#press f if you need a melting stove anon
sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
It's -27c over here 💀
Anon I deeply sympathize and hope you are not completely frozen solid.
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thatwriteroverthere · 4 years
hi! i wanted to submit a request for a Derek Hale x fem!reader where maybe he had a rough/long day and he goes over to the readers house and is soft and cuddly and they have a cute night in. btw i appreciate your writing so much 💜
Anon you are an angel! I’m so sorry this took so long, I have a busy life, but I hope it doesn’t disappoint! 
Opening the front door to your apartment, you threw your backpack down on the ground and immediately crashed onto your couch, yawning. You knew that if you slept now you would feel wide awake all throughout the night, so you turned on the TV to keep yourself alert. Just as your limbs started to turn to lead, all drowsiness was knocked out of you by a soft rap at the door.
Sitting up, you furrowed your brow. Had you really heard that? Was it just your tiredness playing tricks on you? But it came again, slightly more insistent this time.
You made your way hastily to the door, stumbling slightly, curious as to who it was. Scott and Stiles always called beforehand and please, oh, please don’t let it be another volunteer. The surprise you felt at opening the door and seeing Derek Hale standing there was immediately overwhelmed by concern when you noticed scratches on his face and a profound weariness in his eyes.
“Did I wake you?”
You barely heard the question. It was like he didn’t have enough energy to speak louder than a whisper.
You shook your head. He could probably tell that you were lying based on your bedraggled appearance, but he didn’t argue when you opened the door wider and stepped aside to let him in.
He ambled immediately to the couch and sat tenderly on its edge. He stayed as still as a statue, looking down at the floor. Approaching him cautiously, you wanted to ask what had happened, if he was hurt, but honestly, the look on his face spoke for him, so you didn’t bother. Not like he would have talked about it, anyway.
You knew this wasn’t the first time Derek Hale had had a rough day, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. And you knew that right now, if he needed one thing, it certainly wasn’t an onslaught of questions or a scolding for putting himself in danger, he just needed someone to be there for him. However, you suddenly became overwhelmingly aware of the silence in the room.
“You all ri–”
“No talking,” he cut in.
You sat beside him twiddling your thumbs, wanting desperately to offer him any form of comfort. But the thought was not lost on you that this was Derek Hale, who was by no means an expert in affection or emotion. Nonetheless, looking sideways at him, you decided he needed it and leant your head on his shoulder. For the first time in Derek’s life, he didn’t grumble, complain or protest.
Shit, you thought. He must be more worn out than I expected.
He tilted his head so that it lay on top of yours. You took this as a good sign, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders; they were rigid. He was on edge and on high alert, but eventually his body relaxed and he folded himself into you, finally exhaling in relief. Still wrapped in his arms, you allowed yourself to fall back onto the cushions.
You felt Derek’s slender fingers scrunch up the back of your shirt, and when you looked at him his eyes were squeezed shut, like he was in pain. You started to stroke his hair, and still, he did not protest. This made you all the more anxious to ask him what had happened. You thought suddenly of Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia, if anything had happened to them.
You bit your lip. He was clearly distressed, and you didn’t want to make it worse by pressing him for information. You kept telling yourself that if anything had happened to them he would have told you. Or one of the others would have called. He wouldn’t keep something this important from you. One of the others would have called... Yes... someone would have told you. Definitely.
The anxiety over your friends caused your heart to change rhythm, beating faster and faster. Derek must have sensed this, because he looked up and wrapped his arms tighter around you, snuggling his head into your shoulder. Despite yourself, you were comforted by this, and allowed yourself to relax for a moment. When he was ready to talk, he would.
Derek was uninterested in anything that was on TV, so he settled for watching you cook dinner instead. Facing the stove, your back turned to where Derek sat, you listened to his soft breathing as you stirred vegetables around in a pan.
“They killed a beta,” his voice emerged suddenly, taking you by surprise.
You stopped stirring, the news slowly sinking in. You knew he and Scott had been training betas for battle with some new monsters they had been facing. They had both grown close to some of them.
“They killed him right in front of me and I couldn’t stop it.”
Finally turning to look at him, you saw the helplessness in his eyes.
So this was worse than most days.  
“If you’d tried, they would’ve killed you, too.”
“Maybe that’s what they should’ve done,” he replied, his jaw clenching.
“Don’t say that. Scott needs you.”
