#pretty sure I said I was done writing essays but I'm weak
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aristaspark · 3 months ago
How do you think Kenji's process to forgive Brooklynn will go? Because he said: "I'm not fluent in betrayal" and "once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever"
Ok, I'm going to go off on a little tangent here (as I always do) because your question just made me think back on a moment of clarity I had recently, and it has to do with the reason they had Brooklynn and Kenji break up in the first place. But it'll make sense I swear.
But if I had to summarize my "argument": I think Kenji won't have to "forgive" her because she's not actually betraying him (any of them for that matter) and he knows it. He doesn't see what she's doing as a betrayal.
Now, the long thought process, grab your pop corn.
(Sorry, I had a lot of thoughts and it's a mess but who's surprised?)
You see, I was asking myself, if they're gonna make Kenlynn endgame like I think they are, why have them break up in the first place, taking the risk of making them messy in the process? It didn't make sense to me at first, it was one of the only things I couldn't get behind.
And then the answer, like, revealed itself to me and it was so evident I wondered how I didn't click before 😂
If they wanted to make Kenlynn endgame, breaking them up was the ONLY option they had, the only way they could do it.
Let me elaborate. In an interview Scott Kreamer more or less said that when Chaos Theory was greenlit, one of the first "storyline" they "baked" for the show was Brooklynn's (her faking her death). So they kind of had to articulate all of the other storylines around that.
Which leads me to my point.
Kenji would have NEVER been able to forgive her had she done all this while still being his girlfriend.
That's straight up treason. That's choosing a life of misery over his love. That's not telling your partner who's suffering and grieving you that you're alive. That's choosing your investigation over him when you finally reunite. That's torturing him. That's like EVIL.
But that's not what happened. Because Kenji broke up with her. That changes everything when we think about it, it changes the status quo.
She wasn't hiding the fact that she was alive from her partner, she was hiding it from her ex who was probably better off without her in his life anyway since he broke up with her.
She's no longer choosing a dangerous life of misery over him, because she doesn't even have him.
We have to keep in mind that she has no idea whether Kenji still loves her or not. She most likely thinks he doesn't (he broke up with her and after that she was "dead" for six months).
So she really got to choose between two evils:
Going back to her friends and being forced to deal with everything she didn't want to have to deal with : having to face Darius after everything that happened (confession+abandonning her), having to deal with the consequences of her actions on her relationship with her friends (feeling like she no longer belongs in the group), but above all having to deal with the fact that she'll be alone for the first time in six years (having no idea what her and Kenji have anymore). Idk, I'd be Brooklynn I wouldn't want to come back either.
Or, continuing her mission. Sure, it's lonely and dangerous. Sure, it'll hurt her friends. Sure, it'll make her miserable, but so does the other option. Choosing to pursue Soyona makes the most sense for her. She sacrificed too much to stop midway (her arm, her relationship(s), her place in the world (she literaly faked her death). If she stops before it's over it would all have been for nothing. And sure, she'll be miserable, but at least it gives her the opportunity to do good (getting rid of the threat on her life and on her friends' lives, saving innocent dinos).
So now, what about Kenji in all that? As you said, he made a point of saying he doesn't forgive easily.
But the thing is, I'm not even sure Kenji has to "forgive" her.
He broke up with her and after that they never spoke again because she died, their relationship remained "unresolved".
She's not "abandoning him" by doing all this because he was the one who abandoned her first (don't get me wrong, he had every right to break up, but it was still extremely violent and painful for Brooklynn).
I think there's so many layers to their relationship, but the fact is that they're the ones who have suffered the most out of all the camp fam.
And Kenji's aware of that (at least he will be when he'll know everything that happened to her). There's a scene which already kind of hints at this, where we can see Kenji been hit with the realization/fact that she must have suffered more than he could ever comprehend, empathizing with her.
I saw some people putting Kenji in the same bag as Ben and Soyona when it comes to them noticing Brooklynn's arm, but as I touched on in the "analysis" I did of that particular scene, the scene with Kenji is very different from the other two. Kenji does not look at her arm because he can't help looking at it. He's consciously looking at it and wants her to be aware that he's looking at it, he's asking a thousands questions with his eyes alone. It's a look of sadness, of compassion, of hurt. He's hurting for her.
