#ppl who stake their entire souls on a random m/f couple then blame the gays for everything will never not be just like .. weird and funny
shopcat · 1 year
same fans will complain about steddie/romance whatever being ooc and then you read a st*ncy fic and you're like whomst are those people because they make them unrecognizable in order to fit them together
LOL honestly didn't even know All that much content was being made for them it's so funny how at least the subset of people i've seen will act like what they're doing isn't ... also shipping 😭 they act like it's highbrow art. liking the bland hetero couple.. also the complaining that the gays are stealing their Canon Content (???) and at least their ship is Canon like okay babycakes it's also canon one half of your ship cheated on the other and admitted they don't love them either... ?! it's canon that she has a boyfriend... it's canon that those two haven't been together for longer than they were together... like end of the day there's nothing wrong with literally just shipping 2 characters together sure but i've seen far more delusion swimming around on their side vs "ours" and the hostility turns to outright homophobia at the drop of a hat so i do not have fond feelings -_- JUST saying also at least we're literally just having fun and admitting what we're doing Is just having fun instead of sounding like the worlds biggest losers with "wow these two characters have literally 0 romantic interactions in the show and they're NOT gay? why do you think this?? why are you saying they are???" girl. get a grip.
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