miscling · 5 months
Claws, Teeth, and Those Beneath
The cat sighed. The mouse in her claws squeaked in terror.
‘Oh be quiet,’ the cat said, raking a claw across its cheek. ‘don’t you do anything else?’
The mouse had no answer except to squeak again, shaking under the cat’s claw.
‘Ugh, just go. I’m not in the mood for this…’
The mouse looked up with terror in its eyes, scared for the pursuit it expected to follow, but the cat’s disinterested gaze didn’t follow its movements. Though the mouse might have been disappointed, it left. The cat sat, sighing loudly.
‘What’s got you so upset?’ said a voice.
The cat turned, eyes narrowed as she beheld the fox. ‘I’m not in the mood, kit.’
‘But I am,’ said the fox with a snarl. ‘I’m coming for you.’
‘No you are not,’ the cat hissed, but the fox still approached with violence in its eyes.
‘Please, struggle,’ the fox said with a smile. ‘Make this fun for me. I’ll still have your flesh for my pleasure.’
The cat’s situation came into focus. It was the prey now. The fox was the predator. It prepared its claws for a fight, but it wouldn’t win against the fox’s teeth. The cat would have to rely on its agility.
The fox squealed in delight as the cat took to fleeing, bounding after it with joy in its heart. A hunt was good for the soul. The fox chased the cat, until the cat was backed into a corner.
The cat raised its back, claws ready, teeth bared, hissing at the fox. ‘This is your last chance to turn back and run,’ it said. ‘I won’t let you have me without a fight.’
Something in the fox’s nerve broke. Staring at the desperate cat, its posture shifted defensively. It averted its gaze, backing away slowly, until it sprinted away at full speed.
‘That’s what I thought!’ the cat shouted at the fox’s back, relaxing its posture and settling down to lick itself. ‘I suppose the chase was fun, though,’ it mewed to itself. ‘Perhaps that’s what I was missing.’
‘Heh,’ said a deep, rumbling voice behind the cat. ‘You like being chased?’
The cat leapt into the air with a yowl, turning in mid-air to see the wolf behind them. They were huge, imposing, and strong. Before the cat could take to running, the wolf’s claws pushed the cat to the ground. They were too strong to fight off.
‘Let me go!’ the cat squeaked. ‘The fox would be more tasty!’
The wolf leaned down over the cat and licked it. ‘No. I like your fear more.’
The cat shuddered in pleasure at the wolf’s tongue across its flesh. ‘Let… me… go…?’
The wolf laughed. They knew what the cat had yet to figure out. The cat wasn’t a predator, it was prey. The wolf lifted the cat up effortlessly, throwing it aside and pouncing up and onto the cat. Their jaws teased at the cat’s throat.
‘What do you say?’ the wolf growled. ‘Do you want to be my prey?’
The cat squeaked, mewling shyly as it stared in wide eyed terror at the wolf. Its body betrayed it as heat passed through every fibre of its being. It wasn’t just the chase it wanted; it wanted to be chased. ‘I… I want to be your prey…’ it said.
‘Good,’ the wolf growled, and dragged the cat away in its teeth.
Partially inspired by this post by @turquoise-lily, which crossed my dash this morning. It set off a little inspiration that made this story!
Reblog if you enjoyed this story, and check out my others under the Miscling Writes tag!
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chic-a-gigot · 1 month
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Les Modes : revue mensuelle illustrée des arts décoratifs appliqués à la femme, no. 56, vol. 5, août 1905, Paris. Toilette en "Burlingham silk". Créée par Redfern, pour Mlle Camille Preyle, du Théatre du Vaudeville. Photo Reutlinger. Bibliothèque nationale de France
PAGE 15.— TOILETTE en «BURLINGHAM SILK», créée par REDFERN pour Mlle Camille Preyle, du théâtre du Vaudeville. — Robe d'après-midi; longue jaquette avec revers brodés; gilet de taffetas parme brodé or, col et cravate en véritable dentelle.
PAGE 15.— TOILET in “BURLINGHAM SILK”, created by REDFERN for Mlle Camille Preyle, of the Vaudeville Theatre. — Afternoon dress; long jacket with embroidered lapels; waistcoat of parma taffeta embroidered with gold, collar and tie in real lace.
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"While you are in my country you shall abide by my rules and customs, am I understood preyling?" The Beast King looms over you like a thunder cloud, the rumble of his voice settles into your chest like an old ache and makes the fine hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You're a druid, you've talked to animals plenty of times but this is different. This is like talking to some primordial force of animal instinct that you lost somewhere along the way, the teeth and claws of your animal shapes given a tongue to speak with. It scares you, for all your playing at being a wild, feral thing, you are laid bare beneath the gaze of the Beast King and it scares you.
This ancient thing, so old and strong that he has no name and no need of one past his title.
