#derek hale x fem!reader
s0urw00lf · 1 year
Protectors: heart monitor
I have trouble deciding if i want to write in first person or third. SOS send help!!!… jk.
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Y/n woke up from the continuous sound of her phone dinging. She groaned and picked up her phone squinting at the brightness, she checked the time, it read 11:42. She sighed, realizing that all of the messages were from Scott, claiming to have had a run in with the alpha. Y/n sat up immediately, now fully awake. She didn’t even respond, she just jumped out of bed and hurriedly put on a jacket and shoes before rushing out of the house, seeing the bright headlights of Derek’s car pulling up in front of her. He must have seen the worried look on her face that she failed to hide, because he got out the car mirroring her expression.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
Y/n looked him in the eye with a serious expression “Scott had a run in with the alpha” She said.
Derek rolled his eyes and got back into his car, waiting for y/n to get in before speeding off to Scott’s.
Upon arriving to his house the couple climbed up the side of his house and into his window with little to no effort. Y/n shook her head at the fact that he left his window not only unlocked but open. The room was completely dark hinting that Scott wasn’t home. Derek sat on a chair in the corner of the room completely out of sight of the light from the moon, he dragged y/n along with him and sat her on his lap.
“What are you trying to do, scare the boy?” She asked teasing looking back at him.
Derek smirked at her “maybe just a little bit” he replied causing y/n to let out a breathy laugh, careful to keep quiet.
Just then they heard the front door open and close and a pair of feet running up towards Scotts room, it was obviously Scott from the nervousness he carried from the recent scare. He rushed into the room quickly closing and locking the window, letting the blinds down looking out of them making sure it was safe to turn a light on before he switched on a lamp and immediately jumped, gasping as he saw y/n and Derek sitting in the corner.
“You seriously need to stop doing that.” He said.
Derek not caring, got right to business “so what happened? Did he talk to you?” He asked.
“Yeah we had a nice conversation about the weather” Scott replied sarcastically.
“Hey drop the sass, were here to help you. Remember?” Y/n retorted sending him a warning look.
“No he didn’t talk!” Scott replied irritably.
“Well did you get anything off of him? An impression?” Derek asked.
“What do you mean” Scott questioned shaking his head.
Y/n stood up “you have to remember, your other senses are heightened” she said, now standing in front of him.
Derek stood behind her “communication doesn’t have to be spoken, what kind of feeling did you get from him?” Derek asked, feeding off of y/ns comment.
Scott stood in thought for a second before replying “anger”.
“Focused on you” y/n asked.
Again Scott thought for a second “no not - not me” he answered. “But it was definitely anger, i could feel it. Especially when he drew the spiral.” Scott confirmed.
Both Y/ns and Derek’s brows knitted “wait the what? What did you just say” Derek asked.
“He drew the spiral on the window of my car, in the condensation you know?” Scott said.
Y/n let out a breath, anxiety filling her at the information. “What? You guys have this look like you know what it means.” He asked.
Y/n shook her head walking towards the bedroom door.
“No, its- its nothing” Derek replied, following close behind his girlfriend.
Scott grabbed Derek’s arm pulling him back a bit “no-no-no wait a second. You can’t do that. You can’t ask me to trust you guys, and then just keep things between yourselves” Scott commanded.
Y/n sighed “it doesn’t mean anything, trust me” she said, undoing the chain lock Scott has on his door.
“You buried your sister under a spiral” Scott commented.
“What does it mean” he asked Derek directly. Y/n rolled her eyes, irritated with the boy because he kept pushing the topic. Derek sighed as y/n opened the door “you don’t wanna know” he answered before follows the woman out.
The drive back home was silent, both thinking of what the alpha could know about or want with the hale pack. The couple got home and went straight to bed, as it was now about 1 am. Derek kissed y/ns forehead whispering a goodnight to her and she did the same to him. Y/n wrapped her arms around Derek’s torso and derek put one arm under her head and the other resting on her waist.
The next day at school y/n walked passed scott, who failed to notice her as he continuously muttered ‘stay away from Allison’. Y/n raised her eyebrows but decided not to even question the boy and instead opted on heading straight to class. She walked int the classroom immediately spotting stiles who wore an expression of anger mixed with sadness. Y/ns face dropped, and she quickly made her way over to the boy, who she basically considered a brother at this point.
She sat down at a dest to the left of him and got her things settled before asking “what’s wrong?”, worry clouding her features.
He opened his mouth to begin to speak when Scott walked in and he immediately closed it. Y/n frowned even more in confusion as Scott came and sat down behind stiles. Y/n turned towards Scott who was focused on stiles.
“still not talking to me?” Scott asked.
Y/n looked to stiles who showed even more anger. “Can you at least tell me if your dads okay?” Scott asked.
At this y/n’s worry peaked even more. “Wai- wait what do you mean is he okay? What the hell happened?” She demanded, looking at both stiles and Scott for an answer.
Stiles took out a piece of paper and a pen and began writing something, when he was finished he passed the paper to y/n and continued to sit in silence.
She looked at the not and it read “yesterday Scott decided to take a day of from werewolf duties by turning off his phone, not answering any of my calls, resulting in my dad getting hit by a car chasing a mountain lion”. Y/n looked up, overcome with guilt for not being there “what! Is he okay?” she asked.
Scott spoke up from behind them “i mean its just a bruise right? Soft tissue damage? Nothing that big…” Scott commented. If looks could kill Scott would be six feet under from the death stare y/n shot his way, along with a slap to the back of the head. Stiles still didn’t answer, and Scott sighed “you know i feel really bad about it right?” Scott asked. “Yeah me too, i should have been there.” Y/n said putting a hand on his shoulder. Stiles grabbed her hand, squeezing it to show her that she wasn’t mad at her, but it didn’t ease the guilt much. “What if i told you that I’m trying to figure this whole thing out, and… that i went to Derek for help.” Scott said. Y/n smirked slightly knowing it’d get stiles to talk. He sighed “if i was talking to you id say your an idiot for trusting him, but obviously I’m not talking to you. No offense y/n” he said. Y/n bitchfaced him but didn’t say anything. The bell rung, signaling for class to start, the small silence allowed stiles to give it a second thought and y/n seen the consideration all over his face. Stiles caved and turned around to Scott “what did he say?”. A smile broke out on both Scott and y/ns faces.
“He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?” Stiles asked as the trio walked out of the classroom. Scott replied muttering a ‘yeah’ looking over to y/n who just shrugged. “Well correct me if I’m wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone, and that someone is usually me or y/n, but mostly me” stiles said. Y/n laughed “Please, he couldn’t kill me if he tried” she said biting back a even louder laugh, stiles smiled trying not to laugh as well. “I know” Scott said replying to stiles comment, opting to ignore y/n’s. “That’s what he means when he says he doesn’t know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it.” Scott says. “Well hows he gonna teach you to do that?” stiles asks. Scott shook his head shrugging his shoulders “i don’t know, I don’t think he does either.” He said. “He doesn’t, he’s going out on a limb here. Teaching a bitten werewolf is completely different than being born with it” y/n said. Stiles rolled his head back dramatically “okay. When are you seeing him again?” He asked. “He just told me not to talk about it, just act normal and get through the day.”Scott said. Stiles hit Scott’s shoulder stopping Scott and y/n, “when?” He asked again. “He’s picking me up at the animal clinic after work” Scott said. Stiles nodded “after work. All right, well, that gives us to the end of the school day then” stiles said pointing between himself and y/n. “To do what” Scott asked confused. Y/n smirked patting his shoulder “to try and teach you ourselves” she said before walking off with stiles to formulate a plan. It’s not that y/n didn’t trust Derek tot each scott, but who says she couldn’t do a little on her own.
The trio now sat at lunch, scott sat in from-not of stiles and y/n with a book up trying to hide from Allison. Stiles looked back to see Lydia passing by and Allison now sitting alone with a book of her own in her hand. “I think the books making it more obvious” stiles said, and y/n nodded in agreement “she’s reading anyway” y/n said. Scott lifted his head moving the book slightly to see the paper stiles was weighting before quickly moving it back “did you come up with a plan?” Scott asked the two. “We think so” stiles said, loudly biting into an apple. “Does this mean you don’t hate me now?” Scott asked. Y/n tuned out when she got a message from Derek.
Der ❤️: you know, we haven’t had a date since coming back
Y/n: yeah i noticed
Der ❤️: maybe we should
Y/n: when would we have the time?
Der ❤️: we’ll make time
Y/n: Im not mad at that, what were you thinking?
Der ❤️: ill tell you when the time comes. Now get back to class so you can hurry home, I love you
Y/n: love you too ❤️
Y/n smiled shanking her head at the fact that derek was really just a big cuddly loving person, he just hides it to protect himself. When she tuned back in she saw stiles leave grabbing the book Scott was using to hide, and Scott beginning to panic, getting up and leaving with Allison following close behind. Y/n sat in shock for a couple of seconds, wondering what the hell shed missed. Y/n got up and walked out of the lunchroom, almost running into Allison “oh hey” Allison said. Y/n looked around in confusion, as shed never freely had a conversation with the girl, “uh hi?” She replied in a questioning tone. “Do you know what’s up with Scott? He’s been acting really weird.” She asked. Y/n quickly said the first thing that came to her mind “uh, he’s been busy, and super stressed. Don’t worry hell be okay” y/n lied, trying to make it believable while easing the girls worry that she could feel halfway across the school. Allison smiled and nodded letting out a relieved sigh “thank you” she said before walking off, y/n began to walk away as well but stopped when Allison appeared back in front of her. Y/n raised a brow in question. “Maybe we should hang out sometime, i need more girlfriends other than Lydia” she said with an unsure smile. Y/n internally grimaced, not really fond of befriending an argent, but y/n knew she couldn’t hold Allison accountable for the actions of her family, so she plastered a smile on her face “of course! Maybe sometime next week? My weeks already booked, sorry” y/n said feigning excitement. Allisons smile grew and she nodded “yeah, sure. Could we exchange numbers and figure something out later?” She asked. Y/n agreed and the two exchanged numbers before bidding each other goodbyes and heading on their way.
stiles and y/n lead scott to the lacrosse field so they could execute their plan. Y/n took a seat on the bleachers along side stiles who was unzipping his gym bag. Y/n dug in the bag and pulled out a heart monitor “put this on” she said holding it out to Scott, who stood in front of them. Scott looked at the device questioningly “isn’t this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team?” He asked. “Yeah we borrowed it” stiles confirmed nodding. Scott looked up from the device in his hand to the two sitting on the bleachers “stole it” Scott corrected. Y/n rolled her eyes “temporarily misappropriated” y/n said squinting her eyes at the boy. “Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs” stiles explained. “And you’re gonna wear it for the rest of the day” y/n said, smiling. Scott looked to stiles “isn’t that coaches phone?” He asked. “That i stole” stiles said, nodding his head, a look of reminiscing crossed his face. “Why?” Scott asked. “Your heartbeat raises when you turn, for example when your playing lacrosse, when your with Allison, whenever you get angry. So, maybe controlling your heart rate could be the first step to consoling the shift overall. I had to do this to control mine.” y/n explained to which stiles nodded. “Like the Incredible Hulk” Scott says smiling. Y/n frowned, confused. “Kind of like the Incredible Hulk, yeah” stiles somewhat agrees. “No I’m like the incredible hul-“ “would you shut up and put the strap on?” Stiles interrupted, irritated. “What the hell is a Incredible Hulk?” Y/n asks herself.
Scott puts the monitor on, and stiles grabs the duct tape and taped Scott’s hands behind his back. “This isn’t exactly how i wanted to spend my free period” scott comments sarcastically. “Too bad, you wanted help so, that’s what were doing.” Y/n shouts from across the field. “Exactly. Okay, you ready?” Stiles asks scott as he returns the tape to his bag. “No” scott replies. “Alright, remember. Don’t get angry.” Stiles says as he walks away from scott, and towards y/n. Stiles began using Scott as a human goalie, throwing lacrosse balls at him. Scott groans, leaning forward at the impact “okay that one kinda hurt” he said. Stiles picks up another ball “quiet. Remember your supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, alright?” Stiles says. “Stay calm” y/n reminds him. Scott begins chanting ‘stay calm’ as more balls come flying at him. Y/n suddenly feels prying eyes, she looks around the field, but doesn’t see anyone, until she sees Jackson standing behind the bleachers with an amused smile on his face. “Dickhead” y/n mutters rolling her eyes. One ball hits Scott particularly hard making him fall to his knees in pain “ah son of a bitch!” He groans. “You know what i think my aims actually improving” stiles comments smiling. “I wonder why” Scott mutters, sarcasm laced in his tone. Stiles continued throwing balls, as y/n watched Scott’s heart rate, that had quickly started elevating.
Scott dropped back to the ground groaning, as he tried to fight off the shift, y/n and stiles ran over to him, y/n so she could sheild Scott from Jackson’s view in case Scott shifted. Y/n looked at the phone to see Scott’s heart rate going down, she lat out a relived sigh. “Scott? You started to change” Stiles called reaching to pat scotts shoulder “from anger, but it was more than that. Like the angrier i got the stronger i felt.” Scott said. “But you pulled back, that’s all that matters.” Y/n said. “So it is anger then, Derek’s right” stiles comments. Y/n raised her brows, never thought she’d hear those words from stiles. “I can’t be around Allison” Scott breathes. “Just because she makes you happy?” Stiles asks. “Because she makes me weak” Scott says. Y/n just stood there astonished, she couldn’t believe these idiots thought Allison made him weak when its oh so obvious she was his anchor. But she let it be deciding that they should figure it out on their own.
y/n walked off the field, deciding she was leaving early as she was an adult and didn’t want to spend the rest of the day at school. She took out her phone deciding to call Derek because she didn’t have a ride home.
“Hello” Derek answered
“Hey der, can you pick me up?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” He asked
“Yes i am but I’m a grown adult and I’ve decide to leave, come get me” y/n demanded
Derek let out a laugh “Okay ill pick you up, but I’m on my way to see peter, now your coming with”
Y/n let out a dramatically loud groan in annoyance “fine”
“Alright, be there in 5” Derek said before hanging up.
Y/n absolutely loathed peter hale. Obviously she hated seeing him all unresponsive and paralyzed, but she still couldn’t stand him. The girl stood in thought until Derek pulled up in front of her, rolling his window down flashing that award winning smiles that made her legs feel like noodles. She got in the car, and Derek leaned over pressing a kiss to her lips to which she immediately returned, He eventually pulled away and smiled as he pulled off.
The couple arrived at the room that peter was settled in. Y/n stopped at the door, feeling sadness creep over ear as she saw the man that was once young and lively, stuck in a wheelchair staring at a window covered by curtains. Derek sat on the hospital bed, turning Peter to face him, Derek’s face remained stoic as he began to speak “i need your help” he said, receiving nothing but a blank stare. “If you can hear me, i need you to give me a sign. Blink, raise a finger. Anything. Just, just something to point me in the right direction, okay?” Derek asked. Y/ns heart broke even more for him if possible. The man had been through so much bad and hurt, and he was still trying to protect the world. “Someone killed Laura. Your niece, Laura?” Derek said as if asking if he remembered. “Whoever he is he’s an alpha now. But he’s one without a pack, which means he’s not as strong. I can take him” Derek said. Y/n stood up from leaning on the door “der-“ “but i have to find him first” Derek said interrupting y/n. “Look if you know something just give me a sign. Is it one of us? Someone else make it out of the fire?” Derek asked “just give me anything. Blink, raise a finger anything” Derek pleaded. Peters silence was eating away at Derek “say something!” He demanded grabbing peters shoulders. Peters nurse came up behind “let him go” she commanded. Y/n had to do a double take at the woman’s audacity. “You think after six years of this, yelling at him is gonna get a response?” She asked. “You got a better method?” Y/n asked. “Patience, he’ll respond if you give him the time” the nurse replied. “We don’t have any more time” Derek said walking out of the room. Y/n looked at the nurse suspiciously, something felt off about her and y/n didn’t like it. She followed Derek out of the room, jogging a bit to catch up with him.
When they walked up to his car y/n spotted something on the windshield “Derek?” She said. He looked at her to see her pointing at the paper under his windshield wipers. He grabbed it and opened it to read it. He glanced over it before looking around to see anyone who could have put it there. “What does it say?” The h/c haired girl asked. Derek shook his head before getting in his car, waiting for y/n to do the same before speeding off. Derek dropped y/n off at home and told her not to worry, before quickly driving off, y/n walked into the house dropping her things carelessly out of aggravation, she didnt want Derek to feel like he had to do things alone and she also hated when he kept things from her. Y/n decided she’d talk it over with him whenever he returned. She didn’t know when that’d be so she opted to eat something and then go to bed.
