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emeraldspiral · 1 year ago
#funny story#idr who#but some fucking guy#had pra/dr dni on their blog. which mind mew. NOBODY ELSE EXCEPT ME posts about#so it was basically tumblr mewser vermicide dni#but thats not the point#i do think#that its mainly the fact ppl cant recognize that not efurrything that makes them purrsonally uncomfurtable is morally wrong#people will just make scenarios and shit up to justify not liking it#and getting ofur people to not post abt it#and i do think homophobia plays into it#beclaws its always ''dont ship children'' until those children are a boy and a girl#beclaws they think gay relationships are inherently more sexual#whefur they recognize that within themself or not#so#¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#prev tags help...they were literally just calling you out specifically thats crazyy#but anyways yeah its fascinating to me and re the deviantart days#people would also say its not canon so you cant ship it which was basically also code for i dont like gay people#bc absolutely no gay ships were canon at that point in time#fandoms always had to beef about ship discourse the morality debate is just the new form its taken methinks#and its gotta be virtue signaling i promise u at least half of the people into zadf and vocally against zadr for this reason#probably like zadr#but itd get u skewered no matter what u think about zims age or the discourse as a whole 🤷‍♀️
Yall writing entire essays in the tags.
LOL at someone feeling the need to DNI the rarest rarepair.
And yes, so many people's argument against ships they don't like is "it's not canon" as if it matters when nothing made by the fans is canon anyway, that's what transformative fandom is. People were like that about Reylo too and Reylo actually was canon while the same people who were claiming it wasn't kept insisting that F1nnRey or Rey being Han or Luke's kid was canon despite the actors repeatedly saying it wasn't even before TLJ came out. Discussion of Reylo was even banned on a popular SW forum because the mods were so adamant that SW wasn't about icky romance (as if HanLeia and Anidala weren't a thing in the previous trilogies) and romance couldn't possibly have a place in serious discussions or speculation about the sequel trilogy (until male YouTubers started saying shit the mostly female Reylo fandom had been saying for years, then it was suddenly treated as credible). But male theorists were always free to speculate about ridiculously edgy and cynical concepts that were completely antithetical to SW's tone, ideology, and themes and be taken seriously.
When you look deeper, it always comes down to people being really possessive of their media and projecting too hard on their blorbos and taking anything that contradicts their headcanons as a personal attack. People hated Reylo because they wanted Rey to be their self-insert who got with one of the other guys they thought was more attractive than Adam Driver, or be a lesbian, or be a Strong Independent Woman Who Don't Need No Man, or they wanted her to be the child of one of their faves and be grateful for it and violently punish Ben and usurp his position in the Skywalker family for having the audacity to imply that their heroes might not be the best parents in the world due to war trauma, because that ruins their power fantasy.
Back in the day, when homophobia was way more prominent, "it's not canon" absolutely was a dogwhistle for "I am uncomfortable when things are gay". You still see this in the TF2 fandom with some people insisting none of the mercs can be gay because it takes place in the 60s and gay people apparently didn't exist until 2015. Nowadays transphobia is a lot more in vogue than homophobia, so you're more likely to see people trying to disprove trans interpretations and play it off like their problem with it is that "it's not canon" rather than just admitting that the idea of their fav being trans is icky to them.
Also, there absolutely are closeted shippers. Like, I see people all the time saying they've gotten anons and private messages from people who feel like they have to hide the fact that they ship something because they hang out with antis and they're afraid of being eviscerated by their followers and mutuals because bitches can't just unfollow and block like civilized people. The absolutely appalling situation with Ang Vondra is far from an isolated incident. There are many stories out there of antis attacking people they feel "betrayed" them by stepping outside the party line or leaving their toxic-ass group. Anti circles are basically cults where there's one person or a handful of really abusive, manipulative people at the top of the social hierarchy dictating the rules which give them an excuse to bully people while pretending to have the moral high ground. Then there's the people below them who are emotionally manipulated into buying the rhetoric because they want to be good people and the leaders are telling them "believe what I say or you're a horrible person" so they're too afraid to disagree. And if you made the mistake of trusting any of these people and revealing anything to them that could be used to hurt you, it is absolutely reasonable to fear that it will be weaponized against you.
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i've been noticing this pattern for a while now, and i can't think of anything other than that word that starts with homo and ends with phobia
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37q · 2 years ago
hello! how/where can i learn more about (the) tara(s) and the ways through i can work with her?
hi hi!
first id recommend talking to ur preferred tibetan buddhist instructor / teacher / mentor because they can personalize whatever info you seek to your unique situation
second my go-to resource for uninitiated practice is as always the FPMT. just google fpmt its the first thing that comes up its website features lectures resources lessons etc all sourced from a well respected gelug lineage and its venerable masters lama rinpoche and lama yeshe. just an absolute treasure trove of Q&A's, advice, what have you.
third honestly on that note just collect stories and dharma resources abt tara, to use a prev example FPMT offers free digital copies of stuff like Praises of the Twenty One Taras along with a Green Tara practice handbook and maybe a White one iirc? even meditating on brief descriptions of one of her forms can bring the insight necessary to converse with her, so to speak.
fourth u gotta understand like invoking taras assistance is soooo much more mundane than we think like i personally dont practice regimented stuff but i do throw tara rituals at frankly anything and that my dear friend requires an understanding of all the symbols associated w each of her forms. for example taras forms all vary in correspondence w elements, body parts, sense organs, earthly domain, gender, direction, color, and shape, to name a few.
fifth yknow what lemme just list some sources for you:
Sangye Khadro's "Notes on Green Tara Practice For the Sravasti Abbey Green Tara Retreat, July 3-10, 2020”
Lama Rinpoche's "Meditations on White Tara"
and his collab with Lama Yeshe on "A Short Practice of Green Tara"
HH1 wrote some great commentary called Precious Garland i think and its commentaries are even better frankly like the venerable Geshe Dawö's
basic tara dharma is like, The Sutra of Arya Tara Who Saves from the Eight Fears or The 108 Names of the Venerable Arya Tara btw
on the topic of stories honestly just watch random buddhist teachers talk abt her on youtube. like theyre probably all slightly different but thats what gives you the whole picture and from there just mix n match what feels most effective for your life.
if u needa sounding board shoot me another ask or feel free to dm but otherwise have fun :) the first citation hits tbh and once uve done the short green tara practice a few times especially like rly focusing on the Purification step youll start seein buddhas in every star
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tooruluv · 5 years ago
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 9 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 1,442
warnings/notes: i was able to be online for a bit so i wanted to release this (rather short) filler chapter for you guys! <3
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​​​​​​ @maii-flowers​​​​​​ @clandestinerays​​​​​​ @brownandchill​​​​​​ @readeretal​​​​​​ @wedojustbevibin​​​​​​ @shigarakiskitten​​​​​​ @shittykawaa​​​​​​ @saeranoppa​​​​​ @srirachibi​​​​​ @tpwkatsumu​​​​ @sempiternal-amour​​​​ @bokutos-h0e​​​​ @pinknugget​​​​ @intheawks​​​​ @tori218​ @seikamuzu​ @alexthe80swhore​
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You skipped school for a week. It was a full week of heartache; most of which included the following: watching new shows (and finishing them), being brought food by your very understanding mother, crying, taking very long baths, wallowing in self-pity (which is something you tried not to do, but ended up doing anyway), crying until you were dehydrated, and ignoring texts and calls.
A new week was starting when your mom walked into your room, interrupting your daily “stare at the ceiling in sadness”. She sat on the end of your bed by your feet when she said, “It’s time for you to return to life.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Sweetheart, I get it.” She placed a hand on your ankle, trying to pull your attention to her. You kept your eyes on the ceiling. “Trust me, I do. But you can’t continue to isolate yourself from life. You have a beautiful, bright future in front of you. Exams are coming up, and your friends miss you.”
You sighed. “I guess I’ll go.”
“Good! Quite frankly, I’m tired of lying to your friends. Did you know that Iwaizumi resorted to texting me every day?” Your mom stood up, sending you a smile when you followed suit. “Clean your room. I’ll drive you to school tomorrow.”
You agreed, staring at the empty water bottles next to your bed.
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Out of the hundreds of texts and missed calls, you decided to text Iwaizumi back first. He was the one who you’ve known the longest (other than the other boy you shall not name) and had helped you through your Love Problems.
you: hey. i’m ok. pls tell me that you’ll be at school tomorrow
iwa <3: fuck dude
iwa <3: you scared the shit out of me i deadass texted your fucking mom
iwa <3: i will be at school tomorrow the question is will you
you: yeah i’m coming. didn’t wanna be alone
iwa <3: you’ll never be alone darling
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Despite everything telling you not to, you got up that Monday morning for school. You cleaned your room, you showered, you got a good night’s rest. You even ate breakfast. Yet, you still felt like… well, shit.
Your mother drove you to school, sending you a small smile and wave of encouragement like it was your first day of kindergarten and you were scared to go in. Truth was, you wanted to throw up all over the front doors and go straight back into your bedroom and watch another Gordon Ramsay compilation on youtube.
You sighed and went into Hell (hell being school). You tried to act as normal as possible but it was evident that everyone in the entire school hadn’t moved on from the whole thing, eyes staring at you and inaudible whispers.
“Great.” You mumbled to yourself, whipping your locker open.
It was at that moment that Tooru Oikawa made his appearance. He was walking next to Hanamaki, talking among themselves, when Oikawa stopped dead in his tracks. Hanamaki gave him a small pat on his back before leaving (and effectively leaving the awkward situation that would inevitably happen).
He opened his locker beside you.
“Hi!” He greeted, as though it was the most normal and casual thing ever. “You’re feeling better? Your mom said that…”
You didn’t acknowledge him, closing your locker and walking to class. Maybe you’ll find Iwaizumi before class…
“Whoa. Wait!” Oikawa was walking beside you then, easily catching up to you. “Did you get any of my texts?”
You spun on your heels, finally facing him after a week of being MIA and trying to forget your love for him. He swallowed and stared back at you.
“I don’t know what you want me to do.” You shrugged. “I told you that I needed time. And by that, I mean I need time away from you specifically. I’m not going to entertain the idea of pretending that nothing happened between us because it did.”
Oikawa blinked, nodding. “Okay, okay. Yes.” He purposefully took a step back, literally giving you space. “But can I ask one thing? Just one?”
“Go ahead.”
“For how long?” He asked. “How long do you think it’ll take for you to talk to me again?”
“I don’t know. Maybe when the school stops staring at me like a wounded puppy.”
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“I’ve missed you!” Sana brought you into a hug, her boobs straight into your face. “I seriously thought that you dropped off of the face of the earth.”
You let a small smile creep onto your lips. The first smile in a while. “Sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologize. What even happened?”
“That’s a story for later.”
She linked her arm with yours before walking with you to the library. Iwaizumi and Matsukawa sat at the usual table, heads in books like their life depended on it. It wasn’t until you were nearly next to them that they realized you were there. You hadn’t been able to see Iwaizumi all day.
“Oh my god, she’s really here.” Matsukawa exclaimed, a bit too loud for a library. 
Iwaizumi got up from his seat (also very loudly, a squeak from the chair on the floor). He immediately pulled you into a hug, picking you up and putting his head into your shoulder.
“Shittykawa told me what happened.” He mumbled into your neck. You bit the inside of your lip and wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, but I do want you to know that I know.”
“You always know.” You mumbled back.
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Hajime Iwaizumi was walking with Issei Matsukawa when he caught Oikawa leaving your house. He knew immediately that something had happened, that something wasn’t quite right, because Oikawa had his head down. He never had his head down.
Iwaizumi turned to his boyfriend, telling him “I’ll be right back.” Matsukawa gave him a kiss on the wrist before letting him run off.
“Hey man,” Iwaizumi jogged to his best friend. Oikawa stopped, head still at his feet. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Oikawa.” Iwaizumi stood in front of him, cutting him off. “Don’t bullshit me. What’s going on? What happened?”
When Oikawa didn’t answer, Iwaizumi put his arms on his shoulders to bring his head up. Oikawa was red-faced, tears running down his cheeks. He was in pain.
“I, um.” Oikawa looked back and forth, never really meeting Iwaizumi’s eyes. “I told her that I’m in love with her. We kissed and I told her that I love her.”
“Oh?” That’s a good thing… right?
“She shut the door in my face. She said that she “thought that she was in love with me too”. And just shut the door.”
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“What if we got married?” Oikawa once asked you, a giggling child in the morning sun.
You both laid in your backyard, the grass long and bugs flew along your heads. You didn’t care. You giggled back to him.
“That’s gross! You have cooties!”
“Not if we’re married I don’t!” Oikawa stuck his tongue out at you.
“We’re too young to get married! We have to at least be old… like 20 years old!”
You laid like that, giggling and laughing as kids, until your mom called you in for lunch. Oikawa ran to the door (“last one there is a rotten egg!”).
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tetsurou kuroo :P: i heard that you’ve finally left the darkness and stepped back into regular life
tetsurou kuroo :P: hajime texted me sorry if that sounded like i’m stalking you.
tetsurou kuroo :P: unless you’re into that... then i’m totally stalking you...
tetsurou kuroo :P: PLS IM KIDDING anyway can i come over today. i have another hoodie for you.
you: you’re cute. i miss you too.
