overwhelmed with the realization that people like me??? they enjoy my presence???? they like my art???? wjhat what what what what what what what
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"They don't care about what fans are saying but about what they're doing"
But usually when fans are very discontented they stop doing things, such as buying albums, merch and concert tickets. I know Larries who haven't spent a penny on Harry since he fake dated Olivia and others who haven't spent anything on Louis since he put Freddie in his documentary. Don't the teams care about this?
It's absolutely not true that discontent fans usually stop acting. Sometimes fans who are very discontent stop doing things - but there's a lot of evidence across an also lot of fandoms that discontented fandom isn't just the exception but the norm (think sports or Sherlock). I'd probably go further and say discontent is if anything a more powerful driver within fandom than anything else and that without that element of discontent you don't really have fandoms.
But even if you don't agree with that - I do think it's important to understand that artists and their teams don't see fans the way we see ourselves - they don't worry about our thoughts and feelings - they are behaviourists.
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I think at this point everyone is familiar with the theories talking about how people are unconsciously attracted to characteristics that remind them of their parents (usually, the one that is of the pposite sex to them), and it's pretty obvious that Gaitán was aware of them, too. There's a whole a scene where the joke is Armando and don Hermes' parallels!
Their similarities are in personality, especially in their treatment of Betty. They are both grumpy men who are often times rude, but they are also incredibly protective of those they love (Betty in this case), which is why she doesn't take to heart their bad temper and knows they never mean to offend her and are always looking for the best for her. They don't tolerate anyone mistreating her-- not even the othsr! Which is ironic considering thwy are both quick to yell at her without realizing.
You could also argue that they share physical characteristics not in the sense that they look alike, but rather that they take similar decisions regarding their appearance. For example, that they both take a lot of care into their apparence and are mostly seen wearing formal clothes, as well as the glasses and that old-fashioned vibe.
I think that's a fact of the novela that we all know and have discussed plenty.
But can we talk about how this same phenomenon manifest in Marcela/Margarita? I saw/made a comment about this recently and can't stop thinking about it!
Their resemblance, in this case, is actually just physical. They have the same haircolor at the beginning, and after Marcela's makeover, she gets the same hair length as Margarita. They also keep their hair straight with curved tips towards their necks.
They are also seen wearing very similar colors-- for example, when Margarita and Roberto come back from London the night before the embargo, both Margarita and Marcela are wearing pastel colors. This is unlike Marcela-- she rarely ever wears such sweet, clear, and soft colors.
This leads me to believe that Marcela tried to LOOK like Armando's ideal woman (in addition, she is almost completely what he described as "perfect woman" when using the Oracle of Goddesses-- tall, slim, dhoulder lenght dark heair and non-brown eyes), but she wasn't truly it because she never actually put in practice Margarita's advice: to be Armando's peace. Betty, on the other hand, truly was.
In other words, Gaitán was incredibly clever writing Marcela's character. She is everything one would think is perfect for Armando, down to the whole "parents characteristics" theories-- but their perfection was skin depth!
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jacklesbrainworms · 1 year
I was tagged by @freakwiththeknifecollection — Thank you this was so so fun omg!!!
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people
J et Pack Blues - Fall Out Boy
A t Your Worst - Madison Beer
C onversations - Fletcher
K ashmir - Led Zeppelin
L acy - Olivia Rodrigo
E levated Heartbreak - jxdn
S cience - Niall Horan
B ack In Black - AC/DC
R uin My Life - Zolita
A merican Jesus - Nessa Barret
I Can Love Anyone (As Long As It’s You) - Anson Seabra
N ight Moves - Bob Seger
W endy - Maisie Peters
O pposite - Sabrina Carpenter
R ollercoaster - Jonas Brothers
M atilda - Harry Styles
S elf Dysmorphia - Mckenna Grace
Bonus: 17 by Madison Beer (my URL has 17 letters)
Cannot believe I managed to only use each artist once? Kinda proud of myself, not gonna lie lol. I don’t think I know 17 people? Sorry if you’ve been tagged in this before and zero pressure to participate, but I am TAGGING: @whataboutmywingswhataboutwendy @deanlovesthatgayangel @deanwinchesterwifesstuff @lilstvr @ghoulboybreakdowns @seafoambluess @dakrapatops @babygirldilf @ffalsettos @uh-ohspaghettio @castielwasthefirsttemptation @aetherology @crowleys-dark-sunglasses @deancodedinthewater @spn-lesbian @harleycao @sirlancenotalot and that’s 17!!! If we’re mutuals and I didn’t tag you please don’t feel left out you probably intimidate me and I was scared — if you want to participate you can say I tagged you 💞💞
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aspergillosis · 5 months
Had the most phenomenal ppositive evening ever with the mariette crew.
