warning, reprimanding look before taking a deep breath and clapping his palms together, turning the corners of his lips upwards while fixing his gaze on the King of the northern people. “I agree with your terms. I will take the men you leave behind to the settlement myself, in a gesture of good faith and friendship”
Athelstan translated what the royal men were saying so that Lagertha and you could understand it, word by word. 
“He is a prince or a dog, that has to be held back when barking without permission?” your tone was fierce, as well as the gaze you set upon him. The hatred he showed for your brother got to your nerves. 
“Athelstan, what did she say?” Aethelwulf immediately asked, when taking notice of Ragnar and Lagertha's careful expressions and the poison on your voice. It couldn't have been nothing good. When Athelstan didn't respond the prince looked at the munk with questioning eyes, just to see a spark of fear in him. That confirmed his previous thought. It couldn't have been nothing good. “Athelstan, what did she say?” 
The priest did not answer him straight away. First, he turned to you for approval. Even though he was on King Ecbert's realm and had lived for years under King Ragnar's ruling, he still turned to you first, seeking permission. 
“The lady asks if you are a prince or a dog, my Lord” Athelstan had his eyes fixed on his own plate as he spoke, clearly not expecting a good reaction from the prince. “She noticed how you were... reprimanded by your father”
Aethelwulf bit hardly at his lower lip at that, his eyes fixed so hardly upon you that they would have made holes in your head if intensity and anger could kill. The rage consumed his body and only after a moment he got roughly out of his chair and made his way towards you.
You only stood there, watching him with piercing eyes and that disturbingly beautiful smile still carved on your plump lips. You seemed delightful, to have pushed him to such an edge. You didn't even flinch when he grabbed the back of your chair and turned it around so that it was now in his direction, like the weight of you upon the furniture was nothing. He was, indeed, a very strong man. 
From the corner of his eye he could see how his father had straightened his posture on the King's chair at the head of the table, his breathing erratic because he very well knew what his son was capable of when angered. Athelstan seemed shocked, frozen in place. Lagertha started to make a move in your defense, but Ragnar stopped her with only a look and a smile. He better than anyone else, knew that his sister could take care of herself. 
“Listen to me very carefully” Aethelwulf placed each of his hands on the arms of your chair and leaned down so that your faces were on the same level and really, really close to one another. You were even more beautiful from this close distance. “I am not a dog. And if you ever call me that again...”
And then, you moved. You turned the knife you had been playing with between your fingers once more and in a fraction of a second, placed the blade against the soft skin under his chin. Like you, he didn't even flinch when threatened, although the other's breath hissed.  
“What would you do then, huh?” you pressed the blade harder, tilting his head up just a bit. For a brief second, you moved her gaze to his lips and then back at his eyes. Your eyes were filled with such ferocity and wildness. You were a natural viking. He could feel your hot breath on his face, so intoxicating that if it wasn't for the blade on his skin he could have forgotten for a moment about the rage he was feeling for you. “Would you kill me, prince Aethelwulf?” 
You looked at Athelstan, and he understood it as a sign to translate what you had just said. He did, and Aethelwulf sucked in a long breath because of how mad you were driving him. 
“I think he understood your point now, sister” Ragnar spoke breaking the silence again, not even a little disturbed about the scene rolling in front of his face. 
“Right” you said in agreement and then took the blade out of the prince's skin, not before giving his parted lips another glance though. As he returned to his father's side, both the english men exchanging a long meaningful look and while they did so, you turned to Ragnar. “I was just having a little fun”
God curse these northern men. Aethelwulf had that same thought playing inside his head over and over again unstoppably, ever since the feast in which the fate of Mercia had been decided was ended. As he prepared the army, it's weapons and organized strategies with his Captains, that thought was always there, hunting him like a persistent ghost. 
He couldn't put aside the boldness in Ragnar Lothbrok's voice as he spoke about a deal, like he was certain the King would have no choice but to accept it. Like he was the ruler of the whole world. There was also Lagertha's confidence and how she held her chin high always, even if she spoke little. She seemed prepared for anything, since that in the moment Ecbert spoke about someone staying to lead the northern to their new lands, she agreed. And then, there was you. 
You had kept on looking at Aethelwulf during the feast from time to time, and so he did his best to ignore you. Tried, anyway. His eyes always ended up going back to you eventually. You had seemed eager to go to battle for Mercia, but Ragnar told you that you should stay with Lagertha and go to the settlement. And Aethelwulf was surprised to see as you agreed, that your beautiful smile wasn't the same anymore. There was a shadow behind it. Disappointment. You intrigued him, he couldn't deny that. Did he hate the northern? Yes. Did he want to get rid of them? Yes, of course. Would he get rid of you so easily if given the opportunity? Probably not. 
His own response to that mental question angered him, like most things did lately, and he slammed his fist on the wooden table he had on his chambers, sighting heavily before placing his elbows on it and covering his face with his hands. 
Then, a sudden knock on the door startled him. Uncovering his face and frowning at the sudden visitor, whomever it was, Aethewulf directed his gaze to the open door of his room and was even more than surprised to see Athelstan standing there. What was he doing there in the middle of the night?
“Can I come in, my Lord?” the priest asked after a moment, noticing that the prince was too surprised and confused to say anything. 
“Yes, do come in” Aethelwulf cleared his throat and mentioned with one of his hands for the munk to move forward. He did never like or trust Athelstan completely because of his previous connections with the northern men but still, he was a man of God. And a man of God, always deserved to be at least listened. 
Athelstan smiled minimally in gratitude and then entered the chamber. As he did so, a second someone was revealed from behind him. Just when this person also entered the room, the prince recognized that to be you, Ragnar Lothbrok's sister, your features illuminated beautifully by the candle lights.
“What is going on here, Athelstan?” Aethelwulf quickly asked, joining his hands over the table and averting his eyes from you to the munk. All kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. Perhaps you wanted to kill him. But what good to the alliance would that bring? 
“(Y/N) wanted to see you, my Lord” Athelstan answered his question with honesty and a calm expression on his face. He didn't seem tense like he had been at the feast. It was almost like he already knew the outcome of that meeting. What did he know? “She needed a translator, so I came along”
“What bussiness does she have to discuss with me?” the prince slowly got up from his chair and made his way around the table, stopping in front of it with his arms crossed over his chest in a questioning position. He was someone who took pride in being good at planning and reading others. In that moment, although, he had no clue at all about what was happening and that bothered him deeply. 