He doesn't get mad at her for her "betrayal", never confronts her, never makes it about him, because it's not. Although he doesn't know why she's doing what she's doing, he knows that she suffered at least as much as he did simply by looking at her arm.
I think that Kenji will try to understand her, not to forgive her, because as I said it's not a betrayal. His reaction to her leaving doesn't look like the reaction of someone who feels "betrayed" and who's rightfully mad at the person. It looks like the reaction of someone who's hurt, sad, heart-broken, regretful, lost, but never mad.
I don't think Kenji sees any of what she's doing as a betrayal because she's not actually doing anything to him. HE was the one who removed himself from Brooklynn's "considerations". This isn't another instance of her neglecting their relationship (or him) anymore because with where things had been left off, as far as she knew, they didn't have any kind of relationship anymore. Not a romantic one, not friendship, nothing, just a big question mark. Kenji most likely still loves her and regretted breaking up with her, but she's not aware of any of that, only Kenji is. To her, it's too late, a lost cause.
So, she's not doing anything to Kenji. It was the case when they were a couple (when she neglected him), because when you're in a relationship you sorta become one with the other person and your every action impacts them, so you must take that into consideration everytime you do something. But as I said, Kenji took himself out of the equation.
She's not doing anything to Kenji, if anything she's doing everything to herself.
I think a lot of people who see Brooklynn as *almost* irredeemable also underestimate everything that happened to her and the role other characters also played in her "demise". Kenji broke up with her, Darius abandonned her. They also hurt her.
She's the one who caused the chain of tragic events that happened to her by giving in to her obsession with her investigation, sure, but that does not mean that she was prepared for any of what happened to her.
My argumentation is a little all over the place sorry 😂.
But, yeah, my main take away from this is that Brooklynn's not betraying any of them. She's following her own path, one they don't understand or agree with, sure, but she doesn't owe them anything. She's her own person, living her life the way she wants to live it, making her own choices. The only one she would have "betrayed" is Kenji, but as I said, that was when they were in a relationship. I think he might get mad at her for having kept so many secrets, but he will eventually forgive her if she's willing to change, if she owns up to her faults (and I feel like after everything she went through she will be willing to). After all, although he said he never "forgives", he forgave Darius.
Congrats if you made it to the end and if you somehow managed to understand 😂
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lairn · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @gwenllian-in-the-abbey. Thanks, time to review some stats!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
13,400 (is there a non-manual way to do this?)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Realm of the Elderlings and only RotE, haha
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When you only have 6 works this doesn't say much! Patience in Winter I'd Rather Die Alone Weak Willed Loomings or, A Short Tale of Woe Never Know Peace (surprised anyone even saw this one)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, virtually always. If anybody takes the time to share their thoughts with me, I at least want to thank them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I was just noticing all my stuff ends with a little bummer even if the tone beforehand was more pleasant. But probably Weak Willed.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Unfortunately, probably I'd Rather Die Alone. Or Patience in Winter.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, very few people read them to begin with! I'd be confused to receive hate, although it's not impossible it would happen.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
A lot of what I've written is based on prompts. My default would probably be no smut and so far I've only written erotic (sub)text once. But maybe I'd write it if I got a request. It's just not my natural impulse.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Before I had an AO3 I started a NBC Hannibal/Minority Report crossover, haha! I only wrote a few paragraphs, and as soon as Hannibal showed up I quit. Much easier to write Will Graham's voice.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I really doubt it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I've done a little beta reading.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not really a shipper. If I see enough fan-content of a ship, it wins me over but not passionately. Serizawa/Reigen is an example. But I do feel pretty strongly that Fitz and The Fool have a queer relationship. I'm more in the QPR camp, but really enjoy the romantic fitzloved shippers' works. And sometimes the thought crosses my mind, "Oh Fitz, you fucked that gold man."
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any unless that Hannibal story counts. The recent Malta one took so long I thought I might not finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, I think I can get a pretty good sense of characters and their voices. I'm not sure how clearly that translates to the page, but the clarity exists in my head.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I like including sense details (sight, sound, smell, etc.) but I'm not sure if they enhance things or are more intrusive. Dialogue feels bad, man.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't and probably won't. If the characters understand it, I'd probably write in English and indicate it was said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote an additional chapter to add to the end of One Hundred Years of Solitude for a high school assignment. I think it counts because we had the option to do an analytical essay, but I was so excited about the book that I had to take the creative writing option. Nobody else did I think.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Maybe Weak Willed. I feel like it's fun to read and someone did fanart of it!
tagging: @smalltownfae
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cherrytdatt · 5 years ago
Sadness Ritual pt. 3
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: ~3.6k
Summary: Will Harrison's engagement party solve things between Y/N and Tom?
