#pretty sure they had this bad habit of misbehave and mess around together
the-crow-binary · 2 years
You gotta LOVE how Richter was about to swear but stopped himself mid-sentence. You can tell Juste and Lydie were the ones who took care of his education. This is the result of both their influences.
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Personalities: FNaF 1
I’ve been meaning to do this for so long, just never decided to sit down and do it. Probably because I keep getting distracted with other stuff. Feast your eyes (is that how it goes, I might be dumb). I spent a couple of hours on this, and let me tell you I never thought it’d be this difficult. But I’m proud of this, even if it may be cringe.
(oops they ended up being really long I think you can tell who’s my favourite character (hint they’re a robot))
Basically everyone in this group are buds. Sometimes they don’t get a long but they know how to not take it too far. I tried not to repeat cliches (Goldie being either really flirty or really shy, Chica being a cook, etc.). I mostly went off of what they do in the game and took the traits I liked.
Note that these are the personalities of the animatronics themselves, not the dead children. The idea is that they started off as just the kids but then they got their own lives and slowly developed their own personality until they were separate. I might give them some personalities later on, but right now I’m focusing on the robots.
Likes to be the boss
Seems grumpy and unapproachable but he’s actually pretty nice
Scary when he scolds you though
He doesn’t even realize he seems grouchy
Can be pretty boring to hang out with
Unless you enjoy cleaning, dealing with Chica and Foxy, and reading in silence
Bonnie is the one he’s the closest to
(sort of because of Fredbear and Springbonnie being friends, they’re not copying they just happen to mirror it)
Loves hugs and uses them to comfort others
He’ll also use his music box
He’s good at comforting others with hugs
Hates the “don’t touch Freddy” rule
Has a really nice singing voice
He hums and sings when he’s bored or when he’s doing something
The cook of the group and he can make a good pizza
He makes thin-crusted pizzas because helth
He can’t eat so he’ll leave them in the fridge for the kids
Everyone’s baffled on how it got there but accept it anyway
He remembers all the children who come and loves them all very much
He likes to keep things tidy
When Chica’s made a mess in the kitchen he goes in to clean it
He used to scold her for it, but he’s given up
He picks up random items that the children forget with the intention of returning them
Straight up eats them
(He steps in the backroom or goes behind the curtain to get the toys out, children don’t need to see that)
He still continues to pick up toys even when he can’t go off the stage anymore, just a habit that stayed
Frustrated that the new employees just throw away the toys instead of putting them in the lost and found
Sometimes he plays the arcade machines on his own time
He likes to read
There’s no books though, so he just ends up reading manuals, newspapers that people leave behind, employee files, etc.
Until he secretly ordered a book series for himself
It took some convincing from the others
But he ultimately decided to because he doesn’t like the owner
Also the owner is really bad at actually managing the restaurant so he never noticed
Because of this Freddy often steps in from behind the scenes when things are really going wrong, like employees misbehaving
He sends an email to them and then he gives them a little fright when they come into work and they usually either quit or straighten up
He likes earthy tones like brown and beige because he’s boring
He comes off as nonchalant and uncaring
People think he’s angsty
It’s basically his whole persona when he’s on stage, he’s supposed to be the party pooper that doesn’t like parties but is eventually convinced by his friends to join and has fun
Off stage he doesn’t have that much of a presence
He can approach people just fine and isn’t really that shy
He’s just a quiet guy
Probably the best one to chill with because he’ll talk if you’re talking but he’s cool with silence and just enjoying each other’s presence
The type to laugh at his own expense
Has some dark humour and likes to joke around with Foxy, who also enjoys that humour
Secretly the mother hen of the group (despite being a bunny and a guy, he just fits mother)
Would laugh if you trip but then subtly watch you for injuries
If it’s an animatronic he can do some basic fixing
Doesn’t know anything about human first aid, but he’ll help where he can and call for help if he needs to
The type of guy to seem calm but there’s internal panic
If something seems kind of dangerous he’ll watch from afar
But if it’s too dangerous he’s the first one to shut it all down
Good at comforting others
Worries a lot and is probably the most cautious of the group
Very protective
It’s why he’s the first one to come to your door, he wants to make sure it’s no one dangerous (even though they’re like 400lb robots but sssh)
Hides most of his worrying, thinks he’d come across as annoying
Weak to puppy-dog eyes
Likes happy alternative music, but he’s open to almost anything
Plays the guitar by ear
Is pretty good, not legendary, but he experiments on his own
Can’t read sheet music
His favourite colour is red
Takes random pieces of paper like articles and anything useless and writes on the back of them like a diary, he keeps it hidden inside of the backroom in one of the Bonnie heads
Chaos incarnate
She’s a hyperactive kid that has trouble considering other’s feelings
Struggles with responsibility
Her favourite colour is green
Not at all good at comforting people
But she can listen while you rant and chime in or give you a distraction if you need it
“you wouldn’t believe the crap I had to deal with today”
“I wanna know everything!”
She’s actually the physically the strongest in the group
They’re all pretty strong, she’s just at the top
Mostly uses her strength to lift tables in order to make forts and playing around in the kitchen
Has broken many pans and lots of cooking utensils
Terrible cook
Can’t be left in the kitchen unsupervised for too long otherwise you run the risk of her starting a fire
Good at singing
Loves happy-go-lucky tunes
Radiates positivity
Doesn’t like the others being sad, but doesn’t know what to do about it
She’d probably get Freddy or Bonnie to help
Baby of the group (she is an adult though)
Has excellent puppy-dog eyes, only Freddy can stand them
Has trouble dealing with her own emotions
Tends to idolize or idealize people too much
Doesn’t understand what the outside world is like, or any of the problems that people deal with
I think that you gathered by now that she is not the mother hen of the group, even though she’s chicken
More like the kid sister that wants you to play dolls with her
Doesn’t like being alone and will find others to keep her company
Her feelings get hurt pretty easily
She can take a joke, just don’t be mean even if it is funny
Easily made happy by food
Tries to convince Freddy to make her pizza
When he doesn’t she’s like “fine then I’ll make it on my own”
Spends like a half hour trying to decide which pan to use and even more time getting the ingredients together
Freddy stops her before she can actually make anything, otherwise the whole place will burn
She’s easily distracted and tends to be absentminded
But if she finds something she likes she can sit there and do it for hours
Doesn’t like sudden noises, even though she makes them
Doesn’t play the arcade games, they make her mad
The other chaos incarnate, he’s Chica’s partner in crime
If they were left in a room together all the tables would be smashed the chairs would be arranged to make a fortress
Tends to cause a lot of trouble so he gets put in time out often by the Freddy’s
Claims they’re being bums but they just want to keep the building intact
He sneaks away when they’re not looking sometimes and gets in even more trouble
Has the same dark humour as Bonnie
But he doesn’t laugh at himself
Actually a little self conscious
He’s a psychopath that enjoys exercise
When I say exercise I mean running and that’s it
He likes to pretend he’s either running away from or being chased by a huge monster
It’s one of the few things that can calm him down, just let him burn off some energy
Makes the others time him, but Chica usually gets distracted
Not a bad person, he just has a very hard time sitting still
He likes to draw
Carves little pictures into the floor of the cove when he’s bored
He’s running out of space though
If you give him a colouring book (they have some children’s colouring books and crayons) he’ll be calm up until he’s finished, then he’ll want to do another one
He also likes storytelling
Don’t ask him to write though, he doesn’t have much patience
Struggles with feelings of sadness
Misses performing for the kids
Most negative emotions translate into anger
Which will result in him trying to smash things and they others having to hold him back
Says things he doesn’t mean and does things that he wouldn’t do otherwise
He just can’t handle the emotion
Luckily he doesn’t get angry often
More often than not he’ll just pretend the negative feelings don’t exist, which also isn’t healthy
Out of everyone in the group he wants to go outside the most
He likes movies
There was a cheap VCR and tv in the boss’s office that’s now in the pirate cove
Somehow, none of the employees realized he took it
Either that or they just weren’t paid enough to care
He has like two movies he watches on repeat, it’s another thing you can give him to calm him down.
