#pride within the desert || gerudo world building
thiefxking · 1 year
Deep Desert Gerudo Worldbuilding Headcanons
Deep desert Gerudo are tribes that dwell far from grasslands and the cliffs that border the lands of Hyrule and the like. Trade with others is important to them, they often specialize in magic trinkets or dyes of unusually bright hues, ones that pay homage to the creatures that dwell in the sands, in exchange for food goods or some other things they cannot find easily.
The tribes live in tents near oases when traveling to follow some of the game they are able to find in the sands or they live in stone fortresses that are half buried, carved out of what seemed to once be mountains that were buried over time. Those who live there in the fortresses and the sands have worked hard to figure out how to cultivate the cacti and oases so they can still have water and food that they need sometimes creating huge underground reservoirs for when the strongest storms come upon them.
Over the years they have created stone tunnels between the fortresses that are covered in runes which can be charged with magic to make traveling around the desert easier, it often takes two mages of average level (ones able to manipulate one element) to activate and charge the magic in the tunnels. These tunnels have another purpose of acting as storage for foods and other items protecting them from the sun and the heat.
In the deserts there are tribes of Sheikah that are regarded as allies, they are the ones who often do the trading with the tribes and usually are the ones that are the fathers of the children for those who do not wish to travel to the edge of the desert or to leave it. They occasionally teach their children some of their secrets in stealth or transformation, but typically leave them to learn only the ways of the Gerudo.
Mages are considered sacred, male mages even more so, which is why they always are given the title of 'King'. Mages are able to give ice and to call forth storms, they protect and nurture the people acting as warriors and healers. They are distinguished by black robes over their typical outfits and often wear no less than four pieces of jewelry with gems to help focus their magic. Average mages are the most common ones, often anyone below 'Average' is not recognized as a mage and those who can control all elements in some form are revered as blessed by the Goddesses.
They worship two Goddesses above the rest, Din who is the Great Mother and the Goddess of the Sands who was her handmaiden and whose name has been lost to the very sands she keeps watch over. To insult either of the two is almost treasonous to those as they are seen as protectors and most of their lore and skills are seen as gifts from them. Their King is often spoken of as the son of the Goddesses and is a point of contention with the other Gerudo tribes, those settled outside or at the edge of the desert. The Desert Colossus and the Arbiter's Grounds were once Sacred sites, blessed by the two but have since been considered as tainted and awaiting a proper sage for the desert to be able to cleanse them.
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mrneighbourlove · 3 years
A King to a God: Chapter 1. Change in the Wind (Preview for Ganzine)
Preview and first chapter for my full entry for the @ganzine2020. What would happen to Ganondorf if he had won outright against Zelda and Link at the end of Ocarina of Time? How would the events and antagonist of Majora’s Mask effect him? Find out in “A King to a God”. I hope that you enjoy this first chapter and consider contributing towards the Zine and its charity to have early access to the full story. My favourite and best work yet I feel. 
Lightning snapped against the blackened sky, illuminating the landscape in bursts of flashes. Fire crackled and spat wildly, shuddering with each step the mighty figure took. A roar thundered out, and clash of metal echoed far. Amidst this battlefield stood a man in green, battered and bloody. His courage was faltering. A princess stood not too far. Her wisdom unable to help her. And towering above the man, a monster with a red mane snarled down at him. His power burned and he felt victory beat like a drum. With one last swing, the beast threw his sword at the man in green. A sickening slice grated against the ground, the man falling to his hands and knees. A mighty roar filled the air, overtaking the scream of the princess. This day, Ganon, King of Darkness, had won.
His hand glowed with the Triforce of Power as he reached down to the boy known as Link. He could feel the boy’s life drain as he pulled the light from him. It was like a toggle being brought down when Ganon took the Triforce of Courage from Link. The Hylian’s heart stopped as soon as the Triforce transferred to the mighty King. Ganon felt a surge of strength flow through him. It appeared as if fate favoured him this day, as a beam of light struck him from behind. It burned his flesh, but due to the mighty magic of the Triforce of Courage, Ganon persevered against the magical attack. Raising an open hand, the King of Darkness opened fire a beam of malice at his attacker, entrapping Princess Zelda in a wave of pain.
The Princess’ body bled from the attack, as the darkness attacked her physically and mentally. She fought with all her will, but it was too late. Her body succumbed, and she felt the Triforce of Wisdom leave her. The King of Evil merely had to will the last of his treasure to him in her weakened state. Clenching his fist, Ganon felt the last piece of the Triforce enter his being. Waves of energy rippled through his body, and the King of Darkness felt a state of nirvana. After all his sacrifices, he finally felt true, unlimited power.
Zelda screamed in fury, using every fiber in her being to stand. Both hers and Link’s efforts couldn’t end like this. She’d drain her own lifeforce if it meant killing Ganon. Channeling all her spirit, she unleashed all the holy magic of the gods she could.
To Ganon, her effort was useless. He countered with his blast of darkness. His own newly acquired power was overwhelming, a surprise to even him, and his attack devastated Zelda, overcoming her final assault and erasing her from the world.
All that remained was the broken body of the boy in green, the seared scar lines in the earth of where the princess had once stood and standing in the middle of the battle field was Ganon, Master of the World.
The sages looked onward, but knew they could do nothing. They would need to evacuate before Ganon sent his minions into the sacred realm. Nabooru looked to what was once the man known as Ganondorf. Even if he took human form again, and took the title of Ganondorf, she knew that the darkness that was in Ganondorf’s soul had forever changed him. Gathering with the others, she and the rest of the sages decided to formulate a plan of resistance in order to give the world sanctuary from Ganon’s evil. With Zelda gone, they had lost their leader and the power needed to seal Ganon away.
Looking around, the mighty Ganon felt the air change. The only bloodlust he felt came from within him, but it was slowly dying down.
In his mind, the man and the beast conversed. The Beast promised unlimited power, so long as it remained in control. It’s malice and terrifying might could bring the world to its knees faster, in the name of Ganon. The man, still in control, gave it a thought, yet ultimately, decided against it. He would be the face of the world, and not this beast.
Squeezing his fist, the dark beast used the power of the Triforce and his body glowed with a powerful light. The silhouette of his form shrunk and, out from the blinding light, Ganondorf emerged anew.
He was surprised to still have his scars from previous battles, despite acquiring his complete power. With a clenched fist, Ganondorf took a deep breath and, following an exhale, his body relaxed. The King of the Gerudo looked to where Zelda stood her final ground. “A shame Zelda. You could have been my queen for this world had you shared my vision. You were formidable, but not wise enough in your scheming to defeat me.”
The man turned to the body of Link and judged his formidable adversary. “And you… well boy, you did well. I can relinquish a little pride to admit that you almost had me. But in the end, you fell. You were nothing but a kid after all, playing with toys too much for you. It was inevitable that you would die at my hands. My struggles far surpassed yours after all. And you lacked the vision to ever kill me.”
Ganondorf glanced back and forth between Link and where Zelda once was. “You had strength, and the princess held vision. But I was the one to have both. I was the one to be perfectly balanced… No.” The King looked down at his hand, watching the glow of the Triforce with a twinkle of pride in his eyes. “I wasn’t before. My mind was clouded with power. Now that I hold the last two pieces, I know what I must do. This world will find peace and prosperity under my singular rule.”
Ganondorf walked by the ruins of his destroyed tower. Perhaps a palace could be constructed to replace it. “First, I bring a final order to Hyrule. Then, I will march onto the world. They might call me King of Evil, but I am the King they will deserve.”
