#pray that I make friends at church tomorrow please
sensitivegoblin · 9 months
I felt so cute earlier today in my bra and sweatpants but now looking back at the video I took I just meh :(
I hate that I feel wildly different than I look and that's not just about gender, in my head when I'm happy I feel like one way but then my brain chimes in and reminds me that I don't look how I feel
Then that happy feeling goes away
I'm just really struggling tonight with so much
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Hips Don't Lie part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N invites Henry Cavill to a carne asada after a month of dating
Warning: probably some stereotypical Latina/Mexican things because I'm half Mexican, no translated Spanish, unwanted comments from an aunt about weight (for me it’s with my mom) and about Henry, spelling and grammar errors
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After a month of dating, Henry and Y/N were at his place, they were cooking tallarines saltado. Everything was going well and Y/N got a text.
“Give me a minute, guapo.” Y/N said, washing her hands to check her phone. It was a text from her mom. “Hey Henry, how do you feel about going to a carne asada? It’s this weekend, I know it’s a little soon to be meeting my parents, but I really don’t want to go alone.”
“Darling, it’s fine, I’ll go with you to the barbecue.” Henry said. He put the cut up steak into a pan to cook it along with the onions and tomatoes. “Why don’t you want to go alone?”
“Because my mom and my aunts are all going to be like ‘y el novio?’ Like I’m 32, not married or engaged, in their eyes…something is wrong. So please, my handsome British boyfriend, come with me to the carne asada.” Y/N practically begged, having her hands together in a praying motion.
“Yes, my tiny dancer, I’ll go to the carne asada.” Henry said, kissing her forehead and she was pouting with her arms crossed.
“I am not tiny, You’re just big.” Y/N said and her eyes widened at the last part of her sentence.
“In more ways than one.” Henry winked and kissed her. “Do we have to bring anything?” Y/N looked at him in a ‘are you kidding me’ kind of way. “Sorry, what are we bringing?”
“That’s better, and that depends. My mom usually makes her agua de Jamaica which is hibiscus water, don’t ask how it got the name, and red rice. Obviously my uncles bring the meat, um, I’m thinking, someone usually brings dessert which is like fruit salad and cookies, uh, carajo, no puedo pensar. Okay, I got it, we can make alfajores and picarones, mainly because I crave it.” Y/N said,
“What about really food? Should we bring macaroni salad?” Henry asked
“Never in my life have I ever seen macaroni salad at these carne asadas (I’m using my own experiences, obviously). We could make pasta though and like that we could eat some before we go and the rest we take it there.” Y/N said.
“Why would we eat before we go to the carne asada if we’re going to eat there?” Henry asked.
“Ay, amorcito, there’s so much You need to learn. Just in case there’s something you don’t like, and they never really start grilling right when you come in, it’s usually an hour after everyone’s there so you won’t be starving.” Y/N said.
“Alright, I’ll make the list so we can go shopping tomorrow. Now, I know this is going to be a stupid question, but what do I wear?” Henry asked.
“It’s not stupid at all. So again, my mom taught to dress presentable for whatever ‘event’ so like dress semi formal but summery.” Y/N said and Henry looked at her confused. “Just wear your khaki pants your navy or light blue button down.” Henry nodded.
It was the night before the carne asada and Y/N and Henry were in Y/N’s kitchen, their dessert is chilling, her dog Concha laying down in her bed (any breed you want), and they’re going over the family tree.
“Yeimy is my favorite cousin, she’s a music producer, love her to death. Then we have Juan Luis, Yeimy’s brother, kinda mujeriego, me entiendes, very fuckboy, but he’s a lawyer so we’re friendly. There’s my Tia chela, but you have to call her Graciela until she says you can call her Chela. Now Chela comments on my weight, a lot more than my mom does pero eso es otra cosa aparte.” Y/N said, showing pictures of each family member to Henry.
“Okay…who is Veronica?” Henry asked.
“She’s my mom’s friend from church, I don’t think she’ll be here though, she’s in Colombia.” Y/N said, looking for her photo to show him.
“And we’re going to your mom’s house for the carne asada?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I got her a house with a nice yard, my dad has the grill with the charcoal y todo. Now if there’s anything special that you want to drink or eat, get it tomorrow morning, we have to be there at 2.” Y/N said, now cleaning up the kitchen. So are you staying the night so you can help me with everything or are you coming here early in the morning?”
“I got all stuff in my car, I’m staying the night. I’ll just bring it in.” Henry said, he opened the door to leave and Concha got up from her bed to leave with Henry. “Nope, not you, just me.”
The day of the carne asada, Henry was in the driving with Y/N carrying the alfajores and picarones, the pasta in the backseat with Concha chilling so she could see her cousins. Y/N was wearing a sundress with wedge sandals.
“Okay, when you go in your obviously say hello to everyone, depending on whether the women of my family lean in, it’s a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It’s not a real kiss, it’s more of a cheek touch and the kiss sound, and with the men, again, obviously a handshake.” Y/N reminded him.
“Darling, I know everything, please relax.” Henry said.
“I cant relax, they never met any of my partners before.” Y/N said.
“Well i feel very special now.” Henry said.
“You should.” Y/N said.
Henry parked on the street, they go out of the car, Henry helping Y/N with the food as she put Concha on a leash so they could go to the house.
“Mami, ya llegamos!” Y/N yelled as she opened the gate to enter the yard.
“Ay Y/N, mi niña, cómo estás, amor? Y trajiste a supermán! Sabía que tenías amigos famosos pero nunca pensé de esta altura.” Y/N’s mom, Carolina, said.
“Ah mami, él se llama Henry, es mi novio, pero habla inglés, por favor.” Y/N told her mom.
“Oh my god, Henry, it’s so good to meet you. Finally my daughter has a boyfriend!” Carolina said and Y/N looked away to roll her eyes (because who the hell rolls their eyes in front of the their mothers, right?) “Princesa, has subido de peso? Te está saliendo un poquito la panza, no? Bueno, deja toda la comida en las mesa que no falta poco para llegar lo demás gente.” Carolina said and walked away to get paper plates and plastic utensils for everyone.
“What did she tell you?” Henry asked,
“Nothing it doesn’t matter, just put the food on the table, okay? Come on, Concha, let’s take you out your harness.” Y/N said and placed the food on the table to let her dog loose and Concha started running on the grass with Carolina’s cavalier King Charles spaniel, Honey. A few minutes, the cousins came, there was Yeimy, Juan Luis, Fabian (Peluche) and his wife Cecilia (Chiquis), Irma and her husband Erick, María José and her husband Diego, Alfonso (Poncho), and Maite.
“Prima, que bueno verte! Ooh, look at you, love the dress, you look so good.” Irma said, letting her Maltese, Cinnamon, off leash, Cinnamon ran to Concha.
“My mom didn’t think so, que bueno verte.” Y/N said, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
“Ay, no la escuchas, you look Great.” Yeimy said, placing what she brought on the table as well.
“Quien es el güerito?” Peluche asked, letting his german shepherd, Roscoe, off his leash
“Ay Peluche, mira quien habla de güerito. Anyway, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Henry.” Y/N introduced Henry.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” As Y/N told him, Henry greeted the girl cousins with a hug and let them kiss his cheek while shaking hands with the boy cousins.
“You landed Superman? The Witcher? How did you do that?” Maite asked. Y/N was going to answer but the tias and tíos came in as well.
“Hola hola! Carolina, ya llegamos! A ver, gordita, arrímate otra mesa, si?” Tía Chela told Y/N and Y/N did as she was told, she pulled another table to they could also place the food. Henry was saying hello to everyone. “Y mija, segura que es fiel? Como que es muy guapo, ha trabajado con mujeres como tú amiga Eiza, con la mujer maravilla, no sé, me parece raro que esté contigo.”
“Ay mamá, deja de escupir tu veneno a ella, ve con mi papá que está juntado al heladera para las bebidas.” María José said and Chela left reluctantly.
“Thanks, Majo.” Y/N said,
“I grew up with her criticizing me, can’t have her do the same to you. Look at us, we’re in our 30s and we still care about what our mothers say.” Majo said,
“Eso nunca va a cambiar.” Y/N said and she walked back to Henry where he was listening to her Tío Juancho (Juan Camilo) telling a story about his camping trip.
“Hey, pececita, I was just telling your boyfriend about the time I went camping,” Juancho said, hugging and kissing Y/N.
“So glad you’re back, love.” Henry said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
“Oye Henry’s ven conmigo un momento, come with me.” Y/N’s dad, Carlos, told Henry, tapping his shoulder.
“Papi, que vas a hacer?” Y/N asked.
“Nada mija, es como male bonding, help me grill, Superman.” Carlos said.
“Papi!” Y/N whined.
“Ve con tus primos, princesa.” Carlos said.
“It’s alright, maybe it’s a good thing.” Henry said, kissing Y/N to ease her worries. Henry went with Carlos to the grilled, grabbing the tray of seasoned meats to cook.
“So, Superman, how long have you been dating my daughter?” Carlos asked, sipping a bit of modelo beer.
“Not long, a month.” Henry answered.
“You think of dating her for longer?” Carlos asked.
“Of course, sir.” Henry said,
“Ah, escucha eso, ‘sir’, mira que respetuoso me salió. Listen, Y/N is a good girl, she worked hard in her music, bought this house for me y mi mujer, and if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, I know some people.” Carlos threatened and Henry got paler.
Carlos laughed. “Ah, te estoy vacilando, it was a joke, you seem like a good person, you know how to grill?” Henry let out a breath of relief.