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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reveluving · 1 year
a little more love ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: when two of the most fearsome werewolves do whatever they can to convince their beloved to cancel dinner night with the pups.
warnings: loads of kisses, hugs and but no s~mut. not yet, at least (still, minors DNI!), very cheesy ngl; peter & deuc just really love their vampire wifey <3
a/n: omg a debut?? s/o to @fanficimagery​; their Peter fics + others are the reasons why I wrote this—awakening another wild side of of mine to the point of no return (affectionately) 😭 I got another one in the making tho, trust! love y’all and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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'Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight.' ;
The sound of blackbirds chirping outside your window was enough to wake you up from your slumber. You stirred but could barely move with the arm around you and pulling you close. Their chest rose and fell at a pace so relaxing, so comforting, it could've lulled you back to sleep right away.
"Did you sleep well?" You shivered at the voice, deep and barely awake, forcing you to crack one eye open. You craned your neck, welcoming the very sight of the man holding you dearly. You hummed, eliciting a chuckle out of him as you nuzzled into him.
"You're so comfy." You murmured, the silky sheets against your skin would've been more than enough to chain you to bed for another hour or two.
Too bad you had other plans.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You blinked, noticing the hues ranging from orange to pink coming from the window, an indication that sunset was nearing faster than you had anticipated.
"You looked so peaceful." Deuc responded casually as if you hadn't promised the pack dinner night, which was happening in two hours.
"I didn't even hear the alarm." You blindly took your phone on the nightstand, finding it impossible for you to sleep through one in the first place.
But, Deuc's sudden lack of response told you everything you needed to know.
So, you placed your phone away before turning to him.
"Deuc," He hummed, "Did you have anything to do with this?"
He barely opened his eyes to look at you before huffing out a 'yes'.
"Can't we just order takeout?"
"Even they can do that from their own home," You grinned, poking his cheek, "And you know no one delivers to this side of the road past seven."
"Then we could always just order now and ask one of them to pick it up later," He was hell-bent on making you stay, the offer especially enticing when he pulled the covers over you with him, "Or better yet, ask him to pick it up and make himself useful for once."
You snorted, only to jump when fingers lightly traced your spine.
"Hey," You admonished lightly, "Behave."
"You can't expect a man to behave when he has such beauty in his arms." He slipped his hand under the blanket, "Come on, all you have to do is cancel it, and we'll make sure to take such good care of you."
You whined, squirming in his arms as though you were fighting your inner demons before sitting up, but not before covering your bare chest with the blanket.
"Nice try, handsome, but I’m not falling for your tricks." You pointed directly at his nose, only to sputter when he countered your sudden determination by nipping the tip of your index finger.
"Angel, you always do," Touché, "The pups can fend for themselves for another day, can't they?"
"Deuc," You sighed shaking your head in amusement; you could never get mad at him. You turned your head a little, kissing his palm before caressing his cheek with your free hand, "I haven't seen them for over a week, God knows whether or not they've taken care of themselves since. It's only for a couple of hours, I promise."
Deuc narrowed his eyes at you, trying not to give in to your puppy eyes.
But he knew better.
He let his head fall to the pillow, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Alright, alright," You perked up, only to be caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you down to him for a heated kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue lightly ran across the tip of your fangs. Your whimpers only motivated him to take back his own words and never let you leave the bed, but he loved you too much to say no.
He pulled away, satisfied with the way you looked back at him with wide eyes.
"You didn't think I'd expect some sort of return if I'm going to have to keep my hands to myself for a few hours?"
Puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment, you were barely able to maintain eye contact as intense as his before giving him a quick peck at the lips.
"Angel," He chuckled, "If that's the kind of payment you're planning to give, I'd expect at least a couple more."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Very much," He responded nonchalantly as though he wasn't practically basking in your reactions, "In fact, I could wake up to this every day."
There was no point arguing with this man, not especially when you had dinner to whip up in under two hours. So, you took a deep breath, lowering yourself for a proper kiss. Deuc was eager, that much was clear as he chased after your lips, keeping you still with one hand on the back of your head.
He shivered as you lightly ran your nails down his chest, slowly pulling away before letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Much better."
It had taken Deuc exactly a good half an hour to get his fill of you before begrudgingly letting you go to take a shower, promising to help you out right after.
You, on the other hand, have been at it in the kitchen for an hour, seasoning your stroganoff before moving on with the dessert.
Just then, you froze, feeling a pair of eyes from the living room watching your every move. You slowly placed the bowl of unwhipped cream onto the counter, hoping to look as neutral as possible. The presence, however, had seen right through you, because as soon as you faced the entrance to the foyer, you felt their warm breath against your neck before they spun you around. You yelped, feeling yourself fall backwards despite their hands securely holding onto your hips.
Your hands shot up to their back, one around his neck and the other gripping the back of their shirt. Had it been anyone else, other than Deuc, you would've instinctively torn their throat out even before they could even put their hands on you.
But, this was Peter you were talking about.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
‘You've got to be kidding me.’
"Jesus, Hale," He was clearly proud of himself, the debonair smile on his face especially growing when you released the grip on his shirt in favour of covering a part of your face, thoroughly embarrassed, "That is by far the worst line I've ever heard, coming from you."
"Oh, I know," He shrugged, leaning in closer, "But it's worth seeing that pretty face of yours scrunch up like that."
He pressed his lips against yours before you could even respond with a snarky remark, pulling away just as fast in favour of the adorable stupefied look you always had each time he or Deuc had taken you by surprise.
"But it does smell good in here." He brought up back up from the dip before taking a good whiff of your homemade gravy in the pot.
"Only the best for the best," You mused, hearing him purr in agreement for a moment before adding, "Oh, and for you too, I guess."
He was speechless, to say the least. At least for a while.
"Why, you," He didn't even give you the time to turn away before he attacked your neck and collarbone with wet kisses, the exaggerated sounds of his smooches growing louder the more you cried out to him to stop.
He did, eventually, but he made sure he gave you enough to sag in his arms, resting against him for a moment as he mumbled against your cold skin.
"Would be nice if we had the night to ourselves." Oh. You covered your face yet again, now with both of your hands.
"Not you too," You felt the chuckle vibrating through him, "You and Deuc planned this, didn't you?"
"Depends," He drawled, clearly feigning ignorance, "Is it working?"
Fuck yeah, it is.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that."
Big mistake.
Your mouth gaped open wide as though you had surprised yourself, knowing he had taken your statement as a challenge when he pursed his lips.
"Challenge accepted."
You squeaked as he pulled you to his chest, one of his hands remained on your hips while raising the other that he intertwined with yours. You were sure his eyes had dilated, enjoying the way you bashfully look up at him through your lashes, gasping as soon as his hand crept up past the hem of your shirt.
"Peter," You giggled nervously, "Where is that hand going?"
He hummed.
Just then, he switched directions, sliding further down before moving under the waistband of your shorts.
"Places where I'd want to touch," Down, "To kiss," Up, "To lick," Down, "To nibble on."
Each time his hands move, no matter where they ended up, all you could do was shiver. He dipped his head, nibbling on your earlobe.
"If and only if my angel says so."
He was seeking your permission—just like Deuc did.
"I want to," Oh? "But later, okay?" Oh. You tried not to giggle as he deflated from your answer, "Especially since the two of you haven't made it any easier for me to say no today."
Not that you'd ever deny these two whatsoever.
"Please?" You cupped his face, thinking through your next words before mumbling, "Just hold on for a few hours and I'm all yours and Deuc's."
His eyes dilated from the mere promise, holding onto both of your hands and pulling you in to capture your lips with his. It was as deep and passionate as the one you had with Deuc, your legs nearly buckled if it wasn't for his quick reflex.
"Pretty girl, you'll be the death of me."
The audacity.
"Oh, like you're any better," You rolled your eyes playfully, "Now, you either help me with the potatoes or take these plates and march out to the dining room."
He opted for the potatoes, occasionally leaving kisses on your shoulders and nearly causing you to burn the caramel sauce that you were making to pair with your homemade ice cream.
Deuc came down to the kitchen a little while later, only to shoot a glare at Peter for putting him on dishes duty. You saw the way Peter smirked as Deuc stalked out, dropping his expression to a barely innocent kind when he noticed you watching him.
"A grump, let me tell you," Peter commented, not bothering to lower his voice and earning himself a growl from the other room. You silently giggled before pushing him lightly.
Quarter past seven, and you walked out to serve the big pot of stroganoff and a whole bunch of sides in the dining room, where Deuc had just finished wiping the last cutlery. As soon as he did, he wrapped one arm around you, resting his head against your tummy. You could tell he was a little miffed over the petty arrangement, so you leaned in and kissed the crown of his head a couple of times, drawing a soft laugh from him.
No doubt Peter had seen you trying to cheer Deuc up and would probably cage you in his arms until you do the same for him.
A couple of hugs and hundreds more kisses later, the pack finally arrived, their exhaustion from surviving the week palpable as they greeted you with hugs or the Hale's exchanging meaningful pleasantries with you.
Deuc and Peter watched as your face continued to light up, from scooping a generous portion of noodles and stroganoff to listening to each and every one of them about the rough week they all had. Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight. This dinner was your idea, after all, treating the pack with the endless amount of love you had to offer. They only helped you out, though they'd gladly accept your gratitude at any given moment.
You were not blind to the looks they gave you either, so soft, even you didn't think they were capable of such emotion. You've either looked away or rushed out to the kitchen to 'top up the necessary' as a poor excuse to shy away from their gazes.
Soon, things began to calm down, and you shooed the pack to the living room, but not before being bombarded by offers to do the dishes. You gave in, eventually, and as soon as the final plate was washed, you pointed to the living room, much to everyone’s amusement.
Besides Deuc and Peter, who were helping you with the leftovers, everyone else started doing their own thing in the meantime; Scott, Stiles and Lydia were already lying on your rug, Malia and Kira were looking at your bookshelf, ranging from interesting novels with odd titles to the fishbowl of Marimo moss balls, because you wanted a ‘pet’ that ‘understood you best’.
None of the pack understood you till this day, not until Kira pointed out that Marimo moss balls survived best in low light, and you heard the rest of the pack answer with a collective ‘ooh’.
Derek, just like his cousin, had been doing the same, but from the comforts of the couch he was lounging on instead. Though he was the only one on his own, he seemed to be at peace, the deep wrinkles usually etched in between his eyebrows nowhere to be seen as dinner finally caught up to him. All in all, everyone was looking and feeling much better when they first arrived, but you couldn’t blame them. They were carrying responsibilities that were thrice as heavy as an average teenager.
Basically, you were glad to see them finally taking a load off.
The relief you were practically giving off to both Peter and Deuc was endearing, seeing your unfaltering smile despite the way your sensitive nose scrunched up a couple of times as you scooped the gravy into a container.
“You were right, angel,” Deuc was the first to speak up since the comfortable silence, “This dinner night was worth it.”
“Really?” The shine in your eyes was enough of a solid answer, “What changed?”
“That,” You tilted your head, “That pretty smile of yours.”
You mustered up a nervous smile, peeping out a small ‘oh’ before continuing with the leftovers.
At least, you tried to.
“No, no,” Peter came up behind you, intertwining his fingers with yours, “What did we say about hiding your smile?”
You peered up at Deuc, who nodded you encouragingly.
“That it only encourages you two to make me smile even more.” You whispered just enough for them to hear, trying your hardest to look elsewhere as they praised you with a simultaneous ‘atta girl’. Peter raised your laced hands, kissing the back of yours while Deuc took the other and did the same.
And just to spite you in the best way possible, they kissed either of your cheek, Deuc taking your left whereas Peter on your right.
But before they could melt you further, you heard an ‘oop’, followed by Lydia’s ‘Stiles!’ before she dragged him off. The poor boy had accidentally seen the tooth-rotting display at its peak, especially between his former nemeses and his godmother. It didn’t bother them in the slightest though. They turned to you, only to see your wide-eyed mortification. You could’ve really traumatized him or anyone else for that matter, had Stiles’ interruption not happened, and you had no doubt these two could care less in favour of devouring you in the kitchen.
But you loved them anyway.
That still didn’t stop you from glaring at the two, at least you tried to, losing your composure when they both ganged up on you with their knowing smirk—a telltale that they haven’t forgotten about your promise.
They eventually put you out of your misery, but their lingering touches had only been amped up to the max, letting you know that they were growing impatient to have you.
And the second the pack leaves, boy, were you in for the night.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° just an introductory tag! @christinasyellowflowers @clockworkballerina @marianne-zemo @spicymau-5
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writinglover25 · 3 months
A True Hero
Derek Hale x Fem!Reader , Pack x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Part 1
This is part 2 of ‘Pack: To Save A Friend(s)’ never thought I’d actually make this. Also, I changed this one a bit to where Reader and Derek are dating and have been for a while. Also Y/n is Scott's older sister b/c why not? Hope you enjoy and thanks for all the support!!
Side notes: Y/n/n - your/nick/name
Summary: Y/n had saved her friends, she saved the people she loved. But what happens when saving them turns into sacrificing herself? Will she be able to save herself from this fate?
Warnings: Mentions of death/dying, SO much angst, bit of fluff
Y/n saw a figure behind her friend's back, and before she could understand what was happening she saw the shine of light off a sword. Before anyone could react y/n had shoved Allison to the side.
And that's when everything went totally wrong.
Everything happened in slow motion after that. Y/n's ears started ringing, and everything was a blur. She felt like her body was on fire, her entire being was in pain. However through all of it she could faintly hear her friends shouting something.
And the next thing she knew she was being pulled into someone's arms. But, when she looked to see who it was, everything was foggy, she couldn't see what was going on around her.
She blinked her eyes a few times to make the fogginess go away and when it did she could see a face. It was Derek's face..
But- Was he crying? Why was he crying? Y/n tried to lift her hand up to wipe away his tears but that's when she felt it.. The unbearable pain in her chest. She tried to look at it, but she felt a hand on her face preventing her from looking at it.
"Hey no, no, don't look okay? Just look at me. Focus on me." And so she did. She looked at Derek's face instead of her bleeding wound.
"Derek.. it- it hurts. It hurts so much.." She whispers to him, trying to find the strength to keep her eyes open. She was getting tired. Her eyes began to close, but Derek shook her.
"No, no, don't close your eyes, okay? Stay with me. Just- just keep them open for me." She could hear the tremble in his voice as he spoke.
"Y/N!" Alison came running up to her friend and kneeled next to her along with Scott.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't see it behind me and oh my god.. I'm so sorry." Y/n looked at her friend and saw the tears in her eyes.
"It-it's alright Allison. It wasn't your f-fault. I pushed you out of the w-way. Please this.. this wasn't your fault-" y/n winced as her body slightly jolted in pain. She groaned and felt the tears falling down her face.
"Y/n/n!!" Scott called out to his older sister. Landing next to her, taking in her other hand. He brushed the loose hair on her face to the side.
Y/n could see the tears spilling down his cheeks. Could see the look of terror and sadness in his eyes.
But what could she say to him?
That everything was going to be okay? That she was fine? It didn't hurt that bad? No, Y/n couldn't say those things. So.. Y/n said the only thing she could think to say. "I love you little bro... and tell mom I love her-.. '' She coughed and took a deep breath, "that I love her to." She paused, "I'm sorry.." her tears ran down her cheeks.
It was a sad sight to see. Issac was holding onto Alison, Stiles with Lydia, while Derek and Scott sat next to her. And all were crying. Keeping each other upright as they all felt sick and weak. This was their friend, their family and pack member.. No one could move, no one could talk. They stood and watched as their friend, who they considered an older sister to everyone, was dying. For, what were they supposed to do?
Y/n could feel herself slipping away. It was getting hard to keep her eyes open. Her thoughts started to wander. She thought about her family, her friends and pack mates, and her lover.
She thought about her powers. She was a healer, this was her literal job, the thing she did best. Although there was more to it. Others would call her a witch, a very powerful one. Couldn't she just heal herself? She had the ability to, did she not?
But it was too late, Y/n could feel it. She didn't have the strength. Didn't have the energy to call her powers.
