#pre-transition... but that’s not the case for everyone
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suspiciouscatastrophe · 1 day ago
This post is not about malicious misgendering. It's about people who don't want to misgender you doing it anyway, because it's "too hard for them." It's about allies whose heart is in the right place – or at the very least on its way to the right place, and could use some poking to try harder.
It's inspired by my friend. She knows me from childhood. She loves me dearly. She keeps saying that no matter what happens, I can always run to her and she will help me. She offered me her place in case I got kicked out by my mother.
She also keeps reiterating that she "sees me as a boy." That she knows I am a man. That she wouldn't never want to misgender me on purpose.
It's been about 8 months since I came out to her as a trans man. (And way longer than that since I came out to her as trans in general – it was just that I used to identify as a nonbinary person who was using any pronouns, and I did allow her to stick with she/her for me.)
And yet. She keeps slipping. Not once-per-day slips, either. Several times per conversation. Granted, she is getting much better. She slips less than she used to. I believe she's trying.
And I know it's not just because of how long we have known each other for, but also because of me not passing enough. I came out to her before I started transitioning. When I made some first steps in my social transition and started presenting as masculine as I could, she told me herself that "it made it easier for her to call me a he." She didn't mean it viciously – she believes trans people are who they say they are even pre-transition and even if they don't pass. But it still betrays a degree of passive, deeply ingrained transphobia, her perhaps unrealized belief in universal visual gender markers created and reinforced by the cispatriarchy. She wants to say "he," but I keep giving her "she" vibes, so to say. Which is not my fault – I deserve to be gendered correctly. Everyone does, cis or trans. Transitioning or non-transitioning. Pre-HRT or on it. She needs to work on that.
And it's not like it's hard. In my social circle, only very few people are cis or post-transition. Most of the people I talk to daily are either pre-transition, in the early stages of transition, or non-transitioning. In the eyes of society around us, none of us passes. We also mostly speak Czech – a language that is heavily gendered. I have never caught myself using the incorrect grammatical forms for anybody.
Granted, I might be speaking out of privilege. I am trans myself (which is not a privilege by any means, but it is probably a favorable position with regards to your ability to be normal about people's pronouns), and I've always been language-oriented. But I don't think I'm a saint or exceptionally talented, so the catch must be somewhere else.
I reiterate, I literally think it's a skill. If it happens to you, practice, practice, practice – and not just speaking, practice thinking about the person you keep misgendering in the correct gendered terms, and then speaking will be easier. Go on the internet and visit trans spaces to learn more about diverse gender experiences and see photos to recalibrate your brain to familiarize yourself with how people of any given gender express themselves. You can do it. You can be the ally you want to be.
Okay. Maybe tonight is my turn to be a bully. Prepare yourselves. Here goes my bully take!
Struggling to gender people correctly because
a) you've known them for a long time pre-transition
b) they don't pass
is a skill issue in either case. Even if you love them and want to be an ally, even if you wouldn't misgender them on purpose – in that case it's not a failing of your morals, it's a failing of your literal skills and habit-forming patterns.
Hone those skills. Break whatever it is in your brain that ties them to their post-birth name/pronouns so strongly. Unlearn the rigid image of what "men" and "women" can and cannot look like. Carve the existence of people who don't fall into either (or fall to both) into your worldview.
Your trans loved ones will appreciate it so much.
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bulletbilltime · 2 months ago
Looking at hetero ships and male characters and thinking "what if they were gay and girls. this is a normal cisgender thought to have"
#bulletbilltime rambling#the number of transfem headcanons I've constructed in the past few months...#this includes flavien bouchard from dans une galaxie pres de chez vous. give that 'boy' some estrogen RIGHT NOW#AND there's also brad spitfire that has a literal episode where he switches personalities to a girl named linda#it's played for laughs but surprisingly not the worst I've seen#it's a fascinating trans allegory too because this character is literally happier this way & everyone likes her so much more this way#and this is acknowledged IN CANON#but since she cannot actually do her job in this personality she's forced back into the closet where she's angry and miserable#AND in another ep it's shown that as a kid Brad wasn't allowed to do ballet by his dad which is stated to be part of why he is miserable#so like... there's smth there#it's a show from the late 90s so it's far from perfect & probably has transmisogyny I missed but idk smth speaks to me in here!#that being said there's a chance this could be a 'seeing transmisogynistic parody as representation' moment sooo yeah... grain of salt.#also his canon character is kind of... literally a fascist. which doesn't help the case here#maybe transitioning would save her. who knows#the show likes to hint that he wouldn't be this shitty if he had ppl actually show compassion to him thru his life#although the fascism kind of makes this point a bit difficult to really justify & his case harder to sympathize with.#(I should make a post about the conflict over brad's characterization as a tragic figure and an evil bastard. it's an interesting topic)#oh well we still have flavien trans girl headcanon which is not NEARLY as contentious!#I did not mean to make this post all about Dans Une Galaxie headcanons but yeah. these girls should transition RIGHT NOW.#I will probably make another post with any other transfem headcanons I can think of#for now have niche quebec tv show trans headcanons :D#the post is stored in the tags
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soup-mother · 6 months ago
do wish there was more trans media acknowledging that like.... when you probably didn't even grow up as a feminine boy (although in my case compared to a lot of guys I was cus i like....cook and clean and tidy up and stuff) and so the trans feelings kinda just come out of nowhere and overwhelm you and all the realising stuff is in hindsight. like in hindsight i always wanted to dress a certain way or be called a girl but i absolutely didn't know it at the time. like not everyone is that stereotype and a lot of the time you were basically a bit of a lifeless husk before realising you're trans and that makes it so difficult to navigate. like you have no aspirations, maybe 3 friends all of who suck and suddenly you're realising you wish you were a girl. semi related to how vitriolic people are about the very concept of trans girls who used 4chan and stuff. it's like... I guess a lot of people's ideas of what trans women are and were like is very different to a lot of our lived experience.
like a lot of the time, pre transition gender and personality looks like a mattress on the floor, instead of cute feminine always wanted to be a girl always played with the girls sorta thing (again, complicated in my circumstances and a lot of it was essentially not being raised as a Patriarchal asshole)
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drdemonprince · 1 month ago
Is there a polar opposite of transphobia?
Like I’m a newly transitioned trans man and suddenly everyone wants a piece of me. In a weird way. Like people have started asking me to join committees and talk to youth groups and shit so they have their “representation”. I’m now the token trans person. I live in a small lefty town. People either want to ask me allllll the questions or they are too scared to even talk to me in case they offend me. Suddenly everyone wants to be my friend. I feel like I’ve joined a club I did not agree to sign up to. Like is this normal? Is there a term for it? I have a lot of gay male friends who are awesome, no other trans people local. I’ve started connecting with people online.
I mean some people have been cunts for sure. But mostly it’s nauseating fawning. I know this is a stupid thing to be complaining about but I guess I’m curious.
I’m not that special, I’m actually just an angry little man.
My brother dear, what you are experiencing is a very common combination of the growing visibility & tokenization of being a newly out marginalized person, and the massive increased authority, social trust, social value that comes with being a man.
Welcome to male privilege baby, to put a spin on a far more undermining phrase that typically gets hurled at trans femmes. You will be considered a trustworthy authority on trans issues, a valuable contributor to panels and workshops, a needed (but also highly convenient to access) form of "diversity" for a workplace, a welcome attendee at all manner of events, and you'll be deferred to over women, especially trans women, for pretty much the entire rest of your life, if you continue to remain out about the trans side of things.
Guys like us are invited, centered, included, listened to, treated with respect, treated with WARMTH, viewed as intelligent, perceptive, sensitive, safe, trustworthy, reliable, and desirable to include. In the eyes of the cis public, we are a "safe" kind of trans person who does not make people uncomfortable to look at and who doesn't challenge their pre-existing understanding of gender hierarchy; when they listen to us, they get to trust in the certainty of a MAN giving them information, but they can also feel comfortable and safe around us as a kind of enlightened, sensitive nonthreatening figure.
