#preschool teacher training courses
rajukumar8926 · 3 months
Advance Your Preschool Teaching Career Online
Enhance your preschool teaching skills with online nursery and pre-primary teacher training courses. Explore comprehensive programs covering curriculum development, classroom management, and child psychology. Gain the knowledge and certification needed to excel in your career. Convenient online format allows you to learn at your own pace and schedule.
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cottoncandyopinions · 5 months
I know this is the upper end of school lunches even by japan's standard but man... I wish most school districts everywhere were like this.
Like yeah it takes a lot of hands on employees but that's not a bad thing. Think about the way this slots into a community ecosystem.
Feeding kids right is so important, so we want to feed them good food.
Getting that food from local farms is not only sustainable, but cost effective and creates agriculture jobs in the local economy (tho I understand not everywhere can do this part, not every school district is gonna have nearby farms).
The kitchen where the food is made creates more local jobs, paying directly back into the community, and those jobs are available to the lowest skill workers who need a good job with consistent hours the most. And food service workers in particular, who are subjected to insane hours, unpredictable schedules, and low pay as is standard in the industry really would benefit from this kind of setup.
Heck, on top of all that, you see in this district that plenty of parents work these jobs, making food for their own kids. When you feel like your work is meaningful, when you're directly doing something for your community and seeing the benefits yourself, it makes the job so much more rewarding. It encourages employees to feel more invested, to care about doing a good job, and less turnover rate because of that satisfaction.
Like I wanna say that I wish the whole world cared this much about keeping kids well fed, but it's so much more. A model like this is just better for society as a whole, and even if you're really focused on the pure economics, having more people with more disposable income means more money moving through the economy, and the future economic benefits of a generation of healthier kids is self evident.
I just don't understand why society ever decided to disconnect our work from our communities, or why we decided to eschew the long term benefits and increased wealth as a society in favor of saving a little money right now.
I know it's silly to think all this from a little video about this district's lunches, but I guess there's just no reason why we can't all work to have something a little closer to this.
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hannieehaee · 5 months
Hiii i love your writing sm that is always look forward to anything you write . Pls remember to take care of yourself .
Imagine chan having a younger s/o , doting on her , taking care of her protecting her 😭😭😭😭 it would be so cute
them having a younger s/o
content: small age gap between reader and member, established relationship, etc.
wc: 1056
a/n: thank u hehe u take care too!! <3 also i wrote this assuming the age gap is nothing too crazy!! just something like 3-5 year difference for hyung line and 2-3 year difference for maknae line c:
seungcheol -
he was MADE to dote on and care for a younger s/o. his credit card would literally be your own. his home would be yours. would treat you akin to kkuma in the sense that he'd coo at you incessantly any time he was away from you for more than a few hours and would love dressing you up in cute outfits to match his own (in a low-key, fashionable way, of course). he'd adore a younger s/o because he'd feel like he could really provide for you with both his wealth and wisdom.
jeonghan -
being the one of the elders of the group and having a younger sister, he's literally been trained for a younger s/o. im completely convinced he'd adoooore a younger s/o that he could dote on and baby in every possible instance. he'd use his preschool teacher voice on you all the time and coo at you so much that you'd literally have to beg him to stop. at some point he'd start doing it just to annoy you lmao.
joshua -
tbh i feel like he would be kinda indifferent about you being younger than him, but would still acknowledge it at times. would coo at you and baby you in exaggerated manners to tease you over being younger than him. but! this would just be a veiled way for him to take care of you.
jun -
how is he supposed to baby you when he's the embodiment of baby himself? however, the creator of the aegyo cat set would still manage to coo at you and attack you with constant aegyo to show his affections towards you. all in all, though, i think he would be a lil indifferent about you being younger than him. maybe it'd inspire a little extra protectiveness from him, making him always keep you close to him in public spaces and use his massive shoulders to shield you from crowds or any danger.
soonyoung -
he'd baby you at times but for the most part would be pretty indifferent about being older than you. however! he would let his childish/immature side come out more often while around you, reasoning that you brought out his more youthful side. would probably match your energy at all times. he'd 100% use the 'im older than you' card to try and win arguments/disputes (it wouldnt work).
wonwoo -
absolutely endeared by you!!! have you seen the way he looks at chan? if you were around chan's age, he'd give you the chan treatment but a thousand times over. would cackle at any joke you made, always keep his adoring gaze on you, bring you snacks even when you didnt ask for them, make space for you on his lap whenever he played games or watched movies. you'd be his baby.
jihoon -
he'd try to hold back for a while, but he'd eventually break and feel an instinctive need to take care of you in a way he would a younger member. even if you were a very independent and self-reliant person, he would still take care of you in his own low-key way. would make sure you always had all your meals, make space for you in his studio and provide you entertainment so you could accompany him in there in the long hours of the night. he'd feel a special type of love for you knowing he could dote on you so freely.
seokmin -
he'd be obsessed with you!!!! would baby you constantly and take care of you in every way imaginable. youd also kinda activate his cuteness aggression without him realizing. he'd wanna be the one and only man to protect you and become a rock for you to rely on. would feel happy and proud to be a person you trusted and someone you could look to whenever you needed.
mingyu -
yet another member who would go insane over being older than you and use it as an excuse to baby you at any given opportunity. would treat you like loyalty and would act as if it was a crime if you ever did mundane stuff on your own instead of allowing him to do it for you. walking to the other side of the room? why when he can just piggy back you there!! packing your own lunch in the morning? nope! he's cooking you a whole meal!
minghao -
ive always felt like he'd go for someone younger just for the traditional aspect of it (idk i have no basis for this belief lmao just a hunch). he'd enjoy playing the role of the dependable boyfriend with a younger s/o to provide for and dote on. it'd just bring him a special type of satisfaction to know that you could look to him as a reliable source of comfort. would be the ideal boyfriend and take care of all your expenses and all your emotional needs.
seungkwan -
he'd be so damn overbearing in the way he took care of you im ngl. would keep tabs on your meals to make sure you had all your meals every day, would push vitamins on you, and just have huge concern for your health overall. he'd also feel insane cuteness aggression for you at the most random times, becoming overly affectionate and expressing how cute he thought you were (even if your age gap was teeny tiny).
vernon -
gives me the vibe that he wouldnt really care if you were older or younger. however, seeing the way he dotes on his little sister and gets along with her, i think he'd be similar with a younger s/o. wouldnt really bring up your age difference much but would still use it as the butt of jokes or use it as an excuse to take care of you at times in which he just felt a little extra affectionate towards you.
chan -
as the youngest, he'd love the idea of him being able to baby someone for once (ik he has a younger brother ok). would use the 'im older than you' line to death and be so fucking annoying about it. however, he would also feel satisfied knowing he was a dependable figure in your life who could take care of you in the same ways his members always took care of him.
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omnomnomdomcaps · 11 months
Nevermore - Remastered
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Another Spooky Season remaster, this time featuring some awesome original art from @spaced-goddess. Go check her blog out!
“Alright now, up we go,” came Mrs. Winthrop’s soft voice, as she picked her onesie-clad student up from the classroom floor and placed her onto her desk, their school principal looking on as she did. “Can’t be having a talk with you while you’re crawling around on the floor.” 
Amber didn’t resist. She didn’t say anything, didn’t fight back against her teacher’s choice of words - after all, walking without tripping seemed to have become her latest challenge, and she had the carpet burns on her knees to prove it. Without a word of protest, the girl allowed herself to be picked up and placed on the desk, hiding her blushing face away as much as she could. 
This was a far cry from the girl who first arrived in Mrs. Winthrop’s preschool classroom on Halloween day, half a year before. That Amber was headstrong and defiant, fuming constantly that some saboteur had seemingly drugged her and messed with her brain, leading her down a road of failed tests and embarrassing accidents. She was furious that she had to drop out of the college and come here to relearn her basics, and she let everyone around know it. 
That Amber was proud. She was sure of herself. And even through all of her setbacks, she was confident. “Whatever,” she would snarl, “fine.I’ll just re-do some stuff and get out of here. I’m still an adult. I’m still better than all these dumb little brats.” 
As the school year wore on, though, those “dumb little brats” could actually keep up with their preschool lessons. And Amber? Not so much. 
While her classmates learned their numbers and letters and shapes, Amber just stared blankly, trying and failing to understand what the teacher was talking about, only to be distracted by the slightest hint of a pretty bird or a squirrel outside the window. Again and again, those “dumb little brats” ended up having to help her with shape blocks and stacking rings, while they played with their ‘advanced’ toys. Again and again, they would have to remind Amber to use the potty - or, more often, tell Mrs. Winthrop when the girl had an accident. 
Maybe, if Amber had known that she was under a witch’s curse, she wouldn’t have been so shocked at how it all turned out. Maybe, if she had heard the incantation, heard that the spell would lower her abilities to the level of her maturity, she would have understood why her stubborn attitude wasn’t getting her anywhere. But of course, these were truths she never would have accepted, or believed. 
“Amber, sweetie,” Mrs. Winthrop began, “we need to talk about your progress.”
The girl said nothing. Her face was turned away, her hands hidden between her legs.
“Now now,” the principal chimed in, a stern air of authority in his voice, “your teacher made you a very special potty chart, don’t you remember?”
Amber turned her eyes briefly to the wall, turning them back just as quickly. It was embarrassing for her to think about - the way her teacher had set it all up to help encourage her re-training, the whole class cheering her on like their little sister as she proudly donned her training pants. But of course, her results were anything but encouraging, and she was soon taken out of pullups altogether.
