#ppl who like ship 1 don't look at me or try explain anything to me i know enough u won't change my mind and wont change urs
begebege28 · 3 months
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This is by no means hate to this individual, but I’m sick and tired of hearing “buddie is never going to happen” because buck is with tmmy. Like I’m sorry. It pisses me off so much because for those who have watch since s1, we have wanted queer buck for SO LONG and we always were told “you guys are delusional” or “it’s never gonna happen” by the GP AND the SR”. IN IN INTERVIEWS canonically, at the time, THEY ALL talked about buck as STRAIGHT. 9-1-1 s1 came out in 2018 and here we are in 2024. It took them 6 years to make bi buck. As a buddie and someone who viewed these characters as queer coded, i always knew on FOX, it wasn’t going to happen. But now on ABC they made bi buck in ONE EPISODE. ONE!! Of course you are going to see posts about BuckTommy because people they are a couple who touch and kiss. We are to believe in a heteronormative society, that’s what shows you aS bi/queer/gay/etc. what we do know, in the show, the buck and Eddie/Christopher dynamic is the most different from everyone else in the show. Buck and Eddie both have been queer coded from the beginning of the show and NOW we are being policed as to what we are allowed to think? If anything, those same individuals who are policing your thoughts about gay/queer Eddie, they better have been shocked/angry/confused about bi buck if they “NEVER” viewed buck as a queer coded character. They scream “endgame” but yet has less screen time than Natalia. Ali had less but even her character we knew them AS A COUPLE. how are you screaming “endgame” but never did with Ali, Taylor, or Natalia or when buck said “i think she sees me”. Did they forget the way Oliver spoke about Natalia and bucks relationship after the finale? That’s what gets me??? While everyone (myself included) was happy we got bi buck and (yes even Tommy), but that was BEFORE i remembered who he was as a character. You need to ask, Are people excited because Buck is bi and dating/kissing tommy or simply because he’s a bisexual character who happens to be DATING A MAN. I’ve seen more of those people who ship BuckTommy, defend Tommy previous actions but then blame buck for his and don’t LOOK INTO the relationship for what it is. Becuase if they did, if Tommy was a FEMALE LI, her character would be getting ripped to shreds. Not dressing up. The disgusting comments. Not caring for buck. I can go on lol.
For example, ppl view buck as the “fun uncle” to Chris BUT
but if he was simply the “fun uncle” why did they make buck be the one to tell Christopher what happened to his dad? Why make Chris call buck when his dad was breaking down. Why did Chris leave to buck on the chances of his dad dating again. Why does the show continue to have buck be involved in HUGE moments in Chris’s life. Why involve buck in 7x10. Why CONTINUE to have him be there with the Diaz family? When Christopher left. Why? Why? Why? Why have the show allude to “good cop bad cop” and BOTH answering no. Why, “he takes Christopher there all the time” (the zoo). Why does buck essentially have be there, for Chris, after his dad is in the hospital ? Carla was already there and yet he’s there? Eddie has the breakdown? Buck takes him to school. Buck helping Chris with his school projects/homework? Buck Diaz having multiple dinners together? That’s the fun uncle? Where is all this with bucks own niece? Last but not least, they LOVE to use “Buck is a scapegoat” in 7x10 but Eddie himself says to Buck “I-I don't need you to explain it to him, I just...I need you to check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out”. There he is never one asking anything of buck but to simply see how Chris is doing after everything. NEVER does he try to sway Chris’s opinions or trick him or anything of the sort. It reminds me of the talk Chris and buck had in earlier seasons of where Chris ran to buck. And buck and Chris simply had a heartfelt talk. Where is dynamic between chimney and Denny? They had 1 SCENE throughout the whole 7 seasons. Chim and hen have been friends LONGER. Where there the dinners scenes. Where are the school projects?
This season unfournately had 10 episodes. They did bi buck in 1 episode. BuckTommy had 3 dates (failed pizza date), second coffee date (where Buck gets Tommy order wrong and invites him to the wedding literally days after coming out?(SPEEDING RUNNING THE RELATIONSHIP) and then the dinner scene. 2 kisses. That’s it. Nothing special in comparison to his previous relationships. I’m sorry. This season in terms of Eddie, he also SPED RUN (or attempted) to with M. He moved her in quicker than when he was dating Ana. And yet, when he saw all her boxes, when does he do? Asks her to move out”. But why? It shows he’s more interested in her than Ana right? What gets me, is, in both relationship, specially Ana, they were lovely. I liked them together. What stopped them from being married. If Eddie ONLY wants a mother role for Christopher, there was his oppporotuinity. But just like Shannon told Eddie “i don’t need a provider, i need a husband”. If Eddie and Ana, were to get married, he would need to be IN LOVE WITH HER. Not only become a “step mom” to Chris. Eddie admitting he has catholic guilt. This season, AGAIN, was a continuation of Eddie doing for Christopher. He wants Christopher to have a “mother role”. Going into s8, this will be the first time, he has no girlfriend and NO CHRISTOPER. When was the last time this? Oh i didn’t know? Maybe before HE MET SHANNON!! Eddie had to grow up at the age of 10. He had to be “the man of the house”. He wasn’t allowed to be like his friends. Why he allowed to cry, was he allowed to express any emotions? This was at the age of 10. I can see this season Eddie going back to his childhood and having the opportunity to understand who is he WITHOUT his son and a partner.
For reference i added the interviews Oliver talked about buck and Natalia after s6 finale. One would say, screams endgame right? “Things are aligning for them”
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Help me Obi Peach Kenobi, I need your opinion on a veeeeeeeeery unimportant topic.
In my last Ask you talked about Jikook's chemistry
And also how a lot of people don't see it. And on Tumblr I've seen: 
people that blatantly ignore it (which is so grotesque to me, I don't have further think on that)
and people who say "Jikook were very close till 2019, but not since then. Their moments just don't do it for me anymore"
So I've just wanted to hear your thoughts on the "Jikook aren't as close anymore (aka since 2019)" narrative?
Why I am asking for your opinion on this:
I value your opinion. You are someone where I think, the balance of the force is with you
you've been a BTS for quite a long time, much longer than me. 2021 has been the first time I've experienced BTS and Jikook content live and not just from watching past content. So I fear maybe that plays into my perception
while you enjoy Jikooks relationship, it's not a big focus for you. So there's less confirmation bias involved
Ask 2: Do you think the way ppl see jikook changed cos of the pandemic? Jikook used to be like sirens blasting
Now they're very calm I almost don't notice them.