We're men who can can explain sexism right back to women. We're trans people who went from being subjugated as women to being rewarded with privilege as dudes. In this way, trans men being positioned as an authority figure reinforces the existing gender hierarchy, which feels soothing and right to people's brains.
You will have to be conscious of this power differential for the rest of your life, around cis and trans women alike, because otherwise it plays out in a pretty traditionally sexist fashion: people (especially women) will go quiet when you start speaking, you will be given credit for ideas that were a collective effort, your emotions will be more likely to be taken seriously and seen as a sign of principle rather than weakness, and you will be regarded as special and memorable while dozens of other people and their concerns are passed over.
Another factor that is at play here is a phenomenon that is less specifically gendered, because it does happen to trans women too, and that's the phenomenon of cis groups making the newly-out trans person their token and educator, because typically it is the newly out person whom they have the most access to and power over.
The moment that a trans person transitions they immediately start getting singled out as an expert and resource on the trans experience, asked to lead workshops at their jobs and explain concepts to people and attend events and sit on panels. I think on some intuitive level cis people kinda *know* that the newly out are in a vulnerable, uncertain state and have fewer communities ties and less experience than more seasoned trans people do, and so they make the ideal "translator" of trans experiences to them as an audience.
In cis people's minds, you're not gonna push back, you're not going to complicate their narratives, you're not gonna be tired of answering offensive questions, and you will be freely available to them as a resource, because you've just come out. You'll put a friendly face on transition, one marked by newness and hope, rather than be jaded, complicated, or assertive at them. That's their expectation.
It makes no logical sense to make a newly out member of the community the arbiter of transness or the educator on the trans experience, but it DOES make sense that a powerful group would view such a disempowered and disconnected (relatively speaking) member of the trans community to be the most attractive to include.
Of course, this might not be true to who you actually are. But on a gut level, this is how the newly out trans person is typically seen: nonthreatening, moldable, convenient, so thankful to be included that they won't be angry. And you will be doubly rewarded for fulfilling that role if you are a man.
The only way to upend this narrative being forced onto you is for you to speak up, every single time you are invited to an event, and demand that just as many trans women be included in that event as trans men. Make sure to have a nice list of experienced, wise trans femme friends whom you can recommend as speakers and co-panelists in your pocket.
More often than not, you will be thanked by cis people and rewarded for having the brilliant idea of including women in a conversation about gender minority status. How the trans women in the equation get treated, well, you'll need to pay close attention to, and be ready to stand up and speak out the moment any passive aggressive exclusionary bio-essentialist fuckshit gets going. You can do it! And lots of times you ARE the person with the power to set things right. You're trans and you're being singled out, but you also are a man.
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communistkenobi · 1 month ago
By worrying endlessly about what makes men fight for their servitude as if it were their salvation, Western Marxism rigs the deck against ever becoming hegemonic. […] The celebration of transgression, so characteristic of queer theory, is incompatible with the struggle for legal sovereignty waged by movements of national liberation and people’s democratic dictatorships. […] Trans studies, infused with an ambivalence between gender-deviance and the desire to pass, cannot take up queer theory’s exaltation of transgression uncritically. Eastern Marxism simply does not valorize transgression as such, since its goal is hegemony, to function as a legitimate ruling party representative of the general interest, and the collective transgression of one norm in particular: imperialism.
— Nia Frome (2024), The Problem of Recognition in Transitional States, or Sympathy for the Monster
The author makes the case why 1) various strains of Eastern Marxism (MLism particularly) seem so compelling to transgender people specifically 2) how this is reflected within the tension between queer theory (what Frome describes as having a general preoccupation with the ‘exaltation of transgression’) and trans studies (what Frome describes as being more preoccupied with political goals of hegemony, eg gender-affirming healthcare, control of administrative gender data about ourselves, etc) is directly comparable to the West/East Marxist split, with the author firmly placing queer theory within Western Marxism’s anticommunist preoccupations and theories of state.
I think this is most compellingly argued when she points to the homonationalist (homo-imperialist?) commitments of western LGBT organisations, NGOs, thinktanks, etc. to ‘spreading democracy gay tolerance’ to the backwards Global South. One only need to refer to the photo of an IOF soldier standing in a bombed street in Gaza holding up a gay pride flag to recognise the academy’s role in ‘queering’ imperial pursuits. Now obviously this doesn’t mean trans studies is exempt from this (far from it), but what I think this essay does well is demonstrate why trans studies has been famously called “queer theory’s evil twin” and why more broadly the political goals of transgender people are on some level incommensurable with queer theory’s (and downstream of this, the western queer community’s) commitment to transgression as the primary mode of resistance and action.
And, ironically, why despite this desire for eternal transgression, the headline political goal of western gays for the past few decades has been marriage equality, a desire to be folded into pre-existing hegemony (perhaps another example of its Western Marxist tendencies?), in contrast to the transsexual goal of gender liberation and eventual abolition via the pursuit of using medicine and administrative state power to make ourselves our own frankenstein monsters, both scientist and creation (a goal that also necessarily requires a transitionary state, a “monster” state that is neither full capitalism (cissexualism) nor full communism (transsexualism), but an apparatus that gets us from A -> B. This description is blatantly one of both socialism and gender transition itself, and in this comparison it is revealed why the transsexual may desire Marxism-Leninism). This also reveals why transmedicalism - the desire to uphold cissexual, psychiatric, pathological conceptions of transgenderism as a mental illness and/or sexual perversion - is a dead-end, a forfeiting of even more power to those who already have it, and fundamentally different from the goal of free HRT, surgery, name changes and gender marker changes for everyone forever amen
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months ago
HELP I have a silly plot concept and IDK what to do with it Just holding it like. an potato
Basically I saw a "not like other girls" type of thing and it included a ref to the "because I am not like most people (I am a literally not human/I was raised by an assassin program/I am now a dude)" variant where the gimmick is that the reason they're not like other girls actually is really, really rare.
Aaaaaand now I'm thinking of what the best AU would be for Ahsoka to be Genuinely Not Like Other Girls and I've done "I'm not like other Jedi; I'm a soldier" time travel stuff where she is Kind Of Unnerving to pre-war Jedi so many times that it would be more fun to do it the other way.
Which is! Modern AU! Ahsoka is either:
1) A Red Room style assassin who escaped the program and is now Trying To Blend Into A Normal High School while being raised by Obi-Wan (dad mode) and Anakin (college student doing his best to older brother) and keeps having Confusion when her new school friends take her out for ice cream or shopping or something. (This is present in a lot of media but the immediate example in my mind is Season Three of Stranger Things with Eleven and Max going to the mall)
2) Still an alien, but in a less cohesive galaxy, who crash-landed in Anakin and Obi-Wan's backyard and has a Special Watch that can make her look human and they just keep introducing her to people as their Cousin From Abroad, and hoping people are too polite to ask why she's poking the apples like they're going to bite her.
In either case, they may also try to excuse Ahsoka's lack of familiarity with the wider world as Grew Up In A Cult type shit.
Trying to remember who's actually her age that could go to school with her and I am blanking on basically everyone except Korkie? I think maybe Barriss could be a senior while Ahsoka's a freshman. Attempts to Big Sister at Ahsoka and it only sometimes works, tutors when Anakin is busy or bad at the subject, etc. Whoever Ahsoka's friend is, they're walking down the street together and someone tries to mug them and the friend is like oh! Must protect the innocent new friend who grew up really sheltered in a cult and doesn't know the ways of the world! And then she kicks the ass of the person trying to mug them and Very Carefully Does Not Kill.
New friend has stars in their eyes.
In the Assassin version, Plo Koon is her therapist/handler for transitioning into normal life. Government-assigned psychologist that she goes to see at least twice a week. He hands her plushies to hold during sessions, and A Plushie ends up being one of the first things she actually asks Anakin or Obi-Wan to buy for her that isn't purely practical (green owl).
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astra-ravana · 3 months ago
The Practice Of Demonolatry
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Demonolatry, the communion, summoning, and worship of demons, is a complex and often misunderstood practice with roots in ancient history. While it's difficult to pinpoint the exact origin, early forms of demon work can be traced back to pre-Christian cultures, where spirits and deities were often associated with both positive and negative aspects of the natural world.