“Yeah, yes, I know how to grill.” Henry said.
“Good, pass me the orange container, it has the ribs.” Carlos said. Henry did what he was told and gave Y/N a thumbs up. Y/N gave him one back.
“You think your güero can eat what we brought?” Diego asked.
“Let’s hope so, as long as he doesn’t add salsa, it should be fine.” Y/N said. She looked over to where Henry was grilling with her dad, they’re gonna last, maybe not forever, but they would totally last.
Everyone was eating.
“Mija, te salió muy bien la pasta.” Carolina said.
“Gracias, me ayudó Henry también.” Y/N said, making sure she knew.
“Who knew you could cook, Henry, and with seasoning.” Carolina said, sitting down to eat. Henry looked at Y/N and she put her hands up in surrender. Everyone was serving themselves until.
“Haz platos para sus hombres también, que no se te olvide.” Chelis announced.
“Ay mamá, mas anticuada no puedes ser, ellos tienen manos, que se sirven solos.” Majo told her mom.
“Whats happening?” Henry whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“Do you see why I couldn’t come here alone? Just don’t serve yourself any salsa, the sauces are usually very spicy, the rest should be good to eat. There’s tacos dorados that have potatoes, some are chicken, others are beans, it’s a surprise. Take one of each, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Y/N whispered back to him. Everyone serves their own plate porque así debe ser, and they were all chatting, mainly trying to get to know Henry.
“So Henry, You’re a good looking man, why are you here with Y/N? I’m sure you can do a lot better.” Chela said and Majo states at her mom and mouthed her apology to Y/N.
“Has she been telling you this the entire time? Asking why I’m here with you?” Henry asked Y/N and Y/N just nodded. Henry stood up from his seat. “Listen, Graciela, I fell for Y/N the moment I saw her, I don’t know what you have been telling her since we got here but I have had enough. She didn’t want to come here alone and now I know why. If she shows up alone, you’ll ask why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she shows up with me, you ask her why I’m here with her, that’s enough.” Henry said, Y/N pulled his arm to sit him back down.
“Perdón, Y/N, que Pena contigo.” Chela said and Y/N just nodded, it was nice to have someone other than her cousins defend her. “I’m sorry to you too, Henry.” Henry nodded his head and everyone continued eating. By the time they were finished, they went their “separate ways”.
In the carne asada, there were 3 sections, where the cousins were talking about their memories, what they’ve been up to. The aunts and her mom were talking about neighborhood gossip and about their kids. And of course the uncles and her dad drinking and talking about whatever.
“How did you and Henry meet?” Maite asked again.
“Well my coworker Eiza wanted to set me up with her, saying she was going to be at the after party. I didn’t want to be set up but when I went to the after party, I saw this beautiful woman dancing like she was the only one in the room, she captured everyone’s attention, including mine. Eiza noticed I was staring at the dancer and it turned out to be Y/N so Eiza called her over and there you have it.” Henry told them.
“Mira eso, prima, lo dejaste embobado desde el primer momento.” Ponchó said, petting Concha that went up to him.
“Así es, I thank our parents for playing Shakira when we were growing up.” Y/N said, raising her beer bottle to toast.
“Speaking of Shakira, how did you dance when he spotted you?” Chiquis asked, connecting her phone to the Bluetooth speaker that Peluche carried. It started playing the song ‘hips don’t lie’ and everyone was cheering ‘oh’.
“Alright, alright, I’ll show y’all.” Y/N said, getting up from her chair, handing Henry her beer. “It was something like this.”
Everyone was cheering, Henry was whistling, they were just having a good time.
“Pero ya, i guess that’s how Henry fell for me.” Y/N said, sitting on Henry’s lap now, taking her beer form his hand.
“You have no idea, sweetheart.” Henry kissed her.
“Mira Que lindo, pero no sé comen delante de los pobres.” Juan Luis said, sipping his beer.
“No que tienes novia, hermano?” Yeimy asked.
“Pero no está aquí, boba.” Juan Luis said.
“Wait Henry, why did you really like my dancing?” Y/N asked.
“You want the really answer or the savory answer?” Henry asked and Y/N hit his chest playfully. “Alright, alright, you were having fun, I wanted to be with someone I could have fun with. That, and the way you moved your hips gave me an idea of how you would be in other activities.” Henry smirked and Y/N laughed.
“Ay, you’re so dirty.” Y/N said, placing her head in the crook of his neck. “How you like my family?”
“I think I could come over more often, if you invite me, of course.” Henry said.
“Of course.” Y/N repeated and they kissed, his hands on her waist.
Taglist: @f10werfae @warriormirkwood @marieksg
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meadow-selfship · 1 year
Bewitched: ch. 1 (Sheriff of Nottingham x s/i)
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Title: Mass
Pairing: George, sheriff of Nottingham x s/i Hadewych van Heiden.
Summary: During mass, they meet for the first time. Plans are set in motion, strategies are formed, the witch has divined her prophecies.
Warnings: None. Yet
Divider by @/saradika
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Mass. The sheriff disliked it, but he’d be a fool to forget it’s political significance, so he made his way through the small crowd of needful people and into the church building. He took his usual spot at the front, his cousin at his side, and bowed his head in respect. The priest’s voice droned on, and soon the sheriff found himself restless.
As he usually did during this time, he looked over to where the pretty maid Marian sat. Instead caught sight of another, a young woman he hadn’t seen before. The light from one of the stained glass windows hit her, making her stand out. As if chosen by god. For a moment, the priest’s voice faded away. It felt like there was only her and him in the church. A modest black dress over white, and a silk scarf rested gently on her head. Yet; everything about her was in colour. She wasn’t beautiful, not like Marian, or some of the other girls he liked to enjoy, but something about her captivated him. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked up. Their eyes locked.
The world brightened. Colours swam around her. She was the sole focus. Even though they were many metres away, he swore he could discern the intricate floral pattern on her scarf, the colour of her eyes, the soft hairs that pulled free from her crown braid during the horse ride here. Logically, he knew he shouldn’t be able to see that from this distance, but he did. He could even smell the way in which she smelled like lady Marian, fainty of perfume, faintly of hay; and of an innocence that was purely her; of sweetness, like candy that leaves a stickiness on one’s lips.
Lady Marian who sat at her left, bumped into her, which broke their eye contact and the moment was gone.
After mass, the sheriff was glad to see the unknown woman followed lady Marian to pray to Mary in one of the alcoves, and not leave right away. The priest had a word with him, and he caught the pair just as they made for the door.
“Lady Marian, how lovely to see you again,” he greeted, with a kiss to her knuckles, before he moved on to the unknown lady. “And who is your companion?”
Swiftly, and with the most charming smile, he took her hand and repeated the gesture, letting his lips linger over her bare knuckles. His breath tickled her wrist, the scratch of his beard, her soft skin under his lips making it more intimate than it did with Marian, who kept her hands covered.  
“Sheriff, this is lady Hadewych, my friend from the continent,” said Marian with a tight-lipped smile.
Hadewych made a small curtesy. Marian’s hand rested, protective, impatient, on her shoulder.
“A pleasure to meet you, sire,” she said. George delighted in the sound of her voice, high and innocent, yet pleasant. Her accent was difficult to place, but foreign.
“You are not from here? Then I simply must welcome you to Nottingham properly.” he said, arms extended in a jovial gesture.
Seemingly not noticing Marian’s discomfort as her hand tightened on her shoulder, Hadewych smiled warmly. “Thank you, sire.”
“Both of you, dine with me tomorrow,” the sheriff said, his voice smooth, pleased with her receptiveness. “I’ll show you around the town, my castle. I’ll have a duck slaughtered for the occasion.”
“Sheriff, that’s truly very kind, but tomorrow… that’s rather short notice,” interjected Maria, worry etched in the lines of her forehead.
Hadewych leaned in to speak softly to her friend. “Why not? I’d like to go.”
George’s smile turned smug at the whispered words. “I insist. What other welcome can I offer but my personal attention? Especially with those rogues running around the place. No, my lady Hadewych, you deserve to see what good Nottingham has to offer.”
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After they exited, George pulled his right hand man, Guy of Gisbourne, aside. Guy gave a meaningful raise of his eyebrows, aimed at the two women making their way to their horses.
“Marian’s new friend sure looks sweet,” Guy grinned, the gravel in his voice making the word ‘sweet’ sound filthy.
George glared at him, but saw little reason to argue. Before he got ideas in his head, he needed information. “Guy, my cousin…” Holding him by the arm, he led him to the stables to talk away from prying eyes. “I want you to see if you can bribe one of Marian’s servants – her lady in waiting perhaps – to see what you can find about lady Hadewych. Anything is useful, where she’s from, how long she’ll be staying, who her family is, what are her previous loyalties, why is she here, anything. Got it?”
“What about Robin Hood?”
The sheriff’s expression darkened. “Leave him to me. I expect you back soon enough. Now go.”
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Once home, he went straight down to the dungeons, the echo of his footsteps on the stone stairway only emphasising the silence of this part of the castle. It grew colder the deeper he went.
“Mortiana!” was George’s only greeting as he entered, making his way over to Mortiana’s altar, the upside down hanging cross a familiar sight. It was always colder here, but his guardian didn’t seem to mind. He hugged his thick cloak around his shoulders.  