The King of Darkness lifted his hand and commanded the Triforce to enhance his magical might. With this new power he could raise entire armies of monsters to follow his command. From the shadows, Ganondorf willed into creation artificial Moblins and undead Stalfos. In time, he’d train legions of Darknuts and Iron Knuckles as his vanguard. Monsters and dragons would spread fear to his enemies. However, for now, these simple monsters would do.
“All of you, get to work on raising my palace anew. A king such as I will need a throne.” For now, Ganondorf lifted a stone slab from the earth to sit down upon. As his minions immediately set out to collect and carve away stone slabs, Ganondorf thought about what he wanted and why he had set out to acquire his power in the first place.
His people, the Gerudo, toiled in the desert. They had to steal just to survive the heat of the land in the day, and the blistering cold of the night. So why did a land like Hyrule, full of ungrateful slobs, have such comfort? It maddened Ganondorf, filling him with greed and envy. His enemies called him the King of Thieves, but he justified his actions well enough. He needed power, the kind of power that would raise him and his people to prosperity. And as he began his quest, he came to the most logical conclusion. The world needed a singular will, a being who would be willing to make others sacrifice to bring everyone together. By becoming King, he could make a world united under his protection. As King, he’d bring peace and security to people like the Gerudo. If any resisted, then they’d be wiped away, making room for only those who would accept his utopia.
The Goron, the Zora, and the Great Deku Tree had resisted seven years ago, what with them being blinded by their loyalty to the royal family. Had they simply given the spiritual stones to him, he’d have spared them. But instead they spat in the face of the Great Ganondorf. That was the last mistake they’d ever made. Feeding the Goron to a dragon had amused Ganondorf, similar to how he had fed crickets to the desert scorpions as a child. The Zora would remain frozen now that he had defeated the Princess and her little ‘hero’. As for the Kokiri, Ganondorf considered sending a horde of monsters to wipe them out. He carefully thought over the option, finally deciding the wiser course of action might be to give them one more chance as citizens of his new empire. The surviving Goron tribe, if they hadn’t grown a back bone, would become slaves. Every empire needs strong labour after all.
But his own people … Ganondorf winced just thinking about what to do with them. Nabooru, his second in command, was supposed to lead the Gerudo in his absence. Yet, she had stabbed him behind his back. He had caught her treachery over seven years ago, but her freedom at the hands of the hero had set her loose in the world and free to plot against him. How many of the other Gerudo could be wishing to see him fall? The king squeezed his hands on the cloth above his knees. Taking a deep breath, he shook his paranoia away. Even neglected, his people still adored him. Any negative feelings they’d have toward him would be erased once he moved them out of the desert. Nabooru was simply a virus, an isolated incident. A mistake of putting too much trust in one person, one that he’d never fall for again.
“I’m so tired…” Ganondorf gave a light chuckle. In the seven years looking for the Triforce, he had barely slept. Now, he felt like he could take a moment to breathe. Pulling himself slowly upright, Ganondorf decided his first course of action would be to raid the lost woods to secure wood for building supplies. He could at least build himself a new bed. For the time being, he’d settle his eyes on Kakariko Village. His minions would clear out the inhabitants so he could have a safe night’s sleep.
As Ganondorf slowly walked out of the ruins of his crumbled tower, he took note of the environment around him. The winds of Hyrule that he coveted were still. Why did the wind not blow in his direction this day, on the finality of his victory? Was fate not satisfied with him just yet?
The Sacred Grove was devastated. A group of Hylians made their last stand in defending the Kokiri and evacuating the defenseless. From all sides, monsters and spirits of evil intent swept through the undergrowth, overtaking all who fought against the enemies of the Great Ganondorf. They killed everyone from soldiers to civilians who came to aid the evacuation and bring comfort to the forest children.
One of those who escaped the carnage was a single Imp. The Skull Kid, the last of the Skull Children, rose from a pile of shrubbery. His head was aching like nothing he felt before. His feet shook as he tried to pick himself up. Why did everything hurt? How had he gotten here? What had happened to him? How could he -
Slowly, Skull Kid started to recall the events of the previous two weeks. He remembered finding Link’s body floating down a moat towards Zora river; the fairy boy who showed him kindness when only one other would. The Hylian kid had even gave him a new face to wear in the form of that cool skull mask. When Ganondorf first appeared and declared himself as King of Hyrule, no more fairies came from the Great Deku Tree. Skull Kid hadn’t seen any fairies nor Link for seven years. Link said he was going to put a stop to Ganondorf, that he was going to make up for the loss of those seven years. But now Link was dead.
With Link gone, Skull Kid remembered Saria telling him to keep an eye out for monsters. He didn’t want to, as a happy looking man was giving out masks to the Kokiri. It looked like fun and he wanted to join in. It was then that Skull Kid had been suddenly attacked by a Poe, which smashed its lantern against his head. If it wasn’t for the mask he wore taking the brunt of the force, his head would have cracked open instead. The Skull Kid heard the sounds of screaming in the distance before he lost his vision.
Skull Kid didn’t know what to do. His head wouldn’t stop hurting, and every time he reached with his hand to touch it, he felt a stickiness on his forehead. Why did his head feel wet and sticky? The imp stumbled past the hacked-up pieces of other Skull Children when he stopped in his tracks. Among the bodies was the still image of a girl with green hair. “S-saria? Saria, are you-!”
She only had one wound, a small red circle that stained her green sweater. A single spear thrust was what fate had dealt her for her ending on this earth. Her eyes were like a glass doll’s, looking longingly into the distance. Immediate guilt hit Skull Kid. He couldn’t protect the last good thing in this world that mattered to him. His friends were dead.
“Oh……… I guess you’re gone now.” Skull Kid reached out to feel her face. Cold. Someone as kind as her shouldn’t be so cold. His body started to shake as he felt emotion leak from his shattered heart. What was the point of living in a world like this? Ganondorf was going to take everything for himself. Make a world of cruelty. The world had shown him cruelty before Ganondorf had come along, so Skull Kid assumed it was only fitting.
A gust of wind from the north caught Skull Kid’s fragile attention. Feeling the cool air hurt his head wound. He needed a new ‘face’ now that the one Link had given him was gone. Stumbling away from Saria, he came across another body. The Happy Man who was giving away masks to the children laid dead on the forest floor. He had his giant backpack still on him, with masks thrown about everywhere around him. One of Skull Kid’s eyes grew dark as the liquid from his forehead dripped down over it.
Skull Kid wanted the perfect face. He wanted to put all his worries behind him. Going through the bag, he felt a pull towards something. Discarding the faces useless to him one after the other, the Skull Kid eventually found the perfect mask. Wiping away his eye to see, he looked into the eyes of a heart shaped mask. This was it. This was what he wanted. What’s more, he felt he needed it.
He carefully turned it around, and placed it on his head. The mask was a perfect fit. As soon as he put it on, Skull Kid giggled to himself. This giggle turned into a laugh. His mind was clear, and he knew exactly what he wanted. This cruel world took the things that mattered to him, and it wanted to give a monster like Ganondorf everything in return. Such a world didn’t deserve to exist, and Ganondorf deserved the suffering tenfold that Skull Kid had faced. The Mask’s eyes gave an eerie glow, and with the last of Skull Kid’s laughter, it vowed to give the King of Evil a new taste of terror.
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Reflections of the Demon King
*A bit of a character study of our favorite Demon King. Please enjoy!
This was submitted by @ganondorfthedarklord and we worked together on it. Thanks bro!
