#primarily spite assan and manfred
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densewentz · 5 months ago
i think one of my favorite things about DA:V is that you can just be a little weird unsettling dork loser if you want. zero rizz, zero confidence that they're not going to die, terrible at speeches and heart to hearts and frequently says they have no idea what they're doing before pumping a fist up and chanting Go Team! and then getting railed on for being a dork loser by our dork loser friend group. unparalleled.
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dawningwinds-s · 3 months ago
I'm a decentish way through Veilguard (just before Weisshaupt) so idk. Here's a summary of my compabions impressions so far:
- Neve: This woman has the sexiest voice I've ever heard, huge props to the VA. She's also a lot nicer to everyone than I'd've first guessed, I kinda expected similar vibes to Vivienne (who I'm pretty lukewarm on) and have been pleasantly surprised. The cutscene with her bonding with Assan is adorable and the fact that she just gave the skeleton a nickname makes me happy.
- Lace: Lace Harding, the scout of all time. She was fun in DAI and I've loved seeing her get a good of development here. The Stone Song powers are an interesting bit of lore and it's been fun seeing her grow accustomed to that. She's also just really sweet and I like her a lot.
- Bellara: Ngl I think she might be the funniest bitch of all time. "So it's safe?" "No, I just mean... worrying won't help. Whatever happens will be instanteous! :)" (her and Davrin in the crossroads) is probably the thing that stuck with me the most on that front. Her backstory with her brother makes me pretty sad, though, but makes a lot of sense for her character. Also, love a woman who builds stuff.
- Lucanis: Gods I feel so bad about Treviso. This man has had it so rough and I only made it worse. The Spite situation is really interesting and I look forward to seeing how it's resolved, and I've really enjoyed seeing his interactions with the other Crows. He's also surprisingly nice for an assassin, considering we went to the Treviso marketplace and he went out of his way to buy something for everyone else on the team. I also find it kinda funny that he seems to be primarily in charge of the grocery shopping.
- Davrin: He comes with an adorable griffon, what more can I say?
... a bit, actually. I genuinely enjoy his storyline with learning to take of and train Assan, he's understandably having a bit of a tough time considering he has no idea what he's doing but he's really pushing through it and finding his way. The wood-carving hobby is really interesting, I don't think I would've guessed it but I like seeing companions have things they do other than beating up bad guys. The way he connects it to the monster handbook is also interesting-- I do have a lot of respect for him seeing other handbooks and deciding he needed to do it right.
Emmrich - Honestly I would love to take one of his classes. Not only would it be really interesting from a perspective of someone who likes Lore, he genuinely seems like a really good teacher with a lot of patience of his students, and he puts in the effort to individualise the learning experience. Manfred as a teacher's assistant would also be really fun. He's really polite with everyone and seeing how much more formal he is is a really fun contrast. The absolute terror of death that can only be quelled by surrounding himself with the dead also works well with the idea of a necromancer.
Taash - I'll be using they/them for Taash since I'm at a point in the game where their gender isn't entirely clear. They're dealing with it. Taash has such a rough time with their mom, I've never had an overvearing parent like that but it's very believable how they respond. I also really love the "People who've only ever been one thing will never understand how big the world is" line that technically comes from Rook, but it's a really good line and it's a good early bonding moment for them. They're also a just little stupid I think (there's a couple Lighthouse interactions ypu can listen in on that exemplify this), but they've got big muscles and breathe fire so they'll be fine.
Bonus round
Assan - BABY. I love this little griffon. He's really clever and full of mischief and I can hug him whenever I want. Perfect character.
Manfred - For some reason my brain keeps thinking his name is Martin. That aside, he's such a silly little fella. He's a spirit of curiosity. He picked his own skull. He loves to make tea. He'll get in a fight with a griffon only to team up to beg for treats. I don't even know if he can eat. I doubt he knows if he can eat. He's got goofy glasses. You can play rock paper scissors with him. Icon.
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goldenhallas · 4 months ago
1: Where in Thedas is your Rook from?
Her clan primarily roamed the forests of Ferelden
2: What is your character's alignment?
Chaotic Good, sometimes leaning a bit too much into the chaotic side
3: Race and subclass?
Dalish Elf, Veil Ranger
4: If your Rook was a companion, where would they be found?
In the Veil Jumper camp, hanging out with Amelia and the other woman who's always with her. I like to think those three are good friends who love to gossip with each other.
5: What emotion did they usually pick?
Purple. She's a mischievous one.
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Bellara. They're kindred spirits. They're so alike in so many ways - they're both very curious and excitable, they both have ADHD and trouble sitting still, and they both write to focus their minds. They also both have a little brother that they lost and dearly miss.
7: Romantically close with?
