#pregnancy woes
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cha-lyn · 3 months ago
Third trimester is getting out of bed before my alarm goes off bc my body is aching
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I am so sick. So so sick. I have some sort of respiratory infection meets mild flu, on top of pregnancy symptoms. I can't really take anything either (or at least I'm not willing to). I really just need a reprieve from the coughing, tight chest, chills and constant nausea.
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mademoisellesarcasme · 1 year ago
my joints are a disaster and i am not being brave about it
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evilanddangerious · 3 months ago
A guy at work asked me today how I was still here (working) and like, I don't have the heart to tell people that even though I'm 38 weeks pregnant, in near-constant pain or discomfort, and being induced in less than 2 weeks, I still somehow feel guilty for not working up til I give birth. This whole time I was expecting to just end up going into labor WHILE at work. I feel like an idiot now for waiting as long as I did to take my leave, because we still have shit to do to prepare, but fuck.
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lilwifeynextdoor · 5 months ago
Baby number 6 to be anticipated?
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^Picture I sent Grant while he was at work a few weeks ago!
I have an announcement to make! It's been so hard to keep secret but I usually like to wait til 10 weeks to tell anyone besides my husband. I'M PREGNANT!
Baby #6 is on the way!
When I hit 6 weeks with this pregnancy is when I really started noticing symptoms. I've been so lucky and I've never really experienced nausea/ morning sickness before. Honestly having to excuse myself and scurry to the bathroom made me feel so stereotypically pregnant- seeing it as a life imitating art kind of moment is helping me through dealing with it. Nausea and vomiting is not fun but I did enjoy already feeling so pregnant without even showing yet.
Around week 7 and 8 is when I started to get intense food cravings I've already been annoying Grant telling him to get cherry pop tarts on his way home from work everyday. It's all I want to eat, my food aversions are the strongest they've ever been- I haven't experienced this before but pepper is so nasty to me currently.
Fatigue has also been a big symptom for me so far. My doctor is assuring me it's normal and in about a month I should feel less tired. Recently all I've been doing is eating, sleeping, breastfeeding and pumping. Breast tenderness is somewhat of a constant for me, but in preparation for baby #6 I can feel it has amped up they've gotten a strange tingling pain to them that jolts through me randomly. And I've already ballooned up another size which I'm surprised by but also I feel I should have expected since I am pregnant and breastfeeding, I need to buy new bras again.
I'm so excited to post more actively again and keep you all updated<3
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cha-lyn · 2 months ago
I made a whole ass lasagna with sausage that went bad 😭😭😭
It smells good now that it’s baked.
I’m just sitting on the couch crying lmao
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lilwifeynextdoor · 1 month ago
Sorry it's been some time since I last did an update!
Today I'm 26 Weeks and 6 Days along with the twins!
I'm getting bigger every day, and I love it. I can't believe I'm already so close to the end of the second trimester, third trimester here we come!
Round ligament pain is something I'm not a stranger to, but the twins are already pushing me to my limits. My under belly is always sore and achy. Getting up from sitting or lying down hurts so bad. And laughing or sneezing feels like little sparks of pain go from the sides of my belly to the bottom. The pain is definitely worse when I'm moving so I've gotten pretty lazy and am resting whenever I can. My feet are swollen and I've been getting leg cramps as well, so I prop my feet up often as well.
I am really feeling the brain drain. Pregnancy brain is so real it's crazy. It's always been so interesting to me that pregnancy really does alter my brain, and that during pregnancy my brain actually functions differently. I've been so dumb! Just zapped of energy and forgetful. I forgot my own phone number the other day. I keep forgetting the laundry in the machine. I'm having to check and triple check recipes a million times, forgetting what I'm doing half way through. Forgetting how much of this, how much of that, where's the olive oil? In my hand.
Anyway, just checking in to say all is well and everyone is healthy and happy!
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cha-lyn · 3 months ago
This baby is kicking the hell out of me
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harpershigh · 1 month ago
About 40 years before the events of Baldur's Gate 3...
Lyra is getting some big news @starsofnyx
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Jaheira sat by the hearth, her hands folded tightly in her lap as she watched the flames flicker and dance, casting shadows along the stone walls. Her fingers trembled as she pressed one hand against her lower abdomen, murmuring the incantation for Detect Life under her breath. The magic rippled through her body like a gentle tide, warm and all-encompassing. And then she felt it — small, faint, but unmistakably still there. A heartbeat. A tiny, rhythmic pulse fluttering within her womb.
She froze, the sensation leaving her breathless, just like it did the very first time she felt it. It was impossible. It had to be. Her hand stayed rooted there, her thoughts spinning in a storm of disbelief and fragile hope. She was sterile. Always had been, as far back as she could remember, and her current age didn't help her in the slightest. Her pregnancies, brief and tragic, had been little more than cruel reminders of that fact. Some of them were bloody, others painful, and some were over before they could even truly begin. She had stopped hoping long ago, burying those dreams deep under layers of pragmatism and survival.
But now... now there was this.
Her lips parted as she stared at nothing, the hearth’s warmth suddenly feeling like too much. Was it a mistake? A cruel trick of her aging body? Or was it real? She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or bury the knowledge deep down where it couldn’t hurt her. A life was growing inside her — fragile, vulnerable, a flicker of light in the darkness she’d grown so accustomed to.