Y/n, with what little will power she had left, moved her head to look at Derek. The pain she saw on his face made her heart break more. The tears in his eyes trailed down his face.
She hated it when he cried. And she hated it even more because in this case she was the reason for his tears.
Slowly, she lifted her hand again. With the pad of her thumb she wiped the tears off her lover's cheek, cupping the side of his face in her small and bloody hands.
"Don't cry", she pleaded. "Your supposed to be my sour wolf, not my sad wolf." She finished with a smile stretching across her face.
A small had spread across Derek's face at her attempt at humor. Stiles let out a small laugh, hugging Lydia closer to his side.
He looks at his best friend, his sister even. And he blames himself. He knows it wasn't necessarily his fault for this, but he blamed himself nonetheless.
As if she could read his thoughts Y/n looked at the younger boy and smiled at him. Without words being spoken he new in that moment she didn't blame him, she'd never blame him. Not when it was all out of his control.
"There has to be something, anything, we can do.. You can't just die. Not like this." Scott spoke out loud, though more to himself then the people around him.
“Hey, it's okay.” She looked at her brother with her signature smile. “It doesn't hurt,” she continued. “I'm surrounded by the people I love.. my family.” Breathing in deeply she started to cough violently. “And that's all I could ever ask for.”
957 words
I'm, again, SO sorry for how long this took!!
But on another note should their be a part 3? Does Y/n somehow make it out of this mess alive. Or does she truly and simply die? Protecting the people that she treasures most.
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Falling in love with Derek Hale
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(This takes place in season 1 the day after Scott and Stiles were in the woods)
Derek Hale x FEM! Stilinski reader
Summary: You’re Stiles sister which he is protective of. When he and Scott drag you in the woods to look for scotts inhaler you meet a beautiful green-eyed man who takes an interest in you 
Warnings: None
(BTW!!! I will not be using Y/n! Her name will be layla!)
Third POV:
Layla was getting ready for her first day back at school after summer vacation.
As she put her shoes on, she heard stiles groan while going to the bathroom to get ready.
She rolled her eyes as he cursed to himself about the woods or something.
Of course, she knew he snuck out. He’s not very quiet when trying to leave the house. 
Layla heard the toilet flush, and stiles come out of the bathroom. He knocked on her door.
“Lay? You in there?” She heard him ask
“Yeah just getting ready” She replied to him
“Okay! tell me when you’re done, I’ll be waiting for you downstairs” He yelled while running down the stairs not waiting for a response 
Layla was finished putting everything in her bag and went downstairs.
She was downstairs she grabbed an apple and bit into it
She walked out the door and walked up to stiles jeep and got inside.
“You ready or did you forget something” She asked him
“I didn’t forget anything” he said with confidence 
He checked his pockets and his face fell
“Shit! I forgot my phone” He said jumping and running out of the car and went back inside the house.
Layla laughed to herself 
When stiles pulled into the school parking lot layla looked around looking for a certain strawberry Blonde. When she couldn’t find her, she texted her asking where she was
Lydia replied faster than she ever has before. 
She had replied that she stopped by the store to get something to drink and was on her way now
When stiles parked, Layla jumped out the car and ran to the front of the school
When she saw scott there she ran to him checking his face and making sure he was okay.
“Lay-Layla! what the hell are you doing?” Scott asked confused as hell wondering why she was so worried 
“I heard you on the phone with stiles yesterday! You were bitten by something and didn’t go to the hospital! You bloody idiot!” She said smacking him over his head as stiles came their way
She was about to hit him again when stiles grabbed her hand to stop me
“Enough with hitting the poor boy. he looks like a poor puppy” Stiles told her
Layla looked at scott and felt bad for hitting him
“I’m sorry scotty” She mumbled 
“It’s fine, I would hit me too if I was in your position” He laughed
She started to smile and laughed too
Stiles looked at them and went back to talking about what bit scott
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a wolf” Scott said
Layla blocked what they were saying and got lost in her thoughts
She snapped out of it when she felt someone pull her
She looked at who it was and saw it was lydia
“Finally” She muttered 
“Hey! I was thirsty and needed something before school” Lydia said smiling 
Layla laughed as stiles said something about lydia 
When lydia ignored stiles. layla laughed harder and stuck out her middle finger
He stuck it back at her with a straight face
“Why do you hang out with them?” Lydia asked her
“Because you decided to leave me alone with them” Layla replied back
Lydia ignored that comment and waved layla goodbye as they didn’t have first period together
Layla had math while lydia had science
Layla waited outside for Scott and stiles to show up while listening to music in stiles jeep.
Layla stole his keys when he wasn’t looking so he’s probably freaking out looking for them
Bobbing her head to the music the door suddenly opened and when she looked at the person, she saw a very angry stiles standing there
“Really Layla?! I was panicking and you had them the whole time!” He yelled
“Sorry Bro, you know I’m just better at taking things and people not noticing” she replied
“Yeah, Yeah. Get out the drivers side and go to the back, you’re coming with me and Scott to look for his inhaler” he said
“No I’m not” she replied fast not wanting to go to the woods
“Well I’m your ride home, so it’s either come with us or you’re hitchhiking home” he said with a sweet smile, his words anything but.
“Fine” she said rolling her eyes and hopping out of the car, going to the back
Scott, Stiles and Layla were walking in the woods searching for Scott’s inhaler
They all stopped at a spot where Scott said he saw the body
“You sure it was here” Layla asked
“Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday, oh wait IT WAS!” He said and screamed the last part
“Damn sorry” she said putting her hands up defensively
While they were searching for his inhaler, Layla was spacing in and out of her own world when she suddenly felt eyes on her
She turned around and saw a man just standing there
A very handsome man
She hit both Scott and stiles to get their attention which worked
As the man said something about this place being private property, Layla was too busy checking him out
And it seems that Derek was also checking her out
They both stopped looking at each other when stiles stood in front of her, blocking her view from Derek
He turned to her and looked at her with a serious face
“Too young” he reminded with a straight face while Scott talked to the green eyed man saying how sorry he was and they were just looking for something
They turned to leave, not before the green eyes man threw something at Scott.
They walked away after but Layla stopped and panicked
“I lost my phone” she said panicking
“It’s probably in the jeep” stiles said
“No! I had it on me over there, I’m going to check” she said about to walk away
“I’ll go with you” stiles said
“No it’s fine. Just go, I’ll be there in a minute” she said walking away after stiles agreed.
Walking back she went where they saw the green eyed man and searched the on the ground for her phone
She kept searching till she saw shoes right in front of her
She slowly looked up and saw the stranger from before
He was holding her phone!
“I think you dropped this” he said as he looked at her with a look that would make a girl fall in love so fast
He held out his hand for her to grab so he could help her up which she accepted
“Thank you” she mumbled shyly as she grabbed her phone
He gave her a nod
“I’m Derek. Derek hale” he said sticking his hand out again
She wondered why his name sounded so familiar
Then it clicked
Derek hale, his family are the ones that burned to death 6 years ago
“Layla…. Layla stilinski” she said shaking his hand
“Pretty name” he said with a side almost smile
“Thanks” she said sheepishly
“I should get going, and so should you” he said letting go of her hand after realizing he was still holding it
“Yeah you’re Right. See you around Derek” she said turning to walk away
“See you, Layla” he said walking away
When she got back to the jeep, stiles was asking her what was wrong and why she looked so shocked
She replied just saying that she was still shocked about the whole body situation which stiles believed and let it go.
Layla smiled and looked out the window think about Derek
Not knowing Derek was also thinking about her.
This is bad!!! I know but I’m not good at writing 😭 sorry! And nobody’s probably gonna read anyways so! But if you do! I hope you enjoyed
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 51: Shadow Woman
After learning about Sam's history, Derek felt as if he understood her a bit better. He lightly dragged his thumb down her cheek as he frowned softly.
“I'm just glad you didn't die on us. I don't know what I would've done.”
He understood why she was the way she was.
“You're not alone, Derek.”
He understood why she and the boys were so close. Why she stayed with her mother. Why she acted the way she acted toward the others that they've come across.
“You haven’t given up trying to push me away, yet? It doesn’t get old?”
It made sense now.
“I'm not leaving you. I won't leave you.”
He was so curious about her and why she felt the need to be so persistent in helping him and Scott to begin with.
“I'm not gonna let you go out there if it means you're gonna die and I won't be able to do anything about it.”
It wasn't just because she cared… she was afraid. She was afraid of being alone.
“I don't wanna do that without you.”
He sighed softly, laying back against her pillows, and closed his eyes. With her brother and father missing, it messed her up. The abandonment dug a hole in her being and her friends only filled it so much.
This entire time… Derek was worried about himself. Thinking about himself and how he was the bane of everyone's pain but now he knew he wasn't just that. This wasn't his fault yet he felt like it was.
He wasn't here to protect her either.
Despite all that she's been through, she was still caring and not as cold as he expected her to be after hearing what happened.
In the beginning, he was just a stranger to her. The boys were right to have their suspicions and guards up around him, but she wasn't like them…
She could've been hostile toward him, but she wasn't. She was definitely crazy brave for standing up to him and Peter, regardless of their supernatural status. But she welcomed them all the same.
He frowned at another thought that plagued his mind. She could've been just like the Argents.
However, she was the opposite. She wasn't as threatening when she found out who bit Scott. Hell, she was on the Hales' side the entire time.
She could've hated him. He anticipated it. He wasn't supposed to care. He was supposed to gather betas for revenge. So was Peter. And he did.
But he lost his betas. His alpha spark and this girl, this once human girl, stayed by his side.
She made him think of Paige. Maybe… maybe this was his new chance. A chance to do better. To do right. To make sure he didn't relive a repeat.
He was… scared when Sam had gotten bit.
He hid it well, but he was terrified. Terrified that he'd let another innocent girl die because of his mistakes.
She could've lost her life and she didn't blame him for getting bit. She made it seem like it was a normal occurrence when she told her mother.
He thanked his lucky stars. That was, if he had any.
Even laying next to her, he felt lucky. The dim moonlight that peeked through her curtains, he saw how her usually plump cheeks were less swollen from crying so hard.
Her eyes were still a little puffy, but it didn't bother him much. She slept peacefully. At least he hoped.
This wasn't something he expected to come home to. Another family reunion? One that wasn't mysteriously his?
He wondered about her father and brother. Was the trip even worth it? Was it worth tearing her apart so emotionally?
Did they really miss her?
Derek lifted a hand to hover his fingertips over her cheek. He glanced at the small faded scar over her eyelid. He felt guilty that it hadn't healed completely before she got bit.
She'd probably tell him that it wasn't his fault. She was always like that. He kinda wished she'd just yell at him, tell him to get lost, to never see her or her friends again.
Maybe it'd hurt less if she had. He can't imagine why anyone would hurt her so bad even as a kid. She sounded so sweet and kind hearted from what Stiles had described.
It made him wish he'd met her earlier. Before the fire. Before Kate.
His thoughts paused as he heard a soft groan come from her and watched as she woke up. Her eyes slowly opened and met his, a relieved expression washed over her face.
"Hi.", she whispered softly. A small smile lifted his lips. "Hi.", he responded. "How're you feeling?"
She let out a muffled noise and rubbed her face on her pillow. "Still kinda tired, but I'm okay. You okay?"
He let out a snort. Worried about him as always… "Yeah. I'm okay."
He watched as she lifted a hand, the tips of her fingers pressed against his scruffy cheek. "You're really here…", she muttered.
He nodded. "I'm back."
She dropped her hand with a small huff and a smile. Derek returned her smile and brought her into his hold. "I missed you.", he muttered in her hair. She nuzzled into his chest. "I really missed you."
He laid a kiss on top of her forehead and looked down at her. "How come you were sick?", he asked softly.
She looked up at him, a questioning look on her face. "When I came home, I smelled you all over my couch. I smelled your pain. You were sick. Why?", he responded.
"I got drugged and kidnapped.", she muttered, looking down. Derek's face hardened. What the hell happened while he was gone?
"By who?", he asked. "A guy me, Stiles and Scott knew when we were younger.", she responded. She told him everything that happened from meeting Theo to him being dragged to hell by his dead sister.
Good riddance, Derek thought. The boy was power hungry and it didn't set Derek in a good way. Even going as far to get everyone to hate Stiles and getting Liam to kill Scott. It was too much.
He wanted to ask her so many other questions. How much had he missed out on since he left?
There was one thing that also bothered him. While he went to visit Cora, the sky suddenly changed one night. It tripped him out so much, he thought he hadn't even slept yet.
"Did a weird thing happen here? Like a sudden change in the sky?", he asked. Sam felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment as she shrunk under her covers. That was one detail she left out of her explanation.
So her powers did reach around the world…
She hadn't meant to do that. It was an accident.
Derek looked at her in confusion. "What? What happened?", he asked quietly.
She looked up at him. "I did it…" He raised a thick eyebrow in question. "Did what?", he asked. She grumbled in embarrassment. "I changed the sky. It wasn't my fault. I had this stupid hallucination. When Stiles snapped me out of it, the next thing I know, it's night outside."
She waited for him to laugh. To let out a teasing chuckle. To tell her she was being a big baby and that it was reckless of her to do that.
He did neither of those things, to her surprise. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her, his thumb rubbing at her back. "You wanna tell me what the hallucination was about?", he asked softly.
He didn't wanna pressure her, considering the last hallucination almost made her drown herself out of guilt. He couldn't imagine what this one was like.
She frowned softly and told him what she saw. In the end, Derek was jumbled with emotions. They were bouncing everywhere. He was worried, relieved, pissed and pleased all at the same time.
He was relieved she couldn't sense chemosignals.
"I don't know. I know that house meant a lot to you, but it brings me comfort too. I don't know why. I used to get relieved when I saw it. Now the loft holds that relief for me too.", she says. He looked down at her, but she didn't meet his eyes.
Her safe place was where he resided…
He wondered if the boys had figured that out already. Maybe Peter did. It was no wonder why they smelled her all over the couch.
It was a faint smell, but potent nonetheless. If her comfort wasn't something she could explain, he wouldn't question it anymore.
She sighed and sat up. "What's wrong?", he asked.
She looked at him. "We gotta figure out who's been kidnapping people for youth.", she said.
He sat up on his elbows. "You actually wanna help them?", he asks, referring to the two that came with the info.
She frowned. "I'm not helping them. I'm helping the people who are in danger.", she corrected. "Even if it meant you had to work with them?", he asked.
She paused. Would she have to work with them? It'd be awkward and annoying. If she could avoid it, it'd be great.
She sighed through her nose. "If it can't be helped…"
She lifted herself out of the bed, floating softly on the carpet floor as she stretched. Derek watched in surprise, fully sitting up now. He really missed out on a lot.
"You can fly now?", he muttered. She turned to him. "What, jealous?", she asked, teasingly.
He scoffed with a smile as she went to freshen up. When she disappeared in her bathroom, he turned on a lamp and laid back down on her bed, looking around her room.
It seemed bigger than the last time he came. There were things that he hadn't noticed. He knew about her little bookshelf that she had acquired before he left. Her desk was neater and she ended up getting a new alarm clock.
She had a slightly bigger TV sat on an entertainment center that stood next to her bedroom door.
Looks like that spot's taken if he ever were to come back by himself. But he didn't think he'd need to sneak in the house anymore now. But, it was a force of habit.
The entertainment center was neatly occupied by DVD cases, PlayStation controllers, the console and games.
Why hadn't he noticed all of this before…?
Maybe because they were constantly running around trying to stay alive from any possible threat that harmed their lives…
Had he been doing a good job teaching her to stay alive…?
He'd like to think so, considering she was still alive.
"Your thoughts are loud.", he hears and looks over at Sam who emerged from the bathroom dressed more comfortably.
He lets out a chuckle. She smiled and walked over to him.
"What else have you learned about your new powers?", Derek asked. She hummed and used her shadow to make her float and sat on top of the black blob that floated below her.
"Well, now that I know I can change the day to night, I have to work on that before I unintentionally do that again and cause a worldwide situation.", she said.
She frowned in thought. There was a new thing she tried, but it was worth a shot. She reached for his head and plucked a strand, making him reel back, and place a hand on his head in reaction. "The hell was that for?", he fussed, scratching at his slightly sore scalp.
She floated to her carpet floor, creating a glowing resin that she had done before and placed the strand of dark hair in the middle.
It was a harmless thing, of course. She knew that, but it was still shocking to him.
