#preferably no call of cuthulu
cahmsandiego · 10 months
Anyone out there who could recommend some horror ttrpg actual plays (preferably podcasts) with a similar vibe to candela obscura? I have a mighty need.
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I like reading but I have bad reading comprehension and can't read books I dont like..unfortunately for me, my favorite thing to read is classical horror. But my pea brain can't understand shit. I rlly wanted to read Lovecraft. Took an hour to read the call of cuthulu. It was good tho, but I probably missed half of it because I have poor reading comprehension.
I try to read books that are more my level and that i can understand and i do like them a lot but the issue is that I really much prefer classical stuff. Not bcs im pretentious, i just do. (i used to comprehend reading. I got an almost perfect score on the English part of the ACT when I was 15. But for some reason, I got brain rot during the time in between then and can not understand words anymore :) unless it's smut )
I have been reasing Dracula for a year. I think im almost finished but it's. Its really fucking difficult when I take hours to read like 20 pages
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn more about your mutuals and followers 💕✨
Wow, I actually had to think hard about this because many of my answers have changed since lockdown.
Pre lockdown (in no specific order) :
Just simply going to university, I earned my place there through hard work and I enjoyed learning more about the various subjects my degree covers.
The freedom living away from home gave me. My relationship with my parents is cival at the best of times so have the freedom to do whatever I want is a blessing I'm missing.
Control. Having control over my life makes me feel happy and like u actually have things together (I really don't). This can mean giving myself Aa haircut, dying my hair, getting piercings, any small act that's something only I can control.
Cooking. I love (mostly) ignoring recipes and making my own, just throwing food together just to see how it turns out.
My friends. Despite the anxiety hanging out with my friends often gives me, it's just as often a chance to let loose, relax and have fun.
During lockdown (in no specific order) :
My room. Shutting myself away in my room to do whatever I want makes me happy. I can pretend I'm up in Nottingham, hiding away in my house up there back at university.
Having stuff to do. This can be literally anything, but if it has to be done I enjoy doing it. I like being busy, I get bored very easily.
My games nights with my friends. It took us a bit of practice to get it down to the fine art it now is, but I love the late nights I spent playing games online with my friends. It's a breath back to normalcy as it's something I would do every week when at university.
My Wednesday D&D game. I might not be the closest friends with the people I play D&d with on Wednesday's but that's part of the appeal of it! I have zero tact and almost no social skills so if I do something wrong with them, I can just play it off as part of my character.
My weekly socially distanced meet ups with my friends. This makes me happy because it's something we've done for a long time. Whenever we can, we meet up once a week for D&d or just to hang out. Both are fun, but I much prefer the D&D days (or Call of Cuthulu which we've started doing) as I have a character to hide behind, which lessons the anxiety I feel greatly.
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the-ghost-writers · 6 years
Monster BF headcanons
Cause why not? But really it’s because some peeps on discord ( @punkpoppunkpop @aurumdragonfly and a few others) wanted to know what kinda boyfriend their favorite monsters would be, and I was happy to oblige.
You met him by walking past while he was training and you stopped to watch.
With an audience, he felt the need to really show off and go hard to show just how strong he is.
He sauntered up to you expecting you to be smitten. 
You were, but you caught him off guard with your praise from calling him cute.
 He got flustered, which made him stutter, which made him even more flustered. 
At least once a day you remind him of how much of a dork he was when yall first met. 
He hushes you by wrapping you up in a bear hug where he squeezes just tight enough to keep you from speaking. 
He really likes carrying you around.
Play with his beard and he'll melt. 
Loads more under the cut. (Shoot an ask if you want a headcanon of a species that isn’t listed)
You originally met because he was hunting you but then he got so caught up in talking with you that he forgot he was hungry.
Regularly takes you on flying trips because he likes flying and likes spending time with you, so doing both is amazing to him.
Has no arms so he uses his neck to wrap around and "hug" you.
Tends to perch (like a bird) on anything and everything.
Gets overexcited and tackles you to the ground if you've been apart.
Immediately apologizes.
Loves to smother you with kisses at a rapid-fire pace.
Curls around and tucks you under his wing when it's time for bed.
You just wanted to swim in the ocean when you happen to cut yourself and managed to bleed in just the wrong or right spot to summon him. 
Horrifying cause he's over 20 stories tall and doesn't like shrinking down. 
Still shrinks down so he can be held by you when he's feeling touched starved.
Has trouble speaking any human language so he uses his hands for communication.
Sometimes forgets that you need air to breathe and his kisses leave you light headed.
Most people go mad if they look into his eyes, so do you but you fall mad in love.
Knows people are afraid of him, but he wants to be with you so he sneaks around to steal you away for a trip to the ocean floor (don't worry, he has a way to let you breathe.) 