“You seem chipper today,” she said, appearing from behind a stone pillar on the other side of the room. Always just where he didn’t expect her to be, yet always in those damn dungeons. She approached him, taking a good look at him with her mismatched eyes. She was a good deal shorter than him, but made up for it with an intimidating aura. A woman who wasn’t scared of any man.
“You met someone,” she said, “and that’s why you’re here.”
“Indeed, madam.” George nodded at her, respectful. “Lady Marian brought a friend today… Lady Hadewych is her name. What can you tell me about her?” his lip curled at the mention of the word ‘friend’, but before he even got the words out, Mortiana’s face twisted in a smile.
“Let us see…” and she cleared the table by swiping everything rudely to the side. Taking a ladle, she scooped from the pot that was brewing and put it on a plate. Boiled pine needles. With her long nails, she scooped a few out of the hot water, and chewed them, looking displeased. George watched her, impatient, and worried at seeing her reaction. She spit them back out, onto a spoon, and cracked an egg. The yolk was orange, with a film of blood. Taking the spoon, she mixed them, and then looked up to her protégé with a grin.
“I see her, in your future. She has great potential for you, sire.” She poked her ring finger nail in the gross mixture, and tasted it. “Her life trajectory is entwined with Nottingham, now that she’s come here…” Her sinister giggle echoed through the dungeons. “Innocent, yes, but not quite… With a careful guiding hand - from you, she can be pivotal in playing an important role for us. Another household, she is close to. That could be your link.”
“Someone of royal birth… That would be that pretty lady,” the witch grinned.
“Aah, the King’s cousin,” said George, a pleased grin forming on his face. “That would make things a lot easier, as I can’t control Marian if she stays outside the city’s walls.”
“But you should take care, sire. This situation requires a… gentle hand.”
“As if I can’t be gentle,” George scoffs, but even the word sounds strange from his tongue.
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After his talk with Mortiana, the sheriff felt a sense of optimism. Perhaps having a friend inside Marian’s household would help keep an eye on things. And then there was… the moment they shared. Did she feel drawn to him similarly? Was it fate guiding their eyes towards the other? He was sure that, with Mortiana said, it will all unfold soon enough.
Hadewych seemed… innocent. Young, but not much younger than Marian. It would be easy to have her wrapped around his finger – and he’d enjoy indulging in the spoils of his efforts. Now with Guy elsewhere, finally giving him some peace and quiet, he had all the time to think. The lack of information about this potential new pawn was frustrating.
The way she looked at him… even now it sent a shiver down his spine, that unpleasant churning sensation following right after. Her innocence… He couldn’t help but imagine her, charmed by him. See those doe eyes stare up at him, laying on the furs in front of the fireplace. It’d be easy – a maiden like her wouldn’t know the touch of a man and even the smallest of affections would make her heart race.
After dinner he summoned a servant girl to his chambers – to practice his gentler hand. When the wench grew mouthy, he lost his patience and slapped her to shut her up. The only voice he could bear to hear, was Hadewych’s. He sent the girl away, who left in tears, clutching her chemise, and he sighed deeply. Alone again, even more frustrated than before. He laid himself on the furs, hand outstretched to the fire, letting it warm him, and stared into the flames for a long time.
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Angel of God -- The St. Agnes Years - Chapter One
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Matt Murdock & F!Reader
Warnings/Tags: Pre-relationship, Slices of Life, Pining (oh, so much pining).
Word Count: ~1450 (for this chapter )
A/N: A look into AoG's Matt & Reader's lives together as children, from their first meeting until their eventual separation.
November 17, 1996
Dear God, please help me to be brave, Matthew Murdock prayed to himself as the taxi he was in pulled to a stop outside of St. Agnes Orphanage. 
"Alright," the cab driver said in a thick New York accent. "Here you are."
"Come along, Matthew," the nun who had gone to pick him up from his temporary foster home said as she got out of the cab. "Don't dawdle."
"Sorry, Sister," Matt mumbled, trailing behind her.
He gripped his cane tight and adjusted his sunglasses, taking a deep breath before following her towards the entrance.
He fumbled for the railing as his cane bumped into a set of steps, slowly and carefully making his way upwards towards his home for at least the next nine years.
"Your things will be brought to your room," Sister… (Bernadine? Beatrice? Bonaventure? Matt couldn't remember, but he knew it was something with a B) said as they headed inside and down a winding hallway. "In the meantime you'll join the other children outside for recreation. Dinner is at six, nighttime prayer at six-thirty. Don't be late for either."
She opened another door and led Matt out into what he assumed was a backyard area.
He could hear other children laughing and yelling as they chased each other around.
"Ah, Sister Maggie," Sister B-name said as they walked up to another nun. "This is our new ward, Matthew. I'm entrusting him into your care -- I have urgent business to attend to."
"Of course, Sister Bernadette," Sister Maggie replied.
Sister Bernadette! That was it.
"Matthew." With that, Sister Bernadette turned and walked away.
Matt stood near Sister Maggie, unsure of what to do.
Suddenly a timid voice said, "Hi. I like your glasses."
Matt turned towards the voice. It sounded female, maybe slightly younger than him? Matt wasn't quite sure. "Thanks," he said warily.
"Are you an orphan too?"
The sting of losing his father hit Matt all over again. "Yeah," he said quietly.
A small hand slipped into his. "It's okay, I'll be your friend. I'm Y/N."
"There's some tables over here. Come sit with me."
Matt allowed Y/N to lead him to the tables, somehow already trusting of the young girl.
"So how old are you?" Matt asked as they sat. 
"Eight," Y/N replied. "You?"
"I'm nine." Matt paused. "Have you lived here long?"
"Yeah, since I was two. It's not that bad here, you'll get used to it. Just don't make Sister Bernadette mad, 'cause she's really strict. The other nuns are pretty nice though, especially Sister Maggie. She lets me bring books to outdoor recreation, and if we have to stay inside because it's raining, she'll let me spend recreation time in the library."
"Is that what you were doing just now? Reading?"
"Mhmm. I just started ' Where the Red Fern Grows' , have you ever read it?"
Matt shook his head. "Oh, um, no. What's it about?"
"It's about a boy who goes hunting with his two dogs in the mountains. I can read it to you if you want. I'm not too far into it so I don't mind starting over."
Matt nodded, relieved that Y/N hadn't made a big deal about his visual impairment. Most people other than his father had either treated Matt like a pariah or as someone to be pitied, but she didn't seem to mind. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."
"Okay. We'll have to start tomorrow though because recreation time is almost over."
Matt nodded again. "Okay."
As if on cue, the church bells began to ring. 
Y/N stood. "Come on, you can sit next to me at dinner."
Matt smiled, relieved to not have to sit by himself. "Yeah, okay."
Y/N took his hand once again. She led him inside and down a hall, then turned left and opened a door. "Okay, so this is the cafeteria. All you have to do is sit and wait and Sister Gertrude will bring your food, but we can't eat until we say grace."
Matt nodded. "Okay."
A few seconds later a tray was set in front of him.
Matt wrinkled his nose at the overwhelming smell of overcooked meat and dried-out tomato sauce. "What is it?"
"Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, a brownie, and milk."
"Alright, children, bow your heads for grace," a different voice interrupted.
Matt bowed his head and waited.
"Bless us, O Lord…" the voice began intoning. 
" And these thy gifts," Y/N and the other children joined in. "Which we are about to receive, in thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, amen."
"Amen," Matt echoed. He carefully reached out, feeling his way around the table in order to try to find his utensils without accidentally sticking his hand into his food.
Y/N took Matt's hand and placed it on top of his fork. "Here you go."
Matt smiled over at her as he picked it up. "Thank you."
He began eating in silence. There was something different about Y/N, something Matt couldn't quite put his finger on. He felt comfortable with her in a way he hadn't felt with anyone since his accident.
He wasn't able to think about it for too long, because Y/N began speaking again. "After dinner we all go to the chapel for evening prayer, then it's time to get ready for lights out. I can help you find your room if you want. Everyone's name is on their door."
Matt nodded. "Yeah, that'd be good. Thanks."
"And actually, um, I can come get you for breakfast in the morning too? Just until you learn your way around."
They continued eating their dinner in silence, and as soon as Matt was done Y/N stood. "Come on, we have to get to the chapel. Sister Bernadette doesn't like it if we're late."
She led Matt outside then through a courtyard to the chapel, slipping into a pew right before the church bells signaled 6:30.
A minute later Matt heard footsteps heading to the altar.
Y/N leaned towards Matt. "That's Father Reynolds," she whispered. "He's the priest here."
Matt nodded in acknowledgement.
"Good evening, children," Father Reynolds said in slightly accented English.
"Good evening, Father," Matt replied along with the other kids.
"Let us begin our evening prayer. 'In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'. "
Matt joined in on the Sign of the Cross. "Amen."
Father Reynolds said an opening prayer, then led them in reciting the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Hail Holy Queen, and the Doxology.
"How many more prayers are there?" Matt whispered to Y/N as everyone recited the Apostles' Creed.
"Just one more after this," Y/N whispered back. "Then we do a moment of silent intention, then Father Reynolds will say a blessing."
"Oh, okay." Matt was about to ask which one it was when everyone began reciting the final prayer.
"Angel of God, my guardian dear," they intoned, "to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."
Matt sucked in a breath as a thought struck him. He had asked God to help him be brave, and not even 2 minutes later Y/N had come up to him and immediately made him feel comfortable. And not only that, but she had even offered to be his friend. Maybe He sent me a guardian angel.