Ask 3: The way the fandom ignores jikook irritates the hell out of me. Some Armys are like sheep that do whatever big accounts tell them even if it means not seeing jikook giving hickeys. I'm not a shipper but I almost want to become one to negate the effect of Army always pretending jikook doesn't exist.
(...No mango? Really?)
Hi @guacamoli-avocadorado 💜 and Anon(s)!
I decided to group these very differently written asks together because I think they all pose similar questions. I’ll try not to ramble.
A couple years ago, I used to have this same debate with a joker friend on Twitter. In fact she’s the person that convinced me to join Tumblr where she said a bigger jikooker community was. Let’s call her A. I remember she had a theory that the way the fandom relates to jikook has changed dramatically since 2017, and she explained there are three or four groups of people in the fandom who react to jikook in particular ways.
1. The homophobic subset of the fandom. There’s no getting around it - many people are homophobic, either due to cultural upbringing such as the traditionally religious, or some other prejudice, and in a fandom as big as ARMY many of which are from conservative Asian cultures, there’s bound to be thousands like this.
2. The non-homophobic subset of the fandom that notices or suspects jikook but says nothing either out of respect or out of an inclination to protect them. (As a non-shipping rapline bias who had just started asking explicit questions at the time, she placed me in this group). Jikook can be as affectionate as they want with each other and it can be explained away as skinship or something permissible for idols to do - I’ve seen some jikookers refer to this as a glass closet. Some non-shipping people in the fandom see this, occasionally joke about jikook in this way, but try not to excessively draw attention to jikook given LGBT+ rights are frankly non-existent in Korea.
3. The rival shippers. Throw in the y/ns who sometimes overlap with the homophobes, the taekookers, yoonminers, etc. These are basically other shippers who may or may not see jikook, but clearly have an interest in dismissing anything jikook do.
4. The people who just don’t care. For them, out of sight is out of mind, and even when in sight, the interpersonal dynamics between the members is just not something they care about. One of my closest ARMY friends (Minimoni bias) is exactly like this. I could gush from now till tomorrow about jikook and the most she’ll do is have a slightly amused look on her face. It’s not that she hates jikook or hates shipping, she’s simply not interested in it.
At the time, I argued with A that there are more sub-groups (in group 4 for example there are anti-shippers who actively squash down any mention of interpersonal chemistry because they think it distracts people from the music and cheapens it. They’re like music purists or something lol, but some of them also overlap with group 1 and so they have an added interest in dismissing any chemistry at all). But looking at all your asks, I’d say these four groups broadly explain the reasons the fandom reacts to jikook the way they do.
@guacamoli-avocadorado , I think in addition to all these, the sorts of people to say they no longer see jikook since like 2019, are a particular type of shipper. These are people who I think need constant stimulation, they ship actively (and I’d argue in borderline unhealthy ways) and need a constant drip feed of content. The reason I say it’s borderline unhealthy, is because I think these are people who run the risk of seeing BTS more as objects than as real people with real lives which include other people besides Jimin and Jungkook.
Because a lot did change for BTS and jikook in 2020. Many pairing moments usually come from on stage interactions on tour and the Vlives that would happen right after, Run BTS moments, off the clock sightings in tour locations, and so on. Since 2020, first with the pandemic and then their hiatus, nearly all of these opportunities have whittled down in frequency, and in some ways have almost dried up. So people who forget that after the cameras turn off, BTS still exist in each other’s lives, and that even with reduced on camera instances jikook still maintain a consistency their fondness for each other, those people then come online to complain about jikook either not being as close or jikook not even being close at all anymore.
It’s basically bias - a form of binary confirmation bias where the absence of constant evidence negates every possibility. The annoying thing is that, it’s actually true that jikook’s relationship has changed, but it’s also true that it hasn’t really changed all that much either. Jimin and Jungkook are two individuals, adult men with different friend groups and different personal and career goals. As they mature, so will their relationship. As time passes we get glimpses into what that looks like, but based on what I’ve seen, the chemistry, fondness, and deference between them hasn’t worsened at all. It’s taken on a slightly different shade, but the Busan Bros have not slowed down their shenanigans.
I remember in 2020 when people were saying they had broken up (I’m not certain they’re dating, but I do remember seeing this theory all over based on an ‘out of sight out of mind’ rationale), and we later learned Jungkook had been getting drunk with him privately and spinning a grown man around bridal style.
I don’t know when people will learn to live and let live with jikook. They haven’t slowed down in 10 years, with the cameras rolling and the cameras off. Their relationship might have indeed changed since 2019, but not in any meaningful way that negates their love and respect for each other.
Whether or not some people see it has more to do with them and their bias, than anything jikook may or may not be doing in their personal lives.
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years
Xingyun and kaeya x amber (idk what their shipname is)
I saw the latter ship for the first time the other week and I’ve never seen it before(?)