Within his personal quarters did the infamous demon king spare glance at tapestry and relic, art and artifact. The Gerudo who stood an immortal king had lived millennia, his memory stretched far and vast, and pieces of himself could be drawn to a time before time itself existed. He was draped in soft scholarly robes over metal boots, black etched over with gold as he allowed himself a moment outside his conflict. As fingers slid across the stitching of textiles from his own time, preserved through extensive magics of his own making, he began to settle into contemplating that long past, back to his youth, considering how he came to be as he was now.
            Fingers drifted from art that depicted his home to things far more personal, a wooden mug, roughly carved from a solid chunk. It was not something fit for a king, it was rugged, uneven, but fit for his enormous fingers and shaped comfortably. Even now he recalled the day he received it…
            One year. Only one year had passed since he had been crowned King of the Gerudo, and already dozens of the desert tribes had fallen to his might. Some called him the Witch King, others the Dark Master. In the end it didn’t matter to Ganondorf what he was called, so long as they fools knelt before him.
            On this day, the one year anniversary of his kingship, the leaders of the tribes he conquered presented him with gifts. Some were extravagant works of gold and silver, others were wickedly sharp weapons. He had received little else, save for a few scrolls containing spells of which he already had mastered. He was mentally dividing up the gifts, intending to use them for more useful pursuits than gathering dust on his shelves, when he was interrupted from his thoughts.
            “Your Majesty?” came a shy voice. Ganondorf turned to see a little girl, no older than eleven summers, standing near him, nervously shifting about. She was of the Jabari Tribe, one of his conquests, but there was clearly Gerudo ancestry in her features.
            “What?” he questioned, dutifully keeping his voice neutral.
            “I… I know that… that I have nothing worthy of you… but I wished to give you a gift anyway.” she said. Without another word she presented a simple wooden cup to him. The Dark King took up the offering, examining it critically. The rough hewn wood was nothing to show off about, but it had obviously been carved with care.
            Ganondorf turned to the nervous girl and spoke with clarity something he had never said before.
            “Thank you.”
            As Ganondorf drank from the cup he inwardly chuckled at the memories of the odd looks he’d received from nobles due to his use of this cup. He never bothered to share the story of it, they had been unworthy to hear it anyway. Simple yes, but it was his. He shook himself from such thoughts and returned his attention to the tapestry before him.
            His time before his ascension was a mystery to many, but he remembered it well. He had been born to a young she-warrior whose name he had never learned. It had never truly seemed important really, she had died birthing him after all. Nor did he know his father, save that he was a wandering Hylian Knight who had been taken by the Gerudo for a short time. In truth he had been a child of the Gerudo Tribe, rather than any individual. They had forged him into what he was. They had taught him to stand, to strive, to slay. What need of traditional parents had he then?
            Upon his thirteenth summer the wisest and strongest of the Tribal Elders, Koume and Kotake, had taken him into their hands. He knew that they had loved him, but it was not a gentle love. It was a cruel love, hard and sharp like a sword. They had turned him into a weapon of magic and steel. No mistakes had been tolerated, and any he made were punished harshly…
            “Fool of pup!” screamed Koume at the prostate child before her. “You are to be King of our people! A savior! And yet you continue to make mistakes that a brain-envenomed Goron wouldn’t make!” she shrieked in Gerudo tongue.
            “I… I am sorry, Elder Koume.” he ground out.
            For that she blasted him with dark fire that etched into his skin. He took it silently, malice building in his gut. “Never apologize you weak pup! Kings do not apologize! They simply are!” Ganondorf stood, feeling the aches in his muscles. Something was building inside him. Something ancient. Something terrible.
            Something very, very, angry.
            “Perhaps then, it is your fault.” he said, not fully conscious of his actions. He only knew that what was inside him NEEDED to be free. “Perhaps I make mistakes because my teacher is a wretched, ugly, weak, PATHETIC BAG OF DUST!” he thundered. The world seemed to fade around him, his nose picked up the faint burn of ozone in the air.
            “You- you wretched-” Koume never got the chance to finish her sentence as Ganondorf loosed a beast’s roar, and with it a bolt of solid black energy from his mouth. It smashed Koume through solid stone.
            With that he fell to the ground. The last thing his senses could grasp before losing consciousness was Kotake walking up and standing over him, a broad smile on her wizened face.
            “Finally.” she said.
 After that his strength grew in leaps and bounds. He learned every spell his teachers knew, practiced every martial skill his tribe could offer. His nights were consumed by scrolls and books, filled with the sciences and philosophies of the wise and powerful alike. He became voracious, seeking every scrap of knowledge and power he could find. Soon he towered tall above all his peers in both body and mind. The many scars of his pursuits were left untouched, he took pride in the growth drawn from each cut.
            The path forward had become clear to him. To be free one must have power, to have power one must be intelligent, one must be strong, one must be cunning, one must be willing to utilize that which was necessary. To be a true sovereign one must be able to overcome all that could question him, and in later ages which he had not yet reached he would come to include the gods among those who must be overtaken. He would learn self-reliance as the only reliance. For then he still prayed to the gods to better his lands and strengthen his might.
 Perhaps the only person who ever truly knew him beside himself was his second, a young Gerudo girl who had managed to sneak into his training sessions during that age. For a time, she had been a trusted and wonderful companion a few years younger than himself, sharp of tongue and mind with strength that could hold longer than any other of his kin against him. Such trust was misplaced, he would later learn, as she was not as loyal to him as her own ideas of the Gerudo, and over time their visions of the future would irreconcilably divide. She hid her betrayal well, and it had been wrenching to learn of this treachery.
            It was first with hope that he approached Hyrule, while he had long studied the history he was yet young and naive in all practical sense. War had long existed, but there was perhaps some potential for a more peaceful progress. He soon learned the truth of the Hylians.
 They were a soft people. A people made weak by wealth and plenty. Their King was nothing like what a king should be. He was like his people, soft and weak. A sorry excuse for a monarch. And slowly,steadily, Ganondorf became angry. These weak creatures hoarded and hoarded all they could, unwilling to share with his own. The so-called blessed races which infested the mountains, fields, forests and hills shared in the plenty, but his own were outcasts in the desert wastes.
            His fury could not truly be described. Soon he realized that the only way forward was domination. Control. Conquest.
 Ganondorf began with his native home. He turned the Gerudo people from warriors to soldiers. He forged them as they had forged him. An army was born. And one by one, the tribes of the great Southern Desert fell to his rule.
            His rule was not as stable as he had anticipated. He was far more young and ignorant than he had believed of himself, his older self understood. That passion, that fury, had not yet been as under control as he had believed and in frustration he made many mistakes which further destabilized his rule. He may be proud and unrelenting, lacking in regret, but one did not grow so powerful without correcting where one faulted or erred.
 He had tried a measured hand, but the pride of the tribes he conquered refused to be denied. He was plagued by little rebellions, internal conflicts, and assassination attempts. Slowly he applied more and more pressure upon his conquered peoples. Blood and steel became the law of his rule, but he never went further than what he deemed necessary. For every ten rebels he executed with a swift and brutal hand, another thirty were cowed into submission. He came to realize an important truth: Men do not fear swords. They fear Monsters. And so a monster he became.
It was that philosophy that finally led him to the Triforce, and to Hyrule’s conquest.
            But it was in his seventh year of rule and conquest that his greatest failure came. His confidant and friend had betrayed him. Only through his mothers did he even allow suspicion of her, allow himself to question her. It should have been obvious, but he had been blinded by the trust he had placed. Such a mistake he would not make again, and he swiftly discovered another most trusted servant had never been on his side at all. It was rare any saw what he did not, such mistakes boiled in his veins and he cursed and spat. Steadily, rather than the support he had intended, he had lost ground.