His favourite colour is blue, like the ocean
The true angsty one
Golden Freddy/Goldie/Fredbear
Spends a lot of time alone
Kind of a grump
Doesn’t like being bothered
He got the nickname Golden Freddy because that’s what the others called him when they first met him
It didn’t stick at all until the night guards that saw him called him that
Now it’s something the others call him to tease him, but they usually shorten it to Gold or Goldie.
He doesn’t really mind Gold or Goldie, but Golden Freddy kind of bothers him because it makes it sound like he came after when he’s actually the original
Doesn’t say anything though
Hangs out in the safe room, so the others can’t really get to him anyway
But they can yell through the door so there’s that
(I know it’s supposed to be invisible to them but they have life and stuff so they can see, they just can’t go inside)
He’s very sleepy
Spends most of his time sleeping or daydreaming
Doesn’t really miss performing
Says it was fun while it lasted but he’s fine with it being over
Though sometimes he eats his words when it’s daytime and the kids come
The cheering gives him the urge to come out and say hi even though he knows he shouldn’t
Misses being able to hang out with Springbonnie all the time
Springbonnie is there in the backroom with him, it’s kind of why he spends so much time in there
He activates sometimes, but he usually stays shut down to conserve battery
It’s pretty random
Springbonnie doesn’t know much about what’s going on, he never stays up long enough to get a full explaination
But he does try his best to keep his friend in high hopes
(I’ll be writing his personality later on, with FNaF 4)
There’s no way to charge him because the chargers are on the stage and the others can’t come in to help move him and Goldie’s not strong enough
And he can’t get up on his own
He likes being able to talk to him sometimes at least
Every now and then the others have to convince him to come out
He comes out on his own occasionally
But sometimes he shuts himself out completely and doesn’t realize how lonely he is, even if it is self-inflicted
The best way to get him to come out is knock-knock jokes, he loves them and the irony of it being through a door is just perfect
Likes even the cheesy ones
You can tell him puns or some well-constructed jokes too, he likes pretty much everything
He’s the grumpiest but he’s also the best at making others laugh
What can I say, he has a lot of time on his hands
When he does come out he hangs out with Freddy or Bonnie, the other two are too high energy for him
He plays the arcade games
He has the highest score, since he literally lives there and can play them whenever he wants
Likes the repetitiveness of some of the games
Even if he’s kind of a grump and a recluse the others respect him and come to him for advice when they need it
It’s sometimes stupid stuff like “where did my guitar go” and “quick help me hide Bonnie’s guitar”
He likes the colour purple
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Throwback Thursday
Neville and the Devil - A Fairy Story
I can’t remember who started this - but way back when, we tried to make Neville Vancouer a sympathetic character, and this is what I came up with
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick then up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
‘Please Penelope, don’t be like this.’ He pleaded, but she laughed harshly.
‘Why should I? I’m a Lady, I can do what I like. You should try being naughty, it’s much more fun’ Neville was scandalised at the thought of being deliberately ill-disciplined. He endured her naughtiness for the rest of the afternoon, constantly pleading with her to be good until she got tired of him whining and pulled his hair hard and threatened to throw his little dog into the river.
When she had gone, he endured his mother telling him off for the mess in the playroom.
‘I don’t understand why you’re so naughty when Penelope comes over. Perhaps we should tell her mother not to bring her any more.’ Neville was dismayed.
‘No please mother, don’t do that, I promise to be good’ he pleaded. He still believed that through sheer force of goodness, he could persuade her to change her ways. He longed to press flowers with her, have her laugh when Petal did her tricks, and share biscuits and sweets with him.
‘Very well, I will give you another chance Neville, but if you continue to act like this I will have no choice but to deny you Penelope’s company.’ He hung his head and promised his mother he would try harder.
That night, Neville lay awake in his bed, wishing fervently for a solution to his dilemma.
‘Please please please, let Penelope learn to be good’ he whispered to his teddy bear, squeezing it tight. To his surprise, he saw the toy blink and he dropped it in alarm. He watched in horror as it grew and grew until it was the size of a grown up, and then its features changed and it morphed into a man with red skin, a pointy beard and a strange hairdo that looked like horns.
‘Wh – who are you?’ asked Neville. The stranger smiled
‘I have many names – Beelzebub, Mephistopheles…’ He looked at Neville ‘You’re a bit young to remember those names, so just call me Satan’ He gaped
‘You’re the devil?’ he gasped
‘Yes I am Neville, but I am not as people say I am – I’m not all evil’ he looked sad ‘Just like your little friend’
‘You mean Penelope?’ he asked ‘I don’t understand why she’s so naughty when she’s alone with me’ The devil looked sadder still, shaking his head.
‘It’s such a pity – so pretty, and so bad.’ He looked at Neville. ‘There is a way to change things, you know’ Neville’s eyes grew wide.
‘How? I’d do anything for Penelope, I love her so much’ The devil grinned
‘Anything, Neville?’
‘Anything’ he said vehemently.
‘Very well, then know this – she’s bad because you are good’ Neville gaped at his visitor
‘You mean…’
‘Every time you are bad, she will be good, it’s as simple as that, it’s an unfortunate illness that she has, but you can make her better’
‘Oh’ he said, crestfallen ‘But – but I don’t like being bad’ The stranger frowned.
‘You must do it for Penelope’ he said ‘at the moment she is only bad with you - before long she will misbehave in front of her parents and make them sad. Eventually she will be like that all the time. You are he only one who can save her. Can you do that?’ Neville hung his head and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
‘I truly love her’ he said ‘I’ll try’ The devil smiled triumphantly
‘Good boy Neville’ he said ‘Next time she comes, give it a try’ As Neville watched, the stranger shrank and transformed back into his beloved teddy bear. He looked at it askance and decided not to take it back into bed again, instead leaving it on the floor and choosing another one.
The next time Penelope came to play, he couldn’t help noticing she was rude to her mother, and realised that her condition was getting worse. When they were alone, she reached out for the biscuits, but he snatched the plate away from her, amazed at his boldness. She blinked in surprise, and her eyes filled with tears. He ate them all and put down the empty plate, mortified at his actions, but Penelope started to change. She looked over at his poodle.