In the Abrahamic traditions, demons are typically portrayed as fallen angels or evil spirits, often associated with temptation, sin, chaos, misfortune, and death. However, in some occult and esoteric practices, demons are viewed as powerful beings who can grant knowledge, power, and protection to those who understand how to work with them. The word "demon" comes from the ancient Greek "daemon" which literally meant "divine entity" or "minor god". Many demons are, in fact, disgraced pagan gods who met with the limited understanding of early Christians. Due to events such as the crusades and prevalent witch hunts throughout history, information pertaining to demons was likely supressed or destroyed entirely.
The Renaissance period, however, saw a resurgence of interest in demonology, with figures like Johann Weyer and Reginald Scot challenging the prevailing view of demons as purely evil entities. These thinkers argued that many cases of demonic possession could be attributed to mental illness or other natural causes. In the 19th and 20th centuries, demonolatry experienced a revival within certain occult and esoteric circles. Figures like Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey and other practitioners of Satanism and Theistic Satanism incorporated demonic entities into their rituals and beliefs. These modern forms of demonolatry often emphasize personal empowerment, self-reliance, and the exploration of darker aspects of the human psyche.
Modern demonolaters such as S. Connolly, Michael W. Ford, and Satan and Suns are now helping transition demonaltry from obscure occult practice to every day magick. It is a diverse and multifaceted system, with a wide range of beliefs and practices. There is much to be gained when interacting with these powerful, otherworldly energies. Some practitioners view demons as literal entities, while others interpret them as archetypes or psychological forces. Regardless of their specific beliefs, demonolators often share a fascination with the occult, the supernatural, and the darker side of human nature (or the shadow).
Demonolatry as a practice or magickal rite is an almost unmatched catalyst for change, transformation, growth, knowledge, magickal ability and more. A connection to the demonic divine is a portal to the universe and understanding the true nature and origins of life. Doing your research is key, but there is no better teacher in this case than experience. Its hard to understand how natural and comforting demonic connection can feel without actually feeling it first hand. Letting go of preprogrammed fears and expectations to leap bravely into the dark may not be easy and it's not for everyone, but it is one of the most freeing and enlightening experiences one can have. So... What are you afraid of?
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deanstead · 2 years ago
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader, Rhodestead
Requested: no
Summary: As Will finds himself dealing with an unwelcome presence in his life, you disappear in the middle of shift.
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Word Count: 5.3K+
Tags/Warnings: established relationships, stalking, kidnapping, hostage situations
A/N: First time I'm trying out writing for Rhodestead so I put this as a double pairing fic. Wasn't sure I was going to let this fic see the light of day but bestie @sheetsonfire gave her stamp of approval (and I haven't posted in a while) so here goes! Kinda (read: very) nervous about this so let me know what you guys think!
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“Hey, you wanna grab dinner?” Will asked as he opened his locker next to you.
You glanced back at him, your eyes betraying the mental exhaustion from the day. Losing children was never easy, everyone knew that.
You gave Will a small smile. “No date with Connor?” You lightly teased.
Will chuckled.
Will and Connor had been dancing around each other for almost forever and it had taken you an unbelievable amount of self control not to literally bonk their heads together. Thankfully, they’d gotten off their asses before you had to.
“Connor got pulled into a surgery so I got stood up.”
You let out a small laugh, closing your locker. “Your brother’s on a case so… dinner’s on you.”
Will laughed, nodding. “I got you.”
The both of you ended up in one of the eateries you frequented that was near Med which opened late exactly for this reason - a place that had saved all of you from many late nights. Be it when Jay came to get you from a late shift, or when you, Connor and Will needed to eat after a shift before going to crash. All four of you had even been here together shortly after the shift in dynamics - you and Jay had just gotten married, while Will and Connor had finally started seeing each other officially.
In an effort to steer both your thoughts away from work, Will started a conversation about Connor, and you watched a light in Will’s eyes as he talked about Connor, a light that had finally let its way out into the world.
“What?” Will asked, angling his eyebrows at you before you realized you were smiling cheekily at him.
You shrugged. “Just nice to see you so happy.”
Will smiled, reaching over to ruffle your hair.
“You know you transitioned into this annoying older brother role way too smoothly.” You growled playfully, your eyes narrowing at him.
Will laughed, retracting his hand and chuckling.
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Jay’s voice reached you first before you saw him but it still made you smile.
“You said you were going to be late?” You said but you were already looping your arms around his waist and pressing yourself into his embrace.
Jay let out a small chuckle. “Sorry, I know things have been a little crazy.”
You shook your head, burying your face deeper into his shoulder. “I just missed you.”
Jay leaned back before leaning back down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “Shall we stay in tonight?”
You grinned back at him. “Sounds perfect.”
It felt like it had been a while since you and Jay had done this, just stayed in, the television turned on while the two of you had a cozy meal before cuddling on the couch with the wine glasses sitting just a little precariously on the small coffee table Will and Connor had gotten the both of you as a wedding present.
“Everything at work okay?” Jay asked quietly, his arms resting around your waist.
“You know, same-old. We have the bullies, the overbearing parents, but there are also families that remind me why I became a doctor.”
Jay rested his chin gently on your shoulder, his cheek resting lightly against yours before he closed his eyes.
“I think that if you’re here, if I know that I get to come home to you at the end of any day or case, I’ll be able to do about anything.” He whispered.
You knew that voice, the voice that told you he'd had a hard day.
You took his hand gently in yours. “I’ll always be here, Jay. At the end of every difficult case, or day, no matter what.”
Jay pressed a kiss to your cheek lightly and you leaned further back into his embrace.
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“Dr Y/L/N, someone’s asking for you in the waiting room if you have a few minutes.” One of the nurses came up to you as you were studying a patient’s chart.
You looked around the ED, it was a quiet sort of day but you weren’t in the best of moods since you’d lost your card holder. Just thinking about having to replace your credit cards already made you feel tired and anxious. Regardless, you nodded with a smile at the nurse, thanking her for letting you know.
Putting on your best professional smile you headed towards the waiting room, scanning the crowd for someone who looked like they’d be waiting for you.
A woman who was about your age made eye contact with you, giving you a small smile. “Y/N Y/L/N?”
You frowned just a little in confusion although you kept your expression mostly neutral and nodded. She seemed a little familiar to you even though you weren’t fully certain where you’d seen her before.
The woman just smiled, handing you back a card case that was most definitely yours.
“I think you dropped this, this morning at the coffee place. I got your name from one of your cards and luckily the cafe said you were a regular so they knew you worked here.”
You felt the relief flood your system, the anxiety that had been clawing at you the whole morning finally seeming to let up.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You could even hear the relief in your voice bounce back at you but you weren't even embarrassed. “You saved me a lot of trouble and well... stress.”
You paused as you looked at her. “I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before. Have we met?”
The woman just smiled and shook her head. “Maybe in the mornings, I get my coffee there too most days.”
It didn’t feel like a correct answer but you let it go, reminding yourself this was not the time to obsess over unimportant details.
“Look, you did me a huge favor today. Is there something I can do to thank you?”
The woman just smiled. “Maybe you can just buy me a coffee. Tomorrow morning?”
You studied her for a bit and then nodded. She smiled, extending her hand. “Grace.”
You smiled back at her and shook it, agreeing to see each other the next morning at the cafe.
As you watched her walk back out the main door with a friendly wave, you felt that weird feeling again, like something wasn’t quite sitting right with you.
You definitely knew her from somewhere.
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As agreed, you’d met Grace the next morning at your morning coffee stop and it had gone better than you'd expected, so much so that you’d talked yourself out of that weird feeling in your gut, putting it down to that tinge of social anxiety you had with new people.
You’d almost caved and asked Will or Connor if they could come with you but decided you didn’t really wanna be a wuss. Besides, the rational part of your brain was telling you that your anxiety was being irrational once again.
Grace had been easy to talk to though, so you were glad you hadn’t overreacted.
But when you opened the door to the doctors’ lounge armed with coffees for both Connor and Will, you sensed something was off.