He watched as the small, illuminated crescent moon appeared on her forehead and looked at his hand that seemed to glow as well.
He lifted his hand and saw a similar illuminated moon on the corner of his wrist, inspecting it as it faded.
He looked at Sam as she looked at him with a sheepish smile. "I kinda made a link to you. It'll let me know if something's wrong with you.", she explained. He understood now.
It was creative. Smart.
He smiled. "Thanks for that.", he said. Her eyes nearly sparkled at his smile. It always brought butterflies in her stomach, but brought her relief that he was still able to even after everything that happened.
She smiled.
The next day, the pack met up at Scott's house, discussing what they should do about the kidnapped.
"Where should we even look first?", Lydia asked.
"They said there were people running away from Beacon Hills, but they weren't far. So that just means that whoever's doing the kidnapping is still here.", Stiles said.
Scott turned to Sam. "Why don't we ask your grandma?", he asked. Sam looked at him in confusion. "Why my grandma?"
They looked at her, confused as well. "You… don't know?", Liam asked. She looked at him then looked at her packmates. "Know what?"
Stiles frowned. "Your mom told us your grandma pretty much knows every single supernatural thing in Beacon Hills. Including the Argents."
Sam frowned deeply, and glanced at Derek who looked at her with an expression that gave the confirmation.
The truth dropped into her stomach with a nauseating wave. Her eyes weakly blinked. "I feel sick.", she muttered.
"It's not your fault.", Derek quickly reassured.
Sam rubbed at her temples as she sat down. She knew her mom went to her grandma for help as far as protection spells, but…
It made sense that she knew about the supernatural things in Beacon Hills, but…
Why hadn't she gone to her for help before?
Sam let out a sigh, dragging a hand down her face. "Fine. We'll go to her to see what she knows."
They couldn't go to the store since it was closed on certain days so Sam drove the girls and led the boys to her grandma's house.
She stared at the house with a frown. It brought back memories that bothered her a bit. Shaking it off, she got out of her car and walked up to the porch, knocking on the door.
The pack stood behind her and waited.
Three more knocks and they could hear the old rickety door opening. To the pack's surprise, they saw an older woman that was shorter than Sam despite having some of her features.
She didn't have grey hair, rather dark hair with white streaks. Her eyes seemed approachable whilst she wore a smile that could warm anyone's heart.
It definitely warmed Sam's. She smiled and gave her grandma a hug. "Hi, granny.", she softly greeted.
The older woman greeted her back with a hug and scolded the girl. "You should've told me you were bringing company. Y'all come on in."
The pack looked at Sam for confirmation and the girl only smiled, nodding her head towards the door as she walked through.
As she looked around, she felt a sense of familiarity. She hadn't exactly been to the house in years. Seeing her at the shop was enough and she wasn't always exactly invited. Especially not recently with everything going on.
Sam was trying to avoid giving her grandmother any type of hints that she was now involved with supernatural mysteries and fights.
Now, she had no choice but to tell her. "So, why the visit?", she hears her grandma ask.
Sam turns to her, "We came here to see what you knew about the recent supernatural issues that's been happening. Something about someone kidnapping people to make themselves younger."
The older woman's face turned into a frown as she looked at her granddaughter's friends. Taking one good look at them, she pointed at each. "Werewolves," She said pointing at Liam, Scott and Derek. She pointed at Malia. "Coyote."
She looked at Kira and huffed. "Kitsune." She pointed at Lydia, "Banshee." She looked at Stiles. "You were possessed…"
Stiles looked down, scratching behind his neck. Anita turned to her granddaughter. "How long have you known?"
"About the supernatural or the recent issue?", Sam asked.
"Both, while we're at it.", Anita responded, crossing her arms. Sam sighed and glanced at her pack before looking back at her grandma.
"For a while now.", Sam responded. It wasn't completely a lie, and it was an avoidance. Anita sighed, rubbing her temple.
"I know a lot of what's here in Beacon Hills. I know what's what and weaknesses and strengths. But what you're looking for will be hard to find.", Anita determined.
Sam frowned as her grandmother walked into a hall that was lined up with bookshelves. She pulled a book out of the bookshelf in front of her.
She opened it, and walked back to Sam. "The thing you're looking for is normally called a shadow person.”, she says, handing the book over to Sam. “They drain people of their energies and life force in their sleep. But if what you're looking for is a woman, then that would be a shadow woman, of course.”
Sam looked at the description in the book then paused as she looked up at her grandma. "How'd you know it was a woman?"
Anita scoffed, "The shadow man doesn't drain people to make himself younger. More powerful, maybe, but definitely not younger. A shadow woman may be trying to make herself more physical, hence draining people out of their youth to make her look young."
Sam closed the book. "If it's just a woman, that'll be easy.", she determined, walking past her.
Anita stopped her. "Hold your horses. Why are you so confident?"
Sam turned to her, an eyebrow raised. "You don't know?", Scott asked.
Anita looked confused. What had her granddaughter not told her?
"I thought you knew every supernatural thing that happens in Beacon Hills?", Malia asked. Anita frowned. "I know of every supernatural thing in Beacon Hills. Not what happens in Beacon Hills.", she corrected and turned to her granddaughter.
"Mom's leaving you out of the loop, too, huh?", Sam said and sighed. "I can control shadows and apparently the night as well.", she confessed.
Anita was more than surprised, she was intrigued and almost seemed expectant.
"Your mom had you do some studying too, hm?", Anita asked. Sam frowned a bit, but agreed nonetheless.
If she didn't know about everything that's happened, she doesn't need to now. Sam felt no need to explain more.
"Who's been protecting you?", Anita asked. "Who's your entities?"
"Nyx and Hecate. Sometimes Eris.", Sam confessed, shocking Anita a bit.
Sam sighed. "I've done all my research and if that's all then thanks for the book, granny. I'll see you later.", she said, smiling and pushing her friends out of the door.
Anita followed and watched from the porch as the pack piled into their cars and pulled out from her driveway.
She has the power to manipulate shadows to her will and has the power of the moon…
Anita smirked.
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chloe-skywalker · 5 months
They Were There - Peter Hale
Peter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 635
Summary: Derek and Cora know about Y/n and Peter because they were there when he proposed. Everyone else in the pack? Surprise.
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Welcome to the family.” Derek smiled, hugging Y/n as she and Peter entered the loft having just got back from their honeymoon. Y/n and Derek had been friends since junior high but now she was his sister in law and Derek wasn’t disappointed. “Cora sends her congrats and welcome but she had to leave.”
“Its okay. I already talked to her.” Y/n smiled, waving it off, her and Cora had already talked a few days before. “Its great to finally be apart of the family.” Y/n groaned back at Peter along with Derek.
“Sorry I didn’t want to rush things.” Peter narrowed his eyes at the two.
“You have been in love with her since you were 14. I think you took your damn time.” Derek raised his brows looking at his uncle with an exaggerated look. Even if he was somewhat commatoused for a few years, his uncle still took his damn time.
“I’m just glad you did it to begin with.” Y/n let out a laugh, it was a long time coming.
“It's been a longtime coming.” Peter pulled Y/n, his wife, into his side and kissed her. He could be soft with her.
“There's a pack meeting tonight here at the loft.” Derek told them after their little moment, Y/n is good for his uncle. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t kill him again to protect her, but she did make him a better person.
“I’ll be there.” Y/n told him.
“Will you?” Derek asked his uncle knowing how much he did not care for the pack.
“Since my wife will be there, yes. I gotta know what I’ll have to protect you from when their plans go wrong.” Peter stated sarcastically. Y/n and Derek just looked at eachother and rolled their eyes.
^     ^     ^
“Your back!” Scott said with a smile rushing over to hug Y/n once the pack entered the loft and saw she was there. They had all missed her.
“You’ve been gone so long.” Allsion said having missed her older friend. Y/n was older than the group of teens, she was the older sister figure of the pack.
“Where’d you go?” Stiles asked.
“Is that a ring on your finger?” Lydia points out having caught the shine of it catching the light.
“You got married?” Allison questioned in shock, having looked down to Y/n’s hand like everyone else after hearing Lydia.
“Yes.” Y/n nodded.
“Without us?” Scott gave her his sad puppy dog eyes.
“We plan on having a reception with all of you sometime in the near future.” Y/n smiled at them and she saw her words lesson their sadness.
“We? Who’s the dude?” Stiles raised a brow.
“Peter as in Peter Hale?!” Scott’s eyes bulged out of his head. 
“As in Derek’s uncle?” Allison was less shocked but more surprised.
“Yes, she's a Hale now.” Derek smirked proudly.
“I am.” She smiled.
“Peter Hale?” Stiles squinted his eyes, still not believing it.
“Is there something wrong with me?” Peter raised his eyebrows pretending to be innocent. He spoke up for the first time since the pack arrived from his spot on the couch.
“You're a psychopath for starters.” Stiles stated addressing the oldest Hale.
“He’s different with her. I’ll defend him on that. He has always been different when it comes to Y/n.” Derek spoke up.
Y/n walked over to Peter, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“That's because she’s different. She’s mine.” Peter growled the last part possessively.
“And you're mine.” Y/n smiled at him leaning over to kiss him.
“Oh he’s been yours since he laid eyes on you.” Derek teased and he got satisfaction when his uncle flashed his eyes at him but couldn’t deny his nephew's statement.
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writersmess · 1 year
Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing okey so I see that you are taking request again I wanted to know if you could do a Derek Hale x reader when they have Eli and he is at the stage where he's learning how to talks and he only knows how to say his last name so when Derek and reader leave Eli on peter's watch and at one moment Eli is missing his parents so he goes to Peter and says his last name and Peter just don't understand why he is saying that and Eli ends up crying so Peter calls Derek because poor uncle Peter don't know what to do, just something funny and chaotic please ( sorry if this long and if you don't understand everything it's because english is not my first language so I might have confused everything ).
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Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: While under Peter’s care, baby Eli wouldn’t stop crying. Until everyone found out why.
Warning: none
Word count: 1.4k
a/n: hey sweeties! Thanks for the request! I loved it so much! I hope you enjoy it!!! I apologize for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
“did you get this on tape?” you asked excitedly and Derek agreed in a murmur. You looked at him and your eyes automatically filled with tears as you saw him with a few tears streaming down his face. he was completely dazzled.
It was baby Eli’s first word.
You were playing with the child when he randomly dropped the word. Derek was filming the moment unpretentiously as he always did to keep all possible memories of his little family, and he got to record this moment. It was magical.
“of all the words, he had to chose Hale” Derek said as he hugged you from the side and looked fondly at the baby carefully positioned on the floor with his toys.
“what can I say? He is just like his mama” you joked, hugging him back while laying your head on his shoulder.
You knew exactly why Eli chose that word.
You were Scott and Stiles’ classmate and when the supernatural world began to take over the town, you found yourself in a pack full of scared and inexperienced teenagers. Scott and Stiles took you in and explained what was going on, after you were caught in the middle of the crossfire between hunters and werewolves. Suddenly this bunch of teenagers were best friends and together they were fighting supernatural and human threats.
And there was Derek Hale.
A sourwolf who after so many losses, had to deal with these teenagers full of doubts and fears.
The moment you laid your eyes on Derek you knew your heart was his. And he knew that too, he wanted to love you. But you were too young, it was totally against his morals. And then you went away to study in another state, all of you did. Derek would never admit it but he missed you, missed your irony, missed your passionate glances, your contagious laugh.
He didn’t expect that after a few years you would come back to the city, but your father was sick, he needed you. And it was supposed to be for a while, until you decided to stay. You got a job, got your own apartment, and settled in.
You never imagined that your story with Derek would unfold, indeed you never thought that he would even look at you with second thoughts. The way you looked at him. But you decided to give each other a chance. And it worked, you were perfect for each other. Until a few months after you started to get involved, you found out that Derek’s one-night stand had resulted in a baby. It happened way before you moved back to the city, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It did.
But you learned to deal with it and you were willing to help in Eli’s upbringing. You loved him as if he were your own.
Since your school days you have never been able to call Derek by his name. He never really understood why, but you were too embarrassed to address him by his first name so you chose to call him by his last one. Hale. And everyone got used to it, at one point it even became cute. And even after you were together, you didn’t lose that habit, what you didn’t expect is that your son would use that as his first word.
“morning sunshine. the party is about to begin” you exclaimed excitedly as soon as Peter opened the door and he let out a grunt. He had just woken up.
“jesus, i don’t remember arranging that so early”
“what better way to start the day if not with your adorable nephew”
You said, passing the baby into Peter’s arms, and you could see how his face lit up with the baby’s presence. A smile immediately broke out on his face.
“this is not the first time, so I don’t need to remind you of the rules, also I am very eager to enjoy the day with my boyfriend, so I’m gonna get going” You let out a mischievous smile and Peter rolled his eyes.
“first of all, gross. Second, the Hale’s men are ready to take over the town” you laughed leaving them alone.
“okay pal, it’s just you and me and a whole day ahead of us. You have to help me” Peter talked to the baby as if he was understanding. It was comic.
He was preparing breakfast when Malia and Parish arrived at the house.
“check it out, looks like we have company today”
Malia said, changing her voice tone and moving towards the baby. She absolutely hated pda, but when there’s a baby as cute as Eli in the house, she couldn’t help herself.
“thank God you arrived. He is here for like an hour and has cried at least three times” Peter spoke and the couple could see the desperation in his eyes, making them laugh.
“he’s a Hale, it’s not like he’s easy to deal with” Parish said and both Hale’s looked at him with deadly eyes. He laughed and went into the kitchen, trying to get out of they sight “Sorry”
“did he just say Hale?” Parish asked as the three looked stunned at the baby playing on the floor.
“i guess so” Malia replied and they could see how Peter was smiling. “look at this, uncle Peter is getting emotional”
“shut up” Malia and Parish couldn’t hold their laugh.
What they could not imagine, was that from that moment on baby Eli would not stop crying and repeating his last name for the rest of the afternoon.
“I think he’s broken” Malia said as she shook some toys in front of the baby on Parish’s arms, trying to get him to stop crying.
“dont be stupid, Malia” Peter said with his hands on his head, he couldn’t stand to hear the child’s crying anymore “okay I’m gonna call Derek”
“he’s gonna get crazy, I don’t think it’s a good idea” Malia warned.
“well I don’t know what else to do” Peter said desperately as Eli continued to mumble the word Hale non-stop. “then I’ll call y/n I’m sure she won’t want to kill me”
You and Derek were in the middle of a make-out session when the phone started ringing. You declined the first time, but the fourth time it was impossible.
“jesus christ Peter, what happened? Is everything okay?” You answered preoccupied and you could see Derek’s watchful eyes. He was listening to the conversation.
“Ok don’t go crazy about it, the baby is fine, I’m the one who isn’t” This only made you even more worried. Derek was already starting to get out of bed and look for his clothes.
“why? What happened?”
“there’s the thing! I don’t know! Eli started to cry and hasn’t stopped for at least a couple of hours”
“did you try-“
“yes I did” he cut you.
“but the-“ you tried to say and he cut you off again.
“i tried absolutely everything that you can imagine”
You could sense the tiredness in Peter’s voice and the baby crying in the background.
“he’s not in pain. I tried that too”
“okay we’re coming to rescue you” you said as you finished getting dressed and noticed Derek grabbing the car keys.
“thanks” he mumbled and you laughed.
“he’s okay baby, don’t worry” you said comforting Derek already in the car and he sighed.
“yeah I know”
As soon as you opened the door, you could see what a mess the house was. Toys everywhere, Malia and Parish sitting on the couch and Peter pacing up and down with a crying baby on his arms. Peter was defeated. Eli had swollen eyes from crying and you could see that he was desolated.
“Hale” Eli muttered and stretched his arms out the second Derek entered his field of vision.
“oh hi baby boy” Derek said walking towards him.
The moment Derek held him in his arms, the crying ceased. His little head rested against Derek’s big shoulders and he was now letting out little sighs.
Your heart melted watching that scene and the urge to cry was huge.
“really?” Peter said and the three of them watched the scene in disbelief.
“so hale is Derek? He kept saying that all afternoon” Parish commented and you nodded.
“I can imagine why” Malia said sarcastically looking at you and you felt your face turn red.
“Well what can I say if he’s just like his mama” You joked and let out a laugh.
All this time the baby was just missing you guys, especially Derek.