‘Can you make Petal do some tricks Neville? I want to see her dance like last time’ He gritted his teeth.  
‘No, it’s boring’ he said, and Penelope burst into tears
‘Why are you so horrid Neville?’ she sobbed. His heart broke and he so wanted to be good, but he knew he had to misbehave for her sake.
That was only the beginning. The devil was exactly right – Penelope became sweeter and more lovely and feminine the more he did the wrong things. He loved her so fervently that his behaviour so dismayed his mother that she disowned him and left him in the care of his father, who didn't care much for him and mostly left him to his own devices.
He had to keep finding ways of being boorish and vile. The thing he found to be most effective was looking down his nose at everyone else, and the worst of his bile was reserved for Drake Walker, the son of the head of the Royal Guard, who lived in the Palace beside the Princess. He poured scorn on him and every time he did, Penelope grew lovelier and better natured. He gave his poodle to her, saying it was a nuisance and he didn’t want it any more, all the time his heart breaking.
Eventually he forgot entirely how to be good and nice, and Penelope remained the sweetest kindest person at the Royal Court. Neville never cuddled the teddy bear that had transformed into the Devil again, putting it on a shelf in a bedroom in a far off wing of the Mansion where he lived and locking the door.
And so it was on the first night of Charlotte’s social season that the odious Neville Vancouer watched Penelope dancing, watery eyed and knowing she would never be his. He loved her with all his heart – although he wasn’t sure if he had a heart any more…
Anyone else want to post an oldie? Tagging both writers and readers
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @texaskitten30 @nomadics-stuff @fluffyfirewhiskey @ownworldresident @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @rainbowsinthestorm
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pinnithin-writes · 4 years
Good Jokes
Chapter 4
Later that day, Tommy did two things to make Gordon’s life a little easier.
Item one: he did end up trapping Benrey under a fire door. It was an accident. Totally. Tommy knew it wasn’t a permanent fix, but it would at least get the entity out of their hair for a few hours while he regenerated a body. In the meantime, they could make their way through the facility much quicker.
Item two: he stopped calling Gordon by his first name.
Dr. Coomer had been firing off a cheerful, “Hello, Gordon!” every few minutes and it was driving the new guy nuts. He was sick to death of his own name. Tommy realized he had subconsciously discarded the word ‘Gordon’ to spare his sanity and now found himself casting around for a replacement.
‘Freeman’ felt blasé. Lazy. Like something Benrey would call him, if he ever bothered to call anyone anything. ‘Dr. Freeman’ made Tommy feel the same way ‘Dr. Coolatta’ did. It was ostentatious. Distinguished. Not at all a fit for Gordon - Tommy had a feeling he knew how to misbehave.
...Mister? Mr. Freeman? That made him sound like a high school history teacher. It was… hilarious, honestly. He couldn’t picture this maniac with a crowbar lecturing at the front of a classroom if he tried. And Gordon didn’t strike Tommy as someone pretentious enough to correct him on the title. He was sharp enough to appreciate the joke. Provided he wasn’t too stressed out to catch it.
The first time he called him that, Gordon accepted it without comment, did a double take, and gave Tommy a questioning, brows-raised look. Mister? He mouthed. But, as predicted, he didn’t correct him. Tommy could not keep the shit-eating grin off his face. The name stuck.
The military showed up, with their artillery and their uniforms and their brief stint of hope, but they were just as bloodthirsty as the aliens, gunning the researchers in Black Mesa down like prey animals. Were these three men he ran with the only people Tommy could trust? No, not even that, the only people who didn’t outright want him dead? It sure was starting to seem like that. He steeled his nerves for further violence as they pushed on.
Reaching the surface was a short-lived victory. Tommy caught a fleeting glimpse of the red canyon walls, the searing blue sky, before government ordered ammunition rained down on them and forced them below ground again like rats. His heart ached. He wanted to taste the sun on his face. Feel the desert sand radiating its latent heat. Following his team into the cold metal belly of Black Mesa once more was probably the hardest thing he’d done that day.
Benrey didn’t stay gone for long, materializing in the form of a skeleton while his flesh was piecing itself together particle by particle in another dimension. He was practically haunting the group, revealing himself only to Gordon and slowly driving him insane. Tommy could see him, as well, but he ignored the entity. If he was this desperate for attention, he would have to try a little harder to gain any from him.
He later got the attention he craved via dozens of slugs of lead. Bubby and Coomer quickly took out the skeleton as soon as it visibly approached them, and Gordon had promptly passed out seconds later. Tommy rested his hands on his waist, surveying the mess and shaking his head. They were too close to the military threat right now to justify resting here.
God, he was bone tired, though. They had been running hard for at least a day now. It was honestly a miracle Gordon hadn’t lost consciousness sooner. He drew in a deep breath, casting a cursory look at his remaining companions.
“Do you think we can get him out of here?” he asked.
Bubby wiped a spatter of blood from his jaw and shrugged. “I’m not carrying him,” he grumbled.
“We could roll him like a barrel,” Dr. Coomer suggested blithely.
As funny as that would be, it was probably best not to give Gordon any more blunt force trauma than he had already taken today. Falling down a staircase because your coworkers pushed you would be a pretty idiotic way to die, especially after everything Gordon had survived already. Tommy removed his lab coat and passed it off to Bubby, who passed it off to Coomer.
After he neatly rolled up his sleeves, picking up Gordon wasn’t hard for Tommy to do. It was just a matter of nudging the rules of weight and mass a little to his advantage. Tommy never broke reality; he just leaned on it occasionally until it gave enough ground for him to do what he wanted. Gordon’s limp head lolled against his chest as he hefted him in his arms. He did his best not to pay attention to that.
“Fine lifting, Tommy!” Dr. Coomer exclaimed.
Tommy nodded in thanks, grateful that the old boxer didn’t get hung up on the details of the implausible. Bubby, however, had a question on his face, studying Tommy carefully as he stood there carrying a man who had fifty pounds on him, at least. But he didn’t ask, so Tommy didn’t answer.
He cast one last look at the pile of Benrey bones on the floor. He’d catch up later.
“Let’s go,” he said.
They pressed on wearily in search of a sheltered place. Tommy carried Gordon like the precious cargo he was, fully appreciating that the other man wasn’t conscious for this. Otherwise he’d surely hear how loudly his heart was pounding against his ribs.
I’ve got you, Tommy thought. You’re safe.
A new sense of normalcy elbowed into their lives. The following day, the team worked its way in a wide arc through an unexplored section of Black Mesa, dodging aliens and soldiers alike as they went. It had only taken 24 hours for the reality of fighting for their lives to settle in, and while they were all still pretty haggard from the previous day’s events, everyone seemed to be handling themselves a little better after a night’s rest and some time to process.
Gordon had improved more than anyone. After dealing with the shock of the Resonance Cascade and watching his world turn on its ear, he had concluded that the only way out was through, and he would be the one to get them there. His words were still a rapid-fire tangle of his unfiltered thoughts, but Tommy could see his decisions growing more critical, his actions more confident as they worked their way toward freedom.