hi hi hello thank u for dropping by >:)
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ah ha ha ha h... yeah dats like one of my hardcore notps. i just truly hate it so much i can't even see them as good friends because chongyun is too great and nice and sweet to hang out with such a bully. there r just too many canon interactions showing xingqiu being an asshole to chongyun, i can't stand him. chongyun deserves so much more i will never understand why this fandom is so dead set on them
kaeya x amber:
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truly can't see this one as more than 'kaeya is a big bro to amber' type of vibe. cute found family coworkers! also i just perceive kaeya older than amber... even with their age gap not being too big or dramatic both have other people their age to get closer to. anyways yeah very platonic sweet found fam sorta sibling like? hell yes. anything else beyond that? nah sorry can't see it, i don't really think they would even be that great for each other when it comes to some deep rooted issues (not that they're incapable, i just don't think their personalities will match well enough for that. it still works great for friendship tho)
ship bingo hell yeah B)
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Storm you will not believe this. Kind of old but I was waiting for help to translate this to English. Hopefully the following story will make you laugh in pure disbelief and not make you too angry. So I’m trying to make army friends in my country (non-English speaking) so I joined a group chat to get to know some new people. It’s going well, and we tend to talk about topics once bangtan bombs or vlives go up etc. So around the time BTS on corden dropped, there’s a pic of Corden carrying JM where JM’s lower half looks wowww. I bring this up in passing amongst a slew of compliments to the other members too, add a lil peach emoji, but nothing too much- pretty much standard praise for our chat. One of the members of the chat replies to my JM message ‘Hmm I don’t see it. Tae has the nicest ass in the group let’s be real’ . At this point I’m confused and affronted cause - 1. Blasphemy and RUDE 2. Even If that’s your opinion I didn’t ask!! and 3.There’s certain features that members get particular praises for, otherwise army (and the members!) wouldn’t have coined phrases like namtiddies, CGV, worldwide shoulders etc. So while, absolutely Tae has a lovely booty, let’s not act like that diminishes that there is a whole fandom dedicated to jibooty alone, including Mr. you-have-to-touch-his-thighs himself (war of hormone Tae, I’m also looking at you!!!). So I’m looking at this message and this message is looking at me, and for the life of me I don’t know how to reply nicely. Thankfully someone changes the topic of conversation and the other members promptly follow suit. One of the ppl in the chat private messages me and apologises for what happened and says that it happens ALL THE TIME and that the girl is a tkkr, as if that explains anything?!?! I ask them for more clarity and they explain ‘She doesn’t like it when people praise jimin’s booty so she tries to convince others that tae’s is better, cause tkk are together and jk as the type of guy that he is must like the guy with the better figure’. So I’m looking at this message and this message is looking at me, and so I leave my phone, wash my eyes and come back to the same message, which is still looking at me. I have lost all brain cells, my desire to live and my faith in humanity. Ladies, nb’s and gentlemen, jimin is not allowed to have an objectively nice booty because of tkk. Apparently this is something some tkkrs have gotten into trouble for before. Storm, I must estimate that I have lost 7 years of my life because of this. The connotations of this scream homophobia, fetishisation, sexism and sex negativity to name a few, holy hell. Do you know when something is so dumb you just have to laugh or you’ll lose your mind? This is a 21+ group, someone over the age of 21 thinks like this!!! Needless to say, I did leave this gc, since they allowed this behaviour to go unchecked long enough for their to be history of altercations. Extra tidbits - 1. This only applied to jimin and not the other members (no shit sherlock) though yoonbooty and tiny waist jk have been brought up and praised before (as they should, kings!) 2. Same applied whenever anyone brought up jm’s lips too, but not Jin who is co-member of the bratz line (hmmm I wonder why). I knew that some tkkrs were bad, but the fact that someone would be so pressed that they can’t even let jibooty be, has really taken me to a place of disgust I doubt I can ever recover from…Anyways who needs army friends when I have BTS and your blog, am I right!!! What are some of your fav jibooty and bratz jm moments? Mine are the aforementioned James corden pants or let me keep you warm by slapping the jibooty and lip makeup for the blood sweat and tears m/v and stages.
Well.... thats... alot.... lmao I'm glad you left that GC. I don't care whose ass you prefer lmao to do so only because of a ship is weird as heck and clearly its for the reasons of being a petty bxtch only then. But regardless. Anon. If my husband questions as to why I have a bunch of ass photos on my phone now, imma send him your way. Thank you! Lol I'm going to throw in a lot of members appreciating the jibooty gifs though too
Thanks for showing off Jimin...
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Take it easy Tae 😂🤣 he is just really out here staring hard lmao
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We've lost Jungkook.... 😂
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Took your time there Yoongi....
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Yes, I agree Jin 🤣😂
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astrologgeek · 4 years
⚠️ I do not give any permission to anyone reading this post to re-post my content nor plagiarize it. This content belongs to me and myself only @astrologgeek ⚠️
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My ✨astro✨ notes
Part 1.
This is my first post on tumblr, I've been learning astrology for over a year now - and I have finally succeeded and wrote my own personal astrology notes! ⚠️these are my own personal observations and notes, which means that whatever I'm saying here isn't 100% astrology accurate & approved by any professional astrologer⚠️ hope you enjoy I guess <3 (BTW: if anyone wants to repost or anything pls tag me, and don't steal pls!! I've worked so hard on these.)
• Taurus risings have 2 types of luaghter: crying-like laugh because of their 3rd house cancer or a smirky / deep-like laugh because of their capricorn 9th house. As a taurus rising I approve this message.
• speaking of taurus risings: gemini 2nd house ppl may joke a lot about their self worth. They also have a very big vocal range - whether they can sing or not, they can be great at dubbing.
• Neptune in the 2nd house have dreamy voices / amazing singing abilities or they may sound like a someone that does drugs / smoke / just high.
• having your mars in the 10th house can indicate a modeling career, especially if your MC is in good aspects with your ASC.
• virgo 9th house people have the most provocative sense of humor, they are also a "know-it-all". Yet, they are extremely loyal, so passionate and devoted to their duties.
• whichever house your pluto is in explains your deepest fears and where there is true chaos in your life (I'll make a post about it!)
• having your pluto in libra - as pluto being the planet of our generations - means that these people have always tried to fit into norms and into society, to not stand out, to be the most basic they can try. I believe that if they had a catchfraze it would be: "fake it 'till you make it".
• whatever house you have libra in is an area in your life that tries to fit in norms / society / normality (libra 11th house: have friends that are normal & basic / you try to to fit in society to make friends)
• aries rising's facial expressions are IMMACULATE (aries rules the face, so it's fitting that their face and facial expression will be very dominant)
• if your lilith conjuncts your saturn then solving the dark and hidden parts of you will help your career life grow and evolve as well.
• Mars-neptune aspects makes your anger blurry - like you don't know when your angry or how to feel / express your anger. Bonus points if the moon has contact with mars.
• There are 2 houses that rule the feeling of not belonging: the 11th house (not belonging because ur special, unique, weird, not normal) and the 12th house (not belonging because of your lonely energy, your blurry energy that makes you feel drifted from everyone automatically)
• Parent & children 🤝 not understanding each other's generation. Why, you may ask? Most if the time the age gap between children & their parents is 25 - 40 years, now if pluto is changing it's sign every 12 (mostly) - 31 years it means that the gap of the signs is creating a square! Example: gen z (pluto in sag) & boomers and karens (pluto in virgo), yet gen z (pluto in sag) & gen of pluto in leo (our grandparents) are creating a trine aspect (good relationship between generations).
• Capricorn stelliums are the most impatient people ever, time just moves with their own schedule and they are the ones that are always perfectly in time. Why? Saturn, which is ruled by capricorn: is ruling time.
• 12th house placements in general but especially 12th house NN & chiron 10th house people have a hero complex, that we must help everyone and save everyone. It's because the 12th house is about selflessness and empathy.
• Sagittarius rising feel so intimate and private, like no one really knows them - because of their 12th house scorpio, which makes their intimate side hidden, and makes them a mystery.
• Your 7th house sign is also the sign you have celebrity-crushes & obsessions on.
• You can know leo's even without them having a sun, moon or rising in leo. They are just SO noticeable! Their energy is just IMMACULATE
• I think that 12th house people are very intersted in prisons, mental hospitals, illusions and parties actually! Now all of them are understood because of our natural will to search for the unkown and the mystery and the unrealistic stuff in our lives, stuff that makes your soul change.
