#poyt 4 ask
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evansbby · 10 months ago
Ahhhh hello I’m a new follower and I just finished reading all 4 parts of wicked games and 😱🤗😓🫨😔😤😩 literally have gone through every emotion. I love Ari and how this little reader made him want to change his ways, I was skeptical of Steve and first and then he went from 0-100 and I was feeling just as scared of him as reader was, I loved the dynamic of all the characters and how you described everything going on around them, I felt so bad for Sharon and I HATED Wanda ughhhh and don’t get me started on Curtis! I would not consider Wanda a great friend at all, I feel as tho Sharon was a much better friend to reader. I love that reader was so feisty and stood her ground once she really realized he was using her and wasn’t going to break up with his gf. Also can I say how excited I got that every chapter was over 10k words I would get so giddy, grab me a snack, and settle innnnn. My degradation and toxic dirty talk kinks were ferallllll 🥵😮‍💨🥴🤤🤤 thank you so much for everything you do!!!! It was such a fun and amazing read and I’m so excited to read more 🤗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 also I didn’t mind there wasn’t any smut in the most recent chapter bc I KNOWWWW once it comes it’s gonna be so good and I still enjoyed reading it 💞
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omg hello bestie !!! first of all, welcome to my blog, i'm so happy you read my fic and enjoyed it !!! also excuse my lack of emojis, i'm on my laptop.
AHH SO YES, reader was a lot feistier this chapter! i know she's just a little baby on the inside but she had to mature fast bc these men were NOT cutting her any slack !! showing up outside her dorm building, pulling her into supply closets, jumping in through her window!! bahahahah
also YAY i'm so glad you didn't mind the no smut! i really thought people might get bored and click off the fic once they realised there was no smut but the general feedback has been that nobody minded! which i'm so happy that i've gotten to that point in my blog where i don't have to write smut to get engagement!!! feels like i worked two long years for this lmaoo
ANYWAYS bestie thank you so much for reading and for following me!! and for sending me this feedback! it means the world!
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evansbby · 9 months ago
okay so my top five fics in terms of which have the most notes are:
1) sinful devotion aka my one and only Lloyd fic with 8000+ notes 😭😭😭
2) daddy’s little princess aka the stepdaddy Ari fic with 7000+ notes
3) poyt 1 with 6600+ notes (I think… or approx that much)
4) the captain’s reward with 6400+ notes (and this one’s growing really fast, I get notes on it like every day till this day 😭)
5) go ahead and cry little girl aka the mafia steve forced marriage fic with 5000+ notes (this one is crazy bc it was one of the first fics I ever wrote and it barely got any notes in the first few months when I first posted it)
what’s your fav out of all these? :)
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evansbby · 2 years ago
Do you have an idea of How long is a 30k fic to ready ? Bc I never read one I think the most was like 20k or then more if your longest fic is more , and even I don’t really pay attention to anything when I read 😅
Well I don’t know, it depends on how long it takes you! Different people read at different paces! Like for me, I always take several breaks between reading and go look at other stuff and watch videos bc I can never concentrate, so it would take me REALLY long to read 30k words! But some people read super fast! So I have no idea!