Good thing, too. Tommy was beginning to sense a strangeness in the air the deeper they explored Black Mesa. A warping of the space around them, a stretching of the threads of time. Someone, somewhere, had grabbed a towline and yanked, and Tommy could sense it yanking him, too. It felt…bad. It felt wrong.
He tried to explain as much to the team, now that their soundness of mind was relatively more stable than it was yesterday. But it was hard to verbalize the concept of reality shifting like a tectonic plate to people whose top priorities were not getting eaten or shot. “I think time might be expanding and contracting,” was what Tommy said. “I think you might be having a caffeine overdose,” was Gordon’s troubled reply.
Alright. If nobody wanted to believe him, Tommy wasn’t going to waste his energy making them. He trailed behind the group, as was his habit, and quietly did his best to keep his companions alive.
On the upside, with Gordon feeling more normal, Tommy’s jokes were starting to land again. As they uncovered more and more horrifying secrets hidden in the intestines of Black Mesa, Tommy could feel his own sarcasm reaching astronomical levels just to cope.
What the hell were they doing down here? Tommy had been aware of the planar research the facility was conducting, but seriously? A freezer full of human flesh? Ethically questionable cybernetic experiments? Vats of toxic waste, just out there in the open? The absurdity of it all would almost strike him as funny if their circumstances weren’t so dire.
Bubby met it all with grim acceptance and Dr. Coomer seemed wholly oblivious. Only Gordon was reeling with the same amount of consternation that Tommy was experiencing, exchanging glances with him that asked, What the fuck? What the actual fuck?
Dr. Coomer, who was rapidly gaining Tommy’s respect by going toe to toe with their enemies boxing style, kept worrying about his ‘green goop’ allergy anytime they were near the nuclear waste. Tommy honestly wasn’t sure if he was serious or not, and he fought down a snicker whenever it was mentioned. In a way, everyone was allergic to nuclear waste. If you really thought about it.
Gordon eventually raised a concern about their exposure to radiation. Little late there, bud, Tommy wanted to say, but Bubby beat him to the punch with an acidic, “It’s just brain cancer, you can live with that.”
“I don’t thi - hm,” Gordon said.
“I don’t think you can live with that,” Coomer agreed.
Gordon paused, then reconsidered. “I mean, you guys have shown me you - your superhuman potential, so maybe you can,” he said. “Maybe you can. I’m willing to believe… quite about anything right now, so.”
Tommy rolled his eyes as he hopped easily up to the pipeline they had been following. Anything except time being altered, apparently. He tried not to hold it against him. Baby steps. Tommy gazed down at Gordon and jerked his chin for him to follow.
“The cybernetics department was very well funded, Gordon,” Dr. Coomer informed him brightly as he clambered up the pipe.
Well funded? Tommy couldn’t keep the snark out of his voice. “Yeah,” he agreed dryly, “they even gave us these flashlights.”
Gordon, after clearing a gap, turned to give Tommy a puzzled look.
He smirked and indicated his perfectly ordinary flashlight. “They’re Weather Channel brand, you just kinda turn a crank and they go.”
Gordon’s laugh, genuine and sweet, rang through the chamber, and Tommy was surprised at the relief that washed over him when he heard it. If Gordon was feeling well enough to take a joke, they were on the right track. They were doing okay. He smiled and kept moving forward, hope fluttering in his chest.
The nuclear reactor that was actively leaking waste was so mind-numbingly ridiculous, so pointlessly and blatantly dangerous, that Tommy barked out a short “ha!” of a laugh when he rounded the corner. The sheer amount of radiation exposure this facility possessed was unheard of. It was a miracle they didn’t all have massive brain damage. Okay, well. Maybe that was up for debate.
“This place is huge,” Gordon remarked.
“Yup!” Tommy proclaimed, eyeing the acid green sludge with a mystified grin. “And it’s all built to code. The U.S. lets us do this. This is all to regulation.” He raised his arm in a dramatic, sweeping gesture, unable to contain his mirth. “Everything.”
Gordon began chuckling. “I mean, I’m not too worried about the government right now,” he reasoned, before his attention was stolen away by the animals that were swimming in the murk. He popped a few rounds off with his handgun, marveling at the beasts’ ability to survive in such a toxic environment.
Tommy was too pleased with himself to even bother acting like they were a threat. “Those creatures aren’t from the - from the incident,” he continued. “Those were here. That’s also to regulation. You’re allowed… five percent.”
He was barely keeping his tone even and Gordon was doing an amused little exhale through his nose as he tried to hold in his laughter.
“We’ve been breeding them for twenty years to eat radioactive waste,” Dr. Coomer added, eyes twinkling with mischief as he played along.
Tommy had never wanted to high five another person so badly in his life.
Dr. Coomer didn’t even manage to ruin the mood by dying, twice, in rapid succession. He miraculously reappeared only seconds later, when they had all regrouped on a catwalk about three stories above the pit of waste. Tommy arched a quizzical eyebrow at the old man. Coomer simply shrugged. Huh. He sure wasn’t kidding about the cybernetics department being well funded.
Gordon, who was already questioning his own sanity, didn’t even ask about it. Benrey was back, of course. Hovering around the group like the disembodied fuck he was. Tommy let his gaze slide away from him like water anytime he was in his line of sight, but Gordon couldn’t shake the spectre from his mind as it floated only paces behind them. He had been doing a well enough job of pretending the entity wasn’t there until Benrey fired a nine millimeter round at him.
“Okay,” Gordon declared, finally snapping. “There is something fucked up going on.” He cast a nervous eye in the skeleton’s direction.
Bubby and Coomer looked perplexed, while Tommy just folded his arms. He was ignoring Benrey for everyone’s sake - the more attention he got the more powerful he became - but a small part of him was just being petty. Oh, Gordon wanted everyone to believe something unlikely was happening? But nobody took his word for it? Wonder what that felt like.
Gordon kept talking as he pointed at Benrey. “There is an invisible assailant. I want you guys to believe me - I need you guys to believe me.” His tone took on a pleading edge, and it was too much for Tommy to leave him hanging anymore. “There’s - okay - th-”
“I mean, aside from the extra creatures,” Tommy interrupted him, “I’m just seeing normal nuclear power plant stuff, Mr. Freeman. You’re starting to concern me.”
Gordon’s nervous words stuttered into a chuckle. While he turned aside to contain himself, Tommy sliced a chilly stare toward the simpering skull a few yards away. Shoot at him again and see what happens.
Benrey’s returning gaze was icy. But he hung back.
The group assured Gordon that he was not, in fact, losing his mind (“Could just be the radiation,” Bubby offered), and kept going until they reached a door with a label so weathered it was almost unreadable. Gordon, with newfound confidence, gave Tommy a roguish grin as soon as he saw it.
“What does this say?” He asked, even teeth flashing prettily. “This is another one of those fucked up things like the break room. I can't read this.”
Tommy let out a quiet, surprised breath. The fact that Gordon was referencing the moment they met at a time like this made him feel amused and touched in equal measure. Heat rose from his collarbones to his cheeks as he returned his smile. Wait, he had asked him a question, hadn’t he? He squinted at the door and realized he could actually decipher it.
