#pretty xx
thefrsers · 6 months
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requested by Anon: Athena's outfits in 7.04
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queenie-official · 1 year
No because why is my first response when seeing any form of media with Hayden in it to squeal and say “HE’S SO PRETTY” in the highest pitch voice i have…
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because he is…he is so pretty 🧎‍♀️
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kindrehd · 4 months
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made an aventurine fandesign based on my one sketch of him in claras dislytes outfit
alt version thats more accurate to his og design
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tazzertopia · 1 year
phantom troupe: do they snore?
this idea for phantom troupe hcs came to me randomly at 2:00am last night so enjoy xoxo
-probably not unexpected but not really
-he’s generally a super quiet sleeper
-the loudest he ever is in his sleep is breathing loudly on occasion
-his lack of snoring is most likely attributed by the fact he’s a very light sleeper
-he’s one of those bitches who will wake up because the whistling of the wind was slightly louder than usual
-his ass sounds like a heavy metal concert when he sleeps
-his snores are earth-shaking. ear-splitting. pain-inducing.
-his snores single handedly contribute to noise pollution
-think of how loud your dad snores and x1000
-if the troupe members have to share a room at any point during a mission, they will throw a whole rock paper scissors tournament to see who’s taking one for the team and sacrificing their sleep (it’s usually nobunaga)
-because covering his mouth with a sock doesn’t stop the snoring, the troupe have an emergency weighted blanket on standby
-the complete opposite of chrollo, this man could sleep in an active war zone and and not budge an inch (in other words you cannot wake his ass up by force to get him to stop snoring so the only option is to wait it out or sleep somewhere else)
-the most silent sleeper ever
-not even a peep from miss pakunoda
-the ideal person to share a bed with. she doesn’t snore, her breathing is inaudible and she’s extremely still
-almost unnerving in a way bc she looks dead when she sleeps
-if you were to share a bed with her you’d probably spend most of the night checking her pulse to ensure she is actually alive and breathing
-he’s one of those people who when he snores the buildup is super loud but he exhales quietly (i hope that makes sense)
-ljke the buildup is super dragged out like hhhHhhhhhhUUUHHHUUUH but the exhale is just hoooooooo !!
-idk how to express snoring via text so you may have to act it out to know what i mean
-honestly this type of snoring is arguably worse than uvogin’s bc at least his is consistent whereas phinks will give you hope that he’s finally stopped snoring until it starts up again ☹️☹️😢
-he will forever deny he snores tho
-comedic ass snore
-probably snores like mimimimimimimimi zzzzzzzzz 😴💤😴💤😴💤
-he sleeps like he should be wearing a night cap and a long night gown with a candle on his bedside table
-trying not to piss yourself laughing while he’s snoring if you’re still awake is an olympic level sport
-one time shalnark recorded him while he was snoring and showed it to him (when he was down with him, he ensured the recording was eradicated from his phone)
-ik realistically he would probably be a silent sleeper but the idea of him sounding like a whole cartoon character is actually hilarious to me
-sleep? WHAT’S THAT? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 (get it because he’s the tech whiz so he probably stays up all night gaming lololololol XDD)
-probably a loud ass mouth breather
-like he sounds like a broken ventilator sometimes
-he sounds like he ran a lap around mt everest before bed why is he so loud
-if you pissed him off during the day he would probably amp up the volume on his breathing to prevent you from sleeping well (now we’re both mad xx)
-for the most part very quiet
-occasionally she will jumpscare you awake by randomly snoring out of no where
-like you’ll wake up to this loud ass noise only to realise it was just shizuku
-sometimes she’ll wake up aswell and accuse you of snoring
-aside from that pretty quiet- not as ideal to share a bed with as pakunoda but fine for the most part as long as you don’t mind surprises
-i feel like he’d have one of those super low growly snores ???????
