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projapotimusic · 11 months ago
জল দিলে বারে দিগুন এমনি প্রেমের আগুন । ভাইরাল তাসলিমা সরকার । Jol Dile B...
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projapotistudiohd · 1 year ago
প্রেমের দায়ে ঘর ছাড়িলাম বাড়ি ঘড় । সোনিয়া বাউল । Pramer Daya Cerlam...
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topproductsshop · 2 years ago
Emni Pramer Jala|এমনি প্রেমের জালা - তারপর ছাগল চুরি | Bangali Comedy 24
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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Pantes FE kek Dajjal, pasti itu itu tutorial buku diary jadi anak Dajjal 😒. . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #dajjal #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdw7GijBXt/?igshid=bxng1msw6r2m
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lovemargous · 6 years ago
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Я с вами. Здравствуйте Дима)) я развиваю бизнес с проектом который взорвал интернет и соц.сети. 💣💣Давая возможности и показывая на выгоды я помогаю людям значительно улучшить свой социальный статус. Зарабатывают они , и вместе с ними зарабатываю я. 💸 Вот как то так😊 Это сетевой млм бизнес без продаж с доступным входом для любого человека. Суть работы информационо-консультативного характера. Достаточно 2-3 часов ежедневно в любое удобное для вас время. Вам интересно ? Хотите через год гордится тем что смогли сделать то - что многие и за 40 лет не могли сделать работая по найму? . #сссз #pramers (at Алматы, Казахстан) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7MoBBllxl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=56sn0r6130q0
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antonioledram · 2 years ago
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444names · 3 years ago
american cities + werewolf forenames BUT excluding "lf"
(post number 595 btw)
Abiles Adale Adall Adeng Adownsan Aklan Alinn Alle Altornti Alup Amforland Andge Anoriva Arks Athe Aton Aulvenix Aumbro Aury Badepit Bake Bakroche Bale Balle Band Bandalle Banfrit Banulvene Barka Barkennia Barlsa Bary Batent Baton Bayn Bayton Beacloux Beansan Beapo Bend Bente Beow Bercalk Billan Billitate Birhan Bochus Bodbringa Bodwolpha Bois Bores Borin Borka Borkas Boro Borvay Boux Bric Bris Brogas Brois Broitarem Brown Burbo Calto Caming Campe Canale Candal Candayler Canderoce Cando Canti Capeka Carde Cart Chandgas Char Chark Chelo Chig Chilk Chille Chro Chulley Citas Clakrock Clan Cland Clandle Clasconte Cleif Cloupus Colise Congand Cons Coram Corpran Culd Dale Daliele Dall Dallin Denbadia Denia Densand Denton Depemph Dolcand Doliege Dols Durod Duward Duwule Eddyn Edis Elege Elempton Elle Elph Elwairy Elwalia Euguan Ever Eyleen Fale Fallins Fallo Falph Faoux Felley Felmon Fend Fens Foralliso Foram Ford Fordown Foroll Fortco Fortlaton Forwai Fralle Framwolph Frantal Free Frekas Freta Frezso Friet Friverls Gand Gepitte Gincoh Gleim Glen Gleyorod Grachuste Grale Gran Gredi Grena Gron Gunna Gunt Haancity Heenallen Hicon Higa Hocendria Hocksvill Holio Holle Holleig Homaha Homar Homort Hongs Honiam Horaleig Houx Hria Hriet Hrinia Hrod Hulgerson Hunk Hustmia Huston Ingeno Ington Inia Inne Innorland Inta Irha Irhamph Iryuk Jacle Jersana Jolupu Kairy Kashville Kela Kelve Knorfran Knorioun Knoxvidge Lake Lakock Lanalber Lanca Land Landolup Lashomoh Lereen Lesta Lielenn Lingtona Lintgo Liock Lisey Lonaik Lonbean Lown Luper Luporover Lyalton Lyka Maccoup Macincity Mack Mackforo Magerdepe Mahance Maharo Makeegan Makeen Manate Mand Mandlas Mango Mansbock Marand Margh Marow Mcago Mcampall Mcant Mcaria Mcary Mcksvill Mecucson Mesant Midge Migashis Migh Minne Mobilmer Monco Mondeng Monix Nalk Newyortio Nobiley Nolledd Noln Norksont Noxvill Nunte Oakend Oakepo Oakerson Oakladal Odbro Odwolk Okeller Oken Okert Omate Ompeance Orks Orlsban Ormacha Orton Ovelasio Ovelwoog Paler Palubbort Parin Peka Peki Penstpa Pery Phis Phunn Pittelk Plakanman Plans Plas Plaurbuff Porle Portlad Pramer Priso Puer Puerson Rack Radalton Raffal Rage Rago Rairvill Ralevale Rall Ramialejo Ramiander Rance Randolle Randria Rangton Ranta Raolph Raouge Raouxfai Raus Reega Reki Renapeach Rendrinn Renta Reugus