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verm1c1de · 4 months ago
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confursations after zim kills the tallest in a fit of jealousy
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zootzar · 1 year ago
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"Pur, it's drooling on me."
"Stop complaining, it's kind of cute. In a stupid, ugly way."
@verm1c1de YOU.
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geekcat · 5 months ago
Happy birthday @verm1c1de! I wrote you a short PRaDR oneshot:
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waccozzz · 1 year ago
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lazy pradr drawing i find cute though.
my three girlfriends, yes they smoke weed.
(the tallest are 13 in my au dont be weird)
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short-and-ugly · 1 year ago
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ive done it ive connected the dots
You didn't connect shit and I love you for it
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1nvad3rz1m · 2 years ago
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What happened to the variety of invader zim ships...All we know now is zadr tagr and rapr and MAYBE if we are LUCKY prazr
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reptile-ruler · 27 days ago
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Bidding is open until March 1st! Bid on my auction, donate to charity, get a cool drawing or comic from me as thanks!
Info from my contributor's page copypasted under the cut
Type of fanwork: Fan art Subtype(s): Book cover, Comic, Drawing/painting/etc. Fandom(s): Good Omens; Any fandom I've created for before; Mob Psycho 100 Highest rating: T Minimum Bid: $5 Audience: All ages Length/scope: Under $40: Grayscale or monochrome drawing of maximum 2 characters, or a sketch comic strip/webtoon of maximum 4 panels. Over $60: Up to 4 characters, colors if you want, or a one page grayscale comic. Over $80: I'll draw a fully colored background/scene featuring up to 4 characters, a cover for your fic, or a two page grayscale comic. Special interests (what is this?): Ambiguous endings, Aro/ace characters, Gen (no ship) or platonic works, Poly ships, Rarepairs, Unhappy endings
Fanwork Details: Under $40: Grayscale or monochrome drawing of maximum 2 characters, or a sketch comic strip/webtoon of maximum 4 panels. Over $60: Up to 4 characters, colors if you want, or a one page grayscale comic. Over $80: I'll draw a fully colored background/scene featuring up to 4 characters, a cover for your fic, or a two page grayscale comic.
Characters/pairings of interest: (Preferred, will do other stuff) Any aliens from Invader Zim. Red, Purple and Zim in any ship constellation, Lego Movie Emmet, Lucy and Rex in any ship constellation, Special Spaceship, Crowley/Aziraphale, platonic Mob and Reigen, bonus points if Dimple is there too. One punch man Genos/Saitama.
Subjects/theme/tropes of interest: (Preferred, will do other stuff) Poly ships, aroace and queerplanotic representation, hurt/comfort, whump, angst, fluff, hugs and cuddles and naps
Unwilling to address: Incest, kink, children being hurt or tortured, smut, pradr
Other notes: I'm happy with either a vague prompt or a very specific prompt- or even a comic script to work from. Either way I'll be sharing my sketch(es) for input before finishing anything and will try my best to comply with any notes you may have (within reason).
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cosmicfangz · 1 year ago
Pradr ?
Another one I don’t actively ship but I still like occasionally so I’ll do both
Ship It
What made you ship it?
@verm1c1de and @animatorfun
What are your favorite things about the ship?
It’s funny. Zim’s rival and leaders who hate him in a polycule and they talk shit on him. The tallest call Zim like “I ain’t talking to you but the funny human on”
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact it exists is an unpopular opinion
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I just like ZaDr better narratively
What would have made you like it?