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evansbby · 2 years ago
cute poyt content💗💗💗 I can imagine omega watching a tv show, something girly like gossip girl, looking all cute and snuggly. steve joins her for a cuddle (they’ve already fucked like 4 times that day so he’ll let her rest for now). obvs he makes fun of her for watching something so babyish, which makes her become all defensive and less cuddly. steve feels a lil bit bad, and sad bc he was secretly enjoying the snuggles and spending time with his gal. so he gets her to put the tv back on and they snuggle more, and steve actually really gets into the program, asking omega questions about the characters and plot. she’s really enjoying spending time with him where he’s not just trying to fuck her. the next day he comes home and she’s already watching the show without him, and he gets really pissed off and upset. she’s all like “i’m sorry steve, i wasn’t sure if you’d want to watch it anymore bc you said it was for baby’s 🥺.” then he realises he’s not being alpha macho male enough and is like “i don’t care about ur dumb tv show what are u talking about” then he fucks her like the alpha king he is 🥰
Bestie you just ✨ get ✨ poyt!Steve, don’t you? This is so him! He’d walk in an smug and snort at omega watching some girly programme like gossip girl but of course he’d get invested in it! And he likes cuddling up with omega while they binge watch the show for hours! And Steve would have all sorts of opinions, like how “Serena is a whore” and “Chuck dresses weird” and “Dan is annoying” etc 😭😭 and omega would point out how much Carter Baizen looks like Bucky but Steve would be like “I don’t see it.” 😭😭💀
AND HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD GET MAD THAT SHE WATCHED IT WITHOUT HIM THE NEXT DAY! He’d fuck her hard as a punishment and pretend not to care but then he’d catch up by himself on his phone late at night 😭
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evansbby · 2 years ago
you mentioned before that even when stomega weren’t talking in poyt 4 they still slept together which is so 😭😭🤧🫶❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 like i can imagine the first night omega is feeling especially dissociative and she’s been in bed the whole day with her 2 blankets and stuffies and steve comes back into the room after locking all the doors and window bc he’s ✨man of the house✨ and he’s like “omega? go change into your pjs” (ie no panties and just his shirt) like just trying to pretend it’s every other night but she’s completely unresponsive 😭😭 and steve’s ego is like 😡🤬 but then his heart is like 😩💔 because she’s curled up in a tiny ball in the corner of his massive bed with her back to him so he’s like analysis paralysis and doesn’t know what to do🧍🏼but it’s late and he has practice in the morning (which he is definitely going to skip even though coach is going to give him shit) so he climbs into bed drags her right into his arms and holds her and they lay together awake but not speaking bc they’re both heartbroken 😣🫠💔💔
Oh words can’t explain how much I love asks like this 🥹🥹🥹 When you focus on the things I write and then expand on them 🥺🥺
So yes, let’s go back to that first night the day after the bathtub scene. Omega is completely dissociative and depressed, she doesn’t speak or even look at Steve. But she’s not even angry and she’s not even crying or showing any emotion, which makes Steve mad and upset and confused and angry and heartbroken 😭😭 and you’re SO right, he’d pretend everything is normal at first (even tho he knows deep down it’s not and he’s pushed her too far).
So he’d tell her to put her PJs on (yes, his shirt and no panties lmfao… easy access for him. Usually he wants her naked but even he isn’t stupid enough to tell her to get naked when she’s in such a sad state). And she’d just stare listlessly into space, numb to everything around her. And yes, Steve would feel hurt and angry and heartbroken bc he knows it’s his fault. So then he’d change her and she’d show no emotion and wouldn’t acknowledge him at all. He’d wash hair and change her and then put her to bed and he’d huff and pretend he doesn’t care and go on his phone.
But at night, he’d hold her so tight. Both would think the other is asleep but they’d both be kinda half awake in the darkness in the middle of the night, emotionally dependant on each other but so much left unsaid 😢😢😢
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evansbby · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m new to your blog and I’ve recently started reading Preying on you tonight after I finished wicked games. I just can’t seem to stop myself! Your writing is just too good!! I’m such an Ari girl but the fic was calling to me after I saw so many asks you’d responded to. So I decided to indulge myself in a bit of Steve. I have just finished chapter 3 and I can’t believe Steve cheated on Omega! How could he?? What was the point of that?? I know you warned us he was mean in the story but I didn’t expect him to be downright CRUEL! Poor omega. I really hope he makes it up to her somehow…. Sorry for the long ask but I just wanted to say I love your writing and can’t wait to read more but I kind of went off on a rant. Oops…..
Hey bestie! This is so cute thank you so much for taking the time out to send me this!!! I love love love how poyt still has new readers, and I’m so happy you’re enjoying the fic! Never apologise for sending long asks! I love them so much 🥹🫶🏼
ALSOO you saying “what was the point of that??” In reference to Steve being a stupid cheater is SENDINGG ME 😭😭😂😂😂 bc fr what even was the point of that??? And the thing is, originally I was gonna make him GO ALL THE WAY like he was gonna sleep with the other omega but that would’ve been downright irredeemable so I didn’t do that! And thank god!!! I hateee how he cheated on her — I reread my own stories all the time so I can experience them from a reader’s POV and it KILLS me that I made him cheat on her!!! But oh well!
I’m curious to know what you think about chapter 4 and 5! Chapter 4 is I think the most popular chapter and I reread it myself recently and it’s crazy… a lot of stuff happens in that chapter!! And I think it’s most people’s fav so I’m curious to know what you think of that! 😂💖
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evansbby · 2 months ago
I have a question about part 4 of the POYT series. (Which I just love btw! 🥰)
Steve and omega are kissing on his bed and he says “You need me don’t you? Tell me you need me.”
