#pov: this funny kids are following you around and being very loud and silly you just HAVE to watch their antics
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Eyes In The Dark
"You sure about this, Donald?"
"Of course," Donatello doesn't even look up from his tablet, ", this time we got it."
This time. Leo feels like he has heard that an hundred times already. Mournfully, he doesn't have the energy to point that out. They have been in this Hunt for hours now, without any trace of their price. They should have stayed in the Hidden City and Hunt Down the real thing: pizza. Leo almost had it in his hands: warm, cheese pouring at the edges, the smell. Looking like pure sin and smelling like the sweetest of blessings, Leo could almost taste it... And then Don's alarm went off.
Not like any other that Leo had hear before, but even with all their questions his twin refused to say what the alarm was even for, he just dragged them out of Hidden City into a chase for a ghost.
And truly, they have been at this for hours without sight or sound of the thing that has Donald on edge.
And Donald is... being very intense, even for them.
Full of maniatic energy and looking from his tablet to his surroundings, a glint in his eyes that means he will not let this down and is actually enjoying this challenge. Challenge against what? Leo has no idea.
A ghost? A leaked gas? An invisible threat? WHAT? Some yokai? A mystic unknown force? Some type of genious vs genious contest?
"Dee," Mikey whines from his place in Raph's back, "We've run all of New York by now."
"No, we didn't."
"But we will?" Raph asks cautiously, and the silence of their bother is enough answer. "Don!"
"I'm hungry!" Leo shouts, raising his arms and trying to make his twin look at him. "And we promised Casey we would bring him pizza!"
He has no victory, even with bringing Casey into the mix. Shame.
Don keeps walking, eyes going from his tablet to the sides, searching for something Leo is sure is not there.
"D, maybe we need to start considering that your thingy is..." Don's eyes pierce trought his own so fast and hard that Leo's words die in his tongue.
"What? My 'thingy' is what , dear brother of mine?"
Leo stops, sparing a glance to his other two brothers. Mikey, bless his soul, gives him thumbs up, but Raph grimaces, clearly not wanting to go that route. Leo inhales, irritation in his nerves when a drop of water lands on his head. Great. Rain.
"We're hungry, hermano mío, hungry and cold and bored." Leo doesn't whines, he a grown turtle and a bad ass warrior and none of those things whines but he is close. "And it's starting to Rain!"
Don doesn't seem impressed, raising one of his fake ass eyebrows and Leo feels attacked.
"It's not raining. You done?" He asks, and Leo is so offended. Le gasp.
Raph choses that moment to talk, taking a few steps closer and raises his hands in a pacific gesture. Another drop.
"Now, now, what if Don tells us what we are looking for? Uh?" He asks, "And if we know, we can help better. If we can help, we can go home faster."
Leo watches the brows in D's forehead furrow in doubt, looking from to the screen and back.
"A person. I think. Let's call it a living being."
"And why are we looking for them?" Mikey asks, resting his chin in the top of Raph's head.
Don looks back at his tablet, doing a grimace, and puts it down. Thanks pizza supreme.
"It's a tear in quantum space," he begins, ", something similar happened a couple of months ago, big one, but i couldn't find a trace." His frown deepens, looking at the ground for a second, "Now it happened again, but much smaller. It leaves a trace, something not from this... dimension."
"Dimension? Dimension?" Leo repeats, his eyes big, "You telling me we could be chasing a giant monster with eight eyes and twelve tentacles? Or something like—"
"Not like them." Don shakes his head, and something in Leo's chest lightens with that.
Good. Good, good, good.
"And it's not a giant," Don mockes, deciding to ignore that, and crossing his arms, ",we would have already seen it if it were."
"Can we go back to the fact that it happened before and you didn't told us?" Raph says, imitating Don's posture. Leo does the same. "And that first time whatever came from the tear was bigger than whatever we are chasing now?"
"Maybe we are chasing a baby monster and it is looking for it's giant momma!" Mikey exclaims, a big smile plastered in his face at the mere idea.
And that would be amazing. A little baby monster! Leo would be a great surrogate mother until they found it's mamma. Maybe it even has laser vision!
Another drop of water lands on his head, but he pays it no mind this time, there is a baby monster on the run and Leo will be the one to catch it!
"What are we waiting for then?" He asks, jumping up and down, "Where is it now?"