“It has nothing to do with business, my Lord” Athelstan said those words in a rush, a blush getting a hold of his pale cheeks before he mumbled out his next phrase, without looking the prince in the eye. “She wanted me to ask you if you would like to... fuck her” 
Aethelwulf was too astonished to say something. At first, he thought he hard heard it wrong. No, that could not be. But then, he moved his brown eyes from the munk to the you and saw that confident, impertinent expression on your face that made him realize that Athelstan was telling the truth. He had only said in english what you told him to say in norse. 
“Ask him if he is always this shy with women” you said in norse, not even trying to hide the fact that your eyes ran up and down the prince's body. Oh, you did like what you saw there. 
Aethelwulf took a deep breath after hearing Athelstan's translation of what you had just said. How could you affect him so much? You were right, he not usually froze like that. When it came to sex, he had always been very quick in acting. But hearing such an open invitation from you, hit him a way that the english man could not describe. 
“You took me by surprise” he said, passing one of his hands through his beard, thinking very seriously about what he should do. Did he want you? Yes, since the very moment he set eyes on you. Would it affect the alliance? Perhaps. Was a fuck worth that risk? That, was the question he did not have yet an answer to. “Why do you think that I want to lay with you?” Aethelwulf decided to follow this path, narrowing his eyes and trying to figure out your true intentions. 
You chuckled as Athelstan translated those words, seeming entertained by what was going on. The unexpected question amused you, that was a sure thing. 
“Oh, I am sorry, prince. If I was wrong to assume such thing, I will find someone else to fulfill my desires. Perhaps one of your men will like to take me” you turned around and as Athelstan translated your words almost simultaneously with your talking, when you started to walk away Aethelwulf had already understood all you had just said. 
“Wait” he said quickly, and that made you turn around even though you did not know what it meant. It might have been the urgent tone of his voice, that made you stop on your tracks. With their eyes meeting again, he bit his lower lip for a second because of what he was about to do. He had found out the answer to the previous unanswered question. Yes, a fuck with you was worth the risk of dooming that alliance. “I do desire to lay with you. But I have a wife. Adultery is a sin”
Athelstan's voice rolled out of his tongue in norse again and as soon as he fell silent again, you took steps forward until your body was almost touching the prince's. From that close distance, you raised one of your hands and runned your fingers through the fabric of his shirt. 
“You, Christians, always denying yourselves pleasure for the sake of boundaries” your hand went up and you softly touched his lips with your fingertips. Your eyes were darker with desire. “Your wife is not here, prince Aethelwulf. I am. As in the morning our paths will be split, I am sure your God could look away for just one night”
Aethelwulf breathed heavily against the fingers touching his mouth, the words Athelstan just said in english making him feel a shiver run down his spine. Could that be true? Could God really look away for one night? Well, he would probably find out soon. 
“Athelstan, leave us” the prince said, getting your hand away from his mouth as he occupied himself with feeling the softness of your skin with his own fingertips. 
“Yes, my Lord” the munk seemed more than happy to obey and turned around to do as he was told. 
“First, please Athelstan, ask him if he needs his father's permission to fuck me” you said every word slowly, with small pauses. Through the whole process, you could feel the fierceness of the prince's eyes locked on your own lips. 
“Leave us” Aethelwulf repeated in a growl after the words were translated. As soon as the priest got out and closed the door behind him, one of his hands grabbed your hair and he smashed your lips together, too hungry to wait. 
You whimpered against his mouth, your own hands pulling at his short hair, even more firmly when his other hand circled your waist, clearly desperate to get rid of your clothes. You stumbled together to the bed, lips never stopped touching until he was on top of you above the matress and the sheets. 
 There, you did not need words to communicate. Your eyes, said everything that needed to be said. When later your bare skins touched and he entered your body, words were also not needed. 
 Moans, did not need translation. 
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lordavanti · 7 years
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Ivar The Boneless x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sister!Reader Part I
Written for: @milbethmorillo Summary: After Ubbe left it’s time to bring those Saxons down. And you surly do, capturing their Bishop which turns out to quite some different conversations. Being the twin sister of Ivar ... isn’t always that easy. Words: 2456
Taglist: @sweetvengeancee @missbrightlyred @burningsunshin3 @itharley @inthenameofodin @float-autumn-leave @supervalcsi @zombie-zayde @decaffeinatedeaglefart @nothingbuthappydays @dani-si @ivarbarnes @kolvanismirk @mysticsthinking @ultravioletsky7 @odins-missing-eye @laketaj24 @ceridwenofwales @tiredofthisgeneration @mcuimxgine @manuugxlvis @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @happys-crazy-queen22 @akamaiden @lisinfleur @sugakookiexx @dangerousvikings @natmors @actuallyivar @ally22042000 @neverlands-little-lost-girl @onjacks-blog @fandomscompilation @dina-m16 @burntmythroatskullingmytea @lol-haha-joke @kawennote09
You smiled, looking up to the trembling sound of feet above you as those Christians invaded York like they just won a battle. The sound of the bells echoing through the streets as a whole Heathen army swirled just underneath the ground. You walked before Ivar and your brother to one of the exit points of these tunnels. You looked over your shoulder to both your brothers, Ivar was smiling, eager to get up there as Hvitserk was chuckling in the dark. These Christians needed a reminder, again. Every time Ivar had something up his sleeve and every time they walked into the trap. What a god they had for not showing them the path to insight and safety. Ivar nodded and you turned back around to the men who pushed ladders against the exit, climbing up as you followed right after them. The panic breaking loose, the shout Ivar released, you grabbed for your dagger throwing it right to one of those Christian soldiers. Until your eyes fell on Aethelwulf and the smile died away. You shoulder still wasn’t properly healed and he was the cause of that. So there was nothing more you wanted then to kill him or one of his sons. Yet, nothing else but calmness radiated on your face. They pulled your twin brother up and you looked over to him, he just nodded, throwing himself in his battle as you and Hvitserk jumped screaming into your own. Every life you took on your way to Aethelwulf you laughed, your breathing picking up as you grunted into the power in which your slayed them down. Hvitserk walked beside you, pushing you screaming against the shoulder before the both of you fought side by side on, facing Aethelwulf as he appeared. Hvitserk was the first to face him while you merciless defend him from other attackers around. But it didn’t took long for your eye fell on one of his sons and you smiled devious, fighting your way through them until you faced Alfred. You pulled an axe out of your belt in your other hand as the doubt struck down his face when he parried your first blow with his shield. But you were faster, easily using both your weapons despite the pain in your shoulder. Alfred didn’t had the experience you had but aside that he was better protected then you were. You got him down against the wall when a man kicked you away, protecting him as you fell down in the mud, grunting while looking up to the soldiers starting to defend their precious king an princes. You pushed up, slitting somebodies stomach open as you walking into the labyrinth of streets.
