#prescription night driving glasses
thegeminisage · 7 months
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the new glasses are VERY tall. you cant see my eyebrows. also, like my previous glasses, they are a bit crooked. maybe my ears are just like that. anyway
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Still losing it over the fact a random pair of 80s glasses from the thrift store are my exact prescription
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Ya know what just got to me
While I was busy writing my reply to Civilian!AU anon, I started to notice how many absolute CLOWNS in NSR are wearing sunglasses at night.
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rxsafetyglasses · 5 months
Enhance Night Driving Safety with Rx Safety Prescription Glasses
Improve your night driving experience with Rx Safety's premium prescription night driving glasses. Designed to optimize visibility and reduce glare, our eyewear ensures comfort and safety on dark roads. Choose from top brands like Wiley X and Oakley, with options for customization to meet your specific needs. Enjoy the confidence of driving with ANSI-approved protection and exceptional clarity. 
Visit Rx Safety for the best in night driving eyewear.Call +1 866 653 5227 or email [email protected]  today!
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gibbearish · 10 months
thinking abt when we were in costa rica and we visited a place that let you feed the local spider monkey troupe + they would climb on you to do so, and the guides were very clear about hey do not fucking leave anything loose on you. ESPECIALLY glasses of any kind they are SO shiny and SO grabbable by a monkey sitting on your shoulder directly next to your head. put your glasses in your bag i am so fucking serious. and then this random ass rich girl just Ignored All Of That Entirely and left her glasses on, monkeys snagged them and ran away to the treetops with them and at first she was like "haha thats so cute!!!" then after a couple minutes turns to the guide and is like "ok how do i get them back" and hes like "😐...you dont. theyre wild monkeys. i told you to keep that stuff out of their reach" so she starts throwing a fit like "what do you mean i dont, they were expensive and i need those", and then not even a minute later the monkey chucks the two snapped halves of her glasses to the forest floor
#she spent the entire ride back alternately pouting and complaining that they didnt stop it from happening lmao#side note that whole excursion was most certainly bad for the monkeys and a rabies risk however i did#not plan the trip or its excursions i was just kinda Brought Along#and had i been in charge 'feed wild animals' would not have been on the list#but just like. maam they are monkeys. they do not give a shit nor fuck that your glasses were prescription.#they do not comprehend glasses or money or nearsightedness.#they see a shiny breakable thing and go 'ooh shiny i want to break it'#we also had a different trip for a night hike thru the woods to look at animals (i had a terrible time bc there#were so so so so many ants i spent the entire time looking at the ground so i didnt step in ants and let them climb on me)#and on the ride back the dad of this other tourist group who looked and acted like Old Old Old Money was#being super shitty to the driver for driving bad but like. the driver was doing great its just that roads in costa rica are#deeply fucking insane‚ like thr fact that we didnt have or see a single crash the entire time we were there astounds me#there was one (1) stoplight we saw and it was treated entirely as a suggestion no matter how strong the traffic#but anyways yeah the driver was doing terrific this dude just had 0 like ability to contextualize anything#and his family just fucking WENT OFF on him it was so funny#me my bf and his mom were all sitting together in the back and while they were melting down we kept just looking at each#other like 👁️👄👁️#it was so funny
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sinkat-arts · 2 years
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And it’s only getting worse. Big Sigh. 
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Do you think "Daphne is the one handling the budget" is at all a popular headcanon for the Mystery Gang?
I like the idea of Daphne pulling out some reading glasses to do the gang's bookkeeping in the shotgun seat on long drives. The bankrolling is definitely Daphne and Shaggy (they're the ones that come from money), but it's probably still a pretty limited amount of money to work with just based on how young they are.
I want to say that Shaggy's money is in some kind of trust until he's 25. Meanwhile, Daphne does have an allowance, which is pretty big since her parents know she's traveling and they may not approve of the company she keeps, but they DO want her to be safe... but it's not enough to just spend willy nilly, considering she's the bulk of the funds for four people and one dog.
Someone has to plan out what they spend on, like... food and hygiene. Trap supplies. Laundromat usage. The occasional motel night if the elements are making 'sleep in the van' a bad idea. Phone plans, depending on the era. Health insurance if their parents don't have them on-plan (depends on the year). Car insurance (legally required). The van is old enough to require maintenance and have a pretty crappy mpg, so the gas budget is pretty high. Yearly inspections and other "let's not get stopped by the cops" stuff. Vet visits (vaccinations, teeth cleaning) for Scooby. Medication for various chronic conditions they may have. Replacing Velma's glasses when they get broken or her prescription changes. Fred's hair gel, which I assume he has. Shaggy's weed stipend. So much sunscreen. Etc.
Like they do have homes to go back to in case they truly run out of money, but it's still a lot to cover, and emergencies on the road do happen.
Modern setting Daphne just does an accounting course online and gets a CPA degree all in service of: 1. Managing the team's money 2. Catching bad guys via audit
(I'd suggest a correspondence course for an older setting but they're always on the move so idk how effective that would be.)
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happy 6k!! its well deserved! can i ask for secret relationship with Aaron Hotchner (if it hasn’t been requested yet) ♡︎
Aaron Hotchner x plus size reader
Something’s wrong with you, a subtle change taking place over months that your profiler co-workers haven’t noticed but one Penelope Garcia has
Warnings: secret relationship, fluff, Garcia snooping, mention of condoms/smut WC: 1.6k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Penelope was worried about you, to say the least. You had always been a bit of an introvert, preferring to stay home with your hobbies and books rather than go out to a bar with the rest of the team but over the last month, you had been far more reclusive than normal. She may not have been a profiler but she could see the way you hid your phone, the turtlenecks and scarves that now seemed to be a staple of your wardrobe, and most damning of all, the fact that you had avoided Girl’s Night.
And Penelope was going to get to the bottom of it.
“I need your help. Now.” She jammed her pen onto the end call button of her desk phone before the person on the other end of the line could answer. Her eyes were glued to the monitor in front of her, your social media page laid out across the screen. She had gone through every like, every comment, every follower and nothing seemed blatantly out of place but she knew she was missing something.
