#ppl be acting like there is only one true way to perceive a piece of media
imagine actually getting angry at or straight up hating other people's headcanons and everyone who supports them
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single-malt-scotch · 11 months
@beeelderly replied to your post “listen i try not to sound like a hater but i know...”:
its interesting to see the life series in particular be seen as a series of separate canons that diverge in some places and dont in others, and i think you lose a lot of interest when you try to puzzle piece everyone's stories into the same Canon Tapestry. i think its fine for people to try to filter everybody's POV's through the storyline of one player, but it starts to suck when people act like thats the only "correct" interpretation
​yeahhh exactly. like fandom can create the fanon they want. but ppl cant act like there is a true canon ya know? i think many outside of the typical old expected mcyt fandom forget that this is not like... linear canon. you cannot just sit here and expect ppl to understand what you assume is the Canon. thats not how it works.
there is a lack of meta understanding. this is literally ppl playing a game with a lack of the roleplay they project onto it. and when fandom brings out a version of the series canon that is just a collection of what they have seen, they take it as the overall canon that does not at all consider how other creators interacted with that series.
it is like. the way a Tv show works for example is.... someone write and produces the thing, its published, and people see it. and the thing that person wrote is canon, its what they made, its The Canon undoubtedly. but in this case.... fans are decided The Canon. there isnt any. they dont "own" the source however, so for every person viewing, the canon is...something unique. but as always, like any other media, people need to enforce canon to make sure people are getting it right. but! thats not how that works. all the canon is admittedly, fanon. unless they stay within one content creator's bubble (in this case, Martyn's).
there is a disconnection between the perceived canon and the meta world outside of it, which is that there is never any canon that can be applied to anyone else than the person they are specifically creating canon off of.
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iamloveinhumanform · 4 years
‘’’’’’’My Saturn said to me today:
 ‘Be good to ppl, we are all One’. He’s a spiritual Saturn. ‘Be truly compassionate’ ‘be tuly empathic’ ‘Master all waters and artsy things’ ‘Paint , Heal and Sing’ ‘Feel secure by being connected with universe’ ‘Life’s a reflection of the divine craetor’ ‘ Dream big, give all u can, You’re here to have strong spiritual values’ ‘Trust, u do have artsistic talents’ ‘Connect with you inner world, go within today and have faith’ Flow, u know there’s nothing to worry about’ ‘You know outside is reflection of your inner world after all.’ ‘You’re one with everythins, start living from this knowing that u are one w all’ ‘Make art that makes ppl feel connect with their souls’ ‘Find a way to feel your MAGIC, make it your own, build yourself, grow from that’ Creator is home, creator provides abundance’ ‘Help, heal ppl one act of kindness & compassion at a time’ ‘Find the invisible’ ‘Value in the material world is spiritual’ ‘Spiritual true values’ ‘Facing confusion and swimming in faith, doing good’ ‘Doing good to keep alive’ ‘Shine those psychic gifts’ ‘Order your life, feel worthy of all the blessings from the one’ ‘Put your words in order’ ‘Imagine all those magical wisdom words coming out of your mouth’ ‘You can use painting to touch hearts and souls’, ‘Comunicating the divine words’. ‘Say that what needs to be said, it will flow out of you but truth is given to those who listen’. Mind full of creativity is waisted in school, it can’t see it. Find that lil space inside of you, rely only in your self, listen to your temple. Leave all not good possesions, start freeing yourself of attachments, feel worthy just bc of being light.’’Create that Arsty piece of heaven’, Not clear mind will create heaven!, not supperficial Art will inspire others growth, not time should be wasted on pleasing others, time should beuse wisely, looking for healing serving all around’. Luxury is heart. Money is imagination, objects are creations, Art is Love, house is stability of mindans stability in connection with Spirit. ‘Master lack master wealth Mater all that is inside and all that is invisible to the eyes of poverty of minds’. ‘Mater spiritual wealth’ ‘don’t play pr missuse abundance that god provides for you, that provides to others trough u. Don’t be the fool that don’t give value to Values, to Spirit and all that is values.’ ‘Prove me you are Master of Faith, and that u know how to heal yourself’...‘’’’’’
Automatic writing, channeling i did, back in 2017. Thank u for reading!!
Reflecting on that later i wrote....