Finding the courtyard it was completely still. Ivar stood high up, Vikings circling around that one warrior, Headmund. You stroke the blood away from your eyes as you walked closer. ‘Y/n, give him your horse!’ Ivar commanded. Headmund  turned his head, looking at you … a female fighter. They didn’t had that, they only had male warriors so his eyes locked on the blood over your face, the weapons in your hand. You didn’t nod, they just brought the horse as you looked how Headmund sunk on his knees. You looked up to your brother who was watching him with such an intensity. Your horse was brought to him and he kissed his sword, looking how you brother laughed about it you couldn’t ignore your own smile. You looked intensely towards Headmund as he bow for Ivar before getting on your horse. You looked up to your brother as he slightly nodded to you. Headmund turned the horse around ,giving you a look before he nodded to Ivar and the battle started all over again. You started fighting, ducking underneath a sword before you killed the man easily. You turned around, facing your own horse and Headmund. One of your men grabbed him right from that horse, throwing him on the ground. He hurried up but you kicked away his sword before he even has the means to attack you. His chest is heavy as you raised your sword and pressed it against his chest, smiling as two others grabbed him around his arms. ‘Where is your God now?’ You asked, looking up to the sky as if you were looking for a God before looking aside to your brother who studied his sword. ‘HEATHEN!’ Headmund yelled. You smiled, looking aside  to Ivar who started chuckling. ‘Christian.’ He hissed between his lips and you knew by this, another battle was won. It started storming outside as you walked into the church looking to Hvitserk as he was inspecting his own body. ‘Let me.’ You suggested as he tried on cleaning out a wound on his lower back. You took the cloth over from him and turned your attention to his back. ‘Where is Ivar?’ Hvitserk asked, looking over his shoulder to you. He clenched his teeth as you started cleaning out that wound, showing not to much compassion while doing it. ‘He is probably with that bishop.’ ‘Headmund?’ Hvitserk asked sharp. You smiled on the brewing anger under his tone. Headmund did this to Ubbe, made the cut on his face, made him sail away after Ubbe faced Ivar. She wasn’t surprised that Hvitserk wanted something. ‘Something would eventually tear us apart.’ You said softly, pulling back from the small wound before looking over his shoulder into his eyes. ‘It was a matter of time.’ You followed. ‘I know Ivar was right, in all of it. Those Christians did more to us, to Ragnar then the other way around. Ubbe didn’t see that for that he is a fool.’ Hvitserk said, slightly angry. You narrowed your eyes a little, feeling that certain temper, temper you didn’t saw with Hvitserk before, not against his brother anyway. You petted on his shoulder that he was good to go, throwing the cloth into a bucket with slightly blooded water. ‘Let’s go seem him.’ You suggested. ‘Who?’ Hvitserk asked while pulling his shirt back on. ‘Headmund.’ You smiled devious. Hvitserk looked at you, nodding before grabbing his belt with weapons. You turned around, walking out where it was storming, clouds dark and angry, thunder and lighting fighting the sky. You both walked over to where some Vikings shield a door. They let you both in without questioning. To your surprise Ivar wasn’t there, but the Christian was. He laid on the floor, shivering and you slowly walked over to him, crouching down when the thunder strikes again. ‘You hear that Christian?’ You asked with a slight smile. Headmund turned his face, covered in blood and mud, exhausted he looked up to you and your smile became a little wider. You pointed up to the sky. ‘That is Thor, smashing his hammer, basking in our victory.’ You explained the sharp lighting shifting through the sky, the thunder rolling over the clouds. You face lightened and Headmund just looked while your eyes trailed down to the cross around his neck. ‘Is that the only thing your God does, hanging around your neck.’ You reached out and he grabbed your wrist, making you grunt lightly on the tight grip. ‘He is here now and watching.’ Headmund said hoarse. You lowered your head, closing in on his. ‘Looking to how you lay here? Chained? Defeated?’ You asked with a soft chuckle. ‘What is he saying Bishop? He telling you to give up?’ You challenged him. Headmund clenched his teeth, letting go from your wrist and you straightened up a little in your body. ‘The work of God is never done for that I will never give up.’ He warned you. You slowly stood up, turning around to Hvitserk who leaned against the wall with a soft smile. The thunder growled again and you lifted your arms. ‘Neither is our work done.’ You said, bowing as he did earlier on the battlefield before walking out, both you and Hvitserk laughing about his Christian ways. You were looking into that small crisping fire when one of Ivar his men came to tell the Christians left their camp and retreated. You didn’t shift your look as Ivar started talking about taking them down. To your surprise Hvitserk had other things to say. Ivar shifted his legs and you slowly looked up from the fire when he started talking about killing Ubbe and Lagertha before Björn returned. ‘You are making more and more sense my brother.’ Ivar nodded in approval. You looked back in the fire, ignoring both of them as you set your own goals. ‘Sister.’ Ivar said, you didn’t reacted and he called you with your name. Your eyes traveled up to where he sat. ‘What is it that you want?’ ‘You know what I want.’ You reacted. He chuckled leaning back. ‘Aethelwulf. You let your vengeance cloud your mind.’ He said, like you were a little girl that needed teaching. You looked down in your cup, shaking your head before smiling. ‘Don’t talk to me about clouded minds.’ You reacted back, pointing out his clouded mind when he killed Sigurd. His whole body tensed and you gave him a challenging look. ‘Why you want him dead so badly? Hmmm? Because he stabbed you? You are not dead Y/n, you were wounded, nothing more.’ His tone had something mocking and from all people he knew, he knew so well to not use that on you. ‘Ecbert gave a land away that wasn’t ours in the first place, if it wasn’t for you we would have taken it and a lot of our people would have died in their peaceful sleep. Now I want them to burn.’ ‘And burn they will sister,’ Ivar said, pulling his legs from the stones to lean forward. ‘But Hvitserk is right, what are we without a home to return to. Hmm?’ He lowered his head a little, catching your gaze. You looked at him a he shook his head, seeing the stubbornness in your eyes. ‘I promise you we will return here and you can kill Aethelwulf for all he did. But first we have to take back what is ours.’ He went on with a persistent voice. ‘You gonna kill Ubbe?’ You asked, looking over to Hvitserk. ‘You can do that?’ You pointed with your cup to him. ‘He is our brother.’ ‘And he betrayed us sister.’ Ivar snapped. You brought the cup to your lips and drank it empty before standing up. ‘Fine, we go home, we take back what is ours but I’m not killing my brother. One is enough.’ You said with a warning look before walking away, hearing the frustrated growl of Ivar as he called after you. You were still a young woman, you would have more emotions and sense then all of them together. That made you valuable but intensely stubborn. Now you made your point you could sleep in peace, desiring to go home again just as much as you desired to drive a sword into Aethelwulf his heart. Headmund was all tied up when you stepped through the darkness, listening to the conversation going between him and Ivar. Your brother got attached in a way, was it curiosity? Desire to know more? Or was it just a game? You slowly walked, looking how Headmund said to Ivar how your Gods were the work of the devil. When Ivar asked what was evil you slowly walked from behind the pillar and Headmund immediately looked up to you, his eyes fixed as he answered. ‘Slaughter of the innocent.’ He answered. ‘You slaughter when it suites you.’ ‘He who chooses to be heathen is not innocent.’ He snapped. Ivar smiled before looking over to you. You didn’t talked to him after the discussion of last night, he knew he didn’t had to. Still his eyes were a little doubtful for yours were way to calm. Headmund slowly looked back to you and Ivar chuckled. ‘What do you see when you look at her Headmund?’ He asked, following the Bishop his look to you. Headmund looked, for a very long time. ‘Tranquility.’ ‘What else?’ ‘Dedication, loyalty.’ He followed, snapping himself out of his gaze as you slowly looked over to your brother. He was looking at you with a soft smile. ‘The grounds of a good warrior, she is the best, maybe even better then me.’ Ivar explained, looking to the ground before he looked back aside to Headmund. ‘You aren’t all that different, aren’t you calm, dedicated and loyal?’ He asked a little amused. You looed back to Headmund who just rolled his shoulders and refused on answering. ‘Do you know who I am?’ ‘I do, you are Ivar, son of Ragnar Lothbrok and many there are who fear you.’ He said calm. ‘But not you.’ ‘No,’ he reacted, looking aside to Ivar. ‘I fear no man. No matter how wicked.’ He followed, certain of his piece. Ivar smiled, looking over to you as he nodded slowly. ‘But you fear her?’ He asked quietly. Headmund looked over to you, something in his eyes shifted for a small moment as Ivar started laughing. ‘Because she is a woman, a warrior like you never saw before. She may hide in the shadow of all my stories but yes Bishop,’ Ivar whispered, pulling himself over to where you stood. ‘you should fear her.’ ‘Y/n, daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok, twin sister of Ivar the Boneless.’ Ivar paused when Headmund say that and you softly smiled. ‘All those whispers, those tales about the sons of Ragnar avenging the dead of their father. You are afraid because you didn’t hear about her, isn’t it? Because she is as calm, as dedicated and loyal as you are to your God,’ Ivar pointed up. ‘I will give you the change to find out how afraid you should be, to make your own story about that one daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok.’ Ivar said, looking up to you as he chuckled. ‘You are coming on a journey with us.’ You announced, knowing Ivar his thoughts in just one look. Headmund looked away from Ivar to you, eyes flickering.  Ivar started crawling and you turned around, pausing before looking over your shoulder again. ‘I hope your God protects you against the women to, that he protects you over the sea in the land of many gods.’ You said, nodding before following your brother out. He was right all along, Hvitserk was, you needed to go back to Kattegat. You needed to lay aside all your desires to reclaim your home. With one look down to Ivar, eyes locked in a split second you knew each other’s thoughts. The identical small grin came on both of your lips as you walked outside. ‘Let’s go home.’ You whispered.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
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Author’s Notes | I hope you like this one cause it was really sweet for me to write it! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ubbe x Blind! Reader Info | Viking Age AU, requested by @babygirl-lunarose for 5CW4 Words | 2906 ⁑ Warnings: ANGST, some fluffy, romance.
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It wasn’t like he never had seen it before. Battles are cruel and the suffering of the enemies is commonly appreciated among warriors. But those people weren’t enemies. They weren’t even warriors! They were defenseless women and children and old men that were praying and singing a moment before they came, shattering their peaceful chants with iron, fire, and blood.
How in the nine realms could that be called a victory? How could those men be seen as honored and glorious warriors among his people when they were fighting defenseless people, winning an unfair battle with nothing but merciless horror?
Ubbe’s heart clenched in agony looking around, seeing all that cruelty and suffering. It wasn’t like this his father wanted them to behave. His brothers weren’t animals! It wasn’t his people’s way and it was sickening him to see so much innocent blood spilled in vain.
But nothing clenched his heart harder into his chest than seeing that Saxon girl so lost in the middle of that battle; her head shaking from side to side whenever a scream echoed higher, as if the sounds of everything around were terrifying her more than the whole horror spread all over that place. She had tears covering her face and her mouth was calling a name, probably someone who was already dead in the middle of so many bodies. Yet, she was there, calling for help. Her asks echoing unanswered.
Ubbe came closer, intending to help that woman, but something clenched his heart even tighter: her face turned towards him as soon as his steps came closer as if she could feel his approaching, and so he could see the grey coverage spreading over her eyes, leaving nothing but a dark contour where it was supposed to be a colored circle in her eyes.
The girl was completely blind... Completely lost in the middle of that cacophony of horrifying sounds, searching for someone she couldn't see, probably sure she was surrounded by the demons the Christians were raised being terrified with.
Poor woman.
He couldn't leave her there to die that awful way.
Trying to remember the best of what his father taught him about their language, he came closer, not touching her to avoid scaring her even more.
"You're not Theon... Who are you?" she said, feeling the different presence by her side, embracing herself.
But Ubbe just touched her hand, softly.
