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friendsofthehoneybee · 7 months ago
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Guardians of Time: The Earth's Oldest Trees and Our Future
In a quiet corner of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, a remarkable tree stands witness to over two thousand years of human history. The Sri Maha Bodhiya, a sacred fig tree, is not only an emblem of the nation's spiritual heritage but also one of the oldest living trees on Earth. It is a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between nature and human existence, echoing the importance of preserving ancient trees worldwide.
A Living Chronicle
The Earth's oldest trees are more than just biological marvels; they are living chronicles of our planet's history. The Pando, also known as "The Trembling Giant," located in Utah, USA, is an interconnected grove of quaking aspen trees estimated to be between 80,000 and 1,000,000 years old. Meanwhile, the ancient Jurupa Oak in California has withstood 13,000 years of climatic changes and geological upheavals. These trees, among others like the Methuselah and the Old Tjikko, offer invaluable insights into environmental conditions over millennia, helping scientists understand past climate patterns and predict future trends.
The Sri Maha Bodhiya: A Symbol of Resilience
The Sri Maha Bodhiya is deeply intertwined with the history and culture of Sri Lanka. Planted in 288 BCE from a sapling of the original Bodhi tree under which Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, it has been a focal point of Buddhist worship for centuries. The tree's survival through invasions, natural disasters, and changing dynasties is a testament to its resilience and the reverence it commands. Preserving such a tree is not only about maintaining a historical artifact but also about honoring a symbol of peace, enlightenment, and continuity.
Why Preservation Matters
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stability: Ancient trees like the Sri Maha Bodhiya are keystone species in their ecosystems. They provide habitats for numerous species of flora and fauna, contributing to biodiversity. Protecting these trees ensures the survival of complex ecological networks.
Climate Change Mitigation: Trees are vital carbon sinks. The larger and older the tree, the more carbon it can sequester. Preserving ancient trees helps in the fight against climate change by maintaining these natural carbon reservoirs.
Cultural Heritage and Education: Trees like the Sri Maha Bodhiya are cultural treasures. They offer educational opportunities about our past, our relationship with nature, and the importance of environmental stewardship.
Scientific Research: Studying the growth rings of ancient trees provides data on historical climate conditions. This information is crucial for understanding long-term climate cycles and making informed decisions about our future.
A Call to Action
The preservation of the world's oldest trees requires concerted global efforts. Governments, environmental organizations, and local communities must work together to protect these natural wonders. Initiatives can include:
Legal Protection: Implementing and enforcing laws that protect ancient trees from deforestation and commercial exploitation.
Conservation Programs: Supporting reforestation and conservation programs that focus on preserving old-growth forests.
Public Awareness Campaigns: Educating the public about the importance of ancient trees and encouraging sustainable practices.
Looking to the Future
The survival of the Sri Maha Bodhiya and other ancient trees is not just a matter of environmental concern but a reflection of our values as a global community. These trees remind us of our shared heritage and our responsibility to future generations. As we stand at the crossroads of environmental crisis and opportunity, let us look to these ancient guardians of time for inspiration and wisdom. By preserving them, we not only honor our past but also commit to a sustainable and harmonious future for our planet.
In the shadow of these ancient trees, let us find the strength and resolve to protect our natural world. Their roots run deep into the Earth, and their branches reach towards the sky, symbolizing a connection that binds us all.
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growninhaiti · 5 years ago
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It sure has been a challenge chasing all the butterflies that are out this year. Never have I seen so many varieties all at once. Not to mention all the other critters that have been finding a home in our forest. Yes. Haiti has lost a vast majority of its primary, pre-colonial forests but growing diverse, secondary forests, from what I’ve experienced myself, has shown to support quite a healthy and bio diverse system. I’m sharing this as not to get discouraged if you, yourself are wanting to help our ecosystem. We still have a chance to maintain what’s left of our endemic system. ・・・ #growninhaiti #Biodiversity #keepplanting #supportlife #nurtureyournature #fauna #flora #haiti #ayiti #foodforest #secondaryforest #primaryforest #reforestation #preservation #support #growth #agroforestry #heal #forestcover #permaculture #sustainable https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnYnrsFEsw/?igshid=18g0gswsmkc2
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claudinedaussyart · 4 years ago
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Ma soeur canopée..Fille des dieux, mère des hommes, en ton sein, sur ton coeur tu a su conserver intact l'éphémère, les graines et les saveurs. Tu es la fleur unique, le seul fruit alchimique savoureux, enchanteur, sans vergogne, sans pudeur, y souffle le vent rieur. Ta sauvage beauté nous a tous engendré. claudinedaussy.wordpress.com ©adagp #canopee #canopy #sister #nature #contemporarydrawing #comtemporaryart #artwork #tree #forest #primaryforest #poesiefrançaise #poetry #poetryofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #songwriters #songwriter #artcontemporain @hervelancelin #normandie #villedieulespoeles #poesias #poesia #designer #designlovers #freeart (à Villedieu-Les-Poëles, Basse-Normandie, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1U28Lhi2j/?igshid=1bw6hg6y7z8kw
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janellekaz · 4 years ago