‘’’’’’’’How can i blame Saturn for making me Master of the creators value, for asking first to see if i am worthy of such incredible gift. Is helping me Master authentic connection w ith all, the only real happiness that comes form within. How can i perceive this if i can’t understand the importance of the inner world... He needs someone that’s patient, wise, that’s connected with their true self, that’s sensitive enough, that’s imaginative, kind, loving. Needs somebody that loves themselves with all consequences, that’s good nature and compassionate, that’s artsy and beautiful inside, that’s self reliant and log term oriented, that has inner Abundance, That’s clear minded, able to express and speak creator’s truth with words too, talented. To have creator’s natural talents, To speak creator’s words, to have creator’s connection with nature, to have creator’s abundance and good use of it, To have creator’s beauty, to have creator’s Beauty, to have creator’s love and divine relationships with all, to have creator’s possesions, to give and receive flowing with universe, feeling guided like creator’s believes, actions and feelings. I’m Love, Art, Beauty, Abundance, Spirit wealth Amateur-Master. ‘’’’’’’’’
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janiedean · 6 years
Benedict Cumberbatch is also disliked on this site NOT for being ugly but because of racist, homophobic, and anti-autistic comments at the height of his fame when the people liked him for playing a gay man as autistic coded (a real gay man! Who was probably not autistic!). People call him ugly because he’s the only man in the world who looks the way he does.
good fucking lord
let me find that post where I about DISPROVED 99% OF THOSE STATEMENTS, hm?
also, since you can’t go on wikipedia:
Cumberbatch is a straight ally and in July 2013 officiated at the same-sex marriage of friends. For International Women’s Day 2014, he was a signatory of Amnesty International’s letter to the Prime Minister David Cameron for women’s rights in Afghanistan. Cumberbatch identifies as a feminist.
In 2014, Cumberbatch publicly backed “Hacked Off” and its campaign for UK press self-regulation by “safeguarding the press from political interference while also giving vital protection to the vulnerable.”
In a November 2014 cover story for Out promoting The Imitation Game, Cumberbatch opened up about sexual experimentation during his time in boarding schools stating, “While there was experimentation, it had never occurred to me as, ‘Oh, this is that!’ It was just boys and their penises, the same way with girls and vaginas and boobs. It wasn’t out of desire.” LGBTgroup Stonewall released a statement praising Cumberbatch’s comments, saying, “Seeing someone in the public eye – especially somebody as influential as Benedict – talking positively around gay issues, is powerful for young lesbian, gay and bisexual people. It is often difficult for those growing up to find role models who demonstrate that it is equally okay to be gay or straight.”
Cumberbatch is a founding member of the “Save Soho” campaign which aims “to protect and nurture iconic music and performing arts venues in Soho.” In an open letter published in The Guardian on 31 January 2015, Cumberbatch, amongst others, asked for pardons of all gay and bisexual men who were convicted under the same now-defunct “indecency” laws as Alan Turing was (whom Cumberbatch portrayed in The Imitation Game).
Cumberbatch is an ambassador for The Prince’s Trust.
He is a supporter and patron of organisations focused on using the arts to help disadvantaged young people including Odd Arts, Anno’s Africa and Dramatic Need.
Since portraying Stephen Hawking in 2004, he has been an ambassador, and in 2015 patron, for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and in 2014 did the Ice Bucket Challengefor the organisation.
He also set up a recovery fund for the benefit of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association.
Cumberbatch has donated artworks for charities and fundraisers including the Willow Foundation, and Thomas Coram Foundation for Children.
In 2003, Cumberbatch joined the Stop the War Coalitionprotest in London against the Iraq War.
He addressed activists in a 2010 protest sponsored by the Trade Union Congress in Westminster on the suggested risks to the arts due to spending cuts expected in the Spending Review.
In 2013, he protested against what he perceived were civil liberties violations by the UK Government.
Together with Prince Philip, Cumberbatch presented 85 young people with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at St James’s Palace on 19 March 2014. “Our ambition is to extend this opportunity to hundreds of thousands across the UK”, Cumberbatch said on behalf of the youth awards programme.
In May 2014, he joined Prince William and Ralph Lauren at Windsor Castle for a cancer awareness and fundraising gala for the benefit of The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Cumberbatch stated, “Cancer isn’t a disease that needs much awareness, but it does need continued funding for research.”In September 2014, he participated in a video campaign for Stand Up To Cancer.
Cumberbatch posed for photographer Jason Bell for an exhibition at Pall Mall, London from 16–20 September 2014 to mark 10 years of the “Give Up Clothes For Good” charity campaign, which has raised £17 million for Cancer Research UK.
In September 2015, Cumberbatch condemned the UK government’s response to the migrant crisis in a speech to theatregoers during a curtain call at a performance of Hamlet, for which he stars.