"Come with me. I'll take you to somewhere safe," he spoke slowly, trying to make her focus on his voice in the middle of so many terrifying sounds.
"My brother... Theon is not answering me. I can't leave him into this hell," she cried.
But Ubbe held her hand a little firmer.
"This is not hell. The church is under attack. Many people are dying around you... We need to leave now if you wanna live," he insisted, seeing the way the tears thickened in her eyes.
She understood... Dear Theon wouldn't answer anymore. Ubbe felt her hand holding his and she came closer, accepting his guidance.
He took her away from the church, from the battle, towards the streets. There were still people around being locked or slaughtered and he could feel the cold sweet in her delicate hands while he was guiding her through the town. She was surely frightened, afraid of the unknown man guiding her steps away from the screams but into a hollow silence.
With her hand between his, no men dared to touch her: he was claiming the girl and no one would dare to touch the claim of a prince, he knew it.
Walking in the counter-hand of the battle, Ubbe took her to the entrance of the city, to the small watch towers where his men were already taking places to guard the newly taken territory. Soon the battle outside would be over, and that place was safer for now.
He helped her to reach the bed of straw on the second floor and called up the man at that tower, ordering him to protect her and not to touch the girl. She quietly heard the strange language they were using to talk to each other, feeling when he came closer once again, sitting by her side.
"What is your name?" he asked, straightening her hair away from her face.
The sounds of the battle were far away from there and so, her breath was stable, calmer.
"I'm Y/N," she said, almost muttering. "May I ask you a question, sir?"
Ubbe nodded, for a second forgetting she couldn't see him before answering in a low voice.
"Yes. Anything."
"Are you one of the Norse demons?"
Her voice didn't sound full of hate, but he could recognize those words. The way the Christians had related them to the evil figures of their religion wasn't something so stupid after all. They were, in part, some kind of demons, destroying everything the Saxons knew, stealing gold and lives, and making them slaves... What was the difference, after all?
"I'm Ubbe. Son of Ragnar Lothbrok. I'm one of the commanders of the Great Heathen Army. But I didn't want to see this much blood. It wasn't my intention the things turn out the way they did."
Somehow, he felt the need to explain himself, his brothers, his men...
"My brothers and I, we came to avenge our father's murder by killing the men responsible for his death. I never wanted to hurt innocent people this way".
Her hand touched his and Ubbe noticed she was smiling. A very small and relieved curve in her lips.
"I'm glad you're not one of them..." she said, causing Ubbe's expression to twist in doubt.
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He had just said he was a son of Ragnar, one of the commanders of the army that was attacking her town and bringing all the destruction and horror around her... How could he not be one of the men her people called "demons"?
Y/N seemed to feel his confusion and her smile became a little bit bigger. Her voice echoed melodic and calm, despite the situation he took her from:
"During my life, I knew some Norse people. I was a child when they first came and their settlement wasn't so far from my home. My father and mother told me to be nice to them, for they were coming to live in our lands from a place where the lands weren't so fertile. She told me King Ecbert became friends with their leader, Ragnar Lothbrok, and they had a deal for those farms."
Her story started to make sense into Ubbe's mind: his father's settlement. She came from the places around that cursed land...
"I used to play with the kids from that place. Theon and I used to play with a pair of brothers from the farm beside ours. I heard about the way our people used to call the Norsemen as demons and say they were a curse upon our lands, but those families weren't evil. They were normal mothers and fathers, and their children were usual children. They had different names for our games but it was hide-and-seek and catch." she sighed, still holding Ubbe's hand into her fingers as if she was mutely asking him to hear her until the end of the story.
A story he knew very well how would end…
"When prince Aethelwulf came with those revolted farmers to hurt those people and take back the lands king Ecbert had offered to them in goodwill, I was at the settlement with Theon and the brothers, playing. Some farmers invaded their house, killed the family and my friends, but Theon and I were able to escape through the back door. But not before one of those farmers had broken a vase on that family's altar to their gods. I don't know what was into that vase, but it splashed on my face. My eyes started burning and from that day on, I gradually lost the light of my eyes until everything dove into the darkness."
Ubbe swallowed dry. So, she wasn't blind from birth. She became blind probably because of something into that offer to the gods the farmer broke near her face.
"My mother said it was a curse from the Norsemen's gods for what our prince did... My father used to affirm it was a curse from our god for he allowed his children to get involved with the kids of the heathens. It doesn’t matter to me what they said about this: from that day on, I started to understand how things really worked in this world. There were demons everywhere, not only coming from the North. And not all the Norsemen were demons as people wanted us to believe. There are demons among your people, but you're not one of them. You're like those families, those boys I used to play with. You saved my life. You're not a demon... I would risk saying you were my angel today."
An angel.
Ubbe could remember hearing about these creatures as well. The opposite of the demons. The creatures of pure light and goodness the Christians believed were servants and messengers of their god.
"Thank you," she said, softly caressing his hand, causing his heart to fill with relief. There were so much destruction and horror, but even then, something good came from that terrible day.
"May I?" Y/N asked.
One of her hands rising in the air. Ubbe understood she wanted to know him and so, he softly guided her hand to his face. She slowly touched his skin, feeling where the beard started, knowing the traces of his jawline, his nose, even his hair, and his braid, and the bald part of his head.
"If what I can imagine is real, then you're a gorgeous man," she smiled, causing him to smile as well.
"Have you ever seen Ragnar Lothbrok when he was alive?" he asked and she nodded lightly.
"Once. When I was a child. I can remember his face," she said and so, Ubbe smiled bigger.
"The people from where I come always comment I'm the one among my father's sons that most looks like him. My eyes are blue, like his. The only thing different is my hair, that's kinda red, like my mother's." he said, remembering nostalgically how people of Kattegat used to say he was growing into a copy of his father's appearance.
"He was a handsome man. You must be handsome as well," she said, noticing the sounds outside was silencing. "The city is quiet," she observed, with fear.
But Ubbe caressed her face softly with his free hand, gently pressing her hand with the other, supportively.
"Don't worry. You were right: there are demons among my people, but I am not one of them. I'm sorry your brother Theon is not here anymore. But I'll take his place. My people took your family, so I shall care for you from today on. You won't be alone. I promise."
At that night, among his brothers, Ubbe claimed Y/N as his own, ignoring the evil comments from his younger brother about how useless would be a blind thrall or what kind of kinks Ubbe was developing with that idea. It wasn't like this and Ubbe wouldn't give a damn to his little brother's opinion, especially when the major destruction and cruelty from that day came from him.