“Do you think you did a good job with your potty training?” Mrs. Winthrop asked.
The girl hung her head in silence. 
“And do you think you’ve been doing a good job with your preschool lessons?” the teacher added. 
“N-no,” Amber finally muttered, tears beginning to well in her eyes.
“And do you know what we’re going to have to do now?” came the principal, his arms crossed as he stood in front of the girl.
“Am I… Am I gonna havta stay in preschool again next year?” Amber's voice began to crack. 
Mrs. Winthrop let out a heavy sigh. “No, honey… I’m afraid it doesn’t look like you’re ready for preschool at all.”  
The girl was in shock. “B-b-b-b-” she stammered, “but… but I’m a big girl! I’m a big girl!”
 “Oh?” the principal offered flatly, “And what do you think makes you a big girl?”
“‘Cause - ‘cause I’m…” Amber took her hands out from between her legs, trying to emulate the “I’m this many!” gesture that her classmates would often make. She wanted to show that she was nineteen… or was it twenty now? Was twenty more than nineteen? Would she need to use more fingers than the other preschoolers did? After all, she was a lot bigger than they were. But then again, they were a lot smarter than she was…  
“Oh dear,” Mrs. Winthrop intervened, motioning the girl’s hands back toward her lap, “I think the poor thing’s gone and confused herself again.”
It was at that moment that another set of footsteps made their way into the classroom, and they belonged to Tom, Amber’s college boyfriend. Through all her failures and misadventures, he was the only one who stuck by her, seeming to enjoy having to take care of her more and more. And now, here he was again to pick her up from school.
“Daddy!” the girl blurted out instantly - he’d encouraged her to start calling him that, and it came naturally to her now - “They tolded me I can’t go preschool! They tolded me I’m not ready! But I’m a big girl! Big girl! Big girl big girl BIG GIRL!!” Amber shrieked, pounding the desk with her balled-up fists as the tears began to stream down her face.
“Oh my,” Tom turned to the two adults, unfazed, “has she been causing trouble?”
“Ah, you know how she can be,” Mrs. Winthrop shrugged, “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for her, trying to keep up with these classes with the level she’s at.” 
“Maybe,” Tom nodded, a wry smile beginning to form, “or maybe she just needs a change and a nap.
“Up we go, princess,” he turned to the girl, lifting her from the table and into his arms, “time to go home.” 
“BIG GUWL!” Amber kept shouting, hands still waving in the air, “BIG GUWL! BIG GUWL!”
“I’m sure you will be one day,” her boyfriend-turned daddy assured her, patting her padded bottom, “but for now, we’re gonna find you a nice daycare, and first we gotta change you out of that stinky diapy.”
“But I’m not stin-” the girl protested meekly, before freezing halfway through.
That, of course, was when the smell and the sensation hit her. Of course she was stinky - she'd probably filled her diaper while shouting about what a big girl she was, while insisting that she belonged in a preschool where she was nothing more than the pants-pooping laughing stock of the class. 
As the last remnants of her pride crumbled away, Amber started to imagine just how far she had left to fall. She wondered, as she was carried away from that classroom for the last time, was she going to be the laughing stock of her daycare, too? It was all too much for her mind to handle, and so the girl simply started to bawl. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she had become. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she had now been for months. She cried, helplessly, like the little baby she was going to be for a long, long time.     
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mysicklove · 7 months
i was reading all your posts under the big brother au tag (I love love love this au! its so cute I cant- TT) and I saw that reader is in school to be a teacher! as a teacher in training this immediately made me think of how little yuji would react when reader is doing their internship in his school but not the same class and how hed want to stay next to the reader the whole day if shes at school, making a fuss if shes busy with another class and she cant help him
or or- while shes busy doing something, the other teachers call her to help calm yuji down cause he got hurt and he hasn't stopped crying since and he wants to be near or her or sukuna but he isn't picking up his phone or smth
this is so cute im falling to my knees and crying.
it would def be very hard, because all he wants to do is go hangout with you and seeing you interact with the kids in the other class makes him so jealous :(. he is always clutching at nanamis pants and whining about how he wants to see you. the poor preschool teacher has to give him extra attention that day bc of how restless he seems to be knowing that you are at his school and not with him. but nanami does lead the boy over to you when you take your lunchbreak, and yuuji is back to his normal self, chatting and giggling with you about his day and how much he misses you.
but, when you do visit their class for a short time, he shows you off to all of his friends of course, saying how amazing you are and how much he loves you. but then all the other kids realize how kind you are too, and all of the sudden the other preschoolers are all fighting for your attention. and so yuuji ends up pawing at your clothes and asking you to pick him up with tears in his eyes, because he doesnt want the other kids to steal you away. you have to reassure the boy that you love him the most and arent going anywhere, while he sniffles into your neck. the itadori brothers both cannot seem to share you for the life of them.
ahhhh the last part is so cute!!! yuuji loves sukuna, but the second the boy gets hurt or is sick, he is trying to find you as quick as possible bc you always coddle him the most during these times. and so when he trips and scraps his knee on the playground, you are being dragged out the their recess where the boy cries and cries on your lap while both you and nanami have to banadage him up. you end up having to sit on the bench while holding petting yuuji while megumi and nobara leave their other friends to talk to the two of you
ugh i love this idea soooo much, i honestly might write a full fic on it!!
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gor3sigil · 1 month
[My Experience] Undiagnosed autistic: early socialization and its consequences
I had a messy birth. It’s quite frankly, almost a miracle that I am even there. It led my mom to shelter me until I started school. And because my mom spent so much time with me and was traumatized by my upbringing, she was the first one to tell the tale of how I was such a “special child”. The Special Child that I was had much trouble socializing after spending so much time alone with my mom. The teachers spotted it and talked to her about it, and she shrugged, saying that yes, I was, you know it, “special”. Of course I didn’t know how to properly talk with my peers, I had spent my 3 first years in this world smothered under blankets, between the closed, choking arms of a hurt woman, fed with books and medications, cartoons and the walls of my always-too-warm bedroom. I’d never go out except to walk the dog with my mother, who would put me under layers and layers of clothes so I wouldn’t catch nor a cold, nor anything close to fresh air. Everything I learned, I learned with her by my side, envelopped in this syrupy love so sweet it was almost nauseating at times, as close to the womb as my very-much-out-of-it body could allow.
And my mom loved books, and she gave me this hunger for words, so much that when I started school I had way too much words for my little mouth and was always so pissed about the lack of them in my peer’s. I told the teacher that I didn’t see a point being friends with other kids, as they “talked like babies”. I much preferred the company of ants. I loved seeing what they were up to, and would spend all recess kneeled before the farthest tree, so much so that I got forbidden to do so, as to make me “fit in”, or at least try to. So I wandered aimlessly around the jungle gym and the big train made out of wood, with a steering wheel and all, that were the centre of the playground. Eventually, I shyly went to one of the kids playing and asked if I could play with them. They told me I could, and that they were the train driver. I asked why they were, and they told me “because I said so”. I shrugged and went away. I couldn’t play with kids who would say “because I said so” and thought it was a valid answer, or at least this is what I told the teachers who asked me why I was sitting aside.
So they gave up recess and started to make me play with others during class, which I hated even more because I had a whole storyline for my toys and I didn’t want anyone interrupting it nor changing it. Most of the time I would ignore the kids who were asked to play with me until they left and the teacher stopped “sending” me new people. What did they do after they had tried everything they could think of to get me to interact with others ? They started resenting me. They started to openly make fun of some of my quirks, like the fact that I had trouble colouring and overall motricity issues, and treated me as an arrogant, mean kid. When I was just a child who had trouble adjusting, the adults were fine with letting me talk with them, spend time with them as I felt more understood with grown up than with other kids, but once they saw that I wouldn’t be all complient with their efforts and that I was not a problem who would sort itself out, they became angry at me. For the rest of my preschool years, I was regarded as the smug kid who thought that they were so above others.
Now I kind of understand why that is: it was like that because of my mother. My mother loved the attention, and if she wasn’t going to be pitied by telling about my birth, she was going to get praises for how special and intelligent I was. When we had meetings with teachers, she’d talk about my early abilities like they were her own, with a look in her eyes that said “I won”. But I think that what set the school up the most was when they asked if she ever thought of making me see a doctor, more specifically about autism. I can’t quite remember how she said it, but she basically laughed and said “there’s no need, she’s just clever and a bit early, that’s all ! That’s what the doctor said anyways”.
Which is not quite what happened. I remember having 3 sessions or so with a psychologist who, yes, said to my mom that I was an early child [with a troubled household] who seemed very bright [and depressed] but that they couldn’t provide for a free diagnosis because I wasn’t on a severe scale and, we’re in the early 2000s and I’m a little girl, basically, if I wasn’t hurting other kids and/or banging my head against a wall they didn’t see a point of diagnosing me. Was I troubled ? Yes. But enough for my parents to PAY to get me diagnosed ? No no.
And the way my mother told the story to the schoolboard just made them think that… Well, she didn’t want me to get help. So, thinking that being shitty towards me would “serve her right”, they started to treat me like crap. Which made me even more isolated and closed up on myself, and so on and so forth. You know the story. The more you could see I was not doing well, the more my mom gloated about how “special” I was, the more the teachers resented me.
We’re off to a great start, right ?
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alphaomegaprompts · 1 month
Soulmate Prompts
How is it already August? And why has it been so long since I last posted? I have no idea... but here are some Soulmate prompts to make you feel better!!