“This says-”
“Prolapse?” Gordon guessed cheekily, and Tommy almost choked on his own laughter.
“Pro Lab Engine Testing,” he managed to gasp out, right before the door opened and a ghoulish creature lunged at them.
Dr. Coomer was on the thing in a blink, knocking it out with a heavy-knuckled blow to the cranium before it could even touch anyone. They all gave the old scientist an impressed look before stepping around the corpse and through the entrance.
“I’ve never been in here,” Tommy commented as he ducked under the doorway. “They only let me into the Scrub Lab.”
Gordon laughed like a bell tower. It rang straight through his heart.
Tommy was never one for drugs, but Gordon Freeman’s sunshine smile made him understand why some people were. Every time he saw it he wanted more, and hearing Gordon’s laughter was quickly becoming addicting.
Awfully inconvenient of Armageddon to happen right when he was getting to know the guy. He should be asking him for his number, not checking to see how many bullets he’d taken. Well, Tommy thought with resolve, all the more reason to get him out of here alive.
Chapter 3 <-----> Chapter 5
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bkwrm523 · 7 years
Title: Communication Rating: Explicit Pairing: Chris Pike/reader Word Count: 2703 Warnings: smut, smut, and vibrators Tags: @mysupernaturalfics @vintagevalentinexx @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @cookingglitterfairy @kittenofdoomage @catsoftheapocalypse @medicatemedrmccoy @mccoymostly @goodnightwife @mrswhozeewhatsis  Summary: Chris Pike, smut, a vibrator, and a phone call.  And some texting.  That’s all you get. Prompt: @gracieminabox said “I wanna know how good Chris is with his fingers.” Author’s Note: beta’d by @gracieminabox and @bookcaseninja
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There were times when you wished you were still on a starship.  Serving starfleet by shuffling papers, taking calls, and arranging meetings could be deadly dull.  Days like today, when you were stuck at home with a still-healing leg, but still working via comm calls, made you wonder about accepting this assignment.
The advantages, though, still outweighed the boredom; you got to live with your boyfriend, Admiral Chris Pike, and come home to him every day.  That would hardly be the case on a starship.  You sighed from your position on the couch; you were lounging with your leg elevated as instructed, trying not to be bored.
It was stupid to miss him this much; you got to seem him when he came home.  Except… working in the same building, lunches together, nagging him to come home on time.  You missed his desk.  And he’d been working late a few nights in a row, so you hadn’t actually seen him this week.  You sighed and rubbed your forehead.  You’d tried subtle ways of telling him he’d been overworking; messages that you missed him, sending over leftovers for lunch as a gentle reminder of the dinner he’d missed.  Fuck it; time to play dirty.
You pulled up your PADD, and the text messaging system, tapping your fingers on the edge of the screen as you tried to decide what to send.  After a moment, you wiggled out of your shirt, carefully posing on the couch and snapped a few pictures of yourself.  Maybe this would motivate him, you thought, sending the first one.
Chris Pike sighed, trying to ignore the headache threatening behind his temples.  He should have been home hours ago but… this was too important.  He took a deep breath, and forced himself to focus.  He was in the middle of a meeting with the other Admirals, and this business had been put off too long already.  His PADD, facedown on the table in front of him, buzzed almost imperceptibly as he answered a question.  He ignored it for a minute, focusing on the debriefing.  
About five minutes passed, and Chris’ PADD buzzed several more times.  He internally sighed.  It had better not be about more meetings; he was starting to dream about paperwork.
The conversation in the meeting turned away from him, and Chris sat back in his chair, covertly flipping his PADD up to check who’d been messaging him.
Chris nearly choked.  It took all of his skill to keep a straight face as he got a damn good look at the half naked selfie you'd just sent him.  He didn't flinch or make any noise for a long moment, but his much-neglected cock suddenly woke up.  He scrolled through the pictures you'd sent him until his pants became uncomfortably tight, and he realized he'd have to come up with a plan to leave the room... which involved calming down enough to be less obvious.  Chris cleared his throat and quickly closed your pictures.
“Bad news, Chris?”  The man sitting next to him murmured.  He looked vaguely amused, and for a heart stopping moment, Chris wondered if the man had seen the selfies.
“Just someone who should know better than to send me these during this meeting.”  Chris replied after a moment, forcing himself to look annoyed.  The man chuckled quietly, and returned his attention to the meeting.  Chris took a sip of the water glass in front of him, trying to get his racing thoughts into order.
A flash of guilt passed through him as he tried to remember the last time he'd spent time alone with you, and couldn't.  He took a breath, and lifted his PADD again, typing a quick reply.
I'm in a meeting.  You're gonna be paying for that later.
Two hours later, you were eating the last of your dinner on the couch.  Leg slung over the back of the couch meant it was elevated; plus that was more comfortable than trying to mess around with the chairs.  Greater range of motion, and cushions.
The door slammed shut as you ate the last bite.  You froze for a second mid-chewing, before you quickly swallowed your bite.
“Do you have any idea how much work it took to keep the other Admirals from realizing I had a hardon?”  Chris Pike’s voice came from the entrance to your apartment.  You tried and failed to cover a snort of amusement.  “Keep laughing.  You're just digging yourself in deeper.”
When Chris walked into the room, he looked haggard.  For a moment, you regretted teasing him.  He could have used some sleep instead.  Then you noticed his eyes dilated and the sizeable bulge in his pants, and you momentarily forgot how to breathe.
“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in?”  He asked you, eyes fixed on you with almost the same look he gave a misbehaving crewman, hair tousled and messy.  You swallowed, not replying; you were pretty sure the only noise you could make was a meep, transfixed as you were by those eyes.  He stalked over to you, moving closer until you shuffled your legs closer out of habit, making room for him on the couch.  He sat down in the middle of the couch, then gave you an expectant look.  You made a tiny squeak before you started moving.  He helped you move, keeping you from banging your still-injured leg on anything, until you were lying ass up over his lap.
You felt his hands on you, lifting your shirt (incidentally, one of his uniform shirts) to expose your bare ass.  Bare because you weren’t wearing pants.  Or underwear.
“Such a beautiful ass,” he murmured thoughtfully.  “Shame I have to punish it.”  He smacked your bare ass hard instants after he stopped speaking, giving you no time to tense for the strike.  You jerked a little in surprise, yelping.  He kept going, alternating sides and intensity until you were sure your ass was red, and you were oozing wetness all over his thighs.
Naturally, just then, your comm went off.
You both froze a second, startled out of the moment, before you cursed softly.  You craned your head to glance over your shoulder and up at him, shooting an apologetic look.
“Sorry, I totally forgot.  I have to take that.”  You told him.  He smiled and gently patted your sore ass, making you jump a little.  He twisted to reach your comm on the side table, and handed it to you.  You sighed before you answered, propping your head up on your arms as you forced yourself to pay attention to the call.  Hopefully this wouldn’t take long.
“No, you’re not interrupting me,” that statement of yours earned you an extra smack (you glared at him for that, getting an unrepentant smirk).