He also fronted a video campaign to help the charity Save The Children in its mission to aid young Syrian refugees.
He was one of the signatories of an open letter, published in The Guardian, criticising the government for its actions regarding the refugee problem.
He also gave nightly speeches after his curtain call as Hamletat the Barbican in London, asking for donations to help Syrian refugees. At the end of the run, the audience contributed more than £150,000 for Save the Children.
Cumberbatch was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2015 Birthday Honours for services to the performing arts and to charity.
ah, yeah, he said a few ignorant things plus a bunch of stuff TUMBLR decided was racist when EVERY DAMNED BLACK ACTOR IN THE BRITISH INDUSTRY THOUGHT DIFFERENT, what a piece of shit, he totally hasn’t done more for charity on his own than all of tumblr put together.
like, fuck’s sake, y’all can go get a life and actually research the bullshit you read? because guess what I was here since 2011 and I was here for the rise and fall of cumberbatch in the tumblr hierarchy and I can 100% assure you I remember ALL of the reasons why ppl hate him.
and 99% of them AREN’T EVEN TRUE. also can it with this dumbass bullshit that he’s homophobic when HE HAS OFFICIATED MARRIAGES OF HIS GAY FRIENDS ffs. y’all aren’t funny. and if turing’s portrayal wasn’t correct complain to the writers and not to HIM who was acting, not writing the damned script.
ps: I’M NOT EVEN INTO THIS GUY but the fact that I know this shit and 99% of tumblr doesn’t while still bashing him just says everything there is to say.
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debbiewilder · 6 years
Do you think Debbie has already forgiven Ruth and is just acting tough or do you think she’s still angry at Ruth? Also do you think the writers are even aware that fans want them together/do you think the writers are heading in that direction ever or are they just clueless?
You like GLOW now?? Whah…ok, well, I’ll answer your questions. But, there’s a lot to unpack when you ask about Debbie’s anger……
Debbie is very, very afraid of getting her heart broken again. All the anger etc is there to protect herself. She desperately wants to stay afloat and stay in one piece, and she wants to just be mad at Ruth (because that’s safe and empowers her over the person that hurt her and who could hurt her again if she was vulnerable with once more) but cracks keep showing through and she can’t seem to stay away because she cares too much, because Ruth is one of the only people she truly cares about. Suffering around her is better than the alternative, and working through it by wrestling with Ruth, too..it becomes therapeutic in ways…
She wants to push Ruth away and needs to pull her closer and that’s what defines not only this character’s arc but also the story’s arc..how to bridge this and how Debbie can find a way to her need. In the end, I think it’s all beyond this question of y/n forgiveness because the anger is so tied to the deep need Debbie has for Ruth that she can’t shake, so I don’t think it’ll ever be like yup, check, forgiven you.
This also relates to one of many reasons why this show is genius: in a fucked up way, Debbie’s struggle fits perfectly with wrestling–forced intimacy, forced closeness but also forced fighting and release of anger…like what a great catharsis for Debbie and Ruth since it directly relates to the internal struggles they are dealing with (so the interior journey fits perfectly with the external one). What a great way to force Debbie to contend with her relationship–forced to touch the person she’s supposed to hate (because look at what Ruth did) but can’t find it in herself to actually hate, forced to pretend to hate this evil soviet person in front of the audience while simultaneously finding intimacy and trust in the in between spaces that belong only to the two of them.
Wrestling is also perfect for these characters, and specifically Debbie, because it constantly forces characters to, like Sam put..um, idk exact wording ok but they wrestle with their own stereotypes on the show. And, Debbie does that throughout. I mean, in ways Debbie wants to just be seen as an angry diva now, she’s playing a role not only for others (because she doesn’t want others to see who she really is underneath, beyond that wronged woman, that indefinable, broken person who isn’t a success at all like Ruth and others perceive) but also for herself–because she can’t deal with asking herself who the fuck she is any more–what is her identity at this point? She’s been stripped of these words that made her feel comfortable and safe: housewife and wife and even friend. And, anger is her new anchor that seems empowering and safe and simple. But, Ruth can see the vulnerability hidden behind that anger. These two see each other. Beyond their roles. That’s why Debbie is so adroit at hurting Ruth..she sees Ruth and knows how to hurt her, and this all makes Debbie feel safe, and it’s really because Debbie is scared shitless of how much she cares.
