#power book II: ghost
illuzion-z · 12 days
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METHOD MAN Power Book II: Ghost S04E01
70 notes · View notes
blackmensuited · 1 month
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50 notes · View notes
latinassgirly · 21 days
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23 notes · View notes
miss-lauryn-hill · 16 days
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19 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 10 months
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A/N: I can’t believe I’m actually doing a part two since I never do those because they don’t ever preform as well as the first but after that (terrible) finale I couldn’t resist. Thanks for the support on the first one, hopefully this will bring some sense of more life for Angel. if this is my last piece for him then why not also go out with a little something? He’s the last man standing apparently so here’s a send off on my part.
WARNINGS: language, hints of coping mechanisms? Or Mental illness Therapy is mentioned, I’ve also been binge-watching 9-1-1 from the beginning, I’m currently on season 4 I think! which is why Eddie’s character is mentioned but he doesn’t make a appearance so please skip over this if you’re feeling some type of way about that and are looking for a eddie based fic. I will be writing something for him soon btw. There’s also a little surprise towards the end for certain lovers who might read this.
*GIF and photos DO NOT BELONG TO ME!
Read part one here. + using this prompt and number 21. Timing
*ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *
Solay’s half asleep, the soft horns sounding from the NBA game Cane’s got his hands on was actually comforting and it often reminded her of nights when her and her sister would fall asleep on the couch together while their father watched the game. It was late, once watching the clock going from midnight to 2 am, she was once wired, greasing cane’s hair and brushing his waves before securing the doo-rag around his head.
It was a typical night, their version of normal until harsh knocks sounded at the door, breaking Solay out of her slumber. Her eyes felt heavy but she was alert and so was Cane as he paused the game, picking up on the knocks that appeared at the door some more. He tossed the controller onto the coffee table, moving slowly as he reaches underneath the cushion of the couch Solay was lounging on.
His low-lidded eyes briefly met her’s as he brings a single finger up to his lips after taking the safety off. Cane’s on his feet now while Solay shortly follows after, reaching over to turn off the side lamp and ready to head to the back of the home to check on her son, Xavier.
Cane wasn’t sure who it could be, he knew it couldn’t be any of his people considering the situation back home but he figured it could be Tariq’s bitch ass, you just never know with him. He’s against the door now, peeking around but all he could see was a shadow of someone.
Yanking the door back to fly against the wall, he’s quick with his grip as he aims the gun right at Angel Reyes who hold’s out a arm while he cradles his son.
“Fuck you want?” Cane asks.
Angel looks down but it’s not like Cane cares, although it seems he lowers the gun just a bit, for the baby’s sake.
“I need to talk to soso.”
“Nig—, you know what time it is? Knocking on the damn door like you the feds or some shit? What makes you think it’s okay to show up here unannounced at this time of the night?” Cane’s tone is clipped.
Angel shifts Maverick in his arms as he says, “that’s a conversation I need to have with Solay, not you.”
“Last time I checked, she ain’t with your ass no more and I’m the man of this house so you want to run that by me again?”
A house Angel was damn sure Cane didn’t put a penny down to help with the mortgage.
The darkness underneath Angel’s eyes was deafening but the twitch of his brows was evident that he had no intentions of backing down. He still felt a way about Cane showing up to his house and Angel thought he could do the same. If this was his house but Angel couldn’t see himself in the big apple.
It was only right in his eyes.
Before he can send a rebuttal at the shorter brown skinned man, Solay appears from behind Cane, who lets out a sigh before sucking his teeth.
“Enrique Iglesias is here,” Cane informs Solay who pulls her robe tighter around her body.
She hasn’t seen Angel since the funeral for Felipe. Understandably so, he needed time to grieve but she figured he was doing it alone due to the decline of Ezekiel’s relationship with the man and that couldn’t be healthy. And it wasn’t like Solay saw Angel much before that either, he showed up to the second therapy session but it was clear that his mind was somewhere else. Which wasn’t unusual when it came to his precious club but Solay didn’t pry since it seemed like Angel was always on the go or lost in his thoughts. It’s not like she didn’t care but he was the one who encouraged her there to these sessions but her gut also told her that it would always be only a matter of time.
Until he moved on to something else.
Timing was never something Angel managed well. If shit came at him, he was usually thrown for a loop depending on what it was and never had guidelines for plans or anything like that. He was more take things as they were tossed at him type of person but ever since EZ got into that president’s chair and Angel got the chance to raise Maverick, he was also changing.
“Angel…” solay started as she took in his appearance, she could tell that something was wrong, “what’s going on?”
Angel swallowed the lump in his throat and if Cane wasn’t in the room right now, he probably would have collapsed into Solay’s arms. She could see that, she could sense that. It was in his eyes, that he was hurting and sure way back when that might have gave Solay the tiniest bit of satisfaction but that’s not where they were now.
She was annoyed he stopped showing up to the sessions but brushed it off after awhile, saying that she “knew it,” up until Felipe was gunned down in Angel’s childhood home. There was always something going on with Angel and although they were trying to work on their relationship, Solay knew she couldn’t be selfish.
She didn’t have the heart to be.
Solay waved Angel in, despite the incredulous look Cane shot her way. She’s locking the door behind him and rests her hand on Angel’s lower back, which surprisingly makes him flinch as she does.
A brow raises at that but Solay says, “come into the living room.”
“Yeah okay…where’s Xavy?”
“Sleeping like yo ass should be.” Cane mutters, while Solay sends him a sharp look.
He places the lock back on the gun and puts it into the waist band of his basketball shorts, clasping his hands in front of him as he eyes Solay being so gentle with a dude that didn’t deserve it. Cane was heavy on that, “fuck the fact that he’s your baby’s father, after everything he put you through? Why are you still concerned when you knew he was gonna pull that shit? He doesn’t care about you like I do and I’m not even sure he gives that much of a fuck about Xavier.”
This was said after Angel stopped showing up to the sessions and Solay didn’t want to hear it. It didn’t feel like cane’s place—although she vented to him and he did the shit-talking to mainly make her feel better—and it also wasn’t angel’s place to feel a way about her seeing someone else.
Solay inhales as she sits on the coffee table, crossing one leg over the other as she takes in her ex-husband. He’s barely blinking as he stares off in space and Solay isn’t sure what to do about this.
“Talk to me,” she says bringing Angel’s dark eyes to meet her doe ones, “what happened?”
Angel places his lips against a sleeping Maverick’s temple that he cradles and then blows out a breath, “where do I start? Luisa’s gone, just buried my pops, now EZ’s dead—which I—I played a part in, I’m out the club and now I need you and Xavier to come with me to Arizona.”
Cane is laughing it up now while Solay is almost at a lost for words. She wasn’t surprised about Luisa but it would probably explain why Angel was checked out and why he moved in with Felipe. They haven’t really talked like they used to be able to do so hearing all of this—about what was going on in Angel’s world was a lot to process.
It always was.
“What do you mean…EZ’s dead?” Solay croaked out, shifting as she held out a hand to silence the man behind them.
Angel rubs at his exhausted face now, “The club found out…now it’s over. I buried him myself out on the road and I wish I never encouraged him to be in this shit you know? Maybe he’d still be here being a smart ass. My brother’s gone and I don’t got nothing left. This dried blood on my hands…it’s not worth it no more. Which is why I need you and Xavy to come with me before the feds come because I know they will. It’s only a matter of time.”
Solay searched Angel’s eyes and they held sincerity. It was all finally coming full circle now, what she’s been telling him for years…that the club’s brotherhood wouldn’t end well. Not when there was so much dirt, blood, lack of values, and deceit behind it. She had no issue speaking her peace on the club way back when (she also felt a way when she learned that EZ was getting involved fresh out of being locked up but angel didn’t want to hear that shit either) and sure she got along with some of the men there but it’s not like she was ever clueless to what it was. Solay was tired of constantly looking over her shoulder when it came to Angel’s club and that feeling never went away, even when she gave birth to their son and even when they were officially divorced. Everything was crumbling down around Angel and he was trying to get out for good.
“You want me to just pick everything up and follow you to Arizona?”
Angel dips his head, “yeah, it’ll be different this time. And I’m not saying let’s go off and get remarried or nothing like that but we could be something real. A family again.”
“Yeah a real fucked up one,” Cane comments, making Angel realize that he was in fact still in the room with them, “so let’s get this straight? Your daddy’s gone, that bitch you cheated with up and left your ass—which probably means she’s six feet under too—yeah I know exactly what she’s really into and it’s clear you’re too dumb to figure that out still, and now for a club to kill one of their own…it’s evident that your brother was some sort of snitch who got what was comin’ to him. But the ultimate disrespect is you coming back up in here with your tail in between your legs, thinking you can just take back what you lost long ago.”