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You walked home alone that night. After a while of isolation, human interaction actually seemed like a chore. You just wanted to be alone, even if it was just for a few minutes as you walk.
You heard walking behind you.
“You can walk next to me.” You said, knowing exactly who it was. “I know you don’t have practice on Mondays.”
Tooru Oikawa appeared next to you in only a few seconds, jumping at the offer. The roles were reversed now.
“I don’t want to overstep boundaries.” He said.
“I know.”
“I’m sorry, again. For kissing you.”
“I know.”
He stared at you instead of the sidewalk ahead. You kept your eyes on the sky.
“I’m sorry for telling you that I love you, too.”
“Don’t be sorry about that.” You stepped onto your porch where Kuroo stood, waiting for you. “That was the one thing you did right.”
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just-horrible-things · 4 years ago
Story: Mina and Marten [First | Prev | Next]
Phone Call
"Mum!" Mina exclaims, making her voice just sunny with cheer. "Fancy hearing from you! What a nice surprise." "Yasmine, we need to talk." Well duh, thinks Mina, it's not like you'd call me just to catch up. "What would you like to talk about, Mummy dearest? I could tell you how my day is going, or you could ask about my love life, or--" "You know what," Mum interrupts. Mina sighs dramatically. "I'm sorry," she says, "I can only read minds over video call." "The boy." "You mean Marten? He has a name, Mum, although I suppose that would be a lot to ask since you can't even remember mine. I thought you didn't watch my 'brainless non-content'?" "Your Aunt Kate told me what 's going on."
"Oh, of course!" Mina giggles, high-pitched, aware of how the phone line will mangle the sound. "Auntie Katie hasn't talked to me in donkey's years so I'm sure she understands all the details of my life." "I've watched the videos. You have a human being, wearing a collar, living in your apartment and sleeping in a dog bed for Christ's sake."
Marten likes his bed, he said so. He said it's comfy. It's what the promotional videos show, it's what you're meant to do for a Boxie. Some YouTubers keep theirs in cages. What's she meant to do, have him sleep in her bed?
What she says is, "Everyone's doing it, Mum. Didn't you want me to make money? This is where the money is. Viewers just love Boxies!" "Stop using that tone with me, Yasmine. Just talk like a normal person." "That tone, Mummy? This is just what my voice is like! Maybe there's something wrong with the phone line, hold on a second." She blows into the microphone sharply.
Mum sighs dramatically. "Oh forget it. Don't you understand what you're doing?" "Boxies are perfectly legal, Mum. He signed a contract, I've seen it with my own eyes." "It's a thin veil over slavery! The corporations won't get away with it for long. The courts will come down hard on it, and then where will you be? Think about your reputation! You'll never get a real job if--" "I have a real job, Mum." "Legal or not, it's completely unethical. I'm ashamed to call you my daughter!" Another too loud giggle. "Oh I'm sorry Mummy, whatever will I do without your support? How about continue how I have been for the last ten years! Goodness, I don't know if I'll cope."
"He's a human being, Yasmine!" "I know that!" Mina snaps. "I never asked for this! Did you actually watch anything or did you look at a thumbnail and decide that you know everything? I didn't want some... stranger, living in my room! I didn't want a human pet! Someone else sent him to me!"
There is a silence. Mina sniffles, and fakes a little sob. Mum hates it when she cries.
"Well," Mum says at last, sounding affronted. "Can't you send him back?" "What a great idea," Mina sighs. "I sure wish I'd thought of that." "You could you just... set him loose. Doesn't he deserve to be free?" Mina is absolutely sure that Mum has not watched any of the footage. Probably she just looked at the video titles. She tries to imagine Marten on his own. Where would he sleep? What would he eat? He had a panic attack when he tried to ride the elevator down two floors to the laundry room for goodness' sake.
"Boxies have to be supervised, Mum. He'd be breaking his contract, he'd get into trouble! Do you need me to Google the rules for you? I could copy it out in nice small words if you'd like that." "Well you can't keep him. He's a human being!" "Mummy dearest," Mina's voice is cracking with emotion and she leans into it, overacting. "I am an independent adult, and I make my own choices. You ran out of excuses to control my life years ago! If you wanted a say, maybe you should have been nicer to me while I still cared!" "Oh Yasmine, do stop going on. It has nothing to do with our relationship. This is much more important." "I'm not even important to you?" "This is a person's life." "I know that, Mummy dearest! What do you even want me to do?" Mum hesitates. Mina pounces on the opening. "I know, I'll just send him back to the factory he came from, I'm sure the corporations will take much better care of him than I can, won't that be just fantastic?" "Why can't you ever discuss anything like an adult?" "I can! I just choose not to when it's you!"
She hears her mother start on another barb as she takes the phone from her ear. Her nagging voice cuts off as Mina ends the call.
Sniffling, she pulls a kleenex from the box and dabs delicately at her tears. It comes away black with makeup, and she wonders how badly she is smudged. Oh well. It's not like Marten cares.
"Oh sugar."
Marten sits in his bed with his knees drawn up to his chest. Tears stream down his cheeks and over hands he has clamped over his mouth. He is shaking with silent sobs, staring horrified at Mina as if she might be about to murder him.
"Oh no, Marten!" Mina is mortified. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm not mad at you, no one's mad at you. Marten, sweetheart, I was just on the phone to my mum, don't be upset!" She crouches beside him, worried, but he doesn't move. "Honey, you're not in trouble, what's wrong? I didn't mean to upset you, sweetie, talk to me?" “Don’t send me back!” he gasps, voice half-smothered with terror. “Please, please don’t -- don’t send me back!” "Okay! Okay, I won't! Don't panic, sweetheart!"
Without his hands holding them back, the sobs tumble out of Marten uncontrolled. Great ugly, breathy gasps of panic and despair. “I’m not sending you back,” Mina assures him frantically. Should she hug him? Give him space? "Oh honey, I was just saying that to my mum to make her go away, I would never! Don't be scared. You're so well-behaved, and so good for the cameras, and the viewers love you, why would I send you back?" ”I... I’m good?” “You’re very, very good. Poor sweetheart, how can I help you, I didn’t mean to upset you!” “Could, um, could you h-hold me?” Marten snivels pitifully. “Of course sweetie, of course I can. Come here.”
Marten practically throws himself into Mina's arms, knocking her back on her butt. She shuffles backwards to the closest beanbag, pulling him along with her, and gathers him into her lap. He clings to her clothes and sobs into her shoulder while she puts her arms around him and awkwardly pats his back.
"Shh, shh," she soothes, “There there, poor darling. It’s okay. It’s okay, you don’t have to be scared.” “Please don’t send me back,” he begs again, “I’ll be better, I’ll be anything you want, don’t send me ba-ack…” “It’s okay honey, it’s okay. I’m not sending you back. If you don’t want to go back, you don’t have to.” “Do… do you promise?” “I promise. If you don't want to, you don’t ever have to go back.” “Thank you,” Marten sobs, “Thank you, Mina.”
But he doesn’t stop crying.
“There you go,” Mina assures him, rocking him gently. “Poor thing. It’s okay. It’s okay to cry, just let it all out. I’m so sorry I scared you.” She thought he was crying hard before, but when she gives him permission he wails like a lost child.
And he doesn’t stop.
She holds him. She pets his hair and apologises. She rocks him and murmurs comfort words and he cries on and on and on, clinging tightly and bawling his eyes out.
Eventually, worried and a little exasperated, she pulls her head back far enough to see his face and asks “Honey, why are you crying?” He sniffles, and tries to stop sobbing long enough to answer. “I just want to be good,” he blubbers miserably. “I only want to be good for you, that’s what I’m for, I don’t know what to do.” “You are good, sweetie. You’ve never done anything bad at all.” He hides his face in her top and cries harder. “But,” he whimpers, “but you don’t want me…” “Oh, honey, no.” Mina feels awful. “Honey no, I didn't mean that, I was only talking to my mum...”
“I just want to be good.” The words seem to be spilling out of Marten now. “And good Boxies are, are wanted, they get bought and they go to nice homes with nice owners and, and they have happy lives fulfilling their owner’s desires and, and I thought I was good, I only want to make you happy, Mina, but I, I thought you wanted me and, and you don’t…” “Of course I want you, Marten, of course I do. I didn’t mean it like that, I, erm…”
“But you didn't even choose me,” Marten says softly. “You didn’t want a - a pet...” “I didn’t know that I wanted you,” Mina tells him. “That’s what I should have said. I didn’t know I wanted you. But Marten, you were a great surprise. It’s me who should be sorry. I’m not a very good owner. I don’t know how to keep you happy, and I don’t have a nice house or anything…” “You’re the best owner,” Marten blurts out with surprising vehemence. He starts crying again. “You’re so good to me and, and you’re kind, and pretty, and I love you, Mina. I just want to make you happy.” “You do make me happy, sweetie. You do.”
Mina has to hold him a good while longer, but he does start to calm down slowly. She stares solemnly at her posters on the wall, not really seeing them, as she murmurs reassurances on autopilot. Are these the right things to say? This is... such a huge responsibility. She wasn't ready for a cat, let alone a whole entire human being. He needs so much affection, all the time.
Mina is not cut out for this.
Eventually he stops crying. Mina waits another ten minutes before she tries to talk to him.
“Would it really be so very bad," she asks carefully, "going back to the company?” Marten stiffens instantly, hands tightening in her clothes. “Don’t worry!” she hurries to tell him, “I’m not gonna send you back! Not unless you want to go. I'm just asking, because I want to understand... why you’re so scared?” Marten is quiet. "You don't have to talk about it," Mina backtracks. "That's okay, I was just curious, don't worry about it. “If the owner sends a product back," Marten's voice is wobbly, "it needs to be refurbished. I… I don’t want to be refurbished…” “But you could have a better owner. A rich one, who can give you the luxury and stuff you signed up for. A big, tidy house. An owner who knows what they're doing...” “I don’t want anyone else,” he sniffles. “I want you.”
He’s starting to cry again. Mina sighs. “That’s okay then. You’ll stay here, and no one’s gonna send you back. Nothing to worry about. It’ll just be you and me.” She brushes the hair carefully away from his damp and sticky face. “And hey. If you keep bringing in the views, maybe some day we’ll have a nice house too.”
“I’m sorry I’m not better,” Marten tells her sadly. “I wish I was a smart Boxie so I could help you out and stuff…” “Oh sweetie. Shall I tell you a secret?” Mina smiles sadly. “I’m not very smart either. But it’s okay! You don’t have to be smart to do well on YouTube. You just have to look pretty. And we’re both pretty good at that!”
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raitrolling · 4 years ago
so, glasya
- they work at gaia (@/goddesstrolls’ Supernatural Org and same place miki now works at) as the records manager for the investigations branch. they were an assistant for a couple sweeps until the prev. head RM got promoted so now they’re the head records manager. they’re aiming to become head archivist of the whole organisation one day
- their ancestor was a prolific serial killer who may or may not have had ties to the occult. yknow standard Evil Person Who Brutally Murders People In Their Basement gig, so her hive which glas inherited it super haunted. glas had a couple encounters with the ghosts as a kid, but since they didn’t believe in the supernatural they just dismissed it as an overactive imagination or whatever. their hive’s still haunted, but the spirits tend to leave them alone so sometimes they straight-up forget they exist
- their first major encounter with the supernatural was when they were around eight sweeps, and found a strange book while perusing a thrift store one night. said book happened to be a powerful and very cursed artefact with ties to some otherworldly entity. while the book was in their possession, they began experiencing auditory hallucinations in the form of hearing pipe music wherever they went, as well as also seeing visions of the world covered in flesh and viscera. they’d also start feeling an intense urge to kill any troll who they happened to come across, and at times could not overcome the book’s influence. luckily it just so happened that gaia was searching for the artefact, and were able to locate glasya and free them from it’s curse. they’re doing fine now! mostly
- following that incident, music has become a huge trigger for them. no music allowed in the archives. some ppl like to chill in their office because of how nice and quiet it is
- they used to be an avid reader prior to that incident, but they stopped for a long time because of it. they watch a lot of movies now, and especially love horror or anything with monsters/supernatural creatures in it
- despite how traumatic that incident was, it made them discover that things-that-cannot-be-explained are actually cool as hell when they’re not fucking up your brain. they’ve been devouring everything related to the topic ever since, and became interested in working with gaia so they could read/hear about all the other cases they’re involved with. not that they mentioned that in the interview, of course
- they have a bad habit of always looking or acting sketchy, especially when they’re actively trying not to. Nobility Of Asking The Worst Questions At The Wrong Time, and tends to laugh during inappropriate moments especially when they’re feeling nervous
- they watch a lot of tiktok and youtube videos, especially anything occult-related. constantly sending videos about reality shifting or people who can converse with demons to their co-workers and asking if they’re legit. they’re always disappointed by the answer (they’re not)
- typically an incredibly Chill guy. speaks v. casually to the point where they come across as apathetic or uncaring, but they genuinely take their job very seriously. don’t let their unprofessional texts and emails fool you
- they’re very particular when it comes to the preservation of the documents in the archives. mikiel is not allowed in their office because his psiionics mess with the room’s temperature too much
- introvert of the ‘needs to take a day off work after socialising to recharge their mental battery’ variety. they don’t hate people / being social, but they greatly prefer being on their own 
- they have a side hobby making candies and selling them online, and specialise in lollipops and rock candy. they’ll give them out to their co-workers when they have extras
- they know that quite a lot of supernatural entities either feed off fear or use people’s fears to their advantage, so they’re determined to conquer all their fears so they’re Immune to their tricks. unfortunately, getting over their irrational fear of toads is too difficult for them u_u
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unmanageable-day · 5 years ago
17. Between a friend and another friend
When you are friends for so long, and it has never come across your mind to date one of them. Until one particular guy friend of yours came to offer you a relationship, a new chapter of life like no other before.