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this mayy be a stuppid qquestion.. but myy horn ggot screwed upp in a scrapp in the ends and ill sppare u the goryy details but theres expposed nerves.. not ggreat.. and im reallyy not in a pposition to ggo to a docterrorist rigght now for.. several reasons.. so if yyou could share a tempporaryy fix beyyond bandagges thatd be bare ggreat thanks..
ok hold on so im gonna assume if you think youre seeing nerves that means the core got damaged not just the outer shit so while im not a professional or anything obviously but id say do roughly this step one: stop the bleeding as soon as possible you could lose a lot of blood and obviously you dont wanna die or be too fucked up to finish taking care of yourself step two: clean it up and then put antiseptic on there trust me dont skip this part step three: check if youre bleeding from anywhere other than your horn your skull could be fucked up make sure its not but if it is clean that up too and disinfect it and all that step four: maybe a good time to call a friend or moirail or something if you have any step five: youre probably not gonna be able to do this part yourself so itd be better to get a friend to do it but you might need to debride the horn and cut off the dead bits also if it looks like it might really really fuck up how it grows you might just wanna remove the whole horn it sucks but it could be smarter step six: bandage it up really good after that obviously youre gonna wanna probably change the bandage every day and keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt get infected or anything if youve got a moirail now is a pretty good time to have them stay at your hive or you stay at theirs also it might never grow back or anything but if the keratin sheath starts growing back youre gonna wanna keep a close eye on it it can grow back wrong or different or fuck up the scar tissue bad you might need to trim it which feels really stupid but can be important
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uziandn2025 · 10 months
ppositivity quotes
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Made this on popjam
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Uh hey Tiberius you alright?
Iam trheo pposite of alright
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joyffree · 8 months
Schooling the Quarterback, the first in the GSU world, opposites attract, college MM romance by Laura John is coming March 7th!
CHASE Football is my life.
Ever since I was little, my dream has been to play in the NFL. Now, I’m one step closer—the star Quarterback for the GSU Koalas. But I’m not exactly the studious type—books and I don’t really get along—and if I can’t find a way to get my grades up, I’ll be kissing my football career goodbye.
GABRIEL What’s the big deal about sports, anyway?
Video games and reading are much more my style. When I’m hired to tutor the school’s star Quarterback, I figure it’s just another job. Then he asks me out, and I’m completely taken aback. Why would he want to date me? We come from two different worlds. There’s no way a relationship between us would work, and I’m not one for casual flings.
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lorriloo1109 · 2 years
This post is not going to be a very happy one so be warned. I make it because there may be others in this pposition. I know that not everyone in WordPress celebrates Christimas but a large number do. I want to document what this time of the year can be like for some people. For me, it is made worse because we think of children a lot at Christmas and I remember how when I was on the chemo ward the…
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Women of Ethnicity Obtaining Managerial Roles
Women of Ethnicity Obtaining Managerial Roles
In U.S. organizations, men take leadership or management ppositions more than women, especially women of ethnicity, because female employees are believed to have less experience and knowledge than men. The problem is that, having limited opportunities for promotion, women of ethnicity face certain obstacles when they try to obtain managerial roles. In this study, the focus is on examining African…
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t06y · 2 years
Ok I mmade a bbanger ppost aabout ddisability ppositivity, ttime to gget bback to sshitposting
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inokh · 2 years
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A not-skinny main in s1, a tough guy crying and having a panic attack in s2, trans boy as a love interest of a cis boy in s3, no drama in s4 just a Muslim girl opening up to her friends about her problems, diverse cast, a trans non white actor playing the trans character, gays playing gays, the boys squad and the girl squad becoming One Big Squad.. so many good things about druck that I'll forever be grateful for.
Yes, thank you, exactly!
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the-stray-liger · 6 years
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monstersqueen · 6 years
VRISKA: Unless the intent is to produce some form of socially awkward comic relief, which let's face it, is what you're all a8out. VRISKA: 8ut that's what I like a8out you. TAVROS: yES, }:)
This is terrible Vriska, Tavros, good lord.
I don’t even want to point out all the ways this is awful.
(but look i’m still going to be happy that after this whole forced kiss thing that did bring vriska so low (well honestly the experience was worse for tavros what with being mindcontrolled and then being stuck on the floor for half an hour) tavros gets pretty happy about her saying there’s something she likes about him!! i have no idea why they keep trying but they do?? it always ends terribly??? but they keep finding something in each other that makes it worth it trying again?? like i’m pretty sure this is cycle of abuse textbook but ok. i like my train wreck ship and vriska is my disaster child so i’m going to keep imagining that at some point they manage to find a way to be together that is not terrible for both of them. even if incredibly unrealistic.)
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