#pretentious bastard virgin and rabid agent of chaos
witchofthesouls · 3 months
I am haunted by Miko/Tarn.
I have a very specific AU for this pairing. A combination between that soulmate ask and this Other ask where the kids are dealing with post everything, including their heritage.
The Primal Artifact is Quintus' Emberstone that cyberformed the young adult trio into full-framed Cybertronians.
Each of them eerie in their own way...
Jack is definitely something bird-related. Dark frame and dark wings, glossy raven-black, a face as pale as a moon, and blue optics with a grey cast. Has an armored coat.
Raf has his draconian heritage on display. Bulky and overlapping segments of plating. He's sharp. Angles and spikes on his broad frame. More reptilian features.
Miko is a War-Forged Seeker. She's not a small nor sleek femme. Way too much teeth with optics that remind her of her yōkai ancestress.
Because Miko's bloodlust and frenzied states grew exponentially with her new form that actually began to turn her into a liability on the field. Ratchet can't keep up with her brute force and savage style, so-
Here comes June Darby, who makes a deal with Soundwave inside the Shadowzone.
Who better to help a War-Forged Seeker who was once a human with seablood than the very mech that tied with the Champion of Kaon.
The Nakadai family still have cultural practices and beliefs that stem from the sea. Unlike the red string of fate, they have something that's considered far more intimate.
Soulsong or Dreamsong. A harmony from another that is compatible with your very essence.
Miko has one. She dreamt of it. Over and over. It was one of the first things she learned how to play on piano.
The Empyrean Suite.
Of course, the Decepticon Justice Division makes it way to Earth. Not only is it the last stand of High Command, but Tarn can actually get a proper location of his fated bondmate. What was once a whisper to muffled broken note is now a blazing presence.
The vibe I'm going for is that Meg Boggs meme:
Miko: "I don't want to be strong like man who look ✨️ pretty ✨️. I want to be strong like bitch that fights bears in the forest!"
Tarn: "She's thinks I'm pretty."
Miko's increasingly worrisome measures to put Tarn off, including playing more into her more ghastly yōkai traits, but it just endears him even more because he's an obsessive freak.
Tarn: "She's beauty. She's grace. She will rearrange a face."
(Everyone else watching Miko rip apart a carcass with her jaw strength and many serrated teeth, trying to be as gross and gorey as possible.)
Jack and Raf: What a fucking simp!
Soundwave's and Ratchet's attempts to stay busy and disappearing acts because Miko wants to shake them down on what's sexy versus hideous to their species.
Ratchet is a Medical-caste (middle-to-upper) Autobot has no idea how to help her, an ex-human turned morbid Seeker femme. Not with the backward 'con culture of territoriality and savagery, but he doesn't want to be the one who breaks it to Miko that fated bondmates and Resonants are a huge cultural phenomena across Cybertron.
Soundwave has been a major pillar of the Decepticon movement and complied Tarn's dossier, including his neuroses... Soundwave doesn't need telepathy to know it's a lost cause because Tarn gets interested, he becomes obsessed.
Running joke that Tarn finally got pegged, and it's by a wild animal. A magic, demon fish. Not Megatron.
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