But why parties? Parties may be a place filled with people and noise which 12th house ppl won't like but the thing is parties are a fun illusion, with the lights changing all the time and the music that makes our body adapt to an entirely different environment because of it - it makes u very much aware of everything within the noise and loudness and madness.
• Talking about parties and 12th house people - I have noticed that they have 2 options of how they act:
1. They sit in the corner and analyze literally anything or just drown in their own thoughts or distract themselves from "all of the eyes looking at them".
2. They try to dance and get involve in the party but they're or getting to carried away and then feel embarrassed af and isolate themselves or immediately regrets it and goes to isolate themselves.
• 10th house transits for ppl who haven't graduated high school / university yet will be manifesting in their school life because it's where you're "supposed" to find your career path.
• In my opinion, the co-ruler of fun (which is ruled by leo) is sagittarius. Why? Leo rules entertainment and sagittarius is the ruler of jupiter, which resembles happiness, optimism (, expansion, growth) which is like the soul purpose of fun and entertainment.
• Even tho communication and the social media are a mercury - thing, I actually think that specific parts have 2 or even 3 rulers. For example: articles are ruled by gemini, virgo and aquarius (gemini to represent the creativeness and flowing speech in the article (also gossip if included), virgo to represent the order and wording of the article and how it's represented and brought to the readers and aquarius is for the fact that articles always talk about new, innovative or unusual things that are happening currently [little bit of cap right here lol] in the world, which also bring awareness (def an aqua theme).
• As the 8th house representing secrets, intimacy and shared resources - it must mean that people with this stellium or placements LOVE gossip. gossip is the combination of shared resources (media - which related to my last note - so gossip pages are gemini scorpio thing), intimacy and secrets.
• I have a theory - vehicles, as all materials and machines - are ruled by earth signs, so here are each vehicles rulers in my opinion:
virgo rules the air-vehicles (plains, helicopters etc.) Because that's a mutable sign that's adaptable of change the most out of every earth sign, and because the sky is so unpredictable and there's infinite courses of ways to reach ur destination - virgo fits the most to it.
capricorn rules the sea-vehicles (ships, boats, submarines etc.) Because that's a cardinal sign, an initiator that doesn't wait for things to happen, but makes sure every sudden change has a stable solution, also the sea is such an exotic place - fitting for a Capricorn's rich taste in views and life. Other than that, water may be unpredictable as well, but less than the open air and sky. Capricorns are the sea goats for a reason ;)
And last but not least - taurus rules the earth-vehicles. As The most stable, grounded, stubborn & down to earth sign it's kind of fitting for the vehicles that moves through the earth to have taurus as it's ruler. As cars, motorcycles etc. Have roads, so does taurians have their own, only path. They depend on the only thing they trust and any sudden change will make chaos. It's also the most comfortable - the thing taurians are craving for most.
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I HOPE U ENJOYED my astro-notes :) I'll def try to keep them coming lmao if y'all would want to. Hope y'all Have a nice day 💕
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Hey there... Here comes the review.
Imma start like this and use language some ppl may find offensive. Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah are retarded. Now that that's out of the way, time to dissect this "Dragon Ball Super coloring book."
Goku & Vegeta land on the planet & its peaceful. How are they not immediately suspicious? They see that the planet isn't in danger & no death. Its obvious they need to ask a question to figure out what lies they've been told.
I was gonna say its dumb for Granolah to be able to supress his ki because it seems only Earthling have that kind of spiritual understanding. But Namekians have that spiritual understanding too so maybe Monaito taught Granolah how to suppress his ki.
I lost interest in the Heeters' past. You can only tease me so long until I stop caring. At least mention something like Freeza almost killed Gas on planet Cereal so now that's why Gas keeps trying to get stronger. There's so little info about "important" stuff that's supposed to be important. Give readers a tease, hint, a different hint, some valuable info, then another hint, then a reaveal (or something similar!) Instead its tease, hint, tease, tease, hint, tease...
In all honesty, the chapter didn't even need that page with Gas & Elec. When Maki said Gas & Elec are coming, that was all we needed to know. Then we anticipate their arrival in the next chapter. Showing them is a waste of time & they add no real purpose to the chapter. That was just a waste of ink.
Also I'm bored of Gas now. He only looks interesting but does nothing. 👎
Granolah shoots at Goku & Vegeta. Base Goku closes his eyes to use UI (UI Omen?) while Vegeta goes SS. Base Goku dodges easier than Vegeta. Goku is leagues beyond Vegeta.
A better way to have Goku & Vegeta encounter Granolah would be for him to snipe at them right when they get off the ship. Granolah wanted to kill them so bad so why wait for them?
Somehow they go towards Granolah but he's too fast for them & they lose him. They can't sense him firing ki for some reason. Idk why Goku didn't use Instant Transmission when Granolah shot ki at them?
I don't get why Goku closes his eyes either. Its as if Goku can't use UI now unless his eyes are closed but that wasn't the case before. Eyes were opend when using UI Omen & Mastered UI. Toyo could have conveyed that better but instead he's making Goku close his eyes like how Roshi covered his eyes when fighting those prisoner women because their beauty distracted him. Is Goku distracted by Granolah's beauty or something?
Wait a sec... I gotta backtrack real quick. Goku used the Ultra Instinct technique in his base & didn't go into Ultra Instinct Omen? But thats him using it in base right? Oh boy... This is about to get dumb...
Ultra Idiot Goku & Super Stupid Vegeta are surprised that the guy having the title of "strongest in the universe" is capable of moving faster than them when they aren't at full power. Such genius writing.
Goku gets shot in the neck... & it knocks him out... Ok. But later Granolah comments on how Goku's body moves on it's own before Goku can even process an attacks. Not to mention Goku & Whis have said the same thing. Goku should be untouchable at this point, but for some reason he is not.
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So, Vegeta takes a senzu bean from his "training bra" and gives it to Goku. For some reason they decided to only take 2 senzu when knowing they would fight a guy possibly stronger than them. Stupid monkeys.🐒 (I'm starting to sound like Freeza now)
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How did unconscious Goku eat a senzu? Yaoi fans would had loved it if Vegeta chewed the senzu up for Goku and fed it to him. Sorry, it just reminded me of Trunks spitting senzu mush into Mai's mouth since she was unconscious.
Then we have this dialogue from "sensei" Vegeta, The Ultra Instinct Expert...
