gate2theworld · 3 years
A taste of spring
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Hello everyone, it’s the end of another working week, and with it, another recipe! We are already in mid-April, and even though it does not feel like spring yet, we want you to be prepared to enjoy the sun and the good weather, with a refreshing new recipe! And who knows? Maybe it will make spring come sooner…
Next week, you will learn how to make one of the top recipes of Mediterranean cuisine. Want to get started? All you need are big, red tomatoes, green pepper, garlic, some fresh cucumbers and of course, salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil. Easy, fast, and delicious, perfect for Spring and Summer! Can you guess already what it is?
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yourpolicecomets · 3 years
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Are you familiar with the concept of WhatsApp buurtpreventie?
It is a national operating foundation to increase inhabitants sense of safety and quality of life.
The purpose of the WhatsApp groups is to enable volunteers to
Facilitate as much as possible to keep their neighborhood safe and liveable
Provide municipalities and government agencies with advice and information
For our PREMIUM project we want to make use of this platform to increase the contact point between civilians and wijkagenten.
For more information, for example on how to find a group in your neighborhood visit https://www.gemeentemaastricht.nl/stad/uw-buurt/buurt-whatsapp
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techtrack · 4 years
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Diving deeper into the employment pillar
South Limburg is characterised by low labour force participation and increasing polarisation in the labour market, in housing and living environments, and increasingly in education. The trickle-down of the results of current knowledge investments to the rest of society not only does not work well, it seems to increasingly lead to a self-reinforcing social polarisation. The Limburg labour market is not functioning properly. From a EU - regional perspective, there is low labour force participation and low mobility in the labour market. Furthermore, the skills of school leavers and the unemployed do not match well with the demands of the labour market.
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Today we are presenting a quick overview about Circular Economy: the main topic around which our #premium project is revolving! 
We all heard about the externalities stemming from the traditional “take-make-waste” economic model, as well as we know how dangerous they can be for our environment.
Changes are disruptive processes, especially if they imply the shift to a completely new and different economic model. For this reason, together with FBBasic and Cirmar, we believe that it would be crucial for everyone to focus on providing alternative sustainable solutions to the status-quo. 
We will give our contribute by developing the proper tools to overcome the barriers that are preventing companies to embrace #circular_economy. Supporting our clients' #mission, our team will extract valuable insights from their dataset enabling them to comunicate the incredible benefits of a shift toward a circular business model.
Stay tuned!
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freshfelpremium · 4 years
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Time to take you on our creative journey
Our Freshfel PREMIUM team is crafting Freshfel’s 2021 flagship social media campaign - #SpeakUp4FruitVeg - by creating online materials, drafting political messaging, and designing graphics and publications aimed at high-level decision-makers in Brussels.
The creative process goes from getting familiar with the month’s theme, all the way to our posts being published on Client’s social media accounts.
Most importantly, every step we take, we take it as a team - our divergent personalities create unbelievable team dynamics, helping us yield the best results. 
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gate2theworld · 3 years
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gate2theworld · 3 years
Gazpacho 🇪🇸
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Premium community, Spring listened and we’ve got nice weather for the weekend! Just in time to enjoy a very nice cup of gazpacho, a drink we will have normally in Spain before our meal or while the meal is being prepared. 
Making it is very easy, you only need about a liter of water, three red, big juicy tomatoes, two cloves of garlic, one green pepper, and half a cucumber. Blend all together until you get a smoooooth mix (you can use an immersion blender, or a vase blender, whatever you prefer) and add salt, olive oil and vinegar to your taste. If you want, adding a small piece of bread to the mix will make it a bit thicker.
Store it in the fridge until it’s time to drink - believe me, cold tastes better!
Extra tip: if you want the cucumber to taste a little less sour, put it in a colander with salt for 10 minutes
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gate2theworld · 3 years
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gate2theworld · 3 years
Up to a global mood!
Our last very important steps into the bilingual school of Porta Mosana are literally just around the corner! Having presented our ideas to the client, we admit we are more than ready to bring all our global celebration mood to school!
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A more detailed plan of the activities for our GC market is ready in line with the final comments of both the client and the mentor. The design of a ‘GC Passport’, that will be offered to pupils as their “gate to the world”, is almost finalized. Most important, today, the team visited the school to set up the room where the activities will take place. Note that the day will be decorated with an international spirit, so, please, stay tuned to check our pictures of the event in the coming days! 