Will was sitting on the couch, his head ticked up just a little as the door opened and Connor’s arm was around Will’s shoulders, Will gently pressed up against Connor. Even though it was no secret, they didn't usually behave much like a couple at work.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, frowning as you quickly put the coffees down on the table and headed towards them.
Will glanced at Connor. “I’m fine.”
Connor gave him half an exasperated look, even though you could still see the frown lines tinged with worry.
Will might be your brother-in-law, but way before you and Jay had gotten close, the three of you had always been great friends so it wasn’t surprising you could tell they were holding something back.
You raised an eyebrow at Connor. “Someone better tell me what’s going on.”
Will exchanged a look with Connor before he gave him a small nod.
“She’s back.”
You knew exactly who Connor was talking about. That was the part that really made you feel like shit.
Will had been reluctant to call it stalking at first, reluctant to put Jay on this even though the laws on stalking had already greatly improved the past few years. But now it seemed like Will was getting concerned too.
“Will, maybe we need to tell Jay about this.” You said gently, even though you understood why Will didn’t want to tell Jay and make it all official.
Will just nodded. “Maybe. I’ll talk to him.”
Connor glanced at Will before squeezing his hand gently. “I’ll see you later, alright? I've got a surgery."
With a quick kiss, Will and Connor parted and you nodded at Connor to assure him that you were here anyway.
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Will had told himself that if it persisted he'd go to Jay but she'd suddenly stopped showing up. The notes stopped and the street was empty when Will left the house.
“Maybe she finally gave up. Like she had one last look and she left.” You said, even though just saying it sounded stupid.
Will just smiled back, asking everyone to stop worrying.
“Y/N, you’re wanted in the waiting room.” Maggie called across the ED and you nodded, patting Will on the arm before heading straight out, shrugging at Maggie.
You’d barely stepped out of the automatic doors when you saw her.
She looked a little frazzled, like she was startled.
“Y/N, thank god. I didn’t know anyone else and…”
You frowned, stopping her with a hand on her arm. “Okay, slow down. What’s going on?”
“My friend, she got hurt and I don’t think I can move her. It’s just at the next street. Can you…”
You frowned. “How is she hurt, Grace? What happened?”
Grace shook her head. “I don’t know, can you just…”
You took a glance back at Leah, who nodded at you quickly disappearing back into the ED.
Feeling certain that whoever it was that Leah alerted would be able to catch up to you quickly, you let Grace lead you out of the ED, so preoccupied that you didn’t notice the shift in the look in her eyes.
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Will asked, jogging up towards Ethan who shook his head.
Having just gotten a bit of time between patients, Will and Ethan had come out after you almost immediately but somehow you were nowhere to be found.
Will already had his phone pressed to his ear but while it had been ringing earlier, it was now dead.
“Are we sure…” Will’s voice trailed off as his eye caught on something right by the side of the sidewalk. “Wait.”
Will bent down, picking it up. There was no mistaking it, Will thought, as the key-shaped pendant from your necklace lay in his palm. “This is hers. I better call Jay.”
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The ringing in Jay’s ears hadn’t stopped since he’d heard from Will.
With no hesitation whatsoever, Voight had sent Jay and Hailey along to Med, while Kim went straight to try to track movements from traffic pods.
Jay frowned now as he leaned over the computer in the security office with Hailey, watching as you spoke to a woman in the waiting room, her face not fully visible from the angle she was standing at.
Hailey glanced at Jay. “She knows where the cameras are.”
Jay nodded absentmindedly, his eyes locked on the image of you leaving the hospital - the last time any of your colleagues had seen you.
Jay ran a hand across his face as he tried to empty his brain to think. Nothing made sense. It didn’t make sense why anyone would want to take you. There’d been no violent patients that you had mentioned recently and everyone Hailey had spoken to earlier couldn’t think of anyone from the past few months either. Sure, there’d been difficult patients and family members but no one that jumped out as being dangerous.
Which meant they had no starting point. And Jay was worried that his brain was too clouded with worry to even think straight. He felt like he was missing something.
“Jay. Here.” Will said, his voice quiet as he put the necklace in Jay’s hand.
Jay’s eyes lingered for a while on the pendant now and Will glanced at his brother worriedly, unable to even imagine being in Jay’s shoes right now.
“Jay, if you…”
Will was interrupted as Jay’s phone rang, his eyes wandering towards the screen of the image capture.
What the hell?
Will glanced up again where Jay was still talking on the phone, before his eyes found the screen again, feeling the knot in his gut seemingly grow in size.
“Will, I just heard.” Connor’s voice broke Will out of what was almost a trance, turning to look at Connor.
Connor registered the look in Will’s eyes almost immediately, his eyes flitting to the screen before he glanced at Will. “That’s…”
“What?” Jay asked now, joining them again as he finished talking to Kim.
Will could barely look his brother in the eye as he glanced up.
“Her name is Grace. Grace Turner.”
Jay frowned. “You know this woman?”
Will exchanged a look with Connor, who merely squeezed his hand. “She's been stalking me."
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The room was still spinning but at least it seemed to be slowing down.
Grace had her back to you as she fiddled with something on her table. You knew you should have trusted your gut.
From the beginning, something had felt off about her, like she was being too friendly. But then you’d put it down to your social anxiety, swallowing it down like a bad pill.
Yet now, as you became more aware of the ache around your shoulders from your arms being pulled towards your back, feel the rough material of whatever she’d used to tie your wrists together, you knew your gut had been right all along. You should have just listened to it.
Just as you were trying to figure what the hell you were supposed to do, Grace turned to look at you.
Her lips curled up into a smile that you’d never seen on her face before, something that made the feeling of unease balloon up in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re awake.”
You frowned, your eyes scanning her expression for more clues.
“Grace, what’s going on? What… is this?” You asked, trying your best to keep your voice level and calm, as you’d done many times in the course of your work in the ED, regardless of what you were feeling.
Grace looked back at you, blinking. “I’ve been trying to figure out why he likes you. There’s nothing truly outstanding, you know?”
You frowned.
You weren’t sure if she wasn’t making sense or if your head was still kind of spinning from inhaling whatever drug she’d soaked that cloth with before she’d pressed it against your mouth and nose earlier.
Grace turned back to look at you now and you didn’t like the glint in her eye. “I’ve been trying to figure it out for weeks, why he's been keeping his distance. And then I saw you with him, and then I knew. It was you. You’re the one standing between us.”
You frowned, your mind spinning as you tried to figure out what she was getting at. Jay hadn’t mentioned anything in particular and you were sure if there’d been someone following the both of you around, he’d have said something or changed up the routine for the both of you.
“You… what? Listen, if there’s…”
Grace didn’t seem to be listening though. “Is it because you’re both doctors?”
“You.” You couldn’t hide the contempt in your voice as you realized this was her. She was the woman who’d been stressing Will out.
Nervous as you were, your gut still feeling like it was flipped inside out, you also felt annoyance and the extreme urge to protect someone you cared about despite the situation you were in.
Even with the ache in your arms, you glared up at her. “If you really cared about him, you wouldn’t be doing this.”
Grace turned back towards you, the anger in her eyes more pronounced now. “No one cares about him more than I do!”
You didn’t avert your eyes, the anger you felt bubbling over in you overtaking the fear and uncertainty that was still hanging over you.
“Not even his brother?” Your voice was still even, as you looked at her. “You took me because you thought Will and I were seeing each other?”
Grace didn’t say anything, just narrowed her eyes at you.
“If we really were seeing each other, did you think taking me here was going to solve anything?”
Grace exhaled loudly. “I’ve been watching you with him.”
You studied Grace, feeling your thoughts swirl. She’d been so obsessed with Will, that she saw you when you were with him but she didn’t watch you any further. She didn’t see the times that you went home or on dates with Jay. You were actually more surprised she didn’t know about Connor.
“So what do you actually want?”
Your eyes flicked to the scissors she had in her hand as you finished your question, before she stepped towards you.
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Jay was quite literally going out of his mind.
They’d matched the woman’s identity, and went straight to her last known address but the apartment looked like it hadn’t been lived in for months judging by the layer of dust that had settled on the furniture. What they did find was a bunch of photos of Will scattered along the walls and other corners of the apartment.