He really was just like you.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 10 months
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“A Different Breed” (Peter Hale x Fem!Reader)
| With Lydia (& Allison) unwilling to help, and Peter unwilling to let himself be pushed around and fucked over by children, Peter finds other means to unlocking the secrets trapped in his late sister’s claws.
| SFW, canon divergence, manipulative!peter (what’s new though really?), reader is of African and Irish descent -banshee!reader
| 1k+ words
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“Y/n L/n.”
Instinctually your brows furrow at the sound of your name even as you’re still looking at the ledgers on the library table.
“Yes?” You turn towards the person, a man. Trying not to seem rude you do him the favor of not looking at him as if he’s crazy for coming up to you with your full government name in his mouth. “If you’re looking for Ms. Fields she’s in the computer lab.”
He shakes his head. Something about the way he’s looking at you makes you stay stiff as you try to place if you’ve seen him before while leaning back on the table.
“Oh no,” he smiles in a way that’s probably supposed to be pleasant, “I’ve found exactly who I was looking for.”
Mhm. Part of your soul starts to ring out with danger bells but you don’t let him see that.
Planting your hands behind you on the desk you lean back some, inclining your head softly to the side, “What were you looking for me for?”
You nod slowly, dark fingers tapping against the edge of the table. This man doesn’t exactly give off the vibe of someone who needs (or trusts) help from anybody, but part of your job was literally helping people so you couldn’t call bullshit just yet.
You make sure to keep your expression open.
“Cool. What can I help you with, Mr… ?”
At your light promoting it’s like a flip switches and he suddenly remembers he has to seem far less suspicious than he’s otherwise been coming off.
His face loses its tension and in response you relax the tiniest bit as well.
“Hale,” he easily answers the inquiry.
The name pings at something familiar in your head. Hale…Hale? Ah!
“As in Talia Hale?”
The man’s eyebrows go up and a cool smile takes over his face.
“Yeah actually. I’m surprised you’re old enough to remember.”
You give him a tight lipped smile. He definitely isn’t looking to make a light library request if he’s a werewolf whose purposely sought you out.
“I’m in my 20’s actually. I went to school with Derek.”
He hums, a sound that might actually be signifying a genuine moment of interest.
“You know what? I thought your name sounded familiar.” He points to you, a roguish smile stretches across sharp features. “You were the basketball team’s manager, weren’t you?”
You snort despite yourself.
Out of all the reasons he could have remembered you by - the most likely of which being that you were one of the scant few black student body that went to BHS - that it was for basketball was a pleasant enough surprise.
“Yeah, I was, actually - and since you’re not Derek I’m gonna guess you’re his uncle.”
“Yes well,” he makes a low sound and meets your eyes, “I am his uncle. Peter.” He holds out his hand.
You only have a second to eye it in contemplation before it becomes socially unacceptable, but he’s got a really intense stare and you’re already nervous about this whole thing, so you end up biting the bullet before you can really think your decision through.
Hastily, you accept his outstretched hand to shake and immediately he uses the connection to pull himself closer. It forces you to knock your head back a bit to keep looking him in the face, your own face heating up.
Peter chuckles. It’s smooth and feels just a little patronizing and makes your eyebrow raise.
Those alarm bells from earlier start kicking up a fuss, whirring through your bloodstream like a tsunami. You keep a tightly controlled lid on it, but just barely.
Even as a beta Peter Hale was dangerous.
“You gonna stare at me with those pretty eyes all day, or you gonna tell me what you need?”
The corner of his eyes crinkle and his smile widens. His hand is still inhumanly warm against yours.
“Don’t knock yourself short, your eyes are pretty too.” He blinks down at you, eyes twinkling for a brief moment. “Like cognac diamonds.”
You bite the inside of your lip as Peter leans in even more, planting one of his hands next to yours on the table. Your breath speeds up as your bodies graze one another.
Casual as anything Peter leans down till your heads are level so he can whisper.
“Let’s cut the pretense, shall we, I know what you are.” Instantly you tense up again, eyes widening. Now his presence so close to you feels burning hot; nearly suffocating. Your palm is getting sweaty and your fingers are starting to creek at his tightening hold.
You swallow thickly, licking your lips. His breath puffs warmth onto the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to sprout along your brown skin.
“I'm going to need to use those abilities of yours.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You bite your lip harder after the poorly hidden shakiness in your voice meets your ears. The man - the wolf looming over you chuffs, voice going back to normal.
“Come on, Sweetheart. We both know that’s not true.” He straightens up then, his now free hand coming to press into his chest. “Let’s make this easier. I’m Peter Hale, big bad werewolf; and you’re Y/n L/n, prettiest banshee in Beacon Hills.”
“There’s other banshees in this town.”
He nods.
“Oh I know, but I’m not much into children and she wouldn’t be my type anyway. Now, you’re going to help me because teenage girls are brats.”
Your jaw works as you stare up at him. There’s not much you could even do in this situation other than go along or get your throat ripped out. You’d overheard some…things about Peter from your father the night he was admitted into the hospital that you’d rather not get a personal example of. Pack left hand, ruthless, it was good he wasn’t able to cause any more trouble.
“Fine,” you force out.
Eyes dropping, you glare daggers into the floor as he chuckles.
“Good choice.” He starts dragging you off towards one of the back rooms, “Now how advanced in your birthright are you? And who activated you?”
Your jaw clenches but you make yourself answer anyway.
“Since I graduated high school,” you glare at his back, “and not a who, a what.”
“Ah,” Peter nods and gestures for you to unlock the door. “The nemeton?”
Snatching your key ring from your pocket you shove the correct one into the hole and the second the key’s pulled back he’s knocking it open and shoving you in before him.
You stumble but quickly spin back around to keep your eyes on the werewolf.
“Yes,” you snap, “the nemeton was left defenseless and was just reacting to the only supernatural beings left, dormant or not.”
Peter locks and then leans against the door.
“Me and you,” he says, crossing his arms.
You hum an affirmative and go about shoving your rumpled clothes back into place.
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
He has the audacity to throw you yet another one of those roguish smiles before those angelite eyes flash a supernatural electric blue.
That thing deep within you that turns your eyes white and forces a wail from your throat when death’s near rumbles inside your chest in response. You glare at Peter, shoving it down.
“Just tell me what you want.”
He claps before pulling a brown ornate jar out from behind his back.
“I want you to tell me what memory is trapped in these,” he scowls, “the full memory.”
“No shit,” you grunt.
When you reach for the jar he puts it more out of reach and inclines his head to give you a reproachful look though. You roll your eyes, the one time a man shows some interest in you and it’s this guy.
“I get it. The full memory or you’ll rip my throat out with your teeth or whatever.”
He scoffs but hands you the jar. You start to untwist it.
“The whole throat teeth thing is much more my nephew's style. No, I like to use my claws. There’s zero need for blood in my mouth when it’s sticking to my clothes.”
You grimace. Damn v-neck wearing bastard. No stable person talked like that, he was crazy, and you say as much out loud.
“So you're crazy?”
He laughs, sounding a little startled, and you dump the five werewolf claws into your palm. Ooookay.
“I’ve got to say, I like you way more than the other banshee I know.”
You grunt.
“Martin’s daughter, right?”
“Just the one,” he drawls.
You nod vaguely while inspecting the claws, turning them over with the fingers of your free hand. They’ve got a distinct hum of magic around them still, a particular frequency.
“These are Talia’s,” you state.
“Oh you are on a roll today, Sweetheart,” his eyes run over your body appreciatively before jumping back to your face. His smirk only widens at the unimpressed look you’re giving him, “now just tell me what she took from me.”
You give him one last pinched look before closing your eyes and clamping your fist around the sharp points. You exhale and focus on the frequency.
Alphas. Head of their packs. Crimson eyes. Leaders. Wolves. Chosen protector of Beacon Hills, burned alive on its lands after years of successfully protecting it and the people within it.
Your eyes snap open. They’re white. White like snow or powdered sugar. Like your mother’s favorite blanket on the back of the couch or like the steam from the pot when you whip up some soup when you’re missing your grandma like hell. White like the froth from crashing waves, like the blur between the mother, the spirit, and the crone when they flash before mortals eyes. White like the void between life and death.
The blank image before you, as you see with different eyes, flashes into one of a black haired woman. Talia Hale. She’s standing beside a chair, a chair Peter’s sitting in. Another flash and a screaming woman is there, talking about a baby and Peter and how it’s taking her power goddamnit!
You gasp, eyes blinking back to the present and keel forward, dropping the claws to the floor in the process. You barely make out the tiny clinks of them hitting the vinyl, hands resting on bent knees as harsh breaths rush from your chest.
Peter’s suddenly there, the claws are no longer on the ground and the jar’s nowhere to be seen. He grabs your forearms and then hefts you upright, shaking you.
“What? What was it? What’d you see?”
You groan and try to shake him off but he doesn’t budge. His grip only gets tighter.
“Fuck you,” you gasp. “You’ve got a kid - a Coyote wer - somewhere here in Beacon.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!! I’ll catch any typos later.
In retrospect it really is wild how little black people were in Teen Wolf. Like, off the top of my head there was only four, I think.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
Sundrop's Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Protective - Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader. Pining Best Friends. Hurt and Comfort. Set during Season 2, Episode 9. During Isaac's first full moon, he needs something to ground him - so he thinks of you. (2,300 words.)
BRAINWASHED - Virgin!Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader. Pining Best Friends/One-Sided Fantasies. Smut/PWP. Panty Stealing. Stiles has been in love with you for as long as he can remember, and since you both hit high school, that love has become perverted by hormones. But he can't help it. He also can't seem to help it when he steals a pair of your underwear that were seemingly laid out for him - but he can't get too caught up in the logistics when he has a hand around his cock. (8,000 words.)
Eager Little Puppy - Sub!Isaac Lahey x Dom!GN!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP. You offer to help Isaac relax, and it ends up being a night he did not expect, though he can't help but to love it. (2,100 words est.)
Stupid For You - Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader. Pining Best Friends to Lovers. Smut/PWP. Sequel to the above fic. Stiles still has your underwear that he stole, and he accidentally drops them in the locker room - in front of the entire lacrosse team. He lies and says that he got them from a hook-up with you, and surprisingly - you cover for him? But only on the condition that you can turn his lie into the truth. (10,200 words est.)
Blood In The Water - Void!Stiles x Fem!Reader. (Pining) Best Friends to 'Lovers'. Pure Angst. Set during Season 3 (with flashbacks to Season 1). When Void takes control, you worry about the damage that he's inevitably doing to Stiles's body. So you make a deal with him - if he lets Stiles eat, then you'll feed Void with some of your pain. But it's not cuts or broken bones that he wants from you - it's your tears.
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Mister Mxyzptlk - Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Blurb
(Un)Intimidated - Derek Hale x GN!Reader Blurb
Claustrophobia - Isaac Lahey x GN!Reader Blurb
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How would Stiles Stilinski and Allison Argent react to seeing you naked by accident?
How would Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, and Derek Hale react to finding out that you're pregnant with their baby?
How would Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, and Derek Hale act while parenting your baby?
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What kind of nicknames would Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, and Derek Hale like in a relationship?
What would Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes think of you wearing a necklace that represents them?
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I'm not that good at this yet. - Isaac Lahey Playlist
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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s0urw00lf · 4 months
Protectors: wolf’s bane
A Derek hale x reader story
Summary: y/n, Derek and stiles were tasked with finding out who it was that sent Allison the message that night in the school.
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“Faster?” She asked checking her rearview mirror
"Much faster" Stiles replied looking out the back window at some hunter who was hot tailing them in Derek's car.
Y/n switched gears and pressed down a little bit more on the gas, "and he said id never step foot in the drivers seat" y/n muttered to herself.
"Y/n im not sure you're quite grasping the concept of a car chase" stiles said looking back.
"If she goes any faster it'll kill us" Scott said from the back, as y/n looked through her rearview mirror
"well if she doesn't they're gonna kill us" stiles argued back. He had a point so y/n pressed down harder on the gas's pedal.
Stiles kept looking back "hey they're gone" he said, making y/n check her mirrors again and she slowed down a little bit.
Stiles bought out a radio that y/n guessed belonged to his father. 'All units, suspect is in foot heading into the ironworks' the sheriff said. Y/n sighed speeding back up, quickly arriving at the location, stopping when she saw Derek crouching behind a machine. 'Get in' stiles said opening the door and hopping in the back. Someone from above them began firing shots at them and y/n was quick to pull off before he could even close the door.
"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott scolded from the backseat.
"Damnit i had him" Derek said ignoring Scott's comment.
"Who the alpha?" Stiles asked. "Yes! He was right in front of me but then the friggin police showed up" Derek said aggrieved.
"Woah, hey they're just doing their jobs" stiles was quick to defend and Derek practically glared him back into his seat
"yeah thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek said now glaring at Scott.
"Can we seriously get passed that? i made a dumb ass mistake, i get it but y/n didn't say anything" Scott whined.
"Hey i was in the middle of keeping you two plus the three additions alive while trying not to think about my boyfriend who was lying dead in the school parking lot. So excuse me for not being all that rational" y/n said defensively
"alright!" Stiles shouted from the back to shut everyone up.
"How did you find him?" Stiles asked.
Derek looked between Scott and stiles and shook his head brushing off the question. "Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asked
"yeah both of us" stiles added, earning another glare from Derek.
"Come on der, share with the class" y/n muttered lowly, knowing everyone in the car heard.
"The last time i talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out, she found two things. First a guy named Harris-"
"our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asked interrupting Derek.
"Why him?" Scott questioned
"I don't know yet" Derek said
"and what's the second?" Scott asked.
"This symbol" Derek said as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and showed it to the two, as y/n had already known this bit of information.
Scott made a face that y/n caught through the mirror, "what? You know what that is?" She asked.
"I've seen it. On a necklace" He trailed off. Derek looked at him in confusion before Scott finished off his statement "Allison's necklace"
" this is gonna be impossible you know" Scott says to y/n and stiles as they walk through the entrance of the school.
"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles asks.
"And how is he supposed to do that?" Y/n asked.
"Easy ' hey, Allison can I borrow your necklace? To see if there's anything on it or in it? That can lead me to an alpha werewolf that i need to kill in order to get back together with you'" Stiles says. Scott smacks his chest "dude you're not helping" he says.
Stiles points to y/n "why cant you just ask to borrow it? You know girl code or whatever." Stiles asks waiving his arms in his usual manner.
Y/n looked at him as if he'd grown two heads "you want me to ask to borrow an heirloom that currently lies in the hands of someone I'm not even sure likes me, keep in mind said family hates me the previous owner especially, and if by chance i was to be seen with said heirloom id be shot in the heart with an wolfsbane laced arrow? No thanks" y/n said shaking her head before walking off.
A little later y/n came across Scott being threatened by Jackson, she groaned quietly stomping her foot before she walked up and grabbed him by his shoulder "hiya Jackson, i seem to recall where you got this little... scratch from" she said, pulling down the neck of his jacket slightly to get a better view of it.
"You don't happen to want another one do ya?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone.
Jacksons face mirrored someone who'd seen a ghost as he shook his head no. "Oh no? Well id suggest you run along then hmm?" She said pushing him forward and he hurried away.
"So he knows huh?" She asked folding her arms leaning against the lockers.
"Yeah" Scott said, looking worried. "Well let's hope I'm not assigned to him" she muttered walking away.
Y/n followed stiles to where Scott was sitting at the lunch table, separating only so she could sit across from them.
“did you get it?" Stiles asked as he sat down.
"Not exactly" Scott answered, shaking his head
"Well what happened?" Y/n questioned as she sat her backpack on the ground behind her and plucked her phone out of one of the pockets.
"She told me not to talk to her at all" he said defeated.
Stiles took a huge bite of his chicken tender "so she's not giving you the neck-"
"she's not giving me the necklace" scott confirmed.
Y/n placed her head in her hand. "Scott what the hell did you do" she said, lightly banging her head on the table feeling defeated.
“I showed her photos of us from when we were together.” He stated as if it was obvious.
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock and slowly lifted her head up to look at Scott. “You did what?!” She all but shouted.
Scott and stiles looked at her confused.
She dropped her head to her hands and dragged them through her hair. “Scott she already feels bad for breaking up with you. Showing her those photos was just about the dumbest thing you could’ve done. Not only for the necklace but for your relationship.” She explained.
Scott groaned, letting his head fall back. “Okay well did you find anything else out?” Stiles asked still chewing his food.
