#president nigel uno
fallen-gabrielle · 2 months
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The most literal "Like father, like son" thing you'll ever seen.
Also, still not over for how much I love the Bitch Pose™
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nellieuno · 2 years
get in the delightfulization chamber
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mandareeboo · 7 years
Title: Natural Spring Water
Summary: Principal Sauerbraten and his goons have discovered what remains of the fountain of youth! He’s selling it to adults to remain strong forever! Headed by Numbuh 362 herself, the Kids Next Door have taken over the school to search and steal the key to ending the tyranny of adults. But how far is too far?
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Eyyy, it’s about time this got done! 
Leona gets an intervention, Fanny is Fanny, everyone is one overtime and nobody likes it, and Nigel needs to brush up on his aim.
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untilsfe · 4 years
Kndecember. Day 3– Rainbow monkeys. From the creators of: Nigel Uno for president...
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Behold! Nigel, the king of rainbow monkeys!!
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miguelmarias · 4 years
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Don Taylor, 1977)
La corriente parece haber cambiado de sentido, y su reflujo devuelve a nuestras playas el cine de aventuras. No es que sean muy buenas, ni que el viento de la audacia o el misterio sople con fuerza en sus velas, pero lo cierto es que Abismo, El corsario escarlata, Montaña Rusa, Orca o La isla del Doctor Moreau tienen algo más de vitalidad que las películas taquilleras de hace dos o tres años, si exceptuamos algunas que —precisamente por su éxito comercial y popular— han sido vilipendiadas por la crítica, pese a su excelencia, como Tiburón. Hasta La espía que me amó parece contagiada, por momentos, del espíritu aventurero que preside El viento y el león, Missouri o El hombre que pudo reinar.
La limitación básica de aquellas películas —que no de estas últimas, más personales que genéricas— estriba en su carácter más o menos «sintético», artificial, «plastificado» y aséptico, del que no se libra ni siquiera la divertidísima La guerra de las galaxias, a pesar de la sinceridad y de las buenas intenciones de George Lucas. Más que contar una historia —por conocida que sea— por el gusto de contarla, tienden a aglutinar —a veces con tan poco rigor como en Abismo— elementos procedentes de diversos géneros, de films preexistentes (antiguos o recientes), de forma que se hace difícil considerarlas como verdaderas películas de aventuras —como la magistral Piratas del mar Caribe, de Cecil B. DeMille, que dieron por TV el mismo día que vi Abismo—, sino en las que, por algún motivo, se ha colado de rondón —a veces vergonzosamente, escudándose tras una superficial capa de ironía— la aventura. Hechas con medios más que suficientes, destinadas a un público amplio e indiscriminado, estas películas suelen ser excesivamente tímidas. Echo en falta desfachatez y descaro, un sentido del humor como el que resplandecía en El temible burlón o El halcón y la flecha, y que no tenía nada de condescendiente ni de precaucionista. Pero tampoco es cuestión de pedir que vuelva lo que no volverá, ni tiene por qué volver, sí aún perdura. Ya es bastante que llegue, de vez en cuando, alguna botella de náufrago, aunque el mensaje sea confuso, esté medio borrado o sea incompleto.
Dentro de las películas artesanales estrenadas últimamente, tal vez sea La isla del doctor Moreau la más satisfactoria, sin duda por ser la menos ambiciosa y la menos «original». De hecho, y a pesar de la excelente fotografía de Gerry Fisher, parece realizada hace quince o veinte años. No en vano el color Movielab recrea el sabor toscamente polícromo de Tambores lejanos o El hidalgo de los mares; la impronta de la American International Pictures es casi tan patente como en El amo del mundo (1961), del oscuro y prolífico William A. Witney, y le da un agradable tono de serie «B» que sin duda no cuadra con su presupuesto. La presencia —ya ilustre— de Burt Lancaster, y de su viejo cómplice acrobático Nick Cravat, como la de Nigel Davenport y Richard Basehart, contribuye no poco a darle la necesaria solera.
