#pregnant reader x colson baker
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 5 years ago
Machine Gun Kelly(Colson Baker)
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Being Rooks Ex & being knocked up with kells baby(TEXT):
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triplexdoublex · 4 years ago
Requested by @somasourchi “ Can you do one where Y/n has a baby and she finds Colson talking to the baby at the middle of the night or something like that please??”
Parings: Colson x Reader
Warnigs/Tags: none pure fluff
A/N: Happy Father’s Day! This is an AU Colson’s not famous in this.
You were exhausted and Colson knew it; a single mom working doubles just to make ends meet, what little sleep you got interrupted by your son's teething. He tried to help out as much as he could despite not being the child’s father — his real father had taken off when you told him you were pregnant. Colson had come into your life shortly after you had given birth; an angel with jumper cables when your car had broken down leaving you stranded on the side of the road with a newborn. He's been in both your lives since. He was just a friend at first, staying in contact to see if you had everything you needed, and supplying you when you didn’t. He knew what it was like to be a struggling parent, he had opened up to you about having been there himself. It didn’t take long for the friendship to blossom into something more and Colson to move in with you.
When it was just you and your son, alone in your apartment you were always on edge, sleeping with one eye open, afraid you might sleep through a needing cry if you let yourself fully crash the way your body needed to. And you were right, because that first night, comforted by the safety of Colson’s presence, your body gave in, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep. You didn’t even awaken when your son began to fuss about his teeth. Colson knew how bad you needed this sleep and he was gonna make sure you got it.  Before your son's cries got any louder, Colson quickly and quietly snuck out of bed and into your son's room to soothe him. 
“Whatsamatter, buddy? Your teeth hurt? Come see Colson,” he spoke sweetly, scooping the fussy boy from his crib. He gently swayed him in his arms as he quietly made his way to the kitchen. “Let’s see if your mama has any teethers in here for you,” he said as he opened the freezer. “Aww here we go, a frozen washcloth” Colson handed it to him, and headed back to the baby’s bedroom. “Does that feel better?” He watched as your son gnawed on the cool cloth. “Seems like it,” he smiled at the now content child. “Ya know these were always my daughter Casie’s favorite thing to chew on when she was teething too. Maybe you can meet her one day, she’s a big girl now”. 
With his gums relieved your son started to fall back asleep in Colson’s caring arms. “Alright little guy, let’s get you back in bed.” Colson placed him back in his crib but as Colson turned to make his way to the door he heard your son start to fuss again.
 The boy pulled himself up in his crib and reached out to Colson with grabby hands “Dada” he whined.
Instantly Colson melted and picked the child back up. “Aww buddy, I wish. Maybe one day. But that’s not up to me, that's up to your mama. First I gotta get up the courage to ask her to marry me, but I’m afraid it’s still too soon and I dunno what she’d say—��
“I’d say yes,” you interrupted from the doorway wiping tears from your eyes.
“Oh god, how long have you been standing there?” Colson asked, feeling his face flush with nerves and embarrassment.
“Since you came back with the washcloth, I could hear you guys over the baby monitor and I couldn’t resist sneaking over to watch you with our son.”
“Our son? Really, you mean that? Colson questioned excitedly. 
“Of course I mean it,” you stepped closer, “Just like I meant it when I said I would say ‘yes’. I’d be honored to be Mrs. Baker,” you went on tiptoes to kiss him. “C’mon,” you said reaching out to take your son. “Wanna spend the rest of the night in mama and dada’s bed?” 
“Dada!” the boy repeated, pointing at Colson. Your little family was complete. 
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hangovercurse · 4 years ago
Teeny Tiny Secret
After months of trying, you and Colson finally get those two pink lines… the day before tour starts.
Request: “I know that requests are closed, but I HAD to share this before it left my mind. When you have an opportunity, could you please write a story where y/n is in super early (not showing or anything) stages of pregnancy and on tour with mgk. She & Colson make a plan to keep it from the bandmates for now. It becomes difficult when he becomes super over protective (not letting her carry anything, not wanting the guys to crowd her), unconsciously put his hand on her stomach, and ordering non-alcoholic drinks for her. The band suspects something. Y/n talks with him to try to get him to calm down a little. It works until the guys ask you both about it directly and Colson's the first to crack.”
Colson Baker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: Y’all are all up in that spring baby fever… this is like my 3rd or 4th baby request recently
Word Count: 2211
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You and Colson had been talking about having a second kid for months but stopped trying a few weeks before tour started. You didn’t think it had worked until you woke up three days before tour and rushed to the bathroom, morning sickness wrecking your body. Colson felt you getting out of bed and followed a few minutes later, tiredly. When he found you hunched over the toilet, his whole demeaner changed.
You knew for sure the day before tour, after multiple pregnancy tests you had gone to see an OBGYN for confirmation. Sure enough, you were pregnant. The universe sure knew the definition of ironic timing.
Colson’s immediate reaction was to have you stay home. “All the traveling and partying isn’t gonna be good for him.” He said, pacing around your bedroom while you laid on the bed. “Tour life is not good for babies.”
You raised your eyebrow, “him? It’s been one day and you’re already setting unrealistic expectations for our unborn child.” You joked, a small smile on your lips.
Colson’s mouth gaped before he continued, “Y/N, we need to be serious about this. You can’t come on tour if you’re pregnant.”
You rolled your eyes, “Colson, I am not letting you leave me here while I am pregnant. I’ll be fine. I won’t drink and I’ll take it easy. You just have to make sure the guys don’t smoke around me and we’ll be fine.”
His eyes went wide. “Shit, the boys.” He paused to think as confusion crossed you. “If the boys find out about this they’ll freak out and then the whole tour is gonna be a shit show.”
It was kind of funny how much more worried he was than you were. “Babe, come here.” You motioned for him to come sit in the bed with you to which he complied. You leaned your back against the headboard, expecting him to follow. Instead, he laid so his head was next to your stomach. He pressed a small kiss into it, making your heart fluttered, the reality of the situation hitting you and making you insanely happy. “Why are you so worried?” You asked him softly, combing your hand through his hair.
He reached, moving your shirt up so he could kiss your bare stomach. He mumbled against your skin, “I think I wanna keep this a secret for now.” You hummed and he continued, “just for us, y’know? I wanna enjoy this.”
You nodded, “I’m still coming on tour with you, though. I don’t wanna be alone right now.”
He smiled against your stomach, finally moving up to sit next to you, pulling you towards him for a soft kiss. His hand went to your stomach, rubbing circles into the skin. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a fucking baby.”
You smiled against his lips, a thought popping into your head, “can we tell Casie at least?” His eyes lit up at your suggestion, a quick nod of his head affirming the idea.
 The next day was hectic, as all first days were. You had gotten a list of everything you could and couldn’t do from your doctor, and the all-clear to fly for the first trimester. So, you and Colson found yourself with the crew at LAX airport bright and early in the morning. Ashleigh passed you an itinerary, letting you know that you would all be meeting the bus in Cleveland, where the first show was.
Colson’s arm hadn’t left your waist since you got to the airport, holding you to his side all morning. Occasionally you could feel his thumb rubbing circles near your stomach, something that was definitely becoming a habit of his. At one point he ended up standing behind you, hands resting on your stomach as he held you against him. You tried not to give anything away, but you found it adorable how excited he was. He wanted to be as close to the unborn baby as possible at all times, his hands constantly near your middle.
Eventually you arrived in Cleveland, walking down the long hallway to the baggage claim, taking in the small Cleveland hall of fame that the airport had created. You spotted your suitcase and went to grab it, but Colson beat you to it. “I got it, babe.” He gave you a look that let you know you wouldn’t be carrying anything.
You sighed, “I can get it Colson.” He shrugged, grabbing his bag off of the carousel next. The man now had a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder and two suitcases in his hands. “Seriously, it’s not that heavy.”
He shook his head, “I’m not letting you carry anything heavy. I can do it.” You sighed but let him, knowing you wouldn’t win this battle.
Unbeknownst to you, Baze had seen the whole interaction and was very confused.
 Later, once you had arrived at the arena, you were hanging in the dressing room with Slim and Irv on the couch. You guys weren’t really talking about anything in particular, mostly just cracking jokes about Rook’s outfit for the night.
When the younger boy heard Slim say he looked like “if Willow Smith and Gerard Way were put into a blender,” he came over, blunt in his hand.
Rook started jokingly arguing with Slim and you were all laughing at his distress. In the middle of their argument, however, Colson came over and grabbed the blunt out of Rook’s hand. He put it out in an ashtray before returning to you, squeezing himself between you and Irv.
Everyone, including you, stared at him, dumfounded. “Dude why the fuck-“ Rook started, only for Colson to cut him off.
“You shouldn’t smoke in here.” He shrugged, arms wrapping around you. He squeezed your waist, letting you know why he really did it. You were somewhat thankful; smoke was bad for the baby. But there are less obvious ways to have gone about that.
Rook grumbled but didn’t attempt to light another one. Slim looked at you, an eyebrow raised in question. You shrugged your shoulders, pretending to act innocently naïve to Colson’s behaviors.
Eventually the three boys travelled from the couch, leaving you and Colson alone. “Babe, you gotta try and be a little more subtle about that shit.” You mumbled, turning to face him.
He scrunched his eyebrows, “he shouldn’t be smoking around you. What else was I supposed to do?”
You sighed, “I don’t know, but that wasn’t subtle. If you keep treating me differently, they’re gonna figure out that something’s up.”
Colson lets out a breath through his nose, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want anything to happen to…” he trailed off, trying to keep a low profile.
“I know you’re just being careful. It’s sweet, and I really appreciate it. But either we tell the guys what’s going on or we figure out how to be more subtle.” You thought you guys were being quiet, but once again Baze was standing just within earshot, hearing your entire conversation.
 Colson demanded you stay backstage instead of in front of the gates like normal tours. “I don’t care if they think something’s up, you are not getting anywhere near that crowd.”
This was something you could actually agree on, not wanting any crazy fangirls to try and reach over the barricade and hurt you by accident (it had happened before). So, you were stood backstage before the concert, like normal, only this time you had a spot next to the stage picked out just for you to watch. Colson came over to you, jumping up and down in excitement.
You giggled at his happy demeanor, feeding off his energy. “Good luck kiss?” You offered to which he happily nodded. You pulled him in by his shoulders, intending to give him a soft kiss. Colson being Colson, however, decided that this was the perfect time for an extremely heated make out session.
You didn’t complain much as his hands explored your waist, paying special attention to your stomach, where a small bump would soon be forming. His lips against yours were heaven.
“Okay loverboy!” Ashleigh called, making him pull away from your lips but he kept himself close to you. “You’re on.”
He nodded towards her, giving you one last peck before running off to the stage. Before he left, his hands lingered on your stomach just a little longer than normal, his eyes glancing down to it for a split second.
Then you watched the love of your life run towards the stage, a grin on his face. “I love you!” You called. He turned to you right before he got on stage and mouthed the words back to you, knowing you couldn’t hear him anymore. You smiled, the sight of him living his dream making your heart melt.
Slim was on the side of the stage closest to you, and had caught the last moments of your intimacy, including Colson’s attention to your stomach. He perked and eyebrow at the sight but shook it off as Colson being into some weird new thing.
 After the show, everyone was hyped up on adrenaline and alcohol. The crew decided to move the party to a nearby club. Colson wanted to take you back to the bus and stay there with you all night, but you made him go. “Colson, I have been in this condition for all of 3 days. I am fine. You just finished the first show of your tour. We,” you pointed between the two of you, “are going out to celebrate, even if that means I can only drink water or pop.”
He rolled his eyes but gave in, letting you drag him down the street towards the rest of your friends. When you got to the club, you grabbed a table with Ash, Irv, Baze, and Slim while Colson took Rook to get drinks for everyone.
When the pair got back, they started handing out drinks. Colson set a glass of water in front of you, causing the group to raise eyebrows at you two, which you just shrugged off, sipping the water. As much as you would have loved to get wasted with your friends, you knew it would hurt the baby. You tried to act as nonchalant about it as possible, realizing that it was gonna be hard to hide your secret if you got water every time you went out.
This was going to be a long 9 months.
“I wanna dance.” Ashleigh said, grabbing Irv and Rook and dragging them to the floor. You grinned, about to stand up and join them when you felt a hand on your thigh. You turned towards Colson, who was currently stopping you from having fun, giving him a glare.
He shook his head slightly at you, leaning close to you to whisper in your ear. “There’s a lot of people here, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, whispering back, “can you ease up a little bit, please? I’ll be careful. I want to have a little fun before I’m not able to move at all.”
His face was stern, the two of you having a silent argument with your eyes. You pleaded with him, trying to get him to crack but he just shook his head.
Meanwhile Baze and Slim watched you two, trying to figure out how the hell you were communicating without actually talking. “Is everything okay with you two?” Slim asked, pulling your attention to the two men.
You nodded, smiling, “yeah, we’re great.”
Baze cocked his head, “you sure? Because he’s” he pointed at Colson, “acting like you’re pregnant or something.”
You felt Colson’s hand on your thigh tighten, his entire body stiffening. You giggled, trying to play off the comment. Baze started laughing the moment he saw Colson’s expression, which you turned to see was like a deer caught in headlights. Slim’s eyes went wide, “holy shit, for real? Congrats guys!”
You laughed, rubbing Colson’s shoulder, “good job, babe. You did a great job at keeping this between us.”
He looked down at you with a sheepish expression, “sorry, I thought we were being subtle.” He mumbled and you laughed.
“Cols, I was being subtle. You were acting like I was gonna die if someone so much as touched me.” Slim and Baze chuckled at this, and you turned to explain. “We found out for sure yesterday and didn’t want anyone to get freaked out or throw off the tour or anything. So, Colson here,” your head nodded towards your boyfriend, “thought we could keep it a secret for now.”
He frowned, his friends still laughing at him. “Dude, you are the worst secret keeper ever, man.” Baze said. “It took one push and you cracked.” You giggled, nodding your head in agreement. “But seriously, congrats guys.”
“Thanks, B.” You said, “but listen, both of you. If anyone on this tour tells me what I can and can’t do because I’m pregnant, I’ll cut their dick off.” The two boys nodded in understanding.
“Am I really that bad at keeping secrets?” Colson asked, still upset that he spilled.
You giggled and nodded, “Yeah, darling. You are.”
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livingmybestfictionallife · 4 years ago
Goodnight, I love you.
Request: Can you do one where Y/n has a baby and she finds Colson talking to the baby at the middle of the night or something like that please?? @somasourchi​
Warnings: FLUFF, mentions of suicidal ideation, depression
Pairing: Fem!Reader X Colson
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Having kids was never apart of (Y/N)’s plan...never! She had more nieces and nephews than she could count on both hands, and loved them all dearly, but having children of her own wasn’t even a thought that didn’t cross her mind; it was one she avidly kept out of her mind. She didn’t consider herself as a maternal person, sometimes she had trouble taking care of herself, physically, mentally, and emotionally, so she knew caring for another human life would be even more of a burden to her already poor self-care habits.
When (Y/N) accidently got pregnant, and the father decided to walk away from her and the situation he played a big role in putting her in, she had nowhere to turn. Her family had always been judgmental, and as much as she knew on a surface level that they would help her with whatever she needed, she didn’t want their help. She figured they would judge her behind her back and hold whatever help they gave her over her head for the rest of their lives. The one thing she did have was Colson. Colson Baker, the boy who had been her best friend since they met in In-School-Suspension, was a rock to her just as she was to him. When he accidently got his girlfriend pregnant, (Y/N) was the first person he turned to. He needed her brutal honesty and gentle compassion to talk some sense into him, and now, she needed the same from him.
After canceling three of their weekly FaceTime chats in a row, Colson began to grow concerned with the woman who had been one of his oldest friends. She’d never bailed on their chats unless she was sick or had to work, and even then she would reschedule for the next day. It was unnatural for her to be off-the-grid silent for damn near a month, and as much as she knew her behavior would tip Colson off to something being wrong, she didn’t care. She’d spiraled down and into herself, not letting anyone in and making sure the rest of the world was locked out of her life.
Yet another day that started throwing up due to needing to eat but not eating due to nausea was interrupted by a banging on her door. As she brushed her teeth to rid her mouth of the bile taste, she paced over to the front door and peered through the peep hole before throwing it open?
“Colson?” she asked through her mouth filled with toothpaste before she walked over to the kitchen sink, spit it out, and rinsed her mouth. “What are you doing here?”