He turned his head towards Y/N slightly, resisting the urge to reach out and touch her. He knew she was real, because she had held his hand, but he admittedly wasn't sure what exactly angels were supposed to be like in human form.
He was jarred out of his thoughts as Y/N took his hand again. "Okay, let's go find your room."
She led Matt back out through the courtyard and up the steps of the orphanage. "Girls are on the second floor and boys are on the third."
They went up a couple of flights of stairs and down another hallway, then Y/N stopped in front of a door. "Here's your room. Bathroom is right across the hall."
"Oh. Okay." Matt hesitated. "Um, thanks."
"You're welcome." Y/N paused. "We're not allowed in each other's rooms after lights out, so I'll see you tomorrow morning before breakfast?"
Matt nodded. "Yeah, okay."
"It's at 7, so I'll come get you around 6:45 if that's okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
To Matt's surprise, Y/N gave him a hug. "Good night, Matt."
Matt hugged her back, the last of his nerves fading away in her warm embrace. Maybe life as an orphan wasn't going to be so scary, especially with an angel by his side.
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p-artsypants · 9 months
Paint it Black (10) Praying
Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City's crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a correlation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? [Actually, does not contain an OC]
Ao3 | FF.net
On a quiet Saturday night, the Titans assembled in the ops room for movie night. Black was invited, but didn’t initially join. 
They were watching some bad Kung-Fu parody movie, where the mouths were dubbed over in English with a different script. 
Robin probably would have loved it. 
As it stood, Beast Boy was mostly the only one paying attention. 
The rest of them were thinking about Robin and how the Batman would be arriving within the week.
The door to the ops room swooshed open and Black stomped into the room, walking right in front of all of them like a pre-teen with attitude. 
“What?” Asked Raven. 
“I’m going to church tomorrow and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” 
Cyborg paused the movie as everyone stared at Black. “Come again?” 
“I had been going nearly every Sunday and Wednesday night, but I haven’t gone for the last two weeks, and when I don’t go, my buddy Jim worries about me.” 
“Jim?” Raven zeroed in on the name. 
“Yeah, my friend Jim! He’s a pal!” 
“Jim Baker?” 
“That’s right!” 
“I’ll take you to church,” Cyborg said easily. 
“We’ll all go,” added Raven. 
“Uh, Raven, can you even––?” Beast Boy cringed. 
“We’ll find out. I’d like to have a word with this friend, Jim Baker.” She crossed her arms. 
“Please, I have heard of church and seen its buildings, but am unclear of its purpose.”
“You know what Christianity is, right? One of our world’s main religions?” 
“Yes, it is the worship of ‘God’ whose name appears on your money. He has a son, named Jesus Christ, I believe? Sometimes people exclaim his name when startled. Robin told me.”
“So people who practice Christianity worship God and Jesus. Church is where they gather on Sunday mornings to sing songs and learn more about him from his book, the Bible.”
“It is like school, then?”
“In a way, I guess.” 
“Fascinating! What time does church start tomorrow?” 
“9:30,” said Black. “But I like to get there early. It’s on the South side of town. Jump City Community Church.” 
“Oh, I know that place,” said Cyborg. “They run the soup kitchen and food pantry. We’ll get you there, buddy.”
Black grinned and sashayed out of the room. 
“Honestly, hearing he was going to church in his freetime makes me feel a little better,” said Cyborg. “Getting ‘thou shall not kill’ drilled into his head was probably good.” 
“Starfire,” Raven began. “Do you have something you could wear over your uniform tomorrow?” 
How to explain? “If we want to get on these people’s good side, we need to show some respect to their ideals. Our uniforms are a little inappropriate for church.” 
“What is inappropriate about my attire?”
“I think some people might be…offended if you show up with your midriff visible. I’m going to wear a skirt.” 
“Oh! I understand. They are more modest with their clothing! Fear not, I have a sweater for just the occasion.” 
“What’s the big deal, Rae?” Said Beast Boy. “We’re the Teen Titans. Surely everyone there will be used to seeing us like this?” He gestured to himself. 
She scowled. “I am half demon. If I’m going into a church, I will not give anyone fodder to criticize me.” 
“Well, when you say it like that…” 
“Come with me, Raven! We shall find a skirt that compliments your uniform for tomorrow!” Starfire sang, pulling her into the hall. 
“Dudes! What about the movie!?” 
The next morning, the team gathered in the ops room, ready to go. Starfire had a cream colored chunky knit sweater over her uniform, while Raven had a simple black knee length skirt to cover her legs. 
Black entered, not wearing his trench coat, but a long sleeved black shirt and his ratty black jeans. His hair was combed down and had the two spit curls Robin always hated. “Well, don’t you kids look spiffy?” 
“You ready to go?” Cyborg asked.
“Ha! Do pigs swim?” 
The Titans all looked over to Beast Boy. “Do they?”
“I mean, yeah?”
They loaded up in the T-Car and sped off. It was the first time Black rode with them. He sat in the middle of the back, Raven on one side, and Starfire on the other. 
“Wow, this is a really pretty car! It looks just like you, Cyborg!” 
“I made it,” Cyborg smiled back in the rearview window. “She’s my baby.” 
Black rubbed the console like it was a live animal. “Good girl!” 
They arrived at 9:20, much to Black’s dismay. People were flowing in, and the church looked rather busy. 
Inside, they were greeted by a blonde woman, your typical white suburban mother. “Good morning! Good to see you again!” 
“Hi Bonnie!” Black greeted, warmly. “I brought my friends with me!” 
Bonnie prepared to greet them, and then stood shocked for a second. “...the Teen Titans! Well, welcome! Glad you could join us this morning! Would you like a bulletin?” 
“Thank you,” Cyborg returned the greeting and took one. 
“You doing okay, Raven?” Beast Boy asked as they entered. 
“I haven’t burst into flames, so I think I’m okay.” 
The lobby was a large circular room with a skylight. The sanctuary was to the right, and the back wall featured a coffee bar. 
As the Titans moved further inside, they were greeted with warm smiles and hearty handshakes. Black greeted every single person he walked past, like he knew each and every one of them. 
They were just all so friendly. 
“You guys want coffee? It's good! And they have tea!” Black urged them in, tugging on arms. 
“Black!” A man in a plaid polo shirt and khakis approached. He was tall, lanky, and had salt and pepper hair. “You’re here! And you…brought friends?” 
“I sure did! This is Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven!” 
“Good morning!” 
“Hey, nice to meet you.” 
“Well, welcome! I’m Pastor Jim Baker. Glad to have you here today.” 
A ping of understanding hit all the Titans at the same time. 
Pastor Jim Baker.
“Did…you guys receive my letter?” He asked, his voice a little lower. 
“Sure did,” said Cyborg. 
Jim sighed in relief. “Good. Well, I really would like to talk to you all more about that, but service is about to start. Why don’t you join us, and then we can all talk during the Sunday School hour?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Cyborg nodded. 
“Come on, I’ll show you where I always sit!” Black took Starfire and Beast Boy’s hands and beckoned them into the sanctuary. 
It had a high vaulted ceiling, lined with slatted wood. There was a stage up front, where a band was setting up. A giant cross was on the wall above them, bordered with stained glass on both sides. There was a screen in the corner with a slide show of events playing on it. 
“Dude, is that an electric guitar? I thought churches had like…organs and stuff.” 
“Depends on the church,” said Cyborg. 
Black led them toward the front, on the right most side. Again, as they passed, he greeted people warmly and enthusiastically. 
“He’s like a different person,” Cyborg said to Starfire, softly. “He’s behaving well.” 
“I wonder why.” 
The congregation was filled with a variety of people. There were plenty of your standard white church people, plus a healthy dose of intercity kids, recently reformed thugs and felons, bikers, and even disheveled homeless folks. It was a strange blend, but they were all talking together, building a community. 
They shuffled into their seats, the people around them waving and smiling in greeting. 
“This isn’t so bad, right?” Beast Boy asked Raven. 
She sighed. “No. Better than I was expecting.” 
Cyborg opened the program they were given. “Hey Star, there’s an order to the service,” he showed her. “We’ll stand and sing songs, then we’ll listen to the Pastor give his sermon. When they have us pray, we just bow our heads and close our eyes. Pretty simple.” 
“I like to sing!” She chirped. 
“I know you do. I don’t know if you’ll know the songs they play, but you’ll probably like them.” 
“Hey Cy,” Beast Boy wondered. “You seem pretty…familiar with this. Have you been to church before?”
“Yeah, used to go when I was a kid. It’s been a long time though.” 
Then, a man with a guitar started playing. Keyboard, violin, and drums joined in. 
Starfire perked right up, the tune was joyful and fun. 
“Great and Mighty is The Lord Our God, Great and Mighty is He. Great and Mighty is The Lord Our God, Great and Mighty is He!” 
“I like this song,” Starfire told Cyborg. 
Of course you do. Cyborg smirked.    
“Good morning!” Pastor Jim greeted as the first song ended. “Isn’t it a lovely fall day? Did you all see the trees in their fall colors today? God’s truly a master painter, isn’t he?” He looked at the bulletin. “We have our typical events taking place this week. Soup Kitchen on Tuesday, Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, Food Pantry on Thursday. Tonight, I’ve been told the youth are going bowling and that Pizza will be provided.”
“I want to go bowling,” Beast Boy muttered.