His Earth home is a massive cave littered with glittering crystals. 
He’s absolutely teeny, not to mention tiny, but he acts like he's the biggest man around. 
Shout everything without realizing it. 
He's just really energetic. 
Feels the need to defend your "honor" from everything. 
Sometimes he'll try to fight someone for just looking at you. 
You have to stop him cause he really isn't a fighter. 
Despite his mishaps, he loves you more than anything. 
When you asked why he “protects” you so much, he said kobolds always protect their treasure. 
Seriously, he's like waist high. 
Really good at fixing things tho, not a single door in your house squeaks and he fixed you A/C in under an hour.
Large and in charge. 
Literally, he's 8 feet and built with the purpose of being a security guard. 
After his day job is over, he goes and spends the rest of his time with you. 
Doesn't need sleep, just to recharge, so if he's plugged in then he can stay up with you all night. 
Or really until you fall asleep
To sleep in bed with you, you two installed a special charging station in your bedroom that use cords to charge him and allow him to lay in bed with you. 
The cords are on his back so he's always the big spoon.
A very, very big spoon. 
Constantly upgrading his body to be more comfortable for you. 
His latest upgrade was heating plates for when you're cuddling together. 
Sometimes speaks in robot which is apparently a thing they don’t like doing in front of humans and it’s a whole lotta beeps and whirrs before he remembers who he's talking to and tries again.
The biggest grump you know. 
Although he's notably less grumpy with you than he is with others.
A scowl is always on his face but sometimes he forces it to keep up his image.
"What do you mean I need new clothes? My loincloth only has three tears in it." 
Excellent sense of direction. 
Really likes tight spaces.
Won't admit that he likes it when you're sitting on his shoulders. 
Run your fingers through his leg fur and it'll bristle. 
Hates the cold and will shamelessly use you as a personal heater. 
Actually woke up in a museum, you were the only one around at a time.
At an utter loss of why he's not in the afterlife.
He followed you home thinking it was a path to the beyond.
Was not happy when he learned it wasn't.
Not all too concerned because he thinks he'll get there eventually.
Calmed down but didn't leave your home because he had nowhere else to go.
Still thinks he's in Egypt and that only a few years have passed since his death. 
Won’t tell you who he was in life because he knows that it bugs you that you don’t know who he was.
Doesn't like seeing what's under his wraps but will show you if asked. 
After a while, he learns he has a bit of magic and can levitate things. 
Levitates you towards him and wraps you up (He doesn't get the joke) in his arms so he has something to hold. 
Doesn't actually realize he's falling for you until months later when you're already practically a couple. 
Thinks technology is magic even a year has passed since he woke up and you’ve explained what a smartphone is seven times now. 
Walks around on four legs and is as big as a 15 story building. 
Regularly gets in fights with other kaiju, wins every other one.
Will come home (to your home, his is the ocean) victorious and start gloating about how amazing he is until you join in.
It’s because he adores your praise. 
If he lost, he'll be whimpering for you to take care of him (can't do much other than kiss it better but he has regeneration.) 
You're starting to wonder if he gets in so many fights so you'll give him attention. 
Speaks broken English and his voice is gravely. 
Lays on top of you if you try to leave when he doesn't want you to. 
Doesn't care that your work won't take "a giant kaiju sat on me" as an excuse for being late. 
Eastern Dragon 
"Respect your elders" any time you disagree with him in the slightest. 
Always floating around, hasn't touched the ground or been still in 50 years. 
Stubby arms.
He's sensitive about it. 
Twirls his mustache and cackles like a villain when he's being a little shit. 
"I'm the most humble person I know." 
Sometimes he'll take you up in the air and hold you in his coils to get you alone. 
Changes size a lot, sometimes he's the size of a train and sometimes he's the size of a shoelace. 
Gives dumb people sass but has yet to sass you. 
Sometimes you wonder if he's a werewolf or a weregolden retriever. 
Always eating but never gains weight. (A nice combination of a good metabolism and a daily shape-shifting transformation that burns through thousands of calories.)
Snerks when someone starts talking about an “Alpha” werewolf.
Sheds like a bitch. (He DOES get the joke) 
His kisses are just lots of face licks.
Will start gnawing on your leg/arm if you ignore him too much. 
If you're not physically touching him to some extent he gets upset.
Super fluffy and surprisingly muscular.
Prefers his meats raw. 
Doesn't like fish. 
At all. 
An utter slut for head scritches.
A total jokester.
Feels weird being naked. 
Will be naked for a prank tho. 
Skeletor is his idol.
Part-time job at the high school science lab. 
Knows every vine and meme there is.
Uses his bones to play songs. 
Don't call him sans. 
Don't ask him for a hand either, he'll toss his detached hand to you. 