Davrin <3<3<3 she likes him from the moment she sets eyes on him, flirts with him a lot, and falls for him hard and fast and with all her heart. They have a lot in common when it comes to their adventurous spirits and the way Dalish clan life was never enough for them. And their senses of humour compliment each other, they have the best banter and love to tease each other.
8: Who are they suspicious of?
Lucanis, initially. He is an assassin, after all. Their friendship is the slowest to develop, especially once she chooses Minrathous over Treviso. They do eventually come to trust each other and become friends though. Ise has a fondness for Spite too. She thinks of him like a cute but naughty dog who likes to nip.
9: Does your Rook get along with their chosen Faction?
Kinda sorta not exactly? Haha. She adores the Veil Jumpers and they adore her, but they're like a dysfunctional family. She's a chaos gremlin always getting into (and often outright causing) trouble, so Strife is perpetually cross with her, but part of that is because he's scared he'll lose her to one of her shenanigans someday. Their relationship is like… misbehaving kid and exasperated dad
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
She plays the elven lute decently well – a guy she dated for a while taught her how. She also loves to sing but is terrible at it.
11: Weapon of choice?
Bow and arrows
12: What is their orientation?
Straight. Loves men A LOT. Dates a lot because she's a hopeless romantic and wants to find the one - and she does, in Davrin :')
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
She likes being in the thick of battle. It gives her a rush. She enjoys killing monsters and demons, but with people it's more complicated.
14: What hobbies does your Rook have?
She knits! It's a focusing, calming thing for her. She knits a sweater for every single party member with the letter of their first name on them - including Assan and Manfred of course! And Lucanis’ says ‘L & S’.
She also likes to write fiction, mostly adventure and romance stories.
15: What NPCs do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
She ADORES Antoine and Evka. They're instant besties. She also loves Strife despite their difficulties. Irelin and Amelia are dear friends. She doesn't like the First Warden much. Hates the Mayor of D'Metas crossing and leaves him to die (regrets it later because of what he turns into though)
16: Do they have a favorite creature in the Thedas?
Halla. She knits a lot of halla plushies in all different colours. Once she meets Assan she falls in love with him instantly and starts knitting griffon plushies too.
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
She loves it. It's the only life for her. She gets restless if she's not on the move, seeing and doing new things.
18: What would your Rook be doing if they weren't recruited by Varric?
Probably wandering the forest, stewing about Strife sending her away, wondering if it's still too soon to go back yet lol. The Veil Jumpers are family, she misses them dearly when she's away.
19: How do you think they'll meet their end?
When Davrin goes on his calling, and Assan goes with him, it'll shatter her heart. Likely, she won't live long after that and will quite literally die of a broken heart.
20: Would they side with Solas or fight him?
Well... Solas’ arrogance pisses her off and she likes to poke and prod him, but she can't help seeing flashes of good in him. She senses his pain, sees the abused spirit of Wisdom peeking through and she wants to help him. But she'll still fight that motherfucker to the death if she must, her friends and loved ones come first always. In the end, she ends up saving him and reuniting him with Ghilana Lavellan, because its the most compassionate option, and she can see how good Ghilana is for him, how he melts for her, she can feel how much they love each other. And she's a sucker for romance. She definitely writes fanfic with Bell about the Halla and the Dread Wolf after.
21: What is your Rook's favorite ability?
Lightning Quiver
22: What languages is your character fluent in?
Common and Dalish
23: What do they do after an absolute crisis?
She climbs into the tree tops. She finds being above her problems helps her solve them.
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
Yes, she believes in the afterlife, as the Dalish do
25: What specialization best represents your Rook?
Veil Archer. She was always a talented archer even before joining the Veil Jumpers, so it was just a matter of them teaching her their techniques to enhance what she already knew
26: What animal best represents your Rook?
Red fox. That cheeky, somewhat manic look in their eyes is very Ise, as is their resourcefulness and cunning, and the bright red fur/hair of course.
But also magpies! She's very curious, obsessed with collecting shiny trinkets and baubles, and is fiercely protective of her “nest”.
27: What was their life like before the events of Veilguard?
Similar to how it is now, but with less darkspawn and elven gods lol. She went on adventures, veil jumping and exploring ancient ruins and collecting artifacts and shiny things, and learning about ancient elvhen culture.
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
She's the leader. Varric told her to look out for the team, and that's exactly what she'll do. She never wanted that kind of responsibility, but since it has fallen to her, she'll step up and do her best. She never does anything half assed.
29: If you could choose a different faction for your Rook, which one would they have joined and why?
The Wardens. She likes being part of something bigger than her, where she can adventure and fight monsters.
30: What's your favorite thing about your Rook?
Appearance wise, her bright red curls. Personality wise, her fiery, compassionate heart and undying optimism – the way she never lets the cruelty of the world make her bitter or cruel and always has a crazy plan to get out of any situation. Her lust for life. The way she's so full of love and wears her heart on her sleeve.