Riament Richrow Ridd Ridury Rillem Rincoh Rity Roison Roister Roita Rono Roston Roupus Rousta Rovidge Rown Ruce Rude Ruder Rudolafa Rudoll Rudolsand Sacont Salanter Salene Salphunta Sana Sand Sanfres Sangus Sans Santa Sapecity Sapeo Sapo Schard Shar Shunnolph Sidurba Siosale Siouvele Sonio Sprapitt Spria Sprolin Stard Stmia Ston Surhamive Surpric Surro Syraingas Taan Taanchit Tamfo Tchus Tcolph Tcoralle Telver Tersa Thestjo Thlavin Toce Tongfiele Tonk Tope Tort Tuce Tucso Tulgiley Tullin Tuls Udersine Udoln Udols Ulen Ulent Ulle Ulleimi Ullelph Ulrielasa Uwaio Vall Vanapeco Vand Vans Vard Vele Ville Viller Villsacha Villse Visver Vukerson Warran Wate Wathesta Wause Wayn Weld Westa Westjo Westpar Wicality Wich Wichill Willas Wingo Wiseycit Worpris Yley Ylovelk
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microminutes · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday Hubert Lechevalier (May 12)
Hubert Lechavalier discovered neomycin while working in the laboratory of Selman Waksman at Rutgers. Think of him every time you put Neosporin ointment on a cut. He was an expert in the biology of Actinomycetes. He worked closely with his wife Mary during their long research careers at Rutgers.
Bottom picture is Dr Lechevalier mouth pipetting (as we always did in the good old days) with future director of the Waksman Institute Dr David Pramer. Dr Lechavailer lived a healthy 89 years .. ‘nuff said.
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jamesginortonblog · 8 years ago
BBC Worldwide, the British broadcaster’s commercial division, says it has sold more than 3,000 hours of drama around the world in the past three months. The announcement came on the eve of BBC Worldwide Showcase, the four-day TV market beginning Monday in Liverpool, England, at which scripted shows take center stage.
In Western Europe, where more than 200 hours of drama were sold, two of Germany’s major broadcasters bought a number of new and classic titles. RTL Pay purchased “SS-GB” and “Rillington Place,” and ZDF bought “Death in Paradise” (seasons 5-6) as well as “Spooks” (seasons 6-10), among other titles. In Italy, Rai Cinema acquired “Doctor Foster” (season 1) as part of a drama package.
There is also strong demand for British drama in Central and Eastern Europe, with 600 hours of content sold across the region. In Russia, “War and Peace” (2015) will now be available on subscription VOD platform IVI, and in Ukraine, Digital Screens will have “Dickensian” (season 1) among other drama series. ETV in Estonia acquired “Father Brown” (seasons 1-5), LTV in Latvia picked up “DCI Banks” (seasons 1-3) and Lithuania has “Sherlock” (season 4).
In Northern Europe, around 350 hours of drama have been sold across the territories with “Maigret” (episodes 1-2) licensed to VRT in Belgium, and “Happy Valley” (season 2) to NPO in Holland. “Call the Midwife” (season 6) has been sold to SVT in Sweden, “The Durrells” to TV2 in Denmark and “The Collection” (season 1) to RUV in Iceland.
There have been a number of deals with platforms across Sub-Saharan Africa and Kenya, where series including “Ripper Street” (seasons 1-4), “Luther” (seasons 1-4) and “Top of the Lake” (season 1) are now available.
In the Middle East, audiences in Israel will now be able to watch “The Honorable Woman” on Vubiquity and “Unforgotten” (seasons 1-2) on the broadcaster Yes.
Nearly 400 hours of drama have been sold across Latin America with “War and Peace” (2015) licensed to Brazilian free-to-air channel Globo. “Ripper Street” (season 2) will be available on Filmin Latino (SVOD/FVOD) as well as Pramer (seasons 2-3). In addition, Vubiquity has acquired seasons 1-10 of “Doctor Who.”
Finally, in Asia, nearly 950 hours of drama content was acquired between Korea, Japan, Greater China and India with titles such as “New Tricks” (season 12), “Citizen Khan” (season 5) and “The Paradise” (seasons 1-2) proving popular. Clients included KBS in Korea, AXN Mystery in Japan, Youku in Greater China and FX in India.
Paul Dempsey, president global markets, BBC Worldwide, said: “The demand for British drama continues to rise as global audiences are captivated by both the range and quality of our writing, acting and production.”
