#prevents me (boy) from wearing a piece of clothing i really enjoy because it reinforces the fact that people will always see me as a girl
see its the same issue i have with genloss and horror. and not to bring up genloss again and get a wave of people blocking me for it. but like. its the same issue! i understand that dsmp was a lot of peoples first fandom experience and naturally this will bleed through into the tangentially related medias. but like. its SO painfully obvious a lot of people have just. Never Actually Experienced any better movies/shows/books. and its really sad! bc theres so many awesome things out there and its just upsetting to see people place these mediocre 20-somethings men on pedestals expecting perfection from them because they will ALWAYS be disappointed. genuinely in the nicest possible way i can say this. some of you just need to go read a book written by a woman. or watch an ap show run by queer folks. go listen to spirits or pale blue pod who are run by really smart really funny professional women. go read the murderbot diaries which explores identity in a way i have genuinely never experienced before in a piece of fiction and includes crazy awesome sci-fi action and environments and also uses neopronouns in a way that is so nonchalant and casual that i didnt even notice them at first. if youre set on youtubers/streamers. go watch holly hollowtones or penny snapcube who are extremely funny and talented and creative trans women and have equally as funny and creative friend groups. like. theres so many better things out there.
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