 Defeat was long and it was attrition combat which finally wore his powers from him. He had total confidence in himself all throughout that fight, he needed to, for he was to conquer the heavens themselves, he had brought Hyrule to heel, he had taken their most sacred relics and children were all that faced him. He did not see the gods behind them, and he fell into his hatred, let it control him in ways he would not allow again so easily.
            Many foes had claimed he did not feel as man did, could not see as a person, but something almost all failed to realize is he empathized greatly with those he slew. To manipulate as he has one must truly understand those they are using, and he did not ever act without reason when he had sound mind, but he was ruthless and ceaseless, endless, eternal in his conquest. It was not without consideration that he would end a life, rather he considered each greatly, but of comparison to his goals there was little to decide. Zelda herself had done similar such things in her battles to bring down his reign.
 Ganondorf set his sentiments from the ancient past aside and beheld the present as he rose, though the mug never left his hand, to the bright stained windows which peered into the realm beyond. He saw out into the era as it was. Here he stood outside of his time and realm among countless beings of differing origins beyond his own. Such ripe pickings, such choice pawns and pieces, and the most loyal of servants of all time did follow him again. There was much that had happened here. He deliberated on it as he drank deep of his liquid caffeine.
            Ironic, that one of the beings who most spent her attention upon him was a goddess of light in her world while the other a powerful witch, one of not insignificant strength and deeply wrapped in darkness herself. He had hesitated to call the bonds shared with them love at first, despite the deliciously debauched acts they participated in, but competition as the two challenged him deeper into the embrace was ever driving, as was his passion. As tightly controlled as it may be, upon release his passion was consuming and he was one to fight in every battle before him, even ones of affection. Those bonds developed much further than he had ever anticipated.
 This established, none of the trio possessed the same beliefs, the same ideals, and he well knew they would often come against him no matter how pleasing their time together. It was refreshingly pleasant, though, to take this occasional escape from his constant war. In a way it reminded him of his youth, rejuvenated him. Such bright passion was not as common in him these days, the flare of heat was appreciated. The joining of flesh also produced something he had wanted but not anticipated finding before his final victory — children.
            An heir was something Ganondorf long sought despite his immortality. While there had always been many who sought him it was difficult to find one capable enough, enticing enough, powerful enough for him to even lightly consider the idea of truly bedding. He had first come to have a biological one, and he managed two such children with the first of his mates, the witch, but they had not joined him in his cause. The first had become a beacon of justice in his own world, making himself a symbol not unlike Ganondorf himself. The second had trodden a path similar to his own, rebellion against authority and the divine. Although his actions were far more… altruistic in their motivations.
 But despite their difference in goals he was still proud of both of them. However, no matter his pride, neither could be his heir.
            Then whispers had reached his ears of another child. One so like him yet so very different. A child filled with rage and darkness. A devil in the making, soaked in the blood of genocide and betrayal. He had sought out this child, and the little demon had been everything he had hoped. And so he had his heir. From this child he would forge a scourge upon the Sacred Realm itself. All of creation would one day tremble before this creature… this Angel Fallen Underground.
Ganondorf once more returned attention to the ancient mug as he considered his relations and reflected upon the state of his kin. He would never admit it, but it had been gutting to see what had become of them.
            The last and yet living king of the Gerudo was a man well out of time, he had long recognized. Life changed around him, the Gerudo were long dead; while others might question him of the statement they had died millennia ago. What remained of them was a corpse mutilated into something he cared nothing for. Gone was their savage strength, their terrible will. They had been… domesticated by that wretched scourge that was Hyrule.
 Independence had died, rebellion gone, their leadership had been gorged out and replaced with one far too similar to that of the Hylians. Worse still they now served under the family of Hyrule. It disgusted him to see such proud resistance fall into line beneath the kingdom he fought. The only value of it was the idea of resurrection, he had forged it once, he could forge it again in the crucible of blood and steel. The world had indeed changed, but never was it to benefit him lest he force it.
            Ganondorf contemplated the future, turning from the window toward his maps and plots where much was yet to be subjected and subjugated to his influence.
 What still stood before him was Hyrule, and with it the Triforce. It remained difficult, but to him there had never been such a thing as the impossible, merely heightened and difficult obstacles to overcome. Even fate was one to be taken and conquered. Once he finally wretched these things from the gods and their champions he would have all in hand. From there he could forge all existence as he desired. From there he could remove the thrice damned gods from their thrones. They were his truest of enemies, and such cowards they were to hide from him in the heavens behind their champions.
            Though he rarely spoke such words he truly respected those two ceaseless opponents, both nearly as stubborn as himself. The princess could meet him in wits, the boy in swords, and though separate they could never defeat him they could gather quite the remarkable forces to lead against him together. Each piece of the pair impressed him. He would have to overcome them alone one day, and he would not have it otherwise. For him his victory must be complete and then he shall be able to end all who would stop him. It must be total, eclipsing, and it shall be, no matter how long it takes. He has lived countless centuries, he can take countless more. Existence will cease before he would do so.
 The mug disappeared from his fingers in a mix of black and purple flames, off to a safe location, as did the soft cloth which had cloaked him during this time alone. Donning armor of war made of dark metal detailed in gold and cloaked with crimson beneath fiery hair, the time for contemplation had ended. The time to act neared, he was to convene his forces and prepare for it. Nothing would ever stop his march, only delay, only slow. Fierce fangs glinted in a smirk formed from devious designs taking shape. The giant pair of metal boots moved ever onward to a faint, almost silent, rhythmic click. Always forward.
            Because for Ganondorf, forward was the only possibility.
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thiefxking · 4 months
Courting, Marriage, and Divorce
(This has been sitting in my drafts for a while (Since 2019 if you were wondering) and is a continuation of my Gerudo Worldbuilding set.)
Oh weddings happen, if it’s with a male outside the tribe the Gerudo either goes and lives with him or the male has to pass a trial given by a chieftain and then live with a smaller tribe for four years before being allowed into the Fortress, but only for certain festivals and only when the Sage or King are present.
If it’s two females they can make the choice to live in the Fortress or elsewhere but they are under watch of the chieftain where they live so that the customs are followed and after four years they can do as they wish.
Wedding gifts are usually some jewelry and a single boquet of flowers for each woman involved and if it’s a male he is given the traditional voe garb instead of the flowers.
If the Sage or King get married the event happens at the Colossus (to seek the blessing of the Goddess(es)) and everyone from every Gerudo tribe is present to see it. They and their spouse are given new clothes and jewelry for the occasion (you are right about gem cutters being sought after btw). If it’s a foriegner (non-Gerudo) then there are usually two weddings one to follow each custom.
The Gerudo use red mostly for weddings, it’s customary for the couple to wear red and gold for the wedding. Also maybe they happen at twilight, dusk or dawn, since that’s the time for transitions and new beginnings.
The marriages can be between many people but everyone involved has to be of age and to give their consent to marrying the others involved. The marriage can be ended but that too requires the blessing of the Goddess(es), and usually happens at sun down (weddings at sun up) in front of the Sage who makes certain that it truly is what those involved want and that there is no way for it to work out after all.
Gerudo start a courting with giving a flower, often the favorite of the giver but sometimes it’s the receiver’s favorite flower.If the request to begin courting is accepted, among Gerudo at least, they give a verbal answer then later a charm, also a flower (in shape), to indicate their agreement.
