#prayer circle everyday... for the sake of my happiness
calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 42/52: October 17th - October 23rd 2022 | Nam Dae Moon Rice Cake 🍓
Got my 4th dose of COVID finally and got basically no symptoms so went out to eat desserts with Vicky again the day after (non-stop desserts with her lately). I have to work 7 days in a row after today so I am not prepared at all lol. My last chance of relaxing before I am dead again lmao. Went to 南大门 FINALLY and got their strawberry sando & osmanthus rice cake 桂花糕 yummmmm!!!! Strawberry sando had really refreshing strawberry whipped cream, lots of fresh strawberries, and there was a layer of stretchy mochi that was sooooo good wtf!!! The rice cake was a lot harder/drier than I had imagined but it was still yum and I love the osmanthus sauce on top. Overall good desserts!!!!! Filling too. Highly recommend. 👍
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patchworkideas · 5 years
FiKi Week 2019: Day 4, Pet
Had been thinking about the Fair Folk and Elves some months ago and the idea ended up running away with my two favourite characters. I'm actually pretty proud of this one and after seeing the Prompt I couldn't resist posting this. Hope it's as enjoyable to read as it was to write.
 Can also be found on AO3:
Elves can be tricky, with an otherworldly morality system that no one quite understands.  
Kili finds that out the hard way.  
He has been sitting on the edge of Mirkwood for a few days now and the thought of leaving had been impossible until a few moments ago.  
All that he could think about was his star, his Tauriel. He hadn't even registered the words that echo so loudly through his mind now, as he's running away from a predator that thinks him an easy meal. 
In this unknown body he probably is.  
She bewitched him. Ever since she visited him in the dungeons everyday, he had been lost, unable to think of anything but her. Every time he saw her, just another opportunity for her to get her claws deeper into his mind.  
In the end, he left Erebor. Left his family, everything he cared about, because his mistress asked and he couldn't resist the sirens call.  
How long even did he stay in Mirkwood, a pet among the elves, unable to think for himself?  
If those Rivendell Elves hadn't come, hadn't seen, hadn't demanded that he was set free, he would probably still be there. 
If that thing hadn't tried to eat him, he probably would have waited there until she came to collect her pet back.  
But he has his mind back, he's awake and clear in what feels like the first time in forever.  
He runs, and he hides and he tries to hunt on four foreign paws, his fur dirty and his new senses almost overwhelming him.  
He makes it to the Lonely Mountain.  
He makes it unseen through the back ways, and runs like the devil through the places he can't hide in. Bides his time. He knows he's getting dangerously thin, that no dwarf will look at him and see something worth saving.  
None but one.  
And when the opportunity comes, he takes it. He evades Dwalins hands as he screams his brothers name, just the first syllable, his mouth grating and painful even around that. He evades everything grasping him while he weaves through his legs, hides behind him, calling, calling, calling, crying out through the pain and doing it again. 
Only Fili may lift him.  
May see his puppy eyes look that has never failed before.  
And it doesn't.  
Fili bathes him, brushes his fur, cuddles him close. He loves him, even if just as a pet. Kili returns the sentiment, even as his brother pours out his heart in front of him, crying in his empty room for the brother he thought lost.
He doesn’t understand his cats desperate tries of communication though. Scratched in runes are ignored, ink pots almost impossible to get his paws into before he is scolded and lifted away. 
He watches as his brother starts letters he never finishes, never meant to send. Tells his faithful feline friend that Kili is happy were he is. That he's choosen who he wants to be with and it isn't with him.  
Fili never stops mourning. Kili never stops comforting him, or trying to make him understand.  
Kili makes his choice, somewhere between protecting him from the would be assassin whose eyes he scratches out and the gold digging dwarrowdams that Thorin thinks might cheer up his brother, unseeing that Fili agrees to being miserable for the sake of duty and nothing else. 
He wants to give a tongue lashing to them all, to let it get this bad. It will have to wait, like so much. 
Eventually, it's Ori that ends up seeing a pattern. Of a too smart cat that keeps desperately scratching in the same shapes whenever he can. His runes have become almost readable by then, from all the practice. Fili indulges the Scribe when he sets out a small bowl of ink and an empty piece of paper. 