If Zim and Dib weren’t Like That
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
See above
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mashedbootatoes · 2 years ago
Figured I should finally make a pinned post
🛸names 2 use: Ted /Ricky/Dave
Genderfluid transmasc aroflux bisexual he/ vi/moon/bite/bomb
🔥💥I AM 17
Autism , ADHD
ZADR / TAGR / PRADR , proshippers / anti-antis / comshippers
💫 Interests
Invader Zim , mlpfim , Beetlejuice ( musical + TV show ) , POKÉMON , monster hunter , demon slayer , fnaf , dsaf , sky cotl , murder drones , a hat in time , ed edd n eddy ( AND MORE )
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refried-ghost · 2 years ago
🍓 wonk
VERM! VERM! Hitting me with it so soon dhkdkfhj
You're super nice and friendly! It's pleasure to see the convos you stir up coming across my dash! Mina put it perfectly you're a gift to the fandom!
You have the greatest kinda shitposty(not in a bad way at all. Shitposty like my Tallest Gir stuff. Kinda out there, basically never tapped into? Idk how to put it. But I mean no offense) ideas. Looking at Pradr, Sacrilegious(I need to find this askblog I swear!), Mom Bitters! It's always great to hear the things you come up with and your thoughts!
Your art is so vibrant and neat and full of personality! Love to see it! Again I've only seen a little of your writing, but it's stuck with me. I still don't really know how to else to put that into words, aside from it's comfy, despite the blood
You just seem like a really cool dude in general!
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geekcat · 5 months ago
Had some thoughts about ponified PRaDR, and of designs for Dib (as a unicorn) and the Tallest (and changeling queens). First, the designs I made in PonyTown:
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As for the PRaDR thoughts...
Dib (probably named something like 'Discovery') winds up in the heart of the Changeling Kingdom. Red and Purple (real names something like Reduviid and Phasmid, but when they don't tell Discovery that immediately, he gives them color nicknames) realize that this...interesting unicorn has a love for learning about what he considers 'dangerous' or 'mysterious' creatures...like changelings. So, with him captured, it seems easy to toss him bits of information in exchange for a bit of love for them to feed on.
Over time and probably through some shenanigans, Discovery comes to like the queens, and they like being around him...and eventually, since he loves them without them needing to disguise themselves, make him their personal 'food pony'.
Sounds not great, but it does mean he can wander through the hive as he pleases without any other changeling bothering him...and the two queens keep each other in check, preventing the other from draining him completely (they'd fight if they didn't get even amounts of love from him).
It does leave Discovery more tired than usual having bits of love taken from him so frequently, though...
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years ago
An aroace that doesn’t ship anything ranks every Invader Zim ship they are aware of:
No offence to anyone. Also don’t expect many “I ship it” moments because I really don’t ship anything.
ZaDr (Zim and Dib romance):
The one and only Invader Zim ship that needs no introduction. If you’re been in the modern fandom for any amount of time, you know about ZaDr. It’s the most common ship in the entire fandom and I see why. The enemies to lovers dynamic, the parallels between the two of them in canon, ✨ The Gay✨, etc. This ship is THE Invader Zim ship and it’s easy to see why.
I personally don’t ship it for a few different reasons. I like my Zim and Dib with a more frenemies dynamic when they aren’t at each other’s throats for one, plus I just don’t ship things like 99% of the time. That just how I work.
This right here can be said for any ship on this list involving Zim; but I also headcanon Zim as being aroace, which conflicts with literally every ship involving Zim. My version of Zim just doesn’t mix with any ships. For me, Zim and romance is like oil and water.
That being said, I’m not against ZaDr and I don’t dislike it. I don’t actively seek it out, but I also don’t mind looking at it if it pops up on my dash. I just like ZaDf a bit more.
Do I ship it: No
How I pronounce it: Za-Dur
Rating: 8/10 (it’s a classic and even though I don’t ship it, giving it anything less would be a disservice to it)
ZaGr (Zim and Gaz romance):
ZaGr is a really interesting ship to me. Not in a character or canon way, but in a meta way. Because from what I understand, ZaGr used to be the most popular IZ ship back when Invader Zim was a newer show, before ships like ZaDr became acceptable and more mainstream.