Despite what Ivar said, the girl was special: the lack of her vision made her other senses better and with some patience, she would deliver things even better than a common slave - although Ubbe wasn't really treating her as a servant or a thrall, but as a company.
A company he was really starting to enjoy.
Ubbe was starting to like having someone always near to talk, disposed to hear his tales, sometimes laugh with him, sometimes simply be there, listening attentively. Sometimes even have a kind word, a gentle touch to comfort his saddened hearth.
She wasn't able to sew, knit or crochet as fast as his other slaves, but yet, her works were always more precise and sometimes last longer than the rushed ones due to the fact she was patient and doing everything slowly, counting the stitches, feeling the lines, applying the right pressure to each stitch not making them too tight nor too loose, sometimes asking Ubbe about the colors to be sure she was doing everything right.
She could take a longer time to braid his hair but her braids were the tighter ones and her fingers were like a light massage he was starting to get used to feeling.
A few months and Ubbe caught himself falling for her sweetness, her kindness, the way she was gentle to everyone around, always offering herself to help.
With time, Y/N got used to his manners. She already knew when he was coming by the way his feet would make the wood crack under his steps towards the room. So, when everything went wrong with the Saxons that day, she knew something was wrong even before he got into his room. However, when Ubbe crossed the door, Y/N got up immediately touched by the smell of his blood.
"You're wounded," she stated, coming near him.
Her gentle fingers touching his shoulders, his face, feeling the drops of blood in his beard with surprise and sadness. "Oh god, they hurt you! Hvitserk..." She mumbled, not hearing the younger one coming after him, as always. Her heart scared something had happened to his beloved brother, "How's your brother?"
"Alive, but hurt as well," Ubbe said, touching her hands "Y/N, listen to me closely: I'll pack our things and tomorrow morning, we'll leave."
"Leave?" she said, surprised.
Where would they go?
Why were they leaving this way?
Ubbe's tone was nervous and it was causing Y/N to feel afraid.
"Ivar took the leadership of the army to himself. They won't answer me anymore. I cannot stop them from keep raiding and I couldn't make the Saxon king hear me. Instead, his bishop hit me and his men threw stones on us while expelling my brother and me from their camp after murdering the men that came with us."
"Christ, forgive them!" She mumbled, sad, but not surprised by the cruelty of those men.
She knew after Ecbert, prince Aethelwulf took the crown and so, it wasn't such a surprise this kind of cruelty coming from someone who ordered the execution of women and defenseless children in that settlement years ago. It was a risky bet; she knew since the beginning. Ubbe bet on the Saxon King’s honor. And he lost.
"I'll pack everything we have and tomorrow we'll leave back to my homeland, with whoever wants to come with us." he continued "I won't leave you behind. I want you to come with me."
To leave her birth lands and go into the unknown.
Her mother would call him a demon and say he was luring her into hell. But she knew it wasn't like this. The time by his side, his tales, his laugh, and his tender ways towards her had caught Y/N's heart and she was sure Ubbe was an honored and valuable man.
She caught his hands, gently kissing both of them before smiling.
"You once saved my life. It now belongs to you, Ubbe. I'll go wherever you will go," she affirmed, filling Ubbe's heart with courage.
He cupped her face softly. There wasn't surprise in her face. Instead, she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes and sighing, so safe.
So his...
Gently, Ubbe covered her lips with his, surprising her with a loving and slow kiss.
Her first kiss, marked by the touch of his beard and the tenderness of his fingers caressing her face.
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"I want you to be mine, indeed. But not as a slave or a servant. I'll take you from these lands and you shall step on my homelands as my future wife. But one step at a time..."
"First, I'll care for your wounds," she said, caressing his face.
Her touch full of love so as her heart was, calming Ubbe down as she seemed to accept his offer with a beautiful and bright smile.
"Nothing will make me happier than be your wife, my angel. But I can feel your pain... Allow me to bring you relief as you once did to me."
Ubbe kissed her forehead, allowing her to prepare what was needed to care for his wounds and Y/N did everything with a smile in her face.
Her sweet angel could be hurt, but she would be there to care for him whenever he needed. And there was nothing better than be by Ubbe's side.
At that night, she cared for Hvitserk’s wounds as well. And after packing everything, Ubbe brought her to his bed, laying by her side. He fell asleep before her, with her sweet hands caressing his head, relieving the pain in his face and the tiredness of his body. She spent a long time awake by his side, just caressing her wounded angel, thinking about how things had changed in her life.
Of course, there was the fear of the unknown world unfolding in front of her. But nestling into Ubbe's sleepy arms, Y/N's heart found everything it needed to feel safe once again.
Everything would be fine.
As long as her angel was by her side.
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imaginefan · 7 years
Survival (Chapter 3)
Ivar Ragnarsson X Reader
Word Count: 3039
Warning: Touture, Blood, Reader gets hurt.
Tags: @cheyannnnerios @cafe-sabor-a-chocolate @livinginthatstate @evilxcupcakexnik
Chapter 2 
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“You know when your mum said in the morning she did not mean 12:00 am!” You yelled as you tried to free yourself from the restraints. “No one knows where we are!” “They will figure it out.” Ivar rolled his eyes. “Hopefully before something happens.” You grumbled but you couldn’t just leave it at that. “You couldn’t wait a few more hours for everyone else to at least see us leave!” “Would Mother have let us leave?” He asked. “At a decent time… Yes!” You argued and he rolled his eyes. “Sweetheart I’m starting to think that you might be angry at me,” Ivar smirked but this time you stayed silent.
Outside the room, the hunter waited for the leader of the group to appear and when he did, the man smiled. “What are you so happy about?” He asked and the man pointed to the one-way mirror that showed both you and Ivar. “Ivar Ragnarsson.” The man pointed. “Are you sure?” The leader asked and the man nodded. “He wouldn’t stop saying it.” He smirked. “The girl?” The leader asked and he shook his head. “We have no idea who she is.” He mumbled. “Well, find out!” He ordered and the man nodded. “Yes, Brother.”