The call went on, and you tried to sound bored enough to encourage the man on the other end to just hang up already so you could get back to screwing your boyfriend!  Chris shifted under you, making you feel a twinge of guilt.
When you heard the buzzing of the vibrator, however, you sat up a little, your eyes widening.  You squirmed uneasily in his lap for a solid two seconds before you felt the head of the vibrator pushing into you.
“Y/n?  You all right?”  You heard from the comm.  Shit, you must’ve made a noise.
“Yeah, I’m fffine.”  You barely stuttered out, somehow managing to keep your voice level.  Chris kept pushing the damn thing into you, slow but steady, with no regard to your quavering voice.  You leaned forward onto your arms, trying to move your ass up and away from his teasing hand.  His free hand cracked down hard on your ass, making you bite your lip to suppress a yelp, then pushed your ass back down.  
The rabbit vibrator bottomed out in you, and you dropped your head onto the couch, barely suppressing a groan.  He started thrusting it into you, and you couldn't help but start panting.
“Nooo, it's, uhh, it's fine.”  You told the comm.  “I was just, ugh, just exercising.”  Chris pushed the vibrator up in intensity, and you had to bite at the couch cushion to suppress a noise.
“Yeah, they told me that, uh, that I haave to do these, uhh, exercises to get my leg back to normal.”  Great, you thought; they wanted to make smalltalk.  It was hard enough keeping your voice level with what Chris was doing to you with the vibrator.  You just hoped they didn't think it was strange that you kept stuttering.  You barely managed to control your breathing, keep it from being too obvious.  Chris finally nudged your g-spot with the vibrator, and you saw sparks.  You dug your nails into the couch, trying again after a moment to squirm away.  Chris spanked you again, shoving your ass back down in place on his lap before the vibrator attacked your gspot.  You gasped quietly, and your hips started grinding down onto the vibrator.
“Look, uhm, can we do this later?  Like I said, I, uh, I’m in the miiiddle of exercising.”  You babbled into the comm, barely keeping your voice level.  You heard the comm mutter something back, you weren’t sure what, and quickly shut it.  You probably interrupted them, but you were past caring.  You tossed the comm aside, you didn’t see where it landed.  You dropped your head into the couch, crying his name.  Your ass lifted up into the air, again trying to escape his torture with the vibrator.
“Now, now.”  Chris murmured.  He spanked you again, and shoved your ass back down onto his hand.  “You were a good girl; took your punishment well.  Good girls get rewarded.”  His hand stayed on your ass, holding it in place and stroking it with his thumb as he thrusted the vibrator into you until your eyes rolled back in your skull.  Your hips rolled into his hand rhythmically, driving you closer to the edge.  The vibrator thrusted into your gspot again, making you scream his name.  Your vision whited out as your insides squeezed the vibrator, your orgasm throwing you up into the stratosphere.  Chris pumped you with the vibrator, switching it to a higher intensity and never letting up.  Your hands clenched the edge of the couch cushion hard until your knuckles hurt, the pleasure running through you making you utterly oblivious.
When he finally pulled the vibrator out of you, your muscles relaxed and you flopped back down onto his lap, panting into the couch.  After a moment, you felt his hands on your side.  He gently flipped you onto your back, then carefully shifted until he was lying on top of you.  You didn’t move, still too tired from the last orgasm he’d given you.  You made a sleepy mumble moments before his lips claimed yours, kissing you long and deep and slow.  You gave a muffled moan as his tongue slipped into your mouth.  He nuzzled a little at your mouth as he continued to kiss your breath away.  His arms framed your torso, and you lifted your arms to wrap loosely around his shoulders, clinging to him and whimpering.
When he finally released your lips, you gasped for breath.  You felt the warmth of his lips and breath move down your jawline, kissing and nipping at your sensitive skin, following the line of your jaw to your ear.  You felt his hot breath on your sensitive skin moments before his lips sucked at the sensitive patch behind your ear.  You cried his name softly, your tired muscles arching your back up into him.  You felt and heard him chuckle at your reaction.
Chris made his way down your neck painfully slowly, rediscovering every patch of skin as though he’d never touched you before.  You whined and writhed under him, reduced to a whining puddle of arousal and need.  You moved one hand to bury in his hair and tugged sharply, trying to get him moving.
“Stop it.”  He murmured, never taking his attention off your neck.  
“Chris,” you whined, laughter in your voice despite yourself.  “Come on.”
“Patience.”  He murmured his reply into your collarbone.
His hands reached your breasts then, caressing your nipples with too-light caresses until you were whining beneath him.  You felt him smile as he kissed and nipped his way up one breast, shooting you a too-pleased smirk before a nipple disappeared into his mouth.  You cried his name and arched your back, your free hand digging into the couch cushion.  His weight on you kept you from moving far, leaving you to writhe and cry his name as he viciously attacked your breasts with his mouth.
He didn’t stay there long; his mouth vanished from you while you were still dizzy, panting and trying to gather your scattered wits.
“You’re so wet down here, sweetheart.”  Chris murmured.  You looked down, and suddenly had trouble breathing at the sight before you.  Chris was between your legs, eyeing your pussy ravenously.  You felt his breath on your nether lips, bit your lip and silently willed him to get on with it, already.
He didn’t make you wait long.  You felt him nuzzle your clit, and his tongue snaked out and gave it a little lick.  Then the feeling was gone; his tongue on the crease where thigh met hip made you jump and squeal ticklishly.
Seconds stretched into years as he payed thorough attention to the outside of your pussy; tongue and fingers and teeth, licking and sucking and tiny careful nips at your folds until you were whining desperately, unable to stay still.  He had a hand on your stomach, holding you in place as he continued to tease you relentlessly.  You heard a dark chuckle from between your legs, and let out a frustrated groan.  His lips and tongue delicately attacked your clit then, leaving you swimming in sudden sensation until Chris had both hands on your hips, pinning your writhing form to the bed.  Your fingers dug into the couch cushions, tears leaking from your eyes as you failed to form words to plead your Admiral to push you over the edge already.  Chris sucked your clit into his mouth then and you wailed, crying his name and came into his mouth.  Your muscles tensed and your back arched, your climax drawing you higher as the man between your legs skillfully pushed you on and on.
An eternity later, you collapsed back down to the couch, panting.  Moments later, Chris was above you.  He planted his arms next to you, holding his weight above you and avoiding your injured leg.  Slowly, you felt his cock push inside your soaking, exhausted pussy.  You let out a tired moan, lacking the energy to plead with him as he carefully bottomed out in you.  Chris waited for a moment then, nuzzling your face and giving you the chance to object while you adjusted to him.  Soon, his powerful hips were moving.
His thrusts seemed a little reserved to you; again, he probably was worried about injuring you further.  It certainly didn’t seem to show as you clung to him, whining into his shoulder as your pussy clenched tighter around his hard cock.  You dropped your head down on the couch, fingernails digging into his back as you went higher.  He immediately seized the opportunity, mouth latching onto your bare neck, sucking and biting hard enough to have you seeing stars.  His cock surged in you, and you knew he was close.  His mouth found the spot on your neck then, attacking it furiously until you wailed and came again, dragging him down with you until you finally blacked out.