His massive paw-hand rests atop your head with a level of gentleness you thought beyond him, its heavy and warm, and musky, like shoving your nose into the tummy of a beloved pet. His claws are as long and thick as your pinky finger, sharp enough to draw pinpricks of your starlight blood just by resting so delicately against your skin, so sharp it doesn't even hurt.
And then he presses down.
You expected that to hurt, but it doesn't. All you can feel is the roughness of the King's paw and the pressure of being squashed beneath it. He scoops you up with ease and presses you between both hands, you worry that you'll be flat and flimsy by the end of this, but you're wrong.
When the Beast King holds you in his cupped hands, you are small and four legged. A vague idea of a creature, a shadow in the shape of a beast that bleeds at the edges like ink on wet paper.
The head of a rabbit, the body of a cat, the tail of a lion, nubby antlers sprouting from your forehead, and a multitude of gray-gold eyes blinking out of sink spangling your hide like the spots on a leopard.
You are Stuck in this form, you know that without even trying to shift your shape, and it frightens you. The fur along your spine lifts and your ears flatten, your tiny claws flexing as if they could grab ahold of your fears and pull them into submission.
The King brings his face down to yours, pressing his huge wet nose into the softness of your cheek-fluff. When he purrs, it shakes stones loose from the cave roof and makes your teeth rattle in your skull.
"Now go, be a wild thing, hunt and sing and run like you were meant to," he sets you down and gives you a nudge towards the cave mouth, "Come back when you have learned what the Wilderlands has to teach you."
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Master’s nicknames for a lover.
Fires: Doesn't seem one for nickname but often a variation of Dear, Dearest, etc along with my Flame or any other sweet sounding nickname having to do with fire.
Wines: My beloved, My love, My addiction, Beautiful and depend on it's mood more dirty nicknames.
Stones: My gem, Lovely treasure, Lovely one, Shining star.
Apples/Hearts: Lovely, Dearest, Sweet tart, Anything sweet and sappy nickname you can think of, Bloody heart, Dear assistant.
Veils: My dear Preyling, Little rabbit, delicious beauty, Succulent Lovely, My Huntress/Hunter, Sweet silk.
Iron: All written down that it shows when trying to communicate. Dear (your species), Pretty (Your species), One with heart as strong as metal.
Cups: Sweet reflection, My star, Love.
Chimes(I know it’s a persona the masters share but I’m doing it anyway): Lovely brass, Beautiful bell, Sweet voice, Love, Dear.
Pages: Heart, Love, Starlight, Some random word you don't know the meaning to.
Spices: My love, My dear, Cinnamon, Hazelnut.
Candles/Eaten: Candlelight, Lovely.
I’m not the best at couple nicknaming but I tried. Hope you like then @vake-hunter
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0rdis · 4 years
list of things the Vake calls you
hunter mine
my juicy hunter
little rabbit
this: The Vake is drawn to you. It longs for you. It is interested in the Bomb. It wants the Bomb. It wants to set off this great and terrible weapon. Nothing has ever appealed more than the shattering strength of such a device. If only it could detonate this thing for you, in the heart of London.
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awordbroken · 4 years
vake-hunter: i'm mr veils' juicy hunter. its preyling, its midnight snack. its little rabbit.
sinning jenny: its little rabbit?
vake-hunter: yes
sinning jenny: does it call you that?
vake-hunter: yes
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vorepred223311 · 3 years
Pred or Prey: Dylan Playfair
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ooks like a pred acts like a pred really a preyl
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vake-hunter · 4 years
wh what are the masters' (other) pet names for the player?
Just the pet names I recall off the top of my head
Fires: little one
Cups/Mirrors: my dear, delicious, sweet dear, my chick
Apples/Hearts: my dear, delicious
Wines: my friend
Pages: my dear compatriot, corrivals, nemesis
Spices: dear one, stupid (look it's a pet name)
Veils: hunter mine, my juicy hunter, preyling, plaything, treat, delicious, little rabbit
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emeraldoppa · 6 years
I know exactly who this anon is
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miscling · 5 months
The Picnic
‘Where am I? Who are you?’
Your smirk refused to answer those questions. Your hungry eyes watched me flail, but your hand caught my ankle. It held me, stronger than I could pull away from. I froze for a moment, all the will in the world to scream but no breath in my lungs to let it out.
We sat on a picnic blanket, a basket open holding the remains of a twilight lunch. You reached across it, holding me still by my bare ankle. I wasn’t naked, but barefoot. Not collared, but my wrists in heavy metal shackles.
‘I am here to hunt, my prey,’ you said, savouring my terror. ‘I’m going to have my fill tonight. But please, make it interesting.’ You let go of my ankle. ‘Run.’
My instincts took over. The command to run gripped my heart and squeezed the blood through my body. I had to get away. I had to make this interesting.