Jay could feel the anger building inside him. Even if this crazy woman hadn’t taken you right under everyone’s nose, the fact that this was somehow connected to his brother was pissing him off so much it was taking all his effort not to punch something.
The sounds of fingers dancing across keyboards, as well as the sound of rifling papers reminded Jay that he needed to keep his head in the game.
“Hey, Jay.”
Jay glanced up to see Connor heading out of the pantry where he’d been with Will, his eyes flicking towards the back view of his brother before he nodded.
“Listen, I was thinking. Will mentioned he’s seen her around his apartment a few times, so couldn’t we…”
Jay froze. “Wait, what?”
Connor frowned. “He didn’t say anything to you?”
Jay’s eyes flicked back in the direction of his brother. “He should have told me about this when it happened.” His voice was slightly reproachful but Connor could hear the tinge of worry as well.
Connor just nodded, realizing he needed to tell Jay almost everything.
“So, can we…”
Jay’s mind was already there as he nodded, leaning back down over his computer, trying to run matches between Grace’s known family and acquaintances with recent rentals near Will’s apartment.
Jay’s eyes scanned the screen in front of him quickly before he paused. “Ruz, what did you say her sister’s name was?”
Jay frowned. “I have a Kayla Lloyd here.”
Kim was right on it. “I think you’re on the right track. Kayla Turner married Nash Lloyd three years ago.”
The team exchanged looks. Hailey nodded. “It’s the best we got so far. I say we go.”
Voight was already standing at his office door before he nodded. “Let’s go.”
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Connor glanced at Will from where they were sitting in the back of Jay’s truck.
Will was glancing out, his fist curled into a ball as it rested on the seat between him and Connor. It wasn’t that he was that affected by this woman, but the fact that he hadn’t done anything which ultimately got the people around him dragged in was really eating at him.
Jay glanced at his brother through the rear view mirror before training his eyes back on the road. He didn’t have the capacity to think of anyone else but you right now. He didn’t know how to. But he could feel the fear clawing at him, but he just exhaled slowly, turning the corner towards the address they’d found earlier.
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You exhaled, hearing Grace pacing outside the bedroom she’d put you in.
Your eyes darted around the room, your brain feeling like it was finally clearing up enough for you to form thoughts that were coherent enough for you to take in other details you hadn’t noticed earlier, like your phone sitting on the dresser.
Grace had been a little out for it for a while, alternating between mumbling to herself or ranting at you about Will. You hadn’t exactly pointed out the fact that you weren’t Will’s girlfriend, like she’d been thinking when she’d grabbed you. Other than the insinuation that had seemed to pass right over her head, you weren’t sure if it was going to make things worse if you pointed out that there was nothing going on between you and Will.
But you needed to do something.
You struggled a little to get to your feet, especially considering that your hands and feet were bound together but you managed to stand a little shakily with minimal sound, feeling a bead of sweat travel down the side of your face.
Gritting your teeth to try not to make any other sound, you gently hopped, grateful that at least she’d put a carpet on her bedroom floor. You angled your body, wobbling backwards as you neared the dresser, your hands finally closing around your phone. You fumbled with your fingers trying to at least turn it on so that Jay could somehow find you. You felt like it was forever, trying to wait for the stupid logo to disappear and for the phone to start but you’d just turned around again to peer at the screen when the door opened.
You froze as you watched the look on Grace’s face shift to one of rage as she took in the scene before her.
She lunged and you threw yourself out of the way, your eyes not missing the fact that she was still gripping onto the scissors in her hand. Your phone slid out of your hands and onto the floor with a thud and you felt your heart sink with it as you tried to reposition yourself on the floor, trying to ignore the shooting pains from the shoulder you’d landed on.
But you knew it was useless, especially as you heard her frustrated breath and a low growl before you felt yourself get yanked up by the hair.
She was freakishly strong for a woman her size.
That was the thought that entered your mind as you tried to regain as much balance as you could. You felt your breath catch in your throat as the threatening cold metal blades hovered near your neck right before the door crashed open.
You’d never felt such a sense of safety overwhelm you until you saw your husband’s face now, his gun ticked up high, his eyes betraying a mixed look of relief and worry at the same time, if that was even possible.
“Y/N.” Your name left his lips like a reflex, his eyes locked directly on yours, even the unspoken words putting you slowly at ease.
Jay was here.
Jay’s eyes flicked towards the woman standing behind you who looked as startled as a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
“Put the scissors down.”
You heard the effort it took for Jay to keep his voice steady, knowing that it would just take something small for Jay to lose it. So you locked your eyes on his, even though you felt the anxiety once again eat at you.
Grace hadn’t reacted and Jay kept his gun raised, his trained eyes looking around the room.
“Stay out of this.” Grace forced the words out through her clenched teeth. “I wouldn’t have done this if she didn’t…”
Her words trailed off as your body froze, your eyes catching the flash of ginger at the door.
“Will.” You felt the jolt of worry hit you, interrupted only by a growl from behind you, the scissors that inched dangerously closer towards your neck reminding you that maybe you shouldn’t have said his name.
Will’s eyes lighted on yours and despite the predicament you found yourself in, you wanted to smack him upside the head for that guilt swimming in his eyes.
Your eyes moved back towards Jay’s and he nodded discreetly at you.
“Grace. Listen to me. Put it down and we can all talk, alright?” Jay said quietly, lowering his gun just a little as a show of faith.
Grace frowned, her eyes flicking up towards Will before she spoke. “All I needed to do was get rid of her, right?”
Will’s frown deepened just slightly as he absorbed what Grace was saying.
“I was just getting rid of the obstacles standing in our way.” Grace said, her voice cracking just a little. “I see the way you look at her, but if it wasn’t for her, we'd be together!"
Will glanced at you and you frowned just as his eyes flicked back to Grace, his head shaking slowly. “I need you to let her go. Can’t you see you’re hurting everyone?”
You heard Will’s voice crack softly, Jay’s eyes flicking towards his older brother as well.
“She’s my… she’s my sister. There’s nothing… You… you’ve misunderstood.”
You could hear how much it was killing Will to keep his voice even and steady, when he was just as close to losing his cool as Jay was.
You felt Grace’s hold on you loosen just a little as her focus shifted entirely to Will. “Your…”
She shook her head, her shaking hand once again inching closer towards you. “I’ve seen the both of you… you don’t have a sister, don’t lie to me!���
“It’s true.” Will said quietly, glancing at Jay who nodded, now lowering his gun even more, Hailey stepping just half a step forward in case.
“Grace.” Jay said quietly. “Look at me.”
As Grace turned her attention to him, Jay exhaled gently. “You know me, don’t you? If you know Will as well as you do.”
Grace nodded slowly. “I just want my wife back.” He said quietly and you heard the quiet crack in his voice, one that only you would have picked up on. “Just give her back to me, please.”
Grace angled her head back down to you and you nodded. “I tried to tell you.”
Caught off-guard, Grace looked like she wasn’t sure what to do next. In her hesitation, her hand holding the blade moved slightly away from you, hovering off to the side and Jay nodded at you.
You threw yourself in the opposite direction, falling back down onto the ground with a crash, the pain in your shoulder causing you to groan. Jay lunged towards Grace, the metal blades of the scissors clattering across the ground as she lost grip.
“Y/N, are you hurt?”
Will’s voice reached you first and you opened your eyes, the groan escaping your lips. “My shoulder. I think…”
Jay was back at your side as Hailey took over the arrest, slicing through the cables around your wrists quickly. The relief was almost immediate and a quiet sigh escaped your lips as the pressure of your arms being pulled behind you was released, even though your shoulder still gave a small throb.
“Are you hurt?” Jay’s voice was quiet but you could feel every single emotion that pulsated through those three words.
You winced as Will’s fingers applied pressure on your shoulder but Will glanced up a little guiltily at his brother, shaking his head. “It’s a little strained but I don’t think it’s a serious injury.”
“Chloroform I think.” You told Will, glancing a little worriedly at Jay for an impending reaction.