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a/n: finallyyyy i can upload this chapter. i was literally lost on how i should carry the plot but anyway here it is, i hope you enjoy this chapter. please feel free to comment in my askbox. and to those who are rooting for TY, i hope you’re okay after reading this chapter :")
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"I wish the pictures will turn out great," Doyoung groaned as he stretched his back. You and him spent the whole day doing your pre-wedding photoshoot. You had mentally prepared yourself, just in case Doyoung would surprise you with his sudden physical affection. Luckily he didn't. He stuck to the concept that Johnny suggested; basically following the concept of his Youtube channel and doing pretty much anything, and everything. Although you didn't have to change clothes many times, Johnny, the photographer insisted to go to various places to catch various moments. So, yeah, you were still exhausted because apparently Johnny was more excited than you.
"It's Johnny. What could go wrong with the photos?" You sat up, your back against a pillow,  joining him on the bed. "At least the weather was nice today. I wouldn't survive if it was sunny and we had to go here and there."
"You're right." Then he got up too to match your head level. He scooted closer to share his phone with you. "Look, he sent some preview. And some pictures he took with his phone."
Smiling genuinely, you gave approval nods. "As expected from John," you cheered.
Without you realizing, Doyoung fixed his gaze at your side profile. His lips formed a little smile. He was glad to see you at ease, and even have fun dealing with the whole process during and after the photoshoot. He felt accepted, embraced to be a significant part of your life. He made a right decision to have Johnny as the photographer.
"Thank you for today. You've worked hard," he said as he brought his hand to stroke your head, before brushing and tucking your hair behind your ear.
"So suddenly?" You chuckled.
"Oh?" His hand stopped at your ear. "Did you get a new ear piercing?"
"Yeah, you can tell?"
"Is that new earrings?"
"Yeah, I got it from Taeyong. I also went with Taeyong to get my ears pierced."
"With Taeyong?" Doyoung calmly parroted your words. He almost let out a freaked-out, disbelief tone. If there was one thing he failed to realize, it was the smile on his face that instantly disappeared once Taeyong's name was mentioned. He immediately pulled back his hand.
Okay. Let's calm down, Kim Doyoung.
What? What is this?
What if this stupid marriage only leads you to Taeyong? Am I a fool? Did I unintentionally make you two get closer? Is this relationship actually benefit Taeyong? Is it only your body stays with me, but your mind and your heart all belong to Taeyong? What am I now?
"Doyoung?" you called, reaching his hands which curled into a fist without him knowing.
"Is everything alright? You... seem off these days."
"I'm fine. I just have a lot in my mind." He faked a stretching for his arms.
"Did something happen between you and Taeyong? You sometimes act weird when he's around. Did you really clear up everything with him?"
Just who is it that you care about more? Is it me? Or is it Taeyong?
"Let me ask you once again. Are we going to continue our marriage? You know you can always say no, and we'll still be friends. I promised you that, right?"
You let out a little gasp in disbelief. The corner of your lips showed a smirk, and Doyoung can tell that it was not a happy face of yours. "Are you joking right now?"
"I'm not," he mumbled.
"Doyoung, it's not funny when it's literally a few weeks left and, hello, I am your housemate who just moved not long time ago. I even share a bed with you. If you're going to kick me out this soon, I should never have considered accepting your offer and said yes in the first place." A heavy, frustrated sigh escaped your mouth.
Doyoung was stunned by the sudden emotion in your tone.
No. He shouldn't pick up a fight. He should not trigger you.
"You ask me that again one more time, I will go back to my parents house and I will leave everything behind." You didn't want to get worked up too much. But the more you being questioned 'are you sure?' and such, it would just make you more confused and you would start doubting everything. You'd doubt if this decision is right, if you could make it with Doyoung, if Doyoung had been playing around, if Doyoung finally realize his decision isn't right, if you two will end up like you and Taeyong.
"You're right. I'm sorry." He gripped your hands tight. "I think my mind got consumed by the stress and everything."
"You can always tell me. I will be all ears?" you offered sincerely. "And I will be here for you."
"No, it's not a big deal. But having your shoulders to lean on would be much appreciated though."
Without words, you opened up your arms, inviting him to rest on your embrace. He gladly accepted your offer. His arms immediately looped around your waist as he leaned his head on your shoulder.
Doyoung's pride was too huge to break off. He couldn't risk to break this relationship by telling you how envious he was of Taeyong. But he can't be sure of how much he could endure it. Maybe telling you the truth would do no harm.
"Actually, can I be honest? You can hate me, but promise me you won't leave me."
The stiff expression on your face finally softened as you began to feel concerned, wondering what he was about to say. "Okay, now you're scaring me. What is it?"
He lifted up his head to face you. His bunny eyes found yours, piercing into your soul like never before. "I think I love you."
You slowly raised both of your eyebrows. "Okay?"
"No, I mean it. I love you, like love love you. I've developed this feeling since.. maybe since your father gave me the longest advice in my life. I never thought I would feel this way. But, yeah, I catch feelings, Jooyeon."
Your slowly widened eyes can't lie that you were flustered. "Th-thank you, I guess? For telling me, and for loving me."
"I'm not finished."
You nodded, suggesting him to continue.
"I hate to admit this," he said as he snuggled back against your shoulder. "But I'm jealous of Taeyong. I'm uncomfortable if you're being too close with him, just like how he's uncomfortable looking at us." He buried his face on your shoulder. "I'm not saying you can't hang out with him. I understand that he's important for you. But if you go out with him, at least please don't let me know. I think it would be better, to know nothing. I hate this feelings too, but I'm sorry I can't help it."
You could feel he tightened his embrace on your waist. "Sorry, I didn't know all of that. I've been very insensitive." Stroking his hair and rubbing his back at the same time, you continued, "Truthfully I'm still figuring my feelings out. It would be nice if you could wait for me. But from now on, I promise I'll treat you better."
He suddenly sat up straight, facing you. "Wait, you don't hate me?"
You chuckled. "You don't know I've hated you since the day you got my English notebook wet it almost torn apart?"
He drew a wide, relieved grin as he cupped your cheeks. Right, he just needed more faith. If this would be worth the wait, then he certainly would wait for you. That alone made him happy enough although he still couldn't brush off the disturbing feelings regarding Taeyong. At least, this should be a good sign that you really accepted him and this whole relationship, and the upcoming new chapter of life you would be sharing with him.
This time he leaned in and without warning, he gave you a quick peck on your lips. Of course, it still startled you. And he gave another one.
You started getting nervous. "Doyoung?"
He kissed you once more before responding to you with a hum.
He cut you with another smooch.
You were speechless. His moves were getting bolder that now he scooted closer, almost pining you down, slightly making you feel intimidated as the upper part of his body was on top of you. But eventually you gave in and kind of let him do whatever he was doing.
Maybe I'll just let it slide today. Your lips gradually curved a little smile as you kept receiving little kisses from Doyoung.
"Why are you smiling?" he teased.
You raised both of your eyebrows, taken aback by his sudden question. "I'm not." Blushing because he got you, a pout now was formed. But this didn't stop him being all smoochy and giggly.
"I'm so thankful that it's you. And you, for being you," he whispered, resting his forehead against yours, finally taking a pause from the non-stop little attacks to your lips.
"Me too. I should be more grateful because you've been putting up with me."
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seraphcs · 5 years ago
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omg hi whats up ik im late but i jwu lol .. SJDHFD im is ! twenty , she + her , mark’s gf <3 this is my baby angel florence , whos a lot less angelic than she sounds but she tries anw !! below is her long ass bio n potential plots ive listed so give this a HEART n ill slide into ur dm’s :’) cant wait to write w u all !
𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴    :    #ANG3L    //    STATS    »    florence russ dae ,  (  appears to be  )  twenty two ,  demigirl ,  she + they ,  youtuber.    ATTRIBUTES    »    affable ,  reticent ,  quixotic ,  forgetful .    SEEN    »    skiing down mountain slopes ,  cardigans over lingerie ,  leaving people on read .    DO NOT MISTAKE FOR    »    gayoung moon.
b.d. ( before death )
florence was born in itaewon ! her parents ran a bar there .
from a young age she’d already been helping her parents out with work , since it was a small bar and wasn’t v prominent . she went from school to work n back a lot
she was just ! v hardworking n loved her parents but most of the time she was . v lonely n didn’t have many friends at school
she always wanted to go on and be able to travel the world ( after one (1) vacation she’d had she fell in love wthe idea of skiing ! and seeing the world ! )
so this continued on until she was like . 16 . when her mom collapsed n passed away : (
her dad , after drinking his life away , followed her soon after : (
alone for real this time , florence worked her ass off for a long , LONG time , until finally she’d decided to take a vacation for the first time ever !
she’d saved up so much her whole life and decided to finally do what she’d been wanting to all along — she went to switzerland and went skiing on the alps , just like she’d dreamt of doing
except she’d done it in harsh weather and extreme conditions and in a freak accident died the first night in her life that she was having fun : (
a.d. ( after death )
it didn’t take long for people to forget flo — she was nobody , made no impact on the world other than the bar that she’d left behind n was eventually bought by some gentrified cafe
when she descended back in geneva , she , like her past self , almost immediately fell in love with the alps and the snow and everything !
except this time she felt no sense of responsibility and decided to just !! be carefree n live free n stay in switzerland for as long as ever
she got a job at a local asian restaurant , working in the kitchen , n decided to film a video of herself doing a mukbang of sorts with all the food on the menu , as per request of the staff for publicity
surprisingly enough that shit gained traction ??? who knew watching pretty girls eat had such a big audience. WKFKSKFKD
so flo decided what the heck ! i could make more of these ! n started making a lot of food related videos n gaining followers on youtube  
she ended up getting like half a mil subscribers n it ! was fun !! all she did was make ppl laugh n eat gross food sometimes but worth ig
she bumped into another supernatural once on vacation from lune n told her abt that city full of supernaturals and , intrigued , she quit her job and left switzerland n flew all the way there n she hasn’t moved away since !
about !
florence is generally v charming n sociable , a complete 180 from her prev life
her channel is based off of youtuber k.elsey k.reppel ! mostly does food content n commentary on fashion things n it’s nice n fun !
she’s mostly carefree n honestly enjoys the attention ppl bring her bc otherwise she feels . v lonely ha ha !
for the most part being an angel is ? easy , she supposes . she does try her best a lot to do good all the time but ends up sometimes sabotaging herself n other ppl’s plans to work in her favour . it’s all well intentioned tho !
falls in love a lil bit w every person she meets . it’s a problem
unintentionally plays ppl tho :/ a fool
pan disaster
generally a happy bean just ! a lil bit lonely n doesn’t open up SUUUUPER easy .
libra lol
approach w caution !
wanted plots !
best friends
exes !!! SPICY angst
friends w benefits
people on her channel a lot
almost lovers :-)
ppl who travel w her
crushes ! she has plenty JKDSKFKSK
pls just. give me Anyone. these are v bare boned but hnstly anything. WKFJKSFJ
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years ago
A Recorded Life (19/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 2149 Chapter Summary: Adrien knows how to sneak around without his father figuring out,  and helps Alya and Marinette out with something. This leads to stories, and the fans get a little crazy. What could make this day even better? Author's Note: this one's a little longer! Lots to fit into this part before the chapter >:) I love writing this story sm
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Disastrous Live Stream
Only a few days after the experience at the Agreste Mansion, Adrien finished a photoshoot early and managed to convince Gorilla to take him to Marinette's house. Gorilla, though he wouldn't admit it, was an enabler and loved to see Adrien having friends his own age and enjoying his extra time. It was a nice change from having Adrien cooped up in the mansion all day. Gabriel would never blame Gorilla either, if he ever found out.
Nathalie knew about his "extra free time" but pretended she had no clue what was going on with Adrien. She also enjoyed that Adrien had friends, and he was having fun outside of work and his clubs. Gabriel barely noticed anyway, and Adrien could usually pass an extra hour or two as his activity for the day running over.
Marinette, Alya, and Adrien were sitting on the floor in Marinette's bedroom, watching the uncut footage from Adrien's MTV Cribs joke video. Of course, Marinette did cut out the end, in case anyone were to find it. She was going to respect Adrien's and Gabriel's privacy and get rid of what they told her to. Though, she did keep the rest of the video on a hidden USB drive, in case she needed blackmail for anything.
