#prince Friedrich of Prussia
gifshistorical · 2 years
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Freddie Stroma as Prince Friedrich of Prussia · Bridgerton 1.03
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
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Friedrich and Edwina
'Do you like philosophy prince Friedrich?'
'I do, quite profoundly'
Ostensibly their courtship was as respectable and... Chaste as it ever could have been. (And nobody dared to say anything different. Especially not Infront of her older sister )
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apinchofm · 1 year
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Requested by @angel-starbeam - Edwina and Friedrich meet in India before she leaves for England and exchange letters.
Edwina knew balls would be much different in England. She would not get to wear her saris anymore, having to wear English clothes instead. She would have to drink English tea and soften her Indian ways. She was to be an Englishman's wife.
She took a deep breath, as her mind races with all the changes. Especially standing in the ballroom of the Sivaganga Palace. It was her last ball here before she and her family set sail for England.
Kate, in her beautiful teal sari was standing with their mother, assured it would be well. Edwina was an extremely proficient young lady and excelled in all the skills she put her mind too. Mary was anxious about returning to England. All Edwina knew is that she left after marrying her Appa, given he and Kate were traveling with the Maharaja when they met in London. She hoped there would be a few good memories at the very least, for her mother.
She strolled outside into the water gardens, smiling at the other attendees and taking it all in. She had run around in these gardens as a child. In between lessons and naps in her father's office. Lanterns, covered in different colours illuminated the garden as water lilies floated around in the various pools.
Oh, she would miss home.
Edwina looked up at the sky as she leaned against the pillar. She remembers her Appa telling her the stars were the same all over the world, so they were all looking at the same stars when he went away. It was a comfort. She would see these same stars in London and think of her father. She was determined to make him - and her mother and sister - proud. She would do it. She hummed to herself.
Prince Friedrich had thought himself alone, looked around hearing someone humming. It was a beautiful sound.
"Hello?" He called out. He had seen her. She was much like a startled fawn, trying to hide behind a column. A girl in a pretty pink floral saree, lined with gold. Her deep brown eyes widened.
Edwina looked at him, nervously fiddling with the material draped over her shoulder. She was in so much trouble!
"I-I did not mean to interrupt you, sir!" She protested, seeing his uniform. He was white, tall, with broad shoulders which told her he could be a soldier. But his uniform was different from the British or Indian guards. A deep blue that brought out the blue in his brown-blue eyes.
"No, not at all." He assured her with a kind smile.
"You are German?" She asked, hearing his accent.
"From Prussia, yes."
"Oh, my deepest apologies!" Edwina quickly said, afraid of offending him.
He chuckled at her cautious approach, "Not at all. My mother is from a German principality, so I suppose I am. But do not tell any Prussian purist. A crown prince should not admit being from another country!" He winked and watched as her face fell, this opposite effect he was hoping to have.
She curtsied immediately, "Your Highness."
"I am Friedrich."
Edwina fixed her saree, unsure of what to say. She should know what to say!
"That is a beautiful dress." Friedrich said with a smile, “Who might you be? One of the Maharani’s lovely daughters? Sisters?”
Edwina giggled and blushed, shaking her head, “No, no. I am just Edwina. Miss Edwina Sharma, sir.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Edwina Sharma.” Friedrich replied. He leaned on the opposite pillar from her, “What are you doing so far from the gathering?”
“Oh, I needed some air. This shall be my last ball here and I found myself overcome with emotion.”
“Are you leaving?”
“Yes, to England in a few weeks.” .
"England? Why leave such a beautiful country for country in which in rains all the time?” Friedrich wondered.
Edwina's face fell, "Well, my appa died. We have managed this far, as the Maharaja has been most generous. They were close. But to ensure long-term stability for my family, we must go to England so that my sister and I will make good matches." She explained. She did not know why she was telling him this but he was listening intently.
"My deepest sympathies for the death of your father. But why England?”
“Well, my mother is English. My parents met at a ball.” Edwina gushed, her eyes alight as she recounted the story she had adored hearing as a girl. "Amma always says how she fell in love with him and his soul. How he would always find her eyes in any room. Appa said that it was love at first sight."
"Do you wish for a love like that?" Friedrich asked softly. She looked like someone who deserved a love like that. A beautiful young lady, intriguing too.
Edwina thought hard. She did. She wanted to feel the love and joy her mama had for appa. But she remembers how devest
"I do. But I suppose…” Edwina sighed, “It does matter.”
“I believe it does.”
“I do not think so.”
“Are you sure?”
Edwina giggled, “Such impertinence from a gentleman!"
“I am a Prince. We are impertinent men.” Friedrich replied, then smiled taking a step towards her, "I hope you shall enjoy England. Perhaps we may see one another there. You are most lovely."
Edwina felt her face warm, "You are kind, my lord."
"I am honest. You are beautiful."
She shook her head, “I should go, I do not wish to disrupt you further."
