hologramcowboy · 3 months
Ok but didn't Jensen just land a part in a new show? Will he even be available to shoot when season five of the boys starts shooting? Is his show precancelled or maybe his part is only for a single season? I don't know anything about the show or the part but I'm hoping he'll be too busy to be on set for TB which would spare Jared from having to work with him again.
The show Jensen will be a part of will give ample opportunity for him to shoot another cameo on The Boys. The show isn't solely focused on him.
As for the future of Jensen's show, for now it has a 13 episode order, depending on how well it does the network will decide to renew it or not.
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yourcomedyminute · 30 days
YOUR COMEDY MINUTE WITH MERYL KLEMOW #StandUp #Comedian #Writer #Podcaster #Name #MindBlowing #Burbank #California #Rochester #NewYork #WilkesBarre #Pennsylvania #York #Sheep #Live #Band #90s #Music #First #Start #Radio #CampfireShitShow #BeauHufford #Japan #Hiatus #Life #Space #Book #Tour #Inspired #EllenDegeneres #Clean #Dark #Biting #IanAbramson #LisaSundstedt #Class #Catalyst #Deep #Down #Balls #Favorite #LaJollaComedyStore #Parents #Photo #Proud #Least #Drunk #Nothing #Man #Shouting #Woman #Tip #Money #Bad #Best #Stuff #Sick #Laugh #PreCancelled #Pandemic #Conspiracy #Theory #TShirt #TongueInCheek #Nervous #InMyHead #Confident #Mental #Game #MusicIndustry #LAGirl #Bouncing #Pivot #Energy #Interact #Love #Fear #Sound #Video #Deleted #Humming #FaceTheTruth #TV #CBS #HotMess #NoSense #Bit #ElaineSwann #Etiquette #Expert #TodayShow #Manners #Muse #StainOfTheDay #Catch #Spills #VivicaFox #Spoon #Weird #App #Korea #Paid #Dirt #GameShows #PeoplePuzzler #LeahRemini #LetsMakeADeal #WayneBrady #Ordeal #PriceIsRight #Winking #Controversial #Opinions #Dangerous #Voice #Facebook #Page #Gone #Media #Meta #HelenSheppard #Husband #SpeedyG #BestFriends #GiniSikes #Birds #Squirrels #Frankenstein #Magic #Instagram #Bagels #Coffee #KatieBlunt #Maybourne #Hotel #BeverlyHills #Latte #Muffin #NewYork #Creative #Art #Happy #Large #Bosom #Woman #Look #Down #Head #Up #Drunk #Women #Men #Fashion #Nurturing #Boobs #Know #How #Chowder #Grandma #Breasts #40G #Bra #Size #Dubai #Large #Fitted #Humilated #LifeBeginsAtZ #Beard #Temperature #MouthGuard #Farming #Tools #Weird #Soup #Funny #Comedy #Humor #Stream 
If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me.
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mailattentionletter · 3 months
Does USPS Have Bulk Rates?
The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a variety of services and rates tailored to meet the needs of different types of mailers. Among these services, bulk rates are particularly important for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need to send large volumes of mail. Bulk mailing can provide significant cost savings and efficiencies, making it a popular choice for those who frequently send out newsletters, marketing materials, invoices, and other types of mass communications.
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Understanding USPS Bulk Rates
USPS bulk rates are designed to provide discounted postage prices for mailings that meet specific criteria regarding volume, preparation, and delivery. These rates are lower than standard postage rates because the sender performs some of the work that USPS would otherwise do, such as sorting and preparing the mail for delivery. By leveraging these discounts, businesses can reduce their mailing costs and streamline their operations.
There are several categories of bulk mail offered by USPS:
First-Class Mail Bulk Rates: For high-priority items, First-Class Mail bulk rates are available. To qualify for these rates, you must send at least 500 pieces of mail in a single mailing. First-Class bulk mail is delivered quickly, typically within 1-3 business days, and includes forwarding and return services.