Rook Questionnaire
inspired by @cassieuncaged's BG3 Character Development Questions but for Rook instead!
1: Where in the Thedas is your Rook from?
2: What is your character's alignment?
3: Race and subclass?
4: If your Rook was a companion, where would they be found?
5: What emotion did they usually pick?
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
7: Romantically close with?
8: Who are they suspicious of?
9: Does your Rook get along with their chosen Faction?
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
11: Weapon of choice?
12: What is their orientation?
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
14: What hobbies does your Rook have?
15: What NPCs do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
16: Do they have a favorite creature in the Thedas?
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
18: What would your Rook be doing if they weren't recruited by Varric?
19: How do you think they'll meet their end?
20: Would they side with Solas or fight him?
21: What is your Rook's favorite ability?
22: What languages is your character fluent in?
23: What do they do after an absolute crisis?
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
25: What specialization best represents your Rook?
26: What animal best represents your Rook?
27: What was their life like before the events of Veilguard?
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
29: If you could choose a different faction for your Rook, which one would they have joined and why?
30: What's your favorite thing about your Rook?
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Calluna de Riva:
🧝🏼‍♀️ Elf
🐦‍⬛ Crow
✨ Mage
🗡️ Spellsword
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1. Echeveria or Peony: low maintainence and ease versus favorite flower.
2. Absolutely not. Will eat it with a smile because she loves Harding though.
3. A crow, obviously!
4. She's a city girl, but I think it helps her feel a little more connected to her paternal heritage (mother was a Crow and father was Dalish), but she's glad to return to a bed and modern comforts after they're done.
5. Other than assassination? Probably information on knives and metallurgy (re: a murder weapon) and poisons (because Viago).
6. Nope, Calluna is allergic to seafood (living in Treviso is difficult) and lactose intolerant (she chooses to suffer).
7. She listens with interest even though most of it goes over her head. She gets excited when she hears something she understands, though!
8. Absolutely. The steamier, the better. Occasionally one will comment on a romance scene and be like, "That's not how it works!" and then they'll both be awkward for a bit because they've learned something new about the other.
9. Everything (she even ate the seafood the first couple of times because she could see how proud he was of what he made, and how happy it made him to feed everyone, and just threw up later, which of course Lucanis got mad at her for doing). She can taste the love in his cooking, and understands that it's one of the few ways he's comfortable expressing his affection.
10. A knife, obviously! She's a Crow, she's a spellsword, she loves Lucanis! He cannot go wrong with a knife!
11. Gamordan Stormrider (Rook uses lightning magic primarily).
12. Rook loves to hang out, but not only does she prefer coffee, she is also an incredible lightweight, so Taash has to make sure to keep an eye on her when they go or Rook can get into shenanigans.
13. Rook LOVES Emmerich's mother's hazelnut torte. Especially paired with her favorite coffee.
14. Lemon lavender to help her relax, mint ginger for her tummy, or apple cinnamon to cheer her up.
15. Lucanis makes her a treat (coffee, dessert, snack) and brings it to her to enjoy privately while talking quietly and running his fingers through her hair. Spite tells her she smells good then asks if she tastes as good as she smells, which embarrasses Lucanis, and makes Rook laugh. Emmrich offers to lend an ear and let her put hats on Manfred. Taash takes her to to hit stuff and/or commit arson. Davrin lets her take a nap on the rug with Assan even though she snores. Bellara and Neve get Rook involved in talking about serials and gossiping about their love lives. Harding asks Rook to help with the garden and lets Rook be quiet and follow instructions so she can not have to think. Teia teases Rook about Lucanis in a friendly way. Viago gives Rook something to help her stomach when she eats seafood or something contaminated by seafood (if he can poison people, he can certainly help with a tummy ache). She is loved by many and they all want to help, even if sometimes it's hard to remember she's not alone.
Small Rook & Companion Questions:
What type of plant would Harding gift your Rook?
Do they like Harding's cooking?
What animal/monster would Davrin carve for your Rook?
Does your Rook like the walks in Arlathan with Davrin?
What is something Neve could call on your Rook for if she needs certain expertise for a case?
Does your Rook share Neve's love of fried fish?
Does your Rook join Bellara in her technical talks about the Fade and various artifacts or are they more content to listen?
Do your Rook and Bellara read serials together?
What is your Rook's favorite dish that Lucanis cooks?
What would Lucanis buy for your Rook at the Grande Market?
What dragon would Taash think your Rook would like the best?
Do they bring your Rook 'round the Hall of Valor to drink often?
Would your Rook like Emmrich's mother's hazelnut torte?
What kind of tea would Emmrich make for your Rook?
Bonus: What is one thing a companion does to cheer up your Rook if they're feeling down?
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