“I haven’t heard from you in two months now, (Y/N). You scared the shit out of me!” he exclaimed as he pulled her close and into a hug.
“I’m alive for now,” she muttered as she paced back to her bathroom to put her toothbrush back in the cup by her sink. As she noticed the prenatal vitamins sitting on the counter, she pulled them close to her and dropped them in a drawer along with the pre-emptive stretchmark lotion that sat on the counter.
“(Y/N)?” Colson’s voice was low as he watched the woman’s hands tremble as she struggled to gather any evidence of her current state to hide it from him. “(Y/N), are you pregnant?” As the question fell from his lips, tears streamed down her face. It was the first time someone besides her doctor has said her name and the word ‘pregnant’ in the same sentence, and somehow, hearing Colson say those two words together felt more real than the doctor that showed her a grainy black and white picture of a few cells coming together to form an embryo.
It didn’t take Colson long to figure out (Y/N) was alone and self-destructive. With a heavy heart, he pulled (Y/N) into his chest and allowed her arms and tears to fall over him. They stayed together in that moment for as long as she needed, and the second she pulled away, Colson made his way into her room, grabbed a suitcase and started throwing as many things as he could find into it.
“You’re coming to live with me. No questions asked, end of discussion.” With no more tears left to cry, (Y/N) pulled her friend back into a hug and thanked him profusely.
Colson tried to be there for (Y/N) in every way that he could. If she was particularly hesitant about a doctor’s appointment, he went with her, when he noticed her slipping into darkness, he got her help, anytime she would engage in even the slightest of self-destructive or self-sabotaging tendencies, he was there to bring it to her attention and help her correct the behavior, and whenever she was up in the middle of the night crying herself to sleep over having been put in this situation in the first place, he was sitting beside her, holding her hands in his and telling her the truths she would never believe.
“I shouldn’t have decided to go through with this,” she cried one night as she looked at the foot of her bed to where Colson sat in the darkness of the room. “I can’t do this! I can hardly take care of myself, Col. How the hell am I supposed to keep another person alive when I’m not sure I want to be? What if they’re like me? What if they have all my fucked up problems?”
“(Y/N) listen to me, you are one of the strongest people I know. Even if you think you’re going to fall, I’ll be there to catch you, okay. I’ll always be here for you, because you were always there for me. Honestly, I think the world would be a much better place with another you in it. You’re kind, and honest, and caring. You look out for those you care about and would do anything to protect them. All of these traits are what made me want to be friends with you in the first place. You’re inspiring, and you’re amazing at anything you set your mind to. The choice is yours, but I would love to live in a world with more of you in it.”
**********                    **********                    **********
Colson had been by her side for every moment of the pregnancy since he was aware of it, and he regretted being out of town when (Y/N) needed him most. Although the birth went relatively smoothly, he still wanted to be there to support her; after all, she had in the waiting room all night and day waiting for Casie to be born.
(Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to leave Colson’s home. There was always someone there willing to help, and she was never too shy to ask. She knew she needed it and wasn’t too prideful to let someone else hold her child while she got herself situated to nurse, or ask if someone wouldn’t mind watching the baby while she took a quick shower. Besides the helpful aspect, being around Colson and his friends helped remind her who she was as an individual, which was one of her biggest fears about becoming a parent. Sure she wasn’t closing down bars, staying out until 5 the next morning, or even drinking much, but being with the others was all she needed to feel normal. They kept the demons in her mind at bay, and she was grateful for that.
She had gotten used to the schedule of waking up at three in the morning to comfort her crying child, and as three rolled around and silence persisted through the room, (Y/N) darted awake and paced across the room to where her baby normally would lay sleeping in his crib, only to see that her son was gone. Frantic, she paced down the hall, listening for a peep, a whimper, his cry, anything that would lead her to her son, until she wandered into the kitchen.
As she stood, hidden in the shadows of the night, she watched as Colson slowly rocked her son in his arms. The genuine smile on his face brought a grin to hers and she remained there, taking in the scene as long as she could before being noticed. Slowly, Colson reached up, pushed the boy’s dark hair from where it rested on his forehead, and watched as his small mouth opened and a squeaky yawn fell out.
“You’re a lucky guy,” he said as he leaned his lower back against the counter to better cradle the baby’s head and so that he could stare down at his best friend’s son as he lay content in his arms. “You’ve got the coolest mom in the world. I know you’re going to grow up to be an amazing man and do great things, because she’ll be the one to guide you. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll be scared at times--like when you’re hanging around Uncle Col when you’re older and we do something stupid together--but she’ll always love you. Through her fear and anger and confusion and worry, she’ll love you. I know this, because she loved me at my worst, and I know I wasn’t worth loving then. But you, little guy, she could never keep from loving you. That’s what makes your mom so special, her love means so much that you don’t realize how hurt you were before you knew her, and that’s what makes you lucky--she will never make you hurt the way my mom did to me. I love you, little guy, and I love your mom, so much. I can’t wait to see you grow up and get to love her as much as the rest of us do.”
(Y/N) could feel the tears streaming down her face as she covered her mouth with her hand and backed up, away from the scene and down the hall. She climbed back into the bed in the room she was staying in and allowed the tears of joyous contentment to trail freely down her face. She wanted to hold onto ever perfect moment of that exchange between her best friend and her son, to lock it away in her mind and heart for the rest of her life so as not to tarnish a single second of it, and so she closed her eyes and thought of it over and over again. She knew that any time she felt inadequate or impatient, any time she felt she was struggling or failing in the future, she would remember that moment of watching the man she’d loved for so long tell her son that he loved her, that he’d always loved her, and that he knew the boy in his arms would never be starved of his mother’s love.
Not even a half-hour later, Colson tip-toed back to (Y/N)’s room, careful not to wake the baby boy he was attempting to lay back in the crib, but failing in his endeavor to not wake the boy’s mother. He noticed (Y/N) sit up in bed and glance his way. Quietly, he took a few steps towards her until he was at the bed, then he whispered, “He was hungry, so I fed him so you could keep sleeping. I’m going to go back to bed now.”
“Come to bed here,” she said softly as she reached her hand out and gently grazed her fingers against his. He didn’t argue and effortless fell into place alongside (Y/N) in the bed. Her head rested gently on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her as she pulled herself closer and draped one of her legs across his. “Thank you, Colson,” she sighed into his chest as sleep slowly crashed over her.
“For what?” he questioned as he gazed up at the ceiling and waited for her response.
“For everything.” Her voice hung weakly in the breath she exhaled as she grew more exhausted by the second. There was an urge in his chest to be honest, and maybe it was because of how late it was, or how soft that fucking adorable baby made him, but he decided honesty was what he needed to do in that moment.
“Can I tell you something?” Colson asked. He deep voice echoed through the room and hung in suspense until (Y/N) let out a tired response.
“Anything, Col,” she said with a smile on her face that he could feel spreading where her head rested on his chest. As he struggled to find the right words to say, he felt her head fall heavier against his body and her breathing even out. Colson sighed as he took one more glance towards the crib. A smile formed on his face as, for a moment, he entertained the thought that crossed his mind of this being the norm--him holding her, their child sleeping soundly, their happiness radiating from one another to each other. “I’ll tell you in the morning,” he said as he softly pressed his lips against her head. “Good night, (Y/N). I love you.” 
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machinegunbun · 4 years ago
smutx  fluff#  angst+
Wanna be added to my taglist so you never miss a post? 
MGK / Colson Baker
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The one where you lose a bet
My Valentines +
The one where you try to surprise him, but end up being surprised
The Freaky Fic ™ xxx
just weird tbh
Toxic +
A toxic relationship
Safeword +x
The one where reader is a lil nervous of Colson and his big personality
Grind X
Smoke X
Spit X
Stage X
Pay back X+ 
Power X
Neon +
Fucked It +
Tease X
Complicated X
Trouble X & make it double XX rough alt ending
Hazing X
pt. 1
Pete Davidson
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Zoom Callx
The one where Petes busy in a zoom call and cant pay attention to you so you make your own fun
The one with shenanigans involving bananas
Nervesx A
The one where you try something new with
Avoiding Itx
The one where you attempt to avoid your punishment
Meet The L/N's +
The one where your family is in town and you dont really want Pete to meet them, or rather, them to meet Pete.
Pete comes home from tour and wants to show you how much he misses you
Deserved It+
The one where your ex pays you a little visit
The one where you tell the truth
Deserve you+#
The one where you cry in a hotel hallway
Dirty Lil Secrets +
The one where Pete learns what you did
Dirty Laundry ++
The one where you yell at eachother until your lungs burn
Quiet X
Naps #X
Good morning, beautiful X
Condescending X
Freaky Fuck X
Gotta Take This X
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NSFW Alphabet
Public X
Rough X pt II X
After sex #X Bonus, kinda
Kinks X bonus & bonus to the bonus
Most Likely To not really any genre tbh bonus 
Pete X Younger reader
in The mood X
Sex Toys X
Pregnant!Reader # bonus
Naked X#
Punishment!Colson X
Into!Pete X
goofy!pete #x
Lap dance/strip tease X
Bf!pete bonus!
Bilingual!S/o !Pete #
Punishment!Colson X
Toxic ex # / Abusive ex # bonus #
Jealous!Colson X+
Proposal!Pete #
Comfort!Pete #
Crying #
Panic Attack #
Pete with a baby #
Kinky X
Knife Kink
Road Head
Double penetration
Mommy/breastfeeding kink
UnConventional Bakers 
The ones where you’re a baking comp show host and the contestants are Unconventional Bakers like musicians, comedians etc.
Pete #
Colson Coming Soon
The Cryptid Adventures of Rin & Monet Masterlist
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mdittyz123 · 4 years ago
Motley Crue/The Dirt Fics
Nikki Sixx
-Animal in Me
Aria is a journalist for Rolling Stone magazine. She’s followed and hung out with countless bands. But what happens when she follows Motley Crue for one month for her latest piece? #series #ongoing #complicated relationship #ozzy osbourne
-Rebel Love Song
Nikki and Corey have been friends since they were kids. Back than Nikki Sixx was just simply Frankie to Corey. He was just the boy next door with a troubled past and a messed up present and future unknown. Corey was just the ideal girl next door, a girl Nikki couldn’t believe would actually give him the time of day. Things changed when Nikki took off without a goodbye or even a note. It would be years later before the two would be reunited. And when they are the girl next door isn’t exactly the girl next door anymore. Things happened and she’s changed. But will she still be the perfect girl in Nikki’s eyes or will she just be another girl in the crowd? #series #ongoing #childhood friends #friends to lovers
*-Afraid  Summary: You meet Sikki Nixx, but then you meet Nikki Sixx and your world is forever altered. #dad!nikki #mom!reader #pregnancy #baby #godfather!tommy #meet in rehab 
-Best Friends  Summary: Omg colson and Dougie getting close to Nikki’s teen daughter (in a big brother way) #the dirt cast #the dirt movie filming #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #brothers in all but blood #brother figure!douglas #brother figure!mgk/colson baker #protective
-Twins  Summary: Can I request a lil something that Nikki is dating a girl but she’s an identical twin and Nikki can never tell them apart? (Maybe a lil smut;) #twin!reader #messing with nikki #headcanon
-Support  Summary: can you do a Headcanon about Nikki’s daughter having a baby? #single mom!reader #grandpa!nikki #daughter!reader #baby #grandaby #headcanon
-Grounded  Summary: Headcanon for being Nikki’s teenage daughter today? & Headcanons for Nikki’s teen daughter being super close to “auntie Brit” and “Uncle Tom”?? #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #uncle!tommy #headcanon
-Tommy's Sister  Summary: Tommy’s sister getting with Nikki. #brother!tommy #sister!reader
-You.  Prompt:  “you’ve shown me what love can feel like.” 
-I'll Kick His Ass  When Izzy Stradlin assaults Vince Neil's wife Sharise, things heat up between the Crue and Guns N' Roses, especially since the reader is Axl Rose's ex girlfriend #brother!vince #sister!reader #guns n roses #violence against females from guns n roses #memories #protective!nikki #protective!vince #the dirt movie filming
*-Shellshock  Request:  1)Hey I saw you did a Nikki imagine that was based on a queen song ,, I was wondering if I could request that the reader is related to one of the members of queen and Nikki finds out and gets star struck 😂 sorry this is a weird request lol. 2)May I request a oneshot where reader is dating Nikki Sixx and she is best friends with Queen, especially Freddie, one day Queen makes a suprise visit? I am curious about the reactions of Motley Crue. I am rambling at this point but I would be really happy if you can write something like this🧡 #queen #crossover #queen x reader platonic #reader is queen's friend and introduces them to motley crue
-Being Ozzy Osbourne’s Daughter and Dating Nikki Sixx (Headcanon)  #headcanon # dad!ozzy #daughter!reader #secret relationship
-Nikki Meets His Child Who Was Born During The Tour  #headcanon #dad!nikki #mom!reader #pregnancy #baby
-The Love of a Brother  Description: Nikki is your older brother and he comforts you when the family past comes back to haunt you #brother!niki #sister!reader
-Protective  Can I request an imagine please with Nikki Sixx?? (been loving the dirt lately lol) i don’t a have personal preference on what it should be on. Maybe where you get hit on at a show and Nikki isn’t very happy and calls the dude out? #protective!nikki
-Headcanon for Being Nikki Sixx's Daughter  #headcanon #dad!nikki #daughter!reader
Tommy Lee
-Tommy Lee Dating Someone Who Loves Cats (Headcanon)  #headcanon
-Brother's Best Friend  Summary: Vince is your brother and he forces you to go to one of his shows. You catch Tommy’s eye and he offers to take you home when you start begging Vince to let you leave. You end up hanging with Tommy and end up liking him much more than just the drummer for your brother’s band. #brother!vince #sister!reader
-Drummer  #series #tommy lee x reader #brother!mick #sister!reader #marriage #jealosy 
-Little Drummer Boy  Description: “ I’d love to read a Dad!Tommy taking his and Reader’s kid shopping for their first little drum kit.” #dad!tommy #mom!reader #son #little drummer
-No More Secrets  Request:  can you do a fic where the reader is nikki’s sister and falls in love with tommy? nikki gets upset but everything works out in the end? thanks ✨ #brother!nikki #sister!reader #secret relationship  
-Daddy's Girl  Description: You and Tommy have a 3 year old, but you’re not together. The baby takes a liking to your new boyfriend and Tommy is jealous/hurt because he feels like he misses out on his daughter’s life. #Part 1 of 2 #dad!tommy #mom!reader#child  #angst with a happy ending 
-Headcannons for being Tommy's daughter?  #headcanon #dad!tommy #daughter!reader
-My Brother's in the Band  Summary: Your brother finds you in a compromising position with one of his bandmates #brother!mick #sister!reader
-Get a Room  You and tommy are best friends and you flirt constantly and everyone’s trying to get you two together lmao #series #part 1 of 6 #best friends to lovers  
-The No Fun Tour  SUMMARY // You’ve been working as a roadie for Motley Crue for a number of years because of your interest in the music business and family connections with Doc.  The boys are touring with Ozzy and things are looking promising for them, but if they mess up one more hotel room they’re in big trouble with Elektra Records. Doc has assigned you to watch Tommy for the night, and while the boys are like second family to you, you realize you may actually have more feelings for the drummer than you originally thought. #series #part 1 of 17 #roadie!reader #reader is motley crue's assistant #secret relationship
Vince Neil
-My Kinda Lover  song inspiration: My Kinda Lover by Billy Squier #fluff
-Newlyweds No More  #brother!mick #sister!reader #wedding night #cheating #car accident #agnst 
-Hold On Your Life  Reader is pregnant with Vince’s baby and they’ve been together for a couple of years and Vince is off on tour while she’s staying home and he accidentally overdoses and when he wakes up he’s just worried about his girl and his baby
-Dancer  Summary: You never thought that you would meet the love of your life in the strip club you worked at. #stripper!reader #single mom!reader #step dad!vince #child
-Vince Imagine                                                                                             #vince neil x reader
-The End or the Beginning  Could you please do a imagine where the reader is Razzle’s sister and has a friends with benefits relationship with Vince. The night of the car accident she was in the car with them and survived alongside Vince which leads them to get closer and end up admitting they have feelings for one another? #brother!razzle #sister!reader #angst #car accident 
-Drunk Confessions  Request: Your Tommy Lee’s sister and Vince falls in love with you #brother!tommy #sister!reader
-Me and You Plus Two  Description: You and Vince have twins #dad!vince #mom!reader #birth #twins #babies 
-A Girl  Summary: When Vince finds out he’s going to be having a little girl he doubts his ability to raise a young woman into adulthood. #dad!vince #mom!reader #pregnancy 
-Being Vince Neil’s Identical Twin Brother (Headcanon)  #headcanon #twin!vince
-Persephone  Description: Reader is a famous singer and has an innocent image but when she turns 18 the label wants to up her sex appeal so her and Vince’s record label have them fake date—the media nicknames them as Hollywood’s Hades and Persephone. #headcanon #singer!reader #fake relationship #becomes real
-Try                                                                                                       Description: Reader is Tommy’s sister and she’s best friends with Mick and falls for Vince and she’s really obvious about it but only Mick sees it and teases her about it #brother!tommy #sister!reader #best friend!mick 
-One Chance  Vince falling for a girl and her not realizing it, this one is for you! #cousin!mick #cousin!reader #oblivious!reader
-Lights  SUMMARY: A road trip for more booze doesn’t end well with a drunk Vince driving and Razzle and Y/N tagging along. #character death #car accident 
-Headcanon for Being Vince's daughter after Skylar  #headcanon #dad!vince #daughter!reader
*-Borrowing  #brother!tommy #sister!reader #continue the family name
-My Kinda Lover  Vince being shy around a girl, getting nervous and messing up a show when she’s there #before motley crue was a band
-Trouble Summary: I’d like to request a Nikki Sixx, where the reader is a good friend of him, and just as crazy and they party a lot and she always comes up with stupid ideas such as throwing a tv out of the window, or lighting up mick’s room and they are all just crazy and do a lot of crazy and stupid things? So she is kind of a part of the Terror Twins? #terror twins plus one
-Preference #12 - Motley Meets The Baby  #mick mars x reader #dad!mick #mom!reader #nikki sixx x reader #dad!nikki #mom!reader #tommy lee x reader #dad!tommy #mom!reader #vince neil x reader #dad!vince #mom!reader #new baby
Douglas Booth
-Head-canons for Nikki’s daughter meeting Douglas Booth or MGK and being like O_O shit he’s hot 😂  #headcanon #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #the dirt movie filming
-Makeup Artist  Summary: Omg Nikki’s teen daughter helping with Dougie’s makeup for the movie #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #makeup artist!reader #the dirt movie filming
-Having a Baby with Douglas Booth (Headcanon)                           #headcanon #dad!douglas #mom!rader #pregnancy #baby
-It Just Sort of Happened (Douglas Booth Imagine)  #the dirt movie filming #dad!tommy #daughter!reader
Machine Gun Kelly/Colson Baker 
-Head-canons for Nikki’s daughter meeting Douglas Booth or MGK and being like O_O shit he’s hot 😂  #headcanon #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #the dirt movie filming
-Being Pete Davidson’s Sister and Dating Machine Gun Kelly (Headcanon) #headcanon #brother!pete #sister!reader
-Having a Baby with Machine Gun Kelly/Colson Baker (Headcanon)  #part 1 of 2 #headcanon #dad!mgk/colson #mom!reader #pregnancy #baby
-Being Roger Taylor’s Daughter and Dating Machine Gun Kelly (Headcanon)  #headcanon #queen #crossover #dad!roger taylor #daughter!reader #drummer!reader
Daniel Webber
-Winning  Summary: Can we have more on Nikki’s daughter and Daniel’s relationship? #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #the dirt movie filming 
-On Set  Summary: Being Nikki’s oldest daughter and dating Daniel Webber from the Dirt. While they’re filming but you come to see Nikki, Tommy, and when Mick and Vince was on set helping. #headcanon #the dirt movie filming #dad!nikki #daughter!reader #secret relationship
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storiesforallfandoms · 5 years ago
what if i can’t ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1804
request?: yes!