"Oh, you cut out the end already?" Adrien asked when the video ended.
"Just wanted to be safe," Marinette shrugged.
Alya raised an eyebrow. "What happened that you cut out?"
"His dad essentially threw me out," She said. "He didn't like that we were running around his house with a camera."
Alya's jaw dropped as she held back her laughs. "And I thought he liked you!"
"Not anymore," Marinette giggled.
Cutting off the conversation, Alya's phone alarm went off. "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot!" Alya gasped. "We posted that you would be doing an Instagram Live at four o'clock today!"
Marinette looked confused, but then she gasped as well once she remembered. "We did, didn't we? I don't even have anything prepared to talk about!"
"Don't fret, girl. I have emergency interview questions stored in my phone, and in my head. Give me your phone, and we'll pull this off," Alya calmed Marinette and took her phone. Alya hooked the phone up to the computer so Marinette could see the comments and see herself, and in only a few minutes, they would start the live stream. "Adrien, do you want to be in it, too? People always love it when you're doing things with us."
Adrien checked his phone for the time. He still had over an hour before he needed to be home, so his father would not be suspicious. "Sure, I'd love to," Adrien said as Alya pointed the camera at Marinette.
"Great," She smiled. "Going live in twenty seconds."
Alya counted down from five on her fingers, and Marinette smiled wide once the people started rolling into the stream. "Hi, I'm Marinette!" She greeted. "We're trying something new today, if you can't tell. We are doing our first prepared live stream!"
"And we say prepared as we kind of forgot about it," Alya turned the camera on herself. "But being the master journalist that I am, I am always prepared for things like this," She nodded, and turned the camera back around.
Marinette giggled at Alya. "And, we have Adrien here!" She introduced. "I know how much you guys love him."
"While we let some comments and questions roll in, I'll start off," Alya said. "Marinette, what have you been working on design-wise?"
Marinette thought for a second. "A lot of Jagged Stone covers. They're non-stop. I've got a few in their final stages, so hopefully we can release one soon!" She said. "But other than Jagged, I'm working on some more simple pieces of clothes for the main channel, some just to watch, some for tutorials. It's going to be a fun-filled couple of months," Marinette smiled as she finished her answer.
"The covers are looking amazing. I can't wait for them to come out," Adrien added.
Alya asked a few more YouTube and work-based questions as the fan comments rolled in to ask more personal, juicer things. "First fan question: How's school going?" Alya asked.
With a shrug, Marinette furrowed her eyebrows. "It's school, it's boring, but we're getting through it. We start hearing back from universities soon, and that's exciting. We just had a project, and Adrien and I were paired together, and we will never do another project at his house again," She laughed, Adrien nodding along.
"Can I ask it?" Alya mouthed and pointed to a particular question. Marinette gave a small nod, knowing she needed to really address it. "Marinette, are you and Chat Noir dating?"
Marinette sighed. "I addressed this on Twitter, but I know a lot of you probably didn't see it. I am very single; Not dating Chat Noir, not dating Adrien, not dating anyone," She said. "They're both terrific friends, and I value having them in my life, but I really need you guys to stop harassing them about this," Marinette finished.
"And you don't know Chat Noir's identity, right?" Adrien added.
"Right. I have literally zero idea of who he is," She clarified. "We're friends, but I would never want to invade his privacy like that," She put on another smile as she wanted this question to end badly. "And with that, we are done talking about who I'm dating, or secret identities."
Alya looked for another comment that wasn't relating to Chat Noir. "Ooh, someone thanked me for the fanfiction video. You're welcome; I give the people what they want."
"That video was scarring," Adrien shivered. "I think I blacked out during a few of them."
"That's partially what made it so good!" Alya evilly laughed, and quickly deferred to another comment. "What was the project about that you two worked on?"
Adrien put his hand up to answer. "It was a classic history project. We researched a period of time and made a presentation on it. It wasn't too boring, and we finished it really quick- then we made a video that may forever stay in the archives," He winked. "And then we decided all future projects would be done at Marinette's house."
She nodded. "I think that was the most embarrassed I've been in a long time."
Alya groaned as she read more comments. "Guys, stop asking about Chat Noir," She dragged out the end of his name. "Marinette doesn't want me to give her those, but that's like eighty-percent of the questions," She laughed. "She doesn't know who he is- oh, here's one. What happened at the Agreste Mansion that you guys will never do another project there?"
They both burst out laughing. Adrien was laughing too much, so Marinette decided she would tell the story. "We did our project, totally normal. Then we started filming a video of Adrien showing me around his room, but he was using a bunch of different characters," She began the story. "We ran out of room to film, so we went into the hallway. Long story short, his dad was not too happy with me chasing his son around with a camera- let alone even have a camera in the house."
"Then he told me to go practice piano and that it was getting late, so Marinette needed to leave," Adrien finished. "Man, it was so embarrassing to have your father get upset with you...and your friend," He shook his head. "He did the same with Nino once, when Nino tried to throw me my first birthday party. And that was the same day Nino got akumatized!" Adrien shook his head. "Classic dad."
Though the three of them didn't think much of the story, the fans sure did. As Alya continued to ask questions, fans in the comments were getting riled up.
honestly fuck gabriel agreste
hold on...adrien's FIRST birthday party?? how did he never have a party? what??
cancel gabriel agreste for being mean to the two best people in the world
he...kicked marinette out...for having fun?
I mean I get the whole camera thing but seriously? cancel him
so does this mean i should return my gabriel clothes
Marinette could see the comments coming through on her computer. "What are you guys talking about? Gabriel Agreste? I'm not mad about the whole situation; it's actually pretty funny. Don't take it so seriously," She chuckled, and they moved on.
After a few more questions, it was nearly impossible for them to find any that didn't relate to Gabriel Agreste or Chat Noir. "Maybe this is a good spot to end at," Marinette said. "I don't want you guys getting riled up, so I think it's time to stop the live stream for today," She concluded. "But! Thank you guys so much for watching, even if it got a little crazy at some points, but I appreciate all that could make it!" She began her outro- but was cut off by loud noises coming from outside. All three of them stood up to check the window, but before they could even get a glance, the roof of Marinette's room was pulled off and thrown across the town.
"What the-!" Adrien cut himself off, back in French.
"Oh my gosh, perfect for the Ladyblog!" Alya set Marinette's phone down and grabbed out her own. "You guys go hide, I've got to get this!"
Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her down the steps. They both rushed into the bakery to make sure Marinette's parents were okay. "What happened? Are you guys okay? We saw Alya sprint out of here with her phone," Tom asked as he pulled both of them into a hug.
"Akuma took off with my roof," Marinette said, trying to figure out how she would get out of this so she could transform. "We should probably evacuate...who knows what the Akuma is after."
Adrien pulled out his phone. "Looks like he's after my father," He sighed. "And me, if he can't get him. Well, I should head back to the mansion where I can be isolated- Father is currently at the airport for a business trip," Adrien explained. It was true that his father was at the airport outside of Paris, but Adrien would not be going home.
"You can't leave!" Sabine said. "It's not safe out there, Adrien. Maybe wait for Ladybug or Chat Noir to see if they can help you," She suggested.
Adrien didn't know how to respond, but he tried to think of anything he could. "No, no. I don't want to attract the Akuma here to you guys. I can run really fast, and I know how to get around without being seen. I used to evade my work a few years ago," He chuckled as he walked towards the door.
"I have to go use the bathroom!" Marinette announced, and before her family could protest, she took off through the door, right past Adrien. She found a secluded alleyway and called for Tikki, and in a second she was flying above the buildings.
Adrien looked out the window. "Oh, look! There's Ladybug!" Adrien said, and rushed out the door as well.
"What are we dealing with?" Chat Noir asked as he landed behind Ladybug on a roof, watching the giant Akuma heading towards the Agreste Mansion.
"Akuma after Gabriel and Adrien Agreste. This guy really loves to cause Akumas, huh?" She said. "Haven't really figured out why he's after Mr. Agreste, but I guess we'll find out."
Chat Noir focused on the giant man. The way his face was shaped and the way he spoke was all too familiar to Adrien. "Looks like a photographer that works for the Gabriel brand," He said. "He was probably fired."
"A photographer?" Ladybug asked.
"We've been over this Ladybug; I keep up to date with the fashion industry. You aren't just casually into fashion," He laughed and started jumping towards the Akuma, Ladybug following close behind.
Once they were close enough to confront the Akuma, it was clear this Akuma was not going to be a simple takedown. Just by screaming their names, the two were blown off their feet and set across the ground until they crashed into a wall. Blinding flashes were coming out of his hands, and his voice was loud like being amplified by a microphone. It was going to be difficult to even get near him as he rampaged through Paris.
"I don't even know how we would approach him," Ladybug thought out loud.
"Maybe see what Lucky Charm gives?" Chat Noir suggested.
She thought about it, but was unsure. "I don't think we'll be able to defeat him in five minutes, though," Ladybug confessed.
"If you have to, you run off and recharge. Never hurts to try," Chat Noir reminded her.
He was wrong.
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries
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nocherryblood · 2 years ago
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I posted 6,250 times in 2022
That's 3,316 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (1%)
6,190 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 704 of my posts in 2022
#save - 87 posts
#saveom - 40 posts
#savehc - 33 posts
#obey me - 22 posts
#aww - 13 posts
#omhc - 13 posts
#om - 10 posts
#prev tags - 10 posts
#write - 9 posts
#hc - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or the time when exchange students from 🇯🇵 streamed in and suddenly i was gay™. i never stood a chance against 90 hot girls in jackets 🤧
My Top Posts in 2022:
No one:
My autistic-ass thinking the new ObeyMe! event was gonna be all about steam trains:
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My reaction when I found out it wasn't about steam trains but was about steampunk:
See the full post
23 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I'm watching *Sky News* right now and they've got an unsuspecting elderly gentleman on and--
1) When asked by the reporter what he would like to hear from Boris Johnson in his resignation speech? "Goodbye."
2) When asked what he thinks of the Government in it's current state: ~"I'm starting to think the cabinet is just made up of Boris' friends at this point."
3) He has great taste in jumpers
Edit: I just found out that this man is a Lord. Apologies, Lord Heseltine... You have a great taste in jumpers.
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25 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Hello Dracula Daily readers I'm hypnotizing you into watching Young Dracula it's like Dracula but 200 years in the future and he has kids and it follows his son and daughter and their life (son is... Um... idk... Connecticut Clark™ who doesn't want to be a vampire but the universe said fuck you I'll make the biggest one there is, daughter is basically a badass bitch with mummy AND daddy issues who would stomp on your face with her boots and she's so lesbiany it's almost too much to handle) and also it's like Harry Potter but about vampires so you get to watch them grow up in real-life time and handle both serious and lighthearted things and it's very angsty at times and it's full of supernatural characters and the actors are also incredibly hot in the later series and gave about half of us out first gay experience and it's a full free show to watch and it's on YouTube and van helsings there he's a lovable dumbass and he's ALSO a father and he and the count are trying to murder each other and it's very gay and veeeerry very camp so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ just saying
38 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
"every doctor who fan has that one thing that they wish would happen that, depsite the fan base being so large, no one else has seemingly also ever wanted"
Okay, so is it just me or are there any other people out there who desperately wish that they would use/even just acknowledge the fact that, y'know, Ace still has a whole-ass dying cheetah planet in her mind, or am I the only one?
42 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sensory Issues:
"you touched something gross? so what? it's fine it's not like it's gonna hurt you or anything"
no but you don't understand. i touched it and now it's on my arms it's up my legs it's crawling over my back and it's in my eyes and it's in my mouth i can taste it i want it out but it's not on me anymore it only lasted a second but I can still feel it and im washing my hands but there's nothing there to wash but it's there i can feel it and why am i crying i can't stop I can't stop washing and flicking and picking and rubbing and just stop please but i can't.