“Next week, we’re doing our Trunk or Treat. There’s still plenty of space to sign up to host a game. You don’t actually have to have a trunk! The church will provide candy, so you don’t have to buy any. What else? Oh! We’re going to start taking donations for Operation Christmas Child. This year we’re aiming to pack a thousand boxes! We’ll be taking donations of hygiene products during the month of October. I’m told our boxes will be going to a refugee camp in Poland for children displaced from the war, so keep that in mind as you pack your shoeboxes.
“As for prayer requests, we’re praying for those who are not here due to sickness…” he listed several people’s names and their specific needs. Some were in hospital, some had ailing family. “And last, we want to continue our prayers for Robin of the Teen Titans. He and his team did so much for our city, for nothing in return. We want to pray for his return, or closure for his whereabouts. Pray for healing if he needs it. We’d also like to pray for strength for his team as they work through this crisis. Would y’all pray with me?” 
None of the Titans had been playing on actually praying, but they all felt compelled to in the end. This church had been praying for Robin the whole time, and he was right here, among them! 
They sang more songs. The Titans patiently stood with the rest of the congregation. Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire tried to follow along with the songs. Black knew several of them and sang as loud as he could. 
Then the sermon came. It was appreciated, as the topic was community and building each other up. 
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
They sang another song at the end, and then they were released. 
Beast Boy stretched. “Well, that wasn’t as nearly as boring as I thought it’d be.” 
Raven elbowed him. “Maybe wait to say stuff like that until we’re out of the building?” 
“Hey!” Black perked up. “Do ya guys want donuts? They have them downstairs during the Sunday School hour!” 
“Sweet, donuts!” Beast Boy started, but was held back by Raven. 
“Why don’t you go get us some? We want to have a little chat with your friend, Jim.” 
“Okie dokie Mrs. Magpie!” And he skipped off, just as Pastor Jim arrived at the end of the row. 
“Hi, follow me to my office?” He kept the pleasant smile, but there was clear grief on his face. 
They followed him through the church building, watching as he played nonchalant as he passed his congregation. He led them down a hall, away from the people, and into an office with a desk, two chairs, and a couch. 
“Please, make yourselves at home.” He moved behind the desk. His mask dropped, and he looked weary and troubled. 
Raven and Cyborg sat in the chairs while Beast Boy and Starfire took up spots on the couch. 
He held out a jar. “Tootise Roll?” 
Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg took one. 
“Chewy chocolate?” Starfire asked thoughtfully. “Delightful!” 
Pastor Jim let out a long sigh as he rested his head in his hand. “So…you’ve met him.” 
“More than that,” Cyborg said. “He’s staying with us.” 
Jim’s shoulders sagged even more, maybe from relief. “Thank goodness.” 
“How did you meet?” Raven asked. 
“I’m the one who…found him.” He shook his head. “This is not a good neighborhood, but I wanted to start a church where the community needed it. One night, I stayed too late and left the church when it was dark out. As I was walking back to my car, I heard him singing, belting out these really sad lyrics at the top of his lungs. There’s a gentleman in our Men’s group who is a recovering drug addict. I thought it was him at first, having a relapse. So I thought I’d go check and make sure he was okay.” He paused, closing his eyes a moment. His voice was tight. “When I found him, he was in the basement of an abandoned building. I heard him singing through a broken window. When I called out to him to see if he was okay, he just kept singing, maybe even getting louder when he heard me. I went inside…I thought I was looking at a dead man. He was naked and just…covered in blood. His cheek was torn open…and he had these dark veins that stood out all over his body. The only thing he had in his possession was this…robot head. I got him out of there and to a hospital. He had no idea who he was, what happened, why he was there…but he refused to let go of that head. The hospital had no idea what was wrong with him, so they just treated his wounds. When he was patched up, I brought him home. He stayed for about a week. In that time, he spent much of it crying in pain. Then one day…he was just gone, and left the head…tucked into his bed.
“The next week, he showed up to my church and thanked me for all my help. When I told him he left the robot behind, he had no idea what I was talking about. My son was the one that found the SD card I sent you.”
“So, how’d you know it was Robin in the video?” Beast Boy asked. 
Pastor Jim looked at him, stricken. “...that was Robin?”
Raven narrowed her eyes. “If you didn’t know, why did you send us the card?” 
“I thought…well, the robot head that it was recorded on looked like it belonged to that…Slade man you all have fought over the years. And the video looked like something horrible was going on. It looked like real trouble. I wanted to send it to the experts.” He started to smile, ever so slightly. “I assumed it was Black before he became…”
“Crazy?” Beast Boy supplied. 
“That’s a nice way of putting it.” 
“But if it was Robin…does that mean that Black is…?” He trailed off, hopeful. 
The Titans silently convened. 
“Yeah,” Cyborg finally admitted. “He’s Robin. But he doesn’t remember anything, and he’s outwardly hostile to the thought of being Robin. So, we’re keeping it quiet for now.” 
“I understand completely. I will keep it a secret. I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it. Lots of people come to me for guidance, expecting me to keep their business to myself.” 
“So now that you know it is Robin, you know it’s important that we have as many details as you can provide,” Raven said, sternly. “Tell us everything.” 
“I’m not sure what else there is to tell that’s actually helpful…” he winced. “It was about a month ago, and it was fairly hectic.” 
“You said he spent most of his time crying in pain,” Cyborg reminded. “And then one day he just left.” 
“Oh! Yes. I said he had these dark veins, and he often cried about feeling his blood burning. We gave him ibuprofen and acetaminophen, as much as they recommend. It seemed to help a little, but he spent most of the time bedridden, in and out of sleep. He didn’t eat much. Every once in a while, he’d come out of the guest room and sit with my son in the living room and watch TV or watch him play video games. Not for very long though. My son said he’d try to talk to him, but Black was so out of it, his replies were nonsensical. At night…we could hear him singing. I think he was trying to comfort himself.” Jim screwed up his lips, looking rather remorseful. “I hate to admit this, because I think I actually broke the law and did him a huge disservice. One night, he was in so much pain…he was thrashing and screaming and tearing at his stitches…we had already given him the maximum doses of ibuprofen and acetaminophen…I had a couple of OxyContin pills left over from a surgery, just in case of emergency. I know you shouldn’t keep them but…I gave Black one. I wondered if maybe he was going through withdrawals. But within the hour, his dark veins had receded considerably, and he was able to eat a full meal and hold a lucid conversation. Well, lucid for him. I told him what we gave him. The next day he was gone, along with my pills. There weren’t very many left though. Maybe three.”  
“These are opioids?” Starfire asked for clarification. 
“Yeah, the same ones we gave him when he had that episode,” Cyborg responded. “Thank you for telling us. We knew he had an addiction. We just didn’t know where it started.” 
Pastor Jim looked heartbroken at that revelation. 
“I don’t think you necessarily started it either,” said Raven. “We’ve learned that he’s been poisoned, that’s what’s turned his veins dark. It's interesting to know that opioids actually help with that.”
Jim didn’t look any more relieved.  
“The dude was suffering, and you helped him. Don’t sweat it, man,” Beast Boy offered as a way of comfort. 
“We’ll tell Batman about it,” said Cyborg. “He was looking into that poison cocktail. Maybe the opioids are a missing ingredient or something? Now, more importantly,” he leveled the pastor with an intense look. “Can you show us where exactly you found him?”
It was then that there was a knock on the office door. 
“Yes?” Jim asked. 
Black opened the door, holding two plates of donut holes. “I’ve been looking all over for you guys! I brought donuts!” 
“We told you we were talking to the pastor,” Raven said. 
“I forgot,” Black beamed. 
“Pastor Jim was just about to show us the place he found you. Will you be able to come?” Cyborg asked. The keyword here was ‘able’ because being there might trigger a fit, and no one really wanted to deal with that. 
Black forcefully shoved the plates into Raven’s hands and said, “Nope! I ain’t going!” 
“I shall stay with Black,” said Starfire. “We will stay here, and he may socialize with his friends.” 
“Aw man, I don’t want to go to any creepy abandoned building!” Beast Boy lamented. 
“Too bad, Grass Stain. We need your nose,” Cyborg scarfed down a donut hole. 
“Let me just tell my wife, and we’ll go,” said Jim.
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ladynightshade30 · 2 years
Author’s Notes: Tomorrow is Size Kink an A/B/O universe story. I hope. Wish me luck.
Eadwulf was in the small chapel of the castle praying when Ivar found her. He took the seat next to her and muttered something under his breath. 
“Can I help you, Prince Ivar?” she asked after she finished the prayer.
“Why do you always come here on Sunday?”
“Sunday is the Sabbath. It’s when we have mass. Do you not have special days of the week devoted to your Gods?”
“Well, yes.”
“There you go. Is that all you needed my Prince?”
Ivar sat up straighter and smiled, devilishly at her. “Your Prince, am I?”
Eadwulf flushed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Oh no,” he purred into her ear as he draped an arm over the back of the pew. “I’m sure you didn’t.”
“I didn’t,” she protested.
He chuckled softly. “Of course not.”
“Are you going to tell me what I can do for you or not?” 
Ivar turned to face her cheerfully before he took up his normal position with his head in her lap. Eadwulf sighed and placed one hand on his chest while the other one stroked his face since his hair was up in tight braids instead of being allowed down around his face. 
“I just missed you,” he said with his eyes closed as he propped his feet up on the pew. 
“We saw each other a few hours ago,” she pointed out. “Would you please get your feet off the pew?”
Ivar appeared to consider it before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Eadwulf sighed and stopped touching him, much to his annoyance. “Fine,” he said, moving his feet from the pew. “This is uncomfortable.”
“I doubt it is more uncomfortable than laying on a wooden pew.”