“Scott can look after himself,” he nearly whispered.
You hated when he thought he wasn’t useful, that he wasn’t loved. It couldn’t have been further from the truth, yet it was so difficult to convince him otherwise.
“Hey,” you tried to be as sympathetic as you could without sounding patronising. “It wasn’t your fault.”
But you could tell he wasn’t convinced. You looked at him, wishing that you knew how to help. You didn’t really even notice that you were gazing so intently at him until you heard a hiss of sizzling coming from the pan. Looking towards it, you saw a thin line of smoke drifting up from your vegetables.
Derek finally looked up, eyes widening. You flailed for the knobs on the stove and cut the flames.
“Ugh!” you frowned at the charred remnants of what was supposed to be your meal.
“What is that?” Derek leaned over in his seat to get a better look at the contents of the pan. “Or... was that?”
Aaaand there it was, the charming Derek Hale personality that everybody knew and loved.
“It’s supposed to be a stir fry,” you managed through gritted teeth.
“It smells funny.”
You snickered.
“Thank you.”
He wrinkled his nose.
“I’m not kidding.”
You tipped the blackened mass into the trash, rolling your eyes.
“I work in a jewellery shop, okay? I can’t exactly afford gourmet!”
Derek went silent, a guilty look flashing across his face.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay. I was joking.”
Derek ran a hand over his face, looking even more exhausted than when he had first arrived.
You dumped the pan in the sink, sighing.
“Look, there’s a take out place across the road.” You reached for the phone. “It’s not the cleanest, but you’d probably trust it more than my cooking.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you. I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t.”
“Well, to be honest I didn’t really feel like cooking anyway. You’d actually be doing me a favour if you agreed.”
Derek didn’t smile, just looked at you.
“Um... why did you come here?”
The question had occurred to you as suddenly as if lightning had struck you. It would have been safer at Scott’s place, not to mention it would have taken Derek twice as long to get here.
“Because I wanted to,” was all he said.
There was a pause as you waited for him to continue, but then you realised he was done.
“I see.”
But you didn’t see. That didn’t clear up anything at all. Still, he looked exhausted and so you didn’t argue, instead, you dialed the number of the take out place and waited.
When your pizza had arrived, you sat yourself back on the couch, pretending to be engrossed in the TV. Derek was ignoring the TV and the food, as well as you. Glancing sideways at him every now and again, you decided to risk a conversation.
“You should eat.”
“I can’t.”
You put your slice of pizza down and put a hand on his shoulder.
“No one would want you to do this to yourself. Those betas are counting on you to train them. They won’t make it out alive without you.”
Derek reached up a hand to cover yours. Only then did he look you in the eye.
“You can’t bring anyone back now, so the least you can do is get your strength back up so you can hunt those bastards down and make sure your beta didn’t die in vain.”
“You’re right,” he said, reluctantly taking a bite of pizza, grimacing slightly at the taste.
In the short silence that followed, you noticed how Derek’s back seemed less tense, his eyes less weary.
“I’m sorry I burst in on your evening, but the truth is...” he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before opening them again, trying his best not to look at you. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
You tried to swallow the slight disappointment that crept up your throat.
“I can’t face Scott after what I let happen,” he said. “He’ll hate me for it.”
“Hey, it’s Scott, remember? He’ll understand.”
Derek looked torn, like he wanted to believe it, but couldn’t quite bring himself to.
You thought about Scott. He probably would find out what had happened by tomorrow.
You grabbed your phone from your pocket and started typing.
“What are you doing?”
“Calling in sick to work tomorrow.”
“Less questions, Derek Hale. More snuggling.”
You wrapped him in a hug, causing him to emit a small exhale of breath, but still there was no protesting. Running a hand along his back, he winced softly.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. It’s already almost healed.”
“Are you sure?”
“Less questions, (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). More snuggling.”
You smiled as he once again melted into you, wrapping you tightly around his body.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Feel Better
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by Anon: Yo - so I have THE headache right now. And, I was wondering if I could get a fic of my Juicey boi looking after my stubborn ass, because this is hurting and I is a sad. I'm also freezing. I'm the girl that tells people to look after themselves, but stubborn as all eff to do the same myself.
Warnings: none! just Juice being a cutie
Word Count: 989
A/N: Juice is the softest boy and will 110% do whatever he can do to take care of you when you’re not feeling well.