"Thought you were scared of the non-existent rain."
"Who cares?" Leo whines, throwing his arms around.
"Where is it now?" Raph asks curiously, more soft now, worry clear in his eyes.
Don comes closer where Leo is standing, and Raph does so too, until they are all in a close circle, and Don raises his tablet so they all can see.
There is a map of the area where they are, and Leo can see colorful spots all close together. That must be the dark and dirty alley they are now.
"Where is it?" Mikey asks cheerfully, hanging from Raph's shoulders to see better.
Don doesn't talk, very, very still, just looking at the spots.
"Donald?" Leo asks, frowning.
He looks back at the screen, at the spots: purple, blue, Orange and Red— and pink.
"It is here." He whispers, realization hitting him like a train.
Suddenly, the idea of encountering a baby monster lost and probably afraid looking for it's mother is not so great.
It is with them.
"It brought us here." Don whispers, and Leo feels his heart pound hard on his chest.
"What?" His voice comes cracked and sharp, his hand flying to one of his swords.
"We've been chasing it around all New York," Don mutters, eyes piercing the screen. ", a game of cat and mouse."
"Yes..." Raph says, cautiously, and Leo can feel him moving on his feet, nervous.
"But we didn't chased it." Don looks up at them, frowning, ", it lead us there, an abandoned, dark, empty place."
"Alone." Leo breathes.
Oh God, oh god, oh god, oh god–
"WE ARE IT'S DINNER!" Mikey screeches, horrified.
Leo's heart is pounding in his chest, something like fear crawling his spine, and he looks around.
The alley is empty and dark, long and disgusting, the type of alley that show up in horror movies or police dramas.
Where people end up dead!
He can see nothing. Just like all night long, he can't see or hear absolutely nothing, like there is nothing other than them in the alley. But Don's toys rarely are wrong.
"Hey, hermano mío," he starts, drawing his swords, ", do you think baby monster can be invisible?"
"It's not out of the realm of possibilities." His twin says, wich is not what Leo wanted to hear.
He can hear his brothers drawing their weapons as well, alert and at the ready.
"It's okay baby," he calls out, smiling sightly, trying very hard to not look as nervous as he feels. He thinks he nails it down. "We are the good guys here, we can help you to find your momma!"
"Yes," Raph gets in, far more calm and soothing than Leo, ", sure you do miss her, uh? We can find her and take you two back home, that would be very nice, yes?"
Leo nods hard and serious.
"No need to be scared, Don may look ugly but I'm charming enough for the two of us. He won't do nothing to you." He promises solemnly.
"Doubtful, it is a great opportunity to test..."
A giggle.
He almost doesn't hear it, it's silent and childish and muffled, but there.
Leo looks around, far less fearful and very encouraged. He smiles while looking around, sharing a quick and victorious look with his brothers.
Got it.
"You won't eat us, right baby?" He calls out, "I'm far too handsome for the world to lose me and Don's far too ugly. Bet he tastes bad."
Another giggle.
Leo frowns, lowering his swords.
It's not raining.
Just one drop after another. In the same place in his head.
He looks up.
At first he doesn't see nothing, just darkness and the forms of the buildings, he can't see and his heart is doing bumb bumb bumb far too hard and...
This time in his forehead.
He puts one of his swords down, and touches his forehead very slowly.
It's not water.
He puts his hand away, right in his line of visión, and a tiny yelp comes out of his throat wen he sees his finger tinted with red.
Oh shit is blood oh shi–
Mikey's scream cuts his line of messy and frankly terrified thoughts and makes him look up again.
A pair of white eyes are looking down at them, shinning in the dark, and Leo feels suddenly and very much like prey.
They have been the prey all night and they didn't even knew.
He moves closer to his siblings, picking his sword again and raising it towards the pair of eyes, a scream trapped in his throat.
"Leo!" Raph sounds scandalized, trying to put Leo's sword down. "It's probably a baby!"
"And it has lead us there to be it's dinner!" Don points out, his hand falling in Leo's shoulder.
Leo nods vigorously.
"We were the mouse all along!" He exclaims.
"Well, probably not in the beginning..."
"And it's been dropping blood over me all this time!" Leo adds, raising his voice to be heard over Mikey's.