Marketing Mail (formerly Standard Mail): This category is often used for advertising and promotional materials. To qualify for Marketing Mail bulk rates, you need to send at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail in a single mailing. Marketing Mail is less expensive than First-Class Mail but has a longer delivery window, usually taking 2-10 business days.
Periodicals: Designed for newspapers, magazines, and other regularly published materials, periodical rates offer discounts for publications that meet specific criteria regarding content, frequency, and circulation.
Package Services and Parcel Select: These categories cover bulk shipping of packages and parcels. Parcel Select is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses, as it provides discounts for large volumes of packages that are presorted and dropped off at specific USPS locations.
Eligibility and Preparation Requirements
To take advantage of USPS bulk rates, mailers must meet several eligibility and preparation requirements. These include:
Volume: Each bulk mailing must meet the minimum volume requirements for the chosen category. For instance, First-Class Mail requires at least 500 pieces, while Marketing Mail requires 200 pieces or 50 pounds.
Presorting: Mail must be presorted according to USPS guidelines. This involves grouping mail by ZIP Code and often by delivery route. Presorting helps USPS process and deliver the mail more efficiently, which is why it results in discounted rates.
Barcoding: Bulk mailings typically require the inclusion of Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMb). These barcodes contain information about the sender, recipient, and specific mailpiece, allowing USPS to track and manage the mail more effectively.
Address Quality: USPS has stringent address quality requirements to ensure that mail is delivered accurately and efficiently. This often involves using address verification and standardization tools to confirm that addresses are correct and up-to-date.
Documentation and Postage Payment: Bulk mailers must complete specific documentation, such as postage statements, to accompany their mailings. Additionally, they must use an approved postage payment method, such as a postage meter, permit imprint, or precanceled stamps.
Benefits of Using USPS Bulk Rates
Using USPS bulk rates offers several benefits, including:
Cost Savings: The primary advantage of bulk mailing is the significant cost savings compared to standard postage rates. These savings can be substantial, particularly for businesses that send large volumes of mail regularly.
Efficiency: By presorting and preparing mail in advance, businesses can streamline their mailing operations and reduce the time and effort required to manage large mailings.
Tracking and Reporting: With the use of Intelligent Mail barcodes, bulk mailers can track their mailings and receive detailed reports on delivery status and performance. This visibility can help businesses manage their mailing campaigns more effectively.
Flexibility: USPS offers various bulk mail options to suit different needs and budgets. Whether you’re sending high-priority First-Class Mail, cost-effective Marketing Mail, or packages through Parcel Select, there’s a bulk rate option available.
How to Get Started with USPS Bulk Mailing
To start using USPS bulk mailing services, follow these steps:
Obtain a Mailing Permit: To mail at bulk rates, you need a mailing permit, which you can obtain from your local Post Office. The permit application process involves filling out forms and paying a permit fee.
Prepare Your Mail: Ensure your mail meets all the eligibility and preparation requirements, including presorting, barcoding, and addressing standards. You may need to invest in software or services to help with this process.
Submit Your Mail: Take your prepared mail and the required documentation to a USPS Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) or an approved drop-off location. The USPS staff will verify that your mailing meets all requirements and process your postage payment.
Monitor and Track: Use the tools provided by USPS, such as the Intelligent Mail barcode system, to monitor and track your mailings. This can help you identify any issues and ensure that your mail is delivered on time.
USPS bulk rates offer a valuable opportunity for businesses and organizations to save money and improve the efficiency of their mailing operations. By understanding the different categories of bulk mail, meeting the eligibility and preparation requirements, and following the necessary steps to get started, you can take full advantage of these discounted rates. Whether you’re sending marketing materials, invoices, or packages, USPS bulk mailing services provide a cost-effective solution for managing large volumes of mail.
Mail Attention Letter – ​​​Wix
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archiveexploration · 6 months
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1c Franklin Glen Allen, VA precancelled single c. 1881
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El equipo técnico de Ignacio “Naco” Medina, candidato a intendente por el partido vecinal Marcos Paz tiene Futuro, presentó en Cheroga un programa de créditos orientado a trabajadores y trabajadoras de remiserías del municipio. La propuesta consiste en la asignación de créditos de hasta 400 mil pesos a una tasa del 5% anual, precancelable y con 12 meses de financiación, orientados a brindar mantenimiento a los vehículos.