Kili takes his time, careful to make the runes as clear as possible. With paws a piece of paper is not a lot of room. "Get Gandalf." is what he has to settle with. There's not enough room for more. Not with his blasted paws unable to write smaller. 
Ori brings out another paper, but speaks clear and slow, as if he hadn't proved his intelligence countless times by now, telling him to write the same message again. 
He does.  
He manages it smaller this time, adding a haphazard "HELP!" onto it. Partly to be contrary, and partly to get his desperation across. 
He knows he can't tell them his name. Too much hurt comes with the mention, too much that could distract. 
And if Gandalf can't help... Better not to give hope where there might be none. Kili doesn't know if his brother will survive losing him twice. 
In the end, Fili swears Ori to secrecy and smuggles out a message requesting Gandalf's help.  
King Thorin will be furious, and his cat is already fairly disliked for being impossible to part from him, the Crown Prince, as is. He knows his Uncle allows it because his pet has made him smile again.  
Even though it insist on driving away any possible match.  
Fili thinks about yesterday, how he stood up about not wanting to have children with someone who couldn't even handle a cat, and how cats only live about a decade anyway, would it truly be too much to ask to wait that long to look for a match? 
His King might have been displeased, but it was the first thing his nephew had asked for himself ever since the battle, so his Uncle gave in. 
He asks the raven to hurry, wrote Gandalf the same. 
He doesn’t know how old his cat is, doesn't know how long he has, but after all it helped him with, all the comfort and quiet joy he had thought lost forever, well, they can call him insane and punish him all they want afterwards, he's not going to let his little friend down. 
Gandalf does eventually come, though unfortunately Fili can't get him alone before the old wizard strides into the hall and asks what the emergency is. 
Fili knows he can't bring this back into smaller circles, that, if he's wrong, he's going to show his insanity in front of the whole damn Court, but before he can truly worry his Cat jumps from his shoulder and runs away, towards the wizard.  
He has moved after it before he realises it, snatching it up just before it reaches the tall figure.  Every eye is on them, and Gandalf looks surprised for a second before a small smile breaks through.  
"Well, that is an emergency, I suppose. You did good in calling me." 
And he touches Fili's cat with his staff, the top of it just barely brushing it's head before a blinding light fills his eyes and the fur under his fingers changes and he becomes unable to hold him up anymore. 
And it is a him that now rest in his arms. A shape that's burned into his memory with the force of a thousand dragons fire, never, ever forgotten. Fili whispers the name like a prayer into the hair of the dwarf before him, before finally opening his eyes upon hearing what his cat has been trying to tell him all this time. 
"Hey, Fi. I'm home." 
There are long discussions of course, after Fili used his coat to hide his naked brother from prying eyes before leading him to a smaller, more private chamber, with only their most trusted friends around.  
Kili tells the story, how he was enchanted, trapped and how he broke free, finding his way back.  
Gandalf looks caught between sad but resigned and angry and frustrated. 
Apparently making someone love someone else is not considered a crime among the wood elves as long as the person in question doesn't ask for the spell to end. Which was obviously ridiculous, considering the fact that he hadn't even known he was under a spell until his near death broke him out of it. (And didn't that change her appearance in the battle, never leaving his side. She was right there to redo the spell whenever the battle woke him up.) 
Kili knew there would be consequences for that disaster. 
But he was currently more concerned with settling something else, something that had become clear during his time as a pet. His eyes caught Fili's and he sent a short apology to him before he explained in detail why he had intervened in Fili's matchmaking. 
He made sure that both his uncle and his mother knew that Fili hadn't wanted any of it.  
That Fili had never said no to them before, never hid from duty, so how "could they" ask him to marry and act like he actually had a choice in the matter. Why, they were all but selling him off to the highest bidder and Fili would have accepted a lifetime of misery for a short economic boon to the mountain. 
Kili had a whole rant, all thought out, words sharpened over month and months and months of this nonsense, but he didn't need much of it before his family gave him what he wanted, without realising that that had been his goal all along. 
Thorin and Dis insisted that their happiness was their highest goal and that they would not try to marry either of them off. Of course they could wait for their One, or not marry at all if that made them happier. The matchmaking had only been because they had hoped that Fili would feel better with a Companion. 