Friedrich stood, wanting to reassure her, "You are not disrupting me. Did the Prince revelation scare you? I do not hope it did?” He asked.
"I think so." Edwina admits, fiddling with one of the gold bangles sliding up and down her arms, "Surely, you have far more interesting people to speak with?"
"I am a soldier. I can only have so many conversations on trade." He pretended to close his eyes and snore, making her laugh again.
She looked back, “I should go. I do not wish for my sister or mother to worry for me.”
"Good evening, Miss Edwina Sharma." Friedrich said in farewell.
"Your Highness." She smiled bashfully, looking back as she walked away. He was still smiling at her and she felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
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edwinadaily · 10 months
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For @mrmalcolmslist
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sukibenders · 3 months
My girl Edwina finding an eligible match (*cough* a prince *cough*) and living her best life traveling is something I love to see. Like her being a travel girlie with her mans (she's Barbie, he's just Ken) and getting away from all the drama back in London. Kudos to her.
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scarareg · 3 months
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adini-nikolaevna · 4 months
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“I return dearest Fritz, Your wishes that you wrote me, God grant you a happy year! It is my sincere wish. You will never find a complete substitute for the heavy losses that hit you, but maybe there could be some power in someone’s mind to at least make you a little happy.”
- note from Princess Anna of Prussia to her fiancé, Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel, widower of Grand Duchess Alexandra Nikolaevna of Russia.
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More Than Diamonds
Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Princess! Reader Description: Britain has gained themselves a new royalty nearing the debutante ball of 1813. Princess Amelia of Siam was sent as the new Ambassador of Siam. In Britain Princess Amelia was able to find her family, but will that be all? Tags: Tags: Slow burn, Coming of age, Time-Travel, Back to the past, Friends to Lovers, Royalties, Oblivious!FLxObvious!ML, Jealous! Friedrich, Slightly Possessive! Friedrich, Black cat gf, Golden retriever bf Timeline: S1&S2
Princess Amelia of Siam
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"What romance? I have no time for such nonsense. I was merely attempting to forge a diplomatic relation between Siam and Prussia." - Amelia Chaiya Kanika, Princess of Siam
Prince Friedrich of Prussia
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"Truthfully I am afraid. It felt like I'm the only one falling, while she stayed rooted... Unmoved. I want her, yet I do not want to lose what we have... To sacrifice what we have built." - Prince Friedrich of Prussia
Daphne Basset (nee. Bridgerton)
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"Amelia is different... She is uptight and serious, but at the same time extremely intelligent. Unfortunately, romance is a foreign subject for her and I think... There is nobody more fitting to teach her than you." - Daphne Basset (nee. Bridgerton)
Anthony Bridgerton
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"I would say out of all Bridgerton, we are the most similar... Which is why I hope for you to learn from my mistakes. Life is short Mel, you need to enjoy it while it lasts. Doing something you want is not selfish... Loving someone is not selfish." - Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
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"Say, Mel... What is your idea of fun? One which excludes activities that require you to think? Frankly I think you need it. Go outside, make friends, go to parties and promenades. Have fun. For sometime, forget your responsibilities and live a little." - Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
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"I understand what you meant. How looking at this brought you peace, but Mel... Don't you think you too need to start listening to that advice?" - Colin Bridgerton
Charlotte of Mcklenburg-Strelitz
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"I suppose for him a mere diamond won't do. She must be the epitome of perfection. An intelligent, beautiful and elegant woman. Who fits better for a prince than an actual princess?" - Queen Charlotte
Meet The Cast of 'More Than Diamonds' | More Than Diamonds Master List
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Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August Ernst, Crown Prince of Prussia and Germany
German vintage postcard
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The Children of Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and Princess Alice of Great Britain and Ireland as Babies
Victoria, Elisabeth, Irene, Ernst Louise, Friedrich, Alix, Marie
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Wartime wedding of Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia, a nephew of the imperial couple, with Princess Marie-Luise of Schaumburg-Lippe.
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gifshistorical · 1 year
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19centuryroyalty · 4 months
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Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia (later Kaiser & Kaiserin) w/ Prince Wilhelm (later Kaiser Wilhelm II), Princess Charlotte and, Prince Heinrich of Prussia ❦
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apinchofm · 1 year
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rumours fly through new skies ✨
Royal marriages were always such strange affairs of marrying a stranger for the good of their line. Edwina is rather happy to marry a strange man who did not watch her fall on her face during her debut.
or, Edwina is getting married, receives a few gifts, is still exhausted and thinks she could fall in love.
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edwinadaily · 1 year
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I love you more than anyone could love another. My world only makes sense since you’ve come into it. I know what life is like without you, and I only want to live in a world with you by my side. When I’m gone, my heart will remain with you.— Corinne Michaels
💎 Happiest of birthdays to this angel @mrmalcolmslist! 👑
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grossherzoginalice · 7 months
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The family of the Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse in 1872. From left to right- Irene, Ernst, Louis, Elisabeth, Alice, Victoria and Friedrich.
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