Instead, Jay just leaned in, pressing you gently into his embrace, as if worried you’d disappear right out of his arms.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as the adrenaline still pumped through your veins, the anxiety from everything that had happened pulling to the surface, a quiet sob escaping through your lips.
Putting a gentle hand on your head, Jay pulled you deeper into his embrace, soothing you quietly and as you felt your heartbeat slow, you didn’t feel like crying anymore.
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The only time Jay had let go of your hand was briefly in the ambulance when the paramedics needed to put a line in, as well as when Ethan had asked him to wait outside and you’d nodded quietly at him with an encouraging smile.
But the moment Ethan had let him back in, Jay was once again next to you almost like a bodyguard while Ethan assured him that everything seemed to be okay except that your shoulder was slightly bruised from the fall and that you were getting an ice compress and they’d examine you again after.
As Ethan left the both of you alone in the room again, you leaned your head against Jay with a soft sigh.
“You doing okay?” Jay asked quietly.
You didn’t answer immediately before you nodded. “You heard Ethan.”
“You know that wasn’t what I was asking.” A reproachful tone crept into Jay’s voice despite his efforts to hide it.
You pulled away to look up at him and Jay took the opportunity to lower himself down towards you, sitting at the edge of your bed so he could be close enough for you to remain snuggled into his side.
“I remembered where I knew her from…” You’d barely begun when your eyes caught Will hovering at the entrance of the room.
Jay glanced up, nodding at his brother who was closely followed by Connor. Connor had Will’s hand protectively clamped in his own, which only made you want to smile.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Will asked. “Ethan said whatever she gave you was probably just a sedative and that other than a busted shoulder you’re…”
You smiled. “I’m fine.”
Will glanced at Jay, which made you look at your husband as well.
“Look, Y/N. I’m sorry. This is all…”
“Will Halstead.” You snapped, interrupting him. “I swear to God, if you take all the blame for this one I will smack you upside the head. Hard.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as Will looked a little startled, even though a smile was playing on the corner of Connor’s lips.
“How the hell were any of us supposed to know this was her? Or that this woman following you around would actually think I was your girlfriend and kidnap me in broad daylight?” You said, glancing over at Jay as if this was directed at him as well.
Jay just nodded at you before looking at his brother. “Will, I wasn’t blaming you, I just…”
Will nodded. “I know. I kept thinking if Connor had disappeared…”
Connor gave Will’s hand another reassuring squeeze.
“We done?” You asked, almost accusingly at Will.
Will’s eyebrows bunched together in slight confusion as he nodded.
“Now, get over here. I need a hug from my older brother.” You snapped.
Will let out the first real smile that day and stepped forward to pull his arms around you. “I’m sorry.” Will whispered.
You shook your head. “All of you came to get me. That’s what matters.”
Will pulled away and Connor reached for his hand once more. “Told you so.”
You smiled, leaning back into Jay’s embrace. “You almost induced a heart attack today. Don’t ever disappear on me again.” Jay whispered, pressing his lips onto your temple.
You just closed your eyes, letting out a soft hum of satisfaction at being safe with Jay, accompanied by Will and Connor, the ache in your shoulder barely even bothering you anymore.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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kanguin · 2 months ago
Apropos of nothing, here's my top 15 anime and whether the story would be improved if you made the main character a trans girl:
1. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - You can't transition Rimuru in a way that matters, but honestly if Rimuru did start to ID as a woman over time, that would be cool. Unlikely though considering his human form is the body of Shizu, so a fully fem form would feel pervy to Rimuru.
2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Well it'd certainly make the title funny if you made Edward into Edwina. And it'd make Ed/Winry into yuri. But honestly it'd change very little imho. Though it would be interesting to explore transition in a world where alchemy exists, but just in a different story. Might make for a fascinating post-canon fanfic?
3. Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation - Oh god would it. The story is already focused on exploring identity and already has dysphoria when a god he talks to forces him into his pre-reincarnation body on the astral plane. Making Rudy into a polyamorous trans lesbian would literally be peak and elevate the story so much.
4. Kaguya-sama: Love is War - You know what? Yeah. I can vibe with making Miyuki Shirogane trans. It would add another layer of intrigue to the story AND make it gay. It could even be funny if Kaguya or Chica found out before Shirogane did. Wait. No. It would be hilarious if YU ISHIGAMI found out first, and just, assumed Miyuki was closeted, and not just, clueless. Yes this could add so much entertainment value.
5. Dungeon Meshi - Lord almighty get this autistic furry a choker and some estrogen, stat. I make it no secret how I feel about the Trans Touden Sisters interpretation.
6. Dandadan - Make Okarun and Jiji trans girls and make the main cast a messy polycule and sign me the FUCK up please! It would be so funny and so much fun. I NEED this version of Dandadan. It'd be even funnier considering how much is focused around Ken's junk and him being partially possessed by an old lady.
7. Overlord - NGL I'm not even sure anything would change if you made Momonga into a trans woman. She'd act the exact same, and so would everyone else. Interesting for sure, but fruitless, ultimately.
8. My Dressup Darling - Crack? Crack cocaine? Do you realize how amazing it would be to make this into a story about a gyaru girl pulling a closeted trans girl excitably out of the closet?! This would make this so much cuter than it already is, I think I'd EXPLODE.
9. How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom - It wouldn't change much narratively, but the world could always use more stories with polyamorous trans lesbians as the protagonist.
10. The Faraway Paladin - Wouldn't change much honestly, but it would be cool. Tbh Season 2 Will looks like a stealth/closeted trans girly already.
11. Mob Psycho 100 - Again wouldn't change much but would be fun. Put Mob on estrogen and watch her transform from anxiety autism failboy to anxiety autism failgirl. And then still be the kindest person in any room.
... Okay though, on second thought, getting to see her go ???% on a transphobe would be cool as shit.
12. One Punch Man - another no change case. One Punch Woman. She has boobs now. She probably transitioned in like a day somehow.
13. My Hero Academia - I think putting Midoriya on estrogen would fix the show actually. Maybe also put the writer on estrogen just to be sure. (joke)
14. Kill la Kill - Making Ryuko Matoi a trans girl would actually be really cool, especially with her challenging establishment, with the themes of clothes being a restrictive aspect of society, and with her gay romance with Mako. I've seen so many trans girls on Tumblr with Ryuko's exact shameless, confident personality, I just know it'd be epic.
15. Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious - It would change little about how Seiya acts, but realizing she's trans would definitely give Ristarte's bisexual ass a nosebleed. Though Seiya would probably be ultra mega hyper closeted behind numerous mystic barriers, so that'd be fun to explore.
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millidew · 2 months ago
random list of v3 opinions after experiencing all that again:
the death road of despair segment is the pre-trial highlight of ch1. so damn good. just a perfect microcosm of the game and kaede's flaws and conflicts
maki is funnier than i remember. but she’s at her funniest when she hits shuichi with a devastating insult, usually completely unprompted
ouma and maki parallels and foiling forever and ever. they HAAATE each other. but also it’d be cool to see them get along. the whole point is that they don’t see through the other and believe the other’s lies but still
maki saying she’ll work hard to make people trust her and her talent and that she wants to survive with everyone…ough…
ouma is so mad. he wishes that were him. also that moment where everyone ignores him and tries to comfort kaito after gonta's execution. he also wishes that were him but unfortunately he's been an asshole to everyone and no one likes him so
the only way i can enjoy saio/uma is one sided ouma->shuichi where shuichi is just not invested in the cop/robber dynamic ouma wants at all. it’s funnier this way + saimota inspires a visceral upset within him. he NEEDS to fumble both kaede and shuichi.
on that note i’ve been hcing ouma as bisexual for years partially out of spite
kaito’s obnoxious charm can’t be ignored. if you think you’ve successfully done it, it means it’s just entered an asymptomatic form. it'll hit you soon enough
kaito and himiko just blatantly lying through their teeth during their ftes. the liars who suppress their true problemsssss. also him shouting that he is NOT GIVING HER A PIGGY BACK RIDE!!! EVAR!!!!! is so funny
himiko I LOVE YOUUUUU. i love her getting overly familiar with people post-development and just accidentally completely overstepping boundaries by insulting kiibo and calling maki "maki roll." she's trying so hard you guys
shuichi and maki doing sit ups and the camera slowly panning to show kaito laying there hands behind his head saying his usual bullshit is one of the funniest moments of the game
tenko and himiko agree that shuichi should transition into a woman. this is true.