Now it’s way less common when compared to ZaDr, but you can see it everywhere in older works. I just find it cool that you can tell how old parts of the fandom are based on how popular or common ZaDr and ZaGr are. ZaGr is still popular nowadays, but it used to be the go-to IZ Ship before ZaDr became mainstream and overtook it in popularity.
Kinda but not really moving on from a meta perspective, I can see why it originally became popular, but also why it fell from grace and was overtaken by ZaDr. Both Zim and Gaz show a hated for humanity, share an interest in video games, have the same dislike of Dib and Gaz seems to be one of the few characters that Zim shows any respect towards whatsoever. There was also the rumoured (and later disproven to exist) episode “Invader Dib”, which was rumoured to be the series finale before the show was canceled and would have supposedly implied that Zim and Gaz got together post-canon.
Plus in my uneducated opinion, ZaGr probably also became so popular because of the environment it came into existence in. ZaGr is one of the oldest ships in the entire fandom (I think), being a thing all the way back in the early 2000s when Invader Zim had first come out and recently been canceled. Back then, gay ships like ZaDr and TaGr were a lot less normalized than they are today and were considered to be either crackships, rarepairs or morally wrong because the early 2000s wasn’t exactly known for being accepting of LGBTQ stuff. So ZaGr simply had a lot less competition.
Then, when ships like ZaDr and TaGr became more normalized and popular, people started jumping to them because ZaDr simply has a lot more chemistry than ZaGr. Zim and Gaz only have a few minimal interactions after all.
ZaGr still exists and it’s definitely still prominent, but it’s often overshadowed by its gay relatives that are ZaDr and TaGr.
On another note, I really like the idea of Zim and Gaz becoming friends (much to Dib’s dismay and frustration).
Do I ship it: No, but I adore the more meta details of it.
How I pronounce it: Za-Gir
Rating: 6/10 (the meta stuff elevates it quite a bit, but as an actual ship, things like ZaDr simply have way more chemistry)
ZaSr (Zim and Skoodge romance):
I don’t know why, but the ship name always gives me vibes of strength and durability. I really can’t explain it in any other way. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Moving on from that, I can see why this exists. Skoodge was supposed to live in Zim’s base after all. Plus, with how underwritten Skoodge actually is, he’s a character that can be molded to fit the story or ship, basically making Skoodge a fanfic writer’s dream and basically any and all details regarding ZaSr to be sadly fanmade.
Now, I HAVE actually actively sought out ZaSr content before. It was mostly to find ZaSf stuff because the ZaSf tag is next to empty, but I have gone through the tag once or twice. Even though I don’t ship them romantically, I like the idea of Zim and Skoodge being friends and the ZaSr tag, despite being a shipping tag, is the best place to find content like that.
Do I ship it: Not romantically, but definitely platonically, in a best friends sort of way, and the ZaSr tag is my best (and only) source of content for that kind of thing
How I pronounce it: Za-Sir
Rating: 8/10 (I don’t ship the two romantically, but the tag is a very good way to find content of Zim and Skoodge being friends)
ZaTr (Zim and Tak romance):
This one is in a very similar vein as ZaSr. I have gone through the tag, but mostly just because I ran out of content in the ZaTf tag.
Ship-wise, I don’t really get this one, but at the same time I get the impression that it was popular at SOME point because I’m pretty sure that it was a semi-common thing in older works. I just don’t get WHY though. Maybe as an alternative to ZaGr back before ZaDr became an acceptable option? I really don’t know. I just don’t see it.
Do I ship it: No, but I have used the tag to search for ZaTf content before
How I pronounce it: Za-Tur
Rating: 4/10 (I really don’t understand the appeal of it. I’m a fan of ZaTf with Zim and Tak becoming friends or at the very least frenemies, but shipping the two of them romantically seems like overkill)
ZaTr alternate version (Zim and Tenn romance):
No. Just no. I headcanon that Zim and Tenn are twin siblings, so that should sum up my thoughts on ZaTr [alternate] pretty damn well.