"You rely on Ultra Instinct too much! If you haven't perfected it yet, then dodge using your mind!" - Vegeta
"Yeah, you're right..." - Goku
"WTF Toyotaro!" - DB Meta
... I'm unsure who is the stupid one in this situation. Is it Goku or Vegeta? It could be Vegeta because UI is the ultimate technique that allows you to move without thinking. But Vegeta says that because Goku hasn't perfected Ultra Inst-...
Sorry, I had to restart my brain...
Didn't... didn't Goku master Ultra Instinct? Silver hair? Silver eyes? MASTERED/PERFECTED ULTRA INSTINCT? Before that, Goku perfected Ultra Instinct Omen & could go in it at will... So, Goku is listening to Vegeta tell him he hasn't mastered UI? But both know that Goku did master UI? What does Vegeta know? Vegeta can't even use UI.
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I almost stopped reading the rest of the colouring book when I got to that dialogue.
Also, Granolah wants to kill Saiyans, so why is he holding back and not hitting them with deadly attacks. He only needs one alive anyways. He said so himself.
At least there was a good pose Goku was in. The art looked nice there.
Now here's another place I almost quit reading. Granolah apparently has all the abilities of Goku & Vegeta. Hack writing. Sounds like a Moro, 7-3, & Cell copy cat. Toyo just cant leave the Cell saga alone.
Granolah is bumping his gums & rattling his tongue (old slang for "talking a lot") but when Vegeta asks if Granolah holds a grudge against Saiyans, Granolah suddenly says that's enough talking. He responded to them 3 times & spoke like 5 sentences to them. If you're gonna chat then chat. If you hate Saiyans then don't say anything to them & try to kill them. Dummy.
Granolah uses Hakai. But aparently he's not using Hakai or Instant Transmission. Its just "similar." Sure. Confirms that he has been using something similar to UI in previous chapters too.
Granolah says they're stronger than expected because they escaped into the air. Escape doesn't equal strenght. Mai escaped Goku Black, doesn't mean she's extremely strong.
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But seriously, Vegeta saying he's gonna prove his training is better than Goku is stupid. He wants to prove he is better than Goku yet he tells Goku to fight first (that's beta). It's as if he isn't confident & wants Goku to wear Granolah out first, so he can come in and look impressive. Kinda like in RoF after Freeza was tired from fighting Goku & Vegeta wasn't tired at all & he easily beat Freeza up. Looked cool, but actually wasn't too impressive.
Granolah saying that he's gonna shoot them if they don't fight him is ridiculous. Why is he showing mercy to the tribe that didn't show his ppl mercy? Why give chances to the ppl you wanted revenge on for years? Realistically he would just start blasting at them.
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Unecessary dialogue from Vegeta talking to himself about how he needs to learn who Granolah is. Show don't tell Toyo.
Why is Granolah waiting for the Oozaru form? Maybe he wants to kill them in that form? What about revenge? Just kill them.
Goku screamed to power up from SS to SSG. That's possibly dumb, but I gotta let at least 1 thing slide this chapter.
Why did Granolah let them power up? So unlike what we've been shown what Granolah is like. Why would he want to give "murderers" of his entire race a fair chance to fight him?
Next, Goku doesn't try to explain he isn't savage like other Saiyans when Granolah accuses his kind of being so. Instead Goku just agrees & says "Oh... Yeah." I guess he really just wants to fight. I can't tell if this is OOC or just magnifying a Saiyan flaw of Goku just to push the story along. Idk. I'm losing brain cells reading this chapter.
Granolah's fighting stance is cool. Hey, look. I said a nice thing. (But why is he doing close combat when being a sniper us his specialty?)
So, Goku uses UI in SSG form... Bruh, is Ultra Instinct a technique, a state of mind, or a transformation? I'll tell you what it is. ULTRA INSTINCT IS A PLOT DEVICE! It does whatever Toyotaro decides at the moment. So freaking inconsistent... 😓😒
Ultra Instinct becomes more accurate when in conjunction with a SS form?! How tho? I thought it was just a goldy technique that needed a clear mind and control or whatever. Or is UI a transformation like Toyo stated many times in previous chapters, while also calling UI a technique? How can mixing a godly "technique" with a SS form enhance it better than Goku simply using UI Omen? It doesnt! Vegeta, you can just shut up! Every time you talk about UI, you've been wrong! It should be illegal impersonating an UI Expert.
Goku is using the Ultra Instinct technique in base form against Granolah.
UI Omen is Goku using the Ultra Instinct technique in base form.
Goku uses Ultra Instinct technique in the Super Saiyan God transformation.
Mastered UI is Goku mastering the technique or maybe using the technique as a transformation? (Toyo is confusing.)
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So why isn't Goku going into UI Omen when using UI in base? Why does Vegeta say "Ultra Instinct... becomes more accurate when used in conjunction with a Super Saiyan form"? Does that mean Mastered UI is a Saiyan form in conjunction with the Ultra Instinct technique? So, there's an unknown silver haired Saiyan transformation that Goku was utilizing in conjunction with Ultra Instinct? I guess this confirms that "Super Saiyan Blanco" is real y'all.
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I suppose that if UI in base isn't the same as UI Omen, then by that logic, there is also an unknown "Super Saiyan Noir" form we haven't seen yet.
I'm done with Ultra Instinct in the manga. Toytaro doesn't know if UI is a technique or a transformation. I could explain it better than him, but I'm not tye one writing official material. Why should I make sense of his bad writing when he will change things later? HE should explain it clearly to US. He is extremely inconsistent with his explanations and will change them when he feels like it.
I dont care what Geekdom101 says about UI being both technique & transformation, because Ultra Instinct IS NOT a transformation nor a technique anymore. ULTRA INSTINCT IS JUST A PLOT DEVICE. 😑
[You can skip this little section. I'm talking about inconsistencies from the Moro arc]
I remember when I talked about how Moro's life draining powers were retconned multiple times.
Moro can absorb life energy from a planet while he is in outer space, then he is nerfed to only being able to take life energy by directly touching you, later Vegeta says they need to get off the ground because now Moro (who is stronger and fused with the planet) can only steal your life enrgy while making contact with you. He could absorb life energy from entire planets from space, but has to make contact with somebody once he got stronger?
Let's not forget it's said Moro drains life energy, but can't drain 17 & 18 because they say they don't have life energy. I guess that means Krillin had a daughter with a dead woman? No. Multiple times, 17 & 18 contributed to the Genki Dama (a collection of life energy). Goku gathers energy from trees, animals, ppl, everything living. This means 17 & 18 do have life energy because they are living beings. But the energy they fight with is unlimited artificial energy.