“C’mon baby, I know you’re somewhere in there.”
The door to her cave slammed open, revealing a slightly sweaty and very out of breath Dr Reid. “What! What is it? What’s wrong?”
Penelope spun her chair around and in a squeaky voice responded. “I don’t know!” Spencer’s distressed expression faded, however, as soon as he saw what she had been looking at in the first place. His eyebrows furrowed and he stepped into the room, the blue light of her monitors reflecting off his glasses. 
“Garcia, are those bank statements?” 
“Two days ago, Y/N went to the pharmacist at 10 pm. 10! Who goes to the pharmacy that late unless they’re hiding something.” Penelope gestured wildly at the list.
“Or we just got back from a case and she had to refill a prescription?” She scoffed and waved him off.
“Our copay isn’t that good. I only know one thing someone buys for $15 at a pharmacy after 8.” Spencer gave her a puzzled look, “Condoms Dr Reid! Condoms!” 
Red bloomed across his cheeks but Penelope continued. “And then I noticed something else, Y/N hasn’t been to a gas station in almost 6 months. Or at least if she has, she hasn’t been paying for gas. So, tell me what that means.” 
“Someone has been buying gas for her.” Spencer leaned forward, his hands now planted on the only empty spot on her desk. 
“Or…” She prompted.
“Someone’s been driving her around.” His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose.
“Which means…” Penelope gently pressed them back up his face as the realisation dawned upon the genius.
“She has a secret boyfriend.”
“Are we positive that this is a good idea?” Spencer shoved his hands into his suit pants pocket as he nervously looked around the empty hallway. Penelope huffed as she moved the bags of takeout over to her left hand, the numerous bracelets on her wrist jingling.
“Look, either she comes clean and gives us all the details about this mystery beau or we get a nice night in with one of our best friends in the world.” She firmly knocked on the door, stopping any further protest from Spencer. 
There was a few seconds of quiet, then a scuffle behind the door. They looked at each other before the lock clicked and your face was between the crack. “Penelope?”
Spencer leaned over so his head was above Garcia’s. Your eyes met his, your frown deepening. “And Spencer. What are you guys doing here?”
Penelope shot a look over her shoulder that screamed ‘I told you so’ before she held up the brown paper bags and gave you a megawatt smile. “There’s a Doctor Who marathon on TV tonight so I thought we could surprise you since it’s been forever since we’ve hung out!” 
“I’m not exactly dressed for company. Do you think you could give me a minute?” You glanced at something in your apartment, giving Penelope the opportunity to poke Spencer in the arm.
“Do you think we could come inside to wait, it’s a bit chilly out here.” You sighed. The door opened slowly, revealing your state of half-undress, wearing only a shirt that definitely wasn’t yours and that did nothing to cover the discolouration around your neck that suspiciously looked like hickies. Sweat dotted your hairline, your chest heaved, and the soft, sensual music playing from your speaker was everything that they needed to know.
Penelope’s squeal of victory was swiftly cut off by a man’s arm wrapping around your wide hips and tugging you back from the door, away from their sight. “It seems we’ve been had.” A deep voice rumbled.
“No way.” They were frozen to the spot, left staring at the empty doorway.
“Well, come on in then. Whatever you brought smells good.” Spencer was the first one to move, stumbling over his own feet as he entered the apartment. Penelope followed, a slightly dazed look on her face.
When she finally regained her composure, you had disappeared into the bedroom, leaving one Aaron Hotchner standing in your living room, dressed far more casually than they had ever seen him before, a sly smile on his lips. He took the bags of take out from her and carefully placed them on the coffee table. 
He was relaxed, incredibly so. His body language open, his eyes even sparkled when you walked back out of your room, now more dressed than before. Spencer’s brain ticked over as he watched the way your fingers brushed Aaron’s arm, recalling every moment he could where your interactions had been anything more than platonic in the years you had worked for the BAU. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Penelope sounded genuinely heartbroken, which made you break away from Aaron and wrap her up in your arms.
“We wanted to keep it private at first, just to see where it went.”
“And Stauss wouldn’t exactly approve.” Aaron added as he started pulling out the food containers.
“A relationship between the chief of a unit and his subordinate isn’t exactly against any FBI rules but it is frowned upon. Not to mention the over 10 year age gap between the two of you might’ve raised eyebrows.” Spencer perked up, earning a scowl from said older man.
“Yes that too.” He cleared his throat. Your giggle was muffled by Penelope’s hair. She turned around in your embrace to give Aaron a dirty look yet remained clinging to you.
“You’ve stolen her from us, keeping her all to yourself all the time.” Her grip on you tightened. “And buying condoms! Who are you to defile this perfect being.” 
Aaron had the audacity to look a little bashful at that, though you caught the flash of a prideful grin before he quickly hid it behind his usual frown. “She is my girlfriend. But, I suppose I have been selfish.”
Spencer had disappeared into your kitchen to look for some plates, but he soon called out to you. “What utensils do you want me to use? There are far too many in this drawer.” You rolled your eyes and pried yourself from Penelope, now leaving her alone with your boyfriend.
Her firm expression didn’t waver. “You love her?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation.
“Are you going to ask her to marry you?” Aaron’s brown eyes darted to the kitchen and once he confirmed that you weren’t standing within earshot, he muttered.
“It’s early but yes.”
“You need my approval.” She crossed her arms over her chest but Aaron could clearly see the way she was fighting a smile. 
“Of course.” He nodded, popping open a container of dumplings and stealing one. 
“Good.” She plopped down onto your couch, evidently all her questions answered, and took the box from him. 
“Is that all?”
Her nose scrunched up. “Don’t get ahead of yourself Hotchner, you aren’t off the hook yet. I’m telling everyone you’ve both been lying to us for months.” 
“As long as it stays in the BAU.” You piped up, your hands now full of various forks and knives, Spencer trailing after you with plates in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “We don’t need to kick up a HR investigation just yet.”