After that comes food, the recipient gives the giver a small meal for while they work, and then the giver makes a dinner or breakfast for the recipient. Then they start spending time taking walks, always with at least one other person present, and inform the Priestess of the mutual interest.
After the food, gifts made from cloth and bone could be exchanged, like a veil or a rug for the home.
Once they have decided they know each other well enough they make each other something to wear, usually a sash or piece of jewelry, and then move onto other gifts more focused on their crafting skills.
then after they are truly happy with how they work together they get married and then they spend four years, one for each Goddess, together in a house near either the Priestess or Chieftain to ensure they do not start fighting because of differences right after getting married. If fighting does start up then they are each taken aside to speak with whoever they feel more comfortable with and there is a month long attempt to sooth the problems.
During those four years, would they not be allowed to have a child in case there is fighting?
Depends on the couple honestly. If it seems like fighting could start within the first two years then probably not, but if it is peaceful then they are allowed to have a child.They want to be certain that no child will be caught between two parents.
Of course some couples do need someone to focus on to bring them some cohesion, of course in those cases the suggestion is sometimes made that they find another partner who is interested.The four years doesn’t restart unless it’s the last year but then it’s more like another few are added if another person is married to them as well. They try very hard to make sure that even if everything else is a fight the Gerudo have peace at home.
Of course it is not unheard of for a vai to have a child and be unmarried, but typically they wait until they are married because of the added stability.
Would the courting process be the same for those who’ve lost partners to battle? Or perhaps other rituals are involved, ones that honor the deceased and first love of the person being courted. If there was a child from the first marriage then the one who first gave the courting flower would have to get the child/children’s’ approval first before moving onto the next steps
The approval of the child is definitely important, but it is treated as a standard courting. The added steps would actually happen after the request to get married is already made.
There the person marrying someone already married finds a flower that the dead one favored and brings it back, then they have to make a gift of the same sort that was first given on the second step. It is acknowledging that the person is different and sort of taking the place of another even though they both consented to it. Other than that they are free to proceed as they wish.
Now if the couple separate then it is tradition for them both to return the flowers, usually the one to start the process is dried and hung somewhere but if it is gone then a new flower of the same type is found. If there are children then they are given the choice of who to stay with or if they don’t want to stay with either.
If the child(ren) choose to stay with neither parent then they would get their choice, and if they couldn’t choose then the Priestess and the Chieftain would either choose for them or take them themselves.
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thiefxking · 7 months
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TotK Headcanons
Gerudo Tribes
The ancient Gerudo split into multiple groups when Rauru tried to convince them to join Hyrule. One group followed Ganondorf and fought back against Hyrule wanting to hurt them before they got hurt. Another group stayed there and didn't help Ganondorf but neither did they help Hyrule, they just stayed and didn't want their lifestyle and history to change much. A third group left and headed deeper into the desert and adapted to life there, they rebuilt their civilization from what they knew and were able to do.
Ganondorf's imprisonment was known to all of the groups and they dealt with it however they deemed appropriate. The two that stayed behind became partially reunited though they still had differing opinions on how to respond to what happened they decided as a whole to take the view of wait and see. The third group stayed away and continued rebuilding their society away from Hyrule while forming connections with other lands around the desert and finding what aid they could get that way. In time they reunited in some ways and sent messages and trade to one another but largely they stayed separate.
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thiefxking · 7 months
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Worldbuilding: Gerudo
Time: Primarily for Ocarina of Time Era and there-about (At least that's when I had this idea for, but possibly used for other Eras.)
Gerudo are primarily Vai (female) but just as Voe (males) are occasionally born so to are those who have both Voe and Vai organs. These mostly identify as Vai once they are older but often those who do not more closely resemble their non-Gerudo parent and leave the Tribes once they reach an age where they will survive. (Please note that it is often and not always.)
Gerudo Voe are actually a little more common than the stories tell, one born around every 20-40 years instead of the 100, but there are many trials that must be survived before they are accepted. The first is often entirely in the hands of the Goddesses. Traditionally the baby Voe is left in the desert near the Colossus and if the baby is found he is then raised by the Vai that found him until he is old enough for his trials into adulthood. Once they reach the adulthood trial most fail but those who succeed often are given the title of King, the act that lead to the rumor of one only every 100 years as that is how often a Voe will succeed in the trial, more often the Voe dies in the attempt.
The trial for Voe are far more difficult than for a Vai because of the responsibilities placed on him and what he is believed to be able to do. The trials are based off of what the one hoping to transition into adulthood wishes to be, some born as Vai wish to take the Voe trial and same is true in reverse.
As for spouses and children that is left entirely to the Gerudo in question. Sometimes a Vai will go and pray for guidance either to the Goddess of the Sands, to Din the Great Mother, or to Hylia the White Goddess, that often determines if they leave the desert to find a man or if they simply stay where they are. This mostly only happens if the Vai is unsure of what she wants. Gerudo Voe are often encouraged to stay inside the desert because of the rarity of their existence but they do leave and are often shadowed by one or more Vai.
How the Tribes are seen and how Gerudo are treated also plays a role on whether a Vai will leave the desert or if they will simply stay. As does whether there is an adult Voe or not. If there is an adult Voe and the Tribes are viewed poorly then it is far more likely that the Vai will simply stay among the Tribes and have their children there where as if not then they will travel often and find spouses outside the desert though whether they stay with them or not is also a personal choice.
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thiefxking · 2 years
//This blog may contain some mentions of incest and it is due to the culture and racial traits of the Gerudo. Now as you likely know the Gerudo are a race primarily comprised of women. One male is said to be born every 100 years, and usually Ganondorf is the most recent male born to the Tribes. As the only male it is likely his duty to ensure the next generations, so he would be tasked with bedding as many of the women as he can and as want a child.
Now some of those women are undoubtedly closely related to him, specifically cousins. Yes he has made arrangements for the women to leave and find other fathers or even husbands should they wish to. Also yes, he only does it with those willing. Even so the Gerudo have a different view of such matters than most people and they often ignore the Hylian and other Races' views of such things save for when they are in search of a husband or someone to have a child with.
Their view of such things is often much looser anyways since they have used it as a reward for help they are given, evidenced by some of Nabooru's comments in Ocarina of Time. Ultimately they each have preferences when it comes to partners and while a Gerudo male is usually their King he is also just that, an easily accessible male.
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thiefxking · 5 years
All Gerudo are literate. They are taught very young by the tribe’s Priestess and then they learn the histories of their people as well as any prophecies in the past that may somehow effect them. This includes information about Hylia and her actions as well as the Curse of Demise. They are also expected to know two languages, their own and one other. Naturally the King and Sage are expected to know more since they will have the most direct contact with visitors.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The Rising Sun: Ch 1. Dawn of the Gerudo
Malik roared triumphantly as he walked through Zarazu’s office, the biggest grin on his face in a while. In these years he had a thin beard that Ganondorf kept in some incarnations. The Gerudo Lord was nearly dancing, thrilled with a personal secret. The only thing he told the castle before arriving from out of country was to prepare for his arrival. “The scumbag pirate actually delivered on her biggest contact yet!”
For years now, Malik had talked with the pirate Adda. The Gerudo was his personal captive to do with as he pleased. As awful a woman she was, she was still a Gerudo. And she held Gerudo secrets. Sure, she knew her crew, but she also knew of scattered Gerudo across the world that Malik needed to track down.