And I’m confident to say that no one is going to fight me here and argue that “it’s just your personal headcanon that they’re siblings so it’s fine” because literally no one ships this.
This ship is stupidly rare and I’ve only ever seen two, maybe three things with ZaTr [alternate] in it. I’m including it simply because of those two or three things and because I said I’d review every ship I’m aware of, even if the ship barely exists and is accidentally made into twincest because of a headcanon I have.
Do I ship it: Fuck no
How I pronounce it: Alternate Za-Tur (or Za-Tur 2)
Rating: 0/10 (it’ll be a cold day in hell when I ship twincest and a goddamn blizzard in hell when I let go of my “Zim and Tenn being siblings” headcanon)
TaGr (Tak and Gaz romance):
I actually used to ship TaGr way before I made this blog. Then I stopped without really knowing why. I left the fandom for a while and when I came back TaGr had just sort of fell off for me and didn’t hit the same. I don’t know what changed. Nowadays I don’t actively seek it out, but also won’t complain if it pops up in my dash. I’m neutral towards it.
Tak and Gaz have basically no interactions in canon, and yet based purely on their personalities you KNOW that they’d work well if you placed them in the same room together. They even have similar aesthetics. And as an added bonus, you have ✨The Gay✨.
You can also pronounce the name by saying “tiger” in a super heavy southern accent and that makes it the best ship by default. You can do the same with the misspelling of the name (GaTr) by saying “gator” in a super heavy southern accent.
Do I ship it: Not anymore (but I used to)
How I pronounce it: Ta-Gir (like tiger with a super heavy southern accent)
Rating: 9/10 (the name and how you can pronounce it does some of the lifting there. It’s just fun for me to say. If you couldn’t pronounce it like tiger or gator in a super heavy southern accent it would be a 7/10)
DaTr (Dib and Tak romance):
This ship definitely exists and it is a ship.
To be honest though, DaTr gives off the vibes of a toxic byproduct of ZaDr and TaGr.
Despite that however, to my knowledge, DaTr is another one of the oldest ships in the fandom that’s as old as ZaGr, being a ship that was often seen alongside it. Zim gets with Gaz and Dib gets with Tak. Like ZaGr, it became a lot more rare with the rise of ZaDr and TaGr. It’s still around, but it’s a lot less common than it used to be.
However, I don’t think it really holds up nowadays. Dib and Tak simply don’t have much chemistry together besides an equal hated of Zim and ZaDr and TaGr seem like way better alternatives.
Plus, just by looking at them, I refuse to believe that Dib likes women and Tak likes men. ZaDr/TaGr shipper or not, there’s no way in hell that they’re both straight.
I do like the name though, I’ll give the ship that. DaTr. Reminds me of Data.
Do I ship it: no
How I pronounce it: Da-Tier or Da-Tur. I alternate between the two
Rating: 2/10
TaTr (Tak and Tenn romance):
I get why this ship exists. A part of it does have to do with Tenn having no canon personality and being able to be molded to fit the story or ship, just like Skoodge but even more malleable because Tenn has even less canon details, so you can really have any dynamic or story that you want with this ship. There’s also a few other details like Tenn being one of the only named, canon, female Irkens in the show besides Tak. ✨The Gay✨ is also a factor.
I’ve mentioned before that I find this ship a bit funny when you take into account how similar Zim and Tenn look, with Tak looking at Zim and thinking “worst enemy, kill on sight” and then looking at Zim with eyelashes and curled antenna and being head over heels, but I got to admit, TaTr has grown on me quite a bit.
It’s one of the only ships I’ve actively searched for (not counting the ships I’ve looked at when searching for platonic content like ZaSr and ZaTr) and I don’t even know why exactly. I just enjoy it.