131 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ilonavic · 7 years ago
l was tagged by @ferelden-doglord. Thank you for giving me a fun and interesting tag to do this evening, when I’m mad about having wasted my time on a failed class reunion which I wasted a whole BAG OF CHIPS ON .  last (1-5) drink ♡ Some kind of mango-pineapple-drink.  phone call ♡ My mum.  text msg ♡ My dad.  song you listened to ♡ Game of Thrones soundtracks.  time you cried ♡ Last Friday cos my colleague who lack any kind of moral compass and sense of right and wrong, honor and loyalty left me in the rotting shit and had me come in to work Friday night when I had a test to study for and promised my mom I’d finally spend the evening with her after having worked many many previous Friday evenings GOD IM SO ANGSTY  ever..? (6-11) dated someone twice ♡ I hate dating with a passion, so no. No one’s been outstanding enough to make me go through that hell more than once.  kissed someone and regretted it ♡ All of them, haha.  been cheated on ♡ No. Well, @vaporeox cheats on me everyday but that’s a different story. I don’t wanna get into it, too painful. </3  lost someone special ♡ Hmm, no. If they’re special, I’ve never lost them, because I work extremely hard to keep the special ones in my life, since they deserve it. But if I simply lost them, they weren’t special to me.  been depressed ♡ I get winter depressions almost every year due to the lack of sunlight in the winters here. It sucks and I hate it. But it always pass. gotten drunk/thrown up ♡ Never thrown up, but gotten drunk.  fav colors (12-14) I love blue or red for different occasions. Green too, in the summers.  in the last yr have you.. (15-21) made new friends/ mutuals ♡ Last year I met the most wonderful friends I’ve ever encountered in my life.  fallen out of love ♡ I’ve never been in love.  laughed until you cried ♡ Yup! found out someone was talking about you ♡ Yeah, it always lowers my respect for them in my eyes, they lose a bit of dignity too. Cowardice and low intelligence, having nothing better to do than to discuss the lives of other people that does not concern you? I’ll never understand it.  met someone who changed you ♡ Indeed, many of my friends have influenced me a lot.  general (22-51) how many of your FB friends do you know irl ♡ Around 70% maybe.  do you have any pets ♡ My lovely doggo and 3 aquariums for fish. do you want to change your name ♡ Nah. No reason for it.  what did you do for your prev. birthday ♡ Literally cried because it was my 20th birthday and everyone, including friends and family, forgot it.  what time did you wake up today ♡ Around 11.  what were you doing @ midnite last night ♡ Watched YouTube.  what is something you can’t wait for ♡ To move out of my parent’s house, start university and finally adopt a long awaited Husky. (if I move to northern Sweden, cos I would never get a husky in the big cities, only up north where they literally BELONG) (I’d most likely train it to drag a sled)   what’re you listening to atm ♡ Lol, nothing.  have you ever talked to a person named Tom ♡ I think so? something that’s getting on your nerves ♡ People. God I hate people.  most visited site ♡ YouTube, probably, and Facebook/Tumblr.  hair color ♡ Light blonde.  long/ short hair ♡ Pretty short.  do you have a crush on some1 ♡ I have like 100 crushes but that’s all a crush is, and nothing more, barely even related to love for me.  what do you like about yourself ♡ Not being naive, being able to read people like a crystal clear wall depicting all their insecurities. And being loyal, reasonable and optimistic.   want any piercings ♡ No. So far I haven’t seen any that looks good besides earrings, but even those can look absurd sometimes.  blood type ♡ Uuuuuuuuuuuum.. “O” I think?  nicknames ♡ Vic, Vicky, Vicki-Picki, Toria.  relationship status ♡ Single and free as a bird.  zodiac ♡ Pisces.  pronoun(s ♡ Batman m9.  fav tv/ on-air shows ♡ Game of Thrones, Vikings and New Girl/Parks and Rec/The office.  tattoos? ♡ No, but I’d love to get a small one. rightie or leftie ♡ Rightie. ever had surgery ♡ No.  piercings ♡ Neeu.  sports ♡ Freestyle rapper.  vacation ♡ What’s the question? Whatever it is, London. trainers ♡ What? moar general (52-58) eating ♡ Salmon. drinking ♡ Water.  i’m about to watch ♡ Sleep.  waiting for ♡ University. want ♡ To meet my friends.  get married ♡ no?? Unless it’s @cirillach then yes  career ♡ Professor, author, director :)) which is better (59-65) hugs/kisses ♡ Hugs.  lips/eyes ♡ Lips.  shorter/taller ♡ Anyone shorter than me would be a midget, so taller.  older/younger ♡ Older.  nice arms/ stomach ♡ Arms.  hookup/relationship ♡ Relationship.  troublemaker/hesitant ♡ Troublemaker. I think . I mean, if they’re never up to do anything a little fun or exciting it’s kinda dull, but you don’t like a person who literally gets you into bad shit cos they wanna rob a store or sth
have you ever (66-75) kissed a stranger ♡ No.  drank hard liquor ♡ Yes.  lost glasses ♡ EVERYDAY  turned someone down ♡ A lot indeed, have any of you been in a bar? You have to turn down 100 000 guys before the night is over.  sex on 1st date ♡ Never.  broken a heart ♡ Yes, but the purpose was never to hurt anyone, but too many people don’t understand the thing with aromantism, which I’m pretty sure I must be, or my system is broken.  had your heart broken ♡ I don’t really believe in getting your “heart broken”... It’s too clichée for me. My heart can’t be broken, IT’S A MUSCLE. I have obviously never been in love, and I’ve never befriended jackasses either. I pick the good, loyal people who wouldn’t “break maaa huurrt” god im such an insensitive lil shit arent i been arrested ♡ No.  cried when someone died ♡ No one’s died. Well, grandpa, but I was too small to understand it then. I miss him now, but I haven’t cried about it. Oufff, my bunny died on my birthday! I cried for that <////3 it was so sad fallen for a friend ♡ No.  do you believe in.. (76-81) yourself ♡ I do. Or I’d never even TRY to succeed at anything.  miracles ♡ Definitely not. I think everything that happens has some kind of logic behind it, facts, that does not mean it’s some kind of “incredible miracle”. Something occurred and it lead to whatever happened.  love @ first sight ♡ No.  santa clause ♡ @lunedin is santa claus kiss on a 1st date ♡ Ugh, no.  angels ♡ I’m stupid, but kinda.. Idk. Idk? Idk. I want to believe it but, it’s very illogical and it makes no sense so it’s hard to. But I believe many in my family have been protected by guardian angels, perhaps an old relative.  other (82-85) best friend’s name ♡ Clara, Kinga, Sara, Livia, Mathias. Also my siblings for sure; Simon, Claudia and Kevin.  eye color ♡ Brown-green.  fav movie ♡ The Pianist. fav actor ♡ Emma Stone is pretty incredible.  
I’m tagging: @bryd-one-brere @cirillach @noonvraith @lunedin @lay-aboard-lads @vaporeox @jobenheim @vernon-roche @silnaniewinna and whoever wants to do it ye 
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droneseco · 4 years ago
Nova3d Bene4 Mono: A Stunning Resin Printer Let Down by Proprietary Software
Nova3D Bene4 Mono
8.00 / 10
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The large build area and super quick build times make the Nova Bene4 Mono a fantastic printer at a budget price. Unfortunately, the Novamaker software falls behind other options.
Brand : Nova3D
XY Resolution: 2560 x 1620
Build area: 5.1 x 2.8 x 5.9 inches
Layer Thickness: 25 to 100 microns
Printer Size: 15 x 11.8 x 19.3 inches
Capable of incredibly detailed models
Faster than many other printers in its class
Some nice quality of life features
Proprietary slicing filetype and lackluster software
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Nova3D Bene4 Mono other
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The Nova3D Bene4 Mono is a budget resin printer offering fast print times and incredible quality thanks to its 2K monochrome LCD screen. There are some nice quality of life touches included in the design, and the printer is as easy to use as resin-based printers can be.
Bene4 Mono: A Familiar Design?
At first glance, the Bene4 Mono looks like every other desktop-sized resin printer. The solid metal base contains a touch screen for operation. Above, you find the LCD screen, metal resin vat, and z-axis with build plate; the constituent parts for all MSLA printers of this type.
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Look a little closer, however, and you'll notice several nice features. The UV hood, designed to stop unwanted light from getting to the resin, is fitted on a strong hinge. This means that you don't have to lift the whole top off to interact with the printer.
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The build plate has four adjustment screws attached to it. You'll need these when leveling the plate, and the four screw design is a lot less hassle than the usual two screws/ball joint combination you'll find on similar printers.
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Finally, the resin tray has four small feet attached to the bottom. These help you guide the resin tray into the correct position for printing, but they have an even more useful function.
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When you need to clean out old resin, especially after a failed print, you don't have to worry about damaging the clear PEP filter on the underside of the resin tray. The feet elevate it enough to keep it free of any dust or grime on your work surface.
It's clear that this printer has had a fair bit of thought put into it, but how well does it print?
Beautiful Prints at Fast Speeds
The full-color guide that comes with the Nova3d Bene4 Mono takes you through everything you need to perform your first prints with the machine. The model I reviewed came with the build plate already level, so all that was left was to pour in some resin and start a test print.
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The printer comes with a USB drive containing two pre-sliced test prints. Both show off just how impressive the print quality is on the Bene4 Mono. The octopus prints as one piece, though each linked tentacle comes loose after printing. The Nova3D logo has a lot of intricate geometry to support while printing, along with some wafer this intricacy within the globes.
The "Mono" in the name relates to the monochrome LCD screen that provides the UV light mask. Monochrome screens allow for faster printing by allowing through more of the UV light compared to older color LCD screens and have a longer lifetime. While this is a big improvement over the previous generation of printers, it's becoming increasingly commonplace.
The quality is clearly there, and while there are 4k printers at this price range, there's nothing low quality about these prints.
Connecting to the Bene4 Mono
The Bene4 Mono comes with a 4.3 inch "smart" touchscreen, which is easy to navigate and worked without any hitches. Alongside manual movement options, you can use the menus to trigger prints stored on a USB drive, or in the printer's local 8GB memory.
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You'll also use this menu to connect the printer to your network. Once connected to Wi-Fi, I didn't find myself using the screen all that often, though the screen showing the leftover time for a print and a graphical representation of the layer currently being printed was a handy reference during prints.
Everything You Need to Get Started?
Resin printing requires careful preparation. Appropriate safety gear is essential, and there are a few tools you'll need for post-processing. Nova3d provides some basic tools and accessories, including a few pairs of high-quality nitrile gloves, but you'll want to get a few more things ready before starting your first print.
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Alongside resin for printing, you need isopropyl alcohol for washing finished prints. The pump-action spray bottle they provide is cute but not all that useful. Realistically you need a box large enough to fit any finished model into and enough isopropyl alcohol to submerge it fully for cleaning.
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The plastic scraper they provide is perfect for cleaning the FEP filter without damaging it, but you may want to get a thin metal blade for getting stuck prints off the build plate. You'll need a lot more gloves than they give you and a pair of safety goggles to protect your eyes when you inevitably splash yourself with a mixture of resin and almost pure alcohol.
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Finally, you'll need a way to cure your prints. Resin doesn't fully harden until it's been cured under UV lights for several hours. If you live in a sunny place, then you can leave them in direct sunlight. If you don't, you'll need to either buy a UV curing station or make your own. Even homemade and far from perfect setups can work, but your mileage may vary.
Nova3D does provide a spare FEP film, which is a nice touch as the FEP film at the bottom of the tank requires cleaning between each resin change. Failed prints will also end up stuck to it, and when it gets damaged, you must replace it. Thankfully, this is an easy task using the provided Allen key.
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Regardless of which model you choose, resin printing is not for the faint-hearted. If you are a complete beginner to 3d printing or share your space with children, a more traditional FDM printer might be a better place to start.
Are There Any Downsides to the Bene4 Mono?
In terms of the hands-on experience, the Bene4 Mono is as easy to use as resin printers get. The only design flaw is the USB drive position, which is round the back next to the barrel jack and ethernet port. If you use it a lot, I can imagine this getting annoying, but after the test prints, I sent every print to it over the local network and never used it again, so it wasn't an issue.
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Everything about the printer itself seems well thought out, and I was excited to spin up some slicing software and print some more tests. Unfortunately, this is where the issues start.
Novamaker: The Only Software for the Bene4 Mono
Almost all resin printers use Chitubox as the software for supporting and slicing models before printing. It's been updated many times over the years, and there is a strong community behind it, providing tutorials and tips on YouTube and in the forums.
Nova3d provide their own software called Novamaker. While it does the job, it's nowhere near as powerful as Chitubox and is missing some key features. You cannot hollow models using Novamaker, and there are fewer options for adding print support structures.
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Novamaker has received some significant updates in recent months, and while there is an unofficial plugin for Chitubox, which adds support for the .cws slicer files the printer takes, it's prone to breaking and wasn't functional to test during this review.
The options for printing were to use pre-hollowed and supported models, print solid models (a massive waste of resin), or do all preparation work in another piece of software and import the .stl file into Novamaker for printing.
This is a small workaround, but it's not one any other printer in this class makes you do.
If you have a well-supported model, you'll get incredible quality prints with little fuss. This charming doggo from MyMiniFactory user Spare Oom Studios, among several others, came out looking stunning:
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Unfortunately, if you import a raw model and expect the Novamaker software to prepare it for printing, there's little way of telling if the print will succeed.
The in-software features for controlling the printer and sending prints over the network all worked flawlessly. It's just a shame that they didn't leave it at that and use the same software as everyone else.
Should You Buy the Nova3d Bene4 Mono
This is undoubtedly a fantastic printer, and from a hands-on user perspective, I can't fault it. It creates beautiful prints quickly and has a number of quality of life features that put it above other printers at this price range.
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For $299, you're not going to find a printer that blends as many nice features as this one, and in the future, I'd recommend this printer to anyone interested in resin printing. For now, I'd wait until the Novamaker software improves or they add stable support for Chitubox before buying.
You can buy the Nova3d Bene4 Mono direct from Nova3d for $299.