I don’t accept tenko slander unless it’s specifically about her obsessiveness over himiko in ch1-2 in which case I can’t defend her
if kaito shaved he’d look 13. for this reason he is legally not allowed to do that.
tsumugi and the background of v3 are SO GOOD. ABSOLUTE PEAK. in execution there are lots of weak points but after thh, sdr2, udg, and the anime series, tell me a meta story about consumption, lies, and depression that ends with the cameos from entire main games’ previous casts doesn’t go hard
don’t deny that tsumugi loved her little ocs. do you not enjoy torturing your blorbos, putting them into situations, and giving them nice things just to take those away?? shipping them and dressing them up??? making silly aus (salmon mode, utdp, arguably dr:s)?
i just wish the writers utilized her more bc i love that so much. she should've wanted to get to get more involved with everyone (giddily see her ocs up close). she should've made even more thh/srdr2 references. players assume the writers are making for cheap nostalgia points, and they are, but it's true in-universe too...she should've been so overconfident that she'd get sloppy with the situational irony... tsumugi you little freak ily
she and rantaro were 100% s52's survivors and you can pry this from my cold dead hands. her dr fangirl self can be her pre-game personality
speaking of pre-game personalities, pre-game content is at best boring to me. how they write ouma is my litmus test. if he's not enough of a nuisance, just in a different way, then it's gotta go
maki is down for a training trio polycule, shuichi is in denial about everything and fears becoming an awkward third wheel, and kaito has been trying unsuccessfully to wink-wink nudge-nudge shuichi and maki into “realizing their feelings for each other” for ages
i still think maki should have short hair. initially I thought just shorter pigtails would be ok but I’m now in the firm camp of a pixie cut with one of her scrunchies on her wrist, with her orphanage-age flashback self maintaining the pigtails. she had to cut them off for practicality’s sake but one of her hidden desires is to be able to regrow it one day. another show of her loss of identity and past life, and how every aspect of her is controlled? such a simple desire at first glance but because hair is such a simple show of autonomy…even more tragic… maybe her doomed childhood friend yuri used to do her hair …hrm…
ultimates are public, influential figures. maki’s had to assassinate friends before (rip her yakuza friend that I didn’t know she had up until recently). maki went back to being an assassin in utdp after graduating. the hope’s peak class roster MIGHT just be a hit list
for someone who includes miu in her top 3 I haven’t talked about her at all huh. it’s been maki central up in here
miu is AWFUL but when her jokes hit, they hit good and hard just like she’d want them to. she’s completely insufferable and deserves to hit ouma (also insufferable) with 3000 hammers. kiibo too but he wouldn’t want to
look just because ouma said he was doing everything for a good reason, do NOT forget that at his core he is a little dipshit. he’s a JERK!!!
brief dip into maki time again. one of my favorite aus is that maki’s doomed childhood friend is actually miu. i'll expand on this in another post
once again: drv3 and rgu are shaking hands about exiting the narrative and the follies of playing hero. read my utenanthy!kaemugi post
v3 is FARRRR from a masterpiece, but it's a solid and fitting Ending to the main games, plus it's got an insane cast with infinite dynamics and a premise which i love to bits <33 and it was the game that got me into dr, so it'll always be special in my heart. also kaito momota luminary of the stars debuted in it which gives it 5/5 stars
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 11 months ago
AITA for accidentally outing my fiance?
I (27F) am engaged to a 24M guy. He is trans, but he doesn't identify as trans anymore - he's post-everything, passes 100%, lives stealth/as a cis man, and no one who didn't know him pre-transition knows him as anything but a cis man. I know keeping that up is very important to him, we've had a lot of conversations about how happy he is just being seen as cis and being able to pass. I know getting outed and 'found out' is also a big worry of his, for example for our upcoming wedding he's rushing around trying to make it clear to his family that they shouldn't mention him being trans or refer to him as she/her at our wedding because he has so many friends coming who don't know he's trans. It's not that he doesn't trust them or he's ashamed of being trans or anything, he's very supportive of his trans friends, but he just doesn't publicly live as trans.
We're in a big Discord server of friends that have been quite close for about a year now, enough that we've met multiple of them in person and two of them are going to be in his wedding party as sort of 'best man' equivalents (we're not really sticking to bridesmaid best man stuff just our mixed gender friends). He has kept his Facebook very private for as long as I've known him, the only people on there are IRL friends and family because he has in the past posted trans stuff on there, like transition updates, it still has old pictures of him pre-T or in early transition, etc. I knew he didn't want this found. He also hadn't told any of this group aside from the people he was especially close with and had invited to the wedding his surname and location in case they looked him up and found something.
People in the server were sharing their Facebook profiles and I shared mine so people could add me. My fiance messaged me right after pointing out that me sharing mine would dox him as I had him in my relationship status and friends list, but I unfortunately didn't see this message for a while as I was distracted and doing other things. By the time I saw, everyone in the group had already clicked and gone through my profile and found his.
He tried to go through and speed-delete everything he could find that was public that mentioned him being trans or showed him pre-transition, any comments from family referring to it, etc but pictures that were set to friends only were still popping up in previews on the side and some of his family have public profiles that show cover images with him pre-T and things like that.
Our friends were making jokes about finally knowing his surname, going through his whole account down to the time it was first made back in 2018, commenting on old statuses of his, so they definitely saw his profile and went through all of it. He was panicking because he had no way of knowing if they'd seen that he's trans or not and got super upset and freaked out about the possibility, and he couldn't ask without outing himself or making them suspicious.
I apologized and deleted the link but obviously by then it was too late.
I do think it's not a huge deal as much as he thinks because I know our friends would be supportive and wouldn't think of him differently, but I know it was still important to him. I'm not sure they did see because some of our friends are the type to have just blurted out "You're trans?!" in the server without thinking about it (not because they're malicious or judging it, but some of them aren't as online and don't really know how to talk about it sensitively if that makes sense) and they didn't say anything. However he thinks they did because they were talking about statuses older than the ones he managed to get to deleting in time.
Like I said i did apologize but I feel like he's still upset with me for not thinking before sending my profile. On top of that I have kind of a habit of doing things impulsively and without thinking (I have bpd and bipolar) and not always taking into account how it will affect him or what consequences it will have,which I've been working on for years but I worry this is just adding to that which I know already wears on him.
What are these acronyms?
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months ago
can gnomes be trans??
i mean.
okay. look. the gnomes are first and foremost speculative bio, so their sociology is not the priority of developing them as a species. they are not meant to map to human ideas of gender and sex, because they don't experience those. you're essentially asking can bees be trans.
i would posit gnomes don't really know what trans is, because to them, there are queens and breeding males, and then there's everyone else and the babies. there is no functional difference between non-breeding males and females until males go into rut, and then you're a breeding male and you leave and you're not a real part of society. an afab gnome is not going to transition into a breeding male because that's not physically possible outside of extremely rare intersex cases, and there is no social gender to transition across anyway. you could castrate a breeding male/pre-rut male and he would be no different from a non-breeding female, but that's still not a transition, that's more just a perpetual prepubesence. there Is probably a cultural tradition of doing this to males who would be more useful to the colony if they stuck around, but i wouldn't consider them transgender anymore than i would consider a eunuch transgender.
basically no, gnomes can't be trans.
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anonymous-ace72 · 9 months ago
Slightly back on my bullshit in regards to roman portraiture but also linking it to Trials of Apollo because why tf not.
So, quick recap for those who don't know: Roman portraiture is to be taken with a grain of salt; especially Imperial portraiture. These are not realistic pictures of the people they portray, but rather carefully crafted, idealized images that would have been pre-approved by the subject before they were shown off to the world. They might include some individualized aspects (Pompey's portraits are a good example) but we really don't know what they look like.