La película es, en líneas generales, una bastante fiel adaptación de la genial novela escrita en 1896 por H. G. Wells; si se quiere, más atenta a la acción que a la reflexión contenida en el original literario, pero sin que por ello dejen de plantearse, implícitamente, temas tan interesantes como las relaciones entre el creador y sus criaturas, o las existentes entre la división de la sociedad en clases, el poder y la ley, la religión y el temor. La única aportación de los guionistas —una leve trama sentimental— se ha materializado de la forma más positiva que cabe imaginar, gracias a la fascinante Bárbara Carrera, atractiva, sensual y misteriosa como pocas actrices recientes, con algo felino en sus movimientos que resulta —dado el tema de la película— particularmente inquietante, sobre todo por la «animalidad» que irradia su erótica seducción de Michael York.
Hay un punto en el que, naturalmente, el discreto Don Taylor —recuérdese su Huida del planeta de los simios, tercer capítulo del simpático serial iniciado memorablemente por Franklin J. Schaffner—, llevaba todas las de perder. Se trata de que es mucho más fácil sugerir con palabras —contando con la libre fantasía del lector— que materializar convincente y satisfactoriamente unos seres imaginarios, semihombres de diversa procedencia animal, criaturas fronterizas y ambiguas, en equilibrio inestable —y tendente a la regresión— entre el hombre y las más variadas bestias. Pese al excelente trabajo del maquillador John Chambers —que cuenta en su haber con El planeta de los simios y sus secuelas—, y a que los «semihombres» resultantes no son ridículos, Taylor abusa de los primeros planos, lo que hace difícil olvidar que lo que se está viendo son actores maquillados: eso invita a admirar el maquillaje, más que a asombrarse ante los extraños seres que encarnan los actores. Sin embargo, La isla del Doctor Moreau, en virtud de su dramaturgia, consigue —tras 2001: una odisea del espacio, la serie del Planeta de los simios y La guerra de las galaxias— asestar un nuevo golpe al antropomorfismo imperante en la ficción cinematográfica, ya que logra que el espectador se identifique —aunque menos totalmente que en las secuelas del film de Schaffner, sobre todo en la dirigida por Taylor— con los animales, y considere como peligrosos enemigos a los hombres. Este hecho, si tenemos en cuenta el funcionamiento de los mecanismos identificatorios —que, como han sabido ver Hitchcock y Truffaut, reposa más en los rostros que vemos más a menudo que en el empleo de planos subjetivos—, tiene un mérito loable, pues es bastante difícil remontar la resistencia del hombre a compartir los sentimientos de angustia de otras especies animales. En este sentido, son dignas de mención escenas como la del semihumano y la osa enjaulada, el sepelio —con pira funeraria marina, al estilo vikingo— del semihombre al que Michael York da muerte, por compasión; aquella —desde el punto de vista de las criaturas, asombradas al ver que el Dador de la Ley no cumple su propia Ley, y derrama sangre— en que Burt Lancaster asesina a Nigel Davenport; o todas las relacionadas con la rebelión de las criaturas contra su creador.
El espíritu del film es saludable, por lo menos en dos sentidos. Satisface la sed de fantasía con una historia de náufragos, islas que no figuran en los mapas, junglas intrincadas y exuberantes a lo Schoedsack, criaturas insólitas, fabulosas y agobiantes lianas, esbirros condenados al exilio que escuchan La flauta mágica, sabios locos y soberbios que desafían las leyes de la sociedad y de la naturaleza, muchachas de origen y motivaciones inciertas, peligros que parecen nacidos de una pesadilla (como cuando Burt Lancaster decide invertir el proceso y convertir a Michael York en un animal). Por otra parte, y sin caer en el didactismo, es un film implícitamente liberador, ya que permite apreciar el carácter cuasi-religioso de la Ley, y que la Ley —sobre todo la otorgada por una persona— suele ser un instrumento de dominio al servicio del Poder, que la impone y la mantiene mediante el temor al castigo.