What I can’t figure out no matter how many times I read it, is Steve trying to reassert his dominance over omega or is it a moment of insecurity for him and he’s secretly trying to reassure himself that she needs him just as much as he needs her? I know he confesses later on that he needs her like he needs air, but I’m still unsure if he’s already had his epiphany. I’m sorry I hope my question makes sense. I tried to word it the best way I could.
Hey! Your question makes perfect sense, thanks for asking 🩷
And it’s a moment of insecurity for him. A lot of poyt!Steve’s confidence and bravado comes from the fact that she needs him. So then when she stops speaking to him for so many days in poyt 4, it kinda throws all that on top of its head. So now he’s insecure and unsure of where he stands with her because she’s not speaking to him. So when that kiss happens, he wants to hear her say she needs him. Because he wants it to go back to how it was before.
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evansbby · 2 years ago
i am keep thinking about what steve was going to say to omega before he left for the game in POYT 4...
atfirst i was like surely hes going to say: "Come with me to the game omega..." coz hes probably like fuck her jersery SHES my lucky charm.
or maybe he'd bring up the previous night and say "I meant it omega, lets meet at a restraunt after a game. Let's go on a date." He finally takes the first step he dreamt about from the start.
but then now...
i kinda think he wanted to say "Will you be here when I come back? Stay right here, omega. Please."
And in his head are all these plans to propose to her when he back just ANYTHING to convince her to stay.
CAUSE SURELY thats the thing hes most afraid of in the world. And her presence is the least guranteed in this moment more than ever. He's finally apologised, bowed his head and admitted his dependency on her. She holds all the power now and he cant pretend.
He knows she'll always be his omega and he'll always be her alpha even though she never bit him (or doesnt want him) but that never stopp any omega/alpha from leaving.
Oh bestie I LOVE how deeply you’ve thought about this!
But if you’re talking about when Steve leaves right before the game, and omega asks him what’s wrong and he says nothing… I genuinely didn’t have anything in mind for that 😭😭 like… he only says nothing bc Sam calls for him to go so he doesn’t have time to explain about the lucky jersey being missing. He also realises it’s kind of babyish and ridiculous to have a lucky jersey so he just doesn’t say anything to her. He also feels kind of awkward because of his apology the night before, and he’s stressed bc of the game and Bucky being missing.
Steve did not EVER think she’d leave him. Nor did he know he was going to propose right after the game. It was all very spur of the moment.
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evansbby · 2 years ago
be honest how powerful do you feel knowing you and poyt has all of us in a chokehold rn😂
To be completely honest, it feels kind of unreal. Like I can’t believe something I’ve written is so popular amongst a whole bunch of people! Like??? I’ve never received this much feedback and interaction for something that I’ve written and it’s INSANE. Like it’s surreal af! I never thought this would happen to me bahahaha, like I never thought I’d post a story that would get this popular. Like just the fact that poyt 4 has 130+ comments alone! Like… just comments! And that doesn’t even include all the reblog comments which are so long and detailed OR all the asks?!? IT IS INSANE! And kind of intimidating hehe. Like whenever I post a new chapter of poyt I’m practically hyperventilating with fear and nerves. Like I can hear my heart beating like crazy and I always make it into such a big deal bc I want to live up to the expectations. I NEVER thought this would happen to any of my stories, and I honestly love you guys for making poyt as big as it got 🥺🥺
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evansbby · 11 months ago
Hello, hope am not bothering you.
I've seen a video on tik tok that contained some.. questionable writing tropes. I've decided to ask what you think of them because one of them reminded me of your fics hehe.
1. Really nice guy who hates only you
2. Too many beds..???
3. Dating your enemy's sibling.
4. ..accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss..
Personally? I don't think that's exactly possible, like if you are a mafia boss you have to be smart you wouldn't just let idk, someone snatch you, but let's say the mafia boss would be idk drunk or anything, maybe even drugged? (Ew), then I think the kidnapping would be possible.
Once the person who did it finds out they kidnapped a mafia boss..? Oh well..
5. Academic rivals expect it's two teachers who compete to have the best class
Honestly my favourites gotta be 1, 4 and 5. What about yours? Have a nice day/night 🎀
You’re never bothering me, especially not with fun questions like this! Okay lemme go through this list one by one and give you my thoughts.