“Hey! I love your writing could you do one with MGK where you’re trying for a baby with him but struggling to get pregnant and he’s super supportive?”
description: after struggling to get pregnant for some time, you start to worry that you may not be able to have kids and what that will mean for the future of your relationship, but your boyfriend is there to assure you
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of infertility
Tumblr media
Colson and I sat on the bathroom floor as I watched the seconds tick away on the timer on my phone. Colson put a hand on my leg, drawing my attention to him.
“Watching the clock won’t make it go any faster,” he told me as he laced his fingers through mine. “You just have to have faith.”
“I’m starting to lose faith,” I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder. “Babe, we’ve been trying for months and every time I take a test it comes out negative.”
Colson squeezed my hand tightly. “Well, they say when you give up is when it happens, so maybe this time is the time.”
I didn’t respond. I had very little faith in me being pregnant. There was just no signs of it happening; I wasn’t having morning sickness or strange cravings, I wasn’t feeling bloated (which many of my mommy friends have cited as their main tell for being pregnant), and my period wasn’t irregular, and hadn’t been irregular at all in the past few months.
I was starting to believe that I wasn’t meant to have kids, which was starting to worry me. Colson and I had decided months ago that we wanted to start a family of our own and had been trying ever since to no avail. If I couldn't have a kid, how would Colson react? I know he already had a daughter, but he was so excited for another baby, would he be upset if I couldn’t give him one?
My phone beeped, alerting us that the five minutes were up. I grabbed for the test so quickly that I fumbled and nearly dropped it. It took me a second to look at the results before throwing the test across the room in anger, hot tears forming in my eyes.
“Negative?” Colson asked.
“What the fuck do you think?” I snapped as I got up from the floor and stormed out of the bathroom.
I tried to combat my tears before they fell but it wasn’t easy. I was so frustrated. It felt like there was no use in trying anymore if the result was always going to be the same. It was becoming more and more evident that having a child of my own was not in my future.
Colson followed me into our bedroom as I threw myself onto our bed and buried my head in the pillows. We had tried so many times, there were so many nights where we declined the offer to go out with friends because I was supposed to be at my most fertile. I cut out all the foods and drinks that were supposed to be harmful to babies. I started working out and eating healthier, just to make sure my body was strong and healthy enough to hold a child.
Why did all of our efforts have to fail like this?
I felt the bed dip next to me as Colson sat down. He gently placed a hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly, as more tears fell from my eyes.
“It’s okay,” he said. I peaked up from the pillow to see he was laying next to me now. “We can go back to the doctor and see if there’s any treatments we can do, or any other options that might work. It’ll happen eventually.”
“But what if it doesn't?” I asked as I sat up. “What if the next visit to the doctor, we’re told that none of the treatments or options are viable because I can’t have kids? What if there’s something wrong with me that means I can’t get pregnant?”
“What if it’s me?” Colson responded. “It’s possible that it could go either way, but we can’t assume that’s the problem until we know for sure.”
I shook my head, more tears welling in my eyes. I wanted to stop crying, but I was so upset and frustrated, it was hard to stop.
“It can’t be you, you’ve already had a child,” I pointed out. “And we’ve tried everything, we’ve followed the advice from doctors and specialists and other professionals on the internet, we’ve been doing everything we’ve been told, following it all to a T. If I’m not pregnant, it’s probably because I can’t get pregnant. I can’t give us a baby.”
Colson wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I buried my head in his shoulder and started to cry, letting out all the frustration I had been holding in recently. I had been fearing for a while that the reality of our situation was that I couldn’t get pregnant.
At first, I thought we had just been having a hard time. I had plenty of friends, and had read plenty of stories, about couples trying to get pregnant and it taking some time. Some couples had even been trying for years and were on the verge of giving up when they finally learned they were pregnant. I knew it wasn’t impossible for it to just take some time until one of my eggs was fertilized.
But, as time went on, I began to grow more and more worried. We went to see doctors that confirmed that we were perfectly healthy and capable of having babies, and were given many options and talked to many times about ways to get pregnant. At this rate, I was sure I could go to school to become a pregnancy doctor and pass with flying colours with all that I knew. But still, despite everything we were doing, there was no pregnancy. Not even a sign that I could be pregnant.
Colson rubbed my back, soothingly, as he tried to reassure me, “It’ll all be okay. You’ll be okay, baby. People try for years for children, you can’t put yourself down after a few months.”
“What if it’s genetic?” I asked. “I have aunts that can’t have kids, what if it skipped mom and went to me instead? What if I can’t have a baby?”
“We’ll deal with that when and if the doctor tells us that it’s not possible. For now, we can’t just blame ourselves.”
He was so calm. I knew I should be grateful that he was, and that he wasn’t also taking part in blaming me, but part of me felt angry. I pushed him away from me, a little more violent than I meant, and got up off the bed.
“You don’t understand!” I snapped. “If I physically cannot have a baby, it means that I can’t give you another child! Do you really want to be with me if I can’t do that? Do you want to be with someone who can’t give you another baby?”
Colson stood and put his hands on my arms, forcing me to face him. “Is that what this is about? Do you think I’m going to leave you if you can’t get pregnant?”
I felt another lump in my throat, but I swallowed it and nodded instead of talking. Colson pulled me to him again and held me tightly.
“Baby, I’m not going to let something like not having a baby be the end of this relationship. I don’t care if we can’t have a baby that’s ours, I’ll gladly adopt a baby. Or we don’t have to have one at all. But I’m not going to break up with you if you can’t get pregnant. There are other options we can try.”
I looked up at Colson, my face drenched in tears yet again. “Really?”
He smiled and wiped my face with his thumbs. “I promise baby. If it’ll make you feel better, we can book you for a doctor’s appointment and see if there’s anything else that can be done.”
I nodded. “I’d like that, I just want to know for sure if there’s anything wrong with me.”
A few days later, Colson and I sat in the doctor’s office, waiting for him to return with the results of the tests I had just taken. My legs were bouncing with anxiousness as we waited for the doctor to return. Unlike a few days before, Colson didn’t try to calm me down this time, as he was just as anxious as I was.
My heart began to beat a little faster as the doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hands. He pulled up a chair and sat across from us, scanning the clipboard. His prolonged silence made me even more anxious.
“Miss. (Y/L/N), if you don’t mind me asking, when was your last menstruation cycle?”
The question took me by surprise and I wasn’t sure if it should worry me or not that he asked. “Uh...like a little over a month ago I think.”
The doctor nodded. “And you said that the test you took a few days ago came back negative?”
My heart slowly began to sank as I solemnly nodded. Colson squeezed my hand to try and reassure me, but I knew whatever the doctor said next was not about to be good.
“Congratulations, Mr. Baker and Miss. (Y/L/N), you’re pregnant.”
I covered my mouth to stifle the scream of shock that came out. Colson was to his feet in seconds, lifting me up and hugging me tightly. He planted a deep kiss on my lips and for a second, both of us forgot that we were in a doctor’s office. It wasn’t until he laughed that we pulled away.
“But wait,” I said once Colson set me down. “The test came back as negative, and I haven’t had any other signs. How can that be right?”
“You’re in the very early stages,” the doctor explained. “Only a few weeks along. At this early on in the pregnancy, a false positive on a test is possible. If you test too soon after a missed menstruation cycle, there’s a high chance the test will come back negative. It’s why so many people might not think they’re pregnant after getting a negative on a test a day or two after they missed their period, only to find out a week later that they were actually pregnant.”
It was at that moment that I realized my period had been late, for the first time ever. I was so focused on hoping that I was pregnant that I didn’t even question how long it had been since my last period.
I turned to Colson, who’s smile mirrored mine. The doctor gave us some advice and booked us an appointment in a few months time to see how the baby was developing. Once we left the office, Colson took me in his arms again and kissed me deeply.
“We’re gonna have a baby,” he murmured against my lips.
“We’re gonna have a baby!” I repeated before kissing him again.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 years ago
Too Smart for Your Own Good: Part 2
Pairings: Machine Gun Kelly x Reader, (Past and Future) Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, one night stand, unprotected sex
Word Count: 2,129
A/N: Doesn’t have a completed end yet, but just giving you more content to try to get myself out of a writing funk.
Part 1
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Your father, Negan, chuckled as you got off the golf cart in front of the trailer you’d be celebrating Christmas in again, like you had for three of the past ten years, at the Los Angeles County State Prison.
“Hi, daddy.” You breathed in relief, grateful to spend any amount of time with the only family member that you could completely trust. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry fucking Christmas to you, too, Princess. Fuck you, give ‘em.” He barked as he pulled the bags of food and your clothes off the back of the cart before you could even think to reach for them. You simply rolled your eyes and grabbed your guitar case before thanking the officer and heading inside the family visit trailer. “So what kinda trouble did you get into this week?”
“Well…” You sighed as you sat down at the small table in the kitchen. “… I went to Cleveland on Saturday and flew back yesterday morning. Pretty sure I got pregnant, too.”
“You fucking what?!” Your dad roared as he slammed a box of Mac and Cheese down on the counter. “Fucking Henry?”
“Henry is not coming back!” You shouted back, defensively. “And does it fucking matter? I made a choice, two choices actually, to sleep with some douche bag and not take Plan B after. It is what it fucking is.”
“So what, you're just gunna throw away your fucking life…” He started as he went back to throwing groceries in the cabinets, angrily. 
“No, I made the choice to not be fucking alone any more!” You interrupted as you looked over at him. You couldn't hide the hurt in your eyes when he turned around to stare at you, shocked that you were actually talking about your emotions.
“Sweetheart…” He breathed as he abandoned his task and came over to sit down in front of you. “You are not fucking alone…”
“I am alone, daddy.” You nearly whispered as you put your feet up on your chair and wrapped your arms around your legs. “Mom’s dead, and you're in here for who knows how much longer. And Henry…” You scoffed and shook your head. “Henry isn't coming back. He loves being some hit shot doc the Army more than he ever loved me. So other than my research, which I've all but abandoned anyways out of sheer boredom, I have nothing. I have no one, daddy. Just the occasional visit from Ashleigh and some of the harlots from the club. Maybe a once a month lunch date with some of the people from UCLA. But that's it. So I made a choice not to get the morning after pill after I stared at the box for over an hour and weighed out the pros and cons. And I would much rather raise a sperm donor baby than be alone in that house anymore.”
“OK.” Negan whispered with a nod as he rested his hand on your bent knee. “OK. I don't fucking like it, but I will get on that train all the fucking same.” Tears welled in your eyes as you rested your cheek on the back of his hand, and you closed your eyes to hide them. “So I'm gunna be a grandpa?”
“Maybe.” You choked the slightest bit as you opened your eyes to look at him again. “It just happened but I know I'm ovulating…”
“Eww fucking gross.” He fake gagged to get you to smile as he pulled his hand free and got up to finish putting groceries away. “I don't wanna hear that shit.”
“That's what you get for raising a daughter with no filter.” You pointed out as you propped your chin between your still bent knees.
“Fucking gross.” He repeated with a laugh. “So the fuck was in Cleveland? This fuckin guy?”
“Ashleigh’s client. He’s a rock rapper that needed someone that could learn music fast and played the guitar well. So Ash landed on me. But dude is a total self absorbed prick. B minus in… well in the broom closet.”
“I'll have Simon kill him.” He said almost 100% seriously.
“You are not going to kill this idiot for being bad at sex.”
“No, I'm gunna fucking kill him for laying a Goddamn hand on my daughter.” He responded with a smile as he balled up the last empty grocery bag and put it in the recycling bin.
“You're an idiot.” You laughed as you grabbed your guitar and got up to sit outside for a while.
“Hey, be nice to your old man.” He huffed as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a pack of matches off the table and followed you out front to enjoy the California sun. “And go easy on me today.”
“Yea fucking right.” You laughed as you sat down on one of the plastic lawn chairs and pulled out your guitar, which took you almost a year of bribery to be able to get it into the jail it now lived in in the first place. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“Pain in my Goddamn ass.” He grumbled around his cigarette as he moved his chair out off the shade and pulled off his blue prison issue shirt for as long as he could get away with it. “Alright… rock music from the 70’s.” You nodded at the category and tuned your guitar before picking an easy AC/DC song to start with. Which is pretty much how you always spent your days when you visited your father in prison.
Your office hadn’t looked so chaotic since you were working on a regular basis, but as of that morning, every available surface was covered in every single medical textbook, (with a focus on pregnancy and pediatrics) and motherhood book you could get your hands on. The dry erase board that usually had your equations to see if your Milky Way black hole theory was a possibility, had been wiped clean and replaced with columns upon columns of notes, to separate the ridiculous from the actual facts you would need to go through a pregnancy and raise a child.