Do I ship it: I don’t exactly know. I like the ship, but I’m not sure if I’d call myself a avid shipper of it. Probably? You know what? What the hell, my answer is Yes. TaTr is the only ship on this list that gets a yes from me
How I pronounce it: Tatter
Rating: 9/10 (I like this one)
RaPr (Red and Purple romance):
I can definitely see the chemistry between the two of them. They’re practically inseparable in canon, share the same interests and likes and also the line “he LIKES snacks Zim” exists. I’ve seen compilations of the Tallest just called “the Tallest being gay for each other compilation” and I completely understand where they’re coming from.
That being said, I have exactly one complaint. The name. If it was structured as “Purple and Red romance” instead of “Red and Purple romance”, it would spell “PaRr” which can easily be pronounced as “Parr”. RaPr had the opportunity to become one of, if not THE ONLY Invader Zim ship that’s actually pronounceable by a human tongue in one universally accepted way, but it actively refused to do so and now I can’t stop pronouncing it like “Wrapper”, which I think, in Tallest Purple’s own words, is a stupid name.
Do I ship it: no, but I have no reason not to. I honestly just refuse to ship it out of spite over the stupid sounding name. That’s the only thing stopping me from shipping it
How I pronounce it: Wrapper
Rating: 8/10 (would be 10/10 if it was spelled as Parr)
PRaZr (Purple, Red and Zim romance):
I don’t usually give this one much thought, but it’s kind of funny when you think about it alongside the actual events of the show. “Invader Zim gets kicked out of the polycule to work eternal food service after permanently ruining a major military operation”
Do I ship it: no. I got no real thoughts on it either
How I pronounce it: Praz-er
Rating: 4/10
PRaDr (Purple, Red and Dib romance):
Wait that’s a thing that actually exists? Really? Neat.
Do I ship it: I literally didn’t know it was a real thing until writing this (so no)
How I pronounce it: Prad-er
Rating: ???/10 (In my opinion, I simply don’t know enough about the ship to say anything. I’m just putting it on this list because I learned about it’s existence while making this post)
Anything with Keef in it (ZaKr, KaDr, etc):
Honestly, I keep forgetting that Keef exists, and the same can be said for any ship involving him.
For ZaKr (Zim and Keef), I can see it as an unrequited crush on Keef’s end, but just can’t see Zim returning any feelings.
For KaDr, I can’t see anything. Apart from the unmade episode The Return Of Keef where Dib teams up with Zim to get rid of Keef, I don’t think they have any real interactions. I could very easily be wrong because I just don’t have a very good memory when talking about Keef, but I can’t think of any times where the two of them interacted positively, or even interacted at all.
Plus, unlike ships like TaTr, where Tenn has no set canon personality and can be molded to fit the story or ship, Keef, despite his lack of appearances, does have a set personality, and both Zim and Dib are very annoyed by it. Keef is one of the only things that can get Zim and Dib to work together, and that’s only so they can get rid of him. KaDr simply has no foundation in my eyes.
However, I have nothing but compliments for the names. ZaKr and KaDr just sound nice to me. I think it’s the “K” adding something that isn’t seen in any other ships. It has an almost exotic sound to it.
Do I ship it: No
How I pronounce it: Zak-er
Rating: 4/10 (Keef having an unrequited crush on Zim is an interesting idea that I might want to keep in mind and I like how the name sounds, but that’s doing all the heavy lifting. Without those two details, ZaKr would be even lower)
Do I ship it: No, but the name has a very nice ring to it. Even better than ZaKr.
How I pronounce it: Kad-er
Rating: 3/10 (purely because of the name)
Za2r/ZaZ2r (Zib and Zim Number 2 romance):
I don’t really get this one. I get the appeal of ZaDr, and I understand why Za2r exists (evil counterpart to ZaDr) but Za2r just doesn’t work in my eyes.
Ignoring my headcanons for Number 2, the whole point of Zib is that he’s a Dib that’s absolutely lost it and gone down the full xenophobic genocide route, becoming something worse than the very Irken Empire he seeks to exterminate. Putting him in a relationship with Number 2 sort of defeats that whole thing he’s got going on.