“We’ll vouch for you both if it comes to that.” Spencer sat on the edge of the recliner so he could still reach the coffee table. You glided by Aaron, your shoulder purposefully brushing against his as you passed. Penelope patted the couch cushion beside her.
You grabbed the remote control and obeyed her hint, settling into the soft material with a sigh. 
“Now go, it’s our turn to get her.” Aaron just rolled his eyes playfully and kissed your forehead gently.
“Have fun you three, I’ll stay out of your hair.” You melted into his touch for just a moment before he pulled himself away to gather his things that he left on his your bedside table. “Although it’s been a while since I’ve spent the night by myself.” He teased.
That earned him a scoff from Garcia. “Go!” He raised his hands in defeat and left the three of you to the pile of food and your show. You accepted the offered plate from Spencer, it was silent save for the low voices from the TV and Aaron’s movements around your bedroom. 
Penelope had a pleased smile on her face, pride filling her chest. She had out-profiled a team of profilers before they had even realised something was off. And she had gotten an evening with you and Spencer through her genius. She pressed the side of her thigh against yours as you poured out some wine for each of them.
You grinned at her before you suddenly froze, a thought occurring to you.
“Pen… how did you know I had been buying condoms?”
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Aaron Hotchner
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coquettetoji · 11 months
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★ general eren hcs ★
— hot type of nerdy * defo majors in computer science
— my boy by billie eilish coded
— has hot hands ( the veiny kind with long fingers but his hands defo aren’t abnormally huge 💀 ¡ALSO WEARS RINGS! )
— probably smells like weed, mint gum, and expensive cologne. i’m thinking creed aventus with a woody type of scent
— has a silver chain, not gold obvi 👎 defo does the tiktok arm leaning against door frame chain dangling pose
— solid 6’2 maybe 6’3 depending on shoes and lean muscular
— emotion damaging fuck boy (takes ‘hurt people hurt people’ on a whole nother level but he’s hot so who cares?)
— drives a blacked out camaro with tinted windows bc uh
— doesn’t vape, but will always occasionally smoke weed
— gym bro with a sleeper build * bench is probably 265-270 and rubs it in armin’s face atleast once a week
— has 1 playlist because he listens to spotifys default made daily mixes 💀 ( daily mix 4 is always his go to )
— his actual playlist consists of the most overplayed main stream indie songs but then has rnb songs with 3k listens per month mainly from eren that lowk hit?
— mama’s boy and likes cats > dogs
— doberman boy
— has his snapchat in his insta bio with the ghost emoji next to it
— can play guitar and surprisingly well, favorite song to play is sparks by coldplay
— wears prescription clear frame glasses with the blue light lenses on them at night but wears contacts during the day
— all his $$$ comes from stocks, doesn’t have a job but is so smart when it comes to shit like that **defo has one of those metal credit cards that clink against tables 😏
— has dimples on his lower back and deep smile lines with that joker type of smile lol hot
— 3.8 gpa, math and science smart but not reading/english smart
— has a black phone with a clear case, black background, and his most used app is tiktok and messages
— wears street wear, wife beaters, baggy jeans, graphic tees, expensive sneakers, and cargos
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— brown / green eyes, show more when they’re in the sun
— has a single diamond piercing on his right ear bc he’s slutty like that
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{💌} new message from mica
hopefully this wasn’t a horrible first post bc i’m new to this whole thing, i’ll figure things out after a couple youtube tutorials >:)
i will gladly go emo for eren omfg he’s such a *moan*
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ms-demeanor · 11 days
So I have vision insurance again which means I was able to go to the optometrist and get glasses through insurance for the first time in 11 years (instead of paying out of pocket and getting glasses from zenni) and here are my notes:
It's *NOT GREAT* that Luxotica is mentioned by name on the insurance card printout
I know everything got more expensive in the last ten years, but frames also got a lot more expensive and for some reason there was a huge gap in prices - my insurance covered $130 for frames and the office had a bunch of frames for $70 and a bunch of frames for $150 but basically no frames between those two price points.
When you say "I can't afford to go over the allowance" on XYZ thing they are not even *considering* the cost of progressive bifocals. So I was like "no coating, cheap frames, no extras" and then they were like "okay so the progressive bifocal is going to be over a hundred dollars more" and I was like "how much is the bifocal with a line" and they were like "oh that's only $15 but we don't consider that appropriate for your age, we recommend this other kind of lens" and it doesn't matter what you consider age appropriate for me, I can't afford that so we're not doing that.
The seventy dollar frames are all kind of trash. Super thin, super bendy, and not in a good "flexible fit" way but more in a "if you fall asleep in these you will wake up with broken glasses" way.
They wrote down my reading prescription wrong? For the last ten years I've been slowly creeping up from +.25 to my current +2.50; they told me it had increased but the printout said +.75 so either my prescription has been wrong for a while or they missed the 2 at the front of that number and my glasses are going to show up with a low magnification. (I noticed after I'd left the office but before the glasses arrived).
Given all of that, with insurance: $25 for a pair of glasses, which included the office copay.
So then of course I went to zenni and ordered glasses anyway because I've been wearing the same frame design for seven years and want another pair that look exactly like that.
Progressive bifocals WERE the most expensive part of the order, and because my prescription is stronger they are getting progressively more expensive - initially the upgrade to bifocal cost something like $30 for a lower magnification, now they're $85 for the stronger prescription.
And that's it, that's the expensive part. Fifteen dollar frames, five dollar anti-reflective coating, total for bifocals was around a hundred dollars; I got a pair of single-vision sunglasses for under $20.
Part of the reason I decided to spend more at zenni than at my optometrist's office was because I was able to get good, sturdy frames that I know fit my face and will survive mosh pits and me falling asleep on them without cracking. In order to get the same thing at the optometrist's office I would have had to pay thirty dollars more for lenses as well as forty more for frames so I would have walked out of there paying more for a pair of glasses with frames that I wasn't super excited about (there was a pair that was *okay* but not great that were similar in construction to my current frames but more bulky and square) than I did for glasses that I know I like and a pair of sunglasses.