Nova3d Bene4 Mono: A Stunning Resin Printer Let Down by Proprietary Software published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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demigod-dems · 8 years ago
junghope fanfiction mistresslist
because i clearly don’t know when to stop
(previous yoonseok fanfiction mistresslist)
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Before you start reaping the fruits of this list, here’s some info you should know:
- The list is made up of fanfics I have personally read and thought worth reading (I have read a lot more than these, and a lot didn’t make the cut)
- This list is in no way finished and done, it will evolve and update as I gather more fics for you to enjoy (feel free to message me new ones or some that i’ve missed)
- I’m a fluffy marshmallow and enjoy happy endings, so 99% of these fics won’t have any tragedy / death / gore and mutilation or cheating AND it won’t have any mpreg, because I am just not into it, sorry
❤ Favourites
☆ New to the list
last updated: [19/09/2018 03:06AM]
☆ 11 Things To Do Before You Die (bucketlist, friends to lovers)
☆ 27 Kisses (Hoseok is confused)
☆ ❤ A Little Help (oh my god, just. Read it, I love it so much, WIP)
☆ ❤ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (A/B/O, beta Jungkook wants to be knotted)
❤  another life (wistful, nice, BonVoyage AU)
☆ An arrow to the foot and a bow to you (pretty ironic for Hoseok to shoot himself, him being a cupid)
☆ all because of you (sad hoseok, but overall uplifting fic)
❤  all tomorrow's parties (jungkook/jimin/hoseok, a common hobby, AU)
always nice to meet you (AU, ace!guk, platonic)
❤  all the world’s noise (ridiculously sweet AU)
☆ Are You Sure (you want to stay?) (Jungkook overthinks)
☆ baby, you're a caramel macchiato (fluff)
☆ Be a good baby, mr. bad boy (Jungkook is good just for Hoseok)
☆ Belt Loops (public)
Bloodflows (unplanned bath sharing with Jungkook)
Black Cat (ancient Egyptian deities, AU)
❤  bone + tissue (sex, tension, photos, AU, sssssooooo goood) 
☆ Boy Meets Boy - Boys In Luv (Hogwarts AU)
Brat (fluff)
breathe again (daddy kink)
Break Your Plans Tonight (sex worker hoseok, new gang recruit guk, smut, AU)
☆ Bunny Boy (hybrid AU, human Hoseok)
☆ Call Me Baby (Jungkook wants to be called ‘baby’ by one person only)
can you teach me how to feel real (drabble, robots/androids AU)
'cause i'm burning up, burning up for you baby (yoonkook/hoseok, pizza delivery boy AU)
☆ Come Over Here (And Overwhelm Me) (Jeongguk takes a yoga class on a lost bet)
☆ Coffee in the Morning (KookYoonseok, needy Jungkook)
☆ Creep (the famous shower incident)
crushworthy (awkward jungkook, teasing hoseok, AU)
☆ daddy’s good boy (Jungkook wins  a private skype session with camboy Hoseok)
☆ Daydream (Hoseok borrows Jungkook’s laptop and finds some personal videos, daddy kink)
❤  Dance With Me Hyung (sexual tension up to the sky)
- Pt. 2
- Pt. 3
Double Texting (AU, fluff)
Don't Say Goodnight (Don't Say Goodbye) (AU past lives)
❤  DOES/DOES NOT (both are oblivious and everyone’s frustrated, AU)
Dream Chaser (Members only, nightmare, fluff)
☆ Drip Drop (A/B/O, submissive alpha Jungkook)
E - H
even my name, knelt down inside me, asking to be spared (mentions of prev. char death, past yoonkook, mental health issues)
eventually (AU, awkward Jungkook)
❤  Fall and Recover (ONLY THE BEST JUNGHOPE AU EVER???)
Hit Well With an Open Hand (dumbasses slapping each others butts)
☆ Faceplant (Jungkook crashes into Hoseok)
fallingforyou (short, sad)
Falling, Catching (A/B/O, knotting, mating cycles/in heat, AU)
Fever (Yoonseok/jungkook, crossdressing, smut)
☆ Five Months (very fluffy)
☆ footprint nostalgia (taehyung won’t have to go back to farming)
☆ Forever Seems Just Long Enough (Jungkook has been a permanent fixture in Hoseok’s bed lately)
☆ Golden (KookYoonSeok, Jungkook has a nightmare)
Hard. Rock. Steady? Rock. (Daddy kink)
☆ ❤ helping hand(s) (maybe Jungkook has a crush on his best friend that happens to have tentacles)
☆ Here in your arms ( sometimes the air is too quiet and his limbs are too restless, Jungkook sneaks into Hoseok's room)
❤  Hold Me Close (betrayal of a trusty heater, fluff, AU)
☆ hold me tight (KookYoonSeok, bondage)
☆ Hope is Last to Die (childhood crush, AU)
☆ #HopeKookWeek2017 (link to whole series ↓)
1 - how long, baby, have i been away? (oh, it feels like ages though you say it has been only days)
2 - your skin is so soft (kiss him once, kiss him twice to keep the night on)
3 - heaven’s on the backseat of my cadillac
4 - we can't hold back 'til the night escapes
5 - they'll hang us in the louvre (down the back, but who cares, still the louvre)
6 - you don’t have to leave (you could just stay here with me)
7 - shiver shiver (you strip the buttons off my coat)
☆ How to Make These Feelings Known 
I - M
☆ ❤ i wanna be yours (Jungkook has been in love with Hoseok since he's 15)
☆ If You Let Me In (soft and fond winter evening)
i'll take you on (established, sore loser Jungkook) 
i'm not a coffee drinker, but i lost sleep thinking about you (so pour me a cup, i need to wake up) (tired Hob, fluff)
☆ I’m bound up in you (Jungkook wants to ask something new, rimming, facesitting)
☆ i’m coming home to you (every night) (jungkook’s sensitive nose has trouble sleeping)
ineluctable (pool boy Hoseok, rich home-owner son Jungkook, AU)
☆ It’s Called Appreciating Beauty (lets admit, Jungkook is a liiitle obsessed)
☆ It's important to stretch before strenuous activities (Hoseok is a personal trainer and Jungkook has had his eyes trained on him)
is it me that you see? (tell me i'm not dreaming alone) (kookyoonseok, AU, fast paced)
Join US (vkook/hoseok, birthday present, smut)
☆ Joke (Jungkook needs to be punished)
Just a Boy (And boys have Needs) (hormonal teenager Jungkook, weak Hoseok)
Jungkook started a game (VHopeKook, Jungkook is shameless, really) 
Keep On Wanting (smut, established)
Young (pt. 2)
Cosmic Love (pt. 3)
Found You (pt. 4)
A Beautiful Mess (pt. 5 , Junghope/Yoongi, not finished)
The One (pt. 6)
Take a Breath, Take a Step (pt. 7)
I'll Give You Love (You Wanted Nothing) (pt. 8)
Love You (Even In My Sleep) (established, sleepwalking, kink negotiation, smut)
❤  less is more (less is a bore) (a lot of hickeys, feelings, AU)
❤  Lather Me Whole ( Prince Jungkook, Hoseok, his servant ↓ )
Mark Me As Your Own
Whisper In My Ear
Keep Me In Your Hands
Tie Me Up, Hold Me Down
Life with demons (should not be this hard) (exorcism AU, ending frustrated me to tears)
like everybody else (Daddy kink) 
Lionheart (aged up, established, AU)
☆ Lose My Cool (highschool AU, yearbook photographer Jungkook)
☆ Lucidness (daddy kink, the big red hoodie)
❤  Ma Tulipe (a BRILLIANT, soft glowing fic, AU) 
☆ Mountain Dew Me? (Jungkook is a bartender)
☆ Mommae (Jungkook gets caught watching something) 
☆ my favorite places (it gets too much sometimes)
N - R
Name The Stars (and know their dark returning) (getting together, fluff)
New Romantics (AU, piercings)
no mess, no fuss (aged up, AU, rough sex)
❤  Noge Do Poda (yoonseok, yoonkook - yoonseok just like Jungkook)
Noge u Zrak (yoonseok, junghope)
Dolje na koljena (yoonjunghope)
No One But Me (Jealous Jungkook, Oblivious Hoseok, established)
☆ ❤ not a booty call (the feelings, oh my god the feelings)
☆ now my bedsheets smell (like you) (5 times +1 one time)
☆ of white lies and autumn leaves (pretend relationship, ofc until it’s not)
☆ on the edge (wakeboarding, ‘rivals’)
☆ On My Life (I Swear) (Bodyguard AU, multichaptered)
one shot (is all i need) (bartenders, AU)
☆ one strange night in one strange city (rich young businessmen au) 
☆ Ousia (magic AU)
☆ pas de deux (growing old together, fics like this always make me sad even with happy ending)
☆ Perfect Ten (bowling AU)
petting (predebut)
☆ Pink Cushion (Jungkook needs some disciplining) 
☆ Room for Three (Yoonseok fall for Jungkook)
S - V
[second] (student/teacher relationship AU)
☆ Sing For Me (part of ot7, smut)
☆ Sixth Position (miscommunication, getting back together)
☆ share my life (it's yours to keep) (might as well marry they’re so domestic so fast)
Shelter From the Storm (fobias, jungkook trying to fix things, AU, slightly bdsm)
☆ ❤ Skip The Glory (demon AU, rough sex, some tentacle action)   
☆ Social Animals (nonsexual intimacy)
☆ Somebody’s Crying (Hoseok is the resident dorm advisor)
☆ ❤ sparkles in his eyes (my heart is jumping out)
stars (brotp, drunk jungkook)
study time (aged up, established, AU, piercings and tattoos, bottom hoseok)
☆ stuck (sometimes Jungkook’s mind gets.. stuck)
Stranger Dangers (rape kink) 
☆ stitch me up (you're so pretty) (Jungkook enrolls into an embroidery class)
sunshine (angst, character death)
☆ Sunshine next door (both Jungkook and his cat crush on Hoseok)
☆ sweeter than honey, softer than silk (no milk, however) (nursing kink and some awkward conversations, KookYoonSeok)
talk me down (petting, fluff)
☆ That Kinda Lovin' Turns A Man Into A Slave (they run away from Catholic boarding school)
❤  the underlying rhythm (favourite hyung, drabble)
☆ the feeling of getting you closer (is taking me under) (anal fisting)
the world is in your palm now so take a breath and calm down (Hogwarts AU)
The One (Hoseok steps in as a stand-in date)
The Stars In Your Eyes (Are Only For Me) (Space AU)
❤  these spaces between infinities (so so so good ;=;, AU)
❤  there and back again (sports therapist Hoseok, soccer player Jungkook, AU) 
☆ ❤ the world could use more of you (modern magic AU, multichaptered)
☆ this feels like falling in love (a step away)
☆ touch me in your own sweet way (Jungkook would not be lying)
☆ ❤ touch, my love. touch my heart. (Jungkook is into ASMR and Hoseok happens to make asmr videos on youtube, this is so nice)
too naughty to say no (Vhope/Jungkook)
☆ Tryna Count Me Out (who goes around kissing random strangers?)
☆ Twist of my Heart (misunderstandings)
Untraditional (A/B/O, kookyoonseok, AU)
☆ Up in the Sky (Hoseok is a businessman and Jungkook is on his first shift as a flight assistant)
W - Z
☆ wanna stay locked (between your fingers) (hair pulling)
☆ we could be together (if you want) (it’s been 2 years)
❤  What It Means to Know (breathplay, platonic)
☆ While You Were Sleeping (Jungkook is having a wet dream and Hoseok doesn’t want to interupt. much)
☆ Whipped Like Cream (they’re whipped)
wide awake (seokjunghope, jealous junghope, smut)
☆ world business (collars and bsdm, canonverse)
your warm embrace (AU, fluff) 
☆ you attack my heart (surely you're my destiny) (jungkook wants to be pretty)
☆ you got me catching feelings (they start as fuck buddies, but start catching feelings)
☆ you are my favorite "what if" (and my best "i'll never know") (junghope are hoeing w each other at a club)
☆ You Don't Need To Hesitate (so they’re handcuffed together)
☆ your love is bright as ever (Hoseok worries)
☆ you’re staring too much (Jimin sees straight away that Hoseok has a crush)
☆ you're the sun in my morning babe (KookYoonSeok, birthday sex)
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shrinksta-blog · 7 years ago
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sincerelymarinette · 6 years ago
A Recorded Life (9/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1710 Chapter Summary: Marinette is a professional in self-doubt, and that shows after the past few days. As a bonus, she finally unveils her design for Adrien, inspired by a certain cat themed hero! Author's Note: This chapter was so much fun to write and I picture it in my head so clearly. I wanted so badly to draw how the Chat Noir inspired outfit looks, but I do graphic art and not really drawing people, BUT maybe I'll get to it and just draw on a mannequin lol. If anyone wants to try their hand at it, too, that would be awesome ;) I'm still trying to figure out where to put the climax in the story...and I keep having ideas for the story, so it seems this could go on for a while haha
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The Chat Noir Outfit Reveal!
Marinette was scrambling trying to get things done. Adrien was on his way to make the newest video of the Chat Noir inspired outfit, and Marinette was losing her mind.