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @mayans-sauce​ @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @xladymacbethx​ @kkim120​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be tagged in the future just let me know! xo)
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You grumbled quietly to yourself as you opened the door to the medicine cabinet. Your head had been killing you all day at work, but you refused to leave. There was too much to get done and knowing the work would just be sitting there piling up while you were at home would only stress you out more. So you sucked it up and toughed it out for the rest of the day.
You told yourself that when you got home you were going to relax, but once you were there all you could do was think about everything around the house that needed to be done. You still had laundry that had to be folded, and dishes that had to be washed. Not to mention you had to figure out a plan for dinner.
So that was how you ended up rooting through your medicine cabinet, looking for whatever aspirin you might have left. You were unscrewing the cap when you heard the sound of Juice’s motorcycle as he pulled into your driveway, the sound of it feeling like a jackhammer against your brain.
You shut your eyes tight for a moment, waiting for the noise to stop. Once it did you took the bottle of aspirin back to the kitchen with you so you could wash it down with some water. Juice walked in as you were dumping a few of the pills into your hand. He toed his shoes off at the door, making his way over to you. He leaned on the counter next to you and a worried expression came over his face.
“Rough day?”
You shrugged, “Bad headache.”
“Go lay down and get some rest, then,” his tone was gentle as he reached out and rested his hand on your arm.
You shook your head before tossing the aspirin into your mouth, washing it down with a sip of water, “I’ll be fine.”
He noticed the way you’d shut your eyes fists clenching when the pain would intensify for a moment. He reached forward and wrapped you in a gentle hug, “You been feeling this way all day?”
You nodded into his chest, “Yea.”
“Come lay down with me. Take a nap—it might make you feel better.”
“There’s too much to do.”
He chuckled, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head, “The dishes can wait.”
“What about dinner?”
He started to carefully nudge you towards the bedroom, keeping his arms wrapped around you so that the two of you walked together as a cohesive unit. You had to admit that it gave you a much-needed laugh when your day so far had been so stressful.
Juice went to the closet and pulled one of his hoodies out, draping it over his shoulder before walking back over to you. You still didn’t want to rest, but you knew that he wasn’t going to let you win this one. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before starting to peel off all the layers of your clothes. You laughed as he kissed all over your neck and shoulders before taking the sweatshirt that was draped over his shoulder and pulling it down over your head.
He swept you up off the floor and laid you down on the bed before walking around and crawling in on the other side, scooting over so that he could pull you against his chest. You could feel his heartbeat against your cheek as he ran his hand up and down your back.
“Juan,” you protested quietly as you melted into his chest, “I gotta—”
“The only thing you gotta do,” you could feel his lips curling into a smile as he pressed them against your temple, “is get some rest.”
You wanted to argue further, but the way that he tucked the blanket tightly around the two of you encapsuled you in your own personal heat bubble, and you didn’t really want to give it up. You could feel the throbbing in your head starting to lessen as you focused on the rhythm of his breathing and the feeling of his fingers gliding across your skin.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but when you woke up you were by yourself in bed. You sat up, letting yourself stretch. Your headache was almost completely gone, just a mild sensation of pain lingered but nothing like it had been when you got home. You swung your feet off the bed and stood up, making your way out of the room in nothing but Juice’s hoodie and a pair of shorts.
He was completely focused on the stove, not even having heard you walking down the hall. You bit back a laugh as you took in the intense look on his face, eyebrows furrowed as he kept a close eye on dinner. You realized that while you were asleep he also took the time to do dishes.
Turning around, you looked to the living room and saw all the laundry neatly folded and sorted into separate piles. A quiet laugh slipped past your lips as you shook your head, and that was what finally altered Juice to your presence.
“You’re up,” he smiled at you.
“I see you’ve been hard at work.”
He shrugged, a childish smirk on his face, “Didn’t want you worrying about all of this.”
You walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your cheek against his back, “That’s very sweet of you, Juan. Thank you.”
“Feel any better after your nap?”
You nodded, although you didn’t want to admit that he was right, “Yea, a little bit,” you kissed his shoulder blade, “Thank you for taking care of me.”
He nodded as he rested his hands on top of yours, “Of course. We take care of each other—that’s the deal.”
You smiled, “I love you.”
He gave your hands a light squeeze, “I love you too.”
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