1. Really nice guy who hates only you. I like this one and I’d totally write it! Mainly bc it’s so obvious that the guy likes the reader and he’s trying to deny his feelings by hating on her😂 I love writing emotionally stunted males bc honestly the male species is so weird and interesting to write about. I could totally imagine writing this trope from the guy’s point of view, and he’s getting angry at himself bc he’s supposed to hate reader but he keeps daydreaming about her, or he freaks out when she accidentally brushes against him and can’t stop thinking about it… But then outwardly he’s like “hmph. fuck you” lmaooo. this is kinda like the poyt prequel which I wrote in Steve’s pov haha.
2. Too many beds. Idk about this one. I feel like I’m not creative enough to write a story based on this trope and actually make it interesting and sexy. All I can imagine is reader and Steve just hopping around on multiple beds playing “the floor is lava” 😭😭 which is like… not sexy. OH NO WAIT, as I was typing that, I got an idea. What if you and a few other friends are on a road trip, and you stay at one of their houses for the night. There’s more than enough beds, but not much heating. You get cold very easily, and Ari (oldest and sexiest in the friend group ofc) notices you shivering and offers to get in bed with you to keep you warm. “Cmon honey, I’m warm like a furnace and I don’t bite. It’s not a big deal, we’re just friends, right?” 😭😭😭
3. Dating your enemy’s sibling. I’m already writing one like this 😭😭 it’s rough, rugged and mean boxer!Ari who humiliates and beats down his arch nemesis opponent in the ring before setting his eyes on you, his opponent’s little sister, looking all cute and worried and completely out of place in the front row wearing a cute little sundress. Ari knows he’d eat an innocent little girl like you alive, and he also knows he’d have to chase you to get you, bc you’re his enemy’s sister and you hate him for beating up your brother so badly. But Ari loves a challenge 🥵🥵 (I’ve written like a few pages of this hehe I’ve been working on it for a while)
4. Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss. Okay so I would NEVER write this 😭 only bc what kind of pathetic, beta male, lame, loser mafia boss allows himself to get kidnapped? That’s if Andy Barber was a mafia boss! As yall know, I need my fanfic men to be as manly and as badass as possible, which means I would never write a mafia boss getting kidnapped 😭 it would make him look weak and then I wouldn’t find it sexy anymore 😢 Although you suggested the mafia boss could be drunk… that could have potential but honestly… to me it’s an ick when a man is so drunk he can’t keep his wits about him bc BRO?!? You’re literally meant to be in control 😭 how can you control me if you can’t control yourself???? Anyways… I wouldn’t write this one sadly. I’m not creative enough to make it work I think.
5. Academic rivals except it’s two teachers. This could be cute to read maybe but I wouldn’t write it bc teacher stories give me such an ick idk why. Like anything with a teacher in it, and I’m immediately bored but that’s just me! Although tbh the rival classes and trying to one up each other sounds cute, and the whole time their students would ship the two teachers together lol.
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evansbby · 2 years ago
I have a question. I went back to read the previous parts of POYT and got to the end of part 2 where after Steve beat the living daylights out Peter and then he practically went feral and forced himself on Omega and practically hate f*cked her, making all kinds of horrible threats to her. I know he's already done so many terrible things to her, but I have to ask this. Would Steve really hit Omega like he said? I mean, really hit her? For some reason, that just puts me off for POYT! Steve than anything.
Did he say he’d hit her? I don’t think he said that!
He wouldn’t hit her. Apart from like… spank her and slap her around during rough sex but she low-key likes that lol
But he wouldn’t actually hit her, he says that in poyt 4 when she thinks he is gonna hit her and he says he would never do that
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evansbby · 2 years ago
not an ask about your fics but i just wanted to say thank you for writing so many good stories, for taking from your time that you could use doing anything else to respond to our asks and to write so many amazing stories. ive been on tumblr for more than 4 years, i changed a lot of fandoms but i have to say that your fics just have something else and are out of this world, youre more than an amazing writer and definitely one of the best ive ever seen. personally i dont vibe with a/b/o fics, theyre not my cup of tea and i always skip these kind of fics, no matter how interesting the description is, but i re-read your poyt series almost every week because of how well writed it is, every single story/drabble from you is out of this world🫣🫣
also can i be 🌺 anon if its not taken? <3
This is so sweet bestie I am so touched you honestly have no idea 🥹🥹🥹🥹 THANK you for these wonderful kind beautiful words, they motivate me more than you know! I’m so lucky to have readers like you, like I appreciate you so much and this is so lovely and uplifting, thank you thank you thank you! 🥰🥰🥰
ps I believe 🌺 anon is taken!! I’ll call you 👗anon until or if you choose a diff one!!!