Scott sighed “just that i know nothing about girls and that they’re completely psychotic.” Scott said defeated
“That’s high school for ya” y/n muttered.
”okay, well i came up with with a plan b just in case anything like this happened” stiles said
”what’s plan b?
“just steal the stupid thing” stiles said
”that’s what i thought he was gonna do in the first place” y/n said as she checked her phone for any messages from Derek
“can we try to at least get to Harris?” Scott asked, seemingly wanting to weigh out his options.
stiles shook his head “my dad put him under a 24-hour protective detail okay the necklace is all we got, steal it. Thank you.” He replied
scott sighed in defeat meeting y/n’s eye from across the table as she began packing up her things “look it shouldn’t be that hard, you’re a werewolf for god-sake just steal the damn thing” she said, standing up and walking out of the lunchroom.
——[time skip]——
When the last bell of the day rang, y/n met up with stiles, whom she'd asked for a ride since 1. Derek wasn’t supposed to be anywhere on school grounds at the moment, and 2. She wanted to see Noah before he went off to the parent teacher conference, which she didn’t have the best feeling about.
Y/n walked in stiles room, immediately sensing Derek’s presence, she looked at him in irritation “what the hell de-“ but the sound of Noah calling out for stiles cuts her off
“hey stiles!”
“yo da-erek” stiles faltered.
Derek's eyes widened and guestered for stiles to deal with his dad who was just outside the door.
Y/n listened to the exchange between the two stillinakis completely forgetting her intentions for coming as she stared at her careless boyfriend.
"What'd you say?"
"What? I said yo... D-Dad'."
"Uh, listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game."
"Uh, listen, I've got something I've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game."
"I'm very happy for you. And I'm really proud of you."
"Oh, thanks. Me too. I'm happy and proud... Of myself."
"So they're really gonna let you play, right?"
Yeah, dad. I'm first line. Believe that?"
"I'm very proud."
"Oh, me too. Again, I'm- oh." Noah goes to hug Stiles. "Huggie... Huggie, huggie..." Stiles trailed off awkwardly patting his dads back
“Alright see you there,” Noah said pulling away from his son
”take it easy” Stiles responded
Noah nodded, walking away before pausing “y/n how about coming to say hello next time” he said, and then took his leave.
y/n sighed as her memory had been re jogged
Stiles entered the room again letting out a sigh of relief as he closed the door, only to be pinned to it by Derek, y/n was quick to put herself between the two “Hey, cool it alright” she warned putting some distance between them.
She could handle the jabs all day long but as soon as it began to get handsy she wasn’t going to tolerate it. Y/n decided it was okay for her to move now and settled down on Stiles's bed. Derek quickly looks from y/n to Stiles and points to him
“if you say one word-“ he began but was quickly off by Stiles
“oh, what, you mean like hey Dad Derek hales in my bedroom bring your gun?” He asked sarcastically.
Derek doesn't say anything at his remark, realizing just how ridiculous it sounded. Stiles took that as his cue to keep going “Yeah that’s right, if I'm harboring your fugitive ass that means it's my house, my rules buddy” he said back handing Derek’s shoulder.
Derek nodded in response and fixed Stiles’ jacket, and Stiles did the same to him with a goofy grin on his face and walked away but jumped when Derek fake lunged
“oh my god!”
y/n let a laugh slip through her lips at Derek’s antics.
“Scott didn’t get the necklace?” Derek asked
”no he’s still working on it, but there’s something else we can try” Stiles answered
Catching both y/n and Derek’s attention, as she hadn’t known any of what he was talking about, Derek made a ‘what’ gesture telling him to elaborate.
“The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there,” Stiles said
”So, Scott didn’t send it,” y/n said, slowly catching on to what Stiles was saying
”well can you find out who did?” Derek asked
“No not us, but I think I know of someone who can,” he said
“you want me to do what?” Danny asked baffled
“Trace a text,” Stiles said casually ” I came here to do lab work-- that's what lab partners do.”
”And we will! ...Once you trace the text.”
“And what makes you think I know how?” Danny asked fidgeting slightly
“I had him look up your arrest report, so–“ y/n cut in
”I-I was thirteen. They dropped the charges.” Danny said defensively
“Whatever,” Stiles said pitching his voice up a few octaves
.“No, we're doing lab work.” Danny stated.
He then grabs a stool from somewhere near y/n and pulls it up beside Stiles, sitting down and looking at the computer.
Y/n watched Danny in amusement as he looked back to Derek who sat in a chair next to her, fake reading a book.
“Uh- who is he again?” He asked
“My cousin… Miguel” Stiles said, the laugh y/n almost let out would’ve had Derek death staring at her, so she decided against it
”he’s also my boyfriend, cute one isn’t he?” y/n asked teasingly
Danny nodded slightly “I guess,” he said feeling uncomfortable
Looking back at him y/n finally noticed the dried blood on his shirt, but before she Could cover it from Danny’s wandering eyes he spoke up
“is that blood on his shirt?” He asked
Stiles whipped around to see and Y/n winced, “Yeah, yes. Well, he gets this horrible nose bleeds” Stiles explained, y/n had never been prouder at how quick Stiles was to come up with a line than at that moment.
“Hey, Miguel?” Stiles said, turning to Derek. Derek lifted his head with a glare dead set on stiles. “I thought I told you you could borrow one of my shirts,” he said, gesturing to his dresser.
y/n watched in amusement as Derek slammed the book shut and began to take off his shirt, walk towards the dresser, and grumpily rummage through it for a shirt
”uh stiles”
” This… no fit!” He said as he tugged at the shirt irritably
”then try something else on” Stiles stated obviously
y/n then got up and pulled a shirt out handing it to him with a small smile on her face, Derek squinted his eyes but pulled the shirt over his head
”Hey, this looks pretty good, what do you think Danny,” y/n asked turning to Danny who was not so discretely eyeing Derek
”the shirt” Stiles confirms catching on to y/ns game
” It uh- it's not really his color” he answered timidly
“I agree,” y/n said inspecting the the shirt with a fake frown
Derek glared between Stiles and y/n before pulling off the shirt.
Y/n saw Stiles turn the computer to Danny
”you swing for a different team but you still play ball don’t ya Danny boy?”
”you’re horrible people”
”We know it keeps us awake at night, anyway about that text”
“Stiles! None of these fit!” Derek seethed frustrated
Stiles just looked from Derek to Danny with wide eyes
“I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of the text,” Danny said making Stiles lean back and throw his arms up in a quiet celebration
Y/n paced stiles while she waited for Danny to retrieve the information they needed
“There. The text was sent from a computer. This one.” Danny said making y/n walk behind them and peer over their shoulders
“Registered to that account name?” Derek asked
“No, no, no, no. That can't be right.”
Y/n frowned in confusion at the name she read on the computer
‘Melissa McCall’
“Did you get the picture?” Scott asked, voice ringing through the car as Stiles had him on speakerphone
” Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing.
“Hey, is there something on the back of it?” Derek asked after nearly yanking stiles arm so he could bring the phone closer to him
“I mean there's gotta be something-- an inscription, an opening, something…” y/n said from the back seat
“No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line.” Scott said to Stiles, and just as his sentence finished y/n heard coach in the background
“Where the hell is Bilinski???”
“Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start…”
“I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him... tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little bit late, okay? All right, thanks.”
“You're not gonna make it,” Y/n said grimly. She knew how happy he was when he got first line, and how happy Noah was for him
“I know,” Stiles responded with the same emotion
“And you didn't tell him about his mom, either,” Derek said
“Not 'til we find out the truth.”
“By the way? One more thing…”
Derek grabbed the back of stiles neck and rammed his head into the steering wheel
“Oh, God! What the hell was–“
“You know that was for. Go. Go!” Derek said, rushing Stiles out of the car.
he then looked back at y/n who raised her brows, “you wouldn’t dare” she said in a challenging tone.
“Oh just you wait” he replied with a smirk. Y/n raised her brows challengingly, making her way out of the car but Derek grabbed her arm
”where are you going?” He asked
” With Stiles, god forbid but if the alpha is in there he’s gonna need some sort of help” she explained
Derek faltered, “Just, just be careful ok?” He said
y/n smiled lovingly “Always am,” she said before closing the door
the pair had been walking around the hospital for 10 minutes
”yeah I said I can't find her,” Stiles said
”look, ask for Jennifer, she’s my uncle's nurse” Derek replied over the phone
”well he’s not here either-“ stiles said, making y/n look into the room in confusion \
”shit, stiles we gotta go. Now!” Y/n shouted just as Derek had confirmed her suspicions of Peter being the alpha.
Y/n looked to the side only to come face to face with Peter Hale.
“Good to see you y/n,” he said before looking over to Stiles” and you must be Stiles”
Y/n grabbed Stiles’ arm and began rushing away only to be stopped by Jennifer, peters nurse
”what are you doing here, visiting hours are over,” she said menacingly
stiles began to look back and forth between Peter and Jennifer “You.. and him… you’re-you’re the one who- and oh my- and he’s— oh, my god, I'm gonna die.” He said
“You aged beautifully” y/n sarcastically muttered to Peter
Y/n pushed him aside, just as Derek came behind her and punched the nurse unconscious
” That’s not nice, she's my nurse,” Peter said fainting a sad tone
“She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people, get out of the way”
”you think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?”
This set Derek off as he jumped at his uncle, who threw him into a wall.
Y/n wasn’t far behind, she sent a swift kick to Peter's stomach, knocking him off his feet. He was quick to regroup and grabbed y/n by her arm, flipped her over, and knocked her into the wall, much like he did that night in the school.
He then went over and picked Derek, (who struggled against his grip) up by his neck and began to drag him “My mind, my personality, were burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct.” He said before he dropped him.
“So what, you want forgiveness?” Y/n groaned from behind him kicking his feet from under him just as Derek sent a punch to his face.
Peter was back on his feet in seconds, grabbing Derek by his collar“ I want understanding.” He said before headbutting him and landing a kick to his stomach, sending him rolling back
“Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell?” He asked turning to y/n who stood ready.
He sent a kick her way but y/n dodged it, catching his foot and knocking him off balance with hers, she then got on top of hem and sent punch after punch to his face, just as she went to throw another, he caught her fist and headbutted her kicking her into the office desk so hard that it knocked her unconscious.
When she woke up she was face to face with a worried stiles
“Oh thank god, I though I was gonna have to hit you” he said
Y/n groaned at her ponding head, she looked around and frowned when she didn’t see Derek or Peter
Stiles must have seen it on her face because he immediately answered the question in her head
“He left with Peter” he said
Y/n frowned as tears came to her eyes, she was in a woozy state of mind and felt upset about Derek leaving and the pounding headache she had.
Y/n’s number one problem was how emotional she was when she was in pain.
Stiles panicked, having never expected to see his sister in this state of mind. He grabbed her and bought her in for a hug, telling her that everything was okay.
“Why’d he leave?” She asked sniffling, after a couple of minutes of slowly coming back to her right mind.
Stiles sighed beside her, now his arm rested on her shoulder “I don’t know” he said, wondering the same thing
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Being a girl is pt.2: deciding you’ve read enough fics for the moment and swiping out of the app just to re-open tumblr or open wattpad/ao3
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—𓆩[bumblebee & angel]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale x Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.2K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You had a slight interest in both Stiles and Derek, I mean, who wouldn’t? You tried at first, but when they kept asking questions about each other, you settled on the fact that they were interested in each other and have been trying to get them together. Stiles and Derek on the other hand, weren’t interested in each other, but you. They kept asking questions about each other to know where the other was in a relationship with you, and they’re tired of seeing each other when they ask you out on a date.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - Okay, so I totally fucked up the ages. You and Stiles are 19 in your senior year, Derek is 22. || cursing || Stiles’ class A sarcasm || Derek’s werewolf abilities || ovulating || violence || third wheeling || slightly awkward situations || kissing || making out || multiple different oral partners idek they like to kiss you || mentions of fanfic || reader uses birth control || will probably turn into a series/universe thing ||
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Stiles was completely fucking tired of you. If he wasn’t in love with you, he would push you off a cliff and then act as your savior so you would like him, romantically at least. You liked Stiles, matter of fact, you often said you loved him, ‘as a best friend.’ Who the fuck says that?
“Still getting friendzoned?” Scott asks as he sits down in front of him, the seat next to him reserved for you.
“I swear, if I wasn’t so in love with her, I would kill her.”
“Kill who?” Your voice made Stiles jump as you went around him, gently pushing your hips forward into his back to get him to scoot up.
The small gesture had Stiles shivering, quickly scooting up his stool as you softly pat his shoulder. “No one.”
You giggle. “I got caught up at lunch.”
Stiles’ nose scrunched. “I was just with you at lunch.”
You shake your head, patting his cheek. “I was on a phone call, babe.”
“With who?” Scott asks as you snort.
“With Derek, phone call police,” you say with another small giggle. “He was seeing if I had any plans Friday night.”
“That’s our movie night,” Stiles said immediately, hoping you weren’t coming to tell him that you blew him off for Derek fucking Hale. “Y/N, I swear-”
“I told him we were having a movie night,” you say, putting your bag on the ground as you leaned on his shoulder. “But I told him he should swing by because we’re watching Disney movies this week.”
The topic of Disney movies quickly flew over his head, you always wanted to watch Disney movies when it was your turn to pick. “You what?!”
His voice was loud making everyone turn to you, the bell ringing signifying the start of class. You slapped his thigh, a soft yelp leaving his lips. “Calm down,” you whisper, the smile on your face falling. “I thought you’d be happy about it.”
He curses, hand slipping into yours. He definitely wasn’t going to be the cause of you being sad. “No, no I am,” he was lying, he was definitely lying. “I am. Just… tell him to bring some snacks. I know how much you love those little stupid things.”
You giggle, squeezing his hand. “I will! Do you want anything?”
He shook his head. “I’ll raid your cabinet.”
You nodded, squeezing his hand before slipping your own out of his and pulling out your phone. Your fingers moved quickly as you typed, Scott snorting back a laugh before Stiles kicked his chair as hard as he could.
Scott looks back, glaring playfully as Stiles does one of those signature innocent smiles that made him look possessed.
“Okay! Done, he’ll be there around eight.”
Stiles looks over at you, the same grin on his face. “Yay.”
You slipped your hand into his, squeezing. “Don’t get too excited,” you say, smiling slightly. “I can tell him it’s not a good time? If you want?”
He sighed. As much as he wanted you to do just that, or yell it at the top of his lungs right in front of him, he shook his head. “No, it’s okay. Promise.”
You giggled, squeezing his hand again. “It’s going to be awesome.”
You stayed in class a few minutes after to collect your stuff, Scott quickly slipping in. “Hey Y/N.”
“Hey Scott! What’s up?” You ask, pushing your laptop into your bag as he looks back, signing.
“I just… got a quick question.”
You paused. “Okay.”
He sighs, tugging on his backpack string. “Well, I was wondering like… why do you always get Derek and Sti together?”
You pause, gasping. You knew something Scott didn’t about his best friend, and that was something you took pride in. “Come here,” you whisper, tugging him closer. “When we first started hanging out, Sti kept asking questions about Derek, like, ‘Is Derek going to be there?’ or ‘You hung out with Derek?’” You giggled. “And Derek was asking the same things! So… they like each other!”
Scott’s jaw drops as you clap your hands softly at your small (though false) victory. “And this Friday, I told Derek to bring his favorite snacks! Then I’m going to leave them alone for a while, hoping something will happen between them.”
Scott grins. “You’re a genius, Y/N.”
You giggled. “I know.”
You take his offered hand as you both walk out, Stiles scrolling on his phone as you walk over. “Stiles! Come on, you’re driving me home!”
He groaned playfully. “I hope you know I’m tired of being your chauffeur.”
You giggled. “No you’re not. You love it.”
It didn’t take him long to get to your house, cursing when he saw Derek’s black Camaro pulled into your driveway. Your parents were out of town as always, and he wasn’t in his car which probably meant that he used the spare key you had given to him, Stiles, and Scott - just in case.
“Oh! Derek’s here! Do you want to come in?” You asked Stiles who immediately nodded his head.
“Fuck yeah I do,” he said before Scott caught his shoulder from the back seat.
“We’ll go inside in a second, Y/N,” the other boy says, smiling. “Promise.”
“Oh, okay!” You giggled as you jumped out of the Jeep, grabbing your lunchbox and backpack. “See you inside!”
You slammed the door shut, running off to your front door and quickly walking in.