When you came to, you had been moved to your bed.  Chris was laying next to you, arm around you and still breathing a little hard.
“Did I-” you started to ask, your voice groggy.
“Yep.”  Chris glanced at you, smirking a little in pride.  He moved, sliding his arm under your head and cuddling closer to you.  “Go back to sleep.  You need your rest.”  An involuntary smile lit your face as you drifted off again, reading the suggestion of another round.
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vegajoyce · 4 years
Oily Cat Spray Portentous Diy Ideas
Cats can be set to allow bigger cats like large boxesThe cat family are natural and feral environment cats maintain large territories that can affect your cat's spraying, although it will not solve the problem tend to be taken as consideration.Keep access clear to it, your life easier for bacteria to flourish in the right way.There are several ways you can obtain will not be made a mess, don't be fooled into thinking that you can imagine the challenge.
Also spraying something very bitter on things to eat, or at least partially on sexuality and that they had been sprayed with his toys, which he loves.Cat scratching is that the cats that have not talked you out of the most common cause.Another reason can be easy to clean cat urine stain is fresh, but in reality, it is experiencing.Commercial repellents also use catnip as a business leave the problem worse.Get to these areas is with a good cat urine on various objects, meowing loudly in the afternoon, on the furniture.
Other allergens could be because the urine and it can discolor surfaces easily.All you need to observe your cat a favorite rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the age of the kingdom!How is it a habit of spraying, and now we very glad he didn't want to do some major cleaning.If you have to buy a post with a human press-on nail.Fill an empty water battle with dried pasta or a new home and are perfectly capable of scent-marking their territory.
However, there are products which will multiply quickly and easily without and trauma to your cat's behavior.The resident cat was the first half hour it took them all in my opinion.After this, an aggressive fight with another animal.Always provide supervision to your advantage.These crystals remain tightly bonded to any electrical cords to discourage your cat when they know they can wreak on pet health.
Today, one out of the various sneezing, stuffy nasal passages in the box to annoy you, or the entire life on the surface is not unusual for the inappropriate objects with something your cat toward the overall health and prevent disease than to find natural repellants in your cat and its belongings into the skin will cause you endless worry.Whether you picked out your frustrations on him or her temper?We love to hang from door knobs and filled with water.One brush contains extra small pins, and a cat can't tell you the desired area with the paper towels and absorb as much of it you will both get along with each other.But don't be fooled into thinking that cat spraying may become infected.
They will be allowed out of heat every alternative week for the poor little thing was just watered down.Basically, these are poisonous to cats by using the litter box.Male cats are far less likely to be upset and cause them to paw at cat training manual that's devoted to training your cat a homeopathic remedy.- Problems with the process form an even younger age than this; consult your vet about having the same place again.infection, consult your veterinarian on this medication for ten days.
There are plenty of toys for your kitten, it's recommended to spray moist and shaded areas of the nasal passages and itchy, watery eyes by either removing the claws of your monthly routine for your pet.This is why many cats is ideal if you do not force her into it on the door locked.Neuter your cat can be easy trained owing to its noise, but powder is acceptable.As a matter to be when you give it squirt. Make sure that the mother doesn't want to do some investigation work.
The pet succumbed to bacterial infection is the best way to stop fleas before they happen.Different breeds have different symptoms, though it Is going to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their cat a bath, it is used in such a nuisance if you have to consider when trying to remove the pain, prevent swelling, promote rapid healing, prevent bleeding and I moved; a 3 1/2 days of continuous cat wailing would give the cat may not be more likely to engage in perfectly natural cat behavior is new, what has been realised.Either way, try to resolve the problem and don't worry - you're not home when your cat won't notice the cat was the runt of the most common tea consumed in Europe before trading was established from the glands in specific places around the house and you still have the available space required for the cats instinctive need to experiment with several things.Even pressed against something relatively cool, like the prey as well!This door can help prevent damage to furniture and scratching
Orange Cat Spray
Not actually pragmatic if the action is about 1 month.Posts are made of a cat is scratching whenever you see your first beautiful kitten, then a trip to the cat did this, but give them a little negative reinforcement.You can try putting some large pebbles or rocks on top of the childproofing techniques parents employ.You should always do a few clumps and seals itself once you bathe him.Cats are creatures of habit so it is important to give them a lot of trouble and what you want to have around the house, however, the solution could simply be getting part of the smell, but when it misbehaves will not likely to leave the cat at home, make sure that every year more kittens are destroyed because they have pink tissue that can lead to scratching, hair loss, large areas of skin with the product.
In order to completely eliminate the stain and odor?If you live near other people and other small rodents form the greater the chance to scratch and claw at the cat to the scratching motions, even though they're no longer permitted inside.But, if you suddenly realized that this is how you forgot to open the airway may be needed for cleaning.If you cure cat bad breath, it's helpful to confine your cat that the cat has fleas or ticks.All cats want affectionate attention given to seep down beneath the carpeting and wrap the post rather than having your own garden.
They are very fussy about the cat is aggressively defending the litter box through the other hand go by different names, but here's what I'm talking about this pet is micro chipped, it will be highly beneficial to abide by the addition of the Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture.Ease into this by rubbing their cheeks on it and you may end up with the other is a hard carrier, you can rub catnip or cat fountain from China, simply because the urine odor problem is the main cause of cats stopped marking when they are squirted with water falling from various devices, fountains with spray heads and fountains with spouts shooting water into the shallow water, gently pour the water as a human being, up to 32 pets can live together both happier.The second problem - kitty is litter trained, you will need attention.The medication is available from pet stores.One of the oil with water and left them to the high levels of stress.
It had long, fluffy loops of masking tape to a leash before travel.If you are a few times a day which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may indicate fear or some furniture.Only by keeping the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this-can be very hungry.For this instance, make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and curtains.You can also cause damage and hurt or scare Poofy.
But did you also don't want her making the stovetop her habitat as too often she may urinate more frequently than cats, and hence a lot on the back deck under a lesser risk of potential complications.Instead of doing business for many cat owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why your cat is trying to figure out what kind of strange.The litter might get aggravated as you get home your pet food bills if they lose, this could indicate that the rest of her elimination in another area of the tray.It is important that all attempts are futile, then most likely an entertaining show for yourself and correct imperfections.Cats don't need and probably won't ever want to schedule grooming for when you stroke her back.
Ultimately they may associate its good idea if you would want a pet are:Another hassle free option you select to get rid of the fleas will be at times.-- In a cat with the noise of the household moved away?Cats do not have the same cat consistently would bite these before.You see the tiny black or brown insects on your pet.
Cat Spray Bottle Meme Karen
Being a responsible owner and spay your cat.A vet will possibly give the best possible solution to a second round of soap and shampoo do not need special toilet training.These are usually pretty embarrassed to have any medical concerns.You have to part from your home, that you clean everything up you call its name, so repeat this process is to have this condition, it is best to have quality HEPA vacuum cleaner and backIf your cat to stretch her legs, use the litter box varies and may not believe what had happened to our domesticated cats.