Miguel Marías
Revista “Dirigido por…” nº 52, marzo-1978
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noticiasq · 7 years
PM de Irlanda debería saber mejor sobre meta, dice la reproducción Media Arlene Foster
Nueva Noticia publicada en https://noticiasq.com/pm-de-irlanda-deberia-saber-mejor-sobre-meta-dice-la-reproduccion-media-arlene-foster/
PM de Irlanda debería saber mejor sobre meta, dice la reproducción Media Arlene Foster
no es compatible con tus dispositivo
título DUP líder ataques mediáticos EU sobre la meta de las conversaciones
primer ministro Irlandés Leo Varadkar “debe saber mejor” que “jugando” con Irlanda del norte sobre el objetivo, dice el líder del Partido Unionista democrático.
Arlene Foster accused Mr Varadkar de ser “temerario” como objetivo habla entra en una “etapa crítica”.
Ella estaba hablando después de la reunión con Teresa mayo en Downing Street.
El Gobierno irlandés dice que cualquier dura frontera con Irlanda del Norte debería estar fuera de la mesa.
Y un libro por UE recientemente sugerido que Irlanda del norte siga siga muchas de las normas de la UE después del gol si un borde duro tuvo que ser evitado. Se menciona que Irlanda del norte puede ser que necesite permanecer en la Unión aduanera debe ser sin controles fronterizos.
Eso es algo que los conservadores británicos Gobierno-que se apoya en votaciones claves de la DUP en Westminster-dijeron que no pueden aceptar como realidad crearía un límite entre Irlanda del norte y el resto del Reino Unido.
¿Teoría de la conspiración?
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el Gobierno irlandés ha dicho que vetará en el principio de comercio objetivo de las conversaciones a menos que sean cuestiones de frontera preocupa Laura Kuenssberg de la BBC
hay preocupaciones logísticas genuina y sinceramente sostenido y comprensible en cuanto a lo que sucede a la frontera irlandesa después del gol, hay un sentido que tal vez la construcción el Gobierno irlandés es tantas jugando algo más difícil de lo que justifica las preocupaciones.
Principales DUP Arlene Foster, utilizando un lenguaje más bien fuerte, dijo fuera el líder irlandés Leo Varadkar hacerlo hoy.
Pero el siguiente paso en lo que muchos dicen que es una teoría de la conspiración, respaldada por desesperación a Brexiteer, es considerar si la Unión Europea como un todo es exceso hace su verdadero nivel de preocupación sobre lo que ocurre en la frontera.
¿Meta y la frontera irlandesa: es todo como parece?
El redactor político de la BBC Laura Kuenssberg, señora Foster dijo: “algunas personas están teniendo su momento en el sol, para intentar hacer más en relación con las negociaciones- y entiendo que sino no juegas con el Irlanda del norte particularmente en un momento cuando estamos intentando traer gobierno donó aún.”
Dijo que lo que sugiere dejar la UE sería poner en peligro el proceso de paz era “algo muy torpe decir” especialmente con ninguna administración de competencias, y el gobierno de Irlanda, acusado de ser “irresponsable”.
Sra. Foster dijo que reconoció esa meta era un “gran choque” para la República de Irlanda–“y están tratando de procesar todo esto.”
“, pero que sin duda no debería usar Irlanda del norte para obtener la puja máxima para sus ciudadanos”.
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el gobierno de España quiere
solución sin precedentes para la frontera irlandesa
Irlanda del norte es la única parte del Reino Unido que comparte una frontera de tierra con un mensaje de estado Objetivo de la UE, y lo que sucede en la frontera es uno de los jugadores claves en el debate entre la UE y el Reino Unido.
Clave para esto es cómo evitar el control aduanero en la frontera cuando sale la Reino Unido Unión Europea Unión aduanera-la disposición que permite que las mercancías fluyan libremente entre los Estados miembros.
Las negociaciones todavía tienen que hacer un gran avance, así que la Unión Europea dice conversaciones sobre futuros temas como comercio y aduanas no pueden empezar de nuevo.
Pero señor Foster dijo que era crucial pasar a la segunda fase ahora porque el régimen de comercio está ligado a la situación de la frontera.