So if 17 & 18 can give life energy to Goku for a Genki Dama, then Moro should be able to take their life energy just like anyone else. What he can't take is their energy they use for battle because itsunlimited & artificial. Toyotaro does not understand this important detail nor does he understand many other details about these iconic character. So why is the the writer if he is getting so much wrong? Why is he not soley the artist?
Goku uses UI in SSG form to dodge a barrage of attacks from Granolah that are aimed at the planet. They must be weak attacks because the explosions are tiny. Is Granolah really trying to kill them?
Goku using UI in SSG but somehow gets caught off gaurd. Did UI just get nerfed so that Vegeta can look like he is on the same level as Goku in a later chapter? I think it did...
Granolah took Goku down a second time... Wow Goku, you kinda suck. In DBS CH 65 on page 11, after Moro broke his arm on UI Goku's chest, Whis said "When Ultra Instinct is honed to this extent, the body will automatically grow sturdier as necessary." Why is Goku holding back against the strongest in the universe? Oh yeah, that's right... UI is getting nerfed.
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Vegeta, what do you mean "How is he learning Kakarot's weaknesses so quickly?" Everybody has similar vital spots in DB. Thats not learning, thats just knowing. Are you just a dummy, Vegeta? Do you not know where vital spots are?
Granolah can tell Goku's body is moving before his brain tells him to react. Granolah the UI "expert" can see all with his eye. You know who else can see with their eye? Tien. Speaking of Tien, I wanna go back to Earth now. What's Piccolo doing? I bet everyone on Earth is chilling or at work. Is it bad I'd rather watch Gohan at a conference than watch Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah be dummies? I'd rather watch Chi-Chi cooking with vegetables instead of watching vegetable puns fight a cereal pun. I'm sorry, the dialogue is just so bad...
How does Granolah's right eye being able to observe blood flow & muscle movements let you know where to strike? Dude, vital spots are where your organs are, & pressure points, & your head area, & you arteries, & so on. Ya ain't gotta observe blood flow to know that. Granolah just making stuff up now to sound cool. News flash, you failed. If he was sniping and able to track them based on blood flow and muscle movement, then that would had been smarter writing.
Granolah: "This right eye of mine is the sharpest in all the universe. It sees all."
Your eye sees all Granolah? Can you see past the Heeters feeding you bullcrap too?
Yo, where did Granolah's barely existing personality go? He wss once driven by revenge, and now the opportunity for revenge is right here in front of him & he's acting like he doesn't want it. If revenge is his only noticeable personality trait, what happens when you take it away? You get bland and dry Granolah.
So then Veget- hold on! Thats it! Granolah's name pun is granola because he is meant to be a bland character! I get it now! So all his moves must be cereal puns!
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I never realized how genius this character is!
Detective Vegeta: "A tribe driven to extinction, known for their evolved right eyes... This is starting to sound familiar..." 🕵
Tien?! Oh wait... he said right, not 3rd eye. Jiren?! Oh wait, that's both his eyes... Jaco!? That's both eyes too... I give up.
Granolah's eye can tell that Goku is not using his full power, yet he can't tell he is being fooled by the Heeters. I think he needs new glasses or at least clean the revenge smear off of his monocle.
Granolah casually chats with a Saiyan who is one of the ppl he wants to kill. He would be better if he barely talked and just acted. Granolah should be like Iron Man in "Captain America: Civil War." Not trying to talk, just trying to kill because he is angry and wants revenge.
Goku: "Granolah, we don't work for Freeza & the two of us didn't attack your planet."
Granolah: "I dont care... Your people killed my family."
Boom! Gimme an award!
Back to the chapter 72 colouring book...
Granolah: "Hurry and get on with it. I have no duty to wait for your sake."
Yet you've been waiting all this time for them to arrive, fight them, chat with them, & even waiting for him to transform right now. You got time. You got 3 yrs to waste. You can chat for 10 minutes or so.
Granolah tells Goku that he doesn't have time to wait, then says "It's no skin off my nose to kill you where you stand." Then he waits for Goku to transform... Just kill Goku and be done with it already. Its not like Vegeta can win if Goku can't.
Granolah: "I dont have time for talk."
Goku: "Ok lets fight!"
Granolah: "Ok but, let me tell you about what my eye can do. I'm really proud of it. Mind if I talk a bit? So I sacrificed my life to defeat Freeza, the guy you're working for."
Goku: "What? You don't like Freeza? You're not a bad guy?"
Granolah: "Shut up Saiyan! You'll pay! Fight me!"
Granolah doesn't want to talk about Freeza all of the sudden when Goku implies they both have been tricked. Granolah becomes stupid just so the fight continues. There's a better way to keep them fighting. SHUT UP, GRANOLAH! If he talked less then convoluted stuff like this wouldn't happen.
Granolah yells "Take this!" He powers up instead of doing an attack... Why yell "take this" then power up if you aren't gonna attack right away? You even knocked Goku out of SSG, so now is the perfect time to finish him.
Blah blah blah, Goku goes SSB and they fight, blah blah blah.
Hey look! In my last review I said something about the planet should shake or be in danger from the battle. Looks like Toyo made the planet shake from the battle. Good job. I like this detail. Will it matter later on? Probably not.
Also, ya notice how god ki and god transformations are limited in this chapter? It seem they got too powerful for there to be any stakes. So we see Vegeta in base & SS. Then we see Goku in base, SS, SSG, base, & SSB so that false tension can build. Its smart but the dialogue doesn't compliment this smart tactic.
Aparently Vegeta doesn't care about the fight. Detective mode activate! (🕵) Vegeta standing in that Oozaru footprint looks like he's in Jurassic Park lol. But why did Detective Vegeta have to touch the footprint? He could had just looked at everything when he was high up and had a bird's eye view. Did Detective Vegeta taste the soil & gain knowledge by tasting the past?
Detective Vegeta: "I think I know who he is."
The Heeters said his name is Granolah, dummy. Shouldn't you say "I think I know what happened here." or something like that? Gimmie your detective hat, your trench coat, your bubble pipe, & you magnifying glass! You give detectives a bad name! I'll give this to somebody more deserving, like Jaco, Videl, Krillin, or Hit.
Did ya notice that Vegeta didn't get hit once but Goku who is using UI gets hit multiple times? Vegeta tells Goku to think instead of use UI? Oh yeah, this chapter was to pander to Vegeta fans. Toyo is poorly trying to convey he is equal or above Goku somehow. Like Vegeta mastered his training but Goku hasn't despite having mastered UI as a transformation thingy.
In conclusion, I was right. Freeza still hasn't been seen yet. Show a pic of him in somebody's thought bubble at the very least. This is all happening because if his influence y'all. Still no visual of Freeza yet... Whateva.