“Listen man, you watch your damn mouth when it comes to my blood.” Angel points a warning finger at the man who chuckles; not the least bit threatened, “this is much bigger than your fucken ego. I’m looking out for Solay and our son, this don’t got shit to do with you. Never has. You can leave and go back to your own crooked shit in New York and leave Solay and my son out of it.”
Now isn’t that the coffee calling the kettle black?
Cane furrowed his brows, “Now you wanna win the father of the year award? You ain’t never been shit as far as I can tell and you’re never gonna be shit. Solay’s not going nowhere with you, she’s good on that.”
Solay got to her feet now as Angel glared at Cane who was all smirks, knowing he could get underneath the vulnerable older man’s skin so easily, “I’m going to need the both of you stop speaking for me.”
Both men kept their heated stares on each other but Cane couldn’t take Angel seriously with a child in his arms. The silence was weighing down the living room as Solay began to pace the floor. She didn’t know all of the details and didn’t think she would with Cane in the room. There was truth in his words when it came to the club—this Solay knew, although she was always on the outside when it came to anything revolving around the Mayans.
“Cane…I need a minute.”
“Aight, let’s go.” Cane was ready to lead the way back to the bedroom with a nod of his head in the direction of the room but a shake of Solay’s head had him confused.
Solay met Cane’s hooded eyes, “with Angel, alone.”
“I know you’re not considering leaving with this clown, So.”
Angel shrugged his shoulders, “It shouldn’t matter to you no way, the only reason you still stuck around is to get some product right? Now that that’s gone—you don’t need me or Solay. So maybe you should start saying your goodbyes now.”
Which provoked cane to whip out the gun again, until Solay reached for his wrist, making cane glance at her, ready to shove her hand off but he moved his stare back to Angel who had a sly smirk on the corner of his own lips.
“You act like you’re the only one I can do business with.” Cane tightened his stare, “Heroin ain’t really my lane but I thought why not since I’m here? You fucked that up like you constantly do and there you go again assuming shit about my relationship with Solay and you don’t know the first thing about it.”
Angel lifted his shoulders, “I know you ain’t no better than me and you don’t really care about Solay as much as you claim you do. It’s all a game but the difference is I’m always gonna be around, you on the other hand are disposable and I’mma always have my son’s best interest at heart. Solay’s the bonus.”
Cane rolled his eyes, “Let me find you a gold sticker for your forehead—
“ENOUGH!” Solay screams at the both of them, carefully peaking over at the sleeping baby afterwards,“this back and forth is getting on my nerves. Let me think in peace for a little bit, just go Cane.”
She orders.
Cane kisses his teeth and walked off, knowing that it was best before he might actually let some bullets fly.
Solay massaged the space in between her thin brows as her mind began spinning. She thought about all the bad the club brought to her front door and she was just leveling up without it.
So it seemed.
Now here Angel, a man she used to be in love with, a troubled man she wanted to spend forever with once upon a time, the man she shared a child with, was here telling her he was out. Out of the club, something she wanted for years for him because she knew that club wasn’t his purpose. He didn’t see it then but he saw it now. Solay’s faced a lot when it came to the club, with Angel’s disappearing for days at a time making her believe one of those days he wouldn’t come home to her, quality time being cancelled so he could be more dedicated to that club instead, cleaning up his wounds due to all sorts of danger he was involved in, he fucked those bartending bitches behind her back while some of those men smiled in her face knowing his dirt, to having a false sense of protection that led to being tied up, beat on so bad and left alone in a burning building years ago—which she just finished paying off a hospital bill for.
All of those instances let Solay know that The Mayans weren’t some saints by any means but Solay knew Angel loved that brotherhood once upon a time. He was slowly changing and morphing into something else—maybe something better—over these last couple of years but Solay figured that’s what happens when on-going lost comes your way. Gives you a bit of a wake up call and proud wasnt the word she would ever use (everyone that he lost still mattered to her as well) but it was about damn time.
It’s just unfournate how it all played out and there was so much to weigh out here. Solay knew she and Xavier would probably be harassed despite Angel being officially out of the Mayans. The war doesn’t just end and given what state Angel was in—numb yet determined, sitting in her living room clenching onto Maverick, Solay knew this war would just brew many more.
She would be affiliated no matter what and so would their son and so would Mavy—if not more thanks to who his mother is or was. This would always be Angel’s doing and she wasn’t blaming him, that wouldn’t get her anywhere she realized but it was a fact. She was with Angel right when the club was just an idea, a one night stand which later turned serious not long after he got patched in, back when he and Coco just moved into the Azure apartment complexes. The Mayans ripped through Angel, that much she could tell and many in her position would jump at the chance to shout at him, “I told your ass!”
Except Solay closed her eyes and took a deep inhale, rolling the tension out of her shoulders before she met Angel’s stare.
“Tell me all of it but take it easy when it comes to…Ezekiel.” She tells Angel, feeling a twing in her own chest at the thought of the brother she couldn’t save.
Angel held his ex-wife’s stare and inhaled a shaky breath, “…alright.”
Life in the desert was not something Solay thought she would ever be part of. She immediately thought of dry skin 24/7 when she had combo skin. Yes there were deserts back home but at least there was a downtown area that wasn’t far from her home. This transition was certainly just that. She’s in the kitchen in a daze, the southwest home is quiet in her mind as she’s drying the last dish. Her eyes are set on the two square windows by the dining table off to the side of the strangely shaped kitchen, back pressed into the kitchen sink.
It’s a early Monday afternoon, September just hit the calendar and she’s lost track of time. A hand catches her off guard as they tug on the belt hoops of her Jean skirt, making her gaze turn down to her seven year old who’s peering up at her with her mirrored doe-shaped eyes and his father’s nose.
“We’re back from the pool, mommy!” Xavier signs as Solay smiles sweetly at him, hand going around his shoulders to squeeze him to her hips.
She didn’t even pick up on him entering the sliding doors by the dining room, her mind elsewhere.
Labor Day came around much quicker than expected and they had their little celebration that Sunday but Xavier seemed to love the water and couldn’t get enough. Which means Angel was on duty for taking him and Maverick to the pool out back while Solay did a few minor things for work online and cleaned up the lunch angel ordered.
Solay signs, “Did you have fun?”
“Always!” Xavier laughs with a nod of his head.
“Good, let’s get you cleaned up.”
The boy groans as Solay gives him a stern look while he spins on his damp heels before stomping out the kitchen and headed towards his room.
Solay lightly laughs with a shake of her head.
“Xavy pouting about clean up time again?”
“Yeah the usual,” solay shrugs as the man makes his way over to her while she reaches to brush a wet strand of a two year old Maverick’s hair back, “everything go alright out there?”
Angel bends to put Maverick on his feet, the little man taking off on his chubby feet to find his big brother, “yeah, why wouldn’t it be? It’s hot as shit out there though. Isn’t autumn supposed to be here by now?”
“We just touched September,” Solay states kind of ignoring the question he asked back, “and you’re the one who picked Arizona, not me.”
Angel lifts his chin, “you could have talked me out of it though.”
“You don’t listen to nobody but your own big ass head.”
Angel shrugged as he leaned his elbows back on the dark wooded island that was rolled and locked in place on a angle in the kitchen, “seriously though, I’ve seen you in here looking like you’re off in space and shit. You sure you’re alright?”
Ever since Solay made the decision to be here with Angel, Maverick, and Xavier, Angel always made it his task to question how she was holding up. Like it was devastating or like she had regrets being here but that’s not truly how she felt. She wasn’t sure how she felt, Solay couldn’t really explain it. She just knows she feels something unsettling often. After Angel told her the truth back in her old stucco home in Santo Padre, she knew getting the hell out of dodge was also the best option.
They weren’t together but they found a new therapist and communicated much better. Angel worked two jobs, first considering a semi-truck driving job but declined once he knew how much hours he would have to put in and how long he would be away from his family. He was persistent on turning over a new leaf. Of course he still had scraps of his own money and Luisa’s blood money but he promised Solay that he wouldn’t use that money when it came to renting their home. He could do whatever he wanted with it but not when it came to their new home or Xavier. So he worked as a custodian at a middle school full-time and a delivery driver on Friday and most Saturday nights.