“I swear, I want to shove fucking-”
“She thinks you’re in love with each other.”
Stiles pauses, looking at his friend through the rearview mirror. “What?”
Scott starts to laugh. “She thinks you’re in love with Derek! And him with you!”
Stiles takes the keys out of the ignition, shaking his head.
“Fuck no.”
He could hear Scott howling out fits of laughter from the Jeep, quickly walking inside to see you putting flowers into a vase. “Oh! Stiles, look at the flowers Derek got me! They’re my favorite.”
Stiles sends you a tight lipped smile. “I know,” he says through gritted teeth, looking at Derek who put the cut ends of the flowers into a t-shirt bag to throw them away. “Y/N, you mind if I talk to Derek? Alone?”
He could see you start to smile as you fixed the bow around the vase, nodding. “Mhm!” You all but skipped out of the room, yelling as you went up the stairs. “Gonna change!”
Stiles doesn’t speak until he hears your door close, Derek closing his eyes. He could hear you slipping off your shirt, unclasping your bra, opening your drawer to get a new shirt. Fuck, he could just imagine it, your pretty fingers-
“Stop being a perv and listening to her change, Derek,” Stiles scolds, crossing his arms. “We need to talk.”
He snorts out a laugh. “Why are you here, Stiles?”
“To kill you.” He says it with a straight face making Derek pause, Stiles doing frantic movements with his hands. “What do you expect me to do, huh?! I drop her off every day!”
Derek ignores him. “What days do you have practice?”
“Most days, today we just got lucky,” Stiles crosses his arms as he watches Derek move the vase of flowers to the center of the island. “Why?”
“So I can pick her up. Why make her wait hours to come home?”
Stiles shakes his head, quickly going around the table. “No! No you’re not, I drop her off, I’m her chauffeur!”
Derek laughs. “Hate to break it to you kid, so am I.”
“She’s my passenger princess!” Stiles says quickly, shaking his head. “That’s not the point though!”
Derek ignores him, again. “Is that what they call them now?”
“Listen to me! She thinks we like each other!”
He paused. “What?”
Stiles nods. “That’s what I said!”
The older man starts to laugh, shaking his head. “No. No, what would make her think that?”
Stiles scoffs. “Well everyone says I can’t be gay, so I don’t even know! Anyways, we need to talk to her-”
“You’re not even my type.”
The younger male glared. “Yeah well, just because you’re a perfect specimen doesn’t mean you’re mine, asshat. You’d be lucky to get a piece of me.”
“Boys, why are you arguing?” You come down the stairs, giggling as you fix your shirt.
It wasn’t the first time they’ve seen you in lounge clothes, but this time it was different. You wore shorts that went down to your knees, basketball shorts specifically, with an oversized hand t-shirt you were in love with. Your hair was down, making pretty halos around your face as you walked over to them.
There was something different, though, Stiles could feel it and Derek could smell it. You open the fridge, taking out your favorite drink before opening it and taking a big gulp. “Fuck, I was thirsty.”
“Hey, honey, can we talk?” Derek decides to test the nickname, determining he truly didn’t like it.
The term of endearment makes Stiles’ nose scrunch. “Honey? Really? That’s the best you can come up with?”
“I was trying it out!”
“Well why is she honey? Why can’t I be honey? Of course honey doesn’t fit her!”
You start laughing, making them both pause as you sit on the stool. “Y’all are so cute.”
They both freeze, staring at you as you take another sip of your drink. “What?”
“What? You guys should go get something to eat, y’know?” You suggest making Stiles gag loudly.
“I’m going to throw up.”
“Would you stop?” Derek says in annoyance, Stiles flipping him off.
“I hope you know if I was gay you’d be my last choice.”
The older man crossed his arms. “You wouldn’t be first on my list either.”
Stiles makes a noise of victory. “Hah! I’d still be on your list though!”
“You are literally one of the only guys I know, everyone else is dead.”
Stiles flips him off with both hands. “Still on your list!”
“What do you mean, ‘if you were gay’?”
Derek sighs. “Darling-”
“Ew! That sounds even worse!” Stiles says immediately. “It’s like you calling your girlfriend who’s thirty years younger than you who only wants you for your money.”
Derek’s face looks slightly offended. “I actually kind of liked it.”
The younger male shakes his head. “You don’t seem like the person to use terms like that. Just use normal ones.”
“What's going on?” You finally asked, both of them looking at you.
“Too overused.”
“Fucking hell, shut up, Stiles!”
Stiles mocked him softly, mumbling under his breath as he turned to you. “Okay, love-”
“You’re British now?”
“That’s just weird.”
Stiles scoffs. “She actually likes it.”
“What is going on?” Your voice raises as you set down your drink. “Like, seriously.”
“We’re not gay, bumblebee,” Derek says, smiling. “I like that one.”
You paused, eyes trailing over both of them. “You aren’t?”
“Hell no,” Stiles says before pausing. “Not for him at least. Other people, maybe, but definitely not for him.”
Derek snorts. “You wish.”
“Wait… so,” you pause, looking at the two of them. “I know why Stiles is, but Derek, why are you always around me then? And why do you always ask me questions about each other?”
Your best friend pauses. “Wait, what do you think you know about me?”
“Well we’re best friends,” you say, eyes narrowing slightly. “But I feel like I’m wrong now.”
Derek snorts. “You always get friendzoned like this?”
He nods, mocking him. “You always get friendzoned like this- bitch, you’re getting friendzoned too!”
He glared. “No I’m not!”
You stand. “If you both don’t say something right now!”
Both inhale before exhaling, staring at you. “I’m in love with you.”
Your jaw dropped. You could comprehend witches and demons and fucking werewolves for fucks sake, but two men being in love with you? Two extremely attractive men?
Stiles pauses. “Y’know what, I’ve known her longer, so fuck off!” 
Derek snorts. “You’ve been friendzoned for half of those years, kid, you fuck off.”
“Shut up, I need to think,” you say, rubbing your temples before looking up. “You’re in love with me? Both of you?”
“He just met you like three years ago,” Stiles interrupts. “One of them he was in love with you illegally. I’ve known you my entire life, I’ve never loved you illegally.”
Derek scoffed, crossing his arms. “We’re literally three years apart, Stiles.”
“Ah! Still years! She was sixteen, you were nineteen!”
“I wasn’t in love with her then, idiot!”
“Boys,” you say sternly, both of them quieting as you look at them. “Why?”
They pause. “Why what?”
Oh they were speaking in unison way too much today.
“Why do you… why are you guys in love with me?” You jump off the stool, gasping. “You’re cursed! Oh my goodness, you’re cursed! I’m going to go get Scott-”
“We’re not cursed, lovely,” Stiles said before his nose scrunched. “We’re not cursed, baby.”
Derek glared. “Didn’t you say I couldn’t use babe?”
“Well I am going to use babe and baby because we’re the same age and it’s not creepy when I do it.” Stiles stuck his tongue out at Derek making you giggle.
“Okay… if you’re not cursed, why are you both saying you’re in love with me?”
Derek looks at Stiles. “Because we are.”
You paused, but nodded your head. “You… you are?”
“Why is it so hard for you to believe it, angel?” Stiles tests it out before smiling. “Yeah. Yeah, I like that one.”
Derek nods slightly. “Yeah, that’s a good one.”
“Okay, maybe I see it,” you conclude, finally nodding slightly. “Well, why did you never tell me?”
“Because you thought we were in love with each other.”
Again with the unison.
You nodded slightly again. “Right, right. Okay, uhm… well, where do we go from here?”
Stiles and Derek pause. “What?”
Again with the unison, what the fuck was up with them?
You nod again. “Where do we go from here? I want… I want to know what you both think.”
Derek looks over at Stiles. “Well… you can choose one of us.”
You shake your head immediately. “I don’t want to choose one of you, I want both of you.”
Stiles pauses. “What?”
“You can grasp your head around witches and werewolves but not polygamy, Stiles? Really?” You asked, making him shake his head.
“You want to… be in a poly? With us?”
Derek inhaled deeply, rubbing his face. “You want me… to like him too?”
“No, that’s polyamory,” Stiles explains. “Polygamy is the act of having more than one partner.”
“It’s called a V-Poly,” you explain, both men staring at you. “I read a lot of fanfic, okay?”
“So you want to be Eiffel towered?”
Your cheeks turned red at Stiles’ words. “Why would you say that?!”
“You do though, don’t you! Come on, angel, you can tell us.”
“What the fuck is Eiffel towered?” Derek asks, clueless as Stiles grins.
“You want to explain it or me?”
You hide your cheeks. “Stop it! Stop! Right now! And no, I would rather get raw-dogged sitting on someone’s lap while the other takes me from behind because why the fuck would you put your hands together? Like that’s so weird!”
Derek’s eyes widened. “Oh, so we’re talking about sex.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “Yeah, we’re talking about sex!”
You clap your hands, gaining both of their attention. “We… we’re going to have a date, okay? All together, we’re going to have a date.”
Stiles and Derek make a face. “Together?”
You nodded. “Yes. Together. We’re having a movie night, right now.”
Stiles looks over at Derek as you go to the cupboard, opening it up to get some bags of microwavable popcorn. Derek moved the flowers, resulting in Stiles going to the fridge to get some drinks before coming behind you. “Hey, I’m gonna go to your secret stash, alright?”
You nodded. “Get me some watermelon Sour Patch.”
Stiles nods, quickly going up the stairs after staring down Derek. Derek just snorts as he walks over to you, helping you unwrap the bags before sniffing softly. The smell was sickeningly sweet, it made his mouth go dry. “Did you get a new perfume?”
You pause, but then shake your head. “I mean, I did a while ago. It was too musky for my taste, so I returned it.”
“So nothing sweet?”
You shake your head. “No, I wore a fruity perfume today. Why?”
He shakes his head, dismissing it. “Just smelt something sweet,” he explains, rubbing at his wrist to find the pulse point and calm himself down. “You smell extremely sweet.”
You gasped loudly, covering your mouth. “Derek!”
He jumps back, his too pretty of a face turning shocked. “What?!”
“You’re doing the fanfic thing!” You gasped, staring at him. “I’m ovulating.”
His eyes widened, Stiles already tripping down the stairs, candy falling from his grip. “What happened?!”
“Derek’s doing the fanfic thing!” You say, gasping loudly. “Holy shit, do you knot?!”
“Do I what?!” Derek shrieked. He knew what that was.
“Holy shit, do you knot?” Stiles gasps, quickly running to the kitchen. “If he knots, that is so unfair! That gives him like, an extra three inches!”
“I don’t knot, oh my god, what is wrong with you?!” He yelled at Stiles who raised a brow.
“You sure you don’t knot?”
“Well I��ve never tried!”
You put your hands out. “If you can knot, we’re trying that as soon as possible. I’m on birth control so it works out.”
Stiles gapes at you. “That is so not fair!”
“It’s not, but you can put that mouth to something better than talking shit,” you say, giggling as you walk over to them both and pull one of their hands to each side of your hips. “You guys are okay with this, right?”
Stiles couldn’t help but smile as he pulled you closer, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “I am, babe. I just want you.”
You couldn’t help but smile until Derek quickly grabs your chin, strong fingers delicately pulling your face to look at him. “Me too, bumblebee.”
You giggled at the nickname as he leaned down, humming softly as he pulled you in for a soft kiss. Stiles groans in annoyance making you pull back slightly, quickly leaning forward to pull your lips to his instead. “We should skip movie night.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Party Guessed
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Fury
Prompt: Scott is hurt, Jackson isn't easy to stop, Lydia's birthday is coming up. And to top it all off, the full moon is tonight.
a/n: I read through this once and edited it so I hope I got all the mistakes
It took a while but Isaac had finally calmed you down, Erica had left and even though Stiles wanted to stay because he was worried about you, Isaac had convinced him that he would take care of you.
"Are you sure?"
By now you had yourself tucked into Isaac as Stiles talked to you. You nodded wiping your tears away, "Yeah, Stiles, I'm fine. You should go home and rest. I need to find Scott and then I will too." He hesitated again before slowly nodding, you didn't see it but Isaac and Stiles had shared a knowing glance like some kind of exchange that just said 'make sure she's safe'.
Stiles had finally left and it was just you two. You guys sat in silence and he just caressed your hair. Even though no words were being exchanged between you, it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. Even with all the dried tears on your face and the sniffles, it felt right to be there with him.
"How you doing, baby?"
You were startled by the nickname, you had heard him call you that while you were whaling but you hadn't thought he would keep calling you that. "What happened to 'your favorite girl'?" Your voice was so hoarse and it hurt to talk but you couldn't help but joke.
He chuckled at your question, "You can still be my favorite girl and be called baby."
You giggled, "I know, just teasing."
He smiled softly at you, you were still in his arms curled together on the floor. His hand was on your cheek, his thumb brushing your cheekbone, "Nice to see you back to yourself, if you're ready we can walk to the station, Derek will probably take Scott there after." You tilted your head up, nodding lightly, "Yeah, I'm ready."
Sure enough when Isaac and you reached the Hale pack hide out both Derek and Scott were there.
"Scott! Are you okay?" You crashed into the boy's back, who let out a gasp from the impact. He turned around and his eyes widened, "Have you been crying, what's wrong?"
"She was worried about you," Isaac had caught up with you, standing behind you two. "But I'm okay now, you're okay so everything is good," you hugged the boy once more. When you pulled away, you noticed Derek staring off into space, "You guys were having a serious moment, weren't you?" Scott tilted his as if he wanted to say no but in reality it was a yes.
"We can't save Jackson." Your head snapped to Isaac and then back to Scott, "I'm sorry what?"
"We can't seem to kill him either," Derek mumbled. "I've seen a lot of things Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every full moon is just gonna make him stronger."
"Then how do we stop him?"
The Alpha shrugged, "I don't know."
"Maybe you should just let the Argents handle it then," you chimed in sitting on a chair.
"I'm the one who turned him, it's my fault."
"Yeah but you didn't turn him into this," Scott argued, "This happened because of something in his past, right?"
"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple." You crossed your arms in annoyance, "What do you mean?"
"What are you not telling us," Scott asked at the same time as you.
"Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"
"Because you always ARE keeping something from us!" The both of your voices had resonated, it had even startled Isaac. "Well, maybe I do it to protect you."
"Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets," Scott asked quietly.
"Go home, Scott. Take (Y/N) too. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. Cause the full moon is coming and with the way things are going, I got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one."
It was officially spring break and that meant Lydia's birthday was almost here. Much to your surprise, there was a box on your porch from the red haired girl. She had sent you a dress to wear to her party tonight. You thought it was sweet considering you two weren't really friends. You were planning on going to her party so the gesture made some sense, unfortunately, you would have to leave early due to the full moon.
Derek had asked you to find something for the Betas to get through their first full moon, he had mentioned a spell and while you couldn't find anything like that you were able to find a type of potion to deprive them of their senses and calm their minds.
This morning you had decided you should probably pay the newly formed pack a visit, especially since you needed to let Derek know what you found and your plan. Which is why as soon as you got up and got dress you were on your way to the abandoned station.
You walked down just in time to here the pack talking once more, you did always seem to do that. "It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas or even Omegas," Derek explained.
"Like Scott?" Isaac stood looking at Derek.
"Scott's with us."
"Really? Then where is he now?" Derek looked at the Beta, "He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power." Derek picked up the chains, which you had recognized to be the same ones you had seen before, "You get the ability to heal. But tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."
You had walked further into the room as Erica joked, "Good thing I had my period last week, then?"
You saw Derek pull out another chain, this one had a large circle and spikes on it, "Well this one's for you." You cleared your throat to let your presence be known and the whole pack turned towards you. Derek had nodded at you, like a peace offering on some kind, "Did you find it?"
You pointed at him, "The spell, no. But I did find this potion type thing that's able to deprive someone of their senses for purposes like this.
Derek looked relieved, "Thank you, do you have it?" You shook your head, "No, it takes a little bit of time to prepare and I just found it the other day. Deaton is helping me though to make sure it's perfect, should be ready tonight."
"Okay, thank you, bring Scott tonight, I might need some help." You hissed slightly, "Oh, yeah that might be a problem."
"What do you mean?"
You sat on a crate nearby as you began to explain, "Well you see, Lydia's birthday is tonight and Allison and Stiles are making us go. So Scott's gonna probably be busy with that and the whole finding Jackson thing." Derek had given you a deadpanned look, unimpressed by your answer. You raised your hands in defense, "Hey, don't look at me like that, they're making me. Lydia's even pressuring me," you leaned forward like you were gossiping to a group of best friends, "She sent me a dress and it was on my front porch this morning. I mean now I have to go, right?"