"It probably eated someone." Donald mutters darkly and somewhat interested and Leo won't look into that.
"Or is hurt." Mikey says vehemently, wich could be true, but Leo's senses are screaming danger and he won't risk it.
"Maybe we should calm down." Raph says camly, and Leo is about to look at him until he sees the pair of eyes move. "Little buddy, maybe you could come out of the shadows for us?" He calls out.
Moving like... like it is tilding it's head.
"Oh Pizza suprime it's looking for our throats!" He shouts, his heart going fast and loud.
"LEO!" Both Mikey and Raph scream, not happy with him.
And what. They have experience with multidimensional monsters, don't they? Don't they? Who says this thing is any different to...?
The thing falls.
It almost doesn't make any sound, and Leo probably just imagined what he heard, but he knows it is now in the ground, far too close to them, to him, to his brothers—
When the two eyes open again, white and dangerous and close to the ground, He draws his sword right to were the Thing is.
His blade is meet with another, the sound piercing his ears, his breath catching in his chest.
The two white eyes look up at him, unblinking.
His arms tremble, and he can feel D's hand retreat from his shoulder and can hear him draw his own weapon.
Leo looks at the other blade.
It's old, scratched and obviously has meet many battles.
Well cared for, too.
A katana's blade.
Slowly, the eyes and the blade rise, slow and careful until they are eye to eye.
Leo's breath rises.
"Ca-careful now." He says, and the thing tilds his head again.
When he notices it moving, Leo does too, his mind screaming so loud he can't hear anything else. He moves, and so does the thing.
It's fast, too fast, and Leo's mind is twirling as well as his body, and in a swift movement both his swords are out of his grasp and he is far from his brothers and—
And he isn't in the ground.
He isn't in the ground, nothing hurts at all, and instead two big and warm hands are on his shoulders, keeping him up in his shaky legs and Leo is looking up not to white dangerous eyes but to warm and amused baby blue ones.
"Sup, little dude," they say, sounding young and carefree and nothing dangerous at all, ", you good there?"
Leo's jaw hangs wide open, looking up and down to the 'baby monster'.
It's not a baby monster, that's for sure.
It's a turtle.
#rottmnt#rotmnt#rise tmnt#rise leo#rise raph#rise donnie#rise mikey#rise leonardo#rise donatello#rise raphael#rise michelangelo#crossover tmnt#tmnt 2012#2k12 turtle scaring the shit out of rise leo without even trying#or did he try?#pov: this funny kids are following you around and being very loud and silly you just HAVE to watch their antics#and mess with them a little#as a treat#wich 2012 turtle is it?#probably obvious#fic
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Happy Birthday Daddy!

Series- Can’t Help Falling in Love with You
Relationship:Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: It’s Tom’s birthday and Jaxon gives his gift to Tom followed by the Reader giving him a a surprising gift.
Warnings: Swearing cause I love swearing IRL. Plus Tom swears too :,) Funny fluffiness, Dad Tom, SO much cuteness.
Word Count: 1,000+
A/N: Made the photo edit myself :,)
[Reader’s POV]
“momma where’s daddy?” your four year old son Jaxon whispers.
“he’s reading in the living room honey” I whisper back leaning down kissing his mop of curls on his head. He’s starting to look like Tom more and more each day. Your heart aching at wanting to have another child.You loved every moment seeing him grow up and being a stay at home mom even if you were sick.
“I wanna give him his gift”Jax whispers looking around holding the bag to his chest. He had red,white and blue tissue paper sticking out. Of course you were the one to help him stick the tissue paper in.
“Careful my little star, you’ll squish your gift” I rub his cheek holding the cake pan with one hand. The tea kettle whistling grabbing my attention. I head over to get Tom’s tea ready. The four of you were spending the morning together. Tessa was sitting in the kitchen waiting for food to drop. She always did that cause at some point I always dropped something. FIlling up Tom and I’s tea cups I set the kettle aside.
“Jax! where are you lil man?” Tom’s voice comes from the living room. He must have been taking a break from his script. Even on his birthday he got caught up with a script.
“Hold on daddy!” his little body scurries past you out of the kitchen almost making me spill the tea.
“Shit” I gasp as hot tea hits my thumb.Thankfully it was your cup that spilt a bit and not his.