Solay signed over the building to her second in command at her shop to continue running her business in Santo Padre and if she wished to turn it into her own, she could. Solay was expecting and waiting for the day that would happen. Her main focus was running her e-commerce shop for her beauty line which continued to be successful and having her products distributed in over seven spas in the major cities of Arizona. She was still doing well and adapted to the new setting although her family was very vocal on this big leap.
Her dad still wasn’t vibing with Angel like that after all these years and knew from the jump that he continued to get his daughter into some mess. It really wasn’t like that but a father always knows and he had no problem booking flights with his ex wife, Solay’s mother to vacation in this hot ass desert right at their house. Her big sister on the other hand? She made it routine to talk to Solay and her nephew, Xavier almost every day.
In a way having Solay’s family around a few times out of the year kinda made him forget missing his own. Almost. Even when he was got in disagreements with Solay’s opinionated father. He could laugh about it once he dropped them off at the airport and brush off the touch of overbearingness because that’s just how Solay’s family was.
He was still down to go to the end of the earth with her as he eyed her in a new light now. Part of him expected Solay to just kick him out that night and keep him away from Xavier. Instead he gave her the littlest bit of time to decide, on his terms and even though everything seemed to be moving rapidly to him, he understood that Solay didn’t operate like that. Things could be drippy when this type of news was delivered and felt overwhelming. She had to sit with all the information Angel gave her, then analyze it all and take Xavier into account before moving forward.
Maybe this was just what they needed, a change of scenery, away from the Mayans and what that town brought into their lives. It wasn’t perfect by any means but life was much more slow-paced now. Initially this is what Solay wanted, a soft girl era but there was always this haunting feeling that shifted from her chest down to her gut.
“Do I?” She asked, snapping out of it.
Angel started tossing a plum up into the air, “don’t know if you notice but you just did it again. Felt like twelve hours later that you answered me.”
“I’m fine.”
“Do you mean it though?”
“You’d tell me if something is wrong right? If you don’t want to do this anymore—
“Shush. It’s not ideal but it works for now.”
Angel dipped his head at this. He was very much aware that Solay could run off into the night if she truly wanted to but she was also invested in beating the odds. She wanted a stable home for their son. It made sense to Angel and knew it didn’t to anybody else and sure it was rocky at first with Xavier having trouble adjusting to the new environment—which kicked mama bear Solay in play, who had no issue telling administrators to be more accommodating to those with special needs (there was a serious lack of specific hearing impaired schools in small towns like this and santo padre but at least back home there was one educator that was also an interpreter) —Angel had to hide the chairs let’s just say that and Angel also had no issue telling the kid that picked on Xavy that he’d “fuck him up,” which the kid repeated but his own parents didn’t believe that surprisingly.
Probably because the wife and her husband had their eyes on angel. Solay was completely convinced that they were swingers but Angel laughed it off until his ass got squeezed by one of them at a third meeting.
“Alright then…wanna talk about that date with the firefighter?”
Solay scowled, “it wasn’t a date.”
“You went to a cooking class together this time around and a escape room before that, which he had a advantage to considering his job by the way. I’d say it’s a date, why are you being so weird about it?” Angel’s tossing the fruit up in the air but frowning over at the woman.
Solay scratches at her scalp above her scarf in irritation before moving to leave the kitchen and entered the living room that’s right next to it, “i’m not being weird about it. I just don’t think I need to talk to you about it.”
“Why not? I’m not feelin’ no type of way about it if that’s what you’re thinking. are we not besties now?” Angel followed after Solay who flicked the reruns of a talk-show off.
Solay scoffed as she looked over at angel in disbelief, “we’re roomies at best.”
“Exactly, besties.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“I think it would help Edgar sleep better at night if you just admit yall are going on dates.” Angel teased as he leaned towards Solay who gave him the hand on her way by.
“That’s not even his name!”
Angel called out to her, “I know it starts with an E though. I gotta be close.”
“Eddie.” Solay told him, “Short for Edmundo and that’s all I’m gonna say about him to you.”
“Edmundo? Awl shit, you got a type!”
“Shut the hell—I’m gonna tend to the kids.”
“Yeah uh huh, you can get away from this conversation now but I’ll just ease drop some more when you’re gossiping about ‘im when you’re on the phone with big sis.” Angel commented as Solay rolled her eyes and made her exit.
If you asked solay she would say Angel’s the one being weird about this. It’s been two years since they left and Angel was keen on seeing solay get back out there and find her perfect match or whatever. He seemed to be more for it than Solay herself. She wasn’t really searching when Eddie came along in a bar (with a few others) she was having dinner solo in and she definitely brought it up to their therapist, who said it was Angel’s way of trying to make up for the unhappiness he brought her.
Still that was more weird than them living in a house together raising their sons in Solay’s eyes. A more normal reaction would be Angel grilling the casual dates Solay went on but now he was ready to hear how it was going and when he would meet them. Solay’s only been on two dates with Eddie and he was a complete gentleman, had a excellent job, a bit dorky and nervous? which gave Solay the indication that he did like her a little bit when he stumbled over his words asking her out for the first time but knew how to keep a conversation going, it was easy flowing. Almost too easy and Solay wasn’t used to easy.
At all.
She’s helping an annoyed Xavier with a Luke-temp bath, putting her thoughts on mute after hearing Angel tend to Maverick in Xavier’s room, coming up with all sorts of sound effects as if they were pilots (she thinks) since Maverick seemed to enjoy airplanes.
“Mom,” Xavier gets Solay’s attention again, sticking his finger into her nostril.
She flinched back making the boy laugh in her expense while she shook her head at him with a disapproving smile. He’s pointing behind her at the counter and Solay turns as she sits on the closed lid, reaching for her vibrating phone, which shows its her old employee calling her.
“Hey Idil, I know you’re not working on the holiday?” Solay greets after putting the call on speaker.
There’s loud shuffling on the line, which makes solay furrow her brows a bit as she turns back to the phone, “Idil?”
“Sup, so. You miss me?”
Solay pauses as she picks up on the familiar voice, “…Cane…what’re you doing?”
“Business. That’s all I’m good for right?”
Things didn’t end the best with Cane as to be expected when Solay told him what she planned on doing. Which included putting the house on the market, packing up half of her things, having some of it shipped out, leaving a small portion to sell with the house, discussing the way her business would be ran in Idil’s hands abruptly, and most importantly leaving Cane behind. She learned all about him showing up to Angel’s house with his little brother Dru, threatening him to stay away from Solay and to see how they can get in on Ez’s supply of heroin to move a percentage of the product in New York. Cane heard about the new president from word of mouth on the streets but he was the first to actually take the trip and do something about it.
Solay came into sight and he got a little distracted but when cane learned her background, he was close enough to get that connect but he also found fun in getting on Angel’s nerves. Which left Solay to question if any of it was real, she was tired of men taking for her weak when she opened up her heart to them which is why she was a little emotionally cut off—so she thought but she was always passionate or sensitive—depends who you ask.
“What do you want?”
Cane huffed, “how you know I ain’t just supporting a black owned business? What if I want to keep my skin looking like a Hershey’s kiss?”
“I don’t have time for this.”
“Yeah but you had enough time to fuck off with Antonio banderas and kick me to the curb though.”
“You sound pressed.”
“Nah, I handle shit.”
“And what do you mean by that?” Solay’s eyes were in slits now, “you know what? Don’t answer that. I don’t want anything else to do with your bullshit.”
“Why not? We had a good time together don’t you think?”
“I’d Rather not reminisce about the past.”
“See, I find that hard to believe. You in that clay box ass house with a nobody raising his kids, one of those kids that’s a product of him not being loyal to you. Not loving you. Like you ain’t shit to him, he treated you like you were temporary. Which is something I would have never done to you but you’re too blinded by him for whatever reason. Sounds like you ran right back to the past because you’re scared of something real.”
Solay cackles as Cane voices his thoughts to her, like he just read her. “Scared, maybe? Real? That’s unlikely with you. You didn’t step into what we had as a forever type of thing, it was all lies on your part too. All the red flags were right in front of my face and I don’t know how you don’t get that you’re no better, Cane. I know one things for sure, I wasn’t ever afraid to lose you, so stay the fuck off my line.”
With that she ended the call and only imagined he was probably screwing somebody in the shop now if he wasn’t running product through it. Idil couldn’t be that fooled or backstabbing right? She knew how cane operated and it’s been silent for two years now, not hearing from him and her accepting that most of it was probably not genuine was just Cane trying to get ahead.