Oh nooo, this is getting long, adding a read more link…
Well, going back to roles, in the hospital, when Ruth says that Debbie was miserable before (as housewife, as Mark’s wife) and then calls bullshit when Debbie tries to say she was happy, this is what leads Debbie to leave. She can’t deal with someone seeing through her facade. It all seems ridiculous now. For many reasons. For one, she tried to sell this housewife life to Ruth like she was in a commercial for it, and meanwhile Debbie knows now that Ruth saw she wasn’t happy but played along for Debbie’s benefit. There’s also the layer Ruth not only destroyed Debbie’s past identity as housewife by fucking Mark, but also in this moment in the hospital by destroying the idea of this role in Debbie’s head, the idea that Debbie was happy in it to begin with so Ruth destroys this past identity in other ways for Debbie and this shifts the definition of Ruth’s betrayal. There’s a lot to unpack with this moment…it all goes to the secrets Debbie tries to keep from others and herself–how she uses anger and these roles to protect herself….anyway, I doubt Debbie’s ever consciously, truly knew she was miserable with Mark, so I think it’s a shock to her as well to hear she was and realize Ruth’s words are true. I think she fed off of believing she was happy in the stereotype that she believed she was meant for her and was fine justifying it and selling it. I think Debbie is fine with being pretty miserable as long as others (and herself) don’t get to know who she really is beyond whatever role she feels safe inhabiting. And, Ruth, the person who broke her heart, seeing her unhappiness and vulnerability beyond even what Debbie could see in her own life? Debbie not in control of this situation and how she’s being perceived? Nope.
(Like, girl is so fucked up, she can’t even say sorry for breaking Ruth’s ankle. It reveals too much and opens herself up too much. All she can do is write it on the cast. )
If Debbie was really done with Ruth, really just pure rageTM, she would’ve told her mom what Ruth did (and stayed tf away from her). It’s a lot harder to come back to a friendship once your family knows. But, she didn’t. Because she cares much more than she would dare let on.
I think the writers are aware of the fan base and are either baiting ruth x debbie or are building the pairing BUT I DON’T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT OK BECAUSE IT MAKES ME SAD AT THE PROSPECT THAT THE WRITERS DON’T WANT THEM TO BE IN LOVE DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY ARE IN LOVE LIKE LET THEM BE THEMSELVES WHICH MEANS LOVING EACH OTHER A WHOLE LOT BECAUSE UNDERNEATH THAT HATE AND ANGER IS A WHOLE LOT OF LOVE AND IT’S SO EASY TO SEE IT AND IT DOESN’T SEEM LIKE JUST FRIENDSHIP AT ALL IN ANY WAY OK..um, anyway, it’s hard to tell what’s going to happen because I think there was a lot in Season 2 that is so sloppy in structure…idek man because I don’t really know what story they’re trying to tell if I look at the “woods” or whatever of that season (there are a lot of nice trees, and I can squint and see something that I find meaning in but as a whole it’s a lot rougher than season 1 structure wise, which is all to say who the fuck knows ahhhhhh).
There’s a lot that points to them ending up together (Debbie, who doesn’t get to know anyone and is only close w Ruth, saying sex is only good w someone you really know, the lingering looks that last half of each episode, asking for permission to date someone else, not being ok with the other having a relationship, not telling her mom about Ruth’s shitty behavior, the fact that she can’t seem to stay away, etc etc etc) but there’s stuff that points to them not getting together I guess idk I don’t want to think about that…Well, I can for sure say the story would be better if they chose to explore their relationship because the will they won’t they for a friendship would be great for a show, yes. But, if the writers think THIS relationship is a friendship??? Dude, that means these writers have legit NEVER had friends. I don’t just stare longingly at my friends. I don’t ask friends for permission to date from a bud. I don’t sabotage my friend dating someone else or stare as my bud talks to a potential love interest etc etc I mean, basic filmic devices show that these two are in love whether the show runners realize they’re using them or not. Kuleshov effect (2 shots juxtaposed create new meaning): shot of Debbie looking longingly juxtaposed w shot of Ruth w Russell over and over. They chose to edit it this way and it all points out that Debbie is jealous and wants Ruth. You don’t go to the effort of editing and framing this stuff this way unless you want to suggest that. Or the longing looks, the fact that this takes up so much real estate of the show’s running time. Or that Debbie stands right in the middle in the frame between Ruth and Russell in a shot, suggesting she is coming between them…But, if the writers want to pretend they’re just friends….well, the story in all their visual / editing details doesn’t suggest this so why not follow through on the story you’re actually telling because it’s so compelling?
And to conclude this longgg reply, I’ll sum up with this: ppl pls stop hating on Debbie because she just wants to feel safe and only lashes out bc she’s trying to stop herself from drowning :(
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