You were blazing through the ‘Essential Neonatal Textbook’, when your house phone rang, startling you the slightest bit and forcing you to pull your attention away from a long list of the benefits of cord blood. You sighed and snatched up your headset as you set the book down to work through all of the information and pick out the more important bits and pieces to make the best informed decision.
“Ms. (Y/L/N)? I have a Colson Baker here to see you.” Your fingers froze with the cap of the marker in one hand and the marker itself in the other.
“You can let him in.” You sighed as you took a step forward and started a new list under the newborn column in the middle of the board. You heard the line click in your ear and you wrote quickly, trying to get some of the information down so you knew where to pick up when you came back inside. You got a short start and reluctantly forced yourself away from your research  to let your guest in. You started to work out your ideas vocally as you opened up the two gates and watched his purple Lamborghini pull into your driveway. You waited just long enough for him to make it half way to you, before you turned and headed inside to add more to your cord blood list with him following behind you.
“Umm… what the fuck is this?” Kels asked as he looked at the board over your shoulder in shock.
“Did you vaccinate Casie?” You asked as you continued to write.
“You’re fucking pregnant?!” He shouted over you as you capped your marker and set it back down on the easel.
“I am pregnant.” You said evenly as you walked over to find the ‘The Umbilical Cord Blood Controversies in Medical Law’ book to cross reference the former textbook. “Did you vaccinate Casie?”
“Were you gunna fucking tell me?” He shouted as you flipped through the pages, easily reading 20,000 words a minutes despite the distraction of your visitor.
“I was neither planning on telling you, nor keeping it from you.” You said simply. “I want nothing from you, Mr. Baker. I don’t need money, and I don’t need you to step up to be a father. You were a one night stand that I chose to not take Plan B after. My choice, my child, my body, my life.” He looked at you completely lost for words as you set your finished book down and headed back to the white board to add and change notes. “I would like your family medical history, though. I could easily do a diagnostics test and an MSS while I’m pregnant but…”
“Oh, I’m gunna be fucking sick.” He groaned behind you as you finished your idea and turned to move on to the next section. You grabbed the trash can and handed it to him on the way past as you tried to keep your thoughts as straight as possible, relatively unsuccessfully.
“I don’t wanna be alone.” You sighed as you looked over at him for a moment. “And after the way you treated me that night, the way you just used me and threw me away like I didn’t mean a Goddamn thing…” You exhaled through your nose and shook your head as you looked away from him and out the back door to the ocean. 
“I don’t care that you’re not happy here, Mr. Baker. I don’t care if you want to be in this child’s life or not. I don’t care if you see me or this child as a mistake, or what you see us as at all. I just don’t care. What I care about is having a calm, healthy pregnancy, and becoming a mother. And I will not tolerate having someone come into our lives to walk in and out of it because he never wanted us in the first place. Nor will I tolerate someone treating me like I’m worthless trash in front of my child.” Kels didn’t say a single word as you shook your head and turned back around to go back to work. “Stay as long as you want. I have work to do.” 
As Colson sat and thought, you went over to find a book about banking cord blood so you could round out that column. The next column was pros and cons of breastfeeding verses formula, which was a lot more extensive than you originally expected due to the varying opinions on length and benefits, but after reading through seven different books, and writing and erasing conflicting notes, he finally spoke up.
“Breastfeed for a year.” He almost whispered as he watched you work. “That’s what we did with Casie. And yea, we vaccinated her.” You nodded your head as you erased the idea you were writing and stood up to make a note in the vaccines column. “I don’t turn my back on my kids.”
“I’m sorry.” He continued as you capped your marker “It’s no excuse but I was high as fuck and running on adrenaline. I used you and that was shitty as fuck.”
“Yes it was.” You agreed with a nod as you leaned against the front of your desk and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Well I’m fucking sorry.” He said a little harshly. “And I’m sorry for knocking you up.”
“Pregnancy happens, Colson.” You breathed with a shrug of your shoulders. “I’m obviously a little more prepared since I actually made the decision…”
“Yea, that’s a fucking understatement.”
“OK, you can fucking leave and I can file a restraining order.” You snapped. “What’s done is done. I’m pregnant, you’re the father, your kid and my kid have a new sibling. You’re not going to have to pay child support, I’m taking primary custody with open visitations. And no, I am not going to date you. Not now, not ever. You left a sour taste in my mouth and I want nothing to do with you or your crazy lifestyle.”
“You’re just making this super fucking easy, aren’t you?” He asked as he pushed himself out of his chair. “I’m outta here. I’ll get your number from Ash and I’ll be in touch.” You rolled your eyes and gestured toward the door behind him.
“You can see yourself out.”
“Such a fucking bitch.” He muttered as he stormed out the doors and through the atrium to leave. You let out a huff and shook your head as you went back to your research.
“Idiot fucking sperm donor.”
Part 3
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years ago
Baby I Will Love You Forever || Colson Baker x reader
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Hello my lovelies!! Long time no writing! I apologise for that but I’ve been in a slump due to general depression as well as the coronavirus and my school shutting down in a few weeks.
Please remember that requests are open however they will be slow!!
Requested by: @kellysimagines
‘Hahaha i understand sweety really. Basically its just where the reader and mgk have been together for 7 years and she is also famous and when he is live (the video i sended you) i am in in too and when baby ashton is in it comments roll in like why we havent got a baby yet and almost at the end i let him know i am pregnant with a cute suprise you can decide what it is haha’
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T77nbO53r48&t=883s
“CASIE?! COLSON IM-” the words to Too Young To Fall In Love floated through the house from the backdoor studio, a smile graced your lips as you heard the faint voices of both Colson and Casie as well as a laugh that wasn't from either of the two, some of Colson's friends must have come over while you were out. With a small huff you brought up the plastic bags from your hands and placed them carefully onto the kitchen counter so as to not break anything before starting to unpack what you had bought; normal groceries along with a little surprise for Colson, you smiled as you held it in your hand but put it to the side and kept unpacking. The sound of pounding footsteps and loud laughter made you smile as you quickly grabbed the surprise and shoved it into an almost empty bag so whoever was coming wouldn’t see it before you continued unpacking the other bag.
“CASIE NO!” Colsons voice floated through the hallways as he dashed out into the kitchen and dining area with a laughing Casie behind him holding out what seemed to be a dirty sock, one of which you could smell from your standing point. You let out a laugh at the sight which made the pair realise you were back.
“(Y/N)!” Casie yelled, the small girl abandoned the smelly sock to dash towards you in her own blue and white socks, sliding along the floor before engulfing your bottom half with a large bear hug. Letting out a laugh you hugged the girl back as you saw Colson pick up the discarded sock in a cartoon way and threw it into an already overflowing hamper, you made a mental note to put that clothing in the wash later. Colson turned around and smiled as he walked over to you and Casie before wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug, Casie moving out of his way so he could hug you properly, Colson brought your head into his collarbone as his nose rested on the top of your head.
“Missed you” Colson whispered softly into your hair, you smiled into the rappers chest as your arms tightened around him and balled his shirt in your hands as Colson did the same to you as he smelled your hair, “you used my shampoo didn't you?” the rapper asked.
You laughed.
“Maybe?” you said more as a question as you looked up to Colson from your point in his chest, Colson looked down at you before he snorted softly and unwrapped you from his confindes.
“Of course you did,” Colson said in a joking way.
“Hey! It smells better than mine AND makes my hair softer!” you defended yourself as you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted with the curve of a smile, Casie mirrored you as Colson looked between the two of you before giving an exaggerated sigh, bending his back backwards weirdly with rolled eyes.
“FIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE,” Colson groaned loudly before standing up normally, “just this once”. The rapper pointed a finger at you with slight eyes as you smiled brightly and nodded.
“This once as in this past seven times then yes!” you giggled as did Colson and Casie, you kissed Colsons cheek before going back to unpacking the groceries, a loud gasp coming from Casie behind you.
“WHAT’D YOU GET” the girl asked excitedly, you smiled and shook your head as you gave the girl a bag of cheetos, Casie grabbed it quickly before giving you a side hug and dashing off again to the studio room. Colson laughed as he shook his own head and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you.
“You spoil her too much,” the rapper said as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Mmhm, says the one whos a multimillionaire and owns a mansion” you retorted, Colson blew out air as if he was in pain with crossed eyebrows as he stood up properly.
“Low blow babe, low blow” Colson said, you laughed softly as you kept filtering around the kitchen as Colson hopped onto the kitchen counter.
“You can go back to your friends you know” you said as you put in the 24 carton of eggs into the fridge; one wouldnt think about it but this family and friends ate a lot of eggs.
“I know, but I haven't paid enough attention to you today so I'm staying,” Colson replied, the rapper kicking his feet like a child with a giddy grin as you looked at him before smiling, shaking your head again and continuing your work. Colson watched you happily as you emptied the bag and then went to the half unpacked bag; the one with the surprise in it, you paused as you looked into the bag, “you alright sweetheart?” Colson asked, he saw your pause and got concerned as he slid off the counter and came up behind you. You wrapped the bag in on itself without squishing the contents inside and turned around to face the tall rapper with the bag wrapped in your hands behind your back.
“Nothing!” you said quickly with a fake smile, “okay well yeah it is something, but it's something you don't need to look at!” you said quickly, “pads, tampons, all that glorious feminine shit” you shrugged as Colson backed away with his hands up in surrender.
“Alright alright, i won't ask then, i know when you're lying and you know when i know you're lying” Colson smiled as he stepped forward and kissed the top of your head, “but it's fine because i trust you” the rapper said before walking away.
“Alright you got me!” you said jokingly as you turned around to face the bag, Colson immediately got interested and dashed back to stand in front of the counter in front of you as you pulled out a pack of condoms with a shy smile, “its condoms” a blush covered your cheeks as Colson took the box and kissed your hand, the rapper laughed as he winked at you before walking up the stairs to your shared room, coming back down a few seconds later, blowing you a kiss and walking back to the backroom studio. You let out a breath thanking the lord that Colson took the bait before continuing with the other things in the bag to put away before stuffing the bags under the sink to be used again and taking your little surprise into the bathroom to be used.
Sitting on the toilet lid you bounce your leg impatiently and anxiously, it all comes down to these two lines, or one, or none! Maybe you had to go and buy another one because this one turned out to be faulty, maybe it just wasn't the right time, maybe you missed the window? What if you have to go back? Going back for a pregnancy test twice is a bad sign right? All these thoughts floated through your mind as the shrill of the timer brought you back to reality. You took a deep breath, grabbed the little stick from the proper end and brought it to your face.
Two lines.
A blue word.
A smile spread over your lips as your eyes watered, now the new questions started coming in, should you go to the doctors and have them do a test too to make sure? Should you tell Colson now or wait a little? You bit your lip anxiously as your leg started bouncing again, you sighed, shook your head and grabbed the second test. The exact same test but it was the second box, you bought two just in case, opening the test, taking off the cap and willing yourself to pee before placing the test on the sink next to you, starting the timer again and waiting.
You could hear music coming from the back studio as you walked closer to the room, tests in a small bag and a large smile on your face you entered the room to see Colson and Casie jumping around, dancing and singing to the song that was playing over the speakers as Colson held his phone up in a weird angle but you dismissed it quickly as you sat down on the couch next to Rook who was laughing at Ashton, the small boy prancing about with a large smile.
“A present for me? How lovely” Rook joked as he saw the bag you were carrying, the drummer made a move to grab the bag in a playful way, you laughed as you snatched the bag away and held up a finger making a ‘no no’ gesture as well as shaking your head.
“Not for you this time drummer boy, this one is for blondie” you said with a laugh, Rook laughed softly and held his hands up in a surrender before turning back to watch Colson, Casie and Ashton who had joined the others in dancing, the small child had grabbed a pair of drumsticks while you and Rook had your two second joking and was making beats to the song playing, at this point Colson finally looked up and realised you were here.
“Y/N!” the rapper shouted, his face beamed with excitement as he turned his phone to you to reveal why he had been holding it at such a weird angle; he was on an instagram live.
“Oh god Colson, please dont i look so bad i've been shopping all day without your help-” you brought a hand up to try and cover your face before Colson cut you off.
“Babe stop it! You’re beautiful! You always look amazing!” Colson said happily, you sighed as you rolled your eyes and shook your head but still smiling. Colson turned the phone back to him as Ashton started hitting the floor with the drumsticks as I Think I’m Okay came on and comments rolled in causing Colson to read some out as he stared down at the phone, “uhh, (Y/n), everyones asking when we’re gonna have a baby” Colson said softly as he squinted.
“Really? What’re they saying?” you asked, you shifted forward a little in your seat but not enough to see the screen, you hid the bag behind your back inconspicuously.
“Uhhh, ‘oh my god baby fever’, ‘whats (Y/n) hiding?’, ‘omg please have a Colson and (Y/n) baby he or she will be so cute!!’, and way way more. Jesus fucking christ we are not having sex on an instagram live to see the baby making ‘Amber underscore seventeen twenty’” Colson recited comments as well as calling out a girl from her comment, it made you laugh as you knew exactly what you had planned.
“Uh babe? I've got a thing for you, give me the camera, i wanna get your reaction on live” you said as you held out your hand for the phone, Colson cocked an eyebrow curiously before handing the phone over to you.
“Wait wait!” Casie intervened, “let me hold it and get the reaction of both of you together!” the girl stood up excitedly, grabbed her father's phone and prompted you to move next to the rapper, you smiled and thanked the girl as you took a seat next to Colson, facing the other members of the band and friends that were in the room as Casie pointed the camera to the pair of you.
“Please start screen recording people who are watching! I’ll give you a few seconds to do that before i give Colson his little present~” you had a tune to your words that Colson couldn't place.
“They’re all saying they’re screen recording!” Casie exclaimed as she watched the comments pile up, you nodded as you brought out the small bag from behind your back and handing it to Colson, Ashton heard the little noise the bag made as it was handed to Colson and walked over, you smiled at the child before grabbing him under his arms and plopping him into your lap comfortably as you looked at Colson who was waiting for you to watch him open his little present.
“Okay, you ready babe?” Colson asked as he looked to you, you smiled and gave a firm nod as Colon opened the bag and stared down at the pink and blue tissue paper, his eyebrow cocked as a small gasp came from Baze who somehow knew exactly what was happening, you gave the bassist a side eye as to say ‘don't you dare’ to which the man held up his hands and kept quiet. You looked back to Colson and gave the man a nod as he started taking out the tissue paper, scattering the discarded pieces beside himself as he looked down into the bag.
“Babe...is…” the rapper paused as a smile started to crease at your lips, “is that a pregnancy test?” Colson asked his question quietly as he looked to you with a shocked expression, eyes wide and almost pale as the rest of his band and friends gasped softly, including Casie who started to smile and bounce with excitement.
“Go on, take them out” you said as you motioned to the bag.
“THEM?!” Colson was quick to grab the sticks out (you had capped the bad parts of the tests so neither of you touched them) of the bag and held them in front of his face to read what was on them. Both included:
Two lines.
A blue word.
Colson almost stopped breathing as the room fell silent, the rapper's eyes started to water and his hands started shaking.
“Y-You’re actually pregnant?” Colson asked softly as he turned to you, you sniffled softly and nodded as you pat your stomach.
“They’re in here sweetheart” you said softly in a watery tone.
“OH MY GOD” Colson yelled, the rapper dropped everything and wrapped you in a large bear hug, resulting in toppeling you both a short distance to the ground (Ashton quickly got out of your grasp before he could get hurt), “OH MY GOD WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!” it took Colson a second to realise but quickly grabbed the tests and swiped his phone from Casie (who was now bouncing) as Colson held the tests in front of the phone screen to show the live, “WE’RE PREGNANT GUYS!!! NEW MEMBER TO THE EST FAM!!!” Colson screamed as Rook, Baze, Slim and his other friends swarmed around him, hugging him close and screaming. You laughed loudly as you quickly grabbed Colsons phone and held it out in front of you.