“But your lap more than makes up for it,” Ivar said as he tugged gently on a lock of hair. “Do you miss your so-called Beloved?”
Eadwulf bites down on her lower lip. “I miss my freedom and he is my friend.”
“Do you wish to return to him?”
Eadwulf looks away. “Even if you did release me, I would be unworthy of marriage to him now.”
“Why is that?” Ivar asked.
Eadwulf scoffed, still not looking at him. “Because of the stunt, you pulled, they would not believe I still held my maiden’s head.”
“Maiden’s head?”
“My virginity,” Eadwulf said with a blush.
Ivar sat up and turned her face to look at him. “Why do you care so much what that weak fool thinks?”
“He isn’t a weak fool,” Eadwulf protested. 
“If he doesn’t want you because I kissed you, then he is a fool and one I would gladly take advantage of to keep you as my own. You want that, don’t you?”
Eadwulf said nothing as they stared into each other’s eyes. She licked her lips before responding. “Yes.”
Ivar kissed her gently at first, before he deepened the kiss, his tongue probing at her lips, demanding entrance. He reached up and cupped her breast, causing her to gasp so he could slip his tongue into her mouth. He used his strength to urge her to lay beneath him on the pew. The hand not on her breast moved between her legs, cupping her core before sliding farther down her legs to grab at the skirt and pull it up, revealing her calf and thigh to the cool, chapel air. 
“Ivar,” she whispered when he grabbed hold and lifted it, so it draped across his hip, grabbing hold of her thigh.
Ivar grunted a question as he moved his kisses along her cheek before taking them down her chin to her neck. 
“We shouldn’t,” she breathed. “It’s wrong. This is the church.”
“No one can see,” Ivar said against her skin. “Don’t worry.”
“But God!”
“Your God shouldn’t have made you so beautiful if he didn’t want me to desire you so much.”
The hand on her thigh slipped between her legs and he cupped her core, sliding a hand between her folds, stroking the nub he found. Her reaction from her was immediate as she gasped and grabbed at his hand between her legs. He kissed her again and continued stroking her as she scrambled to escape his searching hands. The feeling of pleasure and shame filled her in equal parts.
“How do you feel?” he asked into her ear, nipping at the corner of it. “Do you enjoy it when I touch you here?”
“Yes,” Eadwulf whispered, blushing as she looked away.
“What was that, my pretty, little Christian?” he asked teasingly as his fingers disappeared into the slightly wet hole and drew out a low moan from her at the contact. 
“Yes, I enjoy it.”
“Good girl.”
Ivar pushed his finger up higher, his finger searching for the bundle Ubbe had told him about.
“What are you-? Ahh!” Eadwulf gasped when he brushed against something inside of her that had her seeing stars. 
“There it is,” Ivar purred with a grin. “I knew that would get your attention.”
Eadwulf lay shuddering beneath him as he continued to stroke it, watching her face in fascination. 
Yes, Ubbe was right. That little spot was definitely worth finding. He hummed happily to himself as he grinned down at her. 
“Describe how it feels,” he ordered. 
“It feels wonderful,” she panted. “I have never felt like this before. It feels like I am floating.”
Ivar continued to stroke her until he felt her walls flutter desperately against him and her voice pick up in pitch. Her fingers tightened around his wrist and he hissed, yanking her hand away as he pinned it above her head on the wooden pew. He pulled his hand away and started to grind his hips against hers while shoving his fingers into her mouth, urging her to suck on them. The feeling of her tongue swirling around his digits and the feel of her slurping at them nearly caused him to cum. He shuddered when she cried out against his fingers and collapsed in exhaustion against the pew. He continued to grind against her until he came inside his pants with a low moan. 
He kissed her again, a satisfied smile on his face. “My sweet desecrated Christian. Now you are mine in your God’s eyes.” 
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atlas-sol-skierain · 9 days
When I got sober 7 months ago I quickly started looking for a job and I was coasting. I wanted to also focus on my program but I think you distracted me not that I'm blaming you for anything but then you disappeared I don't sense you anymore and I haven't been focusing on my program which among things includes praying and connection with Jesus for me and I was and am lacking connection. I feel miserable most days. I feel down. I was in self will run riot and quit my job and I have a lot of anxiety because I feel I'm not worth anything to you.
I got invited to church today Christianity church and the pastor talked about sheep how when they stray they get lost unlike a dog or cat who come back home and sheep need to be guided. And when there's a rebellious sheep who gets lost a lot the pastor sheep herder breaks it's leg so that it limps and stays near and I feel like God is broke my leg. I'm not feeling well and I want to get near Jesus and stay near. I feel in self will I might have hurt you recently or caused doubt about the relationship. I don't know if it's going to work out and maybe you don't think it's going to work out or don't know. And I feel I have to be okay with letting go. After drinking for eight years I made myself invaluable. Growth is painfully slow right now I have no upward access academically or job wise and I feel like stuck between a lot rock and a hard place but someone mentioned today that Jesus is that rock. And that's all I got right now. I don't have you. I don't have much of anything to offer.
For a while now I've been feeling depressed and frustrated and down and anxiety and empty and I'm troubleshooting things and I'm kindve in a pickle.
You don't owe me anything but without you I'm nothing. I'm not a circle I'm half a circle. I don't love myself like you love yourself I'm not okay alone I like you. And I don't want to be a full circle if it means leaving you behind. I'm not trying to capture you I wish I had a companion some intimacy someone who cares about me but I also don't want to hold you back. I never had that and it's so frustrating that I don't deserve it still. And that's part of the reason I put so much pressure on you to talk to me, I had a few things going on I was moving forward and bam Jesus Christ. And more waiting and navigating faith. And brokenness. And you seem like you don't even want to give me hope and on the contrary trying to prepare an exit from me. And I have to be okay with everything and you seem reluctant to love me. And I'm worthless. I wish I was one with you in Jesus Christ not one with Christ.
I just don't behave and I don't trust myself and you don't even trust me with hope. And everything is up in the air and I feel all shot out. But I will wake up tomorrow and give my friend a ride to court and help those I do have and I'll make it to a meeting and be miserable but I'll be sober. Really I don't got much hope I'm kindve just drifting by staying sober because that's all I know is right because I'm an alcoholic I'm addicted to alcohol and I might die if I drink the way I do and I really wanted it to work out between us but I don't know if you want that.
Lord Jesus Christ please come into my life and help me be willing to stay near you in prayer.
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jellyfilledstarrs · 10 days
I know they won't see this
My friends don't have Tumblr, but I can't
I feel so grateful for them. All of them. Every single one of them. They're all so unique and beautiful in their own way. They make me feel so happy and honestly, they make life worth it.
I can't sleep right now because I'm excited to see them in school tomorrow. I don't care if I have classes, I don't care if I have exams, I dont care if i have finals at the end of the year. I'll have them by my side, and they will care and support me the same way I care and support them.
You might think, "Jello, you're delusional"
No, I'm not. I've had my fair share of experience with friendships. I've met countless people. Almost everyone in my city knows my name. And if I could choose every single person in my friend group, I'd choose them.
They make me happy. They're my joy. They're the reason I want to wake up in the morning. To go to school, to survive. If I didn't have them, I would still loathe myself, I would still be alone and in the corner. I love them
I pray for them to be alright. I wish the best for them in every wish I have. I light candles for them at church.
Please God, protect them. Protect them and keep them out of harm's way. I trust You.
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neice1176 · 4 months
Happy Sunday! Please join us for our Church service this morning. I pray this coming week is filled with many blessings both big & small. Watch for the small ones they are easy to miss but make us so happy. Yesterday I received 2 of those. I really wanted to plant Sunsugar tomatoes & yellow zucchini squash. Last year we couldn't find either so I'd been praying this year was different. I picked the first plant up & sure enough it was yellow zucchini & there was only the 1 plant! Then the kids were walking around & Elizabeth found the only Sunsugar! Small things but they made me so happy. Those little ones really add up when you look for them 🙂
Please keep me in prayer tomorrow for my mammogram, more nervous than usual about it this year.
I love you all, God bless. ❤️🫂
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forewerinmyheart · 9 months
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Prayer for Friday afternoon for love & peace 🙏
John 15:7
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you will ask what you want and it will be done for you.
Lord, I give you all that I am and all that I have. I want to learn to abide in You every moment of my life. I want to abide in Your word so that it becomes a part of me. As I abide in You and as I abide in Your Word, enable me by Your Spirit to pray in such a way that Your promise in the verse will be fulfilled in me. I ask that You be in my life because You are peace and love. I ask this so that You will be glorified in my life and through my life, in Jesus name I pray, Amen🙏
Job 1:8
And the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered my servant Job, that there is no one like him on earth, a perfect and righteous man, who fears God and shuns evil.
Dear Lord, please forgive our sinful nature and help us make our relationship a priority. We desire your will above anything else in Jesus' Name. Amen 🙏
Jude 1:24
Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you blameless before his glory with exceeding joy.
May the Lord our Savior bring us blameless before his glory with great joy, only through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever and ever Amen 🙏
Matthew 17:21
Only by prayer and fasting.
Ephesians 5:27
He comes for a holy people, to present to himself a glorious church, not having spot, wrinkle, or any such thing; but to be holy and without blemish.
Matthew 5:48
But be perfect, as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.
We need your Holy Spirit to work in us to produce this spiritual fruit.