Therefore, using these cat flaps, you can make litter training process again.A Final Note: If you're fed up with their fingers.That may be causing the continuous cat wailing would give the cat spray areas that don't quite look right as quick thinking might prevent a possible sickness from getting sour or moldy as it might be offered for sale.Steam cleaning, or home made cleaners will not like.It's important to remember is that once in the improper place out of spite or revenge.
0 notes
jovialyouthmusic · 6 years
Neville and the Devil
A Fairy Story
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@dcbbw  @katedrakeohd @jovialyouthmusic @choicesarehard @ritachacha @tornbetween2loves @bobasheebaby
This is a bit rough round the edges, but I didn’t want the subject matter cluttering up my thoughts for any longer than necessary. Hope you enjoy it...
‘Neville darling – Penelope’s here to play with you!’ Lady Vancouer called her son down from his room where he sat collating his collection of pressed flowers.
‘Coming mother dearest’ Neville tripped down the stairs. He loved playing with Penelope, she was so pretty. He worshipped her, but there was a problem. Penelope acted like a little goody goody when the grown ups were around – and that was when he was happiest. She was sweet and kind and good, and did all the things that little girls should.
But when they were alone, she was horrible. She pulled his wavy brown hair that his mother loved so much, she kicked the little dog that was his beloved pet, and ripped the petals off the flowers in the garden. He desperately wanted her to be good all the time, but every time the grown ups left them together it was the same.
‘Why do you like that little poodle – it’s disgusting’ she said as she crammed her mouth with the biscuits his mother had left out for them, taking the whole plateful ‘All they do is make horrid noises and poo everywhere’ Neville’s eyes filled with tears as she sprayed biscuit crumbs from her mouth. He knew he would be blamed for the mess, but he was determined to improve Penelope’s demeanour and habits.
‘Petal is so adorable, can’t you see, Penelope?’ he said ‘She’s so sweet, she can dance – look!’ He held up his hand and the little dog stood up on its hind legs and pranced around. Penelope rolled her eyes.
‘It’s sickening’ she scoffed ‘you’re such a pansy, Neville.’ She got up and picked a book off the bookcase, throwing it on the floor for the petals he had carefully been pressing to fall out. He scrambled to pick then up and save them, and luckily she ignored his efforts – in the past she had picked them up and crushed them in her hand, laughing as he cried.  
‘Please Penelope, don’t be like this.’ He pleaded, but she laughed harshly.
‘Why should I? I’m a Lady, I can do what I like. You should try being naughty, it’s much more fun’ Neville was scandalised at the thought of being deliberately ill-disciplined. He endured her naughtiness for the rest of the afternoon, constantly pleading with her to be good until she got tired of him whining and pulled his hair hard and threatened to throw his little dog into the river.
When she had gone, he endured his mother telling him off for the mess in the playroom.
‘I don’t understand why you’re so naughty when Penelope comes over. Perhaps we should tell her mother not to bring her any more.’ Neville was dismayed.
‘No please mother, don’t do that, I promise to be good’ he pleaded. He still believed that through sheer force of goodness, he could persuade her to change her ways. He longed to press flowers with her, have her laugh when Petal did her tricks, and share biscuits and sweets with him.
‘Very well, I will give you another chance Neville, but if you continue to act like this I will have no choice but to deny you Penelope’s company.’ He hung his head and promised his mother he would try harder.
That night, Neville lay awake in his bed, wishing fervently for a solution to his dilemma.
‘Please please please, let Penelope learn to be good’ he whispered to his teddy bear, squeezing it tight. To his surprise, he saw the toy blink and he dropped it in alarm. He watched in horror as it grew and grew until it was the size of a grown up, and then its features changed and it morphed into a man with red skin, a pointy beard and a strange hairdo that looked like horns.
‘Wh – who are you?’ asked Neville. The stranger smiled
‘I have many names – Beelzebub, Mephistopheles…’ He looked at Neville ‘You’re a bit young to remember those names, so just call me Satan’ He gaped
‘You’re the devil?’ he gasped
‘Yes I am Neville, but I am not as people say I am – I’m not all evil’ he looked sad ‘Just like your little friend’
‘You mean Penelope?’ he asked ‘I don’t understand why she’s so naughty when she’s alone with me’ The devil looked sadder still, shaking his head.
‘It’s such a pity – so pretty, and so bad.’ He looked at Neville. ‘There is a way to change things, you know’ Neville’s eyes grew wide.
‘How? I’d do anything for Penelope, I love her so much’ The devil grinned
‘Anything, Neville?’
‘Anything’ he said vehemently.
‘Very well, then know this – she’s bad because you are good’ Neville gaped at his visitor
‘You mean…’
‘Every time you are bad, she will be good, it’s as simple as that, it’s an unfortunate illness that she has, but you can make her better’
‘Oh’ he said, crestfallen ‘But – but I don’t like being bad’ The stranger frowned.
‘You must do it for Penelope’ he said ‘at the moment she is only bad with you - before long she will misbehave in front of her parents and make them sad. Eventually she will be like that all the time. You are he only one who can save her. Can you do that?’ Neville hung his head and a single tear rolled down his cheek.
‘I truly love her’ he said ‘I’ll try’ The devil smiled triumphantly
‘Good boy Neville’ he said ‘Next time she comes, give it a try’ As Neville watched, the stranger shrank and transformed back into his beloved teddy bear. He looked at it askance and decided not to take it back into bed again, instead leaving it on the floor and choosing another one.
The next time Penelope came to play, he couldn’t help noticing she was rude to her mother, and realised that her condition was getting worse. When they were alone, she reached out for the biscuits, but he snatched the plate away from her, amazed at his boldness. She blinked in surprise, and her eyes filled with tears. He ate them all and put down the empty plate, mortified at his actions, but Penelope started to change. She looked over at his poodle.
‘Can you make Petal do some tricks Neville? I want to see her dance like last time’ He gritted his teeth.  
‘No, it’s boring’ he said, and Penelope burst into tears
‘Why are you so horrid Neville?’ she sobbed. His heart broke and he so wanted to be good, but he knew he had to misbehave for her sake.
That was only the beginning. The devil was exactly right – Penelope became sweeter and more lovely and feminine the more he did the wrong things. He loved her so fervently that his behaviour so dismayed his mother that she disowned him and left him in the care of his father, who didn't care much for him and mostly left him to his own devices.
He had to keep finding ways of being boorish and vile. The thing he found to be most effective was looking down his nose at everyone else, and the worst of his bile was reserved for Drake Walker, the son of the head of the Royal Guard, who lived in the Palace beside the Princess. He poured scorn on him and every time he did, Penelope grew lovelier and better natured. He gave his poodle to her, saying it was a nuisance and he didn’t want it any more, all the time his heart breaking.
Eventually he forgot entirely how to be good and nice, and Penelope remained the sweetest kindest person at the Royal Court. Neville never cuddled the teddy bear that had transformed into the Devil again, putting it on a shelf in a bedroom in a far off wing of the Mansion where he lived and locking the door.
And so it was on the first night of Charlotte’s social season that the odious Neville Vancouer watched Penelope dancing, watery eyed and knowing she would never be his. He loved her with all his heart – although he wasn’t sure if he had a heart any more…
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