Classic coffee shop AU. The Omega used to live in the city, but their Alpha mother (and only remaining relative) recently passed away. So with their inheritance, the Omega moves to the country and opens up a cute, cosy coffee shop. The Alpha has lived in the town all their life, and just the other night, they were telling their friend how they needed to get out of this small town. All that changes when they walk into the new coffee shop that just opened on the corner and they lay eyes on their soulmate... the cute Omega barista.
College AU. Alpha English Literature teacher. Student Omega, new to town and with dreams of becoming an author. They both know immediately that they're soulmates, but Alpha!teacher tries to be professional and follow college protocol which dictates no teacher-student relationships.
I'm an Omegan Dr. I wear scent blockers to make you, and any potential Alpha partner, feel more at ease with me. It's pretty standard protocol. However, that means you can't scent or sense that I am your soulmate. But I know.
"I'm nearly 35. I don't think I'm ever going to meet my soulmate." "Don't give up hope! You never know; we might turn this corner and you could bump straight into them!" (Spoilers: they turned the corner and literally bumped straight into their soulmate.)
Celebrity Alpha, caught the scent of their mate in a crowd of crazed fans and paparazzi before they disappeared into the crowd. They wanted to chase after them, but their bodyguard stopped them from jumping into the crowd. They then reach out through social media and interviews, trying to find them.
We used to be best friends in school. I moved away, and we lost contact. Now I'm back 10 years later and the moment we lay eyes on each other we just know... we're soulmates.
I recently lost my mate... my soulmate. My heart is broken and my world is shattered. I'm so alone and don't know how I'm supposed to live the rest of my life without the literal other half of me. But after a surprise meeting, in the public toilets of the train station no less, I realise... you're my soulmate. Having two soulmates is a myth, isn't it?
I'm an Omega on a night out. Some wanna-be-Alpha has slipped me some heat-inducing drug and it hits me hard. They're trying to have their way with me, but you come to my rescue. My Alpha, my soulmate. I know it instantly and beg you continuously for 12 hours straight to just take me and make me yours. But, you don't. You're respectful and kind and you take care of me until the drug is out of my system, and then after too.
I'm an Omegan preschool assistant. I pick up a faint pleasant scent, but can't place it and no one else seems to be able to smell it. When the parents come and pick up their kids that day I realise why. The new kid... you're his parent... and also my soulmate.
I'm immortal. I've lived a thousand lives. And in each one, you are my soulmate.
Obviously, I don't specify A/B/O in all of these, so they don't specifically HAVE to be - but I wrote them with the idea of an Alpha/Omega relationship in mind. But of course, these are all open to your own interpretation!! Let me know if you have a crack at any of them!! I'd love to read them!!
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piracytheorist · 11 months
I've completed one month in public school teaching and I think I can already see what I'll like and what I'll struggle with.
I'm lucky to be currently positioned at a music middle-high and high school, where most of my teaching hours are for choir, which is my passion and subject matter. In most other public schools I wouldn't have that luxury. I like teaching that so much and have trained enough for it to feel like an actual passion project and nothing close to a chore. The rest of my teaching hours are not exactly hard, what's hard is coming up with teaching materials for each single lesson until I find my groove. Luckily I have two relatives, one of which is an elementary school teacher and the other one a preschool teacher, and I feel I have someone to talk my worries to as a first-time full-time educator.
What's funny is that last week we had Friday off for a couple of reasons, and many of my coworkers were happy because "hey, payed day off! yay!" but I realize I was happy because Saturday was coming and thus new Spy x Family episode was coming. Like, right now I realize I'm excited for the weekend only partly because I get to rest, but mostly because Saturday means SxF.
What's dreading is that it's hard to enter a school as an aspiring, ambitious new educator wanting to share my knowledge with the kids of the world, help them broaden their horizons and spread their wings and use the uniqueness of my subject to allow them to vent out some energy and collective creativity... and realize I'm teaching at a school where many of the teachers are parents of the "My teenage sons are not helping me with house chores and thus I took their playstation away for a couple days" variety.
Educators like this create an atmosphere among pre-teen and teenage students that make them distrustful of the system in general. When the teacher they have right before my lesson goes like "it's not my responsibility to build trust, it's your responsibility to learn things my way," I can't blame the students for not trusting me despite my youthful look, the non-conservative way my lesson is taught and how much actual passion I feel bleeding through my teaching.
Of course, it's my first year and I'm still finding my rhythm, eloquence (holy fuck how ineloquent I feel sometimes as someone who's trying to inspire teenagers) and ways to attract my students' attention without having to resort to reprimands. I knew it was going to be wild and they kinda just throw you into the wolves immediately.
I hope I get to keep that kind of thinking and if it becomes too much, that I realize it's better for me to try looking for other job options instead of choosing to practically rot in a system that's not made for me. It's just that the main problem of the system is how badly trained coworkers poison it beforehand.
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jadew-08 · 10 months
Chapter One: Training and Daycare
Sneak Peek
PS: Some lines will be recited from Dragon Ball Super: Superhero
At Piccolo's Place
Next to the pond, Piccolo was watching Pan jump from boulders to trees to strengthen her attacks. As she built up enough, she dashed towards Piccolo. He dodged the first attack but was caught off guard by her next attack. He was shocked and reacted to her attack, which flung her towards a boulder. She said, "Owie." Piccolo asked Pan, "Are you okay?" Pan said happily, "Yeah, I'm fine." Piccolo said, "Alright, let's stop for today." As both sat down on some rocks, Pan took out two bottles of water. Pan handed on to Piccolo and said, "Here." As she smiled, Piccolo grinned at her and accepted the water. As they drank their water, Piccolo says, "You're getting better than Gohan...I mean your dad was about as strong as you at this age." Pan finished her water and asked, "So, will we work on the Ki blasts later on as you promised?"
Piccolo said, "We sure should, now that you have gotten control over your flying." Pan jumped up in happiness. As they were talking, Piccolo sensed Gohan's Ki and thought, "Speaking of Gohan." Pan looked up and saw Gohan. Pan says, "Papa!" As he landed, Pan ran to him and jumped up to hug him. Gohan embraced his daughter and asked her, "How was training today? Did you and Piccolo have fun?" Pan said, "Mm-hm, Piccolo says when I come back from Preschool, we are going to work on Ki blasts like Uncle Goten." Gohan says, "That's good, so why don't you head to preschool?" Pan said, "Okay! Bye Papa, Bye Piccolo, see you after preschool!" As she ran towards town, Gohan and Piccolo waved her off. Piccolo asked Gohan, "So, what are you doing here? I thought you had work to do?" Gohan laughed and started to scratch the back of his head in nervousness. Piccolo noticed Gohan's nervousness and asked, "What is it?" Gohan says, "Well, I wanted to get back into training before I have to get back to work." Piccolo was shocked smirked and said, "Oh really? So, you decide to pick up the slack, huh?"
Gohan says, "Of course! After that battle with the Gammas and Cell Max, I need to stay ready for any threat, but I may not have time to train like I used to when I was a kid. Oh, and before we start this, I was wondering if after this...is it possible you can pick up Pan from Preschool, I kinda have a meeting in five to six hours from now." Gohan laughs nervously. Piccolo growls and thinks, "I knew there'd be a catch to it." Gohan hears the growl and says, "Hey, this helps you too." Piccolo questions him and says, "What do you mean?" Gohan nudges him and wiggles his eyebrows, saying, "Videl tells me everything, especially about how you've got a certain crush on Pan's teacher." Piccolo blushes and shouts at Gohan, "That's ridiculous! Videl and you have such child-like imaginations." Gohan says, "Oh, come on, Piccolo. You can't fool me after the Halloween party thing, I know 100% you've got a certain feeling about Mrs. Janet."
Piccolo thinks about how Videl and Pan first introduced him to Janet. Pan said, "If you know him better, I'm sure you'll want to marry him." Piccolo thinks, "If anyone makes her say things like that, I fear what is said in their home." Then, as we leave, Videl and her speculations about a human being being attracted to me are ludicrous!" But Piccolo ponders his mind about it. He is reminded about what was said and occurred on Halloween night.
"In the booth, the photographer says, "That's a wonderful picture. Now, could you do one more where it looks like you are about to bite her wrist?" Janet blushes and then is shocked by Piccolo's action and does the pose. The photographer said, "Perfect! You two make a beautiful couple." Both stare at each other, shocked, and then look away from each other." After the flashback ends, Piccolo starts feeling warm all over. He blushes and growls. Unknown to Piccolo, Gohan keeps calling his name, "Piccolo? Piccolo!" Piccolo shook himself and said, "You and your wife are foolish. Besides, what makes you think she feels the same?"
Gohan says, "Huh, you make a good point. How about this, if I win three sparring fights out of 5, you have to ask Janet how she feels about you and if she agrees she likes you, you have to take her on a date. If I lose, I will leave you alone on the subject, indefinitely. Deal?" Piccolo smirks then shakes Gohan's hand and says, "You'll regret that deal." Gohan says, 'We'll see."
At Preschool
Janet waits outside of her classroom for her students. She was in a very good mood, especially since her class consisted of such sweet children. Janet called attendance for all twelve of her students, which consisted of Kaito, Ryo, Akon, Meena, Rin, London, the twins; Tora and Jinora, Nala, Markle, Shima, and Pan. But as all the kids ran up to Miss Janet, Pan flew towards the class and said, "Hi, Miss Janet. Coming in for a landing!" Janet waves up to her and says, "Be careful, dear." As she landed, Pan ran towards her friends and said, "I'm here." Janet smiles and thinks, "Always a ball of sunshine." Janet says, "Alright, since we all are here and accounted for, who wants to start painting for the last day of school for summer?" All the kids started to shout, "Me!! Oh, me!! No, me!" Janet giggles and says as she ushers the kids in, "Well, put on your aprons and select a canvas, and let's start painting, but before we start, what do we do first?" Everyone says, "Wash our hands and put on goggles!" Janet says, "That's right. Let's go, everyone.