I did end up paying less out of pocket for the visit than I would have without the insurance, and $15 for a pair of back-up glasses isn't bad. But it was all-in-all a frustrating experience.
However: I've been wearing the same pair of glasses for three years and the anti-reflective coating is worn away in some places and they're so scratched that they're impossible to actually clean in some places and large bastard looked through them last week and was like "OH! No wonder you can't tell when you need to clean your windshield! You don't get to drive at night until those are replaced" so no matter what glasses I'm wearing next week they're going to be an improvement.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 7 months
High On Lovin' You - Bob Floyd x Reader
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a/n: this is an entirely self-indulgent fic inspired by a dream I had the other day, not beta read and may have some errors? I tried y'all. also inspired by h.o.l.y. by florida georgia line
pairing: bob floyd x wife! reader
warnings/content: bob as a dad, mentions of pregnancy, breeding kink, p in v, creampie, smut, fingering.
word count: 2.1k
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The Californian breeze was warm and refreshing as it blew in off the coast of Coronado, brushing against your skin. You followed Bob up the brick-laden steps of Rooster’s seaside home, your daughter, Sunday, balancing on Bob’s hip as he jogged up the steps. You couldn’t help but admire the way he managed to make something as mundane as running up a couple of steps holding a baby effortlessly attractive.
His sandy coloured hair had been brushed back slightly, a change from his normal, military-approved style, and his wire framed glasses had been replaced with a pair of prescription aviator sunglasses. His baby blue polo shirt hugged his figure, accentuating his toned chest, his biceps flexing against the sleeve of the shirt as he held Sunday. He’d dressed her this morning, in a baby blue gingham dress that matched the hue of his shirt perfectly, with her curly blonde hair pulled back off her forehead with a coordinating headband, adorned with a bow.
“You ready to go see Uncle Roo, Sunny?” Bob cooed at your daughter, stroking her cheek gently with his index finger as he spoke to her.
Sunday giggled and cooed at her father as the three of you walked around to the side gate of the house. Bob reached around over the gate door to unlatch it, and as you watched him, you couldn’t help but notice that his normally slender build was appearing more and more muscular and toned. You knew that Bob had been spending a lot more time with Rooster lately, and by extension, Hangman, who’d convinced all the guys to start hitting the gym with him before trainings under the guise of “team-building” but you were convinced it was because he didn’t want to work out alone anymore. The gym sessions combined with carrying an almost toddler around were enough to have an impact on Bob’s upper body strength.
Bob looked over to you for a moment, flashing you a smile before walking up to Rooster with a firm handshake and a hug. Bob set Sunday down on the grass to play, watching as she started playing. He’d insisted on giving you a break for the day, feeling guilty for spending the last week and a half working overtime and putting in longer hours as they trained for an upcoming mission. You knew there was no use in arguing with him about it, and the extra time spent with Sunday meant the world to him. Besides that, something about seeing Bob take on the role of doting dad was driving you crazy with arousal, and you were going to make sure you did something about it later tonight.
“Sunday, come here, honey!” Bob called as he chased after your now very active and mobile 11 month old daughter. 
Later that night, you watched as your husband whispered goodnight to your baby daughter over the monitor on your phone, your heart fluttering at the sight of him leaning his tall, slender frame down to kiss his little girl on the forehead, murmuring sweet sayings to her that were barely audible over the noise of the sound machine that was playing.
 “Ok, I think Sunday’s finally gone down for the night. They aren’t kidding when they say that sleep regressions are the worst, are they?” Bob chuckled as he bounded down the stairs, shaking his head as he gently wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in tightly towards his body. 
“Have I told you yet that you’re the best husband in the world?” 
“You might have mentioned it earlier when she spat up on my shirt right before Rooster’s party for his promotion, but I’d be ok with hearing it again.” 
A cocksure grin appeared on Bob’s face as he nuzzled into your neck, placing soft, gentle kisses against the curvature of your body. A soft, surprised moan fell from your lips as his mouth made contact with your skin, but that was all the encouragement Bob needed to start kissing a trail from the top of your shoulder up to your ear. His movements were playful and light-hearted, but he knew that was what drove you wild. His hands caressed at your waist, sliding down to your hips as he pulled you in closer to him with a gentle yank, the curves of your ass now pressed firmly against his body. You could feel the fabric of his dress pants beginning to tighten against you as he began hiking up the skirt of your dress, giving your ass a firm squeeze.
“Bobby!” You giggled, shaking your head as you felt your heart race as if this was your first time being intimate with him. 
That was the thing you loved about Bob, he made every time feel as great as the first - the passion, love and excitement of when you’d spent your first night together, recaptured as if it was happening all over again. Bob had always been a passionate lover - your first night together he’d sheepishly confessed to you that he’d only ever had one girlfriend before, and he dated her throughout his high school years until he graduated and left for the Naval academy at 18. He’d been worried that his lack of variety in the field had made him inadequate, and he assured you that, if there was anything he was doing that you wanted him to do differently, he’d learn it for you. It’d been nothing short of perfect - you teased him that he must have been reading Cosmopolitan or something to know all the right places to touch you and kiss you, to which he just shrugged, pushing his glasses up on his nose with a grin.
Since that day, it was clear to you that Bob was a people pleaser, and there was no one on earth who he wanted to please more than you.
“You looked so hot in that dress today, babe. You’re stunning, you know that?” He purred into your ear as he continued to run his hands along your body, his breath hot on your neck as he spoke in that low, seductive tone he knew drove you crazy.
“Robert Floyd, you’re pushing it,” you teased, shaking your head.
“Now, now, darlin’, that’s Lieutenant Commander Robert Floyd. If you’re gonna use my full name, better be using that rank too, got it, pretty girl?”
You gave Bob a mock salute, a shit-eating grin on your face as you looked at him. Bob pulled you in closer, holding your hips firmly against him, your dress hiked up to your midsection as he gave your sides a gentle squeeze, his fingers digging into your flesh ever-so-slightly as he held you. Grinding your hips against his, you grinned wickedly as Bob let out a groan. He spun you around quickly to face him, his blonde eyebrows raised quizzically at you. His bright, deep blue eyes were locked on yours and you felt like you might melt right there on the spot.