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evansbby · 1 year ago
Let’s be soo fr we all know it’s C!!🤨 Why even ask? You like Ari so that automatically makes you even hotter..
you are too kind 🥹🥹🥹
the thing is, it could be C bc the pics on my bumble profile are really good but bestie they’re all from last summer 😭😭😭 it’s bc i looked my best last summer. like when i was wacking out 2838282 fics and drabbles on here, writing poyt 4 and all that—I remember that’s the best i ever looked like i was out here being a fashion girly and my skin hair body was all on point 😭😭 then seasonal depression hit and it never went away lmfaooo RIP. so i don’t even look like that anymore sjjdsjjsjsjs well i guess i do but the confidence is gone maybe that’s why i’m so insecure 🫠🫠
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evansbby · 2 years ago
How did you get the idea for POYT did you read something and get inspirations from it?
I love the story and how you portray everyone ,you really paint a great visual of everything with your writing
It’s literally one of my comfort reads as weird as that sounds I just l love it to much and I’m curious on how it came about
I’m so sorry for the long ask
I actually don’t remember too clearly! It was about a year ago, and I definitely remember that I wanted to explore a male character who was super toxic. I was also super into a/b/o at the time and read like allll the Steve Rogers a/b/o fics that were around at the time, which is how I got a lot of my a/b/o knowledge. And I do believe I wanted to write a college au too!! Just bc it would feel a bit more relatable to write something that I know a bit about since I was in college at the time I wrote poyt.
But the actual rough concept of poyt 1 came from, I believe, two different asks I got! If you go back to poyt 1, you can see that I’ve linked the ask and the discussion that led to the fic! I tweaked and changed a few things but yeah! I remember a lot of Steve’s dialogue in part 1 was inspired by actual real life things fuckboys have said to me and my friends.
And then, as the fic developed and we went into part 2 and 3, and Steve’s character was expanded and made more dimensional and multi-faceted, I remember taking inspiration from Nate from Euphoria since he was the most intriguing character on TV for me at the time. Like when Steve dresses omega up in his choice of clothes, it was inspired by how Nate did that for Cassie (although I hated Nate x Cassie as a couple lmao).
AND THEN part 4!Steve was very inspired by Bart Foxworth from this book called Seeds of Yesterday. Actually, a lot of my writing is unknowingly inspired by VC Andrews’ writing as I grew up reading and rereading her books, and her male characters were some of the most infuriatingly toxic men ever written! And tbh it’s fun writing men like that, seeing how far you can take it and IF they can ever have a redemption (redemption as far as dark fics go that is).
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evansbby · 2 years ago
Wait until have a plan start reading poyt from the very beginning at around 10 half 10 try finishing it bye half 11 and just read the asks omg Im so excited you are literally so talented ❤️❤️
Omfg girl will you be able to read parts 1-4 so quickly?? Also I hope you don’t over-read and then not wanna read poyt 5!! Heheheh thank you sm 💖💖
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evansbby · 2 years ago
2. Ch.2 or Ch.4
3. ari😏
4. #stomega
5. bold of you to assume i haven’t read your entire masterlist 😤( well i thought i did but turns out i missed you’re a doll you’re flawless so i’m excited to read that)
6. you mentioned yellow roses in the poyt prequel and steve got omega yellow roses in poyt 4
7. when steve cheated on omega and when she broke down in the bath tub after being locked in the rain AND WHEN SHE TRIED TO GIVE THOSE FUCKERS BROWNIES AND HE HIT THEM OUT OF HER HAND
In reference to these questions:
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OMGGG BESTIEEE I just got all your asks and you answered all of them 🥺🥺🥺 currently smiling so hard as I read through this!
AHHHH him slapping the brownies out of her hand was PEAK ASSHOLE BEHAVIOUR. 😭😭😭😭😭 but I knew whilst writing it that it would make people cry 😈😈😈 sometimes, that’s my aim bc I like crying while reading fics, shows I am invested in them hehe
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