Meanwhile, during training
Piccolo has won most of the battles, while Gohan has only won two. Piccolo says out of breath a little, "You might as well give, Gohan. You're not in the same shape you used to be in when you were a kid." As Piccolo floats in the air with his arms crossed, Gohan emerges from a boulder and floats up. Gohan breathes out heavily and says, "Oh no, I'm not done yet. If I can handle training like this, how am I going to take on more threats? Come on, Piccolo. Give me all you've got." Gohan thinks to himself, "Even if I wanted to stop, I promised Videl I'd get Piccolo to talk to Janet again. Another thing is, if I were to give up now, I'd probably prove Piccolo right that I've gotten weaker. I have to think, what attack should I use? Piccolo says to be crafty but forceful as well.... but wait! I think I have an idea, but Piccolo's going to kill me if this works. Well...here goes nothing."
Gohan says, "Alright, Piccolo, I'm ready!" Piccolo smirks then disappears. As Gohan stays calm and tries to feel out his energy, he thinks, "Piccolo tends to use my blind spot as my weakness, so he would be.....here!" As Gohan dashes towards a cloud and kicks up, he comes close to grazing Piccolo's face. Piccolo smirks then wipes to scratch from his cheek and says, "Not bad, but not good enough!" He hits Gohan with a ki blast into a boulder. As Gohan tries to get back up, he sees a barrage of blasts come his way. He freaks out and starts running from the blasts. Gohan thinks, "He is kicking up the training more today. Either he's training me harder because of how I acted during the battle with the Gammas, or he is nervous about Janet. Well, either way, I have to do this for his sake and Videl's. Forgive me after this, Piccolo." As Gohan heads back into the air, He looks around for Piccolo. Gohan says, "Where did he go?" Piccolo appears behind him and says, "You're still too soft!" As he tries to punch Gohan, he punches Gohan's afterimage. Piccolo says, "What!" He looks around for Gohan. Before he can react, Gohan says, "Take this! SOLAR FLARE!" As Piccolo looks towards Gohan, his vision gets caught up in the Flare.
As Gohan flies away to get a bit of distance, he turns into his beast transformation. As Piccolo's vision slightly comes back, Gohan zooms towards him and shoots him with a special beam cannon. Piccolo is hit by the blast and is pushed back through several boulders, landing him on the ground. Piccolo groans and tries to get up. Gohan says, hovering over him in the sky, "Oh! Would you look at that? I've got to get to that meeting. Oh, also, you have to go and pick up Pan from Preschool. Bye, Piccolo!!" As he flew off in a hurry, Piccolo shouted out, "Gohan!!!!!!" Piccolo grumbles and breathes out and heads over to his house. He goes inside, gets a Senzu bean, and eats it. Piccolo growls and says, "What a cheap shot! When I see him again, I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life!" As Piccolo floats up to his throne room, he sits down on his throne, takes on his phone, and looks at a picture of him, Pan, and Janet on Easter. (Which can be seen when you start the story)
Piccolo sighed and said, "Well, I lost. Hopefully, I can ask her, and why I feel like this about her. Maybe Videl is right, but I've never felt this way. For a long time, I have always felt abandoned or alone ever since I've lived on earth. Until, I was shown kindness by my former enemy, Goku, and then was shown friendship by his son, Gohan. As a Namekian, I've never felt this, but humans can have this feeling all the time." Piccolo sits on his throne and groans. Piccolo's body starts to warm up, so he decides to submerge himself in the water. As he swims, all he can imagine is Janet's blushing face and her remark when it was his first time picking up Pan from Preschool. Remembering Janet saying, "Not to worry! My students are very dear to me! I wouldn't leave her alone; I'd have waited until you arrived." At that moment, Piccolo remembered how lonely he was as a kid waiting for his family to come back and take him back to their home planet. As he gets out of the pond, he thinks, "What could she find attractive about me?"
In the afternoon
Preschool was over for the summer. As most students left with their parents, Pan and Janet waited for Pan's parents. Pan puts her head down, Janet says, "Cheer up, Pan. I'm sure they are on their way." As Janet says that, they both look up and see a person come towards the school. Pan gets happy and says, "Look, it's Piccolo." Janet smiles. As he lands in front of them, Pan jumps into Piccolo's arms. Janet walks over to them and says, "Hello, Mr. Piccolo. Thank you for coming. Now, Pan, you have a great summer vacation, okay?" Pan said, "Yes ma'am!" As Janet is about to walk away, Piccolo clears his throat and says, "Um, Janet? There is something I need to ask you." Janet turns to him and says, "What is it that you need to ask me, Piccolo?" Piccolo starts to sweat and says, "I was wondering if...maybe...you would like to go on a date with me? Just to get to know each other well."
Janet was taken aback by his words. Pan starts to smile. Janet says, "Of course, just text me where we will go. I'm sure we will enjoy each other's company." Piccolo blushes and says, "Oh look, a plane passing by." As Janet looks up, he takes off. Pan says as they fly off, "Sorry, Miss Janet. Piccolo is still too shy." Piccolo says, "Pan!" Janet says, "It's okay! Be careful, you two!" Janet waved them off with a smile while on the inside she was excited about what Piccolo said.
Once Piccolo got to Gohan's home, he told Gohan and Videl everything. Videl passed out while Gohan smiled like a cat. Pan says, "So, does that mean Miss Janet is going to be Piccolo's girlfriend?"
Only time will tell.......
Credit to art and some moments in the story goes to:
@dbzsenpai @amartbee @yashie.world (Via Instagram)
PS: If you don't like this ship, please don't bring negativity into the comments.
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laurasinele · 2 years
Fictober Short Edition! Part I
Prompt 1: I choose you
Ship: Drarry
No warnings, training partners, pre-ship, a cameo from transmasc G. Wesly
This is one of the two only fics I’ll submit this Fictober because ***LIFE***
I hope you enjoy them.
Who is Gerry Weasly?
He used to be the only Weasly sister, but that changed when Hermione introduced him to the notion of Gender Identity. I’ve decided that if I ever write Drarry again, there has to be some kind of gender non conformism there.
Why not trans!Harry or Draco?
Because in my mind it is fundamental to their each-other-related idiocy that they both grew up as cis boys, but hey, that's just my headcanon! Keep trans!Drarry coming (pun intended).
“Very good job, ladies and gents”, drawled the Chief Instructor at the end of a trepidant obstacle broom race, displaying as much enthusiasm as a preschool teacher at the end of the first week of school. “Li, Abbot, younger Weasly, and of course”, she added tiresomely, “Potter, you’ve got the best times. This means you get to choose your partners for the rest, AND I MEAN THIS, the rest of your Auror Training. But save us all some grief and do it after you’ve cooled down in the showers. We meet at the shooting range in 30. Chop-chop, people, do I have to spell it out for ya?”
They weren’t even inside the showers when the chattering began, still more in the phase of lamenting not being able to pair up with fellow winners, like Gerry Weasley who would rather pair up with Harry but was sure Harry would pick Ron, so there went his second favorite. Harry said nothing to that, too busy finding his way back to his glasses. He then attempted to dry them with the towel he’d previously had wrapped around his head, took a foggy look around and loudly said “Oi!”. Given the general silence and the absolute lack of response or attention of the recipient of his call, he tossed his hair towel at his general direction. Malfoy caught it with his left hand, not even turning around completely. Harry smiled brightly. “I chose you”. 
“Are you out of your damned mind?”, was Malfoy’s remarkably calm response, at which the rest of the audience was beyond relieved of not having to be the ones to point that out. 
“Nop”, Harry replied cheerly.
“Have you really thought this through?”, asked Malfoy, already half dressed, stepping towards Harry to return the projectile towel. 
After a quick look around, Harry was able to confirm everybody else was trying very hard not to look like eavesdropping, so he casted a silencing charm only to find that Malfoy had beaten him to it, wandless and wordlessly. 
“Well, that was actually one of the reasons”, he said, genuinely impressed. 
“You do better and stronger wandless and wordless magic”.
“That’s debatable, but the point stands: you can do it too”.
Malfoy closed his eyes briefly and sighed through his nose. When he opened them he found Harry’s, amused and inquisitive. He groaned against himself and asked: 
“Why are you choosing me?”
“Because you could have won. Easily”. Malfoy’s face didn’t betray any emotion before such an accusation, but the tips of his ears reddening did. “You fumbled it on purpose, you had so many chances and let them slip. Why?”
Malfoy pinched his nose and seemed to decide “here goes nothing” before his better sense could catch him. 
“To save everyone the agony of being chosen by me. To know that whoever paired with me would have had no other chance, so no false sympathies should be needed. To be the proverbial short straw if you will”. 
For a second Harry felt like being a bit of an arse. Just for funsies. And the bit of thought “here goes nothing” migrated from Malfoy’s to Harry’s brain, who proceeded to slowly look up and down Malfoy’s figure. “You’re slender, sure, but you're way too tall to be the short straw. Not that I’m complaining”, and then he winked for good measure. 