La DUP en junio para apoyar al Gobierno de minoría de Theresa puede sobre la lente y otras cuestiones fundamentales como parte de un pacto parlamentario debe durar al menos dos años.
Pero Nigel Dodds, Vicepresidente del partido, advirtió que cualquier perspectiva de frontera hasta el mar de Irlanda después del gol–una idea sugerida por algunos dentro del Gobierno irlandés–podría ser “seriamente desestabilizando” al Gobierno británico .
“(los conservadores) saben que”, dijo a la política diaria de la BBC.
Fecha de lazos de comercio de Irlanda del norte al resto del Reino Unido dijo que la medida sería “locura económicamente, sin importar las consecuencias políticas.”
Pero el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores irlandés Simon Coveney dijo que su gobierno tenía razón al buscar garantías adicionales sobre la cuestión fronteriza antes de aceptar la próxima fase de conversaciones.
“Esto es un problema mucho mayor del comercio”, dijo estándar de la tarde. “Es la división en la isla de Irlanda”.
Argumentando en Dublín contó con el apoyo de otros 26 Estados miembros, agregó. “No será un ministro de Asuntos Exteriores irlandés que preside sobre un acuerdo que no está dando prioridad a la paz en la isla de Irlanda.”
Puedes leer el articulo completo (en ingles) Aquí
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fallen-gabrielle · 2 months
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The Presidential AU is the only context for this.
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fallen-gabrielle · 2 months
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Demonic Passion
Random stuff for the Presidential AU
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fallen-gabrielle · 4 months
Someone: The First Lady is out of town for an ecological project. Kuki Sanban, knowing the President will be alone:
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It's free real estate
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fallen-gabrielle · 3 months
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Sometimes when he sleeps, President!Nigel subconsciously activates his Wrath form. While he’s Wrath, his body temperature gets very high. Kuki got used to it after him doing it a few times. But it’s still a random thing and it can’t be predicted.
Sometimes he even yells in his sleep and bursts a few embers that burn slightly kuki’s hair.
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Mmmmmmh… he probably had a dream fight with Bruce.
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fallen-gabrielle · 2 months
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Thinking that the silhouette suit feels like velvet when you touch it, and as Wrath Nigel is way more expressive than his regular self so Kuki can’t help herself to touch the marshmallow face.
Yeah, he didn’t like it. The only hot thing she’ll get that night is tea.
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fallen-gabrielle · 2 months
KND Presidential AU Incorrect Quote 2
[President Uno and his crew have defeated Sector V] President Nigel, mockingly: What? Gonna cry? Numbuh 1600: I'm not gonna cry... General Beetles: I bet he's gonna cry! [They all laugh] Numbuh 1600: I'M NOT GONNA CRY!!! [removes his hoodie and sunglasses] Dad! [They all gasp] President Nigel, confused: Shirley? Numbuh 1600: That's right, your son. And that's Viggo, Dad! President Nigel: No, no. It's Shirley. Your mother insisted on that.
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fallen-gabrielle · 3 months
KND Presidential AU Incorrect Quote
Kuki: waking up at 3am because of a phone call … Yes? Hoagie: … Sanban? Kuki: Vice-President Gilligan? Is there a problem? Hoagie: No… Kuki: You need me for something? Hoagie: No… Kuki: So why did you call me at 3am? Hoagie: I didn't. Why did you respond to President Uno's phone? Kuki: What…? Hoagie: … Is Uno with you? At 3am? What does that mean? Kuki: That's not what you think, Gilligan! We were- He was… Hoagie: Nigel, you're just a stupid hypocrite!! Nigel: waking up because of the noise What? Kuki: WE CAN EXPLAIN!! Hoagie: Nigel Uno! The last time I asked Balooka to work at this time to help me with the paperwork, you berated me for hours! But you're doing the same thing with Sanban! Nigel: still half asleep Paperwork? Where? Kuki: PAPERWORK! We are guilty! We were working. Nothing else. You are absolutely right! laughs nervously
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fallen-gabrielle · 26 days
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Crossover between Pokémon and KND - Presidential AU!