Bringing back my headcanons for Number 2, Number 2 is waiting to betray and overthrow Zib at the first possible opportunity, and never gets his chance because of Zib’s virus plan. No relationship between the two of them is going to work out for any amount of time in my eyes or perspective, especially when you factor in my Aroace Zim Headcanon.
This ship is also completely impossible to say out loud. Invader Zim ship names are already hard enough to pronounce on their own. YOU DIDN’T NEED TO ADD A NUMBER INTO IT. If you add a number into the middle of the ship name, my brain is going to bluescreen trying to pronounce it.
ZaZ2r looks like the password found on a wifi router and I’m going to remove a point just because of that.
Do I ship it: No. Not really a fan
How I pronounce it: I don’t because you can’t pronounce this abomination of a name IT HAS A NUMBER IN THE MIDDLE OF IT
Rating: 1/10 (I’d give it a 3/10 if the name wasn’t impossible to pronounce and difficult to read)
DaGr (Dib and Gaz romance):
Fuck no, fuck you, I’m not even going to give this one the time of day. THEY ARE CANON SIBLINGS. THEY ARE BROTHER AND SISTER. Thank GOD I’ve only ever heard of this ship and have never actually seen anything with DaGr in it. It’s so rare that it’s practically nonexistent.
One thing I hate about this ship (besides the obvious) is the name. It’s Dagger. DAGGER!! Why does this horrible ship get one of the best names?! WHY??!
Do I ship it: fuck no I would rather die
How I pronounce it: Dagger
Rating: -9/10 (at least ZaTr [alternate] was only twincest due to a headcanon I have and therefore isn’t universally twincest. It’s only twincest to me (and anyone else with the “Zim and Tenn are twins” headcanon). Dib and Gaz are fully canon siblings. That’s incest no matter how you look at it. Plus I’m super pissed off over the name. Why does the incest ship get the cool weapon name?)
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grimalkinmessor · 3 years ago
Hey so I've been looking for one specific PRaDr one shot forever and can't find it. It's an older one where Dib joined Zim in conquering the earth (they also got together I believe), and they meet with the Tallest afterwards. The Tallest take an interest in Dib and convince Zim to let them have some fun with him. It's focused mostly on Red and Purple taking their pleasure from Dib, and Zim finishes him off later when they're alone on the ship. If you happen to know which one shot this is, I'd love to be able to read it again!!
It might not be exact but that sounds like part of the Sucrosia series by sunshineglow118
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short-and-ugly · 1 year ago
crazy, how i have completely skipped past zadr during this third iz phase of mine and instead jumped straight to pradr
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1nvad3rz1m · 2 years ago
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this action Will have consequences
came home to 3 messages vermi youre a master of manifestation
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forgan-forge · 2 years ago
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👾Call me Forgan!👾
👾 I am a demigirl, she/they pronouns.
👾 I’m 17.
👾 My birthday is September 22nd.
👾 I don’t have an artblog or any sideblogs, so you’re gonna have to deal with ALL of my bullshit.
🪐 My post tag is forgan’s post!
🪐My art tag is forgan’s art!
❌ Proshippers of ANY kind. This includes inc*st, p*dos, etc.
❌ ZaDr, ZaGr, PRaDr shippers, any child x irken shippers, or other weirdos.
❌ Anyone above 30 or under 13.
❌ DSMP fans.
❌ NSFW accounts. I am still 17, please fuck off.
🛸 Invader Zim fans! I’m searching far and wide for iz moots.
🛸 Nope(2022) fans!
🛸 Everything Everywhere all at Once fans!
🛸 HLVRAI, off, Stanley Parable fans!
🛸 Artists!
🛸 Pretty much anyone who is not a weirdo!
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This concludes the intro post! Enjoy!
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