In a split of a second Harry found a red faced, fuming Malfoy standing at an inch of his own face, and the pointy end of a familiar wand poking his throat. 
“I am not fucking around in this training, Potter. I’ve got plans for myself, and slightly less charming plans for the scum I used to call family and friends. If you really want to pair up with me, you better not step in my way”.
Harry swallowed hard. “Can we begin again?”, he asked. Malfoy didn’t move, Harry soldiered on: “I think you are the best trainee of our class, and I want you to have my back, even though I don’t really understand why you’ve been sabotaging yourself. But please, from now on? Don’t bomb your training? And partner up with me?”
Malfoy doubted for a moment. Then he took a step back, sheathed his wand and offered Harry his hand. Harry shook it and Malfoy undid his silencing charm. A bunch of fellow trainees in various states of undress were looking at them with their jaws on the floor. 
“Shoulda made that a notice me not”, mumbled Harry.
“Agreed”, said Malfoy. “Now get bloody dressed, Potter, don’t make us late”.
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
So at the end of last year (school term), my boss came to me and informed me that, this year, some classes would have only two teachers. I teach preschool - all our students are under 3. Our teacher-student ration is supposed to be 1:6. But when I took the job I was told that even if there were fewer than 12 students, we would still always have 3 teachers in a class.
This is CRITICAL because this job is designed around the idea that there will be one foreign teacher and two native speakers. There are way more tasks than can be done by just two people - and that’s WITHOUT factoring in actually supervising the children. Literally, you’d think as a Pre-K teacher, watching the kids would be Task #1, and it is, but only when something goes wrong and management needs someone to blame 😇 of course!! Then they’re all “The safety of the children should come before anything else!”
But any other time, they’re like, “Why haven’t you finished tasks 1-50? Also here are 20 more tasks we’re adding, on top of the additional 20 we gave you this time last quarter, because unless we’re constantly demanding more of you we feel that we as management are redundant 😇😇 you should easily be able to do all this in an 8 hour period with no breaks even though that’s illegal 😇😇😇”
and yeah we’re not getting breaks ^^ when do I sit down? Gee, if I have a 15 min chunk of “prep” and the person taking over my shift is a couple min late, meaning I actually have only 10 min and can’t do anything with it so I might as well just sit and stare at the wall.
By the way, it’s illegal. Our contracts say we get 1 hour prep, 1 hour break every day. It’s not a matter of “Sometimes things are tight and we can’t manage it.” It’s a matter of “Things are so tight EVERY DAY that we can NEVER manage it.” I got this amount of break only once: the beginning of 2020. But I never had it before and never after, and at this point we’re luck to even get 1 hour total which means it’s PREP time and not break time. We don’t even get lunch breaks: we eat with the kids. If you wanna wait till you’re off to eat, have fun eating lunch at 3:30.
Also we are responsible for cleaning the whole school every day, and when do we do that? During our... drum roll.... BREAK time! So now we are cleaning during PREP since we have no BREAK, meaning we have even LESS TIME to prep, meaning we prep during class time whenever we can, which we’re not supposed to do because 1) task no. 1 is watch the kids, and 2) it “looks bad to prospective parents visiting the school” OKAY, WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IT. WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO BUY, PREPARE, AND ORGANIZE THE MATERIALS FOR EACH OF OUR STUDENTS TO MAKE THEIR CRAFTS AND DO THEIR SENSORY PLAY. WHEN. WHEN. WHEN.
Also! They rounded us up to pick up the slack from ANOTHER SCHOOL which lost a teacher. So now me and my coworkers are taking turns doing an our overtime twice a week at a completely different school. We get paid for that hour at least, but alright, it’s too much to get into but basically it’s teaching a class with no format and no lesson plan at all. Weird enough if you’re the one in charge, but with that divided up among four different teachers it’s like... seriously just cancel the class until a new teacher can be found. If you don’t have a sub and have to foist it on a totally different school which is already full of overworked, understaffed teachers, CANCEL IT. Are the students learning anything?? I have no idea. I am sure that I’ll get an earful from management if they complain though!
Why doesn’t the school cancel it? THEY DON’T WANT TO REFUND THE PARENTS OF COURSE. They don’t want to refund them for the class where their kids aren’t learning anything, because the teachers 1) weren’t trained to teach them, 2) have more than enough of their own shit to do (I already teach multiple classes at my own school and don’t have enough time  to prep for those!) and 3) are used to teaching 2 year olds, NOT 10 YEAR OLDS.
Anyway! I’m ranting about that 2 teacher thing. Because when my boss told me, at the end of the year, I said, “I don’t want that. Don’t put me in a class with only 2 teachers.” Of course I don’t have the clout to demand it, but because I teach 2-3s, that means I already knew more or less how many kids I’d have because of the number of kids in the 1-2s class. So I did end up getting 3 teachers because of the 1:6 ratio: we are over 12 kids and here it is illegal to have fewer than 3 teachers in that situation.
But the 1-2s had no such guarantee because it was all dependent on how many students signed up, which management can of course control. So they started the year with less than 12 kids and just 2 teachers. In terms of ratio it’s fine. Let me tell you. Pre-K teacher-student ratios are STUPID. Out of this galaxy stupid! These teachers have worked so hard, picked up so much slack, again with no breaks!!! They really, really care about their kids and go above and beyond to the point that we have had very few incidents (child injuries etc) and nothing major. (We are also rather lucky in this year’s group bc normally we have kids who bite and hit but for some reason this year we don’t have any aggressive types. But that is just a fluke, a fluke we’re very grateful for!! but it’s totally typical of this age for some kids to bite and scratch bc they can’t talk and communicate in any other way.)
So they care and work so hard and management just keeps adding new students. And these kids are YOUNG and need everything done for them. My kids are 2-3, a little more independent, and even WE struggle. We have 3 teachers like I said, but because of the crazy situation, one of us is often sent away to help the 1-2s, so I have taught a lot this year with just 2 teachers like I told my boss I did NOT want to happen. It is STRESSFUL. We have TOO MUCH to do. If our tasks during the day were decreased, so that we could let one teacher watch the kids and one teacher take care of classroom tasks, then I wouldn’t care so much. But despite the number of teachers decreasing, the task load has only gone UP. It is IMPOSSIBLE to watch the kids and get everything done.
In the beginning of the year I had three kids with issues. One was out of control due to a very difficult family situation. This kid had zero stability and the only thing he wanted to do was run around and bash into things. Toys didn’t interest him, books didn’t interest him, I’m not even sure if cartoons could keep his attention because it just wasn’t there. He needed a teacher with him all the time.
Kid number two is the easiest because he is only difficult when he has tantrums. If you can calm him down, he’s alright. His problem is that he needs everything to be THIS WAY and canNOT handle it being THAT WAY. Which in a room with 13 other kids who all have differing needs is NOT doable, but he is two and can’t be expected to understand that. He used to run as well, but he has since grown used to us and our routine and gotten better. Currently he’s regressed though and we’re dealing with that all over again.
Kid number three was HUGE for a two year old and AGGRESSIVE. He attacked any other kid provoked or not (he imagined they were provoking him by existing nearby, basically). I am not exaggerating at all when I say he would try to attack another child, or sometimes a teacher, every five minutes. He 100% needed a teacher with him simply to calm him down and prevent him from hurting people.
So. Three teachers, 14 kids (last year, btw, we had 18! 😇). Two kids who need one teacher’s full attention 100% of the time, one kid who needs a teacher’s full attention half of the time - and 11 other kids who, while normally doing okay, are also only 2-3 and have 2-3 yo needs and get tired and cranky and need hugs and help learning how to share toys...
HOW WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DO IT?? And if WE couldn’t do it, how are the two teachers with the 1-2 yos supposed to even begin to do it?
And on top of that: all those classroom tasks I mentioned! Who’s going to do THEM?
Do you know how my class got by? Well, kid one and kid three ending up LEAVING THE SCHOOL! That’s how! Kid one left for home reasons. Like I said, his home situation was awful and all I can do is pray that things got better thanks to this change. He was very difficult for us to handle, but we would never blame him or any child for that. It was obviously the result of having no home stability. (To be clear, we never suspected abuse of any kind. The circumstances were more out of people’s hands. Deaths in the family etc and the kid being sent from one relative to the other and custody battles. Of course if we suspected abuse we wouldn’t have said nothing.) So we are sad to lose him and hope he goes on to a wonderful life. But, yes, the class is much easier without him.
And kid number three left because, when we tried to talk about ways to help him deal with his constant aggressive behavior with his parents, they flipped out. At first they seemed receptive, but you know, parents are very sensitive and feel that any discussion of their child’s behavior is us pointing our finger at them and saying they’re bad parents. Mom took the kid to a specialist who said that he has a delay of some sort, but he’s too young to say what it is specifically, and that all we can do is what we are already doing (watching him like a hawk). Mom tried to work with us, but then dad got involved, and suddenly both parents didn’t like anything the specialist said and didn’t want anything to do with us. When the situation in our class didn’t change (amazing how doing nothing leads to... nothing!), they decided to switch their kid to another school. Well, all the best to him. We have not heard boo from them since. My class calmed down SIGNIFICANTLY as a result of this kid leaving because before, we never had time to focus on any of the other kids. It was always simply “Watch Kid 3, watch kid 3, negotiate with kid 3, take kid 3 outside to calm down, give kid 3 as much special attention as possible because  the minute you even look at other child he will start attacking someone.” I told my adviser I felt like I didn’t even know who the other kids in my class were.