“Daddy I have a present for you” Jax says holding up his gift to Tom from the doorway. Tom looks up from the script setting it aside.
“Here’s your tea love” I whisper kissing his cheek as I set his tea next to him on the table.
“Thank you darling, I was just about to ask for tea” He smiles pulling you back to kiss your lips. Pecking his lips one more time before pulling away.
“Jax worked very hard for your gift babe” I explain as Jaxon walks forward with Tom’s gift. Sitting across from Tom in your chair. Pulling out your phone you open up instagram to start a live stream. Thankfully it started working just in time.
“C’mon lad let’s see it” Tom grins as Jaxon hands him the gift. Tom pulls out the card setting it on his thigh.
“Daddy do you like the colors?” Jax asks looking up at Tom.
“Only the best colors ever am I right?! Such a great job on the tissue paper” He grins sending a wink your way.
“Daddy,I saved up all my pennies.. I helped mumma with washing Tessa,picked up my toys so you or mumma wouldn’t trip on them an-and my legos so you wouldn’t say swear words anymore so I could get your gift..” Jax smiles sitting down next to Tessa.
“Is that why the swear jar is missing darling?” Tom asks in disbelief looking between your son and the camera.
“Tom he swore in front of me when he dropped his Spider-Man toy down the stairs!” you defend yourself laughing at his reaction.
“Shit” Tom muttered.
“Thomas!”I glare at him from behind the screen. His eyes looking like a kid in fear. You used your mom voice on him. It always worked on him and Jax. Looking at your screen it was blowing up from comments.
“He said shit mumma!” Jax pointed at his father giggling.
“Jaxon Zander Holland” I groan smacking my head with my hand. These two would be the death of me.
“Swear jar, both of you after Daddy opens his birthday gift” your voice stern as Tom groans.He runs his fingers through his hair causing his biceps to move. My attention being slipped away because of that. Hearing a laugh I look back to Tom as he sends me a wink. Opening the card he starts to attempt reading it out loud.
“I know my handwriting isn’t as good as yours daddy so mumma typed a translation for you..” his head drops in embarrassment.
“Your handwriting is better than mine was your age, don’t worry your handwriting will be better in time..” he reaches tilting his chin up.
“Daddy, I love you soooooo much just as much as I love Tessa, maybe a little more. You’re Spider-Man but being my dad you’re my number one hero..” Tom’s voice wavers at the end. He has a smile with tears in his eyes.
“Thank you Jax for the lovely message.. Now let’s see what your hard work payed off to.” He wipes the tear away as he opens his gift pulling out the tissue paper.
“Open it up daddy!” Jaxon says excitedly jumping up and down.
“Wowwww look at this! Darling look what he got me” Tom smiles pulling out a Spiderman glove. Attached to it was a silly string can.
“I saw the video of Aunt Zaya spraying you it was funny cause you swore like you do when you step on my legos! I s-saw that glove when I-I went to the store with Aunt Zaya.. now we can play together!” Jaxon goes to his backpack pulling out his own glove.
“Man this is the best , let’s test it out shall we?” His grin grows as he looks over at you. Watching as his hand slips into the glove with ease. Taking the cap off he raises his arm towards you flicking his wrist.
“Tom, you wou-” String hitting you makes you flinch.
“Thomas!!” A laugh escaping my lips as I fumble with my phone. You quickly save the video before setting your phone down.
“Don’t worry I’ll protect you mumma!” Jax jumps in front of you shooting his string.
“Oh my herooo” I place my hand on my heart as Tom gets sprayed with string. Tom gets up heading towards us as Jax takes a Spidey like stance.
“Trying to take my lady away are you lad??” Tom gets up picking him up and onto his shoulder as Jax tries spraying him. Laughter fills your home as Jaxon gets tickled.
“I will get you!” Jax wiggles in his grasp,legs flailing trying to get free.
“Easy there killer, how bout I let you decorate Daddy’s cake? I put all the stuff you need on the table” Picking him up off of his shoulder and setting him down. He takes off towards the table near the kitchen. Pulling out the chair he climbs on top of it grabbing things in his hand.
“Now that I have your attention, I have a gift well gifts for you actually” You explain kissing from his jaw to his lips. His arms pulling you close to his body, warmth engulfing you.