Father, let self-giving love be a sign of who we are as your children and followers of Jesus Christ. In his name, we pray. Amen 🙏
Isaiah 26:12
Lord, You have established peace for us, all that we have achieved, You have done for us.
Help me to walk in the path of righteousness, for Your name and for Your greater glory, for You alone are the only God on this earth. Amen 🙏
Psalm 65:4
How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You, to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, your holy temple.
Lord Heavenly Father, I am so blessed and honored to be in Your presence. Know, Lord, that I am honored and privileged to serve You and Your will every day. Lord, I love You, and all I want to do is to serve you with all my heart, soul, and mind. Allow me, Lord, to serve You, then I will serve others, as You Lord call us. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen 🙏
Romans 12:2
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by trial you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, what is acceptable, and what is perfect.
I pray that I will become more and more aware of acknowledging the Spirit in my life, so that day by day, my heart and mind become saturated with the Lord Jesus. May His nature be reflected in my actions and attitude and may my life be transformed daily by the renewing of my mind. Help me to prove in my life what is Your will for me and to do only those things that are good acceptable and perfect before You for Your praise and glory and for the benefit of others This I ask in Jesus name. Amen 🙏
Dear God, as I lay down to sleep, release the stress and tension from my body. Calm my thoughts and remove all anxiety. Heavenly Father, as I close this day with evening prayer, I thank you for all the blessings in my life, family, friends, love, hope, and a secure future. I thank You for Your presence in my life, and I pray that You will give me wisdom and courage to deal with whatever comes my way tomorrow. Help me to trust You with my life. Amen 🙏
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12/17/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Philippians 1-4
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. Today's the 17th day of December. I'm Jill. So good to be here with you today as we have turned the page and the story of our lives and then the story of the word of God. Starting a brand new week this week, brand new translation and we're also starting a brand new book of the Bible. We are reading Philippians chapters 1 through 4. This week we're reading the New English translation. Let's jump in Philippians chapter 1.
Jesus we thank you for this time. Thank you for all of the things that we notice today that represent a brand new beginning, a new beginning with you because of you. You make us new again and again and again. We give you this week. Do what it is that you desire to do in us, through us, among us. And we will give you all of the things, all of the glory and all of the praise. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 
We'll turn the page together tomorrow. Until then love one another. 
Community Prayer Line:
Hi everyone this is just from Ohio. I wanted to give an update on our church building. I tried calling less than before but not sure if it went through so I wanted to call again. We were able to get a new building location- open the door for us to move into a new building. We believe this is temporary and there will be a long-term place for us, but we are grateful for this place in the meantime. And thank you for praying for me when I was sick. I'm feeling much better and doing well. I appreciate all the prayers and this community and hope you all have a blessed day.
Good morning DABC. This is His Redeemed Daughter from Florida. I wanted to come on and pray for Covered in his Blood, for her son Trayvon and the group that are going to training in Chicago. Father God, I do and I'm in agreement with her- put your angels all around them and protect them. Keep them safe, give them wisdom, protection, safety and help them to get along and to become best friends. Oh my God, let them give you the glory. And Lord give her peace and things to do and friends around her and encourage her to hope. I know she's going to miss him. I just know cuz I'm a mom, too. And I still miss my kids and they're older adults. So just be with her at this time. So good to hear you pray again, to know that you're fine and you're doing well. And thank you for your beautiful prayers. You just pray with such a good heart and we're just so glad to hear you on here. And my joy, my joy, my joy, my joy, that was such a sweet prayer and we do thank Jill and this whole ministry for everything that they do and that we are a part of this community. Thank you Jill. Thank you everyone who prays. Once again, His Redeemed Daughter, my daughter is going out of town just for a quick little jaunt. I pray that God will protect her on her travels and give her traveling mercies and my son making decisions and give him wisdom in Jesus name. We love you. 
This is for my cousin Kevin. He seems to be doing fairly well. The main thing that's coming up is that he's got an acting gig which is the first time he's going to be on stage. It's in a play. It's a faith-based play and he's really looking forward to doing it. He's nervous about it but he's excited and I'm really really hoping that he succeeds. There's four performances he's going to be doing. I know his throat can sometimes be a little strained and can sometimes become sore as a result of using his voice. Just be praying over him. The performances are like next weekend which by the time y'all hear this it'll probably be after this weekend. But yes, please be praying for him. I would really enjoy it if anybody and everybody could pray for my cousin. This is been a long time coming and I'm really excited to see what God does with this. Thank you so much.
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heykatja · 11 months
Mira, GY, I'm sorry. You might never be my maids of honor, so I'll give you this last request. It's still a church event anyway. I'll ask you to pray for me, and to arrange a party of sorts. I don't know if now, tomorrow, next month, or next break.
But I hope there will still be people to celebrate my life. It would be a great honor. Though they might not come because it's not the usual scene I share with them, I still think it would be worth a try.
When you arrange the interment, call my friends. The point persons are Chantelle for college friends, Jeridi and Gian for law school friends.
Whisper in the wind how it goes. If there's an after life, I would be sure to listen. Just in case I don't see it for myself, please tell me if there will be flowers. Please tell me the stories they will share.
Have I been loved? Are there any regrets? Do they hate me already? Will they miss me? Who cried the most? Who fake cried and told fake stories? Did they play good music? Did they at least put me in a nice jar?
And then, let's talk like we used to. I missed you. It's been so difficult lately. I'm sorry I'll make things a bit difficult for you too for a while. I hope you'll learn to cope with the loss. I'm sorry if this will be a loss. I'm sorry if I won't be there to make stupid side comments or to laugh at the smallest of things.
Can you please also tell Gian, the love of my life, that I'm sorry I couldn't be there for him. That I'm sorry this might be the first time he will go to church with me... or for me. That I'll still love him from where I am, or that if that's not possible, I have loved him with all that I can while I was still there. That I have loved him with the time I had. That I'm sorry there won't be a family to raise. That I won't be there for the baby tiger and the baby snake. But that I tried until I couldn't anymore. And please thank him for the opportunity to love and be loved in return. That no matter the fights we had or didn't have, I love him with all the love in me regardless.
And speaking of pets, please pet my child for me. Pikachu has been used to my absence but this time I won't come home for good anymore. Please make him feel loved.
I hope in the next life, if there's one, I could meet you again. And we'll grow up in a better environment. We won't grow up with broken hearts and messy minds. But for this one, I hope you'll be able to make the most out of it. Thank you for being the bestest friends. My sisters even from the very start. I love you. I'm sorry.
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cindeihf · 1 year
✨ 26th year of existence ✨
Will I ever get tired of writing?
Maybe? Or maybe not. 😌
I really don't know. I haven't written about myself for quite sometime. I think I needed a time for personal reflection which I haven't done in a while. All these random thoughts are scattered in my brain and I can't figure out how I am to organize them. And I'm too lazy to do so. 😌 But I figured out that I'm just gonna categorize my points into five: Faith, Family, Romance, Career and Friends.
For starters, I'd like to begin by reflecting how this year went by. In all honesty, this year was probably one of the best and it's kinda scary. I feel like all the good things I've asked and prayed for in the past few years have all been granted. And I can't help but be anxious or scared about it. I have this feeling of damnation that one day all these will be taken away from me and I'm left to suffer for it. I rather not be in this state of pure bliss if it's only gonna be temporary. 🥺 Don't misinterpret, I am but sincerely grateful to our Omnipresent Creator for granting my heart's desire and always giving me what He knows is best for me. The past still haunts me and I just couldn't shake the thought that I don't deserve all these good things happening around me. I knew for this reason that my day of reckoning would come. 🥺
Despite these intrusive thoughts, God still sent me his angels and graced me with His word. "I sought the Lord, and he heard me. And delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: And their faces were not ashamed." Psalm 34:4-5 KJV
Short overview of a 25 yr old Synd:
January - May 2023: Military Training Instructor of PAF OCC CL-2023. I had squadmates too. I hope we could catch up sometime.
May: Went back to Zamboanga for about 5 days to catch up with the fam.
June - September 2023: Took up BAFOC and graduated from the course with flying colors.
September: Home sweet home on my 26th birthday. Finally, celebrating my birthday tomorrow with my dearly beloved family after 5 years of military services. And yes, I should be truly grateful because this was my wish for my birthday. ♥️
In addition, I had the privilege to spend all these months at Lipa with my significant other, my baby bingki. 🥺♥️ Thank You for allowing us to spend these days together.🙏♥️
With the year gone by, there were multitude of realizations I had gotten myself on matters pertaining to Faith, Family, Romance, Career, Friends.
I believe that I, too, am a conscientious objector of status quo. Just like Anne.
To be continued.
Hiii! it’s 15 Sep 2024 now, it’s very late but i’m gonna continue this log anyway so i could begin my 27th birthday log!
I knew there is a Higher Being in this world because after all that there is, I still feel that something is lacking. Like the purpose of this life.
Every now and then, I relapse and forget to re-center my life to what really matters, to YOU. Everything happening at once, career flourishing, goals being met, family stuff and all that life throws at me kinda drifted me away from you Lord God. I’m truly sorryy and I know I can’t make any excuses for these, but I am slowly making conscious efforts to turn back to you. During Sundays, with the LOML, we spend time worshipping youu at a Christian Church, we pray together before meals and thank you for all the blessings you always shower us with. Forever thankful for the time you gave us, to make up for all the days we never got to spend together. 🥺
Lord I pray that despite all the good things happening around me and my loved ones, you help me go back to you and worship you like nothing ever matters but you. You alone keep my fire burning, that this life is not about me, or the people or the things that exists, it’s solely for pleasing you. When I do good things, it’s because I want to please you but when I fall back and make mistakes, I know you’ll pick me up and still call mr your daughter. Please lord, I pray that you’ll keep holding on me. You’re a faithful and loving Father and i’m just a speck of a dust but still you chose to love me. How can I deserve such love? 😭😭 Lord forgive me for all my sins. I am but a sinner and yet I will always and always come back to you because you are my Love. You created me and I exist because of You. I offer my life to you my God. I love you.