This chapter was wack. Too much unintelligent & unreasonable & unrealistic & unnecessary dialogue, plot went nowhere, Goku is being handicapped so the fight can continue, everyone are stupid idiots, Vegeta is being built up to lose his battle or get lucky & win. No image of Freeza still... This was just a very, very boring chapter.
I expect the next chapter to be boring too. Probably won't see Freeza either.
Goku got knocked down twice by Granolah, Vegeta decided to fight second, Granolah said he doesn't need to keep Goku alive, & Vegeta told Goku he should stop relying on UI... Sounds like UI is getting nerfed & Goku is gonna need to be saved by Vegeta so that Vegeta can show off his Hakai training in comparison to UI.
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lemon-ty · 3 years
While I have no time to draw I found that thing from twitter and I don't think it would be bad if I post at least anything till I'll be free to draw?? and let's say that's just one another post before I'll finally add some of It in my blog
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I'll just answer all in one post let's go, guys
(Movies & mini series & book mixed)
1. Favorite female character
I don't think there're a lot of 'em lol. But
Patricia Uris
That's right, not Beverly. Patti has one(!) chapter and somehow I fell in love with her character while reading it. She's got her own story before Stan and she's got a very very very beautiful relationships with him.
(I'm so in love with Uris family I mean whyyyy can't I just have some Stan with his pretty wife and a CHILD THANK U VERY MUCH)
2. Favorite male character
I'm just in love with him he's perfect next
3. Worst character
OK, let's talk about it. I was kinda neutral to everyone in the Loser club except Richie for a year or more. Then while being in fandom I fell in love with these guys like with everyone of 'em concluding Bill. But when I decided to actually read a book... why is he so stupid and careless and fjligvdsvfuklugxseggh
I really tried not to be "of course u let kid go alone what will happen right??" but this.fucking.weather.this.fucking.fact.that.Georgie.told.him.he.was.about.to.go.to.the.closed.area.u.know.closed.bc.it.was.dangerous.to.go.there like BOY, u killed ur brother when he stepped out of the house HAVE U EVEN LOOKED TO THE WINDOW???? Was it ur plan how to get rid of him bc he was clever and better than u and everyone loved him more? Bc if it was, well, congratulations! it worked not like u expected but still worked!
I'm bullying Bill Denbro in my house I wish for the alternative version with George as a main character instead of him-
4. Favorite scene
Richie and Beverly dancing together
I LOVE their friendship they're like BEST BROTP EVER
I love all their interactions and I find it SO ADORABLE they danced together I always think about it ...about 'em
5. Favorite member of the Loser club
Well, again? Fine. RICHIE
6. Original or remake?
I'd say book? But if we're talking only about films when of course remake
I saw mini series some time ago and that was cute and had a lot from the book (and abult Eddie-) but it was so naive and looked kinda stupid (sorry everyone but I'm the new auditory and I can't get that seriously especially after new films) while new films... Weeelll...
Let's be honest, I saw It 2017 only bc of James McAvoy in the second chapter and I found it boring. And then the second part I found more like a comedy than horror. I didn't like films that time but I liked characters (Richie). Some weeks ago I rewathed both It 2017 and It 2019 and second one is still too long and a comedy but first I found interesting
So remake is great at least on the second time watching and that's enough
7. Reddie?
Reddie is always the answer it's never a question cuz the answer is YES all the answers YES
8. Ben of Bill?
Oh that's a question for me and my hate to Bill!
Not only bc I hate Bill, Ben is awesome himself. In films he was more leader for the Losers that Bill and Mike like together?? And have u seen that he did fo Henry in the book? Damn boy u're way too cool slow down
9. Best ship
Look question 7
10. Worst ship
OK it took a lot time to find the one bc I don't think there's any ship I would actually hate or smth but if thiiink Bill × Beverly
First, bc Bill?? Seriously?? Go and find someone better, my girl
Second, bc Ben and Bev have much more chemistry (god, Richie and Bev have more chemistry and this tells the person who would kill for reddie)
11. Book or movie?
(and if u say the book is too big I swear I-)
12. Tim or Bill as Pennywise
Why do u need to ask such difficult questions?? I mean, I love every version of Pennywise no matter if it's book or 1990 or 2017-2019 they all are great in their own ways
So both Tim and Bill have an extreme charisma, different but equal in power
I like Tim's Penny bc he's simple and warm I mean c'mon I would definetly hug him or anything and die happy, I mean, he just got ur trust??? And I like how bad effects make him seams not like an awful monster who will eat u but like a friendly mischief (listen me up: he makes sink dirty right after Bev cleaned it up like phhhhhhhhahaha really u're a moron u know). Yeah, that's not that Pennywise is meant to be but that's adorable
And I love Bill's version bc he does look scary (in a some way, of course). Yeah yeah new effects are doing their work and the costume is less friendly than Tim's but the most important is Bill's acting. His mimic and expressions are perfect he fits this role way too good. And, damn, he's so funny like... Yeah, I'd spend my last minutes with him he's great, that would be the most hilarious death I could ever get
So... can I just say both??
13. Funniest character
Do u really see this as a question??
Richie. The funniest guy ever. I would go to his stand-up. I would buy his merch. I would buy hi- AHEMAHEM
Seriously, I found him irritating watching 1st movie first time but after 2d started I've changed my mind he's a diamond that makes films better like he's the only reason I didn't fall asleep while watching 2d part
14. Worst character fear
OK, let's say we don't count the book here. Bc, u know, the fears in the book was, well, like actually kid's fears. Like someone just saw a horror film great now they've got a deep emotional trauma that's like kids work.
So saying about movies...
Does anyone really got what's wrong with that painting?? I mean???? Just an art what's wrong with u, Stan, do u like... hate art???
I do not get it, plz, if u do, just explain me bc I have no fucking idea why should it be a normal fear that's stupid
15. Favorite actor from the film
James McAvoy
Like I said I went to this fandom ONLY bc of him
16. Favorite adult character
Do u think they grew up and anything changed? Hell no!
Forever Richie
17. Worst encounter with Pennywise
None? I really can't name u anything bc they all are great at leeeeast bc of Pennywise taking part in it. The scene with him can NOT be worst
(but still-
Eddie's such a stupid brave boy like WHY does he always need to go to scary deadly places I mean are u going to die of what????)
(in the book he just decided that was a great idea to actually try to get into the Neibolt house like ????????????????? U FUCKING BRAVE IDIO-)
18. Worst jump scare
I don't pay attention to any jump scares sorry
But I can name my fav! Mrs. Kersh. Not bc she's scary but SO FUNNY OMG
(and in mini series she IS scary, yeah...)