“Well well well, do I get some mind blowing sex tonight?” he cheekily grins reaching down grabbing my ass. You let out a laugh as you pull back. Walking over you pick up your bag that you set aside earlier.
“Thattttt but, here this is your gift”
Watching him open it finding the letter inside. His face looks confused as he opens the paper. Eyes moving as he reads the letter, eyes getting big after more reading. Our eyes meet as a cheshire cat grin prominent on his face.
“You’re serious darling? This isn’t some sick joke right?” tears fill his eyes as he places his hands on your cheeks.
“I’m very serious Tom” you let out a little laugh as he places his forehead against yours. Tears slipping down your cheeks. This moment was perfect.
A/N: Stay tuned :,)
#tom holland x reader#tom holland imagine#tom holland#i love tom holland#tom holland edit#tom#cuteness#Dad tom#peter parker#peter parker imagine#peter parker x reader#peter parker x you#adorable#spiderman#spiderman imagine#zendaya
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Scenario # 1: Sagittarius, the new girl
Female: Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn, Pisces, Libra
Male: Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, Tauros.
Main character: Sagittarius (1st pov)
Oh god, why do I have to suffer? WHY SCHOOL? Why can’t I just stay at home and watch anime and fangirl over my Otp????? WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL, JESUS, WHY?
I yelled that out loud in the car and my mom nearly went into a car wreck because I suddenly screamed out for no reason. I’m pretty sure mom is thinking of ways to kill me in my sleep.
“Why did we have to move from (hometown) and go to (enter city)?” I whined out, pouting.
Mom sighed and peered at me through the mirror. “It’s because your father has finally found a job that pays really good, sweetie.”
“But mooom!” I whined once more. “I left my friends there and now I have to go to Gem Stone High and start all over with the ‘embarrassing in front of class while the students laugh and call me nicknames for a week’ stuff!”
“Sagittarius,” Mom called out in a stern voice. “We’ve already talked about this last night; I don’t want to talk about again.”
Mom finally stopped by the school, dropping me off and reminding me that she and dad will be working late. I sighed and walked up to the school, dodging a couple of guys who was rough-housing and ignoring judgmental looks from girls who wore clothes that made them look like a skimp and wears so much make up that it looked like a fucking unicorn threw up on them.
I walked straight into school, that same pout on my face as I walked down the halls.
I didn’t know where hell I was going.
I just walked around in circles, looking for the office. As soon as I turned a corner, I bumped into someone.
“Oops, sorry!” I apologized, taking a step back and checking to see if they were alright.
“Oh, no worries.” A guy with dark hair and blue eyes said, a light smile on his face. He wasn’t like the guys here who wore clothes that other kids wear because it was popular. No, he wore just a regular Adventure Time shirt with normal jeans and sneakers. His dark hair was combed back while he adjusted his glasses. “Oh? You look new.”
“Yeah, I am…” I scratched the back of my head and blushed in embarrassment. “I’m kind of lost here…”
“I’ll help you to the office.”
“Really? Thanks!”
“No problem.”
As he guided me down the hallway, he glanced at me. “Anyway, what’s your name? I’m Virgo.”
“I’m Sagittarius.” I said, smiling. “Nice to meet you.”
“The same.”
We finally arrived at the office and met the principle. She was a nice lady who gladly handed me my schedule and told Virgo that he is excused to show me around the school.
“I’m glad to do that, Miss. Brian,” Virgo said, fixing his glasses. “But I’ll be late to my art class.”
“Right,” Miss. Brian nodded. “I know how dedicated you are to your artwork.”
Virgo nodded and waved at me before exiting the office, causing me to frown slightly. Aw man, he’s the only person I know around these parts. I’ll be alone for quite some time…
“Hm…” Miss. Brian placed a hand on her chin before looking over at a girl who sat in a chair, fiddling with her hands. “Hey, Cancer.”
“Y-Yes?” The girl, who had light brown eyes and chocolate colored hair, looked up shyly.
“I know you’re here for the nurse but can you please show the new girl around the school so she wouldn’t get lost?”
Cancer nodded and stood up, looking at me shyly. “Okay…”
“Excellent!” Miss. Brian smiled brightly. “Please trust cancer. She’s a nice girl and can help you if you have any questions.”
“Okay!” I nodded and followed Cancer out of the office.