“Now, a pretty girl like you, she deserves to be treated right by her husband, doesn’t she?” Bob hummed, his fingers toying with your inner thigh. 
“Mhmm, is that so?”
“That’s what I reckon,” Bob smirked, his accent shifting, becoming thicker as he slipped into his natural Kentucky drawl, his fingers brushing against your wet slit.
“Bobby!” You hissed, unable to stop the soft gasp that came out of your mouth with it. 
“I think, since you do such a good job taking care of Sunday and I, I should return the favor, don’t you?” 
Before you could open your mouth to speak, Bob pushed two of his long fingers past your folds, pumping them into your core at a tantalizing slow pace that left you practically aching for more. He smirked as his fingers worked at your core, feeling your body clench at the movement of his hand. 
“Fuck, Bobby,” you mewled, feeling yourself tensing up at his touch, “Feels s’good.”
Bob pulled his fingers out of you, your body aching at the loss of contact. He stood upright, quickly undoing his belt at a break-neck pace. He smirked as he noticed you biting your bottom lip, watching him as he shimmied quickly out of his khaki coloured dress pants and boxer shorts. Reaching into the pocket of the now discarded pants on the floor, he pulled out a shiny foil square of packaging. As he started to open it, you shook your head, whispering in his ear, your voice in a breathy whine as you spoke.
“We don’t need to use that if you don’t want to, baby. I wanna feel you.”
“That so, baby? Thought you wanted at least two years between kids?” He laughed softly, raising an eyebrow quizzically at you.
“I know what I said. That was before I saw you handling Sunday so well at Rooster’s this afternoon. Now I’m thinking 20 months is good enough,” you replied with a shrug, your lips curling into a smirk as you tried to convince your normally level-headed and rational thinking husband to forgo any form of contraception. 
Bob furrowed his brow in thought for a moment before tossing the condom wrapper behind him with a grin.
“What the hell, I’m on board,” He shrugged as he lifted you up, causing you to squeal in surprise as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Bob carried you effortlessly over to the couch before dropping you gently down on to the leather sectional. He grinned as he hovered down over you, lining himself up with your entrance. He dragged the tip of his cock against you in a teasing manner, causing you to shudder and whine as you felt him make contact with your clit. He gave you a wicked grin as he watched you squirm before gently pushing himself forward. He paused for a moment for you to adjust to his size - something you should be used to by now, but yet, each time your body needed that extra moment or two to stretch around him. 
“That’s it, pretty girl, taking my cock so well,” Bob cooed as he pushed himself further into you, maintaining the slow pace he’d begun with. 
“Bobby,” you whined as he filled you, your fingers gripping his shoulders tightly.
Bob began thrusting into you at a leisurely, slow pace, his voice low and husky as he grunted in your ear, reminding you of how good you feel, how you were all his, and how your body felt like it was practically made for him. You squirmed and shuddered with each thrust becoming harder and sharper, perfectly calculated to hit exactly where you wanted each time, something that was to be expected of a man who’s job entailed precision and skill when it comes to angles. 
“You feel so fucking fantastic, honey. Can’t wait to put another baby in ya. That’s what you want, isn’t it baby? Want me to give you another baby?”
Bob’s hips crashed into yours repeatedly as he thrusted, his sharp, quick movements beginning to grow sloppier as he edged closer to his orgasm. You tossed your head back in ecstasy as he bucked his hips into you, the combination of his words and his movements just about pushing you to your orgasm. 
“C’mon honey, tell me what you want from me,” Bob husked.
“Need you to put a baby in me, please, Bobby,” you cried out, unable to hold back any longer as his latest thrust pushed you to your boiling point.
As if your words flipped a switch inside of him, Bob’s hips bucked forward once more as he grunted, spilling out inside of you as your body clenched around him tightly.
Breathless and panting as you both rode out your orgasms, Bob couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at you, shaking his head.
“So what was it about my parenting that got you worked up?” He smirked, unable to shake the grin off his face as he leaned down to kiss your collarbone.
“Honestly, I know something got you worked up today, and I doubt it was the backyard barbecue at Rooster’s.”
“Your biceps have gotten huge from carrying Sunday around everywhere, and with the polo shirt and the aviators today, and you were all proud of yourself for coordinating your outfit with Sunday’s, it was a combination of things, but,” you breathed, shaking your head as you grinned, “imagine how you’ll look balancing two toddlers on your hip.”
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tumbler-polls · 11 months
Do you wear prescription glasses?
Yes, I put them on first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night (nearsighted)
Yes, I put them on first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night (farsighted)
Yes, I put them on first thing in the morning and take them off last thing at night (other)
Yes, but only to work/school or when I'm reading/driving (nearsighted)
Yes, but only to work/school or when I'm reading/driving (farsighted)
Yes, but only to work/school or when I'm reading/driving (other)
I wear contacts
I have glasses but I don't wear them
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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foreveric · 3 months
john wick x sick!f!reader — headcannons‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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— tw: some mentions of prescription medications, chronic pain/illness, hospitals, etc.
you've got a chronic illness, but that won't change john's love for you. no, in fact, he will do anything and everything in his power to make sure that you know just how much he loves you by doing both little and huge things for you to surprise you.
one night, after a day of you having pain all throughout your body, he decides to gift you with a fancy dinner at home, complete with candles and a glass of champagne. if you need help, he will carry you up the stairs bridal-style just like how he did on the night of your wedding ceremony.
whenever you need help with or getting your prescriptions, he wouldn't mind a bit to go out and get them for you if you're having a bad pain day and can't drive, or if you're out of them (which he'd rarely allow to happen, the only couple of times it did was because of a mission that was drawn out longer than he'd expected).
he'll massage you wherever the pain is hurting you the most in the moment: shoulders, wrists, feet. he doesn't care, just as long as he's helping to make you feel better from your unforgiving pain.
after a long day, he will still cook dinner if you were unable to that day whether if it was because you were in pain or too medicated. all that matters to him, is that your needs are looked after and cared for, because you're the most precious thing he has in his life right now.