And we swear, we’re only up to a global mood! That’s why, on top of the final event, we are preparing the fanciest final product we would ever have imagined!
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gate2theworld · 3 years
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gate2theworld · 3 years
Time to celebrate 🎉
WOOHOO, WE MADE IT!! After more than four months, the PREMIUM programme is coming to an end. We really enjoyed our Global Citizenship journey and we hope that you also appreciated yours.  We did not want to leave you empty-handed to celebrate this achievement! We are thus sharing with you this awesome website (https://www.tasteatlas.com/beverages/map) with a map with local beverages from the entire world
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HMMMMM DELICIOUS! We hope you will find an international drink to your taste for the PREMIUM closing event! This was the last Tumblr post of the G2W team!
See you on Thursday to close off the programme festively!
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gate2theworld · 3 years
We call it a success!
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This week was very important for us: our Global Citizenship Market took place on-site at Porta Mosana. We were very excited as this event allowed us to put into practice four and a half months of research, discussion, brainstorming, interviews, and designing.
We are proud to say that our Global Citizenship Market was a success! Our client and mentor were delighted and the pupils rated our activities with more than 7/10! Our activity of drawing a world map from memory was definitely a hit.
It was very enriching to engage in discussion with the pupils and converse about different perspectives. In this event, both sides had a fruitful and inspiring learning experience. We can say that we succeeded in planting a seed of global citizenship values in the pupils’ minds. Only the future will tell whether they will grow into wonderful flowers...
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gate2theworld · 3 years
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gate2theworld · 3 years
Day D-26
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26 Days! That’s the number of days until our final event with the pupils of Porta Mosana. We are very excited, of course. We can’t wait, especially now that we know that it will take place on-site!
This week, we had a productive meeting with our client, our mentor, and a UCM student who is doing an internship at the high school. We discussed and shared ideas about the next steps of our project. Next Thursday, we will conduct interviews with the pupils. It is especially important for us that the pupils get something out of our activity. Therefore, we would like them to contribute to the design of the Global Citizenship Market. After this collection of field data, we will shape our final event according to their preferences and our experiences. Stay tuned for more information about the content and the form of our Market!
PS: Don’t forget to check tomorrow our last recipe from Rocio 🇪🇸!
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gate2theworld · 4 years
Story behind Léa's recipe 🇧🇪
G2W: Which recipe are you going to share with us next week?
Léa: My favorite Belgian dish, the one that I miss the most when I am abroad.
G2W: Then, why don't you cook it yourself?
Léa: The vegetables which are the central element of the dish are not easy to find on the other continents! Further, you can procure them only from October to March.
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G2W: I see on the picture of the ingredients that you use chicory in your recipe.
Léa: Exactly! Do you know the story behind these peculiar vegetables?
G2W: No, but I would love to hear it!
Léa: You have to go back to the time of Napoleon I to find its origins. Indeed, in 1806, he decided to proclaim a blockade on products coming from England and its colonies. A large part of Europe found itself without coffee, and chicory was grown to replace it. But in 1830, in the midst of the Belgian revolution, a farmer in Brussels hid chicory roots in his cellar under a layer of earth. When he dug them up several weeks later, he discovered that white leaves had grown. Later, a gardener at the Brussels Botanical Garden made the same discovery. The chicory, or white-leaved chicory (witloof in Dutch, chicon in French), was born. Its cultivation began to develop around Brussels, and it was Henri de Vilmorin, a famous French botanist, who first marketed chicory in France in 1878.
G2W: Oh, I did not know that. Now, I am looking forward to eating chicory and discovering your recipe!
Léa: See you next week on this page to get the recipe. Until then, you're most welcome to guess what dish it could be in the comments based on the ingredient picture ;)
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gate2theworld · 3 years
Weekly Report
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After the busy exam week, we are back in active mode this week! To collect the state of the art information, we are happy to have been able to attend the classes of “Global Perspectives” online this and next week. The pupils need to finish a 5000-word research paper by September. During the 90-minute sessions, we helped year-5 students brainstorm about their research topics and during the discussion, we tried to make them think about the topics from different perspectives. We also shared our knowledge about how to structure an academic paper, how to find valid literature sources, etc. Moreover, we were also able to ask pupils about their expectations from us. This first-line field research not only helps us connect with the pupils but also provides us with the valuable information for further interventions.
PS: Do not forget to check the recipe from Eleni below :))  👇🏽
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