Bajo el lema “Dale Crédito a tu Remis”, lanzaron el sábado una política de microcréditos a tasas bajas que buscan dar respuesta a las necesidades de un rubro significativo para el municipio. Para acceder a este sistema se requiere que los remiseros/as integren el Registro de Remises de Marcos Paz, el Libre de Deuda de patente y, por último, contar con el presupuesto de la gomería, el mecánico o del lubricentro que efectuará el arreglo.
Quienes conforman el partido vecinal insistieron en la necesidad acompañar a los diversos sectores que dinamizan la economía local a través de la gestión de políticas concretas. En consonancia, Marcos Paz tiene Futuro también impulsa un Registro Municipal de Remises, con antigüedad de seis meses; el Registro de Proveedores Municipales, orientado a créditos para remises; y “Remises Seguros”, proyecto que busca incorporar dispositivos antipánico para prevención o abordaje del delito durante el viaje.
La propuesta se suma a una plataforma electoral focalizada en asistir y mejorar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores y trabajadoras de Marcos Paz, al mismo tiempo que proyecta la evolución en la infraestructura de la ciudad. “Contar con calles mejor iluminadas, transitables y más seguras”, como supo indicar Medina en diversas oportunidades.
Marcos Paz tiene Futuro, partido que obtuvo el 22% de los votos en las elecciones PASO convirtiéndose en la segunda fuerza política más votada, apuesta a una agenda de crecimiento que se define a partir del diálogo con los vecinos y vecinas. La misma contempla tres ejes principales de abordaje: un plan integral de seguridad; la salud como prioridad; el trabajo y desarrollo local.
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bulkmailingverify · 1 year
Bulk Mailing Services Near Me
Great Bulk mailing services near me are a way to get your business’s promotional flyers or newsletter into the hands of potential customers. They help you cut through digital noise and connect with your audience, providing an excellent return on investment. Postcards are especially effective as they stick around the recipient’s living spaces and can be shared with others, allowing your brand to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time.
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When planning a bulk mail campaign, you must first decide what type of mail you want to send. There are various types of bulk mail, each offering different rates and deadlines. Some of the most common include Marketing Mail (used for advertising and promotional pieces), Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), which lets you send flat-size mail to every home and business on a carrier route, Bound Printed Matter (used for catalogs, books, etc.), and Presorted First Class.
Once you have chosen the type of mail you want to send, it’s important to follow USPS guidelines for preparing bulk mail items. This includes verifying the accuracy of your address list and assembling your mailers into USPS trays or sacks according to size. You must also pay for the correct postage using permit imprints, precanceled stamps, or a postal meter before you drop off your bulk mail items. Lastly, you must presort your mail items by ZIP codes in order to qualify for bulk rate discounts.
Bulk Mailing Verify - Blogger
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Minimum Volume Requirements for Bulk Mailing Services
Bulk Mail is the term used to describe large mailings that are prepared using a Permit Imprint (Indicia) and must be prepared according to USPS guidelines to receive postage discounts. There are several classes of bulk mail, each with varying costs, advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you qualify as a Non-Profit class bulk mailer, your mailing can enjoy a lower postage rate than standard bulk mail.
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To take advantage of bulk mailing rates, you must meet a minimum volume requirement, depending on the type of mailing you are doing. These requirements are subject to change, and the final authority on rules and regulations is the United States Postal Service.
For media mail and library mail, you must mail at least 300 pieces or 50 pounds to be eligible for the lowest bulk rates. For standard mail and Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), you must mail 200 pieces or more.
To qualify for the bulk rates, you must presort your mail by ZIP code, a process that reduces work for postal workers. Your department must also submit a mail statement and pay a yearly permit fee. Payment can be made through a permit imprint, a postage meter or by purchasing precanceled stamps.