So my class is doing as well as it is because we sometimes have 3 teachers and we no longer have 2 out of our 3 difficult students. If we still had all three of those kids, what would things be like now?
Because here’s what’s going on: those 1-2 yo classes with two teachers each? Well, one of them had a teacher who constantly called out sick. At first it was a few times a month. Then it was at least once a week. Then it got to a point where she was only showing up maybe two days each week. It’s medical circumstances so I don’t know the details. I don’t doubt that she’s sick or blame her for needing time to recover. That is life, getting sick isn’t anyone’s fault, and it’s impossible to do our very physical, on your feet all day, no down time at all job if you’re in constant pain. The problem isn’t the sick teacher: the problem is the management WHICH DID NOTHING TO REPLACE HER. NO-THING.
Instead of sending a sub when she was out, or negotiating for her to stay home long term and give us a long term sub in her classroom, management did NOTHING and let US, the already critically overworked staff with no breaks, who area already picking up slack for that other school, pick up the slack for this teacher as well. Me and my coworkers were just rotating days leaving our own classes to take care of hers. (So I didn’t have 3 teachers most of the time, is the effect.) Sometimes you’ve have Teacher A help for one hour, then Teacher B for 30 min, then teacher C... or maybe an admin with no teacher training!
That class has one other teacher who’s been with them all year, and she is a saint in my eyes, because she has basically had to do EVERYTHING: all the craft prep, all the activity planning, all the communication with parents. It’s ALL on her. The sick teacher wasn’t in enough to help, and subs can’t take over those things. She finally, FINALLY broke down about it last week. I told my leader, if it were me, I’d have broken down months ago.
Management’s response? Well, her class is FINALLY getting that sub... except, they don’t have a sub, for some reason. IDK why, other schools do! In fact, one sub’s home base IS our school, and yet instead of letting her stay here, they send her to other schools... IDK man I really don’t know!!! So since there are no subs, two teachers are tagteaming to help this class. At least it’s no longer one of us, but it’s still far from ideal, because the regular class teacher still has do all the prep herself. But at least she’s getting slightly more consistent help??
And THEN. Here is where things really fall apart.
Remember we started this year with 2 teachers fewer than usual. Now, the sick teacher is not coming at all anymore until she recovers, which is expected to take months. So that’s minus one more. Then one of my coworkers got covid, so she has no choice but to quarantine for 10 days. We have one new teacher in the second 1-2 yo room, but that’s because they now have 15 students, many of whom are new and need tons and tons and tons of help. We have the sub in the other room, but sometimes they only stay for actual class time, ie, not morning or after care, so we can’t rely on their help during those times.
So basically this week we are down FOUR TEACHERS. Plus - before any of this happen there were teachers who requested to take this Friday off. It’s a popular time to use PTO because today, Thurs, is a national holiday. They requested this day before any of this shit hit the fan and were given permission. So actually. Guess what. We are down not four... but SEVEN TEACHERS tomorrow. And guess what else... we can’t make the 1:6 ratio no matter how hard we try!!!
We are getting some help from another school... or we WERE... because at least one of THOSE teachers coming to help just came down with covid and can no longer come! X’D hit me with a hammer!!!!! please!!!!
Not only did we spend this week trading teachers from room to room like we have been all year, but I have to keep sending my own students to other classrooms just to make ratio. I HATE doing it. We try to only send kids who won’t have trouble adjusting. Some kids feel separation anxiety or maybe that being sent to another class is a punishment, so we never force any kid to leave. There’s usually a kid who is very easygoing and will just see it as a fun field trip. That’s the kid we send. But it still sucks, just personally for me because I like my class and love all my kids and want them together.
But more relevantly, it sucks because we’re in a situation this Friday where like I said, we don’t have enough help, so kids in MULTIPLE CLASSES will be playing musical classrooms just to make ratio. It’s bad enough when just one kid has to move to another room. Multiple is a recipe for a disaster. All my childcare instincts are against it. When you shake things up like this, especially in an environment like ours where routine is what keeps things going, you are taking MASSIVE RISKS with child safety. We all know about the kids with allergies or medical issues in each class - but of course the classroom teacher naturally has the most PRESENT knowledge about their own students. It is dangerous to be sending kids around to different rooms and switching things up - we had a situation once where there were kids in the room who weren’t usually and therefore weren’t on the snack checklist - meaning we could easily have given snack to a child with an allergy to the snack! Of course we noticed and got it sorted before giving the kids food. But imagine if we were all new teachers just learning the ropes. And even with us being experienced, this meant our timing was backed up 10 min... and we DO NOT HAVE WIGGLE ROOM.
Why don’t Pre-K classes have built in wiggle room, you ask? SEARCH ME. Seems to me to be an obvious necessity when kids are this young, needy, and unpredictable... but I guess nope!
And allergies/dangers aside. It’s so much easier to misplace a water bottle, a kid’s bag, or accidentally send two kids home wearing each other’s pants, or any of the myriad other situations that occasionally happen even when things are relatively normal just because teachers are tired or communication broke down etc. Now you want to throw everything in the blender as well. That kind of things is WAY more likely to happen if you do that.
And bottom line. This year we have had very few incidents. Not even sending kids home in each other’s pants :P Do you know why? It’s because my coworker are rock stars. Even the new ones have been exceptionally hard workers for being new. We all care so, so much about these kids and want them to feel none of the stress that their teachers are in. Why do I keep at this job despite everything? I seriously love my kids and I enjoy what I do. I don’t expect perfection, I know most every job has annoying management and an overload of tasks - that’s one reason I don’t try to switch bc I imagine I’ll have a lot of the same but minus the hugs from my kids and getting to do adorable crafts with them. That being said, it has gotten unreasonable. There’s expecting too much of people and then there’s expecting the impossible. I can’t even cover the required material in my lesson plan. I don’t have time. I don’t have money because they cut our stipend for materials. I don’t have anything. Actually, this year in particular, we’ve been short on: diapers, disinfectant, wet wipes, paper towels, EVEN BOTTLED WATER. i don’t know the reason. It’s just been that way all year. It may have to do with our new school manager, who is nice, but new, and basically learning by trial by fire. I feel bad for her. I like her but yeah, having a brand new school manager has not helped the disaster that is this entire year.
But what I mean to say is we are only doing as well as we are because we are working our asses off and helping each other and doing our best to stay positive. There have been a couple tiffs between teachers especially recently. I told my coworker, it’s not because the teachers are unreasonable, it’s because they have been under so much stress that they’re finally blowing their lids. That’s why this happened. Because I know all these people and have seen them in stressful situations before and they don’t lose it. They don’t argue. We figure it out. This is not a pattern of getting angry, it’s an exception. Exceptions should be noted AS AN EXCEPTION. What caused it? Shitty policies, reduction of resources and staff, no one listening to us asking for help. So we end up with no one to rely on but each other - but we’re all only human and can only do so much and can only take so much.
What I don’t understand is why we can’t do the obvious to fix things. At least it seems obvious to me! First, stop taking new students. Yeah, the school needs money, I get it, fuck off. The school should have planned better. Also neither us teachers nor our students are seeing any of that money. So no more new kids. Two, we should have fewer tasks during the day. Anything that isn’t essential should be cut for now. We can bring it back some day when we have a full staff. That should mean 1-2s don’t need to “gargle” after lunch (Idk but Japan is obsessed with gargling. It is the key to Never Ever Getting Sick. Well, our kids still get sick plenty, and also they manly just drink the sink water. Idk how a 1 yo is supposed to gargle.) If the 1 yo teachers didn’t have to bring them all two by two to gargle, that would free up so much time for them after lunch. I would like do to the same with me 2-3s, but they are also potty training, so I do have to bring them to the bathroom anyway, so they might as well gargle and brush teeth while they’re waiting for the other kids. Three: less paperwork. Yeah, like management will ever agree to that lol! But seriously, enough with the bilingual newsletters and emails and posters and all the other things we have to do constantly and get translated and then proof-read and then signed off before we can post them. They take so, so much time and we only have so many computers (they used to be SUPER SLOW but this year got replaced by new ones that are fast which THANK HEAVEN FOR THAT.) Other things: we don’t need to do all the cleaning we do every day. Mop the floor should be once a week. Gathering garbage: each class should gather its own and garbage duty should be divided so two teachers can do it in half the time.
Admittedly these changes wouldn’t help all that much, but they’d be something. Since we don’t have enough people, that means we are doing each other’s cleaning on top of our own too. Which means even less prep/break time. Basically, it means that the schedule might say you have 1 hour and 15 min non-consecutive break/prep time, but since you spend 30 min cleaning, it’s actually only 45 min.
like my dude, I don’t sit down between 7:30-3 pm most days these days. I’m up and down and standing and squatting and running and carrying kids and going up and down stairs and carrying lunch and cleaning up and mopping and chasing the escaped 1 yo down the hall and getting punched in the nose by a kid throwing a tantrum (one threw my glasses across the floor the other day lol) but I am NOT sitting even for five min.
And I still have a better situation than some of my coworkers.
I can’t even express the level of exhaustion right now. We just got told that we will be able to say what we want to management at the end of November. Well, I’ll say something, fat lot of good it will do. More likely I’ll be seen as someone who can’t cooperate with others and a complainer. Like I don’t bite my tongue and cooperate over and beyond every single day.
Every year I wonder if this will be my last year at this job, but there are so many factors to consider. The main one is, if I leave this job, but want to stay in Japan, where will I go? Because I can’t do eikaiwa again. I fucking hated it. And I don’t want to be an ALT again. After having my own class, I can’t imagine teaching in any other way, but especially not as an assistant to someone else, unless we were very, VERY collaborative and not restricted to lessons in some crappy English textbook.