-like those low, shaky ones
-the ones that kinda sound like grunts
-idk if i’m making sense so i pray i am 🙏
-they’re not that bad tho bc they’re quiet enough to not keep you awake and are low-key kinda relaxing
-if you’re gonna share a bed with anyone who snores, it’s nobunaga
-another generally quiet sleeper except for occasionally sighing in her sleep
-from time to time she’ll just go like huhhhhhhhh :// and then will go back to being quiet again
-don’t bring it up the next day tho bc she WILL deny it and seem embarrassed
-you can tell when she’s having a nice dream based on how often she sighs
-surprisingly quiet
-you wouldn’t expect his oversized enormous ass to be quiet but he is
-similar to chrollo, the most you’re getting out of him is some occasionally loud breathing
-aside from that he’s a quiet sleeper
-i feel like bc of the holes in his body he’d probably make a whistling sound in his sleep
-like a pan flute
-not the worst tho bc like nobunaga it’s low high key relaxing
-free asmr what could be better xxx
-quiet as hell
-are we really surprised
-sorry to the two kortopi fans out there but i can’t be bothered to think of anything to add on he’s just quiet
another tazzertopia classic 💯💯💯💯 if you like these hc posts pls give me requests (idk if the ask box is visible on my profile but do it through here or via the comments) bc these are super fun, i can also do other characters too !!! if i do more i might start doing them for other shows anyways bye xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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aneurins · 1 month
by clicking on the SOURCE LINK you will be redirected to #226 gifs of EMILY BADER in FRESH KILLS. this is PART ONE with the scenes set in 1993. emily is a TWENTY SEVEN year old ACTRESS who's of AMERICAN (WHITE) descent. if you are going to find these gifs useful please like or reblog. do not use in taboo content or to play emily as herself. there will be another pack (or two) of emily from this movie, but i'm separating it for ease of access (and for my own sanity).
tw: food, fighting, blood, pills, wounds, drinking (for context, in this movie she plays a child of a mafia kingpin)
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Brazil banning X has led to a massive influx of users to Bluesky and the app literally can't handle it. It's the most posts per second it has ever had. That app (beloved, it's my home) really ain't ready for if X really goes down the shitter, even if this is showing it has one of the best chance at being a Twitter alternative.
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metroid-fusion · 1 year
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trentione · 2 months
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bronzeys · 2 months
god she looks so good😮‍💨
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animepopheart · 8 months
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★ 【方格xx】 「 untitled 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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chairofchaos · 2 months
51 pls bestieee - maybe a neschei 👀👀 or azris
This does contain prompt 1, but prompt 51 had too much potential with Azris for me to let it go. Since you have given me such latitude in what I write for you, I offer you a work with two of my favorite pieces of music. This is what I listened to (and imagined them dancing to!) while I wrote this drabble. Also, it is slightly over 1000 words but I'm still counting it as a drabble. Enjoy!
Still, They Dance | Azris Drabble
The music of the chamber orchestra drifted out to meet them on the front steps of the event hall. The last of the guests had trickled out the door, but Eris Vanserra still wanted one thing out of his mating ceremony.
“May I have this dance?” he turned to offer a hand to the male standing at his side. Azriel turned, lowering his hand raised in parting to their guests, and smiled. 
“You’ve had many,” Azriel grinned, placing his hand in Eris’. “And I would never deny you another.”
Eris turned, guiding Azriel back inside. “I lied when I told you I hired them for four hours. They’re here until midnight, or until we get tired.”
Azriel’s shadows swirled about their hands, but their master said nothing, seemingly lost in his thoughts.
“Did you enjoy it all?” Eris broke the silence as they approached the ballroom’s doorway.
“Yes,” Azriel nodded. “More than I even thought I would. Did you?”
Eris grinned as they stepped into the candlelit hall. “More than I can express.”
As they returned, the harpist’s opening arpeggio led the instrumentalists in a beautiful, arching piece of music. Eris placed a hand on Azriel’s shoulder and smiled. Azriel leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Eris’ temple as the music grew and breathed about them. “Ready?” he whispered. One of his hands settled at Eris’ waist, the other lifting Eris’ free hand into position.
 Eris smiled, though Azriel couldn’t see him. “Always.”
They began to dance, Azriel leading them through the steps of the dance they had first danced publicly the previous spring at Nyx’s fifth birthday party. The music was over far too soon, but when the couple continued the steps, the conductor queued the musicians to begin the piece again. 
Three, then four times, they danced around the room, losing themselves in the music and the harmony of each other, a quiet camaraderie that had built between them in secret over the last seven decades. 
No words were said. None were needed. This, the arching give and take of the violin and the harp, the longing of their music come to fruition at last, said all they needed to say.
Once the piece had been played until each time had bled together into an extensive, living thing, they stilled in the center of the room. The music’s final cadence faded, and the musicians hesitated a moment before continuing with a new piece. 
Azriel’s hand at Eris’ hip had slowly moved to his lower back, pressing them closer and closer as they danced. Now, they stood, facing each other with chests brushing as they simply breathed in, and out, and in once more. 
Eris broke their stillness, moving to pull his hand from Azriel’s, but Azriel gripped his hand tight with a broad smile. “One more.”
Eris nodded, cheeks flushing a deeper pink. “One more.” 
Azriel pulled him closer, resting his cheek against Eris’ before beginning to lead him in a slow dance, hardly moving at all beyond the gentle swaying of their bodies. 