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asclexe · 2 months
ughhh fine ill succumb to peer pressure smh
insp by @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @sillyhyperfixator @cherrishnoodles :3
⭐️ BASICS :3 ⭐️
name: dr. fluoxetine pearl/dr. pearl
full name: fluoxetine millicent maxine marvin pearl M.D.
nicknames: flu, flux, flo
gender: enby (they/them), afab, fluoxetine is their chosen name, pearl is their dead name but they legally changed it to be their last name.
age: 34
nationality/ethnicity: filipino/french american. born in pennsylvania technically but raised in BALTIMORE 🔥🔥🔥
they have a slight new jersey and baltimore accent but it’s mostly general american
ppth position: head of gynecology/obstetrics, but they have a lot of emergency medicine and diagnostics knowledge due to their residency so they help around there a lot. youngest gyno head ever!!!
sexuality: aromantic allosexual bisexual
personality: quiet and spacey but not shy, they keep to themself mostly. they seem rude/apathetic but they’re actually very friendly, especially to patients. they tend to be very negative and pessimistic at times. they’re also quite secretive and a kleptomaniac. miserable by themself. fantastic at negotiation, a bit creepy and brooding at times, even. but they’re mostly harmless! there always seems like there’s something else going on with them..something much more…
appearance: warmly-skinned 6’1 masc appearing person. they had top surgery, so they have a mostly flat body, except for their softly round tummy. they’re very lanky, but not skinny. they have a good amount of meat on their bones, and they’re softly muscular. their hair is a choppy, voluminous short black wolf cut with two tacky strands of bleach blonde that fits their sharp face. they have black eyes and light freckles everywhere that are slightly visible on their dark brown skin. they face is sharp, but also youthfully soft. they look a lot younger than they are.
style: they wear a tight dark vest with either a basic white button down or nothing underneath with dark pants with their doctor’s coat on top most days, and it’s quite stylish and slick. occasionally, especially on days they’re not feeling well or an administration heavy work day or in general when they don’t leave their office, they’ll wear a big graphic t-shirt and baggy pants with a cardigan to work. they carry around a stylish but small, washed out messenger bag to hold their prescription pad, pens, etc along with anything else they might personally need. they wear low-top converse that are beyond beaten up everyday. occasionally they’ll wear a sweater vest, or maybe a tie. depends how they feel that day.
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they have diagnosed BPD. they’re completely deaf in their left ear. and they have PTSD due to something in their backstory, which i’ll delve into soon. they are also actively, but unknown suicidal but don’t sh.
tw for death, slight gore/injury description, :3
lots of yapping :3
it all started on a freezing winter night on december 18th, 1970 when a very pregnant dolores alma torres and a jean-gabriel adrian marvin archambeau were driving late at night, in the middle of nowhere, to visit dolores’ friend’s baby shower on an extremely icy road when dolores when into labor. jean-gabriel re-routed to find her a hospital, but quickly got lost in the dark backroads of pennsylvania. as tension rose and dolores got more short with him, as labor isn’t fun, jean-gabriel didn’t notice the deer he was about to hit and swerved at the last second. he hit the deer anyway in the million spins he did in the ice, and crashed into a ditch diagonally, killing jean-gabriel on impact. dolores waited there for hours in labor, in the dark with a fractured rib slowly puncturing her organs and a bunch of glass cuts next to her dead husband, until a car finally passed by and a kind stranger got some help. she gave birth in the backseat of their car and died shortly after.
her last words were naming her baby girl, pearl alma torres-archambeau, and that she was sorry, god.
they were sent to their french grandparents in baltimore after being cleaned up at the closest hospital, where they were raised pretty much happily until they were six, when their grandfather died of a massive heart attack and their grandmother of a grand mal seizure a year of quiet later. they were then tossed around foster care for a bit, until permanently being sent to an orphanage. they were a very quiet child due to all the tragedy following them. they read a lot of books, which gave them an interest in medicine early on. this interest was amplified when they needed to go to the hospital when their appendix burst. they were also incredibly clever, and earned top marks in all their classes. they didn’t have many friends, however.
when they were sixteen, they emancipated themself from the orphanage and graduated high school early. they applied to norte dame of maryland to study biology and chemistry for their undergrad and got accepted, also giving them a place to stay. they worked odd jobs and side hustles to pay for any tuition left after scholarships and spent their time studying mostly, and they had earned enough credits to graduate at 19. they applied to johns hopkins for medical school, and also got in. at this point they could afford an apartment close. and things seemed to go quite well for them!
well, until there was an armed robbery (baltimore 🔥🔥) at the little corner store they worked at after class. they were shot in the shoulder and twice in their left ear, but their co-worker took the worst of it and died to a gunshot in their heart. the er patched them up, unable to save their ear, and the robber was caught and jailed, but they quit their job and buckled down on school, spiraling mentally.
they graduated med school, started their residency, and changed their name. until the dean of medicine at princeton plainsboro teaching hospital had reached out to them, offering them a position in the gynecology department as that was their decided specialty. they got their top surgery there and was quickly offered be the ob/gyn department head due to their excellent performance :3
⭐️FUN FACTS :3⭐️
they’re left-handed!
they have a really weak stomach, despite their occupation
can speak french pretty fluently as well as english
they have genetic weak hormones, so they take hrt
they have two cats, morphine and xanax :3
besties with benefits with thirteen
sea shell/pearl collector!
i’ll prob be adding to this as i think about more things/their place in canon/the other ocverse :3
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youcouldmakealife · 3 months
i love your stories so much and always wondered: are you a plotter or a pantser? do you make notes, or flesh out scenes before writing them? how do you approach writing dialogue?
any general writing advice?
Pantser 90% of the time. I think the best, most accurate description of how I write that I've ever seen is this quote by E.L. Doctorow:
Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
Sometimes the fog lightens up a bit, sometimes there's a clear patch, and that's when I can get ahead (and sometimes get ahead of myself), but usually it's just headlights in the fog.