A part of her, the part that had learned to armor herself against loss, whispered not to hope. Not to let her heart rise, only to have it shattered again. Yet another part of her — small, insistent, and terrifyingly tender — prayed that this time, it would be different. That this time, she would have a chance.
Her eyes flicked to the door as her nerves redoubled. Lyra might be still at her meeting, and Jaheira felt an aching need for her presence, for her steadying words. Would Lyra even believe her? Did she believe herself? Her hand lingered on her abdomen, as if the simple act of feeling that faint, impossible heartbeat might anchor her to the present.
The door creaked in the distance, and her heart leapt in time with the tiny pulse she now knew was there. Jaheira bit her lip so hard she tasted the faint, metallic tang of blood.
Should she tell Lyra? Could she? The idea alone made her stomach churn. What if this hope crumbled as quickly as it had appeared? Would she burden Lyra with that same fragile hope only to see it snuffed out? She took a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady herself, but the moment the door creaked open and Lyra stepped inside, all her composure fled.
Jaheira shot to her feet, her movements restless and nervous. She began pacing, her bare feet scuffing the wooden floor as she circled the other woman like it was some dangerous predator she had yet to name. "Lyra, hm..." Words danced on the tip of her tongue, but none of them felt right. How could she possibly explain this? How could she share something so wondrous and terrifying in equal measure? She glanced at Lyra, her heart pounding, and opened her mouth — then closed it again, unsure if she should leap or hold the secret close just a little longer.
She stopped mid-step, her hands trembling slightly as she clenched them at her sides. No more pacing. No more circling. Jaheira swallowed hard, her voice catching in her throat as she forced herself to speak.
“I—” She hesitated, took a deep breath, and tried again, her words tumbling out unbidden. “There’s… something you need to know.”
She looked down, one hand drifting to her stomach as though to steady herself — or to feel the faint heartbeat again, as if it might ground her in some way. “I… I’m pregnant.” She said, her voice quiet, trembling. “I don’t know how. I mean, we both know how, but— Argh! It shouldn’t be possible, not for me, not after everything, but—” Her words faltered, and her shoulders slumped as she met Lyra’s eyes, her own filled with a mix of fear and wonder.
“I couldn’t keep this from you,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. “You deserve to know. I just… I don’t know what this means, or what will happen. But I had to tell you.”
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daemo-ut · 1 year ago
huh. how does the metaphysics of all this... work? like. sans, i assume your lifeforce isn't being tapped into in the standard Boss Monster Manner. does this mean toriel experiences twice the aging? or is it more complicated than that?
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* ...You seem weirdly invested in this subject.
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sparkyblizz · 6 months ago
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I've edited this since so this specific iteration of the joke won't make it into the final cut but I still think it's funny so have this
have this added bonus from my friend that I think is just as funny
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anestofmuses · 5 days ago
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"Anyone got heatpads? My everything hurts."
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chubbywolfmama · 2 years ago
This is harder to do than it looks!
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valkguard · 2 months ago
angela has been on battlefields. she has had bullets zip by her head, just an inch away. she’s been in horrific disaster zones, willing to put herself in danger to save those who cannot save themselves. she’s done all of this and more, yet somehow this feels like the most frightening thing of all.
the message had been sent — i need to talk to you in person — and, to lawrence’s credit, he had wasted no time in acquiring a hotel room, an address sent in reply. he usually does that ; it’s become a part of their custom when she’s stationed somewhere for long periods of time. the thing is though, they weren’t supposed to be seeing each other this time. he had left, off to play the role of chess master once again, moving all the pieces in his little games, and she was supposed to leave for another mission. in theory, nice and simple.
in reality, it’s anything but.
now, here she sits on a luxury hotel room’s couch, waiting whilst lawrence goes about fixing tea for them. she’s grateful for the delay ; it gives her more time to think.
there isn’t an easy way to tell him what she’s here for. there should be — she’s a doctor, used to delivering diagnoses and the like. kind and caring, yet still somehow managing to be detached from it. this is different, though. this is very different. she’s been given so much time to come up with how she wants to say it — days spent in her office thinking about it, and it still doesn’t feel any easier.
when he returns to her side, cups of tea placed upon the coffee table, angela looks up. blue eyes meet, and in that moment, she briefly considers the idea of turning and bolting out of the room, apologizing for the inconvenience and saying that it was all a big misunderstanding.
she won’t, though. that isn’t her style.
instead, angela reaches for her tea. the warmth of the cup against her fingertips is welcome, a grounding sensation that helps her keep her nerve. lawrence sits down on the sofa next to her, and despite all the planning she’s done for this moment about the best way to tell him, the words are coming out of her mouth almost immediately : “ i’m pregnant, lawrence. ”
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fixaidea · 2 years ago
My art is almost exclusively motivated by wanting a character to get a hug.
Not terribly exciting or deep, but that’s what I can offer.
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disarminglybright · 7 months ago
I sorta get why people say "a/b/o tropes are just mimicking heterosexuality for gay people" but a part of me can't ignore the elephant in the room which is: you mean the mpreg au? You see men getting pregnant and think "ah yes the heterosexuals would love this!" Male pregnancy? We are calling male pregnancy heteronormative?
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