In the end, it only took a few words in the right places, how Fili would do everything for that bloody mountain so how could they know he wouldn't pretend to be okay with it at a later time, and they had both Princes swear an oath that they would not marry for anything but the love of their One.  
Kili's included a vow to keep him away from any elves in the future. 
His brother was of course looking angrily at him the whole time. He was the only one who still saw through Kili like glass. Knew the Theatrics were deliberate. Knew he had made it sound as bad as possible and that nobody would believe Fili in this matter for quite some time. 
They would fight about it, when all was said and done, and they were finally allowed back to their room, with no eyes to watch them. 
Kili looked forward to it, to the rough and tumble, to the heated words pouring out of both of them, to feeling the weight of his brother in his arms and feel his strength when he reminded him that he saw and heard *everything*.  
That they had promised to never hide from each other and Fili had broken that promise long before the journey. 
Kili had made his choice while kneading his brothers skin with his paws, letting his rolling purr drown out the sobs and his rough tongue lap up the tears while his brother called out to the One he lost, Kili's name on his lips every night. 
He would eventually do the same in his own body, swallowing Fili's cries along with everything else Fili had wanted to give and hadn't let himself, afraid of hurting his little brother. 
But they were equals and Kili would make sure Fili finally understood that. He had their whole life for it now, with the oath to never love anyone but their One, anyone but each other, after all. 
Kili couldn't wait, and behind Fili's anger, the confusion and the fear of losing him again, well, he knew his brother inside out, and he wouldn't have to wait long at all. 
They were One, and nothing would come in between, never again.
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Thursday, October 8 of 2020 with Proverbs 8 and Psalm 8 accompanied by Psalm 17 for the 17th day of Autumn and Psalm 132 for day 282 of the year
[Psalm 8]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by the harp.
O Eternal, our Lord,
Your majestic name is heard throughout the earth;
Your magnificent glory shines far above the skies.
From the mouths and souls of infants and toddlers, the most innocent,
You have decreed power to stop Your adversaries
and quash those who seek revenge.
When I gaze to the skies and meditate on Your creation—
on the moon, stars, and all You have made,
I can’t help but wonder why You care about mortals—
sons and daughters of men—
specks of dust floating about the cosmos.
But You placed the son of man just beneath God
and honored him like royalty, crowning him with glory and honor.
You ordained him to govern the works of Your hands,
to nurture the offspring of Your divine imagination;
You placed everything on earth beneath his feet:
All kinds of domesticated animals,
even the wild animals in the fields and forests,
The birds of the sky and the fish of the sea,
all the multitudes of living things that travel the currents of the oceans.
O Eternal, our Lord,
Your majestic name is heard throughout the earth.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 8 (The Voice)
[Proverbs 8]
Isn’t Lady Wisdom calling?
Listen; don’t you hear the voice of understanding crying out?
She’s taken her stand at the highest place in the city,
at the crossroads where everyone can see her.
There, and at the gates, at the entrance to the city,
right in front of the city doors she cries out:
Lady Wisdom: O people! I am calling to you;
I have a message for all humanity.
You gullible people, acquire insight.
You naive ones, cultivate a heart that truly understands.
Listen, for I am about to tell you of unparalleled excellence and beauty;
what I am about to say will set things right.
I will only speak the truth;
I despise evil, so it will not pass through my lips.
Everything I say promotes justice;
not one word is crooked, and nothing is distorted.
Each and every word is straight talk to perceptive people,
upright and honest to knowledge-seekers.
Accept my correction as being more valuable than your prized possession,
authentic knowledge more valuable than pure gold.
You see, no gem is more precious than Lady Wisdom—
your most extravagant desire doesn’t come close to her.
Lady Wisdom: I make my home with prudence;
I obtain knowledge and sound judgment.
If you respect the Eternal, you will grow to despise evil.
I despise wretched, vile talk
and ways of pride and arrogance.
Good counsel is mine, and also true wisdom.
I am understanding, and strength belongs to me.
It’s because of me that kings wield power
and authorities decree what is right.
It’s because of me that leaders and their agents govern
and all judge according to what is right.
I love those who love me;
those who search hard for me will find me.
Riches and honor are the benefit of following me;
so are lasting wealth and justice.