Warnings: N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
A/N: PART 3 IS HERE!!! after struggling a lot I finally did it. Part of this was inspired by the engagement scene in 'set it up' also know as my favorite rom-com ever so think about that vibe! I hope you guys like it. I really liked.
Playlist: No playlist...I heard so many things...It was a rollercoaster!
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Part 1 | Part 2
Three months ago, at 3 am, Tom stood in your kitchen and said the words you wished for months to hear from him. And yet, you felt your entire chest hurt, and you couldn't look at him. You sent him home, and since then, you didn't see him again. But now, the inevitable was coming. Anna and Harrison's engagement party is in one day. You're the maid of honor, and Tom is the best man. Anna asked you if you would be okay seeing him again and, to be honest, you don't know, but it’s her engagement party. You won't deny the presence of her fianceé's best friend and best man.
"Ready for the party?" Anna asked while you two looked at some dresses in some store.
The party would be something small, just family and friends, in Tom's backyard. You wanted to help, but going to Tom's house, knowing he would be there, wasn't in your plans.
"Yeah! I'm so happy for you. And Harrison. Since your first date, I knew you two would get married," you said with a smile. "I remember I said I would be a shitty maid of honor," you said with a laugh. "And Tom said he would be a great best man," your smile faded a little when you thought about Tom.
"Did you talk to him?" Anna asked, already knowing the answer.
"No," you said simply.
"Harrison said he's feeling better, but still misses you," Anna said with a weak voice.
You cleared your throat. "I miss him too," you said almost in a whisper.
"Why don't you talk to him?" she asked.
"I don't know. Things got pretty bad between us. I'm still sad with him, and I'm sure he is sad with me too," you said, and the sadness in your voice was almost palpable.
"I'm sure he forgave you. And I think you already forgave him. You're just afraid," she said.
"Maybe. Let's see how mad I'll be when I see him tomorrow," you chuckled, but your voice was still sad. "D-do you...hum...do know what happened...to the girl?
"Oh, please! He ended things with her the morning after your fight, and never saw her again," Anna said.
"What you think of these?" you asked, putting a black floral dress in front of you, and changing the subject to hide how happy that information made you.
"Loved," she said animatedly.
"I'll try it," you said, going into the dressing room.
You didn't wanna think about Tom and all the situation now, but the talk with Anna got stuck into your head. 'He still misses you'. Her voice was louder and clearer than when you talked. You decided to buy the black dress for Anna's party. Thank God she chose a very casual party, so you could go with comfortable clothes.
"I see you tomorrow," Anna said goodbye, leaving you in front of your building.
You got into your apartment, still thinking about your talk with her. You missed Tom, more than anything in your life, but every time you thought about those pictures, and the fact that he did all that even though he liked you, you felt a strange and bitter feeling in your stomach. All you wanted was to talk to him and solve things, but you felt so afraid of what he would do and what he was willing to do to make things better. 
You used the rest of your night writing some essays you had to finish this week and watching some comedy on TV.
'Hey. How are you? I just wanna say that I can't wait to see you tomorrow. And I want you to know that I'm cool if you decide not to talk with me. I just want you to be okay 🙂' Tom's message took your attention away from the TV. You stared at the text, not knowing what to say. Of course, you wanted to see him, but talk to him would be the best thing? You really didn't know.
'Hi. I'm great. And you? I'm okay talking to you tomorrow,' you typed, throwing the phone on the other side of the couch like it was a bomb ready to explode. "Fuck!" you said, noticing the smile that appeared in your face.
'I'm good. That's good. I miss talking to you. How crazy it is that our friends are getting married?!@#$' The bleep from your phone made you smile again, and you reached for it, reading his text.
'Crazy as shit! We're not old enough for this,' you ignored the first half of the text on purpose. You missed him, but you weren't ready to let him know that yet.