More than 700 buyers are attending BBC Worldwide Showcase to watch more than 3,000 hours of programs during event. They’ll also get to hear from the producers and creatives of a wide range of new shows. Among the creatives attending are writers Mark Gatiss (“Doctor Who,” “Sherlock”), Hossein Amini (“McMafia”), Misha Glenny (“McMafia”), Mike Bartlett (“Doctor Foster”) and Jimmy McGovern (“Broken”).
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garnokaky · 5 years ago
Aconquija TV Satelital Tucumán
Alef Network canal judío de Latinoamérica.
America 2 (Canal 2), Ciudad de Buenos Aires,aire, nacional
América 2 nacional, La Plata, Prov. de Buenos Aires
America 2 Bahia Blanca, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Antena Uno CNN
Artear Bahia Blanca, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Artear (Arte Televisivo Argentino) grupo multimedios nacional
Azul TV (Canal 9), nacional, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Azul TV Bahia Blanca, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Azul TV Mar del Plata Mar del Plata, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Azul TV - Repetidora Necochea - Necochea, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Cablevideo Paraná, Entre Ríos
CableVision TCI Ciudad de Buenos Aires, sistema de cable nacional
Canal 8 Mar del Plata - Repetidora Necochea Necochea, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Canal 9 Patagonia
Canal 9 Televida Mendoza
Canal 13 nacional, aire
Canal 13  
Canal 7 Argentina  nacional, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Canal 7 Argentina Bahia Blanca, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Canal 33 - ZAP La Plata  
Canal 4 productora de tv
Canal 2 San Nicolás, Santa Fe
Canal á  
CrónicaTV nacional
CVC - Cable Vision Color Santa Fe
DirecTV Argentina sistema satelital nacional
Júpiter Comic  
LRH450 Canal 10 Junín, noroeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
MDQ Surf (deportes)
MuchMusic Argentina cable.
Multicanal Ciudad de Buenos Aires, sistema de cable nacional
Pramer productora de tv
Supercanal Mendoza
Tele Ba Balcarce, Pcia. Bs. As
Telefe (Canal 11), Ciudad de Buenos Aires, nacional
Telefe Bahia Blanca, Prov. de Buenos Aires
Todo Noticias (TN) nacional, cable, noticias las 24 horas
Tres Arroyos Televisora Color Tres Arroyos, Prov. Buenos Aires
TVFuego S.A. Tierra del Fuego, cable.
TyC (Torneos y Competencias) nacional, cable, deportes las 24 horas
Canal Rural
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bettinaincucina · 7 years ago
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Lysekil ha un fascino retrò e tranquillo, è stata una famosa cittadina termale e adesso é più conosciuta dai turisti svedesi che stranieri. Abbiamo cenato al Pramer dove i piatti erano squisiti e gustosi. "burger di salmone e merluzzo con purè di patate piselli e lingonberry" & "zuppa di salmone merluzzo gamberetti cozze carote finocchi ed aneto" (presso Pråmen)
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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@abu_alifa15 @bumidatar_alq 👍 . Makasih suhu anda jenius, auto skakmate GE 😁. . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #RuangInfoKita #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9dhbajqpR/?igshid=1ik4v2td3sflp
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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Saatnya penganut bani piring cantik menyusul 😅. . Presiden Tanzania John Magufuli wafat. Wapres mengonfirmasi kematiannya 17 Maret lalu, akibat penyakit jantung. Namun petinggi oposisi sempat menyebutnya dirawat dengan ventilator akibat COVID-19. sebelum meninggal. Magufuli termasuk pemimpin yang menyangkal COVID-19. Bahkan menghentikan laporan kasus dan menghukum penyebar informasi COVID. . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #RuangInfoKita #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CM4MMyzDR3z/?igshid=89beguraqunl
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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Terimakasih @_bule06_ 😅, hamba memang begini..... https://instagram.com/_bule06_?igshid=krwke562c8ak . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #RuangInfoKita #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CMHIGrqDr2c/?igshid=2dge94m422jl
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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COVID-19 itu nyata. Sumber https://m.facebook.com/groups/3586715871382587/permalink/3733826203338219/ . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #RuangInfoKita #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CMBOFkHDPWW/?igshid=eug9gs46kcjc
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101kfe · 4 years ago
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No komen. . #coronamasihada #1tahun #covid #covid19 #b117 #KomunikasiUntukSemua #InfoKitaSemua #hoakscovid19 #KabarKominfo #RuangInfoKita #IndonesiaBaik #coronaindonesia #Infografis #PakaiMasker #JagaJarak #CuciTangan #vaksin #prameres.com #vaksinasimelawanpandemi #maskerkain #flatearth #konspirasi #bumidatar #covid_19 #mositidakpercaya #mositidakpercayadpr #protokolkesehatan #vaksìncovid19 #antimusker #masker https://www.instagram.com/p/CL9dvkeDjjQ/?igshid=zhaxz8osfam8
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