"... I really wish you wouldn't work with that woman, Malik." Zarazu was in the middle of a huge stack of papers with a map sprawled out on her desk. There were rumors of another continent. Yet, she could not exactly pinpoint where it could be. There were so little travelers from other places, what other information could be gathered? "She's not exactly trustworthy."
“I hold her life in my hands, and give her sunlight from time to time. She respects power. I am power. So, we have an understanding. But enough about her.” Malik pulled out a map of the Gerudo desert. “It’s time Zarazu. I found not only enough Gerudo now, but the right Gerudo to run and fill this town.”
"And who might that be?" Zarazu knew that Malik really wanted to try to revitalize the Gerudo community. Yet, sometimes, when someone was too eager, mistakes could be made. "Adda is staying in her cell."
“Of course she is. And perhaps it’s best you met one of the women I’ll be working with.”
Malik turned to the door, and with the command of his hand, he waved a Gerudo woman in. She was fit, but not overly muscly. With a cloak over her head, she had rings and earrings made of rubies and sapphires on her person. She looked a little anxious, but swallowed her fears down as Malik introduced her. “I present to you, Gali Kalpaka. Her family has carried Gerudo traditions from generation to generation. Like Cass, they lived as merchants to survive.”
Gali lowered her cloak, the forty-year-old woman smiling to the Queen. “Vasaaq. Lord Malik honours me by bringing me to the Queen of Hyrule. I am Gali.”
"It is nice to meet you, Gali." Zarazu stood from her desk to greet the woman. "If Malik trusts you, then so do I. Rebuilding the Gerudo community has been a task that has been neglected for too long. I am glad that you will take part in this event for the shaping of our children's futures."
“I couldn’t help but spy on the conversation you were having. My mother had a deal with Adda. She’d take in willing Gerudo who didn’t wish to be pirates. I, however, have no relationship with this Adda, so please do not be worried.” Gali finished shaking her hand. “Lord Malik told us all the tale of how Ganondorf came to tame the beast within. How his son worked hard to give the Gerudo a name of honour amongst Hyrule again. And that he himself was a relic from times long forgotten. Currently, there are 27 different families in my caravan alone awaiting a new home with safe borders.”
Malik was beaming with pride at his actions. “Indeed. This has always been my dream. To see the Gerudo rise up once more. I never decided to grasp that dream until I breathed with my own flesh and blood again. But now it’s a reality that seems possible. Zarazu, with my guidance, you’re about to see a boom of revived culture not seen since your brother in law down at the plantation.”
"It seems like the two of you have a lot to accomplish in such little time." Zarazu then asked. "If you require some help shaping this community, I could introduce you to some very reliable Zemljas, Kovinas, and some Vodas if you need to create a well system." She took a look at the map where the new Gerudo village would be located. "We would have to establish a proper road there as well." Pausing, she then suggested. "Malik, might I suggest you take your family there for a while? I could give Asa leave from the forge for a couple of weeks."
“That’s the beauty of it Zarazu. I wanted it to be a surprise to you.” Malik giggled. An honest to god giggle escaped his lips. “I’ve had the help of your people and associates of mine for a while in constructing not only the town, with all its vegetation, housing, and clean water supply, but a road right into Hyrule. Pulled a lot of strings to keep it secret from you, but I think the surprise is well worth it.”
Malik shocked both the women with pictographs of what the village looked like. Stone houses with solid doors and curtains to keep out the elements, an oasis in the middle of the town, multiple wells, a pool to swim at, mighty walls and gates, a small palace, and plentiful market with fruits ready to be given to the new citizens. “I call it Taiyo Town, home to the Gerudo. Soon we’ll even have our old temple ready again.”
Gali was in total shock, never having had a house before in her life. “Sa’oten! I-I can’t- I don’t-“
“I believe the words you’re looking for, is Sarqso.”
“Yes! Thank you!” Gali couldn’t hide her tears of excitement now.
"....?!?!" Zarazu was shocked. Malik was not too good at keeping secrets like this for long. Then again, she was not sure what to think of this. A development of a new community without the knowledge being shared with the king and queen, that was a little... uncalled for. There were a lot of regulations to put into place. Covarog would probably going to shit a brick unless Malik did share this with him beforehand. Either way, this was a lot to take in for now. "I... am happy for both of you, yet there is still work to be completed to ensure a proper thriving community."
“Of course. And we shall all work together to build a bright future. Once the Gerudo refugees are settled, it will bring me great joy to bring family and yours to the town.” What could go wrong?
Revan, son of Malik, narrowed his eyes down at Luimaya. So it had come down to this. “Luimaya. You’re my friend, but you have the hottest temper I know. I didn’t want to cross this line, but your disregard for common sense made me have to step over your head. I’m sorry it has come to this... King Covarog, I insist, given the attack on Zarazu and Luimaya from the vampire, she needs to have a full time bodyguard.” Revan was a Tatl Tael, even in his twenties. A mark on his honour to be sure, but a necessary sacrifice. His stubborn friend needed to listen to the only person who might be able to ground some real sense into her.
"I don't need someone watching me every minute of every day!" Luimaya insisted, "And I have plenty of common sense, I just don't want to use it sometimes."
"You are to be the future queen of our kingdom, Luimaya." Covarog told his daughter, understanding her point but also knowing Revan was looking out for his child's future. "Even your mother had a bodyguard for over a decade."
"Yeah, but Mom was waddling around pregnant half of that time." She rolled her eyes. "I'm not married, I'm not pregnant, and I certainly don't need a babysitter."
"You're more reckless than your mother diving off that tower when I first met her." Covarog stated to his daughter in a dry tone. "I believe Revan has a point."
"Well, fine! Then Carsa'sec can be my bodyguard."
"He can't fit in the castle."
"He'll be my bodyguard outside of the castle."
"You need someone inside the castle."
“I volunteer. If it weren’t for my common sense and tactics, that vampire would have taken us down before you can say Bleh.” Revan lifted a brow at Luimaya.
“Unless her royal fire highness objects.”
"While I appreciate you volunteering, I'm not so sure your father or mother would want you to have such a dangerous job."
"It won't be dangerous because I don't need a bodyguard!"
"We could organize a contest to see who proves themselves worthy of holding the mantle."
"Dad! No! Urgh!" Luimaya groaned. "Not another one of those contests like Grandpa used to hold."
"What? He'll love it, those are fun." Covarog grinned widely, loving the look of dismay on his daughter's face. "Besides, consider this your punishment for being so reckless during a fight."
Revan frowned, sighing deeply. Maybe King Covarog was getting too protective with age. “My King, I assure you it’ll be a waste of time.”
"Oh, it will be like old times!" Covarog wrapped an arm around Revan's shoulders and then Luimaya's, earning a loud groan from both of the youngsters. "Get a bit of a crowd going on too. The kingdom will love it!"
"... this is your fault. You and your big mouth's." Luimaya blamed Revan. "I'm going to have my dragon sit on you later for this."
“...Oh King Covarog! Don’t you think Luimaya should get dolled up for the big event? After all, motivation to see the princess they wish to protect might make the battles more engaging if Luimaya pours her heart and soul into seeking the perfect bodyguard.” Revan had the perfect tone to hide sarcasm. He shot her a cheeky smile.
"Don't you fucking dare---"
"Luimaya, language." Covarog chided his daughter. "I do think this should be a family event for sure. We'll all look our best for the tournament!"
"... sleep with one eye open, you prick."
Revan smartly made his way out, giving Luimaya a smartass wink and comment. “My my. Haven’t you heard that rudeness often disguised intrigue? I’m sure ‘prick’ is the most romantic name you can think of in the heat of the moment, but do try to do better next time my ‘sweet’. Till later Luimaya.” Revan turned his back to her, his face immediately shifting to regret and worry as he could feel Luimaya fire daggers from her eyes into his back.