"I've got a boner" 
"Rattles me bones!" 
Dressed up as Jack Skellington for Halloween. 
Originally tried to kill you but you were so pitiful cute that he stopped.
Once he deemed that you’re not a threat, he started ignoring you. 
Because your home is so close to his, his started seeing you as a part of his territory.
Eventually stopped being agitated by you and grew comfortable enough to not be on guard around you.
Rescued you from a bandit raid once but wouldn’t let you go home after, took you to his home.
It’s your new home, he’s your new roommate. 
Always wants you in his sight, he’ll follow you if you leave and corral you back to his cave if you wander too far off. 
Intelligent but doesn’t speak a lick of English, although has come to learn and react to a few key phrases “Hi, Love you, Fuck.”
That last one has led to a few problems when you shouted it in pain and he misinterpreted it. 
If he spends enough time outside in the day, he’ll glow in the dark in his cave. 
It used to make you sick but you grew used to it you might have radiation poisoning. 
He doesn’t care for his glowing body parts until he noticed your interest in him grows when he glows. 
Allows you to freely explore him. 
“Laughs” when you touch his teeth (he doesn’t understand why you’re fascinated by them but they’re so big that you just have to touch.) 
Wyvern 2.0 
So liked that he got an encore
When he’s excited, he wags his tail but that makes him lose balance, so sometimes he’ll fall over when he first sees you. 
The lack of arms means he uses his head to nudge everything, and his tongue when it’s something delicate to handle. 
Definitely a morning person. 
He always wakes up before the sun rises, but he won’t try to leave the bed/nest until you’re up as well.
While you sleep, and especially while he’s waiting for you to wake up, he combs his wing tips along your soft spots because he likes the face you make when you’re comfortable. 
Can not be faulted being too big, you’re just too small. 
Really likes emeralds for some reason, he’s not sure why. 
When you lie next to him, you can hear his heartbeat and how it beats faster from you being near.
A self-appointed guardian of the forest. 
Said forest is in your backyard. 
Notices you taking care of plants and thinks of you as a friend. 
Shocked when he reveals himself and you get excited. 
He expected you to be scared, not bouncing with excitement. 
Indulges you in your request to know more about him and shows all he can do, from manipulating plants to lifting boulders. 
Turns smug when you’re in awe of his body but is humbled from how soft you are and how much he likes touching you. 
Compares you to that of a flower and himself as a tree.
After that day, he starts inviting you to tea using the herbs he grows and shows off his pretty flowers. 
Gives you a flower crown that’s enchanted to never wilt. 
Fascinated by the glass objects in your house. 
Feels guilty for tracking dirt into your house.
You’ve actually known him since he was a child because you two grew up together. 
Separate homes tho, his family lived in a forest beside your family’s home.
You both know the ins and outs of each other what with you two being best friends.
Puberty treated him very well and he grew to be very strong. 
In time, the aftermath of your wrestling sessions (if you win it’s only because he LET you win) went from the two of you finding food to laying together and watching the sky. 
He can’t speak aside from squawking, so you have to carry the conversations along. 
You can typically ride on his back to get to places. 
He bumps his beak against your head in his way of giving kisses. 
Belly rubs slay him. 
Taurus Demon 
Very open about his sexuality. 
Also one of the bigger demons around so he doesn’t worry about much. 
Spends his time waiting for the chosen undead laying around with you. 
Likes it when you’re laying on top or against him cause it lets him play with you.
Happy rumbles when he sees you.
“Look at my boyfriend! He’s so fucking small!” 
Really wants to train you to fight.
Lays in a bed of fire with you on top of him, his body protecting you from the heat.
Really blushy if he ever forgets his loincloth. 
Doesn’t realize that shouting at people to not look will only draw their attention.
Capra demon 
Tall but feels short for a demon. 
Actually a really good dancer (he pretends he’s using his swords.) 
Dog person. 
Likes to get into “friendly” competitions with you.
He’ll try to let you win but he’s too competitive. 
Wants to explore the world with you.
Thinks magic is really cool. 
Fuck shields tho. 
Really likes being the little spoon. 
You two met underneath a flickering street lamp.
Neither of you actually noticed each other until he bumped into you. 
You screamed, he fluttered his wings. 
When you both calmed down, he gave you a curious look cause he expected you to run. 
He’s really tall and you have crane your neck to see his face, but all you see are two red eyes. 
He wanders off and something in the back of your head tells you to follow. 
He brings you to a small opening in a forest where fireflies float about. 
He plops down and you sit beside him. 
He opens up fast and wraps an arm/wing around you as you both watch the show the bugs put on for you. 
You do this every week without ever saying a word. 
Last time you two met, he planted a kiss on your forehead and you two fell asleep on the ground, laying together. 
He soft.
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