'I keep saying this to Harrison, but he doesn't listen to me lol. But they love each other very much. Harrison showed me his speech, and I cried like a baby,' he said, and you laughed, remembering how easy it was for him to cry. He had a playlist just for that.
'Well, It's not that hard to make you cry lol. I chose not to hear Anna's speech. I wanted to be a surprise,' you confessed. She told you it would be very emotional, so you decided to enjoy with everyone else at the party.
'I don't cry that easily. I didn't even cry in my last movie,' he said, and you remembered you didn't watch the movie with him because the release happened when you were not talking.
'Congratulations on the movie, btw. I heard it's very good,' you said, confessing you didn't watch it. The real reason for you not to watch you weren't confessing. You didn't wanna hear see him or hear his voice. It was too painful.
'You didn't watch it yet? 😱' he asked, and you could see the shocked and offended look on his face.
'I'm sorry. I didn't have time,' you lied.
'We need to change this! This is unacceptable!' he said, and you wanted to invite him over to solve things once and for all. You wanted to sit in front of the TV, with Tom by your side, like you always did, and watch as many movies as possible.
'I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow at the party,' you cut him off before he could ask anything else, and Tom noticed that. Because in one minute he was smiling at his cellphone, just about to ask you to watch a movie with him, and now he was staring at your last text, questioning everything he could've said or done to make things different.
"Hey, mate. Are you okay?" Harry asked, entering the TV room, and seeing his brother with a weird face, ignoring the TV.
"Yeah. Just...talked to Y/N," he said, pointing at his phone.
"Really? How did it go?" Harry asked, genuinely interested. He saw his brother whining and moping around the house for the last three months. After the pictures got released, Tom freaked out. He had to go to therapy, you stopped coming to their house, and he wasn't that cheerful guy anymore. Now, he was in a good place. Not like before, but he was getting there. And talk to you was the last step to make everything go back to normal.
"It was going back to normal, but then she shut me down. Not aggressively. She just didn't give me the opportunity to make things as normal as before," he said.
"Oh! I'm sorry, man. But that is better than nothing, right?" Harry shrugged. "And you are seeing her tomorrow. Who knows what can happen?" he smiled, and his brother did the same.
To say that this night was hard was an understatement. Tom couldn't sleep. He scrolled through his entire timeline on Instagram, watched a movie, then another one, ate, played video game, and when there was nothing else to do, he decided that 5am was a good time to go to the gym. But not even that helped him relax. He could feel every fiber in his body suffering from anxiety. Tea with his mom after lunch was the only thing that kept his mind calm for a few hours. After that, he went home to get ready for the party. 
There was no set of clothes in his closet that worked. Nothing was good enough. "Hey..." Anna called him from the door. "Want some help?" she offered.
"No. I know you have other things to do. I don't wanna bother you," he said with a smile.
"Not a chance. Everything is settled and I'm ready. Harrison is the one taking forever," she rolled her eyes. "I can help you," she said, getting into his room, and sitting in his bed. "What are your choices?" she asked.
"I don't have any," he scratched his neck, a little embarrassed.
"I think I know what to do," she said, getting up and going through his closet. "It will be simple..." she said, picking up a black pair of jeans and throwing at him. "But very cute..." she picked a black shirt.
"How can a black shirt with a black pair of jeans be cute?" he asked, looking at the clothes she gave him.
"Please..." she rolled her eyes. "You'll look cute," she picked a black cardigan, that he rarely used, and gave it to him. "And will match with the maid of honor, cause she's wearing black too," she finally gave him a white sneaker and a pair of glasses that he liked to use as a fashion statement.
"I'll match the maid of honor?" he asked, biting his bottom lip, trying not to smile.
"Perfectly!" Anna said with a happy smile.
Tom looked at the ground. "I talked to her yesterday," he said, putting the clothes on the bed before Anna could leave.
"And?" Anna said expectantly.
"I was just telling her she didn't need to talk to me today if she didn't want to. But, she said she was okay talking to me," his shrug was trying to sound like he didn't care, but his smile was showing the truth.
"I think you two will work things out," Anna said with a smile, leaning in the doorway.
"I hope so. I miss her so much, it's physically painful sometimes," he confessed with a sad voice.
"I know. I'm rooting for you," Anna said, going to him, and giving him a hug.