We were in the woods. I left the picnic clearing and scrambled to my feet, dashing for the nearest large tree. When I reached it, I hid behind it for a moment, feeling a need to take one last glance backwards through the dark night. The clearing was empty. You were gone. The chase had begun.
I had so many questions. I had no memory of how I got here, no memory of a picnic. I was your prey to be chased, so I ran. I slipped through mud and scraped by trees. I hopped along rocky ground to avoid the pebbles between them.
I could feel you in the air but I couldn’t see you. I knew you were nearby. The undergrowth rustled with movement without wind. Your voice mocked my attempts to escape. It only made me want to try harder, but you were faster than me. My only hope was to be smarter, to conserve my stamina. Snaking through the trees I passed by a stream, so I followed it, up towards its source. I crossed over it, letting the cool water run across my aching feet. I crossed again to loosen the mud covering my soles. Before the stream widened too much, I crossed once again.
I couldn’t feel you any more. I reached the bank of a large pond, where mossy moonlight reflected off the water. Sediment made for a soft shoreline, and I felt a moment of peace. I had escaped you.
Of course I was wrong.
‘It is a lovely night,’ you said from beside me.
A scream would have escaped my lips if not for something I couldn’t predict. A twitch of arousal. I still ran, but your hand caught my wrist and threw me onto the bank, my arm splashing in the water as you pounced on me without hesitation, driving me to the ground. Your fangs poked through your smile, and I fought you with everything I had. You tore off my clothes. I pushed you away with my arm, catching my flesh on your teeth, drawing blood. With every flailing hit I attempted your strength surpassed me. I was nothing more than prey. When your fangs found my neck I kept hitting at you, even as you gently teased at my skin with your bite. The hand that found my arousal was violent and rough, pushing into me as I pulled away, turning my mind over between conflict and surrender.
Your pleasure came first, however. Even as I fought, you took what you needed from my body, your violent arousal dismissive of my own. Each nip of your fangs and each grip of your hands cared only for letting you please yourself with my body. You sank your fangs into my flesh as you came, and I felt it too. It shuddered through your body and with each movement it travelled through your fangs into mine, and I shook with your pleasure.
You drained me of my fight and discarded me by the pond, half submerged in the water. After a moment, you spoke. ‘You are mine.’
Memory sparked at the phrase. I am yours. I was always yours. This was always your plan. I remember the picnic and being asked if I was ready. I remember the conditioning to forget. I remember agreeing to be hunted. I remember the dissatisfying sensual sex that led you to admit your need. I would let you hunt me forever, whenever your need grew again.
The water around my limp body splashed as you waded in to pull me out. You picked me up. You took me home. Soon, when I've recovered, we’ll do this again…
Reblog if you enjoyed this story, and check out my others under the Miscling Writes tag!
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maybe this is too silly but. Fires x Veils x Neddy!reader who is sick of third wheeling for schemes and is about to take matters into their own hands. seduce both of them
(Okay this was hard to figure out but I hope you like it!)
You were a Neddy man, one of many but you were rather special. Very skilled, intelligent, obedient, you gained a favorable spot among many of the masters' opinions. Though the two that preferred you the most was Mr fires and Mr veils. Mr fires adored your opinions on the city, your style, a true Londoner in its eyes. Mr veils greatly enjoyed your brutal yet swift executions upon it's command and thoughts of its fashion. You were quite proud to have their attention in such a way, proud that not even Poor Edward could match you. (Which you greatly relished in his jealousy over that fact)
Though there was ONE thing you noticed about that two masters, it was when they work together on plans and schemes did it get strange. The two were quite close, you were well aware that they had a friendship of some kind but how deep and what type was becoming apparent.
When you were brought along for a shared plan of action you almost never did anything what-so-ever. You just watched the masters work and wonder why in the world they called you away for this when you could've been doing another job. Masters like Mr wines and Mr apples noticed, even brought it up from time to time but it was disregarded as nonsense. Don't get anything wrong, you enjoyed being around Fires and Veils, you loved having their attention and just the thought they simply wanted you around was intoxicating but there was a limit. You wanted to get paid to do something, not stand there and watch. Though, perhaps some jealousy of your own spiked when IT started.
The two, when in private or when just you were around would get...more affectionate with each other if that's how one wants to put it. Rubbing "accidentally" against each other more. Pleased growls at each others touches and scents. It had gotten you VERY curious.
So curious in fact that you stalked after them one night when they had snuck away from a revel that Wines made everyone attend. It was a lovely show, they were all over each other with kisses, bites, caresses and clawing. At some point you had gotten so flustered that you rushed off before seeing if the event would escalate into something much more ravenous. When you saw them again both had acted very smug and amused around you, your worst fear was confirmed when Veils had asked if you "enjoyed the view". Both masters shared a laugh at your incredibly embarrassed expression along with your rapid apology. Though...the two did not seem to mind your intrusion. In fact, the frequency of you being in attendance to something you weren't needed for increased greatly, their touches while you were around also grew more but those times they would subtly eye your form to see if you were watching them like you had done last time at the revel.