“I STILL HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTORS GUYS JUST A REMINDER!” you yelled aloud for all to hear, the group quietened down a bit as you moved so the group was behind you and the instagram live could see everyone, “i have to go to the doctors because i want to make sure i am pregnant as well as the baby being healthy, i want to have my hopes up but there is always that slight chance of a miscarrige and complications during the pregnancy or the birth but i promise myself and Colson will try our hardest to bring our little Kelly into the world” you said into the camera with a large smile, comments started rolling through the screen all saying how happy each person was for you, talking about baby names and where the babies would sleep and be and play as well as saying how loving Colson is looking at you. You noticed those comments and looked at Colson through the phone, the rapper had all the love and admiration one person could in their eyes, you smiled softly as you handed the phone to Rook who was closest to you, grabbed Colson by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips together, Colsons friends hollered and whooped as you gripped onto Colson as if he was about to vanish into thin air, this had definitely been the most passionate, love and emotion filled kiss you and Colson had ever shared together, tears leaked from Colsons eyes and dropped to your cheeks as you giggled softly, you brought Colson to your neck but the rapper had other ideas and dropped to his knees to come face to face with your stomach as he started talking to the growing child in you.
“H-Hey little fella, or chick” Colson chuckled and sniffled as he wiped his nose, “whatever you are, whoever you become, i will always be by your side, have your back and always love you, no matter what” Colson kissed your stomach and pressed his forehead against it before coming back up and kissing you again, the kiss telling you everything was going to be okay, that Colson would look after you and love you for eternity.
I hope you enjoyed reading! Please leave a comment or something idk!
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angelifylove · 6 years ago
“Please, don’t leave” || Nikki Sixx x Reader
Aight so we got ourselves a Nikki Sixx x Reader here, this isn’t my first rodeo but with tumblr, yes it is. Anyways, I wrote this mainly for my friend who had the big depression and told her to pick a sentence thingy that I found on here. She picked “Please, don’t leave” and I wrote it in a way I used it.  Word Count: 4,917 Summary: basically, the reader is a babysitter and Nikki’s child ends up being stillborn. He goes big depressed and relapses, calling the reader who is a former alcoholic herself. This is also taking present to present age Nikki and the reader is roughly around the age of 32 or 33. Warnings: big age difference of almost 30 years, language (this is Nikki we’re talking about), uh a lot of angst in the beginning, stillbirth (is that a warning?), just major cuteness overload by Casie Baker, maybe grammar (I don't know, Grammarly better have worked well or I’m getting my free money back).
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Colson laughs around as his daughter finishes her joke she learned at school today. He shakes his head at her as the doorbell rings, causing the little girl to frown. She doesn’t want her dad to go but this is his lifestyle that she’s forced to grow up into. He stands up as he dusts himself off. 
“Which babysitter is it now,” Casie asks with a groan and a roll of her brown eyes. Colson couldn’t help but find her adorable and feel bad for her at the same time. He crouches down to her a little bit so they can hug. She holds onto her dad for as long as she can.
“Colson, open this damn door,” the woman outside causes the ruckus, making the little girl’s sad face pick up. She looks at Colson in excitement, this woman on the other side of the door was her favorite babysitter. Sadly, she didn’t babysit Casie full time but Casie loves being with this babysitter more than ever. Colson rolls his eyes at the babysitter and stands up, he walks towards the door to see the woman standing there. She’s around four years older than this man yet he manages to see her as a sister that he never wanted. 
“(y/n),” Casie shouts as she runs over to the woman, the babysitter couldn’t help but laugh as the arms wrap around her. She looks at Colson, he has a wide smile on his face, thankful that (y/n) was able to come in on such short notice. 
“Forgot to schedule someone?” Colson nods his head as he switches places with Casie and (y/n), him now outside with the two girls inside.
“Yeah, somehow I forgot to schedule for The Dirt premier,” Colson lets out a half heart laugh to the woman. She nods her head to him as he starts to head off. Casie soon takes (y/n) and announces that it’s now girls night so all the men that were left from Colson were evicted for the night. (y/n) and Casie stayed up talking about boys, gossip, and even talking about how good Colson’s music has gotten over the years. 
Nikki sits on his couch with his wife, Courtney. The woman has a face full of tears as she holds onto her stomach. Nikki, on the other hand, has no emotion on his face. He has nothing, no tears or frown. Just a straight face as he tries to digest what had happened at the hospital. He can remember it so clearly yet it feels like it never happened and was only just a dream. He looks at Courtney, wondering how such a horrible thing could happen to them.
Nikki rushes the pregnant woman inside as her breathing was all over the place. Some moments she couldn't stop breathing while other moments she forgot to take in a deep breath. Her grip was tight on Nikki’s hand as he gets her to the room, there she goes into labor. Nikki has seen this once or twice before and couldn’t help but smile on knowing what’s about to happen. The two parents are going to meet their first child together. The horrible labor process lasts for about three hours until they hear… nothing. The baby wasn’t crying, looking at the doctors and nurses run around with the baby. They did many things yet clearly nothing was working. Nikki looks at Courtney with fear in his eyes, they both know what is happening. 
“I’m sorry, the baby is dead,” Nikki can still hear the doctor say those words to Courtney and him. He can still remember holding on to his wife as she cries in his arms over the death of their baby. All their hard work into preparing for the daughter was for nothing. The worst part is, they won’t have another child. The two said they won’t tell people until they both were ready. Somehow two months after the stillbirth, Courtney thought it was best to separate from Nikki. Claiming she needs to figure herself out after the whole ordeal with Nikki knowing exactly to what is happening. He soon remembers a deal he made with Casie’s babysitter, (y/n) was her name he believes. The two said that five or six months after the birth, (y/n) would be willing to help babysit and let Courtney and Nikki go on a date together in return of something that he doesn’t know yet. Now, Nikki sits here in his house alone after his wife gave birth to a dead baby.
Five months and Courtney’s filing for a divorce. Nikki has never felt more alone before until now, he feels like the world is coming down on him. Whenever the kids drop by, he forces himself to be happy around them. When Tommy hangs around, he acts like he doesn’t want to die. Now here he is, still haven’t told the media a single thing, and he has to call this babysitter to break the news to her. She seemed like a nice girl and if she can babysit Colson’s daughter, then she must have a big heart to be nice to Nikki’s situation. He shakes his head, unable to have the courage to tell the woman the deal is now off. He sighs as soon starts to relapse into alcohol, sixteen years of no drop of alcohol yet here he is of having his past self favorite of Jack Daniels. 
“Nikki,” (y/n) asks when she picks up the phone. She sits in her bedroom with the laptop open. She was doing some work of looking for some babysitting to do tonight. Colson decided to cancel the couple of nights she was working to spend some more time with Casie. She didn’t mind but she did have to look for replacements so she can actually pay for the bills. 
“I’m so sorry, (y/n).”
“Nikki, I don’t understand.”
“The baby was stillborn,” Nikki slurs out, evident that he was drunk. Everyone knows of his sobriety so this slurring came to a shocker to the woman. She lets a shaky sigh as she starts to put some shoes on. She grabs her keys and wallet with her usual jacket, she’s still on the phone with Nikki. 
“I’m so sorry, Nikki. I’m coming over.”
“No, you don’t need to!”
“Nik, you’re drunk! I can’t just leave you there alone after sixteen years of being sober until now,” (y/n) explains to him before hangs up on the phone. The drunk man sits there, letting her words sink in. He notices she’s called him a nickname, out of the short time he’s known her, she hasn’t done that just yet. A small smile appears on his face as he then remembers he fucked his sober self up. He groans as he puts his head in hands, blaming himself for everything that’s ever happened to him. He blames himself for the child and wife he lost. What pulls him out of his misery is the knock on the door. He looks up and walks over to the door. He managed to not run into anything successfully but he had to hold onto the wall once or twice. 
“Oh no,” the woman mutters once her (e/c) eyes hit the poor, drunk man. She starts to usher him inside, getting him to sit on the couch without having an argument somehow. She sits down next to him as Nikki rests his head on the top of the couch. He stares at the woman in front of her. 
“Nikki, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, the wife left an asshole behind for a fuckin’ reason,” Nikki says nonchalantly. (y/n) shakes her head in disagreement. She hates seeing anyone like this, especially since she knows how it feels to rebound into alcoholism. She once was an alcoholic, nothing but alcohol pumped through her veins around five years ago. Then she met Colson, he saved her she likes to think. He brought Casie into her life instead of the alcohol. She’s thankful for that man, showing her exactly what she is in the world, a babysitter. Now here she is, having to help a friend out when they’re in need.
“Nikki, you’re not an asshole, you’re just drunk and going through one of the world’s biggest curveballs.” Nikki nods his head as he groans, throwing his head back. He seemed to be holding something back that (y/n) could tell was induced by the alcohol. 
“Let’s get you to bed.”
“And stop by the bathroom on the way there,” he murmurs to her as the two stand up. She helps him walk towards the bedroom that he lead her towards, she’s never been past the main rooms of Nikki’s house before. Nikki soon opens a door, she notices it is a bathroom. He walks right towards the toilet and there he lets everything inside his stomach out. (y/n) couldn’t help but frown at the poor man, she walks over towards him and moves his long black hair out of the way a bit. She sighs as he soon leans a little with his head hanging above the toilet a little and wipes his mouth away. 
“I’m so sorry, (y/n),” he says quietly as she starts to rub his back a little bit. She shakes her head towards him, her eyes full of worry and concern for the man.
“No, no, no, don’t be.” He couldn’t help but smile a little at her words and nod his head. The two finally stand back up and head towards his bedroom, where she places him on the bed. She notices that it’s late out, not the best idea to drive at around two in the morning. She’s been at his place for around two hours already, feels like five minutes for her.
“Can you stay the night,” Nikki asks her sweetly only to get a small smile and a nod from the woman. He smiles more as he waves towards the closet that was once Courtney’s. She had left some of her clothing behind and still needs to pack them up.
“Courtney has some clothes you may fit into,” he says to her as he starts to rub his eyes, growing tired from laying on the bed. (y/n) nods her head and walks into the walk-in closet, she notices all the dresses and frowns. Nothing seems to be in her style or deem comfortable in her taste. Courtney probably took all the sweats first so she would be comfortable during this separation. She sighs before she walks back out the closet. She sees the drunk man still awake somehow and shakes her head at him.
“Anything comfortable for me to wear?”
“Uh… I may have some sweats, they may be a little big for you,” Nikki says to her with a shrug, she nods her head as she enters another closet that she assumes is Nikki’s. She looks around all the dark clothing to soon land her eyes on a ‘Theatre of Pain’ sweatshirt and some grey sweat pants. She smiles as she takes the clothing and soon changes into them in the closet. She grabs her pants and shirt, heading out of the closet. She walks out to see Nikki just laying there on the bed still, staring at the ceiling now with his eyes hardly open at this point. She shakes her head as she sighs, “Where’s the guest bedroom?”
Nikki shrugs to her, a smirk appearing on his face. She rolls her eyes, starting to realize this drunk is hitting another stage of this drunk night. Instead of sad and emotional like he was earlier, this man is now going with the mind of the lower region. She places the clothing on the table that has some papers and books out on it. She looks at him to see him starting to strip suddenly.
“Nikki, woah!” She turns around in an instant, a red tint going to her face at that sudden action. He stops taking his pants off and looks at her, the jeans were at his ankles now. He wears no shirt, tattoos exposed to the world. He raises an eyebrow at her, wondering to why she turned around. 
“What, princess,” he asks her, slurring a little from being drunk. He kicks his pants off, (y/n) turns her head a bit to check if he even has underwear on. She lets a sigh of relief out at the man who kept the boxers on. She turns around to see Nikki flopping on the bed, soon crawling under the covers. He pats the bed next to him, a smirk on his face. She shakes her head, declining his offer only to get a groan from the drunk man.
“Come on! It won’t be that bad!”
“Nikki, how old are you?”
“Thirty-five,” he lies right away as if he rehearsed this line a dozen times before. (y/n) shakes her head, disbelief in that statement. She sighs as she walks over to the bed. She grabs one of the many pillows, placing it between the two. She points at it before she decides to make a political joke, “This will be Trump’s wall!” 
Nikki starts to laugh at that joke, shaking his head at her. She lifts the covers up, sitting on the bed. He sits up a little bit so he can get a better view of the beautiful woman that sits next to him. He tilts his head a bit, relaxing easily with her.
“You know I hate Trump’s wall,” he says before he grabs the pillow and throws it across the room. (y/n) gasps dramatically at him before she starts to laugh at that reaction. She shakes her head as she stands back up to turn the lights off. She gets back in the bed and starts to lay down. He kept his eye on her the entire, letting them roam all over her body. 
“Nikki, don’t try a single thing tonight or I will make it rain on you.”
“I like the way that sounds,” he slurs to her as he shifts closer to her. She laughs at him a bit before she flips over from looking at him. He lays on his back, staring at the ceiling before he looks at her. He smiles as he goes onto his side, wrapping his arms around her.
“Dude, I got a boner for a hot chick in my bed!” 
“Nikki, oh my god, you’re drunk!” (y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, she would’ve been creeped out by this but when a hot rockstar is into you, things change. Nikki nuzzles his head into the crook of her neck. She instantly takes a deep breath in, the red tint darkens. She closes her eyes once she notices the bulge in his lower area pressing against her abdomen. Her heart starts to beat faster with each second. 
“Goodnight, Sixx.”
“Night, cutie,” he whispers against her skin, causing a shiver to go down her spine. He yawns as he closes his eyes finally, holding onto (y/n). Her, on the other hand, couldn’t go asleep right away. Her mind going all over the place as her heart could never calm the fuck down. She didn’t see this moment coming one bit, she never would have thought that her old celebrity crush would be into her. 
(y/n) wakes up with no one holding onto her, she didn’t know if she should be happy or miss the touch a little bit. She sits up, a small yawn falls out of her mouth. She stretches as she soon climbs out the bed. Her bare feet hit the ground as she starts to make her way out of the bedroom. She tries to remember from late last night of where she is in the house and head towards the kitchen at least. With every step, the scent of pancakes filled the air causing a small smile on her face. She arrives to see Nikki at the stove, making pancakes and coffee. She hears a pop of a toaster and an avocado nearby. She grabs the toast, placing the four slices down. She looks around and soon walks to the fridge, she opens it and grabs herself some butter. Nikki looks to see her there, raising an eyebrow at her already helping herself.
“Helping yourself this morning?”
“I babysat a drunk you last night, I have permission.” Nikki laughs a little and nods his head to her as he looks back at the pancakes. There he places the golden, fluffy pancakes on the plate. She places the butter down, looking around for a butter knife. She opens almost every drawer until she finds them, Nikki did his best to not laugh at her stubbornness to ask. She puts the butter on two slices of toast before she looks at him.
“Do you like avocado toast like a white girl named Amanda or do you like butter or jelly on it like a normal person?” Nikki laughs at her comparison on topping of toast, he shakes his head at her.
“I grabbed the avocado, I didn’t know if you want it or not.” (y/n) nods her head as she soon does what Nikki wants on his toast. She soon finishes the toast before she gets herself a cup of coffee, putting what she needs into it. She gets to the counter and sits on the high stools. She starts to sip her coffee as she watches Nikki. He wears a pair of black sweatpants, a loose short sleeve v neck, and a pair of black slippers. She smiles at the view of the man, soon hearing the two golden retrievers rush into the kitchen. They rush over to her, making her laugh a little. She starts to pet the two dogs, feeling their soft fur in happiness. 
“You have really pretty dogs,” she says to Nikki, he smiles as he turns around after turning the stove off. He holds the plate full of pancakes with a smile. He nods his head as he places it on the counter she was sitting at. 
“Lecia and Lucy,” he says their names as he sits in the chair next to the one she was sitting in. She smiles as she looks up at him before back at the two dogs.
“I used to have a dog growing up, a German Sheppard,” she tells him before she stands up. She goes off towards the sink in the kitchen to wash her hands, they were cover in fur from the two dogs. She soon walks back over to her seat and continues eating her toast. She soon remembers something that he had said last night, she decides to tease on it a little bit.
“Dude, how’s that boner going,” she asks with an innocent smile on her face. His eyes widen at the fact that she remembers that and that he remembers it. He sits there, frozen, afraid to look back at her. He soon swallows his pride, looking at her. He’s almost thankful for her to think of it as a joke and not him really having feelings for her, he just got out of a divorce and he doesn’t need for her to think that he’s trying to rebound with her. He sits there trying to figure out what exactly to say to her without regretting it later.
“I, uh… it’s fine,” he mutters only to get a smiling (y/n). She notices the pink tint on his face as he looks away.