Solay was over these men trying to get the best of her when she felt like didn’t deserve this. She was knocked off her path moving to Arizona but perhaps this was part of her healing. At least that’s one way she tried to look at it, putting boundaries up and vowing that she didn’t see being in a romantic relationship again with Angel Reyes. What she saw was: she needed to move on from all the hurt, find happiness behind the success and continue being a good mom to Xavier.
Solay was done with the drama.
“Soso, everything good?” Angel called from behind the door.
Solay had her eyes trained on Xavier, her hand resting on his coarse damp hair. She calls back out to Angel, “yup, all good. Hey, what do you think about taking the RV out for a ride a little later? Go sight seeing.”
“Fucken finally!” Angel cheered from behind the door while a small smile appeared on her lips, “I’m driving though.”
That’s right, Angel made the purchase of a RV for the hell of it last summer while Solay looked at it as a possible exit plan. Did Angel know that? No but she planned on telling him at some point. Did she need to jump ship just yet now that it’s been brought to her attention that cane was still keeping tabs on her? Maybe so but for now she just wanted to enjoy this holiday.
She’s on autopilot as she’s getting Xavier dressed into some lounge clothes that would be suitable for their outing later. After finishing twirling his coils, she sends him off to run to where Maverick and Angel are horsing around—easily joining in on their fun. Solay stands in the doorway, arms lightly folded as she watches them bond with each other, like a family should.
This time it felt like it was time to stop catering to everyone else’s needs always first yet that could be dangerous if you didn’t have balance but Solay was ready for something more. No one was going to get in the way of that, she vowed. She deserved to have genuine joy that didn’t end with her crying herself to sleep at night. That didn’t mean to find that in someone else because you’ll be dependent on that person always and that’s not something she wanted to do anymore, be dependent on anyone else for love, this she learned in therapy but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the company of a certain firefighter if she got out of her own way.
She should text Eddie back.
A lot can happen in two years and her attitude shifted being in the same space as Angel again. It wasn’t necessarily intentional in the beginning it’s just that it was always something with him. Now it didn’t feel like she was simply tolerating him anymore, no it wasn’t all sparkles and sunshine either in this present time but the bad moods stopped being constant. Solay’s mind was always on the move and being someplace else away from her main family, gave her the chance to really sit with her emotions and that brought up a lot some days.
She had to learn that her life wasn’t some play in a dream land or that she was out in the audience watching, like this was euphoria or anything along those lines.
This was actually her life and as she watched a tatted shirtless Angel settle into his newfound life with his boys, warm smiles and head thrown back while he silently laughed as he interacted with both boys in harmony, Solay let a smile of her own split onto her face.
It’s after 3PM when the family of four make their way out into the Arizonan heat that’s good at sending people to do a quick face plant. Solay’s checked the weather every hour before they deemed that now was a good time to go out, the temperature only went down four degrees which absolutely didn’t feel like much as she held Maverick’s little hand and Angel led the way while Xavier ran from his side and up ahead.
Forgetting something in the house, she tells Angel as he’s standing at the dining table inside the cool RV while the boys sit side by side.
“C’mon so!” Angel groaned, “We’re just going on a thirty minute drive and coming straight back, you tryin’ to take the whole house?”
Solay raises a finger in the air as she’s going down the steps, “better to be prepared than not to be if we get stranded.”
“Don’t put that kinda energy out there, cariño.”
“I’m just saying.”
“You’re starting to sound like your mother.”
“Run that by me again?”
“Nothing. Go head.” Angel fanned his ring covered hand at the arched brow Solay sent his way.
He then snickered down at the boys who watched their interaction as he spoke and signed, “Joking,” to Xavier and Maverick.
The heat blew across her skin as she peered down at her phone, house keys swinging on her finger until she stopped in her tracks, looking up and over at the two young figures standing before her.
“You must be Tariq and…”
“Oh, I’m Brayden!” The blond boy on his right beamed with a hand pressed to his chest in greeting, making the taller of the two cut his eyes at him.
Brayden shrugged innocently at the look Tariq sent him while Solay let out a sigh and placed her phone into the back pocket of her Jean skirt.
“You don’t seem surprised to see us.” Tariq noted while Solay held out her hands.
“Not really, when you get older it’s always something. So…what’s the plan here boys?” Solay moved her hand to press against her forehead, blocking out the scorching sunrays.
The two share a look with each other while Solay awaited for them to spit it out. They were here for a reason and Solay was open to hearing them out since they came all this way after all but it’s not like she wanted to be wrapped up in their bullshit either.
They just met and she really owed them nothing.
“Do you know a Don? Don Carter.” Tariq starts and he picks up on the expression on Solay’s face.
She doesn’t say anything but Tariq picked up the expression on her face much faster than Brayden could register it.
“He’s this detective who’s wife got killed years ago and he was never able to solve the case. We have proof that shows Cane pulled the trigger that killed her and we need your help to get him out the way or else our asses are done for.” Brayden added.
Solay answered, “Detective Don Carter is my cousin.”
“I knew it.” Tariq smiled as if this solved his problem, “if we hand him the truth and you lure Cane back here, we can either take him out or Don can do whatever he needs to: throw his ass in jail or take him out himself. Whoever gets to him first besides you.”
Brayden brushed off his shoulders before the teens gave each other dap, “Yeah, team work baby!”
Solay shushed them, making the smiles wipe right off their faces, “what makes you think I want to be involved with Cane again? I’ve moved on, whatever else he’s got going on doesn’t have a thing to do with me if you haven’t noticed.”
“That’s not true though,” Tariq frowned, “you know he’s obsessed with you more than he’s on my shit and that’s saying a lot. He’s gonna disrupt whatever you got going on until he wins.”
‘What exactly does he think he’s going to win?’ Solay thought to herself as she tilts her head to the side at the teen’s words, Tariq would know that side of Cane since that’s not the side she got to see but he did fool her before.
“So the plan is: you want me to trap him for your sake? Which again, doesn’t have anything to do with me.”
“Yours too. He did you dirty, right? Aren’t you sick of him because I sure am.” Brayden asks, making Solay cross her arms.
“That’s my cousin’s business not mine.” Solay almost sasses, “I’m on a clean slate this time, I’m just trying to be a mother and be a legal business owner, no more dealing with men that have bad shit attached to them. take that shit to Don and leave me out of it. I heard he moved out to New york.”
“Well…” Brayden sucks air between his teeth with a wince.
Tariq states, “we can’t go back to the city just yet.”
“Why not?”
“Cane’s stupid ass, the rest of the tejada’s, and Effie set me up that’s why!” Tariq was heated, rightfully so.
“I tried to take him out but I guess that wasn’t enough to be fatal,” Brayden is apologetic but Tariq just dips his head in thanks, a silent understanding passing between the two boys.
“Wait…you shot Cane? He just called—nope.” Solay begins walking by the boys, done with the conversation while shuffling her keys as she heads back to the house, kicking up dirt while she went.
The boys were pleading as they followed after the older woman but she was not trying to hear anymore.
“Hey!” Angel called out to the trio, making both Tariq and Brayden whip around to face the mustache wearing man who stood on the steps of the RV, shotgun aimed right in their direction.
“Shit, shit! Don’t shoot us man, we really come in peace!”
“Shut up, Brayden.”
“Angel,” Solay calls from the path of the doorway and gives him a shake of her head to tell him not to pull that trigger.
Solay takes her eyes off Angel and says to the boys, “wait here, preferably away from my ex-husband’s eyesight.”
“No problem! You got it!” Brayden disappears, hiding behind the southwest exterior while Tariq holds Angel’s stare who turns them into slits, “what’re you doing, riq? Didn’t you say he’s in a motorcycle club? those motherfuckers get rowdy.”
“Nah, he was. Then he disappeared. He might be our answer too.”
The door slams shut behind them, making the teens turn back to Solay who’s locking up the home while carrying what appears to be a trinket box. She meets their stare as she steps down onto the dirt and nods her head, “follow me.”
“Not if you’re gonna have that guy kill us!”
“Nobody’s dying,” Solay says over her shoulder as she leads the way back to Angel, “my kids are inside the RV.”
Brayden let’s out a whistle of relief as Solay steps up to Angel, reaching up to lower the gun down, her eyes saying something which gets him to put the safety on lock.
“This is Tariq and Brayden,” Solay let’s Angel know as they make their way into the RV, making the man let out a groan of annoyance.
“Our kids are here and it’s a holiday, why are you two pulling up now?”