I've actually been thinking of writing a bit more about my writing process/answering questions about it because it's so antithetical what a lot of 'accepted' writing advice says is absolutely required/fundamental to writing.
Early on I thought I was 'failing' at writing because of that, and now I accept that prescriptive rules don't really work in something as wide open as writing is (there is always, always an exception to the rule -- I do, however, agree that you have to know the rules before you break them if you want to break those rules meaningfully). Introspection has been the name of the game for me in recent years, kind of re-learning how I tick and what drives me, and writing has definitely not been immune to the magnifying glass.
I'd honestly be happy to do so if it's something people would be interested in.
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whiskey-bumblebee · 2 years
I'm On Fire (Chapter 2)
Pairing: DBF!Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Word Count: 2470
Warnings: older Hotch/younger reader, cheating, daddy issues, a little bit of angst
Taglist: @littlepeanut03 @rosaline-black @moonmark98 @yuly @jazzymariexoxoc @frogoko @morgthemagpie
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You're staring at the kitchen sink, a full glass of water on the counter to your left. Alone again. It's been days since you've seen your dad.
You let your head rest in your hands as you prop your elbows up on the counter. Aaron had left his number in your phone when he dropped you back home after your late night drive. You were using every ounce of strength not to call him.
It had been a week or so since that night, or morning, you supposed, since you'd watched the sun rise together, when you teased him for his Spartan taste in coffee and breakfast food. You hadn't heard anything, and you were starting to think it must have meant nothing to him. You were nothing but his friend's daughter. Another thing to take care of, like the unmown grass, or filing taxes.
Despite how little you seemed to mean to him, you couldn't stop replaying your conversations in your mind. Although you'd been sleeping for much of the time, when you were awake, you'd talked about everything. He'd opened up about Haley, the way that their marriage was slowly disintegrating because of their different goals, his difficult work schedule. He'd hesitated before telling you another piece, unsure if it was even appropriate to mention it to you.
"She's started..." He sighed. "She's started trying to tamper with the birth control we use. She hasn't refilled her prescription for the pill in a while and..."
He turned away from you as much as he could, fixing his gaze on something on the left of the horizon. His voice dropped to a low whisper.
"The other night when we were... You know what I mean. She tried to pull off the condom. A week ago I was looking in my bedside table for one of my watches, and the condoms were all over the place. The drawer was sticky, so I picked up one of them," He paused again. "It had a hole in it. I thought okay, leak, I'll just throw this one out. But I looked at one of the others, just in case, and..."
"Oh my god," You said softly. "Aaron, that's not okay. If someone I was dating did something like that..."
You felt your jaw clench. How fucking awful was that? Trying to trap him with a baby? It was one thing to try and convince him, to try and save their marriage, to talk about why he was hesitant, but it was a different thing entirely to start taking matters into her own hands. It would obliterate the last of the trust between them. It was sick.
He'd talked a little about his college years, but his playful smile told you there was a lot he was holding back.
"C'mon, Seattle in the 90s? You must have gotten up to no good," You said, trying to eke out some information. "Concerts, weed, girls?"
"I focused on studying," He said, and pressed his lips together.
"You're lying again. That's one of your tells," You pointed at his lips. "You go like this."
You mimicked his expression, the physical manifestation of withholding information or some emotion.
He looked over at you and laughed. "You'd make a good profiler."
"Profiling," You said dreamily. "And you get to travel all over the place. What's it like?"
"It's hard work," He said slowly. "A lot of the time it's unpleasant. But I like to think we make a difference."
"Could you profile me?"
He looked over at you, his expression serious.
"It's not like astrology, or palm-reading" He said. "You might not like what I have to say."
"I won't hold it against you," You replied. "I'm sure none of it will really be new to me. I spend a lot of time thinking about who I am and how I got here."
"You're independent, probably more than you should be, but that says more about your father than it does about you." He paused, taking a breath, and looked over at you again, sadness in his eyes this time. "You're constantly reading the people around you, or at least me, trying to figure out what they're thinking."
You nodded. "It's not just you."
He pulled into the drive through, joining the long line of cars queuing for their morning coffee. For a moment, you thought about how the two of you must look to anyone who took a second to look through the windscreen or one of the windows. You, in a salt-starched button up shirt. Aaron, in a faded blue t-shirt and the joggers you'd been wearing a few hours before. A strange pair of lovers, or maybe just a strange pair.
"The reason you read everyone is because you use it as a pre-emptive defense mechanism. If you know how everyone is feeling, you can adjust your behaviour to avoid making anyone upset."
"Oh," You said. "So that makes me... a psychopath, or something?"
Aaron chuckled and shook his head, looking at you properly now that the car was safely stopped. "No. It makes you like a lot of other women."
"Oh," You said again, somehow feeling even more dejected. "Just ordinary."
He shook his head, reaching across the centre console to wipe some salt from your cheek. "You're far from ordinary."
"Next in line," Came the staticky voice from the speaker. "How can I help you?"
"What do you want?" He whispered.
"Something sweet," You replied. "And a bagel."
He relayed the information to the disembodied voice.
"Is that all?"
"No, could I also get a black coffee? No cream, no sugar, and do you have a bacon and egg sandwich?"
"Sure. Drive up to the next window."
"Thank you," Aaron replied, shooting you a conspiratorial smile. Why did you feel like you were getting away with something?
"Mr. Bacon and Egg," You teased.
"What?" He replied, reaching for his wallet. "Nothing wrong with the classics."
There was a knock at your door, and you jumped. Your dad?
You took a big sip of water before making your way to the door, then peered through one of the little glass windows to see who it was. With a sigh of relief, you undid the deadbolt. Aaron.
"Is your dad home?" He looked you up and down, but there was no hunger in it.
Your brow furrowed. "No."
"We need to talk," He said, letting himself in, locking the door.
Your stomach dropped through the floor. Here it comes. He's going to tell me that I've been coming onto him and it needs to stop. Head heavy with shame, you let your body fall to the couch and looked down at the rug. He's married, how did you think this was going to end?