“Sixx, are you actually thirty-five,” she asks him as he starts to cough a little on his drink. He soon places the coffee cup down and wiping his mouth, he looks at her in shock. There he sees her start to laugh a little, noticing her face growing a little pink. He shakes his head to her, making her nod her head.
“Cause you look under,” she flirts suddenly only to make his hazel eyes pop a little. He didn’t see that one coming, he didn’t see this whole conversation coming. He sees her wink towards him before she gets a pancake, putting whatever she wants on it. He sits there with pink all over his face and confusion with some shock written on his face. They continue eating their food, Nikki doing his best to not seem awkward or weird. She soon finishes and looks at him, seeing him still working on his food. She walks towards the sink and places the plate in it. She soon walks off, heading towards the bathroom. Nikki looks up, watching her leave. He soon pulls his phone out and goes to his text messages. There he hits the contact name for his friend, Tommy Lee. He goes to text him before he sees a rushing (y/n). He raises a confused eyebrow up at her.
“I’m sorry, Nik. I’ll return the sweats tomorrow but I gotta go. I got an emergency to babysit Casie.”
“Colson’s daughter,” he asks her only to get a head nod. He looks away from her, a frown appearing on his face. Even though there were awkward feelings between the two earlier, he still doesn’t want her to leave. With her, he didn’t want to get drunk and is afraid without her he will dig himself deeper into the rabbit hole he is stuck in already. He looks up at her with those puppy eyes that he hopes would work.
“Please, don’t leave… I don’t want to fall back and get myself into a bigger hole. I know without you here… I will fall,” Nikki confesses to (y/n). She takes a deep breath in before she nods her shakes her head.
“Nikki, I can’t,” she says before she stops and lets a small sigh out when an idea goes through her head, “let’s go to my place so I can change. Then we can go over to Colson’s, then you can help babysit Casie with me?” A smile appearing on Nikki’s face as he nods his head in approval of the idea. He hops up, saying he needs to get ready. She laughs as she watches the man get happy over spending time with (y/n) and Casie.
The two arrive at Colson’s house, (y/n) starts to loudly bang on the door causing Nikki to jump a little at how loud she has to announce herself. She rolls her eyes when she still hears the laughing inside the house. She hits the doorbell rapidly a couple of times before she knocks on the door again. 
“Colson, get off your dumb ass and open the fucking door!” Nikki laughs a little hearing that only to see the door open widely by a sweating Colson, he looked to be rushing.
“You never know when to shut up, do you?”
“Not with your deaf self,” (y/n) pushes past him to hug the little girl that rushes up to her with wide arms. Colson soon notices Nikki, raising an eyebrow in confusion to why he could be here with (y/n).
“Nikki? Haven’t seen you in a while, man,” he greets the man as he lets inside the house. Nikki nods his head in agreement as they walk towards the living room, the girls ran off to the kitchen it looks. He sits down on the couch with Colson, he raises an eyebrow at him in confusion to why he’s here with (y/n).
“I did something bad last night?”
“Booty call gone wrong?” Nikki’s eyes widen at Colson and shake his head right away. Colson couldn’t help but laugh at that, finding it funny that Nikki had to debunk that theory right away. 
“Yeah, whatever you say, old man!”
“Colson, we haven’t done a thing. I’ll tell Tommy later and we all know his fat mouth would spread all the way to your fat mouth.” Nikki rolls his eyes as he looks back at the kitchen, able to see the girls starting to work on something in the bowls and an empty muffin tray out. He watches as the two laughs and joke around. Colson soon stands up and walks to the kitchen, he hugs Casie buy and tells (y/n) that he will pay her extra for the emergency but she tells him it’s fine. Colson makes a mental note of still to pay her extra and soon heads off to wherever he needed to go so badly. Nikki finally lets a sigh out and heads towards the kitchen, sitting at the counter to watch the two.
“Oh, Casie, we have ourselves an audience!”
“Welcome to the Casie and (y/n) cooking show! We’re going to be making chocolate chip muffins!” Nikki laughs a little and nods his head. There he starts to enjoy watching the two get the items for the muffins. 
“These are going to be so good!” 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Nikki says only to get a look from the two. (y/n) narrows her eyes at him before she looks at Casie with a smile on her face. 
“Alright, a challenge we accept!” Nikki nods his head at (y/n) before the woman looks at Casie. She whispers in the little girl’s ear, causing the girl to laugh. There the two continue making the muffins, joking with Nikki and ended up in a small flour fight. By small, Nikki was for probably the first time in his life wearing all white and has white hair. (y/n) puts the muffins in the oven, the three still covered in flour after their fight. She soon decides to tell Casie to take a shower and wash the flour off. Nikki stands in the kitchen, he has some flour wiped off of him but not all. He wipes the counter down as (y/n) sets the timer for the muffins. She soon joins in on cleaning the kitchen by cleaning the floor up as best she could. Turns out the floor ends up looking cleaner than it was when it was bought. 
“I know these muffins are going to turn out good.” (y/n) looks at Nikki with a raised eyebrow, she has a small smile on her face. She nods her head to him, “Yeah… muffins.”
“I also know, I may still have a boner for that hot chick in my bed last night… just it’s moved up to my heart now,” Nikki suddenly says to (y/n), making her look at him with wide eyes. She didn’t understand the feeling she feels right at this moment, staring right at his lowered head. Her (e/c) eyes notice his hazel ones staring at the ground. They travel to his hands that anxiously mess with his pants that still have flour on them. Her breathing goes out of control, gaining speed with each breath. She notices how his words seem to bring the heat to her face, knowing the feeling as blushing right away. Her hands start to shake nervously as she tries to figure out what to answer him with.
“Nikki, I,” she tries to get the words out, trying to tell him she feels the same way for the older man. He shakes his head as he finally gains the courage to look up at her in the eye.
“I shouldn’t have these feelings for you, especially since my wife left me recently.”
“Nik, it’s completely fine… even when I seem to have those feelings for you too,” she mutters to the man in embarrassment. His eyes widen hearing her say those words, a small smile appearing on his face. He couldn’t believe it, that a young woman like her who knows his age and everything about him can fall in love with him. He couldn’t believe a woman who just saw a drunk him confess his feelings and did some wild shit would stay around. He smiles as he suddenly wraps his arms around her, she couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction he has. For some rockstar, he has a heart of gold it seems. She wraps her own arms around him, holding onto him. He soon pulls away from her a little to look at her beautiful face. He sees himself in her eyes, in her arms, in her heart, in her future. He wants to be there for as long as he can and he doesn’t care if he dies in the next month, if it’s with her it was all worth it. 
“(y/n), I hated myself for gaining feelings for you during the shooting of the Dirt. I couldn’t stop kicking myself for having feelings for someone who wasn’t my wife. I now realize maybe being with my wife isn’t worth it since she’s unable… she’s unable to stay through a dark patch with me yet here you are. Will you please, don’t leave me here and stay with me?”
“Say yes, (y/n),” the voice says behind the two, they instantly get out of each other’s arms to see Casie standing there with a smile on her face. Nikki looks at (y/n) with a smile and shrugs to her. The woman lets a small sigh out before she presses the soft kiss on the side of Nikki’s face, landing right on his star tattoo. 
“I say yes.”
Also yes those muffins were good.
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 5 years ago
Machine Gun Kelly(Colson Baker)
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Telling Rook The News (PART2 being rooks ex & Pregnant with Kells baby):
Part 1 here
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It sucks. All I could manage to think first thing this morning. Sitting on my bed feeling anxious repeating words in my head it sucks. It sucks I had to wake up, it sucks I am in this situation, it sucks I have to leave my house, it sucks I have to tell Rook. What doesn’t suck is Colson will be there with me to tell him. I honestly doubt I’d be able to do it my self but like Colson said he’d help with this former issue we called it but now simply it is our Baby, So he will be there for this dreadful conversation to come. I don’t want to hurt Rook but it’s not like we can hide it. Pretty classy I feel best friend of the boyfriend we’ll EX boyfriend. I’m hoping Colson takes charge on the topic while I try not to die of embarrassment and stress.
I definitely gotta try not to stress so much Colson is right it’s not good for the baby and first three months are most critical for miscarrying. I don’t want that to happen I may be freaked about the Rook part of the situation but other than that I’m happy I’ll be a mother with the most beautiful baby sense Colson is the father and how excited Casie will be just melts my heart. Casie will be the best big sister anyone could ask for, she’s so kind, helpful, independent and crazy smart for her age. Mine and Colson baby boy or girl can learn a lot from her as they grow.
Colson is such a great Dad no matter what the public sees of him in his party pictures and smoking dope. He truly is a great dad to his daughter and no doubt with our baby. I feel a little better now thinking of Casie and Colson it turns plenty stress into positivity.
It’s decently early doubt the boys have had breakfast or even coffee heck doubt any are awake right now knowing those crazy boys. But Colson better be up I don’t wanna show up having to wake Colson and Rook up. To be nice and ease the blow I shall pick up breakfast for everyone. So that’s what I’m doing as of now driving to Denny’s grabbing food and coffee. I decide to play the radio game while driving to the guys house. I ask the radio a question “how will today go?” I speak out loud. And turn the station to whatever hearing the song Everything Sucks playing. Oh how ironic. My nerves slightly climb back up as I near the guys house, I sigh as I stop my car in front of the house.
(Kells P.O.V)
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I sat hands together alsmot like I was praying for this shit to go smooth. How the actual fuck will this go smooth though! If it was me dining this shit out what Rook is about to today I’d be flipping shit. I haven’t even slept much yo this all been keeping me up worrying about losing my bro and band mate, not like I can replace him so easily fuck.
I need to get high like right now I can’t deal with everything sober. Few puffs of my joint and I’m feeling better for now. I put out the roach of my joint in time to see Y/N outside looking like she grabbing some shit out her car. I hurried to the door basically running to her to help grab what apparently is take out food and oh fuck yes coffee. “Hey” she spoke slightly dragging it out. I broke a small smile at her “Hey yo thanks for bringing coffee girl” she shut her car door and said “of course how can I not die the coffee lover” she smiles.
Ah that smile is helping for sure with my nerves. We walked quietly into my house and straight for the kitchen where I sat down the food and drinks. “Is he up?” Y/N asked me speaking in a whispering tone clear as day nervous and looked around. “I don’t think so” i shrug. She let out a big fucking sigh and part of me hurt formher having to do this to deal with this but fuck what else we gonna do right. “Hey girl it’s going to be okay I gotchu” I told her and wrapped my arms around her shirt figure. It almost felt hella awkward until she put her arms around me to. I rested my chin on to her head for a moment then pulled away. “Let’s eat just us we’ll wake Rook after if we have to” i Nodded to the food starting to pull items out of the bags. “I don’t know if I can eat right now Kells” Y/N admitted. But I wasn’t gonna listen to that “yo you need to eat ain’t starving my kid” i whisper to her. “Your right I’m sorry I gotta focus on the whole me and baby’s health” she nodded at her own words. “And you unfortunately shouldn’t drink coffee” I spoke up in facts which I learnt many when Casie wasn’t born yet. Her eyes went wide it was adorable “aw just this last cup and I’ll switch to herbal teas” she chuckled. “Ight deal” I handed her a coffee.
“So as his best friend and band mate you should take the lead on telling him” she smiles widely to me. That girls smile gonna be the death of me. “Oh I see just throw me under the bus first” I laugh. And then take a bite of my food watching her do the same. “you said don’t stress and talking lots might meake me stressed” again she smiles at me. Fucking chick. “Yaya I gotcha girl, always will” I assured her taking her much smaller hand in mine.
We cleaned up our little mess and sat on one of the couches in the living room. “I guess we should wake him up” Y/N tells me. I turn my head to her “Wake who up me?” Rooks voice comes from behind us both our heads snap to him. “Hey dude morning” I greet him. “Morning. Hey Y/N what you doing here?” Rook asks her. “Just visiting I brought breakfast and coffee, go eat we’ll catch up when your done” Y/N tried her best to be cool I can see it in her eyes being this close to her on the couch she’s feeling freaked.
We all sat at the kitchen table Rook just finishing his food and sipping on his coffee. “Thanks for the food Y/N” Rook smiles to her. “It’s the least I could do” Y/N spoke softly to him. Then gave me a sad look. “So your here to visit me?” Rook asks her “and to talk” she adds quickly. “About what?” “Oh okay right um well I love you and care about you” Y/N starts off “why does it sound like your dumping me in front of Colson?” Rook looked worried and Y/N looked panicked. “Dude it’s kinda important I’m here for this convo” I told him. “Why bro what’s going on?”. “Please listen best as you can and calmly as you can to us” Y/N spoke up. “Okay what the fuck” he responds. “When we broke up” Y/N began but Rook cut her off “when we broke up what?!” He angrily asked looking between her and I. Y/N looked defeated and like she was going to cry. “Look dude I’m fucking sorry for this you know I care about her and you man, we got shitfaced like the whole fucking weekend and ya know shit happens” I told him. “What what shit happened?!” He demands and bits his bottom lip.
“Please clam down” Y/N says calmly and out her hand on his clenched fist. But he abruptly moves pushing her hand away aggressively. “Hey man clam down!” I told him strongly. “Just tell me what happened” Rook demands again. “I was upset and Kells was there for me like always he’s a good friend. Don’t forget that don’t forget his love for you no matter” Y/N tried to speak as calmly as she can like rooks a bomb gonna go off which I can see that happening. “No matter what?” He yells causing Y/N to jump frightened. “We hooked up when you broke up” I finally admitted to him.
Rook stands up enraged which makes Y/N stand fast moving to my side as rook now is coming closer to me. “Yo dude chill just hold up” I spoke hands up not wanting to fight my bro. But he swung and doing so I moved Y/N out of the way best I could. Lucky he missed but grabbed my shirt and swung again hitting me near my right eye. We bumped into Y/N knocking her over on to the floor. “Dude wait stop!” I shrieked. And helped y/n off the floor isntslty my hand hands on her face holding her head looking at her as if she was injured “you okay” i ask her worriedly. “Yes I’m fine” she assures me. “Awe look at the love birds” Rook snarks To us. “Dude I love you bro I’m sorry Kay like fuck y’all were broken up I’d never go there if that was the case” “that doesn’t make it much better” Rook says now less mad and sounding hurt. “Rook I’m sorry nothing was intended I know we were trying to work on us but that’s over and wasn’t going anywhere it seeemd and also the fact is to that I’m Pregnant” Y/n spoke moving closer to him.
Rook looked almost confused. “It’s mine if it wasn’t obvious man we having a baby, we are not a couple, we are focusing on Y/N and the babies health and needs” rook stood silent maybe in ducking shock. “And I’m not gonna lie I do have feelings for her dude always felt something so if by chance we also become in a relationship other than parents to our child, I hope you don’t hate me for it if it happens and hate me now for what is going on but I wish you wouldn’t bro fuck I need you man not only as a fucking awesome band mate but as my brother and future uncle to my kid yo ya know if you wanted to be” I rant out to my best friend.
“You guys should talk this through I’ll go I’m so sorry Rook, I wish you this best in love and life” Y/N said to rook with a weak smile. “No no stay I don’t care, I need time to like think about shit, like a part of me wanna say congrats on the baby yet that seems fucked yo cuz I’m hurt, I lose my girl or ex whatever fuck, I can see it now to though y/n was right us working through shit wasn’t going as it was suppose to. I just gotta get out this house” Rook shares with us and walks towards the stairs. “but bro you coming back right?” I ask in high hopes as he takes a step up the stairs Y/N standing beside me. “Yeah man I’ll be back later” and with that he was upstairs.
“That didn’t go to terrible” Y/N tires to sound positive and puts her hand on my shoulder. “Yeah I guess he could of really beat the fuck outta me if I let him and not stop” we both smile lightly to each other. “I think I should go to, let us all have alone time we need” she says to me. I grab her hand “What if I don’t want you to go?” I ask her more of a statement though. She shakes her head “no it’s what’s best trust me and I need a nap” she chuckles. “Okay only cuz a nap would do you both good” i smile at her not showing stomach. “You really are gonna be an amazing dad to our baby, heck Kells you already are” Y/N smiles big. That big beautiful smile. That smile that makes me wanna smile, the smile that will make me fucking do anything for her, and now I’ll do anything for our baby, our future family.