The Mail Center no longer prepares bulk mailings in house but can assist departments in preparing and coordinating with external mail houses. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that all bulk mail is prepared to meet USPS standards. Please review the Mail Preparation Checklist to help you get started.
Invoice Postal Mailing – Wix
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trackuspsdelivery · 1 year
Collecting Precanceled Stamps
When it comes to marketing direct mail, many mailers think their envelopes look more official and are taken more seriously with a USPS stamped indicia. But this can be expensive when dealing with large numbers of pieces. The solution is to use precanceled stamps. These are canceled with the city and state before they are applied to mailpieces. They are available at the nonprofit rate, presort standard and first class presort rates. They can also be used on flats, but they cannot be used on reusable containers such as boxes and tubes.
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Postal regulations specified that precancels be printed with the city and state between two bold lines. This standard was first established around 1903 and by 1910 virtually all precancels complied with this requirement. Precancel collecting offers a vast array of inexpensive, yet fascinating and often challenging opportunities. Collectors are attracted to the beauty of the various styles, the uniqueness of individual cancels and the challenge of finding rare and sought after varieties.
Like all postal history collecting, the quest for quality takes on new dimensions with precancels. The appearance of a well sounding, clean, and well centered stamp is important. This is even more true for locals where the quality of the cancel varies widely. In some cases the cancel may be so worn that it is barely recognizable, while in other instances a muscular or over enthusiastic clerk has mashed the characters of the precancel so they are almost unreadable.
Track USPS Delivery – Wix
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rafaeladigital · 1 year
En el año 2023, la tasa de interés de los depósitos bancarios ha experimentado un incremento significativo de 22 puntos porcentuales. Sin embargo, la escalada del valor del dólar en abril ha borrado en gran medida los beneficios de esta subida. Ante esta situación, es importante analizar las opciones de ahorro más conservadoras, como el depósito a plazo fijo y el dólar, y evaluar sus rendimientos en términos reales. En este artículo, exploraremos los resultados parciales obtenidos por estas inversiones hasta el momento y cómo se han visto afectadas por la inflación. La subida de la tasa de interés El plazo fijo, siendo la opción de inversión bancaria minorista más sencilla, ha experimentado cuatro aumentos en la tasa de interés de referencia del Banco Central en lo que va del año, dos de ellos en abril. A principios de año, un ahorrista que depositaba sus fondos a plazo fijo obtenía una tasa nominal anual del 75%, lo que equivale a un rendimiento efectivo mensual del 6,16%. Hoy en día, la tasa nominal anual ha alcanzado el 97%, lo que representa un rendimiento efectivo mensual del 7,97%. Sin embargo, el impacto de estos incrementos en las tasas de interés apenas comienza a ser percibido por los ahorristas. Con tres cambios de tasa en menos de un mes, no es posible renovar un plazo fijo por más de 30 días en ese período. Por ejemplo, aquellos que depositaron $100.000 a finales de 2022 a una tasa del 75% anual y renovaron cada 30 días, llegaron a colocar al 91% nominal anual a principios de mayo, obteniendo un rendimiento nominal de casi el 37%. https://youtu.be/UDbvDo_Cnik El impacto de la escalada del dólar El valor del dólar libre cerró mayo en alrededor de $492 para la venta, mientras que el precio de compra se situó en $485 por unidad. Esto significa que aquellos que habían depositado $100.000 en billetes a fines del año pasado tendrían hoy aproximadamente USD 289, lo que se traduce en unos $140.173,41 en total. Esta cifra es algo más de $3.000 superior a la obtenida mediante el plazo fijo. Dejando de lado el dólar ahorro, que solo está disponible para una cantidad limitada de personas, existe otra opción sin restricciones: el dólar MEP. Y, de las tres opciones mencionadas, es la más conveniente en términos de rendimiento. El dólar MEP cerró mayo en alrededor de $467,03 por unidad, en comparación con los $327,94 registrados