"Tikki! This will never be perfect. If I can't finish something as simple as this, I'll never make it as a designer," She groaned.
"You need to calm down," Tikki said, calmly. She rushed over to the computer and hit the space bar to play Jagged Stone's new song he sent Marinette. It was a slower one that Marinette loved, about living life and how it hits you in unexpected ways. Marinette covered her eyes and fell back onto her chair.
"Why do I keep freaking out like this?" She sighed. "First, I freak out on patrol. Now I'm going to freak out right before Adrien gets here and ruin the whole mood of the night," She said. "I'm a mess."
Tikki floated next to Marinette's head. "You need to take some deep breaths and listen to the song. You said you like this song, and it's about what you're going through right now. Just listen to it and let yourself sit peacefully."
As Tikki talked Marinette through her freak out, her parents were caught talking to Adrien in the bakery. "We're so happy you and Marinette have become such good friends," Sabine told him. "I always knew you guys would be good together."
"I'm glad we've gotten closer, too!" Adrien smiled widely. "We only really hung out with Alya and Nino before, but now it's like we've known each other for years."
"The world works in mysterious ways," Sabine nodded and grabbed a tray of cookies from behind the counter. "Take these up with you, will you? Marinette has been beyond stressed since her meeting with Jagged Stone and has barely eaten. If you can get her to eat just one, you'll be even more amazing. And feel free to have as many as you want, too!" Sabine said as Adrien nodded and she pushed him towards the steps to their house.
Adrien knew where to go, and he really loved how quaint their home was. He could hear Marinette talking to herself, and started to walk up the stairs to her room. With a few knocks on the trap door, he waited until he was allowed to come in.
"Marinette? It's Adrien!" He yelled through the door.
Marinette wiped her eyes. "Hide, Tikki," She whispered as she sat up. "Come in," Marinette replied to Adrien, and the door opened a second later. She smiled weakly as she saw Adrien enter her room with a plate of cookies.
"Sorry I'm a little early, but your mom sent me with cookies! She wants you to eat at least one- were you crying?" Adrien asked, stopping quickly and staring at Marinette's puffy eyes.
She shook her head and took a deep breath. "I'm fine, do you want to get to work?" She asked and gestured towards the mannequin with a sheet over it.
"No," Adrien said and set the cookie tray down near her desk. "I want you to tell me what's wrong," He said warmly and took a seat next to her.
Marinette took a deep breath and laid back, just like she was with Tikki. "I'm just stressed, that's all. I'm way in over my head, and I'm freaking out, you know?"
"I do," Adrien nodded.
"There's just so much going on between school, my YouTube channel, working in the bakery, and now this big project I took on by Jagged Stone, I'm never going to survive," Marinette groaned. "I shouldn't be complaining. You're much busier than me."
The room was silent for a second. "You do so much, Marinette, I honestly don't know how you do it."
"What?" Marinette asked and turned her head to look at Adrien.
Adrien grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit up. "You do so much! I'd go crazy if I were you. You say I do a lot, but you do ten times more. You work in the bakery, run two YouTube channels with near-daily videos, you're in the last year of school, somehow you design new pieces almost weekly, and now you've taken up this huge project from Jagged Stone! I don't know how you maintain a social life," Adrien said. "You're, like, a superhero," He chuckled.
"Really, I don't know how you do it all. So many things stacked on top of one another, yet it all turns out amazing with everything you do!" Adrien smiled widely. "I know it can be stressful, and it's okay to cry. Crying is good for you, actually, but you're never going to let anyone down with everything you do," Adrien complimented.
Marinette took a deep breath. "Thank you," She said. "This is the second time this week I've freaked out like this, and I guess I really needed to hear it again. I had a major freak out the night before I met up with Jagged, and I don't know why it just hit me again. But thank you, Adrien, sometimes talking about it helps," She said. With a deep breath and a wipe of her eyes, she stood up. "Do you want to see the outfit?"
Adrien shook his head and stood up, too. "Not until you eat a cookie."
Marinette groaned and grabbed a cookie off the tray on her desk. After taking a bite, she gave a sarcastic smile. "There, happy?"
"Very!" Adrien nodded. "Now you can start the video and reveal the outfit to me."
With a deep breath, Marinette grabbed her camera and aimed it at Adrien. "Hi! I'm Marinette, behind the camera," She said and moved her hand around to the front of the camera to wave. "Your favorite is here, too. Today is finally the day! I have finished the outfit Adrien will model for us, and I think it's safe to say, Chat Noir would be proud."
"If it's black and green, then I think he would love it," Adrien said and grabbed the end of the sheet. "May I?" He asked, and Marinette nodded, resulting in Adrien yanking the sheet off the mannequin. He gasped loudly as he dropped the sheet. "Who cares if he approves- I approve! Guys, look at this beauty!"
Marinette moved the camera to show off the design that Adrien was gushing about. "I can't wait to wear it, it's so awesome," Adrien continued from behind the camera.
"Let me do an awesome montage moment, then you can wear it," Marinette chuckled and began moving her camera up and down to get all angles of the outfit, hyping it up as much as she could. A minute passed, and she shut the camera off. "Okay, it's all yours to try on." Adrien smiled widely as Marinette helped take it off the mannequin and handed it to him.
"This is going to be so awesome, Mari," He said. "You're so unbelievably talented. Chat Noir should be proud to have this outfit inspired by him," He commented.
She giggled. "One night, I was outside after a long time of editing, and he was jumping around and told me he liked my videos. I wonder if he'll see this one," Marinette said.
Adrien shrugged. "Your videos can be addicting. I'm sure if he has any idea something could be related to him, he'll watch the video," Adrien smiled and walked towards the bathroom to change into his new outfit.
Marinette shook her head and scrolled through her phone as she waited for Adrien to reappear. "Mari, get the camera ready. I have the best idea!" Adrien called from the bathroom. She did as told, and started recording, pointing the camera at the bathroom door.
"Ready!" She yelled back. The door opened a second later, and Adrien stuck his arm out of the door. It was just his hand to about halfway up his arm, and showed the gloves and the end of the leather jacket. Then, he extended his leg out to show the black jeans with green accents. A moment later, he walked out to show the full outfit with a smug look on his face. "Oh my god," Marinette gasped.
Adrien dropped the look, and a smile grew on his face. "Marinette, this is so badass!" He said and looked all over the outfit. "The pants are my favorite. Black jeans and green stitching? It all works so well together."
The two continued showing off the outfit, and Adrien even did a runway walk around Marinette's room to give the full effect. "If it wasn't clear before, it's clear now. Your future line is going to be the best damn thing the world will ever see. I can't wait to be your star model!" Adrien winked. "Well, if you'd have me."
Marinette shook her head with an eye-roll. "Silly kitty," She joked as she motioned towards the hood of the jacket with slight cat ears. "I'd actually have to have a line first before we can even think about models. Not to mention going through fashion school, and finding a fashion house..."
"Pish-posh," Adrien shrugged. "You'll soar through all of that. I mean, look at the stuff you're making now! Someone would be crazy to pass you up!"
Marinette giggled and turned the camera to face her. "I think it's time for the flattery to end, so this looks like a good place to end the video. Thank you all for watching. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more! Keep updated on both mine and Adrien's social media, and I will see you next time! That is, if I can get that outfit off of him and back on the mannequin..." She looked to Adrien, who was now standing beside her.
A smirk appeared on Adrien's face. "Well, Mari, if you were trying to get me undressed, you should have just said so," He moved his eyebrows up and down.
Clearly, that wasn't what she meant, but it did come out sounding a bit weird. Marinette's face turned red, but she tried to suppress it. She groaned and looked at the camera. "Adrien, your Chat Noir is showing," She finished, and shut the camera off.
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98
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sincerelymarinette · 6 years ago
A Recorded Life (7/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1410 Summary: People loved the last video starring Marinette and Adrien, and now she's got a meeting with Jagged Stone to stress about! All of this begins to pile on Marinette, and she needs a good friend to talk her out of freaking out. Author's Note: a little slower, but an important chapter! The next few are going to be a lot of fun...now I'm just figuring out where to put the climax of this story. I still don't even know how long I want it to be!! But, I am really enjoying writing it, and I'm glad people are enjoying reading it!
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Another Thing To Keep Track Of
"Marinette! I saw Jagged Stone's tweet. Are you guys actually doing a video together?" Nino ran up and asked as soon as he saw Marinette.
Early in the morning, Marinette was not prepared to hear Nino screaming. But she still turned around from her conversation with Alya and smiled widely at Nino, nodding quickly. "Yeah! He gets in town tonight, then I'm going to his hotel tomorrow, and we're shooting a video. I haven't fully finished planning for it, but it's going to be an awesome video," Marinette promised.
"You guys have collaborated a lot, so I have no doubt this will be just as awesome," Alya intervened. "Now, can we talk about how your video is still trending three days later?"
Shaking her head, Marinette shrugged. "I've had videos trend before."
"But not like this! This one is on YouTube and Twitter!" Alya put her hands on Marinette's shoulders, shaking lightly. "Besides, the whole internet wants you and Adrien together."
Marinette took a deep breath. "Honestly, Alya, I'm trying to stay cool about the whole thing. These past few weeks have been some of the best for my channel- views, likes, and subscribers are up. Not only just on the videos with Adrien, though, but people also seem to find me from those trending videos and watch a bunch of my other stuff. That's not normal," Marinette said. "Most times, people watch what's recommended, then don't watch anymore," She shook her head.
"You're just so likable people want to come back for more!" Alya nudged Marinette's side. "People come for the Adrien content, stay for the marvelous Marinette."
The three of them stopped talking when they heard Chloe scoff at them. "I think you're only trending because the three of you bought more views," Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Chloe, if I did that, YouTube knows how to find out. I basically wouldn't have a job if I bought views. Besides, the views, likes, and comments match up," Marinette smirked. "I've studied the statistics of everything and spend way too much time on my videos to buy views- people will watch my videos if they want, I'm not going to fake it," Marinette defended herself.
"Anyways, Marinette's not like that," Adrien said once he walked in the classroom. "It was a super fun video to make, and the reaction from fans is amazing, no wonder it's still trending. We had fun making it, and that shows, people like that," Adrien said as he stood next to Marinette. He may be childhood friends with Chloe, but he's seen how she can be, and he still has to put her in her place from time to time.
"Hhmph!" Chloe pouted and turned to her seat, clearly at a loss for words.
The attention steered away from Chloe and back to their small group. "I can't believe it's still trending!" Adrien whisper-shouted. "The video was awesome, but people like it a hundred times more than we projected!"
Alya giggled. "People do love seeing you guys together," She shrugged, dropping the slyest of hints.
Marinette rolled her eyes as everyone headed to their seats. "Hey, Adrien," Marinette called, and he turned around. "I'm almost finished with that design I teased. Will you be free Friday night or Saturday?"
Adrien thought for a second. "I'll find out as soon as I get home," He smiled. "I can't wait to see it!"
"Sounds like a plan," Marinette nodded and took out her books.
A thump sounded behind Ladybug, causing her to jump at the sudden noise. "Did I scare you, my lady?" Chat Noir asked. "I'm not used to seeing you sitting here, slumping," He commented and took a seat next to her.
"I'm fine," She replied. "Just a little stressed."
"How come? I know talking about it can be a way to destress sometimes," Chat Noir said. With a head shake no, Chat Noir sighed. "You don't have to; I just wanted to offer."
Ladybug laid back on the rooftop and put her hands over her eyes. "There's just so much going on, Chat, and everything is moving so fast. I graduate from school in just a few months, and we still haven't defeated Hawkmoth. What happens when we go to University? What if I go to another city...I can't imagine giving up my Miraculous, especially not when Hawkmoth is still out there. We know how to fight him, and we are so close to defeating him, if only we could find him," She groaned and took a deep breath.
Chat Noir listened in silence as she talked. "I've basically got two jobs, and I could quit one if I wanted, but I love both of them so much. Tomorrow, I have a big meeting with someone, and he won't tell me what it is about, and that's stressing me out. Last time he had a surprise for me, national television made fun of me for it. I'm sure tomorrow will go fine, and I've worked with him before, but he can work in mysterious ways," Ladybug continued, freaking out about her meeting as Marinette with Jagged Stone tomorrow. They were going to do a video, and he said he had the perfect idea for it, yet never mentioned what it was.
For a minute they sat in silence as Ladybug could feel stress tears come to her eyes. "Ladybug, you do so much," Chat Noir said.
Uncovering one of her eyes, she sniffled and looked at him. "What?"
"You go to school, work two jobs, have a social life, and still protect Paris. I may not know much about your life under the mask, but I know it's just as amazing as the one I've learned to know here," He said. "I'll never understand how you do it and never crash from exhaustion. I've done that before, and trust me, I'm not nearly as busy as you are," Chat Noir said. "You're, dare I say, miraculous."
Ladybug rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Thank you, Chat Noir. I really needed to hear that. I can talk to my friends about all this, but they don't know this side of my life and understand the stress I have from it," She told him. "Can I ask you one more question?"
"Of course."