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useraew · 6 years ago
hi! So, I was wondering if you could a 2 part MGK/Colson Baker x reader oneshot in which both are together + Y/N is a famous singer as well (kinda has an ariana grande vibe within her lyrics and stuff, lol) and it's been revealed she's pregnant with his baby and the first part is kinda like her journey through it and it's basically the kylie jenner pregnancy. then, part 2 is like ther first days with their daughter? + could the parts be a bit long? thank you!
wow this sounds cute 
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 6 years ago
Machine Gun Kelly(Colson Baker)
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Kells misses you and your unborn baby:
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 years ago
Meant To Be: Part 3
Pairings: Machine Gun Kelly x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drug use.
Word Count: 3,930
A/N: Y’all can thank @wings-of-a-raven for this one….
Part 1 / Part 2
You were board out of your skull, scrolling through your Instagram feed, in the completely empty road side stand- which was unusual for the middle of a Saturday afternoon. Having just finished lunch, five month old Gage was napping peacefully beside you in his pack and play like he did every day. Without looking, you reached out to flip to the next song on your iPod, not wanting to listen to country at the moment, and continued to scroll through your Instagram feed as ’27’ started playing through the small iHome speakers.
“You still listen to my music.” Your stomach dropped and your head whipped up as Colson stood in the open door frame and put his hands in his jeans pockets. “Hey, (Y/N).” You sat shell shocked and your heart pounded in your chest for a moment, before you found your feet and stormed over to him.
“You stupid…” You growled as you shoved him as hard as you could. “Selfish… Ignorant… fucking prick!” He barely stumbled as you punctuated each word with another shove. “I hate you! I fucking hate you!” You burst into tears as he wrapped you in his arms and nodded his head.
“I know.” He whispered as he tangled his fingers in your hair, pulled you impossibly closer, and rested his cheek on the top of your head. “I know.”
“I needed you!” You sobbed as you held onto his shirt for dear life as if he would disappear again if you dared to let him go. “Colson…”
“I’m here.” He soothed as he pulled back with tears in his eyes. “Baby…”
“No…” You said as you shook your head and forced yourself to take a step back to save your heart. “Fuck you. You have no Goddamn right…”
“You need to leave.” Junior said as he stepped out of the back room to see what was going on. “Now.”
“Junior, stay out of it!” You shouted as you pointed at your brother. “Who the fuck do you think you are…”
“(Y/N), I’m fuckin’ tryin’ here.” 
“I don’t give a fuck what you’re trying to do!” You roared as Gage started screaming behind you. “Leave, Kels. Leave now.”
“I’m not leaving.” He said as he quickly side stepped around you and boldly picked up his son. 
“You better put that baby down.” Ross said evenly as he cocked his shot gun from the back of the store.
“Daddy, put it down!”  You screeched in fear as you moved between your dad and the two men that held your heart together… most of the time. “Give me… my son.”
“Not until you talk to me.” He said as he gently bounced his son in his arms. “Just talk to me, baby girl. Please. You can yell all you want…”
“Oh, I’m about to do much more than yell if you don’t give me back my son!” With a defeated sigh, he turned his head and gently kissed Gage’s forehead. Your heart broke for him as he whispered ‘Daddy loves you’ to the little boy before he unwillingly handed him over to you. With a huff, you turned on your heel and stormed out back as you soothed your son.
“You have two seconds to follow her before I change my mind and put a buckshot in your head.” Your dad grumbled when Kels didn’t move. With a small nod, he walked quickly, and closed the back door behind him.
“I saw you die.” He whispered as he leaned against the side of your dad’s pick up while you sat down sideways in the bed to look at him.
“And I needed you.” You said with a nod as you rocked Gage in your arms to try to get him back to sleep. “More than I ever needed you before.”
“I was scared.”
“And I wasn’t?” You snapped as you looked at him, disbelievingly. “I overdosed, Colson, and you weren’t there. I found out I was pregnant in the same fucking swing, and you. weren’t. there. Do you have any fucking idea how fucking terrifying that is? I went through it all alone! We both know my family wasn’t coming to my rescue me back then, and you black balled me with every friend we had. I had no one. No one was there for me through rehab, or throughout my pregnancy, or even through the nineteen hours of labor I went through before I had an emergency c-section because his cord was wrapped around his neck. No one comforted me when I held my breath PRAYING that I didn’t fuck my son up when I OD’d nor when I was begging God and anyone else listening to hear him cry when they had to rush him away to put him on oxygen before I even got to see him. I had no one! Because of you!”
“And nothing I will ever say will make up for that.” He said with a nod as he jumped up into the truck and sat down beside you. “Trust me, I’ve tried to come up with some shit to say to make this situation better but there ain’t words anyone can string together to fix it.”
“No, there’s not.” You agreed as you moved Gage from your arms to your shoulder and started to rub his back. “You will never be able to fix this…”
“What’s his name?” You looked over at him, a little stunned at the calm interruption and sighed with a small shake of your head.
“Gage. Gage Michael Baker.” Tears instantly welled in Colson’s eyes and he covered his face in his hands as the guilt and shame started to drown him. The part of your heart that loved the man beside you more than life itself shattered, and against your better judgement, you picked your still fussy son up off your chest. “Hold him.” You nearly whispered as you leaned forward and held your son out. You could see the torment and elation battle in his blue eyes as he carefully took his son and laid him in his tattooed arms.
“Baby boy.” He whispered as a few tears fell onto the cute overalls and John Deere green long sleeve onesie your mother had put him in that morning so her grandson wouldn’t go to the family market in the ‘my tattooed mommy can kick your mommy’s ass’ onesie you had put on him originally. You told him his birthday and his birth weight and length as you got off the truck and headed toward the table by the back door to grab your cigarettes.
“He likes ‘End of the Road’.” You breathed as you took a long drag and stopped a few feet away from the end of the truck. “‘Rehab’ is one I still play a lot…”
“Can you reach my phone?” He asked as he looked over at you and gestured to his right side. “Back pocket.”
“What, you think you’re getting lucky?” You teased as you set your cigarette down for a moment and walked over to the side of the truck.
“Pretty sure if I whipped my fucking dick out around you right now it’d get shot off by your old man or cut off by your crazy ass.”
“Little bit of both.” You smirked as you pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and handed it to him. He thanked you and fiddled with it for a moment, looking for a background track to sing to as you grabbed your cigarette and walked back over to where you were standing to keep the smoke away from Gage. Your brow furrowed as a melody you didn’t recognize started playing and you looked up from your shoes when he started singing. 
A sob caught in your throat as you listened to the words of the new song he had written for you and you couldn’t stop the small smile that spread across your face when you thought about that first night you met him. It was as close to a meaningful apology as you were ever going to get, because ‘I’m sorry’ meant nearly nothing to the two of you after all this time together with all the ups and downs you had been through. But one way or another, it made your wall weaken the slightest bit toward him once again.
“(Y/N)…” He nearly whispered when the song ended as he looked over at you. “I love you.” You choked on your tears and shook your head, not wanting to hear those three words from him for the first time in this situation.
“Colson…” You squeaked as your head and your heart battled for what to say next. In the long run, your head won, and you quickly walked over and gently took your now sleeping son from his arms. “I can’t…”
“I’m not leaving.” He called out as you headed quickly inside to go home. You paused but didn’t turn around as he got up to leave too. “Canceled my last three dates and postponed my fucking studio time. Putting my family back together is way more fucking important. I’m staying at the Best Western off the exit up the road. Room 105. Booked for at least two weeks.” With a very small nod of your head, you pulled the back door open with your toe and headed inside to get your bags, leaving Colson standing with his shattered heart in his hands.
When you left work, your intention had been to drive home, make yourself dinner, give Gage a bath, and smoke a joint before you headed to bed early but you never made it. Instead, you drove around your hometown for a while, headed to a fast food place to feed Gage his baby food a little easier, picked up a few necessities from Walmart and pulled into the Best Western parking lot. Every fiber of your being screamed at you to leave, to simply drive away and deal with Colson either in court or never again at all. You stared at the blue and white placard outside his door for twenty minutes until he pulled the door open and walked over to your door.
“Come inside, baby girl.” He cooed as he held out his hand and patiently waited for you.
“I can’t.”
“Yes you can.” He said softly as he crouched down beside you and gently put his hand on your knee. Tears started to fall softly on your cheeks as you searched his eyes, but he simply nodded his head. “Lemmie fix this.” You hesitated for a few more moments before nodding your head, and with a nod back, he stood up and pulled open the back door before you could change your mind. “What’s he need?”
“Just grab everything from the back seat.” You told him as you shut off your car and grabbed your purse from the floor board. He loaded his arms with bags and grabbed the pack and play you handed him from the trunk so that you could pick up your giggly little boy from his car seat. 
“Man, I fucking love that sound.” He said behind you as he kicked his room door closed behind himself and set everything down on one of the two double beds. You couldn’t help but smirk as you got a whiff of Gage’s dirty diaper, so you turned around and held your son out to his father.
“He’s just like you, Kels.” You teased as he took Gage from your arms. “He laughs when he shits.”
“Oh, babe!” He groaned as he quickly held his son at arms legs as he, too caught a whiff of poop. “Come on!”
“Change him, Colson.” You said as you pulled your diaper bag toward you, and pulled out the changing pad. “Quit giving me that look, he’s your son, too.”
“God, you fucking stink little man.” Colson said as he laid Gage down on the mat next to you. “How do I get this shit off?”
“Jesus.” You huffed as you reached over and unsnapped the overall straps. “You are not helpless.”
“I’ve never done this shit before.” He whined as you turned on the bed and started pulling the things he would need from the diaper bag.
“Just pretend you just shit your own pants.” You sighed as you laid everything out and started searching through the bags for the shower things he’d need next. “Unsnap the sides…”
“God, you are one stinky child.” He groaned as your son just wiggled and laughed on the bed. “Does he ever hold still?”
“Do you ever hold still?” You retorted as you folded your hands in your lap and waited. “He’s gunna roll off that mat.”
“OK, can you help me out here?”
“Not on your life!” You laughed as you used your knee to make sure Gage didn’t roll toward you. “I learned how to do this all by myself, too. You’re definitely not getting any special treatment from me. He’s gunna pee when you take that diaper off.”
“Swear to all shit that is fucking holy, I’m gunna kill you, (Y/N).”
“And I’ve been saying the same thing about you for months.” You sighed with a very pleased smile on your face. “But here you are still breathing and shit. OK, stop gagging, it’s not that bad. And you gotta get it out of his little chunker rolls…”
“So he got Mommy’s smile and her thighs… OW! I’m changing a baby here, don’t hit me!”
“One, don’t stay stupid shit. And two, you love my thighs. Gripped in your hands, wrapped around your hips, smothering your face…”
“Don’t.” He said a little harshly as he looked up at you through his lashes with a devilish glint in his eyes. “If you walk down that fucking road…”
“Oh, trust me, Kels.” You interrupted with a shake of your head. “You are not getting anywhere near this pussy for a long, LONG time.” The hopeful light he had in his eyes that said everything was back to normal with you being there disappeared almost instantly, and he quickly looked away to hide his disappointment.
“What next?”
“Well he needs a bath before he eats and then he’s going to bed. So strip down because I’m not putting my baby in some nasty ass hotel room tub.”
“You strip down.” Colson tried as he gently picked up Gage in both hands.
“Nope, you get to be a father tonight, sweetheart. Because before we even begin to consider what’s happening between us, you need to understand what being a parent means.” You turned on the water in the bathroom and adjusted it to the right temperature before turning around to look at him with a sigh. “You thought I was crazy before I had him, you ain’t seen shit yet. He’s gunna be very slippery when he’s wet. Don’t worry, you’re not gunna drop him.” You said quickly when fear raced through his eyes. “I’m gunna be right here.”
“Can you just… like get in and fucking stand there so you can catch him or some shit?” He asked as he unbuckled his belt and jeans and pushed them and his boxers down to the floor. “Please babe, you got me scared.”
“You’re gunna be fine.” You giggled as you took off just your pants and your bra. “Gage, tell Daddy he’s gunna be just fine.” He took a deep breath and stepped into the tub with his back to the spray and you held his arm to make sure he had his balance before getting in as well. “Yay! Step one!” Gage squealed in laughter as he slapped his hands on Colson’s tattoo covered chest and bounced around like he always did in the water, which made your ex even more nervous.
“Fuckin’ killin’ me.”
“Here, you gotta get him wet.” You instructed as you moved Colson’s hands so that he had a firm grip around Gage’s back, butt, and legs, so that he could cover his face with his free hand. “He doesn’t like the water in his face. And he probably will pee on you because he’s definitely your son and all. Just step back, Colson, I got you. You’re doing just fine. Here, now take some soap…” As patiently as you could, you walked your baby daddy through each and every step and explained the reasoning why you did things a certain way as you taught. You were surprised each time he asked questions (even though you always knew he’d make a great father), and decided to cut him a break the slightest bit when it was time to get out of the shower.
“I got him.” You said as you leaned around Kels and turned off the water.
“Na, I’m good.” He replied quickly as he pulled his son back into his chest so you wouldn’t take him. “Do you just grab the towel?”
“Just grab the hood part and put it on his head first, then wrap him like an awkward burrito. I think it’s just easier that way but my mom gives me shit for it all the time. ‘You’re supposed to lay him down first’… yea, because I want my bed soaking wet.”
“Probably because your mom hates me and I’m his dad.”
“Very valid assumption.” You agreed as you dried off your legs and dropped a clean towel over Colson’s shoulder.
“Not an assumption.” He mumbled as he laid Gage down on the bed and dried him off. He couldn’t stop himself from making faces at the little boy as he wrapped a towel around his waist quickly. “Shit, we made one cute little boy, babe.” You nodded in agreement as you pulled a dry pair of underwear from the Walmart bag and secured your towel around your chest.
“It scares me every day.” You sighed as you reached out and turned the diaper around in Kel’s hand. “Picture goes up.”
“What scares you?”
“Everything.” You breathed as you sat down and pulled a grey pajama onesie out of the bag. “Especially with everything that’s gone on with us, not just in the last year but our whole relationship. We fight all the time, and you’re constantly on the road. I used to be until I lost my contract because of the heroin overdose. I constantly wonder what’s gunna happen to him.”
“I was there.” You looked up at him as he gently took the pj’s from your hand and looked at them for a moment to see what snapped where. “When you OD’d. I was there for two days.”
“What?” He nodded his head as he pulled the onesie into place and buttoned it.
“I was the one that found you. You were fucking blue, (Y/N). Like actually fucking blue.” He looked over at you as he picked up his son and turned to sit on the bed with him in his arms. “I felt you stop breathing as I held you in my arms… and I felt your pulse slow so much that I couldn’t even feel it anymore. I was there when the ambulance came and hit you with narcan, praying that you’d wake up again, that you’d come back to me… and I was there when you screamed at me to leave you alone and that I should have just let you die.” Your breath caught in your throat and you fell back against the headboard as you covered your mouth with your hands in shock. 
“We were so fucked up back then, babe; fighting all the time, getting so close to getting violent almost every fucking day. I made a fucking choice, (Y/N). I walked away and it was the dumbest fucking choice I have ever made. But I walked away because I knew that you on heroin tied in with the amount of coke I was shoveling up my nose so I wouldn’t do heroin, was going to end up disastrous. I knew that I was fucking toxic for you… but I also knew every fucking day that I need you. I need you like I need fucking air, babe. And yea, I know we’re fucking crazy together. We push each others buttons and piss each other off… but you know me better than I know myself. 
You know the best way to talk me off the edge when I get caught up in my head. And you are the only one that can talk sense into me when I wanna bash someones fucking face in. You don’t put up with my shit, and you can dish it back just as fast. You are the first and only woman I want by my side; my fucking ride or die. I know I fucked up so many fucking times. But I wish… fuck, I wish so fucking bad that we could go back to those days. Because I would happily take the shittiest day of our lives together and live it like fucking groundhogs day than keep going on without you in my life anymore. Even if it’s just being a co-parent to the most badass baby in the world. Baby, I fucking need you.”
“Kels…” You sighed as you let your hands fall into your lap but he shook his head as he adjusted Gage in his arms because he was starting to fidget more, looking for his pre-bedtime feeding.
“Don’t call me that.” He begged. “Please… not you.”
“Give him here.” You sighed as you held out your hands to take Gage. You loosened your towel enough to free one of your breasts as Kels got up, threw on a pair of boxers, and grabbed you a dry shirt of his to wear to bed. “Honey, I don’t know if I can go back to that…”
“So we don’t go back.” He interrupted quickly as he came back over and sat back down in front of you. “We start from where we are; tattooed parents that just smoke weed, and get on each others nerves more often than not.”