19. Favorite quote
Everything Richie says
20. Least favorite ship
This ship is really great: there're reasons why it's existing and the ship dynamic is good but... I hhhaaaateeee Biiilllllly. And that's the whole problem, yes. Blame me but I can't love otp if I don't like one of the characters
21. Favorite fan account
Don't follow any
22. Favorite Pennywise quote
Is he saying anything??
Alright-alright I know how it looks. "U say u love Penny but don't remember any of the words he's saying". Yes! All I remember is that everything he says is cool but, yeah, sorry, I have nothing in my head
23. Best friendship
24. Richie or Bill?
Who the fuck will choose Bill?????? Richie's the best
I mean, u want me to choose between my fav one and the one I hate most? really?
25. Eddie or Ben?
Not lying to u that's a difficult question. I like both of 'em so I needed a list with +s and -s of each one
+ Jack Dilan Grayser's face
+ the thing with hand
+ u can joke about his mom
+ s.h.o.r.t.s
+ he's mean I like ppl like that (I'm person like that)
+ can kill u with the knife just stuck in his cheek
+ healer
+ brave as hell
- he's SO loud
- non human speed of talking
- most of the time he's a wimp, let's be honest
- has scary tendencies of amputation everything
- not Riche's husband somehow
- mindlessly brave as hell
- OF
in his very first chapter
+ an architect (i concider all of 'em like gods)
+ punctual. If he said he'll be in ur bar on Saturday when he'll be doesn't matter he's in London right now
+ I tell u he's a hidden leader
+ can drink and stay sober
+ HE
- wrote a haiku I don't like haiku
- minuses are ended
So Ben has less +s but less -s if u compare to his +s. So, sorry, Eds, but Ben
26. Funniest scene
Every with Richie
27. Least favorite male characters
I can't just say Bill again, right? Or I caaan???
28. Most underrated character
I see ppl love every character even the once that has really small time (STAN) but I haven't seen so much ppl loving Mike. Everyone kinda... forgot about him?? What an irony
29. Favorite edit
Every with Richie
30. Is fack real?
Plz don't ship real ppl
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incarnateirony · 5 years
You really are patient Min! It's incredible tbh. Fandom drive me crazy sometimes but your blog is that peaceful corner where no one call who thinks like me(us) delusional. So thank you! That being said, this gonna be everywhere, (sorry!) it's kinda crazy how some lanes in fandom kinda miss the whole point of the show, not just then destiel portion... The philosophy of it all. It's sad TBH, how ppl dismiss the whole louder than life subtext (and text) bc they don't like what they see. (1/3)
But yeah I get how DeanCas is important and know how ever body screams bout rep in every chance they get. ( that freakin important too don’t get me wrong, but you know every story has its porpoise!) SPN wasn’t about rep in the frist place and TBH, what a whole bunch of ppl what for rep in it is kinda of no no for this kind of story and those kind of characters, (2/3)(Third part eaten twice by tumblr)
Okay, first off: Was… was porpoise an intentional typo because i–
…*clears throat*
“what a whole bunch of ppl want for rep in it is kinda of no no for this kind of story and those kind of characters,”
Winner winner chicken dinner. I don’t know how many people pay attention to Bobo. I mean REALLY pay attention to Bobo, not just as a token of convenient argument. One look at his feed will tell you that this man’s idea of representing his own middle aged male LGBT demographic is wildly different from what this female and youth dominant fandom thinks is what would seal it, or what they dream of or imagine happening.
I, too, love adorable fanart of them. I also recognize that most of this fanart looks like it could be modeled off of poses from the portraits of Buttigieg and his husband that Bobo drags to fuck and gone for its heteroconformity and polished presumptuousness. A great deal of people trying to talk LGBT culture in this fandom are more LGBT people who still live inside of het culture. And yes, you can still even be gay married while wedged in het culture.
Bobo is a counterculturist. This isn’t hard to fucking see. From his feed, to his episodes, to his articles talking about the Big Gay Window-Smashing Pre-Antifa Liberal Riots he used to partake in, and really still does if recent candids of him being spotted in ICE blockade walls is any indicator – this man wants nothing of it. Not your conservatism (even if he recognizes that in a conservative culture you have to be willing to take steps in conservative queer content to gain more liberal doses of platform [Review of “The Attack Queers” By Bobo Berens 2003]), not your heteronormativity, not your polished garbage. He. Wants. None. Of. Your. Crap. Like Open Borders Bernie Or Bust Berens.
And you know what?
And quite frankly, has DECADES of TRACEABLE, TANGIBLE, FEET ON THE GROUND ACTIVISM that makes all the queerbait or subtext screaming in this fandom look like a wailing daycare.
He’s written so many goddamn circles around this fandom some of y’all will be figuring out some shit in ten years, like the Dreamhunter Paradox. Congrats, a lot of y’all don’t even realize you’ve shown your asses at holding MLM to different demands than (rival-less) WLW. So either you’re biased (consciously or subconsciously) against MLM content, or you’re literally judging the content based on argumentation value with morons/finding any excuse because it’s not YOUR pairing. There is no in between. Oh wait yeah there is, “abusing socially conscious dialogues to sound respectable rather than entitled because it IS your ship and you’re pushing for more and more content past existing validity, and you don’t want to sound like you’re just complaining so saying ‘representation’ sounds right, though that still hovers close to argumentation option #2”. Next?
Now beyond my big gay rage, to address the other stuff–
*Along* the lines of ship-war fandom, which is really what most of this boils down to (eg, “it’s not valid until I can win every argument without any question from any intentionally daft idiot ever, which basically, never”) – people get so hyperfixated on singular nuances in the story, eg, Destiel as a phenomenon, that in laser focusing on it not only do they miss the overall sum of philosophy in the show, but ironically even parts of those hyperfixations themselves because they end up so tunnel visioned on a given path (IDK, did someone obsess over a random line from 3-5 years ago and decide the angel oath [that one off line used to explain why nephilim aren’t everywhere in case anyone’s confused wtf I’m even talking about] needs addressed before it counts, or that they need to address the heart tie’s mechanics before anything after it ever counts ever, or are they chasing a pipe for an Empty storyline that’s not gonna pay out in the direction they want, or–) – during this, this bizarre self-created prison the fandom has made, only to explore their own cages defining their existence and experience manufactured by themselves – they miss SO MUCH they would even be after.
Anyone I can pry a few bars from the jail cell of to let them slip out and see the world clearly and positively again, I’m happy to help.
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