“I’m Cancer,” She smiled up at me, brown eyes brightening. “First off, this is a weird school full of weirdoes.”
I laughed. “I knew that as soon as I walked in.”
“I just wanted to let you know. Hehehe!”
Cancer and I hit it off well as she showed me around the school. We ran into a couple of jocks who kept flirting with us and made me just want to shove their head up their ass because they made Cancer a bit uncomfortable. She showed what class I had to go to and said to meet her by the lockers near the cafeteria when it’s time for lunch. I agreed and went to my first period, fixing my clothes and making sure that I won’t embarrass myself like I usually do whenever I go to new schools.
“Here goes,” I whispered to myself and reached my hand out to knock on the door. But before I could put my knuckles on it, the door swung open and I was tackled.
So much for not embarrassing myself…
I sucked in air as I fell to the ground, all my books scattering across the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen. It was like looking at Mountain Dew soda. Okay, that was kind of weird to say but whatever…
“Hey,” The male said, smiling. “Come here often?”
“Actually, I don’t. And if I do, why the hell would I come to school often?”
The guy let out a chuckle and finally gotten off of me, grabbing my hand and helping me up. “Heh, sorry for tackling you. I was in the hurry.”
“Hurry for what?” I question, bending down to pick up my supplies.
“To get out of this hellhole,” He whispered to me, also picking up my stuff.
I couldn’t help but laugh and stood up straight, thanking him as he handed me my school supplies. I finally gotten a better look of him. He had those mesmerizing green eyes with black, fluffy hair. He had lightly tanned skin and wore a black t-shirt and normal denim jeans with black converses.
“I’m Sagittarius,” I introduced, holding out my hand. “The new kid.”
“Yo, I’m Tauros and I am hungry,” He said, shaking my hand. “Do you have any chips or something?”
“Dude, if I did, I would’ve been eaten them all.”
After banging my head in math class, it was finally lunch time and I met Cancer by the lockers like I said I would. She was standing there with a girl who had red hair in pigtails and big, green eyes.
“Hey Cancer!” I said, waving as I walked up to them.
“Hey, I wanted you to meet my friend,” She said, gesturing towards the girl who was looking at me curiously. “This here is Gemini. Gemini, meet Sagittarius, she’s new here.”
“Hi there!” The girl said, waving at me happily. “Nice to meet you! O.M.G, nice dress!! It totally brings out your eyes!”
“Uh…thanks.” I said, looking down at my outfit. I wore a black high-low dress with a low cut jean jacket and black ankle boots. It kind of does bring out my light blue eyes and blond hair with the tips being dyed amber brown.
“No problem! Oh hey, do you like ice cream?! Because I love, love, love, LOOOVE ICE CREAM! Especially with chocolate fudge and…”
Cancer and I shared weird looks before slowly sneaking our way into the cafeteria without Gemini noticing. “Sorry, she’s very energetic.” Cancer said, laughing lightly.
The both of us got out food and sat at a table with a couple of other people was sitting. I noticed Virgo and Tauros was there also. We sat down and Cancer introduced me to them. Pisces: she was a blonde with light green eyes. She was really nice to me and scolded Tauros who kept trying to steal my food. Libra; she was a brunette with brown eyes and was easy going and funny. Aquarius; a guy who had pretty stormy grey eyes and black hair with the tips being dyed blonde. He wasn’t really paying attention when cancer introduced me to him since he was too busy playing on his phone.
We all chatted together and laughed at silly jokes before I noticed a guy sitting at a table all by himself. Aww, is he lonely? I feel bad for him. Maybe I should invite him over to our table.
“Hey guys,” I said, standing up. “I’m going to go talk to the guy over there,” I pointed towards the table where the boy was sitting. He just there with his eyes close as he dug his chin into his black hoodie, his black hair covered by the hood.
“What?!” Pisces quickly shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea-!”
I ignored her and walked over to his table, a light smile on my face. “Hey, I’m…”
“Beat it kid, I’m trying to summon Satan so he can kill all of you morons. Leave before you die.” He muttered out, his eyes still close.
“We’re gonna be good friends…”
After lunch, I had to go to Geography class and as soon as I went to my locker, I heard weird noises coming from the janitor room next to the row of lockers to my right. What the heck? Is someone dying in there? I wouldn’t be surprise. I, too, would kill myself because I freaking hate school.