"Thanks," he said, and she smiled, leaving him alone.
Soon, the house was getting crowded. The backyard was decorated with fairy lights and wooden furniture. The waiters and waitresses walked around the house, serving beer and pizza.
Tom tried to distract himself, talking to as many people as he could. His mom, dad, and brothers were there since they were practically Harrison's family. His mom was feeling his son's anxiety.
"Are you okay?" she whispered to him.
"Great," he said, but his voice sounded anxious. He kept moving his weight from one foot to another. "She'll be here soon," he said.
"I know. And you'll let her be. Otherwise, you'll scare her," she said.
"Yeah...sure," he agreed. He glanced at the door as he did at least fifty times in the last hour, and for his surprise, this time you were there, taking off your jacket, revealing the black floral dress Anna said you would wear. And you two were matching. Tom's smile grew wilder unconsciously. You talked to some guests that were inside the house and then went outside, joining Anna and Harrison. You looked like an angel. Tom couldn't believe he survived all this time away from you. You looked at him for a second, and he saw Anna whispering something to you. You smiled, widely, and Tom felt like he had won the night.
You walked toward him, going to talk to his family. You didn't see Nikki for so long. You missed drinking tea with her, talking about your life, asking for advice.
"Hey, Ms. Holland," you greeted her.
"Hi, sweetie. Long time, no see,' she said, hugging you.
"Yeah. I was...busy," you said, looking at Tom for a split second and then to her again.
"I imagined. How is everything going? College. Work. Life?" she asked.
"Pretty much the same. I meant to call you a few times in the last months, but I didn't wanna bother you," you said sincerely. You really thought about calling and talking to her.
"Don't be silly. I would've loved talking to you," she said with a kind smile. "Let's have lunch this week. What do you think?"
"I would like that very much," you said, relieved that she didn't hate you after all the drama.
"Dom, look who is here," she said, calling her husband's attention. He said goodbye to the person he was talking to, engaging in conversation with you two. Sometimes your eyes met Tom's, and he noticed a sparkle in them every time you did. He didn't say anything while you were talking to his parents. He didn't want to upset you. "If you excuse us, darling, we're gonna talk to some friends," Nikki said, caressing your arm.
"Sure, go ahead," you said with a smile. They left, and it was just you and Tom.
"Hi," he said softly, trying to contain his excitement.
"Hey," you said, scratching the label of the bottle you were holding, anxiously.
"You look really good," he said, drinking a sip of his beer after.
"Thanks. You too," you were avoiding his eyes.
"Anna helped me choose this," he pointed to his clothes.
"It looks good," you smiled, finally looking in his eyes.
Tom couldn't hold it anymore. His mind wanted to keep it cool, but his mouth was faster. "I miss you. Everyday," he said. You looked at him, and all your worries were dead. All you could think was how much you missed him and how much you wanted him back in your life.
"I..." you started.
"Okay, everyone...it's toast time," Anna said clinking her glass with a fork. You and Tom looked at each other. Tom was afraid he had ruined his only chance. You were sad cause you couldn't tell him you missed him too.
"I'll go first," Harrison said, and some people cheered. "So...Anna. What can I talk about Anna?" he joked. "I'm kidding. I'll just say that the first time Y/N brought you around," he looked at you, raising his bottle, and you smiled. "That day, I knew I would marry you. I didn't say anything cause we were all friends, and I didn't want to scare you. But then, we were watching England's game at the 2018 World Cup, and when we lost, you cried. At that moment, I knew I had do something to make you mine, cause we were made for each other. Two months later I asked you out, and we started dating. Now I'm happy to say that we're gonna cry over the English team together, forever," he said the last part, looking at her. Everyone around cheered and applauded them and Anna gave him a quick kiss.