Revan smartly made his way out, giving Luimaya a smartass wink and comment. “My my. Haven’t you heard that rudeness often disguised intrigue? I’m sure ‘prick’ is the most romantic name you can think of in the heat of the moment, but do try to do better next time my ‘sweet’. Till later Luimaya.” Revan turned his back to her, his face immediately shifting to regret and worry as he could feel Luimaya fire daggers from her eyes into his back.
With a sigh, he took a deep breath to relax as he shut the door behind him. Despite being three years older, herself only about three to four years shy of thirty, Luimaya still could have the same temper she held since ten.  "Note to self. Look out for the skies."
Asakonigei had everything perfect. Dinner was Malik's favorite dish, the peach cobbler was cooling, and the side of vegetable medley with herbs smelled wonderful. It was his first day off in a while, and she missed him greatly. His work was important, but sometimes, she wished he would take on less responsibilities and enjoy his time at home. Revan and Donoma were out with friends, so this evening would be some one-on-one quality time... another aspect of life the two of them had been lacking lately.
Malik entered the house, a red cape trailing behind him. Carefully, he took the garment off, folding it gently and placing it on a rack. Smelling the air, he smiled. "Smells good."
Asakonigei had on her prettiest outfit, and even a touch of tribal paint on her eyelids. She wanted to look beautiful for her husband and hopefully, later, entice him. Smiling widely, she told him, "It's your favorite. You've been working so hard lately, so I wanted to surprise you. The kids are out, so it's a date night; just me and you."
"Oh." Malik cleared his throat, trying not to dampen the mood. "Yes. Thank you for the lovely surprise. I do appreciate it Asa, I do, but I need to leave in the early morning."
Asakonige's smile instantly vanished into a dark frown.
"It's your day off tomorrow." The Kovina was. Not. Pleased. "What do you mean you have to leave?"
"There was an incident at the temple. Turns out some of the new warriors haven't even seen monsters before. No casualties, but there were injuries." Malik kept speaking as he dished himself a plate up. "I came here to grab old drill instructions so I can teach them how to be effective fighters. I don't need any blood spilled due to inexperience. So I'll need to save my energy for the trip back through the valley."
That was the last straw for Asakonigei.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" She slammed her hands hard on the dinner table, causing the dishware to rattle. "You want to know how much you've been home within the past months, Malik? Nine days. Nine days, day and night, here, with me and your family. You want to know how many dinners you've actually sat down and ate with us instead of looking at your paperwork? Five. Five dinners. You want to know how many nights you've slept beside of me in our bed instead of in your office on the couch? Three nights." The Kovina stated firmly. "I am tired of this. I understand you have responsibilities for your job, but you also have a duty to your family!"
“I have a duty to my people as well. A duty to make up for my failure in protecting them in my first life.” Malik narrowed his eyes at her, slowly gesturing to the chair. “Would you like sit down and have meal number six?”
"You have one life, Malik. One. You don't have to devote all of it to making up for the sins of the past. Whether you want to spend some of it with your family, with me, that's up you." Asakonigei took off her earrings, her beaded necklace, and used a cloth to be rid of the tribal paint. "Eat your dinner by yourself. I'm going to go cool off before I really lose my temper." Tromping out of the kitchen, the Kovina walked out the back door and headed to the forge. She needed to hit some metal to feel better.
“Unbelievable...”, Malik muttered under his breath.
Outside, to the surprise of Asakonigei, she heard light talk coming from a training yard. Revan didn’t think anyone was around, so he was training with a latex mask around his head, jabbing his fists at a dummy. He wanted to test his new sneaking suit out. “Ha! What’s the matter? You late for the scumbag convention? Don’t worry, jail makes a good substitute.”
"... if you're planning a raid or a robbery, my son, I think you'd be able to breathe better with cotton material instead of that... thing." Asakonigei chuckled when Revan jumped slightly, being so focused on the dummy, he didn't hear her approach. "Though, if you need someone to hide the loot, I'd suggest the cellar."
“Oh my god...” Revan stopped, his movements, clearly embarrassed. “It’s not a mask of a villainous bandit, but a masked hero. I wanted to wear it at the tournament I’m going to attend.”
"A tournament?" Asakonigei asked, interested, trying her best to suppress a grin of amusement at her son's mortification. "Like the arm wrestling tournament you tried in Uskar to win a year-long supply of mead and ended up with a sprained wrist?"
Asakonigei looked her son up and down.
"Well, I don't see any burnt skin, so I'm surprised that Luimaya didn't try to roast you." She quirked an eyebrow. "I know how she is. She hates someone constantly looking over her shoulder." The Kovina then asked her boy. "And... I'm assuming you're going to enter this contest to guard her?"
“That’s the plan. I rather she has a friend look after her than some blockhead.”
"I think that's admirable of you, Revan. Your father did protect our queen all those years ago." Asakonigei recalled that was a much easier job for her husband than this folly he was doing now. Though, Luimaya was very stubborn like her father and grandfather. She figured Revan would have his work cut out for him. "Might I suggest if you really want to do this, that you take a moment and think about the future?"
“In what way?”
"You might want a family one day, or even a life of your own away from the castle." Asakonigei gently reminded her son. "I want you to do what makes you happy. However, if you are the bodyguard of the future queen, it's not like you'll be able to leave your occupation anytime soon. You will have to guard her until she produces an heir and that heir is mostly grown, or capable of protecting his or herself. That is years, Revan. It will be difficult if you wish to marry, to have children, to travel, if you are tied down by your job." She then asked him. "Are you prepared for your life to take a backseat for the sake of the kingdom?"
“I don’t need to guard her long term. Just until she can learn to take care of herself better. Or better substitute than me comes along.” Revan took his mask off, raising a brow at her. “Why you out here and not pouncing dad at the moment?”
"You will be there for a long time, Revan. Luimaya, as much as I think she's a sweet girl, is reckless just like her father." Asakonigei then snorted. "Your father has to leave. Again. Eat, pack, and go."
“Oh.” Revan wasn’t too surprised by that. “Can only imagine his town project is going well. Donoma says it’s pretty.”
Out of the whole family, only Donoma was allowed to see the town in its construction twice or thrice. “Maybe if I dyed my hair red and put on woman’s clothing I could sneak in. Who knows when he’ll let in outsiders and men. Hopefully soon.”
"Supposedly." Asakonigei was not too enthused about this project taking so much of her husband's time. Especially in a town full of women who would be drawn to a Gerudo male. She knew her husband would not betray her that way, but she didn't trust the women there. "I wouldn't worry too much about the town, sweetie. If you want some help training, I'll pull out my puppet knights."
“Why not pick up a sword yourself ma?” Revan grabbed a sword, twirling it in his hand. “I’m planning not using my powers either in the tournament.”
"Oh, you want to sword fight with your mom like you did when you were little?" Asakonigei recalled the days of when Revan would hold his tiny wood sword and just tackle her legs, declaring he 'got her' and he 'won'. It was adorable. She gushed, "You were so cute when waved it around declaring yourself the champion."
"That's because I was fantastic." Revan smirked. "Your move mama bear."
As Revan was practicing with his mother, Malik was already preparing his horse for the trip back to the desert. He glanced over to hear the sounds of laughter and heroics. It seemed he was training for something. Odd. The older Gerudo made a silent pray for his son’s success, then continued onwards.