My reward is better than gold, even the purest gold;
and my profit is greater than the highest quality silver.
I follow the way of right living.
Follow me along the path to find justice;
I’m ready to meet those who love me, bestow true riches upon them,
and fill up their lives until their treasuries overflow.
The Eternal created me; it happened when His work was beginning,
one of His first acts long ago.
Before time He established me,
before the earth saw its first sunrise.
I was born before the deep existed,
before any springs poured out their water,
Before the mountains were placed on their foundations,
before the hills rolled across the land—
yes, before all this, I was brought forth.
When the earth was yet unformed and the fields were not yet nestled beneath the wind—
even before the first dust of the earth—
When He created the heavens, I was there.
When He drew a circle in the deep, dividing the oceans and the sky, I was there.
I was there when He established the sky.
I was there when the springs in the deep were fortified;
I witnessed Him lay down the shore as a boundary
and put limits on the water
And determine the foundations of the earth.
All this time I was close beside Him, a master craftsman.
Every day I was His delightful companion,
celebrating every minute in His presence,
Elated by the world He was making and all its fine creatures;
I was especially pleased with humanity.
So now listen to me, my children:
those who live by my ways will find true happiness.
Pay attention to my guidance, dare to be wise,
and don’t disregard my teachings.
The one who listens to me,
who carefully seeks me in everyday things
and delays action until my way is apparent, that one will find true happiness.
For when he recognizes and follows me, he finds a peaceful and satisfying life
and receives favor from the Eternal.
But heed my warning: the one who goes against me will only hurt himself,
for all who despise me are playing with fire and courting death.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 8 (The Voice)
[Psalm 17]
A prayer of David.
Listen, O Eternal One, to my cry for justice.
These words of mine are true—turn Your ear toward me.
Announce that I am free of all the charges against me—only You can see into my heart to know that to be true.
Treat me with fairness; look at me with justice.
You have searched me—my heart and soul—awakened me from dreaming and tested me.
You’ve found nothing against me.
I have resolved not to sin in what I say.
The path violent men have followed,
I will not travel. Violence is not my way.
Your ways and Your voice now guide my journey.
I will press on—moving steadfastly forward along Your path.
I will not look back. I will not stumble.
I am crying aloud to You, O True God, for I long to know Your answer.
Hear me, O God. Hear my plea. Hear my prayer for help.
Put Your marvelous love on display for all to see.
Liberator of those who long for shelter beside You,
set them safely away from their enemies, ever welcomed by grace.
Keep close watch over me as the apple of Your eye;
shelter me in the shadow of Your wings.
Protect me from the wicked who are poised to attack,
from the enemies swarming around me and closing in quickly.
Like clay baking in the sun, their hearts have hardened;
arrogance spills from their mouths.
They’ve tracked me down like quarry.
They’re surrounding me
and are poised to throw me down into the dirt.
Like a lion—crouching in the brush—they are ready to tear me apart.
Like young lions in their hiding places, they are poised to strike.
Rise up and confront them, O Eternal One! Make them pay.
By Your sword, set me free from my wicked enemies!
May Your rescue find me here.
By Your hand, save me from my enemies, Eternal One.
Save me from men whose hopes are rooted in this world.
But as for those You cherish,
may they feast on all You have set aside for them;
may their children never be in need;
may they have enough so their children will inherit their wealth.
But as for me, my hope is to see Your face.
When I am vindicated, I will look upon the holy face of God,
and when I awake, the longing of my soul will be satisfied in the glow of Your presence.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 17 (The Voice)
[Psalm 132]
A song for those journeying to worship.
Eternal One, don’t let the suffering of our father David be forgotten—
for his sake, remember!
Remember the pledge he made, how he poured out his heart to the Eternal,
the promise he made to the Mighty One of Jacob:
He said, “I will not go inside my house
or lie down in my bed;
I will not even rest my eyes—
I will not take comfort in sleep—
Until I find a dwelling place for You, the Eternal,
a holy residence dedicated to the Mighty One of Jacob.”
We heard rumors of the holy ark in Ephrathah,
and later we found it in the field of Jaar.
Let us journey to His dwelling place;
let us worship at His footstool.