Nigel had an Eevee as a starter, and so does Shirley/Viggo. Funny how Nigel's Eevee evolved with high friendship (either by day or by night, but Espeon is for the timeline he chose to join the GKND) and Shirley's Eevees evolve with evolutionary stones, as if he can't evolve them with friendship (i know it's a choice, but like... I like the idea.) Also, Umbreon is perhaps a little too on the nose for President Uno but come ooooon, it's cool. Also, Shirley has a male and a female Eevee (you can tell with the tail pattern) and yes, Flareon is the male and Leafeon is the female, to represent his father and mother respectively.
I draw Nigel pre-KND time because i wanted to, but also to show how different he was when he received his starter compared to Shirley.
Also, Shirley's Eevees are Umbreon's offsprings as well.
And yes, I can't draw Pokémon to save my life, sue me.
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fallen-gabrielle · 5 months
Presidential/White House AU Headcanons compilation
Hello KND fandom! With friends from the discord server, we expanded the fake future from Operation: W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E. and made it an actual alternate universe/future.
I also decided to write a fanfic about it based on the headcanons we came up with 👀: Wrath of The White House, title suggested by @scarlett-v-the-fox. She also came up with a lot of headcanons about Lizzie's alien specie.
Many things come from the fact that President Uno gives major "I cheat on my wife with my secretary" vibes and we all just rolled with the idea. So yes, in this AU and fic, Adults!Nigel/Kuki is a thing and things get cra-zy between them, so I'm warning you, there will be a lot of adult stuff under the cut, such as freaky physical intimacy. If you don't like it for any reason, don't go further.
There's also a few things I left out from the list, because it would be kind of spoilery for the fic, but with this list you already know where you're getting yourself into, so no big surprises.
I will probably reblog this post when we explore the other characters not so mentioned here, but this is a good base to start.
Ok, are you ready for it? Remember, the following might make you uncomfortable so if you don't want to read it, just keep scrolling.
The main things that can be hard to read are: kinks, torture, domestic and child abuse. All of this will be explored in some degrees in the fic.
We good? Okay, here it is then!
President Nigel Uno/Wrath -Won the elections through shady means: bribes, blackmail and other illegal stuff. -He made it possible for him to be President for life -He's in charge of the English mob, who he sent people to do the dirty work -He also has his personal army of demons as henchmen who helped him with the shady means to become president -He has powers, but he hides them very well in the face of the public. -The whole demon lineage is a family secret that he didn't even tell Lizzie. -He is known in the undergrounds as Wrath and you really don't want to piss him off. -His silhouette form is the classic pitch black suit, he has claws and a dragon tail, as well as straight horns on his forehead. His hair is messy in this form as well. -He's an asshole. He cares more about his hair than his heir (plz laugh at this) -He had many love affairs but only a few were consistant (a lot of one night stand). He only had one kid out of it with Rachel. -He uses a lot of hair gel. When he doesn't, his hair are messy just like his son's (they basically have the same haircut if not combed)
Nigel and Kuki (that's where the freaky bed stuff is, guys) -They fuck in secret but some people know what's going on. -They get crazy in the sack, with a shit tons of kinks. -Seriously, they try stuff in the bedroom, they're really creative. Tickling that Nigel actually enjoyed, Kuki liking having her hair pulled a little bit. They both bite and love it. -Their kinks involve leather, chains and extreme role plays (she has a collar with his name on it) -Technically they're switches, they take turns on who's the dominant one, but Nigel secretely likes being the sub in their relationship bc he gets a break from being in charge, and he gets praised. He can't hear "good boy" without blushing. -They can't go to specialized clubs because they can be regognized so they do it in private places -They have a code in little gestures to warn the other when they want each other. When she fixes his ties for exemple. -Their relationship is purely physical intimacy, there is no romantic emotion between them. -Outside of the bedroom, and off duty, they're just friends. -After the act, Nigel and Kuki share some fluff moment, where they simply like the presence of each other and like to snuggle. -She is serious, strict and stern as the secretary but in private with Nigel she loosens up and is a real tigress in bed. -"I will work late tonight honey" => is actually with Kuki -In the morning, Kuki likes to exchange her glasses with his just for fun, but one time they actually had to rush to get out and still had the wrong glasses on their faces. For those who didn't already know about them, that's how they learned what's going on -Kuki always travels with him on his trips