"Haley's leaving me."
You looked at him, waiting for the next sentence. None came.
"Aaron," You breathed. "I'm so sorry."
"I went for a drive," He said. "To the beach. In Delaware."
There was a long silence, and he walked to the kitchen and back, bringing you the glass of water you'd abandoned.
You took another sip, looking down at the floor again.
"I..." He took a seat beside you.
You looked at him, searching his face.
"I can't read you," You said softly. "You need to tell me."
He looked deep into your eyes, no doubt seeing the feelings you had for him. You couldn't put words to them yet, but you had a feeling your eyes were telling a story your heart hadn't yet been able to commit to. "I didn't like the beach."
Agony tearing through you, you broke the eye contact, rubbing your face with one of your hands. What had you expected?
He took your hand in his, pulling it from your face. His grip was rough, but it was nothing compared to the confusion and pain radiating through your body.
"No," He said insistently. "I didn't like the beach because... It wasn't the beach. It was you."
You looked at him hopefully, praying to every god whose name you'd ever learned that your heart was right to start beating wildly, full of anticipation.
He whispered your name, his hand coming to the side of your face as the space between you seemed to shrink.
"Haley wouldn't mind," You whispered.
"She wouldn't," He replied, his face close enough to yours that certain syllables sent his lips brushing against yours. He rubbed his nose against yours, waiting to be seized by a sudden rush of morality. It didn't come.
You closed the gap between you, taking his chin between your thumb and forefinger, sealing your lips to his. For a moment you stayed like that, just pressing your lips together, not moving, hardly breathing.
Then it was like lightning- his lips moving against yours, his weight starting to shift on top of your body as you slipped beneath him, your hands moving to cup his back, hips dropping open to accommodate his body in this new position. The harsh noises of your breathing between frantic kisses, the wet sound as your tongue just barely left your mouth, tracing over his lips. A thud as his hand met the arm of the couch, supporting his weight. And if that all was lightning, the electric lick of light across a bright sky, the rest was apocalypse, the hounds of hell breaking loose as your bodies settled against each other, his tongue snaking across your lips, testing the seam of them, whether you'd let him in. You tugged his bottom lip between your teeth, running your tongue across the slightly swollen skin as you released his lip.
You settled into a rhythmic tempo, swaying against each other like the waves on the shore, the push and the pull like something divinely inspired, driven by the moon, something of a greater magnitude than mere magnetism. Something like gravity.
When you broke away, it was all changed. Even from this distance, hardly an inch away from him, you knew the world had tilted on its axis. You became aware of the sound of children playing outside, the ring of a bicycle's bell. You were certain that if you walked outside, you'd see them riding their bicycles straight into the sky, or the birds would be flying upside down. The warmth of the sun would radiate from the ground, and the tickle of the grass would rain down on you.
Your eyelashes seemed like monuments as you blinked slowly, attempting to clear your vision. When you opened your eyes, nothing had changed. There he was. There you were.
The sun warmed your bare skin as you curled into Aaron's chest. Something about the kiss had been draining, as beautiful as it was, and you'd led him upstairs to rest. He traced shapes on your back.
"That was intense," He said, finally.
"I'm tired," You said, suddenly feeling like you might cry.
"I shouldn't stay."
You tilted your head to look up at him, taking a moment to appreciate the way that he looked in your bed, his short dark hair contrasting with your cream-coloured pillow.
"You could," You said.
He shook his head.
"I thought you said Haley left?"
He nodded. "She did. But your dad could come back any minute."
It was your turn to shake your head. "He won't be here until Tuesday. He stays at her place from Thursday night until Tuesday morning so they can have weekends."
"Generous definition of weekend," He scoffed. "He should take better care of you."
"He makes sure there's food when he comes. And besides, I can take care of myself."
"You shouldn't have to," He said softly, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. His voice was filled with fondness, and you broke his gaze so you could rest your head against his chest again.
"You take care of me," You whispered.
"I could," He whispered. "You deserve to know what it feels like."
There were butterflies in your stomach. You lay like that for another hour, waiting to decide what to do. There was no clear path forward, you knew that much.
"I should go," He murmured. "I have some errands to run before everything closes for the night, and work in the morning."
"What are we going to do?" You said softly, sitting upright.
He sat up too, swinging his legs out of the bed.
"What if this is it?" He replied. "The simplest thing to do would be to leave it here."
"Aaron," You said, your voice breaking. "I couldn't live."
You reached for your phone.
"Can I take a photo of us? So at least I know it wasn't a dream?"
His mind flicked to Penelope, and her incredible capacity for unearthing files from anywhere. Your phone was far from secure, and he just couldn't risk a photo like that ending up somewhere it shouldn't.
He shook his head. "It's too risky. No one should find out about this."
You sighed, looking over at the wall, the last of the day's light filling the room with light, although it was limited to a square in the shape of the window.
You took him by the chin, pulling him gently into the light.
He laughed.
"Hell of a metaphor," He said, shaking his head with a small smile.
You raised an eyebrow at him, but he shook his head. You dropped the subject and gestured at his shadow on the wall, the silhouette of his head.
"How about this?"
You leaned into the light, leaving your silhouettes facing each other.
He nodded. "That works."
Careful not to let your phone cast a shadow, you framed the shot and looked at him while he looked at you, both of you fighting back wide smiles. Your phone clicked softly, and you checked to make sure the picture was okay. You nodded and showed it to him. He smiled and kissed your forehead, wrapping an arm around you.
"This isn't going to be easy," He said.
You took one of his hands in both of yours, and looked at him seriously. "I don't need easy. I do need you."
You both sat there for a moment, letting your words hang in the air and permeate your skin.
"God," You breathed. "I can't believe you said what if this is it? I couldn't leave things here. I'd die."
"How about this?" He said, echoing your words from earlier. You followed his gaze as he looked down at his hands. He slipped off his gold wedding ring and placed it on your bedside table.
"My promise this isn't it."
You looked at him, tears forming in your eyes, and nodded.
He took your hands in his, and pressed a kiss to them before enclosing them completely in his.
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