Tariq presses his elbows into his knees after taking a seat on the couch parallel to where the two kids sit, “To get rid of your remaining problem: Cane Tejada.”
“Oh…the fucken bed bug.” Angel rubs at his face in irritation while Brayden snorts at the insult.
Solay cut her eyes at him, motioning to their kids, leaving the man to hold his hands up in surrender and then sticks his tongue out at Maverick who looks his way. Solay places the headphones onto the toddler’s ears and gently rubs Xavier’s shoulders, although he’s too involved in his tablet to care about the new guests.
Tariq and Brayden give the same rundown they just gave Solay and Angel listens carefully. He rubs at his face in thought over this, on one instance this could go in their favor but on the other hand it could also go very wrong. It became knowledge to Angel that Cane was still keeping tabs on them and that didn’t sit right with him. This means they never knew what he would do or when he would do it, he was always unpredictable like that and the last thing Angel wanted was Cane messing up what he and Solay came so far to have together.
This was the first time Angel got to really start over and he knew from the beginning that Cane was not the one for Solay. Standing here now just proves that.
“We know a guy that can probably help you guys more than we can,” Angel says after a moment, his eyes meeting Solay’s as she nods her head also thinking the same thing.
Solay doesn’t say more as Angel moves to the driver seat, leaving her to tap and motion for Xavier to slide over before she reaches over to hold Maverick in the safety of her arms.
Brayden’s more antsy than Tariq is, who seems to have this calm but cautious demeanor analyzing everything around them just in case they needed to flee from the RV. His guard was secretly up but he did his research, he found out what Cane’s plan was coming out to California but wouldn’t realize how this would backfire on him.
Tariq didn’t care to know the full details on Cane’s fraudulent relationship with the braided woman but he could see the appeal in Solay. With the way she moved on her own, with Angel and interacted with the kids, there was power in her soothing aura. Tariq could tell that she was over it though and that she’s also been through some shit but if she wanted to fully dead the situation, she would even if that meant she didn’t have to get her hands dirty herself.
The drive from the desert into the Mountain View and ramps was not what Tariq was really used to on a daily but the ride was long enough. Angel’s soon pulling up on the side of the road before shutting the engine off.
“We’re here,” Angel says through the rear view mirror before unbuckling his seatbelt.
Solay looks in his direction before turning to the two boys, “before you ask, there’s a pay phone up ahead and you’re going to take this number and let him know that Majesty and Sunny sent you.”
Tariq takes the slip of paper from Solay who rocks Maverick on her lap, “How do we know you’re not setting us up?”
“You don’t.” Angel calls out while Solay blinks.
She shrugs, “that’s not the life we live anymore but if it’s to get the bad off our backs…hopefully this will be worth it.”
“Are you sure this guy will help us?”
“His ass is always into something despite the fact that he should be dead with the rest but I know he’s been itching to get into it. To get his hands on something again…he’s a dumbass just like you two.” Angel fills the two in while they share a look, unsure but knew they didn’t have much else to lose.
They didn’t have many on their side right now.
Solay chipped in as she rests her chin on top of Mavy’s dark hair, “And just like you used to be.”
“That’s before I became a dad.”
Solay hummed in disbelief.
“Alright before i became a better one!”
Tariq got to his feet now while the pair smiled at each other from across the vehicle, “aight thanks for looking out.”
“Sure…but promise me this will be the last time we see you.”
Brayden glanced at Tariq who stood by the stairs, “as long as this guy comes through.”
Solay tunes that response out.
“Uh wait, how do we know it’s him?” Brayden asks as Tariq heads towards the door but also pauses on the last step.
“…he goes by Guero.” Angel says as Tariq repeats the name with a nod of his head before pushing the door open.
Once both boys are off the RV and shut the door closed, Angel starts the engine again and pulls off leaving the boys behind to their own disarray.
Solay turns with one arm to pull Xavier to rest against her chest, her attention turning to the blur of trees lingering in the now partly cloudy sky, lost in the silence that she welcomes again while Angel briefly glances at the sight of her in the rear view, just wondering what’s going on inside of that head of her’s.
He hoped it was tranquility just like he was searching for within himself.
ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *ੈ ╭──╯ . . . *
Continue along with my September anthology prompts here.
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gallners · 3 days
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POWER BOOK II: GHOST 4.04 "The Reckoning"
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narcobarbies · 16 days
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17 notes · View notes
saturnville · 1 year
make luv universe
— the first love
pairing: tariq st. patrick x black!fem!oc (imaan).
warning: none.
prompt: "can I love you in your love language?”
tags: @neeville @neewrites + anyone else w/ a love for tariq :)
“What’s your love language?
Physical touch. The primary way he enjoyed to receive love. His mother and grandmother were affectionate, his father, not so much. Having being hugged and kissed on growing up, it was something he grew to adore.
He’d been in other relationships and situation ships before,m and struggled to find a sense of appreciation. Not because of purposeful ignorance on their end, but because they tried to show affection in ways he struggled to receive. They didn’t learn how to love him. So, when Imaan wrapped her arms around his torso, head rested against his back, and muttered those words into his shirt, his heart grew three sizes.
“Can I love you in your love language?”
He enjoyed her hands on him. Not only in a sexual way, either. The way her fingertips traced the ridges of his build, how her palm rested on his back when they stood side by side and he would get overwhelmed. That was how he found himself laid on his stomach with his head against a pillow and his arms tucked underneath it. She’d offered him a massage.
Imaan hummed along to the soft melodies of Xscape as she kneaded the tension out of his body. The mood was set to that of mellow relaxation. The lights were off. His college dorm illuminated by the streetlights of the city. The hustle and bustle of nightlight harmonized with the vocalists’ song that bled out of his television.
He slipped into a place of unconsciousness for a moment. The pressure of her palms and the gentle caressing of his skin by her manicured fingers sent him into a dimension he’d never been before. One filled with quietness and stillness. Where he laid peacefully lillipads of peace that drifted down streams of joy.
She instructed him to turn over. Tariq’s hands cupped her the thick thighs that bracketed his hips. The action alone made her clench above him. His eyes met hers. Imaan smiled innocently rubbed along his chest slowly and meticulously. Her fingers caught his chain and she tugged on it teasingly.
“Careful,” Tariq muttered. Imaan raised an eyebrow and lowered her body. Her chest, covered by a thin t-shirt, hovered above his. And her lips, God, her lips ghosted over his. Again, she tugged on the expensive piece of jewelry against his brown skin. “You’re a tease.”
“Do somethin’ about it,” Imaan replied lowly. Her eyes had deepened in color and her tone was laced with lust and desire. “If you really bout it.”
Tariq grabbed her neck and kissed her. “Lay back, baby.”
Love making was an act of poetry. A physical manifestation of literary desire and expression. If ever given the opportunity to sit with a sheet of paper and a pencil, oh how’d he recall his favorite expression of art. The art of making love.
The clenching over her heat around him was a trap he willfully walked into. No blindfold was needed to take a step over the edge and into a deep, wet abyss he would drown in forever.
Her song was different every time. A range of octaves and pitches yet somehow still angelic and beautiful that he’d allow it to play on repeat at every opportunity. And his favorite lyric, his name, came from her like a record-scratch stuck on a loop.
“I’m close, baby.” Imaan’s voice cracked as she reached her climax. Her face was buried in his neck and her legs shook around his waist. Tariq whispered sweet encouragements into her ear as he was brought to his end. “So good for me…”
“Thank you,” Tariq whispered into her hair. They laid chest-to-back in the petite college dorm bed. Imaan dropped her hand over his and entangled their fingers. She raised their hands and her lips brushed against his knuckles.
“Love you…”
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ponytailcoby · 28 days
RIP Cane/Brayden you were bigger than the whole sky
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ticalsstallion · 4 days
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Method Man
- photographed by Kareem Black for The Washington Post.
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shurismainbxtch · 1 year
I recommend this fic to all of my followers even if you haven’t seen Power cause i feel like the plot is enough to give it a read. I just want to say i’m so proud🥹 @venusdraco
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blackmensuited · 1 year
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139 notes · View notes
miss-lauryn-hill · 1 year
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104 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 1 year
terms & conditions — ANGEL REYES x OC/READER x CANE TEJADA
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A/N; I'm actually glad that this sat in my drafts waiting to be written (thanks to the poll I put out!) just in time for the season premiere-which isn't being talked too much about as of yet-but I get it! So I gained some more inspo for this piece along with the sudden crush I’ve developed on Woody’s character from power book II—ghost (which I’m also currently watching!) + this song has also been on repeat since I first heard it. It’s fitting and inspired this so let’s get into it!