“That have never been on a date or done anything but fuck, and party. And what about the road, huh? What about the sluts…?”
“Fuck the sluts.” He said with a swipe of his hand. “The only slut I need in my life is you.”
“Wow.” You said as a small smile pulled at the corner of your lips. “First I was a thot, but I’m a slut now. I see how it is.”
“Oh you were always a slut, babe.” He chuckled as he laid down and gently wrapped his hand around your ankle. “Like that kinky shit you did with your tongue.”
“Colson, I am feeding our child here.” You laughed as you gently kicked out your foot toward his arm. “Do not talk about our sexcapades in front of the baby.”
“Then there was always that thing I did with my tongue.” He teased absentmindedly as he laid down on the bed on his back and pushed your shopping bags out of the way. “And my fingers…”
“You better quit while you’re ahead, Mr. Baker.” You huffed as you pushed him with your foot. “Set up the pack and play. I need a cigarette.”
“Doesn’t that hurt? Your nipples used to be so fucking sensitive…”
“Only when he bites now. Apparently, thanks to your spawn, I now have rocks instead of nipples.”
“Mmmm so Daddy gets a go at those fun bags next?”
“Set up the play pen, Colson.”
Part 4
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storiesforallfandoms · 5 years ago
surprise! ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1078
request: yes!
@kellysimagines: “I was wondering if you could do an imagine with this video. Like where he is on hotel diablo tour and she tells him shes pregnant on facetime and she films it cause she is a vlogger”
description: while on tour, colson receives the best news of his life
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, but mainly lots of fluff!
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You paced the room anxiously, a mixture of excited and incredibly nervous. You glanced at your phone every now and then, almost willing it to ring. Colson was at a soundcheck, but promised you he would call you the minute it was over. That was a little over an hour ago, which meant he should be finishing soon and calling you at any moment. You weren’t sure if you were excited for the phone to ring, or nervous. You tried to convince yourself not to be nervous, this was good news, he was going to be excited! But it was easier to say that than to believe it.
To calm your nerves, you pulled out your vlogging camera and decided to do the one thing that always calmed you down - filming.
You held your camera at an arm’s length away and hit record.
“Hey guys!” you started with a cheery smile. “It’s me, but you already knew that. Currently at my house on this beautiful day waiting for Colson to FaceTime me. It’s been super sucky since he left, I miss him so much, but he’s been killing it on his Hotel Diablo tour. If you guys have seen him live at any of his dates, comment down below what you thought of the show and what was your favourite song.”
As you went to continue speaking, your phone chimed. You looked down to see that it was Colson trying to FaceTime you. Your heart began to beat so fast you were sure it was going to beat out of your chest. You reached down for your phone, still filming on your camera, and set the phone up on your desk. You set up your camera in a way that Colson wouldn’t see it, and made sure that you had everything.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down before answering.
Colson’s face popped up on the screen. When he saw that you had answered, he smiled brightly, causing you to smile. He really knew how to calm you down, even when he didn’t even know you were upset.
“Hi baby,” he said. “You wanted me to call? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, nonchalantly. “I just miss you.”
Colson laughed. “Really? You texted me to ask me to call you right away because you miss me?”
You scoff. “Is that so hard to believe? You’ve been gone for months! I don’t get to see you all that often besides the odd FaceTime every now and then. I miss you!”
“Fine,” Colson laughed, rolling his eyes. “I’ll believe you that’s all you wanted to say.”
“Well actually,” you said, looking down at your hands. It was now or never. “I went to the doctor today.”
Colson’s eyebrow shot up in concern. “What? How come? Are you okay baby?”
You nod quickly. “Oh yeah! I’m fine! I was just feeling really sick, bad stomach, headaches, all that. I thought at first it was just a stomach bug, but it was lasting a while so I went to the doctor just to make sure everything was okay. He said all is fine, I’m healthy as a horse.”
Colson nodded. “Okay, that’s good. You had me worried there. So, what was it?”
You couldn’t contain the smile on your face as you reached beside you to grab the ultrasound. “It’s this little guy.”
You held up the picture of the little fetus currently growing inside your stomach for Colson to see. He was silent for a moment, just staring at the screen. Your heart immediately dropped to your stomach as you waited for his reaction. Suddenly, you weren’t so sure that he was going to be okay with it. The longer he didn’t talk, the more your worry grew.
You opened your mouth to say something, or rather to beg him to say something, when suddenly he stood up and exclaimed with excitement, startling you and anyone else who was in the room with him (as it seemed he wasn’t alone).
“Holy fuck!” he screamed. “Oh my fucking God!”
You laughed as you watched him get up and literally do a jump for joy. He took a minute to get his excitement out before quickly grabbing his phone again. “Show it to me again, baby. Just so I know I didn’t just see things.”
You were smiling like an idiot as you held up the ultrasound again. You could see the tears starting to form in Colson’s eyes as he attempted to blink them away. “Oh my God, is that real?”
“It’s so real,” you responded. “If you need further proof, I have these.” You held up the two positive pregnancy tests you had taken before going to the doctor, the two things that pushed you to make the appointment. “I made another appointment the day after you’re supposed to get home if you wanna see the ultrasound for yourself, then we have the appointment to find out the gender in a few months time.”
“How far along are you?” Colson asked. “Wait, stupid question, I’ve been on tour for like three months, you gotta be at least that, right?”
“I’m like two months along,” you told him. “They say that it takes a month for the conception to set in or some shit.”
“Do you have a bump yet?”
You giggled as you stood up to show Colson your slightly bloated stomach. It didn’t poke out enough for it to be super noticeable yet, but you could see the slightest bit of weight you had already put on.
Colson howled with excitement yet again. “That’s my baby mama!”
The guys in the room, his band and his closest friends, got up to congratulate him and you. Happiness was hitting you in waves as Colson continued to talk about his excitement for the baby. Suddenly, you felt extremely silly for even worrying. You knew this would end up good and you would both be happy.
When Colson finally hung up, after having to be convinced by his friends because he had to get ready for the show, you put your phone down and picked up your camera, almost forgetting it was recording. “I’ll have to see how much of that Colson will actually be okay with me using. This probably won’t be up for a long time, I’ll wait for him to come home before I put it up. But there you guys go, Baby Baker #2 is on the way!”
Omg this is so short I’m so sorry :/ I hope you enjoyed either way!
570 notes · View notes
storiesforallfandoms · 5 years ago
remember me ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2174
request?: yes
@xxkellsvixen19xx “A request for Colson Baker x Reader fic where shortly after they are married (few months) she’s in a car accident with amnesia and he helps her remember that plus that she’s pregnant (which is shortly before that happens but she had forgotten) please and thank you”
description: in which colson must help his wife remember who he is
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, some sadness
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Colson raced down the hallway of the hospital. His shoes weren’t even properly tied, his coat was half off, and he realized upon getting out of the car he realized he hadn’t even taken his wallet. When he received the call, he raced out of the house in a flash and got to the hospital so fast that the car ride was all a blur.
He walked up to the first desk he could find, trying to find his voice.
“I-I need to-to know where (Y/N) Baker is,” he stuttered.
“What’s your relation to Mrs. Baker?” the woman at the desk asked.
“I’m her husband,” Colson responded, flashing his ring as if that were the evidence the woman needed. “I’m Colson Baker, I was talking to someone like 20 minutes ago. He said my wife was brought in after a bad car accident, but he wouldn’t give me any more details over the phone. Please, I need to see her.”
The woman pointed Colson to where (Y/N)’s room was. He mumbled a quick thank you and raced down the hallway. As he approached the door, a doctor was walking out. The doctor put his hands out to stop Colson.
“Are you Mr. Baker?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m fucking Mr. Baker. Can I see my goddamn wife?” Colson snapped.
“Mr. Baker, I understand that this is a very emotional time, but I need to give tell you what happened to your wife before you go in there,” the doctor explained. Tears were pricking Colson’s eyes. He wiped them away and nodded, not trusting his own voice to speak. “Your wife was in a serious car accident, Mr. Baker. A driver blew a stop sign as she was driving through and t-boned her on the driver’s side. The impact was pretty severe, she hit her head off the window and was rendered unconscious at the scene. Luckily, the paramedics got to the scene very quickly and managed to get to her before any permanent damage could be done...however...”
“However?” Colson prompted.
“She may have some brain damage,” the doctor finished. “Her brain has some swelling, however that should go down by the time she wakes up but we can’t promise that there won’t be any side effects to that.”
“Side effects like what?” Colson asked.
“She may have some speech problems, she may have to learn basic motor functions again, and she may have some memory loss. We cannot tell you how far back the memory loss could effect, but I wanted to warn you in case it’s as far back as your wedding. I’ve seen many a brain damage victims wake up and not remember their loved ones and how hard that is for the loved ones. I try to give a warning in case.”
Colson nodded, although the thought of his loving wife waking up and forgetting him tore his heart out.
“We just found out she was pregnant,” Colson said. “Like just found out maybe a week ago. Do you guys know if the baby is okay?”
“We can do some testing to make sure,” the doctor said. “We’ll let you know as soon as the results came back.” The doctor stepped aside. “You may go see her, but please try to keep as calm as you can. Even unconscious she’ll be able to sense your presence and it’s best for her recovering to remain as calm as you can.”
Colson nodded again. He tried to take a deep breath and pull himself together, but he found it incredibly hard. He wasn’t sure what to expect when he walked through the door, but he knew he wanted to see her. He knew he had to.
When he opened the door he couldn’t help but suck in a breath. Laying there on the hospital bed was his beautiful wife, so pale he was afraid she was lifeless, with a large scar on the side of her head, where she had hit the window and needed to be stitched back up. Colson crossed the room to sit at the chair next to her bed. He reached out and took one of her cold hands in his and squeezed it slightly.
“I’m right here, baby,” he whispered. “I’m gonna stay here till you wake up.”
One painful week later, things were starting to look up. (Y/N)’s injuries were starting to heal and she was beginning to look like herself again. But she was still asleep. The doctor assured Colson that that was a good thing as it gave her body time to rest and recuperate.
Colson kept true to his word and stayed right in the chair next to her bed, waiting patiently for her to wake up. He cancelled any interviews and shows he had and had to tell Cassie, who was in a frenzy of her own, that he would come to get her as soon as (Y/N) woke up. The only times he moved from the chair were to get a shower, and even then he only went as far as the bathroom attached to (Y/N)’s hospital room.
He stepped out of the bathroom one day, fresh from a shower wearing clean clothes that Rook had brought for him, his hair still dripping wet, to find his wife lying in the hospital bed with her eyes open.
He wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He wanted to rush to her and hug her tightly, to kiss her and tell her how happy he was that she was awake, but he knew that he still couldn’t overwhelm her too much. He wasn’t sure how much her brain still needed to heal, plus he didn’t want to overwhelm her too much when she was just awake.
“(Y/N),” he finally said, as calmly as he could. “You’re awake.”
“Where am I?” she asked.
“You’re in a hospital,” Colson explained, sitting himself down next to her again. “You were in a serious accident about a week ago. You had a bit of brain damage and you were bleeding a lot, you’ve been recovering very quickly though, and the doctors say that’s great.”
She nodded, although she still looks lost. “And...and who are you?”
The words he had been dreading all week. Hearing them felt like a knife through his heart. He tried to keep back the tears that were threatening to fall down his face. “I’m - uh - I’m your husband, Colson.”
Her eyes widened and she looked down at the ring on her left ring finger. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I...I don’t remember...oh God I feel awful.”
“No, don't apologize,” Colson said, taking her hand in his. “I was warned that a bit of memory loss was a possibility. It’s okay, I’m willing to try and help you remember.”
(Y/N) nodded. She opened her mouth to say something else when a knock came at the door and the doctor came in. He smiled at (Y/N). “Well, look who’s awake. How do you feel, Mrs. Baker?”
“Confused,” she responded, causing Colson to chuckle.
“That was a possibility,” the doctor said with a nod. “Listen, we can do this in your own time, but we did tell your husband that once you were awake and ready that we needed to do another test on you to check on the health of your baby.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she looked back at Colson. “I’m pregnant? I’ve always wanted to be a mom.”
Colson smiled. “We only found out a week ago. You found out then you planned out this elaborate way to tell me, you even set up a camera to film it, but you were so excited that you just blurted it out the minute I walked through the door. I have the video still if you want to see it.”
Tears were starting to form in (Y/N)’s eyes and Colson could see the sadness and frustration starting to grow in her face. “Yeah, yeah I’d love to see it. But I um...I think I should do this testing first. Even if I don’t remember it, I want this baby to be okay.”
Another week later, (Y/N) was discharged to go home on the condition that she continued to get a lot of bed rest. After a few tests at the hospital, the doctors confirmed that the baby was okay and was still very healthy, but advised her to get regular monthly check ups in order to make sure the baby remained healthy.
On the drive home, she watched the video on Colson’s phone of her telling him that she was pregnant. She kept replaying the video, as if hoping that re-watching it would jog her memories of the event. But Colson could tell that the video was just making her more sad that she forgot it.
“Who’s Cassie?” she asked as she listened to the old her on the video announce, “Cassie’s gonna be a big sister!”
“That’s my daughter,” Colson responded. “Your step-daughter. She adores you, and you her. You guys are basically inseparable. She’s been worried sick about you.”
(Y/N) finally locked the phone and passed it back to Colson. “I don’t even remember who she is.”
“I know,” Colson sighed. “But I’ll help you to remember. The doctor said pictures and videos should help jog your memory, and we have plenty of those.”
Upon stepping into the house, (Y/N) was met with dozens of memories of herself and Colson and Cassie. There were pictures on the wall of Colson and (Y/N) on their wedding day, pictures lining the tables of different memories; their first date, their first award show red carpet, pictures of the three of them at Disney together. (Y/N) walked through the house, taking in every piece of it in hopes it would jog her memory of something.
“What are these awards?” she questioned, pointing some of Colson’s music awards that he had on display. “You’re famous?”
“Don’t tell me you forget that far back,” Colson said with a teasing smile. “I’m a rapper and an actor. That’s how we met, you got tickets to an award show and we got to talking on the red carpet. You gave me your number.”
(Y/N)’s eyes lit up. “Wait, yes! Okay, that sounds familiar. I saved up for months to try and get to this award show that was being held in my hometown. I went with my best friend, she freaked out when you walked down the red carpet because she was such a fan. She was so jealous when you flirted with me, even more so when I gave you my number and you actually responded.”
Colson chuckled. “Yeah, she won’t let either of us live that down. She even made it a whole story in her Maid of Honor speech.”
“That makes sense,” (Y/N) said, nodding. “I...I kind of remember some of these things. I have some blurs of the scenery around the picture, but I can’t see any faces or remember exactly where or what happened.”
“That’s okay,” Colson told her. “The doctors said it’ll take some time, but don’t strain yourself or you could really hurt your head more.”
(Y/N) nodded. Tears started to form in her eyes again as she sat down on her and Colson’s shared bed, another place she couldn’t even remember. Colson was quick to sit by her side as she began to sob into her hands. He rubbed her back soothingly, assuring her everything would be okay.
“I’m sorry,” she said through tears. “I’m really sorry for all of this. I feel awful, we have all these memories and we’re married and we’re having a fucking baby! And I can’t remember any of it! I feel so awful.”
“Hey, stop that,” Colson told her. “None of this is your fault, it’s the fault of the asshole who decided they wanted to run a stop sign. We’re going to get your memories back, I promise. No matter how long it takes, I’ll be here through every step of the process, as long as you want me here.”
(Y/N) looked at Colson. He took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, taking him by surprise. Despite not remembering any of their past kisses, (Y/N) kissed him so naturally. He expected it to be a while before she felt comfortable enough to even want to stay in the same bed as him.
When she pulled away, she smiled at Colson. “I may not remember much of our relationship, but I do know that I love you. I know that you’re the father of my child, and you’re the love of my life. If there’s anyone I want to be by my side while I regain my memories, it’s definitely you.”
Colson smiled back at her. “Well then I promise to stay forever.”
I hope you enjoyed your imagine! For anyone who is also reading my “Not So Bad” series (not the official title just yet, I don’t really have one right now) and you want to be tagged in it, just let me know in the notes of that imagine and I’ll tag you in part two! (Which hopefully will be up by Saturday at the latest)
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