The man that had caught you walked back into the room “Remind me what you name is.” You said looking at him. “That is none of your concern.” He answered. “Are you sure that what you want to be written on your gravestone?” You asked and he glared at you. “Because one of us is going to kill you.”   “She’s not wrong,” Ivar said softly from behind you. “Ragnarsson… Who’s your companion?” The man asked. “Name for a name,” Ivar smirked and the man chuckled. “Don’t trade my name.” You grumbled twisting your wrists as you started to untie his hands. “My name is Aethelwulf, Lord Aethelwulf” He answered. “Lord..?” You asked leaning your head back against Ivar shoulder. “You get to kill a Lord.” “Oh really?” He asked turning to you. “Mhm.” You hummed. “It might be a while.” Aethelwulf turned his attention to the man by the door. “Move her to the next room.” “Wait!” Ivar ordered but he had no power here and everything moved faster than he wanted and you were gone before you could finish untying him. “I figure you both weaker alone.” Aethelwulf but Ivar just gritted his teeth and glared ahead.
-R- Back at Kattegat an argument has arisen on whether anyone should go after Ivar, if you had been there it would have been definite that you go because Ubbe and Hvitserk would side with you but there was an even split and Ragnar was astonished that this had to be a discussion and found himself wondering if this happened far too often. “You will go and find my son, that is an order,” Aslaug ordered as she became tired of the fighting. “We can’t take a hunting party out, not now, they are getting ready for the next fight,” Bjorn argued. “I didn’t order a hunting party I ordered you go and find my son,” Aslaug answered and Bjorn gritted his teeth unable to challenge her but unwilling to carry out the order. “Sigurd and I will go and look for Ivar and Hvitserk and Bjorn will get ready for their hunt.” Ubbe stepped in and his mother gave a soft smile and nodded her approval before Bjorn stormed off.
-R- You looked around the room it was as bare as the other one that they were nothing on the walls it looked like they chipped away at a mountain and created their own little cave and put a door on it. “This looks very unsafe.” You mumbled but no one answered you, you looked around to see that the only person that was in there with you was guarding the door and you knew he wasn’t going to talk to you. “What are we waiting for?” You asked and the man looked at you, you smirked he could be irritated. “Don’t want to talk?” You asked. “Not allowed to talk.” You decided. “Actually I’m allowed to talk as much as I want I just like to see you lower on the list suffer.” He sneered. “Lower on the list?” You asked and the man smirked. “You see people like your friend Ivar-” “Prince Ivar.” You corrected and the man shook his head. “No prince of mine.” He answered. “But a prince none the less,” Aethelwulf said as he opened the door, you looked at him and he gave a small smile. “I’ll ask again what is your name?” He asked. -R- “Why do they argue so much?” Malia asked everyone knew that she was unfamiliar with any social standing but being in one that could potentially mean death if disrespected made everyone else in the pack uneasy. “Malia!” Stiles warned as both Aslaug and Ragnar looked over to her. Ragnar gave a soft laugh as he looked at the girl. “I like her.” He informed them. “Thank god!” Stiles sighed. “Are you going to answer the question?” Malia asked. “Bjorn thinks himself higher than his brothers,” Aslaug answered not actually looking at them when she said that. “I thought he was the oldest,” Stiles said. “How do you know that?” Ragnar asked. “I have access to records that I shouldn’t,” Stiles answered shrugged, Ragnar raised an eyebrow and made a face of approval before Aslaug talked again. “He is the oldest but he is not the wisest.” Aslaug continued and Scott frowned. “They don’t get along?” Scott asked. “Not as well as you would think.” She answered. “Bjorn does not like that I have taken his father from his mother.” “You didn’t?” Derek asked. “That was a choice all of his own” Aslaug smirked. -R- “So (Y/N) it turns out you aren’t worth all that much on the list.” Aethelwulf held up the piece of paper for a second. “So?” You asked. “So we got to kill you the fun way.” He smirked, you see we don’t have to sell your body forward, so we can do whatever we want to you because we don’t want the money for your body and those are always fun.” He explained. “What’s better is that you heal until you can’t no more.” “What are you talking about?” You asked. “Well…” Aethelwulf leaned forward and stabbed the knife into your skin, you held your breath and glared at him and he smiled “good you’ll be able to hear me, you see he brought you here because he trusts you and that means that he cares for you and the moment that he hears you scream he will tell me everything that I want to know.” “No… He won’t” You said through gritted teeth. “We trained for this, my prince is much stronger than you think.” “Let's see,” He smirked as he started to carve chunks out of the skin of your arms as you let out a harsh scream. -R- Scott stood from the table that he was at “can you be sure that they are going to find them?” Scott asked. “What do you mean?” Aslaug asked. Derek and Malia looked at each other as they realised that what they were hearing was a scream. “Listen.” He told them Aslaug and Ragnar concentrated on everything outside of the camp and they heard it too. “That’s her right?” Scott asked. “That’s her,” Aslaug confirmed now seeming more worried than before. “Have they left yet?” Scott asked. “No, they would still be gathering the information,” Aslaug said. “They don’t need it Malia can find her if we have something that we can use to track them,” Derek said quickly. -R- “So you still don’t want to tell me anything?” Aethelwulf asked cleaning off the blade as he crouched in front of Ivar. “I have nothing to say to you,” Ivar answered nose flaring as his eyes trained at the wall glaring at each other. “Nothing?” He asked and as if queued you were screaming again, he watched Ivar teeth grit as he looked at the floor. “Nothing.” He answered. “I guess I’ll have to go and tell her that you really don’t care,” Aethelwulf said standing up and walked towards the door he waited a second for Ivar to break but he didn’t and that only made him glare. -R- Scott followed Malia through the forest with Derek, Stiles was back at the camp with Aslaug keeping her company she seemed to like him, Ragnar, Hvitserk and Ubbe were with them “You seem to do this a lot.” Ragnar noted and Scott looked at him. “I try to help people, the ones that can’t fight for themselves,” Scott answered. “Why is that?” He asked. “Because if people die while I have all this power then it’s my fault because I sat back and did nothing,” Scott explained closing his eyes again when he heard you scream but then suddenly it all stopped and everyone stopped moving, Ragnar looked at him before his teeth gritted realising that he may have just lost a member of his pack before the fight had even really started. -R- “I know that you like making pretty pictures in your enemies blood but we really have to go before I collapse.” You ordered leaning against the wall energy drained and injuries slowly healing, Ivar rolled his eyes. “We just killed a whole base we can take a scouting team,” Ivar smirked. “I don’t think I can and I really don’t want to.” You mumbled. “Fine, we’ll go little wolf.” He smiled taking your hand and slipping his other hand around you waist lifting you and walking towards the exit. “I’m the same age as you.” You reminded him and he shook his head. “I believe that you were born a month after me.” He smirked and you rolled your eyes. You both left the hideout a mess of strewn body parts and blood, Ivar had written messages directed at the leader of the hunters, you both knew who you were addressing but you had gained some knowledge, you knew that they were doing it because of the Deadpool that would be the only reason that they would have come out of hiding after all these months not to mention there was a lot of papers the list was nailed on the wall and there was investigation into the benefactor. “At least we have something to go back with.” You sighed as you rested your head against his shoulder. “Even if we didn’t we got rid of a hunting party that was nearby.” Ivar shrugged “they’ll thank us later.” “Will they?” You asked. “Some of them will.” He corrected. It was true that you and Ivar were outcasts and most of the things that you did went unnoticed by the majority of the pack who looked to his brothers for support despite the strength that was shown in Ivar alone. You were an outsider from the beginning having been accepted into the pack it was hard for some members to accept your ability to play with the big dogs quite literally, you never really cared but you knew that it bothered Ivar after all he wanted to be treated like he was in the Alpha family.