Eris willed the flames of the candles to dim slightly, casting the room in a fainter glow. His thoughts wandered. He and Azriel were mated, pure and simple. The bond was accepted. They would never be separate again. And Eris was filled with an immense gratitude with the male who recognized that Eris would dance until the end of time, if he could.
The dates of their courtship had been varied, but steadily, one thing had become a tradition. On Saturday nights, Azriel would take Eris dancing. It didn’t matter where, or what kind, but Azriel would dance with Eris in taverns, dance halls, alleys outside restaurants they ate at where a quartet played, even rooftops, when they had been courting in secret. They danced.
After their first night spent together, instead of going to sleep, Azriel had all but insisted that they dance ‘just one dance’, and so they had, one, then another, and another, dancing in embers of firelight kept alive only through Eris’ will until dawn broke. 
“I love you,” Eris whispered. He felt Azriel’s smile against his cheek before he heard the answering “I love you.” 
He pulled back, just enough to see Azriel’s half hooded gaze fixed on him, before drawing Azriel in for a kiss. Azriel held him, swaying all the while. Shadows drifted lazily about their shoulders, a physical manifestation of the bond which tied them together.
“To the rest of our lives,” Azriel whispered.
“Forever,” Eris answered. Azriel’s smile grew wider, and he reached up to his neck to grab Eris’ left hand. He pulled it to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to Eris’ wrist, then a longer one to his palm. All the while, he held Eris’ eye contact. Eris could feel the flush growing on his cheeks, the temperature between and around them slowly starting to warm as his blood stirred. 
It had been a long day, and it would be a long night. Azriel pressed a kiss to Eris’ mating ring before pressing one last long kiss to his palm and stepped back, tilting his head. ‘Time to Go?’ his gaze asked.
Eris nodded. “Thank you.” 
Azriel smiled.  “You never need to thank me for loving you.” 
Eris smiled in return. Azriel swept Eris into his arms, wrapping them in his wings and kissing him. Eris leaned into his muscular mate, hands fisting in his tunic. Azriel cradled his face in his hands, tilting his head to deepen their kiss before they broke apart, panting.
“I love you,” Eris said.
“I love you, too,” Azriel grinned, kissing him again. Then he began to slowly walk them towards the door, pressing kisses all over his mate’s face as he did so.
“Thank you!” Eris called in the direction of the musicians. They said nothing, but Eris could hear them begin to talk quietly among themselves. It sounded as though they were amused.
“Let them talk,” Azriel murmured. “Let’s go.”
Eris laughed. “Alright, alright. Come on, you big Illyrian baby. Let’s go to bed.”
Azriel pulled back, his darkened eyes filled with affection. “To bed.”
It was not an end, but a beginning. The ceremony had been the end of a movement in an orchestration that would last centuries, through the phrases and phases of life. And all the while, come high or low, they would dance.
xxx Taglist: @ninthcircleofprythian @c-starstuff-man0 @dusk-muse @lilah-asteria
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chironshorseass · 10 days
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His voice levels over hers, “Mom, Mom, I swear, you’re kind of freaking me out. Do you have a boyfriend? Is it Paul? Look, you know I support your choices and you don’t have to worry—”
“No, sweetie.” She grabs his hands, cupping them in hers; finally, he can pinpoint exactly what that something, in her eyes, is. Hope. But also fear. “I haven’t seen Paul since a year ago. I’m talking about—”
And suddenly there’s a knock. Two knocks. Sally jumps.
“I’ll get it!” Annabeth says.
Cursing under her breath, she squeezes Percy’s hands. “All I want you to know it that you need to let me explain before you see—”
Oh. Oh, no.
Slowly, very slowly, his heart in his throat, he turns. Annabeth hovers near the kitchen, fixing her wide eyes on Percy, silently shaking her head. And there, in front of the doorway, stands his father. He’s just as he remembered; untucked Hawaiian shirt, worn down bermuda shorts, brown sandals, the same face, the same shifting, hypnotic eyes. He smiles, and Percy just about loses it.
“Welcome home, son.”
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laureala · 5 months
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in Grey's Anatomy 20.05: Never Felt So Alone
I never thought I'd mean this literally but I'm reading about a bunch of random people's crap.
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crucifixecstasy · 9 months
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— scan from forever delayed by mitch ikeda
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queenie-official · 11 months
watching shattered glass and giggling every five seconds then saying “he’s so pretty” as i just admire Hayden
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got me blushing and kicking my feet🤭🤭 Xx<3
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francarieq · 17 days
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HI GUYSs!! how r u babbiz doing😋😋 i’m going away again after this😔😔 art production has been very scarce…..i sadly only pick up a pen on a random good day n it usually is just a doodle. how r my moots!! haven;t been catching up on ur art lately will get to that i promise!! idk what else 2 put here blueh but i hope u guys r well!!
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