"Okay, now it's my turn," Anna said, taking a step forward. She was a showoff. "Are you ready to cry?" she asked, looking at him, and he smiled, nodding. I thought I would never find someone that I loved enough to ignore their flaws and accept spending my life with them. Unlike from you, when we first met, I thought great eyes, great body," she laughed, looking at him. "We could be friends. I mean, Tom and Y/N were always together. It wasn't like we could ignore each other," she said, and you and Tom looked at each other. A bit of sadness in your eyes, thinking about how that part wasn't true anymore. "But then, I got to meet you better, I started to see your flaws, and yet, dislike you wasn't an option even if I tried. My grandma always said 'we like because...we love despite...' I like you because you're nice to me, you are my best friend and you always search for me in a room when someone tells something funny, just to see my reaction. And I love you despite you being the last one to get ready, your gym schedule, and all the times you yell 'Wonderwall' in my ear, even though you know I hate this song," she finished. Her eyes were glistening with tears, just like everybody else. It took a few seconds for people to start cheering and clapping them. Harrison hugged her, with a wide and bright smile.
"Great speech," you said, going to her and Harrison, and hugging them. Tom following right behind you.
"I almost cried again," Tom said, hugging Harrison.
"Almost?" Anna asked, her thumbs brushing the corner of his eyes, cleaning a tear that threatened to fall.
"It was a really good speech," he defended himself.
"Thanks," she smiled. "We're gonna talk to...some people. We see you guys later?" she said holding your hand, and you and Tom nodded.
"We're gonna eat something," he said, resting his hand on your lower back, and they left. "Can we talk?" he asked, once Harrison and Anna left.
 "Yeah, sure!" you said, and he noticed the anxiety in your voice. At least he wasn't the only one that was afraid.
He walked to his room, opening the door so you could go in first. You walked to the window, looking at the party that was happening downstairs.
"It looks really good from here," you said. "They are so happy," you smiled, watching Harrison and Anna dance together.
"I'm happy to see you," he said, cutting you off. "I've missed you. Everyone did," his hands were in his pockets, and he was trying to stay calm even though his heart was loud in his ear.
"I missed everyone too. It was good to see your mom," you said, fidgeting with the fabric of your dress. The room went silent. Tom didn't wanna push you, but he wanted to be with you and talk like before. Maybe he didn't think this through. The only noise was the music from the party. "I'm sorry," you said, taking a step forward, and Tom looked at you, waiting. You were nervous. "I'm sorry for pushing you away the way I did," your voice was heavy. "We were both sad and broken-hearted, and I was selfish. I only thought about the pain I was feeling. I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings," you said, and Tom felt his heart beating faster. He never thought about that night this way. He always thought about how much pain he caused you and how guilty he was feeling.
"I should've talked to you. I was so focused on the reasons why we couldn't be together," Tom said, taking a step in your direction. "I never thought about the reasons why we could," he confessed. These last three months he thought a lot about what he did wrong, and not talking to you sooner, giving you the chance to decide if you two could work, was his biggest mistake. "I was a coward. With you, with me, with that girl," his voice was trembling. "And I regret every day for what I did," he finished. You were looking at him, and your expression was unreadable. Even for him, that knew you for half of his life.
"I love you, and I," you started, but then you stopped. Your eyes blinking heavily. "I love you," you repeated after a few seconds, touching your lips with your fingers, looking away from him. It was like you could touch every word. "I...I love you!" you said like you just realized that. You had told him that before, but you were so hurt that you never let yourself feel that completely. Now, standing here, with nothing in your way, that was all you could feel. "I love you..." you smiled, looking at Tom that still had a lost look in his face. "I love you!" you said one last time like you were declaring your feelings for him.
Without giving you a chance to say it again, Tom walked the two steps that were keeping you apart, holding your face in his hands, and kissing you. It was urgent and frantic at first, but then you felt your heart slowing down and it was like the entire world was in slow motion. Your hand went to his waist, holding his sweater, while his fingers tangled in your hair, one of his hands holding your neck, deepening, even more, the kiss.
"I love you too," he whispered against your lips, breaking the kiss. He smiled, looking into your eyes. "And I really think we should go on a date."
1 year and 7 months later...
"Lunch is ready," Sam called from the kitchen, and soon footsteps and a door closing were heard upstairs.
"Y/N! You're cheating!" Tom yelled.
"Stop whining. I just closed the door!" you yelled back, running down the stair.
"Racing again?" Sam asked, seeing you enter the kitchen breathless.
"He said he would clean the room if I won," you shrugged. You yelped, feeling Tom lifting you up by the waist. "NO! PUT ME DOWN!" you yelled. 
"You cheated!" he said, carrying you to the backyard and locking you out. He pointed and laughed at you through the glass door.