This both annoyed and embarrassed you, so hard.
You had nothing but respect for the masters but you would teach those two a lesson of some sorts. But what? What could you possibly do without getting hanged or worse? You mulled over on it for several days before taking some inspiration from Mr Wines. Why not...escape being a third wheel and join in on the fun? Though, you'll need to pick the right time for this, where they're both in one spot but its not just the three of you. Make them a little crazy that they just can't grab you on the spot without people asking questions. Overconfident? Maybe, but you'd say you're quite skilled in your ability to seduce. Thankfully your chance came when fashion week rolled around, a theme of satin and decorative masks. Mr veils with some "help", decided to host a Masquerade ball and instructed all who were invited to dress in the best satin they had with a mask to match. Including the Neddy.
You knew this was your chance, so when the night of the ball came you dressed your best with an elegant mask to match going with a red, purple, and gold theme for your outfit. The masters gave their good opinion on your clothes, especially Mr veils and Fires. Step 1 completed~.
You watched as the masters mingled in their own way, you'd get them separately and then let them come to you. About half way into the ball you spotted Veils and Fires on opposite sides of the large ballroom. You thought about who to go after first, deciding Veils would go last you walked and approached Mr fires coolly and calmly. It looked up from its drink and greeted you, now to work your magic.
A straightforward challenge, your Persuasive stat gives you a 100% chance of success.
You looked at Mr fires in the eyes and spoke with a special tone in your voice, you had long since learned that tone and body language is everything in seduction. You lowered your voice to make it listen and listen well. You could tell it was surprised by your boldness. You shifted your body in a suave and confident way, also taking hold of a portion of it's wine glass and pulling it near your lips, taking a sip. Mr fires just stared in stunned silence.
"Hello master, it's certainly a lovely evening. London looks so beautiful tonight don't you think~?" You didn't wait for a reply "Though, I'd say you look much more ravishing, I'm quite jealous actually~." Your fingers walked up it's robe to its chest, its ember filled eyes starred in amazement with a spark of something else inside.
It tried to speak but you cut Mr fires off.
"You're wear satin quite well, I bet it feels oh so lovely up against your body, so warm and smooth. Why such a feeling riles even myself up, heheheh. It's so fine much like your own soft fur, yet bold like your horns~." You chuckled. "I believe I hear Mr veils calling for me. If you ever wish to..."speak" more about London and your up coming plans I'm always open for a listen~." And with that, you released its hand and left.
You could feel Fires' eyes staring intently at you, it was gripping the wine glass but not out of anger. This reaction pleased you greatly, you knew it worked and over the course of the party Fires would slowly get more riled up from its own desires. Now for Mr veils~.
You made way over to the finely dressed master who was clearly showing off the outfit it picked, editing your stance on the way. Losing the confident act you made your position to appear a lot more weak and needy. This caught the bestial master's attention near instantaneously as it looked down at you with an amused glimmer in its yellow gaze. Veils focused on every part of you, the clothes, the movement, the neediness, the scent, it was beyond pleased when it smelled Sandalwood among your scents. Its let out a growl mixed with a lowish chuckle, as low as its thundering voice could get.
"Oh dear little rabbit, what brings you over to me tonight? You best be enjoying yourself and be grateful for attending such an event~." It said.
"Oh of course I am master, in fact I've been enjoying the ball greatly. The drinks, the music, the dancing and of course the outfits, this was a wonderful idea!" You said with faux shyness. Veils eyes had lit up at your words, it more likely knew you were putting on act but pleased anyway by the show you were preforming for it.
"Good, though, of course you would enjoy yourself~." It replied, with a smug confidence.
You pressed yourself closer to Veils, moving your hand to its glass with the attempt to mimic what you did with Fires but it grabbed your hand. Mr veils pulled your head to the dark of it's hood, pressed it against its cheek you could feel both its fur and the smooth ceramic of its mask. Letting out a growly purr its teeth nipped at the soft flesh, chuckling as quietly as it could when you jumped a bit. Veils released your hand, but you felt its talons scrape against the appendage as you pulled your hand away from it. It's golden eyes were very much clouded with barely concealed lust and primal instinct.
"Enjoy your night, preyling~."
You walked away from Veils, somewhat shocked it so quickly turned the game in its favor. Like with Fires you could feel its gaze burning into your back, okay, you can work with this. You continued your night like normal, at midnight Veils announced that it was time for everyone to return home. You watched the people of London file out before helping with the clean up. When you returned to your own quarters....you noticed Fires and Veils following after you.
The rest of the night that followed was not regretted, in the slightest.
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