-R- Sigurd and Ubbe arrived at the hunter base before the others and knew that you were both long gone because of the strong smell of blood, they still needed to investigate and hopefully find out what was going on here before you interrupted them, they didn’t find much because of Ivar’s brilliant artwork with the bloodied walls, the place was covered, all the rooms were supposed to have white tiles and now they range from deep red to light pinks, the walls that were still white only remained that way so that the message left there would be readable.
Ubbe looked to his right when he heard the soft grunt from his brother, they both half expected something like this but neither of them expected something this bad, you were both volatile people but you had never ripped limbs off of bodies whatever they were doing here had to be bad or so they hoped.
-R- Ivar walked into the pack house to see that there was barely anyone in there, they were all getting ready to leave tomorrow, you weren’t sure that you cared all that much about that, he carried you up the stairs. Ivar offered you a shower first, you accepted and once you were done Ivar cleaned up, you both went back downstairs, you were better able to walk now though you were still shaky and from there the word had travelled that you were back and Bjorn was on you before you could even get a word in “What were you thinking!?” He asked, you obviously flinched back trying to make yourself as small as possible, while Ivar stood taller than you, he moved to seem like he was protecting you as he opened his mouth to speak. “We were doing what we said that we would,” Ivar answered and Bjorn glared down at the both of you. “What was that exactly?” Bjorn asked. “Taking care of the enemies,” Ivar answered. “What if they send more?” He asked and you decided that this was the best time to speak up. “They won’t based on past experiences they’ll hide and if they do we have time to get ready.” You said and Bjorn looked at you for a second but said nothing as if you weren’t worth talking to, that angered you more than it should have. “We could have made a deal.” Bjorn glared. “They were not going to make a deal.” You glared right back at him surprising yourself as you gaze never faltered. “How can you be so sure?” He asked. “Well, that is information for our Alpha and Luna.” You answered now just being plain difficult, Ivar smirked but moved completely cover your form when Bjorn stepped forward. “Bjorn! Leave them be!” The voice of your Alpha moved through the air of the living room like a knife and had Bjorn stepping back away from the two of you, he huffed before leaving again. “What did you find?” Ragnar asked looking at you as Ivar helped you to sit down. “There are a few different things worth addressing the first was that the outsiders are telling the truth about the Deadpool, the hunters had a list, the second is that they were investigating someone called the Benefactor and the name itself suggests that it the person who had handed out this list, third people who are low enough on the list are used for games or information, they know that pack’s like ours hold even our lowest members close that’s why they cut chunks out of my skin in hopes that Ivar would tell them something.” You explained. “Are you okay? Was there Wolfsbane?” Aslaug asked coming over to check you herself. “No, no they wanted to make me scream, they wanted me to heal so that they could do it all over again, they didn’t poison me.” You answered eyes closed as you leant forward slightly. “Why is everyone trying to kill you?” Stiles asked and you looked at him and shrugged. “Perks of being an outsider, you're the first to go.” You answered, the statement made Ivar uncomfortable but he didn’t say anything. “Hey don’t tell my parents about this okay?” You looked at Aslaug. “They deserve-” “To be treated like the rest of the pack, you are not going to tell them what you learned tonight and you are not going to tell them.” You said and you shrunk back afterwards realising that you may have spoken out of turn but when she nodded, you sat up slightly not daring to look up at your alpha but if you had you would have seen an impressed look on his face. -R- That night you were up in Ivar’s room, the day had actually caused him a lot of pain “you need to lay down.” You said as you sat at the end of the bed. “After we-” “After nothing not lay down!” You ordered and he smirked over at you. “Yes Ma’am.” He smirked and you glared. “Not funny.” You mumbled as you shuffled to the middle of the bed allowing him to lay his legs over your lap. “How much are they hurting?” “Not much.” Ivar waved you off but as soon as you started massaging his legs you saw the relief cross his face, there was silence while you continued to massage his legs. “You could have died today.” “But I didn’t.” You answered. “That’s not the point.” He said softly. “No the point is that I could have but the point is that I can die every for many different reasons that have nothing to do with any extremes like hunters or anything like that, we’re enhanced we are not immortal.” You said softly. There was a soft knock on the door and you looked up to see your alpha standing at the door. “I’ll leave you to-” “No stay, I want to talk to both of you,” Ragnar said and you nodded, Ivar lifted his legs for you to shuffled back to your previous position and you did, now concentrating on your previous task. “I’m taking you both back with me.” “To the place that the outsiders came from?” Ivar asked. “Beacon Hills.” Ragnar nodded. “Ask me like you asked my brothers,” Ivar demanded and you looked at him. “Will you-” “Of course we will,” Ivar smirked and Ragnar gave a soft smile before looking at you. “(Y/N).” He said and you looked at him. “Would you come with us?” He asked. “I go where Ivar goes.” You answered truthfully and nodded. “We leave tomorrow.” He said. “Be ready.” Once Ragnar left Ivar lifted his arms towards you and you crawled towards him where you settled for the night. Ivar stayed awake for much longer watching you relax and wished that he could see this look on your face when you were awake too.
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