Eternal One, arise and go to Your new home—
You and the ark of Your strength.
Let every priest join the march wearing righteousness,
and let songs of joy erupt from the hearts and mouths of Your godly ones.
For the well-being of Your anointed servant,
do not turn Your back on David.
The Eternal made His own promise, sworn in truth to David,
an oath which He cannot, will not break:
“I will continue your dynasty, David;
one of your descendants will sit on your throne.
If your children obey My covenant
and follow the statutes which I shall teach them,
And if they remain faithful, their children will also
sit upon your throne—forever.”
For the Eternal selected Zion;
He desired it as His holy place of residence.
“This is My sanctuary, My resting place, forever and ever;
I will remain here, for this is what I have desired.
I will bless Zion with an endless supply of all she needs;
I will satisfy the bellies of her hungry with bread.
I will clothe her priests with salvation,
and songs of joy will erupt from the hearts and mouths of her godly people.
“From there I will make the strength of David’s kingdom grow
and prepare a lamp for My anointed one.
I will clothe his enemies with a garment of shame;
but as for David’s son, his crown will shine brightly like the sun.”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 132 (The Voice)
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Reflections: Week 3
January 15, 2017
What do you whisper to yourself when you reach strike three?
I usually cry myself to sleep and think that this is not for me. But, sometimes I do whisper to myself that “I can do this! I can do this!” or “God is with me. I can do this!” These may not change the situation I am present however it boosted me to never give up and to do what I can. Yes, I may be a negative thinker most of the time but with God’s grace this kind of mind set will change (of course, with my hard work).
January 16, 2017
A prayer before Mass reminds priests: “Priest of God, celebrate this Mass as it was your first Mass, your last Mass and your only Mass.” Put your name in place of the priest and make it your everyday prayer.
Doing this literally: “Child of God, Amy, celebrate this Mass as it was your first Mass, your last Mass and your only Mass”. I had goosebumps in typing this phrase since it felt like it was real and it did touch my heart. I do believe that if we celebrated the Mass and live our day with this message, we may find all the beautiful things in life. We might see all good and enjoy the day since you feel that it is really special.
January 17, 2017
What is your life’s vantage point ---- cash flow or blood flow?
I think I’m 80% blood flow and 20% cash flow. I believe that sacrificing my time and self to others is essential however without enough money we can’t make a better project. I mean, practically we need money but the most important thing is the service we do to help other people. The emotional feeling we can share to others is important while the money is the foundation to make a building and to buy things that we can also offer to others (e.g. education, house, etc.).
January 18, 2017
When you give, you create space to receive. Do you have enough space?
I honestly think that I don’t have enough space for God’s blessings. He always overwhelms me with what He’s giving me. For that, I’m very grateful because I know even though I’m not worthy and I lack many things, with Him I am reminded that I am complete.
 January 19, 2017
Have you alienated yourself from the Church because of erring Church members? Know that in the end, you are also the one who stands to lose.
My answer to this question is YES especially this year because some priest in our community did not act like one. I know this is not a good reason however I do believe that I don’t want to listen to someone who do not do what he preached.
But…. Thinking straight I realize that I should attend the Mass not because of the priest or the people around the Church but because I want to hear the Word of God. That… I want to know Him more.
January 20, 2017
Have you cultivated more “let’s go” moments within your circle of influence?
Who will be happy alone? I guess no one.
We might feel that it’s great to be alone however; there will always be a time when we will feel lonely. I, myself, experienced that but I’m just blessed that in my lonely moments, God is always with me.
Moving with the question, I do believe that I have more let’s go moments than go moments. I’m a type of a person who feel embarrassed just commanding people. I’m more of the belonging one which I think makes me a person who let others feel that they belong. That kind of a person who will say, “Tara na!”
January 21, 2017
Do you “collect” Facebook friends just for the sake of it? Are you overly conscious of your “approval rating”?
During my high school days, I wanted to have more than a thousand facebook friends like those popular kids in our school. Yes, I have this moments in life that I envied the people around me and wander how can they do it so…. I ended up adding those people who send me friend request (if we have 50 plus mutual friends). However, 4th year high school came and I realize that I don’t really need to have a thousand friends whom I can’t talk and a hundred likes just to prove my worth.
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