You scanned the room and almost everybody in the room was amused by your words, except for of course Derek. You sighed, "Don't worry, I'll be here to drop off the potion stuff tonight, I'm not gonna stay there for very long." Derek finally excepting defeat and just nodded walking away.
Erica and Boyd starting to converse from across the room and Isaac made his way to you slowly. You stood quickly, trying to play it off as best as you could. He made you nervous, especially now that you could let your guard down around him.
"You're going to a party?" You nodded slowly, confused since you had just finished talking about it, but when you looked up into his eyes, you saw it.
"And Stiles and Scott are going too, right?" You nodded once more this time slightly more amused. "Yes, they are even if they weren't going you don't need to worry, I'm not gonna go around dancing with guys." His eyes widened as he realized he had been caught. You grabbed his hands softly pulling him a little closer and whispered, "When you get this whole full moon thing down, there will be nothing stopping you from being my plus one to every party."
Your words had gotten him flustered, you could see it in his eyes and in the way his cheeks glowed a little redder. It was like the old days, with the soft shy Isaac you knew before, "Walk me out?" He nodded his eyes just focused on you like a trance.
You had gotten ready for Lydia's party, of course wearing the dress she had given you, and you were at the clinic before you met up with Scott and Stiles.
"So, you added a little bit of rosemary to the water and then what," you asked watching as Deaton crushed the rosemary and threw it in the bowl. "Evening primrose, it's native to America and the oil extracted has been know to be quite anti-inflammatory. When combine with a Nymph's magical energy it was discovered to be able to affect supernatural species however they choose depending on the concoction," he laid whole petals into the water.
He turned and opening a cabinet, pulling out a Bunsen burner and rigging the small bowl above it. He looked at you and pointed to the bowl, "Rosemary is known to heighten concentration and memory, it will allow them to remember their human side more. Normally you would want to let the flowers ferment in the water for a week to allow the water to naturally be flavored."
You looked at him as he turned on the flame, then water instantly starting to steam, "But since we don't have time for that, heating the water will just have to do, it won't be as effective but with Derek and you there I'm sure it'll do the job." He gave you a smile before sliding your book over to you.
"You mean with Derek there, I'm still useless in a fight," you muttered, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you saw Deaton open the book. "Not anymore, I'm going to help you learn a basic offensive spell that uses a similar technique to your barriers. Since you've become more familiar with that and your natural talent, it should pretty easy for you to catch on." Your hand gripped the table, finally, you wouldn't be useless. You could actually hold your own, protect your friends.
"Okay, what do I do?"
He guided you away from the table and into the open space, he stood next to you. "For the most basic offensive technique you keep your hands here," he showed you, his elbows bent and his palms facing out, "You then will push out like your pushing someone away from you."
You copied the movement that you were very well acquainted with, considering you were constantly pushing Stiles around. "This doesn't seem that hard," you commented.
"The movement no, the build-up and timing will be."
You gave the man a confused glance, "What do you mean?"
"You essentially have to build up, in simple terms, your magic power to use this. What you're doing is using the amount of power you allow to either push an opponent back or even strike them. If you don't put enough magic pressure into, you could very well die to an enemy."
Your lips pursed, "Ah, there's the catch, it's never gonna be easy is it?" He chuckled, "No, unfortunately for you, your powers are all about balance. It's all tedious strategy and technique. Now try for real, let your power run through your veins and into your palms," he gestured into the open area.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to feel every ounce of the power you spent so long keeping down. It felt like a weight had been lifted and you felts tingles in your hands. You took the stance and pushed with as much force... nothing.
You tried again.
"Why can't I get it," you groaned.
"Relax, you have time. When you build a barrier what do you do?" You huffed at his question, crossing your arms, "Well, I imagine the energy flowing around whatever it is, that seems to work best." He nodded and pointing, "You see, just as I had said to Stiles, the imagination is a wonderous thing, do that and try again."
Shaking your limbs out to loosen up, you took another breath. A few nervous hops later and you brought yourself into the stance once more. You went through the motions, this time even with your eyes opened, you imagine the same iridescent glow you're used to. You pushed it out and this time...
You felt a blast whish passed you, blowing your hair. Everything on the shelves rumbled and shook, clattering around. "Yes! I did it!"
"And just in time too, the water is ready. All we need is just a spark of your power and it'll be good to go." He had bottled the waters into small vials and raised them up to you. Maybe it was the happiness of everything but without even thinking you raised your hand and instantly the vials shined your usual iridescence. When you realized what you did, your eyes widened, "It seems you're becoming more comfortable with who you are," Deaton smiled, "Now, I believe you have a party to go to."
"Hey! Allison! Wait up!"
The dark haired girl turned around to see you running, well trying to at least, to her. You were in heels and while you didn't have problems with walking, anything faster was immediately not as easy. "Damn it! Why did she send me a dress," you complained adjusting the fabric, "Normally I wouldn't say anything but tonight is not the night for me to be wearing something even slightly inconvenient."
She laughed at you giving you her arm, which you gratefully took, "You're still helping Derek tonight?" You nodded patting your little purse which held the vials, "Yep, sadly Derek created a problem that he needs others to help fix." Allison nodded along, "Yeah it feels like this whole semester has been about Derek and his pack."
You scoffed, "Tell me about it. We also never get to hang out anymore either so it makes it that much more impossible to not focus on the Derek problem." Allison smiled at you, you two really hadn't been that close recently. When she first came to Beacon Hills, you had easily befriended her (mainly for Scott you will admit) and even though she had hung out with Lydia and Jackson, it never deterred you from the girl. She was truly your closest girl friend if you were being frank.
"Well I'm glad you're here, I've missed being able to hang out," she said tugging you further up the driveway. You reached Lydia's front door where she had greeted you both with a smile, a smile that made you slightly uneasy. You chalked it up to the fact that you just weren't close with the girl and went back to scanning the room for Jackson, and your best friends.
"I'm gonna do a walk of the house, see if he's wandering about," Allison said pointed in the distance. She started walking off when you nodded, "I'm gonna look for the boys, be careful."
"You too."
She was now gone and you once more let your eyes wander the backyard, this time you had actually seen the two boys you were looking for. They had just made they're way outside when you reached them, "Hey."
They acknowledged you, "Have you seen Allison?" You nodded at Scott, "Yeah, we came in together." Scott went to ask you another question but he was quickly shut down by the clicking of heels, you turned to see Allison walking back up to you, "Uh, Jackson's not here."
"Yeah, no one's here," Stiles observed the backyard and he was right, it was eerily quiet. "Maybe it's just early," Scott suggested.
"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job," Stiles expressed. You kissed your teeth and gestured to the boy in agreement, your eyebrows raised. "Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks," Allison said.
"She's completely ignored Stiles for the past ten years," Scott argued and shrugged. Stiles tried to defend himself, "I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar." You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."
Scott made an unconvinced look, "We don't owe her a party."
"What about the chance to get back to normal?" The question shocked Scott, "Normal?"
"She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us," Allison countered. You held up your hand, "Now hold on. First, just want to clarify, not against throwing her a party, it's her birthday. But it's not our fault she's gone coocoo for Coco Puffs, alright? That was all on Peter. Peter is the reason any of us are even in this mess to begin with, so she can blame him like the rest of us."
There was a silence after you made your point and you broke it once more, "Now that I've made my point let's throw her a good party," you said offering Allison your support.
"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here," Scott had relented. Stiles nodded as well, "Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like really going." He dug into his pocket for his phone and Allison tilted her head, "Who?"
"I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party."
You chuckled catching on to who he was referring to, "Well then I'm sure this party is going to be in good hands. Chop, chop, people, let's go."
Soon enough Stiles' and Scott's called guests had made it and now the party was much more lively, you were pretty sure you could slip out now without Lydia noticing. You were standing with Stiles and Scott, watching as Allison stood across the pool with Lydia.
"Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what," Stiles asked. Scott's head snapped up to look at the boy, "Why should I apologize?"
"Because you're the guy. It's what we do," Stiles pointed out. You snorted at his answer and it caught both your best friend's attentions, "More like, you've made her feel ignored for the past couple of weeks."
"But I didn't do anything," Scott said cluelessly, you shook your head with a slight roll of your eyes as Stiles continues, "Well then you should definitely apologize. See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong it means he's definitely done something wrong." You nodded this time, "Now, that, is true."
Scott grumbled, "I'm not apologizing." You nudged the boy slightly, "Is that the full moon talking, buddy." Scott looked at you and agreed, "Probably."
"Why do you guys care, anyway."
"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right here," Stiles emphasized, "I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. This one is in love with a nut job," he gestured, "And so am I. If on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."
"Hey, I'm not in love with Isaac," you exclaimed. Stiles scoffed, "Yeah, okay sure, I never said Isaac, Mrs. Denial." You went to argue again but was cut off by Scott standing, "You know what, you won't need to stab yourself in the face because I'm gonna do it for y-."
"Don't stab yourself in the face."
Both you and Stiles paused, looking at the Omega, "Why not?" Scott didn't look at Stiles, "Because Jackson's here." You three looked across the pool and there he was just staring at you guys. You blew out a stream of stressed air, "Alright, that's my cue to leave. You guys got this?" Both nodded wordlessly, keeping their eyes on Jackson.
Leaving the party was pretty easy actually, you got out like the Flash and now you had to deal with your anxiety of being in abandoned train car with three crazed out Betas. You had rushed into the car to see Erica and Boyd chained up in the back huffing from rage and Isaac and Derek in the front.
"Okay, so I see I might have been a little late," you said awkwardly.
Derek gave a pointed look, "Yeah, no kidding." Isaac however looked much more relaxed than before, still you could see he was definitely struggling. That's when you heard the two Betas in the back to cry and scream. The noise made you wince as you crouched down next to Derek and in front of Isaac.
"How do you not feel this," Isaac gritted his teeth.
"I feel every second of it," Derek had basically snarled. That didn't stop Isaac from shooting back, "Then how do you control it?"
"Find an anchor. Something meaningful. Bind yourself to it to keep the human side in control," Derek instructed tightening the chains, he jutted his chin out to other set on Isaac's other side and you got the message. You took the other chain and began to tighten it as best as you could.
"What is it for you?"
Derek took a pause before answering the Beta, "Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody."
"You mean Scott?" You nodded slowly and whispered gently, "Scott's is Allison, even just the thought of her is able to calm him down." Derek indicated that you were right, "Alright, that should do it," he declared.
You opened your little shoulder clutch and grabbed the three vials, "Here, if you can get these two to take it now, it should help calm them down." You handed him two bottle and he nodded starting to get up but then he was interrupted by a loud break. Isaac had broken the seat holding his chain, he gave you both a knowing look.
"Go, get out of here," Derek urged you and before you panicked even more you opened the third vial you still had, "Take care of those two, I'll be okay." He didn't even respond as he was already moving to the back. You looked at Isaac who had sweat dripping from his forehead, "You need to go, it's not safe." You shook your head sitting on the chair, "Do you trust me?"
Isaac didn't even hesitate before agreeing, "Okay then I need you to drink this, okay?" He nodded and tilted his head back slightly and you poured it into his mouth, resting your hand in his hair to support his head.
"It might take a moment but it should kick in soon," you didn't get to see his reply because Derek had rushed towards you, grabbing your forearm and dragging you out of the train car. You could hear all their screams as Derek left a voicemail for Scott, "Hey Scott, could you call me back, I think I'm gonna need some help." Cue the violent and guttural growls and screams from Derek's pack.
"I thought you said it would help them?"
"It will but it's gonna take some time for it to kick in, it wasn't that strong since I couldn't properly prepare it."
Derek nodded, "Definitely gonna need some help." He unleashed his claws and walked inside the car. You followed closely and quietly behind, Derek had side stepped to stay out of Isaac's slash. You stayed in front, out of the away but also because your body ran cold, the sight of a blood thirsty Isaac terrified you.
Erica and Boyd had broken free and started advancing towards Derek. You had gotten distracted and hadn't even realized that Isaac also broke free until you heard the crunch of metal and the smash of glass. You lifted your hands up protecting your face from the flying shards, "Isaac!" He had already jumped out and you couldn't afford to take care of him yourself, not when Boyd and Erica were currently slashing at Derek, who was on the ground.
You had a clear shot to hit at least Boyd, maybe if you could get him off Derek, the Alpha would be able to fight off Erica himself. You focused your energy trying to make sure your blast was gonna be power and then when you were ready you pushed it out, watching as the glowing blast knocked Boyd off and made him forget about Derek. Only then did you realize that meant Boyd was now on you.
Derek had done exactly like you had thought and started to fight off Erica. You on the other hand were currently using small blasts to at least keep Boyd back. "Boyd, listen to me, I don't want to hurt you. Please, just calm down!" The Beta didn't listen, he snarled before raising his hand high to bring it down for a big slash. When he made a dash for you, you were prepared to feel something since you had no time to push him back.
But you never did.
Instead you heard another crash and felt someone shove passed you, you opened your eyes to see none other than Isaac holding Boyd down against the seat. He acknowledged Derek with a nod, letting him know he was in control. Things calm down once Derek had also knocked Boyd out and locked him and Erica back against the pole.
Isaac calmly sat in his old seat just staring forward, his eyes glowing. You sat next to the boy while Derek began to rechain him. "I think you'll be okay now," Derek started, "Looks like you found an anchor." You noticed in the corner of your eyes him direct his gaze at you but you paid no mind to it, only keeping your focus on the boy in chains.
"My father."
Your eyes widened. You didn't know what you were expecting as his answer but it certainly wasn't that. You saw the same confusion on Derek's face, "You father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you." He had said it as a statement but it sounded more like a question.
"He didn't use to."
Isaac set his hand down in his lap and Derek jangled the chains to confirm its security. "Go, take care of them, I got this," you said softly to the dark haired werewolf. He silently looked at you before walking away. You hesitated for just a moment and then you lightly rest your hand on top of Isaac's. "I'm glad you found an anchor, although I wasn't expecting it to be your dad." His head slowly rotating to you, "It's not."
You eyebrows scrunched and you tilted your head, "But you just said-."
"I lied."
Nodding slowly, you adjusted your position, sitting more comfortably, "Okay... then what's your anchor?"
"Me," you whispered, "but how-." He cut you off once more, "When I ran out, I heard your heartbeat pick up. You sounded so scared and I came back to myself instantly. I had to come back, to protect you, to make sure you were safe. Nothing else mattered." Your whole body dropped out of awe, you're sure you looked lovestruck by now. How do you not after hearing that?
"If it weren't for the audience back there and outside, I would totally kiss you right now."
The boy chuckled lightly, "Guess I have to wait until morning then."
a/n: hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo @mxltifxnd0m
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Could you do Derek x fem reader where he’s trying to fall asleep but can’t so the reader rubs his back but right before he does he grabs & holders her boob with a content smile?
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[❤︎] pairing: derek hale x afab!reader [❤︎] warnings: none :) [❤︎] word count: 251
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requests are open🖤 request guidelines✨ 🌻masterlist🌻 smut night masterlist 💦
YOU’VE NEVER MET A PERSON who's such a restless sleepover until Derek. Sometimes, he would be so exhausted that his body wouldn't bother. Other times, no matter what he did, he couldn't sleep. Perhaps the worry in his mind fed off concerns about you. From the moment you two got together, he vowed to protect your life with his soul.
Beacon Hills was a chaotic place. The supernatural dominated the town, and with all the strife and forces being pulled together to contain it, the one thing you look forward to is being in that bed and being wrapped in Derek's arms.
Derek would be lying if he said that wasn't his favourite thing too. Especially tonight. The feeling of your fingers stroking up his bare back, his ear pressed against your chest, calmly listening to your steady heartbeat. He's been trying to fall asleep for the last few hours, and his consistent tossing and turning had awoken you.
He shifts closer, body pressing against yours until there is absolutely no gap between you. His eyes start feeling droopy, the serenity of your touch finally soothing his body to sleep. A smile slightly curls on his lips, his hand grabbing your boob. You try not to laugh, knowing he's so close to falling asleep. If you disturb him now, the sleeplessness cycle would continue again
You reach over as gently as possible and grab your phone to snap a photo.
"Goodnight, sweetpea," you whisper and kiss the top of his head.
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