a finales de 2022. Si alguien hubiera colocado $100.000 en ese momento, hoy tendría casi USD 305, lo que se traduciría en unos $142.413 en pesos. Esta cantidad es superior en más de $2.000 a la obtenida mediante el dólar libre y en unos $5.000 en comparación con el plazo fijo. Comparando los rendimientos Cuando se trata de comparar los rendimientos entre el plazo fijo, el dólar libre y el dólar MEP, es evidente que estos últimos ofrecen un mayor beneficio económico. El incremento en el valor del dólar ha superado en gran medida las tasas de interés ofrecidas por los depósitos a plazo fijo. Aquellos que optaron por invertir en dólares han experimentado un rendimiento más alto en términos nominales. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que el rendimiento nominal no es el único factor a considerar. La inflación juega un papel crucial en la pérdida de capacidad adquisitiva de los ahorros a lo largo del tiempo. Considerando la inflación Hasta el momento, el dato de inflación de mayo aún no ha sido publicado, por lo que no es posible medir el rendimiento real de las opciones de inversión preferidas por los ahorristas más conservadores en comparación con la variación de los precios. Sin embargo, si se cumplen las expectativas de una inflación en torno al 8,5%, el acumulado en cinco meses superaría el 43%, lo que significa que todas las opciones de inversión habrían perdido capacidad adquisitiva. El plazo fijo UVA precancelable Además de las opciones mencionadas anteriormente, existe otra alternativa: el plazo fijo UVA precancelable. Esta opción ha registrado
un rendimiento del 37% en lo que va del año, considerando que se coloca a 90 días y que aún quedan 30 días para el segundo plazo fijo consecutivo. Sin embargo, su rendimiento estará determinado por el dato de inflación de mayo. En resumen, al evaluar las opciones de inversión entre el plazo fijo y el dólar, es importante tener en cuenta tanto el rendimiento nominal como el impacto de la inflación. Si bien el dólar ha mostrado un rendimiento superior en términos nominales, la pérdida de capacidad adquisitiva debido a la inflación puede afectar el resultado final. Conclusiones Al evaluar las opciones de inversión entre el plazo fijo y el dólar, es importante considerar varios factores. Si bien el plazo fijo ha experimentado incrementos en la tasa de interés, el impacto de la inflación y la escalada del valor del dólar han afectado sus beneficios. Por otro lado, el dólar libre y el dólar MEP han mostrado un rendimiento superior en términos nominales. Sin embargo, es crucial tener en cuenta el efecto de la inflación en el poder adquisitivo de los ahorros a lo largo del tiempo. Si las expectativas de inflación se cumplen, todas las opciones de inversión habrán perdido capacidad adquisitiva. En última instancia, la elección entre el plazo fijo y el dólar dependerá de las circunstancias personales y las expectativas individuales sobre la evolución de la economía y los precios. Es recomendable consultar con expertos financieros antes de tomar decisiones de inversión. https://rafaeladigital.com/noticias/plazo-fijo-vs-dolar-las-cuentas-que-hay-que-hacer/?feed_id=2421
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printpostalletters · 1 year
Print Mail in Bulk - How to Avail of Bulk Mail Discounts
One of the best ways to reach out to your audience is through direct mail. It allows you to target your demographics and promote your products and services at a reduced cost. It also helps you improve your ROI.
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The USPS offers three different bulk mail options: first-class mail, marketing mail, and Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). In order to avail of these discounts, you need to meet the minimum volume requirements for each of the types of bulk mail.
Personalized Letters and Postcards
Personalized letters and postcards are eye-catching direct mail pieces that help marketers attract prospects’ attention. They can be printed in oversize envelopes to further entice recipients. Marketers can use these bulk mail items for several purposes like promoting their new product offerings, thanking old customers, sending holiday greetings, and more.
Metered Stamps and Presorting
The post office recommends using metered postage for bulk mail. It is a cheaper option than buying precanceled stamps and can save you a lot of money. It is also easier to use and requires less effort on your part.