My thought is my only option will be to go back to school and get a Master’s so I can teach elementary school here. By the way, what is a bachelor’s degree for? Seems to be worth literally nothing. You should skip bachelor’s and go straight to Master’s these days, lmao. But I just paid off my debt from undergrad and am very, very loathe to take on more when I have so little in savings. Like, my savings suck. I have saved up more by Not Going Home To The US, but uh, I would like to see my family again some day, you know?
also the yen freaking tanked so right now if I told you what my salary is in US money... you’d be like “go make more at mcdonalds” bahahaha
well I’m glad I ranted here so my poor boyfriend will hopefully not have to put up with it. He’s so nice and always listens but boy can I talk when I get started, especially when I’m this frustrated. So I feel bad doing it. Same thing when I call my mom. But I’m so like, I just can’t deal with it all by myself, I gotta tell someone, but I feel like they’re probably annoyed just hearing about how tough things are. Things are tough for everyone, Fizz.
There are good things too, though, so I’m gonna rant here and try to be more upbeat on phone calls.
Just gotta get through November and then I have a break. It’s a terribly, terribly busy November and I cry just thinking of it. But yeah. Then there’s a good long break till January. I’m going to do so much sleeping x’D
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bubblesplayway · 5 days
6 Popular Playschool Franchise Options to Consider in India
There has been a massive increase in the parents’ awareness about the need for a good pre-school education, which has boosted the demand of playschool franchise in India. Since there are many types of options, it is possible to select only that option which corresponds to the values of educational processes and business interests. Given below are the six best known playschool franchise business opportunities that one can invest in India:
1. Bubbles Playway
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It has successfully emerged as the best playschool in India that operates under the name, Bubbles Playway. That is why their focus on creativity, learning through play, and child’s comprehensive development can be distinguished. A curriculum that focus on the cognitive, social as well as the emotional development is implemented in Bubbles Playway. They present a variety of learning activities which impact students in a positive way by giving play-based learning experience, music and arts, and outdoor activities.
The franchisees get a detailed assistance in operations such as organizational logistics, training of employees as well as courses development. This is essential as it assists the franchise owners to create a marketing image and penetrate the market successfully at Bubbles Playway. It has a good reputation for its quality and commitment showing towards the proper growth of young generation minds. Overall, for those who seek for the account with the focus on the innovative aspect and considering that the Bubbles Playway is to be oriented specifically on children, it should be considered the optimal option for investment.
2. Kidzee
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Kidzee is one of the biggest and famous pre-school chains across India in the category of franchising. Owned by the Kurian Group of Companies, Kidzee has a very systematic approach to the curriculum and is one of the largest chain of preschools with franchises across the country providing a balance between academic & non academic activities. They call it “iLLUME,” but their curriculum aims to meet individual learning needs of children with learning difficulties.
Kidzee provides a good amount of support to franchisees where they provide franchisee teachers and staff training, site support and ongoing franchisee support for each Kidzee centre.
3. EuroKids
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There are other big players in the preschool franchise segment in India; one of them is EuroKids. Modern teaching techniques along with safety & health consciousness have made EuroKids an educational brand that parents trust. The curriculum involves fun filled activities intended to foster various skills like reading and writing as well as arithmetic and handling of social relationships.
 When you join the EuroKids franchise, you get operational, training and research support as well as a high quality curriculum. One of the reasons why investors consider starting a preschool business with the help of franchising from EuroKids is that the chain focuses on the develop and the brand image of small children.
4. Shemrock
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Shemrock is a leading name in the nursery and preschool education and has span over more than three decades. Their curriculum entails fun and they are engaged in making school a fun affair to the children to go through. Today Shemrock has more than 550 centers in India and other countries that testify the success of the venture.
From what has been seen above, it can be deduced that franchisees get a constant support, marketing assistance and curriculum that has been developed with the assistance of early education specialists. Having been in the market for long it has a well established nanny franchise that students considering this line of business should consider investing in this brand.
5. Bachpan Play School
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Bachpan Play School has recently come up with some unique and effective approaches for teaching and has also designed the playschool keeping in mind needs of children. The curriculum that Mybis offer is specifically aimed at the educational growth of young children at the intellectual, emotional, and social levels. The world of franchises is quite colorful, and Bachpan with more than 400 franchises pioneering preschool franchise in India is no exception.
The school provides a nice franchise package which consists of letterhead, training, equipment support and curriculum development. Over the period, the brand has been growing steadily and offering quality education and this has made franchise investment to be more appealing.
6. Little Millennium
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Little Millennium is a leading preschool franchise company which specializes in playway method of learning with fast expansion. Their curriculum aims at the development of children and has special sections dealing with motor dexterity, language, social skills, and knowledge acquisition.
The manufacturers also offer their franchisees a comprehensive package of training support, operating support and marketing services. It has a good brand name and the early education system followed at Little Millennium has good structure which makes it an ideal franchise for those who wish to start a preschool.
With the demand for high-quality early childhood education on the rise, investing in a playschool franchise can be a rewarding business opportunity. Whether you’re looking for innovation, support, or a trusted brand, these six options provide a wide range of benefits. Bubbles Playway, as the best playschool in India, stands out for its child-centric approach and extensive franchise support, making it a top choice for those looking to enter the preschool industry.
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ankursethiya009 · 12 days
Looking to build a rewarding career in education?
Explore a wide range of comprehensive teacher training in Mumbai. These courses cover everything from early childhood education to advanced teaching techniques, equipping aspiring educators with essential skills and certifications. Perfect for individuals looking to pursue a career as a preschool or nursery teacher. Join today and start your journey towards becoming a skilled educator.
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SantaCruz Preschools: Discovering the Best Options for Early Education
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Selecting the best school for your kid is an essential choice that could have a major impact on the development of their child and ultimately growth. In the lively suburban area of SantaCruz, Mumbai, parents have a variety of options for preschool education. However, sorting through these options to select the best preschool could be daunting. This article is designed to help parents in selecting the most reputable  top ranked school in mumbai to ensure that their child is provided with the best foundation for their lifelong learning.
The Importance of Early Education
Early schooling is more than simply a way to get into formal education. It's an important time in a child's development which establishes the foundation for social, cognitive, and psychological development. Good preschool programs expose children to learning environments that are structured so that they are able to develop crucial skills like communication, problem-solving and collaboration. Additionally, these programs foster a love for learning, curiosity, and creativity--qualities that will serve children well throughout their academic journey.
Preschools play a crucial part in helping children develop social abilities. Engaging with teachers and peers in a group environment helps children learn to collaborate, share ideas and solve disputes. These interactions are valuable because they help children prepare for the more intricate interactions in primary school and beyond.
What to Look for in a Preschool
If you are looking for the top preschool in SantaCruz parents must consider the many factors that can contribute to the best early education. These include the curriculum of the school, its the teaching staff, facilities and the overall ethos.
Course: The curriculum is the core of every educational program. Find preschools that provide an appropriate curriculum that is the combination of academics as well as creative along with physical and mental play. A comprehensive curriculum should include the development of language, maths concepts, as well as science exploration, while allowing plenty of time for playing and creative expression.
qualified staff: The quality of the teachers is vital in determining the success of a preschool curriculum. Teachers must be trained to teach early learning and possess an understanding of the child's development. They must also be nurturing and patient as well as adept at creating a positive and welcoming classroom.
Facilities Preschool's physical surroundings can have a significant impact on the learning experience of a child. Find schools that have clean, safe and stimulating spaces. Classrooms should be equipped with toys that are appropriate for children's age as well as books and other educational tools. Play areas outdoors are essential, since they allow children to participate in physical activities and discover the nature around them.
school philosophy: Preschool's academic principles should reflect your beliefs and values. Some schools might follow the traditional method while others may embrace Montessori Waldorf, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia methodologies. Each approach has strengths, therefore it is important to pick one that matches your child's style of learning and the goals you have for your education.
Top Preschools in SantaCruz
SantaCruz hosts many highly regarded preschools that are renowned for their dedication towards early learning. Each school offers distinct programs that address various aspects of children's development. Here are a few of the best options parents should think about:
school A It is well-known for its extensive program that combines academics along with physical and creative education. With a particular focus on the development of communication skills the school prepares students for a smooth transition to primary school. The teaching staff are well-trained, and the school has state-of-the-art facilities that offer a fun learning environment.
School B For those looking to find a preschool that adheres to the Montessori method, then School B is a great option. The school focuses on students' own learning and they are encouraged to pursue their interest at their own speed. The Montessori approach encourages the ability to think independently, develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities which makes it a great choice for children who prefer a more relaxed environment.
School C for parents that prefer a mixture of modern and traditional techniques of teaching School C provides an enlightened curriculum that incorporates aspects of both. The preschool is well-known for its warm and nurturing atmosphere as well as its emphasis on character development. The school's ethos is centred around instilling respect for others, accountability and compassion, which are essential to their overall development.
School D It is renowned for its innovative and imaginative approach to early learning, School D provides an educational program that is full of music, arts and drama. This preschool believes in the power of imagination and allows kids to show their creativity by using various artistic outlets. The facilities at the school include an art studio that is well-equipped as well as a theatre that allows children to explore their creative talents.
Preparing for the Future
While preschool is an essential step in a child's development It is also the first step in an academic journey that will last for a long time. When you are considering the top preschool alternatives in SantaCruz It is important to think about how these first experiences can prepare your child for the next education. A lot of parents in Mumbai think about the future of primary and secondary schooling and think about how their child's early years will fit in with their future educational goals.