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMER: language + I am in no way shape or form a therapist! + Angel being a bit of a d!ck :)
┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ﹋﹋┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ﹋﹋┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ﹋﹋┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌ ﹋
"Solay it's great to meet you, thank you for coming." The therapist greeted the mahogany haired woman at the door, lightly shaking her hand.
Solay smiled at the bob-wearing lady, shifting her tote bag, which looked expensive, down to her wrist as she fully entered the sunlit room. Her doe eyes briefly glanced at Angel who now sat with his arms crossed in a chair, a scowl written on his face as his eyes almost drank her in.
"Angel." Solay muttered, placing her bag to the side of her as she took the space in the middle of the empty red couch.
Angel ran his tongue over his front teeth, huffing but felt the therapist sending him a warning glance. Almost as if to say, 'We talked about this.'
He breathed, rolling his head back to face Solay who was now putting her phone on vibrate before tossing it back into her bag, "What's going on, Solay?"
"It's Wednesday so I’m pretty busy," she was vague with her words but attempting to be cordial as she added, "How's Mavy?"
"Growing everyday," Angel answered and couldn't help but to throw in, "How's your rebound doin'? Don't think I didn't see him drop you off in that flashy ass range rover, was my son with ‘em in the backseat?"
Solay's doe eyes immediately went into slits as she let out a breath of laughter. She was barely five minutes in the room with her ex-husband and here he was worrying about who she was involved with by attempting to fuck up her energy. He should be lucky that she even showed her face! She vowed at this first session that she would not allow Angel to continue disrespecting her like he loved to do. The only reason she was here was for their five year old son Xavier, to learn better co-parenting methods...and perhaps for a professional to see that she wasn't crazy for putting up boundaries after everything they've been through.
"Okay, let's reel it in." Dr. Michelle Othman rolled her hands, gaining the attention of the two adults in front of her.
The glare did not leave Angel's face as he dragged his eyes back to the short haired woman who sat at her desk.
"Let's discuss that tension," Dr. Michelle started, "As soon as you entered the room, Solay, you were very curt with your words on greeting Angel, why is that?”
Solay inhaled, "It's never hugs and kisses when we're in each other's space. Sure I would like for it be that way—it's like that with my parents who are divorced, they're friendly but I started off just fine until Angel had to go into attack mode."
Angel felt his pressure beginning to rise since Solay liked to commonly relate her parents to their situation…when clearly this was a very different relationship.
"I didn't attack you, I simply asked if you're leaving my son alone with some strange man." Angel stated, "And I have concerns about that, as a father, it's my right."
"Of course you do but you didn't seem to be too worried when you had our son around during your secret meet-ups with Adelita, hm?" Solay pointed out, strangely calm.
Yet it still felt tit for tat.
"We were seperated when Luisa and I started messing around."
As if that makes it alright!
"Not legally and still very much married. Just for you to sleep with her and a couple of days later we're back together like nothing even happened...like I wouldn't find out." Solay told.
Angel scratched at his brow at that, he knew how it sounded but couldn't say much to defend that. He wasn't sure if he could so he just looked away at Dr. Michelle, who was patient and watchful.
"Angel tells me you two were married for some time."
Solay uttered, “Seven years."
"What made you want to get married?"
"I thought I found my person. We were good together, fun together, friends even.” Solay seemed to be in a daze as she talked, “ I always belived that you have to have a friendship as a foundation before anything and although we were completely messy from the start, meaning intimate before we ever became friends—we were always backwards in everything we did—but I enjoyed being around him. I enjoyed being happy with him, laughing with him. Angel made my heart happy at that time and I always knew he wanted a family and I started picturing what that would be like and feel like with him. then i got the chance to realize…I was happier without him." Solay informed the therapist who hummed at this information.
Angel spoke up, "I wasn't sure i even wanted to be married and not because of Solay. She's a great woman no doubt but I always had doubts of not being good enough to be anybody's husband or father. I was scared shitless but Solay always had a way of uplifting me and making me believe we could do anything we wanted together. That also quickly turned into being blamed for the littlest things and I'm not talking about the cheating. I’ll take responsibility for that part.”
Solay nodded, "Yeah he's right. After the first time Angel cheated on me with some blonde bartender, I became iritated by everything he did and constanly being in his space knowing what he had done, wasn't good for me, i knew i had to leave so I could breathe again. I left to my own condo that I was still living in and considered not renewing the lease. Then I found out I was pregnant and that completely changed everything."
Dr. Michelle nodded at all of this, occasionally writing something down on her notepad. "There's so much to unpack here. Could it be that the both of you had these false ideas of what marriage was supposed to look like because of your upbringing? I'm already aware of the infidelity that was in Angel's parents’ marriage but what was your parents' marriage like Solay, if you don't mind me asking?"
Solay sighed, "They tried to never argue in front of my older sister and I but that didn't mean we couldn't hear it at night when they thought we went to bed. My dad was a borderline alcoholic and always stressed about finances but he did a good job at hiding his worries, yet that didn't mean he didn't take it out on my mom. He can get very loud and apparently verbally abusive when he drank towards my mom. What they showed from the beginning seemed like perserverance …when it was really settling. I knew they were happier when they were younger but they ended up getting a divorce when I was in my early twenties."
"Was it a difficult divorce?"
"Surprisingly no? They seemed thrilled to be doing it because they came to a clear understanding of what they needed from each other.”
"Is that what you want from Angel?"
"One hundred percent but I'm not sure when or if we're gonna get there. There's mountains of pain and anger between us both but I want to get somewhere for the sake of our son." Solay tells Angel's therapist.
The woman quirks up a smile, "that's what I'm here for, for guidance but I want you to also acknowledge that you have to want this for yourself as well and not just your son."
"I don't want to do what my parents did, although it almost seems inevitable when life is a cycle right? I don't want to hide the reality of why his parents aren't getting along and can't co-exist because I don't know what that's doing to him mentally. Sure he's only five but I want us to have a healthy and honest mindset so we can raise him as such."
"Angel do you hear what Solay is saying?"
"Yeah, she's not the only one who doesn't want to fuck up their kid." Angel rubbed at his beard in thought.
Dr. Michelle said, "Then we all need to work on the both of you first so you can both do your best in raising Xavier better. Are you two commited in doing so?"
Commitment was almost taboo for Angel Reyes so Solay wasn’t so sure, it was shocking for her to even be aware that Angel decided to seek out therapy in the first place! Yet they were both here, which is the first step, allegedly.
"You're Angel's therapist, so how long do you predict I need to be in his sessions?"
DR. Michelle analyzed Solay for a brief moment before saying, "Believe it or not, you left a big impact on Angel's life as a husband and father so I can not simply provide you with a timeline. This takes work."
"I receive that, I'm not afraid of doing the work." Solay affirms, "I just wanted an estimate on how long this will last until it doesn't matter anymore."
"What do you mean by that?" Angel asked, brows furrowing.
Solay clasped her hands into her lap, slightly raising them as she talked, "I don't know. It's like you're trying to show a new and improved side of you but I still know the bad parts."
"Because you like pointing the finger and always putting the blame on me! Like you can’t accept that I’m happy!”
"Angel," Dr. Michelle warned at the raised volume in his voice, "Solay, Angel tells me the both of you recently got into a disagreement a week ago. Could this be what you're referring to?"
"I guess so yeah," Solay raised her shoulders and stared down at her hands for a moment, "It's just funny or probably pick me of me to think I gave Angel what he dreamed of, having a family and a home but the moment another woman caught his eye...the minute he found out that Mavy was still alive and Adelita was back in town, his perspective completely changed. What made that family different from I gave?"
"What?" Angel exasperated leaning his elbows into his knees now, "there's no comparison between what I have with you and Xavier and Luisa and Maverick."
"You may not think so but that's how it feels."
"Why do you feel that way?" Dr. Michelle pushed.
Solay swallowed the thickness in her throat, "that argument that happened a week ago. I asked Angel if he can take Xavier for me while I underwent a procedure. My mom was in town and would be tending to me so I thought it would be best. Angel came to pick him up Thursday evening, I went to my procedure that Friday morning and Angel brought Xavier back that same night because he, Luisa, and Mavy were going to some carnival for the weekend.”
Solay was in and out of sleep the whole day in her bedroom and her mother tried her hardest to keep her out of it but she soon learned what Angel had done. To say she was livid would be a understatement but thankfully she had her mom there to calm her down and help out, who did the honors of giving Angel a piece of her mind before she slammed the door in his face.