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Darkness comes quickly in the forest. The last coastal jaguars of Ecuador live here— the critically endangered subspecies known as Panthera onca centralis. Habitat loss due to deforestation and fragmentation, as well as poaching of prey and illegal hunting threaten the survival of these jaguars— among many other endangered species. I don’t know if you also grew up with Ferngully, but I felt like I was in that movie while spending time in this rainforest, the Chocó. It is pristine jungle, threatened on all sides by logging. 98% of this primary forest has been lost already, much of it turned into palm plantations. A chunk of land has come up for sale, which would connect four existing protected reserves, saving the last huge tract of western Chocó rainforest in Ecuador. If you know of any companies looking to “green” some of their profit, by giving back to environmental efforts, send them to this campaign. $200 can save half an acre of unique, old growth rainforest. . Jocotoco.org . @fundacion.jocotoco . #rainforest #jaguar #pantheraonca #offset #primaryforest #ecuador #criticallyendangered #endangeredspecies (at Rio Canande Las Pavas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1WeaehUX1/?igshid=fw7yyskipb1d
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thesmilingkiwibird · 6 years ago
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50 Shades of Green - Vohimana Forest
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x-heesy · 8 years ago
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5 – This Mexican White Cedar is almost 40 meters tall. Its branches are covered with bromeliads and mosses and function as a stand-alone ecosystem. El Triunfo has some of the largest trees in Mexico, thanks in part to its large tracts of intact primary forest, but also to the presence of Baird’s Tapir, the architects of the forest that I presented in a previous post #giant #tree #PrimaryForests #species #symbiosis #plants World Press Photo Foundation, instagram.com
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janellekaz · 6 years ago
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The road to Los Cedros, a protected forest and biological treasure trove in Ecuador. - From a high, misty, mountain-top Páramo to sunshine on the valley below as I descend westward into a cloud forest full of birds, butterflies, and orchids. - #reservaloscedros #primaryforest #reserva #protectedforest #ecuador #cloudforest #protect #respect #biodiversity #wearealltrulywild https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsbu1YlA5ur/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7nu5brg28o65
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thesmilingkiwibird · 6 years ago
Expédition Vohimana
Les aventures se poursuivent ici à Madagascar, perdue au beau milieu de l’Océan Indien. Je continue de profiter de la moindre occasion pour partir explorer l’île Rouge dans tous ses recoins. La dernière expédition en date était consacré à la Réserve de Vohimana, située à l’Est de Tana, à proximité du Parc National d’Andasibe sur la route menant à Tamatave. Parmi les dernières réserves de forêts primaires de Madagascar, cette forêt humide gérée par l’ONG l’Homme et l’Environnement abrite de nombreuses espèces endémiques, dont le fameux lémurien Indri-Indri. Il s’agit de l’espèce de lémurien la plus grande aujourd’hui à Madagascar, bien reconnaissable par son cri, parfois perçant, parfois mélodieux. Nous sommes donc parties trois jours à la recherche de ce curieux animal dans son habitat naturel. 
Le départ de Tana se fait bien-sûr en taxi-brousse, notre moyen de transport de prédilection pour ces “courts” trajets, qui garantit rencontres authentiques et imprévu à chaque virage ! Cette fois ne fit pas exception : embarquées à bord d’un véhicule plein à craquer et accompagnées par les voix mélodieuses de Céline Dion et Garou à fond dans l’habitacle, nous ne faisons pas 5 km avant la première panne ! Echange de regards entendus avec Manon, nous ne sommes pas prêtes d’arriver à destination... Après une réparation de fortune digne de Mc Giver, nous repartons pour... 2 ou 3 km de plus avant la seconde panne. Au total, nous serons tombées 4 fois en panne sur 15 kilomètres, effectués en... 2h ! Pendant que nos compagnons de galère malgaches prient Dieu pour qu’il répare ce taxi-brousse, Manon, qui est moins du genre à attendre un signe du destin, se plante au bord de la route le bras tendu, et fait signe au premier 4x4 qui passe de s’arrêter. Il est 17h, la nuit commence à tomber, il nous reste une quinzaine de kilomètres de route à parcourir avant de rejoindre le village où est censé nous attendre notre guide... Rien de certain encore une fois, car pas de réseau pour le prévenir de notre retard ! Et nous avons encore une heure de marche à faire depuis le village pour rejoindre notre hébergement dans la forêt... Coup de chance pour nous, le 4x4 s’arrête et nous propose gracieusement les deux places restantes. Nous grimpons à bord sans attendre, en souhaitant bonne chance aux autres passagers pour le reste du trajet... A bord, un chauffeur, un garde du corps, deux nanas à l’arrière et une dame très bien habillée à côté de nous, qui nous pose des questions sur notre vie ici. Au détours de la conversation, elle nous glisse simplement : “Oh enchantée, moi je suis la Ministre de la Population !” Regards éberlués, nous la remercions mille fois de nous avoir prises en stop. Comme quoi...
La voiture nous dépose au village à la tombée du jour, où nous attend toujours notre guide Régis depuis 14h ! Nous effectuons donc l’heure de marche jusqu’à l’hébergement à tâtons dans l’obscurité, éclairés seulement par quelques rayons de lune qui nous laissent deviner quel sera le paysage que nous découvrirons le lendemain. Et nous ne serons pas déçues : le cadre est magnifique, nous sommes logées en plein cœur de la forêt, entourées par les lémuriens, caméléons, oiseaux et animaux en tout genre. Deux jours hors du temps passés dans cette réserve, où nous aurons la chance d’observer l’Indri-Indri et de nombreuses autres espèces, dont voici un petit aperçu ! :) 
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janellekaz · 7 years ago
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The road to El Chontal from Los Cedros Protected Forest. _ “In wildness is the preservation of the world.” #thoreau _ There’s nothing like primary forest. Nothing can compare to the raw, untouched wildness, brimming with life in all its diversity. _ These places are sacred and we must protect them. _ #biodiversity #motoadventure #royalenfield #himalayan #ecuador #loscedros #protect #respect #primaryforest #wild #honortheearth (at Apuela, Imbabura, Ecuador)
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