Presorting is another way to receive bulk mail discounts. It involves presorting the direct mail items according to their ZIP codes. This saves time and resources for the postal workers. The post office will not charge you for any extra time and effort spent on presorting.
Besides, the Post Grid’s automation API makes this task a breeze, eliminating the need for any manual intervention. It enables marketers to get their direct mail items presorted automatically through a few clicks.
Print Postal Letters – Wix
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uspspostageaddress · 2 years
Collecting Precanceled Stamps
Precanceled Stamps
In addition to being a fun way to collect, United States precancel stamps are an excellent choice for any mailer looking to save money and reach more recipients. When used in combination with a digital meter, these precanceled stamps will make your mail look like first class but will only cost you a fraction of the cost of regular bulk rate postage.
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Getting Started with Precanceled Stamps
If you are sending direct mail, using precanceled stamps can help increase the number of recipients you receive by making your mail look more serious. However, before you can buy any precanceled stamps, you need to have a USPS Business Mail Permit. This permit is free and only takes a few minutes to fill out.
Identifying Precancels
As with many aspects of the hobby, identifying precancels can be complicated. The most important distinction collectors must make is whether or not the precancel was applied with a standardized device - a metal plate called an electroplate, or a rubber handstamp. This difference helps to distinguish Contracted Devices - precancels that were printed at a national headquarters - from Local Devices, those printed locally using devices purchased by local Post Offices from vendors.
Bureau prints
Bureau precancels are a broad category that includes those applied by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. These are the most common type of United States precancels. The most notable of these are the Bureau's two and three line formats that were produced in 1923.
USPS Postage Address – Wix
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whatspostalcodes · 2 years
What is the US Postal Code?
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A postal code is a combination of numbers (and sometimes letters) used to help the postal service and courier companies recognize the exact location where a parcel needs to be delivered. The postal code is also called a zip code or postcode in some countries.
The us postal code, often known as a zip code, was introduced in 1963 by the United States Postal Service to help mailers route their packages more efficiently. It was hoped that the new system would cut down on time spent sorting mail at post offices.
Initially, the five-digit code denoted a part of the country, a sectional center facility, and an associate post office or delivery area. This system was modified in 1983 with the addition of four digits that helped USPS more precisely group mail for distribution.
There is one preferred place name for each ZIP Code, which can be an incorporated town or city, a subentity of a larger city, an unincorporated census-designated place, or a small unincorporated community. Others are deemed unacceptable for that ZIP Code and will result in a delay in mail delivery.
The 5-digit code is also used for return addresses on certain types of mail, including official mail. Periodicals, which are sent with "Address Service Requested" stamped on the envelope, are required to include a ZIP Code. However, some business mail and other mail that is paid with precanceled stamps does not need a ZIP Code.
Blogspot – ​​​What is postal codes
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dailyforlorn · 6 years
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The Human Yak and Electro-Gal (from Project Superior from @adhouse) #comics #superhero #precancelled #sosoheroes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuLS3tVlwno/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nj1a22192zpp
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breannacasey · 4 years
I have never needed hugs more than this year, but can I get hugs from my friends? No, because there's a pandemic
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airbnbfestivals · 5 years
Reservation amenities changed without notice - just want to precancel without losing service fees
Hi.When I originally booked, the listing said pets were allowed and that there were multiple beds - enough for 4 guests with the use of the entire cottage. I checked w the host to confirm that 2 dogs and 4 guests would work in this location. While they never actually responded to my messages through the Airbnb system, they accepted my reservation and accepted the extra guest (there was an additional charge per person) fees.I'm still a week out from my stay, and the "don't forget about your trip" email I received this morning had so many different things listed. It said it was for a private room and that pets were not allowed.So far, I have yet to hear back from the host about these changes. I'm also waiting for a response from Airbnb about this situation, as it seems a bit bonkers to me to be charged a service fee when canceling a reservation due to a complete change in the room details.Any advice or suggestions beyond just waiting a while longer to hear back from either the host or Airbnb? Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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themandadlorianbod · 3 years
He was right to be precancelled last week
oh god not precancelled 😆
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