Nigel and Rachel (plus her family) -He had an affair with her during the early years of his marriage with Lizzie. -They're still in love even to this day -They had a daughter together named Lucy, 14 years old -Nigel loves his daughter very much, she's his little princess -He clearly has a favorite, and it's his daughter -They've been keeping their love affair a secret from everyone, mostly -Rachel is also hiding her daughter from most people's knolwedge -Rachel ended her relationship with Nigel and put an end to his secret visits to his daughter because things got sus and Nigel was also starting to change as he became greedier and lusted for more powers. He wasn't the man she fell in love with anymore. -Nigel sends her money to support their daughter but Rachel never accepted the money as it comes from corrupted/dirty money. -Rachel is the head of national security -She knows all the hacking tricks in the book. She can bypass a n y t h i n g -Harvey knows about the secret child and absolutely despises Nigel (and so does he)
Nigel and Lizzie -Lizzie is the same overbearing and annoying person as ever -Lizzie suspects that Nigel has an affair with Kuki Sanban. -She has no clue about Rachel and the illegitimate daughter. But when she learns that fact, all hell will break loose -She will especially be super mad that Nigel got a daughter with another woman and she didn't. -When she does get a confirmation about Kuki, she has to keep it down because the scandal would be too much to handle. Also, Nigel would be worse to her if she throws fits. -She doesn't know the extent of what Nigel is doing with Kuki, just that he's cheating on her with the secretary -When they do get intimate, it's the most boring stuff ever. -Nigel absolutely doesn't know she's an alien. When he finds out, he sends her to Area 51 -He will torture her to know why she was sent to earth
Nigel and his parents/relatives -Actually the only people he's not a complete douchbag to. -He really loves his parents and they love him too. He just never has the time to visit them as much as he would want to. -But they still never approved of Lizzie. They hate her. -Mrs Uno occasionally mentions divorce to her son so that Nigel would someday click and dump Lizzie -Nigel is also close to his uncle Benedict. He taught his nephew how to use his powers when he got them in his 20s.
Nigel and Shirley -They have a very cold relationship -Nigel doesn't care much for his son's existence except when it comes to his own image -Nigel is more neglectful towards his son than he is verbally or physically abusive towards him -Nigel insists on his son being proper all the time. -He combs his son's hair whenever he thinks it's not perfect -When Shirley gets his alien genes activated and apparent, Nigel absolutely hates it and cuts them off violently. -He always scolds Shirley for being ‘too noisy/agitated’ when they visit his parents because they’re old people so therefore they mustn’t be rushed. But Monty and Margaret really don’t mind their grandson for doing what a kid is supposed to do. -Shirley doesn't know his dad has affairs and just thinks he's always busy on business trip and extended meetings. -Viggo finding dogs’ collars in his dad’s stuff: "wait, he secretly has a dog? And he always refused that I get one myself !!!" Poor boy doesn't know what this really means
Shirley/Viggo -He's part human/demon and uvinea (alien part) -He doesn't know his true lineage on either side (yet) -At some point, he will start having flowers growing on his head -His vines can be torn apart and it hurts, but they will grow back -He doesn't know anything about his father's infidelity drama, including his older half sister -He really despises his dad in general -He admires Numbuh 1, whom he doesn't actually know that's his dad -I let you imagine the shock when he'll find out the truth xD -Leopold Lincoln/Numbuh 5'000 is his best friend -Shirley spends some times at the Lincolns', because Leo's dad is so much nicer than his own and wishes to have a dad like Leo's -Despite how dysfunctional his family is, Shirley still hopes that one day they could be a "normal family". -He loves his grandparents a lot (who doesn't tbh) -Nigel and Lizzie fight a lot for small things as well as the bigger ones (Nigel’s cheating for exemple) and it’s too much for Shirley so he goes to his grandparents’ place to have some calm and wholesomeness or sometimes to the Lincolns' -He hates the cold
Fanny & Patton plus friends -They're married and have a daughter -Her name is Sheila and her codename is Numbuh 860, soopreme leader -Patton is in the army but doesn't have a high position -He has to put up with Wally's bs all the time -He's away from home a lot -Fanny, as head of Nigel's security guards, records the shenanigans between the President and his Secretary and keeps the tapes as off-brand for herself. -She's actually supposed to delete anything scandalous about the President but eh, she sometimes blackmails Nigel with it. -She sometimes watches it with her colleague Chad and her husband when he gets back home -They all treat it like it's a fictional tv drama show -Therefore, they know all the dirty little secrets the President Uno has in the sack -She gossips about everything going on in the White House with her colleagues but makes sure nothing get out really (her boss is Nigel, remember) -Fanny actually does know about the Nigel/Rachel affair, because she is friend with Rachel -Fanny talks Rachel into watching the tapes. Rachel reluctantly agrees, and she's speechless until she mutters over halfway in, "Why couldn't we do any of that stuff? Damn."