Asakonigei was all for theatrics when training with her son. She was nowhere near his level of skill, but still enthusiastically practiced with him. She then tossed down her sword and got her boy in a headlock, messing up his hair.
"I got you now! I am going to... mess up this hair," Asakonigei declared and then gave him multiple kisses on the cheek. "And give you cooties!"
Revan just laughed, reaching his hands back to tickle his mother’s chest. “And I come back around with the surprise attack!”
"Oh no, he's got me!" Asakonigei dramatically flopped over on the ground, before swiping Revan's feet out from underneath him, causing him to fall over too. "But I got you back!" She snickered and then took a huge sigh. "I think you'll do well, Revan. Just don't be too eager. Watch your opponent closely."
“Will do.”
Revan’s laughter finished when his attention was caught by the near silent clop of his father’s horse next to him. He rode a monstrously large black horse named Phantom. It could carry ten times its own weight. Strapped to the sides, Malik had supplies and a round device next to him. Armoured up, it seemed he was ready to leave. His father looked down at both of them, seemingly not tired. “Would you like to join me?”
"...?" Asakonigei had a quizzical look on her face. "Join you?"
“I’m leaving back for the desert. I packed a spinner for you travel quickly back. I thought we could all catchup on the way to the border.”
"... well, I don't know," Asakonigei was still mad at him and crossed her arms, laying on the grassy ground. She stopped to look at Revan. "Our son might need his mother in the stands, yelling for him to kickass. Or perhaps, my husband can tell me exactly why he wants me to go when this invitation has not been extended before?"
“The stands?”
Revan nodded to collaborate his mother’s statement. “I’m attending a tournament to become Luimaya’s personal bodyguard.”
“Really? That’s not a bad occupation. She certainly needs protection. When is this tournament?”
“King Covarog didn’t give a date, but I’d imagine soon.”
“I see.” Malik then turned his attention to Asakonigei. “Because you’re my wife. If we can’t spend time together here, or have you see the importance of my work, perhaps it’s time to start opening outside elements to the Gerudo people. Starting with the beautiful woman who gave birth to our sun, Donama. There are some who are curious about you.”
"... very well. I'll go with you." Asakonigei added one stipulation. "But I'm taking Nubi'ahlus. There's pretty of monsters in the desert and while I know you can protect us, there can always be an extra eye."
“As long as they keep to the sky. I can warn the people about them later so they don’t fear for their lives.” Malik made a gesture for them to both hop aboard his stead. As the family unit finished climbing aboard, Malik took off with them. Both Asakonigei’s and Revan’s dragons were alerted and flew from above in the early night.
“So Revan, do you feel prepared for this tournament.”
“Of course. I’m going to handicap myself and not use my powers.”
“Really? Impressive. You’ll have to tell us all about it if we can’t make it.”
Revan nodded, hands tight on the horse. “It won’t be anything impressive to see anyways. Except maybe to see Luimaya lose her cool when she discovers who won.”
"Now, now, you need to tell Luimaya you're going to enter." Asakonigei was so ready to get off of the horse. She hated the constant bouncing, but was trying to amuse her husband for the time being. "If she finds out later, she might just find a way to throttle you."
“Maybe that’s I want~” Revan teased.
This only got a sigh out of his father. “You know, if you’re going to put so much energy into tormenting a girl’s feelings, maybe you should do it to someone you share interest in.”
Revan felt his heart get emotionally stabbed by that. “Ouch dad.”
“I’m just saying. You told us yourself you got over your crush of Luimaya. Why torture yourself?”
"Sweetie, look, Luimaya sees you as a friend. Just because you're nice to her and have known her for a long time, doesn't mean she's going to marry you." Asakonigei had to give her son some tough love. "She's not required to do that. Now, if you want someone who is going to love you for you, then it takes patience. I know a certain cutie who does like you, but she's not going to pursue you because she thinks you're still hung up on Luimaya. And you are."
“Yeah, I know that, I’ve accepted that.”
“Then why don’t you and Nakeso stop fucking around with your feelings for one another?”
That turned Revan bright red, and he actually fell of the horse as they took a leap over a small bump in the road. “God damn it that hurt! Dad! That is NONE of your business!”
Malik turned the horse around, Phantom gruffing as they spun about. “Orana asked the same thing of her daughter once. You’re both compatible, you both enjoy one another’s company.”
"Malik, you've stunned the boy stupid." Asakonigei sounded exasperated as Revan hit the ground with a thud. "Look, Nakeso isn't going to chase you around like a lovesick puppy. She's got standards and morals. If you want to pursue her, that's up to you, but she's not going to wait forever."
“Oh. So it’s on me now is it? You two don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Revan brushed himself off, whistling for his ride to come down. “Nakeso is a good friend. I have no idea where you picked these false flags up from.”
Malik said nothing, raising a brow slowly.
"... he gets that denseness from your side of the family." Asakonigei told Malik dryly. "I know it."
“Absolutely not.”
Revan started to storm off, getting out to an open area for his dragon to safely land. “Have fun at your girls Gerudo club. I’ll mail you a post card of my new job status.”
"And he definitely getting the sulking from your side of the family too." Asakonigei stated as she pulled her locks back into a tail. "At least he got my fabulous hair."
Revan jumped aboard As’wana, but before he could fly off in a pout, Malik spoke up. Best not leave the conversation on a teasing note. “Revan. We only love you. You know that. Just focus on acquiring your position for now. I believe whole heartedly you can do so.”
Revan took a deep breath and exhaled his angst. “…Whatever father.”
With that, he flew off back home, leaving his father and mother alone.
"He'll be okay." Asakonigei watched as her son flew back in the direction of Hyrule. "Revan just needed to hear what he did not want to hear. Luimaya will never see him the way he wishes for her to."
“Last thing I need is a young man having his feelings twisted by a whole village of attractive women because he can’t focus his heart.” Now more alone, Malik’s hands held Asakonigei close. “You still mad?”
"... a little." Asakonigei admitted, feeling awfully small when Malik held her. "You've spent so much time away from home. I was afraid for a while, you were bored of me."
“Why would I ever be bored of you?”
"Well, you were gone for so long, paying attention to your project, and we... um..." Asakonigei blushed lightly. "It's been months since we've even made love."
Malik tilted his head. Looking around, he suddenly surprised her by getting off his horse, and grabbing her with a haul over his shoulder. They started to walk to a nice smooth cave.
"H-Hey!" Asakonigei did not appreciate being carried around like a sack of potatoes. What was her husband thinking now? Wasn't he going to be late if he did not stick to the schedule? "What are you doing?!"
Although Malik gently set her down, his arm and legs pinned her, and he looked down at her with intense passion. “I’m going to spend the next half an hour making love to my wife.”
Now that certainly caught Asakonigei's attention. There was a faint blush on her cheeks, but then she raised an eyebrow. "Only a half hour?"
“I do have a schedule to keep, and we don’t want to your scent being picked up.” Malik’s voice grew as low as the days he was Klinge. His metal hand clawed down her pants, his tongue licking his lips. “So perhaps I should change loving making to fucking to get more enjoyment of our time.”
"Oh? My scent? What about yours? It's usually a little more... potent." Asakonigei nipped at his lower lip with her teeth. "And I'm not sure about that, love... it's been a long while. Sure you remember the difference?"
“I’ve never forget.” Leaning closer, Malik reminded Asa of his devotion with a firm kiss to the lips. Perhaps the jackals hollowing in the night would hide their passionate cries.
Next Ch.
New crossover with @ridersoftheapocalypse! Please enjoy and love to hear comments more than anything!
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