I opened the door and I regretted it.
A girl with black hair looked at me in terror as she gasped in surprise. She was sitting on a big box with her panties dangling on her feet as a male stood between her, his jeans down to his ankles. The male had brown hair and dark green eyes and he smirked at me.
“Hey there,” He said seductively. “Wanna join?”
“NOPE.” I quickly shut the door and went back to my locker like it was a normal day, putting away unwanted books into the locker. A minute later, the door opened once more and the girl walked out, giving me a small glare as she walked away. I looked over at the male and saw him fixing his pants, a small pout on his face.
“Aw man, I didn’t get an orgasm…” He fixed his clothing and walked out, closing the door. “Oh well, how about you, lovely girl? You wanna make a man feel good?”
“How about fucking no.” I said, giving him a side glare as I closed my locker. “Seriously, who has sex in school? Especially in the janitor’s closet!”
“When you’re horny, you have to fuck someone at any place.”
“Who are you anyway?”
“Leo; the ladies’ man.” He said, winking at me. “That girl I was talking to was Capricorn; my girlfriend.”
“Oh yeah, you guys sure did talk.”
“Mmmm, and I made her sing like a bird.”
“What the fuck.”
He let out a chuckle and leaned against the locker next to mine. “So, you knew here? I keep hearing people saying there’s a new kid around here.”
“Yeah,” I said, closing my locker and turning towards him. “I’m new. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to Geography.”
“Really? Sweet, we’re in the same class.”
“Oh no…”
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna be good friends.”
Why am I regretting this?
“Alright class, for our geography project, I am assigning you with partners. I written down the names so if you please, come up and see who you’ve been partnered up with.”
“Crap,” I muttered, walking up to the front of the class like everyone else. “Why projects?”
I scanned for my name and when I finally found it, my skin turned pale. A wrapped was placed on my left shoulder as I heard a chuckle. “Well would you look at that?”
I am partnered up with Leo. Freaking Leo. Oh why?! I know for sure we won’t get the work down since he likes to flirt a lot. I let out a groan and hid my face in my hands in disappointment. “Oh jeez, why?”
“Don’t get disappointed!” Leo said, giving me a smirk. “We’ll get the work done. I may be too fab for this crap you call Gem Stone High school but I get the work done!”
“Yeah, and pigs fly.”
“You playing hard-to-get. I like that…”
“Oh Libra, I am so going to fail that project for Geography!” I whined as I finished putting my stuff in the locker.
“Why’s that?” Libra raised an eyebrow in confusion as she leaned on her locker, waiting for me to get done.
“I got partnered up with this dude name Leo and he really likes to flirt a lot.” I explained, shouldering my book bag. “First time I met him, he was having sex with this girl in the janitor closet.”
Libra stopped walked and swung her head to me in shock, her brown eyes widened. “What?! Are you talking about Capricorn?! Oh man, she’s crazy about that guy and won’t even let a girl look at him without punching their teeth in! If she finds out that you’ll be partnered up with him, she and her friend, Aries, will freaking ruin your life!”
“What’s up with that?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just partnering up with him for a week. Nothing bad will happen.”
“A week, right?” Libra followed behind me. “That means you’ll have to visit his house and he’ll have to visit yours and when you invite a guy over, things get weird.”
“I’m sure he won’t do that.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “He has a girlfriend, right?”
“Right, but he likes to flirt with other girls and get into their pants. Capricorn and Leo has one of those relationships where they break up for like, 2 days, and get back together later on. You should be proceeding with extreme caution. Everyone knows not to mess with Capricorn and Aries. They’re trouble.”
“Oh whatever!” I waved my hand at her. “They don’t scare me!”
“Alright then…” Libra sighed as we exited the school to go home. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Bye!” I waved goodbye as I went the opposite way.
“Text us!”
“Right, Pisces told me we’ll be texting in a group chat tonight.”
“...right.” Libra nodded at me. “Also…Aries, Leo and Capricorn are our friends so they also will be in the chat too. Prepare for some bitching from Capricorn!”
“I’ll be prepared all right!”
With that, I walked home with a happy look on my face. And when I came home, I flopped on the couch, got on Tumblr and munched on some leftover pizza as I thought about today.
Today was weird, but fun.
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