I was happy to spend my birthday with my dearest family after being away for 5 years. We had a museum tour, family worship and a simple family dinner. A fairly good celebration of my nameday. We survived the year and we have plans that we pray be granted by our supreme God. Happy for my mom and dad’s good health as well as my brother’s. I hope each hearts living under the same roof would find kindness and lovingly share it with each other. 🥺 Mahal na mahal ko kayo, I hope I made you proudd, you made me and I’m truly grateful that you guys kept on supporting me. Laban lang tayo fam!
I spent most of my days being an MTI at my Officer’s School and a student officer at PAFOS later on at Lipa City, Batangas. The past year, I was with my baby bingkii most of the days, I was just partly student/instructor because I was mostly a baby bingki too. Hehe Everything felt surreal. May mga days na nag aaway talaga pero I knew I was home because there’s just this calmness, security and safety. All guards down because I’m with him. Of course there’s adjustments, with him and his family, but that’s just normal, I love what and who he loves. 🥰 I hope to have a future with him and we could build a life I always wanted to. But everything won’t be possible if we don’t offer it to our Father. There’ll be challenges and trials, but with faith and his will, I know we’ll make it. 🫶🏻
25th Synd officially signing off. 🫶🏻
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anauwu420 · 1 year
When I was a child before I was baptized into a baptist church and even after for a good few years I would pray and pray often to a god I wasn’t sure existed. I would start the prayer like almost like a child’s daily letter. Hi God I’m asking for really good dreams and for my grandma and everyone to have good dreams and that I have a really good day tomorrow and that you make some of my wishes come true please and thank you goodnight. And the next night I’d start the prayer as Hi God I pray for everything I prayed for last night and also for mom to make my favorite food and also for more butterflies to make wishes on and good grades and good friends. And the next night Hi God I pray for everything from my previous prayers and also….. for years. I wonder how many prayers stacked on top of each other that makes. I wonder if that God exists and heard my prayers and thought I was silly for referencing all my previous prayers for years and years stacking the requests every night for at least a decade. I don’t remember most of my prayers but I always remember “Hi God I pray for everything from my previous prayers and also” and I wonder what all I prayed for. I don’t believe there’s some omnipresent singular God anymore. But I do know that I saw more butterflies every year and that I made many wishes on those butterflies. I know that the butterflies granted most of my simple wishes and couldn’t make snow in the summer. As I got older and slowly stopped praying my butterfly wishes maintained. But then my wishes began to have the same start as my prayers. I wish for all the good things I wished for and also a good scholarship please and thank you goodbye. I wish for all the good things I’ve wished for and also a long and happy life please and thank you goodbye. But making wishes and the habit of wishing for previous wishes and adding more wishes feels like a prayer to me. Praying to tiny dusty butterflies in place of praying to God. I wonder if butterflies are gods or if gods are butterflies. Either way, hi butterflies I’m wishing for all my previous good wishes and praying for all my previous good prayers and also
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e-devotion · 1 year
what's on my mind #back2school
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We are in the middle of the back2school outreach, and there are so many things going on.  It is good stuff.  It is a lot of stuff.
Let me take some time and unload what is in my mind.  It is a lot, especially this time of year.
Luke 16:9  NLT  
Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.
That is a big deal.  Make others better.  Share with others.  It is something we do and should do.
Ephesians 6:23  NLT  
Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters, and may God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you love with faithfulness.
Peace and faithfulness.  Share the love of God that you came to know.  Don’t just keep it inside.
Now for the brain dump as it relates to back2school.
Oh, the kids are the most critical piece of the entire outreach.  Not the school supplies or backpacks.  Not the shoes and socks.  Not even the little details.  It is the kids and their families who need to know that God is real and loves them.
The churches and each and every person in them.  I am more and more amazed at the people churches and people who choose to partner with back2school.  This outreach makes us all better.  It is about God’s kingdom showing the world that God’s people can work together for His glory and the good of others.
Now I can not lie to you.  We need school supplies.  That is why people are at our local Walmart this weekend with a school bus packing it with donated school supplies from Walmart shoppers who care about kids.  We need volunteers.  In fact this is one of the pieces that keeps me up and concerned.  Volunteers are low this year.  Can you help?  Let me know.
More mind dump.
We get to wash kid’s feet and give them new shoes.  Two weeks from tomorrow is going to be awesome.
Seeing all these people and all these churches joining forces and resources to make an impact for God thrills me every single time.
I will stop there.  My mind and it’s swirling doesn’t stop there.  
Please pray that #back2school 2023 is a huge success not so we can say we serve or so that we can brag about the numbers.  Pray that the love of God is flowing big time on each and every person we get to be around!
Joshua 22:5  NLT  
But be very careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you. Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.”
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adedots · 1 year
Joel Osteen daily devotional 14th April 2023 -- Live Well
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Joel Osteen daily devotional 14th April 2023 -- Live Well Joel Osteen Ministries daily devotional for today 14th April 2023 -- Live Well Joel Osteen 14th April 2023 daily devotional by Joel Osteen Ministries Joel Osteen daily devotional 14th April 2023 - Live Well Today's word with Joel & Victoria Osteen 14th April 2023 -- Live Well Today’s Scripture with Joel & Victoria Osteen today's a new day 14th April 2023 Joel osteen devotional for today 14th April 2023 by Joel Osteen Ministries -- Live Well
TOPIC: Live Well Click Here For More Of Joel Osteen Daily Devotionals You May Also like: Joel Osteen daily devotional - The goal of a healthy soul Today’s Scripture: Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well! Psalm 90:12, MSG You May Also like: Joel Osteen daily devotional - Are you listening? Click here for more Today’s Scripture with Joel & Victoria Osteen today's a new day
MESSAGE: are you living in the house with your family, but you’re not connected? Are you engaged, living well, making the most of the moments? Or are you in tomorrow, hoping you’ll get the contract, worried about your business, wondering how your finances are going to work out? Are you in yesterday, upset over a disappointment, bitter over who hurt you? You’re missing the beauty of this day. Once you live this day, you can’t get it back. The people in your life are not always going to be there. Don’t wait until they’re gone to recognize what you have. Don’t take for granted all the good things in your life right now. Get connected. Take time for the people God has given you. There will always be more work, more challenges, and more problems to solve. The dreams will come to pass in due season. The problems will resolve in God’s timing. Worrying about them doesn’t make them work out any sooner. Stay in the moment with the people you love. Enjoy where you are. JOEL OSTEEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL 14th April 2023 A Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You for the beauty that You provide for me every day, especially through my family and all the people I love. Teach me to live wisely and well and to never allow worry or disappointments to keep me from the present. I declare that I am going to make the most of my moments. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Please don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others. God bless you
Click here for more Today’s Scripture with Joel & Victoria Osteen today's a new day The sweetest and biggest thing to ever happen to you is to make a decision to be saved through JESUS CHRIST. If you have not made that decision. Please make that decision now and say " Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins and have mercy on me, thank you for dying for me on the cross, take me as your son / daughter and be my father. THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME, in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN. If you just prayed this prayer of salvation now, please find a bible believing church where you can grow in the love and the Word of God and fellowship with them. God bless you Click here for more Today's word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Joel Osteen is an American televangelist, theologian, speaker, and author who attracted millions of followers with his simple and positive sermons and his best-selling books. He is married to Victoria Osteen and he is the Pastor of Lakewood Church, an America’s largest and fastest-growing church. Joel Osteen ministry is committed to helping people from all walks of life experience the unconditional love and unending hope found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Joel osteen ministries believe that : the entire Bible is inspired by God, without error and the authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine. …in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this earth as Savior of the world. …Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for our sins. We believe that salvation is found by placing our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross. We believe Jesus rose from the dead and is coming again. …water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of the blood of Christ and a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. …in the regular taking of Communion as an act of remembering what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross. …every believer should be in a growing relationship with Jesus by obeying God’s Word, yielding to the Holy Spirit and by being conformed to the image of Christ. …as children of God, we are overcomers and more than conquerors and God intends for each of us to experience the abundant life He has in store for us. Click here for more Today's word with Joel & Victoria Osteen Join Joel Osteen this Sunday Live Service 14th April 2023 at Lakewood Church Joel Osteen Service Live Today 14th April 2023 by Pastor Joel Osteen
WATCH Joel Osteen Service Live Today for 14th April 2023 by Pastor Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen SUNDAY SERVICE today 14th April 2023 CLICK HERE FOR PREVIOUS Joel Osteen live services CLICK HERE FOR other contents The sweetest and biggest thing to ever happen to you is to make a decision to be saved through JESUS CHRIST. If you have not made that decision. Please make that decision now and say " Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins and have mercy on me, thank you for dying for me on the cross, take me as your son / daughter and be my father. THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME, in JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN. God bless you. Please fill the form below and tick "get notified by mail" to get notified on every post to your mail. You can also save (bookmark) this site. Don't forget to share with your friends and families on social media so they can be blessed and be blessings to others. God bless you . . .
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