On the other side of things, we can't really trust written accounts from people like Sutonious either, because in the case of the Julio-Claudians, he wrote about them some hundred years after that dynasty ended, and whatever sources he might have used in his describing of these people have long since been lost, and probably greatly embellished. Really, we have no clue what these people looked like. We don't even have remains to do facial reconstructions of because I'm pretty sure most imperial Romans would have been cremated.
So, what does this have to do with ToA?
I know within the universe of the books, the triumvirate is described in ways that look very similar to their surviving portraiture, it makes sense, these are the only images of these men we have left, but I thought it would be kind of cool if they only started looking more like their portraiture, after they became minor gods. Stay with me for a second.
These portraits were widely circulated, usually made as a means for the emperor to stand in during official events where he would need to be present, as well as just to remind everyone who's the boss. Most people in the Roman empire probably never physically saw the emperor himself, only these portraits, so this is the image of him that they would have known. I doubt, with the triumvirate being only minor dieties, that they have the ability to change their appearance at will like a major god can, but maybe one of the things that happened from transition from mortal to god is their appearance changed to fit more in with the widely circulated images around the empire. With some individuality sprinkled in as well.
Just an interesting thought I had.
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 year ago
Do you think Vox arrived in hell with a color or black-and-white tv head? (And would his color vision be the same as his screen output?)
If one of his upgrades was to color, I can imagine both him and alastor geeking out over it together like mad scientists, before the friendship sank. The infatuation/obsession fuel of Alastor being one of the first things Vox sees in color in his afterlife… slo-mo bishie sparkle vision (“why is everything here fucking red?!”)
Or maybe Alastor wasn’t impressed by “living color” at all and it was the beginning of the end. A final dealbreaker would have been the upgrade from film cameras to electronic video cameras in the 70s/80s. Around the time Vox would have buddied up with Valentino. As if Vox’s devaluing of music and audio over video wasn’t already enough yikes
Oh no let’s get poetic, maybe that was the last time Vox saw Alastor without distortion, and MAYBE he still can’t see Alastor unless he’s looking at an image of him captured in the pre-digital days. Wait that’s a bit too angsty actually. Alastor literally being like ‘you have lost the privilege of perceiving me’… oof maybe as a deterrent if Vox got uncomfortably distracted/focussed on Al’s looks instead of the Art of Radio (reminds me of a time a guy I’d never spoken to asked our art prof to ask me if he could photograph me because I’d become his “muse”, and I shifted my setup so a column blocked his line of sight. Vision denied, Martin, no more perception allowed. jesus christ)
hmmm first colour tv came out in the 50s so it's entirely possible that when vox died it was already invented, so entirely possible he just spawned with colour already. idk if I want to begin to understand how vox's sight and his screen correlate with each other, does he KNOW what's on his screen when it's not his face???? I mean he knew velvette was calling when that came up on his screen. what the fuck does he see when his screen is not his face. I don't. I don't know. but I haven't actually thought about it necessarily correlating. but I do kind of like the idea of like him transitioning to colour for the first time and seeing alastor in the bishie sparkle filter that's so funny ksjdfghllf. honestly you can buy me with any context of vox seeing alastor in the bishie sparkle filter it's so funny.
typically I don't think vox's vision counts as video when it comes to alastor, mostly because I just NEED him to see alastor without distortion for the first time in 7 years. but it's definitely a sad idea if it did apply to him especially cause everyone else around him would be able to see him in-person without distortions cause they're not video LMAO, so he'd be essentially the only person unable to see alastor normally. NOT in my usual hcs because damn that's too sad even for me.... but it is something to think about if it was the case
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transfaguette · 4 months ago
I've been on bluesky and I like it as a platform, I like how it looks and works and a lot of the people on it, but the discourse on it makes me extremely unhappy. It's my fault for looking for it most of the time, but yesterday I wasn't even looking FOR discourse, I just searched "trans man" trying to find any transmasc positivity to hold onto, and the first thing I saw was a post that said "if I was transmasc I wouldn't even transition to avoid being associated with modern men" and it's like. That's such a fucking hurtful thing to say. Much like Tumblr, bluesky has a lot of really popular and good at posting trans women, and I like most of them alright, but a lot of them have a very, very woefully incomplete view of the transmasc experience. The ongoing discourse right now is about this word that was coined-- "cissexual"-which is said to be the opposite of "transsexual", which I guess only refers to transitioning trans people in this case. A lot of popular and well-liked transfem posters are calling closeted/pre-t/non-transitioning non binary people "cissexuals" and it makes my skin crawl for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who reads that word. The main people speaking out about how harmful this word is, though, IMO, are doing so in a very misogynistic and over-the-top way, so I feel unsafe to voice my own discomfort at all. Even among people I follow and like I see a lot of "no man is oppressed for being a man, misandry never factors into terfism because trans women aren't men", and I feel like I'm going insane??? Idk, but I had to go through and read your blog a lot because there's so little comfort for trans men, it seems.
I wanna block everyone who has ever participated in any of this, but I feel like if I do I'll be just seen as transmisogynistic. It's like, I'm blocking because I am using your posts as digital self harm. I don't think any of these women are bad people, but seeing this stuff hurts. I feel like I don't have a voice anywhere, and anything I could ever voice will just be mocked.
i don’t think you should feel bad at all- I think you should do it extremely unapologetically. i would feel the same for a trans woman in the opposite position, when theres a place full of trans men and some inevitably make insensitive comments. even if they are good people, even if theyre just ignorant, its hurtful and it isnt ok! not only do you deserve a space away from those comments, but if people do notice, its a message that needs to be sent, imo. and the well meaning people will hopefully listen.
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fantasyfantasygames · 2 months ago
Combo review: The Dark Room and Pitch-Black Time Machine
The Dark Room / Pitch-Black Time Machine, Rob Knight, 2016/2018
In 2016, Rob Knight released a thoughtful, investigative RPG entitled The Dark Room (TDR). In 2018 he released an extremely different game entitled Pitch-Black Time Machine (PBTM), using the exact same rules word-for-word. I figured I'd review both of them in one post.
In TDR each of your characters have walked into the titular room and found themselves with each other, despite entering the room in different years. When you exit the room, you're at one person's era. You try to resolve someone's issues (external and internal), and then walk back into the room and do it again in someone else's era. Once everyone's issues are solved, people can finally go back to their own eras. The mystery of the room's how and why is never resolved.
PBTM, on the other hand, is a party horror. Your inebriated characters cram themselves into a darkened closet on a combination of "seven minutes in heaven" and a phone booth stunt. When they tumble back out it's into a weirdly fractured universe where one of their issues has gone rampant, causing horrible trouble for everyone. Every time they confront one successfully, the world rearranges, until they finally end up in a world better than they left it and burn down the house with the closet. Tone-wise it's a mix of Buffy and Harold & Kumar.
There are three "layers" to the rules, and to the characters you build with them. The Issues layer deals with problems in the character's lives. It's the most innovative part of the system. Rather than just a description or a rating, Issues have mechanical hooks that let the GM generate opposition dice pools and relevant NPCs. They also provide the PCs with tainted bonuses, building negative effects even as they provide dice Success doesn't erase Issues, but instead transmutes them, turning down the negative side effects, healing weakness and building resilience.
Talents and Statistics provide more standard systems. You could run the game with just Issues, but Talents provide your character's background and anything that would fall under Advantages and Disadvantages in GURPS. Statistics provide the usual six modern attributes (str/agi/sta/int/cha/per) on a 20-80 rating and some percentile skills. The Statistics layer is either extremely phoned in, or is a reasonable case of whipping up a generic system when you don't need anything more complex. Honestly, you could run a game without the Issues layer and have a very typical older modern-era game, but that would be like using Unknown Armies without the shock gauges or Rolemaster with no crit tables. Issues are what make this system sing.
Overall I'm impressed by the difference in tone between the two games despite using the exact same system. The art does a lot to help reinforce that. Both are black and white line art, but TDR is thin-lined historical sketches and PBTM is thicker-lined and more cartooney, kind of caricature-ish. (I talk art good.) A little research revealed that it's the same artist at different points in their career, and pre/post transition, which is kinda cool. Even without the art, the text really conveys a very different game, and Rob did a great job finding two settings that precisely fit the same set of rules.
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