"I can't believe you are doing this. Let me in. I'm hungry!" you said, crossing your arms on your chest.
"If you wanna get in you'll have to do three things first," he said.
"They are being idiots again?" Harry asked entering the kitchen and seeing you two.
"What's going on?" Harrison asked, and Harry pointed to the glass door.
"Idiots," Anna said sitting on a chair around the dinner table.
"What three things?" you asked.
"First, you'll apologize for cheating," he said and you rolled your eyes. "Second, you'll help me clean the room. And third," he put his hand on his pocket, taking out a black velvet box. He opened the box, revealing a ring, and your eyes grew wider, noticing what was happening. "Marry me?" he said, and you covered your mouth in shock, just like everyone else behind him.
"Yes!" you said, feeling your eyes burning. "Yesyesyes!" you repeated, nodding frantically, while he opened the door, pulling you into a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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inomana · 8 years ago
Okay listen up losers I'm about to prove a fucking point.
So my presentation will be about proving season 3 Shiro is a clone and why DreamWorks made it too easy. I rewatched a crapton on episodes to make this, I need to sleep. 
If you guys didn’t notice the first thing Clone Shiro, umm wait imma call him Kuro Kuro looks at is his hand and a Galra symbol.
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And that in and of itself is a big clue because there’s already a lot of meaning behind that since season 2. In which, Hunk and that team discussed how the arm can be used against them.
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Memory is key! How could Galra have Shiro’s memories? The arm! Like Hunk said, if it could create memories than it’s pretty safe to say it can record them too.
Linking that with the shot of the Galra emblem is a huge deal in symbolism. Trust me I’m an English major, I deal with this shit all the time.
(I’m writing this on my laptop and phone at the same time, godspeed)
Speaking of symbolism, Ulaz made an appearance when Kuro was dazed
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(Is that even Ulaz? I can’t tell I’m bad with faces)
This does two things. Reaffirm Kuro’s undying trust with his arm, and make a connection with Galra as a comrade. Lemme explain;
During Shiro’s ‘I can suddenly remember shit’ scene in season 2? He die-hard believes the memories are his and not a [insert dream here] from Galra, by showing him Ulaz they are trying to recreate that same feeling.
By showing him a Galra (regardless of being evil or not) you’re connecting the dots with trust.
That could be a good reason why the Galra decided to give Shiro a weaponized arm in the first place. Why would they power him up for shits and giggles? Haggard herself even said this:
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(Bitch, no thanks.) They wouldn’t have given him a cool fighting arm just so he could be cooler in the arena. That’s fucking idiotic to arm a prisoner. (sorry)
This wouldn’t even be the first time Haggard had some evil version of Shiro
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Remember this scene from season 1? Cuz I sure fucking do.
Speaking of that arm, why would they take it in the first place? Listen, it’s already pretty fishy they gave him a super arm but why would they take it at all? Dare I say, D N A ?
This leads me back to this scene here:
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Why would Kuro hurt himself? A French term can explain this, ‘L’appel du vide’ translation: The call of the void. Basically, your brain is telling you to self-destruct in order to take control of a situation.  Now we already discussed how the Galra controls his brain sort of so that’s that.
Now I know what you’re saying: Oh! But that’s so he could close the wound!!
Listen, man, I did training with an Army doctor on quick fixes for medical emergencies. Now I’m not saying I’m an expert cuz I’m not, but if Kuro did that do it to heal himself up it wasn’t done correctly. Or at least done accurately…. Especially with an unknown power. This might be wrong, it was a brief training,  so don’t take this part too seriously.
Adding to this point:
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If you’ve ever seen anyone wake up from a long coma, and I mean  l o n g  coma, they don’t have full feeling in their muscles and tend to fall because they do not have full control of their limbs. I’m assuming by the hair this hasn’t been up and about for enough time to get that effect.
Speaking of hair, yes guys, Kuro’s hair is WAY too long to be Shiro.
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(Lmao, Shiro/Kuro w/ long hair; hit or miss??)
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Kuro’s hair shows that he hasn’t cut it in at least 1 ½ years. There might not be much context of how long he was missing but I’m sure as hell it’s couldn’t be more than a few months since Keith was searching through the Glara rubble.
<Man, all these analytical essays are finally paying off>
This scene here:
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Is a big clue. For real why would the Black Lion do that? Send him into more danger? That’s not right.