Abigail Lincoln -Married to Maurice, he took her last name. -She was arrested under false accusations/She tried to organize a coup against his administration and failed -Nigel tortures her to get info from her (mostly about the knd) -She lost her right eye during one torture session -She was never decomissioned as she was tasked as a teenager and later as an adult to look after Nigel. Obviously she failed. -She is constantly tormenting herself about the fact she wasn't able to save Nigel -She was also part of Nigel's administration and she refused to help him in his corruption
Leopold/Numbuh 5'000 -His dad is Maurice -He's Shirley's best friend and always calls him by his nickname Viggo -He doesn't freak out nor is scared of his friend when he gets his powers -He kinda fanboys about it, actually, which makes Viggo cringe a few times -He writes and collect letters from the family for his mom. -He sneaks into the prison to bring her the letters and pastries his dad baked for his wife -He has to make his visits more sparce to avoid getting caught -“Dad misses you” “Dad brought you this” “Dad is working on your case” -He failed to protect his mom from being jailed and feels really guilty about it -He's a brave kid, but he still cries late at night for his mother. -His aunt Cree also helped raising him while Abby is imprisoned
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nellieuno · 3 years
Okay okay allow me to geek over your G:KND Au for a second ✋ it’s amazing! I have some questions though? For starters, how long does it take place after the original show? Seeing as Mushi and Sandy look like their teenagers and Joey is obviously no longer a baby however Month and Mr.s Uno look around the same. Also are what exactly kind of power is “Queen Mushi”? Is she just queen of the beach or a ruler outside of that. Are the Delightful cousins descendants from the Delightful children or “Replacements” if say somehow Sector Z finally got freed in this Au. Now that I am done writing this excuse me while I probably go and draw some art of this Au.
thank you!
well, first of all, it would take place about five years after nigel's disappearance. mushi and sandy are just around the same age as sector v was. monty and mrs. uno look the same because adults don't have as many physical changes as children over the years
the whole concept of this au is that every decommissioned operative doesnt even remember that nigel existed, which is a little bit awkward with like. how the show handles the memory stuff, but in my brain its basically like no one really remembers him at all (except sector v, or maybe not even them depending on if you think they go on to be tnd or be decommissioned. either way, abby remembers nigel because i refuse to accept a universe where she isnt tnd)
because this takes place a few years in the future, the character's ages are around:
sector v, dcfdtl: 15 tommy: 12 mushi and sandy: 10 joey: 5 nellie: 4
sandy and mushi have combined their powers of being a king and being a master of psychological manipulation and they've basically become both the king and queen of the beach and of gallagher elementary. they're not the presidents of the fourth grade or anything, their power is mostly just like... regina george mean girls popularity stuff taken to the extreme. in the doodles i did i was thinking nellie was kind of bringing them something to trade for any information they might have about the mysterious nigel
the delightful cousins/teens from down the lane are just the delightful children five or six years later! sector z has not been freed. they're not really a focus in this au
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