Some parents are already looking into the best A level schools in Mumbai to help their child's secondary education. These schools are well-known for their rigorous educational program and their strong focus on helping students prepare for further education. A solid foundation in preschool sets the foundation to be successful in such a challenging environment.
Parents who are interested in the global view may be looking for the top best international schools in Mumbai . These schools provide curricula that are internationally recognized and include for instance, the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Preschools that expose youngsters to different cultures and languages could be the perfect prelude to an education at an international school.
Making the Right Choice
The choice of a preschool for your child is a personal choice which should be dependent on your child's specific requirements and the values of your family. Make time to visit schools, look around classrooms, and talk to teachers and other parents. Take note of your child's personality, habits of mind, and interests when you review the various programs available.
While visiting preschools, be aware of what the preschool teachers do with children. Are they welcoming, active, attentive, and interested? Do they inspire students to ask questions and consider new ideas? How they communicate with children could provide important insight into the school's overall method of education.
It's also crucial to consider your school's social network. A preschool that has an ethos of community will provide a safe and secure environment for children as well as parents. You should look for schools that encourage parental involvement as well as provide the opportunity for families to interact with each other.
Finding the most suitable kindergarten in SantaCruz is a crucial element of your child's learning journey. By paying attention to the curriculum, teachers and facilities, as well as the school's theoretics to make an informed choice that will give your child an excellent foundation for their future. If you're thinking about conventional, Montessori and other innovative ways to educate your child, SantaCruz offers a variety of top-quality preschools for you to pick from.
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bluekidvoid · 1 month
Discover the Ultimate Preschool Teacher Training Courses with Letter.academy!
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Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of early childhood education? At Letter.academy, we are thrilled to introduce you to our exceptional Preschool Teacher Training Courses! This is your gateway to transforming your passion for teaching into a fulfilling career. Let’s dive into why our courses are the perfect choice for aspiring preschool educators and how they can elevate your career to new heights!
Why Choose Letter.academy for Your Preschool Teacher Training Courses?
At Letter.academy, we are dedicated to providing top-notch Preschool Teacher Training Courses that equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of early childhood education. Our training programs are designed with one goal in mind: to empower you to become an outstanding preschool teacher.
Comprehensive Curriculum for Future Educators
Our Preschool Teacher Training Courses feature a comprehensive curriculum that covers all essential aspects of early childhood education. From developmental psychology and classroom management to creative teaching strategies, our courses ensure that you are well-prepared to handle the diverse needs of young learners.
Early Childhood Development
Understanding the stages of early childhood development is crucial for effective teaching. Our courses delve into the cognitive, emotional, and social development of preschool-aged children, helping you tailor your teaching methods to support their growth.
Innovative Teaching Strategies
We believe in equipping our students with innovative teaching strategies that make learning fun and engaging for young children. Our Preschool Teacher Training Courses include hands-on activities, lesson planning techniques, and creative approaches to keep your students excited about learning.
Classroom Management Techniques
Effective classroom management is key to creating a positive learning environment. Our training includes practical tips and strategies for managing a classroom full of energetic preschoolers, ensuring that you can maintain a productive and harmonious atmosphere.
Expert Instructors with Real-World Experience
One of the highlights of our Preschool Teacher Training Courses is the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field. Our instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience to the classroom, providing valuable insights and guidance to help you succeed.
Experienced Educators
Our team of instructors includes seasoned educators who have spent years working with young children. Their expertise and passion for teaching are reflected in the quality of the training you receive.
Practical Experience
In addition to theoretical knowledge, our courses emphasize practical experience. You will have the chance to observe and participate in real classroom settings, gaining hands-on experience that will be invaluable in your teaching career.
Flexible Learning Options to Fit Your Schedule
We understand that life can be busy, which is why our Preschool Teacher Training Courses offer flexible learning options. Whether you prefer online classes, evening sessions, or weekend workshops, we have a format that suits your needs.
Online Courses
Our online courses provide the convenience of studying from anywhere, at any time. With interactive modules and virtual classrooms, you can complete your training at your own pace while balancing other commitments.
In-Person Workshops
For those who prefer a traditional classroom setting, we offer in-Preschool Teacher Training Courses person workshops that allow for direct interaction with instructors and fellow students. These workshops are designed to provide an immersive learning experience.
Certification and Career Advancement
Upon completing our Preschool Teacher Training Courses, you will receive a certificate that is recognized and respected in the field of early childhood education. This certification opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities and enhances your credibility as a preschool teacher.
Career Opportunities
With a certification from Letter.academy, you will be well-equipped to pursue various career paths in early childhood education. From teaching positions in preschools and daycare centers to roles in educational administration and curriculum development, the possibilities are endless.
Ongoing Support
Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with certification. We provide ongoing support and resources to help you stay updated with the latest trends and developments in early childhood education, ensuring that you continue to grow and excel in your career.
Success Stories from Our Graduates
Don’t just take our word for it—hear from our successful graduates who have made a significant impact in the field of early childhood education. Our alumni have gone on to achieve remarkable success in various teaching and leadership roles, thanks to the exceptional training they received from Letter.academy.
Inspiring Testimonials
Our graduates rave about their experiences with our Preschool Teacher Training Courses. They praise the comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and practical experience that prepared them for a rewarding career in teaching. Their success stories serve as a testament to the quality and effectiveness of our training programs.
Alumni Achievements
From opening their own preschools to leading educational programs, our alumni have achieved remarkable milestones in their careers. Their accomplishments reflect the high standards of education and training provided by Letter.academy.
Join the Letter.academy Community Today!
Are you ready to take the next step in your teaching career? Enroll in our Preschool Teacher Training Courses today and join the vibrant Letter.academy community. Our courses are designed to provide you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to make a positive impact on the lives of young children.
Get Started
Visit our website to explore our course offerings, view upcoming class schedules, and register for the training program that best suits your needs. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way and ensure a smooth enrollment process.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need more information about our Preschool Teacher Training Courses Preschool Teacher Training Courses, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our friendly staff is ready to provide you with the answers and support you need.
At Letter.academy, we are passionate about helping you achieve your dreams of becoming a skilled and confident preschool teacher. Our Preschool Teacher Training Courses offer a comprehensive, flexible, and supportive learning experience that will set you on the path to success. Join us today and make a difference in the world of early childhood education!
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silvergladessector59 · 2 months
Top Educational Facilities Near Silverglades59
Silverglades59 is a luxury project in Gurgaon built in Sector 59, well known for the provision of luxurious facilities. However, there is more than opulent décor and modern convenient features such as solid, easy-to-clean, and painted floor and space layouts where families focus on schools’ locations.
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1. The Heritage School
The Heritage School, one of the best schools in Gurgaon is located just 5-km away from Silverglades59. It has been known for its continuous consonant curriculum and best center for all academics with co-curricular activities. In simple words at Heritage School, the Principle of learning activities is based on Problem Solving and this principle correlates with the Experiential Learning model.
2. The Shri Ram School, Aravali
Another best school that is in the vicinity of Silverglades59 is Shri Ram School, Aravali. It is well-known for such values as creativity, innovation, and an individual’s attention. The school educates itself with an ICSE curriculum, besides which they provide different facilities for sports, music, and the arts to the students for their personality development.
3. GD Goenka World School
The school’s academic program is grounded in the International Baccalaureate Program and CBSE, making students global citizens. It is also characterized by the availability of equipment and technology, highly qualified teachers, and attention paid to each child, and due to these reasons, it enjoys the patronage of parents of children in Gurgaon.
4. Pathways School, Gurgaon :
Another good school just a few kilometers away from Silverglades59 is Pathways School Gurgaon, which imparts education based on International Baccalaureate syllabi and is characterized by rather innovative techniques and outstanding facilities. The school adopts the strategy of encouraging the students to be curious through programs and clubs for all the students.
Colleges and Universities
1. Amity University
Adjacent to Silverglades59, there lies Amity University, which is one of the most effective universities in India. The university comprises a broad spectrum of courses that comprise undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies across the faculties of engineering, management, law, humanities, and others. Apart from this, academically competent faculty, modern research facilities, and industrial tie-ups are the unique strengths of Amity University.
2. GD Goenka University
Another major university near Silverglades59 is the GD Goenka University, which is also accredited to provide a vast range of disciplines, including engineering, business, law, design, and hotel management. Hence, the university seeks to ensure that its graduates are both academically sound and market-ready from the onset.
3. KR Mangalam University
KR Mangalam University is one of the premier universities to obtain education in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in different specializations such as engineering, management, law, and architecture. The environment of the university achieves its status through its industry-centric curriculum, highly skilled faculty, and good infrastructure.
4. Ansal University
An Ansal University close to Silverglades59provides engineering, architecture, designing, management, and combined law courses. The pragmatic approach of the university, which focuses on practical training, internships with business companies, and research activities, defines the institution as the favorite among students.
Preschools and Daycare Centers
1. The Banyan Tree World School
The Banyan Tree World School has great opportunities for early years children and the facility is friendly for families with young children. It explores the concept of learners’ overall development stemming from play and ensures children under its care are well taken care of.
2. Intellitots Preschool
Another popular early learning center within the locality of Silverglades59 is Intellitots Preschool. Preschool is structured based on children’s needs and aims to develop little one’s creativity, critical minds, and social personalities within a secure environment.
for more visit info:https://silverglades59gurgaon.com/
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