Well, guess what, she didn’t.
Remeber this gem? I sure fucking do.
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She sent him with someone he trusts, Matt. This really makes sense cuz mATT JUST HASN’T SHOWED UP BUT IS OBVIOUSLY REALLY IMPORTANT *cough* sorry, I don’t know what came over me….
Not only does Shiro trust him but so does Pidge, and I know those two never really had a connection but they kinda all share a state of thought while forming Voltron…
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So the Black Lion theoretically has seen Pidge’s thoughts and stuff. Theoretically Black has two reasons why to trust Matt.
The Black Lion has so many reasons to send Shiro to Matt and not some Galra base.
This can also help understand why the Black Lion didn’t trust Kuro.
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From what I’ve seen (or remember seeing at 4 AM, I haven’t slept in 45ish hours guys, help) all of you guys think that Black knows that’s not Shiro from the Connection they have but that might not be it!
Kuro thinks he’s Shiro, he has the same memories, the same body, the same scar on the face! So the Connection can still be there, what he doesn’t have is Matt with him.
Which wouldn’t make sense because Black sent him there, so it’s ridiculous cuz “hey I sent you to be with your buddy? Why didn’t you bring him along to see his sister who has been searching for him like crazy???”
That could be why the Black Lion found Kuro and trusted that was the OG but then changed its mind and was like ‘no thanks’ when she saw Matt wasnt with him.
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I mean look how….happy?? She looks when they find him!
Why would that change after the fact? The Connection had to be there in order to sense him in the first place. It just makes sense.
Also look at the symbolism here again:
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Kuro is in a Galra ship, it’s so subtle you might not even catch it (unless you’re used to over analyzing everything in order to fit 3 more pages into a term paper like me)
Instead of animating Kuro getting physically off the fighter they show them apart, separated from Black. They show him in enemy weaponry.  
As an enemy kinda…
(I’m getting too into this…)
This is Kuro while he’s being cloned
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This is Kuro after he’s ‘escaping’
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Sounds like the plan was a success, but all that happened was Kuro getting away? I don’t know about you but prisoners stay locked up, unless they aren’t.
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They even say Kuro’s is approved for Operation Kuron!
Also from that scene:
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Kuro was given that codename ‘Subject Y0XT39′
But Shiro already had a codename, and it wasnt that.
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Its ‘Prisoner 117-9875′
Subject and Prisoner are two different things and two different codes.
Kuron is already a huge fucking clue. I donno know if you seen this yet but,
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Shiro’s name is literally White and the opposite is Black or Kuro which sounds a lot like Kuron
If you think that’s just a coincidence then try this:
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Just try telling me this isn’t legit?
To add just a bit more, Kuro and Keith clashed a lot while both trying to lead Voltron.
He also made it so Keith looked like a weak leader, which he was not once he got more use to the role.
Appearance wise, Kuro is different from Shiro in a low key way. First off both haircuts he has where different from Shiro’s. They’re all horrible but that’s a different story.
His cloths is different too, it shows more skin. The sleeve shows his arm and he took off his glove. Symbolically this means he trying to be more open, more free, more approachable.
This would make it easier to give the wrong feeling of trust to the team, which is the plan Kuro was given
*searching through my notes* okay did I miss anything…? Ah Yes!!
When Shiro first meets those two freedom fighters the transmission radio picks of two things; something less important about Lotor and Voltron.
Which one was ignored and which one was heard?
Yes guys, Kuro didn’t even pay attention to Lotor cuz that’s not what he was told to do. He was told to find out about Voltron which, he did.
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Also with those freedom fighters, we learn this:
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It wouldn’t have been easy to escape injured and tired. When he escaped the first time it was with the help of Ulaz. They didn’t even try keeping him there, he wasn’t restrained and didn’t have any guards. The only thing trying to stop him were those androids they know Kuro/Shiro could easily defeat.
And last thing.
And I think this is the most important thing.
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He didn’t finish that sentence.
He didn’t say he wasn’t a traitor.
He didn’t have too.
This concludes my presentation on ‘Proving That’s not Shiro but Kuro the Clone’
Thank you for your time.
For my next presentation, I will talk about why we should save Kuro and love him indefinitely
Help Me Out?
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