“What was this procedure?”
“I honestly thought it was a boob-job,” Angel interrupts before Solay could say a thing, which made both women cut their eyes at him, “I mean I wouldn’t be mad at you for it.”
Solay shook her head in aggravation while the therapist kept her face stoic.
“Why are you so comfortable speaking on a body that isn’t yours?” Solay questioned.
‘It used to be,’ Angel thought but knew not to let that slip through his lips.
Angel raised his hands from his spot on the chair, “I’m not! I never said you needed that shit anyways, I loved your itty bitties—
“Angel, enough.” Dr. Michelle scolded, “Let Solay finish. I told you at the start of inviting Solay here is for us to see her perspective and get to know her a bit so that we can come to a common ground in your relationship. Now Solay, please continue.”
Angel tried not to roll his eyes. This was his therapist after all and sure he knew what this session was about since it took courage to ask Solay to be here and felt like forever for her to agree. It was all about listening and shit but he didn’t like the picture that was being painted.
Solay sighed with her eyes closed, “I went for a biopsy on my ovaries. So no it wasn’t a boob job or some spa day or walk in the park like you thought, Angel. It was serious and again, Xavy and I got pushed to the side: Second fiddle.”
Sometimes she wondered if it had to do with Xavier being hearing impaired. Did Angel not want to be bothered enough to include their child on his new family outings? She thought about bringing it up but she also knew it wasn’t right to think that when Angel did take up the time learning sign language (in his own way) to communicate with their child. Everyone on his side of the family did and although it was a little shaky for him more so than Solay, he did try… however it didn’t erase the fact that Xavier seemed to be excluded majority of the time.
So she kept it to herself.
Dr. Michelle allowed the weight of silence to be felt. She motioned for the tissues on the coffee table for Solay—if needed but the woman just hugged herself, making the therapist lightly scribble down some more notes at this.
Angel was full on frowning now, “Biopsy…ain’t that for diagnosing something?”
“Cancer, Angel. They were worried after finding a lump in my abdomen and some other symptoms I was experiencing. I just needed you to come through for me, just this once.” Solay exhaled, eyes on him.
Angel felt the color drain from his face. The rings on his fingers were pressed to his lips as he felt his knee start to bounce, “why didn’t you say something?”
“You mean to tell me you forgot in the next twenty-four hours that I was having something done?”
“I’m a dumbass sometimes! I seriously thought it was something minor and really didn’t think or even remember, honestly querida—Solay it fucken slipped my mind.”
“Do you believe his words, Solay?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “it’s possible. He forgot his own brother’s birthday.”
“Hey, we’re not talking about Ezekiel here.” Angel growled while Solay rolled her eyes, “…are you alright, soso?”
Hearing Angel use another nickname on her, made her skin crawl. Once upon a time, she thought it was cute and it actually gave her butterflies when Angel would say it, his rough callous hands cupping her face. Now? She just wanted him to shut up.
“Now you care?” Solay hissed, “all you had to do was include Xavy in on your quality time with his baby brother, that’s it. Do that one thing for me, for him. But nothing else matters and that’s why I’m so pissed.”
“Aye, don’t take this shit out on Mav.”
“I would never. I always engage with that sweet baby when he’s in my presence. That’s Xavy’s baby brother and I’m not that kind of woman. I would never take my frustrations with you out on your kid. Ever.” Solay’s heated doe eyes met Angel’s and he had to sit back in the chair, dejected.
Angel said, “I’m sorry. Forreal. I do wish you would of told me exactly what was going on with you though.”
“Would it have made a difference?”
“I’m sure it would, yeah.” Angel stared, which Solay held.
That felt definite.
Dr. Michelle looked up from her notes, “this is good you two. You’re both laying it out on the table, engaging and truly seeing what it is that you brought you two here. it’s leading us to the root of the problem.”
“Talk to us, doc. What do you think it is?” Angel dragged his eyes away from Solay, keeping his leg bouncing.
“From our conversations Angel, you hold a lot of insecurities and it stems from your own childhood trauma that you haven’t healed from. It’s bled into your marriage and you, Solay. Your defense mechanism is to shut down when situations are tough, putting your guard up instead of saying exactly what it is that’s troubling you.”
“Yes because I’m tired—so tired of reading the same pages of this story over and over with Angel.” Solay sniffed, “I’m not here to say he’s a bad person. I know he’s not. He’s just not a good partner for me. He’s got a strong heart and I know he loved me at some point in our relationship and he cares for our son sure, but I can’t help but to look at him sometimes and feel like I’m dealing with the damn devil.”
Angel furrowed his brows as he points at his own chest, “I’m the devil? I know you don’t believe that when you don’t even know what you’re getting yourself involved in with that dude who just dropped you off.”
“Oh, not this again.” Solay exhaled rubbing underneath her eyes, “I did not come here for you to worry about who I’m spending time with.”
“She acts like she’s so much better than me, when she’s dealing with someone just as shitty and she’s acting like fucking Stevie wonder with it.” Angel gritted.
“Are you also in a new relationship, Solay?”
“Yes. It just became serious.”
“Have Angel and this person met?”
“Absolutely not.”
“We’d probably kill each other.” Angel declared, feeling his fists lock together at the mere thought of Solay with somebody else.
Somebody better but he was positive Cane wasn’t.
Solay shrugged her shoulders, realizing this was true. Cane knew about Angel and the failure of their marriage and honestly he had words for Angel the day they ever came face to face. He got close but Solay always made sure to detour the man away from causing any chaos. It was amusing to Cane however because one day he was sure he was gonna say whatever came to mind when he set his eyes on Angel.
Solay just wanted a simple soft life, was that too much to ask for?
“Okay,” Dr. Michelle said, “So we have the both of you in relationships, Angel you with the same woman you had relations and child with. Solay’s also in a relationship that you don’t particularly like or trust, Angel. You both share a child together but your regressions towards each other make it hard to be within the same space. Is that correct?”
Solay blinked, “that about narrows it down.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Angel rolled his head around, trying to straighten up the tension in his body.
Dr. Michelle cleared her throat, “seems like we have quite the work cut out for us on resolving these issues between you two. We’re down to ten minutes left on the clock, so I want to give you some homework to take with you so that you’re prepared when I see you both next week.”
“Homework?” Angel exhaled, “I didn’t go off to college for this exact reason, Doc.”
“Well think of this as a introductory course,” Dr. Michelle declared, “you’re welcome.”
Solay snickered at the expression on Angel’s face who was reaching for a post it note on the edge of Dr. Michelle’s desk. The therapist was scribbling some last minute notes as Angel managed to grab the paper, ball it up and toss it in Solay’s direction.
Which resulted in double middle fingers from the woman who managed to dodge it just in time. Angel scoffed and stuck out his tongue until Dr. Michelle cleared her throat.
“Are you two quite finished?”
Solay flicked one of her ponytails behind her shoulder and sent a sweet smile at the woman who stared hard at the pair.
“It’s a simple exercise. Both of you are going to write seven things that impacted your relationship from beginning, middle, to end. You can also form it into a Venn diagram or a pros and cons list, then we’ll discuss it next week. Sound good?” Dr. Michelle asks.
Solay has her phone now, her fingers tapping away at her screen as she sets a reminder for herself to do this before next Wednesday. She suddenly looks up at Angel who has his arms resting on the arm rests, twiddling his thumbs.
“Do I have to text you a reminder?”
“Would you be so kind?” Angel was sarcastic, “I’ll remember. If I can show up to see Dr. Michelle’s beautiful atmosphere, I can remember to do some homework.”
Solay replied in a sing song tone, straight but lightly shaded eyebrows raising, “okay…”
“You don’t believe me?”
“If you do the work, I’ll do the work. Otherwise this’ll be for nothing.” Solay answers, meeting Angel’s much darker eyes before turning back to the therapist, “thank you for your time, Dr. Michelle.”
“Thank you for showing up Solay, that’s time.” Dr. Michelle stood from her desk, walking around to lead the two out.
Solay stood in the lobby, messing around with her phone while Angel shared a hushed conversation with Dr. Michelle—hoping to get some sort of reflection or opinion on his ex-wife. It was a little selfish for Angel to want Dr. Michelle to strictly be on his side but he’d be lying if said he didn’t wish for his therapist to provide him with that comfort.
However Dr. Michelle liked to be theoretical and shit so Angel knew he shouldn’t be surprised.