Ladybug thought about how to phrase her question to ensure he wouldn't be able to figure out who she was going to talk about. "I've been friends with this guy for a while- probably as long as you and I have known each other, actually. We were technically friends for a while, though, I was always too nervous to actually say two words to him because we are in such different levels. He's best friends with my best friends boyfriend, too, so we've always had mutual connections," Ladybug rambled on, then took a big breath.
"Okay, to the point. Recently, we have grown closer. Like, really close. Close to the point where we now hang out without our other friends around and act like we've known each other like this for years," She said. "And I had a huge crush on him. I think it's still there, but I've learned how to hide and suppress it. But we spend so much time together; I'm afraid it's going to come out full force. Is it weird to like your close friend?"
Chat Noir shook his head once she finished, thinking of how he feels about Ladybug. "Not at all. It's kind of like skipping a step, I think. When dating, you have to get to know each other and if you'd be compatible. If you start dating from being friends, then you already know each other, and you've skipped the awkward stages of getting to know one another. You already have an idea of how the two of you would work out, and if dating would be better for the both of you," Chat Noir sighed once he realized he was giving his crush advice for her crush.
Ladybug nodded slowly. "Right, that's a good way to look at it. Thank you, again. I don't know if I'm going to act on it, though, we're both ways too busy for any kind of relationship. That would just add another thing for me to keep track of," She giggled a little. "Thank you for the talk; I don't know what I would do without you," Ladybug put her hand on his shoulder.
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman
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sincerelymarinette · 6 years ago
A Recorded Life - Miraculous Ladybug (4/50)
Words: 2419 Chapter summary: Marinette has a very busy day and she is not going to let an Akuma get in the way. The busy day entails Alya and Adrien coming to film a video, but she has no idea what the video is going to be about. What could Alya be planning? She is a woman of the people. Author's Note: this was my favorite chapter to write so far! Sooooo much fluff and I love it. Alya! will! give! the! fans! what! they! want!
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If We Were WHAT?
"Chat, watch out!" Ladybug shouted as she jumped to kick him out of the Akuma's range.
Chat landed with a thump, but quickly got back on his feet. "Not wasting any time today, I see," He laughed and spun his baton to protect him from another hit from the Akuma.
"Nope! I've got a full list of things to do today, and an Akuma was not on the plan!" Ladybug yelled back and tried to catch the Akuma's leg in her yo-yo, but missed. "Lucky Charm!" She called, trying to get this over with before Alya and Adrien would be at her house.
With a laugh, Chat Noir stares at Ladybug. "What are you going to do with a towel?"
Ladybug looked around as she tried to come up with something. "You'd think after all these years your Lucky Charm would just come out and tell you what to do."
"I don't need that; I know what I'm going to do. Let's get closer," She directed, and they both started running down the street to get closer to the Akuma.
Chat Noir was busy distracting the Akuma while Ladybug set up her trap, getting everything into place. And as if on cue, the Aluma fell for it, and they were able to break the akumatized object.
"I think that's our record for fastest Akuma take out yet," Chat Noir nodded, standing before Ladybug as she cleansed the butterfly. "Pound it!" Chat Noir put his fist out to celebrate the win.
"Pound it," Ladybug smiles sweetly. "Now, like a said, I've got a really busy schedule today, so I've got to get going. Good job, Chat, I'll see you tomorrow!" She waved as she swung away.
Normally, Chat Noir would be a little upset about Ladybug leaving so quickly. But he had places to be, too, and almost freaked out when he checked the time. He had to get to Marinette's before Alya hunted him down. Somehow, he managed to free his schedule and sneak away from his father and Nathalie to make another video for Marinette's channel, and Alya was so excited she would kill him if he backed out. She was determined to make this happen...whatever it was.
Ladybug landed on her balcony and jumped through her trap door, de-transforming before she even fell on her bed. She looked at the clock, noting there were only ten minutes until Alya and Adrien were meant to arrive. "Perfect timing, huh Tikki?"
Tikki giggles. "Isn't Alya always early though?"
Marinette climbed down the ladder and shrugged. "She's probably talking to my parents in the bakery. She knows I'm never on time, you know she likes to give me a few extra minutes," Marinette reasoned. "I'll just finish setting up, and she'll be up in a few minutes."
"Marinette, are you ready?" Alya called only a few steps away from the trap door to her room. Tikki quickly flew to her hiding spot just as Alya threw the door open, a big smile on her face and her laptop in her hand. "Great! You're almost set up. Adrien texted the group chat that he's only a few minutes away, so everything will be right on time!" Alya smiled.
Marinette chuckled and shook her head. "Are you still going to keep the video a surprise?"
"Yep! Neither of you will know what it's about until we start recording!"
Rolling her eyes, there was a knock at Marinette's trap door and it opened a second later. "I hope I'm not late," Adrien smiled as he climbed into the room.
"Nope," Marinette said. "Glad the Akuma attack didn't slow either of you down!"
Adrien shook his head. "They're just getting worse and worse these days. But it seemed like Ladybug and Chat Noir took out this Akuma really fast," Adrien mentioned.
"Crazy fast!" Alya nodded. "I don't blame them, though. They've been fighting Hawkmoth for years; I'd be done with fighting these Akumas and just want to be over and done with it."
Marinette nodded as she set the camera to the correct settings. "Okay, I'm all set. You guys ready?"
Both Adrien and Alya nodded, and they all took a seat in front of the camera. With a deep breath, as she mentally changed languages, Marinette began the video. "Hi, guys! I'm Marinette. Today I'm with Adrien and Alya, yet again! And...I have no idea what this video is going to be about."
"Because I kept it a secret!" Alya giggled. "Now, I've read your comments, your tweets, your posts, I know what the people want. I know what I want, and today, I am doing my noble duty to serve the people of Marinette's channel."
"Just spit it out already," Marinette groaned, causing Adrien to burst out laughing.
With a sinister laugh, Alya smirked. "Today we are doing a tag. I'll read the questions, and Marinette and Adrien have to answer. The tag is called..." She paused for dramatic effect. "If we were dating."
Both Marinette and Adrien turned their heads to look at Alya as soon as she the words. "Alya, you can't just spring that on us!" Marinette squealed, obviously surprised as she defaulted back into French.
Adrien sat in silence, letting the girls dish out about it. "Hey! You both said I could choose the video since I was positive it was going to be a good one, and it would get the audience excited!" Alya crossed her arms, still speaking English. "You both agreed before even knowing what it was."
"Exactly!" Marinette sighed. "Isn't that, well, a little personal?"
Alya turned to Adrien with a sweet smile. "Adrien, dear friend, sunshine child, Adrien, would you be okay with doing this video?"
After a second, Adrien nodded. "Yeah, it's all in good fun, right? Just a game between friends. Are you okay with this video, Marinette?" Adrien peered around Alya.
Blocking his view, Alya smiled. "She doesn't get a vote. She knows how much the audience wants this. Besides," Alya looked between the two of them. "I had Nino make us a special track for this video. You know how busy he is; we can't let him down!"
Marinette crossed her arms and looked into the camera like she was on a TV show. "Fine," She grumbled. "Start us off, Alya."
Alya smiled widely. "If Marinette and Adrien were dating, where would the ideal date be?" Alya asked, starting strong. She could tell they were both a little nervous and shy about this video, which is why she forced Adrien to answer first.
"Well," He thought for a second. "I want to say a nice, fancy dinner, but with my schedule, I'm sure the forces of Gabriel Agreste would not allow that to happen and would schedule something right over it. So, naturally, I'd just bring her along, and we would annoy everyone working until they were so fed up that they made us leave!" Adrien smiled. "Then we would eat some of the best pastries from the best bakery in Pairs."
Alya chuckled a little. "Hasn't that happened before?"
"Yeah," Adrien clicked his tongue. "But you and Nino were there too, so that's different."
"You get a pass on that one, pretty boy," Alya narrowed her eyes at him, then turned to Marinette. "And you?"
Marinette sat up and took a deep breath. "Like Adrien, I'm swamped between school, and designing, and YouTube, and just trying to survive in general. Honestly, I'm also really awkward and chill, so I feel like a lot of "dates" would be just sitting around working. Like he would one hundred percent get roped into being a mannequin," Marinette shrugged. "I apologize to my future boyfriends and husband, but it's what you sign up for."
"That's true. I'm pretty sure our whole friend group has been used as a mannequin," Alya confirmed.
Adrien gasped. "How have I missed out on this? I need my own Marinette Dupain-Cheng design."
Marinette giggled. "I'm working on one right now that I'll need help with in the future, I'll check your references and keep you in mind," She joked.
"Wow," Alya interrupted. "Only one question in, but I think I've satisfied the fans for a whole year!" She smirked. "But I'm going to keep asking questions anyway. Next question, you guys always seem to be late to everything, what excuse do you give each other?" Alya smiled widely. "This is my revenge for the two of you never being on time."
This time, Marinette answered first. "Well, my reason is one-hundred-percent because I was stuck on the phone with a certain Alya Cesaire talking about Ladybug and Chat Noir and how she almost died from another Akuma," Marinette answered, looking Alya dead in the eyes. "Seriously, how many Akumas can one girl almost die from?"
Adrien tried to keep his laughter hidden and covered it up with a cough. "I got caught fake practicing piano again and had to start over. Honestly, that happens a lot. It might not even be a lie. It happens on like a monthly basis at this point," Adrien admitted. "Man, I'm so good at piano," He joked.
Alya, staring at Marinette with the same look she was given, asked the next question. "How would you guys get together?"
"Oh, I have a funny one!" Adrien tore the tension away from the girls after he thought for a moment. "Now, I don't know if this would actually happen, but I thought it would be a funny way to start dating someone," He drew out, then realized he was rambling. "Oh right! I have a feeling if Marinette and I were to start dating, we wouldn't even realize it. We're both way too busy. Between me working as a model and doing all the activities planned out for me, plus the last year of school and working to get into university, I've got a more packed schedule than usual. And Marinette mentioned her schedule earlier, but also with school and university, and hell, she's more busy than I am!" Adrien said.
Alya smiled and shook her head slowly as she looked to Marinette for her answer. "We would have gotten trapped in a panther cage to start dating," She confirmed.
"Ooh! That too. That's still my favorite story. Alya and Nino didn't even think they were going to be together, but when Ladybug shoved you guys in there-"
"She obviously knew you were meant to be together!" Marinette finished for Adrien as a blush grew on Alya's cheeks.
Alya covered her face with her clipboard. "This video is not about Nino and me! Now, if you had to choose one person for your partner to leave you for, who would it be?"
"Chat Noir, obviously. The only other man I would trust with my girlfriend, seems legit," Adrien shrugged.
Marinette laughed. "I was going to say Ladybug for you! They're superheroes; you can't go wrong with superheroes and entrusting someone to them," Marinette reasoned.
"You guys are having much more fun with this video than I thought you would," Alya said. "I should up the difficulty. Hmm," She thought for a moment. "My next question is, what would your ship name be?"
Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. "Ship name?"
"Yeah, like when your TV characters get together they have a combined name. What would your name be?" Alya clarified.
With a shrug, Marinette answered. "Madrien or Adrienette. But Madrien sounds like Mandarin, so I like Adrienette more."
Alya giggles slightly. "Have you thought about this before?"
"This is the first time I've thought about it. My comment section on the last video we did together had a lot of debates about our name. And I read...every...comment."
Alya and Adrien stared at Marinette. "What?" She asked, slightly offended by their looks. "I'm committed. A lot of the times, the comments are the best. But guys, that video we did with us designing, it was insane," Marinette said with wide eyes.
Nodding slowly with a sly smile, Alya looked back at her tablet to find more questions. "Ooh!" She squealed. "This one is fun. Where would you get married?"
Marinette shrugged. "Adrien's backyard," she said. "Think about it, his mansion is huge, so why not throw the wedding and the party there? Plus, it'd be private," she finished off.
"That's a good idea; I'll remember that for when I get married," Adrien pointed at her. "I agree with Marinette. That's where we would get married."
"I can see that happening. But I also think you guys would go big," Alya said. "Make sure it upstaged as many people as possible."
With a giggle, Marinette shook her head. "I don't think so."
Alya asked a few more, smaller sized questions to end off the video and satisfy all the viewer's needs. "I'll be honest, that wasn't as horrible as I was expecting it to be," Marinette commented. With agreeing nods from Adrien and Alya, a big smile wiped across Marinette's face. "Thank you all for watching! Make sure to leave a like and a comment, and subscribe for more. You can find my other channel and all our social media on the screen or linked below, as well as the Ladyblog for Alya! We will see you next time," Marinette said and stood up to turn the camera off. With a big sigh, she laid down on the floor. "I was not emotionally prepared for that," She said, already speaking French once again.
Alya burst into a fit of laughter, and Adrien just stared down at her. "What, you wouldn't want to date?" He joked.
Marinette's face turned red. "No! That isn't what I meant! I was just completely prepared for another video, and having to do that all of a sudden, and...um-"
"I'm just messing with you, Marinette," Adrien admitted. "Sometimes it's funny."
"This is why I like him," Alya pointed at Adrien, and Marinette covered her face and rolled over, groaning loudly.
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