“We’ll get somewhere, Angel. Now that she’s here, we can get this chapter closed and then focus on the next stage, yes?” Dr. Michelle explained while Angel slowly nodded, taking her word for it.
Soon he bid his goodbyes to the British woman before he fished his pockets for a cigarette. Just to mess around with as he approached Solay, he promised that he would actually quit smoking this time around and so far he’s been on track.
“You waiting for your boyfriend, who probably can’t see over the curb to pick you up?” Angel spoke from behind Solay.
She huffed, glancing over her shoulder, “actually no, I’m waiting on my assistant to get me and bring me back to work—if it’s any of your business.”
“Course it is, you’re still the mother of my child.” Angel snorted, “tell her don’t bother, I’ll take you back.”
“On your death trap? I think not.”
“Traffic gets bad around this time out here…the bike it much faster than whatever your assistant is coming to get you in, so it’s up to you.” Angel tapped the cigarette on the glass window of the door.
Solay thought about it, staring hard at Angel who offered her a goofy smile before pushing the door open, walked through and held it open waiting for the woman to follow after. Sighing, she pressed her phone to her ear to let her employee know that she found her way and that she’ll see her soon.
“No funny shit, Angel. Take me straight to work.”
“What? You don’t wanna stop and have lunch first?”
“Not after that session and especially not with you.” Solay answered as Angel yanked up the helmet that rested on his bike.
Angel did the honors of slipping the helmet down on her head, surely messing up her ponytails as he secured it and knocked his knuckles against the top, “damn, that hurts.”
“Terms and conditions.” Solay pointed, making Angel shake his head as he climbed on the bike first.
Solay followed shortly after, resting her hands on Angel’s shoulders to steady herself. As he kicked the engine on, solay almost flinched, knowing that she had to wrap her hands around Angel’s waist instead.
“Does what’s his face have these terms and conditions that you speak of, too?”
“Yup, he has you to thank for that.”
Angel let out a exaggerated sigh, choosing not to say anything else on that as he peddled the bike backwards before steering into a turn, then he set off into the desert streets with Solay still having a hold on him.
What would have been a hour ride was turned into a thirty-five minute one as the tatted man was parked in front of Solay’s business while she let her hair run free now by using Angel’s side mirror, then handed the helmet back to said man.
“Thanks for the ride.”
“Anytime, soso.” Angel glanced at the building seeing a few clients inside of the orange sickle colored building, “spot looks cool as fuck, I’m proud of you, you know?”
Solay had a bachelor’s degree in science, finding her field in dermatology and held her license as a esthetician. She also sold a successful skincare line that she launched on her own website just last year. And this year she purchased her first house all on her own. She was doing well for herself but remained humble about it all.
“Okay, Angel.” Solay sighed, holding her bag down in front of her as she stared out at the orange skies, “we don’t have to kiss each other asses.”
Anfel shrugged, “It’s better than chewing each other out though right? Especially after today and I mean it so what’s the harm in that?”
“…well I appreciate it.”
“See, I can play nice sometimes too huh?” Angel winked as he put his helmet on, “I’ll let you get too it then…remind me, am I picking Xavier up from school on Friday or?”
‘Are you having him for the weekend since it is technically your weekend thanks to me screwing it up last time.’ Angel thought to himself.
“Papa Felipe is so it’s easier for you to bring him to yours.”
Angel was thankful that Solay wants Xavier to actually spend Friday and Saturday night with him after what he pulled last weekend. However he probably knew his pops would give him a hard time and would probably want to keep the boy to himself for the weekend. Solay’s mom and Felipe often chatted; with Felipe telling Angel that his mother, Marisol, probably would have loved Solay’s mom.
“Cool,” Angel said, “I’ll see you on Sunday then.”
“Sunday it is.”
He dipped his head, starting the engine and she watched the man drive off into the sunset before making her way inside.
[Sometime Saturday night…]
Cane Tejada entered the one level stucco home, hands rubbing in excitement as he entered the front of the home. To his surprise, he didn’t find Solay in the kitchen whipping it up and went through the house in search of her.
He found her in the main bedroom with the attached bathroom, touching up her makeup as her hips swayed to a Ayra Starr song. Leaning against the door, he let out a low whistle as his eyes scanned over her curves in the lace corset midi-dress.
“Tonight is my lucky night after all,” Cane bit down on his bottom lip.
Solay stopped leaning over the counter, molding her lipstick covered lips together and blinked her eyes as she glanced over her shoulder at the brown-skinned man, “you’re not coming out with me.”
Solay brushed by Cane, her light floral and hint of a hazelnut scent hitting his nostrils as she walked by. He followed the woman into her bedroom, eyeing her as she sat on the edge of the bed, one leg crossed over the other.
“Where you going, So?”
She smiled up at him as she slipped on a heel, her anklet bracelet glistening in the room, “Out. Without you.”
“Nah, I’m not feeling that. Not with the way that dress is fitting and the way that ass is—
Solay inserted, “not my problem.” She got to her feet in search of her clutch, “matter of fact, why don’t you reach out to what was her name? Effie. And see if she wants to entertain you for the night.”
She tapped his jaw before turning off the light, making Cane slightly curse to himself. He jogged after the long haired woman, reaching out to grip her waist to turn her to him.
Solay held mock sympathy on her face and Cane didn’t like it one bit, “you going through my shit?”
“You left your laptop here and it was going haywire…something about tuition. I didn’t care to read it all,” she lifted her shoulders careless, “so…you should consider looking for the next flight home to New York soon.”
“It ain’t even like that.” Cane started, “it was just business, nothing more.”
Solay shushed him, “I don’t wanna hear about it. I’m not even stressing it babe, it’s fine.”
Cane scrunched up his nose, “but it’s not because you’re dismissing my ass like I ain’t shit—like we ain’t build this together.”
“What even is this?”
Cane was confused, “a relationship? We been locked in for awhile now so why you trying to switch up on me?”
“You’re the one out here dropping stacks on some girl’s tuition.”
“I ain’t fuck her if that’s what you’re getting at.” Cane was blunt with it, “I’m here for and with you. I’m not some disloyal cheating ass bitch, like your ghost rider baby father. Let’s get that straight.”
Solay sighed, staring down at the new set on her hand.
Cane gripped Solay’s chin, making her eyes meet his, “I’m not him, So. I’m not gonna do you dirty, I’m only about you.”
And solay held his stare not entirely believing it. She’s been down this road before and it was wrong for her to enter relationships—serious relationships and always compare them to Angel. He hurt her bad time after time and she’ll be a cold hearted bitch if that meant she gets to protect her heart better.
She’ll get rid of anybody that plays with her, just like that.
Cane included.
“Words are just words, Cane. You have to show me.”
Cane gripped onto her waist, holding tighter but still kept some distance just in case she felt like she wanted to throw hands, “I gotchu. I’m yours.”
“You already violated one of the terms and conditions and you have maybe two more left, so think wisely next time.” Solay warned, resting one hand on Cane’s shoulder.
Cane was swift with pulling out his phone, “what? You want me to take that cash back?”
He’ll sign a NDA if she hit him with one, he didn’t want to lose what he had with Solay. She was the only woman that ever made him feel loved but it’s not like he wanted to get too deep about it. Emotions were a lot to feel you know?
Solay shook her head, “no. I know there’s more where that came from, just don’t treat me like I don’t ever know what’s going on.”
“Heard you.” Cane put his phone back as he stepped closer, glancing down at her lips before sliding his hands down to rest on her backside, “can I get to show you just how important you are to me?”
One hand came up to brush her bouncy curl over her shoulder, exposing the length of her neck which he licked his lips at before placing a peck there.
She shoved him back, “not uh, I have some place else to be.”
“Oh it’s like that, so?”
“Yup it’s like that,” she smirked over her shoulder swaying her way to the front door, “don’t wait up for me. Bye!”
Cane shook his head in disbelief and looked around the empty but quiet one-level home, “fuck am I supposed to do, meditate?”
That’s when he phone rang, right on time and he picked it up on the second ring, “Dru, what’s good?”
“Got that info you wanted on Reyes. Want me to send it your way?”
“Nah just tell it to me and meet me over there.”
Cane listened carefully to what Dru told him before hanging up. A smirk was on his lips as he also took his exit from the home.
he was ready for his own fun for the night.
Sorry so.
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Continue along with my spring anthology writings here.
*Read part two here!
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gallners · 1 year
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POWER BOOK II: GHOST SEASON THREE  Cane’s nicknames for Brayden (and Tariq)
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narcobarbies · 15 days
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